Download - · 2019-10-16 · 4 From Youth Chaplain’s Desk Dearly Beloved in Christ, Greetings. ‘Summer’ is behind us and we

Page 1: · 2019-10-16 · 4 From Youth Chaplain’s Desk Dearly Beloved in Christ, Greetings. ‘Summer’ is behind us and we






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Ascension Mar Thoma Church 10197 Northeast Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19116

Phone: 215-677-7322

Web site.

NEWS LETTER –Oct/Nov/Dec : 2019

(For Private Circulation Only)


Rev. Jinson K. Mathew

Vice President Mr. Anu Skariah 215-496-2423

Secretary Mr. Jijomon Joseph 215-906-9181

Trustee-Finance Mr. John Varkey 215-578-1226

Trustee-Accounts Mr. Subin V. Abraham 215-485-8512

Page 2: · 2019-10-16 · 4 From Youth Chaplain’s Desk Dearly Beloved in Christ, Greetings. ‘Summer’ is behind us and we



Vicar Rev.Jinson K Mathew 267-312-9755 Youth Chaplain Rev.Thomas K.Mathew 516-661-7844

Vice President : Mr. Anu Skariah 267-496-2423

Secretary : Mr. Jijomon Joseph 215-906-9181

Trustee( Finance) Mr. John Varkey 215-578-1226

Trustee( Accounts) : Mr. Subin V .Abraham 215-485-8512

Lay Leader ( Malayalam ) Mr. T.S .Varghese 215-325-0779

Lay Leader ( English ) Mr. Thomas Saju 267-414-4550

Sabha Prathinidhi Mandalam / Assembly Members

Sabha Mandalam Member Mrs. Aleyamma Baby 215-953-2048

Dio. Assembly Member . Mr K. Johnson 215-680-0010

Dio. Assembly Member . Mr .Jobin K Mathew 215-673-3889

Dio.Assembly Member . Mr Rojish Sam Samuel 267-808-1064

Prayer Group Representatives

Bethlehem : Mr . George P. Mathai 215-677-1528

Jerusalem : Mr. Lalu Jose Prathap 215-741-1214

Nazareth : Mr. Thomas Mathew 215-677-2673

Salem: Mr. Mammen Kappiuzhathil 215-330-3294

Sharon : Mr.Varghese Mathai 215-947-8118

Zion Mr. Mathai Thomas 215-464-5055

Members Representing Organizations

Choir Mr . Sumesh V. John 267-269-9810

Edavaka Mission Mr. V. L. Georgekutty 215-676-1508

Sevika Sangam Mrs. Biji Sabin 215-464-0316

Sunday School Mrs Deepam Cherian 215-944-3027

Yuvajana Sakhyam Mr. Sam Abraham 267-230-6320

Youth Fellowship Miss. Nancy Abreaham 215-6768808

Young Family Fellowship Mr. Bobby Cherian 267-671-2248

Senior Fellowship Mr. K. Varghese 215-947-9604

Building Committee

Building Committee Convener Mr. John Mathew 732-500-8753


Auditor Mr.Thomas Chandy 215-757-3393

Auditor Mr.C.S. Mathew 215-698-8254


Highlights of 5th Diocesan National Conference

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AMTC Calendar of Events for the Year 2019


4-6 Yuvajana Sakhyam Conference ( Philadelphia)

6 9.00 AM Malayalam Holy Communion/Edavaka mission Day

10-13 Sevika Sangam Diocesan Conference ( Houston )

13 9.00 AM English Holy Communion/Youth Fellowship Day

20 9.00 AM Malayalam Holy Communion/ Yuvajana Sakhyam Day


9.00 AM English Holy Communion/ Young Family Fellowship Day RAC – Musical Night


3 9.00 AM Malayalam Holy Communion/Family Sunday

3 One Day Income Offertory

10 9.00 AM English Holy Communion/World Sunday School Day

17 9.00 AM Malayalam Holy Communion

17 General Body - Election of 2020 Office bearers

24 9.00 AM English Holy Communion

27 Thanksgiving Dinner - Hosted by Youth Fellowship ,Young Family and Yuvajana Sakhyam

28 9.00 AM : English Holy Communion/ Thanksgiving Day

30 SE Regional Youth Fellowship Fall Conference

30 Door to Door Christmas Caroling


1 9.30 AM - Malayalam Holy Communion/Door to Door Christmas Caroling

06-08 Door to Door Christmas Caroling

8 9.30 AM - English Holy Communion

13 Door to Door Christmas Caroling

14 Ecumenical Christmas Carol Program

15 9.30 AM - Malayalam Holy Communion/Door to Door Christmas Caroling

21 5.00 PM Christmas Carol Service

22 9.30 AM - English Holy Communion

25 9.00 AM : English Holy Communion

29 9.30 AM - Malayalam Holy Communion

31 Watch Night Service 09.30 PM : Malayalam Holy Communion

January 2020

02-05 Diocesan Youth Fellowship Leadership Conference

5 9.30 AM - Malayalam Holy Communion

12 9.30 AM - English Holy Communion

19 9.30 AM - Malayalam Holy Communion

26 9.30 AM - English Holy Communion


From Vicar’s Desk

“Let the same mind be in you that was in

Christ Jesus.” (Phil 2:5)

Dearly beloved in Christ


Let us thank God for all the blessings showered on us.

