Download - 26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing

Page 1: 26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing

Download your free Plant Based Diet Plan: Kickstart your healthy eating habits with threedays of delicious, nutritious, easy to prepare, plant based meals. Get Your Free Download Here.Get Your Free Download Here.

1. Live longer (and leaner) with the ‘80% full’ rule

2. Incinerate inflammation with intermittent fasting

3. Don’t go crazy with the protein

4. Protect your heart with proper food combining

5. Spare your stress levels by skipping the calorie count

6. Keep the body in balance with 80-90% whole foods

You’ll probably agree with me when I say:

Adopting healthy eating habits

is WAY easier said than done.

…Or is it?

Turns out when you put the right measures in place, it doesn’t

have to be that difficult after all.

I’ve spent many years tinkering with my diet and helping others do the same, and in that time I’ve

assembled some key nutritional guidelines and habits. As well as improving my health, body composition

and performance, they’ve also slashed the time and effort I spend worrying about food, which is always a

good thing right?

With a little tweaking, I’m sure they can work for you too. So today I’m going to reveal those exact

guidelines and show you how to apply them to your own diet – for a healthier, happier future.

But before we go any further…

Chapter Index

Warning: this is a big old post at nearly 10 000 words long. So I’ve been a good pal and split it up into easy

digest chapters that you can work your way through.

26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and

Feel AmazingS H A R E


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7. If you eat animals, go for quality over quantity

8. Can’t pronounce the ingredients? It’s probably not good for you

9. Save money by home cooking

10. Save even more money by stocking up on staples

11. Save precious time by planning ahead

12. Go simple by day, gourmet by night

13. Preserve your willpower with a healthy eating environment

14. Go fer-mental with fermented foods for a healthy gut

15. Don’t forget to soak your nuts

16. Go low FODMAP to beat the bloat

17. Eat smart around exercise

18. Don’t waste your money on 50 billion different supplements

19. Stay hydrated

20. Become a swift navigator at restaurants

21. How you eat is just as important as what you eat

22. Go local or home grown when possible

23. Cant access organic? Don’t panic!

24. Don’t get hung up on your macros

25. If it’s too much hassle, consider outsourcing

26. Don’t forget to indulge now and again

1. Live longer (and leaner) with the ‘80% full’ rule

26 Healthy Eating Habits(To Help You Look and Feel Amazing)

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Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 3/5

Not to be confused with Pareto’s famous 80-20 principle, the ‘80% full rule’ simply means eating untilyou’re around 80% full.

For you gym goers, it’s a bit like leaving a few reps in the tank when you’re lifting heavy stuff, as opposed to

going to failure (and finishing your workout in a puddle of your own sweat and tears).

The theory goes something like this:

Your brain typically lags behind the gut a little, so usually when you get to the point where you feel full,

you’ve already over-eaten. So stopping short by around 20% leaves you about right.

It does require a bit of mindfulness and self-control, particularly if you’re someone who grew up trying to

eat as much as possible (like me) – but it is an achievable feat.

But why bother?

In Blue Zones, the longevity book I’ve mentioned a bazillion times here on Health Room, this is one of the

key characteristics researchers picked up in the Japanese Okinawan population.

They call it:

Hara Hachi Bu.

Essentially, it means eating until satisfied – as opposed to when you feel physically full.

The big benefits?

Just take a look at the data below:

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The Main Takeaway 1:

Most of us could do a little better by eating ever so slightly less than we’d like.

The only caveat with the ‘80% full’ rule?

If you’re looking to gain weight or build lean muscle mass and you’re struggling to do so, eatingless might not get you closer to your goal.

But where weight loss and longevity is concerned – it’s a no brainer.

2. Incinerate inflammation with intermittent fasting

Aside from keeping you lean and helping to cultivate more mindful eating habits (which we’ll talk more

about later), longevity experts believe that Hara Hachi Bu is one of the reasons why there are so many

centenarians in Okinawa.

Plus, it might explain why the country as a whole boasts some of the highest life expectancy rates (and

lowest heart disease rates) on the planet…

Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 3/5

Shock horror:

Turns out breakfast might not be the most important meal of the day…

If you’re not familiar with intermittent fasting (or IF for short if you’re a cool kid) it essentially involves

shortening the time window in which you eat your meals for the day.

It’s grown considerably in popularity over the past few years, and for good reasons:

There’s decent research showing that fasting can help to reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity,

bring down body fat, and lead to a whole host of other benefits – all without making any changes to the

actual amount of food you’re consuming.

How long should I fast for, I hear you say?

Well, it depends…

The timings for fasts can vary considerably depending on your goals and preferences, with some going for a

daily 20 hour fast and 4 hour eating window.

Others eat normally on 6 days a week, then fast for a whole day.

I’ve played around on and off with IF over the past few years, and here’s what I’ve found works best for me:

I typically go for a timeframe more akin to the Lean Gains protocol, which includes a 16 hour fast, and 8

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The Main Takeaway 2:

I would never claim that intermittent fasting is for everyone.

Some people who have very low body fat levels, are suffering from adrenal fatigue, or have a history

of eating disorders might not fare too well, for example. And fasting definitely comes further down

the list of priorities than eating a wide range of nutrient dense, whole foods.

But if you’re already eating healthily, have a good relationship with food, and looking to get leaner,

improve productivity, and possibly even live longer – it might be worth playing around with.

To get started, I highly recommend checking out the Precision Nutrition Guide to Intermittent


hour feed.

So as you can see from the diagram above, if my last meal was at 8pm, I typically don’t have breakfast until

around midday the next day – maybe an hour or so earlier/later depending on my schedule.

Essentially it means that I have my breakfast around lunch time, lunch late in the afternoon, and dinner late

in the evening.

Then once every few weeks or so I’ll throw in a longer fast of around 20 hours, just to mix things up a little.

Physical benefits aside, one of the most profound differences I’ve noticed from IF is the enhanced clarity

and productivity I get in the mornings.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have that distraction of food prep, or perhaps the act of fasting sparks some sort

of neurological change – I just find it much easier to get good work done when I’m unfed, and I know others

have noticed the same thing.

