Download - 37192-044: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment ......MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3 Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External

Page 1: 37192-044: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment ......MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3 Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External

Social Monitoring Report ________________________________________

External Monitoring Report (Resettlement) – 4th Quarter

October – December 2018

January 2019

PAK - MFF : Power Transmission Enhancement

Investment Program (PTEIP 1), Tranche 3

Prepared by National Transmission Dispatch Company (NTDC), ESIC Environment and Social

Impact Cell (ESIC) and External Monitoring Consultant (Resettlement) for the Asian

Development Bank

Page 2: 37192-044: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment ......MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3 Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External


(i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its

agencies ends on 30 June.

(ii) In this report “$” refer to US dollars.

This social monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not

necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation

of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian

Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any

territory or area.

Page 3: 37192-044: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment ......MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3 Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External

Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement)

External Monitoring Report (Resettlement) Project Number: 37192-043

Loan Number: 2846 October - December 2018

MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3

Prepared by:

Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External Monitoring Consultant (Resettlement), National Transmission Enhancement and Despatch Company (NTDC), Environment and Social Impact Cell (ESIC),

WAPDA House, Lahore, Pakistan.

Page 4: 37192-044: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment ......MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3 Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External

Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


4th Quarterly External Monitoring of (Resettlement)

4th External Monitoring Report (Resettlement) Loan Number: 2846

October - December 2018

MFF 0007 - PAK: Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3

Prepared by: Miss. Sabah Iqbal, External Monitoring Consultant (Resettlement), National Transmission Enhancement and Despatch Company (NTDC), Environment and Social Impact Cell (ESIC), WAPDA House, Lahore, Pakistan.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................iii

LIST OF ANNEXES ...................................................................................................................iv

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................iv

ABBREVIATIONS ..................................................................................................................... v


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... viii

1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. xiii

1.1 About the Report ........................................................................................................ xiii

1.2 Background and aim of investment facility – MFF 0007 ............................................. xiii

1.3 MFF tranches under implementation .......................................................................... xiii

1.4 Description of tranche 3 subprojects .......................................................................... xiii

1.5 Overview of LAR impacts of tranche 3 subprojects .................................................... xiv

2 EXTERNAL SOCIAL MONITORING ................................................................................ xvi

2.1 Resettlement monitoring in investment program ........................................................ xvi

2.2 Duration of field monitoring ........................................................................................ xvi

2.3 Monitoring objectives ................................................................................................. xvi

2.4 Scope of monitoring as in terms of reference (TOR) of EMC contract ........................ xvi

2.5 Monitoring indicators ................................................................................................. xviii

2.6 Monitoring methodology/strategy ............................................................................... xix

2.7 Source of information: ................................................................................................. xx

2.8 Monitoring and evaluation methods used: ................................................................... xx

3 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS ....................................................... xxiii

3.1 Effectiveness of implementation of LARPs ................................................................ xxiii

3.2 Key findings of and analysis of Subproject 1: 220kV Uch II-Sibbi TL: ........................ xxv

3.3 Key findings of and analysis Subproject 2: 500 kV Jamshoro-Moro-Dadu-Rahim Yar

Khan Transmission Line Project ......................................................................................... xxvi

3.3.1 Sub project Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro: ............................................................... xxvi

3.3.2 Subproject Lot 2: Tando, Dadu to Moro and Qazi Mahar: ................................. xxvii

3.3.3 Lot 3: Goth Qazi Mahar to Rahim Yar Khan: ..................................................... xxvii

3.4 Key findings of and analysis Subproject 3: 220 kV Manshera Grid Station: ............. xxviii

4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... xxix

4.1 Conclusion: .............................................................................................................. xxix

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


4.2 Recommendations: .................................................................................................. xxix


sites .........................................................................................................................................31

ANNEXURES ...........................................................................................................................37

LIST OF ANNEXES Annex 1: Route map of transmission line of sub project of tranche 3 ................................38

Annex 2: List of subprojects ..................................................................................................40

Annex 3: Checklist/Questionnaire of APs Satisfaction Survey ...........................................42

Annex 4: List of NTDC officials contacted in field ................................................................47

Annex 5: List of APs contacted in the field ...........................................................................49

Annex 6: Letter from General Manager NTDC Hyderabad for Payment of Old Concrete

Towers of Lot I, II and III .........................................................................................................50

Annex 7: Compensation payments for dismantling and reconstruction of houses Lot III 51

Annex 8: GRC notification of Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro issued on 28th February 2016 ......52

Annex 9: GRC notification of Lot 2: Moro to Dadu issued on 28th February 2016 ..............53

Annex 10: GRC notification of Lot 3: Moro to Rahim Yar khan issued on 28th February

2016 ..........................................................................................................................................54

Annex 11: GRC notification of transmission line Uch-II Sibbi issued on 23rd February 2016


Annex 12: Compensation payment to APs............................................................................57

LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Subprojects and Summary of LAR impacts ................................................................. xv

Table 2: Key monitoring aspects of monitoring ........................................................................ xviii

Table 3: Comparative analysis of implementation ................................................................... xxiii

Table 4: Details of structures coming in ROW with APs details ... Error! Bookmark not defined.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018



ADB Asian Development Bank AH Affected Households AP Affected People COI Corridor of Impact DMS Detailed Measurement Survey DDR Due Diligence Report EA Executing Agency EMC External Monitoring Consultants ESIC Environment and Social Impact Cell ESMR External Social Monitoring Report GS Grid Stations IPs Indigenous Peoples IMR Internal Monitoring Report IR Involuntary Resettlement JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency LARP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan LARF Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility NTDC National Transmission Enhancement and Despatch Company PMC Project Management Consultant PTEIP Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program SPS Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 TOR Terms of Reference TL Transmission Lines

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018



Affected persons The people affected by the project through land acquisition, relocation or loss of income, both in cash or in kind.

Compensation Payment in cash or kind for an asset to be acquired or affected by a project.

Cut-off date The date, after which the people will not be considered eligible for compensation, if they are not included in the list of APs as defined by the census. The cut-off date is well documented and disseminated throughout the project area. It is the date of commencement of the detailed measurement survey (potentially implemented by consultants).

Displaced person Person affected by involuntary acquisition of land or involuntary restrictions on land use resulting in physical or economic displacement.

Economic displacement

Loss of income sources or means of livelihood as a result of involuntary acquisition of land or obstructed access to the resources.

Entitlements All compensation, relocation and income restoration assistances which are due to displaced persons, depending on the type and extent of losses to restore the socio-economic status of the APs/DPs.

Household Household means all persons living and eating together as a single-family unit and eating from the same kitchen whether or not related to each other

Income restoration Assistance to restore and/or improve the incomes of displaced persons through allowances and provision of alternative means of income generation.

Indigenous Peoples Indigenous Peoples is used in a generic sense to refer to a distinct, vulnerable, social, and cultural group possessing the following four characteristics in varying degrees:(i) self-identification as members of a distinct indigenous cultural group and recognition of this identity by others;(ii) collective attachment to geographically distinct habitats or ancestral territories in the project area and to the natural resources in these habitats and territories;(iii) customary, cultural, economic, social, or political institutions that are separate from those of the dominant society and culture; and(iv) a distinct language, often different from the official language of the country or region.

Involuntary resettlement

Resettlement which occurs without the consent of displaced persons or if they give their consents without having the power to refuse the resettlement.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Meaningful Consultation

A process that (i) begins early in the project preparation stage and is carried out on an ongoing basis throughout the project cycle; (ii) provides timely disclosure of relevant and adequate information that is understandable and readily accessible to affected people; (iii) is undertaken in an atmosphere free of intimidation or coercion; (iv) is gender inclusive and responsive, and tailored to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups; and (v) enables the incorporation of all relevant views of affected people and other stakeholders into decision making, such as project design, mitigation measures, the sharing of development benefits and opportunities, and implementation issues.

Physical displacement

Loss of shelter or residential land resulting from the acquisition of land that requires the affected person(s) to move to another location.

Relocation Settlement of displaced persons in alternative location through relocation schemes organized by the project or government or through self-relocation.

Replacement cost Compensation for lost assets based on the current market value of the assets plus transaction cost, interest accrued, transitional and restoration costs, and any other applicable payments, if any. In determining the replacement cost, depreciation of the asset and the value of salvage materials are not taken into account, nor is the value of benefits to be derived from the project deducted from the valuation of an affected asset.

Resettlement Plan A time-bound action plan with budget setting out resettlement strategy, objectives, entitlement, actions, responsibilities, monitoring and evaluation

Severely affected displaced households

Displaces household facing impacts on 10% or more of their productive, i.e. income generating, assets

Significant Impact Significant impact is indicated if 200 or more persons will experience major impacts, such as (i) physical displacement from housing or (ii) loss of 10 percent or more of their productive, i.e. income generating, assets.

Squatters People who have neither legal rights to the land nor recognizable ownership claims to the land but because land acquisition destroys their livelihoods they are considered displaced persons and are entitled to receive resettlement assistance.

