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The 2020-21 Pandemic Reader

This image of a large hand reaching for a mask-wearing pedestrian, appeared in many news-papers recently. Appearing as a graphic on a public building, it sym- bolizes the final phase of population control by the Deep State.

The links appearing below were all extracted from past issues of the The New World Intelligencer. Together, they give a broad overview of the research, both journalistic and scientific, that resulted in the articles linked to. The articles have been divided into sections for ease of access. A list of medical and other dissenting professionals appears at the end of this document. Finally, a list is given of the dissenting experts with each entry accompanied by information that captures their bona fides.

This Reader is a work in progress. Links that have become inactive or have been taken down are deleted, as well as older links that have been superseded by more comprehensive references are also removed, all as an ongoing process. A. K Dewdney count: 205 entries

General View- Summaries

GR: COVID-19 Coronavirus: A Fake Pandemic? Who’s Behind It? Global Economic, Social And Geopolitical Destabilization: < > Mar 8/20

LR: Virus Insanity: The Obvious Absurdity Of It All: <> Sep 3/20

GR: The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État And The “Great Reset”: <> Mar 10/21

FK: World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document: <> Apr 9/21

IW: The Global Deep State: A New World Order Brought To You by Covid-19: <> May 8/21

RPU: Former Head Scientist At Pfizer Says Covid Threat Is 100% Fake: <> Jul16/21

OG: The Approaching Storm; C. J. Hopkins: <> Sep11/21

RUM: 2030 UnMasked - For Those Preparing For What's Coming After Covid-19: <> Oc14/21

RUM: The Pivotal Moment — NWO: <> Nov30/21

FP: Billions Of People Are Affected By This & They Don't Realize It | Dr. Robert Malone 2021: <> Nov30/21

Origins of the Coronavirus

China DH: The Coronavirus Was Engineered By Scientists Using Genetic Procedures That Leave “Fingerprints”: <> Feb 18/20

TB: Event 201: Coronavirus Crisis Is Ushering In A New World Order — And It Was All Planned Out Last Fall: <> Oc04/20

DCC: WHO Insider Exposes GAVI, Bill Gates For Perpetrating Coronavirus Plandemic: <> Mar 10/21


AIM: Coronavirus False Flag Update: <> Feb 18/20

TNW: Medical Doctors Declare That The Pandemic Was Planned: <> Oc04/20

No (new) virus

NTK: China’s Chief Epidemiologist Admits COVID-19 Virus Was Never Proven To Exist: <> Mar 10/21

CWS: Spanish High Court Confirms That Coivid-19 Doers Not Exist: <> Oc14/21

WT: The Great 2020 Plandemic: Where’s The Corpus Delicti? No Body; No Crime: <> Sep 3/20

GR: The Identity Of The Virus: Health/Science Institutions Worldwide “Have No Record” Of SARS-COV-2 Isolation/Purification: <> Nov30/21

Testing for the virus

Tests meaningless

OG: Covid-19 PCR Tests Are Scientifically Meaningless: <> Dec 9/20

GP: President of Tanzania Didn’t Trust WHO So Sent Samples of Sheep, Goats, Bunny, Trees, Fruit and Car Oil for COVID Testing — The Results Are In, Poor Goat: May20/20

AN: Phantom Virus: In search Of Sars-CoV-2: <>

GR: The WHO Confirms That The Covid-19 PCR Test Is Flawed: Estimates Of “Positive Cases” Are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis: <> Apr 9/21

GTR: Laboratories In US Can’t Find Covid-19 In Any Of 1,500 Positive Tests: <> Sep11/21

NTK: CDC To Withdraw PCR Test Because It Cannot Distinguish Between Covid And Flu: <> Sep11/21 Tests produce false positives

ZH: FDA Admits PCR Tests Give False Results, Prepares Ground For Biden To "Crush" Casedemic: <> Jan 9/21

AN: The PCR Deception: <>Jan 9/21

Impact of CoVid-19

Threat of lockdowns

DW: Fauci Favors National Shutdown: ‘You Don’t Want To Be Complacent’: <> Mar28/20

GD: Video: PM Boris Announces England-wide Lockdown: <> Jan 9/21

Herd immunity wins

RIN: Game Over: The Swedish - Belarus COVID Herd Immunity Strategy Has Won: <> Apr 30/20

Economic impacts

CSS: Sysco Warns Of Hard Times Ahead As Coronavirus Decimates Restaurant Industry: <> May 20/20

UR: How an “Act of God” Pandemic Is Destroying the West: <> Oc04/20

SHF: Social Unrest Fears Mount As World Food Prices Soar In April: <> May 8/21

GR: The 2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d’État And The “Great Reset”: <> May 8/21

AP: US Food Banks Warn Soaring Prices Will Affect Distributions: <> Jul16/21

ET: Workers Who Maintain Supply Chains Warn Of Worldwide System Collapse: <> Oc14/21

SHTF: Now A US Government Official Is Telling Us That The Supply Chain Nightmares Could Potentially Last For ”Years”: <> Oc14/21

Deaths from lockdowns

WT: 75,000 American Deaths Predicted From Overdose And Suicide During COVID-19 Pandemic: <> May 20/20

