Download - 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

Page 1: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


See for othcr copiei, Ricu (3.M.?. Cat.), i i , p.756b; BodI. Cat.,438-410; Pcr tsch (Bcr ' l inCat . ) , p .97 sq. ; Ethé ( I .O. Cat . ) ,767-777;Aumcr (Munich Cat.), p. 47; Fliigcl (Yienna Cat.), iii, p. 286 ;Browne (Camb. Cat.), pp. 395-396; ctc. Scc also De Sacy (Notict,sct Extraits), p. 197 sq., {or cxtracts in tcxt and translation. ThcUrdir translation is callerl thc Khir.rrd-Àfrfrz (describcd in thcSupplcrncnt).

(Duuitl Ántlcrson.)

34L.r r y '



tr 'ols. 169; 6 in. by 5{ ir . ; I l inos, cach 2! in. lorrg; *.r ' i t tcn ir i

clear Nasta(liq, lvitir hcadings in rcd; bountl iu plain lcathor'; copicilby thc owncr, Mfiti-I,a'l son of Miihan-La'l, a I(tyath of Nlur.tor in

thc lanbhal (probably Sambhal) district I boars scals of l(isri-Singhfrom ,r.n. 1200 (.r.r-r. 1785).

This is t complctc copy of thc Gulistiin of Shai\lt Srr,rli Shrrirzi,rvith numcrous Elosscs on thc malgins, consisting of tn irrtroduotir_rn:.rnt l cight chaptcrs: ( l) fol . l }a, (2) fol. 50n, (3) fol. 77b, (.1) tol. 100á,(5 ) 105a, (6 ) fo l .124u, (7 ) ïo l . l29 l t , an t i (8 ) fo l . 148ó. For pa l t i cu la rsantl rcfcrcnccs scc abor-c. 1{o. 104. YIIL

(Drtrt t l Lutttg.)

342.r r l

(ir \'4^'

' Gulistán.

tr 'ols. 1i]-1 ; 9l iu. b1-5{- in.; 13 l incs, each 3} ir l . lolg; rvr. i t tcn inclcar Nasta'Irtl, rvitir hcaclings in rcd ; bountl il plain lcather. ; collicclby M[ti-la'l sorr of lliija-lliim Keyath Anbaslrt, at Haziri-]ag[,e .u . 1206 (e .n . l7 Í l l ) .

This is anothcr coupletc copy <,rf $lraiLlf Sa(dï's Gul.istan. It isclivitled as usual irrto an introduction and cight ódó,s (chapters):fols. 9ó, 37b, íBb, 77 a, 80a, 96o, l \Aa, and 1 15ó.

(Daticl traing )


343., t y '



Fols. 119; Bin. by 5in' ; 14 l ines, cach Slr in ' long; wri t tcn i rr

ord.inarr- Nasta'liq, with hcatlings in rcil; paper binding; copicd by

'Àbcl al-Ra'[f ; not datetl.

Ànothcr completc copy of thc Gulistirn, clivitlccl as usual into an

introi luct ion ancl cight óal1. ot fols' 7á, 1lb, 55a,74a,77b' 92a' 96a'

ancl 109a.

344.t t l



l'ols. $2 ; 11.| in. by ? in, ; 17 lincs, cnch 4ï in' L-rng ; writtcn in

clear f{nsta'lïq, with heailings in rctl inh ; whitc foolscap paper; bounil

in staml,r:tl lcathcr; not datcd.

Anothcr coruplotc copy of Shail,h Sa'iïi's Gulistan' Jlegins in thc

usual rnitnn.r' ( Bobart llroun' 1

345.t t l



Fo ls . B0; ?1 t in . t ry 4 | in ' ; 17 l incs , caoh 2 ; f in ' ; wr i t t cn in

Nasto,licl; not datecl ; thc niLruc of -\nclrorv Àrmstrong is scribblcil in

poncil or thc fi.rst Pagc-

ThcGul is tánofSa ' thcomplc to . ' lbcd t lnc { ra l tbcg insasusua l '

346.r r y '



Fots. ?7 ; 12 $ in. by 7f in. ; 14 line s, each 5à in' long ; writtou irr

Nasta,liq-shikastah-ámiz, on blue f oolscap ; datetl e.u. I 234 (.r. n. I 8 I 8 ) ;

Page 2: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire ofCaptain Scott, the Commandant.

Another copy of the Gulistán of Saídi.Segins in the usual manncr,



t r 'o ls . l l7 ; 9 ,L in. by6in. ; lB l incs, cach 4 i in . long; wr i t tcn inclear Nasta'lit1, with heatlings in lcrl ; bound in stampctl docrskin ;colourcil lincs round thc pagos; in thc colophon it is statctr flrat thiscopy was transmibetl for Mirzii nloe.hul 3eg by $lraikh llnhi-Iakhshof íÀzimabÍicl (latna), ' t.u. 7237 (,r.o. 1821).

From this copy of thc Gulistirn thc first two lcavcs aro.rnissing.

(Dauirl Laing.)


r r ld\:&Jè


tr'ols. 21 ; 9 in. by 6l in.; 18 lincs, cach 4in. long; written inNasta'Iq ; not datctl. t

This MS. contains only thc first chapter of thc Grrlistán of Sa,ili.

' s49.t r y '



Fols. 17; 8gin. by 61tiu.; 18-16 l ines, cach 4in. long; written inNasta'liq ; not dated.

This MS. contains only the fr,-gt brlb of the Gulistnn of Saídi.



Á-u ut+TÍti-námah.

Iols. 28; 9 in. by 7l- in. ; 15 l incs, cach 5 in' long; rvr i t tcn in oloal

Nasta'liq ; slightlY soilerl.

This is au incomplete collcction of tlLc 'Iales of u 1'alr-ot, cont:rining

twclvc storics (on fols. 1o, i \a, 4h, 5n, ih, l}u, 12tt ' ,73u, 15b' |Bu' l9b'

and 25á). 'Ihc tales rvcrc origirr'ally written, 'r"u' 730 ('r"l' 1330)' by

Ziye rrl-Din, whosc t(À.Itullus (poctical namo) was " NlLkhshabr,tt anrl

r",,n,10r.otl subscrlucntly into I rilolc simplc stylc by }fuhamrnatl Qir.tlirÏ

i r r t h c s c v c n t c e n t h c c n t u r y o f t h o C } r r i s t i a n c r a . I , i t t l c i s ] r n o r v n

legaltling Nal<\shabi.

llcgins :' ,

- ts\);JrK,,.,r-' À:*sé 9r'l' ri'5\r9 L)*^n 9"L51'r'r,'-r Jj\ d'Ëi

dt - +, ltj .,\tL -r.a-l aí *r.\'" ,\rbo[ j\ é.

OÍ. Ilotll. Crt,, 1975 and 2t)2u ; trlicu (B'I['P' Cat'), i i, p' 7541'

Ethó (I.O. Caí.),752-754; Àumcr' (Itunich Cat'), p' 541, ctr:' Tlrt'

Itnglish translation by lÍr. Ghtlrr.irr is tlcscliberl in tlrtr frulrlrl(]lr){'rlt'

Scc also ttrc Urclfr vcrsion tntlcr thc hcacling " .rjt'í\!|'"


,,r\r-Jl ,r,*-.Ma'ilan al-Jawàhir.

I ro ls . 212; 6 i i l r . by ,1 i l l . ; 17 l i r rOs, Ouch 2 l iD . Iong; $ ' r i t t cD i r r

Nasta'lity vcry lihc shiklstu,h ; co|iotl by Àmrat-Iiái, a I(hatri of

,,!2.Írnabatl (Patna), tlurilg tho govcrnorsirip of Nawri-Íb Í':lrujÍ'

: r l -Dau lah , e .u . 1188 ( . r . r r . 1774) .

,! ooilection oÏ ruord tales, rvhich tvcrc origilally conpilerl li' t,lrt'

Ernporor Jahángir by MullÍ Daulat-Iihirn "larz1" (soc his ttrttrttr itt

the colophon), cccording to the last linc of thc lvork (- J q,;U

r\io\r r.-(;\-= ,-'\-:-í;, rvhich is its chronogram' ^ rr' 1025

( e . n . 1 6 1 6 ) .

Page 3: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

314 Mrsctt,raNnous cot.r,ËcrroNs.

The present complete copy is, according to the inilex, on fols. 81,artl 9a, dividerl into twenty-thtee babs (chaptcrs) :

B.e.l. For,,

L S a

II. 73a

III. 35b

IY. 491,

Y. 52b

YI. 55b

YII. 57 ()


- u\-U.l, arL- Jlr, 1 e\:?;,\-

{^-, -\."rr u-.i.i- o\.-r -,J

IX. ( iua

X. B7b

XI. 1151)

xII . 118,.

XII I . l22a

xIV. r26b

xY. 131à

xvl 133a

XYII. tltb - .d"-$ I c-'1,- s\K- f, ,u\ ,.slS ")r(

o\^t ,o

- J u(trr7*'tiiJ .st6'.i(* eï*?;.,- eT {-Vi t ,sr\rL-\;i ;--.,L, rc

. -,,K.rit rr\í eb; ,*iJi à\( ,"

. -,rLl^Jl y:i2,\(\^:, cÊ*1.- ,ll2-l eL.,r.'

XYII I . 13Ba

XIX. I | ia

xx. rsrb

xxl 155b

xxII. 76Sb

XXIII. 200a


The preÍace begins :

sVn i s/(:fa-,-:,\,! aío;- !.J,,1.r-llg- r-Àl\.j .,r\t *,'kr

/ 1 - r-^--!i!t oséÍ ̂ ^'( O\r: ry'':'!\, ,\,,\.',L

For other MSS. see Ithé (I.O. Cat.), 793-79ti ; Sodl' Cat' '

464-465; Pertsch (Berlin Cat.), p' 893; Aumcr(Munich Cat') ' p' 60;

Rieu (B.M.P. Cat'), i i i , p' 1038 ; ctc. (famcs Ánderson.)


y'\e:]l e-r*-Ma'tlan al-Jawáhir'

F o l s . 1 8 ' 1 ; 8 | i n . b y 5 ] i n . I 1 5 l i n c s , c a c h 4 i n ' I o n g ; I ' r i t t c r r i n

clear $hihttstnh - Na-.t :r ' l Ï r l ; t lntcr l ,r .rr ' 120(i ( l 'o ' 1791); cop;ist '

Muhaurttrttd llurirb of SÍrangpht'.

A cr-,llcctiorr oÍ rtrorrll itncr:dotcs, tLc sltttte ils rLbot-c'


, o J l - ' ,

n"or' ur-oïíí

F o l s . 3 9 1 ; 9 à i r r . b y 5 | i r r . ; l T l i r r t l s , c l r r l ] t ' l i t l . l r l r r g ; r r . r ' i t t c r l i r r

elcar Nastu, ' l iq; dlarvirrgs ott 1, l to oo\ 'ols ; r l i r t t ' r l Jc1'|ut ' ' r ' rr ' 1170

( e . n . 1 7 5 6 ) .

,I,hc roruancc o[ Ptiucr ,!Ita,b untl I'Littfcs-s Àleirtlb l-r1']\liÍhtlacl-

[]l1ln, pocticnlly styletl ,, IlrL).) lr?," rvlro, accol't'litrg to its clrrortogll&ln

in vcrsc at the encl , " r-,\:o\'1 c;L*jl .J\Àj\r," composcd it'

, r .u. 11011 (r.r. 17{Í l) . , \ I)1.rrrctrt11'this is the origiual I IS' Àn i tr t l t- 'x

to all thc pïoper roluos occurt'iug in thc tcxt is givcn at thc bcginrring'

,I.lic cornposition is iutcrspr:r'scrl with ntrmcrous Ïorscs. Thc authoi'

statcs that hc hcartl tho tale frour it Darwish, calleil sháhNtztr

'Àh UIáh.Scgins :

f I - t,\rí-, È\- J ,p-1)ï sr Éi.\-*: (.*\-! .5r ,-\--\ - ' " |

(Dat i ' l - ' ! - r t r l t t ' tu t t ' )

Page 4: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

316 rrrscr,rr,r,-{Nnous cor,r,EcrroNs.


. t t . . r r o . .

ó-u, /rJ\> 4.4J

Qissa-i Hàtim Tà'i.

tr 'ols. 172; 8| iu. by 6 in. ; , , tro.r, .o.h A+io. lorrs; rvr i t tcn int l ist inct Nastrr ' l i r1 ; bounrl in stampcrl lcather; datei l .s..u. l lgg(.r.n. 1775) ; tltnscribcrl by [laikh Mnzhar-al]irh b. Shaikh K]rair.-alliih.