Vulnerable person People who by virtue of gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental disability, economic disadvantage, or social status may be more adversely affected by resettlement than others and who may be limited in their ability to claim or take advantage of resettlement assistance and related development benefits.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018



1. This is the 4th quarterly external monitoring report of subprojects under tranche 3 of the ADB funded MFF I, PTEIP I. The report covers the implementation period as of October to December 2018, and has been prepared by the External Monitoring Consultant (EMC) of the National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC). The purpose of the report is to review and analyze the implementation of LARPs and DDRs and validate the progress based on the evidences provided by NTDC and field sources, and where needed, makes recommendations to address the implementation issues. 2. Brief on Investment Program-PTEIP I: The Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I) is financed by ADB through MFF 0007 that has four tranches. Each tranche has several subprojects involving construction of new and extension of existing substations and installation of new and capacity enhancement of existing transmission lines (T/L). The objective of PTEIP is to support rehabilitation, augmentation and expansion of transmission substations and transmission lines. The Tranche 3 of MFF comprises of three subprojects that entail augmentation of existing grid station at Mansehra and construction of 725 km long new TL from Jamshoro-Moro-Dadu and R.Y. Khan and from Uch II to Sibbi. LARPs of TL projects have been prepared, approved and are at different but advanced stages of implementation. 3. External Monitoring of Resettlement: The ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS) and the MFF’s Land Acquisition and Resettlement Framework (LARF) requires that subprojects under Tranche 3 be monitored at two levels. First the “internal monitoring” of LARPs by NTDC and second the “external monitoring” of LARPs by an independent external monitor (EMC). The Internal monitoring of LARPs is undertaken by NTDC on a quarterly basis whereas external monitoring is required on a semiannual basis. The main task of EMC is to (a) review implementation of LARPs and internal monitoring reports issued by NTDC (ii) validate progress and compliance with safeguard requirements of MFF and AFD’s CFA (under Tranche 4 of MFF), (iii) identify any gaps in implementation and (iv) recommend actions to address gaps and ensure compliance. 4. Monitoring Methodology: The monitoring methodology adopted by EMC included desk review and analysis of project documents including LARF, LARPs, DDRs, NTDC’s quarterly IMRs and field visits to project sites, consultation with APs and officials of NTDC, review and validation of progress based on the information and evidences provided by NTDC. Detailed monitoring methodology adopted is provided in section 2 of this report. 5. Summary of Implementation Progress: In total, tranche 3 has three subprojects which involve construction of transmission lines and two grid stations (GSs). Acquisition of land is not required for GSs as the land is already the property of NTDC. However, temporary damages to crops and other assets coming under Right of Way (ROW) of TL, access points and tower pads exist for which LARPs were prepared and approved by ADB in 2016 for implementation.

6. The summary of implementation progress is presented in the table ES 1 below:

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


7. Table ES 1: Summary of Implementation Progress Subprojects

APs as per LARP and


Remarks: progress achieved to be achieved

and key issues

Subproject 1: 220 kV

Mansehra Grid Station


No LAR impacts a. NTDC acquired land in 2005 and compensated all 12 APs in 2008.

b. For construction of GS, NTDC carried out a fresh impacts assessment of the land acquired in 2005 and found no LAR impacts on the site.

c. Accordingly, a DDR of IR category C was prepared and approved by ADB in 2017.

d. Construction of GS is nearing completion without any social safeguard issues.

220 kV Uch II - Sibbi

Transmission Line Project.

A LARP of IR category B approved in July 2016. Number of APs increased from 80 (per LARP) to 280 (for all three *stages) during implementation.

The TL has been constructed and the project was commissioned in May 2018. Total 293 APs have been compensated an amount of Rs.7974009/ and there are no outstanding payments left.

500 kV Moro-Dadu **RYK

and Grid Stations-Third

Circuit Project

LARP approved in June 2015. Number of APs increased from 1722 (per LARP) to 4020 APs during implementation.

Tower foundation and erection work has been completed 100%. Tower stringing is 99% completed. 3991 APs have been paid an amount of Rs. 163198303/- for foundation and erection stage and stringing stage however payments to 29 APs of stringing stage are pending. NTDC will complete all payments in the first quarter of 2019.

* Three construction stages comprising (a) towers foundation work, (b) erecting of towers, and (c) stringing of wiring.

The upward change in the number of APs is due to the larger area of land that is affected by the construction work

under stage 2 and 3.

* Rahim Yar Khan

8. Key Features of Implementation: The key implementation highlights are:

a) Moro-Dadu-RYK TL Project: The number of APs increased from 1722 (per LARP) to approximately 4020 during implementation. All have been paid for 1st and 2nd phase of construction, i.e. is towers foundation and erection work. The third phase construction work and payment to APs will be made in 1st quarter of 2019. This is as per the timeline provided by ESIC of NTDC.

b) 220KV Uch-II-Sibbi TL Project: Total APs per LARP were 80 but actual number of APs increased to 293 during implementation of three phases of construction. About 293 APs have been fully paid for the towers foundation, erection and stringing work and no outstanding payments have been left.

c) 220 KV Grid Station Mansehra: This subproject did not involve any LAR impacts as the land was available to NTDC already. A due diligence report of IR category C was prepared by NTDC and approved ADB that did not require monitoring reports. The construction work of GS is progressing without any issues or complaints from local people. The GS construction is nearing completion without any social safeguard issues.

9. Key Findings of Monitoring: Following are the key findings of the monitoring work:

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


a) All three subprojects are at advanced stages of implementation with almost 99%

construction work of all three stages and completing almost 99% construction work and 99% APs have received payments of compensation for damages incurred in foundation, erection and stringing stage.

b) However the issue which persistently remains throughout the project duration is the record keeping, coordination and LARP database lacking which hinders the holistic monitoring process. The LAR database and internal monitoring system requires major improvement maybe by engaging a qualified LAR database expert and a resettlement monitoring expert who could establish a comprehensive electronic database of LAR impacts, APs and compensation disbursement which will further help in improving internal monitoring reports that are more reflective and provide more reliable information. NTDC has now addressed this issue by engaging the proposed experts under the facility management consultants of MFF II.

c) Under Lot III of Moro-Dadu RY Khan TL project, a government girl’s high school exists in ROW’s tower number 301 and 302 which required relocation. After analyzing the relocation options, NTDC has agreed to relocate the school outside the ROW but the relocation process is yet to commence. The status payment is such that tower foundation, erection and stringing phase is 100% complete and all APs have received 100% compensation of all there stages.

d) As Grievance redress mechanism and complaints register is the core part of SPS 2009 requirement which should be observed and maintained regularly at each project site to record APs concerns and address them systematically without making these cases further complicated. However these areas seriously needs improvement especially in the PIUs not only by issuing notifications about GRM and its composition but properly assigning duties to the allocated officials and regularly monitoring their performance against the assigned duties.

e) The EMC team consulted with NTDC officials and APs in the field and observed that delayed compensation of payment is an issue throughout the implementation of all three stages of TL and the main reason of delayed compensation payment is delayed assessment of damages who expressed concerns on delayed payments and incidents of construction work taking place before payments to APs. Due to lack of coordination between ESIC and field team which arises due to lack of ESIC staff, the updated information about payments is not communicated well. Sometimes payments to APs have already been made and that is reported 3 to 4 months later. Detailed findings are presented in section 3 Implementation Analysis of this report.

10. Conclusion and Recommendations: During the quarter October to December 2018, EMC noted the construction work that has been completed by 99% for all three phases with almost equal percentage of APs being fully compensated. Payments to remaining 1% APs couldn’t be made during the quarter due to cumbersome compensation assessment of damages and approval process that may take few more weeks before they could be paid. In Uch Sibbi TL, foundation and erection work and stringing work has been 100% completed and project is commissioned on May 5 2018. The 3rd circuit project tower foundation has been 100% completed, erection of towers has been 100% completed and stringing of wires has been 99% completed. Similarly payments have been made to overall more than 99% APs of each subproject of tranche 3. It has been estimated that construction activities will be completed in the first quarter of 2019 and pending payments of compensation to APs will be completed within this time period.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


11. The SPS’s requirements of MFF 1 related to award of contracts, finalization of design of GS and routes of TL, updating and disclosure of LARPs, and most important disbursement of compensation to APs before start of construction work requires to be realigned with contract and construction schedule with safeguard requirements that are required to be achieved before start of construction work. 12. It has also been noticed that all LARPs lacked clear description of and timing of contact, award, construction, payment of compensation to APs and internal and external monitoring due to which in many cases compensation to APs could not be achieved before start of construction work. Payment of compensation to APs in phases also need to be realigned with three construction phases in a manner that it ensures payment of compensation is released to APs before start of construction work. 13. Due to lack of Patwari/ revenue staff in the field delay in assessment of damages occur. To avoid further delay NTDC has hired 4 revenue staff under FMC to assist PIUs in assessment of damages and each revenue staff will be posted with each project director based in Lahore, Islamabad, Shukkur and Hyderabad. 14. NTDC did follow the institutional arrangements, grievance redress mechanism and delayed monitoring of LARPs, but it experienced delays before making these requirements operational. Internal and external monitoring arrangements once again is in place but after a delay of one year almost during which period, LARPs remained unmonitored. 15. Recommendations: In order to bridge the gap between implementation according to telegraphic act 1885 and SPS 2009 EMC recommends the following solution to be followed in planning and execution of future projects of Transmission line at NTDC.

a. As per telegraphic act 1885, NTDC doesn’t acquire land under tower foundations and TL route and only compensation for damages of assets i.e. crops trees and structures is provide to APs based on actual damages after construction activities. However, land for the grid station is properly acquired following Land Acquisition Act 1894.

b. Usually NTDC transmission line project operates on turnkey bases in which a contractor is hired who is fully responsible for project design completes the whole T/L project in parts. APs are identified at this stage when construction activities are completed which means in most cases APs are given compensation amount after Patwari or ALO assess the damages to APs assets due to the construction work at the end of all three stages of Transmission line. However, ADB’s SPS 2009 emphasize on providing full compensation to APs before commencement of civil works.

c. Once the contractor finalizes the design of transmission line in parts and identify tower spots that information should be shared with Resettlement Expert of NTDC who could update the LARP for each part of TL and identify actual APs and assess estimated damages to their assets before start of construction work.

d. Based on estimated damages by Resettlement expert NTDC should issues payments voucher/cheques to APs before start of civil works of each phase of tower construction. This information should be validated by IMC and EMC to enable contractor to commence civil works of each phase and each part of transmission line.

e. NTDC needs to install and maintain an updated database to track the schedule of construction activities, updating of LARP in parts, APs information and their payments process and complaints recording and resolution information.

