Download - 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus

  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    {click here to go back to fractal time map}

    33 Year Diamond

    Updated last on - electric night : 8 cib : day 228 of organic spring equinox year - 2013 Raah Sirus

    Step 1 - Solar time measurement (sun rising east)

    As marker points, the twice yearly occurance of the Solstice in winter and summer, and Equinox in

    spring and autumn are compariable in meaning and measure to the 4 sides of a pyramid.

    Therefore they can be related to as the foundation for the solar cycle. In order to keep track of

    them our ancestors have built many temples, stonecircles, pyramids to name a few, and to this

    day these sacred days are celebrated ceremonially to honour 4 directions, north, east, west and

    south {n.e.w.s}

    If compared to the cycle of the day, the cycle of the year can be paired up thus:

    Midnight = Winter solstice ( North ), Sunrise = Spring equinox ( East ),

    Midday = Summer solstice ( South ), Sunset = Autumn equinox ( West )

    *viewed from northern hemisphere*

    It is no surprise that to honour the dawning of a New year ~ since Spring equinox = fractal

    equivalent or dawn i.e. sunrisein the East ~ beginning of new day / year, the Spring equinox has

    been the number 1 day to measure the length of the year with( also Traditioanlly 0 degrees Aries

    in Astrology ).
  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    In the diagram below the equinox is being measured by the day in which the Sun rises directly

    east, and as long as the same rule applies to the end of the measurement this can be used to

    confirm the exact length of the year ~ though the day it occurs depends on latitude for example;

    Edinburgh compared to the Equator.

    18th Mar 2013 = Sun rising East at Edinburgh (55. North)

    20th Mar 2013 = Sun rising East at Equator (0. N/S)

    Another way to do this is to mark the equinox day when number hours of day and night are equal,

    or 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night, though nothing in nature is exact like a clock ( yet we

    need a clock to scientifically proove that )so it isnt exacly 12 hours ( there are a few minutes

    difference in it ).... for example; Edinburgh compared to the Equator.

    18th Mar 2013 = Sun rising East at Edinburgh (55. North) = 6h 20m ~ 12h 21m ~ 18h 23m

    20th Mar 2013 = Sun rising East at Equator (0. N/S) = 6h 05m ~ 12h 08m ~ 18h 11m

    Over time using these methods our ancestors from all over the world, came to the same

    conclusion, that the length of the year was more than just 365 days exactly. In order to deal with

    the extra days accumulated, various different leap-systems were created.

    365 + 8/33 = Persian leap-day cycle of 33 years, length of year = 365.24242

    365 + 90/372 = N.T.F.M. leap-day cycle of 372 years, length of year = 365.24194

    365 + 97/400 = Gregorian leap-day cycle of 400 years, length of year = 365.24250

    365 + 365/1507 = Mayan leap-day cycle of 1507 years, length of year = 365.24220

  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    The one I will be focusing on here is the 33 year cycle of the Persians as during my research this

    pattern of leap-days has been confirmed as accurate for an average year length over 20,000

    years (centred between 1bc/1ad), and also over 200 years between the years of 1900 and 2099

    (more info in part 3 of this page).

    {click here for online spreadsheet - calculating average year length over 20,000 years}

    {click here for online table - calculating average year length over 200 years}

    The following diagram shows the distribution of leap-days within the Persian style 33 year cycle in

    mandala form. The leap-days have been marked around the edges in Mayan notation, as I feel its

    really only when our worlds planetary knowledge is blended together that we see the true magic of

    these timeless codes, so I honour this here, blessed be..

    33 year cyc le = 33 x 365 days ( + 8 leap-days ) = 12053 days

    12053 / 33 = 365.2424 days

    Step 2 - Fitting it all together as the larger fractal pattern

    From studying sacred geometry, over time it became apparent that as a sub cycle the 33 leap-day

    cycle had a leap-day every 4 years, plus an extra 33 year at the end. This lead me to draw this

    patten out in geometry in the graphic below, reflecting the 3 regular years 365 days, plus the extra

    366 days of the leap-year.

