Download - 29 March,2011 HERALD PUBLICATIONS PVT LTD

  • OHERALDOThe Voice of Goa Since 1900


    In what is believed to be a caseof road rage, personal securityof Maharashtra Nirman Seva(MNS) chief Raj Thackeray al-legedly attacked a truck driver,besides damaging the truck,near the Borim bridge on Mon-

    day afternoon.Furious over the incident,

    irate villagers protested byblocking the road and paralysingtraffic along the NH-17B for al-most three hours.

    Though the exact reason isstill not known, police stronglysuspect it to be a case of road

    rage.Sources have confirmed that

    the MNS chief Raj Thackeraywas travelling in one of the ve-hicles, which was a part of theconvoy.

    Ponda police have registereda case against two unknown per-sons for allegedly assaulting the

    truck driver. Police has also reg-istered another case againsttruck owner, Rupesh Borkar, forallegedly forming unlawful as-sembly and blocking the road.

    According to the truck driver,Devanand Satarkar, two armedmen without any reason as-saulted him and damaged the

    front glass of the vehicle. I was proceeding towards

    Margao, when three Maharash-tra registered vehicles blockedmy way at about 12.30 pm.When I got down to enquire,they without any reason as-saulted me. One person even


    Terming the Reliance powerplant as a big scam, Aldona leg-islator Dayanand Narvekar onMonday said that the State hasto buy power at much higherrates than the actual price.

    The book value of the powerpurchased from Reliance is Rs175 crore but the State govern-ment has paid a whopping Rs1,300 crore, Narvekar told theState legislative assembly.

    He said that the State whileallowing the plant to enhanceits power generation capacityfrom 50 mw to 100 mw shouldhave re-floated the tender.

    Reliance is a big scam. Dontbuy power at such a high ratefrom them. Put your foot down,Narvekar said adding that thegovernment should ask Relianceto reduce the tariff charged tothe State. If they dont agreethen stop purchasing powerfrom them, he added.

    He pointed out that the Statewas purchasing power at Rs 11per unit while initially it wasagreed that the power wouldbe purchased at Rs 2.50 per unit.

    Government of India is stillselling the power at Rs 2.50 forour State. Then what is the pointin purchasing power at a higherrate from Reliance, Narvekarquestioned.

    Narvekar was speaking sup-porting the cut motion movedon the demands for grants forpanchayat, Sports, Environment

    and Power.The former minister also de-

    manded that the Zilla Panchayatsin the State should also be givenfinancial help, which will helpthem to implement various de-velopmental projects at the vil-lage level.

    Every ZP member should atleast get Rs 25 lakh. Today whenthe State budget is Rs 6,000crore, by spending Rs 50 crorefor ZP you are not losing any-thing, Narvekar said.

    Narvekar further criticizedthe State government for notdeveloping the garbage treat-ment plant in Porvorim.

    (Continued on page 16)

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    (Continued on page 16)

    (Continued on page 16)

    (Continued on page 16)


    Visit us panjim, tuesday, march 29, 2011 postal reg. no. Goa 101 price rs. 3.00 (air surcharge rs 2.00) pages 20

    Business: ITC to set up hotel

    in Goa Pg 17Heartbeat: No intention to show Goa

    in bad light Rohan Sippy Pg 4

    High Tide: 0713; 2037Low Tide: 0141; 1323

    T I D E S T O D A Y

    Anger makes yousmaller, while forgive-

    ness forces you to growbeyond what you were.

    Cherie Carter-Scott

    Sports: Dominant Lankans up

    against spirited Kiwis Pg 19


    An information technology en-trepreneur of Goan origin hasfound out the hard way how in-formation, one so innocentlyputs out on Facebook and othersocial networking sites, can turninto a nightmare. Pune-kar Dhar-manath Fatarpekar has an ac-count on Facebook, like mostother youngsters. But little didhe expect that he would be atthe receiving end of threats fromrecovery agents of a privatebank, especially because he had-nt taken a loan from the bank!

    According to a report in PuneMirror, Fatarpekars only faultwas that his surname was thesame as that of one of his distantrelatives, Prakash, who was al-legedly in default. Fatarpekar is

    convinced that the bank ac-cessed his contact detailsthrough his Facebook profile,as his defaulter relative had re-cently added him as a friendon Facebook.

    Since March 21, Fatarpekarwas getting calls from bank ex-

    ecutives, demanding that he tellthem where they can find theactual defaulter. Fed up, the 35-year-old approached police onWednesday. But, instead of tak-ing cognisance of his complaint,the policeman on duty askedhim to give the defaulters num-

    ber to the bank if he had it! The defaulter (Fatarpekar

    does not even know if he is ac-tually one) is a distant relative,who is a resident of Mumbai.The only connection is a sur-name that comes from theircommon ancestral village of Fa-torpa in Goa. Because he was arelative, Fatarpekar acceptedthe friend request.

    But, says the IT man, his lifehas become a nightmare. Thebank called him every half hourfor days, threatening him andasking for the defaulters details,failing which, he was told, hewould have to pay the outstand-ing loan amount of Rs 2 lakhwith interest.

    He added: Last Monday, agirl introduced herself as Vidya,

    Facebook profile leads to frighteningordeal for this Pune Goan

    Reliance power plant fleecing

    govt: NarvekarNew industries toget connections


    The government announcedthat the ban on electricity con-nection to new industries inthe State will be lifted due toimprovement in the powerscenario.

    The 17th electric powersurvey conducted by the Cen-tral Electricity Authority hasforecasted the peak demandfor Goa by the year 2016-17at 1083 mw, the power min-ister said in the legislative as-sembly on Monday.

    The minister, talking on thedemands for grants, said that

    ROAD RAGE AT BORIMRaj Thackerays men go berserk, damage truck, attack driver

    Villagers retaliate, block highway, paralyse traffic

    Hotelier saves the noose for

    8 IndiansPTI


    A Sharjah court has waived thedeath sentence awarded to eightIndian youths for the murder ofa Pakistani national after aDubai-based Indian hotelier paidblood money to the family ofthe victim on their behalf.

    The murder took place on July11, 2009 following which 10men, eight Indians all fromPunjab and two Pakistanis,were arrested.

    The death penalty of two Pak-istanis have also been waivedoff after the Dubai-based hote-lier SP Singh Oberoi paid bloodmoney.

    Death penalty has beenwaived off for all the 10 accused,eight Indians and two Pakistanis.They have to serve three yearsof imprisonment of which theyhave already completed 21months. So they will be free inanother six months and will bedeported directly to their homecountries, Oberoi told PressTrust of India following the ver-dict yesterday.

    Several such cases involvingPunjabi youths embroiled in thebootlegging turf battle havecome to light in recent times.

    The latest case involved mur-der of Pakistani national MumtazYousuf, who hailed from Faislabad.

    The Indians who were ar-rested are: Kuldip Singh, SachinKumar Sharma, Rakesh Kumar,Sukhpal Singh, Hardev Singh,Charanjeet, Amarjeet Singh andRashwinder Pal.

    Oberoi said that on November24, 2009 he, alongside the vic-tims father, appeared in courtand registered a compromisestatement.


    In a bid to bring about account-ability in State government de-partments, the governmenttoday introduced the Goa Pub-lic Service Guarantee Bill 2011.

    The bill that was introduced

    in the Goa legislative assemblytoday states, In the golden ju-bilee year of the liberation ofGoa from foreign rule, it is theintention of the governmentto provide all essential servicesto people of the State of in atime bound manner.

    The bill intends to make gov-ernment servants accountableto people of Goa for delay inproviding the services.

    Already citizens chartershave been published by all gov-ernment departments inform-ing of the services provided,

    the bill states.The Bill provides legal right

    to the people of the State toreceive public service in a stip-ulated time limit as the gov-ernment considers it necessaryto bring in a suitable legisla-tion.

    Services guarantee bill introduced


    Prime Minister Manmohan Singhand his Pakistani counterpartYousuf Raza Gilani will meet overdinner on the margins of theWorld Cup semi-final match be-tween their two cricket teamsin Mohali on Wednesday.

    Prime Ministers Office (PMO)sources said Singh will host adinner meeting for the visitingdignitary at the stadium itself.

    While officials here are refus-ing to tag the meeting as for-mal, the two leaders areexpected to discuss bilateral is-sues. Gilani will join Singh towatch the Indo-Pak cricket match.

    The sources said Singh wouldreach Chandigarh just in timefor the match after attendingan SPG Raising Day function athis residence in the morning.

    There is also a meeting ofCouncil of Trade and Industryscheduled for the morning thatday and it is not clear whetherhe would go ahead with themeeting or reschedule it.

    Sources said Gilani will notbe coming to Delhi and is ex-pected to reach Chandigarh onWednesday morning.

    Refusing to give further de-tails, the sources said the pro-gramme is being finalised.

    It will be more of cricket and

    less of diplomacy, sources saidwhen asked about the issuesthe two prime ministers will bediscussing.

    Indulging in cricket diplo-macy, Singh had invited Gilanito watch the World Cup semisbetween India and Pakistanwhich was accepted by the Pak-istani prime minister.

    Home secy talks: Resumingthe bilateral dialogue processafter a gap of over two years,home secretaries of India andPakistan today said progresshas been made on certain issuesand termed the talks as ex-tremely positive.

    Talks are extremely positive.Progress made in certain direc-tion, in the right direction,Home Secretary G K Pillai toldreporters at the end of the firstday of the two-day talks withhis Pakistani counterpart Chaud-hary Qamar Zaman.

    Zaman, also said talks werevery positive. Since, we haveanother day for the talks to stillfollow through, I am not goinginto the specifics at the mo-ment.

    But I can tell you with goodamount of certainty that its beena very positive attitude dis-played on both sides and I amreally confident about tomorrowsproceedings also, he said.

    Match point Itsfood for thought!


