Download - 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.

Page 1: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.

E. Maravelakis, N. Bilalis, I. Mantzorou, A. Konstantaras, A. Antoniadis / International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research / ISSN: 2250–3005

IJCER | Mar-Apr 2012 | Vol. 2 | Issue No.2 |340-347 Page 340

3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world

Emmanuel Maravelakis*(1), Nikolaos Bilalis(2), Irini Mantzorou(3), Antonios Konstantaras(4), Aristomenis Antoniadis(5)

(1) Assistant Professor, Head of the Design & Manufacturing Laboratory, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Chania, Greece

[email protected], corresponding author (2) Professor, Technical University of Crete

(3) Research Associate, Technical University of Crete (4) Assistant Professor, Technological Educational Institute of Crete,

(5) Associate Professor, Technical University of Crete

Abstract The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage. Branches from this olive tree were used for the wreath bestowed upon the winners in the Olympic Games in Beijing and Athens and the winners of the Classic Marathon in Kalimarmaron Stadium. This ancient tree became an inspiration for sending messages of peace and hope worldwide. The process of developing a geometrically accurate 3D model of the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, using modern reverse engineering techniques is described in this paper and its complexity is analysed and compared to other scanned objects. The derived 3D model allows for a twofold employment: a) the creation of a virtual model for internet dissemination activities, and b) the enabling of enhanced possibilities for scientific study and analysis of the tree. Keywords: oldest olive tree, terrestrial laser scanning, 3d tree model, complex tree physiognomy

1. Introduction Our research aimed to examine the potential of reverse engineering technologies for developing a geometrically accurate 3D model of the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves and to explore the enhanced new usages provided from the 3D model. Extensive literature and 3d model database review indicates that this is possibly the first application of 3D scanning and layered fabrication of any individual tree, especially with such complex physiognomy. A detailed virtual and physical model is produced allowing for the first time to accurately calculate the tree’s volume and to produce its sections at any various heights enhancing upon conventional measuring techniques and mathematical applications in volume measuring [1,2]. In order to assess the complexity of the tree’s physiognomy, quantitative geometry-driven complexity criteria have been incorporated, and the results are compared against various 3D scanned objects. The archaeological importance of the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree of the world [3,4] gives added value to the virtual 3d model created, since it can be used in two ways: for the creation of a realistic virtual model for internet dissemination activities, and to enable enhanced possibilities for scientific study and analysis of the ancient tree. Further-more, since this is the first published 3D tree model these novel results can used as a benchmark to future similar studies. 1.1. The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves Within the settlement of AnoVouves, a small village in the island of Crete in Greece, there is an ancient olive tree, which, with the 603/1997 decision of the General Secretary of the Cretan District, has been declared a preserved monument of nature named as the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves (figure 1). The aforementioned characterization of the olive tree arose because it exhibits "a particular aesthetic, ecological and historical interest”. The vascular tree layout does not form a discrete straight line, as is usually the case with most trees, instead it appears in a form of helical bundles, a distinctive characteristic of untamed olive trees. Thus a sculptural sensation is being imparted in the trees’ bole speculated to reminiscent sculptures of the great sculptor of the Italian Renaissance, Michael Angelo. The tree's age cannot be determined with great precision, since it is not possible to apply the radioisotopes method, since, because of the tree’s very old age, there is no remaining material left from the original core of the trees’ bole. There is, though, a less accurate approach that is being performed, based upon comparative data of the size and the perimeter of the bole, which are directly related with a trees age, further supported by several other secondary elements for age verification. Greek and foreign literature reviews indicate that there is no mention of an olive tree with such a large perimeter. The existence of the tree in AnoVouves could be possibly associated with another discovery by the Classical Antiquities Ministry of two cemeteries aging back to the Geometric era, around 700BC, which are in close proximity with it. Archaeological analysis showed that olive growing first became widespread in the Aegean in the Early Bronze Age [5,6] . According to Wikipedia [3] and the Mother Nature Network [4] the Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, is the oldest olive tree in the world and has an age between 2000 and 4000 years old. Furthermore the information spread from generation to generation and throughout the ages and has been preserved till nowadays, now spoken by us, regarding the legacy of the oldest olive tree known, is by itself another valuable element in support of its extremely old age. The reputation of the

Page 2: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.



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Page 34

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Page 3: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.


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IJCER | Mar-

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Vol. 2 | Issue




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Mantzorou, Ational Engin


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Page 34

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Page 4: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.


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IJCER | Mar-

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E. MarInternation

-Apr 2012 | V

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ravelakis, N.nal Journal O

Vol. 2 | Issue

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Olive Tree com

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Page 34

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Vol. 2 | Issue

Figure 5. Deta

. Bilalis, I. MOf Computat

e No.2 |340-3

ailed sections

Mantzorou, Ational Engin


at different he

A. Konstantaneering Rese

eights with a 0

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0,5 cm accurac

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Page 3444

Page 6: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.


