Download - 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

Page 1: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

pr) \ [r+'rQuiz r

I. W[at syrterh is dcsigt€d to pro dc emcier

J-M slstcm

rt uniform rne$ods ofconductirg and r€cording pr€ventative

2. What o.gatriz.ation or positjon develops and


implemenb 'nc

ovetall polict govc'ming managencn, ofthc

L \yhsr insrrucrioD $tablishes CNO F|olic, rEqri790.88 ' xrerhenB' ahd Fsponsibilities fo. the i-M systen?

4]that instnrction provides the cu,rrent Nar]/ Meintensnce and Material ManlgemeDt (3_M) syste&4790.lD

5. Tberc shelt be no dcviatiod fro|h the j-M prcNO

rcedlurs without wdtten approvdlop

tirn t e6s _ fo,n€d rh. balis for t rr€ lnitial desigl ofth€ mainteftnce proerarh for the Boeing

Page 2: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide


Quiz 2

LThe Plarned Marntenance Systcm (PMS) is a slandardized method of

pl.nn'ng, schcduling nnd accomplisbing prevenl^hve marnlenanc€

2.The 3-M Systern is designed to providc tools for managing mair cnance a'd suPpo( to help achieve

maximum equipmcnl opcralional readiness

3. Th. 3-M System is s mallageme tool designed to provide efficienl' uniform methods ofconducting

rnd recording

preventativ€ and correcti\re maintenance

4.Maintenaocs Data Syst.m (MDS) objeclivc is to repo(?

5.Enph!5is is made on the importance ofdocumenting p'ev€ntative maintEnance as i process for

avoiding failure


a great incr€ase in the number and complexity ofsvstems and equipment

?.Planned Maidenance System (PMS) obj€ctive is a standardized method of

planning, scheduling and accomplishing pr€v€ntalive maintenance

8.What are thc b€n€fits ofthc 3_M System?

al l the choices :

g.Th. secondary objective oflhe 3-M Syst€m is to providt?

,un, larJrz.rrron, * l I l . r 'nry, Jo(urnenlalron..mal ls is ' conl igumtion ' |atus d'(ounlrng' \cneourrna

Page 3: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

til,iiQuiz 3

LWho hss 6n.l approvat for all cha[gcs, co.rcctions, or d.viatioft madc lo the 3-M Manual?Chief of Naval Operations (CNO)

z.\v]|o is .esponsjble for th€ pmpcr irhplcrh€nt ron oftle 3_M S)6t€m,Commands of operating forces

3.Th. pu4'osc oflhc 3-M ManDt i( t'^,

L\iabiisfi poticy and assign responsibitities for lne Comrnand,s 3-M Syslcm4.The nanual thit describd thc 3_M Systcm filnctlord d.ganizltioD i!Maintenance Malerial Management j_M [4anuat

s.What rnanual has bc€n dcsigncd to p.ovidc alf aspccis conc€miig maint",rancc?l}e.r-M \4anual

6.Thc 3-M Manual has bcen devctopcd and designed to provide?

The user *ilh a rsady reference

Page 4: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

$l!2 l,t<sot)l,*L.7


l.The Dosition assigned in lvriling as th€ir PRIMARY duty is the dutiB ofthe

.r M Coordinalor

2.The -_'-- informs th€ Work Center Supervisor rfhen plann€d maintenance requirements are


Maintenance Persor

3.Who is llvorsibffir csrablbhiilg r'ld eonCuctin8 a spot cb€'k Prog'am \tithin the command?

l he Commanding ()fticerlofficer in Charge

4.who is responsible to the Departrn€nt Hesd 'nd

is qualified in the 3-M System !o assist in manaSing

l ) iv is ion () f i icer

5.Th. is rcsDonsible fot ensurinS all material d.ficiencica are properly ard prompoy

Depadmenl Uead

6.The person who is the fiinctional manager and is responsible to the Executive Officer of all facets ofth€

3-M program?

Ihe 3-M Coordinator

?,\lvho ensurcs maraimum use ofPMS as an aid in training p'rsonnel on maintenance proccdur's for

equipment within the work ce €r?

Division Officer

8.Who is responsibl€ for the 3_M documcnts genemtcd within ihe Division are complete' accuale' ano

promptly prepared and submitted?

Di!ision Officer

LTh€ Division Officer b r€sponsibl€ for conducting

n&intdtlce is being Propcrly performed?spot checks to ensur€ requircd

l0.Who is responsible for performing all assigned, scheduled maintensnce requir€menls?