    After over a weeks delay , thegovernment will finally pay Cus-toms duty towards scrap of RiverPrincess on Tuesday, which willpave way for unloading scrapand debris of the vessel atBritona jetty and transportingthe same to scrapyards.

    As River Princess is a foreignvessel, the government is com-pelled to pay customs duty ofRs 3.94 crore towards scrap of

    the vessel.Although the work on the re-

    moval of Princess has alreadybegun, the scrap and debriscould not be unloaded at theBritona jetty as it has to be de-clared as a warehouse throughanother notification by the Cen-tral Excise

    As a result several bargeswere lined up at Britona jetty.

    Customs had said that thedelay was due to the State gov-ernments failure deposit the

    customs duty.Government officials, on the

    other hand said, they wereawaiting the notification declar-ing Candolim beach as a cus-toms point to pay the customsduty.

    Since the notification declar-ing Candolim as customs pointhas been issued, the cheque to-wards the payment of customsduty would be issued tomorrow,Director of Tourism Swapnil Naik

    Govt to pay customs dutyfor River Princess scrap

    2G scam: PAC summons Tata,Ambani, Radia


    The parliaments Public Ac-counts Committee has calledleading industrialists, includingRatan Tata and Anil Ambani, andcorporate lobbyist Niira Radiato appear before the panel inconnection with the 2G spec-trum scam which it is probing.

    Sources said the PAC willmeet on April 4 and April 5 todiscuss the 2G spectrum alloca-tion case which had led to theresignation of Telecom MinisterA Raja.

    Niira Radia and Ratan Tatahave been called on April 4 todiscuss their role in the 2G al-location. On April 5, represen-tatives of four companies - SwanTelecom, Reliance Communica-tion (Anil Ambani) and Unitech- have been asked to presentthemselves, they said.

    Radia is the promoter ofVaishnavi Corporate Communi-cations.

    Reacting to the PAC decision,Tata and Ambani said they wouldbe happy to appear before the PAC.

    Tata has expressed his will-ingness to appear before thePAC on April 4 in connectionwith the recent developmentsin the telecom sector.

    Sixteen-year-old CristinaPucean, the winner dancesduring the Miss Piranda gypsycontest in Bucharest.

    Two killed inMargao mishapA speeding blue coloured KTCbus claimed the life of twopersons at the Colva traffic cir-cle at Old Market here onMonday afternoon, while thewife of one of the deceased isundergoing treatment at theGoa Medical College and hos-pital, Bambolim.While a a resident of Orlimdied on the spot, another 55-year-old succumbed to his in-juries in the GMC, accordingto our Margao reporter. (HC)

    (Report on page 3)

    Dejected Tivrem boy kills himselfIn yet another incident of sui-cide, a 19-year-old boy com-mitted suicide on Monday,probably due to a failed loveaffair.According to Ponda police, thedeceased, ShashikantPawaskar of Zuarwada-Tivremwas found hanging to acashew tree in the villagewhich was noticed by villagersthis morning, our Marcel cor-respondent reports .Police say deceased had writ-ten on his arm, I want todie Never trust girls, Mydream-music, I want to be aDJ... police say the boy hadalso written on his arm, Ilove you mummy. PSI NikhilPalekar is investigating thecase. (HC)

    Black money:SC flays govtThe Supreme Court on Mon-day flayed the government fornot probing into specificsources of black moneystashed in banks abroad andasked the Centre to apprise itof its investigation into thethreat to national securityposed by it.The apex court also expressedits dismay that the govern-ments probe into the issue ofblack money was focused onlyon the case involving Punestud owner Hasan Ali Khanand no name of any other per-son involved in stashing fundsabroad has come out. (PTI)

    (Report on page 7)

    The scrap of River Princess loaded on barges at Britona jetty. Photo by Sachin Ambadoskar

    The truck that was damaged allegedly by security personnel of Maharashtra Nirman Seva (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray at Borim. (Right): Policemen try to douse burning tyresalong the highway at Borim. Photos by Amresh Parab

    Dharmanath Fatarpekar



    Pg 2GOA, TUESDAY, 29 MARCH, 2011



    Even as the State Legislative Assembly isunderway, Bharatiya Janata Party is leavingno opportunity to criticize the Congressgovernment terming it as the most corrupt.

    In a State-wide rally aimed at highlightingseveral scams and corruption in the State,BJP youth wing has further described Con-gress-led Goa government as beset withcorruption.

    The rally, which has entered sixths day,began its journey from Canacona reachedPanjim on Monday and would touch all con-stituencies before culminating at Pernem.

    The youth wing (Goa Unit) PresidentPramod Sawant flayed the government overbad governance and indulging in corruptionevery passing day.

    The speakers listed out scandals includingpolice-drug mafia nexus, illegal mining,casino licenses, shrines desecration, tem-ple/churches thefts, rice-vegetable-kerosenescam, price rise and other similar scams,that have rocked the State ever since theCongress assumed power in 2007.

    The youth wing released a booklet titledCongress led tainted govt. 2007-2010 havecomprehensively covered issues thatcropped up during the ruling governmentstenure till date.

    In its tenure so far, this government isbetter recognized as catering to whims andfancies of mining mafia, builder lobby andland sharks, hoarders and black marketersand cronies of the ministersthe govern-ment lacks a vision to work towards devel-opment of State and its people, an extract

    of the preface of the booklet reads. Leader of opposition Manohar Parrikar

    who joined the rally at the KTC bus standunderlined grave corruption in the GoaState Horticulture Corporation and Mapusadistrict hospital, which the health ministerrecently announced on the floor of theHouse that it will no more be on the PPPmodel.

    India and Goa, both run by the Congressgovernment are going to dogs. The gov-ernment is only involved in making moneyby indulging in corruption almost everyday,Parrikar said adding that the Congressscam file is being extensively exposed in

    the on-going assembly session. North Goa MP and former State BJP Pres-

    ident Shripad Naik claimed that the admin-istration is paralyzed with the poorfunctioning of the government and withseveral ministers involved in criminal cases.

    The speakers have urged people to endthe era of the Congress led government inthe State.

    In the forthcoming election scheduledlater this year, BJP has vowed to build pressureon the government to ensure its downfall.

    The youth wing supported by its motherparty has assured the State to work in favourof the people of Goa.

    BJP youth wing rally highlightscorruption, scams in govt

    Members of BJP youth wing holding a rally to highlight alleged corruption and scams in thegovernment. Photo by Sachin Ambdoskar



    Cortalim MLA Mauvin Godinhotoday demanded that the powersubsidy granted to companieslike Mormugao Steel Limitedshould be withdrawn alike thepulling out of the subsidy to400-odd units in the wake ofSupreme Court (SC) order.

    Godinho was accused of sid-ing with various power guzzlingunits providing them the sub-sidy. The SC in the latest deci-sion had asked the Powerdepartment to recover the duesfrom these units.

    Speaking on the floor of theHouse on Monday, DeputySpeaker Godinho demandedthat the power subsidy grantedto other units should also bewithdrawn.

    Why should only few indus-tries benefit. If government isserious then they should also

    recover the subsidy given to theindustries like Mormugao SteelLimited, he reasoned out.

    The former power ministersaid that recovery of subsidyamount from the industries,which is to the tune of Rs 13crore, was result of their failureto win petition in the SC.

    Somehow a picture is beingcreated that the recovery pro-ceedings are initiated as notifi-cation (giving subsidy) has beenstruck down by the SC, heclaimed. Godinho, who was ac-cused of bypassing the Cabinetto give subsidy, said that therewere umpteen cases in whichthe Cabinet was bypassed totake important decisions.

    He said that the blame shouldnot be burdened on the powerminister.

    The MLA however, congratu-lated the power minister for ini-tiating the procedure to recover

    the dues as per the SC direc-tives.

    Godinho also offered to setup garbage treatment plant inhis constituency provided thegovernment allotted 50,000square meters of land. Give us50,000 square meters of landand I will solve the garbageproblem of entire Goa, headded.

    The deputy speaker also ques-tioned the sports ministrys pro-posed infrastructure for NationalGames.

    What is the point in devel-oping new infrastructure whenthe department has failed to fixlights at Fatorda stadium for thelast six years, he quipped.

    The s tad ium was con-structed within 6 months but itis almost 6 years that the lightsare not repaired. We havemissed a major tournament be-cause of this, Godinho added.

    Withdraw power subsidy toMormugao Steel: Mauvin



    Mandrem MLA Laxmikant Parsekar onMonday reiterated that the Arambol lo-cals are and will oppose the acquisitionof cultivable land for the National Gamesproject.

    If you are acquiring the land adjacent

    to the beach which is cultivated, thenbe ready to face opposition from thelocals, Parsekar said referring to thestate governments reply on the floorof the House which claimed that twohotels are planned under Public PrivatePartnership (PPP) mode at Arambol.

    The BJP leader said that this land

    is yielding produce like Cashew,Mango and Coconut.

    There are families which are depend-ent on this land. As a local representa-tive, I will stand by them, in their protestagainst the land acquisition, Parsekaradded.

    He urged Sports Minister Manohar

    Azgaonkar to take the locals into con-fidence before acquiring land.

    Parsekar also suggested that theexisting hotels in Calangute, Bagaand Candolim belt should be usedto house the players during NationalGames rather than constructing newhotels.

    Parsekar warns agitation against land acquisition in Arambol



    Benaulim MLA Mickky Pachecoon Monday said that the Stategovernment should take localsinto confidence before takingany decision over leasing outCana-Benaulim playground toChurchill Brothers.

    The ground was developedduring my tenure. I dont mind

    leasing out the ground to anyparty but let people give theiropinion too, he said.

    The former minister was re-acting to the issue of allottingthe playground ground, whichis located at Cana-Benaulim toChurchill Brothers withoutproper policy formation.