I appreciate each and every one for your sincere support and cooperation in the last 9

months of the year. The month of October, November and December we have many

programs. October 27th Sunday, The Southeast Regional Activity committee (RAC) is

organizing the famous Stefan Devassy Musical program at George Washington High

School. The RAC Secretary and Program General convener of this program are from

our Parish. Let us stand together and support our members and make this program a

grant success. November 1st Sunday is our Family Sunday. Please save the date and

come together with family. On family Sunday every individual member offer one day

income to our church for the various ministries and needs of our Parish. Then we have

Thanks giving dinner organized by our youth fellowship followed by Thanks giving day

Holy communion service. Then we have Christmas carol rounds. I hope and pray that

all members of our Parish will open their houses for our caroling team.

We are entering to the 4th quarter of the year. Please pay all your dues to the church as

early as possible. The accounts will be closed on December 31st. So, pay your dues at

least one week before that. Your dues will be carry forwarded.

Witnessing is very important in Christian life. It is not just recitation of salvation but has

equally to do with the living up to that confession here and now. Dr.S.Radha Krishnan,

the former Philosopher President of India once said “Christians are just ordinary people

making extra ordinary claims”. Mr.Rama Nath Kovind, the present President of India in

a speech made reference to one Mr. George, his tenant in Pune, eulogizing him as a true

Christian, an epitome of honesty, decency and human dignity. Though Mr.George an

ordinary Christian, his silent and unobtrusive witness, is giving credence to the extra

ordinary claims of he Gospel

May almighty Lord help us to accept the Divine will and to live as witnesses of the


With prayers



Page 4: · 2019-10-16 · 4 From Youth Chaplain’s Desk Dearly Beloved in Christ, Greetings. ‘Summer’ is behind us and we


From Youth Chaplain’s Desk

Dearly Beloved in Christ,

Greetings. ‘Summer’ is behind us and we have stepped into the ‘Fall’ season. It was our first

‘Summer’ here in Philadelphia and was excited to see ‘agriculturists’ in many of our mem-

bers spring out and make the best use of the season. The hardwork of all who were involved

in farming brought out much fruit as in the parable of the sower, where some found fruit of

thirty fold, some had sixty fold and some had hundred fold. It was also noteworthy to see

how the best of the harvest was shared with neighbors and loved ones and also the first fruits

being brought forth to the church to be presented before the Lord. Our blessings are multi-

plied when we share the best as a tithe before the Lord and also share with others around.

That itself is the spirit of the Kingdom of God we see in the Gospels.

A new season reminds us that we are to be prepare ourselves for new experiences and chal-

lenges we will be going through depending on the grace of God. The landscapes transform

with the weather changes and we see a renewed beauty of the nature as deemed fit by the

Creator God. This change of season also reminds that we live in a changing world where

nothing is eternal but the love of God. This reminder has two pointers which is very im-

portant for a healthy and a devoted Christian life. The first is that when we feel depressed

about our pains, failures and disasters we need to remember that this hard phase of life will

change. The second is that when we go through all the joyful occasions we need to be grate-

ful to God and humble ourselves because even that phase will change.

The schools and colleges have reopened and our children are back into their academic rou-

tine. Let us pray that they will seek and find the wisdom and knowledge from God which

will help them to excel in their academics and also build their personality holistically. As

parents we also need to consciously and imperatively nurture our children in faith and help

them to grow spiritually. We can make use of the various opportunities that the church has

provided for us right from the Sunday school, youth fellowships and other spiritual activi-

ties. This will mean a deliberate effort to make time for our children and bring them to these

fellowships regularly and also making sure that they meaningfully participate in them by

imbibing in them at home the need for spiritual growth. This can be possible only with our

life becoming a witness to Jesus in thoughts, words, actions, habits and lifestyle.

May I also encourage parents to introduce your children with the Youth chaplain ministry

here in Philadelphia. I do come on every second Sunday to that parish and also on other days

you can meet me at my residence. You can also contact me at 516-661-7844 or

[email protected]. It is my earnest desire to pray for you and walk with you in this

spiritual journey together. If your children are away from home in other states we do have

chaplain ministry in various parts please try to connect them with the concerned youth chap-


May the Lord bless us all. Please do keep us in your prayers.

