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Page 1: 2.1 Heritage Recording

ChangeOver Time

A n I n t e r n A t I o n A l J o u r n A l

o f c o n s e r v A t I o n A n d

t h e b u I l t e n v I r o n m e n t

s p r i n g 2 0 1 2

uPcomInG Issues

AdaptationF a l l 2 0 1 2

Nostalgias p r i n g 2 0 1 3

Interpretation and DisplayF a l l 2 0 1 3

The Venice Charter at 50s p r i n g 2 0 1 4

VandalismF a l l 2 0 1 4

Climate Change and Landscapes p r i n g 2 0 1 5

IntegrityF a l l 2 0 1 5

National Park Service Centenarys p r i n g 2 0 1 6

Change O

ver Time







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Copyright © 2012 University of Pennsylvania Press.

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Published by the University of Pennsylvania Press,

3905 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104.

Printed in the U.S.A. on acid-free paper.

Change Over Time is seeking papers for two future themed

issues, Nostalgia (Spring 2013) and Interpretation and Display

(Fall 2013). Please visit for a more detailed

discussion of these topics and deadlines for submission. Articles

are generally restricted to 7,500 words or fewer. Guidelines for

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Frank MateroUniversity of Pennsylvania


Mario Santana Quintero Raymond Lemaire International

Centre for Conservation, University of Leuven


Kecia L. Fong Institute for Culture and Society,

University of Western Sydney

Rosa Lowinger Rosa Lowinger & Associates,

Conservation of Art + Architecture, Inc.


Meredith KellerUniversity of Pennsylvania


Nur AkinIstanbul Kultur University, Turkey

Erica AvramiWorld Monuments Fund

Luigia BindaPolitecnico di Milano, Italy

Daniel BluestoneUniversity of Virginia

Christine BoyerPrinceton University School of


John Dixon HuntUniversity of Pennsylvania

Jukka JokilehtoUniversity of Nova Gorica

David LowenthalUniversity College London

Randall Mason University of Pennsylvania

Robert MelnickUniversity of Oregon

Elizabeth MilroyWesleyan University

Steven SemesUniversity of Notre Dame

Jeanne Marie TeutonicoGetty Conservation Institute

Ron Van OersUNESCO

Fernando VegasUniversidad Politécnica de Valencia

S P R I N G 2 0 1 2

V O L U M E 2

N U M B E R 1

I S S N 2 1 5 3 - 0 5 3 X

Change Over Time

Change Over TimeRunning an ad or special announcement in Change Over Time is a great way to get publication, program, and meeting information out to those in your field. Change Over Time is a semiannual journal focused on publishing original, peer-reviewed research papers and review articles on the history, theory, and praxis of conservation and the built envi-ronment. Each issue is dedicated to a particular theme as a method to promote critical discourse on contemporary conservation issues from multiple perspectives both within the field and across disciplines. Forthcoming issues will address topics such as Adaptation, Nostalgia, Interpretation and Display, and The Venice Charter at 50.

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Publication Date



Season & Theme

Fall 2012Adaptation

Spring 2013Nostalgia

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6 The Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar in theDocumentation and Evaluation of Iglesia SanJose, San Juan, Puerto RicoAGAMEMNON GUS PANTEL

20 Twenty-Five Years of Archaeological SiteInventories in the Middle East: Challengesand PerspectivesGAETANO PALUMBO

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32 The Middle Eastern Geodatabase forAntiquities (MEGA): An Open Source GIS-Based Heritage Site Inventory andManagement SystemDAVID MYERS AND AL I SON DALG ITY

58 Heritage Recording and InformationManagement as a Tool for PreventiveConservation, Maintenance, and Monitoring:The Approach of Monumentenwacht in theFlemish Region (Belgium)ANOUK STULENS , VEERLE MEUL , AND NE ZA


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6 The Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar in theDocumentation and Evaluation of Iglesia SanJose, San Juan, Puerto RicoAGAMEMNON GUS PANTEL

20 Twenty-Five Years of Archaeological SiteInventories in the Middle East: Challengesand PerspectivesGAETANO PALUMBO

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32 The Middle Eastern Geodatabase forAntiquities (MEGA): An Open Source GIS-Based Heritage Site Inventory andManagement SystemDAVID MYERS AND AL I SON DALG ITY

58 Heritage Recording and InformationManagement as a Tool for PreventiveConservation, Maintenance, and Monitoring:The Approach of Monumentenwacht in theFlemish Region (Belgium)ANOUK STULENS , VEERLE MEUL , AND NE ZA


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FRANK MATEROUniversity of Pennsylvania

Figure 1. Painted Tower, Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde, 1934. Beginning in the 1930s, a team of Americanarchaeologists, photographers, and architects developed a highly effective hybrid method of site documentationbefore and after intervention by combining the precision of large format photography with the conventions ofarchitectural drawings. This annotated composite record anticipates the later requirements of heritagedocumentation, which was first realized through transparent photo-mechanical overlays and today through digitalmedia such as geographic information systems. (Photo by Markley, cour tesy National Park Service, Mesa VerdeNational Park)

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Innovation has always played an important role in heritage conservation. The interdis-ciplinary requirements of the field have required professionals to think creatively and to

employ a wide variety of techniques and methodologies. While disciplinary collaborationis well established, the technological revolution in the capture, analysis, and disseminationof information is evolving at a rapid pace, requiring constant reevaluation of the goals andobjectives of heritage documentation. Mainstream technology is now available that allowsprofessionals not only to gather and process data precisely and efficiently, but also all oncompatible platforms. This is a critical requirement as an increasing number of diversespecialists with their own language and data requirements contribute to the conservationproject and a more informed public demands access to that information.

Previous and current efforts to address these needs include the activities of theRecorDIM (Recording, Documentation, and Information Management) Initiative, a projectthat developed out of four years of workshops organized by the Committee for Documen-tation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA Heritage Documentation) jointly sponsored by ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites) and ISPRS (International Society forPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing) from 1995 until 1999. The result of these years ofwork was the RecorDIM Initiative, founded in 2002 by ICOMOS, CIPA Heritage Documen-tation, and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). From the beginning the partners rec-ognized the ‘‘critical gaps between those who provide recording, documentation, andinformation management tools and professionals in cultural heritage management whouse the tools,’’ a reality uncovered over the course of the initial workshops in the 1990s.1

As a result, the following goals were identified:

1. To improve perception and communication in recording, documentation, andinformation management;

2. To integrate communication in recording, documentation, and information man-agement activities into the conservation process;

3. To increase resources for documentation;4. To define, develop, and promote documentation tools;5. To disseminate information; and6. To make available training/learning programs.2

Most cultural heritage professionals agree that the need for a more sophisticatedunderstanding of technology is a critical one; however, ‘‘bridging the gap’’ between the

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FRANK MATEROUniversity of Pennsylvania

Figure 1. Painted Tower, Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde, 1934. Beginning in the 1930s, a team of Americanarchaeologists, photographers, and architects developed a highly effective hybrid method of site documentationbefore and after intervention by combining the precision of large format photography with the conventions ofarchitectural drawings. This annotated composite record anticipates the later requirements of heritagedocumentation, which was first realized through transparent photo-mechanical overlays and today through digitalmedia such as geographic information systems. (Photo by Markley, cour tesy National Park Service, Mesa VerdeNational Park)

................. 18237$ $CH1 04-24-12 09:10:04 PS

Innovation has always played an important role in heritage conservation. The interdis-ciplinary requirements of the field have required professionals to think creatively and to

employ a wide variety of techniques and methodologies. While disciplinary collaborationis well established, the technological revolution in the capture, analysis, and disseminationof information is evolving at a rapid pace, requiring constant reevaluation of the goals andobjectives of heritage documentation. Mainstream technology is now available that allowsprofessionals not only to gather and process data precisely and efficiently, but also all oncompatible platforms. This is a critical requirement as an increasing number of diversespecialists with their own language and data requirements contribute to the conservationproject and a more informed public demands access to that information.