Nlainlenance Person

I I .schedul€d w€ekly work ccnt€r maint.nanc€ is refl'cted on lhc PMS sch'dules and is supe'vised by the

Work Cenrer SuPervisor

l2.Thc pe6on who is resPonsible for ensuting the effectivcness of the command 3-M spot check program

Page 5: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

Group Supervisor

l7.Who reviews MRCS ad promptly submits a pMS Fcedback Rcport whcnever maintenanc.requ[€ments are not undeNtood, ermrs or bazards arc beti€ved to cxisfl

Work Cenier Supervisor

lE.Who will ensurc pMS coverage is available for all equipm€nt within th€ wo* centefl

Work Cente. Supervisor

Iq.The command's l-M SFtem Manager is the

Exec'rlive Officer

I he Execulive Olllcer

|3.Who is responsibl€ for maintaining a workidS knowledge ofall equipment d€ficiencies within a *ork

Work Center Supervisof

l4.The is assigned a Navy Enlisred Classificatior Cod€ (NEC)?


Deparlmcnt tiend(lompany (irmm!nder

l6.The is responsible for the efective opemtion oftwo or mor€ work ceotefs.

Page 6: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

\{tNv UssAtQuiz 5

t.Th.3-M Slstem Office is responsible fo' mainuining a file of3-M Svstem?

Directives, newsletters, notes and corespoddence

Instructions and Policies

z.Who screens, serialize' and date all PMS Fe€dback Repois (FBR) leaving the command?


3-M Coordinator

3.The 3-M Syslem Omce maintains

r lile offe.dbrck Repons (FRR) and responses

4'whoisresponsiblefotensudngthecommaod]-MSyst€mtrainingprogiamisadequatetomeettheneeds ofthe commatd?

5 .Who supe ises the command's sPot check atld self evaluation progtam?


3-M SysEm Office

6.The responsibility to screen 3_M documents for legibility and completeness is the function of)

sE@ 7-Vt qs\trno((,rr3-t!4 Syslem Office

7.The - is Pan of the PMS Master File'

Iiquipmcni Cuide Liits (f-GL)rLocltron Guide t'ists {LCL)

8.Who is rcsponsible for lh€ timely uP-lln€ rePo'ing ofcurr€nt Seabee Mainlenance Proj€ct (CSMP)?

,1'M Slslcm Ofi'ice

Page 7: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

{tltru z fusso,< (

Safeguarding Classifi ed InformationWhen MRCS are classified, an unclassified locator card is provided. The locator cardduplicates the information in all ofthe MRC blocks except the block.



Th€ locator cardprocedures block. Dupllcates

Classified MRCS are printed on

the information in all ofthe MRC blocks. except the

stock. Pink




The classified MRC is print€d on pink stock with the classificatio[ indicated at the

- top and bottom of erch prge

Whell MRCs are classified, a is Drovided. uchssified locator crrd

Classified Maintenarc€ Requirement Cards (MRC) v.ill b€ handled in accoldancewith ? OPNAVINST 5513 (Series)

Page 8: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

ni)D )PMS Master File

\ The portion ofthe PMS Master File which provides a listing ofth€ MIPS that pertain tosystem equipment is the -. List of Effective Prges (LOEP)

n-'L The-is responsible for maintaining the PMS Master File. 3-M Coordinator

\ Supptementary information such as the - and the - guides are contained in' th€ PMS CD-ROM. IIMUG, SPMIG

f u ssont (

Il lle lt"Is QP:E9\4 9"4ei4!!yqy!ins in thevaster File except -classilied MRCS, EGLS, LGLS, and LOEPS

c'' The PMS Master File is updated according to the latest- Force Revision

Y The PMS CD-ROM is included io the PMS Master File in order to -provide a means for retrieving MIPS rnd MRCS

The _ provides the purpose ofprint on dernand capability. PMS CD"ROM

t -Ihe PMS Master File contains information relative to -

PMS requirementsfor specific equipment for which the comm&nd ls responsible

Page 9: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

vy IlF, Navy E-Learning, NKO E-Leaming

Module 3 lesson 2

l The Force Revision is entered on the Change page _by the Work CenterSupervisor_.

