Download - 2018 - First Presbyterian Chuch, Rockport, TX · 2018 Volume 21 - Issue 6 “People ministering to people for Christ’s sake.” Summer Worship 2018 Beginning June 03 and continuing

Page 1: 2018 - First Presbyterian Chuch, Rockport, TX · 2018 Volume 21 - Issue 6 “People ministering to people for Christ’s sake.” Summer Worship 2018 Beginning June 03 and continuing

2018 Volume 21 - Issue 6

“People ministering to people for Christ’s sake.”

Summer Worship 2018

Beginning June 03 and continuing through August 26, the Sunday Worship venue will change: we will still

have one Worship Service, at 10:30 a.m., but it will be held IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL.

Coffee Fellowship will continue in the vestibule from 10:00 until 10:29.

Nursery care will be available for children who have not yet been to Kindergarten.

Entry points will be the double doors under the carport and closest to the elevator, the double doors

facing Laurel Street that open into the Vestibule, as well as the door on Magnolia Street beside the wooden deck.

Do-It-Yourself Hymnody: Here are your hymn choices for June:

June 3, # 138 (PH) ”Holy, Holy, Holy!”

#403 (PH) “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”

#324 (PH) “Open My Eyes”

June 10, # 543 (PH) “Abide With Me”

# 300 (PH) “In The Garden”

# 352 (PH) “Live Into Hope”

June 17, #2223 (SF) “They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love”

# 496 (PH) “Leaning On The Everlasting Arms”

#2025 (SF) “As The Deer”

June 24, # 302 (PH) “I Danced In The Morning”

#300 (PH) “In The Garden”

# 9 (PH) “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

* Stuff from the staff - CHARLIE *

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Summer Sermon Series: “I Am With You”

Texts and Themes for June:

June 03 Luke 24:13-35 “Burning Hearts”

June 10 Genesis 26:1-6 “God With Isaac”

June 17 Guest Preacher

June 24 Genesis 28:10-22 “God With Jacob”

Communion and Good Samaritan Sunday, June 03

The first Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday; the Sacrament will be celebrated by Intinction. First Sunday is also Good

Samaritan Sunday, when we particularly remember the mission work of the Good Samaritan Center. Offerings of food and money will

be received along with the regular Morning Offering.

Presbytery Meeting:

Mission Presbytery will meet Friday and Saturday, June 08-09 -24, at Schreiner University in Kerrville.

Community Table to resume…

I recently wrote: “Community Table” I pray reading those words stirs you as writing them does me! Is it time to gather, to share our

hopes, dreams, and visions for this vital ministry we share? We believe it is, and so we want to take the first step: the “gathering of

the faithful.” We are inviting you: pastors, coordinators, involved others, to join us at table for supper

and conversation.

On Tuesday, May 08, at 6:00 PM, the above gathered and decided overwhelmingly to resume serving

Community Table meals. So, on Tuesday, June 12, we will once again celebrate this vital ministry! From

there on, the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, 4:30-6:00 PM, we will be feeding His sheep.

Our Church is responsible for the first meal, and we need your help; please call the Office and volunteer to prepare, serve, or clean up

after. It is going to take us ALL to make this work.

Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday, June 12…

From Karen Jackson:

It's fun to see the classic pastoral post game analysis broadcasted worldwide. A lot of my pastor friends are posting things like, "if

you loved Bishop Michael Curry's sermon, go to church on Sunday."

And I could do that too. I do believe I serve the best little church in the US and our worship services are diverse and vibrant and full of


But know this: as much as I hope you hear a powerful sermon, the reason to go to church is to sit with other people - of all ages and

backgrounds and ethnicities - to stand and sing, to pray in silence and in speaking words of humility and truth, to find ways to serve

your community, to meet people who challenge you and annoy you and inspire you and love you like nothing else.

The love revolution needs community to keep the fire burning. Join us.