    The issue was raised by theOpposition during Zero Hour

    today.Pacheco informed the Assem-

    bly that six clubs from Benaulimare registered with the SportsAuthority of Goa (SAG), hence,the clubs need to be taken intoconfidence before taking anydecision pertaining to theground.

    The Opposition benches ear-lier said that they were not

    against leasing out the groundto any club, but it has to bedone by adhering to propernorms.

    Leader o f Oppos i t ionManohar Parrikar had claimedthat the ground belongs to aprivate school and the State gov-ernment allotted it to a footballteam without taking the schoolinto confidence.

    Mickky warns against leasing out playground to Churchill Bros



    Mandrem ML A LaxmikantParsekar today alleged that thepanchayat ministry was in-dulging in delimitation ofwards in order to facilitate itsfavourite candidates. There

    is no logic behind delimitation.At times, the delimitationprocess is completed little be-fore the elections leaving notime for the candidates to de-cide, he said.

    He said that before takingany decision over delimitating

    the wards, a discussion needto be held with the locals.

    Its a democratic processand you cannot do it withoutconsult ing the people,Parsekar added. The MLA alsourged the minister that theprocedure for new construc-

    tion licences need to be sim-plified. Many illegal construc-tions are mushrooming inseveral panchayat areas, whichare basical ly due to thelengthy licensing procedurelaid down by the govern-ment, he stated.

    ...Smells rat in delimitation panchayat wards

    A group of female beggars with their little children assemble near old Income Tax building, Panjim, before setting out for their begging busi-ness. Photo by Rozario Estibeiro



    Sports Minister Babu Azgaonkaragain came in for severe criti-cism from the Opposition overleasing of playground at Cana-Benaulim to Churchill BrothersSports Club for thirty-threeyears.

    Fatorda MLA Damu Naik whoraised the issue during QuestionHour asked the sports ministerwhether Cabinet approval wasobtained before leasing out gov-ernment land to Churchill Broth-ers.

    Quoting rules of business ofthe House, he said when valueof the government property ex-ceeds Rs 50,000, it becomesmandatory to obtain permissionof the council of ministers if theland is being leased out.

    Though the sports ministerthe told the House that govern-ment approval was obtained forexecution of the lease and itwas duly vetted by the Law De-partment, he was not able toanswer as to whether cabinetpermission was taken.

    The sports minister, said con-sidering the huge contributionof Churchill Brothers to football,

    the proposal for land admea-sur ing 19706 sq mts wasgranted with lease coming intoeffect from September 21, 2010and ending on September 20,2043 even as Damu reiteratedthat the minister should givespecific answer.

    "The proposal of the topfootball clubs of the I-Leagueare being considered for allot-ment of land as a special caseto enable them to develop astandard football ground as perthe AIFF policy, said SportsMinister.

    Damu attacks Babu over lease



    Sports Minister Manohar Az-gaonkar rubbished the allega-tions of Opposition benches thatthe five star deluxe hotelsplanned at Arambol were at thecost of cultivable land.

    The hotels are planned inthe government land. The landwould be handed over the firm,which will construct the hoteland run them on Public PrivatePartnership (PPP) basis, the min-ister said.

    He added that the area is onthe hill and majority of part ofit is a government land. Unlikemany outsiders who have en-croached the land in Aramboland Mandrem, this project isbeing conceived for the benefitof locals, the minister clarifiedreplying to the allegations bythe opposition benches on thefloor of the House.

    Responding during to the de-mands for grants, Azgaonkarsaid that whichever companygives maximum off front pre-mium, will bag the PPP contractwhich runs for 30 to 40 years.

    He said that the state gov-ernment will earn Rs 80 croreto Rs 100 crores initially andlater annually Rs 10 crore fromthese projects.

    The annual 10 to 20 per centincrease will be levied on thePPP promoters, the ministersaid.

    Azgaonkar said that the proj-ect will take final shape onlyafter feasibility study is con-ducted on it.

    Ea r l i e r, B J P l eg i s l a to rLaxmikant Parsekar had claimedthat the locals were opposingthe land acquisition for the hotelprojects which are part of`Game Village of NationalGames 2014.

    The sports minister said thataround 400 to 500 local youthswill get employment in thesehotels. Pernem does not havea single five star hotel. This isforcing the youths here go to

    Bardez for employment, headded.

    On the similar lines, the min-ister supported the Food Courtproject envisaged by Sports Au-thority of Goa (SAG) at Panjim.

    He said that the proposedfood court is planned at Man-dovi river bank, which will beable to accommodate 200 peo-ple.

    The food court will serve allkind of Goan delicacies, Az-gaonkar said adding that theambience here will be differentand on par with the Europeanfood courts tucked on the riverbanks.

    SAG plans to have these foodcourts on PPP mode which willalso financially support the de-partment.

    We can use this money forupkeep of Campal stadium, hesaid adding that the moneyearned from projects like thiscan be pumped into construct-ing stadiums across the state.

    Will not build hotels on agri lands: Babu

    Fatorda stadium to be renovated



    Sports Minister Manohar Az-gaonkar today assured that theentire Fatorda stadium wouldbe renovated as a part of Na-tional Games infrastructure.

    The minister had faced thewrath of opposition for failureto upkeep the flood lights inthis stadium.

    He said that within threemonths the tender would befloated for Fatorda stadium ren-ovation and entire work wouldbe funded through NationalGames finances.

    Azgaonkar further said thatthe development of Pernemground would be done with theNational Games money, on pri-ority basis.

    He said that the governmentwill have to approach centre toget more funds for NationalGames.



    Failing to get respite from theGoa government, the BEd teach-ers on Monday staged a dharnain front of the Directorate ofEducation demanding regular-ization of their service.

    The teachers under the ban-ner BEd holders Associationare on protest since March 23,on Monday shifted infront ofthe education departmentfrom near the Captain of Port(CoP).

    126 BEd teachers who areworking on lecture basis andcontract system have threatenedthe government to sit on indef-inite hunger strike from Thurs-day if their demands are still notheeded to.

    Association president ShridarKesarkar said that they are vic-tims of false assurances by thegovernment.

    We are forced to hit thestreets as the government is notserious on resolving our issues.

    BEd teachers threaten hunger strike

    We have made futile attemptsto put forth our demands beforethe chief minister, educationminister and few of the electedrepresentatives, Kesarkar toldHerald.

    He said that they would shut-

    tle between the CoP and edu-cation department, continuingtheir dharna, till their demandsare met.

    The aggrieved teachers havealso demanded to abolish thesystem of appointing teachers

    on lecture and contract basis.While our demands are notmet, Kesarkar said that gov-ernment was contemplating tointroduce two more BEd col-leges in addition to the existingfour.

    B Ed teachers sitting in protest demanding regularisation at the education department, on Monday. Photo by Rozario Estibeiro

    Complete delimitation of panchayatwards early



    The Opposition today urgedthe Panchayat Minister BabuAzgoankar to complete thedelimitation exercise for pan-chayats at least a month be-fore filing of the nominationscould begin.

    The panchayat electionsare due in May 2012.

    Raising the issue in theHouse during Question Houron Monday -- Opposition MLALaxmikant Parsekar told theHouse that most of the timedelimitation is done at thelast minute, leaving little orno scope for a voter to chal-lenge the delimitation in theevent he finds delimitation isnot as per the rule book.

    Sometimes delimitation isso skewed that there arecases where one house is di-vided into three wards,pointed out opposition mem-bers.

    The Panchayat Ministersaid that any such cases maybe brought to his notice orto that of the director of pan-chayat, will be taken care off.

    However, Opposition MLAinsisted that delimitation ex-ercise should be done amonth before the electiondate is announced.

    To a question posed byCurtorim MLA Aleixo Regi-naldo Lourence, PanchayatMinister clarified that the ex-ercise of delimitation ofwards shall be undertaken inaccordance with the provi-sions of the Goa PanchayatRaj Act, 1994.

    Francis wantscriteria for

    sports marksHERALD REPORTER


    Mapusa MLA Francis DSouzaon Monday urged the State gov-ernment to recognize all thosegames, which could be consid-ered while allotting marks underState Sports policy, introducedin 2009.

    DSouza said that governmentneed to fix certain criteria beforeallotting marks to studentsunder the policy.

    Students play various gamesright from cricket, football tokho-kho, kabadi. But uniformmarks cannot be granted to all.There has to be certain criteria,he said.

    Earlier, during the Zero Hour,Sports Minister Manohar Az-gaonkar had claimed that manystudents have shown interest insports after the implementationof sports policy. The policy hasbeen an encouragement tothese students, he added.



    Revival of Rajiv Gandhi IT Habitatat Dona Paula can now take offin a real sense with governmentwilling to provide security to in-dustries wanting to build theset-up.

    Chief Minister DigambarKamat told the Assembly duringQuestion Hour on Monday thatthe government would considerproposals from plot holdersseeking security arrangementat the site.

    The chief minister made thestatement after Aldona MLADayanand Narvekar took on thegovernment and sought to knowwhether government will pro-vide security to allottees whohave not been able to set-uptheir units due to fear factor.

    The Rajiv Gandhi IT at DonaPaula was initiated in 2007 when

    Narvekar held IT portfolio. The project came to a stand-

    st i l l fo l lowing protest byTaleigao locals against the set-ting up of the proposed IT parkwhereas some miscreants tres-passed in the property and de-stroyed the infrastructure..

    Much to the embarrassmentof the Chief Minister, Narvekaralso told the House that he hadwarned the government thenabout the impending attackhowever nothing was done.

    "The chargesheet has notbeen filed till date even thoughproperty worth Rs 42 lakhs wasdestroyed in the attack, he said.

    The Oppos i t ion LeaderManohar Parrikar while drawingattention of the House alsopointed out due to the fear fac-tor allottees have not been ableto start work.