Yours in Christ

Thomas Achen, Neenu, Ananya, Ansh and Ahana


Worship Schedule - December - 2019

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

09.00 AM English Holy Communion

Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Christmas day

Yaldo: Feast of Nativity ­ A New Dawn ­ Grace upon Grace

Isa 9:1-7 2Tim 2:8-13

Heb 1:1-14 Luke 2:1-20

Sunday, December 29, 2019

09.30 AM Malayalam Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Christ the Hope of Glory

Zach.14:1-5 1Thess.4:13-18

Acts.1:6-11 St.Mat.24:32-44

Tuesday , December 31, 2019

09.30 PM, Watch Night Service Malayalam Holy Communion

Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Yaldo: Feast of Nativity ­ A New Dawn ­ Grace upon Grace

Deut 8:1-20 1Pet 5:6-11

Heb 12:1-13 John 7:37-42

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Worship Schedule - December - 2019

Sunday, December 1, 2019

09.30 AM Malayalam Holy Communion Lessons

Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after service

Beginning of 25 Days Lent-Visitation of Virgin Mary to Elizabeth, Sharing of Good


Isa.40:1-8 1Thess.1:1-10

Jam.1:19-25 St.Luke 1:39-45

Sunday, December 8, 2019

09.30 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Birth of John the Baptis

1King.191-21 Gal.1:11-17

Rev.10:1-11 St.Luke.1:57-66

Sunday, December 15, 2019

09.30 AM Malayalam Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Annunciation to Joseph Isa.7:10-17 Titus.2:11-15

1Pet.3:8-16 St.Mat1:18-23

Sunday, December 22, 2019

09.30 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

‘Sunday before Christmas ­ “Our Lord Comes”

Isa.11:1-10 Rom.1:8-16

1John 4:7-21 St.John1:1-14



Month Worship Arrangements Social Hour

October Salem Prayer group Edavaka Mission

November Nazareth group Yung Family Fellowship

December Bethlehem Prayer group Nazareth


October 4-6 Yuvajana Sakhyam National Conference

October 10-13 Sevika Sangam National Conference

October 27 RAC Musical Event November 3 Family Sunday (One day Income Offertory )

November 17 General Body –Election of 2020 office bearers

November 27 Thanksgiving Dinner

November 28 09.00 AM Thanksgiving Day Holy communion

November 30 Door to Door Christmas Caroling begins

December 14 Ecumenical Christmas Carol program

December 21 Christmas Carol program


Monthly subscription Renewal

Monthly subscription renewal form available in the church office. Fill it and give

back as early as possible

All families of the parish shall pay monthly subscription and $150

offertory without pending.

We need an average of $40,000 a month for running our parish.

Dues of all families will be carry forwarded and will be shown in the Annual


Subsidy from Church for active members in using the rental facilities will be given

to those members who fully comply (paid the complete dues till the date) with the

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CONDOLENCES We as Ascension Church, express our heartfelt condolences to the following members of

the parish in their bereavement and pray that may Almighty God give them comfort and

peace that transcends all understanding.

Father of our member Mr. Abraham P John A/C 123 Sharon Prayer group

Father of our member Mr. John Eype A/C 243 Salem prayer group

Brother of our member Mrs. Omana George A/C 103 .Nazareth prayer group

Father of our member Mr. Jobbin Varughrse A/C no 278 Zion prayer group

Our Member Jegi Saramma Mathews ( A/C 58, Nazareth )



Prayer Meetings - November - 2019


Saturday November 02, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Varghese Varghese

609 Lawler St ,Philadelphia PA 19116

A/C 219 Ph 215-673-3140


Sunday November 03, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Johnson Varghese

9503, Pine Rd , Philadelphia, PA 19115

A/C 116 Ph 215-856-7094

Senior Fellowship Monday November 04, 2019 5.00 PM

@ Church parish hall


Saturday November 09, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr.Eapen John 8108 Pennhill Rd ,Elkins Park PA 19027

A/C 136 Ph 215-496-6342


Sunday November 10, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs. &Mr. George Mathew

86 Fairway Dr Langhorne, PA 19047

A/C 143 , Ph 215-642-0076


Saturday November 16, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Anil Mathews

1460 Woodview Rd. Yardley PA 19067

A/C 57 Ph. 215-321-6716

Edavaka Mission Sunday November 17, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Nazareth Saturday November 23, 2019

No Prayer meeting



Sunday November 24, 2019 @ 05.00 PM

Mrs.& Mr. Joby Samuel

443 Hendrix St. Philadelphia PA 19116

A/C 205 Ph : 215-677-4610

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Worship Schedule - November - 2019