Previous and current efforts to address these needs include the activities of theRecorDIM (Recording, Documentation, and Information Management) Initiative, a projectthat developed out of four years of workshops organized by the Committee for Documen-tation of Cultural Heritage (CIPA Heritage Documentation) jointly sponsored by ICOMOS(International Council on Monuments and Sites) and ISPRS (International Society forPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing) from 1995 until 1999. The result of these years ofwork was the RecorDIM Initiative, founded in 2002 by ICOMOS, CIPA Heritage Documen-tation, and the Getty Conservation Institute (GCI). From the beginning the partners rec-ognized the ‘‘critical gaps between those who provide recording, documentation, andinformation management tools and professionals in cultural heritage management whouse the tools,’’ a reality uncovered over the course of the initial workshops in the 1990s.1

As a result, the following goals were identified:

1. To improve perception and communication in recording, documentation, andinformation management;

2. To integrate communication in recording, documentation, and information man-agement activities into the conservation process;

3. To increase resources for documentation;4. To define, develop, and promote documentation tools;5. To disseminate information; and6. To make available training/learning programs.2

Most cultural heritage professionals agree that the need for a more sophisticatedunderstanding of technology is a critical one; however, ‘‘bridging the gap’’ between the

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4 C H A N G E O V E R T I M E


user and provider must be addressed through education on both sides that seeks instead

to narrow that gap. While heritage conservation’s unique research and management needs

argue for specific requirements in documentation and recording, it is worth asking

whether activities such as software development are the most appropriate place for cul-

tural heritage organizations to invest their time and energy. Similarly, it would be foolish

to embrace uncritically technologies developed for situations and applications removed

from the immediate and especially long-term obligations of heritage stewardship. The

promise of ultimate data capture of a resource now for future use is a seductive opportu-

nity that should be considered in light of other requirements and often more immediate

needs such as its versatility and ability to be used in simultaneous applications by a variety

of specialists as well as site managers. Data that is difficult to manipulate, transfer, and

migrate, no matter how exact, does not satisfy the requirements of most cultural heritage


Ultimately all conservation projects, especially those that require documentation and

information management, must include discussions about digital tools. As long as we

continue to treat digital technology as outside the conservation process or as an after-

thought, we will fail to inform, manage, and educate effectively. Despite its widespread

presence, the use of digital technology in the field of conservation/preservation is only

recently being considered as a topic to be studied in and of itself. Many important initia-

tives have occurred within individual organizations; however, the time has come to begin

formalizing this new and necessary component of cultural management. The expansion of

courses in the application of digital media for cultural resources is now greatly needed as

the next step in shaping the future of the field and its practitioners.

This collection of papers, the second group to be published from SMARTdoc: Heritage

Recording, Documentation, and Information Management in the Digital Age, held in Phil-

adelphia on November 19–20, 2010, focuses on the manipulation and application of col-

lected data for the analysis and management of cultural resources. Together with the

papers of the previous issue of Change Over Time (Volume 1.2, Fall 2011), which focused

on digital recording and image capture, we offer a snapshot of current thinking and appli-

cations in the recording, documentation, and information management of built heritage.

While the technology will undoubtedly change, even by the time this issue is released, we

believe the questions raised will continue to inform future research in the years to come.

References1. ‘‘Recording, Documentation, and Information Management (RecorDIM) Initiative,’’ Getty ConservationInstitute, (accessed March 17, 2012).

2. Ibid.

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user and provider must be addressed through education on both sides that seeks instead

to narrow that gap. While heritage conservation’s unique research and management needs

argue for specific requirements in documentation and recording, it is worth asking

whether activities such as software development are the most appropriate place for cul-

tural heritage organizations to invest their time and energy. Similarly, it would be foolish

to embrace uncritically technologies developed for situations and applications removed

from the immediate and especially long-term obligations of heritage stewardship. The

promise of ultimate data capture of a resource now for future use is a seductive opportu-

nity that should be considered in light of other requirements and often more immediate

needs such as its versatility and ability to be used in simultaneous applications by a variety

of specialists as well as site managers. Data that is difficult to manipulate, transfer, and

migrate, no matter how exact, does not satisfy the requirements of most cultural heritage


Ultimately all conservation projects, especially those that require documentation and

information management, must include discussions about digital tools. As long as we

continue to treat digital technology as outside the conservation process or as an after-

thought, we will fail to inform, manage, and educate effectively. Despite its widespread

presence, the use of digital technology in the field of conservation/preservation is only

recently being considered as a topic to be studied in and of itself. Many important initia-

tives have occurred within individual organizations; however, the time has come to begin

formalizing this new and necessary component of cultural management. The expansion of

courses in the application of digital media for cultural resources is now greatly needed as

the next step in shaping the future of the field and its practitioners.

This collection of papers, the second group to be published from SMARTdoc: Heritage

Recording, Documentation, and Information Management in the Digital Age, held in Phil-

adelphia on November 19–20, 2010, focuses on the manipulation and application of col-

lected data for the analysis and management of cultural resources. Together with the

papers of the previous issue of Change Over Time (Volume 1.2, Fall 2011), which focused

on digital recording and image capture, we offer a snapshot of current thinking and appli-

cations in the recording, documentation, and information management of built heritage.

While the technology will undoubtedly change, even by the time this issue is released, we

believe the questions raised will continue to inform future research in the years to come.

References1. ‘‘Recording, Documentation, and Information Management (RecorDIM) Initiative,’’ Getty ConservationInstitute, (accessed March 17, 2012).

2. Ibid.

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AGAMEMNON GUS PANTEL, PH.D.Pantel, Del Cueto & Associates

Figure 1. Front facade of Iglesia San Jose as seen from the west. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

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The sixteenth-century church, Iglesia San Jose, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was placed on the World MonumentsWatch List in 2004. Originally known as the Iglesia de Santo Tomas de Aquino, it is considered by many scholarsto be one of the finest and oldest examples of Gothic-influenced religious architecture built by the Spanish inthe New World. Water infiltration and structural issues were at the core of the closing of the structure in 2002after which emergency conservation measures were developed together with a long-term restoration plan. Boththe development of the restoration plan and the conservation measures were enhanced by the use of ground-penetrating radar with both midrange and high-frequency antennas. Subsurface water infiltration and subsequentvoids were effectively mapped to help determine patterns of rainwater travel through the stone and rubblemasonry walls. Ground-penetrating radar results also provided evidence of multiple construction phases andmodifications and corroborated or enhanced architectural evidence used to understand the constructionsequences.