2. Folce Revisions reflect quarterly updates to pMS_.3. The Work Center PMS Manual is retained iri the _working area_4. The _PMS Work Center Manual reflects thar portion of the pMS

Master File that contaiN only the planned maintenance rcquircments applicable to asD€cific work center.

5. Ttie _Work Center Supeiiisoi__ is responsible for maintaini;; the pMs

Prge I of I



8. Changes are recorded in the appropdate block (s) on the Change page by _ theWork Center Supervisor _.

9. The List of Effective Pages (LOEP) prcvides a listing of _ Maintenance Index pases(MIPS)

- for each piece of equipment within a specific work cenler.10. From the Maintenance Persons perspective care should be taken to ensure that the

- !gls, materials and procedures _listed on the MRC are conecr,adequat€, safe, and logical.

Work Center Manual.The -PMS Service Notes provides detailed information on mattersconceming 3-M policy and procedures via message?As a Maintenance Person when in doubt see your _ Work Center Supervisor


In the SYSCOM MRC Control number, the last cha&cter indicates _ whether thereare parts required to accomplish the maintenance _.The fiIst two digits ofthe MRC SYSCOM control number indicate _ date code2.

l .

3. - Total maD-holrs _ is the sum of all the ent.ies in the M/H block, not includingtime for tool preparation and letum, tag-out, or time needed for removal and orreplacement of interference.

4. The word _ 'Warning' _ indicates death or injury may result if th€ operalmg orhandling procedures and practices are not followed conectly.

5. What defines when a specific maintenance requirement is to be performed?6. The date block on the MRC contains the _ month and year _ when the

MRC was preparcd?7. What are the non-calendar periodicity codes? Situationa.l and Unscheduled8. The _ Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) _ contains detailed Drocedures

for performing maintenance requirements.,asp?pageName=blank I0/18t2009

Page 10: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

9. Items within the tools, parts, material, test equipment category are numbered and

identified by the applicable Standard PMS ltem Name (SPIN) number in brackets This

number can then be referenced to the - Standard PMS Materials Identilication

Guide (SPMIG)


Module 3 Lesson 4 EGL and LGL

L The EGL or LGL is prepared by - €ach unit to meet its specific ne€ds -2. The EGL should contain - no more than a single days work _-

3. Who enters the appropriate information in the blocks on the OPNAV 4790/81 form that is

applicable to the MRC? Work Center Supervisor

4. The oPNAV 4790/81 contains blocks for the- all the choices - applicable data

as required by MRC.5. The EGL should contain - MIP number and MRC periodicity codes / no more

than a single days rtork -6. riy'hat form is used to prepare an EGL and or LGL? 4790/81

7. the Location Guide List - is used for ldentical equipment individually listed and

located in different spaces --8. Equipment Guide List (EGL) and or Location Guide List (LGL) are not required for

MRCS assigned _*.- to outside &ctivities -g. If ao LGL is attached to the MRC, enter "LGL attached" - in the "location"

block on the MRC -.


l. The Work Center PMS Manual reflects what portion of the PMS Master File that

contains only the plaoned marntenance requirements aPplicable to a particular - wolk

cente!2. When validatinglie LOEP to the Change Page you are verifying what number? Verity

the F6c;E isio;\number located in the upper right hand corner to the last


10. If the maintenance procedures, tools, parts, material and test equipment required in

pedorming the maintenance cannot be completed according to the MRC, who does one

notify? Work Center SuperYisor immediately

11. The Maintenance Requircment description is a briefdefiDition of B!4s-gg!!9!-!q-bg

3. Where is the MRC SYSCOM control number located? In the lower right-hand corner

of the MRC4. What form is used to identify all Work Center MIPS? LOEP

5. what is the purpose for validating the MRC? The purpos€ of validating the

Maintenance liequirement Csrd (MRC) is to €nsure that maintenance person[el

Page 11: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide


have the current Mainaenance RequassrgIled maintenance. - iremeDt card (MRc) to accomplish the

Whar log is signed by the maintenancerequtement? 13 w€eks

person upon completion ofmaintenance

Who is responsible for maintainils thesupervisor - l3-week Accountability Log? work center






I::j:j_T:,:.::::"er wiir ob,ai; pMs as:;;;;:;;, ;il ;: "'1rn:"7X^1j:T,::::::":o :f:tify

rhe cunenr force revision with rhe chanse number, dare ofchange, date entered, signature of oers nrur ure ,raxge numbel

Maintenan.e pF^^---, ...,,, ̂ .. , _, -T *leriug chnnge? The Change page

accouDtability Log__ in the work center?