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


f. Engaged internal and external monitoring experts to the projects before start of construction work so that NTDC can issue both types of monitoring reports to confirm disbursement of payment to APs before start of any construction phase.

g. Strengthen and streamline ESIC in NTDC’s business operations, involving ESIC meaningfully in project planning and implementation, and in inter and intra agency coordination to cut delays in land acquisition, implementation of LARPs and construction work.

h. Provide more resources to ESIC to improve ESIC’s in presence in the field/periodical field visits, establish a central resettlement database and computerized management information system (MIS) which will help in tracking payments to APs and validating progress. LARPs need to be improved to have construction and LARP milestones clearly defined and closely monitored to keep implementation on track and avoiding delays. Payments to APs also need to be monitored and verified by EMC before handing over right of way (ROW) for construction work

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About the Report 1. This is the fourth quarterly external monitoring report of tranche 3 prepared by External Monitoring Consultant (EMC) of National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) covering the 4th quarter of 2018, i.e. October to December 2018. The report presents the overall implementation progress up to December 2018. The purpose of this report is to review, analyze and validate implementation of LARPs and Due Diligence Reports (DDRs) of subprojects under Tranche 3 and make recommendations to address any implementation issues affecting safeguards compliance. 2. The report covers an implementation period as of 31 December 2018. The entire report is comprised of four chapters. Chapter 1 presents a detailed introduction of investment program, nature of tranche 3 subprojects and a summary of land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) impacts, chapter 2 presents a comparative analysis of the implementation of LARP and DDRs, chapter 3 highlights the findings of implementation monitoring and chapter 4 presents conclusions and recommendations. 1.2 Background and aim of investment facility – MFF 0007 3. Power Transmission Enhancement Program is financed by ADB through MFF 0007 that has four tranches, each having several Grid Stations (GS) and Transmission Lines (TL) projects to support rehabilitation, augmentation and expansion of transmission substations, transmission lines of 220kV and above, installation of SVC equipment and any associated facilities related to the operations of the power transmission system and an investment program support component. The investment program aims to achieve the following outcomes (i) improved efficiency of the power system. (ii) Quality power supply through improved system reliability and stability, (iii) greater geographical coverage of power supply, (iv) availability and access to affordable electricity, by bringing hydroelectric and coal fired thermal energy to load centers. 1.3 MFF tranches under implementation 4. The tranche 1 and tranche 2 of investment program have been implemented and resettlement completion reports issued. The subprojects of tranche 3 and 4 are spread over four provinces of Pakistan, which are Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhaw. Location maps of tranche 3 are provided as Annex 1. 1.4 Description of tranche 3 subprojects 5. The Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program Tranche 3 comprises of a Total four subprojects: (i) the construction of a new 500 kilovolt (kV) transmission line circuit of about 600 kilometers (km), a new 500 kV grid station at Moro, and extension works at existing stations at Jamshoro, Dadu and Rahim Yar Khan, (ii) the construction of a new 220 kV double circuit transmission line of about 125 km for interconnection of the existing Uch-I and the new Uch-II power plants and integration into the national grid system at the existing 220 kV Sibbi grid station, (iii) a new 220 kV grid station at Manshera, and (iv) procurement of transformers and associated equipment for replacement of outdated NTDC system. List of sub projects is attached as annex 2. 6. The existing 500 kV system of NTDC, links the country from south to north. The link makes possible the transmission of power from the major generating facilities to the load centers in the middle of the country. This subproject include various sections and involve the (i) construction of 600 km single circuit 500 kV transmission line from Jamshoro to Moro, Moro to Dadu, Moro to

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Rahim Yar Khan; and (ii) construction of a new 500 kV grid station at Moro and expansion/augmentation of existing grid stations at Jamshoro, Dadu, and Rahim Yar Khan. 7. The transmission lines are divided into two sections: (i) Jamshoro to Moro, and Moro to Dadu (including a new 500 kV substation at Moro); and (ii) Moro to Qazi Mahar-Rahim Yar. Khan. The detailed components are given below:

a. Jamshoro-Moro-Dadu 255 kms, single circuit, 500 kV transmission line; b. Line bay and line reactor at existing 500 kV Jamshoro Grid Station; c. Line bay and reactor at under construction R. Y. Khan 500 kV Grid Station; d. Line bay at existing 500 kV Dadu Grid Station;

e. New Grid Station at Moro, inclusive of line bays, 2 nos. line reactors, 1 no. bus f. reactor, at proposed 500 kV grid station; g. q70bnMoro Qazi Mahar section, 172 kms, 500 kV single circuit transmission line; h. Line bay extensions at proposed Matiari 500 kV substation; and i. Qazi Mahar to Rahim Yar Khan section, 163 km single circuit transmission line.

8. New Uch II power plant – Sibbi grid station : The second subproject comprises of construction of (i) a total 125 km, double-circuit, 220 kV transmission line from the new Uch-II power plant to the existing Sibbi grid station, and (ii) In/Out arrangement between the existing Uch-I power plant and the new Uch-II power plant. 9. New 220 KV grid station at Manshera: The third subproject comprises of construction of a new 220 KV grid station at Manshera, and installation of 2x250 MVA, 220/132 kV transformers. The new Manshera station will be connected to the existing 220 kV transmission line. 10. Procurement of grid station material: The fourth subproject is for procurement of grid station material for replacement of the existing transmission system. The equipment to be procured include transformers (220/132 kV), circuit breakers (500,220, and 132 kV), isolators, etc. NTDC will install the procured equipment for replacement and upgrading the 24 existing 220 kV and 500 kV grid stations. 1.5 Overview of LAR impacts of tranche 3 subprojects 11. Temporary damages to crops and assets coming under ROW: Tranche 3 subprojects involve the construction of transmission lines and two grid stations. Permanent acquisition of land is not involved in GS and TL as the land for the GS is already the property of NTDC. However, temporary damages to crops and other assets coming under Right of Way (ROW) of TL, access points and tower pads exist for which LARPs were prepared and approved by ADB in 2016 for implementation. These LARPs were prepared in accordance with applicable national laws relevant to land acquisition and compensation, the ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS) and the stipulations made in the updated LARF of MFF. 12. Preparation and monitoring of LARPs: Preparation of LARPs and DDRs were based on layout of project sites and technical drawings showing line profile with complete tower spotting that were made available by NTDC for carrying out the resettlement field surveys. LARPs approved by ADB were disclosed to NTDC and ADB’s websites and a summary of LARPs/DDR to APs. Other implementation and monitoring requirements that have been followed by NTDC are:

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a. Implementation of each LARP or its section prior to giving notice to proceed (NTP) to the contractor to commence construction activities and relevant internal/external monitoring reports submitted to ADB.

b. Clearance of monitoring report by ADB for entire or any sectional LARPs before commencing civil works activities.

c. Project Management Unit (PMU) of NTDC to submit quarterly internal monitoring reports and semiannual external monitoring reports to ADB and is responsible for compliance with LARF, LARPs and loan agreement.

Table 1: Subprojects and Summary of LAR impacts Subprojects

APs as per LARP and


Remarks: progress achieved to be achieved

and key issues

Subproject 1: 220 kV

Mansehra Grid Station


No LAR impacts e. NTDC acquired land in 2005 and compensated 12 APs in 2008.

f. NTDC conducted impact assessment for Mansehra GS in 2011.

g. A DDR of category C was prepared and approved by ADB for Involuntary Resettlement.

h. Construction work is completed and project is commissioned on April 2018.

220 kV Uch II - Sibbi

Transmission Line Project.

LARP of IR category B approved in July 2016. Number of APs increased from 80 (per LARP) to 293 (for all three *stages) during implementation.

The TL has been constructed and the project was commissioned in May 2018. Total 293 APs have been compensated and no outstanding payments are left.

500 kV Moro-Dadu **RYK

and Grid Stations-Third

Circuit Project

LARP approved in June 2015. Number of APs increased from 1722 (per LARP) to


Tower foundation and erection is 100% completed. Tower stringing is 99% completed. 3991 APs have been paid an amount of Rs. 163198303/- for foundation and erection stage and stringing stage however payments to 29 APs of stringing stage are pending. NTDC will complete all payments in the first quarter of 2019.

