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3: Manage Individuals – Create, Assist, and Manage Profiles

Chapter Contents

Creating an Individual Account (Registration) ................................................................................. 3-2 SNAP Mini-Registration ...................................................................................................................... 3-10

Common Intake Form (Combined Application) .............................................................................. 3-15 Completing a Common Intake Form ................................................................................................... 3-16

Quick Search ............................................................................................................................... 3-19 Assisting an Individual .................................................................................................................. 3-20

Quick Assist ........................................................................................................................................ 3-20 Search Results Summary View .......................................................................................................... 3-25 Search Results Detailed View ............................................................................................................ 3-25 Wagner-Peyser Re-Enrollment Prompt .............................................................................................. 3-27 Right To Work Validation Flag ............................................................................................................ 3-28 Choose a Profile or Plan - My Portfolio Options ................................................................................. 3-28

One Case Note to Multiple Individuals .......................................................................................... 3-30 WIOA Pre-Applications ................................................................................................................. 3-33

Viewing / Approving WIOA Pre-Applications ...................................................................................... 3-34 The Individual’s WIOA Pre-Application Screens ................................................................................ 3-37

Creating a Mini-Registration ......................................................................................................... 3-40 Complete a Mini-Registration........................................................................................................ 3-42 Managing My Individual Profiles ................................................................................................... 3-42

Personal Profile Folder ....................................................................................................................... 3-43 Search History Profile Folder .............................................................................................................. 3-57 Self-Assessment Profile Folder .......................................................................................................... 3-68 Using Your Communications Profile Folder ........................................................................................ 3-77

Managing My Individual Plans ...................................................................................................... 3-87 Employment Plan Profile .................................................................................................................... 3-88 Training Plan Profile ........................................................................................................................... 3-95 Benefits Plan Profile ........................................................................................................................... 3-98 Financial Plan Profile .......................................................................................................................... 3-99

Using the Staff Profiles ............................................................................................................... 3-102 General Profile .................................................................................................................................. 3-102 Case Management Profile ................................................................................................................ 3-108 Report Profile .................................................................................................................................... 3-110

Assist An Individual Menu Option

As a case manager, counselor, or other staff user of the system, you can track and share information regarding eligible individuals receiving core services, training, or other intensive services. Some of the

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basic functions that you will perform as part of managing individuals, and the services they receive, are briefly indicated below and covered in detail in the rest of the topics of this chapter.

• Create an Individual – Create an initial account for an individual, with basic login, residential, contact, and profile data. This is the same account and data that individuals create themselves when they register. Refer to the following section for more information.

• Common Intake* – Make decisions based on an individual’s background and needs, and start multiple program applications, gather data, and determine their eligibility to participate in various federal programs such as Wagner-Peyser, WIOA, TAA, Adult Education, and others. This lets staff better assist them to find a job, to receive training, to receive subsidized supportive assistance, or other types of help, which may be available through different program funding. A staff member’s access privileges for each program (as well as for common intake) will determine the combined applications they can perform for an individual. Refer to the topic “Common Intake Form (Combined Application)” on page 3-15 for details.

• Assist an Individual – Search for and select a system-registered individual whose account information you wish to view and/or modify. Any of the profiles – personal, employment plan, search history, assessment, case management, and report – can be accessed based on staff member privileges. Refer to the topic “Assisting an Individual” for more information.

• One Case Note to Multiple Individuals – Create one case note and associate it to multiple individuals or employers.

• WIOA Pre-Applications* – View and approve WIOA Pre-Applications that have been created by individuals using the system.

• Create Mini-Registration* – Complete a condensed form for minimal registration needs, to create mini-registration users quickly, for large events (e.g., job fairs) so job seekers can receive services immediately, and still be tracked. See the topic on page 3-40 for details.

• Mini-Registration User* – View job seekers who have started registration (via mini-registration) and complete their registration, so that staff can help manage them, beyond registration. See the topic on page 3-42 for details on completing full registration for user with a “mini-registration”.

• * The asterisk indicates menu options that are configurable, based on purchased modules, and may not display on your site.

Creating an Individual Account (Registration) Before you can perform any management functions, or help an individual with any services, the individual must first be registered with the system. Staff can assist the individual in creating the account information (which includes login, residential, contact, profile, military, and other data). This data is considered part of the normal registration and is used later to help manage the individual, create résumés, enroll the individual in programs, and provide services.

Notes: The steps for staff registering an individual mirror the steps that individuals use to self-register, with the exception of staff related fields at the end of the process. See the topic “Registration” in Chapter 1 of the Individual Services User Guide for more on any of these steps.

Sites that include the SNAP program can be configured to first display a prompt for SNAP Mini-Registration, which is discussed at the end of this registration. The full SNAP Registration is covered in Chapter 10 - SNAP E&T Program.

Creating a SNAP E & T mini registration

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To create an individual account: 1 From the left menu, select Manage IndividualsCreate an Individual. 2 In each screen, use the boxes/buttons, drop-down lists, or other controls, to enter all required

data. Then click Next to save and move to the next page.

Registration – Login and Primary Identification Data

3 Enter all required login data and any optional information that you can supply.

Notes: Any boxes or controls with a red asterisk (*) are required fields. If you do not supply an entry, a message will indicate what data is missing when you try to advance to the next page. The fields depicted for registering an individual are dependent upon system configuration and may not be available in your system. The E-mail address cannot be pasted into the confirmation field.

4 Click Next to continue. A set of registration pages that collect identifying information about the individual are displayed.

The system confirms that the User Name and Social Security number are unique. If you enter a name or number that already exists, the system will prompt you to reenter the data. Your organization’s internal conventions may require additional procedures when someone attempts to enter a name or number that already exists in the database.

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Registration – Name, Address and Phone/E-mail Pages

Note: Some fields (e.g., phone type) may only display for site with a specific configuration for those fields.

5 Click in the boxes, drop-down lists, or other controls to enter the required individual data and any optional data on the registration screens for Name, Address and Phone/E-mail data.

a. When the mailing and residential address are the same, click the Use residential address checkbox to populate these address fields. The system will attempt to standardize the mailing address to a known address listing for the area.

6 Click Next to continue. A screen is displayed to identify the individual to receive notifications, and the method for how they heard about and are going to access the website.

7 Select the method by which the individual prefers to get messages or notifications, and identify the site they are using to access the system.

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Preferred Notification and Site Access Registration Screen

8 Click Next to continue. A screen for citizenship and disability is displayed.

9 Select the type of citizenship for the individual and enter selections to identify the individual’s disabilities (if any apply).

Note: Your site configuration determines how many questions will display related to the Yes or No response to disability.

Citizenship and Disability Registration Screen

10 Click Next to continue. The Education Information page is displayed.

11 Select entries for Highest Education Level Achieved and whether the individual is currently attending school.

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Education Information Screen

Note: If your state is configured using WorkKeys and integrates the use with its educational systems, your site may also be configured to ask if the client is/was required to take a WorkKeys Assessments as a high school student.

12 Click Next to continue.

The next screen has several questions for entering employment and farm worker information.

13 Select entries and answer questions.

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Employment & Farm Worker Information Screen

14 If you select Yes to displayed questions, also answer or make selections for the additional fields that are displayed based on the Yes selection.

Note: The Employment Information screen gathers some information for supporting Unemployment Insurance goals. This screen may include questions on your security clearance, licenses or certifications, and if any applications for public assistance were made. These questions gather data specifically for UI claim purposes and are not related to any Public Assistance questions that may occur later in registration.

15 When you have selected the correct information, click Next to continue.

The next screen displays several screen groups for entering information on the individual’s desired job.

16 Enter a job title.

17 Select an occupational title.

Note: If the system recognized the job title as possible Occupation codes, they will be listed as suggested occupations. Otherwise, use the Search for an occupation link to select the best matching occupation code

Job Title & Job Occupation Screen

18 When you have enter the job title and occupation, click Next to continue.

The next screen displays Ethnic Origin and Language selections.

19 Make appropriate selections.

20 Click Next to continue.

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Ethnic Origin Screen

The next screen displays fields to enter Military Service data.

21 Click the appropriate selections that apply, if the individual has any military service.

If you answer No to all questions, go to the bottom of the page and click Next >> to continue. If you answer Yes to question 1, use the “Transitioning Type” drop-down list and calendar

control in the Transitioning Service Members section to indicate your transitioning type and transitioning service member discharge date. Then skip to the bottom of the page and click Next to continue.

Note: Answering Yes to questions will expand the areas for more information as shown in the following figure.

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Military Service Details Registration Screen

22 Once you have answered all questions about your military service, click Next to continue.

Either the next screen displays questions for Public Assistance (depending on your site configuration), or the final Registration Confirmation Screen displays.

Note: The Public Assistance screen is normally configured to display at this point only if the individual is a veteran. The responses are used primarily to help DVOP staff meet DVOP program goals. If the individual is not a veteran, the next screen is normally the registration confirmation screen.

23 Answer each of the questions for Public Assistance.

Note: If you answer No to all questions, then two additional fields will ask you to indicate the number of individuals living in your household, and income within the last 6 months. This will help determine eligibility for certain program services based on low income.

24 Once you have answered public assistance questions, click Next to continue.

The Registration Confirmation screen is displayed (as shown in the following figure).

When the individual have been successfully registered, that individual’s name will display under the Currently Managing group on the left menu, along with the Registration Confirmation screen.

Currently Managing Group

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Registration Confirmation Screen

25 Verify that the individual’s name displays correctly.

26 Then use links on this screen to continue assisting the individual, if appropriate.

You can continue to manage the individual’s services from selections on this screen, or return to general Staff Services. For example, if the name is wrong, you can click on the Individual Portfolio selection to adjust the incorrect name.

Note: Depending on your system’s configuration, data controlled by the content manager may also be included at the bottom of this page.

Note: Some systems will be configured to proceed directly to the Résumé Builder after you have registered an individual.

You can assist with an individual’s background information, assist with the individual’s résumé, or view detailed information for the individual directly from the Registration Confirmation screen. These options include:

• Individual Portfolio – Click this link to work with the different case folders that contain the individual’s profile information (personal profile, employment plan, search history, self-assessment, case management, etc.). These profile folders are covered in detail under the topic “Choose a Profile “

• Background Wizard – Click this link to create the individual’s background history (employment and educational background, etc.). This wizard and different pieces of background information are covered in detail under the topic “Background Tab.”

• Résumé Builder – Click this link to create the individual’s résumé. The résumé is covered in detail under the topic “Résumés Tab.”

SNAP Mini-Registration Due to the way that referrals are typically processed between DHS and state workforce customers, a staff mini registration for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Employment and Training (SNAP E&T) has been created to support needs related to the limited information provided by DHS.

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For state customers who purchased the SNAP E&T program module, and configured their site for mini-registration, when staff selects to Create an Individual, a prompt asks, “Do you want to create a SNAP E&T mini registration?”

If staff selects Yes, the SNAP mini-registration prompts staff with screens to enter basic information for the individual to create the initial SNAP mini-registration, which fills some essential information for the full SNAP application, and includes:

• SSN, primary location, and demographic data • SNAP username, phone numbers, phone types • DHS Information (participation type, case number, DHS Counselor, Appointment data and


Completing the information populates a partial SNAP E&T program application on the individual’s Programs tab. Staff can continue from the Programs tab to create the full application, and continue the other steps and activities for the SNAP E&T program.

SNAP E&T Mini Registration Option

To create a SNAP E&T Mini Registration: 1 From the Left menu, select Manage IndividualsCreate an Individual. 2 Select Yes when prompted to create SNAP E&T mini-registration and click Next.

The required registration screen is displayed.

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SNAP Mini-Registration – Personal Information

3 Enter the client’s full name, SSN, primary location, and date of birth, then click Next.

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SNAP Mini-Registration – Addresses

4 Enter Residential and Mailing address data. Click Next.

SNAP Mini-Registration – Phone Numbers

5 Enter phone data. Click Next.

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SNAP Mini-Registration – DHS Information

6 Enter DHS case and appointment information. Click Finish.

The Programs tab will display for the individual (as shown below).

