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Nick Griffin’s appearance on Question Time has raised awareness about the BNP, its recent successes and the messages of discrimination and intolerance which it spreads. However, it has also led to much self-flagellation from the major political parties, as they look inwards for the causes of the BNP’s accomplishments. That this attitude is shared by the public was demonstrated by the question to Jack Straw about Labour’s apparent responsibility for the situation, as a result of their immigration policy. Whilst there is no doubt that it is beneficial for mainstream politics to ask such questions of itself, I believe that blaming those in moderate politics for the rise of the BNP is to ignore the responsibility of the electorate in voting for such a party. I see the election successes of the far right not so much as a failure of centralist parties, but as a damning indictment of the British electorate’s political literacy.

To vote for the BNP is to vote for a party of racist thugs. This is fairly indisputable: their members speak privately (and all too frequently publicly) in terms of Nazi, fundamentalist “Christian” and/or openly racist ideologies; they associate with the KKK and with groups of organised football hooligans; and their leader proposes policies that include manual labour “chain gangs” for convicts, the abolition of the Human Rights’ Act and the killing of women and children refugees at sea. There are then, it seems, two reasons to vote for the BNP: that you yourself are of the same opinion, and are an extremely right-wing racist; or that you don’t know the full extent of the party’s views, and don’t understand the significance of your vote. In either case, I would strongly contest that suggestion that the conduct of Labour, the Conservatives or the Liberal Democrats is really to blame.

When questioned, a large number of BNP supporters either admit to or demonstrate their ignorance of the full implications of the party’s policies. This is also reflected in the number of

BNP voters who say that a stance on one issue, such as immigration or unemployment, has secured their vote, whilst appearing unaware that their vote endorses and gives political space to all the party’s views, even those with which they may disagree. This is clearly a case of poor political literacy. A good understanding of the democratic process (and the importance of one’s vote) would surely not condone voting a BNP representative into the European Parliament based simply on the fact that both he and you oppose immigration. A moderate and discerning voter would realise that, however strongly they share this goal, they must consider and reject (as a moderate) the methods that the party will use to achieve it. Whilst I accept that voting for a party whose views one entirely agrees with is virtually impossible in partisan politics, there is a clear distinction between, for example, compromising on Labour’s education policy to support their social agenda and compromising on racist violence to support the abolition of top-up fees.

Not realising the full extent of the BNP’s views is also a poor excuse, given how easy it is to come by information about the party. Anyone with basic critical thinking skills can see

Issue No 21

The Independent Trinity Newspaper since 2007




Kindly sponsored by 30th October 2009

Blame and the BNPIf we put aside the case of a second year who thought Nick Griffin was the dad from Family Guy, it seems Trinity students are hardly unknowledgable or apathetic about politics. The rise of the BNP is an issue which many are discussing and here Jack Lewars poses the question: is this popularity a failure of democracy or a failure of the electorate?


the verdict oniPhone Apps


COMMENT:Max Menzies on

the problems facing international students

Continued on the next page...

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2 IN BRIef friday 30th October

the propagandist and inconsistent nature of the writing upon the party’s website; and there are, in addition, countless organisations including the mainstream press who consistently document, analyse and refute their manifesto and the actions of their members. If you vote for the BNP and don’t know what they stand for, you evidently haven’t done even the most basic research, which I again feel is to your shame, rather than that of alternative parties.

It is true that a large number of BNP voters claim that they cannot find any sort of adequate representation in mainstream parties and so feel driven towards more extreme views. However, I feel that these people are either voting for a party they don’t really support or occupy a political position that should never be represented by the traditional parties. Since the representation that ‘genuine’ BNP voters require is a party proposing an immediate cessation of immigration, the return of capital punishment and the declaration of war on the IRA, I’m glad they don’t feel represented. Anyone who really thinks this is manifestly constructing their views from a position of fundamental and widespread ignorance, not to mention a total lack of humanity. That there is an expectation for central politics to pander to such voters strikes me as crazy; they should be on the fringes and not in the debate.

