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Page 1: 2019 From The Flight Deck - · 3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!! Page 3 UFO It was a beautiful flying day and 23

I ns id e Th i s I s su e

Message From the President / Vice President


Upcoming Meetings Meet Vernon Foster


UFO Get Togethers.


New UFO Members


The High Flyers


Area Reps 16

V o l u m e 4 8

From The Flight Deck

The Left Seat


Question thirteen in the recent survey that many of you participated in was: “If you have already quit as PIC, what do you do now to replace flying?” Ten of your responses struck a chord. In no particular order they were: (1) staying active in the UFO, (2) volunteering with the EAA, (3)

flying as a mission assistant with Angel Flight, (4) volunteering for charities, (5) doing church volunteer work, (6) volunteering with Young Eagles, (7) teaching/speaking to High School aviation classes on aviation opportunities, (8) maintaining an active position on the board of the UFO (That's a good one!!), (9) volunteering for duty at my soaring club/public speaking, and (10) continuing to mentor anybody seeking a future in aviation. As you peruse this list of responses, you may notice that many of them include the word "volunteer"; perhaps you can think of other possibilities. The point is that we should look upon our ability to fly as a blessing which deserves to be passed on to others. Please consider paying it forward.

Jim Cavender— President Email: [email protected]

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

T h e S l i p S t r e a m

Q 3 — 2 0 1 9

S p e c i a l P o i n t s o f I n t e r e s t :

C h e c k o u t a l l t h e U F O M e m b e r s

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Bill Webber (95) turned 80 on Oct 24, 2003. Within 2 weeks, he was an enthusiastic new member of the UFO. And then in 2007, he took on the task of originating and publishing a bright and colorful new newsletter for the UFO. He named it “The Slipstream”. The first issue came out in October 2007, and the Slipstream has been coming faithfully every 3 months since. He also developed the Friendship Directory, which helps keeps members in touch with each other. We are fortunate and very

grateful for Bill’s contribution to the organization. His son Rick, and Rick’s wife Eileen, have produced the Slipstream since then, and we owe them a note of appreciation as well. It has been 12 years since the first Slipstream came out and the Webbers are looking forward to a well-earned retirement. Sadly, this is the last issue that will be published by the Webber team. However, the Slipstream will be continued, albeit not in the inimitable Webber colorful style. There will be changes but the “High Flyers” is a popular feature and will be retained. That means we need bios and photos of you and your aircraft. Priority will be given to new members, but if you have never been featured in the Slipstream in the past, you are eligible for inclusion in a forthcoming issue. If you would like to be featured in an upcoming issue, please contact Jim Cavender at 817-292-1044 for instructions on how and what to submit. Bob Barker—Executive Vice President Email: [email protected]

The Right Seat

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List of Up and Coming UFO Meetings

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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Poplar Grove Fly-In— July 9 11:00 Poplar Grove Vintage Wings & Wheels Museum (C77) Poplar Grove, IL

Hamilton MT UFO/WBMP —July 17 11:00 Ravalli Airport Café (6S5) Hamilton, MT

Spokane, WA UFO/WBMP —July 24 11:00 Signature FBO Upstairs, Spokane Intl. (GEG) Spokane, WA

Nampa, ID UFO/WBMP —Aug 14 11:00 Tower Grill Nampa Airport (MAN) Nampa, ID

Bangor Bash—Aug 24 10:30 Maine Air Museum Bangor Intl. (BGR) Bangor, ME

Arizona UFO at PIMA— Sept 10 9:00 Pima Air & Space Museum. Tucson, AZ

Friday Harbor, WA UFO/WBMP —Sept 11 11:00 Ernie’s Café (FHR) Friday Harbor, WA

Northern California UFO Meeting—Oct 10 11:00 Peter Chu’s Skyroom. (RDD) Redding, CA

Check the web page for more details.


Anyone who has ever met Vern and listened to his hilarious tales about his amorous adventures knows that he has a wonderful knack for living life to the fullest. Just take a look at that picture of Vern and his girlfriend, Paula, and tell me that there's a man who has resigned himself to live out the rest of his days planted in an easy chair. No way, Jose. At 102 and counting, you can count on Vern to be the life of a party. He has a boisterous laughter that is abso-lutely infectious. Now, there are other members of the UFO who are older than 102 (two of them by the way). But there is one thing about Vern that is truly unique and noteworthy: he has been a member of the UFO for more years than anyone else in the whole organization! Vern joined the UFO on March 27, 1997. That means that he has been a member now for over twenty-two years. Indeed, he has been a member for over one-half of the time the UFO has even existed. Each year when the renewal notices are sent out, Vern faithfully replies by sending in his dues. He finds value and meaning in his membership, and he urges all of his brothers and sisters to fol-low his example.

