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Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


User Guide - Security Roles and Rights

Version 2.5.100

iTable of Contents

Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................I



SECURITY ROLES...............................................................................................2

Default Roles..............................................................................................................2

SECURITY RIGHTS..............................................................................................4



Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights



Welcome to the Bridge insurance access portal. The system provides a full workflow, from the administration of products and coverage, to the submission and management of individual policies.

Access to all features, options, and data are controlled by the settings in each user account. A user has one or more Security Roles, often named to describe the type of user that would have the role. Each Security Role includes a selection of Security Rights, which control access to all areas of the system at the most granular level.


This guide is divided into the following major categories. Click a link to jump to the appropriate section.

Roles Descriptions of the common Security Roles at their default settings.

Rights List Descriptions of all rights.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Security Roles

Roles are the collections of rights that are assigned to individual user accounts. This allows any number of related rights to be quickly assigned to one or more user accounts that will perform a similar role in the system.

If a user has a variety of responsibilities, multiple roles can be assigned, and new roles can be created to fill in any gaps.

Default Roles

When the system is first initialized, these default roles are created automatically. These default roles may be modified, and new roles may be created.

Client A standard client level role, allowing users to create submissions and access associated features such as printing documents, sending e-mails, and adding notes.

Client Risk Manager Includes all rights associated with the Client role, but with the added ability to view and edit client records.

This role is automatically assigned to Individual Client users.

Compliance Manager Provides the rights required to edit and manage submissions that are in referral for possible compliance violations.

Distributor A standard distributor or broker level role, allowing the creation of submissions, documents, e-mails, and notes, as well as full access to create and manage client records.

Distributor Supervisor Includes all rights associated with the Distributor role, but with the added abilities to manage clients, e-mails, and product descriptions at the master cover level, manage user accounts, bypass online payments, and initiate policy cancellations.

Distributor / Insurer Manager A management level role, with the rights to manage distributor companies, insurer companies, and user accounts.

Product Designer Includes all rights required to create and manage workflows and all workflow components, as

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


well as other resources used for configuring master covers.

System Administrator Used for website administration, allows the management of licensee offices, portals, and custom labels throughout the system.

Underwriter A standard underwriter or insurer role, allowing the creation and full administration of submissions and policies, clients, user accounts, and master covers (excluding status changes).

Underwriter Supervisor Includes all rights associated with the Underwriter role, but with the added abilities to change master cover status and view certain product design resources.

Adjuster A standard role for claims adjusters, allowing the creation and full administration of claims and claim payments. Users with this role can also be assigned to handle follow-ups.

Adjuster Supervisor Includes all rights associated with the Adjuster role, but with the added abilities to manage adjuster assignments. Users with this role can also be assigned to handle follow-ups.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Security Rights

Individual Rights are the most granular elements controlling what any specific user can do throughout the system. Some rights have a very specific purpose, controlling just one feature, while others provide access to a range of features. In some cases, multiple rights are required to access a single feature.

The table below identifies each right as it appears in the rights list, what the right allows in the system, and what roles include the right by default.


Security Right Module


AllowBillingBackdate Billing Purpose: Allows the user to post a backdated Earned Premium Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

AssignClaimAdjuster Claims Purpose: Allows the user to assign an adjuster to the claim.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

AttachClaimParty Claims Purpose: Allows the user to attach a party to the claim.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

BindAdjustment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bind Adjustment transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BindDeclaration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bind Declaration transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BindEndorsement Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bind Endorsement transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor,

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BindPolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bind New Business transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BindRenewal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bind a Renewal transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BypassOnlinePayment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to bypass online payments and bind a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

BypassPrintDocumentDisabling Policy Purpose: Allows the user to print documents when changes to the transaction would normally have disabled all printing.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CalculateQuoteAction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to manually trigger quote calculation. Additional right required.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CancelPolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to initiate, manage, and complete cancellations.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CertifyAttachment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to check or uncheck the Certified checkbox when viewing the settings for an attached file. Additional rights required.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CertifyClaimAttachment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to check or uncheck the Certified checkbox when viewing the settings for an attached file.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ChangeOwnership Policy Purpose: Allows the user to change the Parent Company of a licensee company, as well as set a new company as the licensee HQ company.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ChangePolicyDistributor Policy Purpose: Allows the user to change the distributor for a policy term.Note: It is recommended to give this security right to users that can see other distributors, such as Licensee users.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


ConfigureSingleSignOnUser Policy Purpose: Provides access to the Single Sign-On Settings panel when viewing a user account.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ConfigureUserAuthentication Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the Authentication Settings panel when viewing user accounts and individual client accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ConfirmComplianceReferral Policy Purpose: Allows the user to manage transactions in referral due to compliance, including accepting or declining the referral, and managing client and premium details. Additional rights required.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager role by default.

ConfirmMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to set a master cover to Live status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter Supervisor role by default.

ConfirmMaxReferralLimit1 Policy Purpose: Allows the user to manage referrals, including quoting, declining, binding, and managing client and premium details. Additional rights required.Allows the user to bypass Underwriting Required status for standard referrals.Allows the user to edit the Policy Term Dates field in the Policy Information window when viewing a transaction in Referred status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAdjustment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to initiate Adjustment transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAdjustmentType Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Adjustment Types.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateAssured Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new client records. Additional rights required to create client companies or individual clients.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAssuredCompany Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new client company records. Also requires CreateAssured.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAssuredIndividual Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new individual client records. Also requires CreateAssured.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAttachment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach files to a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor,

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateAutomaticClaimPaymentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the creation of Automatic Claim Payment Rules.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

CreateBankAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Bank Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateBatchReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Batch Receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateBillingAdjustment Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Billing Adjustments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateBillingDocument Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Billing Documents.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimAttachment Claims Purpose: Allows user to attach a file to a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimAutoAssignmentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create configurations for Automatic Adjuster Assignment .Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

CreateClaimCompany Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create Professional Service Companies that the insurance company interacts with. This applies to creating companies through the Professional Service Companies feature, or through the Attach Claim Parties feature in the claim workflow.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

CreateClaimCustomEvent Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create events in the Workflow Events page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimCustomValidationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create validation rules in the Custom Validation Rules page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimDocumentConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create document configurations in the Claims Document Configurations page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimEmailConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create e-mail configurations in the E-mail Configurations page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimEmailTemplate Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create e-mail templates in the E-mail Template List page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimPayment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create a claim payment, either through the Payments screen or

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


through the Claim Actions widget. Without this right, the Create Payment button is hidden. The user must also have the EditClaimPaymentStatus right in order to select the required Status field.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

CreateClaimPaymentIntegrationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create integration rules in the Payment Integration Rules page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateClaimReserve Claims Purpose: Allows the user to create the claim reserves and estimates. Without this right, the Set Estimate button is hidden.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

CreateClause Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new clauses.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateCrossPolicyDataConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create configurations in the Cross-Policy Data Configurations page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateDeclaration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a declaration when viewing the Declaration Periods list.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateDistributor Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new Distributor company.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

CreateDistributorPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of a Distributor Payable Payment.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach document templates for use in setting up printing options in the master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateEmailTemplate Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create e-mail templates for use in setting up e-mail options in the master cover.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateEndorsement Policy Purpose: Allows the user to initiate Endorsement transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateField Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create fields for use in building a workflow.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateFieldIndexing Claims Purpose: Allows the user to add fields to the field indexing feature.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


CreateGeneralLedgerAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of General Ledger Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateImpactAssessment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create Impact Assessment Requests.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateInsurer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new Insurer company.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

CreateInsurerPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of an Insurer Payable Payment.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateIntegrationConfiguration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create configurations in the Integration Configurations page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateInvoice Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of invoices through On Demand Invoicing.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateLicensee Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new Licensee company.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

CreateLookupTable Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new lookup table configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new master cover, either from scratch or by creating a copy of an existing master cover. Allows the user to create new validation rules. Allows the user to create new sequence number configurations.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.


Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach master covers to a distributor company configuration.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateMasterCoverDistributors Policy Purpose: Replaced by the CreateMasterCoverDistributorAssociations right as of version 2.4.79.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateMasterCoverDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach document templates to a master cover and configure the print settings.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateMasterCoverEmailConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach e-mail templates to a master cover and configure the e-mail settings.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


CreateMasterCoverInsurers Policy Purpose: Allows the user to attach Insurer companies to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateMasterCoverRates Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create and edit rate rules for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateMasterCoverTaxesFees Purpose: Not in use.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateMasterCoverValidationRules Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create validation rules and configure workflow actions in the master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateNote Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a note attached to a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreatePanel Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create panels for use in building a workflow, as well as creating field and panel behavior override rules.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreatePayment Billing Purpose: Allows users to view the Pay button in the Outstanding Invoices page of the Bill to Party.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreatePaymentPlan Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Payment Plans.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreatePaymentProviderConfiguration Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of configurations in the Payment Provider Configuration List.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreatePolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new submission from the Policies menu and policy list pages.Allows the user to make copies of existing submissionsAllows the user to create Quote Versions of New Business transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreatePortal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create and publish a portal, as well as any external links for a portal.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

CreatePremiumType Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create premium types, allowing distinct calculations to be performed for different charges.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateProduct Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a product, used to group resources.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of Receipts within receipt batches.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateRenewal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to initiate a Renewal transaction.Allows the user to create Quote Versions of Renewal transactions.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateScreen Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create screens for use in building a workflow.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateScreenWorkflow Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create workflows for the entry of submissions, as well as creating screen behavior override rules.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateSubmission Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create a new submission.Allows the user to make copies of existing submissions.Allows the user to create Quote Versions of New Business transactions.If the option is enabled, the user can Request Bind when necessary.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateTax Policy Purpose: Allows the user to define a tax or fee to be applied in the master cover.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateTaxPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the creation of a Tax Payable Payment.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateTrigger Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create triggers to control conditional elements in the system.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

CreateUser Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create new user accounts.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Distributor/Insurer Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

CreateWorkflowContainer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create workflow container configurations. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

CreateWorkflowContainerVersion Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create versions of workflow containers. This feature is not yet available.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteAssured Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate client records.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteAttachment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete files attached to a transaction. Additional rights required.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteBatchReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the deletion of a Batch Receipt.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteBoundPolicyTransaction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete Bound policy transactions. Some notes and conditions apply: New Business transactions cannot be deleted. Bound transactions can only be deleted from the last term of the policy. A bound transaction cannot be deleted if any newer transactions have been bound. All

transactions bound after the relevant transaction must be deleted first. No Declaration transactions can be associated to the policy, under any term or transaction. The Billing and Claims modules cannot be active. Deleting a Renewal transaction also deletes the term. Deleting a Reinstatement transaction also deletes the associated Cancellation transaction.

The bound Cancellation transaction (Cancelled status) cannot be deleted directly.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimAttachment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete files attached to a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimAutoAssignmentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete configurations for Automatic Adjuster Assignment.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

DeleteClaimCustomEvent Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete a custom event configuration in the Workflow Event window.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimCustomValidationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete a custom validation rule in the Custom Validation Rule page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimEmailConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete an e-mail configuration in the E-mail Configuration page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimEmailTemplate Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete an e-mail template in the E-mail Template window.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClaimPayment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete a Payment that is not Paid or Void. Controls the visibility of the

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Delete button. The reserves are not impacted by the deletion of a payment.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteClaimPaymentIntegrationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to delete an integration rule from the Payment Integration Rule window.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteClause Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate clauses.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteDistributor Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate Distributor companies.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

DeleteDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate document templates.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteEmailTemplate Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate e-mail templates.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteField Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate fields.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteFieldIndexing Claims Purpose: Allows the user to remove fields from the field indexing feature.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteInsurer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate Insurer companies.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

DeleteIntegrationConfiguration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate configurations in the Integration Configurations list page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteLicensee Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate Licensee companies.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

DeleteLookupTable Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete versions of lookup tables, or delete the entire table. EditLookupTable also required to delete versions.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate master covers. Allows the user to delete sequence number configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.