Module 4 lesson I TAGOUTSWhat manual provides the procedures to prcvent improper operation when a component,;ll'ii:: ff::i I

portion of a system is isorated oi in un "i"..",ui.".,i0,,i"", r"r_A yellow caution tag is used to provide -- temporary speciar insrructions


ff-i:ji::t "*cer ersures audirs are perfbmed every

]f:::, y:"T.r-"" are training topics iniili,l",;; J,,__*\Vho is overalt respons;ule ror rtre-"arer,lJ;; .-. :'" *'*"'':-ros

Oua.lificarion i" ,.-^.,-_^^ . ,-._ ;_.: :ll": *ure command? CoDrmanding OflicerQualification in accordance with the Tl

Lommanolnq un-icer

of_ 3-M 3or p,ns uMs Manual is accomplished by rhe Jr,,mpretronof-- 3-M 3ol pes _.

7, Who is responsible for ensuring r

^ unaer trre ri.nai v;;;il;:"ff: &assisned

are qualified to pedorm the duties8. Who is responsible for ensurins the adequacy and accuracy of a.ll tag-outs, before signing^

rhe Tag-our Record sheer rTois)? Auahori;ins offlc;; , -' *' ,* *,"

9. The term "qualified', in accordance with the TUMS Manual means that the person::::i::.-l:

perform the tasout is _knowr"a*""rr" "i.,i

tlil"qui"urn"ot" "na

equtpmena10. Personnel assigned shall be qua.lified on the Tag_out Users Manual to _ all the choicest t. fir tu[i, ur"O if instrumenr erro12. A caution Tag must state the

rr ls small and consistent? out of calibration

i;;;;;"#;Hl'#_;",11Ti.1," jT,j"l"_,_,# ji""T,,"yhr"14. What manual provides a procedure for use when an instrument is unreliable or not in itsnormal op€nting condition? TUillS15. What color is the Out of Calib.ation peel and srick label? ORANGE

Page 12: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

18. Personnel conducting the Danger Do Not Operate Tag bi-weekly audits consist of



ts allows for information collected by maintenance

the Maintenance Material Managem€nt (3-M)

information is used for all the

the 3-M reporting requiremenpersonnel to be recorded into

System dstabace- --'Reported maintenance action


l .



l .



TheautomatedMaintenanceDataSystem(MDs)informationsystemprovidesonninercc€.! io ih. d.ta lo. ld6ntlfving .qulpm.nt and otd€ring paru

The OPNAV 4790/2I- form is non-automated'

What are the configuratioo and maintenance OPNAV 4790 foms used for manual

reporling? all lhe choicesTheMDSprovidesthemaintenancematerialmanagerswithmeansto-plan,acquire'organize and direct3-M requires all activities to report deferred and comPleted maintenance

acrion;, configuration changes, contiguration file corrections' and

Consolidaied Seabee Allowance List (COSAL) Feedback ReporE using the

various NAVSEA 4790 Forms.What arc the two types of reporting methods? Manual and automat€d

Module 5 Lesson 2 ---Document deffferred maintance'

A deferred maintenance action is a maintelance requirement that meets one or more of

the following criteda all the choices

When discovered code (block 6) best identifies what type ofmaintenance? When the

need for m-eintenance was discovered

Ifusing the government credit card for the purchase of repair parts' a deferred

maintenance action (2K) must be generated The 2K needs to state th€ reason why the

part was an oPened Purchaseseabee Force Manhours Expended (block 25) is the total number man-hours expended to

the nearest whole hour by all Work Centers

This Completed Action section is filled in when reporting the completion ofa

maintenance action, and has special reporting blocks used when repodlng malntenance

actions on selected equlPment

Manual reporting requires th€ originat and three copies of the OPNAV 4790/2K Fom

are required for deferring a maintenance action





Page 13: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

7' The safety haz.Lrd field (brock 15) describes a probrem or condition which has caused. orhas the potential to cause serious injury to personnel or material. A brief explanationmust be included in lhe RemarkvDescription (block 35)

8. What block on the OPNAV 4790l2K disrinctly captures rhe meanins of theRemarks,Description (block J5) na|rrative? btock 37

9, What section is used to ideltify the equipment or system on which maintenance actionsare being reported? Section I

10. If the equipment is "deadlined,, ir will be a srarus code of2, The ,,deadline,, reason isannotared in rhe RemarkvDescriptior lield (blgck 35) field"