The above may seem to be elitist and clash somewhat with democratic politics; in some respects, it is. However, my vehemence on this subject should not be misconstrued as a suggestion that we condemn and disregard BNP supporters. My argument is that we should recognise where the root of the problem lies, which is in poor political literacy. If one accepts this, then effective political education and possibly democratic reform is seen as the solution, rather than expecting Labour or the Conservatives to encompass the BNP support base or pander to its message of fear and hate.

Political illiteracy is no more the fault of the voters than illiteracy is the fault of someone who has never been taught to read, but it is also not the fault of equivalent policies from mainstream parties. Identifying this as a cause undermines much of the misguided criticism of central politics and British democracy that the BNP has provoked. It has been said frequently since the European Parliament Elections that the BNP’s success is a failure of the democratic system, both in giving moderate voters a voice and in reassuring the voting public on issues of identity, foreign policy and immigration. I think it is in fact a failure of the electorate to adequately discern the party, what it stands for, and the consequences of those views.

Overheard in Trinity... >> “I was collecting leaves...” Do you buy this excuse from a notoriously controversial fellow, caught amongst the Fellows’ foliage by an early morning exerciser?

Though autumn time is bearing down,And long nights bearing in,Love, it seems, is in the air,For Trinity’s graduate ring.

Freshers canoodling in dark a room,Is hardly a rare scene.

But the BA soc is scarce immune - They know which ones I mean!

But some want youth and duly chaseThe wrong sort of fresher.

A gaggle of girls from too near a decade,

Were spied last BA dinner.

The queen herself has duly ditchedHer former one-and-only,

And suitors a-Roused by princely prize,Hope she won’t long be lonely.

BA Murmurings I arrived at Trinity as Chaplain in September after three years at a parish

church in Highgate, London. Prior to my time in London, I served a parish in Topeka, Kansas. My early years were spent in the wilds of Montana, doing things that Montanans do, like fly fishing, skiing, hiking, and rafting. From Montana, my family moved to other sparsely populated states with long borders on Canada.

I read music as an undergraduate and focused primarily on organ performance. As is possible in American universities, I managed to double-major in music and theology. Though I had never nurtured any desire to end up a cleric – quite the opposite, in fact – I spent four more years after my undergraduate course of study reading theology for a Master’s Degree and in preparation for ordination.

My initial challenge at Trinity is to meet as many of the students, staff and Fellows as possible. Please do not hesitate to stop me and introduce yourself and, of course, you are always welcome to come by my rooms (M6 Blue Boar Court).

I wish you a productive and enjoyable Michaelmas Term.

Christopher Stoltz

Letter From Our New Chaplain

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friday 30th October 2009 3

I hope that I am not revealing something worthy of concern, but in my experience it is fair to say that the general strain of humour in Cambridge very often pushes, or rather sledgehammers, the accepted boundaries of social norms. “What’s worse than seven babies in one garbage bin? One baby in seven garbage bins...” “McDonalds has just brought out a ‘Michael Jackson Tribute Burger’; forty year old meat stuffed between new buns...” We’ve all heard the like as I am sure that anyone who has attended a few Magpie and Stumps can testify (particularly when Emma Woolerton spoke – just for the record, the sole utterance of ‘minge’ is not amusing.)

Certainly a number of my friends from elsewhere find some of our usual jokes rather surprising, if not genuinely a bit gross, and I don’t think this is a unique phenomenon. A friend of mine tried to convince some now fellow London students that a comic side could be found to the sad news that a student died whilst clubbing in Freshers’ Week, when the club-night concerned was called ‘The first day of the rest of your life’. I’m not going to lie, I found that irony worthy of laughter: a giggle or a smirk at least. They, however, were apparently rather shocked at the insinuation that this episode could bear any relation to comedy, feeling that someone had died and that deserved sympathy. And yet, a number of us, without disregarding the dreadful and distressing elements of this story, could definitely see the funny side too: are we just heartless? This led me to wonder whether Cambridge students have perhaps reached such a level of intellectual cynicism that no topic is sacrosanct; anything and everything can be deconstructed in the (sometimes desperate) pursuit of comedy.