As an integral part of the long-term assessment of Iglesia San Jose, several surveysusing ground-penetrating radar (GPR) were conducted inside and outside the church to

help determine conditions, the existence of physical evidence of building campaigns, and

modifications to the church through time. Ground-penetrating radar is a reflection tech-

nique that works by transmitting low-powered microwave energy into a substance like the

ground. The use of GPR in this project was instrumental in changing the way historic

structures have been commonly studied in the Caribbean, where historic fabric investiga-

tions by architects and engineers usually involve destructive testing. The use of GPR in

Iglesia San Jose allowed the compilation of subsurface features and conditions of the his-

toric building fabric, not only in a nondestructive manner, but equally important, allowed

the examination of larger areas than otherwise possible with harmful and irreversible

techniques. GPR was selected as a way to image evidence of moisture and its distribution

and to identify the building’s original foundations, crypts, and construction elements in

selected portions of the church. Both the development of the restoration plan and the

conservation measures were enhanced by the use of ground-penetrating radar with both

midrange and high-frequency antennas.1 Four antennas were used for the GPR surveys in

Iglesia San Jose: 400 MHz, 900 MHz, 1000 MHz, and 1500 MHz.


The early-sixteenth-century church, Iglesia San Jose (San Jose Church), in San Juan, Puerto

Rico, is the second (and possibly) oldest extant European structure in the Western Hemi-

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AGAMEMNON GUS PANTEL, PH.D.Pantel, Del Cueto & Associates

Figure 1. Front facade of Iglesia San Jose as seen from the west. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:10:12 PS

The sixteenth-century church, Iglesia San Jose, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, was placed on the World MonumentsWatch List in 2004. Originally known as the Iglesia de Santo Tomas de Aquino, it is considered by many scholarsto be one of the finest and oldest examples of Gothic-influenced religious architecture built by the Spanish inthe New World. Water infiltration and structural issues were at the core of the closing of the structure in 2002after which emergency conservation measures were developed together with a long-term restoration plan. Boththe development of the restoration plan and the conservation measures were enhanced by the use of ground-penetrating radar with both midrange and high-frequency antennas. Subsurface water infiltration and subsequentvoids were effectively mapped to help determine patterns of rainwater travel through the stone and rubblemasonry walls. Ground-penetrating radar results also provided evidence of multiple construction phases andmodifications and corroborated or enhanced architectural evidence used to understand the constructionsequences.

As an integral part of the long-term assessment of Iglesia San Jose, several surveysusing ground-penetrating radar (GPR) were conducted inside and outside the church to

help determine conditions, the existence of physical evidence of building campaigns, and

modifications to the church through time. Ground-penetrating radar is a reflection tech-

nique that works by transmitting low-powered microwave energy into a substance like the

ground. The use of GPR in this project was instrumental in changing the way historic

structures have been commonly studied in the Caribbean, where historic fabric investiga-

tions by architects and engineers usually involve destructive testing. The use of GPR in

Iglesia San Jose allowed the compilation of subsurface features and conditions of the his-

toric building fabric, not only in a nondestructive manner, but equally important, allowed

the examination of larger areas than otherwise possible with harmful and irreversible

techniques. GPR was selected as a way to image evidence of moisture and its distribution

and to identify the building’s original foundations, crypts, and construction elements in

selected portions of the church. Both the development of the restoration plan and the

conservation measures were enhanced by the use of ground-penetrating radar with both

midrange and high-frequency antennas.1 Four antennas were used for the GPR surveys in

Iglesia San Jose: 400 MHz, 900 MHz, 1000 MHz, and 1500 MHz.


The early-sixteenth-century church, Iglesia San Jose (San Jose Church), in San Juan, Puerto

Rico, is the second (and possibly) oldest extant European structure in the Western Hemi-

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8 C H A N G E O V E R T I M E


sphere. The church was originally known as the Iglesia de Santo Tomas de Aquino, and it is

considered by many scholars to be one of the first and finest examples of Gothic-influenced

religious architecture built by the Spanish in the New World. Water infiltration and struc-

tural issues were at the core of the building’s closing in 2002, after which emergency

conservation measures were developed together with a long-term restoration plan. In

2004 it was placed on the World Monuments Fund’s World Monuments Watch List.

Iglesia San Jose was constructed from 1532 to 1735 by the Dominican Order as the

church to their adjacent monastery in Old San Juan. Throughout its 478 years, the climatic

ravages of a subtropical setting and the lack of timely preventive maintenance have con-

tributed to the cumulative toll on the building. Its closure to the public, approximately ten

years ago, resulted from a safety concern by the Archdiocese of San Juan. The closing of

the church served to accelerate general deterioration due in a large part to water infiltra-

tion from unchecked rainwater drainage, trapped humidity, and the encroachment of large

vegetation on its roofs.

In 2002 Pantel, del Cueto & Associates was contacted by the Archdiocese to assess

and develop measures for the building to allow it to return to its functioning state as

a parochial church and an active historic landmark. Given this charge, the church was

systematically surveyed from 2003 to 2006 to determine the actual condition of its fabric,

utilizing different evaluation strategies. This included systematic visual inspection of sur-

face conditions, historic documentary comparisons, laser surveys, thermal scans, ground-

penetrating radar, and materials sampling and analysis. The conservation issues of Iglesia

San Jose presented unique problems, resulting from a complex set of construction episodes

that utilized Old World templates but modified them to local materials, workmanship, and

climatic conditions.

Lacking any clear historical records of the various changes to the church, let alone

any writings or drawings of the original construction, the condition assessment of

Iglesia San Jose included the use of historic urban graphics that prominently showed

the church to determine changes in plan as well as a structural analysis that utilized

nondestructive testing and traditional documentation techniques. The assessment

resulted in the establishment of a set of hypothetical building phases from the sixteenth

through the eighteenth centuries, based initially on cartographic data and later on con-

struction methodologies.

Some of the first steps taken in the intervention into this historic landmark were

emergency measures to reopen the natural ventilation of the church, abate the entrance

of pigeons, rechannel rainwater drainage from the roofs, and most significantly, provide

shoring for the church’s sections of Gothic vaulting. Consolidation of plasters containing

significant early murals was also performed.

The bulk of the Iglesia San Jose GPR surveys was conducted using a Geophysical

Survey Systems (GSSI) GPR unit consisting of a digital console, a cable, and an antenna.

Four antennas were alternatively used: a 400-MHz antenna, which allowed data collection

to approximately three meters deep, and higher frequency 900-MHz, 1000-MHz, and

1500-MHz antennas to determine shallower subsurface architectural and/or constructive

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Figure 2. Graphic illustration of the hypothetical building phases of Iglesia San Jose based on car tographyand structural investigations. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

sequence elements located less than a meter in depth within walls and floors.2 The data

were initially examined as raw radargrams and selective survey data sets were postpro-

cessed using GPR-SLICE software.