Policy Purpose: Allows the user to remove master covers from a distributor company configuration.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteMasterCoverDistributors Policy Purpose: Replaced by the DeleteMasterCoverDistributorAssociations right as of version 2.4.79.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteMasterCoverDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a document configuration in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteMasterCoverEmailConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate an e-mail configuration in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteMasterCoverInsurers Policy Purpose: Allows the user to remove an Insurer company from a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteMasterCoverRates Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit Rates settings in a master cover. Allows the user to delete rate rules in the Rate Rules page.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteMasterCoverValidationRules Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete validation rules from a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteNote Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete notes attached to a transaction.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeletePanel Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a panel.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeletePaymentProviderConfiguration Billing Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate payment provider configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeletePolicyTransaction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete a transaction, where permitted.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeletePortal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a portal.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

DeletePremium Purpose: Allows the user to delete entries from a premium grid.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.Prerequisites: The user must have the EditPolicy right to edit grids in general.

DeletePremiumType Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a premium type.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteProduct Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a product.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the deletion of Receipts within a Receipt Batch.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteRescindedPolicyTransaction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to delete Cancellation - Rescinded transactions.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteScreen Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a screen.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteScreenWorkflow Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a workflow.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteTrigger Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a trigger.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

DeleteUser Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate a user account.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Distributor/Insurer Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

DeleteWorkflowContainer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate workflow container configurations. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DeleteWorkflowContainerVersion Policy Purpose: Allows the user to deactivate versions of workflow containers. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DesignateBillToParty Billing Purpose: Allows access to the Designate as Bill to Party button in the Assured, Distributor, and Insurer pages in Bridge.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DownloadBCM Policy Purpose: Not in use.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

DownloadExcelAddIn Policy Purpose: Allows access to the Add-Ins option in the Reference menu in the Main menu. Allows access to the Bridge Policy Excel Add-In panel on the Add-Ins page.Note: If no files are available, the panel will be hidden.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

DownloadWordAddIn Policy Purpose: Allows access to the Add-Ins option in the Reference menu in the Main menu. Allows access to the Bridge Document Template Word Add-In (2010 and later) and Bridge Document Template Word Add-In (2007 and prior) panels on the Add-ins page.Note: If no files are available in a particular panel, the panel will be hidden.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

EditAdjustmentType Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Adjustment Types.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditAssignableSecurityRoles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the Security Roles field in the Assignable Security Roles panel when viewing a user account. This is a restricted right that should not be given to clients.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditAssured Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit client information, including resetting passwords for individual clients. The user can also create new user accounts for client companies (additional rights required).Roles: Assigned to the Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditAttachment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit attachment details (not including the attachment itself).Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditAutomaticClaimPaymentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to Automatic Claim Payment Rules, and to deactivate rules.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

EditBankAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Bank Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditBatchReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Batch Receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditBillingAdjustment Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Billing Adjustments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditBillingDocument Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Billing Documents.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditBillingGeneralSettings Billing Purpose: Allows the user to save changes in the Billing General Settings pages.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditBillToParty Billing Purpose: Allows the modification of Bill to Parties.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimAttachment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit the details for files attached to a claim, not including the attachment itself.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


EditClaimAutoAssignmentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit configurations for Automatic Adjuster Assignment.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

EditClaimCompany Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit Professional Service Companies, either from the Professional Service Companies feature, or by editing through the Claim Parties widget within a claim.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimCustomEvent Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a custom workflow event.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimCustomValidationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a custom validation rule.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimDocumentConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a claims document configuration, and to deactivate configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimEmailConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a claims e-mail configuration, and to deactivate configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimEmailTemplate Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a claims e-mail template, and to deactivate templates.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimPartyLink Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit a Claim Party attached to the claim.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimPayment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit a Claim Payment, except for payment status which requires EditClaimPaymentStatus. Payments can only be edited in New or Approval Required status.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimPaymentIntegrationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a claims payment integration rule, and to deactivate rules.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditClaimPaymentStatus Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit the Status of a Claim Payment.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimPolicyParticipant Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit the additional information for a policy participant attached to a claim. This does not include editing the details imported from the policy.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimReserve Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit the claim reserves and estimates when adding or editing a payment. The user must also have the ViewClaimReserve right to view the reserves panel.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClaimStatus Claims Purpose: Allows the user to edit the claim status.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

EditClause Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit clauses.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditCommissionAmount Policy Purpose: Not in use.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditConditions Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view and recalculate conditions within a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditDeductibles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view and recalculate deductibles within a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditDistributor Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit Distributor companies.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

EditDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit document template settings, although not the template itself.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditEffectivePeriod Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the Effective Date and Valid Until fields in a transaction, where permitted. Additional rights may be required depending on the transaction type and status.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditEmailTemplate Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit e-mail templates and settings.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditField Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit field settings.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditFieldIndexing Claims Purpose: Allows the user to change the configuration of fields within the field indexing feature.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditGeneralLedgerAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the user to modify General Ledger Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditInsurer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit Insurer companies.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

EditIntegrationConfiguration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to an integration configuration.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditLicensee Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit Licensee companies.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

EditLimits Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view and recalculate the limits in a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditLookupTable Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit versions of lookup tables.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit master cover settings, including changing the status and editing some pages within the master cover. Editing other pages requires additional rights. Allows the user to save sequence number configurations.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverAssureds Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the products list in the client company record.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverDeductibles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the deductibles in the master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverDistributorAssociations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit master covers association settings in a distributor company configuration.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverDistributors Policy Purpose: Replaced by the EditMasterCoverDistributorAssociations right as of version 2.4.79.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditMasterCoverDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the print settings for a document template attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverEmailConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the settings for an e-mail template attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverExternalServices Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the external services settings in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


EditMasterCoverInsurers Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the settings for an Insurer company attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverInsuringConditions Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the insuring conditions settings in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverLimits Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the limits settings in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverPaymentPlans Billing Purpose: Allows the user to modify the Payment Plan configurations for a master cover.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditMasterCoverPaymentSettings Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the payment settings in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverPolicySettings Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the policy settings and automatic processing settings in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverProductDescription Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the product description for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverRates Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the rates and rate rules in a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverTaxesFees Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the settings for taxes and fees attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditMasterCoverValidationRules Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit the validation rules in a master cover. Additional rights required.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditNote Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit notes attached to a transaction, including marking the note as completed.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditPanel Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit panel settings, including the field selections, field behavior overrides, and panel behavior overrides.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditPaymentPlan Billing Purpose: Allows the user to modify Payment Plans.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditPaymentProviderConfiguration Billing Purpose: Allows the user to save changes to a payment provider configuration.

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Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditPaymentSchedule Billing Purpose: Allows the user to modify the payment schedule from within a policy transaction.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditPolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit fields and grids in the submission form, except where prevented by workflow settings or overrides.Allows the user to Copy grid rows, where enabled.Allows the user to batch delete grid rows.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditPortal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit portals and all related settings, including the password e-mail templates. Additional rights required for some settings.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

EditPremium Policy Purpose: Allows the user to recalculate the premiums for a transaction. Additional rights may be required depending on status.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditPremiumType Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit premium types.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditProduct Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit products.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to modify a receipt.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditScreen Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit screens.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditScreenWorkflow Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit workflows, including the steps and screen behavior overrides, and allows the workflow to be published.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditSubmission Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit fields and grids in the submission form, except where prevented by workflow settings or overrides.Allows the user to calculate quotes for a transaction, and request bind (where permitted).Allows the user to Copy grid rows, where enabled.Allows the user to batch delete grid rows.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor,

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.Prerequisites:

For access to the Request Bind button/action, the user must not have the ReviewManualBind right.

For access to the Calculate Quote action, the user must also have the CalculateQuoteAction right.

EditTaxAmount Policy Purpose: Not in use.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditTrigger Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit triggers.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

EditUser Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit user accounts, including resetting passwords.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Distributor/Insurer Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

EditWorkflowContainer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit workflow container configurations. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

EditWorkflowContainerVersion Policy Purpose: Allows the user to edit versions of workflow containers. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

FileImport Policy Purpose: Allows the user to perform file imports and view the status and results of the imports.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

GenerateInvoiceDocuments Billing Purpose: Allows the user to generate new versions of invoice documents for an invoice.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

GenerateWordDocument Policy Purpose: Allows the user to generate Word versions of any documents in the submission page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

HideShowQuote Policy Purpose: Allows the user to hide individual quotes in the Quote Summary window, and use the Show All button to show the quotes.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ImportExportClaim Claims Purpose: Allows access to the Claims Bordereau Import feature.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ImportGridData Policy Purpose: Allows the user to import and export data as Excel files for dynamic grids within the workflow. Note that the import/export feature must be enabled for individual grids to make this