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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!

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It was a beautiful flying day and 23 members and 15 guests for a total of 38 people flew or drove to the San Luis Obispo Airport for a lunch meeting. Our speaker, Dr. Harry Wander, a member, gave an excellent and very helpful talk on aviation medical issues. Following that, several new members introduced themselves with a short talk. One new member, Sylvia Paoli, gave us an amazing introduction to her aviation story. After sev-eral airplanes she now flies a Mooney. What a story! Barry Schiff was a man of few words, but he writes monthly in AOPA’s Pilot Magazine.

Pennsylvania UFO Meeting Apr 11 Lancaster (LNS), PA

Tom Johnston, the UFO Pennsylvania Area Rep, hosted a meeting at the Fiorentino’s Restaurant. Forty members and guests flew or drove in from five different states. Twelve aircraft flew in on a spec-tacular spring day, includ-ing Frank Rapp, our 97-year-old member and WW2 Navy pilot.

Bill Fili, a WW2 B-24 crewman was there to describe his wartime experiences, includ-ing being shot down and captured during a raid at the highly defended Ploesti oil fields in Rumania.

John Sullivan, the UFO Mid Atlantic Regional Representative, gave a short presentation on the UFO organization and expressed the need for volunteers to help keep the organization meaningful.

Central Coast California Meeting Apr 18 San Luis Obispo (SBP), CA

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!

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Louisville Bowman UFO Fly-In May 10 Louisville (LOU), KY

On May 10th at Louisville Bowman Field, a UFO meeting took place. Historian Rick Tabb gave a presentation on the history of the Bowman Airport and the group re-viewed a visiting C-53 (The D-Day Doll). The meeting was followed by lunch near the airport.

This year the relentless rain that persisted throughout the Spring ceased just in time for the event. The meeting set a record with 73 members and guests seated for lunch, plus four more who came only for the ramp activities. Inspecting aircraft and an abundance of hangar talk was in full swing on the ramp but all conversation came to a halt, and all eyes turned to one plane, as Jack Bart tax-ied his Paris Jet off the taxiway and onto the ramp. Two reasons – first, the plane is unusual and garnishes attention wherever it lands. Second, it is utterly impossible to be heard over the loud and wondrous whine of the jet. Ray Gibouleau introduced his good friend, Captain Peter Goutiere (104). This amazing man was a friend of Maharaja Kooch Behar of India and of King Hussein of Jordan, and a survivor of 680 missions flying the Himalayan “Hump” in WWII. This extraordinary man spoke at length about his experiences. It was a thor-oughly enjoya-ble day for all.

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Annual Regional Fly-In Danbury May 15 Danbury (DXR), CT

Peter Goutiere (104).

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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!

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We gathered 36 for the UFO and Wright Broth-ers Master Pilots near Everett Paine Field in Washington. Many drove and several flew into Paine Field and parked at Castle and Cooke. The FBO took great care of us with a shuttle to and from the Le Bistro Restaurant which is run by the Sno-Isle Tech Skill Center. They presented us with a won-derful meal and dessert. Of course the Webber boys, Bill and Rick, flew in from Spokane and Bill presented his talk on the origin of the UFO and that everyone should be celebrating the UFO birthday on Nov 2nd. Everyone was given a chance to talk and we ended the meeting with a photo outside. When we returned back to the airport, we were delighted to find that a Navy F-18 had arrived and parked right next to the Webber’s C-182.

UFO Tri-State Meeting May 25 Thomasville (TVI), GA

Joe Blandford, the UFO Area Representative for Florida and the Thomasville Aviation Club, hosted a well-attended UFO Tri-State (GA, FL, AL) Meeting at the historic Thomasville, GA Airport. Over 45 members and guests from 5-states participated in the comradery and luncheon.