    However, Kamat stated that

    applications for security will beconsidered.

    Narvekar also criticised thegovernment over the issue ofshow cause notices to alloteesby the Info Tech Corporation ofGoa Ltd, (ITG) for violation ofterms and conditions of allot-ment order and lease deeds.

    Issuing show cause noticesand imposing penalty tanta-mount to harassment, claimedAldona MLA and also questionedthe motive of the Board of ITG.

    He pointed out that projecthas been delayed on account ofgovernments inability to pushit, yet the allotees have beenpenalised and it doesn't augurwell for the image of Goa want-ing to attract investment in ITsector.

    The project has gone to thedogs." he said demanding a replyfrom chief minister.

    Govt mulls security toIT firms at Dona Paula



    GOA, TUESDAY, 29 MARCH, 2011



    A speeding blue coloured KTCbus snuffed out the life of twopersons at the Colva traffic circleat Old Market here on Mondayafternoon, while the wife of oneof the deceased is undergoingtreatment at the Goa MedicalCollege and hospital, Bambolim.

    While a two-wheeler riderVinod Naik (45), a resident ofOrlim died on the spot, GurudasAmonkar (55) succumbed to hisinjuries in the GMC.

    Amonkars wife Madhavi (52)is convalescing at the GMC, in-formed Margao PSI TulsidasNaik.

    The Amonkar couple hail fromthe coastal village of Betalbatim.Sources said Vinod was workingas a draughtsman in the PublicWorks Department.

    The tragic accident occurredat around 3.30 pm when the ill-fated bus was proceeding to-wards the old market trafficcircle when the bus dragged thetwo-wheeler and the couple to-wards the circle and crushedVinod to death. That the buswas travelling at great speedwas evident from the fact thatthe vehicle jumped the trafficcircle. One of Vinods legs wassevered from his body due to

    the impact and he died on thespot.

    Police said the Amonkar cou-ple was apparently standing onthe road to cross over when thebus came at a high speed andknocked them down. The busfirst hit the small traffic drivermeant for the traffic constableto regulate traffic at the roundabout before crashing againstthe two-wheeler and the cou-ple.

    The accident drew quick re-sponse from members of thepublic present around, beforethe police and fire servicesrushed to the spot. A JCB oper-ating at the nullah opposite thedistrict Court was requisitionedto tow the bus out of the cir-cle.

    The Police has arrested KTCbus driver Shablo Mayenkar (46)for rash and negligent drivingand causing the death of thetwo persons.

    PSI Tulsidas informed that thebus driver has attributed the ac-cident to break failure, but saidthat the claim of the driver willbe investigated by the policewith the help of experts.

    The police will investigateas to what exactly caused thetragic accident at the site, headded.

    Speeding KTC bus snuffs out two lives



    Kadamba Transport Corporation Man-aging Director Venancio Furtado hassaid the driver of the ill-fated bus, Sh-ablo Mayenkar, who was involved inthe Old market circle accident, thatkilled two persons has been placedunder suspension.

    Furtado told Herald that he hasasked for a detailed report from thecompany manufacturing the bluecoloured buses on Mondays tragicaccident at the Colva circle, Old Mar-ket, Margao.

    The company officials have comedown to Margao and would inspectthe bus no sooner the bus is releasedby the police. The officials have as-

    sured to submit a detailed report onthe accident, whether it was mechan-ical or human error behind the acci-dent, Furtado added.

    He said the company will analysethe recordings of the error recorderfitted to the vehicle to throw morelight on the tragic accident. Thesebuses have air brake system,wherein the vehicle will not moveif the air level goes down. This wasnoticed when attempts were madeto remove the ill-fated buses whenit jumped the traffic circle, headded.

    Furtado said the bus driver hasbeen under suspension with imme-diate effect pending an inquiry intothe accident.

    The ill-fated KTC bus which jumped the old market circle after rammingagainst a two-wheeler and a couple at the Colva circle. Photo by Savio Dias

    Driver suspended



    Expressing concern over thehuge outstanding arrears runninginto crores of rupees, Margao cityfathers on Monday called forstreamlining of the recovery sys-tem and to mop up revenue vis--vis advertisement tax, rent andlicenses et al.

    At the Council meeting heldtoday to discuss and approve thebudget estimates for the year2011-12, City Fathers, cuttingacross political affiliations, calledfor sustained efforts to boost therevenue receipts to fund develop-ment projects in the city.

    A resolution was adopted bythe Council asking the governmentto return back Octroi collectionto the Civic body saying that thegrain in aid on octroi has not in-creased recent years though therehave been a corresponding fuelprices.

    The Councilors made a forcefulplea to the Municipal administra-tion to increase the revenue re-ceipts, be it the recovery of house

    Margao councillors for streamlining recovery systemtax, trade license, advertising tax,recovery of huge SOPO arrears etal.

    Councilor Arthur DSilva de-manded to know why the revenueof Octroi has not gone up with thecorresponding increase in the fuelrates. After much discussions, itwas resolved to ask the govern-ment to return Octroi back to thecivic body.

    Councilor Pratima Coutinhoraised a host of queries on recoveryof rent on lands and buildings, in-come from markets, license feesetc.

    Councilor Sadanand Naikpointed out that the Civicbody has not revised thehouse tax on old houses. Hesaid while household ownersoccupying new building areforced to pay hefty taxes, theold houses pay only meagertaxes.

    Both Chairperson SushilaNa ik and Ch ie f O f f i ce rPrasanna Acharya assured toconduct a ward wise surveyof the shops and establish-

    ments to bring the unlicensed onesunder the tax net.

    The Chairperson also recoveredto streamline the recovery systemby appointing a recovery officerto recover the huge outstandingtax arrears.

    The City Fathers raised concernover the decision of the Councilto withdraw two fixed deposit cer-tificates to pay employees salarieswhen huge outstanding tax arrearsstare at the Civic body.

    Councilor Doris Texeira pointedout that the Civic body has beenpaying huge Over time allowances,

    adding that a Municipal driver waseven paid Rs 70,000 as OT al-lowance, while Councilor PratimaCoutinho said that Municipal em-ployees are not wearing uniformsdespite being paid uniform al-lowances by the Civic body.

    Councilor Pratima and SangeetaAudi created a flutter when theytold the Chairperson that they haveproof of a Municipal inspector ac-cepting bribe from the traders. TheChairperson assured to initiate ac-tion against the erring officials ifthe allegation is backed by evi-dence.



    Margao Municipal Chief OfficerPrasanna Acharya has said thatthe Civic body faces many hur-dles, including interference fromthe Councillors in the adminis-tration of the civic body.

    While seeking a free hand inthe day-to-day administration,

    Achayra said there are instanceswhen the City Fathers come andplead not to go ahead with ac-tions proposed by the Civicbody. Even when municipal of-ficials go out to initiate action,Councillors come running andplead for leniency. You now de-mand action on various subjects,but do not give a free hand tothe administration to achievethe results, he said.

    The MMC Chief officer madethe statement when City Fathersvirtually exposed the MunicipalAdministration for the huge out-standing arrears and the failureby the Civic body to recover thesame.

    Councillors interfering in admin: Margao CO

    50 sand trucks blocked at Cumbarjua



    Residents of Gaundalim-Cumbarjua on Monday morningstopped over 50 sand trucks in protest against movementof sand trucks along the Gaundalim-Old Goa road.

    The Rasta Roko agitation, which started at 7 am ona silent note, lasted till 1 pm. The agitators from Gaun-dalim did not allow the loaded sand trucks to ply theirvehicles.

    Later, as the situation was going out of hand, OldGoa PI Francis Corte rushed to the site and tried tosolve the issue informing the agitators that the Gaundalimlocals had no right to stop movement of vehicles alongthe road.

    PI Corte also informed the agitators that Old Goapolice officials were not the concerned authority tostop movement of sand trucks and that it was the con-cerned Mines Department which has to take action inthe matter.

    Speaking to Herald, Cosme Da Silva of Gaundalimsaid: Though, it was our silent Rasta Roko today, ournext move would be to stop every loaded sand trucksplying along our road in Gaundalim.

    Now, we are not alone in our agitation, as localsfrom Corlim, Dauji and parts of Old Goa have too joinedhands with us to see that we put a complete stop onthe movement of illegal sand extraction and sand move-ment, stated Da Silva.

    Sao Pedro-Diwar ferry service



    Ferry services along the SaoPedro-Diwar route were disruptedfor over an hour, after a cementplastic bag got entangled insidethe propeller of the Piedade Ferryon Monday evening.

    It may be noted that the ferryramp along the Sao Pedro sidewas opened to ferry servicesfrom Monday to ply towardsDiwar Island from Sao Pedro aftera gap of two months, after theferry ramp along the Sao Pedroside was recently renovated.

    The renovation work of SaoPedro ramp putting concreteslabs at the river end was under-taken through the PWD from Jan-uary 5 at an estimated cost ofabout Rs 15 lakh.

    To avoid hurdles to the localsfrom Diwar Island, the GoltimNavelim Panchayat members hadinformed locals that ferry serv-ices along the Sao Pedro-Diwarside would be stopped for thenext two months.

    But on Monday evening, with-out informing the panchayat, of-f ic ials of River NavigationDepartment gave green signalto start the ferry services alongthe route.

  • Pg4 GOAGOA, TUESDAY, 29 MARCH, 2011





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    You may not realize it, but theRubik's Cube is not just an exas-perating puzzle. It's also a mathe-matical curiosity which can beused to explore concepts in thefield of set and group theory.


    A 3x3x3 cube in which subcubeson the outside are internallyhinged in such a way that rotationis possible in any plane of cubes.Each of the six sides is painted a

    distinct color, and the goal of thepuzzle is to return the cube to astate in which each side has a sin-gle color after it has been random-ized by repeated rotations. Thepuzzle was invented in the 1970sby Ern Rubik.