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3. Don’t go crazy with the protein

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

It’s official:

The fitness and nutrition world has gone protein mad.

Never before has one simple macronutrient received such a religious following.

Aside from the typical powders and shakes, it’s gone so far that you can now find products like high protein

beers and high protein water.

Yep, that’s right – high protein water.


But here’s the thing:

Whilst protein isis important for growth and repair, it’s not the be all and end all of nutrition.

And here’s why…

Depending on what studies you read, there’s evidence out there to suggest that your body can only

absorb around 30g of the good stuff in a single sitting.

The theory is that the rest is then turned into glucagon, which in turn spikes blood sugar levels, leading to

fat storage and reduced insulin sensitivity.

The counter argument, described well by Mark at Mark’s Daily Apple, is that the amount of protein you

absorb can vary depending on your age, activity levels and stress.

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But then excess protein consumption may place unnecessary strain on the kidneys and liver, although it

could be argued (as done pretty well by Dr. Chris Kresser) that this is only seen in already unhealthy


There’s also the whole China Study view showing that high intakes of animal protein in particular are linked

with a whole host of different chronic diseases (including certain forms of cancer), but that’s a rabbit hole

that I don’t really want to go down today…

It’s a controversial one to say the least.

Nevertheless, you probably don’t need to be downing three protein shakes a day and a bucket load of meat

that you bought in bulk online (or going crazy with the plant based sources below for that matter).

Data sourced from

Let’s take a look at my typical intake as a little case study:

As you might know, I eat a plant based diet and I’m fairly active.

Tracking my calories over the last week, I was getting around 110-135g of protein a day – so around 1.4-1.6

g per kg of bodyweight.

That’s all whole foods, except for around a third of a scoop of Sun Warrior Protein in the morning

(predominately because it tastes so damn good)…

Being as the RDA is around 0.8g per kg (or up to 1.5-1.6g per kg for really active people), it’s pretty safe to

say that I’m in range. In fact, I’m right at the high-end of the spectrum.

Some (particularly in the bodybuilding community) will advocate more than 2g per kg of bodyweight (whichfunnily enough, is nigh on impossible to do without supplements).

And whilst this high intake might help you build more muscle (although the evidence is sparse), it’s around

these levels that we’re more likely to see some of the detrimental effects listed above.

Sal from MindPump (one of my favourite health and fitness podcasts) put out a refreshing post on this very

topic on his Instagram page a while back:

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The Main Takeaway 3:


Protein consumption is important.


Like many things in life, it’s possible to overdo it.

But even if over consuming protein doesn’t negatively impact your health, your wallet will likely be

At some point in American diet culture protein became a "magic" macronutrient. According to commondiet beliefs you literally can't eat too much protein and adding protein to anything automatically makesit healthy. I see candy bars and fruit flavored drinks that say "high protein" on them and they areplaced in the "health food" section of your local grocery store. This is literally ASININE. This stupid beliefbasis likely came from the body building world. Protein is what the body uses to build muscle sobodybuilders (who are usually no smarter than a bag of rocks) did what they always do...they over do it."If something does anything for muscle gains then a shit ton is a great idea!!!" WRONG!! First off addingprotein to a candy bar or a highly processed protein bar or drink does not make it healthy. In factprotein bars and powders are usually the most processed and artificial products you can buy. Eating toomuch protein can not only be stored as body fat but very high protein intakes (like the ridiculousamounts bodybuilders and supplement companies recommend) WILL stress the kidneys, increasechance of inflammation, can cause insulin resistance and new science is showing that it may evenincrease CANCER RISK. Protein is essential and a high protein diet will benefit your performance andmuscle gains...but you can over do it. The overwhelming scientific consensus demonstrates that theUPPER LIMIT of benefit from protein is at about 0.6-0.7 grams per pound of bodyweight in relativelylean people. So if you are a 200lbs male then 130 grams is the upper limit for benefit. Most of youmeatheads probably eat more than that and, as a result, you miss out on the other two macros fats andcarbohydrates. The vast majority of you fitness fanatics and gym rats are wasting your money on proteinpowders at best and may in fact be harming your health and preventing your full capacity for gains atworst. Go ahead and eat a relatively high protein diet with whole natural foods but don't be

mindpumpsal • 1 month ago

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much lighter than you’d like it to be…

4. Protect your heart with proper food combining

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 5/5

Food combining is something that was brought to my attention when I first decided to delve into nutrition

back in my teens. Again, it was those thrifty guys at Precision Nutrition that turned me onto it.

Essentially, it’s the idea that certain food groups are better received by the body in certain combinations

and at certain times of the day.

The most important thing to remember is this:

Combining high amounts of fat with high quantities of carbohydrates in the same sitting is probably not

the best idea.

Particularly really concentrated sugars and fats like oil and sugar, or peanut butter and jam. But even

combining fat sources and starchy carbs like potatoes might not be ideal.

Here’s why:

Not only can it result in the formation of small particles of LDL cholesterol that are more likely to attach to

cell walls and form plaque inside arteries, over the long-term it may also lead to insulin resistance and


So does that mean no more baked sweet potato fries or avocado on bread? Because if it does, I’m not sure

if I want to do this nutrition anymore…

Thankfully, there’s an exception to the rule:

For 2 hours post heavy lifting/high intensity training, the body has increased GLUT4 transporter activity – a

protein that as you might have guessed, transports glucose around the body.

As noted by fellow fitness geek Ben Greenfield in episode 352 of his awesome podcast:

[Elevated GLUT4 transporter activity] keeps the pancreas from having to release as much insulin to

shove glucose into muscle tissue or liver tissue. And you’re also up-regulating your body’s ability to take

sugar out of the bloodstream very quickly, and get it into muscles (so that it’s not hanging around the


In simple terms, it means your carb-fat combination isn’t gonna do nearly as much damage as it might, had

you not hit the weights hard or done those hill sprints.

