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  2. 2. Of Ml*fl^ JIINP9 1946 OCKJAL^V.t*^ BR 75 .B7 1862 v. 3 Bunyan, John, 1628-1688 The entire works of John Bunyan
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  4. 4. ^'^ M tt# A (> o f 4^' as to a prison ; nor might he upon his parole go further than within his own bounds. And now, had he had a heart to do for Mansoul, what could he do for it, or wherein could he be profitable to her ? So then, so long as Mansoul was under the power and government of Diabolus, and so long it was under him as it was obedient to him, which was even until by a war it was rescued out of his hand ; so long my Lord Mayor was rather an impediment in, than an advantage to, the famous town of Mansoul. As for Mr. Recorder, before the town was taken, he was a man well read in , , ' The Recorder the laws of his king, and also a man put out of of courage and faithfulness to speak place. truth at every occasion ; and he had a tongue as bravely hung, as he had a head filled with judgment. Now, this man Diabolus could by no means abide, because, though he gave his consent to his coming into the town, yet he could not by all wiles, trials, stratagems, and devices, that he could use, make him wholly his own. True, he was much degenerated from his former king, and also much pleased with many of the giant's laws and service. But all this would not do, forasmuch as he was not wholly his : he would now and then think upon Shaddai, and have dread of his law upon him, and then he would speak with a voice as great against Diabolus as when a lion roareth : yea, and would also, at certain times, when his fits were upon him, (for, you must know, that sometimes he had terrible fits,) make the whole town of Mansoul shake with his voice ; and therefore the new king of Mansoul could not abide him. Diabolus, therefore, feared the Recorder more than any that was left alive in the town of Man- soul, because, as I said, his words did shake the whole town ; they were like the ratthng thunder, and also like thunder-claps. Since, therefore, the giant could not make him wholly his own, what doth he do, but studies all that he could to debauch the old gentleman, and, by debaucher}-, to stupify his mind, and more harden his heart in ways of vanity. And as he attempted so he accomplished his design ; he debauched the man, and, by little and little, so drew him into sin and wickedness that at last he was not only debauched as at first, and so by consequence defiled, but was almost (at last, I say) past all, conscience of sin. And this was the farthest Diabolus could go. Wherefore, he bethinks him of ano- ,j,,^g j^^^,^ ther project, and that was, to per- taken off suade the men of the town that *'''^} tf^*^'"" Mr. Recorder was mad, and so not to be regarded. And for this he urged his fits, and said, " If he be himself, why doth he not do thiis always ? But," quoth he, " as all mad folks have their
  5. 19. i: THE HOLY WAR. fits, ami in them tlieir raving language, so liatli tliis old and doating gentleman." Thus, by one means or another, he quickly got Mansoul to slight, neglect. and despise whatever Mr. Recorder could say. For, besides what already yon have heard, Diabo- lus had a way to make the old gentleman, when he was merry, unsay and deny what he in his fits had affirmed. And, indeed, this was the next way to make himself ridiculous, and to cause that no man should regard him. Also, now he never How ronsci- spake freely for King Shaddai, but ence becomes always by force and constraint, as itli laniai Besides, he would at one time be hot men it is. against that at which .it another he would hold his peace, so uneven was he now in his doings. Sometimes he would be as if fast asleep, and again sometimes as dead, even then when the whole town of !Mansoid was in her career after vanity, and in her dance after the giant's pipe. Wherefore, sometimes, when INIansoul did use to be frighted with the thundering voice of the Recorder that was, and when they did tell Diabolus of it, he would answer, that what the old gentle- man said, was neither of love to him, nor pity to them, but of a foolish fondness that he had to be prating ; and so would hush, still, and put all to quiet again. And that he might leave no argument unurged that might tend to make them secure, he said, and said it often, " O Mansoul I consider that, notwithstanding the old gentleman's rage, and the rattle of his high and thundering words, you hear nothing of Shaddai himself;" (when, liar and deceiver that he was, every outcry of Mr. Recorder against the sin of Mansoul was the voice of God in him to them I) But he goes on, and says, " You see that he values not the loss nor rebellion of the town of Mansoul ; nor will he trouble himself with calling of his town to a reck- oning, for their giving up themselves to me. He knows, that though ye were his, now you are lawfully mine ; so, leaving ns one to another, he now hath shaken his hands of us. "Moreover, Mansoul I" quoth he, "consider liow I have served you, even to the utmost of my power ; and that with the best that I have, could get, or procure for you in all the world : besides, I dare say that the laws and customs that you now are under, and by which you do homage to me, do yield you more solace and content than did the paradise that at first you possessed. Your liberty, also, as yourselves do very well know, has been greatly wiial>ol"8. town, so now he was as willing to serve him there. AVhen the tyrant, therefore, perceived the willing- ness of my lord to serve him, and that his n)ind stood bending that way, he forthwith made him the cajjtain of the castle, governor of Hcnrt. Flesh, the wall, and keeper of the gates of Senses.