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


feature available.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

LockUnlockPolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to unlock a policy term. The ability to lock transactions depends on an internal configuration. Please contact your Oceanwide representative for further information.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ManageAssuredOwner Policy Purpose: Deleted as of version 2.4.90.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ManageCustomLabels Policy Purpose: Allows the user to export and import label definition lists, allowing customization of system labels.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

MarkQuoteAsLost Policy Purpose: Not in use.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

MasterCoverSetTest Policy Purpose: Allows the user to set a master cover to Test status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter Supervisor role by default.

ModifyScheduledPayments Billing Purpose: Allows the user to change the payment schedule for a policy term from within the Bill to Party section.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

OffsetOutstandingInvoices Billing Purpose: Allows the user to offset debit and credit invoices.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

PostBatchReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to Post batch receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

PostBillingAdjustment Billing Purpose: Allows the user to Post adjustment receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

PostEarnedPremiumReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to Post the Earned Premium Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

PreviewDocument Policy Purpose: Allows the user to generate a preview version of any documents in the submission page.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

PrintClaimDocument Claims Purpose: Allows the user to generate documents through the Documents window in a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ReallocateReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to reallocate receipts.

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Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ReinstatePolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to initiate and bind a Reinstatement transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ReplacePolicyTransaction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to create replacement transactions from voided transactions.Prerequisites: The user must also have the right to create new transactions of the same type as the voided transaction, CreateEndorsement or CreateAdjustment.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

RescindCancellation Policy Purpose: Allows the user to rescind a Cancellation - Quoted transaction.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ReverseClaimPayment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to reverse claim payments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ReverseReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to reverse receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ReviewManualBind Policy Purpose: Allows the users to manage transactions in Manual Bind Required and Bind Requested statuses. Additional rights required for each management task.Allows the user to edit the Policy Term Dates field in the Policy Information window when viewing a transaction in Bind Requested status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ReviewSpecialQuote Policy Purpose: Allows the users to manage transactions in Special Quote Requested and Special Quote Issued statuses. Additional rights required for each management task.Allows the user to edit the Policy Term Dates field in the Policy Information window when viewing a transaction in Special Quote Requested status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

SelectAssured Policy Purpose: Allows the user to select a client for a submission, or change the existing client.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

SelectPaymentPlan Billing Purpose: Allows the user to select a Payment Plan in the Payment Plan Summary window of a policy transaction.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

SetClaimPolicy Claims Purpose: Allows the user to assign a policy to a claim using the Select Policy action.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

UnconfirmMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to set a Live master cover back to Draft status.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter Supervisor role by default.

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UseOnAccountBalance Billing Purpose: Allows the user to see the On Account Balance available for a bill to party, and use those funds when making a payment.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewAccountHistoryReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Account History Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewActionsWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Actions widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewAdjustmentType Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Adjustment Types.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewAgedReceivablesReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Aged Receivables Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewAssignableSecurityRoles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Assignable Security Roles panel when viewing a user account.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewAssured Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view clients through the Clients menu and the Client Information widget. Allows the user to view the Clients search category and results of Quick Search. Not available to Client users.

Roles: Assigned to the Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

Prerequisites: The ViewTopMenu right is also required to view the Clients menu, and the ViewClientWidget right is also required to view the Client Information widget.

ViewAttachment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view files attached to a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewAuditTrail Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the Policy Audit Trail.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewAutomaticClaimPaymentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Automatic Claim Payment Rules.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

ViewBankAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Bank Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBatchReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Batch Receipts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

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ViewBillingAdjustment Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Billing Adjustments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBillingAuditTrail Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Audit Trail for Billing information.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBillingDocument Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Billing Documents.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBillingGeneralSettings Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view Billing General Settings.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBillingReportRepository Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Report Repository.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBillToParty Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Bill to Parties.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewBorderaux Policy Purpose: Allows the user to generate reports on bound policies.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewChargesReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Charges report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaim Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Claims search category and results of Quick Search.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Distributor/Insurer Manager, Product Designer, System Administrator, Underwriter, Underwriter Supervisor, Adjuster, and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimAttachment Claims Purpose: Allows access to the Attachments window in a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimAuditTrail Claims Purpose: Allows access to the Audit Trail, displaying changes to a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimAutoAssignmentRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view Adjuster Auto-Assignment rules.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster Supervisor role by default.