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2 EXTERNAL SOCIAL MONITORING 2.1 Resettlement monitoring in investment program 13. The ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS) and the Credit Facility Agreement (CFA) between NTDC and Agence De France Development (AFD) requires Tranche 3 subprojects to be monitored both internally and externally. Internal monitoring of LARPs is undertaken by NTDC on quarterly basis whereas external monitoring is required to undertaken on semiannual basis. However, ADB’s loan ended in September 2017 and the monitoring requirements revised from semiannual to quarterly monitoring under the AFD’s environment and social compliance plan (ESCP) of CFA. The main task of EMC is to (a) review implementation of LARPs and internal monitoring reports issued by NTDC (ii) validate progress and compliance with safeguard requirements of MFF and CFA, (iii) identify any gaps in implementation and (iv) recommend actions to address gaps and ensure compliance. AFD’s social safeguard requirements and agreed by NTDC for implementation and compliance, and in implementation or safeguard requirements 14. In pursuance of the monitoring requirement of the MFF, NTDC recruited the EMC in line with ADB’s procurement policy and guidelines for hiring of consultants. The EMC is required to provide semiannual external social monitoring reports of Tranche 3 and Tranche 4 to NTDC and ADB. The EMC was hired by NTDC in December 2017 to provide quarterly monitoring reports of tranche 3 and tranche 4 of MFF 0007. The EMC after recruitment provided an inception report to NTDC and ADB in January 2018 which included the monitoring methodology and strategy to be adopted in the monitoring work and a work plan which included schedule of reports and dates of reports. The inception report has been approved by NTDC as well as ADB. EMC also has provided first and 2nd and 3rd quarterly monitoring reports covering period of January to March 2018 and April to June 2018 and August to September 2018 NTDC and ADB which were approved and disclosed. The same monitoring methodology and strategy and work plan has been followed for undertaking field monitoring and writing this external monitoring report.

2.2 Duration of field monitoring 15. The EMC and the monitoring team conducted the monitoring work in the month November and December 2018 in project sites of three subprojects of tranche 3, i.e. Grid Station at Mansehra, Transmission Lines of Uch-Sibbi and Moro Dadu. The EMC team held meetings with NTDC including officials of Environment and Social Impact Cell (ESIC), the engineering and land management staff in the field (Project Implementation Units-PIUs), the project management consultant (PMC) and consulate with local people and APs at project sites.

2.3 Monitoring objectives 16. The main task of the EMC is to provide resettlement independent monitoring services to the NTDC to insure that resettlement implementation is in compliance with the social safeguard policies of ADB’s SPS 2009 and approved LARPs and LARF of MFF. Within the scope of consultant services, subprojects of tranche 3 in Khyber Pakhtunkhaw, Sindh and Baluchistan were monitored. The scope of monitoring and main tasks are given below: 17. For external monitoring (third party validation) social safeguards of Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program subprojects. Consultancy assignment is for one social/resettlement expert who will assist the project executing agency (NTDC) to undertake the monitoring of ADB financed Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP). 2.4 Scope of monitoring as in terms of reference (TOR) of EMC contract 18. For external monitoring (third party validation) social safeguards of Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program subprojects. Consultancy assignment is for one

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social/resettlement expert who will assist the project executing agency (NTDC) to undertake the monitoring of ADB financed Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP). 19. Detailed Tasks 20. The following are the detailed tasks assigned to EMC in undertaking resettlement monitoring work:

a. Review the updated LARP of Lalian (currently under updating) and grievance redress

mechanism and recommend actions to improve the efficiency of existing GRM, its outreach and access to APs, grievance/complaints handling and record keeping, GRM’s responsiveness to the SPS’s requirements of IR category A projects (e.g. Lalian Grid Station);

b. Review and assess NTDC’s quarterly internal monitoring reports of LARPs, for responsiveness to the requirements of IMR as mentioned in the LARF/LARPs (ADB loan) and CFA, clauses 11.6, 12.1, 12.2 and schedule 6 of CFA including the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP);

c. Review and validate the implementation of LARPs, and CAPs, and procedures adopted for land acquisition whether meeting the normal acquisition procedures of Land Acquisition Act of 1894 and ADB’s SPS 2009;

d. Carry out field visits (use local enumerators in consultation with ADB and NTDC for security intense areas) and verify (based on the documentation provided by PIU, PMU and ESIC and in information obtained through public consultations) whether APs have been compensated in accordance with the schedule of payment and construction as given in LARPs (i.e. construction of tower foundations, erection of towers and stringing of wires);

e. Identify any incidents of (i) delayed payments with reasons of delay or (ii) start of construction work before compensating the APs, and (iii) recommend timed actions to correct any such non-compliances of schedule 4 and 5 of ADB’s loan agreements and CFA’s clauses, 11.6. 12.1, 12.2, schedule 6 and ESCP;

f. Assist ESIC/PMU the preparation of corrective action plans (CAP), and monitor their implementation;

g. Verify that LARP related conditions of civil works are reflected in the contracts, implemented and monitored in accordance with the requirements of LARPs;

h. For APs who are physically displaced from housing, verify construction/rebuilding of replacement houses and structures on residual land, and self-selected land (outside the residual land);

i. Assess situation of vulnerable and significantly affected APs and the restoration of their livelihood and living conditions;

j. Verify if there are emerging LAR issues during construction of all 7 subprojects funded under the CFA that were not covered in the LARPs and recommend measures for addressing these issues;

k. Participate and provide input for ADB supervision missions as required; l. At the end of the implementation of each LARP, verify, through APs satisfaction survey

that objectives of LARPs have been met, identify any shortcomings and recommend (reflecting on APs suggestions) actions needed to address any gaps in the implementation and steps needed to improve the safeguards planning and implementation in future projects;

m. Document lessons learnt and present recommendations to ADB and NTDC for improvement in future projects.

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2.5 Monitoring indicators 21. The EMC team followed the following key aspects of LARP during field monitoring of the implementation of LARPs.

Table 2: Key monitoring aspects of monitoring

No. Monitoring Indicators Key aspects to be monitored

1 Availability of Funds and disbursement of compensation

Availability and adequacy of funds according to LARP provision

Extents of funds transferred to revenue department for land acquisition and other concerned department/ agency

2 Timely Availability Timely availability of requisite funds

Timely deployment of requite staff to implement LAR activities

Payment of compensation on-time

3 Delivery of Entitlements to APs Disbursement of compensation to APs for land and other affected buildings/ structures according to the Entitlement Matrix

Number of APs resettled/ relocated

Number of community structures relocated/ re-established

Public utilities relocated/ re-established

Compensation paid for temporary impacts (i.e. land acquisition, loss of crops, and loss of income/ business)

Payment of livelihood assistance/ allowance according to Entitlement matrix;

Number of APs relocated in new/ alternate structures/ buildings

Re-building/ re-establishment of social infrastructure

Income and livelihood restoration activities implemented

Compensation paid for the business/ income losses/ interruptions

Compensation paid to tenants/ employees, daily wage laborers

Number of vulnerable APs compensated

Women headed families compensated

4 Performance regarding implementation of LARP

EA transferred amount of award in the account of LAC - % of total compensation transferred

Payment of compensation to APs - % completed

Land in possession of contractor - % of total requisite land

Payment of compensation for structures - % completed

Payment of compensation for wood trees - % completed

Payment of compensation for fruit trees - % completed Payment of livelihood assistance to APs especially vulnerable groups and women - % completed

Re-establishment/ relocation - % completed

Grievance process – no. of grievances lodged/ action/ closed out

Information dissemination - % APs covered

Consultation activities – log of activities, minutes

5 Levels of APs Satisfaction Extent to which the quality of life of APs restored

The attitude of the project staff with the APs

Adequate awareness about the project and project entitlements and grievance redress procedures

Adequacy and timely availability of compensation

Valuation of land/ assets as per current market rates

Payment of compensation in-line with the entitlements

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No. Monitoring Indicators Key aspects to be monitored

Timely adherence of APs complaints/ grievances relating to the project

Enumeration of APs assets – land measurements, building/ structures, community structures, assets (hand pumps, tube wells) counting of trees (fruit and wood/ timber trees) and other social structures.

Restoration of livelihood/ income and living standards

6 Consultations and Grievances Consultations carried out with APs/ local community

LARP brochure/ leaflets prepared and disclosed/ distributed to the APs

Consultation activities – log of activities, minutes

Information dissemination - % APs covered

APs knowledge regarding land acquisition process

APs knowledge about grievance redress procedures

Number of community complaints entered and redressed

7 Restoration of Living Standards Compensation of structure/ building made free of various deductions (i.e. depreciation, transfer costs etc.)

Housing options equivalent to pre-project situation

APs perception restored relating the resettlement/ relocation

Access to social amenities like pre-project period

Restoration of social and cultural elements

Consumption pattern of APs during pre and post project

Land attachments (boundary walls, wells, tube wells) fully reinstated;

Vulnerable APs/ groups and women headed families provided livelihood/ rehabilitation assistance

8 Restoration of Livelihood/ Income

Change in patterns of occupation, production, resource use compared to pre-project situation

Change in income and expenditure patterns compared to pre and post situation

Change in cost/ standard of living during pre and post project situation.