SNAP Mini-Registration – Resulting SNAP Application (Incomplete)

Staff can continue to start the full SNAP Application now by clicking on the Application link (which will indicate Incomplete), or staff can continue to fill in the full application at another time.

See Chapter 10 - Programs Tab: SNAP E&T, for more on the SNAP Application and managing an individual in the SNAP program.

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Common Intake Form (Combined Application) In many states, the models and business rules for workforce staff require that, after an individual registers, their case manager gather additional data specifically for each program application (e.g., WIOA, TAA). The case manager assists them with intake/collection of data along with corresponding forms and any related validation documents. This process can be performed one program at a time and tracked for one or more active programs using the Programs tab. This is discussed in the topic, Case Management Folder, Programs Tab, in Chapter 4, as well as in Chapters 5 through 14 for each individual program.

Some customers may also employ a combined enrollment model whereby they gather data for multiple programs simultaneously and then determine eligibility for each program.

The system includes the Common Intake form to handle this combined enrollment model. If the optional Common Intake module is configured for your system, staff with access for several programs can use a combined application wizard to gather data for multiple programs. The wizard follows the same steps/pages and structure of the individual program forms, but includes areas on each page to allow combined data gathering for the multiple selected programs.

When launching the Common Intake form when staff are assisting an individual, the system knows which program applications already exist and provides visual indicators of the programs, as well as the status and LWDB for programs already In Progress, Participating, Exited, or Complete, as shown in the figure below. From this screen, staff can add or remove programs and start the combined intake process.

Common Intake Menu Option and Status Screen

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Completing a Common Intake Form Much of the information presented on the Common Intake wizard pages was previously gathered during the individual’s registration. For descriptions of registration-related fields, see the topic, Creating an Individual Account (Registration) previously in this chapter. For program-related fields, see the specific program topic in Chapters 5-14.

To start the Common Intake process: 1 Select an individual to assist.

2 Select Manage IndividualsCommon Intake from the left menu. The system displays the Common Intake Status screen (as shown below, at left).

Start Intake Button, Intro Page

3 Review the programs, then click Add for each program to be included in the common application. The button labels change to Remove when selected.

4 Click the Start Intake button. The Intro page displays (as shown above, at right).

5 In each program’s section of the form, enter the eligibility dates, as applicable.

6 Make any needed changes to LWDB or Office Location.

Notes: If the chosen programs have different requirements, each page may have separate areas for each program. For example, the Intro page has different eligibility date requirements for varying customer groups in programs such as Wagner-Peyser, WIOA, and TAA.

Note in the figure below that a tab for each program appears above the entry portion. Clicking the program name expands and collapses a table of summary information for each application for that program. Click on the Case/Application ID or the Eligibility Dates drop-down arrows to view more summary info. Click the Add Program(s) link to add another program to this Common Intake form. Click the Hide/Show All Steps link to collapse or expand the wizard progress area.

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Program Tabs and Show/Hide All Steps

7 Click Next to save the entries on this page and proceed to the Contact page. Make any changes, as needed.

Note: Each time you click Next, the system saves the entries on the current page. If you click the Exit Wizard link and leave the intake form, any entries made on the current page will be lost.

Exit Wizard Link and Next/Back Buttons at Bottom of Every Page

After this step, the next steps may differ, depending on the programs selected and any entries configured specifically for your state/site. For example, if Wagner-Peyser was selected, the Farmworker page is included. It functions the same as the Farmworker page described in the topic, The WP Application Form, in Chapter 5, for the Wagner-Peyser program.

8 Move through each page and:

Complete all required fields Specify any verification selections, if shown Include any entries for non-required fields, if known

9 On the last page, Eligibility Summary, review the eligibility status of each of the program application sections (as shown below). The top of each application area displays eligibility statuses along with reasons for any ineligible areas.

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Program Sections of the Eligibility Summary Page

10 To change the eligibility results, you can return to any page of the application form and make changes by clicking on its link at the top of the page. To save the changes, you must click Next, and then move back to the Eligibility Summary page.

11 Click Finish to save the application. A Finish Application pop-up box displays with Participation links for each application that is eligible (as shown below).

Link to a Participation Form from Finish Application Pop-up Box

12 To start the participation process for a program, click on its Participation link, or click to Return to Programs Tab.

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13 Enter the Participation Date on the Participation screen and click Next (as shown in the figure below). The Common Intake process is now complete.

The Service Plan screen displays where the first service can be enrolled (as shown below for Wagner-Peyser). Refer to the chapters for the specific programs for details on completing these screens.

Participation and Service Plan Screens

Quick Search Above all items in the left menu is a Quick Search feature to access a customer’s account. In addition to the standard Search for Individuals (described below) and the Search for Employers mechanisms, staff can search for system-registered individuals or employers by entering, minimally, the last four digits of a client’s Social Security Number or Federal Employer ID number.

Quick Search Button

Note: Typically the match is based on the last four digits; however, this may be configured differently for your site to only match on a different selection, for example, this may only match on the full 9-digit SSN).

As staff enter the search criteria, the system executes an auto complete function to anticipate the complete string entry, and displays match results based on this data entry. As staff enter more numbers, the system reduces the number of match results and will prompt staff to perform the following:

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• If there are five or fewer matches, staff may simply click the desired match to access the specified landing page of the individual or employer account.

• In the case of more than five matches, the system will also display a message at the bottom of the list of five, indicating that there are more than five users found, and display a link to the typical Individual Search and Employer Search.

The system will also display “No Records Found” if no client records match the entire 9-digit entry.

Assisting an Individual Before you can assist an individual, you must identify the registered individual whom you will assist and select their account. This is done by use of a search screen.

To Search for and Select an Individual: 1 Select Manage IndividualsAssist an Individual from the Left menu.

Currently Managing Menu

A search window is displayed, allowing you to specify information about the individual you want to assist (as shown in the following figure).

2 You can click a desired name from the top of the screen to quickly access one of the last five accounts you previously accessed, or enter criteria to find a desired individual.

Note: When you select someone, Currently Managing displays on the left menu and provides links to the folders, profiles or specific landing pages. You can also click to assist another individual, or stop assisting the individual and work in areas not related to a specific individual. A flag and/or (MSFW) will also display next to the name if the individual is a veteran, or a Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker.

3 Enter your desired search criteria in one or more of the text boxes, buttons or controls, as shown in the sample figure below. Note: You can click a My Search List link at the top of the screen if you previously saved a

search. This displays saved groups of individuals from previous searches. Selecting a list displays the saved individuals; it does not repeat the search.

Quick Assist You can use the Quick Assist drop-down lists (at top of the screen) to pick an individual you recently assisted, or one assigned in your case load (if you have assigned cases). The number of people you recently assisted, which are displayed in a drop-down list, can be set to as many as 25 via My Staff Account.

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Individual Search Screen (Basic)

Note: Search criteria are NOT case sensitive. To enter a name search, you can type part of a person’s name (like “ch” to find the first names Charles, Charlie, or Chuck), or you can enter the first letter of the first name and first two letters of the last name.

You can make selections in multiple boxes among the different types of search criteria. The more criteria you select, the narrower your search will be and the smaller the number of results.

4 To access additional search criteria, click More Search Options. The system responds by displaying an extended individual search screen, as seen in the following sample figure.

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Individual Search Screen (Extended Options)

Note: The display or usability of some extended search criteria will depend on features configured for your system (such as WorkKeys Performance filters or Agency Codes).

5 Staff can employ any combination of search criteria to access desired account information.

The following table lists some of the many additional criteria sections and search elements that staff can use:

Section Element Description

Location Criteria (Residential Address)

ZIP Code; State; County/Parish; LWIA/Region; One Stop Location

If staff search by location (excluding ZIP Code), they must first select the desire state. VOS will refresh the page to display all applicable counties, regions, and one-stop office locations.

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Section Element Description

Additional Characteristics Criteria

Age (Start/End); Migrant Farm Worker; Education Level; Attending School

Staff may search by age range (i.e., 19–21 year olds), MSFW status, education level (highest grade completed), and/or school status (in/out of school).

Employment Criteria

Job Occupation Code; Months of Experience; Desired Job Title; Employer Name; Employment Status; Unemployment Status

Staff may select search criteria that focus on individual employment histories. If they use a desired O*NET code they can further qualify the search by desired number of months served. VOS checks the IND database table for matches. This includes the ability to search by a person’s months of experience with an O*NET occupation, filtered by “This experience or more, this experience or less, this experience exactly.”

Veteran Criteria

Veteran, Transitioning Service Member, or wife of a deceased or disabled veteran; Campaign Veteran; Disabled Veteran; Recently Separated Veteran; Veteran Status; Homeless Veteran; Military Dependent

Staff may select from varying types of veteran search criteria to locate desired account information.

Public Assistance Criteria

Receiving TANF; Receiving Food Stamps (SNAP); Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Receiving Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA); Receiving General Assistance; Publicly Supported Foster Child

Public assistance information recorded for federal program eligibility purposes may be used to locate desired account information.

Activity/ Service

List for the Activity /Service Code, and date range for when the service was received

If you want to search for individuals who received specific service during a time period (e.g., a job search workshop in the last 30 days).

Special Program Criteria

Special Program List Box (i.e., Career Path, ERP, Reg/Profiling)

If your VOS deployment includes enrollment in local (non-federal) programs, staff may use this section by selecting a desired program.

Assessment Criteria

Work Keys Applied Mathematics; Reading for Information; Locating Information; Applied Technology; Listening; Observation; Teamwork; Writing

All search criteria displayed applies to the Work Keys assessment only: by the score per specific Work Key (e.g., Mathematics, 4 or higher).

Skills Criteria List box containing staff skill set lists (e.g., secretary skills)

If staff creates customized job skill sets, they may perform skills matching to locate desired individuals.

Typing Criteria List box containing typing proficiency. If you want to search for individuals who have a set typing proficiency defined, you can search for individuals who have identified their typing ability.

Language Criteria

List box containing proficiency level for a specific language.

If you want to search for individuals who have defined their proficiency in a specific language, you can search for individuals based on proficiency levels for the language.

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Section Element Description

Driver’s License Criteria

Driver’s License Type, Driver’s License Classifications, Driver’s License Endorsements

Staff can search by specific driver’s license types, classifications, and endorsements in finding potential candidates for jobs that require unique driving abilities.

Case Management Criteria

Individual User Status; Assigned Case Manager; Program Participation; Registration Source; WTP Referrals

Staff may select from the following criteria: archived vs. active accounts; by case manager (with a link to “select me” as the case manager; active program participants (e.g., WP, WIOA); source of registration (self, staff, conversion, etc.).

Password Reset Request

List box identifying time period for seeing reset requests.

The last parameter at the bottom of the expanded search criteria lets staff identify all pending password reset requests, or can specify reset quests with in a given number of days. This parameter can be combined with other criteria (e.g., password requests for users in a specific LWIA or office location).

Note: When Password Resets Requested is used as the last item in the search criteria, the search results will include a Reset Passwords link, and staff can select which passwords to reset for those individuals (as well as which requests to remove from the Reset Password Queue). The email associated with any password resets will also be sent in Spanish for those systems configured with the Spanish module.

Password Reset Requests Criteria, Results Screen

6 Click Search and the Search Results are displayed to let you select a desired individual.

You can also save a list from the results screen, and go straight to certain folders and tabs (as described in the next topic).

Note: The Search Results can be displayed in a Summary or Detailed view. The same functions and links are available from both views.

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Search Results Summary View The steps in the previous topic indicate how to search for an individual. Based on your search criteria, the system will display a results screen similar to the following sample figure.

Note: The links shown in the Action column are the default link. Staff can customize these links from their My Staff Account page (described in Chapter 2), and define different links for the Summary and for the Detailed Views.