  6. 20. THE HOLY WAR. 13 Eom. viii. 7. Mansoul : yea, there was a clause in his coiuuiis- sion, that nothing without him should be done in all the town of Mansoul ; so that now, next to Diabolus himself, who but my Lord Will-be-will in all the town of Mansoul ; nor could anything now be done but at his will and pleasure throughout the town of Man- soul. He had also one Mr. Mind P "' "' for his clerk ; a man to speak on, every way like his master ; for he and his lord were in principle one, and in practice not far asunder. And now was Mansoul brought under to purpose, and made to fulfil the lusts of the will and of the mind. But it will not out of my thoughts, what a desperate one this Will-be-will was, when power was put into his hand. First, he flatly denied that he owed any suit or service to his former prince and liege lord. This done, in the next place he took an oath, and swore fidelity to his great mastei', Diabolus, and then, being stated and settled in his places, offices, advancements, and prefer- ments, oh, you cannot think, unless you had seen it, the strange work that this workman made in the town of Mansoul ! First, he maligned Mr. Recorder to death ; he would neither endure to see him, nor to hear the The carnal words of his mouth : he would shut will opposeth his eyes when he saw him, and stop conscience, j^jg gg^j,g ^.j^en he heard him speak. Also he could not endure that so much as a frag- ment of the law of Shaddai should be anywhere seen in the town. For example, his clerk, Mr. Mind, had some old, rent, and torn parchments of the law of good Shaddai in his house : but when Will-be-will saw them he cast them behind his back. True, Mr. Re- corder had some of the laws in his study ; but my Corrupt will ^^rd could by no means come at loves a dark them : he also thought, and said, understanding, ^j^^^ ^^^^ windows of my old Lord Mayor's house were always too fight for the profit of the town of Mansoul. The light of a candle he could not endure. Now nothing at all pleased W^ill-be-will, but what pleased Diabolus his lord. There was none like him to trumpet about "the streets the brave nature, the wise conduct, and great glory of the king, Diabolus. He would range and rove throughout all the streets of Mansoul, to cry up his illustrious lord ; and would make Vain himself even as an abject, among thoughts. tiie base and rascal crew, to cry up his valiant prince. And, I say, when and whereso- ever he found these vassals, he would even make himself as one of them. In all ill courses, he would act without bidding, and do mischief with- out commandment. The Lord Will-be-will also had a deputy under him, and his name was Mr. Affection, one that was Eom i 25 ^^^^ greatly debauched in his prin- ciples, and answerable thereto in his life : he was wholly given to the flesh, and therefore Neh.ix. 26. they called him Vile-Affection. Now there was he and one Carnal Lust, the daughter of Mr. Mind (" like to like," quoth the devil to the collier,) that fell in love and twLxt Vile- made a match, and were married : Afll'Ltion and and, as I take it, they had several ^'''"^^ ^"'*- children, as Impudent, Blackmouth, and Hate- Reproof. These three were black boys ; and be- sides these they had three daughters, as Scorn - Truth and Slight-God, and the name of the youngest was Revenge ; these were aU married in the town, and also begot and yielded many bad brats, too many to be inserted. But to pass by this W^hen the giant had thus engarrisoned himself in the town of Mansoul, and had put down and set up whom he thought good, he betakes himself to defacing. Now there was in the market-place of Mansoul, and also upon the gates of the castle, an image of the blessed King Shaddai : this image was so exactly engraven, (and it was engraven in gold,) that it did the most resemble Shaddai him- self of anything that then was extant in the world. This he basely commanded to be defaced, and it was as basely done by the hand of Mr. No-Truth. Now, you must know, that as Diabolus had com- manded, and that by the hand of Mr. No-Truth the image of Shaddai was defaced, he likewise gave order that the same Mr. No-Truth should set up in its stead the horrid and formidable image of Diabolus, to the great contempt of the former King, and debasing of his town of Mansoul. Moreover, Diabolus made havoc of all remains of the laws and statutes of Shaddai ^q law-books that could be found in the town of destroyed that Mansoul ; to wit, such as contained ''"^*^ ^^ ^- either the doctrines of morals, with all civil and natural documents : also relative severities he sought to extinguish. To be short, there was nothing of the remains of good in Mansoul, which he and Will-be-will sought not to destroy ; for their design was to turn Mansoul into a brute, and to make it like to the sensual sow, by the