ViewClaimCompany Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view Professional Service CompaniesRoles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimCustomEvent Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Custom Events feature and existing event configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimCustomValidationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Custom Validation Rules feature and existing rule

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configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimDocument Claims Purpose: Allows user to see the Documents window in a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimDocumentConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Documents feature and existing claim document configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimEmail Claims Purpose: Allows user to see the E-mails window in a claim.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimEmailConfiguration Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the E-mails feature and existing claim e-mail configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimEmailTemplate Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the E-mail Templates feature and existing claim e-mail template configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimFinancialSummary Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Claim Financial Summary window.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimParty Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Claim Parties widget.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimPayment Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Payments screen in the claims workflow.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimPaymentIntegrationRule Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the Payment Rules feature and existing rule configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewClaimPolicyParticipant Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the information for a policy participant attached to a claim.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClaimReserve Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the claim reserves and estimates panel.Roles: Assigned to the Adjuster and Adjuster Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClause Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view clauses.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewClientWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Client Information widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

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ViewCognosReports Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the Cognos reports system.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager, Product Designer, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewCommission Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view commission details in a transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewCommonScreensWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Common Screens widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewComplianceScanHistory Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Compliance Scan History option in the Common Screens widget, opening the Compliance Scan History report.Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager role by default.

ViewConditions Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the conditions for a quoted transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewCrossPolicyDataConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Cross-Policy Data Configurations feature and existing configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewDeclarations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Declarations list from the Common Screens widget.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewDeductibles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the deductibles for a quoted transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewDistributor Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view Distributor companies.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

ViewDistributorPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Distributor Payable Payments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewDistributorPayablesReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Distributor Payables Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view document templates and settings.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

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ViewDocumentTemplate Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Document Templates feature in Billing and existing template configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewEarnedPremiumReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Earned Premium Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewEmailTemplate Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view e-mail templates and settings.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewEventHistory Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Event Tracking option in the Common Screens widget.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewField Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view field settings.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

ViewFieldIndexing Claims Purpose: Allows the user to view the field indexing feature and the associated field configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewGeneralLedgerAccount Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing General Ledger Accounts.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewGeneralLedgerEntriesReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the General Ledger Entries report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewGridHierarchyWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Grid Hierarchy widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewImpactAssessment Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the Impact Assessment option in the Product Design menu.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewInsurer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view Insurer companies.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor/Insurer Manager role by default.

ViewInsurerPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Insurer Payable Payments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewInsurersPayableReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Insurers Payable Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewIntegrationConfiguration Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Integration Configurations feature and existing configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

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ViewInvoice Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing invoices in the Invoices Report. Allows the user to view the Invoices search category and results of Quick Search.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewLicensee Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view Licensee companies.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

ViewLimits Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the limits for a quoted transaction.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewLookupTable Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view lookup tables.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewMasterCover Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view master covers, including the Screens widget, and the Master Cover Report.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverDeductibles Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the deductibles configured for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverDistributorAssociations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Master Cover Associations panel in the Distributor Information page, as well as the association settings.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverDistributors Policy Purpose: Replaced by the ViewMasterCoverDistributorAssociations right as of version 2.4.79.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewMasterCoverDocumentsForms Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the print settings for document templates attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverEmailConfigurations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the settings for e-mail templates attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverExternalServices Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the external services settings for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverInsurers Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the settings for Insurers attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

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ViewMasterCoverInsuringConditions Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the insuring conditions configured for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverLimits Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the limits configured for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverPaymentPlans Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Payment Plan configurations for a master cover.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewMasterCoverPaymentSettings Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the payment settings for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverPolicySettings Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the policy settings and automatic processing settings for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverProductDescription Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the product description for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverRates Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the rates and rate rules configured for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverTaxesFees Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the settings for taxes and fees attached to a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewMasterCoverValidationRules Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the validation rules configured for a master cover.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewNote Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view notes attached to transactions, as well as configure the notes panel in the home page.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewOnlinePaymentReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Online Payments Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewOptionList Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view option lists.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewPanel Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view panels.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