Thc *'.r poPular. I'ornarlco of J{irtim 'lir.'i, who flourishcil bcfo.c thebirth oÍ nlul.ranrrlatl. His mausol:un mlly still bc seen at a litflcviilrge iu Ycnrcn, c:rllctl Arrlvard. Hltirn, whosc ailventurcs arcrcc,rrlcd i'this nIS,, has rLlivays bccn r.cleb'atecl i' thc ltrast for hisgcnclosity, l'isr.lorr, lurd valour..

llcgins :

. . . . 1 . : l a t r , , ' z(j:-'\:'rb,./r*,)-i u-rJ,e!!"! a.j\-1, J>-\í;_. r1.r^ 'r$ rqV

!t - tr: a,r.> .\rJ y'*, a.Lc dlll .,L ,.5-fí, -\,r-saÏhís rvork has bccn tr.nslatcd into Urtlii, .ntl .n llnglish r.r:r.sion of

it u'as matle frorn thc lrcrsiar by Duncan Forbcs, Lontlon, e.l. 1gJ0.Cf. l lot l l . Ctt. , :149 (z) ; Uthó (I .0. Cat.), 280-?8s ; l t icu ( l i .M.p.

Cat.), i i , p. 76.1 ; ?crtscf i ( I lor l in Cat.), p. 991 ; Áurnor (I \ [unic)r Cat.),1i. 55;

. tr [e]rrcrr (Copcnhrrgcn Cat.), p. l ] i ] ; I i .orvnc (Crnrb. Crt.),

p . 3 9 9 ; ' c t c .


a}j*. rlo i^U

Qissa-i Hazàr Mas'alah.

t r 'o ls . 74 ; 9 in . by 5 l i r . ; 11 l incs , cnch 2 j in . long ; l v r i t t cn ingootl Nasta'lit1, rvith hcrrrlings in rctl; bouncl in plain leathcr, ; notdatcd.

'Ihc story of thc h'incc ol llinu altl thc ?rinccss of China.Thc tlaughtcr of thc lrt€Èfnr or Eurpcror of China, on bcing

solicitotl in rnarriage, mrkes rr lcrpcst to ]rcr father that shc may be


allowcd to propose lcarnecl questions to her suitors' antl promiscs that

whcnever ?ropcr answcrs ancl solutions arc givcn by any of thcm sho

wi l l immec l ia te lyagrcc tobcmanicd ,bu t re t lu i rcs 'on thco t l i c |h r t t t t l '

t h a t s u c h o f h c r s u i t o r s a s a r e u n t b l e t o g i v e p r t l p c r i l n s w c l ' s s l r a l l l l t l

put to tleath, ancl thcir propcrty antl cffccts confiscatcd for hcr usc'

ih" E*p..o, conscnts to this rctlucst, and accorclingly thcsc conclitions

arc publishcil throughor.rt thc cmpilc' A number t''[ princcs lplcar in

coniquonce, but all of thcrn bcing unablc to answcr thc qucstions oÏ

the Princcss, thcir hcntls itr'(j crtt oÍï antl thcil propcttv confiscatctl'

A t i c n g t h t h e s o n o Í t h c l ( i n g ' r f l ï f r m , b c i n g c x p c l l c t l f r o r r r h i s o ' w t r

ilominions by il usulper, rrttivtls t{tcr lr' varicty of lltli'cnturcs at tbr'

cap i ta lo fCh ina ,anc lh t la r i r rg . l f thecont l i t ionsr t l so lvos tounc lc r tak t .

t o a n s w e r t h c l m . ( } r t l a t p r t l p a r ' a t i o n s l r r c a c c o r t l i n g l y l u t l t l l r t t h t l

court fol thc importrut oorcÍron) ' Thc ?rinccss of China appcars olr

a th ror rc ,and in thcp lcsOnccr l l } rc r f t thc ran t l r r l l thcnob lcsproposOs

a numbcr of intlicatc antl difrctrlt rlucstions to thc lrinco of llim'

who not only answcrs thcm lrll to thc satisftrotion of thc Lrinocss, but

by thc 0lcgancc of his murlrcls antl Uur bcautv of ]tis Potsotr cttptir-atcs

hcr affcctions. I[c aftcrrvlrrtls in his turn ploposos lr rltrcstiolt to titt'

Princcss rvhioh shc is inctpal lc of answt,r i t tg: this lotds tt t rL t t tr \ '

incit lcnt which ariscs from :r st l l t t l lgctt t lv lr i t ' l r slr t 'cottt t ' i l t s i lL otr l tr t t ' t

obtain fron-r thc Pt ' i t t t t t : l r i lustr l Í l t solt t t iott ' r l ' l r is r l t t t 's l iorr ' ' l ' l r t ' stor '1'

cntls rVith thO mrtr l i l rgc of t l r t ' l ' t ' i t t Ir 'ss 1o 1, l tr : I t t i t t ' t ' r l ' l i f rrrr, rvl to is

thcrcby cnab l : r l to l ' ( ' i r rs t tL l , r ' l r i s i ' r r1 l r , ' r i t t l r i ' . r r l r r r i r ' l t l r l , r t r l i t t io t ts .

Th is s to ry i s rv r . i t t t : r r i r r ' r 1 , l r r i r , r : l s \ s t \ l t ' . ' l ' l r t ' g | t ' r r1 ob jcc t o f i t

i s cv i t l cn t l y to in t t r r r l r t t t t l r r r r l t t r ' ' t i ' r t t s u l t i t ' l r : t r t p lo |osc t l by thc

Pr inccss . Thcy arO i l r i l 0 l r0 l i i l r I t i 1 r r ' ,1 ; t l t t i r ' , r rn t l l tavc lLhnos t a l l o Ï

thCrn somc dlusion to tr l t thrLttt t t i l rrLtrt t .rr l t t ' ts : tnt l history. ' I 'hc t luthor

is I ' Iaulàna'Abrl al-( l l rrLí" 'rr"

Ilcgins :

.s" J;l

This is thc

cf. for otlicr

and 798.

sJ'J)\ u'---J\J11 sr'd\*l\ .--., ai-l"^-*l\t ,

Jl - u,4 uÀt.l,db s^>9ii e\rrlr-i1 .r-í

xrr l plototypc of Gozzi 's antl Sch' i l lcrts ( 'Ttt tr t t l r l ' t " ;

vcrsions of thc samc story Ethó (I .O' t lat ) , 71)7 ( ' l ())

(Dat i l ' ln t lc t sot t . )

Page 5: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the



Jl^ol\ g:.-rr " éI^ll .j^- L

Qissa-i Saif al-Muluk-u Barh, al-JamáI.

Fols. 60; 9in. by 5,r in.; 1l l incs, pach 2t in. long; rvr i t tcn ingoocl Nasta'lïr1, in thc srnnc handwriting as thc above ; slightlyinjulcd lrr. insccts; boirnrl in eilt-stamped lcathcr ; not clatecl.

Thc lovo-storv o{ Princc Saif al-l,[ulirk and ?rinocss Badi, al-Jamál,rr talc arhpturl ír'om thc Árabim Nights. Thc sccnc of thc novcl isin Eevpt lnr l t l rc t imc that of I i ing Solomon.

Roa ins :

L:-'r^i -\ir_,,J aí ,ri1 ,r9í c---,.\.r r,:.r--,\-jT r)Li U.rt.*lr!.r!l r

t,l - +l .ea;à éÀt-$.,U a-l' a-ÏJl i9\* y/^;:),r\,r-Ltr'or tliÍlclcnt vorsions of thc srmc story soc lticu (3.I\[.P. Oat.),

i i , p . 7 ( i la , I ; l , ) thó (LO. Cat . ) , 78u-792; J io t l l . Cat . , 461 ; I ' c r tsch(Bcr l in Oat . ) ,

. l 04 ,1 , p . 996; F l i igc l (V icnnn Cat . ) , i i , p .27 ; r : t c .

(Dauitl Ánthrson,,)


alLs- al-Jl iàj

0issa-i Dal i lah Muhtàlah.

F o l s . B l ] ; 9 i n . b y 5 | i n . ; l l l i n c s , o a c l i 2 | i n . l o n g ; w r i t t c n i ngootl Nustir'lir1, in tlrc s)tnrc hnncl as thc ,bovc ; bountl iu plain lilccllerrthcr ; lot datcd.

Tht.. aclvcnturcs of Drrlïlah (hcr.c t-rittcn ali-,, Dailrli) Muhtalah inth. tirno .f th.

-[iLr]if']r Jtrirr-r' rl-llashitl at I]agltlid. Thr' storics

:rrc full of rLlturrlrr.,ss rntl c*rf| as rlisplavcd by Dalilah, thc iroloinc,and havr: bccn :rrlrptcrl from thc Àrabian Nights. For thc ltocticalvclsion of tho sanrt stnl'y, s1'p abovc, No. 808.

Bcg ins :

a-It.:1 j; o1"r;r.r *r^:,Jl ,._,Lo r.:-j!l-i a"l, ,-\ .rí .rl1 19í.JrC

- -*ii c,:r- L)*l:.Ij-..r, u^:!111 ,l->ro aí pt;

(Daoirl, Ándersan.)





u":.rc 1\c ts A\-1

Risálah tlar 'Ilm-i 'Aruz'

1,'o1s. 56; 7È in. by 4in.; 15 l ines, cach 2) i i l ' long; writ tcn in

r-rcrrt Nasta,Iq; bea,rs rr scnl oÏ Tt]ir Nuhammatl Kliiur, of ,t.n. 1182

( , r .u . l76B) .

A rvt:ll-knolvu trcrltiso on I'crsian prosorly by Maulánrr Saifi of

Bul<luir i i , r t lso t,rr l lct l ' , \ ruzi (r1' ' r ' r t ' 1)09, ' r 'n ' 150i3) (sct ' ' :rbovc'

No. 296). It rvas colttpilctl, accot'rling to l chronogrtrm at tho cntl'

r . u . 8 9 ( j ( , r , r . 1 4 9 0 ) -

licgins :

.,,1-., ,\':)\ s\.- to;s*\\,.lt J'-- -tJl a"L!*^lt

,lt - aíorl ,i -".tu e.L;t r--rl.r dí

Cf. l i icu ( i l 'M.P. Oat ' ) , i i , 1t 52í \a; I I " j ' K l ta l ' ' i i i ' p ' ' l 19;

l l ib l iothccn Sprcngcr, 1572; Cat ' o[ I ( ing 's Oolkrge (Crtrn i r r i r lgr ' ) ' 207'

I t ] r a s h c c n c t l i t e t l l v i t l r a n . t r l ) n i 3 l i s } r 1 , t . l l r r s l : r í i r l r r l l - v I I . l l l . ' r , l r r ' l , . t t I r

r u r t l . c l t l t c t i L l t r o f " I t r , r s , t r ' 11 ' o l ' 1 . l i c I ' r ' t r ; i l t l t s , " ( l r r l c r r t t ' l r ' ' r ' r r ' 1 f l 72 '

( | )rr.r i d .'1 P1l 1' Y'trttr")

. ) t r í lr ) r ) . ) .

' - '* ' \ : -r ; \1:

0,. l .vr.r ' i r l ' i Fi irr i

l ' o ls . . t0 ; 7 l i r r l r v l l i r r ' ; l l l i ncs , t raoh 2 | i l ' l on i4 I rv r i t ' t cn t t t

Nasta,, l iq-shik1s,f:111-, i .nrrz I iniut 'ct l ; l rot dated.

A short trr:ut i : , t ' r)rr - l l : t l r l l l lar by l laushln 'Àlï ÀnsiLri r i l ' ' t rrrrt tr l rut

( r l i c i t abor i t , \ . r I . l :2 ; ) , r . r r . 1 Í110) " rvho rsas pro fcssor in th r ' ( lo l l i ' q t ' r r t

F o r t \ Y i l l i l r r r r ' I t l l , l r t l i t r t r o i l t r o t i o n i t i s s t a t c t l t ] r l t l , 1 , l r r ' : t t t l l t r i t .

compil t tr l this r i 'olk 1"rr l t is scn Ïa4l ' ; \ l ï ' Tho f irst f i r t t t l i ' l i ' t : ' ; t t tr

badly injnrcr ' l .

Page 6: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


, Segins :

d"ïJl $I-rl--él Jy, r-^*j, a-lll>, _e JzrK ar_rlT ua- jl ".e

Jl-rtí l a.r l-sl. .2p!1 ^[ a.]

Cf. Ricu, ii, p, t|57à, III, and Ethó (I.O. Cat.), I{os. 2520 ar.d 2i>21.It has bcen printctl at Calcutta, t.t.7232 ancl 1249 (e.n. 1816 andlB3í)), antl lithographctl at lucknon-.

(Ilobert Brown.)



*-,Li r:^J

Lughat-i Fàrsr.

Ïo ls . 68 l ; 12 in . by 7 . ] in . ; 2 l i i ncs , cach 4 ,L in . long ; rv r i t t c l in

clcar Nasta'hq ; bound in plain lcathor; not datcd; two vols.

.A.n incomplotc Pcrsian lcxicon rvith cxplrrnations in lctsirrn,

rmangcd in alphabctical ordcr. In its prcscnt form it is divitlcrl as

follows :-

.:' (t) fol. 7a ..r (t) fol. I2a


- - r - f i u n t l c h )( r , c ' "; ( k l L )

j Q ; .

1 Q )

j (s t r )

tr Q)

V ( z ) .

s (sh)(- ".-'

J ( c r ) .

, , 20a a


, , 9Oa d (d )

, , l 6 4 a 1 G )

,, 27Bb 1;* (s)

,, 324tr, r,,. (l)

, , 3g2b t (!)