Sunday, November 3, 2019

09.00 AM Malayalam Holy Com-munion FAMILY SUNDAY

Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Kudosh Eetho-Sanctification of the Church ­ Beginning of the Liturgical Year;Children: Expectation of God ­ World Sunday School Day

Judg.13:1-14 1 John.3:1-10

Hebre.11:17-27 St.Luke.18:15-17

Sunday, November 10, 2019

09.00 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Hudos Eetho-­Renewal of the Festival of Unity of Communion of Churches in India-CCI( CSI, CNI, MTC)

Eze.37:15-23 Ephe.4:1-13

1 Cor.12:12-27 St.Joh. 17:21-26

Sunday, November 17, 2019

09.00 AM Malayalam Holy Com-munion

Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Annunciation to Zechariah

1Cor.24:1-19 Heb.5:1-10

Rev.8:1-5 St.Luke.1:5-23

Sunday, November 24, 2019

09.30 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Annunciation to Virgin Mary

Exod .3:1-15 Heb.2:5-10

Acts.9:1-15 St.Luke.1:26-38


New born

Congratulations! to the families and pray that

may Almighty Lord help to raise the children in

the fear and love of God.

Our members

Mr. Anish Jacob Mathew and Mrs. Linda Mariam Biju A/C 212 are blessed

with Baby Boy Joshua Jacob Mathew.

Mr. Joby Samuel and Mrs. Moby Abraham A/C/205 are blessed with a

baby boy. Abraham Joby Samuel

Mr. Stan Mathew and Mrs. Jiby Mathews A/C 272 are blessed with Baby Boy Lucas Sean Mathews .

Mr.Ashish Abraham and Mrs. Reshma Ashish A/C 223 are blessed with Baby Boy Luke Panavelil Abraham

Mr.Jibin Mathew and Mrs. Anu P. Varghese A/C 305 are blessed with a

baby boy, Jerome Mathew.

Mr.Godly Mathew George and Mrs. Nicky Mariam Varughese A/C 117 are

blessed with a baby boy, Samuel George Godly .

New Members

It’s always great pleasure to open our doors to those who wish

to join us. We the Ascension Marthoma Church family wel-

come the following persons to our worshipping community

A/C No 314,Salem Prayer group

Mrs. Jimika Mehta,

A/C 315 Nazareth Prayer group

Mr Dennis Mathew

Mrs. Aleena Susan Mathew

Caleb Dennis Mathew

Joshua D Mathew

Jacob D Mathew

Isabelle Ann Mathew

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Worship Schedule - October - 2019

Sunday, October 6, 2019

09.00 AM Malayalam Holy Commun-ion

Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Priesthood of the Believers (Voluntary Evangelist’s Day)

Isa.61:1-11 1Thess.5:12-


1Pet.2:1-10 St.John.17:9-


Sunday, October 13, 2019

09.00 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Solidarity with differently abled (Day for the differently abled)

2Sam.9:1-13 2Cor.12:1-10

Acts.9:32-35 St.Mark.3:1-6

Sunday, October 20, 2019

09.00 AM Malayalam Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Sunday School after Service

Youth: God’s expectation ­ Youth Sunday

Dan.1:1-15 1Titus.2:1-14



Sunday, October 27, 2019

09.00 AM English Holy Communion Lessons Epistle/ Gospel

Holy Matrimony: To be established in Faithfulness

Family: Place for faith formation ­ Fami­ly Dedication Day

1Sam.1:19-22 Eph.6:1-9




Prayer Meetings - October - 2019


Saturday, October 05 ,2019, @ 06.00 PM

No Prayer meeting


Sunday October 06, 2019 @ 06.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Daniel Philipose

650 Welsh Rd, Philadelphia PA 19115

A/C 67 Ph-215-673-1028

Senior Fellowship

Monday, October 07 ,2019 6.00 PM

@ Church parish hall

Zion Saturday October 12 ,2019 @ 06.00 PM

No Prayer meeting


Sunday October 13 ,2019 @ 06.00 PM

Mrs. Soosamma Mathew

10216 , Jeanes St. , PA 19116

A/C 227, Ph 215-969-3228


Saturday October 19, 2019 @ 06.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Georgekutty Varghese

Furlong PA, PA 18925

A/C 87 Ph. 215-348-4904

Edavaka Mission

Sunday October 20, 2019 @ 06.00 PM

Mrs. & Mr. Anaj Mathew V. Geroge

Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006

A/C 160 Ph. 215-676-1508


Saturday October 26, 2019 @ 06.00 PM

Mrs.Rachelamma Mathew’s

1861 Merlin Rd. Philadelphia ,PA 19116

A/C 58 Ph 215-698-9205

Yuvajana Sakhyam

Sunday October 27 2019

No prayer meeting

RAC Musical Evening