TS: UN Officials Cite Study That Finds Lockdowns, School Closures Killing More Children Than Covid: <> Jul 2/20

Lockdowns ineffective

DM: Lockdowns Failed To Alter The Course Of Pandemic And Are Now Destroying Millions Of Livelihoods Worldwide, JP Morgan Study Claims: <> Jun 22/20

SGT: Covid-19 Study Of Almost Ten Million Finds No Evidence Of Asympto-matic Spread, Media Quiet:</.> Jan 9/21 No real impact

CE: Pandemic 1: <> Jan 9/21

NTK: Despite Media Announcements To The Contrary, Hospitals Have Ample Capacity For Covid-19 Patients. In Fact, They Are Almost Empty: <> Jan 9/21

TTS: CDC admits at least 96% of deaths attributed to Covid19 were deaths from other causes: <> Feb 9/21

Effects of vaccines

NTK: Researchers Report That Deaths From Covid Vaccine For Israel’s Elderly Is 40 Times Greater Than Deaths From Covid-19 Itself : <> Mar 10/21

ET: Adverse Incident Reports Show 966 Deaths Following Vaccination For Covid-19: <> Mar 10/21

RUM: Banned From YouTube: Dr. Simone Gold Shares The Truth About The COVID-19 Vaccines: <> Mar 10/21

SGTR: CDC Adds 300+ More Deaths This Week — 2,050 DEAD Following COVID ‘Vaccines’ In USA: Apr 9/21

VI: Covid-19 Adverse Drug Reactions — 3964 Dead, 162,510 Injuries Through March 13/21 — : <> Apr 9/21

FP: 4,000 In Europe Died After Adverse Reactions To Vaccines: <> Apr 9/21

EN: Denmark, Iceland And Norway Suspend AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccinations After Blood Clot Reports: <> Ap 9/21

CN: Everyone Vaccinated For Covid Will Die, Warns French Virologist: <> Je16/21

HAF: European Database: 400k+ COVID Vaccine Injuries And 10k+ Deaths: <> Jun16/21

SGT: Japanese Red Cross Refusing Blood Donations From People Who Have Been Injected With Coronavirus “Vaccines”: <> Jun16/21

SGT: The Horrendous, Undeniable Impact Of mRNA Injections On Mortality: <> Jun16/21

AP: Science Journals Support Claim That Pfizer Covid Vaccine May Cause Deadly Neurodegenerative Disease: <> Jun16/21

SGT: Pregnancy Loss After Covid Vaccine, Many Reports In VAERS: 500+ Miscarriages & Stillbirths: <> Jul16/21

GR: 15,472 Dead 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported In European Union’s Database Of Adverse Drug Reactions For Covid-19 Shots: <> Jul16/21

IW: CDC Investigates Dozens Of Reports Of Heart Inflammation In Teenagers And Young Adults That Occur Four Days After Their Second Dose Of Moderna Or Pfizer Vaccines: <> jun16/21

SGT: Latest VAERS data Show 5,165 Deaths Following Covid Vaccines: <> Jun16/21

IW: Vaccine Expert Warns: “We Made A Big Mistake” Canadian Vaccine Expert Dr. Byram Bridle Recently Spoke Of The Terrifying Serious Side Effect: <> Jun16/21

HIN: Urgent: Five Doctors Agree That Covid-19 Injections Are Bioweapons: <> May 8/21

TD: Number of Deaths Reported After Covid Vaccines Jumps By More Than 2,000 In One Week, According To VAERS: <> Jul16/21

ZH: FDA Adds Warning About Heart Inflammation To Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines: <> Jul16/21

NN: Permanent “Lethargy Syndrome” And Long-term Loss Of Motor Skills Now Common “Side-effects” Of Covid-19 Vaccines: <> Jul16/21

TD: CDC. Finds ‘Likely’ Link Between Heart Inflammation And Pfizer, Moderna Covid Vaccines: <> Jul16/21

GR: 17,503 Dead, 1.7 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported In European Union’s Database Of Adverse Drug Reactions For Covid-19 Shots: <> Sep11/21

SGT: Nearly 11,000 Deaths After COVID Vaccines Reported To CDC, As FDA Adds New Warning To J&J Vaccine: <> Sep11/21

BC: Doctor Explains All: Take 5 Minutes To Watch This Covid-19 Vaccine Information: <> Sep[11/21

TS: Scientists Sound Alarm: Vaccines Will Kill Millions: <> Sep11/21

GR: Canadian Doctor: 62% Of His Patients Vaccinated For Covid Have Permanent Heart Damage. “Microscopic Blood Clots”: < Sep11/21

GR: Video: Prominent Pathologist: What These Jabs Do To The Brain And Other Organs: <> Sep11/21

TTS: Vaccine Injuries From COVID-19 Shots Fill Hospitals As U.S. Government Lies And Claims A “Pandemic Of Unvaccinated”: <> Oc14/21

NAN: VAERS: At least 160,000 Americans have likely died from covid vaccines: <> Oc14/21

ER: The Vaccine Injured Unite [VIDEO]: <> Sep11/21

NN: Vaxxed To Death: Alarming Study Confirms Vaxxers Will Face Catastrophic Antibody Dependent Enhancement Injuries And Deaths: <> Sep11/21