Four distinct survey issues will be illustrated. The first is a general survey carried out

to determine the viability of ground-penetrating radar for Iglesia San Jose and a general

overview of the subsurface conditions of its interior. A second example examines the use

of GPR with a high-frequency antenna to assess the construction sequence of the expan-sion of a lateral chapel along the southern face of the church. A third example demon-strates the application of GPR to determine the locations and extent of subsurfacefoundations for the structural engineers of the project. The fourth example illustrates theapplication of GPR as both a documentation and administrative tool in providing informa-tion for the reopening of one of the principal connections between the original sixteenth-century convent and San Jose as its conventual church. A final example shows how thesoftware and interpretation of GPR data can make a significant difference in the properassessment and documentation of a historic structure.

The First GPR Survey—Exploratory Sounding

Prior to the installation of the structural shoring of the church’s Gothic section, an initialground-penetrating radar survey was done in January 2004 of the entire central nave todetermine the viability of using ground-penetrating radar at the site, and to provide aninitial evaluation of the subsurface condition of the church floors as well as the potentialfor crypts or structural remains.

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sphere. The church was originally known as the Iglesia de Santo Tomas de Aquino, and it is

considered by many scholars to be one of the first and finest examples of Gothic-influenced

religious architecture built by the Spanish in the New World. Water infiltration and struc-

tural issues were at the core of the building’s closing in 2002, after which emergency

conservation measures were developed together with a long-term restoration plan. In

2004 it was placed on the World Monuments Fund’s World Monuments Watch List.

Iglesia San Jose was constructed from 1532 to 1735 by the Dominican Order as the

church to their adjacent monastery in Old San Juan. Throughout its 478 years, the climatic

ravages of a subtropical setting and the lack of timely preventive maintenance have con-

tributed to the cumulative toll on the building. Its closure to the public, approximately ten

years ago, resulted from a safety concern by the Archdiocese of San Juan. The closing of

the church served to accelerate general deterioration due in a large part to water infiltra-

tion from unchecked rainwater drainage, trapped humidity, and the encroachment of large

vegetation on its roofs.

In 2002 Pantel, del Cueto & Associates was contacted by the Archdiocese to assess

and develop measures for the building to allow it to return to its functioning state as

a parochial church and an active historic landmark. Given this charge, the church was

systematically surveyed from 2003 to 2006 to determine the actual condition of its fabric,

utilizing different evaluation strategies. This included systematic visual inspection of sur-

face conditions, historic documentary comparisons, laser surveys, thermal scans, ground-

penetrating radar, and materials sampling and analysis. The conservation issues of Iglesia

San Jose presented unique problems, resulting from a complex set of construction episodes

that utilized Old World templates but modified them to local materials, workmanship, and

climatic conditions.

Lacking any clear historical records of the various changes to the church, let alone

any writings or drawings of the original construction, the condition assessment of

Iglesia San Jose included the use of historic urban graphics that prominently showed

the church to determine changes in plan as well as a structural analysis that utilized

nondestructive testing and traditional documentation techniques. The assessment

resulted in the establishment of a set of hypothetical building phases from the sixteenth

through the eighteenth centuries, based initially on cartographic data and later on con-

struction methodologies.

Some of the first steps taken in the intervention into this historic landmark were

emergency measures to reopen the natural ventilation of the church, abate the entrance

of pigeons, rechannel rainwater drainage from the roofs, and most significantly, provide

shoring for the church’s sections of Gothic vaulting. Consolidation of plasters containing

significant early murals was also performed.

The bulk of the Iglesia San Jose GPR surveys was conducted using a Geophysical

Survey Systems (GSSI) GPR unit consisting of a digital console, a cable, and an antenna.

Four antennas were alternatively used: a 400-MHz antenna, which allowed data collection

to approximately three meters deep, and higher frequency 900-MHz, 1000-MHz, and

1500-MHz antennas to determine shallower subsurface architectural and/or constructive

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Figure 2. Graphic illustration of the hypothetical building phases of Iglesia San Jose based on car tographyand structural investigations. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

sequence elements located less than a meter in depth within walls and floors.2 The data

were initially examined as raw radargrams and selective survey data sets were postpro-

cessed using GPR-SLICE software.

Four distinct survey issues will be illustrated. The first is a general survey carried out

to determine the viability of ground-penetrating radar for Iglesia San Jose and a general

overview of the subsurface conditions of its interior. A second example examines the use

of GPR with a high-frequency antenna to assess the construction sequence of the expan-sion of a lateral chapel along the southern face of the church. A third example demon-strates the application of GPR to determine the locations and extent of subsurfacefoundations for the structural engineers of the project. The fourth example illustrates theapplication of GPR as both a documentation and administrative tool in providing informa-tion for the reopening of one of the principal connections between the original sixteenth-century convent and San Jose as its conventual church. A final example shows how thesoftware and interpretation of GPR data can make a significant difference in the properassessment and documentation of a historic structure.

The First GPR Survey—Exploratory Sounding

Prior to the installation of the structural shoring of the church’s Gothic section, an initialground-penetrating radar survey was done in January 2004 of the entire central nave todetermine the viability of using ground-penetrating radar at the site, and to provide aninitial evaluation of the subsurface condition of the church floors as well as the potentialfor crypts or structural remains.

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Figure 3. GPR-Slice detail indicating the extent of subsurface moisture (medium gray, concentrated atright) along the southern sections of Iglesia San Jose. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

Several very important anomalies were seen in the GPR data, with the most obvious

being subsurface moisture distribution as well as three crypts or tombs. Radar anomalies

surrounding the easternmost set of columns along the north aisle indicated earlier foot-

ings of the interface between the early Gothic construction and the subsequent additions.

The GPR-SLICE data indicated a faintly visible wall, partition, or even previous struc-

tures within the central portion of the nave to the immediate north of the main western

entrance. Radar readings also showed rectilinear lines within the floor of the central nave,

which suggested possible underground utilities, most likely abandoned. At the eastern end

of the church where the raised altar platform begins, there were indications of foundations

associated with the principal Gothic columns of the altar and that of the main vault area.

What the results of this initial survey clearly showed in red (herein indicated as light

gray in the black and white image) were areas of subsurface water infiltration, which is

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:11:33 PS

identified by its horizontal distribution across the floors of the church as well as by the

degree of depth of water penetration. This information was significant for the architect of

the project in that these maps provided insights into the intensity of water infiltration

through the rubble masonry walls, the exact location of penetration, and, given the knowl-

edge of the subsurface soils, the potential for floor collapses in specific parts of the church.

Additional information provided by the first GPR survey indicated deep remnants of

potential scaffolding post molds under the barrel-arched central nave of the church. These

scaffolds would have most likely been used in the central nave’s conversion from a pitched

gable roof to the present barrel-vaulted nave. The apparent depths of these elements are

also significant in determining the integrity of possible early Christian burials, which

would have been located in what was previously the western campo santo of the conventual


The Second GPR Survey—Capilla de Belen Chapel Walls

Having determined that using ground-penetrating radar data within the church was

potentially productive, a second GPR survey was conducted in June 2006 to search for

evidence of multiple construction phases or modifications and to corroborate or enhance

architectural evidence used to understand the construction sequences. Specifically, it was

not known whether the modification of the Capilla de Belen (Belen chapel) to the south of

the Gothic section was completed as an extension of a previous construction or a com-

pletely ‘‘new’’ construction.

