Download - 2020 Land Leadership Team


Mailing Address:

PO Box 3672

Littleton, CO 80161

Physical Address:

840 S. Powhaton Rd.

Aurora, CO 80018

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Frank Garred Land Board President

Dave Stephens Land Board Treasurer

Rev. Dr. Andy Dunning Land Board Secretary

Becca Boone Land Board Vice President

Rev. Claire McNulty-Drewes Board Member

Blair Rollenhagen Board Member

Rebecca Dunagan Board Member

Patrick Kenney Board Member

Cheryl “CiCi” Muzaca Land Programming Team

Clyde Oakley Land Board Member

John Antonacci Land Communications Team

Bev Robertson Land Programming Team

Mary Jane Harmony Land Board Member

Greg Laudenslager Land Property Dev. Team

Rick and Dana Stephens Land Programming Team

Clea Edelblute Land Programming Team

2020 Land Leadership Team

5 Reasons to Invest in The Land in 2020

The Land celebrated an incredible year of spiritual vitality and organizational growth in 2019! As we enter into

2020, the landscape at The Land communicates a sustainable future for both our worshiping community and our

summer mission program.

Here are 5 reasons The Land is an investment worth making in 2020:

1. We don't have a building. What at first appears to be The Land's greatest weakness has actually become The

Land's greatest asset. Twice this week I have heard Conference leadership and local clergy passionately advocate

for a Church without a building as a means to liberate the institution from the burden that a building can some-

times become. The Land is a model of the future Church; a Church that promises your money will be an invest-

ment in a mission that matters.

2. We are reaching new people. I have lost track of the times people have pulled me aside to say, "this is the way

the Church should be!" While the logistical details referred to by any given person making this statement may

vary, the overall message is clear, "The Land is opening a door to spiritual community for those who would

otherwise have none."

3. We are redefining discipleship. Wherever you land on climate issues in the political landscape, the biblical

message is clear, "we are called to care for creation." At The Land, we are redefining discipleship in our every-

day behaviors, ensuring that what we do reflects our call to live as stewards of Creation. Learning to compost,

cultivating healthy soil, recycling, reducing and reusing our belongings are all reflections of our commitment to

follow Jesus as disciples in the 21st century.

4. We celebrate every penny given! At just 18 months of age, The Land relies on a single full -time staff person,

approximately twenty-two regular volunteers and an annual budget that magnifies the saying, "every gift

counts!" When you give to The Land, you make an immediate difference that only you alone could have made.

Not only are you ensuring that The Land can cultivate spiritual community and redefine discipleship, but your

act of giving infuses those invested in the day -to-day implementation of The Land's mission with hope, courage

and a commitment to continue the demanding work of creating something new.

5. We are growing! And, we know that growth is about so much more than an increase in numbers. It is an indi-

cation that The Land is meeting a need that otherwise would not be met. The Land's summer mission program

has already doubled its registration numbers from 2019 to 2020. The worshipping community has seen a steady

increase in regular participation that holds constant throughout the seasons. As we enter into 2020, the in-

crease in local residential development, the addition of our eight garden plots and the expansion of onsite pro-

gramming all suggest that growth is a trend that will continue to sustain us.

The Land is committed to caring for all of creation. In addition to The Land ’s weekly worship gatherings, we offer sum-

mer youth mission programs for groups across the country.

In 2019, The Land piloted a youth mission program that included a total of seven youth mission groups from across the

country. Two of these groups partnered with local churches who provided housing while they served at The Land for

multiple consecutive days. The remaining five groups participated in half -day mission experiences.

Each youth group was the recipient of a custom designed mission experience that broadened their understanding of

“Church” while integrating practices of environmental stewardship into their understandings of what it means to be a

Disciple of Christ.

This year our mission season begins early with a group from St. Andrews UMC coming on March 30th and a group from

Grace Presbyterian in Pittsburg, PA coming in late May. During the summer months we will welcome groups from Wash

Park UMC and Broomfield UMC in the beginning of June. And, we are excited to welcome back youth from McFarlin UMC

in Norman, Oklahoma July 20th—24th.