I may be mistaken, but I believe that’s partly why the guys at Precision Nutrition typically prescribe meals

that are higher in fat and protein as ‘anytime meals’, but protein and carb meals typically post workout.

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The Main Takeaway 4:

I get it:

Food combining can seem like a bit of a headache.

Just keep in mind that this tip is more of the nitty-gritty of nutrition, and you definitely don’t have to

focus on your food combinations in that much detail to be successful (as you’ll see in the chapters to


If you were to take anything away from this section though it would be to avoid combining highlyconcentrated fats with highly concentrated sugars whenever possible (but don’t be too worried

if you’ve exercised 2 hours prior).

5. Spare your stress levels by skipping the calorie count

So what does that look like on a plant based diet?

I’m skipping a head a little with the whole plant based thing, but we’ll get into it in a bit more detail soon…

Following the food combining rules, you’d maybe go for a high fat-protein breakfast (like my

HERO smoothie bowl), and then perhaps some tempeh with nuts, avocado and a big salad as a standard


Post workout you might refuel with kidney beans, quinoa, sweet potatoes and leafy greens. And because of

increased GLUT4 activity, you could also add a fat source without doing much damage.

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Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

I might get some flack for this one, but hear me out…

It’s true:

Calorie counting can without doubt be a useful tool for some people at certain times.

I use it occasionally to gain a better understanding of the food I’m putting into my body.

I’ll also advise some nutrition clients to do it in order to help them see clearly how much food they’re

actually consuming, compared to what they think they are.

It can also be handy if you’re a competitive athlete or bodybuilding who has to be meticulous about

everything that could impact your performance.

But for the average Joe, I feel like long-term calorie counting isn’t necessary. In fact, it

can sometimes lead to more harm than good.

Here’s why:

First up is something I’ve seen time and time again in people around me and in the nutrition industry – the

strong correlation between calorie counting and eating disorders.

Now I know that this isn’t the case for everyone, but some people are wired up in a certain way that tracking

calories and macros can turn obsessive – pretty dang quickly.

I know more than a handful of people who’ve said that they felt trapped by calorie counting, and that it

led to an eating disorder in some shape or form.

And aside from this potential risk of heading into a downward spiral and an unhealthy relationship with

food, the other issue I have with calorie counting is that we’ve kinda oversimplified things.

For starters:

The calorie content of a food is calculated using a bomb calorimeter, where food is incinerated and the

resulting energy given off is recorded.

But the body is much more complicated than a simple incinerator…

Because of the thermic effect, different foods require differing amounts of energy to break down andassimilate, based on fibre and protein content, and potentially numerous other hidden factors.

Again, the guys Precision Nutrition showed that a sandwich based on whole foods took on average 46.8%more energy to digest than one made up of more processed foods.

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The Main Takeaway 5:

In a nutshell:

Calories in and calories out isn’t the be all end-all of nutrition.

Sure, if you’re looking to live healthier and maybe lose a little weight, it’s important not to overeat.

But the quality of your food weighs in just as heavily (if not more so) than the quantity.

If it gives you peace of mind or helps you get accustomed to meal sizes, by all means track your

calories for a little while, but always remember to take it with a pinch of salt.

You’ll form a much healthier relationship with your food (and probably see better results) if you

focus more on the quality rather than exact amounts.

Which brings me to my next point…

6. Keep the body in balance with 80-90% whole foods

Precision Nutrition: Changes in BMR over time in processed foods (open triangles) vs. whole foods (white squares)

So even if you’re eating what’s labelled to be 600 kcal worth of food, the amount you actually take on board

can vary significantly depending on the quality (not to mention your own digestive health, which we’ll talk

more about later).

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

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The Main Takeaway 6:

A good goal for most people is to shoot for is a diet based upon 80% (maybe 90% if you’re up for it)


Just remember that perfection is an illusion, and it’s what you do most of the time that matters

most, not what you do all the time.

As I’ve mentioned many times here on the blog, I aim to base my diet predominantly around whole foods.

So what I mean by that is things like leafy greens, sweet potatoes, legumes, whole/pseudo grains, nuts and


These are foods that undergo minimal processing, and contain a wide range of important micronutrients,

as well as balanced amounts of fibre, protein, fats, and carbohydrates.

Notice that in the diagram I mentioned 80% whole foods, not 100%…

You could argue that a diet closer to 100% whole foods is healthier for you, but for the majority of people I

don’t think it’s realistic, especially if they’re only just starting to make the transition towards healthy eating.

Because here’s the deal:

What you gain in that extra 20% of nutrition may well be offset by the increased stress levels fromtrying to always be perfect.

At least, that’s been the case from my experience.

We’ll talk more about that later…

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7. If you eat animals, go for quality over quantity

The Main Takeaway 7:

Fear not:

I’m not writing this in the hope that you’ll throw down your beans, sling your rifle on your back and

go hunt yourself some game (although if that works for you, go for it).

I’m just offering an alternative view, which is:

If you do choose to include animal products in your diet, you’d almost definitely be better off

consuming wild products once a week or fortnight than you would be eating conventional animal

products every meal of the day.

The environmental impacts and ethical considerations are a story for another day…

Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 3/5

OK, I know what you’re thinking:

I’m supposed to be the plant based nutrition guy, so what am I doing talking about eating animal products?

But the truth is this:

Even though I eat and help others transition towards more a plant based diet, I don’t think you haveto go all the way to still be healthy.

Now let me explain…

Whilst eating animal products isn’t something I necessarily promote, and I think you can gain the majority

of the benefits of eating them through plants alone, there’s definitely a continuum (from a health

perspective at least).

At the one end, we might have antibiotic ridden, hormone pumped, factory farmed, grain fed cows that

have been turned into overly processed burgers.

They’ve been raised in gnarly, stressful conditions and fed a diet that’s completely unnatural for them. The

result is a food that’s pretty poor in nutrition.

At the other end you might have a wild caught deer that was living peacefully in it’s natural environment,

eating it’s natural diet until the time of death.

The nutritional content of something like this will usually be superior to conventionally farmed meat, with

higher concentrations of omega three fatty acids, and lower amounts of saturated fats.