Individual Search Results, Summary View

To manage search results, perform the following steps:

• Click Detailed to change to the Detailed view (described in the next topic). • Click a column heading to alphabetically sort the results by that column value. Click the column

heading a second time to re-sort the list in reverse order. • Enter a page number and click Go to move to that page in the list. • Choose a different number of records per page and click Go to refresh the screen. • Use the left and right arrows to move back and forth through the different pages of the list. • Click a desired User Name link to access the individual’s Profile Screen. For details, see

“Choose a Profile or Plan (My Portfolio Options)” on page 3-28. • To save the results of this search for future retrieval, click in the far right column (click the

heading to select all, or click the check boxes for desired records) and then click Save List. • Type a name in the displayed box for the saved list title, and click Save. The system will display

a “successful confirmation” message when complete. At this point, you can work with your search results as you originally intended.

Search Results Detailed View The following figure displays sample search results in the Detailed view. This view displays more data to help you decide which individuals to assist, but takes up more space for displaying the search results.

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Partial Individual Search Results, Detailed View

You can manage search results with the same tools/links described in the Summary view (the previous topic). For example, you can click the:

• Summary link to change to the Summary view (described in the previous topic). • Number in the User ID field to access that individual’s profile screen. • Individual’s Email Address to send the individual an email using your computer’s default email

program. • Link in the Résumés Available field to view the résumés the individual has created.

Notable differences are:

• Click the Individual Detailed column heading to display a dialog-box control for sorting the results. (as shown in the figure below). This can sort ascending or descending by fields similar to those in the Summary view column headings. However, there is more data in this view and, therefore, more sort options.

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• The Résumés link indicates how many résumés the individual has total, how many online, and lets you access the Résumés tab for that individual.

Column Sort Control from Individual Search Results, Detailed View

Wagner-Peyser Re-Enrollment Prompt When a staff member attempts to assist an individual who has a closed Wagner-Peyser participation (e.g., they have exited from the Wagner-Peyser program), the system automatically displays a screen to let staff review/change the individual’s participation information and then re-enroll them in the Wagner-Peyser (WP) program. This allows the system to record any Wagner-Peyser activities for federal reporting purposes.

Note: The system will display this prompt until staff (or the individual working unassisted) modify the user’s profile and click Enroll Now.

Staff will perform the following steps to manage the WP re-enrollment prompt:

• If staff want to bypass the WP re-enrollment effort, they click Do not enroll. The system will bypass creation of a Wagner-Peyser enrollment and participation record, and will not update participation information for the individual. It then displays the appropriate screen based on which link staff clicked (User Name link vs. Action link).

Note: The Do Not Enroll option is targeted to WIOA program staff who may not want to enroll their client in Wagner-Peyser.

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• If staff want to re-enroll the individual in the Wagner-Peyser program (for the benefit of reporting WP services provided to the individual), they must complete the Participation Information section to include an initial service activity from the list box. To complete the transaction, they click Enroll Now. The system will create a new Wagner-Peyser enrollment and participation record (with the selected Initial Service activity completed). It then displays the appropriate screen based on which link staff clicked (User Name link vs. Action link).

Right To Work Validation Flag A configuration option may be set for your system, which ensures that when individual job seekers enter a one stop and require staff assistance, the screen that staff will access to select that individual will include a Right To Work (RTW) flag, as shown in the figure below. This flag indicates whether the appropriate RTW documentation related to their citizenship has been validated.

If the flag is set to No, then the staff member will be required to select the valid citizenship type and related validation information before they can continue for that individual.

Individual Search Results Screen (with RTW column)

Choose a Profile or Plan - My Portfolio Options When you click a User Name or User ID link from the individual search results screen, the system default is set to display the My Portfolio options screen, as shown in the following figure (unless you have

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changed your Individual Landing Page). Staff members will see the Staff’s Profile tab appear, which contains the General Profile, Case Management Profile, and the Report Profile. To select a profile, click the profile folder icon or the profile name link.

Note: The profile folders are divided into My Individual Profiles, which contains an individual’s Personal Profile, Search History Profile, Self-Assessment Profile, and Communications Profile; My Individual Plans, which contains the Employment Plan Profile, Training Plan Profile, Benefits Plan Profile and Financial Plan Profile; and the Staff’s Profile, which contains the General Profile, Case Management Profile, and Report Profile.

My Individual Profiles can be viewed by both individuals and staff members. It contains general information about the individual; documents places within the system that the individual has visited, provides a synopsis of results of various self-help assessments that the individual has completed, and provides access to an individual’s communication tools (including messages, letters, templates, career networks, system alert subscriptions, and email log).

My Individual Profiles

My Individual Plans can be viewed by both individuals and staff members. It contains information useful for the individual’s reemployment efforts, such as their résumé and the Virtual Recruiter tool. It contains information designed to assist the person in their desire to go back to school and get additional training,

information about benefits for which the individual might be eligible, and financial management features to help individuals with their budget and to determine if additional aid is necessary for education or training.

My Individual Plans

Staff’s Profile contains information that can be viewed only by a staff member. This includes general profile and activity information and case notes; an analysis of any services and enrollments provided under various federal programs; and statistics determining places the individual has accessed in the system.

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Staff’s Profiles (default tab from individual search)

For details of each profile option, refer to the topic “Managing My Individual Profiles.”

One Case Note to Multiple Individuals The system allows staff members to create one case note, and then associate one or more individuals to the case note. This saves the staff member time, as a single case note can be used for multiple customers. The screen for entering the case note will be similar to the traditional Case Note Composition screen, but will have a Search for Individuals link at the bottom, which allows the staff member to search for and select desired individuals from the displayed search results. The staff member enters information in a variety of fields for the Case Note Details, such as Program, LWIA/Region, and Office Location, and then enters text for the Case Note Description. Case note information can also be auto-filled using a case note template, if available.

One Case Note to Multiple Individuals Screen

• Once the information for the case note is entered, the staff member clicks the Search for Individuals button to locate the individuals to whom the case note should be associated.

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This search functions identically to the search used to locate individuals in order to assist them.

Search For Individuals Screen

• Add any additional search criteria, and click Search again. (Program Participation and LWIA/Region are filled from pervious screen.)

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Search Results Screen

• From the Search Results screen, check the Select boxes for individuals to get the Case Notes, and then click Continue.

The search results for the individual search will display under a Case Notes Recipient(s) area, and will let the user add or remove multiple individuals to or from the list.

Note: The Case Note for Multiple Users does not require that staff use a case note template to auto-fill certain fields, but fields that may be automatically filled in, for case notes when created for the user in a specific location (e.g., Program LWIA/Region, Office) are still required, and must be selected if they are not auto-filled by a selected template for multiple users. The Case Note Attachments and Case Note History can be accessed when each case note is opened from the user’s specific Case Notes tab.

The system displays the case note Details and the Case notes Recipients in two different sections of the final screen, as shown in the following figure:

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Case Note with Multiple Recipients

When the case note is saved, all the selected recipients for the case note will receive the case note, and it will be visible on each individual’s Case Notes tab.

Note: For details on Staff - Case Note for Multiple Users, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

WIOA Pre-Applications If your site is configured for the WIOA Pre-Application feature, job seekers who may be eligible for WIOA, or additional training services, can start a WIOA Pre-Application after registration, or check their WIOA eligibility at any time (e.g., from the dashboard via their My Benefits Plan widget).

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Create WIOA Pre-Application

The system will allow individuals to create a “self-service” WIOA Pre-Application after they have registered in the system (accessed at one of the options on the “What would you like to do next?” page at the end of registration). This pre-application can also be accessed by individuals, either through the My Benefits Plan widget or the corresponding Benefits Profile.

The WIOA Pre-Application wizard that is launched helps individuals to determine if they are qualified for services under WIOA, and to supply WIOA information and verification documents before contacting one-stop staff for case management assistance. This will improve efficiency and save time for both the job seeker and one-stop staff. The WIOA Pre-Application provides a step-by-step wizard to help individuals supply required WIOA information and verification documents. The screens explain what WIOA is, and how individuals can review the WIOA Pre-Applications. More on how the individual uses the wizard is described in the topic following the description below on how staff see and approve or convert existing WIOA Pre-Applications.

Viewing / Approving WIOA Pre-Applications For customers with the WIOA application feature configured for their system, the staff member can see the WIOA Pre-Applications when they select Manage Individuals > WIOA Pre-Applications. From the display of pre-applications, staff can then choose to approve each pre-app, view a pre-app summary, or delete the pre-applications. Staff can also see WIOA Pre-Application for the Individual on their Programs Tab.

WIOA Pre-Application (Listed by LWIA and or Office/OneStop)

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Staff members can Approve the Pre-Application, view a Summary of it (as a PDF print form), or Delete the application.

If the staff member chooses to Approve the application:

• A screen will let them choose to convert the application to a full WIOA application. • After supplying the application and eligibility dates confirming the LWIA and office, and clicking

the "Convert Application" button, the application will be created and marked as Partial. • Staff will be redirected to the starting page of the WIOA Application wizard to verify the

information (and they will be assisting that individual, which will display under Currently Managing on the left menu).

Convert Application Button

Staff can also select the Convert WIOA Pre-Application link for the individual on their Programs tab if they have not approved the pre-application.

WIOA Pre-Application Link on Programs Tab

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If no staff member has accepted the pre-application, and a staff member assisting that individual opens their Programs tab, the tab will display a link to convert the WIOA Pre-Application. Staff can use this link to start the WIOA application using the individual’s pre-application information.

Whether staff choses to Convert Application using the WIOA Pre-Applications list, or the link on the programs tab, the selection will take a few seconds to perform the conversion and then display the WIOA Application Tabs (or Progress Bar) for the converted application.

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WIOA Wizard Progress Bar

The Individual’s WIOA Pre-Application Screens Job seekers can use the WIOA Pre-Application wizard to guide them through screens to determine if they are qualified for services under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). These may include intensive adult training services or specialized youth services. This will improve efficiency and save time for both the job seeker and one-stop staff by gathering required information and letting the job seeker attach or upload required documents. The basic screens for the WIOA-Pre-Application are presented here in case staff need to assist individuals in performing pre-applications.

The WIOA Pre-Application is designed to gather the necessary information to determine eligibility for WIOA Adult, Dislocated Workers, and Youth. DEO can configure the system to request the WIOA Pre-Application as soon as the individual registers in the system.

The WIOA Pre-Application provides a step-by-step wizard to help individuals supply WIOA information and verification documents. The screens explain what WIOA is, and how individuals can determine whether they may be eligible for any available programs or services (this text is configurable for each customer). Users can save time when they visit the one-stop by supplying the WIOA information, as well as uploading verification forms, through the system.

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WIOA Pre-Application – Start Page

This system informs the individual that this is only preliminary eligibility preparation, and that they are required to meet with staff to complete their eligibility. The following screens ask questions, helping the individual supply the education, employment, disability, veteran, and assistance information necessary for the WIOA application. The system will gather information they already entered during system registration and will pre-fill some information on the WIOA Pre-App screens. It will prompt the individual if they make any selections that contradict their basic registration information.

WIOA Pre-Application – Progress Bar

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After the individual has completed the WIOA Pre-Application questions, they will see the Docs page for uploading files required for eligibility.

Individuals can skip this step and bring the documents with them when they meet staff at the one-stop; however, if the system configuration includes the Self-Service Document module, they can upload the documents to save time.

The individual will have the ability to upload required electronic files, or scan the documents (depending on system options), which will let staff see those document files for verification when they create and process the full WIOA application. These uploaded documents will automatically be associated with the appropriate WIOA verifications when staff members convert the individual’s WIOA Pre-Application information to a full WIOA application.

Note: Since the WIOA Pre-Application includes a page for individuals uploading documents, it requires the Document Management module. Any documents uploaded via the WIOA Pre Application will show in the individual’s Documents tab, and be available for use in verification of the application.