SGT: Local Detroit TV Asks For Stories Of Unvaxxed Dying From COVID – Gets Over 180K Responses Of Vaccine Injured And Dead Instead: <> Oc14/21

HT: Israeli TV Drops Bombshell: Vaccine . . . Seems Useless: <> Oc14/21

IPE: If Covid Doesn’t Get You The Vaccine Will: <> Mar 10/21

GR: High Recorded Mortality In Countries Categorized As “Covid-19 Vaccine Champions”. The Vaccinated Suffer From Increased Risk Of Mortality Compared To The Non-vaccinated: <

in-countries-categorized-as-covid-19-vaccine-champions-increased-hospitalization/5757173> Oc14/21

TTS: Compilation Of Athletes, Reporters & Patients Collapsing, Passing Out & Fainting, Vaccine To Blame?: <> Nov30/21

SGT: Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work As Advertised And That Vaccinated Are In Great Danger Today (Videa): <> Nov30/21

UR: Lethal Injection; Frontline E.R. Doctor Gives Chilling Account Of Unusual Vaccine-induced Illness: <> Nov30/21

IPE: German Statisticians Find The Same Result In Germany As The UK Health Security Agency Reports: It Is A Pandemic Of The Vaccinated.: <> Nov30/21

GR: 31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following Covid Shots . . . As Young, Previously Healthy People Continue To Die: <> Nov30/21

VC: Finally! Medical Proof The Covid Jab Is “Murder”: <> Nov30/21

Political & societal impacts & outcomes

NN: Canada Is Turning Into A “Covid Police State,” Warns Constitutional Lawyer: <> Jul16/21

IW: WHO Warns Masks And Social Distancing Are Here To Stay: <> Jul16/21

GR: Video: #Yes, It’s A “Killer Vaccine”: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: <> Oct14/21

FN: Tragedy In Australia: Takeover Now Complete: <> Nov 30/21

SGT: Bank Account Freeze Planned: World Economic Forum Telegraphs Planned: <> Nov3021

Pushback Confronting Authority

VHD: Flu Misinformation And Coronavirus Fears: RFK’s Letter To Dr. Sanjay Gupta: <> Apr 30/20

NP: Viral Petition To Stop Mandatory Vaccinations For Covid-19 Gains 735,929 Signatures: <> Jul 2/20

TTS: Citizens Issue Stand Down Order To Authorities After Nullifying And Outlawing Covid Regulations: <> Oc04/20

SGTR: Prime Minister & CMO Of Canada Sued For Extreme & Unnecessary COVID-19 Measures: <> Oc04/20

IPE: Germans Stand Up To The Lockdown: <> Dec 9/20

BC: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Warns For Crimes Against Humanity: <> Dec 9/20

WDA: Watch Censored World Doctors Alliance Announce Lawsuit Against COVID-19 Global Lockdown: <> Dec 9/20

JM: Halt Covid Vaccine, Prominent Scientist Tells CDC:<> Jun16/21

TH: Tucker Carlson Calls Fauci A 'Fraud' After Tense Hearing: <> Jul 2/20

OST: Frontline Doctors Sue Fauci!: <> Jul16/21

ZH: "He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria: <> Sp11/2 1

YT: MPP Randy Hillier On Canada's Increasingly Totalitarian Covid Measures, And Resistance To Them: <> Sep11/21

BN: 1,000 Lawyers And 10,000 Doctors Have Filed A Lawsuit For Violations Of The Nuremberg Code: <> Sep11/21

RPU: Mad As Hell About Covid, And Not Taking It Anymore!: <> Oc14/21

LS: Ontario Doctor Resigns Over Forced Vaccines, Says 80% Of ER Patients With Mysterious Issues Had Both Shots: <> Oc14/21

RUM: Exclusive: Archbishop Vigano Appeals For A Worldwide Anti-Globalist Alliance: <> nov30/21

ET: Protesters March In Toronto In ‘Worldwide Freedom’ Rally Against Covid-Related Mandates: <> Nov30/21

DSN: Independent Media's Truth Telling Campaign Is Exposing Congress, Forcing Many Politicians To Retire: <> Nov30/21

FP: South African Doctors Expose The Omicron Scam: <> Nov30/21

WLT: Report: Slovenia Nurse Whistleblower Claims Politicians & Elites Get Placebo Instead Of mRNA Covid-19 Jab; True Or Misinformation?: <> Nov30/21

RI: Democracy Is Fraud! - We Need Monarchy! - Hugely Popular Russian Priest On Top TV Show (Dmitry Smirnov): <> Nov30/21

TTS: German Clinic Director Releases Video Before Being Suicided? We Have Been Warned: <> Nov30/21

Public refusals

AP: We Will Not Comply: <

utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ActivistPost+%28Activist+Post%29> Apr 12/20

LR: Highly Cited Covid Doctor Comes To Stunning Conclusion: Gov’t ‘Scrubbing Unprecedented Numbers’ Of Injection-Related Deaths: <> Jun16/21

CLG: Saying 'No' To 'Vaccine Passports': <> Apr 9/21 AN: French Presidential candidate Marine Le Pen Speaks Out Against Vaccine Passports: <> Nov30/21

Friendlier governments

ER: Denmark Nears Pre-Covid Normality: No Masks Or Distancing In Schools, Just Common Sense: <> Oc04/20