In this academic hub, a forefront of forward-thinking research and innovation, many base and offensive strains of comedy run wild, but they do get laughs, and so anything in the guise of a joke seems to be fair play. Largely, I am completely on board, but I can see pot holes along the way. Everyone’s tolerance differs, and one man’s quip is another’s cause for authoritative action: can or should a line ever be drawn? An instance in point: a guy I (unfortunately) knew from Johns dressed as Madeleine McCann for every college bop – this was a joke inspired by their Freshers’ Week theme, ‘Under the Sea’. I think it is safe to say that there is more wrong with this than the predilection of a beefy rugby boy for dressing up in girls’ clothes, but clearly for his social group this was Izzard on speed. In a world where people lose jobs because after dinner conversation turns a bit ‘anti-immigrant’, should we, apparently England’s brightest minds, take more responsibility for what we laugh at?

Casual racism, for example, seems to have been accepted in general conversation, mainly because we trust that, along with all the skills required for getting into Cambridge, a relatively open mind and more than two brain cells are part of the package. Surely this removes the likelihood of a student who believes in racial hierarchy. Only the other night at formal someone was overheard saying “all Chinese people look the same...oh but there are two types; men and women.” This person was not Chinese, and there were Chinese students around, but no one seemed to mind, whereas I am sure that similarly generalist, diminishing remarks could easily trigger a fight in many other areas. The trust that this individual was speaking completely in jest is important, not least because a gag taken out of context is generally bad sport. But can we only laugh with assurance when we know the budding comedian is categorically joking, then their personal views are definitely just and unbigoted, or, as intelligent individuals, do we assume

and trust that anyone espousing potentially offensive material in the name of comedy here must not believe such narrow-minded, obtuse and obviously ridiculous dogma?

This can be dubious, particularly when the source is obscured: in the name of research I typed ‘inappropriate joke’ into Google, and, although my safe-search is on high, the first hit was I warn readers that what follows may offend: their tag line was “Help, and spread the hate! The #1 site for racist jokes, nigger jokes, gook jokes, fag jokes, chink jokes...” I think you get the picture. This site sold t-shirts with slogans such as: “Arrest black babies before they become criminals”; “Slavery: gets shit done”; “What about all the GOOD stuff Hitler did?”

Worn with irony by a cocky, Simon Amstell type, these could be entertaining, but what about the creators and runners of the site? Scum, or advocates of free speech? I think we all understand the slippery slope concept; what is acceptable? If we dug deeper, we might be surprised at the genuine beliefs that could have gone under the radar because we live in a realm where pretty much any topic passes as comedy.

There is a long tradition of Cambridge comedians satirising sensitive subjects though; just check out Fry and Laurie’s ‘Fascion’ and ‘American Ass sketches’ for a bit of Hitler being taken lightly and making fun of the most powerful nation on the planet. I judge those who would have a problem with comedy like this, not least because, my God, it is funny. And clever. But is that the rule? Are offensive jokes, be it sexist, racist, etc., only okay if they are funny and witty, as well as palpably non-serious? Does it take a certain IQ for it to be socially acceptable to laugh at such repartee rather than being blasted for it? Or am I intellectualising this all too much and, just like how explaining a joke deadens all laughter, such analysis could kill comedy? Shouldn’t we all just accept that a joke is a joke and as long as someone’s laughing – even if it is the teller – people who don’t like it should just butt out?