    To draw it: Inner circle ~ radius = 2/3 distance from center of outer triangle to midpoint of one of its

    3 edges. Outer 3 circles ~ all cross midpoint, from center points = occur on circumference of inner

    circle, where 3 invisible lines from the center of outer triangle to its outer 3 points cross the inner

    circle. All 4 circles of the 4 year matrix display exactly the same diameter and radius as each other

    Later through relating the pattern of dividing the 365 days year into (4x91) + 1 = 365, for working

    with 13 moon system (13:28) it was noted that the same can be said of the leap year of 366, in

    that its pattern would work similarally as (5x73) +1 = 366. From here on I renamed the 2 different

    year lengths for the purpose of explaining the inner workings of this graphic:
  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    cross years (365 days) = 4 x 91 (+1) = "4 sided" cross = divided by four

    star year (366 days) = 5 x 73 (+1) = "5 pointed" star = divided by five

    Step 3 - 33 year Diamond Matrix of the Sun / Earth system

    Above is the complete graphic of my prototype Diamond matrix for the 33 year cycle. Within it can

    be seen 8 leap-day sub-cycles of 4 years, plus the extra 33rd year in the middle (with flower of life

    matrix in the background).

    8 x (3 x 365 + 1 x 366) + 365 = 12053 days per cycle

    12053 / 33 = 365.2424...

    Below is a table showing the dates of all Spring & Autumn equinoxes over a whole 33 year cycle +8 years. In it you can see the pattern of the Mayan day signs repeating, a pattern the Mayans

    would have be able to see very clearly by noting the date every year when the Sun rises East;

    ~every 4 years, leap day cycle, the day of the Spring equinox skips 1 number

    ~ the same is true of the Autumn equinox ( starting at year 23 of 33 ~ 11:11:11 ... the 3rd 11th )

  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    ~ Table of 33 year cycle of the Diamond Matrix ~

    All measurements done using the Organic year matrix

    Time anchored from Edinburgh, Arthurs Seat (55.94 N / 3.16 W)

    ( 0h0m00s ) beginning at 05:49 S.E. 2008 and at 06:08 S.E. 2041 (dawn UT)

    tracking exact dates of Spring and Autumn Equinox 2008-2040 + 2041-2048

    within Traditional Mayan tzolkin, and includes number of days between them.

