Download - 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

Page 1: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

3. KarmayogaSec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each otherSec 2 (3.3 – 3.9) — NISKAMA-KARMA YOGA Work combined with knowledge and detachment Offer the fruit of the work for the satisfaction of KrishnaSec 3 (3.10 – 3.16) FROM KARMA KANDA TO KARMA-YOGA If one cannot perform detached, dutiful work; it is better to follow Karma-kanda section of Vedas But do it for Krishna’s pleasure (Vedic duties prescribe sacrifices, etc.)Sec 4 (3.17 – 3.35) - NISKAMA-KARMA TO SET EXAMPLE Dutifully acting without attachment sets the correct example for others, who are less advanced Sec 5 (3.36 – 3.43) — BEWARE OF LUST AND ANGER They foil one’s performance of duty, and incur sin Regulate senses and strengthen intelligence to control lust

Page 2: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

1)2.49 Krishna says, keep abominable activities by the power of pure devotional service. 2)3.1. Arjuna questions – Fighting is sinful. As per 2.49 I will practice yoga and then not fight. But you are telling, fight. What should I do now?Your equivocal instructions are confusing.3)According to Arjuna, renunciation & work are incompatible.Correct understanding:In other words, Krishna consciousness is not a lazy thing. Work harder for Krishna instead of going to forest and chant or meditate in seclusion.

Arjuna clears the confusing path of 2nd chapter for sincere seekers

Nishkama Karma Yoga 3.3 to 3.9Self-realization and self-purification are the purposes behind performing prescribed duties.Soul is always active.Hence it is advised to perform our activities that purify our self

Page 3: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

Application: Nishkama Karma YogaLiberation or bondage is not determined by one’s activities, but by ones consciousness in performing those activities. Thus, renunciation is not giving up of activities, but is the giving up of attachment to the fruit of activity Renunciation of activity without the necessary training, knowledge and purification will lead to destruction on the path of spiritual advancement. Without prescribed duties, an unfulfilled desire for activity will lead the premature renunciate to sinful action

3.3: Sankhya Yoga or Philosophical speculationAnalytical study of matter and spirit.Buddhi yoga or Direct Krishna consciousnessIT is directly dependant on the mercy of KrishnaWorking in Buddhi yoga one is relieved of the bondage of the work 2.39 . / Ultimate goal is Krishna in both processes.

Page 4: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

SNO Sankhya Yoga(Philosophical speculation)

Buddhi Yoga(Krishna consciousness)

1) INDIRECT PATH DIRECT PATHA process of directly connecting the level of our activity or karma for the purpose of Krishna consciousness

2) DEPENDENCE ON PERSONAL ENDEAVOURMeant for persons who want to understand things by experimental knowledge and philosophy on one’s own limited capacity

DEPENDENCE ON KRISHNA’S MERCYA process of depending Entirely on Supreme (2.61), does not depend one’s own limited capacity of sense control, purity to advance. Therefore it is easy and better

3) UNSURE OF SUCCESSMay never reach the highest rung of ladder which is to attain Krishna’s mercy

SURETY OF SUCCESSThere is surety of success because strength is given by mercy of Krishna and Vaishnavas, thus one is easily relieved from bonds of action (2.39) and there is no flaw in the process (2.40) of Buddhi-yoga

INITIAL PURIFICATIONREQD BY PRESCRIBED DUTYA gradual path of purification of senses by philosophical process

ENDS AND MEANS ARE THE SAMEKrishna consciousness is itself the purificatoryprocess

Page 5: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

3.4: Premature Renunciation carries no benefit – Premature Renunciation of prescribed duties willneither lead to freedom from reaction (Purification of heart) nor Perfection (Success or Liberation) – Thus nobenefit achieved

1) When does one accept renounced order: After purification thru prescribed dutiesRefutation: jnanis after Sanyas consider equal to Narayana

2) Disadvantage of Sanyas without purification:Disturbance to the SocietyNo success or freedom from reaction

3) Where as, when one performs Bhakti yoga(Buddhi yoga) with out discharge of prescribed duties, little endeavor saves him from great difficulty 2.40

Page 6: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

3.5: Sankhya yoga is impractical since soul is always active.One can not refrain from duty.Premature sanyas is dangerousUltimate goal of sanyas or any process is Krsna We can jump to Bhakti yoga instead of going thru yoga ladder of Karma yoga, jnana, Dhyana and Bhakti yoga3.6:Unfortunate renunciant who renounces without purification(Mityachari)No value or show of meditationCheaters: May speak philosophy but cheat the followers3.7Sincere house holder is better than false renunciateApp: We should act according to our level. Never imitate higher levels with out purification. Follow guru, sastra, sadhu

Page 7: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

3.7: What is goal of life?Attain Kingdom of God, lotus feet of Vishnu(Krishna)Varnasrama DharmaSincere house holders by executing their prescribed duties can attain the highest destination.SinceretyLive controlled life based on sastrasCarry out prescribed duty with out attachmentSincere sweeper is better than show bottle meditator3.8 Arjuna is Kshyatriya: Krishna is telling, fighting is his prescribed duty.Prescribed duties purify the executor, maintain balance in the society, one’s health.

Page 8: 3. Karmayoga Sec 1 (3.1 – 3.2) — RENUNCIATION OR WORK  Arjuna asks if it is better to be situated in knowledge or to work, as if two were opposed to each.

1) Imp: Arjuna wanted to avoid fighting out of fear of sinful reactions, material attachment to the results,

3.9 Work done as a sacrifice to Vishnu liberates on from bondage.

Purpose of sacrifice is Vishnu. Varnasrama Institution is meant to please Vishnu.How to perform work in Krishna conscious way.Take the guidance of a expert devoteeBenefits of work in Krishna consciousness1) Akarma 2) While performing, one is in liberated state 3) Elevation to love of God 4) Attain the kingdom of God

1) Why is Gita spoken? – To dissipate the lamentation of an ignorant man and wake him up for self realization.

2) Role of 2nd chapter : a)Teaches Jnana: Analytical study of body and soul by SPG Sri Krishna.b) Work with out attachment to fruitive resultsc) Be fixed in the real conception of self