Perhaps we think that in this enlightened environment, we all know where people are coming from, can handle the most dangerous turns of phrase or the liveliest play on words, and therefore are allowed to spout sarcastic misogynism or ironic racial slurs which only mock the stereotype (Sasha Baron Cohen is very popular here). I’m not altogether sure. Some may think that they can pull off such jokes where others would be damned, but then vaguely elitist arrogance has always been a strong vibe in Cambridge. Let’s just remember that the Enlightenment did coincide with international slavery...and ‘The Aristocrats’ classic, an apparent staple to any daring comedian’s set, only has one punch-line, which mocks perhaps the biggest ass of all.

Georgia HartA PuN TOO fAR?

How Could You Be So Hartless?

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4 feATuRes friday 30th October 2009

Miss Advise...Travisty’s resident agony aunt

What’s Hot

Dear Not-Such-A-Nympho in New Court,

It sounds like you’re certainly a fan of having fun, especially with the boys. While I’m sure the term ‘slut’ is undeserved, I would imagine you have a fair idea where it’s come from, considering some of the detail in your letter. You’re a young student, so there’s certainly no problem with you having a good time while you’re at university, even if it is with multiple guys. Others can have their opinions about you, but anyone who tells you how you should live your life is being overly judgmental.

If you do want to quell the negative sentiment towards you surrounding your behaviour, you

Dear Miss Advise,

It seems like I’m getting a bit of a reputation for being a slut and I just don’t know how to get rid of it. Last year I think I was quite well behaved, apart from the May Week incident(s) of course, so I really don’t know where this has come from. I mean, yeah I’m popular with the guys and every time I go on a swap (which is at least once a week) I come back with wild stories and hot gossip... but I’m so not a slut! If anything, I’m a feminist - I just think I have the right to flaunt what is so very female about me!

It doesn’t help that one of my ‘friends’ like always goes on about it, whether in real life, on Facebook or even calling me a “SLOOOT” at Magpie & Stump! I think they’re all just jealous. They’re just not cool enough to have some guy, wearing only a t-shirt, removed by a porter from outside their staircase. Not that I had anything to do with him being naked from the waist down or anything. Gosh I hope the porter gave him something to wear back to his college... But anyway, I just like to enjoy myself, surely I can do that without being labelled a slut?

Not-Such-A-Nympho in New Court

>> Tcsu enTsSo far this term TCSU Ents have been a great success. We have already been treated to a great Freshers’ WPR and Burrell’s Ent, with plenty of gossip as a result. By the sound of things, the WPR is the place to be if you’re looking to pick up a fresher. Let’s hope this year’s Halloween WPR keeps up the trend and is as successful for TCSU Ents as the last one.

>> Free coFFee in The BarNow as we’re students, it’s well known that we’ll pretty much take anything if it’s for free. A week of free coffee: get in. That having been said, the new sandwiches/coffee situation in the bar at lunchtime has injected some much needed life into the place. It actually seems to be becoming a place where Trinitarians are going to hang out, chill and chat with their friends. Maybe something good has come of the temporary kitchen situation after all.

>> quesTion TimeFor once people actually seemed to be interested in politics. JCRs were packed with avid viewers. The Question Time Twitter page was getting a new follower every second. Judging by the amount of chat about it on Facebook, it clearly caused a lot of controversy. Just what the BBC wanted.

>> Tcs-u-TurnAfter this column suggested that a meeting room that you couldn’t book was a TCS-Useless idea, it was pleasing to read Oli McFarlane’s announcement that there had been a U-turn in policy and it will now be bookable. Hoorah for the power of the press! Experts are also calling it a victory for common sense.

Email Miss Advise with your problems at

[email protected]

might want to just keep a bit quieter about some of your conquests. Certainly when it gets to the stage where porters are removing naked boys from outside your New Court staircase, I think maybe you could tone it down a bit - though I’m sure any onlookers rather enjoyed the spectacle. And maybe keep it to yourself and those closest to you (including your neighbour... who I imagine has purchased some ear plugs by now).