GP: North Dakota House Passes Bill Making Mask Mandates Illegal, Bill Sponsor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolical Silliness’: <> Mar 10/21

NTK: Interview With South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Who Is Standing for Freedom: <> Apr 9/21

LS: Breaking: Ontario Politician Calls For Civil Disobedience As Ford Gov’t Enacts Month-long Stay-at-home Order: <> Apr 9/21

GR: Seven European Nations Halt AstraZeneca Jabs On Reports Of “Serious” Blood Clots: <> Apr 9/21

NTK: UK Reverses Recommendation On Covid Vaccines After 20 Pregnant Women Suffer Miscarriages: <> Apr 9/21

ZH: Canadian Cops Refuse To Enforce Ontario's New 'Police State' Covid-Lockdown Laws: <> May 8/21

YT: Group Of Canadian Politicians Calls For End Of Covid-19 Lockdowns: <> May 8/21

RUM: Freedom Fighter Court Victory! Ends Masking, Shots, Quarantine In Alberta!: <> Sep11/21

SGT: COVID Is Over In Norway Declares National Health Chief: <> Sep11/21

FRM: Denmark Abolishes All Corona Measures: <> Sep11/21

YT: President Of Croatia: We Will Not Be Vaccinated Anymore Against Covid-19: <> Oc14/21


BC: Millions of People Worldwide March In Lockdown Protests: <> Apr 9/21

BC: Humanity On Their Feet — London: <> Jun16/21

IW: Scenes Of Civil War Right Now Reported In France Against The COV_ID Passport: <> Jul16/21

RT: French Hospital Goes On Indefinite Strike To Protest Covid-19 Vaccination Mandate: <> Sep11/21

RT: Watch: Swiss Police Use Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas And Water Cannon To Disperse Bern Protest Against Covid Passports: <> Oc14/21

AFP: Around the World, People Rise Up Against Covid Tyranny: <> Oc14/21

ET: Protesters March In Toronto In ‘Worldwide Freedom’ Rally Against Covid-Related Mandates: <> Nov30/21

FDN: Austria Rises Up Against “Health Dictatorship: <> Nov30/21

RT: Watch thousands Protest In Europe Against Covid Passes: <> Nov30/21

RM: Western World Revolts Against Satanic Ruling Class: <> Nov30/21

WS: Austrian Police And Army Stand Up To Government’s “Health Dictatorship” Mandates – Will Join Massive Anti-Government Freedom Protest Scheduled For Saturday: <> Nov30/21

RT: Tens Of Thousands March ‘For Freedom’ In Australian Cities: <> Nov30/21

Vaccination declines

MH: Vaccination Sites Are Closing From California To Mississippi As Demand For Covid Shots Plummets Across The Country - With Less Than 28% Of The Population Inoculated: <> May 8/21

SGTR: World Wide Mass Non Compliance is Happening!: <> Sep11/21

The Vaccination/Pandemic Operations

Ethical issues

12SN: “Forced Vaccination” Is A Crime Against Humanity…: <> Apr 12/20

AN: ‘Grave Concerns’ About Covid-19 Immunity Passports: <> Apr 30/20

ER: The Oviedo Convention And Its Protocols Prohibit Modifying [The Human Genome]: <> Jan 9/21

BC: mRNA Injections And How They Alter Our DNA By Dr. Carrie Madej: <> Apr 9/21


TCR: Bill Gates’ Plan To Vaccinate The World: <> May 20/20

CR: Interview 1570 – James Corbett On Derailing The Gates Agenda: <> Sep 3/20

WF: Covid-19 Vaccines Talking Points: <> Jan 9/21

LS: Covid Shots Intended To Reduce World’s Population By Poisoning ‘Billions’: South African Doctor: <> Nv30/21

ZH: Worldwide Search Trend For "Died Suddenly" Spikes To Record Highs: <> Nov30/21

Herd immunity

CFP: Interesting Research On Covid Herd Immunity: Jul 2/20

TTDS: Rosemary Frei – The “Antibody” Deception: <> Mar 9/21

Punishing the unvaxxed

DI: Italians With Coronavirus Symptoms Who Refuse To Isolate Could Face 21 Years In Prison For 'Malicious Murder' : <> Mar28/20

LR: Here Come The Covid Detention Centers: <> Sep 3/20

IPE: Tyranny Comes To America: CDC Proposes Concentration Camps As A Covid Measure: <> Sep11/21

AE: Covid Concentration Camps In Canada?: <> Oc14/21

TS: Australia — People Dragged Out Of Cars For Not Masking: <> Oc14/21

LR: Tucker Gives Monologue for The Ages On Biden’s Divisive ‘Purge’ Of Unvaccinated Americans From Society: <> Oc14/21

NTK: Austria Orders A National Lockdown For Unvaccinated People: <> Nov30/21

TTS: No Vax, No Food/Fuel In India – Food Withheld To Force Vaccinations By Ice Age Farmer: <> Nov30/21

GR: The War On The ‘Unvaccinated’ Is A Desperate Attempt To Demonize And Destroy The Control Group: <> Nov30/21

Vaccine rollouts

BC: Operation Vector Exposed! This Is Why The Coming Vaccine Rollout Must Be Rejected.: <> Dec 9/20