The west-facing wall of the Capilla de Belen was surveyed using a 1000-MHz antenna

systematically pulled along transects 25 centimeters apart, and the data were postpro-

cessed in GPR-SLICE to create an animated map of anomalies3 that may be associated

with construction events. Based on the radargram data, there was no evidence of multiple

construction episodes for this wall, even though the previous architectural analysis indi-

cated an expansion of the chapel in this direction. Hence, based on the GPR data, a possible

scenario for the lack of sequential construction expansions for this wall may have been a

consequence of the complete removal of a previous wall and the subsequent construction

of a new wall for the expansion.

The Third GPR Survey—Structural Foundations

In February 2007 a third GPR survey was carried out both inside and outside the church

along the principal walls to determine the locations and nature of structural foundations

so as to assist the structural engineers4 in their development of dynamic models.

Single profiles were done with a 400-MHz antenna immediately along the inside and

outside walls of the church. Using the raw radargrams, areas indicating evidence of subsur-

face anomalies were identified as potential loci for building foundations. Based on these

readings, a set of test excavations were proposed for ground-truthing of the data. The use

of point-specific excavations was important, not just from a cost/time factor, but more

importantly, it allowed the Archdiocese’s request for the government permit for archaeo-

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Figure 3. GPR-Slice detail indicating the extent of subsurface moisture (medium gray, concentrated atright) along the southern sections of Iglesia San Jose. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

Several very important anomalies were seen in the GPR data, with the most obvious

being subsurface moisture distribution as well as three crypts or tombs. Radar anomalies

surrounding the easternmost set of columns along the north aisle indicated earlier foot-

ings of the interface between the early Gothic construction and the subsequent additions.

The GPR-SLICE data indicated a faintly visible wall, partition, or even previous struc-

tures within the central portion of the nave to the immediate north of the main western

entrance. Radar readings also showed rectilinear lines within the floor of the central nave,

which suggested possible underground utilities, most likely abandoned. At the eastern end

of the church where the raised altar platform begins, there were indications of foundations

associated with the principal Gothic columns of the altar and that of the main vault area.

What the results of this initial survey clearly showed in red (herein indicated as light

gray in the black and white image) were areas of subsurface water infiltration, which is

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:11:33 PS

identified by its horizontal distribution across the floors of the church as well as by the

degree of depth of water penetration. This information was significant for the architect of

the project in that these maps provided insights into the intensity of water infiltration

through the rubble masonry walls, the exact location of penetration, and, given the knowl-

edge of the subsurface soils, the potential for floor collapses in specific parts of the church.

Additional information provided by the first GPR survey indicated deep remnants of

potential scaffolding post molds under the barrel-arched central nave of the church. These

scaffolds would have most likely been used in the central nave’s conversion from a pitched

gable roof to the present barrel-vaulted nave. The apparent depths of these elements are

also significant in determining the integrity of possible early Christian burials, which

would have been located in what was previously the western campo santo of the conventual


The Second GPR Survey—Capilla de Belen Chapel Walls

Having determined that using ground-penetrating radar data within the church was

potentially productive, a second GPR survey was conducted in June 2006 to search for

evidence of multiple construction phases or modifications and to corroborate or enhance

architectural evidence used to understand the construction sequences. Specifically, it was

not known whether the modification of the Capilla de Belen (Belen chapel) to the south of

the Gothic section was completed as an extension of a previous construction or a com-

pletely ‘‘new’’ construction.

The west-facing wall of the Capilla de Belen was surveyed using a 1000-MHz antenna

systematically pulled along transects 25 centimeters apart, and the data were postpro-

cessed in GPR-SLICE to create an animated map of anomalies3 that may be associated

with construction events. Based on the radargram data, there was no evidence of multiple

construction episodes for this wall, even though the previous architectural analysis indi-

cated an expansion of the chapel in this direction. Hence, based on the GPR data, a possible

scenario for the lack of sequential construction expansions for this wall may have been a

consequence of the complete removal of a previous wall and the subsequent construction

of a new wall for the expansion.

The Third GPR Survey—Structural Foundations

In February 2007 a third GPR survey was carried out both inside and outside the church

along the principal walls to determine the locations and nature of structural foundations

so as to assist the structural engineers4 in their development of dynamic models.

Single profiles were done with a 400-MHz antenna immediately along the inside and

outside walls of the church. Using the raw radargrams, areas indicating evidence of subsur-

face anomalies were identified as potential loci for building foundations. Based on these

readings, a set of test excavations were proposed for ground-truthing of the data. The use

of point-specific excavations was important, not just from a cost/time factor, but more

importantly, it allowed the Archdiocese’s request for the government permit for archaeo-

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Figure 4. GPR-Slice data set showing subsurface anomalies indicative of early walls in the central navearea (top) and anomalies which appear to be traces of scaffolding footings installed during theconstruction of the central nave barrel vault (bottom). (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

logical testing to be significantly expedited. This was a critical factor given the known

potential for encountering early Christian burials within and around the church itself.

The results of the GPR survey and the test results were provided to the structural

engineers and project architect and facilitated the development of the restoration plans

for both the Gothic areas as well as the remainder of the church.

The Fourth GPR Survey—Convento de los Dominicos Bounding Wall

When the secularization of many religious buildings was imposed by the Spanish Crown

in the middle of the nineteenth century in Puerto Rico, the primary connections between

the Convento de los Dominicos (Dominican Convent) and Iglesia San Jose were sealed.

Although the original doors and archway of the connection was left intact, bricks and

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Figure 5. Using a 1000-MHz antenna, Dr. Dean Goodman ran GPR transects along the western wall of theCapilla de Belen (top); and a GPR-Slice image of the high-frequency antenna data superimposed on thewest wall of Capilla de Belen showing the absence of multiple construction episodes (bottom). (Pantel,del Cueto & Associates)

rubble masonry were used to infill the doorway, sealing the wall of San Jose and the

southern gallery of the convent, which was subsequently converted into a military bar-

racks. Hence, church and state became physically separated.

Later-twentieth-century interventions added significant coverings of cement plasters

to the convent walls as the structure was converted into the headquarters of the Institute

of Puerto Rican Culture in the 1950s. A final recent conversion of this building was under-

taken to adapt the convent into the National Gallery of Art of Puerto Rico. Through all

these modifications, the end result has been the loss of the physical and conceptual rela-

tionship between Iglesia San Jose and the original Convento de los Dominicos.

Rediscovered within San Jose in the late 1970s, the doorway remained as a vestigial

opening without function, while the convent’s southern gallery continued to be a single

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Figure 4. GPR-Slice data set showing subsurface anomalies indicative of early walls in the central navearea (top) and anomalies which appear to be traces of scaffolding footings installed during theconstruction of the central nave barrel vault (bottom). (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

logical testing to be significantly expedited. This was a critical factor given the known

potential for encountering early Christian burials within and around the church itself.