WIOA Pre-Application – Upload Documents

Once they have completed the questions and uploaded any related documents, the individual’s preliminary eligibility information displays on a summary screen. If they want to continue, they will submit the application online. From the summary screen, they can view a summary report as well as a list of any uploaded documents. They can also print these summaries. The screen displays the contact information for the nearest one-stop office.

Notification of the application will be sent to the appropriate one-stop office staff (identified by the state agency) through a look-up notification table. Staff members who are designated to receive these pre-applications will receive a system alert, notifying them of the new pre-application. Should the individual elect not to participate in the WIOA program, the pre-application will be closed by the system after 90 days of inactivity.

When the individual has finished the WIOA Pre-Application, it will display for staff on the Programs tab as a Convert WIOA Pre-Application link.

At this point, the staff member assisting the individual can convert the pre-application. The system displays all the relevant information from the individual’s pre-application to speed the process of creating the standard WIOA Application. If the individual has uploaded documents, the staff member will see the

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marked verification, the type of verification document, and (if they have purchased the Document Management feature), they will be able to view the uploaded document.

WIOA Pre-Application – View Documents

Creating a Mini-Registration The mini-registration enables individuals (or staff on their behalf) to complete a condensed data-entry form to satisfy minimal system registration requirements. Mini-registration is ideal for large events (such as job fairs) where many job seekers must quickly be registered to provide services, and still track and report the services the one-stop agency provides to these individuals.

When individuals are able to perform their own mini-registration, a link is added to the home page (typically near the login area, with a title such as Job Fair Mini-Registration). However staff can also select Manage Individuals > Create Mini-Registration to quickly conduct system registration for their customers, from the left menu. As staff quickly completes each mini-registration, the final screen is saved and refreshed for another registration.

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Create Mini-Registration menu option

To create a Mini Registration: 1 Select Manage IndividualsCreate Mini Registration.

The mini-registration screen is displayed.

Mini-Registration screen

2 Enter the individual’s contact information, email address, and login information.

3 Click Save. A confirmation pop-up box displays.

4 Click OK to continue to enter information for additional registrants or click Cancel, or make a selection from the left menu, to stop mini-registrations and select other functions.

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Complete a Mini-Registration The Mini-Registration described above allows staff to quickly perform system registration for many individuals at large events, such as job fairs. Users who were registered using the Mini-Registration cannot be found and selected through the Assist an Individual search since they are considered as only “partial” or “incomplete” registrants. However, staff can quickly retrieve a list of all the mini-registration users, and click on any of them to complete a full registration.

From the list of matching results displayed, staff can easily access the desired account name, and access the individual’s General Information tab of the individual’s Personal Profile (which is where details of system registration are maintained).

To complete a Mini-Registration: 1 Select Manage Individuals Mini Registration Users.

A table of mini-registrants is displayed, with links for completing their registration.

2 Locate the mini-registrant whose registration you wish to complete, and click the Complete Registration link.

Complete Registration link

3 The individual’s General Information tab is displayed with required fields for full registration highlighted.

4 Enter all the required (highlighted) data to fully register the individual. 5 Click Save. A confirmation screen displays, “Your information has been saved successfully.”

From this screen, you can click buttons return to the General Info tab or to your dashboard.

Managing My Individual Profiles Click the name of the individual currently being assisted, under Currently Managing on the left navigation menu, to view or modify the information in the individual’s profiles and plans. My Individual Profiles stores all of the individual’s personal information, keeps track of all searches they performed in the system, provides access to self-assessment tools that can help them further their career, and lets them communicate with employers or others regarding their career interests.

My Individual Profiles comprises the following sub-folders:

• Personal Profile – General contact and profile information about the individual as recorded during system registration, as well as background information that can be used in a résumé, a self-evaluation of places in the system the individual needs to visit, a blank memo text box where an individual can maintain reminder messages to themselves (or staff can write case notes), and a list of the individual’s documents that have been uploaded to the system.

• Search History Profile – Information concerning searches the individual made of viewed Jobs, Employers, Programs, Occupations, Industries and Areas.

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• Self-Assessment Profile – Suggested personal assessments an individual can take to meet their needs related to their personal or employment background. Includes assessments of job skills, personal skills, workplace skills, interests, work values, and typical tools and technologies.

• Communications Profile – Contains tools to access and manage communication messages, correspondence, templates, members in an individual’s career network, system alert subscriptions, and the individual’s email log.

Note: To expand a profile, click the link at the top of the page. To return to the main Staff Services screen, click Staff Services from the top of the screen or the Navigation Bar.

Expandable Links and the Staff Services Link at the Top of the Screen

Note: For details on Individual Profile Folders, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

Personal Profile Folder The Personal Profile folder under My Individual Profiles contains five tabs:

• General Information – Contains basic information on the individual compiled from their registration form. A Staff Information section allows staff members to reset their password, change their User Name, view or edit the individual’s Social Security number, change region or office, and view an audit trail of edits and modifications pertaining to the individual. Available options will be dependent upon the staff member’s privileges in the system.

• Background – Contains information that could eventually become part of the individual’s résumé, such as employment history, education history, honors, awards, and other related activities.

• Activities – Presents a questionnaire that asks the individual where they need assistance and, based on their responses, will guide them to specific sections of the system.

• Paths – Individuals collect “badges” as they complete tasks that are designed to help them maximize the system’s features, such as creating résumés and completing assessments.

• Memo – Allows an individual to write a reminder or memo to themselves, and allows staff to maintain information about them as well.

• Documents – Allows an individual to upload or scan documents, such as a birth certificate or copy of a driver’s license, for use in the system.

The following sections will outline these tabs in more detail.

General Information Tab The General Information tab contains information from the individual’s registration form. This information can be edited or modified as necessary, such as an address or phone number. To make any changes,

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click in the boxes or use the drop-down list or other controls as indicated in the following sample figures. Individuals can edit any of this information on their own, but staff can also change it. This tab also contains a Staff Information section, which is available only for staff use. This allows staff members to conduct specific changes.

General Information Tab

Staff may use several fields/tools on this tab to view or enter changes, which the individuals cannot do themselves. Some of the more noteworthy tools include:

Staff Information (none of this section displays for the individual):

• Registration Office – Besides the fields for selecting the Assigned LWIA and the Assigned Office, the Registration Office displays as a link to open a screen for selecting/changing the initial registration Region and Office.

• Account Reset – Help individuals who forgot their username, password, or security question response. For details, see the “Resetting an Individual’s Account (Password/Security Question)” topic below.

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• Social Security Number – The View/Edit SSN link lets staff help individuals who incorrectly provided their SSN. Changes here are carried through to the WP Application. For details, refer to the “Viewing/Editing an Individual’s SSN” topic.

• Individual Audit History – View audit history information for the activities the individual has performed in the system, including account retrieval history.

• Merge Individuals | Potential Duplicate Accounts – Identify any potential duplicate accounts and merge two individual accounts, when necessary.

Login Information section:

• Change Password – The Click here to change password link opens an area that lets staff define a new password for the individual.

Residential Address section:

• Find ZIP Code – Link to the USPS web page for ZIP Code assistance. • Create Email Account – Establish a free email account on the individual’s behalf.

You can enter any required changes. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Setting/Changing the Registration Office If a staff member needs to change the assigned LWIA Region or Office, they can use the pull-down lists from the staff section. If they need to change the LWIA Region/Office associated with the initial registration, which can occasionally be incorrect, they can click the Registration office name link to open a screen for making those changes (e.g., JobsPlus Crestview - 4117). A separate screen will display to identify new registration office information.

Resetting an Individual’s Account Password / Security Question If an individual user contacts a staff member who has forgotten their username, password, and/or security question response, this feature will assist staff in resetting the account information so that the user can log in to the system. When staff click the Click here to reset account link, the system will display a selection screen, as shown in the following figure.

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Reset Account Options Screen

Staff should confirm the individual’s email address and click Send to complete the action.

In response, the individual will receive an email explaining how to access the site. Upon accessing the system login page, users will enter their user name and type “password” as their interim password.

Next, the system will display a window where the user is prompted to provide personal information for security purposes. They complete the data entry and click Verify to proceed.

Note: If users are unable to provide the required information, they can click Go to Contact Staff Page for further assistance at the bottom of the screen.

Once the system verifies the user’s personal information, it prompts them to provide their new password, confirm it, and provide their security question response. Users enter the information and click Verify to proceed.

Viewing/Editing an Individual’s SSN Traditionally, staff members had to access an individual’s Wagner-Peyser (WP) or Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) application to view or edit the Social Security Number (SSN). Although staff (with the appropriate program privileges) may continue to do so, they may also access the individual’s General Information tab (of the Personal Profile) to view or edit the SSN. When staff click the View/Edit SSN link, the system displays a View/Edit SSN screen. Staff may use this screen to type the updated SSN in the space provided and click Save to secure their edits. As a result, the system displays a confirmation screen to indicate that you successfully changed the SSN. Note: The system will modify the SSN as it appears in the WP and WIOA application(s) for this


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Individual Audit History To view tables of records containing audit information for the individual, the staff member can click the View individual history link. The system will display a selection screen, as shown in the following figure. You can make audit table selections, and select fields from the table to display. The file that changes will display in bold.

Reset Account Options Screen

Merge Individual | Potential Duplicate Accounts Because the system is a web-based system that helps individuals work in self-service mode, it is possible for a single individual to create multiple accounts. This might occur if the customer forgets their login information, and instead of retrieving this data, they re-register in the system. Although the system performs edit checks to prevent account duplication, users can provide false information and create a seemingly duplicate account. The result can be multiple account profiles that maintain pieces of service histories for the same individual, which can negatively impact local, state, and federal reporting efforts.

The Merge Individuals feature enables staff to rectify the issue of multiple customer accounts.

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Merge Individuals Link

Potential Duplicate Accounts When authorized staff initiate the merge function working from the customer’s “main” account, the system first identifies potential duplicate accounts by matching any of the following profile data in the system database:

• First Name, Last Name, Similar SSN • First Name, Last Name, Same DOB • First Name, Last Name, Same Zip

The system identifies the potential matches; staff may determine the validity of the potential duplicate account(s), and if agreeable, perform the merge process. As a result, the system will display a merge summary screen.

Merge Individuals If there are no matches as potential duplicate accounts, but staff is aware of a duplicated account, they can click the Merge Individuals link and use standard search tools to identify the known duplicate account. The screen will display data for the master account and the account from which data is to be merged (as shown below).

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Merge Data Compare Screen

Notes: The Merge will not execute if there are overlapping enrollments in WIOA or TAA.

For more details on Staff – Merge Individual User Accounts, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

Changing an Individual’s Password or User Name Under normal conditions, staff should not change an individual’s password to another specific password; they should reset the password as part of resetting the account. Individuals should determine their own password. Staff should also generally not change an individual’s registered user name. Changing either the password or user name could cause confusion for the individual. However, there may be times when it is necessary for staff to manually change the password or user name. Staff with the proper privileges make this change from the Login Information area.

To change a Password: 1 Click the Click here to change password link.

2 Enter the new password, and reenter/confirm the new password.

3 Click Update Password.

To change a User Name: 1 Click the Change User Name link.

2 Enter the new user name.

3 Click Save.

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Background Tab Note: The Background tab is identical in use and function for the Individual and for Staff, with the

exception of the “Employer Indicator,” described below. For more details on the rest of the tab, including the Background Wizard, see the topic, “Your Background Tab,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide.

The Background tab provides details of the individual’s employment, educational, training, desired locations, salary, availability, and other background data that may be pertinent to matching the individual with a job. The Background Wizard steps the user through the process of successfully creating and saving background information. Once this information is completed, the individual can use the entered information to create a résumé or online application.

The Employer Indicator section of the Background tab only displays for staff. It allows a staff member to identify to employers that they have reviewed or verified the background information for the individual.