Vaccine efficacy

ZH: WHO Chief Scientist Warns "No Evidence COVID Vaccine Prevents Viral Transmission": <> Jan 9/21

SN: What Moderna Isn’t Telling Us About Their New mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine: <> Mar 10/21

Operational details

NTK: Is America’s Second Corona Wave A Political Hoax? <

utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=is-americas-second-corona-wave-a-political-hoax> Jul 2/20

ER: Bait-&-Switch: How They’ve Changed The Covid Conversation – From Mass Deaths To ‘Cases’: <> Sep 3/20

FK: World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document: <> Apr 9/21

GR: Latest Vaccine Flip-flop Gives the Vaccine Game Away: <> Apr 9/21

BC: How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic” — An Animated Film Explanation By David Icke: <> Jul16/21

GR: Alert: All Children Ages 12 To 15 To Be Injected With Covid-19 Shots In UK Schools With Or Without Parental Consent: <> Sep11/21

IPE: The Most Important Article On mRNA Vaccination You Will Ever Read: <> Oc14/21

IPE: CDC Counts Vaccinated Deaths As Unvaccinated Deaths: <> Oc14/21

BN: Whoever Planned This, It’s All Planned: <> Oc14/21

BC: The Groups That Have Been Exempted From Getting The Vaccine: This Will Astound You: <> Oc14/21

ER: Head Nurse Quits, Reveals How Elites Get Placebo Injections [video]: <> Nov30/21 RUM: Patients Filling The Hospitals Are Vaccinated! Period!: <> Oc14/21

FR: Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A Billion USD Bribe To Impose Covid-19 Lockdown: <> Nov30/21

ZH: Oxford Professor: Official Data Shows Face Masks "Made No Meaningful Difference" To Infection Rates: <> Nov30/21

Vaccine composition

GT: Horrifying Study Reveals mRNA Vaccine Nanoparticles Are Circulated Throughout The Entire Body: Brain, Heart, Liver, Ovaries, Testes And More: <> Jun16/21

BC: If People Get Jabbed After Watching This They Are Beyond Saving: <> Jun16/21 watch for ALC 0315 See >> for information on charged LNPs

T11: Stay Away From The Vaxxed, It Is Official, From Pfizer’s Own Documents: <> Jun16/21

BC: Graphene In Jabs! Still Yet More Indicative Confirmations - Karen Kingston Reports: <> Sep11/21

GR: Video: Graphene Oxide: A Toxic Substance In The Vial Of The COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine?:<> Sep11/21

EDB: Japan Discovers “Magnetic” Substance In Pfizer Vaccines: <> Oc14/21

BC: Dr. Andreas Noack Released This Video And Died/Was Killed Shortly After: Releasing This Video: <> plus: <> Nov30

TTS: Compilation Of Athletes, Reporters & Patients Collapsing, Passing Out & Fainting, Vaccine To Blame?: <> Nov30/21

SWC: The Vaccine Death Report: <> Nov30/21

GR: Viral Goalposts Shifting – Scientists, Facing Scrutiny About Vaccinations Not Stopping Virus, Announce Discovery Of New Vaccine Resistant Strain Of Virus: <> Nov30/21

Vaccine testing

SGT: The FDA Cover-up That Led To The Approval Of The Pfizer Vaccine: <> Jun16/21

Exposing the Media Narrative

Fear mongering

TD: Six Ways Why Coronavirus® Fails The Sniff Test – The Burning Platform: <> Mar 8/20

ACQ: The ‘Big Lie’ Behind COVID-19: <> Apr 30/20

RT: MSM Still Predicting A Covid Apocolypse, But Their Web Of Lies Is Collapsing Around Them: <> Jun 22/20

GR: LancetGate: “Scientific Corona Lies” And Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine Versus Gilead’s Remdesivir: <> Jul 2/20

RPI: The Media Is Lying About The ‘Second Wave’: <> Jul 2/20

THR: Dr. Roger Hodkinson: Why Suppress Discussing Covid Vaccines [That] May Produce Sterilization, Heart Failure?: <> Jul16/21

CAM: Public Health Lessons Learned From Biases In Coronavirus Mortality Overestimation: <> Oc04/20

DCDL: Bombshell: Former Pfizer Executive Says Covid-19 “Pandemic Is Over,” So-called “Second Wave” Based On Fraudulent Testing: <> Oc04/20

GR: The Covid-19 Numbers Game: The “Second Wave” is Based on Fake Statistics: <> Oc04/20

DC: Why Isn’t ‘Natural Immunity’ A Consideration? These Scientists Are Downright Mad: <> Jun16/21

NH: Pulmonary Nurse Exposes How Hospital Protocols Are Killing Covid Patients: <> Oc14/21

LR: Whistleblower! Nurse Destroys "Delta" Narrative, Vaccinated Patients Fill Hospital!: <> Oc14/21

W: For The First Time, The Covid / Vaccine Narrative Is Beginning To Collapse: <> Nov30/21

IW: South Africa Prime Minister Says To Media Regarding Omicron – “Lies Lies, We Are Fine Here In SA..”: <> Nov30/21