    Year of

    33Spring Equinox Days between Autumn Equinox




    Year 2008

    Kin 243 -9


    186 Year 2008

    Kin 169 - 13Muluc179

    2Year 2009

    Kin 088 - 10Lamat 186

    Year 2009

    Kin 014 - 1Ix179

    skip number 2

    3Year 2010

    Kin 193 - 11 Ben 187

    Year 2010

    Kin 120 - 3Ahau178

    4Year 2011

    Kin 038 - 12Edznab 187

    Year 2011

    Kin 225 - 4Chicchan179

    skip number 13

    5Year 2012

    Kin 144 - 1 Kan186

    Year 2012

    Kin 070 - 5 Oc179

    6Year 2013

    Kin 029 -2 Muluc 186

    Year 2013

    Kin 175 -6Men179

    skip number 7

    7 Year 2014Kin 094 -3Ix

    187 Year 2014Kin 021 - 8Imix


    8Year 2015

    Kin 199 -4Cauac 187

    Year 2015

    Kin 126 - 9 Cimi179

    skip number 5


    Year 2016

    Kin 045 - 6


    186 Year 2016

    Kin 231 - 10Chuen179

    10Year 2017

    Kin 150 - 7 Oc 186

    Year 2017

    Kin 076 - 11Cib179

    skip number 12

    11Year 2018

    Kin 255 -8 Eagle 187

    Year 2018

    Kin 182 - 13Ik178

    12Year 2019

    Kin 100 - 9Ahau 187

    Year 2019

    Kin 027 - 1Manik179

    skip number 10


    Year 2020

    Kin 206 - 11


    186 Year 2020

    Kin 132 - 2Eb179

    14Year 2021

    Kin 051 - 12Chuen 186

    Year 2021

    Kin 237 - 3Caban179

    skip number 4

    15Year 2022

    Kin 156 - 13 Cib 187

    Year 2022

    Kin 083 - 5Akbal178

    16Year 2023

    Kin 001 - 1Imix 187

    Year 2023

    Kin 188 - 6Lamat179

    skip number 2
  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus



    Year 2024

    Kin 107 - 3


    186 Year 2024

    Kin 033 - 7 Ben179

    18Year 2025

    Kin 212 - 4Eb 186

    Year 2025

    Kin 138 - 8Edznab179

    skip number 9

    19Year 2026

    Kin 057 - 5Caban 187

    Year 2026

    Kin 244 - 10Kan178

    20Year 2027

    Kin 162 - 6Ik 187

    Year 2027

    Kin 089 - 11Muluc179

    skip number 7


    Year 2028

    Kin 008 - 8


    186 Year 2028

    Kin 194 - 12Ix179

    22Year 2029

    Kin 113 - 9Ben 186

    Year 2029

    Kin 039 - 13Cauac179

    23Year 2030

    Kin 218 - 10Edznab 186

    Year 2030

    Kin 144 - 1Kan179

    skip number 2

    24Year 2031

    Kin 063 - 11Akbal 187

    Year 2031

    Kin 250 -3Oc179

    skip number 12


    Year 2032

    Kin 169 - 13


    186 Year 2032

    Kin 095 - 4Men179

    26Year 2033

    Kin 014 - 1Ix 186

    Year 2033

    Kin 200 -5Ahau179

    27Year 2034

    Kin 119 - 2Cauac 186

    Year 2034

    Kin 065 - 6Chicchan179

    skip number 7

    28Year 2035

    Kin 224 -3 Kan

    187 Year 2035

    Kin 151 - 8Chuen


    skip number 4

    29Year 2036

    Kin 070 - 5 Oc186

    Year 2036

    Kin 256 -9Cib179

    30Year 2037

    Kin 175 -6Men 186

    Year 2037

    Kin 101 - 10Imix179

    31Year 2038

    Kin 020 - 7Ahau 186

    Year 2038

    Kin 206 - 11Cimi179

    skip number 12


    Year 2039

    Kin 125 - 8


    187 Year 2039

    Kin 052 - 13Eb


    skip number 9


    Year 2040

    Kin 231 - 10


    186 Year 2040

    Kin 157 - 1Caban179

    Total days between S.E. and A.E. = (13x 187) + (20x 186) = 6151 days

    note the appearence of the ratio 13:20 !

    6151 / 33 = 186.39393... = average time between S.E. and A.E.

    Total days between A.E. and S.E. = (5x 178) + (28x 179) = 5902 days

    5902 / 33 = 178.84848... = average time between A.E. and S.E.

  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    186.39393 + 178.84848

    = 365.24242... Total days per Spring equinox year

    (8 leap days over 33 years) = 33 year cycle of the Persians

    365 + (8/33) = 365.24242...


    6151 + 5902 = 12053 days ( 46 x 260 ( +93 ) )

    Kin 243 ( S.E. of 2008 ) + 93 = 336

    336 - 260 = Kin 076 ( S.E. of 2041 )

    Year of 33Spring Equinox


    betweenAutumn Equinox



    1Year 2041

    Kin 076 - 11 Cib186

    Year 2041

    Kin 002 - 2Ik179

    2 Year 2042Kin 181 - 12 Imix

    186 Year 2042Kin 107 - 3Manik


    skip number 4

    3Year 2043

    Kin 026 - 13Cimi187

    Year 2043

    Kin 213 - 5Ben178

    4Year 2044

    Kin 131 - 1Chuen187

    Year 2044

    Kin 058 -6Etznab179

    skip number 2

    5Year 2045

    Kin 237 - 3Caban186

    Year 2045

    Kin 163 - 7Akbal179

    6 Year 2046Kin 082 -4Ik

    186 Year 2046Kin 008 -8Lamat


    skip number 9

    7Year 2047

    Kin 187 - 5Manik187

    Year 2047

    Kin 114- 10 Ix178

    8Year 2048

    Kin 032 - 6Eb187

    Year 2048

    Kin 219 - 11Cauac179

    skip number 7

    The pattern of days between S.E. to A.E. & A.E. to S.E. can also be seen to be repeating over the

    first 8 years of the 2nd 33 year cycle above, in exactly the same number pattern sequence as the1st one.

    All measurements done using the Organic year matrix& tradition Mayan count
  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    Conclusion - mutually self affirming time matrices

    of the Mayans and Persians

    Therefore both the Mayan and Persian systems of time converge through utizing a 33 year cycle.

    The average year length of 365.2424... being woven with the 260 day cycle of the sacred Tzolkin.

    Its also good to note the matrix of the Tzolkin is made up of the ratio 13:20, which was seen

    inherent in the pattern of days through the sequence of Spring equinoxes, and that the sum of the

    numbers 13 + 20 = 33.

    It was through the Diamond matrix that the Infinity Codes were born ;-)

  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus


    blended to become flower of infinite diamond light + beauty !

    External links that relate to 33 year cycle:

    > Skyscript: The Astronomy and Astrology of the Solar Hero Myth, by Robin Heath

    > John Dee's Calendar and God's Longitude

    > The Persian Calendar

    > Solar Hijri calendar - Wikipedia

    > "The Leonidmeteor shower peaks around 17 November of each year (org.243).

    Approximately every 33 years, the Leonid shower produces a meteor storm, peaking at rates of

    thousands of meteors per hour."
  • 8/12/2019 33 Year Diamond by Raah Sirus