The results of the GPR survey and the test results were provided to the structural

engineers and project architect and facilitated the development of the restoration plans

for both the Gothic areas as well as the remainder of the church.

The Fourth GPR Survey—Convento de los Dominicos Bounding Wall

When the secularization of many religious buildings was imposed by the Spanish Crown

in the middle of the nineteenth century in Puerto Rico, the primary connections between

the Convento de los Dominicos (Dominican Convent) and Iglesia San Jose were sealed.

Although the original doors and archway of the connection was left intact, bricks and

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:12:47 PS

Figure 5. Using a 1000-MHz antenna, Dr. Dean Goodman ran GPR transects along the western wall of theCapilla de Belen (top); and a GPR-Slice image of the high-frequency antenna data superimposed on thewest wall of Capilla de Belen showing the absence of multiple construction episodes (bottom). (Pantel,del Cueto & Associates)

rubble masonry were used to infill the doorway, sealing the wall of San Jose and the

southern gallery of the convent, which was subsequently converted into a military bar-

racks. Hence, church and state became physically separated.

Later-twentieth-century interventions added significant coverings of cement plasters

to the convent walls as the structure was converted into the headquarters of the Institute

of Puerto Rican Culture in the 1950s. A final recent conversion of this building was under-

taken to adapt the convent into the National Gallery of Art of Puerto Rico. Through all

these modifications, the end result has been the loss of the physical and conceptual rela-

tionship between Iglesia San Jose and the original Convento de los Dominicos.

Rediscovered within San Jose in the late 1970s, the doorway remained as a vestigial

opening without function, while the convent’s southern gallery continued to be a single

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Figure 6. Examples of the documentation of controlled minimal subsurface excavations carried out tocorroborate GPR survey data for structural foundations. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

blank wall, devoid of any relationship to its sister building. In an effort to both reestablishthe conceptual ties of the two structures for the twenty-first century and, equally impor-tant, to provide a significant point of natural ventilation, the decision was made to reopenthe doorway that had been sealed for more than 150 years. What then appeared to be arelatively simple operation of breaking open the doorway soon became an administrativeissue between the church and the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture who owned the newNational Gallery. Although the general location of the opening on the convent side couldhave been determined by lineal measurement from the front facades and/or by simpledrilling from the church side, the government officials were wary of how the openingwould affect the visual aspect of the new gallery walls. In an effort to assuage these con-cerns, the GPR data were able to provide the scientific documentation of exactly wherethe limits of the opening would be on the convent side. A fixed gate for the reopeneddoorway was agreed upon beforehand as protection for both institutions.

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Figure 7. Documentation showing the location and condition of the principal access door between thenor th wall of Iglesia San Jose and its adjoining convent, which was sealed in the nineteenth century.(Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

A single profile GPR survey was done on the full length of the southern corridor wall

of the National Gallery. The results of the GPR survey provided clear evidence of the

location and dimensions of the original convent-church doorway along the National Gal-

lery wall and allowed the architect to submit a set of drawings with the GPR readings and

the exact location of where the wall would be reopened. Based on this information,

obtained through a nondestructive and precise method without having to break any wall

surfaces initially, the permit was given by the Institute to allow the doorway to be

reopened. As a final result, the connection between the convent and its church are now

clearly seen by visitors to both the National Gallery and the church, as well as providing

needed ventilation for the stability of San Jose.

A Final Example—Capilla de Belen Floor

To determine the subsurface condition of the Capilla de Belen, a GPR survey of the floor

of this space was recommended. Although the initial purpose of this survey area was to

determine subsurface moisture and the potential for Gothic-period stepped foundations

in the southeastern corner of the chapel itself, the most significant event recorded by the

GPR survey within the Capilla de Belen were early walls adjacent to the northern entrance

to the chapel. As can be seen in the GPR-SLICE data, a small rectangular feature appears

near the entrance to the chapel at approximately one meter below the present surface of

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Figure 6. Examples of the documentation of controlled minimal subsurface excavations carried out tocorroborate GPR survey data for structural foundations. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

blank wall, devoid of any relationship to its sister building. In an effort to both reestablishthe conceptual ties of the two structures for the twenty-first century and, equally impor-tant, to provide a significant point of natural ventilation, the decision was made to reopenthe doorway that had been sealed for more than 150 years. What then appeared to be arelatively simple operation of breaking open the doorway soon became an administrativeissue between the church and the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture who owned the newNational Gallery. Although the general location of the opening on the convent side couldhave been determined by lineal measurement from the front facades and/or by simpledrilling from the church side, the government officials were wary of how the openingwould affect the visual aspect of the new gallery walls. In an effort to assuage these con-cerns, the GPR data were able to provide the scientific documentation of exactly wherethe limits of the opening would be on the convent side. A fixed gate for the reopeneddoorway was agreed upon beforehand as protection for both institutions.

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:13:22 PS

Figure 7. Documentation showing the location and condition of the principal access door between thenor th wall of Iglesia San Jose and its adjoining convent, which was sealed in the nineteenth century.(Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

A single profile GPR survey was done on the full length of the southern corridor wall

of the National Gallery. The results of the GPR survey provided clear evidence of the

location and dimensions of the original convent-church doorway along the National Gal-

lery wall and allowed the architect to submit a set of drawings with the GPR readings and

the exact location of where the wall would be reopened. Based on this information,

obtained through a nondestructive and precise method without having to break any wall

surfaces initially, the permit was given by the Institute to allow the doorway to be

reopened. As a final result, the connection between the convent and its church are now

clearly seen by visitors to both the National Gallery and the church, as well as providing

needed ventilation for the stability of San Jose.

A Final Example—Capilla de Belen Floor

To determine the subsurface condition of the Capilla de Belen, a GPR survey of the floor

of this space was recommended. Although the initial purpose of this survey area was to

determine subsurface moisture and the potential for Gothic-period stepped foundations

in the southeastern corner of the chapel itself, the most significant event recorded by the

GPR survey within the Capilla de Belen were early walls adjacent to the northern entrance

to the chapel. As can be seen in the GPR-SLICE data, a small rectangular feature appears

near the entrance to the chapel at approximately one meter below the present surface of

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Figure 8. GPR-Slice data at one meter below surface of the floor of the Capilla de Belen showing thelocation of a right-angle subsurface anomaly. This feature is shown superimposed over the present groundfloor plan. The alignment of this subsurface anomaly appears to indicate an original southern extension ofthe early sixteenth-century Gothic facade of Iglesia San Jose. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

the floor. When these data were overlaid onto the present floor plan by the architects, the

location and configuration of this anomaly indicated the presence of a clear extension of

the original sixteenth-century Gothic facade extending to the south into what is now the

Capilla de Belen.

This final example is a classic demonstration of how the selection and use of specific

software can make a significant difference in the interpretation of the data collected by a

GPR hardware unit.