Everyone received a copy of a 1945 Picture of the P-51 training class. Joe Blandford announced that one of the pilots in the picture is a UFO member, 94 year old Walter McFadden, who was present. Walt talked about his experiences, and autographed cop-ies of the 1945 class picture.

A total of 13 airplanes flew in for the event, includ-ing an award-winning Cessna 195 owned by Dave Ramsey. Luke Closson, a FAA DPE, provided an interesting presentation “Aging Gracefully – Flying Safely”.

Everett UFO/WBMP Meeting June 5 (PAE) Everett, WA

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

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3 Months of Get-Togethers and Meetings Reports On UFO Members That Had Local Meetings!!

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Salem UFO/WBMP June 6 (SAE) Salem, OR

June 6, 2019 (D-Day), 26 attended the UFO and Wright Brothers Mas-ter Pilot meeting at the Salem OR airport (SLE) terminal building. Many flew in and many drove to the meeting, which was organized by Bert Zimmerly, the local UFO area rep. His wife Jean Anne also helped Bill Webber tally attendance and hand out name tags for this event. We were treated to a presentation from Marcie and Robin Reid who shared their many years of history in aviation going back to Robin’s mother, Amelia Reed, who owned and operated the Reid-Hillview Airport in Santa Clara California and instructed and flew over 55,000 hours. Wow what a lady and family. Marcie celebrated this special day (D-Day) by dressing up in an authentic D-Day uniform. The lunch was catered by the airport restaurant and there were lots of great stories shared when the microphone was passed around.

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Bert Zimmerly and Marcie Reid

Twenty Eight Texas members were able to fly or drive to our Fly-In at College Station. One of the newer members, Richard Smith, was key in coordinating the activities at the FBO and Bush Library & Museum. They just can’t say enough for the excellent facility and support they received from the FBO – ASTIN Aviation: meeting room, TV, drinks, and shuttle ride to the Bush Library. They were pleased to have the UFO President (Jim Cavender) attend and update everyone on UFO activities. Following the member’s self-introductions and comments on their flying “skills ☺,” they were pleased to have the San Antonio FAA Safety “FAST” Manager present the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award to Richard Smith. Congratulations Richard! Af-ter an excellent box lunch from a local deli, they were off to tour the President Bush Library.

South Texas Fly-In June 20 Texas A&M Easterwood Field (CLL) College Station, TX

Richard Smith

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South Carolina UFO Meeting May 23 Lexington, SC

Jack Starling submitted this photo and write up from the South Carolina UFO lunch at the Flight Deck restaurant in Lexington, SC. They had a new member, Bill Filiatreau, drive in from Pawley’s Island, SC and everyone en-joyed meeting him and hearing about his flying experience. As usual, they all visited with each other and talked about their own flying experi-ences.

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

It was a beautiful day for the UFO fes-tivities at Sky Manor Airport and Café in Pittstown, New Jersey. Therefore, it is no mystery why 39 UFO members and guests showed up for the event. Unfortunately our speaker, John Billings, was not able to make it due to difficulties with his newly installed Garmin unit. John Sullivan, our Mem-bership V.P. was enlisted by Bob Barker to start a series of stories of our own ex-periences. John talked about flying the twin jet AT37 in Viet Nam where he flew over 400 missions and dropped a bomb in downtown Saigon. Azhar Hu-sain showed off what must be the finest Piper Tri-Pacer anywhere. Joe Bland-ford came all the way from Tallahassee, Florida. It was a splendid meeting en-joyed by all.

Jersey Jamboree June 12 (N40) Pittstown, NJ

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Look At All The New UFO Members!! P a g e 8