. , t rTb L ( , )

,, llÍta (-, (f)

,, t>261 J (k)

' , , : ' óu

. , , 1271)

" , , l 7 2 b

. , t 2 :17a

, , : J 7 0 a

' , , 400b

. , t .420a

' , , 1 9 l a

. , , 57ob

(D u a i rl, Án ch.'r t o r o. )



362..:lo171J\ v3\-e, c:,Ur!êJl .í^,\5-

'Aje'ib al-Ma!!rl[qàt'u GÏara'ib al'Maujndát'

Fo ls . 165; 10 ] in . by 7"L in . ; 19 l ines , cach '1? in . long ; rv r i t to r r

in clear Nasta'liq ; iniurctl by insccts ; contains numerous illustlations,

both plain anil colourccl; bcars a scal of a sctvlnt of Shah-'Àhm of

thc fi.rst year; plobably copicd in thc clcvcnth ccnturv oÏ tlrc Hijrah.

À trcatisc on cosmoglaph5- translatcd from thc ;lrabic of !.r'kariyyit

a,l-Qazwini, tr clcsccnclant of {Ins b. (Imam) }IÍlih. Thc translator's

namc does not Lrppcar, but tlrc mthor is introtlucotl irr thc Íollotving

tcrms (sce fol. ló) :-

J2.s4r cJ-J A, ,-l \-L ríj .r\--Jl i*-\ st.ií o-:> r'rr 141

LJJ|- d *il ,1.r.; -; ,i i\ ,\s dL.n, aJI-}l ,r),i .r;.-',;-iJl .r;ll

3("{ rrl aí ,'L;

d-L d'-i-l\ ,r!or-.'li", ól e:.2 a-i-11 ..r-," l\ - p-,rí r\-l..-l ,-^:.í ó*t-1 j\,iil ,!r, ;l\ ,--ir\r- ,*d\

\ - | t / "

(Tho blrnh spuccs leprcsent worcls wliich lurvc bccomc oblitoratctl.)

Thc llritish Muscuur copy (scc lticti, ii, 1't. {íDb st'r1') corrtairrs irr tltt'

luthor's preface a clccl icat ion (not fount- l in thc }r. int0r1 Arrr l i i r . i ,xl) tr l' Izz al-Din Shthprrt ' b. 'Usmhn. ' l ' l r t ' rro1r1' t l t 'scl i l r t :r l i l r Vit ' I r t t l r

Cataloguc (scc l l i igcl, i i , pp.5{)( i ;-r0s; is ' tr l t , l r*-"1\r iJ\ i - is", ' tnt l

a r :co |d ing to the co lop l ro t r ,1 ' l l t c s t ' r ' t t t t t l r ' "1 '1 1 l r . t r ' l l r t : I ' t ' t ' s i l t tL 1 ' r l tns -

l a t i o n r v a s c o t l p l t ' t c d i n ' f r t r n i t l i l , , r . r r . S l J o ( - \ l : r r ' , l r r r l r ' , . T . r r ' l l t l i r ) '

In thc prcscnt copv t lr t ' r l iv isi , , t ts ol l l tc rtot l is rr lc l ' rr l l l - r : tr trmcll t tot l

on fols. 9a-Ll.

Thc bcginniug coitrci t lcs rvi l l r t l r t ' Àtrrbir, t t 'xt :

f r- *'1r-;)\ t-r:sns."-'\iJ\ ,':U l-. ftl.l\ ,--(l\rl

'\r.r-í]e eJJ 'r^r;*Jl

For othcr copics st:c l l icrr, i i , pir. '16:- lá rrnt l 995a ; Fl i igcl, loc. t i t . ;l lot l l . Cat., 397-39t] ; l t r thó (1.O. Cat.), 712-714; ?crtsch ( l lct l in

Cat.), p. 367 scr1.; Lcytlcn Cat., p. 2iB; Srorvnc (Camb. O:rt.) '

pp. 208-210; ctc. 0{. rList-r l laj . Kl ial . , iv, p' 188; S. do l{ ircv,

Chrestomathic, iii, 1ip. t l l-450' Tho Arabic text has bccn ctlitt'tl b5'

F. lViistcnfcld, (.liittingcn, a..n. lB48' À Gcrman trittrslatiorr 1'1

I lr . H. Ethó was l tuhl ishctl at Lcipzig, e.n. 1868. Thc tcxt l tr ts lr t ' t , tr

printcd at lclrcrr lr , .r .rr. 1264 (.r.1. 1848). (JamLs l tult t . :r t .)

2 l

3 2 1

Page 7: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the




19\ iz'-ts1 .-:-'ot*-r,r oJbRisàlah tlar Sa,àrlat-u Nuïlsat-i Ayyám.

Fols. 27-38; 6] in. by 6] in. ; l3 l ines, each 2à in. long; writtonin small Nasta'lir1, in thc samc hantlwriting as the 'Ismat-námah;

scribc, nfurta?,t Quti Qazwïni; t latcd r.u. 1066 (e.n. 1665).

Àn cuuncration of a fcw lucky und unlucky clays, with hints forthe remcdy oÍ o'il. It is ascribcd by 'Ali b. !ir'[s to thc sixth lmánrJa'far b. Mul.rammarl al-$ádiq, r,r'ho dicd e.n. 148 (,r.n. 765). Thcpresent version is by 'Ibatl-alliLh Nuhamnrarl Bahr b. lluhammarlTaqi. Thc namcs of thc days aro writtcn on thc rnargius.


urL{ -1-' r:'i-'*-rl 4-!\-, 'S


À-lj Jt,Fál.nàmah.

Fo ls . 1 lb -13 ;6 ] ' in . by 6 | in . ; 1 i3 l incs , c r rch 2 | in . lons ; wr i t ten

in small Nasta'liq, in thc samc handwriting as thc 'Isrnut-nirmah, ctc. ;scribc, l lurtaf{ Quli QazwinÍ; r latct l l . rr . 1066 (.r.n. 1655).

Thc book of divinations asmibcil to ÀIcxantlor thc Crcat. It

contains in tabulrr form thc namcs of thc twelvc divisions of hcaven.

the zorliac.Scgins:

'-S\í r-rrl,r-11 j

,-)\; ai.Jl .r*-l a-Cl -u

! 1 - r\.:,,:lr r.r.,.fu I

r t i l : r l rCJ1,ÀJ

l-r'; I i-r. J

Á-IJ J^31

!1 -.r"rT(_

(Duuíl Ánduson.)

. a,-iJ.r^=ll


Dauid Ánderson.)


865.. r . t t .

d4\r d \J


Fols. 13á*14; 6| in. by 4]-in' ; 13 l ines, each 2], in. lorg; l 'r i ttcn

in small Nasta'hq, in thc same handwriting as thc'I;mat-nlrmah, ctc' ;

scribc, MurtaZÍ Quli Qazwini; clated r.n. 1066 (,t'r. 1655).

Another book of divination ascribcd to 'Àli b. Abi Tilib (sce abovc,

Nos. 6-8 anil 264).


f t - sr--, ()u1J -t\i-:c\r .r*íp í.:)r--;-> i^U .1U

( - v

(D' to id Át td ' rxon')


À^u JtiFál-námah.

Fo ls . l4a-15 ; 6 , ' i l . by 6 - ] in . ; l3 l incs , each 2 l ' in . long ; rv r i t ton

in small Nasta'lit1, in tltcl samc hanthvritiniJ lrs thc 'I1mat-nirtnalt, ctc. ;

scribe, MurtaZrl Quli QazwÍnï; r latcd rr.rr" 106(i (r ' rr . 165ir).

This trtnslat ion frorn thc Àrabir, of tJr0 srun0 'Àl i l r . Àl i i ' l ' l l i l r rvrrs

mailc in vcrsc by l l lwajrrh l l ls,sl ir l :r l - l )rn Wrrtrvi t , (11' ,r .rr. 57ft,

. t .1. 1182), a poct, t t 'ho ' t t ' l ts nrttcr l I 'or lr is l l r tr ly rvi t . l l t ' rvlrs thc'

contcmporary of Àttrvtrr l , trn,1 n'ot ' ivt ' ,1 t l tC tt i I l t t tr t l t l r ' ' r l ' " \Vlr!r t i i t t '

bccmsc of his cxtrcmcly stnl l l strt t t t l 'c.

Begins :

e^a-1é,rUi:.c\r aíro 1)1*11 aJ" r;.'j,r11,.-..1 *:-1j- i-U JU

Jl - .u.-,t " r .

( D ut, i il,4-rt rl c s tt tt,)

36?.l . t t .

Àa\.t r)\:


Fols. 1-l l ; { i }- in. by 4r. in.; 13 l ines, each 2à' in. long; rvt i t tcl in

small Nasta,lirl, in thc same hanclwriting ns the 'Igmnt-nÍrnrLlr, otc. ;

scribe, Murtaz-+ Quli Qazwini; clated a'u' 1066 ( l ' l ' 1655)'

Page 8: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


A book of divination. It is ascribed to thc sixth Imám Abi'Abd-allir,h Ja'far b. Mu[rammarl surnameal ,,Sediq," who {icd e.n. 148(e.r. 765). ft is statcd to havc been treasured by the l(halifahs anclconstantly consultetl by Sultan Mahmfiil of G-]razni. Thc Slrahs ofthe Qurun are thc hcadings for thc guiclancc of thc answcrs whichfollow.


.+_9-. r--rL;4 r^i r-l aíl a,r . o* ai.Ja^Jl

{t - ,*"-t , : . ;-+r,

Scc ll icu (II.M.P. Cat.), i i , p. 800ó, I; anrl Ethó (I.O. Cat.), 2264.

(Dnrtd Ancluson.)


a-\; c-'lr;- r*:*jTa'bir-i Khwáb-uámah.

Fols. 15á-18; 6, in. by 4] in.; 13 l incs, cach 2| in. long; writtcnin small Nasta'liq, in thc samc hanilwritihg as thc 'Iqmat-nirmrh,

ctc.; scribc, Murtaz[ QuIr Qrzwini; i latcd a.rr. 1066 (,t.n. 1{i55).

À booli on thc iutclprctation of tlrcams, ascribcrl to thc ?roplrctYirsuf (Jo-scph). It is diviclccl into twolvc ár;ós (scctions).

Bcgins :

/1 - sj-1 a,tÀ4 rJ-cl r-r;*:w , i\1é- ,::o r11 aíl .r1

(Duuírl Ánduson.)



{s--Li .^J.c;.1


Risálah ,fhr-i Firásat.

Fols. 27; 9 in. by ó in. ; 15 l incs, cach 3 in. long; writtcn in failNasta'lïq, with hearlings iu rctl ; .slightly injurctl ; transclibcd bySayyicl Àhmacl, in thc.l0tl i ycri 'oÍ Aurangzib's rcign (a.u. 1107,e .o . 1695 ) .


A trcatisc on thc soiencc of ph5'siognomy. 'I'ho rLuthor"s ttrttttt'is

not given. 'l'he rvork consists of two m,aqàlaás (chaptcls) :

L To1. 1á, l>-L-í; ---l .j .'1-t J,.-,1 ;J (on thc principlcrs o1i

physiognomy, in fourf.s/s or scctions).

II. Iol. Ba, Jt -.r 'UU'e p!",.r-,1 )e|e e\y2.,j r-\ (on the' ( . . v " l " 'ncccssitics, cffccts, signs, ctc.), in trvonty-or'rc bibr or

scctions. Thc ph;sioguomy antl signs of : (1) ttrc hcad,

(2) thc forchcatl, (ll) thc cycbrorvs, (a) tho cvcs, (5) thc

losc, ((i) thc r:rtr, (7) thc lips, tccth, antl mouth, (8) thc

voicc, spccch,:urt l l tughing, (9) thc chin tnd bcart l , (10) thc

frcr:, ( l l ) thc ncch, (12) thc shouldcrs antl chr:st, (13) thc

uppor arm trnd clbox', and thc lorvcr t.rr fotc-artn, (1{) thc

hantl, tho palm, thc fingcls, and thc nails, (15) tlro biLck,

tlre rbrlornon, thc hypochontlria, (16) thc loins, tho hips, tnd

thc lruttocks, (17) tlic gonital olgans' (18) tho llrec, thc

Icq, rrnt l tho foot, (19) thc hair, (20) thc gait, (21) tht:

physiognomy ol rvomcn in gcncral, thcir movcrncnts un(l


l leg ins :

a-l-l, .r-,.-=:' Ár:r.>J ÁJr-, *L irHll sr3^!t"11 .-," , .tl-r^-)\

alUi.r;órl -)f ,--'\rí or.1 'lr-' ,rí,-1,-i1-t -r-'\^, 'r.t'' l'.1 - c,,::'r7\

:11 - r-:-"-l

( ,1 t tn, " ,1nr lcrson.)


d-rU Á!\--:


Irols. l7 ; 9 i l . by r i i t . ; 15 l incs, cach ; l in. long; n'r i t tcu i tr {rt i t

Nasta,lrrl, in the sarnc llrutlrvriting as the llistllah tlar 'llnr-i I"ir'Ístt;

scribe, Sayyit l ÀhuurlI t lLtct l e.n. 1107 (.r.o. 1695).