NN: Associated Press Now Admits Vaccinated People Are Spreading Covid And Filling Hospitals, Claims Booster Shots Are The Answer: <> Nov30/21

========================================================= =========================================================

Medical Authorities Who Reject Covid-19 66 Dr. Preben Aavitsland, chief physician in the infection control division at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, has declared the severity of Covid-19 in Norway top be so low that the spa endemic is “virtually over” there. <>

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, an American-trained microbe biologist now living in Germany. He says that Covis-19 death statistics are largely false and that the new “vaccines” are very likely to trigger auto-immune disorders. <>

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations. <>

Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and author, ST: New Evidence Shows Wearing Face Mask Can Help Coronavirus Enter The Brain And Pose More Health Risk, Warns Expert: <>

Dr. Francis Boyle, drafter of US Bioweapons Convention Canadian Scientist At Center Of Chinese Bio-Espionage Probe Found Dead In Africa?: <>

Dr. Byram Bridle, a vaccine expert in Canada, has warned of terrifying serious side effects in Covid vaccines, concluding that “We made a big mistake.” <> Jun16/21

Dr. Ronald B. Brown, epidemiologist in the School of Public Health and Health Systems, at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Brown has studied bias in outcome reporting regarding clinical trials for Covid-19 vaccines. He has found that Dr. Fauci’s figures that support his claim of Covid-19 being “ten times more dangerous “ than seasonal flu are not based on any recognized procedure, but are simply guesses. This is wrong and unethical, according to Brown. <>

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, osteopathic physician in Charlotte, NC. What They Don’t Want You To Know About Covid-19: <> May 20 [removed]

Professor Dolores Cahill, a molecular biologist and Immunologist in Ireland, has warned about the presence of spike proteins in vaccines that cause serious diseases, including blood clotting and heart failure. Such diseases do not always appear immediately, but may manifest months or even a year or two following the inoculation; <>

Dr. Shankara Chetty, a prominent South African family doctor who advanced the development of early treatments for COVID-19 has. He has “treated 7000 Covid-19 patients without a single hospitalization or death. In his judgement, the purpose of the pandemic and vaccine campaigns, is to “control and kill off a large proportion of our population without anyone suspecting that we were poisoned.” <>

Professor Michel Chossudovsky <>

Doctor Angelique Coetzee, Chair of the South African Medical Association, exposes media scare stories about the Omicron virus with a description of just how mild an infection it really is: <>

Docter Ryan Cole, a prominent anatomical and clinical pathologist, explains the effect of Covid vaccines on the brain and other organs. <>

Doctor Vernon Coleman, Imperial College London. MB, ChB DSc, FRSA. We Are Victims of the Greatest Crime In History <>, <>

Professor Dave Collum is Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University and holds a PhD, Columbia University, MS, Columbia University, MA, Columbia University and BS, Cornell University. He has referred to CMO Fauci as a “pathological liar..”


Dr. Tom Cowan, on bit-chute <> &

Bruno Coutard, University of Marseilles, has published a scientific paper in a virology journal, a paper stating that the Covid-19 virus contains a unique “gain of function” component that helps to spread the virus. This feature points to a human-engineered origin. <>

Dr. Claire Craig, a diagnostic pathologist in the UK has studied death statistics in that country over several years. She has found that all-cause mortality is higher among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, resulting from what she calls “poison death shot”. <>

Dr. Yuri Deigin, Editor of Open Longevity journal. DCC: Virologists Are Lying About The Origins Of Coronavirus: Yes, The Coronavirus Contains Gain-Of-Function Gene Sequences That Were Inserted Into The Virus: <>

Professor Fang Chi-tai at Taiwan National University. AT: Covid-19 May Be Man-made, Claims Taiwan Scholar: <>

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Doctor and lead Lawyer in a lawsuit against German Government, member of German Corona Investigation Committee. BC: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Warns For Crimes Against Humanity: <>

Dr. Simone Gold, a Board Certified Emergency Physician, has warned about “a serious and life-threatening disinformation campaign that has taken over the entire globe.” <


Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. <>

Dr Adrian Heald, researcher at the University of Manchester. RT: Over QUARTER of UK population could have had Covid-19 already, doctor tells RT: <>

Prof. Adrian Hill, Oxford University. Oxford Professor Says Vaccine Trials Failing Because Volunteers Can’t Catch Covid: <>

Dr Roger Hodkinson, a top pathologist and virologist, presently CEO of a biotech company that makes covid tests: <>

Dr. Peter Hoffe has practiced medicine for 27 years in British Columbia. He has observed many cases of vaccine injuries, including blood clots and heart 62% of vaccinated patients.. <>

Dr. Guida Hoffmann, Medical Chief of a clinic in Cheminitz, Germany, allegedly stated the he could no longer live with lies to citizens and patients, calling the vaccines genocide. he is said subsequently to have committed suicide. <>

Dr. Ai-Long Huang, researcher at Chongquing Medical University. IBT: Coronavirus Treatment: Antibody Study Confirms Immunity For Recovered Covid-19 Patients: <>

Dr. Andrew Kaufman is a graduate of the Medical University of South Carolina and has a BS in from MIT in molecular biology. He dissects a typical scientific paper claiming that the Covid-19 virus has been “isolated” when in fact it s presence was inferred from a molecular reaction that had other causes. <>