Name St Phone Lee Browning AK (907)223-8246

Tom Farrell AK (907)394-4685

Dale Moore AK (907)283-4350

John Addison AL (205)495-8604

Hershel Finney AL (205)680-1543

Lloyd Probst AL (334)399-9129

Duane Taylor AL (334)277-3535

Everett Redding AR (501)940-2299

Edward Lohman AZ (928)502-2042

George Ricci AZ (520)705-9516

Robert Burkel CA (951)492-8837

Bruce Clegg CA (925)634-4064

Joseph Gianquinto CA (661)619-1558

James Hager CA (510)612-5768

Wayne Handley CA (209)962-7868

Carl Hensler CA (650)868-8953

Walter Johnson CA (650)697-6212

F. Robert Marshall CA (530)832-4316

John Mills CA (818)889-8944

Thomas O'Donnell CA 9650)573-5932

Art Phillips CA (805)338-9127

Andrew Randazzo CA (925)392-8708

Roger Schultze CA (559)333-0653

Sheldon Simonovich CA (760)375-4451

Charles Tilton CA (408)313-3117

Grady Williams CA (209)358-1166

Lawrence Wolfsen CA (831)423-8340

Kenneth Burnham CO (970)897-2654

Larry Edwards CO (970)219-4388

Lawrence Pace CO (303)426-7196

Ron Randel CO (970)590-6222

Richard Socash CO 9303)499-3169

Earl Weidemueller CO (970)214-4304

Frank Bill CT (860)688-5586

Salvatore Manganaro CT (203)556-3522

Robert Montlick CT (203)655-0128

Frank Minnick DE ((302)697-7951

James Clary FL (239)209-7051

James Crews Jr. FL

Otto Croy FL (727)867-4888

We now have 1607 members. Since March 31, 2019 we added

119 new members.

U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

We have 6 Members that are over 100 Gene Engledow (105) Bolivar, MO, Peter Goutiere (104) Katonah, NY Vern Foster (102) Enid, OK, Charles Tinker (100) Columbiaville, MI Martin Geraghty (100) Englewood, FL, Robert Leslie (100) Biloxi, MS

Name St. Phone Donald Grisham FL (863)291-4314

Roy Hall FL (863)666-5757

Kenneth Hoffman FL (941)655-8884

James Hughes FL (386)405-8555

Kenneth Rivard FL (312)453-6700

Tom Sage FL (352)455-4143

James Stasney FL (904)502-1898

Larry Strain FL (501)318-7000

Thomas Alexander GA (229)403-0522

Gerald Bartel GA (512)621-3729

Anthony Harwood GA (404)272-4909

Joseph Watkins GA

Lou Wipotnik IL (847)800-3776

Tom Banaszak IN (708)973-2382

David Maultsby KY (502)216-2156

Stephen Kazan MA (508)755-6829

John Kinney MA (508)881-1950

Donald Shotz MA (781)858-1083

William Walsh MA (508)668-6095

Ronald Demmler MD (410)398-1348

Loren Gibbons MI (231)420-1899

Barry Kadans MI (248)682-2188

Joseph Kennedy MI (248)343-3944

Bruce Sdunek MI (517)546-1027

Thomas Larson MN (612)390-7057

James Carpenter MO (314)616-7321

Peter Field MO (636)248-0552

John McConnell MO (816)674-8811

Carl Rogers MO (573)718-2773

Louis Owens MS (601)597-7561

Brian Dunlop MT (406)422-5182

Gordon Roberts NC

Raymond Schehr NC (336)918-4894

Hubert Terbille NC (919)599-4420

Robert Edmison NE (402)897-3700

Donald Davidson NH (603)345-2539

Barry Otto NH (603)315-0164

Ted Fox NJ (609)922-9254

L. Jane Schill NM (505)341-1328

Ronald Tarrson NM

Name St. Phone

Michael Constantine NV (702)210-5613

Jerry King NY (631)586-3863

Marvin Levine NY (917)971-2741

Calvin Richards NY (585)728-2831

Roger Teck NY (518)848-8367

Thomas Zimmie NY (518)283-6208

L Masters Jr. OK (405)210-7088

Bob Veit OK (918)333-2533

Bruce Gustafson OR (541)505-6081

Don Stark OR

James Stuart OR (925)487-7354

Bert Young OR (541)219-0444

K. Brent Owen PA

Leonard Abbatiello TN (865)483-8264

Roy Derryberry TN (901)755-4068

Garney Scott Jr. TN (615)385-9549

Ulf Balldin TX (210)663-7391

Charles Bratton TX (254)223-1526

Gerald Burney TX (806)333-3307

William Cornell TX

Allen Hilton TX (972)741-4520

Bill Kashouty TX (903)882-9854

Gerald Knapp TX (903)641-5506

Will Taylor TX (806)679-6604

Kenneth Theis TX (361)227-6468

William White TX (210)364-3826

Ronald Mengarelli UT (916)208-8795

R Fisher II VA (804)758-0217

Michael Strutzel VA

Gordon Bakke WA (360)708-7917

Anthony Tessitore WA (206)257-9223

Dan Wynia WA (509)993-3905

Harold Burton WI (715)634-2909

Larry Landucci WI (608)282-5024

Bill Meise WI (608)588-2961

Roland Schable WI (608)754-0498

LaVern Johnson WY (307)746-5061

Les Little Canada (403)548-9707

Holger Von Bulow Switzer-land

43 720 345910

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Martin is pictured here on the left with his Stearman, which he has owned for over 20 years. He flies about 75 hours a year. Martin has owned several planes, including a Cherokee 180, a PT22, a BT13, and a couple of Eagle Ultralights.