, lnothel t l trrrt isc otr t ' l t rr soir:nce of physiognomy, inclut l i l rg lrrrLtrr istt .r ' ,

by Kili-Dás }Iinth. L,robably urc author is irlcntiorrl Nrtlr tlrtr

celebratcl l l inr l i l l ioot rvho f lourished eithcr in thr.. t i int ' , ,1' l i rr j r t l r

Page 9: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


Yikramirditya, tolvards thc commcncemcnt of thc Chlistitrn cra,

or Rajah 3h[j (.n.n. 1040-1090). He wrote his ccièbratctl worli

Nalodia, exhibiting a t olclcrful combination of allitcratiou (trtnslatctl

into Latin ancl publishccl by Fcrdinandts Sinary), a history- of l{alrt

ancl Damyanti, and pocms called l(umara Sambhu,wa antl Mahir Nátak.

Thc prcscnt rvork is divided into twcnty-one babs or chaptcrs ol

the following pnrts of thc boclics of both tntn ancl woman: thc heacl,

thc forchcatl, thc cycbrorvs, thcr noso, tho eycs, thc lips, thc toeth, thtr

tongue, thc chin, thc bcarcl, thc throat, thc car, thc necli of man, thc

neck of woman, the rvrist, tho linr:s in thc right hrintl of man and lcft

of woman, thc brcast, thc chcst, thc bclly, thc navcl, thc pcnis, the

testiclcs, thc vagina, thc thigh, tlrc solc of thc ícct arrtl thc lincs on

them, thc mouth in thc act of laughing, thc molos, thc sliin, thc

countcnancc, antl thc statulc of l'omcn.


é Jt*; a-i-!l Jr..-\ ,l,r-, s6Jt-'J\ .J, Á-Llr^Jl

!1 -,,\*;1 e:'!1.'1 .,,J-.., r:-. iJ.i\ .rÈ*' ,.-,\ .( *.- '-,1111

(Jamcs Andersun.)

xx. 00NTn0\rElts\'.


,.-l1.rJ\ cir-.^

Maírifat al-Ma7áhib.

I ro ls . 4 ; 10 ] i r r . by 6 , ' in , ; 2 i ) l i ncs , cach 4 ] in . lo lg ; l ' r i t to r r i r r

beautilLri snrall l{aslilL, in thc siurLc }rantlrvritilg asthc JÍnrit al-lluniÍz

(abr-rve, No. 159), about thcr cl"rso of lhe clevclrth ccntury o{ the

Hijrah I scribo, llul.urmnat-l b. Jalirl al-Drn al-I(hurrisirnr.

Àn cxpositiol oÍ u fcry minor tcncts of thc scvcnty'-tlircc sccts

among thc Mulumrnltlirns. It was rvrittcn fi'om u Sunni point oÍ

vicw, containiug chirrlly thoscr articlcs rvhich rvcro jutlgcti rvoltLy of

censure b;. the author', Mal.rmhcl àl-Ttrhir Ghaz'.ili, r:omluonly callccl'í Nizhu of thc Maclra-qa-i Jalrli." This art of hanclling rcligious

tlifrcrcnccs was not knorrn iu thc infancy of Islàm, but rvas introducccl


when sects sprrg up ancl articles of Íaith bcgan to bc t.lisputctl. Its

stutly was absolutcly rojectecl hy thc Imám al-Sháf i, br.rt tllowcd

only uncler extreme caution by the Imám al-Qlrazirli. 'I'hc ptcsent

treatise is clividctl into sevon./zrsls or chaptcrs :

I. The Sunnitos and some of their rcligious obscrvances'

II. Thc lhl'itcs, in twclvc infcrior socts:

(1) alj\s-l , (2) a i.r;l , (3) .{.:.\-\ , (+) Áir+j , (5) aÏ*--3, ,

(6) Ái-\5 , (7) a-Ï/-c , (8) a i-c! , (e) .t-l-+-\-.,-:-^ ,

(10) <r.l-:..1ra , (11) aii:27\r, (12) 4jrju .

IIL Thc l(herijitcs, in trvclvc ilfcrior sccts:

(r) 4.lj\, (2) alitrl, (3) al*:>l , 1+; a:-I' j, (5) ar-.1\7 ,

(6) d,:ili , (?) zd>-!.r.I' , (8) ai;f , (o) ailrí, (10) ali:.<r ,

(11) al j l - . " , (12) Àl,r(s".

IV. Thc Jtbarittrs, in tl'clrc iulr:riol scots :

(1) dd-l\ ' j \, (2) Ài*r, (Í)) dí-> , (+) 4!ra , (5) 4li.r\- ,

(6) rJl!*í, (7) /.-ir-1.-,;.-'t, (s) .*.^, (9) ,\)*.r'r-i-- '

(10) 4- ï , \ :J , (11) À- ' . /C, (12) . ! .La: . . .

V. Thc (Jat lLt l iar ts, i l r t t t t ' l r - t , i l t [ t ' t io t : rc t : t " :

(1) a,ï-r,r>\, (2) al. ' \*-í, (;;) . i i .:. j , ( l) .rÍrer, ( ' i) À:j\t- j; ,

(6) dí - r r - I , , (7) . r * r ' - i - , , 1S1 . \ - , j - t , ( l r ) ' r i l i ; -a '

(10) 4 j* í l^ , (11) , t l . . tL j , ( l : l ) a i^ÀJ.

VL 'Ihc Jahamians, itr tl'trllt ittlcrior sccts :

(1) a5->, (2) Á5r\-jj , (il) .'.--:;c , (4) diti , (5) d-yli ,

(6) Á;!- iJ, (7) alt*^, (B) 4.i-=4!--, (e) ni i \r-,

(10) a5_2J.-<,, (r1) a)91' , (12) ,L:ilL .

YIL Thc l[urjians, in tn'clvc inlcrior sects :

(1) d:Jr*xl , (9) À-cÀ-,r, (3) 4^*, (1) ÀS,Li , (;) L:'1,1;- ,

(6) a;ï!, , 17; aljL.l, , (B) Á51.s, (e) 4:J-ó.' , (10) .Ui.l':{,

(11) / ' .1!.:*.r , (tZ; aI6-,1^-.

Page 10: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

328 ilrscnll,ÀNEous cot,l,ltcrroris.

Thc author har. also quotcd, on fol. 44, soven otlitt'sccts takel from

the wolk oï Abi Qasim ltizi:

(l) Àj^lí, (2) &Y/À-\, (3) a5;\.:' , (l) Àjr>\rl, (5) c-tL ,(6) ,\:^Àti , (z) Lïl-51.

'Iho introthrction bcgins :r ' lrjt .,- ,orbll ,!lJ\ rr-',r.llrr\Hl -rr^3j1 .rilr^=Jl

Jl - -Jt"r- :.^,t>;)-l:t-.1 -j.*- rrru .rl),. .rl2= ,ql 1^\7

(.Iunres Ánrluson.)


.rj!..:-' *'\-.: 5, ,.: *j\J.,, 6..1,Jtrawami'-i Rabbáni tlar Radd-i Shubahát-i Nasráni.

Iols. l -1-1 ; 9] irr . L; '5] i rr . ; l i l i los, crrch 2i irr . long; ' rvr i t tcn in

gootl Nasta'liq ; all thc Àrabic tcxts are rvrittcn in rcrl ilk I a fcrv

pages at thc bcgirrning aro tlrtmrtgotl I inscct-cltcn ; bcitrs trvo seals

respectivcly oI tr ' iLzi l- I(hr1n (,r.rr. 1114, ,r .1. 17{)2) rurt l l iu{ i t l - I(hirn

E.asani ; copyist, Mnl.raturt utl llusuin.

À trcttisc giving the nluslirn sitlc in rr controvot'sy rvitlL .I. Xtrvicr,

and irr virxlication of I.qlam. It rvus compilotl, accortling to numorous

rluatruins at thc elt1, cach linc of 'lvlrich fontrs t chrologtam, in

,r.u. l0i l l ( ,r .r . l { i21), b1- lJrr l ' f i t l Al.rmatl b. Zait r1- ' , ibi t l i t r :r l - 'Áltrvi

al-'Ámili, who a ycal latcl wrotc rinothcr work callcrl ,-t \.t- .-Ui".c,.

Li ,:;* ir-iT ir5\"J , in rcfutation of Gcronimo Xu'icr''s "Defence

of Christ ianity t ' (scc this l 'or l i , t lLc - i t inn-i l lur lr lnumii ' , No. 6B), rvhich

he tlcdicatctl to Sheh ',\bbÍs of Lr,rsia. ,t ïull lccount o.1l thc prescnt

work is givct by S. lcc in tlte prcïttcc (pp. xii-ci) to }fonly Martyn's

" Controvcrsial Tracts ou Christianity antl lfohanrrlctlanism,"

Cambrit lgo,,r.r . 1 824.

I3cgius :

,^,t- s<, )\ 7:s- rí,J,,.1;t .;r,\-:--r-' a-í --.'l-rt ?1.;L utÀl(

dï - ' !i . I r , t , ts Ándffson.)




L*,rlr.o r:rt*tó

Qit'át-i Khushllatt.

tr 'ols. 31 ; 1?} in. by 121in.; ornamcntcd lnt l r ichly coloutct l ;

a rvolk of tho tr'rnth ttrcl clcvcnth ccnturics of thc Hijrah'

This is an albunr corLtlrining valuablc spccimcns of l'ersian pcnm&n-

slrip in a varicty oI citrLlactcrs : Nrts[u'h'g, Nasl"/t', RuihLrt, Tartgi"

Muftaqqorl, Iligtl,','tt',t\ 9rtls. 'l'ltoy arc 1'rastctl, largo otrcs in thc ccntrtr

ànrl small oros on thc mlrlgins, on thich p&pcr (1'l''sii'!), antl bear thc

foliou,ing signaturcs, l'lriclL alc all in Nasta'liq : IIir' 'Ali, M;ilik'

Allm atl al-Husaini, M l' iz z tl- Din lIu l.r arnmacl al- J{ u sainÍ, lf uh am mad

Ifusain tl -'Iairrlzi, Sultiil l[uhamtnatl NÍr, Sulttl \fuhamnrad

,: Khandán," anil SlLiilr - Mahrnitcl Nishàplri. 'fJrc albuur bcsitlcs

contains trvo linc portraits of ladics atrcl trvo othcr picturcs I t]rcsc arcr

in black inh.(Ii. lt. I)irttt'íttg, f'C't'i')




l7 ;1 in . by l2 in . ; cnr r r r re l l t ' , l g i l l l , i r r r l i r rq ; s l i r l r t l l - i l r ju ro r l ; r r rvorh

of thc twclfth and thirtcorrt lr t l t t l r tr '1 ' r ' t t '

. Ihc contcn ts o f th is \ r r lu rn0 i r l , t , : N i r t0 toer t (1 t i l i r r . by 11 ] ' iu ' )

l lnt l tcn (13] in. b1. {) l in.) l ror '1 r ' [ i ts ,url ! frLl ly t l t ' l rwn, rvi th scvott

(13-Lin. by 9{ in.) go0rl s1,r ' , . i rrr0rrs (rxrr by Tl[ ' i r1t1) of cal igraPlry' .

Thc pictures arc by lrrr l , i rrrr rrt t ists trxccpt trvo, rvhich arc in I 'c lsirrrt

stylc, ancl have bct'tr lirtsttrtl on goltl - sprinklctl papor' llogllrrl

Emperors antl f)rintrr,s (irl(,lrrcling Sirblr' lLnrl tÀlamgir lLnrl l'Iilzh

Jarvan-Ilakht, rviro rlit,rl lt ilangun iu exilc rvith ]ris fathci'IJalrÍ,lrrr'-

Sháh I I , e . r r . 1302, , r . r r ' 1884) , thc Emprcss Mumtr rz -n l rh r r l ( t l r t '

fnvouritc wift : of shnlr irhrrn, who l ics buriccl in thc rvorrr lr l l rr l ' l ' ;1. j-

Mahal at Ágra), nlul.r i l rnm[t1an Walis or saints ( inclut ' l i rrg Klr$' i j rLIr

Qutb al-Dtn Jta. l i l r t iyar l i i rki , 11..r.n.633, ,r .n. 1235, lnt l i i l r i r i l ih l"rrr ir l

Page 11: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

330,r,ANrous cor,l,ncrroNs.

al-Din Shakar-Ganj, t l . e.u. 664, e.n. 1265), 9nd Hinclfr Dcit ics(including Kanhyyirji ancl llirmchanilarji) ar:cl Baird,gis (ascctics),clephant fight, bathing .a!, t"lta aha,ts, ctc., arc thc subjocts of thepicturcs.

@. M. Binning, Z C.S.)



i l l - ) l , . ' : -<.I

Makhzan al-Akhlàq.

Fols. 257 ; 9]iu. by 6] iu.; l5 l ines, cach 3!.in. Iong; .writtcn inrlistinot Nastr'lu1 ; slightly injurccl by worms ; probably copicd in thcolevcnth ccntuly of thc Ilijrth.

A collcctiol .f r. isr,t ' l l i t 'r,.us rvrit ings i ' p'oso and vcrsc b1'dií{crcntauthors- This }ls. i'its tlctails is oxactly tho samc as that clcscribodin l l icu (l l .M.f. Out.), i i , p. 7UG.