Final Comments and Summary

The sequence of ground-penetrating radar surveys carried out in San Jose has shown that

evidence of construction campaigns and modifications are still visible in the subsurface

archaeological record. Anomalies and subsurface features are evident in both the raw

radargrams as well as in the data processed using GPR-SLICE software.

The use of GPR as a nondestructive tool in condition surveys allows researchers to

cover significantly larger areas than destructive and irreversible methods. The use of the

newer technologies in the Caribbean has been extremely limited in large part due to the

common belief that the techniques require expensive equipment and sophisticated techni-

cal know-how. Often, this is further exacerbated by the haphazard approach to interven-

tions of historic buildings. Government agencies involved in the regulation of historic

properties usually favor familiar methods to study or resolve a specific issue over that of

................. 18237$ $CH2 04-24-12 09:13:44 PS

newer methods aimed at identifying causality prior to any intervention. The ‘‘quick-fix’’

resolves only the immediate problem in a specific area, but does not provide a solution

to the overall condition nor does it identify the problem’s source. The practice of these

inappropriate interventions into the historic fabric, without understanding the causes of

the problems through systematic survey and analysis, most often results in the accelerated

and/or expanded deterioration of the property.

Nondestructive testing, such as GPR, provides insights into problems occurring below

the surface without having to destroy historic fabric and can be cost-effective in maintain-

ing the integrity of singular historic evidence such as that of Iglesia San Jose. As in all

scientific work, negative data are just as valuable as positive data; therefore, the applica-

tion of ground-penetrating radar, while not a panacea, can greatly help in determining not

only areas that are problematic, such as subsurface water infiltration, but can also show

those areas that are devoid of any conservation issues. In this sense, the information

provided by systematic and/or problem-specific GPR surveys in historic sites and struc-

tures can be just as much an administrative as a documentation tool.


I would like to thank the following: Architect Beatriz del Cueto, FAIA, for all the back-

ground information and her unparalleled collaboration in all phases of the work. Dr. Kent

Schneider and Dr. Dean Goodman gave their time and knowledge to successfully carry out

the ground-penetrating radar projects and did the processing and analysis of the Iglesia

San Jose data sets. Dr. Dean Goodman is also to be thanked for his development and

generous support in using his GPR-SLICE software. Dr. Paola A. Schiappacasse who

assisted in all phases of the archaeology programs and in the GPR surveys. The Archdio-

cese of San Juan for their support and interest in protecting and restoring this unique

New World structure. The architecture students from the Polytechnic University of Puerto

Rico who helped in the GPR surveys carried out in the Plaza San Jose adjacent to the

southern entrance to Iglesia San Jose. Prof. Frank Matero and Dr. Mario Santana for organ-

izing SMARTdoc at a time when technology and documentation need to take stock of the

past and future.

Further ReadingConyers, Larry B., and Dean Goodman. Ground Penetrating Radar: An Introduction for Archaeologists. (Wal-

nut Creek, Calif.: Altamira Press, 1997).Del Cueto, Beatriz and Yaritza Hernandez. Proyecto de Conservacion Iglesia San Jose Data Historica: Crono-

logıa, Graficas y Bibliografia. Unpublished technical report, 2004.Del Cueto, Beatriz, Agamemnon G. Pantel, et al. Iglesia San Jose Conservation Project, Condition Assessment

Report. Unpublished technical report, 2006.Goodman, Dean, Kent Schneider, Yasushi Nishimura, Salvatore Piro, and Agamemnon G. Pantel. ‘‘Ground

Penetrating Radar Advances in Subsurface Imaging for Archaeology.’’ In Remote Sensing in Archaeol-ogy, ed. James Wiseman and Forouk El-Baz. (New York: Springer Press, 2006), 375.

GPR-SLICE,, Agamemnon G. Iglesia San Jose Ground Penetrating Radar Survey and Interpretation, Viejo San Juan,

Puerto Rico. Unpublished technical report, 2008.

P A N T E L T H E U S E O F G R O U N D - P E N E T R A T I N G R A D A R 1 7

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Figure 8. GPR-Slice data at one meter below surface of the floor of the Capilla de Belen showing thelocation of a right-angle subsurface anomaly. This feature is shown superimposed over the present groundfloor plan. The alignment of this subsurface anomaly appears to indicate an original southern extension ofthe early sixteenth-century Gothic facade of Iglesia San Jose. (Pantel, del Cueto & Associates)

the floor. When these data were overlaid onto the present floor plan by the architects, the

location and configuration of this anomaly indicated the presence of a clear extension of

the original sixteenth-century Gothic facade extending to the south into what is now the

Capilla de Belen.

This final example is a classic demonstration of how the selection and use of specific

software can make a significant difference in the interpretation of the data collected by a

GPR hardware unit.

Final Comments and Summary

The sequence of ground-penetrating radar surveys carried out in San Jose has shown that

evidence of construction campaigns and modifications are still visible in the subsurface

archaeological record. Anomalies and subsurface features are evident in both the raw

radargrams as well as in the data processed using GPR-SLICE software.

The use of GPR as a nondestructive tool in condition surveys allows researchers to

cover significantly larger areas than destructive and irreversible methods. The use of the

newer technologies in the Caribbean has been extremely limited in large part due to the

common belief that the techniques require expensive equipment and sophisticated techni-

cal know-how. Often, this is further exacerbated by the haphazard approach to interven-

tions of historic buildings. Government agencies involved in the regulation of historic

properties usually favor familiar methods to study or resolve a specific issue over that of

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newer methods aimed at identifying causality prior to any intervention. The ‘‘quick-fix’’

resolves only the immediate problem in a specific area, but does not provide a solution

to the overall condition nor does it identify the problem’s source. The practice of these

inappropriate interventions into the historic fabric, without understanding the causes of

the problems through systematic survey and analysis, most often results in the accelerated

and/or expanded deterioration of the property.

Nondestructive testing, such as GPR, provides insights into problems occurring below

the surface without having to destroy historic fabric and can be cost-effective in maintain-

ing the integrity of singular historic evidence such as that of Iglesia San Jose. As in all

scientific work, negative data are just as valuable as positive data; therefore, the applica-

tion of ground-penetrating radar, while not a panacea, can greatly help in determining not

only areas that are problematic, such as subsurface water infiltration, but can also show

those areas that are devoid of any conservation issues. In this sense, the information

provided by systematic and/or problem-specific GPR surveys in historic sites and struc-

tures can be just as much an administrative as a documentation tool.


I would like to thank the following: Architect Beatriz del Cueto, FAIA, for all the back-

ground information and her unparalleled collaboration in all phases of the work. Dr. Kent

Schneider and Dr. Dean Goodman gave their time and knowledge to successfully carry out

the ground-penetrating radar projects and did the processing and analysis of the Iglesia

San Jose data sets. Dr. Dean Goodman is also to be thanked for his development and

generous support in using his GPR-SLICE software. Dr. Paola A. Schiappacasse who

assisted in all phases of the archaeology programs and in the GPR surveys. The Archdio-

cese of San Juan for their support and interest in protecting and restoring this unique

New World structure. The architecture students from the Polytechnic University of Puerto

Rico who helped in the GPR surveys carried out in the Plaza San Jose adjacent to the

southern entrance to Iglesia San Jose. Prof. Frank Matero and Dr. Mario Santana for organ-

izing SMARTdoc at a time when technology and documentation need to take stock of the

past and future.