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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Neil started flying when he was 17. He stopped flying while he was attending college, but realized that was a mis-take, so resumed flying again and got his private and instru-ment rating and purchased a 1956 Cessna 182. Shortly af-terward, he got his commercial license and was hired by Eastern Airlines in 1966. While flying for Eastern, he flew Lockheed L188, Convair 440, Boeing B727, and Douglas DC-9. He retired from Eastern, moved out west, and bought enough land to have a 2100’ air strip and purchased a 1957 Cessna 182A. He went back to a Community College and

got his Aircraft Mechanics certificate with Airframe & Power Plant ratings and began an aircraft maintenance business, and later flew charter, scheduled freight and contract fire fighting operations. He is now retired from all of this and just flies for the fun of it.

Martin Benson (82) Huntington Beach, CA

Pictured here is John and his grandson arriving at Oshkosh in 2013. John has been there every year since then. He has circumnavigated the country in this Piper J-3, from New York to Seattle and back.

Neil Stone. (81) Orofino, ID

Larry started flying lessons after serving in the USMC for 4 years. He soloed in 1962 and got his private license. But flying went on hold for several years and then in 1990 he got his instrument ticket and in 1993 his commercial and CFI ratings. In 1984, Larry bought a 1966 Cessna Skyhawk, which he owned until the early 2000s when he sold it and bought a 1970 Citabria, which he currently owns and flies to pancake breakfasts.

Larry Gilbert (80) Titusville, FL

A. John Halunen (80) Naples, NY

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Ronald started flying in 1955 in a family owned Taylorcraft BC12D. He flew off and on while in school, and then in 1968, he bought a Piper PA22 and used it to fly to construction jobs. He retired in 1997 and now just flies it for pleasure, and just VFR flying now. He also belongs to AOPA and the Short Wing Piper Club, attending fly-ins for the Piper Club.


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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Brent came to the U.S. from England in 1966. In England, he flew single seat fighters on board various carriers. After coming to the U.S., Brent joined American Airlines where he flew for 30 years. Since retiring, he has restored and build several aircraft, and is presently building a Vans RV8.

Ronald Demmler (82) Childs, MD

Kenneth became a student pilot in 1959 and got his private license in San Diego. He then got his commercial, instrument and CFI ratings in 1963, his CFII in 1968, MEL in 1969 and ATP/MEL in 1971. He has a total of 4800 hours, 3500 are as an instructor. Kenneth says the picture is of a proud grandpa with his grandson, who is a captain for Mesa Airlines/United Express—Keeping it in the family!!

K. Brent Owen (80) Hanover, PA

Charlie Kemp (81) Hazlehurst, MS

John says that he has always ‘liked’ airplanes. He soloed in 1956 in an Aer-onca 7AC. He has flown off and on mostly in Cessna and Piper aircraft. He currently holds Commercial, Instrument, CFI and CFIG, and is an instructor with the Northern California Soaring Association and the Civil Air Patrol.

A. John Randazzo (81) Brentwood, CA

Kenneth Theis (80) Sandia, TX

Robert Montlick (83) Norwalk, CT

Robert has been flying for over 50 years and learned to fly in a Cessna. In the late 60s, he bought a Cessna 172 and flew all over the country. In 1978, he sold that and bought a new Cessna 182 and has been flying it ever since.

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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

John says the first airplane he got close to was a Lancaster when he was 7. He was a cadet in the Air Training Corps and he flew in various Royal Air Force airplanes. His first flight was in a Tiger Moth at age 14 and his first solo in a T-31 at age 17. After moving to the U.S., he got his pri-vate, commercial, and instrument ratings in a Cherokee 140, then added glider and multi-engine ratings. He has

logged flying time in 13 airplane types, 16 glider types and 2 helicopter types, with over 3,800 hours.