Miss Advise

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friday 30th October 2009 feATuRes 5

What’s Not>> new FaceBookOk, so two issues here: 1) stop changing it, because it’s just annoying; 2) why do people have to get so annoyed about Facebook being updated? It’s just a social networking site for God’s sake! Get a life.

>> alesha dixon on ‘sTricTly’Yes, she’s fit. Yes, she doesn’t speak English correctly. Yes, the BBC is clearly trying to attract a younger audience. But what exactly does she know about dancing – I thought she was a singer? Did she even win? It’s so so so scandalous that they got rid of that other woman just because she was a bit ‘past her best’.

>> posTal sTrikesThe most recent bout of postal strikes have been heralded by some as the final death toll for that archaic form of communication, the written letter. No one actually writes post nowadays what with the communication revolution of email and social networking sites, right? Wrong. I’m sorry, but the post still plays an important role in our society – vital information about doctor’s appointments and test results are still sent via the post, as are applications for jobs and schools. Let’s not let the postal strikes undermine the importance of our postal service.

>> chrisTmas lighTsThey’ve been gradually appearing all over Cambridge since Week 2 of Michaelmas Term. Not good. It’s still only October for goodness sake! Why do they have to ram it down our throats already!?

This Issue’s ContributorsThe Travisty Committee

Editor.......................Ellie ReedsDeputy Editor........Jase TaylorWebmaster............Pete CalvertTreasurer............Nathan Kettle

Max MenziesNatasha PesaranChristopher StoltzRory Graham-WatsonDouglas BrumleyNaomi Taschimowitz

Chris DeaconJack LewarsJason EhrhartGeorgia HartBo Tian

Jason ehrhartTHe Oracle

Jack Will Not’s

Jack Wills – this modern bastion of the well heeled, the wannabes, and the most ‘rah’ of students country wide has recently launched its new ‘Term Handbook’, so I felt it was my duty, given the brand’s popularity in Cambridge and my role as purveyor of fashion advice, to cast my critical eye over the new range.

Much like Abercrombie & Fitch, seasons do not bear much distinction in Jack Wills, often the greatest variation between polo shirts being the relocation of a motif, but why spend thousands on design processes when people lap up the same old designs each season? Still this term’s Men’s knitwear is excellent with the centre piece being a Langworth Fair Isle v-neck jumper, which may make most of those daring enough to wear it look a little like a wartime evacuee returning home, but I certainly find that part of its charm. Most of the hoodies are uninspired, almost all of the crew neck sweaters should be burnt, and their ‘designer’ should be blasted into space in order to contemplate his heinous crimes against fashion. The most ridiculous part of the collection is the Red Coat Tails, which are about as useful as a chocolate fire guard.

Womenswear is not much better, with their one saving grace being the fantastic selection of blazers and jackets (especially the Tallian

and blue Carrety). One low light in particular is the hilarious Partmann knitwear, which looks as though it was knitted for you by your grandma for Christmas. A grandma that finds your presence sickening. Sickening to the point where she can’t stand to look at you without a bottle of sherry in her system.

Another bugbear which seems to transcend gender is the gilet, a concept I fail to understand. I once had the pleasure of being given a Jack Wills gilet when I was cold and it certainly kept my chest warm. However, the first place I get cold, my arms, remained in a sub-zero state. Quite ingeniously, arm protection is not included in the gilet. Maybe I should just put some form of sock up my arms to keep them warm (which is great because JW has a rather choice selection of those as well), especially seeing as Jack Wills insists on piling clothing on their models with reckless abandon to the point where they look like they’re about to buckaroo. This is clearly not a trend adopted by some of our Freshers, who have embraced the less-is-more approach with gusto at every conceivable occasion...

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Michaelmas Term has just started, and we saw the Apple iPhone as the most popular and fastest growing mobile phone for students. Currently, there are well over 80 000 downloadable applications (83 656 at the time of writing) to enhance the functions of the iPhone. That is an astounding number considering that there were fewer than 8 000 applications at this time last year. We aim to show you how to use your iPhone smartly, as well as how to kill time the stupid way. Without further ado, let’s dive in.