When the staff member selects a drop-down (Reviewed or Verified), the bottom of the section is updated to indicate the date and time when the staff member completed the review or verification (as shown below).

Background Tab Screen

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Activities Tab The Activities tab lets you review any activities stored for future reference. Activities are based on a series of questions that an individual answers about his/her interests and required assistance. If there are no stored activities for this individual, you will see the statement, “You currently have no saved activity items.” If you want to add or change activities, click Add/Modify Activities. To begin an activity, click the activity statement and follow the instructions for that topic. When this activity has been completed, check the Complete box to line through the activity. To delete an activity, click the desired checkboxes and click the Delete link. The following figure displays a sample Activities List screen.

Activities List Screen

Note: Staff can click the Complete box when they have finished an activity (it will continue to display but will have a line through it). To remove a suggested activity, click the desired checkboxes and click Delete.

From this tab, you can perform the following activities: • Click the check box in the Complete column next to an activity to mark it complete. • Click the checkbox for the activity you wish to remove from the list, then click the Delete link. • Click an activity to perform that activity. • Click Add/Modify Activities to add an activity or modify an existing activity. This will walk you

through a series of questions to be asked of the individual to identify his/her interests and add activities that require assistance (as shown in the example below).

For more information, see the topic, “Select Activities,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide.

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Paths Tab The Paths tab allows individuals to collect badges as they complete tasks in the system necessary for maximizing their job and career search. Clicking a badge title will direct the user to the appropriate section in the system. Time estimates are included for each badge so that individuals can plan their time. As individuals complete a task, the corresponding badge will turn solid; incomplete badges are grayed-out. These badges include:

• Smart Seeker – Once individuals have completed all tasks in the My Paths section, they will be awarded the Smart Seeker badge. This badge will then appear when employers find their résumés during candidate searches.

• Signed and Sealed – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have provided all required information in the General Information tab of the Personal Profile screen.

• Tell Your Story – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have provided all required information in the Background tab of the Personal Profile screen.

• Build It And They Will Come – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have created a résumé (from scratch, by using a template, or by uploading an existing résumé) in the Résumés tab of the Employment Plan Profile screen.

• Yeah, I Can Do That – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have completed the Job Skills assessment in the Self Assessment Profile screen.

• Personality Plus – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have completed the Personal Skills assessment in the Self-Assessment Profile screen.

• Sharpest Tool – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have completed the Tools and Technology Skills assessment in the Self-Assessment Profile screen.

• Find Your Path – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have completed the Work Interest assessment in the Self-Assessment Profile screen.

• Choose Your Values – Individuals will be awarded this badge once they have completed the Work Values assessment in the Self-Assessment Profile screen.

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Paths Tab

Memo Tab The Memo tab lets you review or make changes to personal reminders or comments about an individual.

• To review the contents of a saved memo, click the subject title. • To add and store a new memo, click Add a Memo. • Check the Complete box or click the Delete link when a memo is completed (as described above

in “Activities Tab”). The following figure displays two sample memos:

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Memo Tab

For more information, see the topic, “Working with Memos,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide.

Documents Tab The Documents tab lets staff see and manage documents that are scanned and uploaded for an individual, including those that the individual added and those that staff added, or automatically by the system. There are two views from which staff can see the Documents tab:

Documents (Individual) tab: From the Individual Profiles, staff can see the all of the individual’s documents by using the same Documents tab view from which the individual will see them. For staff, this view also includes an indication of whether the documents are visible to or hidden from the assisted user. It will also show links to delete any of the documents (the individual will only see Delete links for documents they uploaded, which have had no changes by staff).

Documents (Staff) tab: From the Staff Profiles, staff can see the all of the individual’s documents, whether they were added by the individual, by staff, or automatically by system process in the same Documents tab view from which the individual will see them. For staff this includes an indication of the documents that are visible to the assisted user, and the document that only staff can see.

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Documents (Individual) Tab and Documents (Staff) Tab Selection

The following example and description are specific to staff viewing the Documents (Individual) tab. Chapter 24, Manage Documents, describes the Documents (Staff) tab in much more detail, including its use for adding verification documents, in context with program applications, enrollments, and related forms.

Staff can hide any documents currently available to the user by clicking the link below the filename.

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Documents (Individual) Tab

To add a documents to the list, staff can click the Upload a Document button. The Upload screen will prompt to enter information about the document, which includes four document association drop-down controls. From these, staff can identify and associate an individual’s program, application, and verification item type that the document is being used to fulfill. Staff can use the Browse button to locate the file on their computer to upload it to the system.

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Upload a Document Screen

When staff click View, a separate screen will show the details related to the document, including the Document Association and Document Information areas. How many items staff can change or edit is dependent on their privileges. See Chapter 24, Manage Documents, for more on editing existing document attributes.

Search History Profile Folder The Search History profile contains information about searches an individual has performed in the system. Each tab represents a series of “bookmarked” information the individual generated when they previously employed that service option. The following figure displays a sample of the Search History profile:

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Jobs Tab

Click the appropriate tab to update, review, or add information. This folder contains the following tabs:

• Jobs – Lists the jobs that the individual user has previously viewed and lets users conduct new job searches. For more information, see the next topic, “Jobs Tab.”

• Employers – Lists the employers the individual previously researched. Users may customize employer contact information for their records only, and also conduct new employer searches. For more information, see the topic “Employers Tab” on page 3-59.

• Programs – Lists education/training programs the individuals previously researched, and allows users to generate new ones. For more information, see the topic “Programs Tab” on page 3-61.

• Occupations – Lists any occupations that the individual has researched by selecting and viewing one of the Occupation Profile tabs. For more, see the topic “Occupations Tab” on page 3-62.

• Industries – Lists any industries that the individual has researched by selecting and viewing one of the Industry Profile tabs. For more, see the topic “Industries Tab” on page 3-66.

• Areas – Lists any area that the individual has researched by selecting and viewing one of the Area Profile tabs. For more, see the topic “Areas Tab” on page 3-66|

Jobs Tab The Jobs tab contains a list of jobs that the individual has previously viewed. When you click the Jobs tab, to access job order details, the system displays a screen similar to the following sample figure:

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Viewed Jobs Tab

From the Jobs tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• To review the details of the job order, click the job title link. (A job information screen contains a summary of the job order.)

• To remove the job from the list, click checkbox for that job in the Select column and then click the Delete link.

• To conduct a new job search to add to this list, click Search for a Job.

Employers Tab When individuals review an employer’s company and contact information using the system, the system automatically bookmarks these entries and displays employer title links in the Employers tab so users may access that data in the future. The following figure displays a sample Employers tab:

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Employers Tab

From the Employers tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• Click the Employer title to review information about the employer. • Click the Search for an Employer button to search for additional employers and add them to the

displayed list. • Click the checkbox for the employer you wish to remove from the list, and then click the Delete

link. • Click Enter New Employer Contact to add an employer contact profile to an existing employer

company link. This does not change the default employer database from which this information derives.

To review or make changes to the contact information for an employer on the list, click the employer name. The Employer Information screen appears, allowing users to modify the information for their purposes. Click Save Information to secure your edits.

Note: Updates made to the employer contact screen do NOT update the Infogroup® database from which the default information derives.

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Programs Tab The Programs tab contains a list of training programs that the individual had previously searched for and viewed. The system automatically creates program title links in the Programs tab (as shown below), so users may return to the data at any time.

Programs Tab

From the Programs tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• Click the program title to review information about the school and educational program. • Click Search for Training Programs to find a training program that is not on this list. For more

information about researching programs, refer to the Virtual OneStop /Virtual LMI Individual User Guide.

• Click the checkbox in the Select column for the program you wish to remove from the list, then click the Delete link.

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Occupations Tab The Occupations tab contains a list of occupations that the individual has previously researched. The information contained within each occupational link derives from the WID database. Click the Occupations tab to see a screen similar to the one shown below. Any occupations viewed during the user’s research will be listed.

Occupations Tab

From this tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• To review details of a listed occupation, click its title. The full Occupation Profile is displayed for that occupation in the selected area (as shown in the following figure).

• To look for an occupation not on the list or to add an occupation, click Search for an Occupation.

• To remove an occupation from the list, click the checkbox in the Select column for the occupation you wish to remove, and then click the Delete link.

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Select Occupation and Search for an Occupation Screen

The Summary tab is the default display for occupation results. The summary provides an overview of jobs for this occupational category. Staff can navigate through the tabs at top to review additional information on the desired occupation.

Occupational Search Results - Summary Page

From the Description tab, staff can review a summary of job details, job description, and job zone information. The Jobs tab provides a listing of Jobs Available, Monthly Job Count, Jobs Area Distribution, and Jobs in Related Occupations. Jobs Area Distribution and Jobs in Related Occupations may also be viewed as a graph or map by selecting the Graph or Map icons in the upper right corner of those sections.

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Top of Occupation Description Tab and Jobs Tab

The Candidates tab is divided into sections for Candidates Available, Candidate Area Distribution (where results may be displayed as the default list, graph, and map format), and Candidates in Related Occupations, which may also be viewed as a graph. The Supply and Demand tab provides details on Jobs and Candidates Available, Jobs and Candidates Area Distribution (which can be displayed as a list, graph, and map), and National Supply and Demand Summary.

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Candidates Tab and Supply and Demand Tab

The remaining tabs of the Occupation search results, Employers, Skills, Education and Work Experience, Employment and Wages, Nature of the Work, Job Requirements, and Other provide occupation details in the same formats described on the tabs listed above. This information will allow Staff to further assist the individual in their job search.

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Industries Tab The Industries tab saves and lists any industries that you have researched by selecting and viewing one of the Industry Profile tabs. You can use the list to quickly return to the profile for that occupation.

The following figure contains a sample of the Industries tab.

Industries Tab

• Click an Industry in the list to open the Industry Profile to the default tab for that Industry (and area).

• To remove an industry from the list, click the checkbox in the Select column for that industry, then click the Delete link.

• To look for an industry not on the list, click Search for an Industry.

Areas Tab The Areas tab saves and lists any area you have researched by selecting and viewing one of the Area Profile tabs. You can use the list to quickly return to the profile for that area.

The following figures contain a sample of the Areas tab and a selected area’s profile.

• Click an Area in the list to open the Area Profile to the default tab for that area. • To remove an Area from the list, click the checkbox in the Select column for that area, then click

the Delete link. • To look for an area not on the list, click Search for an Area.

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Areas Tab

Sample Area Profile, Summary Tab

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Self-Assessment Profile Folder The Self-Assessment profile (as shown in the following figure) displays details on the job skills, personal skills, work interests, work importance, and tools and technologies the individual has identified and saved through assessments they have completed. If your system is licensed to provide WorkKeys® assessment data, you will also see the Workplace Skills tab.

Note: The Self-Assessment profile option may not be available in your system. In most cases, Self Assessments works identically for staff as it does for the individual. Any differences for staff are indicated in the following sub-sections. Assessments that are available only to staff, from the Case Management Assessments tab, are covered in the next section.

Self-Assessment Profile Screen

This profile contains the following tabs: • Job Skills – Lists job skills that the individual has selected, or that are associated through

occupations that are part of his/her résumé and/or background. The tab lets you edit/modify the list of skills. For more information, refer to the section “Job Skills Tab” on page 3-69.

• Personal Skills – Lists personal skills that the individual has selected, or that are associated to their skills analysis. If no personal skills have been selected yet, no table appears. For more information, refer to the section “Personal Skills Tab” on page 3-70.

• Workplace Skills – Displays workplace / career readiness skills assessment results. If your system is configured with WorkKeys®, the results will be displayed as WorkKeys Skill Level.

• Work Interests – Displays work interests scores, descriptions of the work interests, and lets you assist individuals in matching occupation types to those interests or changing the interests score. For more information, refer to the section “Interests Tab” on page 3-71.

