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  • 8/9/2019 3440 Stevenson How to Deal With Difficult Customers



    How To Handle DifficultCustomers 

    Hope Stevenson

     Dave Pomeroy Signature Training

    Hope Stevenson has 16 years of training and customer service experience in business settings. She

    studied communications at Messiah College in Grantham, Pennsylvania and she began working for

    Kinney Corporation where she was responsible for weekly sales

    HPBExpo Education 

    March 13, 2013 – March 16, 2013

    Orlando, FL

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  • 8/9/2019 3440 Stevenson How to Deal With Difficult Customers



    How To Deal With

    Difficult CustomersHope


    Welcome...How To Deal With DifficultCustomers

    Satisfied customers are a must!

    What customers expect

    What makes customers difficult

    8 steps to handling difficult customers

    Using body language

    Welcome...How To Deal With DifficultCustomers

    Different types of difficult customers and how to

    handle each


  • 8/9/2019 3440 Stevenson How to Deal With Difficult Customers



    Best Ideas

    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    Have you ever been a

    difficult customer?

    You will always have

    difficult customers

    • Flight attendant in the


    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    It is yourrespons y


    Your employees

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    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    The customer is not an interruption of our businessthey are the purpose of our business

    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    The most important person in our business is our


    It costs 7 times more to find a new customer than take

    care of an old one

    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    Dissatisfied customers tell 10-12 people about

    their bad experience

    Satisfied customers tell 5-6 other people

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    What Customers Expect

    What customers want:

    Well...what do you expect???

    What Customers Expect

    Respect (focus on them)

    Solve their problems

    Basic courtesies (pleasant and good



    What Customers Expect


    Honesty (don’t fail to live up to



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    What Customers Expect

    From products:

    Be available

    Fairly priced

    Be safe and do what’s advertised

    What Makes a Customer Difficult?

    When they don’t get what they


    Outside issues



    Feel no one is listening

    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    The customer is always right – no but – they are thecustomer 

    Perception is reality

    You can win the fight but lose the customer 

    They may not be right in court but if they’re unhappy

    they’re right to complain

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    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    Customers may be fired… (management makesthat decision)

    Not all dissatisfied customers com lain

    94% of dissatisfied customers simply take theirbusiness somewhere else because it is easy to do

    Satisfied Customers Are A Must!

    Why don’t they complain?


    No one does anything

    You must defend your position

    It’s too easy to just go else where

    What Makes a Customer Difficult?

    We WANT customers to complain

    We can’t fix it if they don’t, we want

    the opportunity to keep their business

    Chances are others have the same


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    Best Ideas

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    There are 8 basic steps to use when handling ANY

    difficult customer 

    1. Know the situation

    . n e rue pro em

    3. Repeat concerns

    4. Thank them

    5. Apologize

    6. Seek best solution

    7, Act quickly

    8. Follow up

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step One - Know the


    e a e no you can



    Past history

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    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Don’t make customerrepeat

    Do intro when

    transferring on phone

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Learn the customers


    Don’t make judgements

     Adjust your mindset

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step two - Find the true problem

    Don’t avoid. Act immediately

     Always return calls promptly

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    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Listen intently

    Listen to understand, not with the intent to reply

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    “Let’s go over what happened”

    “Please tell me why your upset”

    “I see, I can appreciate” - don’t be fake

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Take notes

    Don’t worry about solution yet

     An angry person needs to vent

    Do not correct

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    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    No interruptions

    By you


    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    If the customer addresses

    you y an ema or over e


    Offer to meet them in

    person (harder to be angry

    to someone’s face)

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step three - Repeat concerns

    “What I’m hearing is...”

    Give them a chance to agree or add

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    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step four - Thank them

    “Thank you for sharing withme and giving me the

    opportunity to make things

    right for you.”

    Make sure customer

    believes you believe them

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step five - Apologize


    Stop saying sorry...“I don’t blame

    you for being upset, I apologize

    we’ve inconvenienced you”

    “I can fully understand why you are

    upset, I apologize this occurred”

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    If fault is yours, admit it - don’t make


    ou may ose e a e u w n

    the customer 

    Be careful if there are liability


    Make it clear you want to help

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  • 8/9/2019 3440 Stevenson How to Deal With Difficult Customers



    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step seven - Act


    Do it! Immediately!

    They will focus on

    your willingness

    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Step eight - Follow up

    Call customer after solution is in

    place and make sure it is


     Always communicate on time even

    if you don’t have the answer 

    If internal solution, “report” to


    8 Steps to Handling Any DifficultCustomer 

    Follow up one month after 

    Depending on generation, send thank you card

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    Using Body Language

    Body language is imperative throughout the process

    Customers will have their guard up

    Using Body Language

    People respond to us by:

    55% how we look to them (body language)

    38% interpretation of our attitude (voice tone and


    7% the words we say

    Using Body Language

    Smile, with eyes

    Good posture

    Calm, low tone of voice

    Nod when customer is talking

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    Using Body Language

    Maintain eye contact

    Don’t break downward

    86% caucasian

    61% african american

    53% hispanics

    Using Body Language

    Foot, legs toward


    Body open, not crossed

    Palms/fists open

    No fingers, chopping

    Using Body Language

    No chewing

    Multi tasking

     Avoid sighing

    NO physical contact

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    Best Ideas

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them

    Different types of customers respond to different



     Acknowledge anger “I can see you’re upset, I

    want to help solve this problem so please

    help me understand what has happened”

    Move beyond emotions

    Be positive, not “I can’t do that” but “what Ican do is...”

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them


    Even if from previous experience

    Remain positive, don’t mirror or agree

    Don’t make excuses, just solve the problem

    Smile and positive wording

    “Would you mind...”, “Can I ask you to...

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    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them


    Don’t know what they want, afraid of wrong


    Be patient

    Open ended questions

    Offer choices that will help narrow down

    Don’t chose for them...they won’t be

    satisfied later 

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them

    Demanding or Domineering

    Could be personality or past wrong

     Always be professional - stay in adult


    Show respect, use customer’s name

    Positive eye contact

     Apologize if appropriate

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them

    Rude or offensive

    Often they are insecure so will raise voice,

    demand to speak to supervisor, useprofanity

    Remain professional

    Calm but assertive

    No retaliation

    Walk away if it gets too bad

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    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them


    Usually irrelevant - takes too much time


    acknowledge what they said but return to


    Use response to questions to steer back

    Make it about them...”I know you said

    you had a lot of shopping to do so I won’t

    keep you any longer...”

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them

    For all:

    se pos ve wor s... nsea o pro em

    use situation, challenge, concern

    Write down complaint (even on phone)to keep record

     Ask supervisor or employee to join you

    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them


    If customer won’t listen, say their name

    and beginning and/or end of sentence

    Stand if necessary

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    Different Types of Customers andHow to Handle Them

    Never swear!

    If customers swear at you, “Mr. _____, I

    haven’t said or done anything to

    disrespect you, could you please treat

    me with the same level of respect so we

    can move forward to me helping you”

    If continues reschedule, “Mr. ______, I

    can see your extremely upset. I will

    happy to discuss this with you tomorrow

    when things aren’t so fresh.”

    Best Ideas

    5 Final Tips

    5 must do’s!!!!!

    1. Follow SOP’s

    2. Listen to customers

    3. Control inflection and tone of voice

    4. Be positive, friendly, helpful

    5. Be responsive to feedback

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    5 Final Tips


    Don’t take it personally

    Some people will just take their bad day out on


    Debrief situation afterwards - what can you do

    differently next time

    Train and practice

    You’re good at what you do!!!!

    Group List

     Action Items