Dr. Rochagné Kilian, an emergency room and family physician, recently resigned her position over ethical concerns after finding the 80$ of new admissions with serious conditions had been douvle-vaccinatyed, <>

Dr. Derek Knauss, PhD in virology and immunology, examined 1500 samples under a scanning electron microscope anded only influenza types A and B, with no Covid viruses. Results were confirmed at Stanford, Cornell and other universities. <>

Dr. Martin Kulldorff is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitor-ing infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations. He is one of the framers of the Great Barrington Declaration (890,000+ signatures) warning against a distorted view of the Covid virus that results in variety of unnecessary restrictions. <>

Dr. Janci China Lindsay, a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for a halt to all Covid-19 vaccinations, citing blood clotting and other disorders as likely vaccination damage. <> DR. Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA vaccine currently in use, warns of mass pstchosis as the underlying cause of “groupthink” that herds the populace into a common community of fear.: <>

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, a member of Canadian Doctors Speak Out, claims that the vast majority of positive “cases” gives a false picture of what’s actually going on. On fact the survival rate for Covid-19 is 99.98%, quite comparable to seasonal flu. Healthy people are not “spreaders”. <>

Dr Peter McCullough, McCullough is the most-cited medical doctor on Covid-19 treatments at the National Library of Medicine, with more than 600 citations. He has testified before Congress and won numerous awards during his distinguished medical career. <>

Dr. Joseph Mercola & Dr. Denis Rancourt, professor of physics. Should You Wear A Mask? Here’s What Studies Show: <>

Dr. Lee Merritt, MD, Former Navy surgeon & past President of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, “there must be some additional purpose for the vaccines . . . the end game is nothing less than . . . massive depopulation, long-held ideal of those who direct the pharmaceutical cartel.” <>

Dr. Judy Mikowits, a molecular biologist, describes how “big parma” has succeeded in brainwashing a majority of people into taking the Covis-19 vaccines. The level of corruption in the team composed of the pharmaceutical industry, public health officials and the media, is “unbelieveable.” <>

Professor Luc Montagnier 2008 Nobel Prize winner for medicine as the discoverer of the HIV virus, claims that COVID-19 Is Man-Made; “It could only have been created in a lab.”: <>

Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, Russian chief Medical Health Officer. GC: Breaking News: Russian Chief Medical Officer Is Calling The Plandemic "BS" - "Why Has The Whole World Been Destroyed? That I Don’t Know.”: <>

Professor Jim Naismith, Director of the Rosalind Franklin Institute at Oxford University, is also a professor of structural biology there. He claims that masks are largely pointless: “The ONS survey results on prevalence shows that the

Scottish and English approach to masking, although formally different since July, has made no meaningful difference to Delta,” <>

Dr. Meryl Nass. Children’s Health Defense Science Advisory Board member. Dr. Nass provides a plethora of shocking details showing massive malfeasance by the CDC and FDA that cost lives, prolonged the pandemic and protected the continued use of unprecedentedly dangerous Covid vaccines. <>

Dr. Andreas Noack,the leading world expert on carbon chemistry was apparently murdered after announcing that Covid vaccines contain “nano-blades”of graphene hydroxide.> See also <>

Dr. Christine Nortrhrup, a noted women’s health expert and author with expertise in obstetrics and gynaecology a physician and an author. She outlines findings of reduced reproductive capacity in both men and women. <

Prof. Jason Oke, statistician at the University of Oxford, has investigated lockdown statistics and concludes that lockdowns alone caused almost 10,000 deaths. The results are available in a published medical report. <>

Dr. Larry Palevsky, a New York paediatrician, has urged parents not to allow their children to be vaccinated. <>

Dr. Cathy A. Petti, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Utah, says about the PCR test: “The big message is that every lab is vulnerable to having false positives. No single test result is absolute and that is even more important with a test result based on P.C.R. In short, broad studies of the efficacy of the PCR test across labs have never been done. <>

Dr. Prashant Pradhan of Indian Institute of Technology claims that the coronavirus contains “HIV Insertions” that point to an artificially created bioweapon: <>

Dr. Klaus Püschel, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the University Medical Center in Hamburg, declared on German television that hysteria over the coronavirus is completely exaggerated, as all fatalities he examined had serious previous illnesses which would have soon resulted in death with or without the virus. <>

Dr. Christopher Rake, an anesthesiologist at UCLA Health hospital system in Los Angeles, was escorted out of the hospital for advocating against vaccinations for Covid-19. <>

Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale University, has described Covid-19 as a “pandemic of fear manufactured” by authorities. <>

Dr. Jane Ruby, a world renowned scientist with 20 years of pharmaceutical research experience who has studied “magnetofection” caused by magnetic nano-particles as guarding the spike proteins in Covid vaccines (so far confirmed only in Pfizer and Moderna vaccines) <>

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a scientist at MIT, points out that the spike proteins in Covid vaccines create dangerous antibodies that will cripple people taking the vaccine, resulting in a variety of autoimmune diseases resulting in long-term suffering. <>

Dr. Clifford B. Saper, Professor, Harvard Medical School: ““No, there is no such thing as a monoclonal antibody that, because it is monoclonal, recognizes only one protein or only one virus.” <>

