Download - 21DJC Day 5 – Who Is the Most Important Person to You in the World

  • 7/27/2019 21DJC Day 5 Who Is the Most Important Person to You in the World


    RSSPersonal Excellence Challenges RSS Feednext page 1Personal Excellence ChallengesJoin monthly personal development challenges where thousands of people around the world work together to achieve their goals and dreams. Search21DJC Day 5 Who Is the Most Important Person to You in the World?This is Day 5 of the 21-Day Journaling Challenge (21DJC) for Nov 2011. Make sureyou have read the announcement and are officially signed up as a participant before you proceed: 21-Day Journaling Challenge .Hi everyone Welcome to Day 5 of 21DJC!Yesterdays question was this: If You Are To Travel Back in Time to 3 Years Ago, What Advice Would You Give Yourself? .All your responses were AMAZING. It certainly feels like many of you have grownand evolved immensely in just the past 3 years, hasnt it? That while others may be sleepwalking their life away during that time, you have been making your lifecount. For that, Im so happy for all of you. Im so proud that all of you are here,at Personal Excellence, united as one community, one family. This feeling is indescribable. Its sort of like I feel like Im a big momma that feels protective ofall of you, and theres this surging sense of pride from seeing how far youve comethese past few years.So where was I 3 years ago? 3 years ago was November 2008. I had just quit my brand management job at Procter & Gamble, and was just startingmy personal development business. I was full of fire and enthusiasm about my cause; I still am toda

    y and will forever be that way. Its been 3 years running the business, and yet itfeels like I just started it yesterday. Time certainly loses its significance when you are doing what you really love.If I were to travel back in time 3 years ago, I would tell my younger self:1. Do what youre doing now . Youre absolutely on the right track.2. Follow your heart and trust your gut instincts as you always have. It has never steered you wrong, and it will continue to bring you to the right place.3. Nothing has ever happened for you to lose faith, so theres no reason to have doubts in anything.4. If theres ever any one who is a cancerous agent to your path, let him/her go .There are 7 billion people in this world For anyone who doesnt resonate with your current consciousness , there will be ten thousands of people out there who do.

    5. Live. Love. Breathe.With that said, lets now move on to todays question!21DJC Day 5For todays question, I decided to go with something close to our heart. Thisquestion can be found in #91 of 101 Important Questions To Ask Yourself InLife . Today, Id like you to reflect on the following:Who Is the Most Important Personto You in the World?Is it your partner? Your spouse? Your mom? Your dad? Your brother? Your sister?Your child? Your grandmother? Your grandfather? A best friend of yours? A good friend? A work colleague? Your pet, perhaps? Someone you have never met? Or maybeyourself?Who is the most important person to you in the world? And why?(You may have a few people who are most important to you, but Id like to challeng

    e you to pick just 1 person, if possible, whom you feel is the most important toyou in your life.)Put on your reflection cap and let your thoughts flow. Below is an empty form which you can use to write your answers to the question. Treat it as your private21DJC journaling room, if you will. You will be seeing this form every day, for the 21 days of the challenge. Theres a button for you to keep track of your word count too, if youre interested.(Note you will not see the form below if youre viewing this in your email client.Visit the actual post online to see the form.)Who Is the Most Important Personto You in the World?

  • 7/27/2019 21DJC Day 5 Who Is the Most Important Person to You in the World


    [include_HTML:]Your Task Today:1. Reflect and answer todays question . Theres no word limit whether minimum or maximum. Writeas few or as many words as you want. Its all up to what you want toexpress!2. Share your answer . After you are done writing, copy and paste your answer inthe comments area and post it there.3. Check out other participants answers . Other participants will be sharing their answers too, so feel freeto read and reply to their answers . This is a groupcourse, so lets support each other in these 21 days.Look forward to reading your answers!This entry was posted on Thursday, November 10th, 2011 at 5:00 pm and is filledunder: 21-Day Journaling Challenge217 Responses to ??DJC Day 5 Who Is the Most Important Personto You in the World?Fiat Says:November 10th, 2011 at 5:44 pmThe most important person to me in the world is my wife. Ive learned and still doA LOT of things from her. How to be patient without the needs of anyreason. Howto let go and be grateful, how to enjoy the process in this life. And, she always have this attitude of, theres always a way towards challenges in life.Me as a melancholy, cannot feel content if I dont have a set or two or three, better to have a dozen of plan towards things in life. But my wife choose one and be flexible on it. In thepast I cannot understand this kind of simple-minded appr

