Download - 26th September

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Welcome to our Sunday celebration!

If it is your first Sunday meeting with us we would like to especially welcome you to our brand new venue, the Innovation Forum. We hope that you will enjoy meeting with God and His people today! Crèche, kids and youth work provisions are held in the rooms on the 2nd floor. All our workers hold CRB checks. Free tea and coffee is in the ground floor foyer after the meeting where we would love to get to know you more and help you make new friends and connections. The Welcome Desk is available for all information about the life of the church including the events listed in this Update.



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Monday Church in the Home 7.00pm Led by Russ and Irene Bennett in Ordsall.

Tuesday Mums, babies and toddlers’ group

9.30-11.00am Held at various homes in Salford 7.00pm Church in the Home Led by Kevin and Jo Hardwidge in Swinton 7.30pm Church in the Home Led by Anthony Cupit in Salford Quays Wednesday Church in the Home 7.30pm Led by David and Hannah Knight in Langworthy

Thursday Worship Group Practice

7.30pm King’s House, Manchester M1 7HB

Sunday Church Celebration

10.00am The Innovation Forum, Frederick Road, Salford M6 6FP.

Monday 4th Joining New Life Church Course

7.30pm Held at Kings House in Manchester for 1 more week, explaining our vision of ‘Making Jesus Famous’ in Salford. The 4th week of the course will be held in your Church in the Home. For any further details about the events please ask at the Welcome Desk

What’s Coming Up:

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Life in the Spirit

New Life Church love to meet together at every opportunity to share in the incredible life and truth of Jesus. We have four homes which are open throughout the week. For more details please ask at the Welcome Desk. Monday 7.00pm. Russ and Irene Bennett in Ordsall Tuesday 7.00pm. Kev and Jo Hardwidge in Swinton Tuesday 7.30pm. Anthony Cupit in Salford Quays Wednesday 7.30pm. David and Hannah Knight in Langworthy

Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Monthly Outreach Saturday 2nd October 9.30am-12.00pm Reaching out to the Langworthy area. Meet at David and Hannah’s home. Let’s make Jesus famous as a church!

New Life Church VIP Night Friday 11th February 2011. Please keep the date free!

Church Weekend Away @ Cefn Lea 8th-10th April 2011

Special Offering Sunday 17th October, for Keri Jones

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Growing into Maturity - by Jennie Buss

Two weeks ago we heard a great word from one of our leaders here at New Life - Kevin Hardwidge . Kevin spoke to us about stepping into maturity, and why this is vital for us moving forward into what God has for us as a church. 1 Corinthians 13:4 says 'Love is patient, love is kind...' Loving like God loves is a sign of maturity in the church. Our destiny as the church is to grow into the fullness of the stature of Christ - which means to become like Him in every way, not just in love but in power and authority as well. As we mature into His likeness we spread His fame through the city, and people encounter the transforming power of our risen Christ through our testimonies, through healing and through acts of love. Kevin gave us keys to maturing as a church - leaving the past behind, and being ready to embrace the new. He described how two of the tribes of Israel were reluctant to cross over into the Promised Land, preferring the familiarity and comfort of where they were. The temptation to 'settle' where we are is a reality we all have to face at some point. As followers of Christ, that is exactly what we are called to do, follow! We are not made to sit in one place and think that we've made it! God has done amazing things in New Life Church, but you know, He's got so much more for us than we see right now. We need to not hold on too tightly to our way of doing things, our meetings, our lifestyles, our habits. We need to be ready to leave behind what we need so we can grab hold of what God is giving to us. Kevin also mentioned how we need to put aside childish ways - to be mature means to not be childish any longer. Some things are acceptable in children that we would not allow as adults, and its the same in the church. As we mature as children of God, our understanding of the things of God grows, and our lives become more in line with His Word. We must be careful to not go 'backwards' and fall again into those things (sins, temptations, bad habits) which used to entangle us as new Christians. The Holy Spirit is committed to seeing Jesus formed in you, and He has started a work in you which He has promised to finish! God has exciting plans, for our good! The next season for the church will be even better than the one before!