Three weeks still remain available for youth groups to schedule their unique mission experience at The Land. Local

groups are welcome to come for half a day or to camp overnight. Groups traveling further distances are welcome to work

with Pastor Stephanie to arrange housing with one of our local partner churches.

Host Home Needed for Land Summer College Intern

The Land is excited to welcome Addison Short as their 2020 Mission Site Coordinator Intern! Addison will be coming

from Norman, OK where she has been the college intern for the McFarlin UMC Youth Program. The Land is looking for a

host home for Addison during her internship this summer. Ideally, this would be a home that provided Addison with her

own bathroom and additional space for privacy. If you would like to talk more about the possibility of being Addison's

host home for the Summer, please contact Pastor Stephanie at [email protected] or 720 -955-4799.

Come see the sunset at The Land this summer!

The Summer Worship Schedule at The Land shifts from Saturday mornings to Sunday

evenings beginning the first weekend in June. Moving The Land ’s worship gathering

to Sunday evenings for the summer months allows us to take advantage of the longer

days and cooler evenings.

Worship on The Land: Summer Schedule

Sundays at 6pm with Dinner to Follow

June, July and August 2020


Music Leaders Needed for The Land

With the departure of Rev. Connor, The Land will be seeking a music leader for their weekly worship ser-

vices when Clyde Oakley is not scheduled to lead. Musicians should be comfortable leading groups and

should have an ability and willingness to play both secular and sacred music. A small stipend is available.

Please contact Pastor Stephanie at [email protected] or 720 -955-4799 if you are interested.

Farewell Celebration for Rev. Connor DeFehr

Saturday, May 30. 2020 at 10am

Join us on Saturday, May 30th for a special worship gathering and brunch to thank Connor

for his year of faithfulness serving the people of The Land. Connor and his beautiful family

will be moving back to Rochester, New York this summer to be closer to family. We wish Con-

nor a wonderful new beginning as he seeks new opportunities to share his many gifts in pasto-

ral care and leadership.

Garden Kids Camp at The Land

June 22-25. 2020

9a m t o 1 1:3 0a m

T he La nd w ill be host ing i t s f ir st annua l gar de n k ids camp t h is sum -

mer ! K ids, age s 7 th rough 11 , are inv ite d to r eg ister f or a fun, out -

door e xpe r ie nce tha t w il l pr ov ide ea ch ch il d w ith op p or tunit ie s to

conne ct t he ir fa ith w ith th e food the y eat , t he gar de ns th e y g row a nd

t he soil th at make s i t a ll p ossib le . S im ila r t o a tra dit iona l VBS ,

cra fts, sna ck s and sing -a long ’s w il l a l l be a par t of th is k ids g ar de n

camp . Ch il dr en are req u ire d t o wea r b oot s t o a t te nd and shoul d b e

w il l ing t o u se a port -a -p ot t y, ju st in ca se ! T he cam p w il l be ru n b y

Pa st or S te pha nie and The La nd ’s summe r int er n, A ddison Sh or t . Reg -

ist ra t ion is op en and a va il abl e onl ine a t t he la ndaur ora .or g bu t spa ce

f or the cam p w il l be l im ite d t o the f ir st 20 ch il dre n. The cost of the

da y camp is $40 /pe r ch ild a nd w ill be nee de d t o r e serve you r ch il d ’s

sp ace in the 2020 ga rden cam p .



SUNDAY, APRIL 12th at 6am

Save the Date for the Easter Sunrise Service at The Land!

Witness the sun rising above the prairie this Easter at The Land! Service begins

at 6am with a light brunch to follow. Friendly dogs always welcome.



Join us for a contemplative experience at The Land on Ash

Wednesday beginning at noon. Participants will be invited to

walk the labyrinth, walk the perimeter prayer path and gather

together for silence and song as we honor the limits of our

lives and the gifts waiting to welcome us beyond those limits.

Saturday, February 22nd

Pastor Stephanie preaching on 2 Peter 1: 1-10

Egg Special w/Home Fries

Saturday, February 29th

Rev. Connor DeFehr preaching

Potato Potluck

*Bring your favorite potato dish to share.