Further ReadingConyers, Larry B., and Dean Goodman. Ground Penetrating Radar: An Introduction for Archaeologists. (Wal-

nut Creek, Calif.: Altamira Press, 1997).Del Cueto, Beatriz and Yaritza Hernandez. Proyecto de Conservacion Iglesia San Jose Data Historica: Crono-

logıa, Graficas y Bibliografia. Unpublished technical report, 2004.Del Cueto, Beatriz, Agamemnon G. Pantel, et al. Iglesia San Jose Conservation Project, Condition Assessment

Report. Unpublished technical report, 2006.Goodman, Dean, Kent Schneider, Yasushi Nishimura, Salvatore Piro, and Agamemnon G. Pantel. ‘‘Ground

Penetrating Radar Advances in Subsurface Imaging for Archaeology.’’ In Remote Sensing in Archaeol-ogy, ed. James Wiseman and Forouk El-Baz. (New York: Springer Press, 2006), 375.

GPR-SLICE,, Agamemnon G. Iglesia San Jose Ground Penetrating Radar Survey and Interpretation, Viejo San Juan,

Puerto Rico. Unpublished technical report, 2008.

P A N T E L T H E U S E O F G R O U N D - P E N E T R A T I N G R A D A R 1 7

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Pantel, Agamemnon G. ‘‘Los Edificios Mas Antiguos del Nuevo Mundo. El Caso de la Iglesia de San Joseen San Juan de Puerto Rico: Estudios Previos y Proyecto de Conservacion.’’ In Actas del Seminario:El Edificio en la Ciudad Historica: Casos y Criterios de Intervencion, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,Programa de Master en Conservacion del Patrimonio Arquitectonico, Valencia, Espana. Unpublished pro-ceedings, 2008.

Pantel, Agamemnon G. and Paola A. Schiappacasse. Prospeccion Remota con Radar y Pruebas ArqueologicasEstructurales, Iglesia San Jose, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico. Unpublished technical report, 2009.

Robert Silman Associates. ‘‘Iglesia de San Jose San Juan, Puerto Rico: Preliminary Summary of Recom-mendations and Observations regarding the Structural Conditions of the Iglesia San Jose.’’ Unpub-lished technical report, 2003.

References1. The survey designs, data collection, processing and analyses of the surveys were done by archaeologistsDr. Kent Schneider and the author, in collaboration with geophysicist and GPR-SLICE software devel-oper Dr. Dean Goodman.

2. The higher the antenna frequency, the shorter the wavelength and penetration depth. A very gooddiscussion of time-depth analysis can be found in Conyers and Goodman (1997), 107–135. Depthestimates for targets identified with each antenna were achieved using the hyperbola-fitting methodprovided in GPR-SLICE software. For the Iglesia San Jose surveys, depth to targets was estimated usinga dielectric constant (velocity) for the time-to-depth conversion. True depth may vary from the appar-ent depth due to lateral and vertical variations in the dielectric constant and the depth of the targetssought. Resolution of targets with the 1500-MHz antenna was good to 20 centimeters in depth, the1000-MHz antenna to 40 centimeters, and the 900-MHz antenna to approximately 1.00 meter indepth. The 400-MHz antenna was used for accurate resolution to approximately 2.0 meters deep,beyond which the antenna signal was attenuated.

3. An ‘‘anomaly’’ in a GPR data set is any disturbance in the subsurface matrix.4. The structural engineers for the project were Robert Silman Associates, New York.

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Pantel, Agamemnon G. ‘‘Los Edificios Mas Antiguos del Nuevo Mundo. El Caso de la Iglesia de San Joseen San Juan de Puerto Rico: Estudios Previos y Proyecto de Conservacion.’’ In Actas del Seminario:El Edificio en la Ciudad Historica: Casos y Criterios de Intervencion, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia,Programa de Master en Conservacion del Patrimonio Arquitectonico, Valencia, Espana. Unpublished pro-ceedings, 2008.

Pantel, Agamemnon G. and Paola A. Schiappacasse. Prospeccion Remota con Radar y Pruebas ArqueologicasEstructurales, Iglesia San Jose, Viejo San Juan, Puerto Rico. Unpublished technical report, 2009.

Robert Silman Associates. ‘‘Iglesia de San Jose San Juan, Puerto Rico: Preliminary Summary of Recom-mendations and Observations regarding the Structural Conditions of the Iglesia San Jose.’’ Unpub-lished technical report, 2003.

References1. The survey designs, data collection, processing and analyses of the surveys were done by archaeologistsDr. Kent Schneider and the author, in collaboration with geophysicist and GPR-SLICE software devel-oper Dr. Dean Goodman.

2. The higher the antenna frequency, the shorter the wavelength and penetration depth. A very gooddiscussion of time-depth analysis can be found in Conyers and Goodman (1997), 107–135. Depthestimates for targets identified with each antenna were achieved using the hyperbola-fitting methodprovided in GPR-SLICE software. For the Iglesia San Jose surveys, depth to targets was estimated usinga dielectric constant (velocity) for the time-to-depth conversion. True depth may vary from the appar-ent depth due to lateral and vertical variations in the dielectric constant and the depth of the targetssought. Resolution of targets with the 1500-MHz antenna was good to 20 centimeters in depth, the1000-MHz antenna to 40 centimeters, and the 900-MHz antenna to approximately 1.00 meter indepth. The 400-MHz antenna was used for accurate resolution to approximately 2.0 meters deep,beyond which the antenna signal was attenuated.

3. An ‘‘anomaly’’ in a GPR data set is any disturbance in the subsurface matrix.4. The structural engineers for the project were Robert Silman Associates, New York.

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Frank MateroUniversity of Pennsylvania


Mario Santana Quintero Raymond Lemaire International

Centre for Conservation, University of Leuven


Kecia L. Fong Institute for Culture and Society,

University of Western Sydney

Rosa Lowinger Rosa Lowinger & Associates,

Conservation of Art + Architecture, Inc.


Meredith KellerUniversity of Pennsylvania


Nur AkinIstanbul Kultur University, Turkey

Erica AvramiWorld Monuments Fund

Luigia BindaPolitecnico di Milano, Italy

Daniel BluestoneUniversity of Virginia

Christine BoyerPrinceton University School of


John Dixon HuntUniversity of Pennsylvania

Jukka JokilehtoUniversity of Nova Gorica

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Randall Mason University of Pennsylvania

Robert MelnickUniversity of Oregon

Elizabeth MilroyWesleyan University

Steven SemesUniversity of Notre Dame

Jeanne Marie TeutonicoGetty Conservation Institute

Ron Van OersUNESCO

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Interpretation and DisplayF a l l 2 0 1 3

The Venice Charter at 50s p r i n g 2 0 1 4

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IntegrityF a l l 2 0 1 5

National Park Service Centenarys p r i n g 2 0 1 6

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