And we can see a similar situation with dairy products.

Interestingly, many people who are deemed lactose intolerant when raised on conventional dairy products

don’t suffer the same symptoms when they switch to goats milk or raw cows milk.

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8. If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it’s probably not good

for you

The Main Takeaway 8:

The over consumption of highly processed foods is one of the root causes of the current health and

obesity epidemic.

If it comes in bright packaging, has a really long shelf life, and has more than a few ingredients that

you can’t pronounce – it’s probably not great for you.

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

With the exception of quinoa that is…

As a general rule of thumb:

The more processed a food is, the more we human beings

have tampered with it, and the less we know about how

it’s going to affect our long-term health.

I’ve used that sentence before here on the blog, and couldn’t

remember where I’d heard it first – just remembered it was

from the ancestral health dude Arthur Haines.

Anyways, back to business…

Unless you’re fully raw and out foraging all day, almost all foods

you consume will have some degree of processing applied to


But again – there’s a continuum.

At one end we have refrigeration, cooking, soaking and

fermenting – all forms of processing that are arguably


But then at the other end of the scale there are food products that have been constructed in a lab with a

mish-mash of synthetic, refined ingredients that have had all their healthy micronutrients and fibre stripped


The result is a mutant food with fifty million different ingredients that you can’t pronounce. Food that has

been shown time and time again to be one of the main causes of obesity and chronic disease.

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9. Save money by home cooking

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

You’re dead right – going out for a meal is awesome.

Especially with the growing awareness of healthy eating, and the increasing number of health

conscious restaurants popping up.

The only problem?

It can be pretty dang costly if you do it often…

If you and your partner or buddies head out once a week, that’s gonna add on at least £80 to your monthly

food bill – more if you’re heading to somewhere fancier than a burrito bar, and if you have kids.

Now I’m not saying that you should never go out to eat, but if you’re looking to save some dollar, home

cooking is the way to go.

Whilst it may seem like a laborious affair, the burrito that might cost £10 at a restaurant would probably

cost you a couple of pounds to make at home.

A quick look at chart below from Samantha Sharf’s “no restaurant” diet experiment shows how much you

could potentially save:

Eating at home more also means you have total control over what you’re putting into your body, and it gives

you a chance to develop your cooking skills.

And if you have kids, getting them involved is a great way to help build healthier relationships with food.

Plus it keeps them busy, and saves you the hassle of chopping the veggies…

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The Main Takeaway 9:

By all means indulge now and again by eating out (I highly recommend using the Happy Cow app to

find plant friendly restaurants nearby).

But if you’re looking to eat healthily without breaking the bank, make a habit of home cooking. And if

you have kids, you can always rope them into doing the hard labour…

10. Save even more money by stocking up on staples

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

Nope, I don’t mean the kind of staples that hold paper together…

I mean the foods that form the basis of your diet. Stocking up on them can save you a shed load of time

and money if you do it right.

Here’s how we roll:

Every so often we place an online order (or take a trip to Wholefoods) to bulk buy pulses (kidney beans,

lentils etc), oats, nuts, chia seeds and grains.

These foods form a big portion of the calories in our diet, and they’re easy to store over long time periods.

Although you might have to fork out a larger amount initially to buy them, you save loads compared to

getting them in smaller tins and packets more frequently (and you’re doing your bit for the environment).

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The Main Takeaway 10:

Pro tip: stocking up on bulk batches of dry ingredients that you use often (legumes, nuts, seeds etc.)

is a great way to save money and reduce waste.

11. Save precious time by planning ahead

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

Here’s the scenario:

You finally get home from a tough day in the office. You take a quick peak in the fridge and decide right

away that there’s nothing there worth cooking. No sir-ee.

So you reach for the takeaway menu instead.

Stuffed crust cheesy madness ensues…

Sound familiar?

Don’t worry friend, it happens to the best of us, and it probably always will in some shape or form.

But by setting up a basic meal plan and putting routines in place ahead of time, you can significantly reduce

your chances of making a bad decision.

All it takes is a few hours on the weekend to batch cook a couple of healthy one pot dishes and a big salad

bowl. Siphon them out into meal sized potions, store them in the fridge and freezer, and you’re all set for

lunch and dinner for most of the week.

Here’s one of our old go-to lunch meals:

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The Main Takeaway 11:

If time is a big barrier between you and adopting healthy eating habits during the week, whip up a

few one pot recipes on the weekend and store them in the fridge/freezer.

As well as increasing your chances of adherence, you’ll save a bit of money too. Win win.

12. Go simple by day, gourmet by night

healthroom • 26 months ago

Matt Frazier over at No Meat Athlete has a ton of great tips on planning ahead that you should check out


A few big benefits to being proactive with your meal prep:

Firstly, it’s easier to make the decision to reach for the healthy, delicious, pre-prepared meal from your

freezer on a Wednesday night after a long day, as opposed to preparing it when you get in from work. This is

especially true if you have a family to feed…

Secondly, you save money – which is always a good thing right?

As mentioned above you’ll spend less on eating takeout or at restaurants. It’s surprising how quickly it can

add up if you’re doing it once, twice, three times a week.

And when you have a rough idea what meals you’ll be eating over the next few days, you can buy the

ingredients you’ll need, and nothing more.

That means less wasted food, and less wasted money.

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Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

Call me boring, but breakfast and lunch are pretty much the same deal for me everyday.

I know Ben Greenfield does a similar thing too, and he’s a cool guy. So get off my back dammit!

So what do I eat, I hear you ask?

It usually goes something like this:

I break my morning fast with a big messy smoothie bowl of chia seeds, flax, nuts, almond milk and coconut

yoghurt. A green smoothie used to be my go to, but I’m experimenting with the higher fat approach for

breakfast at the moment.

Lunch is either leftovers from the night before, or a big ass salad with sourdough, avocado and maybe

some beans.

Snacks are invariably berries, nuts, dark chocolate, or all three.

Why do I keep things pretty much the same each day?

It comes down to creating patterns.

