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Today, we are going to have a look at the karakas of planets.Q.So, how many planets do we have in astrology?A.There are 7 planets, and 2 nodes (also known as shadow planets) called Rahu and Ketu. Q. What actually are karakas & why are they called so?A. Karaka means the one who does work on their behalf as a duty assigned to him or gives results as expected from the Lord of the bhava (shall be explained in the next posts) is called karaka for that house. Karakatwa is the duty assigned to karaka. We shall have a look at six planets and their karakatwas in this post.Sun: Sun is the karaka for soul, self-esteem, self-realization, influence, prestige, power, politics, valour, health, right-eye, heart, general well-being, heat, father, king, royalty, royal favour, medical science, fame, honour, electricity, cruelty, discipline. Moon: Moon is the karaka for the mother, heart, left eye, sleep, emotions, happiness, good name and fame, facial luster, mother, royal favour, travel, water resources, mind. Mars: Mars is the karaka for stamina, courage, valour, desires, special qualities, discipline, anger, enemies, opposition, controversies, weapon, commander of an army, accidents, war, injuries, blood relation, burns, blisters, cousins, younger brother, immovable properties, leadership, police, doctor, mechanical engineer, scientist...Mercury: Mercury is the karaka for intelligence, description, speech, scientific, analytical and logical thinking, business techniques, communication, expert in mathematical calculations, accountancy, banking, writing, publishing, astrology, medical knowledge and profession, precious stones and friends, maternal uncle. Jupiter: Jupiter is the karaka for wisdom, learning, fatness of body, religious merit, devotion to God, knowledge, vedic texts, elders, superior persons, elder brother, husband, holy places, proficiency in learning, philosophy, donations, benevolence, wealth, respect, sons, religious priests, fruity trees.Venus: Venus is the karaka for wife, marriage, sexual matters, genital organs, pleasure of senses, co-karaka along with Jupiter for husband, singing, dancing, poetry (all other arts), scents, jewellery, luxury, ornaments, flowers, beauty, buying and selling, cows, watery places.