* MORE Stuff from CHARLIE *

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* Stuff from The Church Lady*

First, you all know me, and know I am prone to saying in a paragraph what others would say in a sentence. This will be

no different …

While making an announcement during my first Sunday as the church secretary in 2003, Pete Chamberlain told the

congregation to contact “The Church Lady” if they had any questions… the name stuck and I have LOVED it ever since (Isn’t that special!) At that time both Terry and I were employed at First Presbyterian Church so when Todd received his first orders to deploy, God in His

infinite mercy, had us in a perfect place. Todd thought so too – and relied on the fact having both parents working at a church and a mother called “The Church Lady” was good insurance he would make it home. I was only working mornings back then, and Rick Roe who was the Church Treasurer at the time,

wouldn’t float the idea of me going full time until 2005. Charlie, the world’s best boss, always made sure I had flexibility to commute back and forth from

Ft. Riley helping Aubrey while Todd was gone. I remember clearly the night before my flight to attend his first departure ceremony, which was scheduled for Valentine’s Day 2004, I was at choir rehearsal when Barbara Goodlock presented me with something called a “prayer blanket” covered with knots she

explained tied by the choir while they said a prayer for me. I didn’t comprehend its significance and in confusion asked her , “What am I supposed to do with it?” Barb answered, wait and see. A couple weeks later the Presbyterian Men were meeting in the Fellowship Hall when Aubrey called to warn me Todd

was taking off on his first mission. Panic stricken, I rushed to tell the Men’s group who had many veterans among them, one of which was Lt. Col. (Ret) Pete Chamberlain who rose from his chair and led us all in a prayer for Todd’s safety. When I went home that afternoon I knew what I was going to do with

the prayer blanket, I placed it on the floor at the foot of my bed and kneeled on it from that day forward whenever I prayed for my boy.

Though my tenure with the Church was overshadowed the first 5 years with 3 back to back deployments, I had LOTS of fun and precious memories to

cherish: Phone calls from Ingrid Little who always made me laugh until my sides hurt, almost daily visits by Daniel Garcia (especially when both Todd and

Ruben were deployed,) hugs shared between Gloria and I. There were similar understanding hugs with other members of the congregation when they told me a family member or friend had received orders. Talks with Charlie while he waited for the sermon fairy to visit, during which I learned about one of his

favorite topics, the Grace we receive through Christ’s sacrifice. Remembering my own experience with a Prayer Comforter, it was always an emotional experience reading Thank You messages about life changing stories from prayer comforter recipients. Assisting our Session elders leading our

congregation and managing its facilities was a labor of love – all done with Charlie’s wise council and unlimited experience. Speaking of the Session, I will miss working with you, Kay Stanley. But what warms my heart the most has been working with a talented, dedicated staff who I adore and deeply

respect – first and foremost, Charlie – you will forever hold a special place in my heart-especially memories of you during staff meetings on steroids; Yvonne and Merlene – two women near and dear to me, I love you both! Annette – we have shared some special times together as military moms, then

there’s John and Carolina…. rather than say what my life has been like working with those two (and tear up like I have whenever I mention Charlie’s name,) I will instead give you some word pictures to describe a typical day at the office: Visualize this, I hear John giggling out in the Fellowship Hall and know

instinctively he just startled Carolina (again) with the classroom buzzer while she worked unsuspecting upstairs … and then waiting, waiting, I know it’s

coming … she is patiently, stealth-fully getting ready to retaliate. Then POW, a male shrieks and I am laughing uncontrollably!

And so 15 years have passed like the blink of an eye and the time has come to start a new chapter of my life story. As I told Charlie and the Personnel

Committee, I felt a strong sense I needed to get out of the way because God was preparing another to take my place. That feeling was confirmed after learning He was pulling on the heartstrings of a beautiful, qualified Air Force wife and Army Mom named Kim Durkee, though a member of the Baptist

Church, pulling her inexplicably into the lives of a congregation of Presbyterians who I call “My People.” So now, with all the confidence in the world she will love you as I do, I give you into her care.

In closing I’m somewhat relieved Terry decided against retirement keeping us in Rockport a couple more years because it means I don’t have to say good

bye – and I deplore saying good bye - so instead, thanks be to God, I will just say, “See you in church on Sunday.” So, love and hugs to all,

This is the Church Lady, signing off

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Members of the Program Committee, comprised of Kelly McNeely, Scott Hime, Tom Jaggard and Charlie Schuler, held their regular monthly meeting at 4:30 PM on Wednesday, May 9, 2018. Most of the discussion centered on our response to the question, “What are we doing for the children of Aransas County this summer?” No, we’re not having our traditional VBS; we are hosting a national program called, “Camp Noah” instead. (see related article). We also discussed the resumption of Community Table. At a successful meeting held on May 8, most of the previous participants and one new group decided it was indeed time to begin again. (see related article) Susan O’Bryant has volunteered to share her expertise in design to refurnish the Sunday School classrooms and the nursery. She has great ideas and has begun ordering furnishings that will meet the needs of children for years to come. When you see her, please thank Susan for her dedication to our kids. Shalom, Kelly McNeely, Reporter

Program Committee


John Knox Ranch, Mission Presbytery’s summer camp, will give financial

assistance to any child who wants to go to camp there this summer but can’t afford

the tuition. Their focus is to reach children who have been affected by

Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath. Please spread the word to children in our

community whom you know would benefit from a week at “our” camp.