    The Rubik's Cube is made of 27pieces. The stickers are each gluedonto one specific piece, and theymove around exactly as that piecedoes. Some pieces have more thanone sticker on them; some onlyhave one sticker. There are threekinds of pieces:

    First off, we will look at centerpieces. There are six center pieceson a standard Rubik's Cube, eachof which has a separate color (and

    just one sticker, of that color). It isimportant to note that centerpieces are always in the sameplace relative to each other - theydo not move around. It will alwaysbe possible, if red and yellow arenext to each other on your cube, tohold the cube so that the red centeris on top and the yellow center isat the front. These centers can ro-tate, but since they do not movethey are the key to solving theRubik's Cube. Colors that are onopposite (that is, not adjacent)centers are called opposing colors.

    Next, let's look at edge pieces.There are twelve edge pieces on aRubik's Cube. Each edge piece hastwo stickers, of two adjacent col-ors. Two opposing colors can neverbe on the same edge. Notice withedges that, even if an edge is in theright place, it can be flipped andhave the wrong orientation, sothat the colors will be on thewrong sides. To solve an edge, ithas to be in the right place andcorrectly flipped.

    Finally, let's look at corner pieces.There are eight corner pieces. Eachcorner piece has three stickers onit, of differing colors, that repre-sent three colors that are each ad-jacent to each other on the Cube.As with edges, no two opposingcolors can ever be on the same cor-ner. Since a corner has three pos-sible orientations, it is quite likelyfor a center to be in the correctplace but in the wrong orientation.To solve a corner, again, it must bein the right place and have theright orientation (or 'twist').

    The pieces in a Rubik's Cube are or-

    ganized into three layers (in eachof three different directions). Thevertical layers are often referred toas the lower layer (or first layer),middle layer (or second layer), andupper layer (or last layer).


    The pieces on the Rubik's Cube aremoved using turns. Each turn is arotation, by a multiple of 90,around one of the six centerpieces.

    Perform a turn. Notice that a turnmoves four corners and four edgesin a cycle, as well as rotating acenter piece. On most Rubik'sCubes, you will not have to takeaccount of the centers' rotations,but in some cubes you will have tokeep track of this. Turns of oneouter layer do not move any cen-ters, so all centers will stay in thesame place. However, if you do aturn of two layers, or turn only amiddle layer, you will move thecenters.

    The number of possible posi-tions of Rubik's cube is:

    8! 12! 38 212

    2 . 3 . 2=43252003274489856000


    Rubiks Cube

    Safety Week celebrated

    Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers, S M Paranjape distrib-utes prizes to the winners of various events organized duringthe National Safety Week celebrations.

    PANJIM (HND): Cipla celebrated the National Safety Weekby organising events like poster competition for staff, safetyskit competition, effective public speaking, an unique roadshow on road safety on IDC roads, safety quiz and safetydumb charades amongst others.

    The guest of honour for the closing session was the ChiefInspector of Factories S M Paranjape who expressed satisfactionand wished management on the success of these events andurged the importance of continuing the efforts of spreadingawareness related to safety to one and all. Later, Paranjapedistributed prizes to all the winners of the various awarenessevents.

    As part of spreading awareness about safety, Cipla also or-ganized poster competition in 12 schools in the neighbourhoodwherein almost 1200 students of the age group 13 to 14years participated and drew their ideas on different importantaspects of Road Safety, Fire Safety and Personal Hygiene.Five winners from each of these schools were awarded.

    Street play on martyr BalaMAYEM (HC): Dnyanprakash Higher Secondary School, Mul-

    gaon, recently organised a street play on the life of a martyrBala Raya Mapari at Assonora bus stand.

    The street play was staged to create awareness among thepeople about the works of the renowned leader. The leaderdedicated his life for the cause of the State during the Por-tuguese rule in his early age.

    The street play, written by Rajendra Kerkar and directedby Deepak Gawas, was presented with permission of martyrBala Raya Mapari Statue Caretaking Committee.

    Borim group winsQUEPEM (HC): Shri Gurudev Prassan Avedekar Samaj Borim

    won the first prize in the Romtamel category in the Shigmofestival organised by Navyug Vikas Manch Quepem in coor-dination with the Directorate of Art and Culture at Quepem.

    The Shigmo festival was inaugurated by noted writer andOBC and SC Corporation Chairman Vishnu Wagh in the pres-ence of Quepem MLA Chandrakant Kavlekar, Quepem MunicipalCouncil (QMC) Chairperson Manuel Colaso, Goa EntertainmentSociety Chairman Shrivastav, ZP Vice Chairperson KushaliZorgo Velip and others.

    In the Romtamel category, Shree Gurudev Prasana AvedekarSamaj Borim secured first place, while Novdurga Gopal KrisnaRomtamel Borim, Katekar Shigmo Ustav Mandal Quepem,Shree Sidhivinayak Kala Sang Mhardol and Sarawati KalaMandal Kuti Ponda won the second, third, fourth and fifthprizes. In the floats category, Bandoda Nagrik Samiti, AnadiMandal Mapusa, Adpai Yuva Sang, Valpoi Nagrik Samiti andAshtavinayak Shigmostav won the first, second, third, fourthand fifth prizes.

    In the Fugdi competition, the first prize was won by Bhu-mipurush Self Help Group Gokuldem-Barcem, while the second,third, fourth and fifth prizes were won by Maheshwar SelfHelp Group Canacona, Kokan Paik Self Help Group Velipwada-Morpiral, Durga Devi Mahila Mandal Gokuldem-Barcem andOmkar Mahila Mandal Sanvordem.

    Confirmation administeredCALANGUTE (HC): Archbishop-Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao

    recently administered the Sacrament of Holy Confirmationto the youth of Calangute.

    In all, 165 youth received the Holy Sacrament. The HolyEucharist was concelebrated by Archbishop-Patriarch FilipeNeri Ferrao along with St Alex Church Parish Priest Fr CarmoMartins and his Assistants Fr Clifford Cardozo and Fr BarryCardozo. Fr Benjamin and Fr Pascoal also took part in theHoly Eucharist.

    Delivering his homily, the Archbishop-Patriarch called uponthe youth recipients of the Sacrament of Holy Confirmationto be full of love and understanding and to imbibe in themthe quality of forgiveness through the teachings of Lord JesusChrist for a better society.

    He also called upon the youth to live an exemplary lifetrue to the teachings of Christ.

    Fr Martins thanked Archbishop-Patriarch Ferrao for takinghis time off the busy and hectic schedule to administer theSacrament of Holy Confirmation.

    SHG training organisedPANJIM (HND): The Mormugao block unit of Goa Panchayat

    Mahila Shakti Abhiyan and Cansaulim Panchayat organised atwo day training programme for SHG women of Cansaulim-Velsao with GPMSAs Mormugao block president as the chiefcoordinator assisted by Sarpanch Minguel DCosta.

    The camp was inaugurated by Canara Bank Manager VittalPai in the presence of GPMSA state president Nelly Rodrigues,ZP member Aparna Bhoj Naik, Sarpanch Minguel DCosta,panch Esha & others.

    Nelly spoke about economic empowerment of women andurged them to master the art of mushroom cultivation andsaid that Martha Saldhana has already offered assistance tosupply their stock to all hotels of the area.

    Welcoming the gathering, Martha Saldhana explained thepurpose of the project and said that the women would begiven training in mushroom manufacture and she would tieup with the hotels to market their product. ZP member AparnaNail spoke about the benefit and profits SHG women canmake if they work well

    Legal literacy camp heldSANGUEM (HC): The Taluka Legal Services Committee

    Quepem in association with District Legal Services Authority,South Goa, Margao, conducted a legal literacy camp/class forstudents of Government High School Ambaulim-Quepem.

    The camp was addressed by Adv V G Naik who spoke onenvironment and behaviour of children towards the societyand Adv Pavitri Naik gave a detail account of classes of peopleentitled for free legal aid and health act.

    Similar camp was also organised by the Taluka Legal ServicesAuthority Quepem recently at Avedem Panchayat.

    At Avedem, Adv Victor Diniz spoke on the right of eachperson in the society and Adv Anjali Phaldessai spoke on freelegal aid services.


    TALEIGAO: From 9 am to 2 pm. Areas affected are Dando, ModelsMystique, Mitra Bazaar, Hyundai service centre and surroundingareas.


    Light It Up Blue campaignPANJIM (HND): To create awareness on autism, Sangath in

    partnership with other establishments will join the Light it UpBlue Campaign which is taking place across the world on April1 and 2. The idea is to raise awareness for this disorder byturning the lights blue at the workplace, wearing blue to workor even supporting lighting up a building in the neighbourhood.

    The schools participating in this campaign will have schoolassemblies sharing information on autism, some will makeposters and others will visit colleges to create awareness onautism. Schools which are participating are Disha School-Panjim,Sunshine Worldwide School-Old Goa, Shiksha Niketan-Torda,Keshav Seva Sadhana-Bicholim and Kings School-Margao .

    The following monuments will be lighted up with blue lightsBetim Cross, Saligao church and joining this will be the Margaoround about.

    A few restaurants and shops too, are taking part in our campaignby keeping information flyers on their tables and counters toraise awareness for this disorder. The restaurants are Bomras andChocolati in Candolim, Sublime and Cantare in Saligao, BernardsPlace, Villa Goesa Resort and Chalstons in Baga A few shops andcompanies have also joined the campaign and they are Furtadosand Pedros in Margao and Panjim and Hallmark and PerpetualPharmacy in Porvorim and Infiniti Modules in Pilerne. The idea isto talk about autism on these days, to spread the word so thatchildren can be detected early and get access to care.