_l l. The 3-M System Coordinator will forward a copy of all OpNAV 4790/2K oocumenratonhav'lng an entry in th€ safety haz ard field to the _ Safety Olficer for review

12, What is the Allowance parts List (ApL)? It r€lates to a set of characteristics whichidentify a particular system, equipDcnt or component

_13. The Remarks/Description (block 35) is filled in whert reporting the defenal ofa- maintenance action. The t)?e of information recorded include; rema*s that describe all

the choices

Module 5 lesson 3 Excute and ordering parts

1. The 3,M Maintenance Data Sysrem (MDS) is rhe staodardized system for all the choices2. What does NIIN stand for? National Item Identification Number3. What are the mandatory fields needed if the NIIN is not ertered? part number and cage

code4, The process of ordering pads is a task that must be perfomed accurately and timely5. Each time a repair part is ordered against any ApL it is documented for what reason(s),1

all the choices6. What is one of the most important steps to complete before ordering parts can proceed?

Verifrcation of the APL7. Allowance Parts List (APLS) are divided into what two categories? parent and group8. The Natioml Item ldentification Number (NIIN) is a unique number that identifies each

National Stock Number (NSN) in the Federal Supply System9. What is the Equipment Identihcation Code (EIC) for CESE equiDment? U80700010. How are Croup APLS filed./ numeiral sequence

?. ll. when ordering a part what does (UD mean?{unirof item)fvt+T$}- 0;N,4 A l st".eModule 5 teasson 4:gqEphlglggllqls

l What code best describes the action taken to complete a maintenance action and partsdrawn from supply Code I

2. What is the marimum number of continuation pages that can be used if additionai spaceis needed for the completion action description? Thrce pages

Page 14: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide



iii6. What blocks require information when

The action taken code Olock 29) best iderltifies what t]?e of maintenance? Action taken

to complete lhe maintenance

s""i""?"r"" U"n rt"urs (Block 30) is the total man hours expended to the nearest whole

hour by all work ceniers to include? all th€ choices

What section is filled in when reporung the completion ofa maintenance action? Section

repofling maintenance actions on selecled

equipmert?( 1'-Blocks 32'34

?. What block is used lor documenrlng the juliatr date the maintenance action was

completed? Block 31

8. The -percentage

of active maintenance expended in trouble shooting of selected

equi;ment is indicated in what block? Block 33

9. when the Rema*VDescription statement on the original deferal accurately describes the-'

work completed, what type of entry is required in block 35? No further entries

Module 6 Lesson I PMS Fe€dback

Automated PMS Feedback Reports are filled out and routed via which website Anchordesk

PMS Feedback R€ports are used to request which ofthe following? all the choicer

What is the electronically transmitted preferred method of submittilg the automated PMS

Feedback Report? SKED Feedback Report Wizartl

Manually reporting OPNAV 4790i7B PMS Feedback Repon form contains the original and

gopies? 4

where arc the instructions for manual preparation and submission of the 4790'8 PMS Feedback

Report located? Back of the last copy

Automated Feedback Reports will not tte used to transmit informationl Classilied

PMS Feedback Reporls are to be used for reportrng

technical deficiencles

or errors in PMS documents

for dispositionAll Naval Construction Force PMS FBRS arc routed ttrough

Fleet Technical Support Center Pacific (ITSCPAC)

What type of documentation is sent stadng confirmation that an automated PMS Feedback

n"po.t t u. U""n ."..ived and will be taken for action? E'mail

...".-'....-.--.- will respond back to the originator with a resolution' or forward the FBR to the

[ffi*[.r.i"ur review activitv' lst NCD FISCLANT/FTSCPAC

Page 15: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

_- -- is used to request additional 3_M documentation, cladfication or to repon urgent pMSmatters. PMS Feedback Report

What is the prefened documentation method when submitting the OpNAV 4790/78 manuallyrcported PMS Feedback Report form? Typewritten

What manual is used when submitting any t)?e of pMS Feedback Reports? 3-M ManualThere are -- tJ4res of pMs Feedback ReDorts.3

FfoifulG6-Lesson 2Who is responsible for reviewing the Feedback Report for accumcy and completeness? ALLThe originator is to use a and ensurc all copies are legible. ball polna penThe pirk copy for Category ,'A,' Feedback Repofts is sent to 3MPMS Feedback Report Category ,,A,, is ALL

