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“3 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Communication” 1





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“3 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Communication” 3

Lots of little kids dream of growing up and becoming

filmmakers. Like Steven Spielberg or George Lucas.

It’s fun (and sometimes profitable) to create videos and

entertain people with storytelling, and who doesn’t love

to kick back, relax, and enjoy a good movie?

But video is moving past the simple objectives of pure

fun and enjoyment.

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An ever-increasing percentage of HR professionals and in-

ternal communication managers fully support strategies that

replace documents with videos for internal communication.

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Companies that use video for their internal communica-

tion will stay ahead of the technological curve and keep

themselves relevant.

And this trend is likely to grow through 2014 and beyond.

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Give me one good reason to try yet another method of getting my

staff to act on my messages, you might be thinking.

No problem. I can give you three reasons why you should use video

for internal communication right now:

Easy familiarity




Mobile flexibility

24/7 accessibility

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Easy Familiarity

Most people are very familiar with the universal symbols for

operating electronic devices. Test your knowledge with these

three examples:

Did you guess Record, Play, and Stop? Good job. Because

these symbols are basically the same no matter what device

you’re using, video operation is second nature for just about



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Businesses can and should

tap into this easy familiarity

with video to improve inter-

nal communication at work.

What areas might video help improve, you ask? Everything.

From compliance training, to onboarding, to policy updates, videos have

the power to enhance knowledge and performance across the board.

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Mobile Flexibility

11 internal communications trends you’d be crazy to ignore

reveals that over 70% of internal communications teams

plan to increase their use of video as a method of employee


“More and more companies are adopting a YouTube-like

approach to video,” the article says, “introducing libraries

that let employees search for videos, comment on them,

tag them, embed them, and upload their own as a means of

sharing information and knowledge.”


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Case Study #1

The following is a real-life story

about the mobile benefits of video

from Russell Working’s article In-

ternal video: when and where em-

ployees want it:

“When the global company Praxair offered technical instruction in the

past, an expert would fly to scattered locations and teach his colleagues

face-to-face. Recently, however, an engineer at the company . . . demon-

strated how video has changed communications.”

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“The engineer aimed a camera at a PowerPoint presen-

tation on his computer screen and recorded a training

session, using his pen as a pointer, says Praxair’s Ter-

ry Bourgeois. The engineer uploaded it internally and

emailed the URL to relevant employees.

Unpolished? Perhaps. But staffers got their training,

Praxair could track who watched the video worldwide,

and the engineer was spared weeks of standing in airport

security lines.”

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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Case Study #2

Here’s another real-life example

from Working’s article about us-

ing video for internal communi-

cation, this time from the online

selling giant eBay.

Working quotes eBay’s overseer of live webcasting, video produc-

tion services and global enterprise technology, who says that eBay

“uses video for major events such as all-hands meetings, which

staffers can watch live and or view later.”

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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The article goes on to say that “the company increasing-

ly produces shorter videos that are less taxing than an

hour-long meeting. Some of these allow staff to ‘get to

know another department within your organization and

what they do day-to-day.’”

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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Case Study #3

What if you’re a massive company with thou-

sands of employees spread out all over the

world? Everyone needs the same information and timely updates, right?

Let’s look at Raytheon’s story, also featured in Working’s article.

The defense and security giant, Raytheon Company, has 68,000 em-

ployees worldwide and uses video to communicate with them.

The article says that the company was using online video even before

the invention of YouTube but that it has seen a big change in the way

employees interact with video.

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Once Raytheon tended to webcast more of

the town halls, but “employees weren’t re-

ally paying attention to the time-consuming


Working reports that Raytheon now creates

a series of five shorter videos each quarter

and “promotes them through emails with

links to a micro-site and also on blogs where

people can discuss the content. Viewership

has increased over 400 percent.”

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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24/7 Accessibility

Ever had the experience of seeing your doctor and then

not remembering exactly what was said afterward about

your diagnosis or medication instructions?

Or how about employees in highly-regulated companies

that must attend regular meetings to get updated on new,

mandated rules they have to comply with?

It’s easy to forget important information, and even harder

for companies to make sure every employee is on the same

page. It sure would be helpful sometimes to be able to re-

play exactly what was said, wouldn’t it?


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Well, now you can. For example,

Working reports that at Praxair vid-

eo is becoming on-demand, which

means that it is globally available.

“Employees can beef up their learn-

ing when they want it,” says Work-

ing, “and they can play and replay

a video. If they want credit for the

viewing, they have to take a test.”

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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Another benefit of this accessibility?

Less scheduling hassle.

“It’s fantastic in that you don’t have

to worry about the schedule so much

anymore,” says Burgeois, who runs

Praxair’s knowledge management

training program.

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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Working says that Praxair also uses video

to communicate critical messages from se-

nior management, such as CEO messages

about quarterly results, which lets staffers

at remote sites watch them.

“If there’s critical information that people

at multiple locations need to know, and it’s

important that that information is received

in the same way by everyone, they’re using

video to tape those messages,” Bourgeois

says (as quoted by Working).

Source: Internal video: when and where employees want it

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“3 Reasons to Use Video for Internal Communication” 20

So let’s review the reasons you should

be using video for internal communi-

cation right now. Video provides the

following three benefits:

And don’t forget these bonus benefits of video!

• Improved knowledge and performance

• Increased employee engagement

• Better knowledge of coworkers

• Saved money and time

• Simplified scheduling

Easy familiarity Mobile flexibility 24/7 accessibility

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So what’s the bottom line?

Once there were only one-dimensional printed documents to

communicate with staff. Now there is the dynamic “document”

of video for internal communication, a medium with the easy

familiarity, mobile flexibility, and 24/7 accessibility to reach any

and every audience.

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You can stay ahead of the technological curve with our all-in-one video com-munication tool.

Check out details on the next page.

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Ving is an all-in-one communication tool that ensures your messages are read and acted on.

With Ving, you create and share multi-media messages that capture real-time recipient interactions viewable on your engagement dashboard.

Businesses and organizations use this dy-namic communication tool to:

► Streamline onboarding procedures ► Communicate policy updates ► Increase employee engagement ► Enhance compliance training ► Improve management


Get started now and try Ving for Free.

Click Here

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About the Author & Designer

Rebecca Whittenberger is an eleven-year veteran of working in non-profit organizations and academic institu-tions. She served as curator of education and education consultant for the Mahoning Valley Historical Society for six years and is currently a communications specialist in marketing and public relations at Ving.