hand of Mr. No-Truth. When he had destroyed what law and good orders he could, then, further to effect his design, namely, to alienate Mansoul from Shaddai her King, he commands, and they set up his own vain edicts, statutes, and commandments, in all places of resort or concourse in Mansoul, to wit, such as gave liberty to the lusts of ^ j^^^ j. ^^ the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life, which are not of Shaddai, but of the world. He encouraged, countenanced, and promoted lasciviousness and all ungodliness there. Yea, much more did Diabolus to encourage wick- edness in the town of Mansoul; he promised them peace, content, joy, and bfiss, in doing his com- mands, and that they should never be called to an account for their not doing the contrary. And let this serve to give a taste to them that love to hear tell of what is done beyond their knowledge, afar off in other countries.
  7. 21. 14 THE HOLY WAR. Now Mansoul being wholly at his beck, and brought wholly to his bow, nothing was heard or seen therein, but that which tended to set up him. But now he, having disabled the Lord 3Liyor and Mr. Recorder from bearing of office in Man- soul, and seeing that the town, before he came to it, was the most ancient of corporations in the world, and fearing, if he did not maintain great- ness, they at any time should object that he had done them an injury ; therefore, I say, that they might see that he did not intend to lessen their grandeur, or to take from them any of their advan- tageous things, he did choose for them a Lord Mayor and a Recorder himself; and such as con- tented them at the heart, and such also as pleased him wondrous well. The name of the Mayor that was of Diabolus' The new making, was the Lord Lustings, a Lord Slayor. xiian that had neither eyes nor ears ; all that he did, whether as a man or as an officer, he did it naturally as doth the beast ; and that which made him yet the more ignoble, though not to ]Iansoul, yet to them that beheld, and were grieved for its ruins, was that he never could savour good, but evil. The Recorder was one whose name was Forget- The new Good, and a very sorry fellow he Recorder. ^as ; he could remember nothing but mischief, and to do it with delight. He was naturally prone to do things that were hurtful, even hurtful to the town of Mansoul, and to all the dwellers there. These two, therefore, by their power and practice, examples, and smiles upon evil, did much more grammar, and settled the common people in hurtful ways ; for who doth not perceive, but when those that sit aloft are vile and corrupt themselves, they corrupt the whole region and country where they are ? Besides these, Diabolus made several burgesses He doth make ^"*^ aldermen in IMansoul ; such as ihem new out of whom the town, when it Aldermen, needed, might choose them officers, governors, and magistrates ; and these are the names of the chief of them : INIr. Incredulity, IIr. Haughty, Mr. Swearing, Mr. Wlioring, Mr. Hard-Heart, Mr. Pitiless, Mr. Fury, Mr. No-Truth, Mr. Stand-to-Lies, Mr. False- Peace, Mr. Drunkenness, Mr. Cheating, Mr. Atheism ; thirteen in all. Mr. Incredulity is the eldest, and Mr. Atheism the youngest of the com- pany. There was also an election of common -council- men, and others : as baiHfT, Serjeants, constables, and others, Imt all of them, like to those aforenamed, being either fathers, brothers, cousins, or nephew to them ; whose names, for brevity sake, I omit to mention. When the giant had thus far proceeded in his lie b.iildeth ^'^rk, in the next place he betook three strong- him to build some strongholds in the town ; and he built three that holds. seemed to be impregnable. The first he called the hold of Defiance, because it was made to command the whole town, and to keep it from the knowledge of its ancient King. The second he called Midnight-Hold, because it was built on pur- pose to keep Mansoul from the true knowledge of itself. The third was called Sweet-Sin -Hold, be- cause by that he fortified Mansoiil against all de- sires of good. The first of these holds stood close by Eye -gate, that as much as might be, light might be darkened there. The second was built hard by the old castle, to the end that that might be made more blind, if possible. And the third stood in the market-place. He that Diabolus made governor over the first of these, was one Spite-God, a most blasphemous wretch. He came with the whole rabble of them that came against Mansoul at first, and was himself one of themselves. He that was made the gover- ner of Midnight-Hold was one Love-no-Light ; he was also one of them that came first against the to^^^l. And he that was made the governor of the hold called Sweet-Sin-Hold, was one whose name was Love-Flesh ; he was also a very lewd fellow, but not of that country where the others