Who is responsible for retaining the blue copies ofthe Feedback Reports in the suspensefile?(WORK CENTERS)

Who is responsible for sedalizing and dating the Feedback Report? WORKCENTER

lns.tructionl fo_r lanual Feedback Reporr preparation of the OPNAV 479OrB is on back of theIast page which is the copy.Gi$lEE, Oa,./ _,

Category "A" PMS FBR' are used ro request which t)?e of pMS documentation? ClassifiedMIPs and MRCs

Page 16: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

nAoj t Lott"'*,,

l.The pink copy for Category "A" Feedback Repons is sent to


2. w}lo is responsiblc for r€viewing ih€ Feedback Report for accu'acy and completencss?

3.Wio is iesPodslblsfur

l-M System Coordinalor

4. The originator is to use a and en$irl all copica a.€ l.gible.

5. Who is responsible for serializing End dating the Fecdback Repon?

l-M System Coo.drnalor

6. PMS Feedback Rcpori Cstegory "A" is -

7. Instructions for manual Feedbrck Report p.epolation ofthe oPNAv 4790/78 is on b6ck ofthe last Page

which is the cofry.

8.Category "A" PMS FBfu tre used to requ€st which typ' ofPMS documenrrtion?

Cl&ssified MIPs and MRCs

Page 17: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide


kggr. )Q\i'20

| . The _ must approv€ rhe shifting of maintenance fiom onc work centcr to another.

2.Instsuctions for fi ing our th€ pMS FBR can be locat€d on

hack oflhe last page

Jl!49 tlcllvgllLsrltrrte,JeXou aDdpink.opi€e€f rl'ctutqck REFa..?T.ype Cornmander

4. you €nter _- into rhe ,,remarks' section ofthe pMS FBR.b.jefbut comptete descripiion ofprobtem or requi.em€nl

5_ Caregory ,,B,, pMS FBR! are senr !o _-- for resotution?


6. Category ,8,, pMS FBR3 nlay be llsed to _-.

repon errols rr pMS documenls

?.Who is responsibl€ for se.ializing and dlling the OPNAV Fo,',n 4790l7B prior to submission?3-M Coordnraror

8.The green copy of the Calcgory B pMS FBRs will b€ retumed to the _-.

g.Category ,'8,, pMS FBR5 woutd be us€d to

repon.echn'cal discrcpancies inhibiiingpMS pcr,bnnanc€

Page 18: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

, ,L{

il(A t lxsYr" \

I .Urgent PMS FBfu are always sent to

Quiz 2 |


2.The technical review activities shall provide a -

resPonse to the originalor'

3.The Urgent FBR me3sage shall describe th€ of rhe MIP/MRC involv€d.

unsltlc proccdurcs of conditrons

4 Urgenl PMS Feedback Reports are smt via -

5.submission ofurgedt PMS FBRS arc used wh.n it involves

6.lnfo copies ofurgent Feedback Reporls are seni to

7.Who is responsible for providing copies of Urgenl FBR resolutions to all card holders ofthe affectedMIP3 / MRCS?


8.Urgeft PMS FBRS must id€ntiry the maintenance action in question by the involvcd.

Nl l P and lvl R('

9.Th€ technical rcvicw activitics shall providc a preliminary response to th€ originator by messagc withinworking day of receipl.

Page 19: 3-M for Seabees NKO study guide

fvrt) [ fu5so' 1Qniz 22

I All Nava, Consrrucdon Forcc{NCFr pMs F.r€sotuiion. . '' , ,-- , ledback R€ports witt inirially bc se to for

Fleet Tcchnrcal Support Ccnrer pacific

2.The centml control points for processing pMS Fe€db&k Reports arc by -.. _._-.FI 'SCLANT FTSCPAC

, ^,

rTy]:*Hffishal b€ answered us,ns rhe sridetines in accordabce *irh


4.Who maintains accomtlbility ofall pMS FARS submitted and action Eken?l-M Coordinaror

,#:gg*:r,#:T;;:ffi .Jlffi i,II*#HJ*xH#x:f X$i":l:::ff"}"%l-M Coordnrator

6.PMS Fe€dback Reporu are to be serialized wt[in how many days ofreceipt?I

T The 3_M coo'dinator shall b€ t€sponsible for_ _- pMs Feedback Reporrs prior co submitting.

scrcenrng, serinljarg. and daiing