If you can create a pattern or routine, less mental energy is required, and it’s easier to stick to that

behaviour as you rack the reps up over time.

If I had to sum it up, this is essentially the main focus of my online course, Healthy Habits 101.

A similar ideology can be applied to exercise (e.g greasing the groove by doing a pull-up every time you

walk through a doorway). It becomes a habit, and over time those automated reps add up to make a big


The only issue with routines is that they can become a little tedious. So in the evening and on weekends

I switch things up a little.

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The Main Takeaway 12:

Having the same meals for breakfast and lunch isn’t a bad thing (as long as they’re healthy).

Simplicity can save a load of time and mental energy.

Mixing things up in the evening or on the weekends ensures you don’t get bored with the same old

routine, and you’re getting a bit more nutritional variety.

13. Preserve your willpower with a healthy eating environment

If time is tight, I’ll have something pre-prepared, or I’ll whip up a Stir Fry or quick Mexican Bowl. If I have

more time on my hands, I’ll try something from our growing collection of vegan cookbooks.

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 4/5

Creating a healthy environment for change is one of the key principles I mention in my 50 Golden Rules for

Forming Healthy Habits.

In fact, if I had to whittle those rules down to single digits, it would probably be in the top 5.

Because the truth is this:

Even if you want nothing more than to form healthy eating

habits – it’s something you obsess over and think about from

the minute you wake to the minute you drop off to sleep –

you’re not going to get very far if you’re surrounded by the

same temptations and triggers.

This is particularly true during that fragile early phase of

forming a new habit.

If all you’ve ever loved eating is pizza and chocolate, there’s nothing worse than being surrounded by pizza

and chocolate.

So how do you create an environment that promotes healthy eating habits?

Aside from clearing out the pantry and replacing unhealthy foods with healthier alternatives, here’s a few

things to think about:

Limiting yourself to certain aisles of the supermarket – avoiding the junk food and snack areas

and sticking to the fresh produce and whole foods sections.

Altering your route to work slightly so you avoid the usual temptation of heading through the drive-

thru for some fast food.

Chatting to loved ones and colleagues about why you’re looking to eat healthier, and even limiting

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The Main Takeaway 13:

Building a healthy environment around you is crucial if you’re serious about developing lasting

healthy eating habits.

By removing unhealthy triggers, you’re much less likely to fall back into unhealthy patterns.

Midway drinks break….

Time to take a breather.

Whilst you’re at it, get your 3 days worth of:

Delicious, nutritious, easy to prepare, plant based meals.


contact with those that aren’t really conducive to healthy changes (at least in the early phase whilst

you establish the new habits).

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14. Go fer-mental with fermented foods for a healthy gut

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

I’ll admit, I did chuckle a little to myself when I wrote that subheading.

Fer-mental – get it!?

Tough crowd…

Anyways, you’ve likely heard about some of the potential benefits of consuming more fermented foods.

The basic premise is that the lacto-fermentation process results in the growth of ‘friendly’ strains of

bacteria. When we then consume fermented foods, these bacteria set up camp in the belly, favourably

impacting the balance of gut flora.

Why is this important?

Through a wicked combo of stressful jobs, antibiotic use and poor nutrition, most of us have a gut biome

that’s all out of whack. Too many bad boys, and not enough of good soldiers.

This can lead to issues with nutrient adsorption, IBS and even mental health problems like anxiety and

depression – there’s an intricate link between the gut and the brain that we’re only just uncovering.

The guys at PaleoHacks have some pretty good info all about that.

So how do fermented foods change things?

It seems that by improving the balance in gut bacteria, many of the above issues are remedied.

You get better adsorption of nutrients, reduced symptoms of IBS, and even improved mental health.

What foods are classed as fermented?

There’s a boat load, but some of my favourites include:

Sourdough bread

Miso paste



Dark chocolate

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The Main Takeaway 14:

Fermented foods are an awesome source of friendly gut bacteria, important for maintaining

a healthy belly and healthy brain.

Aim to get at least a couple of servings a day.

15. Don’t forget to soak your nuts

healthroom • 1 month ago

You can also opt for a pro-biotic supplement, but not all are created equally (as noted well by the guys at

If you don’t want to fork out the money to get a good quality supplement, whole fermented foods are often

a cheaper and more potent source of good bacteria anyways.

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 4/5

Nope, this isn’t a lesson in person hygiene…

Rather, it’s some pretty sound advice on what you should do with your cashews and Brazils before

consumption. And most of your beans, lentils and grains too for that matter.

Before we add them into a whole load of different healthy recipes, I tend to put those bulk bought products

that I mentioned above through a preparation process, mainly consisting of soaking and rinsing. You could

even take it a step further and sprout your foods for maximum health geek points, but that’s something I’ve

yet to experiment with fully.

So, after soaking my nuts for around 24 hours and changing the water a few times, I’ll then rinse them fully,

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The Main Takeaway 15:

Soak your nuts, legumes and grains for 12-24 hours prior to cooking, changing the water a few times,

and then store them in the freezer.

As well as improving the digestibility of the foods, you always have them on hand to add to any

recipes that require them.

16. Go low FODMAP to beat the bloat

dry them off, and store them in the freezer. Ouch.

I do the same process with my legumes, but I cook them before freezing.

Why bother, you might ask?

Aside from making them taste nicer, the process can also improve the digestibility of the foods. Soaking

and rinsing helps remove phytic acid, which can block the adsorption of other vitamins and minerals.

Pro tip:

I’ll also add in some apple cider vinegar and a kelp tablet to my beans as they soak, as I heard on the

grapevine that it can enhance their digestibility even further.

Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 5/5

If you’ve done any reading into IBS and ways to reduce symptoms of bloating or other forms of belly

distress, you might have stumbled upon the term FODMAP.

Firstly, what the heck does FODMAP mean?

It’s an acronym for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols.

In human language, they’re a group of short chain carbohydrates that aren’t easily absorbed in the digestive

tract. Instead, they ferment in the gut and can cause some of the digestive issues I mentioned above.

Fermentation you say? Isn’t that a good thing?

Outside the gut, yep.