ViewPaymentPlan Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Payment Plans.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewPaymentProviderConfiguration Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Payment Provider Configuration feature and existing configurations.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewPolicy Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Policy Information widget in the submission page.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPolicyContentAreas Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the custom content areas to the left and right of the submission/policy screen.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPolicyInformationWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Product Name, Term ID, Status, and Distributor links in the Policy information widget. The ViewPolicyWidget right controls the ability to view the entire widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPolicyTransactions Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the Policy Transactions window, with links to all transactions related to the current policy term, as well as opening a policy information window from the Policy Information widget in a claim.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPolicyWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Policy Information widget. This controls access to the entire widget, while the ViewPolicyInformationWidget controls access to specific options within the widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPortal Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view portal settings and all related pages, as well as the Password E-mail Templates page.Roles: Assigned to the System Administrator role by default.

ViewPremium Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Premium widget in the submission form.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewPremiumType Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view premium types in Product Design.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


ViewPremiumWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Premium widget.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewProduct Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view products in Product Design.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewQuoteCalculations Policy Purpose: Allows the user to access the quote calculations report in the submission form.Roles: Assigned to the Underwriter and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewReceipt Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing receipts in a batch.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewReceiptCorrectionDetails Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the details of a receipt correction in the Receipt window.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewReceiptCorrections Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing receipt corrections.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewReceiptsReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the Receipts report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewRowPremiumWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Row Item Premium widget. This widget is available within a tab workflow for a premium grid.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Compliance Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.Prerequisites: The user can see the widget with this right, but must have the necessary rights to view premium values in order to see the contents of the widget.

ViewScheduledPayments Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view the payment schedule in the Bill to Parties section.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewScreen Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view screens.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

ViewScreenWorkflow Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view workflows.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer role by default.

ViewSubmission Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view submissions and policies, as well as configure the policy list on the Home page. Allows the user to view the Policies search category and results of Quick Search.Roles: Assigned to the Client, Client Risk Manager, Distributor, Distributor Supervisor, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewSubmissionScreensWidget Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the Submission Screens widget.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights


Roles: Assigned to the Compliance Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.Note: Replaced the ViewPolicyMenuWidget right as of version 2.4.

ViewTaxPayablePayment Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view existing Tax Payable Payments.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewTaxPayablesReport Billing Purpose: Allows the user to view and query the Tax Payables Report.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewTopMenu Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view the main menu at the top of the page. Allows the user to view the Quick Search tool.Without this right, the menu bar is blank, even if the user has the rights to view other features within the system. Features can only be accessed through direct links, such as bookmarks or the policy links that can be included in emails.Roles: This right is included in all default security roles.

ViewTrigger Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view triggers, accessed through the triggers list or through the Quote Report.Roles: Assigned to the Product Designer and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewUser Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view user accounts, accessed through the Reference, Companies & Users, then Users menus. ViewTopMenu right also required to view menus.Allows the user to view the Users panel when viewing companies, and to access the user accounts through that panel. ViewLicensee, ViewInsurer, ViewDistributor, and ViewAssured rights also required to view their respective company types.Has no effect for Client users.

Roles: Assigned to the Distributor Supervisor, Distributor/Insurer Manager, Underwriter, and Underwriter Supervisor roles by default.

ViewUsersAndRolesReport Policy Purpose: Allows the user to generate the Users & Roles Report from the User List. This provides information on all user accounts and their associated security roles.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewWorkflowContainer Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view workflow container configurations. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

ViewWorkflowContainerVersion Policy Purpose: Allows the user to view versions of workflow containers. This feature is not yet available.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

VoidPolicyTransaction Policy Purpose: Allows the user to void transactions.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

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WriteOffInvoices Billing Purpose: Allows the user to write off outstanding balances on invoices. This controls access to the Write-Offs menu item in the Receipts menu.Roles: This right is not included in any default security roles.

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights



DDefault Roles 2GGuide 1IIntroduction 1RRights 4SSecurity Rights 4Security Roles 2

Version 2.5.100 Bridge User Guide User Guide - Security Roles and Rights

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