    Bro Anils retreatPANJIM (HND): Bro Anil of Salvation ministry will conduct

    retreat on April 2 at Emerald Lawns, Parra, from 10 am to 5.30pm. The service will stress on praise and worship, word of God,healing, deliverance, word of knowledge and prophecies. Freetransport will be available from Aldona bus stand to Para viaNachinola and Moira and from Old Goa to Gandhi circle via SaoPedro, Ribandar, Panjim and Porvorim. For transport information,call 9823055659. For details, call 9226387098/9763553575.

    RTI workshop PANJIM (HND): Asha Family Responsibilities and Rights As-

    sociation and villagers of Candolim will conduct a workshopon Right to Information in Konkani and English, on April 3 atSt Theresas School Hall, Candolim, from 9.45 am to 12 noon.Registration is free. For details, call 2256445/ 9822166876 ore-mail: [email protected].

    Jumble salePANJIM (HND): Help & Help Charitable Trust, will conduct its

    8th annual jumble sale in Margao shortly, the proceeds of whichwill be used to assist charitable institutions.

    The Trust has appealed to individuals, corporates and businessestablishments to donate utility items such as, domestic appli-ances, furniture, toys, stationery, books, novels, gifts, utensils,cassettes, CDs, toiletries, food items, electrical and electronicgoods, etc. Items may be delivered to the Trust office at Comba,Margao, or call 2714595/ 9822123989/9890211037.



    Agitated villagers of Carmonahave threatened to take out amorcha to the office of the dis-trict Collector, South, if the longpending case over the jurisdic-tion of Zalor beach is not de-cided immediately.

    At the gram sabha meetingheld on Sunday, memberspointed out that authorities hasbeen going slow in deciding thematter over the jurisdiction ofZalor beach, whether it falls inCarmona or the neighbouringvillage of Varca.

    While Carmona has staked itsclaim over Zalor beach, the samehas been disputed by Varcabeach, which has been exercis-ing jurisdiction over the beachtill date.

    Sarpanch Estaquio DCosta in-formed that the gram sabhamembers have planned the Mor-cha to the district Collector byApril 15 if the long pending caseis not decided by then.

    Agitated members a lsothreatened to uproot the orna-mental lamps erected by the

    IDC along the roadside sincethe four years . Memberspointed out that ornamentallamps erected in the neighbour-ing v i l lages of Or l im andCavelossim have been illumi-nated by the IDC, while thelamps in the jurisdiction of Car-mona village remains non-illu-minated till date.

    The gram sabha approved theannual budget estimates as thesarpanch placed various devel-opmental projects, includingconstruction of a fish market,besides two culverts and devel-opment of road network in thevillage.

    Panch member Orlando DaSilva raised his objection to thepassing of a resolution by theprevious gram sabha meetingdirecting at him in his absence.

    Carmona locals threaten agitation over Zalor beach

    n Villagers pointedout that authoritieshas been goingslow in deciding thematter over thejurisdiction of Zalorbeach, whether itfalls in Carmona orthe neighbouringvillage of Varca

    Siolim house broken into, goods stolen



    A burglar broke into a house atTropa-Siolim and decampedwith booty worth about Rs77,000 on Sunday.

    In his complaint, Shirodkarfrom Tropa told Mapusa Policethat some unknown person en-tered his house on Sundayevening by breaking the latchof the door and decamped witha laptop, an ATM card and cashof Rs 25,000, all worth aboutRs 77,000.

    The complainant furtherstated that the neighbours in factsaw the culprit while leaving thehouse, but did not question himthinking that he may be a familymember of Shirodkar. MapusaPolice have registered a case oftheft against unknown personand is investigating the case.

    Scooter abandoned



    A scooter has been left aban-doned near St Alex Church,Calangute, since the last overtwo weeks.

    A tourist Honda Activa (GA-03-T-5367) has been left unat-tended in the close vicinity ofthe Church with no sight of itsowner and the residents are puz-zled over the vehicle being leftabandoned and fear some foulplay in the matter.

    Canacona to go without power



    The entire Canacona taluka willbe without power supply onTuesday from morning tillnoon.

    According to press note, localelectricity office stated thatpower shutdown will be takenfrom 9 am to 2 pm on Tuesdayfor maintenance of 33-KV linessub-station feeders.



    Deputy Speaker and CortalimMLA Mauvin Godinho distrib-uted sports kit at his Upas Nagaroffice in Cortalim constituencyon Saturday.

    Office bearers of 10 registeredsports clubs from Dabolim andCortalim constituency werehanded over the sports kits.

    Urging the youth to avail gov-ernment schemes, Godinhocalled upon the youth to formclubs and register them underthe Societys Act and the De-partment of Sports.

    Stating that sports help theyouth to keep them busy andphysically fit, Godinho expressedhappiness that the State budgethad earmarked swimming sta-dium for Mormugao. Godinhoalso expressed happiness thata joggers park would be builtat Chicalim near the airport.

    Although it escaped the ChiefMinister when he made thebudget speech, the CM was gra-cious enough to also makebudgetary provisions for jog-gers park at Chicalim along withMapusa, Godinho said and

    Swimming stadium, joggers park in Chicalim: Mauvin

    Deputy Speaker and Cortalim MLA Mauvin Godinho hands over thesports kit to the Chicalim Sports Club Vice-President Valariano God-inho at Upas Nagar. Photo by Alvaro Colaco

    thanked Chicalim Communidadefor having had donated the landfor a good public cause.

    Cortalim-Quelossim Sarpanch

    Anthony Miranda and PS toDeputy Speaker Ligorio Mon-teiro was also present on theoccasion.



    The Telaulim gram sabha on Sun-day congratulated PWD MinisterChurchill Alemao for construct-ing the Telaulim-Varca bridgewithin a short span of time.

    The resolution was adoptedat the gram sabha meeting ofthe panchayat on Sunday.

    The members also resolvedto plant trees along the ap-proach road on the Telaulim sideof the bridge. In this connection,the gram sabha has resolved toseek the assistance of the Forestdepartment in carrying out thetree plantation.

    The meeting also discussedthe BPL scheme and approvedfive proposals for inclusion inthe BPL list, while another sixproposals were rejected by thebody.

    Telaulim deputy sarpanchSteven Goes said the meetingdiscussed the two speed break-ers erected in neighbouringNavelim village within a shortdistance of 20 meters, causinginconveniences to the mo-torists. He said the meeting hasdecided to request to the au-thorities to remove one of thespeed breakers and retain onlyone.

    Churchill lauded forTelaulim-Varca bridge



    The Nagoa-Arpora ordinaryGram Sabha on Sunday dis-cussed various issues concern-ing the village.

    One of the Gram Sabha mem-bers raised the issue of interiorroad from Viegas Supermarketconnecting to Anjuna-Arporaroad not being shown on theRegional Plan even though hugecommercial projects have beenapproved by the Town andCountry Planning Departmentand called for correction of theanomaly.

    Clarif ying on the issue,Sarpanch Agostinho DSouzasaid except for MDR roads, manyroads in Nagoa-Arpora have notbeen shown on the RegionalPlan. He assured to look intothe matter.

    Another issue discussed inthe Gram Sabha was the illegalconstruction in the paddy fieldsat Rauta Vaddo-Nagoa.

    Clarifying on the illegal con-struction of 33-odd footings inthe paddy fields, DSouza saidapart from the earlier noticessent by the former sarpanch,

    the panchayat secretary hasbeen asked to send notices tothe concerned party for removalof the illegal footings from thepaddy fields and take up thematter with BDO.

    However, one of the GramSabha members questioned theunfortunate delay in addressingthe serious issue despite assur-ance by Chief Minister DigambarKamat on the floor of the As-sembly to remove the illegalconstruction within a monthstime.

    The issue of illegal construc-tions at Nagoa bandh and waterflooding was also raised by themembers. The sarpanch ex-plained the action being initi-ated by the panchayat in all thematters.

    The developmental plans forNagoa-Arpora were placed be-fore the Gram Sabha, includingconstruction of culverts, repairsof roads, site drains, etc.

    Sarpanch DSouza admittedthat a site in Nagoa has beenproposed for garbage treatmentplant and said that there will beobjections to it from the resi-dents.

    Wide ranging issuesdiscussed at

    Nagoa-Arpora meet

    Villagers attend Gram Sabha at Arpora on Sunday. Photo by Thomas Fernandes



    Parents and residents of coastalCalangute have criticized MGP and BJPfor raking up the issue of medium ofinstruction.

    The parents and villagers have ac-cused Shashikala Kakodkar of attempt-ing to revive her political career in thename of Marathi medium. They havealso criticized Opposition LeaderManohar Parrikar for his remark in theAssembly to deny grants for Englishmedium of instruction schools.

    Speaking to Herald, Savio Fernandesof Calangute came down heavily onShashikala Kakodkar for politicizing themedium of instruction issue only tosuit her political interest.

    It was Kakodkar who had then triedto sabotage the grants for Englishmedium of instruction schools whenshe held the post of education ministerin the erstwhile PDF government, but

    had to finally bow to the wishes of thepeople, stated Fernandes.

    The children are finding it difficultto adjust to Konkani in Devnagiri script,so the better option would be the Eng-lish as medium of instruction withKonkani or Marathi as compulsory sub-ject.

    The Congress Party leaders too wantthe issue of English medium of instruc-tion to prolong to suit the interest of

    the party or else they would have ac-cepted the demands of parents, whohad gathered in large numbers at AzadMaidan in Panjim, he stated.

    Candolim Sarpanch Fermino Fernan-des said: I feel English should be themedium of instruction at all levels con-sidering the child has to face the worldwhere English is the sole language thatis understood by one and all.

    English is also the universal languagebeing used in professional careers andat examinations and if a child goesthrough the English medium at the el-ementary level it would be a plus pointto the child as he or she grows to facethe fast growing world. The regionallanguages do not come handy in otherparts of the world, opined thesarpanch.