Inside – not so much…

So what foods are actually classed as being high FODMAP?

The sad news is that there’s a boat load.

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The Main Takeaway 16:

If you’re someone who suffers with IBS, I highly recommend that you give the FODMAP regime a try.

Eliminate high FODMAP foods for a few months and then gradually re-introduce them, keeping an

eye on how your body reacts.

You can find a pretty extensive list of foods here.

Below are some of the most common you might stumble upon on a plant based diet:

If you’re suffering from IBS or any form of gut distress (and serious medical conditions have been out ruled)

the idea is that you follow a low FODMAP diet for a few months until your symptoms settle.

Then you would gradually re-introduce some of the higher FODMAP foods, keeping a close eye on how your

digestive system reacts.

In my case, I found that some foods like cashew nuts and certain forms of wheat are fine, but I have to be

careful not to overdo it with peppers, onions and certain legumes and grains.

I know it may seem like an arduous process, but it’s been reported that 75% of people following the

protocol receive significant relief from IBS symptoms, and I’ve definitely noticed a big difference.

A side note:

You’ll notice that legumes, nuts and grains are classed as high FODMAP.

From my experience, taking care to soak and rinse these foods like I mentioned earlier significantly

improves their digestibility. When I put a little time in to prep them properly, I don’t get the same issues.

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17. Eat smart around exercise

The Main Takeaway 17:

Before, during and after your workout, keep things simple.

Avoid anything that’s overly processed, packed full of sugar or caffiene, or likely to ferment in the gut.

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

An article on healthy eating habits wouldn’t be complete without touching on workout nutrition.

So that’s what I’ll do.

Whole books have been written on the topic and we could go all day with this one, but I’ll try to keep it short

and sweet.

For my pre, peri (during training) and post workout nutrition, once again I’m in agreement with fellow

fitness enthusiast Ben Greenfield:

Digestibility is key.

I don’t want a load of food fermenting and sloshing around when I’m looking to hit a deadlift PB or getting

my ass kicked on the BJJ mat. It’s humiliating enough as it is, without any accompanying gastrointestinal


So the FODMAPs we mentioned above are a no go. I’m also not a fan of taking on board anything with a ton

of fibre, anything with fifty billion ingredients in, or anything packed full of caffeine.

The former: again because of the potential for digestive issues.

The latter: because of the stress on the adrenals.

The fifty billion ingredients: because it’s probably really processed and not that great for you long-term.

So what do I usually go for/recommend?

Pre workout: If I’m not feeling satiated enough from my lunch/breakfast (which will typically be at least

an hour before my workout), I’ll go for something light, like a small smoothie or a baked sweet potato.

During workout: Any sessions less than 60-90 minutes (which is most of them), I’ll typically just sip on

water (or BCAA’s if I’m fasted). Anything longer, I’ll sometimes dilute one part red grape juice with 3

parts water and sip on that. If I’m out for a really long session like a hike or long bike ride, I’ll take some

sweet potatoes, maybe with some dark chocolate and soaked nuts.

Post workout: I know they talk about the magic half hour window in which you should take in protein

and carbs after training, but I’ll usually give my body at least an hour post workout to recover and

down-regulate before I eat anything heavy. Sometimes I’ll sip on fruit juice or BCAA’s in between then if

it’s been a particularly taxing session.

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18. Don’t waste your money on 50 billion different supplements

The Main Takeaway 18:

There’s a time and a place for certain supplements. The main 3 that I take regularly are vitamin B-12,

vitamin D, and an algal based EPA/DHA.

Protein powders, creatine, and certain vitamin/mineral complexes can be beneficial for some people,

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

News flash:

You don’t need a refrigerator full of expensive pills and potions to maintain a healthy diet.

You’ve gotta hand it to the supplement industry:

They’ve done an impressive job of creating problems that only their products can solve, and we’ve bought

into it like suckers.

I know I did for a while (and I still get pulled in from time to time). At one point I was throwing back all the

protein powders and multivitamins I could get my hands on. All I got in return was a leaky gut and lighter


The truth is, you can get near enough everything you need to meet your nutrition requirements if you eat a

variety of whole foods. Nature is great like that.

That being said…

There are a handful of supplements that might be worth considering.

If you’re fully plant based, vitamin B12 is probably one you should be


Other than that, some people can benefit from a vitamin D supplement,

particularly people living outside the tropics.

The only other that I take regularly is a DHA/EPA supplement to keep my

long chain omega 3 levels topped up.

They would be the main three that I would go for as a base. Other things

like K2, creatine and a protein powder might be beneficial for some, but I

would always prioritize healthy whole foods.

Unless you have some sort of medical condition that prevents you from absorbing or utilising certain

dietary compounds, or you’re into biohacking – pretty much everything else is touch and go.

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but aren’t necessary for everyone.

19. Stay hydrated

Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 1/5

It’s pretty simple advice:

If you’re an average male, you should be taking on board at least 2.5 litres of water a day. For females, that

figure is closer to 2 litres.

Bu how many of us actually hit the recommended amount?

Up to a third apparently, depending on what survey you read.

And keep in mind this is the bare minimum we should be shooting for.

It doesn’t account for exercise, body type, air temperature and humidity.

I get it:

Life is busy, and often times it’s the end of the day before you realise that you haven’t taken on board

nearly enough water for the day.

Wanna hear my super secret tip for making sure you hit the RDA?

It’s called the elastic band trick.

It basically involves getting a decent sized BPA free water bottle, attaching a load of elastic bands to the

bottom of the bottle, and sliding one up to the top when you’ve finished an entire drink.

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The Main Takeaway 19:

As well as consuming plenty of water rich, nutrient dense plant foods, ensure you’re taking on board

enough liquids, in the form of fresh water and/or herbal teas.

Use the elastic band trick to guarantee success and to look like a cool kid at the same time. Double


20. Become a swift navigator at restaurants

My bottle holds 600ml, and I want to hit around 3 litres a day. So I have 5 bands around it. Whenever I

finish a bottle, I slide a band to the top, and hey presto!