Roland is a retired corporate pilot, flying 30 years with the same compa-ny. He has flight experience in a Cessna 411, a Navajo, A Bonanza, a Taylorcraft and others. He is still current with CFII, Multi-Engine, Sea, A&P, IA, and has received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award.

Roland Schable (81) Janesville, WI

Frank was employed for 45 years by a helicopter manufacturer, Kaman Aerospace Corp., and worked as a supervisor of experi-mental flight test engineering and flew for them. He has been fly-ing for over 55 years, has received the FAA Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award, and is still a flight and ground instructor, having given over 10,000 hours of flight instruction. Frank says he intends to carry his licenses to the grave with him. He is pictured here with his Piper Warrior.

John Mills (80) Agoura Hills, CA

Lloyd soloed in 1957 in a PA-18. In 1957, he enlisted in the USAF and entered the USAF Academy in 1959, graduating in 1963, and graduated from USAF Pilot Training in 1964. From 1966-69, he flew 1248 combat sorties in C-130s. He retired from the USAF in 1981. From 1981-83, he was manager of the Max-well AFB Aero Club. From 1983-88, he was a corporate pilot. From 1989-91, he was captain in a B727. In 1991, he was award-ed National Flight Instructor of the Year. From 1991-2006, he was a corporate pilot. From 1985-2005, DPE, BHM, FSDO. He was inducted into the AL Aviation Hall of Fame in 2005. In 2007, he received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. He is still an active CFI, and has 24,115 hours, with 9,178 as a CFI. He has owned an Aeronca 11AC, a PA28-140, a Cessna 120, an Ercoupe E, and a Cessna 150F.

Lloyd Probst (80) Montgomery, AL

Frank Bill (82) Windsor, CT

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Ron has been flying since 1975. He has been a life member of AOPA, has served on the President’s Circle of EAA, and has owned lots of air-planes, including a 1939 WACO, a 1941 Spartan, a 1949 Navion, 3 Cess-nas, 2 Pipers, a Citabria, a Citation, and others. He is currently looking for a T34 Mentor with an I0550 engine.


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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Richard has been a licensed pilot since 1960. He and his daughter built this Vans RV-7A in 2010 and he wrote a book “The Experimental Experience” (available on Amazon) after completing the plane. After a career in several academic positions and work in the nuclear field and the computer graphics field, he is now in his 3rd retirement and finally finding time for recreational flying, EAA activities and now the UFO.

Ronald Tarrson (80) Santa Fe, NM

Michael soloed in a J5 Piper Cub in 1955 and got his Pri-vate license when he was 17. He flew his dad’s 1956 B35 Bonanza and a 1960 M35 Bonanza, putting about 800 ours on them. During college, he flew a Stinson Sta-tion Wagon and a 1977 Beech C24R Sierra that he owned. He got is multi-engine rating in 1963 followed by Instrument rating and in 2003 a Cessna Citation 500 series Type rating. He purchased a Beech Duke A60 in 1971 and flew it all over the US and Canada for his electronics business. Michael has over 5500 hours, with a lot of that in the Duke.

Richard “Rege” Socash (81) Boulder, CO

Charlie Kemp (81) Hazlehurst, MS Gordon had a calling to be a missionary pilot/mechanic and got his private license in 1964, followed by A&P in 1966, then IA, and eventually Commercial and Instrument Ratings. In 1967, his family moved to Zambia, Africa where they spent 22 years as missionaries and Gordon flew 4,500 hours as an African Bush Pi-lot. They came back to the US in 1989, and throughout the next several years, Gordon restored several planes, including Cessnas and a Piper Cub. For 11 years, he was Executive Director of the Mission Aviation Training Academy in Arlington. He now has 7,300 total hours and is still flying in those Cessnas.

Gordon Bakke (80) Mount Vernon, WA

Michael Constantine (80) Henderson, NV

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Tony learned to fly in the Eglin AFB Aero Club and soloed in 1959 and got his private and instrument ratings. After the Air Force and a working career, he took up aviation as a hobby. He built this Van RV-12 Light Sport airplane, and has flown it over 500 hours, mostly in northern Washington State and the San Juan Islands.