3. skype

They say: Skype gives you free calls and instant messages to anyone else on Skype. You can also call landlines and mobiles and send SMS anywhere in the world at great rates.

We say: For a significant number of students, home and international alike, Skype has become the way for long distance communication. With its free service and high quality, Skype has outgrown traditional telephone providers to become the largest carrier of international calls.


They say: Listen to more than 5 million tracks for free with on your iPhone.

We say: is a combination of music and social networking service that records your listening habits, and recommends songs that the program thinks you may like. This is especially recommended for those who travel to the Cavendish Laboratory often.

1. stanza

They say: Read electronic books on your iPhone or iPod Touch! Lexcycle Stanza brings the eBook revolution to your pocket with a reading interface that is unrivaled in its clarity and ease of use. With millions of downloads around the world, Stanza has become an iPhone phenomenon.

We say: Stanza offers an enjoyable reading experience with its content fetching and bookmarking systems. More than 28 000 free books and documents from Project Gutenberg can be downloaded seamlessly. Latest and best-selling books can also be bought from the integrated Stanza store.


3. iPickuplines

They say: Next time you are at a bar with like-minded singles or see a girl you wouldn’t mind dating simply break out iPickupLines and let the laughs begin!

We say: You can pick up lines like: “If you were the new burger at McDonalds you would be the Mcgorgeous!” “If you were a booger I’d pick you first.” “Baby you’re like a student and I am like a math book, you solve all of my problems.” She would not be amused.

2. Beer counter

They say: This app allows you to count your drinks in a very easy way: for each drink, you just make a line in one of the four areas (beer, wine, cocktails or non-alcoholic drinks).

We say: After getting drunk, you would just leave your expensive phone in the pub, right?

1. iPint

They say: Free beer on your iPhone. Free refills too.

We say: Don’t be fooled by the claim of free beer, because it’s simply not true. The electricity needed to download and transfer it costs money, the battery needs to be recharged, and that costs money too. And you don’t get any beer in exchange, because you really get a picture of a beer.

6 GADGeTs friday 30th October 2009

iPhone Apps:Bo TianTRINITy’s TecHNO WHIzz

The Lowdown on What to Download

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friday 30th October 2009 cOMMeNT 7


In January this year, I got my offer. For some reason, which the college will most likely come to regret, it was unconditional. So I thought to myself, having already been admitted to Cambridge, surely the 800 year old institution would have enough influence with the UK Border Agency (UKBA) to make my admission into the UK a nice easy process. After all, it has enough influence to light up the Empire State Building! WRONG, SISTER.

For the next 6 months, I was treated as a terrorist. To put everything into context, the UK has thrown open its borders to any citizen of the EU, which has led to a large immigration of European workers, who enter the UK and take jobs (I do hate to use the word “take” though). In order to appear to have a stance on this “problem”, Labour and the UKBA have significantly restricted access to the UK from outside Europe. Yes, including the Commonwealth. Keeping people out, who want to enter the UK to live a better life, is both undemocratic and uncompassionate, but that’s a different story.

What my frustration is about is the ridiculous effort they made me go through for absolutely no reason in my visa applications. First of all, I can’t work full time in term. So that deals with the issue of me stealing all your jobs. Next, they do a thorough check up on me, to make sure I have no criminal convictions. That’s alright, I suppose (not that potential suicide bombers have convictions: once suicide bombers commit their crimes, they’re not around for much longer!). And taking all sorts of biometric scans was inconvenient and a little too 1984 for my liking, but I suppose it’s justifiable. So that should have been it: I’m not a criminal and I’m not going to “take” “your” jobs.