• Work Values – Displays work importance scores, which are the results of an individual using the Work Importance Analyzer to learn more about their work values. The tab also lets you assist individuals in matching occupation types to those values, or in reassessing those values using the

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Work Importance Analyzer. For more information, refer to the section “Work Importance Tab” on page 3-73.

• Tools and Technology – Displays the tools and technologies associated to an occupation that have been selected. For more information, refer to the section “Typical Tools and Technology Tab” on page 3-75.

• Multiple – Displays each of the multiple assessments from the other assessment tab in a manner that lets you quickly view and select the assessments desired to produce the list of occupations common between them.

Note: For more details on Multiple Assessments, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

Job Skills Tab Individuals may assemble their job skills list in many ways:

• Using Career Services > Career Explorer > Match Your Skills > Your Job Skills • Completing the Background Wizard • Completing the Résumé Builder • Using the Job Skills tab of the Self-Assessment Profile

The Job Skills tab (shown below) is a listing of the individual’s selected job skills for review or edit purposes.

Job Skills Tab

Tip: If no job skills exist, the quickest way to identify general skills is to walk the individual through the Background Wizard.

From this tab, you can:

• Click Edit Job Skills to modify the job skills list. The job skills screen displays as described in the following topic, “Editing Skills.” Check each skill that applies from the various job categories. The new selections and changes to skills will replace your previous skill set.

• Click another tab to assist the individual in assessing skills or interests beyond standard skills defined for their previous employment.

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Note: This tab works identically for staff as it does for the individual. To see more details, see “Viewing Job Skills,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide, or “Matching Your Job Skills,” in Chapter 3 of the Individual Services User Guide.

Personal Skills Tab When you click the Personal Skills tab (shown below), a table appears that contains a list of personal skills selected in the system. This function lets you review or edit these skills.

Personal Skills Tab

From this tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• Click Edit Personal Skills to modify the personal skills you have selected. You can check each personal skill that applies. The newly selected personal skills will replace the previous personal skills.

• Click Find Matching Occupations and Jobs to research occupations and real jobs that match the skills table you have created.

• Click another tab to change the service function in which you are working.

Note: This tab works identically for staff as it does for the individual. To see more details, see “Viewing Personnel Skills,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide, or “Matching Your Personnel Skills,” in Chapter 3 of the Individual Services User Guide.

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Workplace Skills Tab When you select the Workplace Skills tab (shown below), a table appears displaying a list of skill assessments that are available for the individual, when as assessment has been completed the individuals score will be displayed.

Workplace Skills Tab and Workplace Skills Tab configured with WorkKeys®

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Work Interests Tab The Work Interest Analyzer is another career development tool for individuals. It finds occupations that match their interests rather than their job or personal skills. When you click the Work Interests tab of the Self-Assessment Profile, a table appears similar to the following sample figure:

Work Interests Tab

From this tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• Click Review Work Interests to modify the previously selected work interests. The system displays the Work Interest Scores Summary screen. Clicking on an item in the Interest Area will launch a pop-up with details on the area. For details of the Work Interest Analyzer tool, refer to the topic that follows.

• Click the Find Matching Occupations and Jobs button to research matching occupations and real jobs to the individual’s profile.

• Click another tab to change the service function in which you are working.

Work Interest Scores Screen

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Note: This tab works identically for staff as it does for the individual. To see more details, see “Viewing Work Interests,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide, or “Matching Your Work Interests,” in Chapter 3 of the Individual Services User Guide.

Work Values Tab When you click the Work Values tab, a table appears that contains work importance items (shown below). If the individual has not completed the Work Importance Analyzer, no table appears. This function lets you review the individual’s work importance scores or edit the work importance items.

Work Values Tab

From this tab, you can perform the following tasks:

• Click the Review Work Importance link to modify the work importance categories previously selected. The Work Importance Analyzer Summary screen displays (see sample below). From this screen, you can find matching occupations or review the work importance cards by following the instructions on the screen. For details of the Work Importance Analyzer tool, refer to the topic that follows.

• Click the Find Matching Occupations and Jobs button to find occupations and real jobs that match these work values.

• Click another tab to change the service function in which you are working.

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Find Matching Occupations and Jobs Results Screen

Note: This tab works identically for staff as it does for the individual. To see more details, see “Viewing Work Importance,” in Chapter 2 of the Individual Services User Guide, or “Using the Work Importance Analyzer,” in Chapter 3 of the Individual Services User Guide.

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Tools and Technology Tab The Tools and Technology tab (shown below) can be used to list the tools and technologies that the individual has experience using. Tools and technology types can be selected based on the occupations that traditionally use them.

Selected Tools and Technologies for Registered Nurse Occupation

Individuals can build their lists of tools and technologies by searching for occupations, then selecting from lists of tools and/or technologies associated with the occupation. This enables individuals to build a customized list that spans a variety of work experiences.

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Multiple Tab The Multiple tab can be used to find occupations and jobs that match an individual’s career assessment results for more than one type of assessment. Individuals or staff can select the check boxes for the specific assessments they wish to include in the match and then click the Find Matching Occupations and Jobs button at the bottom of the screen.

Note: Your system may not be configured to display this option.

Multiple Assessments Tab

Note: For more details on Multiple Assessments, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

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Using Your Communications Profile Folder Note: The options for each of the tabs in the Communications Profile are identical in use and function

for individuals and for staff assisting the individual. Following are brief descriptions of those functions. For more details on each of the tabs and their functions, refer to this same topic in Chapter 3 of the Individual Services User Guide.

The Communications Profile folder contains information about the individual that is useful for communications regarding job search opportunities, such as message access, letters, letter templates, members in their career network with other job seekers, and system notifications set to automatically occur for their use of the system.

This profile maintains the following resources, displayed on separate tabs:

• Messages – Maintains the individual’s system messages that they received or sent. • Correspondence – Maintains the individual’s letters they created in the system. • Templates – Maintains the individual’s system letter templates and custom letter templates. • Career Network – Maintains the individual’s list of system-registered job seekers who share

similar job searching and career interests.

Note: Career Network is configurable and may be turned off for your site.

• Subscriptions – Maintains the individual’s subscriptions to system messages that are automatically sent when predefined business rules are met.

• Email Log – Maintains a list of the emails the individual sent or received through the system.

Messages Tab The system includes a Messages tab that lets you manage messages that you have received or sent.

To access the Messages tab:

• On the Profiles screen, click Communications Profile and select Messages, or • From the left menu, click My Portfolio My Individual ProfilesCommunications


Messages Tab

From this page, you can access the following functions: • Filter Criteria – Click the Show Filter Criteria link to change the way a message is displayed. • Open messages – Click the envelope icon or the message subject link in the Subject column to

display the full message.

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• Delete – Click the checkbox next to each message you wish to delete, then click the Delete selected items link to remove the message from the list.

• Mark as read – Click the checkbox in the Select column for the message you wish to mark as read without opening, and then click the Mark as Read link.

• Click the Create New Message button to begin the process of creating a new message. • Move To Folder – Click the checkbox in the Select column for the message you wish to move,

click the Move To Folder link, then click the folder where you wish to move the message.

Correspondence Tab The Correspondence tab maintains a list of correspondence letters the individual created in the system.

To access the Correspondence tab:

• On the Profiles screen, click Communications Profile and select Correspondence, or • From the left menu, click My Portfolio Individual ProfilesCommunications Profile.

From this screen, you can access the following services:

• Create a New Letter – Click the Create New Letter button to begin the process of creating a new letter in the system.

• View a Letter – Click the name of the letter in the Letter Name column to display the letter in the format it would be printed or sent.

• Download a Letter – Click the link in the Download column for the file format in which you want to download your letter and save it to your computer.

• Edit a Letter – Click the Edit link to open the letter in a view that allows you to make changes to the letter.

• Copy a Letter – Click to open the selected letter in edit mode, but with the Letter Name blank. You can then save it to create a new letter.

• Delete a Letter – Click the checkbox for the letter you wish to remove from the list, and then click the Delete link.

Correspondence Tab

Communication Templates Tab The feature that lets individuals create templates for sending form letters to employers or staff.

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To access the Communication Templates tab:

• On the Profiles screen, click Communications Profile and select Templates, or • From the left menu, click My Portfolio My Individual ProfilesCommunications Portfolio.

Communication Templates Tab

From this screen, you can access the following services: • Create a New Template – Click the Create New Template button to begin the process of

creating a new form letter. • Edit a Template – Click the Edit link for a template to open in edit mode, allowing you to make

changes to the template. • Preview a Template – Click the Preview link to view the template (the Preview does not allow

changes) • Copy a Template – Click the Copy link to open the template in edit mode, but with the Letter

Name field blank. You can then save it with a new name to create a new template. • Delete a Template – Click the checkbox for the template you wish to remove from the list, and

then click the Delete link. (This option is only available for templates you created—not templates that are shared or generated by the system.)

Note: Letters generated from these templates will always be “signed” as the person who is logged in.

Creating a New Template To create a new template:

1 Click the Create New Template button. The new Correspondence Template page appears (as shown in the following figure).

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New Correspondence Template Page

2 Enter a Template Name.

3 Select the Template Type from the drop-down list.

4 Select an Active Status – Active (usable in the system) or Inactive (stored in the system, but not usable).

5 Type the body text of the letter, using the text editor to customize your text (bold, different sizes of text, etc.).

6 Click Save to save the new letter as a template.

Editing an Existing Template To edit an existing template:

1 Click the Edit link for the specific letter shown on the Templates list page (as previously shown in the Creating a New Template section).

2 Modify the template name or body text.

3 Select a different template type or status, if needed.

4 Click Save to save your edits.

Previewing an Existing Template To preview an existing template:

• Click the Preview link for the desired template shown on the Templates list page. A window displays with the template text for your review.

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Copying a Template To copy an existing template:

1 Click the Copy link for the desired template shown on the Templates list page. A screen similar to the Edit Existing Template screen displays with the template text.

2 Enter a new template name, modify the text if desired, and click Save to save the template with a new name.

Note: If you wish to change a template written by someone else, either copy it and make the edits or ask the author if you may edit their template.

Deleting a Template To delete an existing template:

• Click the checkbox for that template, then click the Delete link.

Note: Templates can only be deleted by the user who created them.

Career Network Tab The Career Network tab is a social networking tool that allows individuals who have been employed in a career, reside in a geographic area in which they are interested, and who wish to participate in career networking, to communicate with other individuals. Participating in the Career Network allows members to directly send messages to each other, related to their shared occupational experience.

Depending on the selection the individual last made on this tab, it displays the status of individuals in their “My Network” who have accepted, or are pending acceptance of, their invitation, or individuals in Other Job Seeker Networks who have invited them to their network.

Note: Career Network is configurable and may be turned off on you site.

To access the Career Network:

• On the Profiles screen, click Communications Profile and select Career Network, or • From the left menu, click My Portfolio My Individual ProfilesCommunications Profile.

From the Career Network tab you can perform the following:

• Click Show Preferences – Select a profile picture that will display, if desired, and choose to hide yourself from others searching the career network (private), or remain visible to others (public).

• Click Show Display Options – Select to see the status of members invited to your network, or those who have invited you to their network. Based on this display you can:

My Networks See members’ data (including their acceptance status) Remove them from your network Send a message to them Other Networks See inviters’ data (including your acceptance status) Accept or reject invitations, and remove yourself from their network Send a message to them

• Click Search for people to add to your network – Click the link at the bottom of top of the tab to search from any available individuals in the system that you want to invite to your career network, based on geographic area, occupational experience and desired educational level. You can then invite those people to your network, and add them (once they accept).

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Career Network Tab (Other Job Seeker Networks)

Career Network Profile – Show Preferences When you click the Show Preferences link, the screen expands to display the settings for your Career Network. This area allows you to determine if your profile is public or private, and to upload a photo to use for your profile picture.