    oach (okay I know Im wrong now, give the guy a break ), and seldom have a light quarrel with her.In the past 4years, Ive read a lot of books, contemplating, reflecting, correcting my mind-set, fast forward totoday, hey, my mind set become muchsimilar to my wifes. Well, Im grateful for my wife, a good wife, a good mother, a good friend, agood partner, a good happy and feel good.Like: +5Amy Jane Says:November 10th, 2011 at 5:53 pmThere is many important people in my life, that inspire and support me everyday.But if I had to choose just one it would have to be my mother. She has been there from the beginning, always making me see the best in myself and supporting me

    in everything I did. Every significant moment in my life she has been there right by my side, always with love and guidance. Her strength as a women is unbelievable, despite anything she always puts her family first and will always find the bright side of any situation. ( myself and my brothers suredid test her strength growing up ). As a role model mum has always been a hard worker and never backed down from a challenge, and made sure us kidsdid the same. She said that someones approach towards work shows there approach towards life. But also believes in making sure you make time to enjoy yourself, to unwind and laugh whenever youcan! As nearly every child would think of their own mother, I believe I have thevery best mum in the world!! And would not be who I am or where I am without her being such a huge part of my life. I am so very grateful to have her as my mum.Like: +6

    cloudio Says:November 10th, 2011 at 5:53 pmIt may sound selfish, but the most important person to me is ME.I am actually a very caring and generous person (at least thats what people me tell me), so this is not a choice of egotism, more the realization that to reallylove others, you first mustlearn to love yourself.Mom, sister, friends, even that person who doesnt want to hear anymore about me:I love you all.But as someone once told me: stop looking for external love, just open yourheart, open it so wide, and then synchronicities will happen, and everything will fal

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    l magically in his place.Like: +7Kamal Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:10 pmAll my near and dear ones are very important to me. But as the challange is to pick only 1 person, so here I go.The most important person to me in this world is MYSELF !Many people spend their lives putting other people first. Sometime back I toowasin the same boat. But now I learned to love myself.because I thinkwithout lovingourselves we cant offer it to anybody else. To love onself is notto be selfish.To love oneself is to give others the gift of our best state. Through a voyage of self discovery I found that there could not be anyone else most important to me rather then myself.Like: +3Arabella Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:29 pmmamaLike: +5Laurel Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:31 pmThe most important person in the world to me is my horse Belle. I rescued her froman abusive situation, started her for riding, and helped her through her pregnancy and nursing. After our years together she has basically come to be like a child to me. The close runner ups would be Belles foal Iris, and my mother, but Bel

    le is the most special because of the connection we had when I first met her.Like: +3Glenn Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:35 pmWho the most important person to me in my world is.The most important person to me in the world would have to be myself. And for anumber of reasons too.Firstly, Im the only person I know that I will be with for my entire life from start to finish. This time is important, and I know that if Im unable to treat myself properly and respectfully during this time, there is no way I will be able todo the same for others. My wife, friends, family and acquaintances will not benefit from my friendship if I am unable to take care of myself properly.Another reason is that I myself am the only person who can shape my own future a

    nd everything I will become. Being the most important person in my own life is how Ive reached the point of my life I am at now. Happy, positive,loving and witha great sense of freedom. And acknowledging this has been very important too. Ifanything in my life makes me sad or depressed, I know that essentially I myselfam the only one responsible for that. Even during times of a loved one passing,although its fine to mourn, I believe itsstill important to stay strong, be positive and not let that event affect me in any negative way. Show gratitude for those who have passed and for their achievements, but never letting that get in theway of living my own life.I also believe that being the most important person in my life is essential in times of being rejected by others forwhatever reason. No matter how important others who reject me may be, I will know that their opinions of me dont really matter. Im in control ofmy own destiny. But at the same time,if Im offered constructive

    criticism on how I can do anything better in my life,of course I will accept that advice the best I can. If it helps me become a better person and make me aware any flaws I may have but may not be awareof myself, such advice can be a greathelp.Being the most important person in my own life and doing whatever I can to takegood care of myself I believe also places me in a better position to help othersimprove their own lives. If someone I know is facing a problem I have already overcome myself, I am then able to help them do the same from my own experiences.There are probably many more reasons I can list, but these to me are the mostimportant. Theres nothing wrong with loving yourself, and this has nothing to do wit