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To further asseby our laboratohe tree, the liuch as woode

Monumental O

The 3D modelbased, tree anabut also to prorror distance)xternal diame

measures calcu2.01 m and 2.6distance betwe

n order for thwere projectedones were usednternet site us

Finally an exaprototype was

Figure 6. The

4. DiscussionTo our knowlarchaeologicaladded value tonternet dissem

Two different processing of tquality 3D moagricultural bioaccurate inner applied also toncludes re-sca

growth increm

E. MarInternation

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ess the complory. In that asist of differenten temple, humOlive Tree of V

l produced, inalysis techniquoduce detailed) and -5.96 meter at any heiulated were th66m, respectiveen two points

he olive tree- vd on it, emphad on the innersing snapshotact scaled repcreated by a D

e 3D virtual mTree

n and Concluledge this is l importance oo the virtual 3dmination activ

types of lasethe obtained 3odel result. Rotechnologist and outer dia

o other importanning the tre

ment models, in

ravelakis, N.nal Journal O

Vol. 2 | Issue

lexity of the trspect, to effect physical objeman skull etcVouves classin

ntroduced draues. For exam

d sections of tmm (average ight were calche maximum ively, the diams of the trunk a

virtual model asizing its knr surface. Aftets taken by roplica of the MDimension Sta

model of the Mof Vouves

usions the first detaof the Monumd model creat

vities, and to eer scanners w3D data was dRough conven

experts can thameters at anytant ancient tree’s trunk aften order to mak

. Bilalis, I. MOf Computat

e No.2 |340-3

ree’s physiogntively investigects used rang

c. (table 1). Thng it towards

astic improvemmple it was ththe olive tree

negative erroculated, whichinner and oute

meters at 0.9m at ground leve

to be more reobs and caviter the color fi

otating the truMonumental atasys 3D prin

Monumental O

ailed virtual mmental Olive ted, which canenable enhancere used in oone with com

ntional inaccuhis way be re

y height and arees, coming fer 5 years in oke a more accu

Mantzorou, Ational Engin


nomy we comgate the relatiged from basiche results indthe higher end

ments in tree hen possible to

at any heightor distance) (h until now her diameter atDBH, which

el, which is 3.

ealistic, five dties. Also, lighitting was don

unk model aroOlive Tree o

nter with a pri

Olive F

model of an Tree of Vouv

n be used in twced possibilit

order to combmmercially avaurate measurineplaced with uaccurate compfrom the Wikorder to calcuurate calculati

A. Konstantaneering Rese

mpared these ronship betwec objects such

dicated high vd of complexi

analysis, como compute thet with an accu(figure 5). Frohad only been t 1.3 m (Diamis 2.15m and95m.

different colorhter tones wene, an animateound the perpof Vouves wainting resoluti

Figure 7.An e

individual treves, known awo ways: for ies for scienti

bine the outerailable reverseng techniques

unlimited detautation of theipedia list of

ulate the tree’sion to the tree

aras, A. Antoearch / ISSN

results with oen the compleh as cube and alues of compity among the

mpared with ce volume of thuracy betweenom these sectestimated rou

meter at Breast3.04m, respe

r tones based ere used on thed gif was creendicular axisas manufactuon of 0,245 m

xact scaled ph

ee with such s the oldest othe creation oific study andand inner su

e engineering s and mathem

ailed measures trunk’s volumthe oldest trees growth and e’s actual age.

oniadis / N: 2250–3005

other physical exity and the psphere to morplexity criteriselected obje

conventional, he trunk, whin 12.92 mm (ations the largughly. Some mt Height - DB

ectively, as we

on the real cohe outer surfaceated for the Os in equal deg

ured (figure 7mm per layer.

hysical replica

complex phyolive tree of tof a realistic vd analysis of turface of the software and

matical applics of the ancienme. This methes of the worlprovide valua


Page 34

objects scannphysiognomyre complex ona factors for tcts.

measuring tach was 4.67 maverage positi

gest internal amore significa

BH), which weell as the long

olor of the truce, while darkOlive Museumgrees (figure

7). The physi

a of the tree.

ysiognomy. Tthe world, givvirtual model the ancient trtree’s bole. Tproduced a hi

cations, used nt tree includihodology can ld. Future woable data to tr


ned y of nes the

ape m3, ive and ant ere


unk ker m’s 6). cal

The ves for

ree. The igh by

ing be

ork ree

Page 7: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.

E. Maravelakis, N. Bilalis, I. Mantzorou, A. Konstantaras, A. Antoniadis / International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research / ISSN: 2250–3005

IJCER | Mar-Apr 2012 | Vol. 2 | Issue No.2 |340-347 Page 346

5. Acknowledgements This work has been funded within the framework of the Regional Operational Programme of Crete. The authors would like also to thank the mayor PolichronisPolychronidis, the head of the Olive Museum of Vouves Mrs Katerina Karapataki and the museologist Myrto Kontomitaki for their valuable support.

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Page 8: 3D modelling of the oldest olive tree of the world · The Monumental Olive Tree of Vouves, known as the oldest olive tree in the World is an important part of our cultural heritage.

E. Maravelakis, N. Bilalis, I. Mantzorou, A. Konstantaras, A. Antoniadis / International Journal Of Computational Engineering Research / ISSN: 2250–3005

IJCER | Mar-Apr 2012 | Vol. 2 | Issue No.2 |340-347 Page 347

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