Change in the livelihood of vulnerable groups/ people compared to pre-project condition.

Level of yields of various crops compared to pre-project condition

Extent to which trees planted in place of trees cut-down

Change in women headed families income compared with the pre-project situation

Number of skilled and semi-skilled APs engaged in construction activities/ or in other project related jobs.

2.6 Monitoring methodology/strategy 22. The EMC team followed the monitoring methodology as provided in the inception report. It included desk review and analyses of project documents, field visits, and meetings with concerned officials of NTDC and APs who were interviewed to obtain their views about implementation of LARPs and their satisfaction or any concerns about the delivery of compensation and objectives of resettlement whether achieved. Separate meetings were also held with women and vulnerable households, where applicable or needed during the field work. 23. Interviews using the APs satisfaction survey questionnaire (provided at Annex 3) were also conducted randomly which provided a pragmatic assessment about implementation of

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LARPs whether meeting the objectives of resettlement. This provided a good assessment based on which recommendations have been made in the report to improve the implementation of LARPs to better meet the objectives of resettlement. 24. Field visits were randomly carried out during the LARP monitoring and implementation of LARPs were focused upon to gather APs views and perceptions about performance and effectiveness of LARP implementation in phases (i.e. stages involved in setting up of TL from foundations work to fixing of electric towers and stringing of wires), delivery of compensation, assistance provided for livelihood restoration, and relocation program, and APs participation in consultation and grievance redress mechanisms to assess these mechanisms whether easily accessible to the APs and effective in addressing the APs grievances. Following aspects of the overall monitoring methodology were followed during the field monitoring visits: 2.7 Source of information: 25. Different sources of information collection used in the monitoring work included primary and secondary information sources. Sources of secondary information included available internal monitoring reports, LARPs and DDRs, project and loan documents, and socioeconomic survey, impact assessment and census of APs, etc. while the primary information sources included field survey, group discussions and in-depth interviews with APs and meetings with NTDC officials in the field. The EMC team accessed the following sources of information and data:

a. Record of LARPs and payments to APs in ESIC; b. Record of payments in the field at PIUs; c. PMU quarterly progress reports; d. LARPs and DDRs; socioeconomic surveys, APs census and inventory of losses; e. APs committees in the field.

2.8 Monitoring and evaluation methods used: 26. Literature review: The literature review helped to equip basic information about the project as well as reasons affecting to the project schedule. Additionally, this method also helped to collect statistical data in the project area. The result of this method helped in preparation of this monitoring report. Review of literature and project documents included the following key documents:

a. Updated/final LARPs and DDRs b. Land Acquisition and resettlement Framework (LARF) c. Project and loan agreements d. Land Acquisition Act 1894, e. Telegraphic Act 1885 f. ADB’s SPS 2009 g. Quarterly Internal monitoring reports and payment to APs h. List of vulnerable households

27. Qualitative method: At least 3 focus group discussions and interviews with APs were conducted in subproject areas. Consultations with APs provided useful information about the timing of delivery of compensation with relation to the phases of compensation as provided in the LARPs. 28. Quantitative method: The questionnaire survey method was used to obtain feedback of APs about LARP implementation and construction work.

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29. Observation method: The observation method was also applied to support the above-mentioned methods. The EMC team used this method to find out actual living conditions of affected people as had to be monitored according the LARPs. Following aspects of LARPs were covered in above monitoring tools:

a. APs are adequately informed about project objectives, impacts, compensation policy and entitlements through an effective public information campaign;

b. Compensation and other allowances due to the project affected people are paid in full and the payment activities are carried out in public and in a transparent manner; the compensation has been duly paid prior to the startup of construction works on the project;

c. Resettlement assistance to vulnerable groups and other assistance to support the replacement of their means of livelihood have been or being provided in accordance with approved LARPs;

d. Grievance procedures are adequately explained to the affected people, written grievances are submitted to an agreed format (where need be with the assistance of the External Monitor, grievances, if any, are duly resolved, and arbitration, where required is properly and effectively conducted in accordance with GRC adopted for the project as provisioned in the LARPs;

30. APs satisfaction survey: The APs satisfaction survey and guiding questions for interviews with APs during field visits provided information to support or verify the following monitoring indicators:

a) All process for LARP updating and implementation such as detailed measurement survey (DMS) and inventory list of losses include all impacts and affected persons, compensation is equivalent to replacement cost at time of disbursement of compensation, and consultations are conducted in a meaningful and inclusive manner;

b) Awareness of all APs prior to compensation of the compensation scheme and have clear understanding of the entitlements;

c) Awareness and consultation of APs on the overall planning and development of the Project and related activities;

d) Full compensation payment of land and other assets provided to all APs in a timely manner and at replacement costs as specified in the approved LARPs;

e) Grievances and complaints are registered and settled transparently in accordance with the timeframe and mechanism laid down in the LARPs;

f) Transparency of compensation disbursement is adhered at payments centers. 31. Rapid appraisal method: Rapid appraisal method was also used which is quick way to gather the views and perceptions of APs and general beneficiaries of the project. Rapid appraisal methods included (i) key informant interview, (ii) focus group discussion, (iii) community group interview, and (iv)direct observation. 32. Data processing and analysis: The following steps were undertaken to ensure proper data processing and analysis:

a) The collected data/information from the field will be computerized. b) A tabulation plan will be prepared. c) Data will be processed according to separate category of the indicators for analysis as

reflected in the tabulation plan.

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d) All analyzed data will be tabulated for interpretation and deriving conclusions and recommendations.

33. Sampling: In order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the assignment, it was proved very difficult to interview all APs in the project areas. The APs were mostly not available during the field visits. Therefore the EMC team randomly interviewed APs who the team came across during the field visits. Hence, during the monitoring, 5% APs could be contacted for interaction. 34. Analysis and report all collected information through above tools and other sources was analyzed to prepare this monitoring report.

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3 STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION AND ANALYSIS 3.1 Effectiveness of implementation of LARPs 35. The EMC team reviewed in detail the LARPs of (i) 220 kV Uch-Sibbi TL project , (ii) 500 kV Moro, Dadu, R.Y. Khan TL project, (iii) a DDR of GS at Mansehra besides reviewing the quarterly internal monitoring report prepared by NTDC for tranche 3 projects for progress achieved up to December 31, 2018. The EMC team undertook site visits and held consultations with APs and NTDC’s officials who are implementing the tranche 3 subproject. The purpose of field visit and consultations was to review, analyze and validate whether (i) timing of disbursement of payments to APs and TL construction phases (i.e. laying of foundation work, towers erection and stringing of wires) as provided in the approved LARPs and the timing of contract award and commencement of construction work that required completion of payments to APs before start of construction work, which is a condition that needed to be complied with in accordance with loan agreement, LARPs and the SPS 2009. The table 3 below presents a comparative analysis of the implementation.

Table 3: Comparative analysis of implementation

LARP Impacts and APs

Progress achieved in 1st Quarter 2018

(January- March 2018)

Overall implementation status till March


Progress achieved till

September 2018

Overall Progress till

December 2018

Remaining to be achieved

Subproject 1: 220 kV Uch-Sibbi Transmission Line Project. Updated LARP approved on 15 July 2016 Land: Nill -

327 towers foundation and erection work

77 km wiring has been completed

Assessment of damages of 77 km line has been done and payments of compensation are in process of approval which will take further two months.

327 towers foundation and erection work is completed 111 Km out of 113 km line wiring has been completed.

463 APs are paid an amount of Rs. 7974009/- for the damages foundation, erection and partial APs of wiring stage Assessment of damages of 77 km line has been done and payments will be made by June 2018 Revised schedule Wiring- June 2018

Foundation, erection and stringing of wires are 100% completed The project is commissioned on May 5 2018. Total 293 APs paid an amount of 7974009/-

Foundation, erection and stringing of wires are 100% completed The project is commissioned on May 5 2018. Total 293 APs paid an amount of 7974009/-

The project civil work is 100% completed and commissioned on May 5, 2018. No outstanding payments remaining.

Crops: 944 acres


Trees:318 14

Structures: 1 1 Towers 327

Length of TL wiring

113 km

Total APs Estimated/Actual APs


293 APs

Subproject 2: 500 kV Moro-Dadu-Rahim Yar Khan and Grid Stations-Third Circuit Project

Lot-1: Jamshoro-Moro Section 203 km

Land: Nil -- 415 foundation completed till Dec 2017. 49 towers have been erected in the quarter 70 Km wiring has been completed in

415 foundations were newly constructed under this project and 133 foundation were constructed in 1996-97. Total foundation comes to be 548 which are 100% completed.

Foundation, erection and stringing of towers is 100% completed. Total 1650 APs are paid an amount of Rs.

Construction of all three stage of tower is 100% complete. Payments of compensation to APs of all three stages are 100%

All three stages of TL are 100 % completed. All the APs of three stages are fully paid and no any outstanding amount is left.

Crops: 2082 acres 485 Trees: 18160 155

Towers 548

Length of TL wiring

203 km

Total APs


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Estimated/Actual APs

1500 APs

first quarter of 2018 Payments of 374 APs (amount Rs=21981087/- ) of erection of 49 towers and partial APs of 70 km TL line has been made till March 2018. Assessment of damages of remaining TL has been completed and payments will be completed in second quarter of 2018.