Give yourself a brownie point if you hit your daily target.

Add another if your bands are Health Room colour scheme approved.

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 3/5

The general consensus is this:

If you want to eat healthily whilst out and about, you’re in for a tough time.

But it doesn’t have to be that way – not in this day and age.

Sure, there are plenty of fast food joints and some chain restaurants that are a no go (although some are

making progress).

At the other end of the spectrum, there have never been so many plant based and generally health

conscious restaurants available today. And with apps like Happy Cow, finding them has never been easier.

But what about the middle of the spectrum?

What about the gap between the super health conscious, and the super fast?

Whilst your average restaurants and chains might not have a ton of healthy options on the menu, more and

more of them are offering at least one or two, or can adapt existing options to suit your needs.

And even if it seems all hope is lost – you’re going somewhere that’s notoriously unhealthy, but it’s a family

gathering that you can’t miss, you can still get by.

All it takes is a quiet word with the waiter/waitress/chef beforehand, explaining your preferences in a polite,

unassuming manner. Nine times out of ten they’ll be able to accommodate you. Most places will have a

stock of rice, beans and veggies – sorted.

And if they can’t?

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The Main Takeaway 20:

Get to know safe havens in your surrounding area for healthy food – burrito bars and vegetarian

restaurants are usually a good shout.

If you’re going somewhere that might not have a healthy option, don’t be afraid to ring beforehand

or have a quick word with the staff to see if a simple meal of rice, beans and veggies can be


21. Remember: how you eat is just as important as what you eat

Let’s face it – it’s not the end of the world…

Mark it down as a learning experience, and eat one of those healthily meals you previously prepped and

stored in the freezer when you get home.

Effectiveness: 5/5 Difficulty to implement: 3/5

I’ve talked about mindful eating quite a few times in the past. That’s because it’s something that I noticed

made a big difference in my life. So yep, I’m gonna harp on about it again today…

We live in a world where convenience is king. We want our food on the go, and we want it now.

The result?

We scoff down meals without paying the slightest bit of attention to what we’re doing. A sandwich on the

train or a pizza in front of the TV. Rarely does it touch the sides. That was me for the biggest part of my life –

mindless eating.

So what does mindful eating entail?

Put simply, it means slowing down. It means chewing your food thoroughly, pausing in between mouthfuls,

and savouring the myriad of tastes and textures.

Darya at Summer Tomato has a load more useful tips.

Aside from being a more enjoyable experience, eating more mindfully and slowly makes it easier for your

body to digest and assimilate the food you’re consuming. You’re also less likely to overeat, as your body

gets the chance to recognise when it’s actually full.

Neat huh?

And this may be bull, but I’ve also noticed that helps you get a little more in tune with what your body really


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The Main Takeaway 21:

How you eat is just as important as what you eat. Set time aside for at least one meal a week to slow

down and eat mindfully.

You’ll benefit by enjoying your food more, being less prone to overeating, and having tip-top

digestive capabilities.

22. Go local or home-grown when possible

It kinda makes sense – If you’re focussing on every mouthful, you’re much more aware of what food you’re

actually eating, and whether that food is aligned with the goals or the standards you’ve set yourself.

One caveat:

As you’re probably well aware, it’s never easy to undo lifelong habits. If you’re anything like me, you’ve

probably eaten the same way for 3 times a day since you first started on solid meals, wolfing it down like

your life depends on it.

So like any other seemingly insurmountable change, my advice is to start small, and build gradually.

Even if it’s just one meal a week, on the weekend. Prepare a nice dinner that you can work your way

through at a slow and steady pace – either alone or with loved ones.

The more you practice, the more it becomes a habit, and the more that mindful state can start to trickle

down into other areas of your life.

Effectiveness: 2/5 Difficulty to implement: 5/5

We like to talk about the negative impact of traditional animal agriculture on the environment. It’s almost

become the in thing to do.

But traditional crop farming practices also do their fair share of damage.

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The Main Takeaway 22:

By shopping locally, you’re cutting the air miles off your food and you get to support local businesses.

Win win.

There are also a whole host of benefits to growing your own produce – even if it is just a few herbs

and salad plants.

As with anything, start small and build gradually.

23. Cant access organic? Don’t panic!

Whilst you might think you’re doing good by swapping your beef

for your bananas, when you account for the massive air miles

and the poor farmer who’s getting completely ripped off

somewhere in Ecuador, you could argue that it’s really just the

lesser of two evils…

So if the global impact of your dietary choices is a big priority,

when you can, head to local farmers markets to source your

produce. And not only are you cutting down the air miles on

your food, you’re also helping the local community to thrive.

You might even find it’s more cost-effective than going to the

supermarket (although this isn’t always the case).

If you want to be a level 2 eco warrior, you’re gonna have to grow your own food.

But be warned – it’s not always an easy task…

My parents rent an allotment that’s around 300 square metres or so (costs them pennies a year – it’s a

bargain), and I’ve seen the hard work that goes into maintaining it. I think they’re actually going to pack it in

soon and maybe grow a few things in troughs out the back garden instead.

The point is, to reap big rewards, it takes some effort.

But even starting with a small salad patch and a little herb garden can bring benefits. It’s even better if you

have kids and you want to help them form that healthy relationship with food that we mentioned earlier.

It get’s them involved in the process, from seeds to plate.

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

Organic food is another one of those topics in nutrition that attracts polar opposite opinions.

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The Main Takeaway 23:

As a good friend once said to me:

Don’t let what you can’t do, stop you from doing what you can.

If you can access organic food, that’s great, go for it. If it’s not available to you, you might want to be

mindful about over-consuming the dirty dozen. But don’t panic.

On the one hand, there’s evidence that pesticide use can lead to a number of unwanted side effects, like

neurological disorders, and even increasing your risk of certain cancers.

On the other hand, others claim we’re over reacting, and also that the difference in nutrition quality of

organic vs non-organic food is negligible.