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    h vanity. Sadly though, many people confuse the two and accuse those who they see as vain as loving themselves. Vanity is not a trait I possess. Of course if I were not the number one person in my own life, andinstead chose to live my life toplease others, I know I would not be happy.Like: +17rakesh Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:39 pmThe pertinent question and very rightlypicked up shall definitely bring out thehidden egos or cravings about persons or things.We modern people are over-obsessed with ourselves and worst part is we have allthe intellectualism to justify it.So no wonder people will come out with myriad idiosyncrasies around the vital questions put upMay truth prevail.May we learn to be humble.Like: +3Celes Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:43 pmHi rakesh, this is not the place to criticize or critique others answers itsa journaling challenge where everyone is invited to reflect on the questions and sharetheir answers. No answer is right or wrong; everything is subjective and the most mportant thing is that its true for the individual him/herself. It takes opennessand authenticity to journal on these questions and share ones answers openly ina public platform like this, where others may place their judgments. Instead of

    analyzing and critiquing others answers, Ill like to invite you to instead join inthe challenge, reflect on the question and share your answers together with everyone. Thats the essence of what this challenge is about reflecting, connecting with our inner selves, and growing through the self reflection.Like: +22Mary Jane Hoover Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:44 pmThe most important person in the world to me is myself. For without me Iwould not have my kids. I want and need to love me now since I haven;t loved me in a long time. If I dont makemyself important than I am no use to anyone else. After allwere all in this together. Lets help each other out.I have lost myself to so many people over the years, I make it a priority to make myself important.

    You should too.Like: +2nhayohmee Says:November 10th, 2011 at 6:51 pmI can personally not pick only one person who is most important to me in the world but two and it would be myparents. They are two of the most admirable inspiring and nicest people that I know which makes me super lucky to grow up in such aloving family that I would want to have in the future as well. I have to be honest, sometimes it can hold me back to whatI really want todo and where I really want to go because I have a fear of leaving them because they are oldr, but lately I am starting to accept that Ihave to grow up and mature on my own.Like: +1Nadia Says:

    November 10th, 2011 at 7:29 pmThe most important person to me is mydear dear Mother

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    Like: +9roand Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:37 pmAs a single working parent the most important person in my life is my son. He ismy world and I love him to bits. I couldnt imagine what life would be likewithout him in it.Like: +4Christine Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:39 pmThe most important person to me in the world is my Dad! Come rain or shine, hes always there for me. His unconditional love, tireless and endless supports have made me of who I am today. Hes the one who never fails to immediately call me backwhenever I ring (but unanswered) or leave him a message. Even when I am thousand miles away from him, when Im sick he always makes that expensive internationalcalls every single day just to check if I already feel better than the day before. He is the one who always makes sure that I have reached my destination all right when I travel. Im already married and 27 years old this year, but Im always Daddys little girl.Like: +8Prion Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:41 pmMy mother has taught me what it means to love. She has been absolutelycommitted,she is intelligent, hard-working and very humble.My father has taught me what it meansto love wisdom, to have a strong character,

    and to be a compassionate person.My brothers have been there for me. I love them.I love my friends: Ellen who is amazing. Santosh who is a brilliant, humble, supportive, sweet, caring and handsome and amazing man. My ex-boyfriend Christopheris a romantic, deeply caring person, he has been someone I can share my thoughts with. Lauren is a sweet, beautiful, special girl. Melody has been a friend going out of her way for me. Sean is caring and supportive also, and he has been someone I can share my ideas with. Claire is a radiant woman with a beautiful spirit, she is wise and sweet. There have been others and I love them all.There are the random strangers who have given me a word of advice or encouragement when I needed it. Thank you.I hope that I have and will make an impact in the lives of others.Like: +3

    Bett Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:44 pmGlenn,May I just say that I relate to everything you have said in your writing, and appreciate how clearly you have written about your ideas. It has taken a lifetimefor me to be able to see the importance, for me, to acknowledge and appreciate myself as#1, and take responsibility for my life.BettLike: +2Prion Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:45 pmMost of all, since I believe in GodGod has been my very friend and teacher. God is a therapist a healer. God is the most amazing brilliant person ever!