So why did I have to pay in excess of A$400 (that’s 200 pounds) for my applications? Why, every time I rang the High Commission in Canberra, did they demand a fee for answering my query about their incomprehensible forms? And why, if I want to do Part III, will I have to leave the country, apply again, pay again, just for the fourth year?

The worst thing is that every mindless bureaucrat in this system is so incompetent. To be fair, that is expected:

if they had half a brain they’d be authors or artists or scientists, not bureaucrats. Just to list a few hopeless errors: first, my visa was issued to the wrong date. Next, I had to mail all my (original) documents to Canberra. Naturally, these are very valuable, so I sent them in a waterproof bag, and included another waterproof bag, asking them to use it. They didn’t. It rained heavily in Sydney that week. My electronic passport was VERY lucky to survive.

These are only a fraction of the trials I had to go through: incomprehensible forms, ridiculous fees, incompetent blunderings. Worse still, the UKBA mean business. Being an Australian, I did not have to report to the police when I entered the UK. However, some countries are considered so filthy, dangerous, and wretched, that immigrating students are required to report to the police within one week of their arrival, or face deportation, a criminal conviction, and a whopping great fine.

The UKBA’s attitude to its borders is really a lot like Basil Fawlty’s attitude to a hotel: everything would run so swimmingly if it weren’t for the damn guests!! Likewise, the UKBA clearly detests people. But people are assets. A hardworking immigrant who struggles desperately to enter the UK is going to make a damn good citizen! He or she is going to work really hard, set up a business, contribute to the economy, and his or her children will employ others and create new jobs! These are really good people to have in an economy. Let ‘em in. Let ‘em in. Let ‘em in. We’re assets, we work hard, we’re awesome, let us in.

Pretty please?

Max MenziessTReWTH MATe!

Now it’s really time to clench up our fists and have a nice rant and, trust me, this rant will be one that puts everyone ranting about student loans firmly in their place. Behold the perspective of an international student, a considerable threat to your country….

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8 sPORT friday 30th October 2009

FOCUS: Trinity Runners

TC Photo Society I took this photograph while hiking at Wilsons Promontory on the south coast of Australia. A bushfire had ripped through the entire region only weeks before I visited, leaving a black and apparently lifeless landscape. The flower and spider pictured are the first visible signs of life emerging after the fire and are a testament to the resilience of Australian flora and fauna.“


Thanks to Douglas Brumley and TCPS for this image.

Rory Graham-WatsonRanked 13th in his age group for his major event.

I’m an 800m runner for Windsor, Slough, Eton and Hounslow Athletics Club, and for Cambridge. The 800m is a mixture between a sprint and a run, so it needs both speed and fitness to be done properly, which makes for a reasonably demanding training regime. The world record is 1 minute and 41 seconds, which means that every 100 metres was run in less than 13 seconds - that’s a lot faster than most people can run one 100m race. I’ve obviously got a fair way to go to match that, but one can always aim high. Athletes tend to be quite snobby about ‘jogging’, but luckily I don’t have to spend too much time spent simply churning out the miles.

The big events for me this year are the Varsity Match and the National Championships, so there’s plenty of incentive to work hard in the meantime. The Cambridge Men’s team won last year by a record margin, so fingers crossed for a repeat next May!

Naomi TaschimowitzAchieved a Full Blue in her first ever Varsity match.

I discovered my love of running when I ran my first cross country at the age of eight. However I didn’t get into the sport seriously until I was about fifteen. So far my highlights have been running in the London mini marathon, representing my county at the English Schools Track and Field Championships and running in the Varsity match.

This historic race, held on Wimbledon Common every December, has been one of my best bits simply because it’s so unique and it’s a great feeling to be competing against Oxford. Although I was pleased when I was awarded full blues for the race, it was the team element to it that really made it special – even though I think many non-runners see it as a solely individual sport. The low point is of course injury, which happens to nearly every runner at some point, and is something I’m struggling with at the moment. Currently I’m Trinity’s women’s captain for cross country and would love to see more college runners out competing in the inter-college league.