are bound. This fellow could find more sweet- ness, when he stood sucking of a lust, than he did in all the Paradise of God. And now Diabolus thought himself safe : he had taken Mansoul ; he had engarrisoned himself there- in ; he had put down the old officers, and had set up new ones ; he had defaced the image of Shaddai, and had set up his own ; he had spoiled the old law-books, and had promoted his own vain lies ; he had made him new magistrates, and set up new , aldermen ; he had built him new holds, and had i manned them for himself. And all this he did to make himself secure, in case the good Shaddai or his Son should come to make an incursion upon them. Now you may well think, that, long before this time, word by some or other could Tidings (ianied not but be carried to the good King ^o the court Shaddai, how his Mansoul, in the hai)pened to continent of Universe, was lost : and Mansoul. that the runagate giant Diabolus, once one of his iNIajesty's servants, had, in rebellion against the King, made sure thereof for himself. Yea, tidings were carried and brought to the King thereof, and that to a very circumstance. As first how Diabolus came upon IMansoul (they being a simple people, and innocent) with craft, subtlety, lies, and guile : Item, That he had treacherously slain the right noble and valiant ca]itain, their Captain Resistance, as he stood upon the gate with the rest of the townsmen : Item, How my brave Lord Innocent fell down dead (with grief, some say, or with being poisoned witli the stinking breath of one Ill-pause, as say others) at the hearing of his just Lord and rightful Prince, Shaddai, so abused by the mouth of so filthy a Diabolonian as that varlet Ill-pause was. The
  8. 22. THE HOLY WAR. 15 messenger further told, that after this Ill-pause had made a short oration to the townsmen in behalf of Diabolus, his master, the simple town, believing that what was said was true, with one consent did open Ear-gate, the chief gate of the corporation, and did let him with his crew into a possession of the famous town of Mansoul. He further showed how Diabolus had served the Lord Mayor, and Mr. Recorder ; to wit, that he had put them from all place of power and trust. Item, He showed also, that my Lord Will-be-will was turned a very rebel and runagate, and that so was one Mr. Mind, his clerk ; and that they two did range and revel it all the town over, and teach the wicked ones their way. He said, moreover, that this WiU-be- will was put into great trust, and particularly that Diabolus had put into Will-be -will's hand all the strong places in IMansoul ; and that Mr. Affection was made my Lord Will -be -will's deputy, in his most rebellious affairs. Yea, said the messenger, this monster. Lord Will-be-will, has openly dis- avowed his King Shaddai, and hath horribly given his faith and plighted his troth to Diabolus. Also, said the messenger, besides all this, the new king, or rather rebellious tyrant, over the once famous, but now perishing, town of Mansoul, has set up a Lord Mayor and a Recorder of his own. For Mayor, he has set up one Mr. Lustings ; and for Recorder, Mr. Forget-Good ; two of the vilest of all the town of Mansoul. This faithful messenger also proceeded, and told what a sort of new bur- gesses Diabolus had made ; also that he had built several strong forts, towers, and strongholds in Mansoul. He told, too, the which I had almost forgot, how Diabolus had put the town of Mansoul into arms, the better to capacitate them on his be- half to make resistance against Shaddai, their king, should he come to reduce them to their former obedience. Now the tidings-teller did not deliver his rela- Grief at court ^i^^^ ^f things in private, but in to hear the ojien court, the King and his Son, tidings. high lords, chief captains, and nobles, being all there present to hear. But by that they had heard the whole of the story, it would have amazed one to have seen, had he been there to behold it, what sorrow and grief, and com- punction of spirit there was among all sorts, to think that famous Mansoul was now taken : only the King and his Son foresaw all this long before, yea, and sufficiently provided for the relief of Mansoul, though they told not everybody thereof. Yet, because they also would have a share in condoling of the misery of Mansoul, therefore they also did, and that at the rate of the highest degree, bewail the losing of Mansoul. The King . f ^ said plainly, that " it grieved him at Gen. VI. 5, 6. , ,^ ,, , i the heart, and you may be sure that his Son was not a whit behind him. Thus they gave conviction to all about them, that they liad love and compassion for the famous town of Mansoul. Well, when the King and his Son were retired into the privy-chamber, there they again consulted about what they had designed before, to wit, that