It consists of:

L c=-r9ldl *.--! (tho lLil.,at al-Qulnb), on fol. ló. SrLtiricalskctchcs b1' Ni'rLrat-1(,1rar í, ,Àli

" (scc I.[o. 82), bcginning :l t i r l

-\ - a,r,l, alllr,*l i- el"', 17ill-J .s\- ,a d( lr"'.ríí ".F- ".ri.ríCï . Ricu, i i , p .796a; 3or l l . CLr t . , l l57 (7) ; Ethó ( I .0 . Cat . ) , l í i5 t )

( r l ) ; c t c .

IL .l!T;l*o -",U, ltne \\rat;r'i, Ifaiclarabacl), on fol. B0ó.À satirical rccortl of thc sicgc of tfaidar.r,biid autl Golkundah(1or dctails sco abovc, No. 82) by thc samc.

III. slt"c.^ O*-- (tho l,[nsn-u ,Ishr1), on fol Sió, An rllegoricalstory ir rnirctl prosc ancl vclsc, by thc samc, bcginnirrg :

t'h-,u eíí -'\:-r'1 eriii 'r

,jtrq ?iJ.\^3 .i,Às r;-^.,-r>

For othcr copics soo ilictr, ii, pp. 703ó aucl 796a; J3odl. Cat., LL57(6) and 1159 (3); lcltscJr (Jir:rl iu 0at.), p. 681. It has bccn printcdat Lueknow, e.u. 12ó8 (,r.r. 1842) ancl e.u. 1290 (a.,r. 1B7B); andwith a commcntar';- rt l)chli, e.n. 1260 (,r,1. 1844).


IY. A lctter probably by the same, on fol' 994, br:ginling:

l i t t

dl - ,!.b^ e\:-;.r 9 s\:.;o -s!ï7- ,,r{i- o-(--

Y. (1) Á.rr* , fÀi ,rb\:... 1ttt. lfunirzara-i Chaslutr-u Sulna)r)o

on ÍoI. 102Ó.

(2) 4j\.! t '-í)) irb\-t^ 1tn. Munlzara-i Zulf-u Shlnah), r-'u

fol 105á.

(3) .-,)\^> ,92.+an (thc MaTmin-i KhiyáIi), on fol' 108ó'

ïhc abovc arc thrcc sht;rt pir:ccs in prosu by Áqi Àbir al-QiLsim'

Cf. Ricu, i i , P' 796a.

Y I . O n f o l . l l 0 á , a l l t t e r r v r i t t o n b y t h c U z b a l i a m b a s s a d o r , a n c l

an answcr to thc same by Mirzí Muharnmacl 'I'áhir

r\:rsll ' i . tDltr t l.

Scc l l icu, i i , p' ?st;a.

YII. J1.:L;4 (thc J3tl,rr-i Tawil), on fol' 1121'' This is a short

piccc in plc,sc follorvc,l by scvcrrLl (tr'ttht it vcrso by Mrr

Styyitl (ÀI, poctically stylctl " Nihri " of Ispahirt," \Íhtr

. w a s t h c p o e t - l i r u r c a t c r r n d c r S u l t í n l l r r s l r i r r Í j i r f a l v i

( r . n . 1 l 0 i - I l 3 ' - r r e . u . 1 í ; ' J J * l 7 i J ) '

Cf. Ricu, i i , P. 796a.

VIIL rsi , \"-! ( t1c ( lrrzi-* ()rLrL), orr [o. l ' 11(iru' l t ntu;nuur b5

Ilul.rammltt l (Jrr l i , 1r,1' l i r '11l l1 st-t l t ' r l " 'Sl l i t t t" ' t t l to \ l ' lLs

a nativc <.rf t l r : l tcl i t t , l rrLt lr lLt l ( 'ol l l r : o\ 'ol ' lo l tLt l i l r lLtrt l l 'as

attac] loc1 to l \ t tr Í t . lsIÍr ir . l i lLÍrr. l I t . t l i t .r . [ l r t l ias}rnit ' ,

e . r r . 1 0 5 7 ( , t ' r r . 1 í l l 7 )

Scc l l i ou , i i , p . ?961 ; l ' ' 1 r t t ' r t ' r ' cL (Or r r l c ( l r t ' ) , 1 r ' 55 í i '

lJceins :"jtl,i;r; s,i

jr\r, ,t -!rr --1, i,\,1-1\ ':1:t f+:^:

IX. Short Picccs itr vt'r'sc b1' ::

( l ) On lol. . 122b, i !srL[-Juh, t l ic f i rst grclrt NizÍru (ci ' r ' rr ' 1101'

e . n . 1 7 4 7 ) .

(2) orr {o1. l2i ia. NrLrrwáb l lustam-Jang, whosc ot igirtrr l t t l t trr t

ryls r\ [urslr ir l ,ÀI i Khirn, antl rvho poetical l l - st1lt ' ,1 lr i rrr"r ' l l. .} f l t ) i l rnrÍt . , ' ; I t t l .was a uativc of S|rrat, i r t i r l r l i t :r l lL {t . tr

ycrus aftot' thc tleath of his patron, A;af-Jttl-r (sco rLlruve )'

C f . R icu , i i , I ' . 7 l | í ; , I Sp lcngt r , p . 194; c tc '

Page 12: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

332 MrsctrLr,ÀNnous cotrncrroNs.

(3) On fol. 127a, Murtazá Qulï Khin, poctitallystylccl (,WáIà,,'

who hail come from Persia, antl dietl in Bcngal about theclosc of the cleventh century .r.u. See Ricu, i i , p.796b; etc.

(a) On ïol. 128b,IÍulln Tugbrir of Mashhad, who was attacheil toPrincc }Iurircl-J3akhsh, and dicd in Kashmir in thc bcginningof 'Álumgir's roign.

Sce Rieu, i í , pp.7a2-7aL,796b,850á, and 875á; I todl . Cat . , 1BB9-1390 ; l c r t sc l t , 1 t . 24 ; E thó , 1586 -1591 ; c t c .

(5) On fol. 136a, a ntukltamntas of Sa,di (scc No. 104).

X. ()n fol. 1ll7á. Lcttcrs antl short picccs in pr.osc by Ni,mat-]{,hÍn ,, ,Áli " (scc abovc, I-III).

XI. On fol. 142ó. Á fou'satirictl picccs in vcrsc by tho samc,bcgiuning:

.:-l-;"^Y1. -li ,í.-,,\, .r.,i 1.rií

,.rr i q r--^. ' l .,1!. . J,ri. ï--., l l ,^ít,v . , t r . . . ) r / J / v - , /

Sr:c Ethó, 167I ; l l iou, i i , p. 796ó.

XII. On fol. 1-1uó. À lrirgc ruystic il,nslara; containing short talesantl rrncctlotcs on ruoral turtl othicrl nrattcls, by tho samc(scc ubovo, No. 1{)9).

(Robcrt Broutn.)




l'ols. (i-1 ; 7.j in. by-1 I in. ; rn'ittcn in somc lxrlts in goorl Nasta,liq-shilil,stah, nrostly in thc handrvliting o{ 'Ábtl al-Jarvr'átl, .rrho probably

rvus thc o \ \ 'nc r ' ; t l r t c t l e . r r . 1143-1155 (e .n . 17 ;10-1712) .

Short sclcctioris, nostly in vcrsc, from thc follorving pocts : À,zam-lJakhsh ; Àsar I Ni 'mat KLir ' r l l i

; Su., l ï Shirazr-; Wali ; I luhammatlJa'Íar ; Ghani I(aslrmïrï ; Ma2hab Ispah-rlï ; 'Abtl aI - Jawwacl ;I{u\hiis-llháu; 'Urïi Shirlzï; Khuslrtlitl ; Ahmatl ,r\li Payám; etc.

(Jam,es Anderson.)




877.g(n!'\ -.\r! e-.tKt'

Sargu4asht.i Rejahá'i A'zamga1h.

Fols. 33; Bl in. by 5] in.; 1l l incs, cach 3]- in. long I writ tcn in

fair Nasta'Iïr1 ; illuminatctl frontispiccc; bound in gilt-linccl lcathcr' ;

copiecl for thc tlonor at -A-'zlmgr1h, .' 1289 (.t.r. 1872,).

This is an Urtll r'crsion of tlc originrtl ?crsittn rvorli (soc ubovtt,

No. 238), containing a brief irccount of the rulcrs of A'znmgtryh. Thc

author (Sayyid Àmïr 'Alï R:rzrvi) is hirusclf thc translator'.

Bcgins :. t l r i i / l l . ' 7 : I

g-ylS ai- .5ilii r--t-;i.r2?

ii l, ftt *! *.rlu-- ,5^*-

dl - tp ,-- ,o\;- ,\p.(J. Ii. Lilitl, C.I.X.)



.r), 9\),:'tDiwán-i lVah.

l r o l s . l l u ; 8 , | i u . b y . 1 . 1 i r r . ; I I i i r r t , s , i r r t u o | ( | r r t r r l | r , i t u r r t t s ; [ ' r t i l '

Nasta , l iq -sh ihas tah-àur iz ; l x ) i l l l r l i r r l , l r r in l t ' rL l l r i ' r ' ; t l r , ' l r rs t i i . l r t l ' o l io '

arc batl ly injurcrl , t lLc r.cst tr l t ' l l r tclrerl rrp ; rr0t r lutt :r l ; l r tr olt l c01r.1.

Thc ly r i c l l poonrs o { Sh. rh Wl l i - r r l l t } r , rv l r , r $ ' r t s r r t l i i t i v0 o l ' ( i r r j ru i i t ,

but passcd thc grctr. tost plrrt of his t i fc ir i 1,hc l)Otrt.rLrr. ] I t ' \ \ ' rrs rLl ivr.

in ho Emporor ,Àllngir's time, anrl is bcliclr:rl to bc th. first 1r,t't *'lr,

wroto a complctc Dirviin in urrlir. up to thc timc oÍ wali rrrr,1 lris

contcmporirr\- $] iai l ih Zultrrr al-Din, poctioal ly styl: t l " I I i i t i rrr ," rvlrrr

livecl at Dohli, thc Intlian poct.s usually wrotc poctry in I't'rsirrtt.

Thc presont MS. contains:

I. Tinc gluzals arrangr:tl in alphabctical ortlcr, boginrrirrg :

tí sb.;or; c)* ef .i\i 5r^j u.r,rÀl:.-ílí uLl

",1r- t,í ,(l.frj e1r[-í

Page 13: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

334 trrscot,r,ÀNpous coLLDCTroNS.

II. Tarjz'dt, on fol. 107.IIL ]:[ukÁantmasa,t, on fols. 109 ancl l12.IY. Ruba'iy1at, on fol. l l l .

(Daairtr Ánd,erson.)


*L -to,rl!^Marási-i Hàshim ,AIi.

Fols.73.I; t t in. by 4r. in.; rvr i t tcn in clcar Nasta,I1rl , which insomc placos, cvitlcntly liy a tliffcrcnt hnntl, bccomcs vcry fair; theti t les arc in rcd ink; bound in plain lcathcr; datct l e.u. 1l9B( e . r . 1 7 7 9 ) ; t r v o v o l s .

Tho }hrÍsi or clcgics on 'ÀlÍ, thc son-in-larv of thc h'ophet, andhis sons and glanrlsons, b1'ffislim ,,\lI, onc of thc cclcblltcrl poetswho ffrst wrotc poctry in thc Urclii ltrrguaec. Hiishim, rvho livecl atan carlicr pr:riod than

-W-ali tnrl IIitinr, floulishcd in thc reign of

Jahangir at Burhinpiir, À.rÍ. 103(r, anrl t'ts still livinÍr ,{.n. 1056(e.o. 1621-l6rt6), antl from a r late (e..rr. 1016, ,r .n. 16BG) occurringon fol. 35 it follows that this rvas thc timc lvhcn hc rras rvriting hisclcgics. He was a tlisciplc of thc cclcblatcd Shail<h Àhrnad Firrfiqi,who tlicd at Sirhintl, n.rr. 1034 (,r.n. 1625). Hiishim rvts thc authorof scvcrtl othor works antl a Diwan, but accortling to thc custom ofhis timc thcsc wcrc writton in Porsian. lt fcv band,s by thc poctsrtKaTim t' and " Qltlirtt nrc also incluclcd in thc volumcs.

Ilcgins :

tí Ê1,J1 +^-: r-i!.i* ,--t*i J.b tj"i-.s:r ;1 "Ql [:; iifFor Jlirshrm's Diwirn scc Sprcngcr (Oude Cat.), p. 420; anil Ethé

(I.0. Cat.), 2898. Cf. also Ilcalc, Oricnt.}iogr. I)ict., p. 106.

(Dauirl Ánd,ercon,)



,--i}l ,*rtr.K=

Hikáyàt-i Latif.

Fols. 50; 9] in. by 7j in.; 11 l incs, cach 4!-in. long; written in.clcar Nasta'hq; not clatcd,


À colloction of scventy - six short entcrtaining storics translatcd.

from Arabic ancl Pcrsian. The diction of thc translation, hotvcvcr,

is inclificrcnt, anrl full of antiquatccl phrasos.