Out of these 548 towers, 528 towers completed till March 2018. Out of total 202 km length, 162 km wiring has been done till March 2018. Overall 1682 APs are paid an amount of Rs. 55, 901,801/- for damages of APs of foundation, erection and partial APs of wiring stage till March 2018. Assessment of damages of remaining wiring of TL has been completed and payments will be completed in second quarter of 2018. Revised schedule

a) Erection May 2018 Wiring- June 2018

79493944/- for all three stages of TL

complete. No outstanding payments left.

Lot-2: DaduMahar 232 km 3rd circuit 500 KV Dadu-Moro-QaziMahar

Land: Nil -- 609 towers foundation work completed till Dec 2017 65 towers are erected during first quarter of 2018. 894 APs of erection and wiring stage has been paid an amount of Rs. 27897526/- in first quarter of 2018. Assessment of damages of wiring stage has been made in first quarter of 2018

All 609 towers foundation work is completed and 542 towers are erected till March 2018. Assessment of damages of wiring stage has been made in first quarter of 2018 Revised schedule Erection May 2018 Wiring- June 2018

Tower foundation and erection is 100% completed Stringing work is 97% completed Total 1437 APs are paid an amount of Rs. 45186437/- till December 2018.

Tower foundation and erection is 100% completed Stringing work is 99% completed During the quarter assessment of damages have been undertaken and APs will be paid in first quarter of 2019.

2 km wiring is remaining which is expected to be completed by end of first month of 2019. NTDC needs to speed up process for assessment of damages and provide compensation to APs by next quarter. Payment of an amount of Rs. 311860/- will be paid to remaining 8 APs in first quarter of 2019.

Crops: 913 acres


Trees: 9186 --

Towers 595

Length of TL wiring

232 km

Total APs Estimated/Actual APs

615 1250 APs

Lot-III: Goth QaziMahar – Rahim Yar Khan 166 km Land: Nil -- All 442 towers

foundation and erection work has been completed till March 2018.

All 442 towers foundation and erection work has been completed till march 2018.

Towers foundation and erection is 100 % completed.

Tower foundation and erection is 100% completed. Stringing work is 99% completed.

Stringing work is 99 % completed. Payments of an amount of Rs. 815312/- are pending to 21

Crops: 666 acres


Trees: 992 147

Towers 436

Length of TL wiring

166 km

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Total APs Estimated/Actual APs

592 950 APs

28 km wiring out of 166 km TL has been completed during first quarter of 2018. 154 APs are paid an amount of Rs. 3807019/- for the erection of towers. Assessment of damages of wiring stage has been made in February 2018 and payments will be made in second quarter of 2018.

Overall 50 km wiring out of 166 km TL has been completed till March 2018. Overall 783 APs are paid an amount of Rs.24,803,253/-for the damages of foundation, erection and partial APs of wiring stage till March 2018. Assessment of damages of wiring stage has been made in February 2018 and payments will be made in second quarter of 2018. Revised schedule Wiring- June 2018

Stringing of towers is 90 % completed. Revised schedule Wiring- September

Payments to 904 APs of an amount of Rs.38517922/- have been made

APs which will be in first quarter of 2019.

36. From internal monitoring reports of September and December 2018 discussions with officials at NTDC, ESIC and officials of PIU in the field and land acquisition officers (LAO) and patwaris and surveyors(list of officials attached as annex 4), the EMC team presents the following findings: 3.2 Key findings of and analysis of Subproject 1: 220kV Uch II-Sibbi TL: 37. Project Summary: Initially LARP was prepared for 125 Km long TL, which affected 525.5 acres of cropped area and 11 structures. NTDC realigned the route during implementation due to which construction was keep on hold till updated LARP which ADB approved on July 2016. Rerouting of alignment reduced the TL length from 125 to 113 km and 11 structures were also avoided from any impacts. The construction work has been resumed since approval of LARP in July 2016. 38. Project Impacts: Although the length of TL has been reduced from 125 to 113 km but impacts on crops of an area 944.12 acres and 318 trees remained in the project due to the construction of 330 towers. These non-land assets belong to 80 APs which were initially estimated for foundation stage. However NTDC provided actual number of APs for all three stages of TL to be around 250 during the implementation stage. The number of APs increases with the spread of construction works that causes increase impacts on APs non land assets which rises in each stage of TL from foundation to stringing to towers. 39. Progress of Civil works and payment of compensation to APs: Foundation and erection of 327 towers and stringing of 113 Km TL is 100 % completed and the sub-project is commissioned on May 5, 2018. Till September total 293 APs are paid an amount of Rs. 7974009/- whereas no outstanding payments are left. 40. Record keeping, coordination and LARP database lacking: The difference in information reported in internal monitoring report and information provided by field officials to EMC indicate a need for central database of LAR impacts, number of APs and towers and phases of

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payments and timing of construction works. Coordination between ESIC and PIU also needs to be improved and information to be shared/provided to EMC screened before providing to EMC.

41. Institutional arrangements: The institutional set up as provided in the LARP has been in place as proposed although significant delay was noted in engaging the project management consultant to carry out preparation, updation and internal monitoring of LARPs and external monitoring consultant/agency to undertake independent external monitoring of the LARPs. However, NTDC has now the services of PMC and EMC available to NTDC till the closing of loan in Dec 2016. The implementation of LARP will continue till the completion of project beyond loan closing date. The PMC and EMC services will be extended by NTDC from own resources to continue to monitor the LARP implementation till its completion as a requirement of ADB’s SPS 2009

42. Grievance redress mechanism and complaints register: The EMC noted that NTDC issued a notification (provided at annex 11) about GRM and its composition as proposed in the LARP but a general lack of application was noted in the field. According to the LARP, a complaints register is also required to be maintained in the field at PIU but EMC team was not shown the register in the field. Record of complaints or reporting about GRM was noted either missing or lacking at PMU level also. The EMC recommends that GRM needs to be displayed prominently in the PIU and a complaints register maintained with all written or verbal complaints or issues of concerns of APs recorded in the register. 3.3 Key findings of and analysis Subproject 2: 500 kV Jamshoro-Moro-Dadu-Rahim Yar

Khan Transmission Line Project

43. Project Summary: The subproject consists of construction of a new 500kV sub-station at Moro and a 585km long 500 kV transmission line, interconnecting Jamshoro, Moro, Dadu and Rahim Yar Khan 500 kV sub-stations. In order to keep the TL size manageable for implementation, this subproject is divided into three lots; Lot 1 consists 203km long TL from Jamshoro to Moro, Lot 2 consists of 232 km long TL from Tando Dadu to Moro and Qazi Mahar and Lot 3 consists of 166 km long TL from Goth Qazi Mahar to Rahim Yar Khan. Three LARPs were prepared, one each for all three lots. 3.3.1 Sub project Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro: 44. Project Summary: Lot -1 of 3rd circuit 500 kV TL includes the construction of an interconnecting 500kV TL (Jamshoro – Moro) and Moro 500kV grid station. 45. Grid Station: No LARP was prepared for GS as NTDC had acquired 152 acres of land in 1995 that affected only 6 land owners of Bahria town (private housing society) in district Nowshero Feroz of Sindh province. The record studied by EMC validates that all 6 APs were fully compensated in 1995 and there are no any IR or IPs related issues existing on the land to be used for grid station. 46. Subproject Impacts: Involves installation of 548 towers in 203 km long TL area that requires temporary acquisition of 2082.37acres of land owned by 485 APs and cutting of 18,160 private trees that are owned by 155 APs. However NTDC provided actual number of APs for all three stages of TL to be around 1500 during the implementation stage. The number of

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APs increases with the spread of construction works that causes increase impacts on APs non land assets which rises in each stage of TL from foundation to stringing to towers. 47. Progress of Civil works and payment of compensation to APs: Foundation of 415 towers and erection of 548 towers and 202km wiring of TL is 100 % completed. In total 1650 APs were paid an amount of Rs.79493944/- for damages of APs of foundation, erection and stringing stage till December 2018. All payments are completed and no any outstanding payments are left. 48. Grievance Redress Mechanism: NTDC has placed Grievance Redress Committee for the resolution of complaints of APs but so far NTDC has not received any complaint about payments or LARP implementation. (Notification of GRC provided at annex 9) 3.3.2 Subproject Lot 2: Tando, Dadu to Moro and Qazi Mahar: 49. Project Summary: Lot-2 of the 3rd Circuit 500kV Power Transmission line project includes the construction of an interconnecting 500 kV transmission line of 232 km from Tando Dadu Grid Station to Moro and Qazi Mahar Grid station. 50. TL Impacts: The construction of 232 km transmission line includes 595 towers that require temporary acquisition of 913 ha of private agriculture land owned by 615 APs and cutting of 9186 trees that are owned by 615 APs. However NTDC provided actual number of APs for all three stages of TL to be around 1250 APs during the implementation stage. The number of APs increases with the spread of construction works that causes increase impacts on APs non land assets which rises in each stage of TL from foundation to stringing to towers. 51. Progress of Civil works and payment of compensation to APs: Foundation and erection of 609 towers are 100 % completed whereas 229 km out of total 232 km wiring has been laid done till December 2018. In total 1437 APs were paid an amount of Rs. 451864371/- for damages of APs of foundation, erection and stringing stage till December 2018. 8 APs payments are remaining which will be paid an amount of Rs. 311860/- by first quarter of 2019. Remaining to be achieved: 3 km wiring is remaining which is expected to be complete by December 2018. NTDC needs to speed up process for the assessment of damages of remaining TL wiring section and provide compensation to remaining APs by next quarter.