    Like: +2Asni Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:53 pmIt has to be me. Yes, it is me, myself. Confirm.My first thought was my son. He is important and I love him. But, sorry baby, mama will have to take the first spot for this one. And, I still love you and youare important in my life.For so long, Ive always put others first.Trying to please others. Doing things insuch and such a manner so that others will not judge me. What they think seemedto be so important! How aboutwhat I think? What I think, yes moi, is the most im

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    portant. I have to do what I think is right even if the whole world think its not. I know myself best, or ought to know myself (if not, I better find out who I am).Regarding myself as the most importantperson to me in the world reflects that Irespect myself . Its hard to respect others if you do not respect yourself. Itismy self esteem and self-worth. Its not about being conceited or egoistic. Ifeel worthy and love myself and I feel I have much to give to those around me, and tothe whole world, for sure. It has to start with myself, regarding myself as themost important person not to you, but to me, myself. What you think or others think is your own prerogative. What I think is important to me. Because I live my life and you live yours. I regard you as important in your own right to yourselfand vice versa so am I, to myself.Like: +4Toni Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:55 pmThat is beautiful! Hats off to your Dad!Like: +1edwilk Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:56 pmWell, if I had a wife and/or kids, they would be at the top, but I dont.Both of my parents are living, and I cant pick between them.Ive got two sisters and I cant pick between them.I have 2 nieces and 2 nephews and I cant pick between them.I have a few close friends, but I wouldnt pick one above the other.

    One of my nieces just had a baby that was born 3 months premature in September and I think about her a lot and pray for her to make it (shes doingwell, by the way).But I dont live near any of them and theyre not part of my daily life.I spend every day with myself and am working on my life, so, Id have to say myself.If my work on myself pays off, I assumea result of that will be that I have someone special in my life that I consider more important than me.So heres to you, future important person! Hope to meet you soon!Like: +3Toni Says:November 10th, 2011 at 7:57 pmIf I could roll my three kids into one, itd be them. Theyre great kids and Im very

    proud of them!Like: +1Tiffany Says:November 10th, 2011 at 8:03 pmHmm, this is a difficult question. I honestly dont know I cant decide. I dont thinktheres just 1 person. The people I love the most all have the same value to me. This is something Ill think about.Like: 0lotusbleu Says:November 10th, 2011 at 8:07 pmNot just your Daddys little girl. I bet if your Daddy participates in this discussion on Journalling, he would have named you as the most importantperson in hislife!

    Like: +1Christine Says:November 10th, 2011 at 8:08 pmThanks, Toni! Writing this post made me miss my Dad so much! In fact, my eyes were tearing as I composed the answer of todays challenge.Like: +1SHERILYN KING Says:November 10th, 2011 at 8:09 pmWho Is the Most Important Person to You in the World?The most important person to me in the world, well there are actually six! Six v

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    ery important guys, my five wonderful boys and the love of my life. I am so blessed to have them all in my life each and everyone brings me something differentand unique, something that the other does not. They all are so different in personality and the way that we interact with each other. Like take my nineteen yearold he is my shopping buddy, he loves clothes, fashion and has to dressed justso, with the best names. Then my fifteen year old he could care less as long as hehas his shorts and tees hes fine, but loves when I play sports and rough house with him. All are so specialto me and I have a bond with each one in a different way.Like: +1Bett Says:November 10th, 2011 at 8:12 pmIt has taken a lifetime for me to say this. Or even think such a thing, much less feel it. I am the most important person in the world to me. I spent a lifetimeof putting others first before myself. I spent a lifetime losing myself while Ithought i was loving someone else. I thought that making someone else more important than myself was the loving thing to do. But that only made me lose my way more and more.I am the most important person in the world to me because noone else can take myvery own place. Noone can replace me or fulfill my purpose, and I have the responsibility to myself and spirit to fulfill my unique destiny.I have discovered that each person in the world is as important as the next because each person has their own magnificent Self to express that uniquedestiny. Noone else can fulfill that destiny in that unique way except that one person.

    I have discovered Realize Thyself and To thine own self be true. are wise words forme to follow.It is my hearts desire to feel, to really and truly feel the love that I am. Instead of seeking to find the love outthere somewhere, outside of myself. It has taken me a lifetime to come to know that I am essentially love, and to express thatlove out into the world.To feel the Love I am, now, in this moment.I have discovered it is all about thisnext page 1