Bcgins :

?\\ - ,.+:, . i i-J , .L-lr , .í , 4i J-'1 r\., jrc *r( L.5' lJ-/ \^> / rJ L>


1 , : l't-'


I 'ols. 29 ; 9l in. by 7. ' , in. ; l7 l incs, cach '11in. lolg; s.r i t tcu in

Nasta'lrr1 in the tu-clfth ccntury ,r.n.

A fcrv short talcs of thc rvistlom of brrcls. In thc last talc thr-:

compilcr has dcscribcd thc contlition of Calcutta and Monghir as it

oxistctl rluring his timc. At thc cntl thorc is a short solcction from

thc locnrs o-t thc cclcbratctl l'lilzir nfrr]raruturld lhfi', poctically stylctl

" Sauc l - r " o f Do l r l i (d . , t .n . 1195, , t . r . 1781) .

llhc trlcs, rvhich arc l'rittcn in oll Urdu, bcgin :

í1 -

:, e:^À., ,\-a'-\ ,rí .:rii J'.\ ,i2:S 2s

(I iok't ' l f irou;n.)

1Y. - \ iJTtr ( )L()GY.


c,\-' J\iIàl-nàmah.

Fols. 13a-ó ; 6| in. b1' '11 in. ; I li lincs, cach 2lL in. Iong ; writtcu

in small Nasta'liq, ir tlLc stmc hanthvriting as the 'I;mat-nrLmah;

scribc, MurtaT{ Quli Q,azrvrrrr ; thtct l e.rr. 1066 (e.n. 1655).

A bool< of clivinrtion asclibcd to Shail<h Yaf;yir Munyari (ShtrtÍ

al-Din Alrmad, t l . r .rr. 782,,r.n. l380)i I cclcbratecl saint o{ lJihàr

(sce Journal of the Asiatic Socicty of Bcngal, vol. xiv, part l,

pp . 138-140) .(Duu id ,Tttdc rsoLt .)

Page 14: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

rl.) /



A. Arabic.



7:*.r.1)\ ,.F ; 'r."&iJl

Al-Takhbir fi 'ulum al-Tafsir.

!-ols. 1-54 ; 9{ in. b-r, ' 7i in. ; lg l inos, ctch ' l } in. long; ' rvr i t terr irr

cloar Nasl<h, ' ryi th ful l vorvci-poirrts ; sl iE; l t t ly t t 'ot tr t- t ' r t t t ' r t .

À f ragment o f Abu rL l -1 , 'u4 l 'Á lx i r r [ - l l rL l . r r r r i r r r J r r l , r l : r l - l ) in l r i r r l ( r t ru i r l

a l -D in Abï a l - I I : rnaq ib , \b i l J r r l i l rL l -Sr r l r r t , r r r l -S l rh l i ' i ' s ( , l i e r l , r . r r . 1 ) l l ,

e .n . 1505-1506) wor l i on t l r t : s t , i t : l t , , t ' s r i l ' ( ) r t t lL t t - r :x t t13 t ' s is , t ' o t t t l tose t l

e .u . u72 (e .1 . 1467-1468, scc fo l . ; ' i l r , l ,7 t t / , i t t . / ' t ' u :cJ i :a r . r - ; . j l À : - ,

with thc omission of the hunclrcrls), rrrrt l r t f tcrs' t t tr ls i trclut l : t l i I r his

most famous v'ort , ,,r,\ pjlr -i cr\iiil . It is tlivitlctl irrto

cighty { jr1,

but the prescnt copv brcl, l is abruptly oÍf alreath' irr tht '

e igh tecr i th ; the f l r ' s t beg ins on fo l .6ó , LLs t l ine , s ty lcd : J , ; !1 i / l

-.js.J1, rÍ-|"J1.

Begins :

6llr -rg ' ,i-.. alÍ, -r.l=- -.I" u[]r ,rI- .. r-*1]r .Jr-,lll ,il\ :*?

,-l-r^it ,rl- 111-c . " lr\. ,^.!'-)1 ;,..3, a,,ii-'-l\

"l ."-11 Ê\.,)1

I In the tcxt it is rLlrv.rys pointcrlr.--=ï-J1 ; sec, Ïor instance' l,il. ll.l. I rtlt irt.l 'ru.


Page 15: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

338 ÀpptlNDrx-AtrÀRrc lrÀNuscnrprs.

a^*11 \j,ri- gl *y|jl -r--c ,-ij.i lI,.,1 ,,";rJï,r.-.1 ,1S11 ,ll lt

.5-:1 e-rI*,J\ n)\c r,;11 J\,*í f)-t^\\ ;^àll ;L; aïtt ;tr-Utt;)\ _ _."i\ill .J!r*,i_Jlr! ,rl\ ,_j\r^J\

See on Suyfiti in general antl this l'olk in particular Srockelmann,

Geschichte t lcr anrbischon Litcratur ' , i i , p. 143sr1., and p. l{5, No.7.

(Col., Iohn Baíl l ie.\


(a) SuNrviru.


pri l j t lael1Al-Hitlàyat fr al-Furu,.

Fo ls . 1 t ) ; i ; 101- i r r . by 6 in . ; 19 l i r ros , cach 3 l i r r . l t - rng l rv l i t ten inlargc Naskh; ïols. 88 u.rrt l 89 srrppl icr l by anotht,r hantl ; heodirrgs inrerl ; a l i t t lo l l 'orrrr-catcrr; not clatet l .

' lho last part c,f Shaikh l lurhirnal-Din Abrral-I l rrsurr ,Al i bin Abil lakrbin 'Abtl al-Jul i l aI-X' larg\ ini ini 's (t l iet l e.u. 591i, e. l . l l97) farnouswork on Mul.ramrnatlrn lary acconling to the HanaÍitc school, also

styled -; .r :- i \ i l l . r"o c-r\ : í , "cc

No. l5B above, whcrc a similar

porti<in of tho rvork is tlescriberi. 'Ilne /;i|.als or books that appear

hcrc a re :

a. iàI l ,-rLí, on fol la.

*, l- ' ) l l é i ,^*i) \ (+Uí, on fol. 16/.

Árr!4J\ , .--- ' \r í (hcrc wrongly spelt lcl !- .) , on f.2Ga, l in. penult.

i\i\*^l\ ..--'\:í, on fol. il0li.

j t r i t t , - - , \ r í . on fo l .321 i .t .

i :=-)l e.r\í, tn fol. iJ9a.

.uo!íl ,.-,\:.í, on fol. 45à.

r.:ll,.,Jl 'L--1 .-tLí, on fol. 6{ó.

arr.l',)11 .-rLí, on fol. 73á.


u.Èll <-r!rrí, on fol. 80a.

,ojl\ c-'\:í (not intlicatetl in No. 158), on fol' 90a, first linc.

c-:\r\:*J\ .-,\:í, on fol. 121ó.

Jlt^)1 c.-rLí (h"t" callctl c;\;), on fol. 156á.

4-i\ c;U.í (again called .-,\r), on fol. 161ó.. . l r | /

..rL-!1 (+\Í , on fol. 189,, (the last tirree subiiivisions not

incl icated in No. l5B).

The whole 'worli rvas printetl at Calcutta (r.rr. 123'1), antl translateil

into English by C. l familton, London, 1791; second edit ion of thc

same by S. G. Gratly, Lontlon, 1870; another t tnnotated toxt-edit iou

appezrretl in Luchnorv, 1894. 1"or fullost refcrences as to the Àrabic

work itself antl its maniÍbltl commontalies see Ilrochclmann, i, p. 376,

No. 24 ; cf. also Hti j . I(hal. , vi , 479; I I i igeI (Vienna Cat.), i i i ,

p . 202 s t1 . ; Lo th ( I .O. Cat . ) , l {os . 211-220; fo r thc nune l 'ous Pe ls ian

adaptations antl comtnentarics sec especir l l ly Nos. 181-184 abovc, and

Ethó ( I .O. Cat . ) , Nos . 2593, 2594t anr l 2613.

( l ) [ r i ' r ' r ' r r .


,i.:.1, i\ .rii

Fiqh aI-Imámiyyat.

Fols . 250 ; 9 l -g i i r r . l r r ' í i i r r . ; l l i l i r t t s , r ' r t c l r ; ) ; i r r . l r ing ; u ' r i t ten

in Nas ló by t l i f f c lc r r t l t r t t t , l t ; ( , ) l l ' { ' ( r l i r ) l ) s l r r l , l r r r l , l i t i o t l s , bo th r r r t rg ina l

antl interl incar ; sl iglrt , lv wol rrr-oit1(rrr ' csplcir l l ly tou'anls thc ent[ ;

therc seern to bc s , t t t to l r t t : t t t t r t s , s i t t l t ' t l t t : c r r t t l t rvords on Íb ls . 6b ,23b,

| lb , I l7b , 142b,751\b , l1 ) ( i r , J0 ; ) r , rL r r r i 2 :17á t lo no t agrce w i th thc

f irst words on thc tt t 'xL lr tstrs; I 'ols. 10i3 antl 157 are left blank ;

not clateil.

' I 'he samc lrolt iorrcl ' t l rr : Slr l ' i tc lr trv-bool i by Sirej al-Haqr1, rvl l ich is

rlescribctl in No. lir :t)rovt', cxcept that a few bafu in that oopy must

havc bccn ovot ' l ,rol ir ' ,1 lrr- t ' l rc ioint compilers of the Àrabic l trLl ' t , of the

Cataloguc. 11, is :r trrt tgt ' t l nrost unsystematical ly, as thc fol lol ing

copy proycs. 'I'ho rrrrt,lrolities most frecluently quoted at'c thct5d

Page 16: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


êt(-)l , by Jamál al-Din al-Mulahhar al-Eilli, the head of the

imami sect in'Iraq tdied l.u' 726, e.n. 1326), see Aumer (Munich

Cat.), No. 372, atd'Brockelmann, i i , p. 64, No. 11; and the Ê:t3'\ r \ t t r l s

i .e. the f!-)l e:!jr, by Ab[ al-Qásim Najm al-DÍn Ja'far bin

Muhammacl bin Yahyá bin Sa'td al-FillÍ, the favourite law-book

of the Shi'ites, printed Calcutta, 1839; edited with Russian trans-

lation by Kasembeg, fasciculus i, St. Petersburg, 1862; see Brockel-

mann, i, p. 406, No. 4.


g:J\ .+\1, on fol. l l (with ttre ,Llï Fl i J-!, on fol ' 26b,

begins a new section).

,.p;rJ\: g"'.$l .- ' \,, on fol ' 45á'

*.PjJl .:!, on fol. 584'

,\;J\ c-r\l , on foL 73a (correspontling to the ffrst l'r;á only

of the ,\ *-lr-í of the following copy).

K/"il\ .-'1q , on fol. 8oá.

a..r,:; l \ ' . 'U , on fol. 92ó'

ar.r[Jl .-t\r , on fol' lo5a.

allr-J\ ,-r\-r, on fol. 110á (not indicatcd in No. 15 abovc, corre-

spooáingto thc secontl bah oÏt'he s\,r;J\ ,-.r\:í of thc follorving copy).

iJ\- i l ,- 'Lr , ot fol. 115o.

.tt\í;11 c;!, on fol. l27a (corrcspontling to urc third ár;á of the

g[^iJl .--\í of the following copy)'' ' l l I . r r ó t/ . -d l ( - ru . on ro l . tó ia .

.U); l - ' l r , on fol. 144a (not int l icatccl in No. i5).

-1.ï1 i . l> , .- t \r , orr ful. l5r*4.( . . / v t

À J \ , , ' \ , , o n f o l . 1 6 B a

,)1. .- t) \ .- t \ . ' . otr iul . 180,r.

a*ilJ\ c-r\,, on fol. 1920 (thc last threc làLs ue nol indicatcil in

N o 1 5 ) .

,,-;-i!nll ,.-,U , on fol. 202a.

JJegins as in No. 15. (Col. ,fohn Dailli.e,)


88?.Tup SlcoNl Qrsrr ol rRE sÀl\rn SnÏ'trn Llrv-rtoor'

Fols. 57-137 ; 93 in. by ?i in' ; 19 l ines, cach' 4,{ in' lorrg; rvr i t ten

in cleal Naskh ; occasional adclitions and glosses on the margin'

This portion of the Ficlh al-Imamiyyat is stylecl ci LJf\lï e*nll

oljiJl and follows closely the arrangement of the Êlí'-!1l,'t3 (see

the preceding copy). It is divirled into ten books (here called

.-'\:í) antl subdivicletl into lxibs atd' fagls'


f . i\i=il\ ./Lí, in twelvc b,ibs, on ÍoI. 57h.

2. u+i)\ r ; . iJ\ ,-r\- í , in three fugls, on fol. 8lá (:4$\ t+!

,rr$\s in the preceding coPY).

3. c,ÀiJl é .+td, in four .fasls. on fol. 884 ( : ,oll t-r\'r in

the precetling copy).

4. u*ln^Jl ./\rí, in five fa.sls, on fol. 96ó.\ t r z

5. /s\.Jl .?\'rí, in three Jagls, on fol' 104a.