as Mansoul should in time xhe secret of be suffered to be lost, so as certainly tis purpose, it shotild be recovered again. Recovered, I say, in such a way, as that both the King and his Son would get themselves eternal fame and glory thereby. Wherefore, after this consult, the Son of Shaddai, (a sweet and comely person, and one that had always great affection for xhe Son of those that were in affliction, but one Clod, that had mortal enmity in his heart against Diabo- lus because he was designed for it, and because he sought his crown and dignity,) this Son of Shaddai, I say, having stricken hands with jg,, ^jj^ 5 his Father, and promised that he 1 Tim. i. 15. would be his servant to recover his ^"^" Mansoul again, stood by his resolution, nor would he repent of the same. The purport of which agreement was this, to wit. That at a certain time, prefixed by both, the King's Son . , , .111. . ^ A brave design should take a journey into the coun- on foot for the try of Universe, and there, in a way ,i^^ "^ f / . . , . , 1 . *^ Mansoul. 01 justice and equity, by making amends for the follies of Mansoul, he should lay the foundation of her perfect deliverance from Diabolus, and from his tyranny. Moreover, Emmanuel resolved to make, at a time convenient, a war upon the giant By the Holy Diabolus, even while he was pos- Ghost, sessed of the town of Mansoul ; and that he would fairly, by strength of hand, drive him out of his hold, his nest, and take it to himself, to be his habitation. This now being resolved upon, order was given to the Lord Chief Secretary, to The Holy draw up a fair record of what was Scriptures, determined, and to cause that it should be pub- lished in all the corners of the kingdom of Uni- verse. A short breviate of the contents thereof you may, if you please, take here as follows : " Let all men know, who are concerned, that the Son of Shaddai, the great King, is engaged, by covenant to his Father, to bring his Mansoul to him again : yea, and to put Mansoul, too, through the power of his matchless love, into a far better and more happy condition than it was in before it was taken by Diabolus." These papers, therefore, were published in several places, to the no little molestation of the tyrant, Diabolus : " for now," thought he, " I shall be molested, and my habitation will be taken from me." But when this matter, I mean this purpose of the King and his Son, did at first take air at court, who can tell how the high Among the lords, chief captains, and noble angels, princes that were there, were taken with the business ! First, they whispered it one to another, and after that it began to ring, out throughout the King's palace, all wondering at the glorious design that, between the King and his Son, was on foot
  9. 23. 16 THE HOLY WAR. for the miserable town of Mansoul ; yea, the courtiers could scarce do anything, either for the King or kingdom, but they would mix, with the doing thereof, a noise of the love of the King and bis Son that they had for the town of Mansoul. Nor could these lords, high captains, and princes . , , be content to keep this news at Uiabolus per- ' plexed at the court; vea, before the records there- '^^^'- of were perfected, themselves came down and told it in Universe. At last it came to the ears, as I said, of Diabolus, to his no little discontent; for you must think it would perplex him to hear of such a design against him. Well, but after a few casts in his mind, he concluded on these four things : First. That this news, this good tidings, if pos- sible, should be kept from the ears of the town of Mansoul : " for," said he, " if they shall once come to the knowledge that Shaddai, their former King, and Emmanuel, his Son, are contriving of good for the town of Mansoul, what can be expected by me, but that Mansoul will make a revolt from under my hand and government, and return again to him'?' Now, to accomplish this his design, he renews his flattery with the Lord Will-be -Will, and also gives him strict charge and command that he should keep watch by day and by night at all the gates of the town, especially Ear-gate and Eye- gate ; " for I hear of a design," quoth he, " a de- sign to make us all traitors, and that Mansoul will be reduced to its first bondage again. I hope they are but flying stories," quoth he; " however, let no such news by any means be let into INIansoul, lest the people be dejected thereat : I think, my lord. The will en- ^^ ^^^ ^^ *^ welcome news to you gaged against I am sure it is none to me : and I the gospel. tjjjj^j^^ ^jjj^t 3^ tjjjg tjj^g jt gj^Q^^lj bg all our wisdoms and care to nip the head of all Buch rumours as shall tend to trouble our people ; wherefore I desire, my lord, that you will in this matter do as I say. Let there be strong guards daily kept at every gate of the town. Stop