52. APs consultations: EMC team consulted with APs of LOT II. APs are mostly satisfied with the compensation amount however they receive compensation amount with quite few delays. 3.3.3 Lot 3: Goth Qazi Mahar to Rahim Yar Khan: 53. Project Summary: Lot 3 of 3rd circuit power transmission line includes construction of 166km transmission line from Goth Qazi Mahar to connect with new Grid Station at Rahim Yar Khan. 54. Grid Station: Grid Station is located at Sardar Garh, District Rahim Yar Khan. Total occupied area of grid station is 172 acres of land and financed by JICA. Land was acquired for grid station in 1994 by NTDC and before acquisition it was private land. Extension of grid station and installation of transformers is included in scope of project funded by ADB. It was noted that no due diligence report of resettlement was prepared for the grid station. 55. Progress of Civil works and payment of compensation to APs: Foundation and rection of 442 towers are 100 % completed whereas 164 km out of total 166 km wiring has been

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laid done till September 2018. In total 904 APs were paid an amount of Rs. 38517922/- for damages of APs of foundation, erection and stringing stage till December 2018. 56. Remaining to be achieved: 2 km wiring is remaining which is expected to be complete by first quarter of 2019. NTDC needs to speed up process for the assessment of damages of remaining TL wiring section and provide compensation to remaining APs by next quarter. 57. Grievance redress mechanism is functional in the field as well as in ESIC but no complaint has been found registered in complaint register. It was informed to EMC that grid station officials deal the complaint on spot and complaints are not registered. (Notification of GRC provided at annex 10)

58. Consultations with APs: During the field visit 8 APs at were consulted who have shared their views with EMC which are summarized below:

• Consultations with the APs revealed that government girl’s high school was coming under ROW of tower number 301 and 302. APs demand relocation of school before stringing of wires. Contractor is mobilized to complete stringing of wire and reached tower 304 and 299. However community has stopped contractor to work. NTDC team conducted field visit in 2016 and promised APs to relocate the school but no progress has been made. Worried APs contacted Executive engineer Mr. Khuram who informed them about his meetings with education department to relocate the school. Community is willing to provide land for school. Mr Mahr from NTDC communicated executive engineer to include community focal person Ghulam Yaseen to represent APs in the meetings about relocation of school. So far many meeting has been schedule between education department and NTDC and decision on relocation of school have been made which will be implemented in coming quarters.

• APs mentioned that contractor should communicate them before starting construction work in their fields.

3.4 Key findings of and analysis Subproject 3: 220 kV Manshera Grid Station: 59. Project details as in LARP: Land acquisition process for the grid station started in April 2005 and completed in October 2008 and acquired 13.03 acres of land for the construction of 220 kV Manshera grid station. APs in Manshera grid station are 12 of which 11 were fully paid where as one remaining AP who have requested court for the price enhancement is under the decision of court for the last 4-5 years. ESIC has disbursed full amount of compensation of the remaining one AP to the district treasury, that will be paid to the AP once the court announce its final decision on the price enhancement case of the AP. The project civil works is commissioned on April 2018.

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4.1 Conclusion:

60. During this quarter, EMC noticed considerable improvement in the pace of implementation of LARPs and construction activities in all three subprojects. In Uch Sibbi TL, foundation, erection and wiring work has been 100% completed and the project is commissioned on May 5, 2018 and in 3rd circuit project tower foundation has been 100% completed, erection of towers has been 100% completed and stringing of wires has been 99% completed. Similarly payments have been made to overall more than 99% APs of each subproject of tranche 3. It has been estimated that construction activities will be completed till first quarter of 2019 and pending payments of compensation to APs must to be processed as soonest to catch the deadline. 61. The SPS’s requirements of MFF 1 related to award of contracts, finalization of design of GS and routes of TL, updating and disclosure of LARPs, and most important disbursement of compensation to APs before start of construction work requires to be realigned with contract and construction schedule with safeguard requirements that are required to be achieved before start of construction work. 62. It has also been noticed that all LARPs lacked clear description of and timing of contact, award, construction, payment of compensation to APs and internal and external monitoring due to which in many cases compensation to APs could not be achieved before start of construction work. Payment of compensation to APs in phases also need to be realigned with three construction phases in a manner that it ensures payment of compensation is released to APs before start of construction work. 63. Usually NTDC transmission line project operates on turnkey bases in which a contractor is hired who is fully responsible for project design completes the whole T/L project in parts. APs are identified at this stage when construction activities are completed which means in most cases APs are given compensation amount after Patwari or ALO assess the damages to APs assets due to the construction work at the end of all three stages of Transmission line. However ADB’s SPS 2009 emphasize on providing fully compensation to APs before commencement of civil works. Due to lack of Patwari/ revenue staff in the field delay in assessment of damages occur. To avoid further delay NTDC has hired 4 revenue staff under FMC to assist PIUs in assessment of damages and each revenue staff will be posted with each project director based in Lahore, Islamabad, Shukkur and Hyderabad. 64. NTDC did follow the institutional arrangements, grievance redress mechanism and delayed monitoring of LARPs, but it experienced delays before making these requirements operational. Internal and external monitoring arrangements once again is in place but after a delay of one year almost during which period, LARPs remained unmonitored. To meet the requirements of ASB’s SPS 2009 EMC recommends the following points to be

considered in future projects of NTDC.

4.2 Recommendations:

65. As per telegraphic act 1885, NTDC doesn’t acquire land under tower foundations and TL route and only compensation for damages of assets i.e. crops trees and structures is provide to APs based on actual damages after construction activities. However land for the grid station is properly acquired following Land Acquisition Act 1894.

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66. Now in order to bridge the gap between implementation according to telegraphic act 1885 and SPS 2009 EMC recommends the following solution to be followed in planning and execution of future projects of Transmission line at NTDC.

➔ Once the contractor finalize the design of transmission line in parts and identify tower

spots that information should be shared with Resettlement Expert of NTDC who could

update the LARP for each part of TL and identify actual APs and assess estimated

damages to their assets before start of construction work.

➔ Based on estimated damages by Resettlement expert NTDC should issues payments

voucher/cheques to APs before start of civil works of each phase of tower construction.

This information should be validated by IMC and EMC to enable contractor to commence

civil works of each phase and each part of transmission line.

➔ NTDC needs to install and maintain an updated database to track the schedule of

construction activities, updation of LARP in parts, APs information and their payments

process and complaints recording and resolution information.

➔ Engaged internal and external monitoring experts to the projects before start of

construction work so that NTDC can issue both types of monitoring reports to confirm

disbursement of payment to APs before start of any construction phase.

➔ Strengthen and streamline ESIC in NTDC’s business operations, involving ESIC

meaningfully in project planning and implementation, and in inter and intra agency

coordination to cut delays in land acquisition, implementation of LARPs and construction


➔ Provide more resources to ESIC to improve ESIC’s in presence in the field/periodical field visits, establish a central resettlement database and computerized management

information system (MIS) which will help in tracking payments to APs and validating

progress. LARPs need to be improved to have construction and LARP milestones clearly

defined and closely monitored to keep implementation on track and avoiding delays.

Payments to APs also need to be monitored and verified by EMC before handing over

right of way (ROW) for construction work.

➔ To ensure the compliance of rehabilitation work/back filling at site, it is also

recommended by consultant that the invoice submitted by contractor should be linked

with safeguard compliance and should be dully verified by ESIC for further submission to

ADB for release of payments.

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PICTORIAL PRESENTATION with MEETINGs WITH NTDC, ESIC and Field Visits to project sites

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Pictorial view of field visit

Tower at Dadu Moro TL site Progress meeting at Dadu Moro TL

Meeting with NTDC, ESIC and contarctor staff at field site Jamshoro-


View of TL at Jamshoro-Moro

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Pictorial View of visit Site Lot 2 Dadu – Moro Transmission Line

View of field meetings at Tando, Dadu, Moro TL Meeting with NTDC officials at NTDC Hyderabad Office

Veiw of meeting at NTDC hyderabad office Progress meeting with NTDC and contractor staffs

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Pictorial View of visit Site

Consultation meetings with APs at Jamshoro Dadu TL Consultation meetings with APs

Consultation meetings with APs Consultation meetings with APs at Qazi Mahr-Rahimyarkhan TL

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Pictorial View of visit Site

Consultation meetings with APs at Jamshoro Dadu TL Consultation meetings with APs

Meeting at Lot 3 Consultation meetings with APs at Qazi Mahr-Rahimyarkhan TL

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Pictorial View of visit Site

Consultation meetings with APs at Lot II Consultation meetings with APs Lot II

Consultation meetings with APs Lot II Consultation meetings with APs at Lot I

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Annex 1: Route map of transmission line of sub project of tranche 3

Complete route map 500 kV Jamshoro-Moro-Dadu-Rahim Yar Khan Transmission Line


Route Map to Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro

Route map to Lot 2: Dadu to Moro

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Route map to Lot 3: Qazi Mahar toRahim Yar Khan