To change your preferences: All registered users are set to a default of “Public” with a blank picture, which means others can see you in searches and then invite you to their network. To add a picture or change the Public / Private preferences, follow these steps:

• Click the Show Preferences link. • Toggle to Private (if you do not want job seekers to be able to see you in searches and invite you

to their career network), or to Public if you want to return to availability in Career Network searches.

Note: You can toggle from Public to Private at any time, but if you change to private after another job seeker invites you, they will continue to see your invited status on their career network. This only disables searches for you, not your current existence or status in networks.

• Toggle to Private (if you do not want job seekers to be able to see you in searches and invite you to their career network), or to Public if you want to return to availability in Career Network searches.

• To select a Profile Picture file for display to others, click the Browse… button. A standard file upload window will display for navigating to the picture file.

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Show Preferences Area

Career Network Profile – Show Display Options When you open the Career Network tab, the section under Display Options shows one of two possible tables of network members: My Network (people you invited to your network), or Other Job Seekers Network (People Who Invited You).

If you need to change the display for members you want to review or contact:

• Click the Show Display Options link. • Select the network from the Display drop-down.

Note: If no members exist in one of the two network types, that option will be disabled. If your network has invited members both in Pending and Accepted status, you can also use a Filter drop-down to filter for member based on status.

Display Options for “My Network” and “Other Job Seeker Networks”

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My Network People in this list are individuals who you searched for and added to your network. They initially display as Pending. When they accept your invitation, they display as Accepted.

From the My Network display you can:

• See the experience and location of members. • See when you invited them to join your network. • See the acceptance status. • Use links in the Action column to:

Remove members from your network at any time. Send Message to members – the link opens the standard new message form from which you

can send a message to their system inbox (as well as their email address, if available). • Click the Go to Your Message Center link to see any Career Network message along with other

incoming messages. • Click the Search for People to add to your network button to search for and invite users to your

network. See the “Search for People to Add” topic for details on the search tool.

Other Job Seekers Networks People in this list are individuals who found you in their search and invited you to their network. They initially display as Pending. When you accept their invitation, you can send messages. You can remove yourself from their network at any time.

From the Other Job Seekers Networks display, you can:

• See the name and location of members inviting you. • See when they invited you to join their network. • See the acceptance status. • Use links in the Action column to:

Reject or Accept the network invite (once you accept, you can send messages to them). Send Message to members – the link opens the standard new message form from which you

can send a message to their system inbox (as well as their email address, if available). Remove yourself from their network at any time

• Click the Go to Your Message Center link to see any Career Network message along with other incoming messages.

Note: Sent messages in the system will include an extra icon in the individual’s My Messages listing to indicate those from a Career Network member.

Mail Message for Individual (from Career Network when an invitation is accepted)

Search for People to Add The link to searching for people to add to your network is based on locations and occupation codes. The default location is the desired location in your background. At minimum, you must enter an occupation code to perform the search.

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To perform the search: 1 Click the Search for People to add to your network button to search for and invite users to your

network. The Search Criteria page is displayed (as shown in the following figure).

2 Accept or change Geography (based on where job seekers live).

3 Select an occupation code (used to search against occupations in the individual’s employment history). To select an occupation code, you can:

Type in a portion of a job title, and select the occupation code from the auto-fill list that displays. (Job title is not required, but its selection will populate the Suggested occupations list.)

Click the Search of an Occupation link. Note: For details, see the topic “Selecting an Occupation,” in Appendix A – Common

System Tools.

4 If desired, enter a length of employment in the occupations (in months).

5 If desired, enter the highest education level achieved.

6 Click Search.

The Search Results screen displays all job seekers matching the criteria. If this includes anyone you have already invited, they will display in italics with the status Invited already showing.

Career Network Search and Search Results Screens

• Click the Invite link in the Action column for each job seeker you wish to invite.

The Search Results redisplays with that user in italics and the status Invited. • When you are finished click the Return to Career Network link. The My Network list redisplays

with the added invitees whose status is Pending (until they accept your invitation).

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Subscriptions Tab The Subscriptions tab displays the messages that you can receive in your Message Center as system alerts.

• If you would like to have a system alert delivered to your Message Center, select Receive from the drop-down list for that alert.

• If you wish to stop receiving a specific alert, select Don't Receive to opt out of the subscription for that system alert.

• When you finish making your selections, click the Save button.

Subscriptions List Screen

Note: Staff members should note that currently the only system alerts which can be configured to be “opted out” by individuals are those specifically for messages to Individuals, which are alerts created with the Receive/Don’t Receive option included. As system alerts are added, a similar tab may be included for employers or staff.

Email Log Tab The Email Log tab displays a log for email messages that were sent successfully as part of activities in the use of the system. This log does not record messages sent manually through the individual’s tool (e.g., messages sent from the Messages tab).

This log will record a history of correspondence sent via email for items such as resumes and cover letters sent to an external email address as part of the individual’s application process, and system alerts sent to individuals via their email address (when they picked email rather than system mail as the preferred notification method).

Email Log List Screen

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Managing My Individual Plans My Individual Plans within the individual’s portfolio lets staff assist an individual and view or modify their employment, training, and financial plans, and other data related to the individual’s plan using the same folders and tabs for those plans that the individual accesses themselves. This includes any changes or maintenance related to the personal employment plan (such as résumés or job applications) and updated employment, training, benefits, and financial plan tabs in the individual’s plans (indicated in the following figure).

To access the Individual Plan for an individual you are assisting:

• Select the Currently Managing option to access the My Portfolio options for the individual. • Select My Individual Plans

The My Individual Plans tab displays the individual plan folders. To select a profile, click the profile folder icon or the title link.

My Individual Plans Screen

The My Individual Plans tab comprises the following folders:

• Employment Plan Profile – Contains an individual’s saved résumés, job applications, online application form, automated job searches (Virtual Recruiters), employment strategy, and employment goals.

• Training Plan Profile – Displays information about classroom or online training that in which an individual has participated.

• Benefits Plan Profile – Provides options to access basic information on government benefits they may be entitled to, including unemployment compensation.

• Financial Plan Profile – Provides tools that allow individuals to create overall, training, and transition budgets.

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Employment Plan Profile The Employment Plan Profile folder contains information about an individual’s job-finding activities and stores résumés, correspondence, applied jobs, an online job application, and an individual’s Virtual Recruiter job alerts. The folder lets you work with the following information, displayed on separate tabs:

• Résumés – Assist an individual to review, create and modify a list of their résumés, and use a Résumé Builder to walk through steps of building a résumé.

• Job Applications – Assist an individual to review a list of jobs for which they applied. From the table you can select the job and display job application and job detail data.

• Online Application – Assist an individual to review their online job application, which derives from their completed Background information.

• Virtual Recruiter – Assist an individual to create and manage their automated job search alerts. • Employment Strategy – Assist an individual to view information intended to guide the individual

in the process of finding a job. (This tab only displays for systems that include the GUS or REX modules).

• Employment Goals – Assist an individual to develop their Individual Employment Plan (IEP), and view details, edit, or display and print their IEP employment goals.

Employment Plan Profile Folder Tabs

• To expand a profile, click the icon at the top of the page. The system displays the active folder name in red text.

• Click the appropriate tab to review or modify information in that folder. • To collapse a profile’s tab names, click the icon.

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Résumés Tab The Résumés tab contains details on résumés the individual has created within the system. To make any changes, click the boxes or use the drop-down lists or other controls, as indicated in the following figures.

Résumés Tab

The Résumés tab gives full access to the system’s Résumé Builder. From this tab, you can assist individuals in performing the following tasks:

• Click the résumé title to modify an existing résumé. • Delete a résumé by clicking the checkbox for that résumé and then clicking the Delete link. • Click the Job Search link to begin a job search using that résumé. • Click the Score link to view the résumé’s score. • Click the Copy link to use the information in this résumé to create a new résumé. • Click the Edit link to make changes to the résumé.

There are two links at the bottom of the résumé edit screen that are unique to staff members:

Refer Jobs to this candidate – staff can use the résumé and look for jobs to refer to this candidate, based on the résumé.

Résumé Reviewed by Staff – staff can indicate that they reviewed the résumé as part of a check or approval of its validity. The system displays an additional line capturing the staff member’s name, and the date and time they reviewed it.

This feature is also a search filter for Résumé Reports. Staff can choose to filter by résumés reviewed, résumés not reviewed, or both.

• Click the History link to view when this résumé has been submitted.

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• Click the Restore link is available to restore a deleted or expired résumé from the View all résumés, View expired résumés, and View deleted résumés dropdown selections.

Additional Résumé Options

Refer job(s) to this Candidate and Résumé Reviewed by Staff link For more information about editing résumés, in general, see the topic “Résumé Builder, “in Chapter 3 - Quick Menu of the Individual Services User Guide.

• Click the Tips on preparing your résumé link. For more about résumé tips, see “Viewing the 10 Job Seeker Steps“ in Section 4 of the Individual User Guide, Job Seeker Services.

• Click the Reactivate all Expired Résumés link to make sure résumés are active in the system. If the résumé has been in the system for 120 days (a default date setting), use this to activate it in the system. Once activated, the Last Modified date column will reflect the new date.

• Click the Create New Résumé button to assist the individual in creating a new résumé. For more information about creating résumés, see the topic “Résumé Builder“ in Chapter 3 - Quick Menu of the Individual Services User Guide.

Note: For more details on Résumé Builder, you can access a training video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

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Job Applications Tab The Job Applications tab displays a table listing job applications submitted by the individual.

See the topic “Finding Job Openings” in Chapter 5 - Using Job Seeker Services, of the Individual Services User Guide, for more information about viewing jobs. The following figure displays a sample Job Applications tab.

The table displays basic information about the job, such as job title, employer, the job’s occupation, and the date the opening was viewed. Click the Job Title to review the job posting. Click the Details link to view more information about the application.

The following screen displays when you click the Details link.

Job Applications Tab

When details have been entered about the Job Application, click the Save button to accept changes and return to the Job Applications tab.

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Online Application Tab The Online Application form provides the means for establishing background information in an application format. This functionality is similar to a typical paper application. Staff can print this completed application for an individual in lieu of an employer’s job application, or simply use it for reference purposes when employers require their own job application.

When staff click the Online Application tab, a form appears that contains information saved about the individual. The following figure displays a sample Online Application tab.

Online Application Tab

To modify any information in the Online Application, access the Background tab.

Printing an Online Application To print an online application:

1 Click the Online Application tab. At the bottom of the page are links for different tasks, as shown in the figure below.

2 Click either the Print blank Job Application or the Print Job Application link. The application preview appears.

3 Click the Print Job Application button.

4 To send the individual’s completed online application as an email attachment, click the Send Email link.

Online Application Options Links

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Virtual Recruiter Tab Click the Virtual Recruiter tab to view an individual’s job searches. Your system may or may not include this option. The following figure displays a sample Virtual Recruiter tab:

Virtual Recruiter Tab

From this tab, staff members can assist an individual in performing the following tasks:

• To modify a job search alert’s information or criteria, click that job search agent’s title. • To run a job search alert, click its Run link. • To remove a job search alert, click its checkbox and then click the Delete link. • To create a job search alert, click the Create new Job Alert button.

Note: For more details on creating automated job searches (Virtual Recruiter alerts), you can also see the Virtual Recruiter topic in Chapter 10, or access the video in the Learning Center. See Chapter 33 for more on the Learning Center.

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Employment Strategy Tab The Employment Strategy tab provides individuals with quick access to a variety of services in the system that can help them quickly find a job. The tab includes links to job openings in the individual’s stated background, to the online Résumé Builder, and to the Virtual Recruiter automated job search and notification.

Employment Strategy Tab

Note: This tab is related to reemployment services and will only be implemented on your site in conjunction with the implementation of GUS or REX modules. Refer to the GUS Staff Guide, or the Employment Strategy section in the Individual User Guide for more on this tab.