also and examine from whence such come that you perceive do from far come hither to trade : nor let them by any means be admitted into Mansoul, unless you shall plainly perceive that they are All good favourers of our excellent govern- ment. I command, moreover," said Diabolus, " that there be spies con- tinually walking up and down the town of Mansoul; and let them have power to suppress and destroy any that thoy shall perceive to be plotting against us, or that shall prate of what by Shaddai and Eniinanucl is intended." This, thf-Tcfore, was accordingly done: my Lord Will-bc-Will hearkened to big lord and master, went willingly after the commandment, and, with all the diligence he could, kept any that would from going out abroad, or that sought to bring these tidings to Mansoul, from coming into the town. thoughts and words in the town are to be Bupprcssud. Secondly. This done, in the next place Dia- bolus, that he might make Mansoul ^ ^^^ ^^^^^ as sure as he could, frames and imposed upon imposes a new oath and horrible Mansoul. covenant upon the townsfolk : To wit, " That they should never desert him, nor his government, nor yet betray him, nor seek to alter his laws; but that they should own, confess, stand by, and acknowledge him for their rightful king, in defiance to any that do, or hereafter shall, by any pretence, law, or title whatever, lay claim to the town of Mansoul;" thinking belike that Shaddai had no power to absolve them from this covenant with death, and agreement with hell. Nor did the silly Mansoul stick or boggle at all at this most monstrons engagement, but, as if it had been a sprat in the mouth of a whale, they swal- lowed it without any chewing. Were they troubled at it? Nay, they rather bragged and boasted of their so brave fidelity to the tyrant, their pretended king; swearing, that they would never be change- lings, nor forsake their old lord for a new. Thus did Diabolus tie poor Mansoul fast; but jealousy, that never thinks itself strong enough, put him in the next place upon another exploit, which was, yet more, if possible, to debauch this town of Mansoul : wherefore he caused, by the hand of one Mr. Filth, an odious. Odious atheis- nastv, lascivious piece of beastliness, }^^^^ Pj'^PJJ."^' .^ . . , lets, and falthy to be drawn up in writing, and to be ballads and set upon the castle gates : whereby romances, ho granted and gave licence to all his true and trusty sons in Mansoul to do whatever their lustful appetites prompted them to do, and that no man was to let, hinder, or control them, upon paiu of incur- ring the displeasure of their prince. Now this he did for these reasons : 1. That the town of Mansoul might be yet made weaker and weaker, and so more unable, should tidings come that their redemption was designed, to believe, hope, or consent to the truth thereof ; for Reason says, " The bigger the sinner, the less grounds of hopes of mercy." 2. The second reason was. If perhaps Emmanuel, the Son of Shaddai their King, by seeing the hor- rible and profane doings of the town of INIansoul, might repent, though entered into a covenant of redeeming them, of pursuing that covenant of their redemption; for he knew that Shaddai was holy, and that his Son, Emmanuel, was holy; yea, he knew it by woeful experience : for, for the ini- quity and sin of Diabolus was he cast from the highest orbs. Wherefore, what more rational j tlian for him to conclude, that thus for sin it mightfare with Mansoul ! But, fearing also lest this knot should break, he bethinks himself of another, to .it ; 3. To endeavour to possess all hearts in the town of Mansoul, that Shaddai was raising of an army to come to overthrow and utterly to de- stroy this town of Mansoul ; and this he did to forestal any tidings that might come to tiieir ears
  10. 24. THE HOLY WAR. 17 of their deliverance; " for," thoiight he, " if I first bruit this, the tidings that shall come after will all be swallowed up of this : for what else will Mansoul say when they shall hear that they must be delivered, but that the true meaning is, Shaddai intends to destroy them?" The place of Wherefore he summons the whole hearini^andof town into the market-place, and considenng. ^j^^^.