Professor Eric Savory, Faculty of Engineering, Western University has found, by studying the droplets produced by coughs and sneezes, that the viruses travel much further than social distancing restrictions. <>

Dr. Heiko Schoning is a physician and and co-founder of Doctors for Enlightenment, member of the World Doctors Alliance in Germany. She and some 12c other doctors and prominent politicians, have launched lawsuit against global VCovid-19 lockdowns. <>

Dr. Christopher Shaw, in the Medical Faculty at the University of British Columbia, has concerns about the ability of the Moderna vaxxine to cross the blood-brain barrier, resulting in great potential danger to brains. <>

Dr. Astrid Stickleberger, a scientist and writer, is a professor at the University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland as well as a lecturer within the Institute of Global Health in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Geneva. <>

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, chief scientist at the World Health Organization, has warned that there is “no evidence to be confident shots prevent transmission”. <>

Dr. Sheri Tenpenny is a licenced osteopathic physician advocating the disuse of Covid vaccines owing to various forms of toxicity, including magnetifection, a magnetic compound called graphene hydroxide. <>

Professor Giuseppe Tritto, former fraud investigator for the Italian Government (Treasury Dept.), international expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology is the president of the World Academy of Biomedical Sciences and Technologies, an institution founded under the aegis of UNESCO in 1997. He claims that the Covid-19 virus was “engineered” and an effective vaccine “unkikely”. <


Dr. Caroline Turek, a specialist in hormone medicine, is a strong supporter of natural immunity and opposes the use of nRNS vaccines. “We are already immune,” she writes, “due to other corona viruses; most test are serum antibody, but T-cells are the back up. We are closer to herd immunity than we realize.” <>

Dr. Michael Yeadon, Prior to forming his own biotech company in 2011, Michael Yeadon was the Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer for Allergy & Respiratory Research at Pfizer Pharmaceutical. He is a top scientist in the world of drugs and vaccines in the treatment of respiratory diseases such as Covid.. <>

Dr. Yu Zunyou, chief epidemiologist at there Chinese Center for Disease Control & Prevention, has sytated that the Covid-19 virus was never isolated so it cannot be ascertained that it is different from any other virus. <>

See Also:

TNW: Medical Doctors Declare That The Pandemic Was Planned: <> Oc04

OST: Frontline Doctors Sue Fauci!: <> Jul16/21

BC: Canadian Doctors Speak Out: <> Mar 10/21

BC: Doctor Explains All: Take 5 Minutes To Watch This Covid-19 Vaccine Information: <>

The following medical professionals are members of the International Consortium of Scientists in Life Sciences (ICSLS). This body has issued a report critical of a heavily flawed document submitted to the Journal Eurosurveillance in January of 2020. The body found egregious errors in methodology nearly every aspect of testing and treatment covered by the Corman-Drosten Report: “External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results”. <>

Signatories include the following medical professionals, as listed in the body of the critical document”

Dr. Pieter Borger (MSc, PhD), Molecular Genetics, W+W Research Associate, Lörrach, Germany

Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer, specialist in Virology / Immunology / Human Biology / Cell Biology, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Klaus Steger, Department of Urology, Pediatric Urology and Andrology, Molecular Andrology, Biomedical Research Center of the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany

Prof. Dr. Makoto Ohashi, Professor emeritus, PhD in Microbiology and Immunology, Tokushima University, Japan

Prof. Dr. med. Henrik Ullrich, specialist Diagnostic Radiology, Chief Medical Doctor at the Center for Radiology of Collm Oschatz-Hospital, Germany

Kevin McKernan, BS Emory University, Chief Scientific Officer, founder Medicinal Genomics, engineered the sequencing pipeline at WIBR/MIT for the Human Genome Project, Invented and developed the SOLiD sequencer, awarded patents related to PCR, DNA Isolation and Sequencing, USA

Dr. Lidiya Angelova,

MSc in Biology, PhD in Microbiology, Former researcher at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Maryland, USA

Dr. Fabio Franchi, Former Dirigente Medico (M.D) in an Infectious Disease Ward, specialized in “Infectious Diseases” and “Hygiene and Preventive Medicine”, Società Scientifica per il Principio di Precauzione (SSPP), Italy

Dr. med. Thomas Binder, Internist and Cardiologist (FMH), Switzerland

Dr. Stefano Scoglio, B.Sc. Ph.D., Microbiologist, Nutritionist, Italy

Dr. Paul McSheehy (BSc, PhD), Biochemist & Industry Pharmacologist, Loerrach, Germany Dr. Marjolein Doesburg-van Kleffens, (MSc, PhD), specialist in Laboratory Medicine (clinical chemistry), Maasziekenhuis Pantein, Beugen, The Netherlands

Dr. Dorothea Gilbert (MSc, PhD), PhD Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. DGI Consulting Services, Oslo, Norway

Dr. Rainer Klement, PhD, Department of Radiation Oncology, Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt, Germany

Dr. Ruth Schrüfer, PhD, human genetics/ immunology, Munich, Germany,

Dra. Berber W. Pieksma, General Practitioner, The Netherlands

Drs. Jan Bonte Consultant Neurologist, The Netherlands

Dr. Bruno H. Dalle Carbonare Molecular biologist, IP specialist, BDC Basel, Switzerland