I’m not quite sure where I stand to be honest, although I tend towards the former…

Anywho, if you do have a little disposable income and you are concerned about consuming pesticides and

other strange chemicals, there are certain foods that are more prone to contamination that others:

The “Dirty Dozen” tend to be water rich foods that have thin skins, whereas the “Clean Fifteen” are a bit

tougher and less likely to soak up chemicals.

So if you are going to buy organic food, it’s the ones on the left of the diagram that you should probably be


Again, the local farmers market is usually a good shout, as many of them are actually organic but don’t want

to fork out the fee to gain the classification – so the produce tends to be a little cheaper.

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24. Don’t get hung up on your macros

The Main Takeaway 23:

The overarching theme of good nutrition seems to be to keep that big picture in mind.

Yes, your body might respond a little better to a higher fat or higher carb approach.

But if you’re looking to reach your potential, the quality of your food should probably come first. Get

that right, and by all means have a play around with different macronutrient breakdowns.

25. If it’s too much hassle, consider outsourcing

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

I know I touched on macronutrients earlier on in the article when I mentioned nutrient timing and food


But I just want to reiterate the fact that the quality of your food is much more important than the exactbreakdown of carbs to fats to protein you’re taking in.

A number of studies highlighted by Dr.Greger at NutritionFacts point towards the same idea – it’s the

source of carbs, fats and protein that matters most, not the ratios of each.

Healthy Eating Habits: The most important thing is to find what works

for YOU.

We’re all different, and life would be boring if we weren’t.

Some people respond well to high fat ketogenic diet. Others do better on a high carb, 80-10-10 style regime.

Some of us fall somewhere in the middle.

Your best bet:

Try a mini diet experiment, keeping track of how you feel and watching how your blood metrics change over

time (get 15% off testing here for US customers, and here for those of you in the UK)

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The Main Takeaway 25:

Busy and overwhelmed?

That doesn’t mean healthy eating habits are out of the question. Whether you utilise a a meal

delivery service or work with a qualified nutritionist, there are plenty of options to outsource your

nutrition for an extra helping hand.

26. Don’t forget to indulge now and again

Effectiveness: 4/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

All of this talk of meal prep and planning ahead might seem like a headache for some of you. You might

have tried it before, and it just wasn’t your thing.

You have a business to run, family to look after, and 5 minutes of leisure time would be nice too…

So what are your options?

One is to opt for a healthy meal delivery service.

I’m partnered with a great company called Veestro, and they deliver freshly

prepared plant based meals right to your doorstep.

No fussing around in the kitchen or figuring out what ingredients you need to


You can get their Starter Pack (12 meals and a juice) for $99 here.

But what if figuring out how to put the ideas we’ve mentioned in this article is more the issue for you?

If that’s the case, you can always enlist a professional to help you

transition through the process.

Funnily enough, I’ve been a qualified nutritionist for three years, and a big

focus of mine has been habit-forming…

But seriously, if you’re after a few tips or a fully fledged diet plan, I’d love to

help out.

You can hire me for online coaching here.

Effectiveness: 3/5 Difficulty to implement: 2/5

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The Main Takeaway 26:

Remember, it’s what you do 80-90% of the time that counts. You’ll probably be doing more harm

than good by stressing over being perfect than you will indulging from time to time.

As a wise disney princess once said:

Let it go

I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again:

Perfection is an illusion.

There’s no such thing as a perfect diet, and if you ever meet someone who claims that there is, you should

run the other way, fast.

I’ve been through many different phases on my own diet journey. I remember at one point I was playing

around with the high carb, 80-10-10 style diet that I mentioned above. Didn’t turn out too well.

I was obsessing over keeping my fat consumption low, staying away from anything that had a hint of oil in it.

The result?

My health and performance was worse than before.

Maybe I did it all wrong, and wasn’t eating enough calories. But do you wanna know what I really think it


Even if that way of eating was supposedly healthier than what I was doing before, I was doing moreharm than good by stressing over being perfect.

These days I’m much more relaxed about what I eat. Sure, I follow a plant based diet, so that means no

animal products for the foreseeable future.

But I’m partial to a Linda McCartney burger now and again. And I actually feel better including oils in my


Want to know the best part?

Research suggests that including a little bit of junk food into your diet now and again may help to build

tolerance to these foods so they don’t have as much of a negative effect if you’re forced to eat them another


Think of it as a kind of junk food vaccination…

Then there’s also the mental health aspect:

Whether we like it or not, food plays much more of a role in our lives than simply providing us with fuel. We

also eat for pleasure and as a social connector.

Sometimes indulging a little can just help you relax.

It acts as a reminder that life isn’t half as serious as we make it out to be.

Page 38: 26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing

Now it’s your turn…

Healthy Eating, Made Simple

Download the HERO Plant Based Diet Plan

3 days worth of:

Delicious, nutritious, easy to prepare, plant based meals.


That just about wraps this monster of an article up for now (I’ll update it periodically).

As I’ve talked about many times here on the blog, reading a post or watching a video is all well and good,

but it’s actually applying the ideas that counts.

So what I want you to do now is this:

Pick ONE of the healthy eating habits from the above list, and let me know in the comments below how and

why you’re going to start applying it to your own life.

Also, if there’s something that you think should be on the list that isn’t, let me know and I’ll consider it for

the next update.

And last but not least:

If you found this article useful, or you know someone who might, take two seconds to give it a share on

Facebook or Twitter using the buttons to your left.

It really means a lot to me and helps Health Room grow!

(And don’t forget your free sample diet plan below)

Page 41: 26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing

Share your thoughts

2 Responses to “26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing”

How Habits Work (And How To ChangeThem)

You have a lot of good information. According to the guy who created the paleo diet, salt is not included in it atall. According to Michael Greger M.D. salt kills over 1,000 Americans per day. According to WebMD it ishealthier to smoke than to consume salt. If humans or animals do not consume salt, they never get high bloodpressure.


Chuck Bluestein 22 hours ago Reply

Thanks Chuck, much appreciated! That’s interesting stuff – will take a look into it. Cheers!

Luke Jones 11 mins ago Reply

Page 42: 26 Healthy Eating Habits to Help You Look and Feel Amazing




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