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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

At age 16, Sal got his student pilot license and progressed up the ladder to add nearly all certificates. He served in the US Navy for 8 years flying the F8 Cru-sader, then was a co-pilot with Capitol Airlines flying a DC8. He later worked for a French company, Dessault Falcon Jet, and is still working for them. He also owns Salem Enterprises International, training & testing pilots. In 2015, Sal was notified that he was being awarded the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. Sal has over 24,600 hours of flying and teaching students, and says he still gazes up at the sky to watch planes.

Anthony Tessitore (80) Lacey, WA

Jerry joined the Navy as a cadet in 1960, won his wings and flew off a carrier. He had a 32 year career with Delta Airlines, and then was finally able to fulfill his lifelong dream of building his own airplane. He started build-ing a Lancair 360 in 1990, and

finally had his first flight in it in 2002. He has named it El Lobo and loves his time flying it.

Salvatore Manganaro (81) Newtown, CT

Charlie Kemp (81) Hazlehurst, MS Wayne is a former naval aviator, ag pilot, aerobat-ic champion, and preeminent airshow performer, with over 31,000 hours, little of that time spent straight, level and upright!!! He has received many awards for his aerobatic flying and has

achieved multiple records in the aerobatic flying world. Some of the planes he has flown include a Pitts Special, a Raven, and Oracle Tur-bo Raven, a G-202, and a Bonanza for his ’casual’ flying.

Wayne Handley (80) Groveland, CA

Jerry Knapp (80) Purdon, TX

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Bill joined the Air Force in 1958 and became a navi-gator on Sac’s B-47s, and later B-52s, leaving the Air Force in 1977. From 1980 to 1992, he didn’t fly at all, but then got his private and instrument licenses in 1992. He owned a Cessna 182P for awhile, but now flies with the Tyler Texas C-172 Club.


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U n i t e d F l y i n g O c t o g e n a r i a n s

Tom started flying in 1967 after spending time in the Navy. He got his private, com-mercial and instrument ratings, bought a Cessna 150, and used it for many years in his job selling manufactured housing, often landing on farmer’s small crop duster strips. Tom attends Osh Kosh every year, but

doesn’t fly there. He has sold the Cessna and rents 152s now, trying to stay current.

Bill Kashouty (81) Hideaway, TX

Robert started flying (actually soaring) in the 1960s in a Schweizer 2-33, adding all of his Glider licenses. He started teaching instrument flying and soaring in a Blan-ik, and has over 1000 hours as a teacher. He also became a tow pilot, flying a PA-18 Super Cub, and then a Cessna 182, and a Piper Pawnee. He bought a Lark IS28 glider and restored a Cessna 180, sold it and purchased a Nim-bus which he later sold and bought a Harmon Rocket—sold it and now has a Kitfox 1200.

Tom Banaszak (82) Valparaiso, IN

Charlie Kemp (81) Hazlehurst, MS Ulf was born in Sweden, came to the US in 1992, and has been a pi-lot for 50 years with over 1420 hours in over 25 types of aircraft. He spent 10 years helping build experimental short take-off aircraft (Zenith STOL CH701, was president of EAA, and currently owns this Cessna 150 for his local flying pleasure. Ulf has also been a sailor for 50 years, and sails every summer with Swedish friends. Ulf had a stellar University/Defense career working in many medical areas and with aviation and diving medical research, to name just a few of his many fields of endeavor and accolades.

Ulf Balldin (80) San Antonio, TX

F. Robert Marshall (80) Beckwourth, CA

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John took his first flight lesson at age 13 in a Super cub. After college, John farmed with his dad for a couple of years, and then tried his luck in car sales. He then returned to the farming indus-try. At 27 he was bored with farming and decided to learn to fly!

So in 1967, he started flying and became a Crop Duster, flying 450 hrs. his first season. He decided Aerial Application was too dangerous and went back to farming. But then he went back to the spray business. He was then offered a job by an aircraft shop operating a Cessna Agricultural Aircraft deal-ership and added a Thrush franchise. In 1976, John and his wife began studying for Missionary work, and continued this in various places for several years. John continues to provide Aerial Application in a five county area of western Kansas and is still involved in farming.