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Employment Goals Tab When job seekers visit a workforce office and work with staff to focus on gaining employment, staff can create an Individual Employment Plan (IEP). This IEP is a tool used to plan, record, and track employment and career goals, appropriate achievement objectives, and the appropriate services for the job seeker. Although a staff member manages this IEP, the individual can view the goals and objectives in their IEP on the Employment Goals tab.

Employment Goals Tab

Training Plan Profile The Training Plan Profile folder contains information about the classroom or online training programs that an individual has enrolled in, or is currently taking. The folder lets you work with the following information, displayed on separate tabs:

• Classroom Training – Displays information about an individual’s training programs sponsored by local or federal government that they have enrolled in or are eligible for.

• Online Training – Displays the online training or learning programs an individual has enrolled in.

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Training Plan Folder Tabs

Classroom Training Tab The Classroom Training tab contains details on the federal or local training programs – such as Trade Act or Workforce Investment Act programs – that an individual has currently enrolled in or has completed. The information on this page is generated by the system based on case management activities that a staff member has entered on an individual’s behalf. You cannot modify information displayed on this page.

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Online Training Tab The Online Training tab contains details on the online training or learning programs that the individual is currently enrolled in or has completed.

Online Training Tab

From this tab, you can:

• Click a linked Course Title or the View link to review detailed information about the course. This will take you to the ALISON website.

• Click the Go to Online Learning Resources link to view information about other online training and learning opportunities.

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Benefits Plan Profile The Benefits Plan Profile folder contains tabs for accessing general data on the different possible benefits, programs, and services related to employment with which the staff case manager can assist the individual.

• Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – Displays information about the WIOA program which provides funding for education and training related to employment. The WIOA program is available to low-income adult workers, dislocated workers, and youth who face obstacles to employment.

• Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) – Displays information about the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, which provides benefits and services to workers who become unemployed due to the impact of international trade. You can use this tab to become acquainted with the program and learn how to determine if a petition for TAA exists or if the individual needs to file a petition.

• Other Benefits – Provides easy access to information about other services offered (which are also additional options from the Services for Individuals menu).

Benefits Plan Profile Folder Tabs

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Financial Plan Profile The Financial Plan Profile folder contains information about the budgets an individual has created in the system. The folder lets staff work with the following information, displayed on separate tabs:

• Financial Literacy – This tab has links to help staff/or individuals review a training and information tools for improving an individual’s financial literacy.

• Overall Budget – Enables staff to review an individual’s overall monthly budget and explore potential sources of other income.

• Training Budget – Enables staff to review an individual’s budget that assesses training costs and determine if an individual’s budget fits into his training plans.

• Transition Budget – Enables staff to review an individual’s budget that plans for added expenses an individual would incur through training activities.

Financial Plan Profile Tabs

For more information about using the system’s budgeting features, refer to Chapter 9 - Using Financial Services, of the Individual Services User Guide.

Overall Budget Tab The Overall Budget tab contains information about any overall monthly budgets an individual has created in the system.

Overall Budget Tab

From this tab staff can:

• Click any of the Change links for an item in order to modify the displayed Monthly Amount.

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• Click the Overall Budget Planning button to access a step-by-step process of changing the costs in an individual’s monthly budget.

• Click the Print Form button to open the budget in a separate window, and print it.

Training Budget Tab The Training Budget tab contains information about an individual’s training budget and its associated costs.

Training Budget Tab

From this tab, you can:

• Click any of the Change links for an item in order to modify an individual’s displayed amount. • Click the Training Budget Planning button to access a step-by-step process to change the costs

in an individual’s training budget, or create a new budget.

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Transition Budget Tab The Transition Budget tab contains information about any budgets created by an individual to address an increase or decrease in income or expenses associated with planned training.

Transition Budget Tab

From this tab, you can:

• Click any of the Change links for an item in order to modify the displayed amount, or the transition period.

• Click the Transition Budget Planning button to access a step-by-step process to change the expenses or income figures of an individual’s transition budget, or create a new budget.

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Using the Staff Profiles Note: This section is only a very brief introduction. Staff Profiles control important components of

individuals; accounts, particularly the Programs tab under Case Management. Separate chapters describe Case Management (Chapter 4) and each program on the Programs tab.

Staff Profiles allows counselors, case managers, and other supervisory staff members to enter and share information about participants who receive support or training services through a federal program. Options exist for Wagner-Peyser (WP), Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and other programs that may be defined on a local or non-federal level.

The Staff Profiles screen displays your staff-specific folders for the individual you are managing. Only staff members see this profile. Individuals do not have privileges to review, add, or modify any information in this profile.

The Staff Profile comprises the following sub-folders:

• General Profile – Enables staff to review case management summary information on the individual, create case notes, or conduct Wagner-Peyser services.

• Case Management Profile – Enables staff to manage services for various federal programs, create an Individual Employment Plan, and maintain recorded case management assessments.

• Report Profile – Enables staff to review the tasks an individual has done, areas they accessed in the system, and review their self-assessments and assessments monitored by staff.

General Profile The General Profile folder under the Staff Profile contains four tabs:

• Summary – Contains basic case management and general information about the individual through several summary panels. It is a perfect location for staff members to review an individual’s background.

• Case Notes – Lets staff create case notes pertaining to the individual. It is also a central location for all individual case notes no matter where they are created.

• Activities – Lets staff review an individual’s involvement in the Wagner-Peyser program. It is also one of two locations where Wagner-Peyser services can be entered.

• Documents (Staff) – Provides staff with the ability to interactively upload/import or scan documents into the system for an individual, and attach the electronic documents to a client record with links identifying how the document is associated to the record (i.e., Document Association fields). This tab is a separate module, and is covered in detail in the topic “Loading Documents,” in Chapter 30 – Manage Documents, in this guide.

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General Profile Tab

Summary Tab The Summary tab provides different types of individual summary information by selecting one of four summaries. Each panel is described below. For a more detailed review of each panel, see the section Summary Tab in Chapter 4.

Note: If your site includes the GUS Unemployment module, more panels exist that are covered in the GUS Staff Guide.

Case Summary Panel – displays four standard sections of summary data arranged by: general activities, programs case management milestones, employment history, and education history.

Chronological Case History Panel – displays snapshot of the case history details in the Case Management Profile – Programs tab (which can be filtered for specific programs or case history types).

Individual Information Panel – displays a summary of the general information for that individual (e.g., age, user name, LWIA, case manager, employment status, program case #, employments status) and links to other general information for the individual.

Verification Summary Panel – displays a quick summary of all verifications that were performed or recorded for any program applications in which this individual has been enrolled. The display can be filtered by program to list each of the verification items related to a specific program.

All of the verifications identified as part of the program applications can be listed on this tab. If the verifications included scanning or uploading of images for the verification documents, those images may also be viewable from this tab. Verifications are normally created “in-context” during applications, and the associations with the program applications can be quickly viewed from this summary to help determine what verification documents are still needed.

Staff Assisted Summary – displays a summary table of time logged assisting an individual listing begin and end time, entry method, total time by entry, and a cumulative total.

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Summary Tab - Case Summary Panel

See Chapter 4 for more on this tab and its different panels. Also see Chapter 30 - Manage Documents and the topic, In-Context Scanning, Linking, and Viewing, for more on the Verification Summary Panel, and its connection to the summary display of documents linked to verifications.

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Case Notes Tab This tab allows staff members to view, add, or edit any case notes for the individual the staff member is assisting. Some of the features available include:

• Add a case note by clicking the Add New Case Note button. • Click the boxes for specific case notes and print them by clicking the Print Selected Case Notes

link. • View and create Case Note Templates by clicking the appropriate links at the bottom of the

screen. • Delete and view deleted case notes by clicking the appropriate links at the bottom of the screen.

Case Notes Tab

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Activities Tab This tab lets staff maintain a variety of information about the individual that helps them manage their Wagner-Peyser account, such as internal job referrals, employment history, event history, activity history/service plan, alternate contacts, staff referrals to providers, and wage information for program participants. The following is a brief description of these links:

• Internal Job Referrals – Enables staff to create or manage job referrals to internal (or preferred) jobs on behalf of the individual.

• Employment History – Enables staff to update an individual’s employment history from this location. Any updates will also automatically transfer to the individual’s Background Wizard.

• Event History – Enables staff to review an individual’s ScanCard event history. • Activity History/Service Plan – Enables staff to create, modify, and edit services conducted for

an individual through the Wagner-Peyser program. • Wage Information for Program Participant – Enables staff to view whether quarterly wage files

exist for the individual. • Alternate Contacts – Enables staff to record and maintain contact information for persons known

to the individual. • Staff Referrals to Providers – Enables staff record referrals for service (e.g. a vocational

rehabilitation service needs assessment) for the individual.

Activities Tab

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Documents Tab This tab lets staff manage the document files that have been added and saved for an individual. These documents can be used to verify certain aspects of the individual’s information (such as date of birth, or Social Security Number).

Note: Your system must include the Document Management module to utilize this feature.

Documents (Staff) Tab

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Case Management Profile The Case Management Profile folder under the Staff Profile contains four tabs:

• Case Summary – This tab is identical to the Summary tab in the General Profile folder. • Programs – This tab contains the details of your individual’s involvement in federal programs

such as WIOA, Trade (TAA), and WP. It lets you create applications and enrollments for the individual in the various programs, and manage them.

• Plan – This tab lets you manage a customer’s career goals and skills assessments (their OAS/ IEP). This information provides a comprehensive plan or needs analysis that helps direct the nature and number of program services provided to the individual.

• Assessments – This tab lets you create and manage the assessments that can only be entered by staff (such as Basic Skills Assessments or WorkKeys® tests).

Programs Tab The Programs tab is where applications, participations, enrollments, service records, closures, and outcomes are entered for all programs maintained by the system. These federal programs include Wagner-Peyser, WIOA, TAA, Agency-Defined Programs, and others. Staff can filter the programs displayed and expand the different areas to see detailed areas of participation (e.g., activities and enrollments, skills gains, closures, follow-ups). For a more detailed review of the Programs tab, see Chapter 4 - Individuals – Case Management. Also, see specific chapters for each program type.

Programs Tab

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Plan Tab This tab is where staff members manage an individual’s IEP (Individual Employment Plan) and the Objective Assessment Summary (OAS). Both of these tools are useful to determine what pathway an individual may take in getting training or reemployment. They work in conjunction with federal and state policy requirements, especially the IEP.

The Objective Assessment Summary maintains detailed information on the individual that may be useful in determining specific client needs. For a more detailed review of the Plan tab, see Chapter 4 – Individuals – Case Management.

Plan Tab

Assessments Tab The Assessments tab is where records of assessments and assessment results pertaining to the client are maintained. These assessments differ from the individual’s self-assessments, as they directly relate to an individual’s enrollment in a federal program. The links under the Assessments tab include:

• Basic Skills Assessment – Lets staff enter assessment results for several different assessment tools, such as TABE and CASAS.

• Aptitudes – Lets staff enter assessment results for GATB and others. • WorkKeys – Lets staff enter WorkKeys assessment results and certifications. • Other Assessments – Lets staff enter other assessments that are not covered in the other three

assessment categories. Assessments here include Myers-Briggs and typing tests. For a more detailed review of the Assessments tab, see Chapter 4 – Individuals – Case Management.

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Assessments Tab

Report Profile The Report Profile folder is useful for staff to evaluate where an individual went in the system, or as an access point to link to other significant items that the individual created. The Report Profile folder under the Staff’s Profile contains four tabs:

• Tracking – Enables staff to review when the individual accessed specific system components. • Statistics – Enables staff to monitor an individual’s site usage. It contains several links to

specific items that an individual may have created, such as résumés or the Virtual Recruiter. • Combined Assessment – Enables staff to view and print all assessments, both self-assessment

and case management-related, on one screen. • Labor Exchange – Maintains a list of dates and times employers viewed the individual’s

résumés. Staff can click to access employer and resume details.

Report Profile Screen