    George Fernandes of Candolim said:

    I do not understand why these so-called leaders like Kakodkar and otherswant to enforce regional languages asmedium of instruction on the kids.The English language as medium ofinstruction ideally suits the childrento mature in the language that is beingused the world over.

    Added Simon DSouza of Calangute:The children are in a position to un-

    derstand better in English medium ofinstruction. The Devnagiri script goesabove their heads and finds it difficultto adjust. The children should be thoughtin English medium of instruction by leav-ing the ultimate choice to their parents.

    Maria Fernandes, also of Calanguteclaimed that if political leaders have somuch of love for the mother tongue,they should have gone in for a singlemother tongue?

    Why did they create confusion forus and for our children by having Konkaniin Devnagiri, simultaneously allowingMarathi for official purposes? No twolanguages are considered as official lan-guages like in Goa, said Fernandes.

    We are not asking for more grantsbut a just demand to consider Englishas medium of instruction giving duerespect to Konkani, our mother tongueas a compulsory subject, but MGP/BJPpoliticians are only trying to suit theirselfish ends, added Fernandes.

    Pg 5GOA GOA, TUESDAY, 29 MARCH, 2011






    Three PTA chairmen of ABE run schools in Canaconataluka came out strongly to defend parents rights toprovide the best of available education to their war-dens and took strong objection to the criticism ofChristian community by a so-called Konkani tiatrwriter.

    The PTA chairmen accused the Konkani tiatr writerof ganging up with Marathi protagonists to politicizethe issue, blame Christian community and makingattempts to spit communal venom in the societyagainst one community.

    Reacting angrily to a reported statement of Tiatrwriter R B S Komarpant in Herald on Sunday, St AnnesInstitute Agonda PTA Chairman Jovi Fernandes said itwould be good in the interest of society that the so-called detractors including Komarpant, who is drummingcommunal passion in the society against parents de-mands for government grants for English medium pri-mary schools, should first understand the demand itself,before making wild allegations against a community.

    Says another PTA Chairman Wilson Fernandes ofSt Teresa of Jesus H/S Chaudi Even though PTAs ofArchdiocese Board of Education (ABE), which belongsto a Christian organization alongwith another about

    17 educational societies has put in their demands tothe government, parents of all the communities whoare residents of Goa are members of these PTAs.

    The issue is not raised by the ABE, but ABE hasonly come out in full support of parents demandingelementary education to their wardens in Englishmedium, he said.

    St Anthony H/S Galgibaga PTA Chairman Agnel Bar-retto said: If the tiatr writer was so concerned aboutthe issue, he as PTA member of one of the prominentABE school at Canacona, has all the right to put forthhis views and express it in the PTA general body meet-ing of that school (which decided on the resolution).

    But he has no right to blame only Christian com-munity, said Barretto.

    Jovi Fernandes said: If he says Christian communityis dividing Goans, then he needs to refresh his memoryas to what this community has achieved for Konkanilanguage and Goa as a whole.

    Going by his so-called supporters who had as-sembled at his residence in preparation for agitationto oppose English as medium of instructions in primarylevel are considered, let Komarpant decide as whathas been the contribution of these people for thecause of Konkani when Christian community of Cana-cona was harassed at that time with the rest of the

    residents during the unforgettable Konkani move-ment, stated Jovi.

    Going by the names in the midst of whom Christiancommunity is blamed by Komarpant, it primarily looksthat not only almost all these people have got primaryeducation in Marathi, but they continue to favourthe same medium of primary education to their chil-dren and grandchildren.

    We as parents never said no to Konkani/Marathilanguage or for that matter primary schools inKonkani/Marathi, let it continue in the form of onesubject or in total entirety (where parents wishingcan send their pupils), but at the same time again asparents we have every right to impart best of availableeducation to our wards, which we are demandingwith the government to extend grants, said Jovi.

    The community has already suffered too much,without any actual benefits on language imbroglioand it was the church body which has converted overits 120-odd English primary schools in the state intoKonkani, said Barretto.

    Let them come forward to convince the parentswho have been lately and rightly demanding mediumof instruction to their wardens in English, instead ofinstigating general public and turning the issue intoa communal jeopardy, said all three PTA chairmen.

    Row oveR MediuM of instRuction

    Calangute locals criticise MGP, BJP

    Writer accused of inciting communal passion



    There has been a substantialrise of incidents of rash and neg-ligent driving with 1,823 casesbooked in 2009-10 as against1,632 in 2008-09 and 1,065cases reported in 2007-08.

    The information given byTransport Minister RamkrishnaDhavalikar in a written reply toan unstarred question from Con-gress legislator Victoria Fernan-des, on the floor of the Housesaid that the increasing incidentsof rash and negligent drivinghave resulted in fatal, major andminor accidents.

    He also said that stringent ac-tion has been taken against theculprit drivers, other than can-cellation of licenses and fines.

    The transport departmenthas cancelled 200 licenses inthe last four years and col-lected a total fine amount ofRs 9, 82, 700 during the sameperiod.

    Around 132 fatal accidentshave booked in 2008, which wasslightly increased to137 in 2009fol lowed by 139 in 2010.Whereas, 310, 278 and 324other motor vehicle accidentshave been booked in 2008, 2009and 2010 respectively.

    The conviction rate is poorerwith only 16 convicted asagainst 55 acquittals in the fatalaccident cases, while 111 ac-cused drivers have been con-victed in the other motorvehicle accidents and 139 oth-ers acquitted.

    Incidents of rash, negligent driving

    on the rise



    Directorate of Art & Culture de-putes school teachers for par-t i c ipat ion in the courses/workshops conducted by theCentre for Cultural Resourcesand Training (CCRT), New - Delhievery year for in-service teachersin the area of linking educationwith culture in the country.

    The CCRT has proposed toorganize different courses/work-shops for middle/high/highersecondary school teachers inthe year 2011-12 and has re-quested for deputation of teach-ers from Goa.

    Teachers who are below 48years of age and having knowl-

    edge of English are eligible toparticipate.

    The teachers will be paidTA/DA by the CCRT, New-Delhi.Those who have attended theCCRT workshop/courses earliermay not be deputed for theworkshop.

    The particulars i.e. detailedannual schedule of the work-shops/courses and forms areavailable in the office of Direc-torate of Art & Culture, Shra-mashakti Bhavan, 5th floor,Patto, Panjim. The same may becollected, duly filled and maybe submitted to this office alongwith the recommendation of theheadmaster/principal of con-cerned school accordingly.

    CCRT workshops for teachers




    Calangute Police on Sunday ar-rested the main accused in con-nection with the murder ofTopeshwar Das at Candolim.

    Calangute Police have nabbedthe main accused Airkwdao aliasVikram alias Vicky Marjry (27),native of Assam, but residing atAradi-Candolim.

    Police informed that the ar-rest was carried out by PSI LaxiAmonkar, Vijay Gauns and otherstaff of Calangute Police on Sun-day.

    According to DySP PL Mapari,the accused has admitted hishand in the murder saying thevictim tried to rape his girlfriendat about 3 am, as a result hehad to kill him. Further investi-gations are in progress.

    Case against two for threatening

    Chimbel residentHERALD REPORTER


    Within a day after Old Goa po-lice booked a case of threataga inst bus owner SudipTamankar and his aide SudeshKalangutkar, the latter areonce again accused of threat-ening a local at Panjim busstand.

    In his complaint letter to thePanjim town police station, 23-year-old Hussain Muktar Sheikh,a resident of Indranagar-Chim-bel on Sunday alleged that Sudipand Sudesh blocked his way atthe bus stand and hurled abusesand threatened him.

    A case under sections 341(wrongful restraint), 504 (inten-tional insult), 506 (criminal in-t imidat ion ) read wi th 34(common intention) of the In-dian Penal Code has been reg-istered against the two.

    MMC gives nod for construction of waste plant



    The Margao Municipal Councilon Monday gave its stamp ofapproval for the construction ofthe proposed garbage treatmentplant on the additional land of57,700 put for acquisition bythe Civic body.

    Ch ie f O f f i ce r P rasannaAcharya said that the proposalto construct the plant on theadditional land is not to delayin the setting up of the plantbut to solve the problem plagu-ing the Sonsodo site.

    He assured the Council thatthe Civic body will obtain allpermissions from the variousagencies before setting up theplant. We have been facingproblems to clear the existinggarbage. Problems will also ariseover the question of floatingtenders for the transportationof the waste, he added.

    Councilor Pratima Coutinhodemanded to know who hasproposed the setting up of theplant on the additional landwhen the land in question is notyet acquired till date.

    Is it a delay tactic on the partof the Civic body to set up thegarbage plant, she said, addingthat shifting of the plant to theadjoining land will further delaythe construction, saying the landis a steep slope and involves hillcutting and leveling.

    Meanwhile, the Council alsoapproved a proposal to dump thescreened material and rejects atthe land acquired by the Civicbody opposite the KTC Bus stand.

    Vice-Chairperson, GonzacoRebello, however, told the Coun-cil to take the residents of Madelinto confidence before dumpingthe rejects in the low lying area.



    Shigmo festivities will get underway in the Com-mercial Capital, beginning from March 30 with aprogramme at Costa grounds, Aquem.

    Chief Minister and Chairman of the Margao Shig-motsav Samiti Digambar Kamat said the float paradein the city will be held on April 3 at 5.30 pm.

    He said unlike in the past, the Romtamel pro-cession will start from the Clergy home, addingthat it would be the endeavour of the ShigmotsavSamiti to wind up the parade by 10 pm.

    Commenting on the failure of the talks betweenhis group and MLA Damu Naik-led group to cel-

    ebration one shigmo in the city, the Chief Ministersaid that attempts are still on to bring the twogroups under one banner.

    There were certain differences on the com-position of the Committee amongst workers ofboth the groups, the Chief Minister said, addingthat attempts would continue to bring the twogroups under one banner.