Saturday, March 7th

Pastor Stephanie preaching on John 3: 1-17


Saturday, March 14th

Pastor Stephanie Preaching on John 4: 5-42

Soup and Stew Potluck

Saturday, March 21st

Pastor Stephanie preaching on John 9: 1-41

Egg Special w/Home Fries

Saturday, March 28th

Rev. Connor DeFehr preaching

Meatless Potluck

Saturday, April 4th

Palm Sunday Gathering


Saturday, April 11th

Holy Saturday Gathering

Chili and Cornbread Potluck

Saturday, April 18th

Festival of Creation

Pastor Stephanie preaching on 1 Peter 1: 3-9

Egg Special w/Home Fries

Saturday, April 25th

Rev. Connor DeFehr preaching

Gluten-Free Potluck

Upcoming Events at The Land

Worship on The Land

Saturdays at 10am w/Brunch to Follow

Text - to -Give

Text the dol lar amount you would l ike to dona te to:

7 20 -33 6 -5891

and fol low the prompts !

Donate Onl ine

Set up a one -t ime or monthly dona-tion on our secure onl i ne giving plat-

form at:

ww w .t he landau rora .org

by cl icking on our “Donate” button.

Mai l You r Donation

Checks payable to The Land can be mailed to:

T he La nd P .O . B ox 36 72

Litt le ton, Color ado 80 161 -36 72

The Land’s 2019 Stewardship Campaign has been a phenomenal success! And, it’s not to late to make

your pledge commitment to The Land in 2020! So far, The Land has received 22 pledge commitments

for a total of $22,610. These pledging units, along with additional donations made throughout the

year, will go toward The Land ’s $137,751 2020 operational budget. The remaining amount of the

2020 operational budget will be paid by an operational grant awarded to The Land by the New

Church Development Committee of the Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church. As

an official new church start of the Mountain Sky Area Conference, The Land is eligible to apply for

ongoing funding until 2023 when The Land reaches the fifth year of their organizational life.

9am Saturday Morning Education Hour at The Land

The 9am Saturday morning education hour will continue their study

on Richard Rohr’s “The Universal Christ,” through Saturday, March

7th. Beginning Saturday, March 14th the group will begin a 10 -week

study on William C. Guerrant Jr. ’s book, “Organic Wesley: A Christian

Perspective on Food, Farming, and Faith.”

Reports from The Land’s 2019 Stewardship Campaign

Expect to see new things growing out at The Land this summer! In December, ten 5 x 8 foot in -ground gar-

den beds were dug out with the bobcat (pictured below) to make room for a community garden. In 2020

these plots will be fenced off and filled with soil amendments in preparation for Spring plantings. Over the

next three years, The Land plans to expand to thirty garden beds with a goal of ensuring that each garden

plot is healthy and productive. Garden plots will be dedicated to growing annuals such as tomatoes, snap

peas, as well as to growing perennials such as strawberries/raspberries. One garden plot is scheduled to be

placed outside the gate with an invitation for people to stop by and help themselves.

In addition to our growing garden, here are some other property improvements you can expect to see in


NEW PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY: An additional mowed and mulched meandering pedestrian pathway from

the parking lot to the canopy sanctuary. Pathway has already been mowed and people are already utilizing

it on Saturday mornings. In 2020, mulch will need to be ordered and spread with accompanying signage to

indicate the presence of the pedestrian pathway.

SANCTUARY IMPROVEMENTS: Addition of six additional stained picnic tables for the second canopy and

30 wooden folding chairs to increase seating capacity. Additional items include an arbor to make an entry

way and additional natural, decorative improvements to create a more welcoming and defined sense of


Increased Points of Hospitality around the Perimeter Path: In 2020 we plan to add meditative stations,

benches (possibly with arbors for shade) as well as seating around the little library.

Increased Physical Access to The Land: One of our core values is to conserve the prairie environment that

people moved out to this area to enjoy and commit to further increasing the usability of The Land by the

local community. Therefore, a top priority in 2020 is to install a foot gate so that people can access The

Land at any time while still leaving the gate locked as a security measure.