6. \r\;J1 ./\í , in threc hàlts, on fol. 108à, 1' 2 (the frtst bdb,

L!\ní\ c-r\r, corrcspontls to thc .9[,rà1 c-tL' itt the prececling copy,

the second to tfte cllrJ\ r-r\r, tnrl tltc thirtl to the allí,!\ r-'U there)'

7. ) 'à\\ e-,\rí, ín fol. l lSa (no subil ivisions).

8. k/:dl .+\rí, in t lrrcc./asl.s, on fol. l laa ( : atàJl,-r\ l in the

prececling copy).

9. ;t i j lr 4rL;^lt ?K, in thrcc./osls, ot ÏoI.124a.

10. ;U\*Jl, . i"rFl1 .- 'Lí, in foury'rg/s, on fol. 1324.(Col. ,Iohn llaillit.)


srll:crroNs FRoM THD SeUn sncoNn Q,rslr ewo oTIIEB PORTIONS o!'TIIlt

fteu ll-LuÁMrYYÀr.

F o l s . 9 3 ; g l i n . b y 6 | i n . ; 2 0 - 2 5 l i n e s , e a c h 4 | i n ' l o n g l * ' r i t t c n

by a very uncouth hand. in a rnill kinci of $hikasta ; nany lin<,s ir. thc

text struck out; corrections, notes, anil aclclitions on tlre rrr:rrgirr (nll

verifiecl by the preccding MS. in thosc portions wJrich are cotttnton to

both copies) ; s.lightly worm-eaten'

Page 17: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the



(a) Portions of the second qi,vri :

u*UJ\ c-r\:í, ín five Jasls, on fol. 1a ( : kitáb 4 in the precealing


/Sdl ,-=r!.r,í, in three/asls, on fol.6a ( : kitáb 5 in the prececlingcopy).

4lUí1 .-i J[-ill , on fol. Bá, first line ( : kitab 6, first ód, in thepreceding copy).

pl .--,U.í, on fol. 10a, first line ( : kitáb 7 in the precciling copy.)L;1)^\\ c-'\:í, in two fugls, on ïol. 12a ( : kitáb 10, fagls 1 and 2

in the preccding copy).

!U \J l r - , [ , . í , in twofag ls , on fo l . l4a , l . 2 ( : k i táb 10 , fag ls 3

and 4 in the precetling copy).

There are consequently rvanting of the seconrl qimt herc: tho ffrstthree lcitabs, an index of rvhich is gir.en on thc flyleaf at the end, thelast two babs of kitiib 6, and tlre whole of hitábs B und 9, rvhile kitirb 10of thc preccding coJry is split hcre into trvo.

(á) Other port ions of thc rvorh:

atf i l l c-r l í , in scvcntccn .fasls, on fol. l i t ) , l . 2 (rvi th an index

on fol. 1Ba, fol. 17 being lcft blanh).

; ! l j . ] l , , ' \ l , in f f f tecn./as1s, on fol. 4iJa, f i rst t inc (with an index

on Íol. 42b).

aLJl -r\, , in fir', on fol. 12à.

,1,4Ë1 ,-'t, , in fivc;/ir.s/s, on lol. 5Já (rvith an intlcx bt'fore it).' ) l r .)1 , . .U, in four.y'r .s/s, on fol. 57á, f i r .st l ine.

,[.[]t c-,t, , in six lhsl:t, on fol. 59o.

a;r l1 c- ' [ í , in four.y'r-sl ,s, on fol. ( i3a, Í i lst l inc.

.7:.1.r111 c..-rLí, in four.firsls, on fol. 69/, Íirst line.

À-it íJÏ . :Lí, in tcn./as/s, on fol. 71l, l . 43 i s l I /' \ - : r ) l

l - r \ :S, on i 'o l . 7B' r (nu subdiv is iorrs) .

,! iJl c-'\:í, in sevenfir.s/.r, on fol. 79a.

al\"=ll c-\rí, on fol. 87a (no subclivisions).

iUii-iJ\ .-\rí, in three,/asls, on fol 8Ba, first line.





,.:C1 iyr\-r ,--oJl erl^Murlj al-Zahab wa Ma'àilin al'Jauhar.

Fols. 159 ; 7 in. by 4f; in. ; 15 l ines, each 3a! in. Iong; ' rvl i t ten in'

neat Naskh I much injnred by rvorms ancl patched up in many places;

not clated.

A fragment of the famous historical encyclopredia by Ab[ al-I{asan'Àl i bin Husain bin 'Al i al-Mas' irh, rvho died r.u. 345 or 346

(e .p .956 or 957) , ca l led on fo l . la a r l l ; ; J1 . I t Leg ins w i th

the rcign oI the Umayyade Khalrf 'Àbd al-trÍalih bin Marwan and

breaks off with that of thc 'Abbaside Ithalïf I{[sá al-Hádi.

Cotttents.I f nevvent,:s:

'Àbtl aI-MaIih bin }farrvin, e,u. 65-86 (e.n. 685-705), on fol. 1á'

A l -Wal i t l b in 'Ab t l a l -Ma l ik , e . r r .86-96 (a 'D ' 705-7 15) , on Ïo1 .41b,

ffrst l inc.

Sulairnin bin 'Abd al-tr [al ih, .r ' rr .96-99 (a'n. 715-717), on Í ' tr l ' 55a,

second l ine.'Umar b in 'Àbc l a l - 'Az iz b in I ' Ía r rván, , r . r r . 99- l0 l (a . r r . 717-720) '

orr fol. 604.

Yaz i t l I I b in 'Ab t l t l - l { r t l i l< ' , t .u . l01-105 ( r . l ' 72 t ) -721) , on fo1 ' 68á '

I l ishtrn biu 'Abtl .r l -) ' [al i l i , Lrr. l0i-125 (,r.1. ?2-1-7-1;]), on fol. 74a.

A l -Wul id I I b i l Yaz i t l I I , , t . t r . 125-126 ( , r .1 ' 7 {3-7{4) , on fo l ' 794 '

Yaz i t l I t t and Ib r i r l r rn r , so t rs , r f ' \ l - \ \ ra l i t l b in 'Àbd a I - l [a l i k ,

, r . r r . 1 2 6 - 1 2 7 ( t . n . 7 4 t - 7 1 5 ) , o n f o l . 8 1 3 a .

l lLrrwiin I t bin l luhrr.rt t t t ta,d l t iu l Ír tr tvatr, ,r .rr. 127-132 ( 'r 'n ' 7{ i ' ' -

7,19), on Íbl. 90a.

tr\ rnÍstnl;s :

Ab[ al- 'Abbls ' , \bt lal ]áh bin ] lul .ratnrurd al-Safi i ih, ,r ' . rr . l l i ! - l l l6

( r .n . 7 {9-75 ' l ) , on fo l . 1034.

A b J a ' f a r t r l - ] ' [ t n s i i r , a . u . 1 3 6 - l 5 B ( t . n . i 5 1 - 7 7 5 ) , o n l i r l . l 2 ; ] a '

A l - } ' tab t l i , a .n . l i r8 - l69 (e . . r ' 775-785) , on fo l . l {2ó , l l s t l i I r c .

MÍsà a l -H i r r l Í , a . r I . 1d9-170 ( ' r . r . 7S5-786) , on l i r l . 15 ; iá '

Page 18: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

344 appENDrx-ín,rnrc MÀNUSCRrprs.

Beg ins :

A-l U d<lJ1 ".'

g1rt ' ,t\.t,rn ;1 díL}l a., 1\llJj

.-..*J:: lri eqsï e"*' Ëi '

oè- s.r^^*,.*- y,' t:?,r*,t

d\ È|t ,.tl arl J..c J,

Mas'tdi completccl his work in Jumádá I, e.u. 336 (r.n. 947

Nov.-I)e c.), and revisetl i t short l .y before lr is death, .r .u. 345 (e.n. 956),

s e e l r o c l < e l n a n n , i , p . 1 4 5 , N o , a ; E e j . K h a l . , v , p . 5 0 0 , N o . 1 1 8 2 8 ;

Flngel (Vicnna Oat.), i i , p. 36 ; antl Niclrolson, Literary History of the

Arabs, pp. 352-354. It has been cdited by llaÈier tle Meynard and

l'avet de Courteille in ninc volumes ( Paris, I 86 l*1 877) ; other editions,

Bulár1 (,r, .u. l2B3) and. Cairo (e.n. 1303). An extracl from the same,

by Ibráhïm al-lbshihi, is noticed in Fliigel, ii, p. 37.



Fo ls . l -227; 8 f in . by4 ] -49 in . ; 19 l inee , each 3 in . long ; wr i t ten

in clear Naskh; headings in rcd I slightly worm-eaten; dated the

4th of Shrr 'bán, a.rr. 1135 (r.n. 1723, May l0th), and col latei l .

À history of the Prophet und thc Khali fs to e.n. 627, month of

Safar (e.n. 1229, December to 1230, January), in the Khali fate of

Àl-Mustansir bi l láh (who reigned e.u. 623-640, rn. 1226-1242),

composed by Àb[ Is]r i iq Ibl irhim bin 'Abdall íh bin 'Abd al-Mun' im

Shiháb al-Din bin Abi aldam al- l larndáni al-Jfamawl (born e.rr. 583,

r. l . 1187; died e.rr. 642, e. l . 1244), and t lcdicatet l to the Malik

al-Muzafiar, prince of Maijafárirlrn, who died in the same year 642,

shortly beÍore the author himself.

Begins :

;f)l fl\-" ;t;Jl ,,r-^11 ,o\Lll ,t\f l ;-Ï1 J1)1 i) ,r^Jï.!' -r,\^-:jl L.itr .Ic -lËJl

Mulrammatl's life begins on Íol. 2a, lin. penult.

See Brocke imann, i , p .3 :16 , No, 11 , 1 ; I3od l . Arab ic Cat . , í ,p .728.

(Daaid, Ánderson.)



?.ki J .,\41 r5'J11> i-rf- j ,tUUt L'.'t ,vt'J\ ;!-

,\-")\ cd-rr+ÀJ\ tÀ*s t!)2.t óijJ e\ji\ J\r-l

Mir'at-(I,ljanun utt 'ibrat-ul'yaqz.utt' Jt ma'ri.fut I'awd'd'is.-al'zarnrin ua

taqallub alpusal-alinsan wu ta'rzhh mattt ba'iJ alntashhil'rzn ala'ydn'

Tols. 428; 10"1 in. by 5{- in.; 27 l ines, each 3* in' long; writ ten in

clear Naskh; illuminat'etl flontispiece ; each page bortlered by a small

gi l t str ipe; heacl ings in recl; sl iglrt ly injured in some places; various

reading*, glosses, anil aililitions on the margin; occasional couections

in the text; not t latedI entr ies from 'c"rr ' 1192 (r 'n' 1778) and 1198

(e . r . l78a) on fo l . 14 .

Annals of IsIám (see the above ful l t i t le on fol.2a, I l .4 rnt l 5) Írom

e.u. 1 to 750 (r.n. 622-1349) by Abh Mul.rrtrDmatl 'Abtlal láh bin As'at l

bin 'Àli Nazil al-Haramain nl-sbarifrtin al-YarnanI, knorrn as Yáfr't

( fo l . là , 1 .3 ) , who t i ie t l e .u . 768 ( ' r ' r r ' 1367) see above No ' 212 ' ' l he

f irst yerrr of the Hijrah bcgins onfol ' 2a, the 750th on fol ' 421ó' On

thc back of the binding it is called .r*'!U @U '

Begins :\r-tr I .\t ,^rl

UJd- ., ,(l oil\ ,_ilJ _Jlri,i l\ _r-*l\ JU. i j \ . i J r f

- - , c4w ' - - : - - r i . ) - -

'JJt ;^*lt, J\^cl, ''i!)l' 'ri;$\ aij\ ;"^- 'r1 t'il

See Loth (I .O. Oat.) ' Nos. 706 and 707; Ir ' l i igcl (Yienna.Cat') ' i i '

p, a3; Haj. i (hal. , iv, 48l ; for lul ther references sf ' l ] lsskelrnonn' i i '

p. 177, No. 13; also l l thó (I ' {) ' Oat ') ' col ' 267' (Cot. John }}uit t ie.)



, -r-I!1 ,, ;<';0,;, uíiía*,.

Fols. 148; 8f in. by 4i. in.; the original lea'r 'es are pustet l on u' lr i te

paper; 23 l ines, eacb 23* in. long; writ ten in Nasta' l Í t1 ; l l rrn)erorrs

annotations ancl glosses, both marginal and interlilcar; rlatt'tl rrt

Hará t .e . . r r . 902 (e . r . 1496-1497) ; the perusa l o r rev is io r r o Í ' the sanre

by the transcriber lr 'as matle in .r.s. 904 (e'n' l '198-1499)'

Page 19: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the


Á very dilapidatecl, rvorm-eaten, antl besides incomplete copy of the

same Elements of ()eometry by Euclid in the Arabic translation ofKhwájalr Nasïr' al-I)ïn Mulranrnracl al-Ttsi (clietl r.u. 672, e..n. 1274),

which has been described in No. 27 above; but both that and the

present copy contain only the extlacts, made from the original wolk(which was printed at Ilome 159.+). 'l'his shorter redaction wasprintecl at Constantinople 1801. Some leaves at the beginning anil

end are quite loose, ard it is alurost impossible to arrange them in an

absolutely correct order.

