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EDP 332 3.4

Alli Frindt

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+Problem Based Learning

The main idea of problem based learning challenges students to address real-world problems discuss actual situations that students may possible come across.

Such problems create opportunities for meaningful activities that engage students in problem solving

Higher-order thinking

Critical thinking tends to be a main component of problem based learning

Problem solving strategies and disciplinary knowledge are both incorporated in this type of learning.

Students are given a job and placed in the active role

Engage students!! (overall goal of using this model!)

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This diagram gives you a short and simple overview of how traditional teaching methods

don’t always end up being the most effective. Over time they Have been combined with Problem Based Learning

to provide the beneficial lesson to all students. We want students involved in their learning not just sitting

to listen to lectures.

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+Skills needed for Problem Based


determining whether a problem exists; creating an exact statement of the problem; identifying information needed to understand the

problem; identifying resources to be used to gather

information; generating possible solutions Analyzing solutions presenting the solution, orally or in writing.

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+6 steps of Project Based Learning 1) State the problem

2)Students should be able to list what they already know

3) Be able to develop a problem statement

4) What is needed to be successful to complete the task, list what you need

5) State actions, recommendations, different situations or guesses on what could possibly be the ending result

6)Present and support the solution as this may be different depending on what is actually going on or what the situation may end up being

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+My previous learning experience Many of my previous teachers used different

approaches to teach new information to me. I remember a lot of hands on real life situations that were put into the daily lessons. For example my science classes were always hands on and were taught in ways that we were almost teaching ourselves and becoming engaged in the everyday learning.

I have always learned better by “doing” and not just talking about it. As a future educator I feel that it is very important to

be able to cover a wide range of ways for students to learn and Problem based seems to be very effective.

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+Project Based Learning

A teaching and learning method

Main focus on a concept of discipline

Complex, real-world projects and students will be able to apply skills and knowledge of specific topics

Students must have prior knowledge to be given a chance to solve given problems

Nothing is predictable

Students should be able to learn to manage and allocate resources including time and materials

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+Features of Problem Based


Lacks from a universally accepted model or theory

Central to curriculum

Based on collaborative/cooperative group learning

Impact of life skills and more realistic goals for students to achieve

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+ Compare and ContrastSimilar Different

• Roots in constructivism

• Engage students in student-centered tasks

• Enhances learning• Can be used in

combination with each other

PROJECT BASED:• Mainly focused on production

model types• Have a specific goal to reach by

the end• Identify their audience,

Research- design product- solve problems- finish with self reflection

• Key to success are the skills that students acquire during the production process

PROBLEM BASED:• Inquiry model• Start with given problem- make

a plan- pose new questions and summarize their research by presenting their conclusion

• Problem given is driving force• Success is ultimate goal in the


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After learning about both of these specific methods I feel that in order to be an effective teacher that you need to incorporate both with your students. We know that every child learns so differently but in the end should be given the best possible way to complete the assigned project.

Personally I feel that I have been around more of the project based learning during my previous school years. The research, design, solve and self reflect seems to be most familiar to me when I think of how lessons were always taught in school.

Being a learner using these models I can find my strengths along with notice my weaknesses as well. I can now incorporate these methods and strategies to improve my work and understanding lessons taught.