John Notestine (80) Leoti, KS


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Bruce’s 1st Airplane ride was at age 11 and has accumulated many fly-ing hours during his life. He joined the Air Force in 1961 and retired in 1983. Bruce has a very long list of military assignments and Service Medals/Ribbons. While in the Air Force, Bruce obtained FAA Private, Multi-Engine, Glider and Sea Plane Certificates and Type Ratings in B-17, B-25 and Martin 202-404, and later got his ATP, Commercial Land,

Multi & Single Engine Instrument plus Advance Ground Instructor & Instrument Certificates. After teaching for 3 yrs, he joined Horizon Air Lines and flew for 1700 hrs., then was again an Instructor and check pilot, retiring from this in 2011. Bruce has also been involved in EAA, the Young Eagles, and volunteering at Oshkosh at the Vintage Aircraft Operations Center. In 2014, he received-The Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. Bruce has flown over 70 different make or models of aircraft..

Tom started flying in 1961 in a J-3 Cub. Flying was interrupted about 10 years for military, marriage, kids, and similar. He resumed active flying in the early 70s and has been active since with Private and Instrument and about 1300 hrs. Tom owns this C152. He is a Civil Engineer, employed full time (46 yrs and counting) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Thomas Zimmie (80) Wynantskill, NY

James Coward (80) Loudonville, NY

James obtained his private pilot license August 1968 and his instrument rating October 1971. He trained for a multiengine rating in 1973-74, but a job plus marriage in 1975 prevented the fulfillment of that goal. Cur-rently, I have approximately 1210 hours total flight time with approxi-mately 1050 hours as PIC. Since earning my private license James has lived in and flown out of New Haven, CT (KHVN), Albany, NY (KALB), Ann Arbor, MI (KARB), and, following retirement, back to Albany. He is a member of Condair Flyers (, an outstanding flying club with approximately 65 members and five aircraft. James enjoys flying with other members of Con-dair for the classic $100 Hamburger at various airports in the northeast US. It is such a joy to fly and

he is very happy that his health allows him to continue this enjoyable

Bruce Gustafson (82) Eugene, OR

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United Flying Octogenarians P.O. Box 1765 Carmel Valley, CA 93924 Tel. 831-521-9109 E-mail: [email protected]

T h e S l i p

S t r e a m

United Flying Octogenarians

UFO Warren Wood P.O. Box 1765 Carmel Velley, CA 93924

Visit the Web Site—

UFO Regional Managers

AL Skeet Vaughan (256) 881-2566

AR Jim Stamps (479) 293-4147

AZ Howard Deevers (520)241-3382

CA North Annie Orton (530) 529-4108

CA Northwest Richard Dennis (707) 538-1976

CO Jack Cronin (303) 333-3000

CT, MA, NH, RI, VT Bob Barker (203) 321-1073

DE, MD Dan Brown (410) 757-0774

FL Joe Blandford (850) 894-8634

GA, SC Ray Bell (404) 634-4531

HI Jack DeTour (808) 487-2842

ID Norm Kinney (208) 639-1456

IL Red Bainbridge (815) 282-5083

IN Bill Frazier (765) 282-0957

ME Ray Gibouleau (207) 852-5796

MN, WI Bob Ward (608) 274-0849

MO, IA Norm Beyer (417) 709-3045

MT West Ed Gonsalves (406) 381-2975

NE Bill Ramsay (402) 489-2067

NC Tom Van Petten (252) 586-5853

ND, SD Forest Wixon (605) 222-1365

NM Vern Dudley (505) 266-2491

NV North Charles Kettering (775) 826-5161

NV South Marvin D. Rogge (702) 655-9005

NY, NJ Bob Barker (203) 321-1073

OH Charlie DeBerry (937) 435-9229

OK Jack Kearbey (918) 636-8867

OR Bert Zimmerly (503) 708-5703

PA Tom Johnston (717)761-0195

TX North Jim Cavender (817) 292-1044

TX South Central John Larrison (210) 313-2868

TX South East Dan Nicholson (713) 703-9333

UT Russ Roberts (435) 590-7610

VA Tom Van Petten (252) 586-5853

WA William Webber (509) 466-2026

WA DC John Sullivan (410) 266-6517

WY Bernie Peterson (307) 673-8414

Europe Charles Strasser 44-1534-851681

Canada Cyril Mosher (902) 681-4347

UFO Area Representatives

West William Webber (509) 466-2026

Southwest Jim Cavender (817) 292-1044

Northeast Bob Barker (203) 321-1073

Midwest Red Bainbridge (815) 282-5083

Mid Alantic John Sullivan (410) 266-6517