Route map to Uch-II to Sibbi

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Annex 2: List of subprojects

Tranche-III Projects

1. 500 kV Transmission Line Moro-Dadu-RYK Project (600km)

2. 220 kV Uch-Sibbi Transmission Line Project (125km)

3. 220 kV Mansehra Grid Station and Associated T/L Project

Tranche-IV Projects

Grid Stations

Sr.No Name of Project/Grid Station Type

1 220 kV Lalian New

2 220 kV Chakdara New

3 220 kV Nowshera New

4 220 kV D.I. Khan New

5 500 kV Gujranwala extension Old

6 500 kV Rewat-Augmentation

of 500/220kV Transformer


7 500 kV Jamshoro Extension Old

Transmission Line

Sr.No Name of the Grid Station

Associated Transmission Lines

Length (km)

1 220 kV Lalian 220 kV Gatti-Ludawala 08

2 220 kV Chakdara 220 kV ShahiBagh-Mardan 80

3 220 kV Nowshera 220 kV Ghazi Brotha-ShahiBagh


4 220 kV D.I Khan 220 kV Chashma Nuclear-Ludawala


5 500 kV Jamshoro extension

220 kV Jamshoro-KDA 33 10

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List of final subprojects of Tranche IV

Sr.No Name of Project Scope of Work EPC cost (MUSD)

Status of PC-1

1 220 kV Nowshera GS

i)3x250 MVA T/Fs

ii)In/Out of 220kV Ghazi Barotha – ShahiBagh D/C at Nowshera (5+5Km)

20.2 Approved by ECNEC on 06.02.2008

2 220 kV D.I. khan i) 2x250 MVA T/Fs

ii) In/Out of 220kV Chasma Nuclear Ludewala S/C at D.I. Khan (100)

30.7 Approved by ECNEC on


3 220 kV Lalian New

i) 3x 250 MVAT/Fs

ii)In/Out of 220 GhattiLudewala D/C at Lalian new (4+4 Km)

13 Approved by ECNEC on


4 Augmentation of 500/200 kV and 220/132 kV Transformers in NTDC System (Rewat)

Augmentation of 500/200 kV and 220/132kV T/F 1x 145 MVA with 1x750 MVA capacity at 500 kV Rewet

9.1 Approved by ECNEC on


5 Ext. at 500 kV Gujranwala G/S (required for interconnection of T/L from Neelum Jhelum HPP with Gujranwala G/S

Two 500 kV Line Bays with two (3*37) MVAR Shut Reactors (one at each line bay) at 500 kV Gujranwala GS

15.2 Approved by ECNEC on


6 iii. Extension at 500 kV Jamshoro

i. Extension of 3rd 450 MVA, 500/220 kV T/F at Jamshoro 500 kV substation.

ii. A 220 kV D/C T/L approx. 10 km on twin bundled Greeley conductor for looping In/Out of Jamshoro-KDA-33 Single Circuit at 2*250 MW NBT WPP.

9.9 PC-I submission to MoW&Pon 30.08.2013

7 220 kV Chakdara New

i) 2x 250 MVA T/Fs ii)In/Out of 220 kV ShahiBagh-Mardan S/C at Chakdara New(85Km)

30.3 PC-I Submitted to MoW&P on 04.07.2013.

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Annex 3: Checklist/Questionnaire of APs Satisfaction Survey




Name of AP_____________________

Type of impact ___________________

A. Knowledge of resettlement procedures

1. Do you know about the objectives of this project?

Yes No

2. If yes could you tell us what is the objective of this project on your household?







3. What will be impact of this project on your household?







4. Have you been informed about the compensation policy?

Yes No

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5. Have you received the public information booklet by NTDC during DMS?

Yes No

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6. How would you be compensated?

In cash don’t know

7. If cash how much will you be compensated for the lost?

(a)____________________ (b) Don’t know

8. Have you been compensated?

Yes No

9. If yes, were you satisfied with the compensation?

Yes No

10. If not satisfied why?

Yes No

11. If no, when you will be compensated?

(a)___________Month/year (b) Don’t know

12. Do you know who are the members of the resettlement committee at the village


Yes No

13. If yes, could you list them?







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B. Grievance Procedure 1. Have you had any complaints related to the project, such as compensation,

technical and general project related disputes? Yes No

2. What is your compliant about ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

3. Do you know if you have the right to voice out your complaint in cases of disagreement or problems that arise from the project? Yes No

4. Have you heard of project compliant register? Yes No

5. If yes have you used this to explain your problem? Yes No

6. Whom should you contact first if you wish to verbally lodge your complaints and problems? (a) DPCs members (b) Project Level (c) headquarters level

7. Do you have grievance register boxes places near your villages?

Yes No

8. If yes have you used it to lodge a complaint or suggestion? Yes No

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Annex 4: List of NTDC officials contacted in field

Source of information of field data contact persons of Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro:

S.No Name Occupation

1 Mr. Fareed Ahmed Sadiq

Chief Engineer

2 Ghulam Mustafa Executive Engineer

3 Muhammad Yaseer Executive Engineer

4 Mr. M. Tufial Ahmad Assistant Engineer

5 Mr. M. Nadeem Ashraf


6 Mr. Anjam Muhammad


7 Mr. Waseem Hassan Field Manager

8 Raees Ahmad

Source of information of field data contact persons of Lot 2: Dadu to Moro:

S.No Names Designation

1 Mr. Shuhab Ud Din Senior Engineer

2 Mr. Ahmad Yousaf Engineer

3 Mr. Qasim Ali Engineer

4 Mr. Shahab Nasir Engineer

5 Mr. Salman Ahmad Engineer

6 Mr. Usman Jehangir

Site Manager

Source of information of field data contact persons of Lot 3: Qazi Mahr- Rahim Yar Khan:

S.No Names Designation

1 Tahir Hussain Assistant site engineer

2 Anwar Ali Site Engineer

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Source of information of field data contact persons of Uch-II Sibbi

S.No Names Designation

1 Ayaz Ahmed Junior Engineer

2 Dawood Aziz Construction Manager

3 Muhmmad Zain Ul Abadin

Junior Engineer

4 Abdul Samad Construction Manager

5 Akhtar Hussain Senior Engineer

6 Asmat Ullah Khan Junior Inspector

Source of information of field data contact persons of Manshera Grid station:

S.No Name Designation

1 Shahzad Ahmed SDE NTDC

2 M Ahsan Hussain JE NESPAK

3 Abdullah Tahir JE NESPAK

4 Afzal Humayum Senior Sociologist

5 Mujahid Iqbal Electric Engineer

6 Shahid Saleem Assistant Director Environment NTDC

7 Pir Tariq Said Executive Engineer NTDC

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 5: List of APs contacted in the field

List of APs consulted at Lot 1, Lot 2 and Lot 3:

Sr. No. Name of DP Sub-Project Tower No. Contact No.

1 Hussain Bux 3rd Circuit Lot-1 82 2 Syed Husnain Shah 3rd Circuit Lot-1 83-84 3 Ali Hassan Shah 3rd Circuit Lot-1 83-84 4 Muhammad Eisa 3rd Circuit Lot-1 83-84 03073086682 5 Syed Shafqat Ali Shah 3rd Circuit Lot-1 87-89-107 6 Mushtaq Ali 3rd Circuit Lot-2 104 03470020292 7 Muhammad Shachal 3rd Circuit Lot-2 105 8 Barkat Ali 3rd Circuit Lot-2 105 9 Talib Hussain 3rd Circuit Lot-2 103 10 Gulbaz 3rd Circuit Lot-2 103 11 Naik Muhammad 3rd Circuit Lot-2 103 03033782252 12 Ghaus Bax 3rd Circuit Lot-2 103 13 Hafeez ul Reham 3rd Circuit Lot-2 104 03013383740 14 Niaz Ali 3rd Circuit Lot-2 101 03013942857 15 Muhammd Khan Kundar 3rd Circuit Lot-2 101 16 Azhar Sarki 3rd Circuit Lot-3 234 03083141846 17 Muhammad Anwar 3rd Circuit Lot-3 228-29 03006720223 18 Muhammad Arif 3rd Circuit Lot-3 228-29 19 Muhammad Tariq 3rd Circuit Lot-3 228-229 20 Saif Ullah 3rd Circuit Lot-3 230 21 Ubaid Ullah 3rd Circuit Lot-3 227-228 22 Sarwar 3rd Circuit Lot-3 227-228 23 Mushtaq Abbasi 3rd Circuit Lot-3 226 03025694064

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 6: Letter from General Manager NTDC Hyderabad for Payment of Old Concrete

Towers of Lot I, II and III

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 7: Compensation payments for dismantling and reconstruction of houses Lot III

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 8: GRC notification of Lot 1: Jamshoro to Moro issued on 28th February 2016

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 9: GRC notification of Lot 2: Moro to Dadu issued on 28th February 2016

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 10: GRC notification of Lot 3: Moro to Rahim Yar khan issued on 28th February


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 11: GRC notification of transmission line Uch-II Sibbi issued on 23rd February 2016

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


Annex 12: Compensation payment to APs

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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018


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Multi-tranche Financing Facility 0007 (MFF I), Power Transmission Enhancement Investment Program (PTEIP I), Tranche 3: 4th Quarterly External Monitoring Report (Resettlement), Oct-Dec 2018