Download - 3. 'wr - RED BOOK 1947 - 1952/MEMORAN… · The result of plô.ying thr80 full trials if "the Probable tearn of t he first trial

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    1. Th:l.s MemOTr,nQ:œn :i. f-J '1T l' ~.tte!.1 a vi.o,;,)' to c~ie0Us sicn ann to be a means of pro 6.:uû::'ng a s-l;; abD. i ~(; d polie:! r,n i; oam e,::,lo('ij j, on 'Zc,!, the Al1suing yea r s. Tho 0omrnitt oo m:'. Gh·~ f l),)l thp.,z :p:OS €'Il'C a:(':~allgemûnts aro satisfactory, in '\inich caee t bo brought fo:::·w~:'I.::,d may be ' helpful only as a mce,n s of obt a ining é.groomont è;:; di scussion in CommUtee.

    2. It Gan b e inferr û.i t ha:~ the soloction t) t: OD,0r" tO ~)Tr.::.: o'V'ü:r: the 1a,)'(; two eE\asone han beon so;nElvlha'b unsatisfnc tory. Thi.s l e emphûsize d by the fact that our fir Gt gemû in o 2. c11 of 1;h8 l ast two soasons ha s only pro

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    6. (Contin11ed) County ~s à.oing i ts best to enCO"l'.rage good Ru{' ;:j by r n.nni ng school .... boy courses and it is at this l '3veJ. 'Chat thû OOUIlty car. achieve sorne measure of SUCC09J.

    7. The r e ie one dcop con cern of the County and it ie worth while men·t ioning at this point , that there i o sorne doubt a s to 'Cha full suppor t the OOUIlt y is rocûiving from t.ho Club s which is most noti ca.ble in tho numbor of i ndiviclual membors provided by clubs. Ve l'y few c-':'ubs have att ainû d the bUdt;f;),G of 15% 9f their own momborship.

    8. The se notes 8.1"0 mo.cl0 as a bas:i..s for discussi on and H is h oped t hat t he Gmrunittoe wi ll givo earnest condc18r ation to the re commendatione: -

    Threo Snturday trial mntcl10s boforo t ho Count y Ch&npionBhip propor. Disponsing with junio r trial s . ~~ rial gaïler::l 'ii O be run a8 a 60'\.;,:, (:0 of i n corne • The sole ction commH'Goû is to function from beg~.nnir.g te em1. of 80aoon. A set principlo as to how a pl ayorls namo is submittod for sol ecticno

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