    Saying that the Margao shigmotsav Samitiheaded by him had earlier taken a resolution toutilize portion of the funds for charity work,Kamat said it has been decided to utilize thefunds to provide medical facilities, and scholarshipfor the students.

    Shigmo festivities inMargao from Wednesday

    Chief Minister Digambar Kamat addresses the media on the shigmo festivities in the commercial capi-tal. Photo by Santosh Mirjakar

    Rumdamol resident

    assaultedHERALD REPORTER


    A resident of Rumdamol Hous-ing Board Mohammed Hayedwas brutally assaulted by a fivemember gang at the housingBoard on Friday.

    BJP leader Shaikh Jina saidthat the assailants attacked Mo-hammed when he was standingnear a kiosk and is presently un-dergoing treatment at Hospiciohospital.

    Saying that the Maina Cur-torim police has not booked theaccused on grounds that acounter complaint is lodged bythe rival group against the ac-cused, Jina said the accusedenjoy political connections withtwo Ministers and threatenedto make it an issue if the culpritsare allowed to go scot-free.



    Psychologist and psychothera-pist Merlyn Fernandes has saidthat timely help can prevent sui-cides in the state.

    At a suicide prevention work-shop held at Benaulim Commu-nity Centre, she explained indetail how suicides can be pre-vented in the community.

    Making a startling revelationthat most people who think ofcommitting suicide do not wantto end their life, but only wantto get rid of the pain in theirlives, she said these people thinkof the extreme step only be-cause they do not see hope inthe future.

    Ms Fernandes disclosed thatinability to deal with variouslife pressures has increased theincidents of depression and sui-cides in society. In the year2010, there were 310 cases ofsuicides in Goa, she pointedout and explained that suddenabnormal behavioral and emo-tional changes in a person couldbe the earliest warning signalsfor suicide.

    Ms Merlyn who has workedextensively in this field, pointedout that extreme feelings ofguilt, shame, sadness, anxietyand hopelessness are the com-monest causes of depressionand suicides, and suggested cer-tain necessary steps that needto be taken to handle such peo-ple. Early detection of thestrange signs can prevent sui-cides in our community, espe-cially among people who arevery close to us, she added.

    Complimenting Ms Merlyn forenlightening the participants onthe subject, Dr Hubert Gomespointed out that such workshopsshould be compulsory for everyteacher and they should be at-tended by the parent in Goa. Healso suggested that governmentshould set up a support systemby way of a 24 hours SOS coun-seling cell to help people in emo-tional distress. Such supportsystem is necessary for todaysstress-filled society, and such helpsystems are available in manyparts of the world, he added.

    Timely help can prevent suicides: psychologist



    The Archdiocese of Goa andDaman recently conducted twoworkshops to help photogra-phers and videographers toproperly record church services.

    The programmes, primarilyintended to foster an apprecia-tion of the role of photographersand videographers and tostreamline certain practices thathinder meaningful celebrationof the liturgy, said Father AfonsoMendonca, director of the Dioce-san Centre for Liturgy that or-ganized the programme, whowas quoted in a UCAN report.

    Some 150 professional pho-tographers, including some fromother religions, attended sepa-rate workshops at Panjim andMargao.

    Speaking to the UCAN newsagency, Fr Mendonca said theworkshops reminded the pho-tographers that they should notmerely work for their clients, butparticipate in Mass and otherservices in a true Catholic spirit.

    The resource persons at theworkshop were Fr Mendoncaand Fr Ralin de Souza, memberof the Diocesan Centre for SocialCommunications Media.

    With the help of power pointpresentations and sample videoclippings, the two priests high-lighted the different sacred mo-ments at mass and advised the

    cameramen to avoid capturingthose moments as they coulddistract the congregation.

    The organizers also askedvideographers to avoid video-taping people doing readingsand homilies.

    During the workshop, manyphotographers and videogra-phers pointed out that parishesand priests do not have a uni-form policy in allowing photog-raphy in churches, which oftenled to misunderstanding andconfusion.

    Many photographers foundthe workshop extremely fruit-ful, as the organizers listenedto several suggestions from theparticipants for a uniform policyin the archdiocese on photog-raphy in churches.

    The organizers also agreed

    to consider another suggestionto form an association of churchphotographers, Father Men-donca said.

    The participants also askedthe priests to respect the cam-eramens role in the liturgicalset-up.

    Besides suggesting a desig-nated space in churches for cam-eramen to avoid unnecessarymovement and distraction dur-ing the liturgy, the participantsalso requested churches to in-stall proper lights at strategicplaces to avoid disturbancesfrom arc lights photographers.

    Father Mendoncas centerhas organized similar programsin the past two years forpriests, sacristans, altar deco-rators, choir members andMass readers.

    Photographers, videographers guided on properly recording church services

    Cameramen attend a workshop on ways to properly record churchservices.

    Registrationfor Haj

    pilgrimageHERALD NEWS DESK


    Goan Muslims are informedthat Haj application formsfor provisional registrationfor Haj are available withthe Goa State Haj Commit-tee.

    Duly f i l led applicationform accompanied by pay-in-slip of Rs 200 per pilgrimshould reach the Secretary,Goa State Haj Committee inthe office of Under Secretary(Home) by April 30.

    For process, eligibility andother details please contactany of the following mem-bers of Goa Haj Committee:Shaik Shabbir, Ponda, ph:9822165352; Abdul RehmanK h a n , M a r g a o , p h :9823927595; Akbar Mulla,Shiroda, ph: 9822175786;Iqbal Mohiddin, Vasco, ph:9822100659; Mohd NisarS u b e d a r, F a t o r d a , p h :9422451535; Nabid Tisildar,Ponda, ph: 9922728416;Sheikh Abdul Badar, Ponda,ph: 9422454723;, MohidinQ a z i , P o n d a , p h :9 8 2 3 2 4 7 3 8 1 ; G u l z a r B iK h a n , Va l p o i , p h :9422450429, Saifullah Khan,Vasco, ph: 9823184199 andZarina Bi , Sanguem, ph:9226221361.

  • Give us English mediumAllwyn George, Carmona

    The massive rally at Azad Maidan support-ing English as the medium of instructionclearly had the support of Goans from allwalks of life. The look on the peoples facesat the rally revealed that they had embarkedon a mission to see that their childrenstudy in English medium at the primarylevel and beyond. What really surprises meis why people are always forced to comeout onto the streets to see that their de-mands are fulfilled? Fulfilling peopleswishes should be the governments pre-rogative. Those responsible for forcing theparents and students go through thistrauma are well secured in the seats ofpower. They must remember that peoplewill come out in numbers to lead the strug-gle for English medium, till their demands

    are met.

    Grants for PortugueseB V S Priolkar, Margao

    Portuguese ruled Goa for more than fourcenturies and continued even after Indianindependence. The documents, literature,civil, criminal, marriage laws and all typesof records were written in that language.Only a small part of it has been translatedto serve day-to-day needs. The laws pre-pared and records maintained during thosetimes are exemplary and worth implement-ing now. This vast treasure is lying un-earthed, as we do not have properly trainedmanpower. It is left with a few old intel-lectuals, but they are now in the twilightyears of their lives. There is an urgent needto provide grants for the development ofPortuguese language and to create talentsto discover the hidden treasures lying inour archives. It is, therefore, the Portugueselanguage that needs a grant failing whichwe will lose the precious records of ourancestors forever.

    Parents possess a rightAugusto Monteiro, Loutolim,

    After 50 years of Goas freedom from colo-nial rule, the protagonists of merger havewoken up again to instigate a controversyand to create a divide in the choice of lan-guage in the education policy. They areafraid of competition and want to desta-bilise the schools of the Archdiocese byinstilling confusion in the minds of peopleand raising a political bogey.

    The MLAs who attended the PTA meetingin Panjim did so in their capacity as parents.

    I call upon people to rise in unison anddefeat those divisive efforts by telling themto mind their own business, because edu-cation and choice of language is the dem-ocratic right of parents.

    Long live EnglishFrancisco Ribeiro, Porvorim

    The intellectual Priests, who are out forpublicity namely Fr Mousinho and Fr Jaime,should confine themselves to their ownministry, and take spiritual care of the faith-ful. They should not interfere with issues

    which concern parents. I wonder whetherthey are on the payroll of some oppor-tunistic private institutions. One can neverknow. If there is a drift of some to othersects, it is only due to such opportunists.We parents know what is best for our chil-dren and we demand justice. We are notasking authorities to scrap grants to Marathior Konkani medium schools, but to includeEnglish and give it equal status. We, tax-payers, demand this. Long live English, theuniversal language.

    Foolish TV commercialsAugustus Alphonso, Vasco/Kuwait

    While the cricket World Cup fever keeps

    on escalating, the TV commercials attachedto it are simply ridiculous. On one hand,the team is seen philosophically utteringinspiring words of wisdom during the com-mercial breaks and on the other hand,some of the team members are featuredin inconsequential ads. The whole enter-tainment industry in India sucks undercommercialism.

    Emulate Mauvin and Jose PhilipDr Joe DSouza, Panjim

    The defence forces and many central gov-ernment agencies have time and again,usurped precious and the limited land be-longing to Goans in the garb of national

    or public interest, thus rendering Goansas strangers in their own homeland. RaviNaik gave us a classic example, by giftingaway the Anjediva island to the Indian Navy.Everywhere in Goa, oil corporations, na-tionalised banks, ONGC and other semi-government bodies have rendered Goanshomeless and deprived them of their prop-erties for holiday homes and recreationalactivities. Jose Philip DSouza and MauvinGodinho must be appreciated for helpingBernard Da Costa keep a hold on hisDabolim property, which was sought to beacquired by the Airports Authority of India.

    We hope other ministers too learn fromthe good deeds of Mauvin and Jose Philipthat charity must begin at home. Goans