^^ ^^-^^^ deceitful tongue, thus he addresses himself unto them : " Gentlemen, and my very good friends, you are all, as you know, my legal subjects, and men of the famous town of Mansoul ; you know how, from the first day I have been with you until now, I have behaved myself among you, and what liberty and great privileges you enjoyed under my government ; I hope to your honour and mine, and also to your content and delight. Now, my famous Mansoul, a noise of trouble there is abroad, of trouble to the town of Mansoul ; sorry am I thereof, for your sakes. For I have re- ceived but now, by the post, from my Lord Lucifer, (and he useth to have good intelHgence,) that your old King Shaddai is raising of an army to come against you, to destroy you root and branch : and this, Mansoul I is now the cause that at this time I have called you together, namely, to advise what in this juucture is best to be done. For my j)art, I am but one, and can with ease shift for myself, did I list to seek my own ease, aud to leave my Mansoul in all the danger : but my heart is so firmly united to you, and so unwilling am I to leave you, that I am willing to stand and fall with you, to the utmost hazard that shall befall mc. What say you, my Mansoul ! will you now desert your old friend ; or do you think of standing by me ?" Then, as one man, with one mouth, they cried out together, " Let him die the death that will not !" Then said Diabolus again, " It is in vain for us Verj' deceiv- to hope for quarter, for this King able'language. knows not how to show it. True, ]ierhaps, he, at his first sitting down before us, will talk of, and pretend to, mercy, that thereby, with the more ease, and less trouble, he may again make himself the master of Mansoul ; whatever, therefore, he shall say, believe not one syllable or tittle of it, for all such language is but to over- come us ; and to make us, while we wallow in our blood, the trophies of his merciless victory. My mind is, therefore, that we resolve to the last man to resist him, and not to believe him upon any terms; foi- in at that door loill come our danger. But shall we be flattered out of our lives ? I hope you know more of the rudiments of politics, than to suffer yourselves so pitifully to be served. " But suppose he should, if he gets us to yield, save some of our lives, or the lives of some of them that are underlings in Mansoul, what help >vill that be to you that are the chief of the town, especially of you whom I have set up, and whose greatness has been procured by you through your VOL. III. faithful sticking to me ? And suppose, again, that he should give quarter to every one Lvin- kn- of you, be sure he will bring you gu^ge. into that bondage under which you were captivated before, or a worse, and then what good will your lives do you ? Shall you, with him, live in plea- sure, as you do now ? No, no. You must be bound by laws that will pinch you, and be made to do that which at present is hateful to you. I am for you, if you are for me ; and it is better to die valiantly, than to live like pitiful slaves. But, I say, the life of a slave will be jig is afraid counted a life too good for Mansoul of losing of now: blood, blood, nothing but Mansoul. blood, is in every blast of Shaddai's trumpet against poor Mansoul now. Pray be concerned ; I hear he is coming up ; and stand to your arms, that now, while you have any leisure, I may learn you some feats of war. Armour for you I have, and by me it is ; yea, and it is sufficient for INIansoul, from top to toe ; nor can you be hurt by what his force can do, if you shall keep it well girt and fastened about you. Come, therefore, to my castle, and welcome, and harness yourselves for the war. There is helmet, breast-plate, sword, and shield, and what not, that will make you fight like men. " 1. My helmet, otherwise called a head-piece, is hope of doing well at last, M'hat lives soever you live. This is that which they had, who said, that they should have peace, though they walked in the wickedness of their heart, to add drunkenness to thirst : a piece of approved armour this is ; and whoever has it, and can hold it, so long no arrow, dart, sword, or shield, can hurt him ; this, there- fore, keep on, aud thou wilt keep off many a blow, my Mansoul. " 2. My breast-plate is a breast-plate of iron. I had it forged in mine own country, and all my soldiers are armed therewith. In plain language, it is a hard heart; a heart as hard as iron, and as much past feeling as a stone ; the which if you get and keep, neither Mercy shall win you, nor Judgment fright you. This, therefore, is a piece of armour most necessary for all to put on that hate Shaddai, and that would fight against him under my banner. " 3. My sword is a tongue that is set on fire of hell, and that can bend itself to speak evil of Shaddai, his Son, his ways, and people ; use this, it has been tried a thousand times tyice told ; whoever hath it, keeps it, and makes that use of it as I would have him, can never be conquered by mine enemy. " 4. My shield is unbelief, or calling into ques- tion the truth of the word, or all the sayings that speak of the judgment that Shaddai has appointed for wicked men : use this shield ; many attempts he has made upon it, and sometimes, it is true, it has been bruised ; but they that have writ of the Avars of Emmanuel against my servants have testi- fied that * he could do no mighty 'ork there, be- c