The copy operrs abruptly in the flrst ntoqaloh; the sr:cond begins on

fol. 15ó; the third orf lol .22a; the fourth on fol. 3-la, last l ine; the

fi f th on fol. 41ó; the sixth on fol. 49ó, l . 4; t l rc serenth on fol. 62ó;

t h e e i g h t h o n f o l . T O a ; t h e n i n t h o n f o l . T ó a ; t h e t e n t h o n f o l . 8 1 a ;

the eleventh on fol. l03o; the twelfth on fol. I l5á ; the thirtcenth on

fol. 125b, f frst l ine; thc fourtecrrth on fol. l l l3d; the ff f teenth on

fol. l : l { ia; an addit ional lcrf ( fol. 148) cannot bc t l locatet l . Inserted

in the text are t lo supplenrerrts irr a t l i Í fcrcnt hantlwrit ing, bctrveen

fols. 4l and 42, antl fols.48 and 49 rospectively. Accort l ingto anrost

valrralr lo note orr ïol. laTb Nasrr ul-I) in ' Ihsi 's Arrrbic translat ion was

conrp lc tcd thc 22nt1 o f Sha 'bá l , , r . r r . 6 .16 ( , r .n . 1248, J )ecernber 10) .

A Persitn tlanslation of this worli by I(lrtir al-Din l(hirn bin Lutf

A l l i rh ( , r . r r . 114{ , e .n . l73 l -1732) i s t l cscr ibc r l in l l t i ró ( I .O. Cat . ) ,

No. 2260 I see t lso J. C. Grrl tz, Dc intolplct ibrrs of cxyrlunatoribus

Ilucl i t l is aral i ic is. Halm. I fJ23.( L'ol. , fohn I) a i l I t e.)

Y . I ' I I I l0SOPHY , \ND I , IT I I ICS.


.:!--ï11.c)\\:; )l c.^ilharh al-Ishàrát wa al-Tanbihát.

Fols . 222; 7 . j in . by .1 in . ; rv r i t te l i r r t1 'o s t r ' l cs 6 f .N1sUr b r tu 'ot l i f fe ren t hnnt ls ; t i re f i r ' s t on fo ls . 1 -83 , 9 : l - I25 , l : i5 -114, 151, 155,

1 6 5 , 1 6 6 , 1 7 6 , 1 7 7 , i 8 7 , 1 8 8 , 1 9 f J , 1 9 9 , a r r t l 2 1 0 - 2 2 2 ; t h c s e c o n d o n

f o l s . B { - 9 1 , 1 2 6 - 1 3 1 , 1 . 1 5 - 1 5 ; 1 , 1 5 6 - 1 6 4 , 1 6 7 - 1 7 5 , 1 7 8 - 1 8 6 , 1 8 9 - 1 9 7 .

antl 200-209 ; 20-21 l ines, cach 2*!*2f in. long; the text overl inetlin rotl I many margiual antl intorlinerr glos-"es anrl various rearlings ;other notes and giosses orr the f lr loavcs I not dtterl .


The seconri antl tlrirtl part of the same ]'asir al-Din lful'rarnmatl

al-Tusi 's Arabic comrnentary on Ab['Al i lbn Siná's (died a'u' 428'

e.n. 1037) work ou logic, physics, rrnd metaphysics' eompleted'r ' rr ' 6' l '1

(r. t .1246-1247) and "oi i t i .a

ëlr l i i l c:) l(À"' j ' ; thc presettt

copy eontains the physics in three antnd! and' the metaphysics in

seÍen $nmd!.

Namat i , on fol. l l ' ; i i , on fol ' 384, l in ' penult; i i i , on fol ' 65á;

iv , on fo l . 99á, f i r s t l i nc ; v , on fo l . 111á; v i , on fo l ' 727b; v7 i 'o t t

f o l . 1 6 6 a ; v i i i , o n f o l . 1 8 7 á ; i x , o n f o l ' 1 9 8 á ; x ' o n f o l ' 2 1 3 a '

Beg ins :l , | |

.(\ u\'.r7 \Jre \-:r ' \d--r.:9 )2*\,rl l .-:\\ ' l l àiÀ:^LIï J\i

See Loth (I.O. Clat.), No. 480 ; I l ir j ' IQrtl ' , i , 302; Leyclcn Cat"

i i i , p .321 I Dorn (St . Petcrsburg Cat ' ) , 60; Srockelmann, i ' p ' 454'

No. 20 (where the full bibliography is given) ; aud ltrUré (I'O' Cat')'

No' 2201 (l) ' (col' 'rohn Buitt ie')


,; lJl p/"L-\

Ilryá 'Ulum al-Din.

I o l s . 5 0 5 ; 1 1 i i r r ' l r y 7 i - 7 i i r r . ; i i T l i t t t r s , t ' r t t ' l r 5 ' l i r r ' l o n g ; r v | i t l o r ri n oxo t , l len t o l r l Nr rs l ih , f t r l l l ' po i r r t , , ' r l ; l i l l i l ro t0 l l s r r t l r l i l i o r ts ' r 'a r io t ts

readings, untl glosscs 0n t lr0 rrr lu. l . t i rr I l i r t 'go $' l t t t : t 's1tots; t l re tcxt her.e

anr l t l r c ro s l ig l r t l y in j r r l ' t ' r l ; s r r r r r l l i l l r r r r r i r rL l0 r ' l f r ' , , r r l in l r i t ' , ' u I r ' r r , ' l t l , t rge

bo l le rer l by s rna l l s l r i l res i r r so i r l : r r I l 01 , l r0 r ' r 'o l ( ) t t t s l r l r te r l l l r t , S t l l o f

l l & b ï , I t , A . r r . 7 8 l ( . r . r r . l ; i 7 1 ) , , l r r l 1 " J l s t ) , l r t ' l l t t h r r r r n t t : 1 1 b i n a l - l { a s a r r

b i r r l Íuhant rDar l a l -s l r r r l r r . r rs l Ín r ; r r r r r . ( ) r ' r i i r rq to a l t lmat l i in r t t l i í i e rcn i ;

hunt l t t ' r i t ing , on ïo l . ; ) ; i t i1 , . r \ h t r t r r ' r l l ' i n I . Iusa i r r b i r r 'Á l r S l r ih t rb a l - l ) i i l

con-rplctet l t l te pclt tsrr l , ol ' l : l l l l () l ' stut ly, o{ thc third t l , ' n" r l tr i t t{ t ' t '

the lOth o f Zh Í r1 - l l i j j r r ' l r , r . r r . l l 5 ' l ( r .1 . 1 '151, J r tnuarv 14)

' I .he fanrous ,\r . t l , i , : rvorl i on cthics lry the glett s ' l r i r í i ' i to I rrrrtrrr

Abu Hami t l l l r r l . r , r r r r r rLLr l b i r r ] [ r r lu rn r r r r r r l a l -Gbaz l i l i o l ' l ' i i s , s t . r ' l e r l

t {u j ja t a l - Is là rn ( l ro | t t r . r r . t150 , , r , .n . 1058; t l i c t l ' r ' n ' 501) , l l ro 1 l1 l r o f

Jumár] lr i i , .1.D. 1l 1 1, l)0conrber lSth), rvi th À laottrt i t r t f six l t ' rLïes

(acco l r l ing to t l rc ' \ r r r l r i c pag ing) be t l 'ee l lb ls ' 169 ar r r l 170 ' I t i s

Page 20: 34L. - Islamic manuscripts · 312 MISCEILÀNEOUS COI,LECTIONS. copied by Muhyi il-Din Khán, of thc 6th Rcgiment, at the desire of Captain Scott, the Commandant. Another copy of the

348 applNDrx-ÁRaBrc rraNuscRrprs.

divided into four it?_,\ (quutters or sections), each subdivided intoten .-;í o" book.l


The ffrst section (eloLJl tjJ), on matters of religion and

worship, on fols. 2a-l\2a; the second 1c>1-,\Jl a' lJ), on usage andpractice, on fols. lO2b-2OBtr; the third (r-:\(Id^Jl tj.;), on destruotivethings, on fols. 209b-ggSb; the fourth (.lLsi^)\ Ë?;), on salutarythings, on fols. 33gb-505b. A full index is given on fol. ló.

Irirst section in ten hitabs:(1) JJI ./trS, in seven babs, on foL 2a.

(2) Js\il1 ,rc\r! e.r\í, in four.fasls, on fol. 2Ba.(B) tt{Ëllr!-l .+lÍ, on fol. Bea.(+1 ;rI"ï\J!-l , , .tÍ, in seven bdbs, on fol. 4tb.

@ irí;\\ r!-ï c-'Lí, in four./asls, on fol. 6ló.(6)

l\-^:l1r\r-\ c-,\(, on fol. 6Ba.

(7) ëjl;!- l

, , .t-(, in thrce bribs, on fol. 70a.

(e) ..rpl i. l l i cJ\:í, in four bdbs, onfol. Tsb.(9) .-.lrc$1, .,tíj)l ,-rLí, ín fr,ve br).bs, on fol. 86a.

1to; . ' !.J\ erLí ltUe inclex acli ls: l. l .U,!l j ;, io two ódbsronfo l . 93ó .

The first liitab, t. on knowledge,', iB a general introduction to thewhole work.

Second section in ter. kitabe:(11) Jíi l ( inilex, cJ-\l ) cJlJ.-rlrí, in four bàbs, onLol. to2b.(12)

CKIJ\ (index, 1-r-rt), , .1-í c/\.í, in threc bdbt, on fol. 107á.

(18) ,i l i^l l , r-"*í\ , .. l jT,,.r*í(inrter, .--*í1 ,\(-1

r._,\í;,in ffve babs, on fol. 1 1 Ba.

(14) Ê1/!]J JlJl sr\:í, in seven bdbs, onfol. 126o.

,(15) tFtijl. L-gll c.--,1-rT c.--,Lí (the inrlex adds: j\.:.el g

.iIË'), in thrce babs, on fol. 148o.

1to) À-l; l\ c/\í, in two ltàbs, on fol. 166a.(17) I{ot marked in thc tert, in consequence of the lacuna after

fol. 169; according to the inilex the heacling is: -. i.J\ .:1.í c:t^í,in two áaós.


(f a) s>;11; J;Jl c.- '\í, in two bàlts, on fol. l7ira.

(19) ,í l\ *f .rd! )rt^lt, ,-)l r-,\í, in fortr ltàlts, on

Iol. 1874.

(20) tj.$l ;[>! i.e-'^!l .-'1í .-'Lí, on fol. 204a.

Thiril section in ten ltiíàbs:

(21) -LiJl :- i\t ' (the inder adclsi) .+l:5, on fol. 209/.

(22) eJ-iJ\ ,o\rn\ a=]t"^, ;\-!1 --LÀe; ,*^r$\ i;L, c-'\:í

( in the inilex only ,*n$\ a;[ c/lí), onfol.224a.

Qq -1J\ sLJl i1-5 e'-i,r$Jl (inilex, i-;1lr-*J c--'\Í

( indcx, àl '

;,n -. ' t, on fol. 234a.

(21) ,r\"Jl (index, ii;Tl .:-,\í "t\.(,

onroL 242.rt.

(25) a*sl! lÀJl, ,--=;11 iiT ,-'\:í, on fol. 258á

(26) tibJ\ l i ..rLí, on fol. 26eá.

(27) J4! J\^11 ;j ..--,\rí, uo ïot.27eó.

(28) àË1 ij o\-í (the index adds'id-J!), on f<-rl. 292ó'

(zs) ,--Jlr rí(Jl Ëi ./\í, on fol. 312á.

(s0) ,rj i l l i j c-,lrí ( indcx,,,97il1 ,._,\-í;, on fol. 3264.

Fotrrtlr section in ton Litt,bs :

(at) i/11 r-,\:í, on fol. l]; l Í)ó.

(32) /(l..JlJ r13l1 ,--ltí, .n fol. lJ59a.

(Bs) jrJi. ' t--ïJ1 e-' irJ (inrl.x, ' \--; l\,

;rJt1, on fol ' 385a.

1a+; ,sllrrn.d\ ,-J\:í, on f,1. l]s7à.

(35) JïlJ\. -r--,.{\ ,--!rí, ou 1irl. 412a.

(86) 'UjJ! (omittecl in thc inrlcx) rri i \: ;..,ï..1\, i lJ\ .:- ' \ ' í ,

on ÍoI. 427a.

(s7) ;,rj}\; ,c)l+)\, Àii l \ c..- ' \rí ( index, ,")I;)! ;.rÈ)\-), in

thrct' ódl,s, on fol. 4lx,r.

(:rB) d.-it^J\, i--lJt r--\:í ( intlcx, ;*G,^Jl, j.-!!^)1;, ,, ' ,

fol. 458a.

(39) 7\--r)\9 ,,k41 ,--\rí (t ire intlex omits the hst uor',1), ,,tt

fo l . 468a.

(40) c)r^J\ ,í- ' l- ' \(, in eight babs, onfol. 1761t.