Ask Charlie,


or call 830.935.4568 for more details.

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Mary Hime had a divine appointment with Amy Montgomery from the Long Term Disaster Recovery Team. Amy was looking for a venue to host the Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota’s Camp Noah that would have space for the volunteer employees that Camp Noah provides, as well as a large enough space for camp activities. Camp Noah was established in 1997 after flooding in the North Dakota and Minnesota area, growing dramatically in response to Hurricane Katrina in 2006. The camp has now been hosted in 29 states and Puerto Rico in response to a wide range of natural and human-caused disasters. They have conducted over 273 camps with over 4,000 adult volunteers, serving almost 14,000 elementary-age children. 12 Certified Camp Staff members will accompany campers through an intentional and faith based process that enables the children to work through their disaster and/or trauma experiences and allows them the space and time necessary to tell their stories and build resiliency skills. Much like a traditional Vacation Bible School, campers participate in small groups, large group time (including music, skits, and puppet shows), crafts, and recreation time.

Camp Noah will take place in two separate sessions. Week 1 will be July 16th

-July 20th. Week 2 will be August 6th- August 10th. It is a “full day” camp, running from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with breakfast and lunch provided Each week has limited space for 50 campers that must be able to attend all day each day of the camp. It is open to children entering 1st grade thru children who just graduated 5th grade. Because of the small enrollment, we are reaching out to the school counselors and Odyssey to help designate the children who they know have a need for the services this camp provides. The camp staff will be utilizing the dorms. The youth center and six classrooms will be used during the camp. Mary Hime has volunteered to be the site coordinator for Week 1 and Susan O’Bryant for Week 2. Camp Noah is providing the funding to defray all costs.

Program Committee : Camp Noah 2018

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John Knox Ranch has offered Summer Camp opportunities for children and youth ages 4–18 since 1962. In addition to making sure we have tons of fun and make life-long memories, we structure all our activities with the following goals in mind: That campers and staff grow closer to God, learn new skills, become more confident in their leadership abilities, experience Christian community, and gain an appreciation for the out-of-doors and the natural world. There is simply no place like camp and we believe there is no place more magical than JKR! We are proud of our accreditation with the American Camping Association.

Located six miles west of Wimberley on the banks of the Blanco River, John Knox Ranch Resident Camp offers overnight, “sleep away” camp for elementary, middle, and high school students. For one to two weeks, five to ten campers live in a cabin with one counselor. Two cabins make a family group that participates in most daily activities together: Bible study & spiritual formation, arts & crafts, swimming, nature discovery, archery, canoeing, and more! In the evening, the whole camp comes together for theme nights, large group games, hayrides, campfires, star gazing and worship.

New programs offered in 2018 will include zip line into the blue hole, snorkeling, geocaching, climbing and rappelling to name a few!!

Registration is open until camps are full. This year John Knox Ranch is offering full scholarships for all youth from the Coastal Bend. Please contact the church office or John Knox Ranch for registration forms.

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2018 VBS SCHEDULE FOR ROCKPORT CHURCHES Dated: 5/23/18 (Listings in chronological order)

Coastal Oaks, 2002 FM 3036, Glenda Lindsey, Director @ 729-5320 Dates: Mon., June 11-Fri., June 15 Times: 6:00pm-8:30pm

Theme: “Game On” Ages: 4 years to 5th grade PreRegister at:

Snacks will be served

Rockport Church of Christ, 1520 Omohundro, 729-2440 Dates: Wed., June 20-Fri., June 22; Times: 9:30am-11:03am

Theme: Unknown Ages: Pre-K to entering 5th grade

Pre/Register online at: Other: Program is being led by the Meccia Church of Christ

First United Methodist, 801 E. Main Str., 729-1659 Dates: Mon., June 25-Fri., June 29; Times: 9:00am-Noon

Theme: “Rolling River Rampage” (Cokesbury) Ages: 4 to 11, PreK to 5th grade

Snacks will be served. Pre/Register online at:

First Baptist, Patty Albin, 1515 N. Live Oak, 729-6382 Dates: Sun., June 25-Fri., June 29; Times: 5:45pm-8:15 pm

Theme: “Gear Up, Get Ready, Game On!” Ages: Kinder to 6th grade (Children must have completed kindergarten)

A snack dinner will be served Pre/Register: Church office or online at

Hosted jointly by First Presbyterian & St. Peter’s Episcopal, 301 Highway 35 North, 729-6251 “Camp Noah”

Session sizes are limited to 50 students each. Preregistration is required Session 1: Mon., July 9-Fri., July 13 or Session 2: Mon., Aug. 6-Fri., Aug. 10

Times: 9am to 3pm Ages: Pre-K to 6th grade Breakfast and lunch will be served

These camps are restricted to Rockport children affected by Hurricane Harvey. Call for registration information at FPC church office.

Fulton Community, 215 N. 3rd, Fulton, 729-2180 Dates: Mon., July 23-Fri., July 27 Times: 9am to noon Theme: “Shipwrecking” Ages: Kinder to 5th grade

Snacks will be served Pre/Register at: Online at

No VBS programs this summer &/or due to Hurricane Harvey

Church Unlimited, 902 Main Street, 361-993-5900 (demolished) Peace Lutheran, 1302 W. Market, 729-7264

Sacred Heart Catholic, 209 N. Church, 729-9203 (undergoing reconstruction) Holy Cross Lutheran, 2872 FM 1781, 727-9140 (demolished) First Assembly of God, 813 East Laurel, 792-7113 (no reply)

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Fellowship Committee

Let’s Celebrate the 40

th Anniversary

of Charlie Schuler’s Ordination as Minister of Word and Sacrament

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Fellowship Committee invites

Church members, friends, and visitors to join us in honoring Charlie,

Pastor of FPC Rockport for almost 28 years, during worship and at a special luncheon

in the Miriam Ferrell Youth Center

Worship 10:30 am Pot-Luck Italian Lunch 11:30 am

We invite you to send or bring a card,

a note or a memorable photo with Charlie in it along with your stories and

your words of appreciation or congratulation!

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Worship this month has been outstanding! With the celebrations of Pentecost and Trinity Sundays together in one month, May is a very special month each year. Next month, we will be in the Fellowship Hall for what we call Summer Worship. We are close together, very friendly and the singing resonates beautifully as we sing familiar songs. Because of the acoustics in the Fellowship Hall people really raise their voices in song, enjoying the hymns we have picked for the summer hymnody. Charlie

finds Sundays when the nominated songs fit his sermon themes, and they always seem to do that. It’s a God thing! For those of you who don’t know, some years back when we were making some remodeling changes in our Sanctuary, we moved to the Fellowship Hall and had worship there. Things were more casual, we used the screen for words to our songs and it seemed to fit summer so well, and thus the Summer worship tradition began. If you have not been a part of worship at 1st Presbyterian lately, please come. It is a chance to raise your voice in song and enjoy Pastor Charlie’s sermons up close. In the winter, only the children get to be close enough to catch every word …..During Summer worship, we all do! It is a GREAT time to be a part of the 1st Presbyterian family. Many thanks to those who participated in our Worship Services

Head Ushers: Janet Gaskamp & Sally Reynolds Liturgists and Scripture Readers ...

May 6 Scripture: Terri Hopman Liturgist: Susan O’Bryant

May 1 3 Scripture: Nikki Yarnell Liturgist: Caro Jackson May 20 Scripture: Larry Cobb Liturgist: Tom Jaggard

May 27 Scripture: Mindy Durham Children’s Time Carolyn Watters

Head Ushers: Scott Hime and Veronika Camehl

Worship Committee

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Operations Committee

News from the Operations Committee

The Operations Committee doesn't routinely contribute to Pres-By-Lines due to the nature of the committee's work, but this month we have what

you could call some "Good News" and some "Bad News". Since I always

like to end on a positive note let's start with the "Bad News". I'm sure most of you are aware that the "Church Lady" is retiring the end of June after serving First Presbyterian Church for 15 years. Beverly took her time getting to Rockport from Montana where she was born, but she and Terry finally arrived in mid-August of 2001. It was that September after 9/11 they realized their only son Todd who had been in the Army since 1998 was going to war. Beverly had to endure 3 back to back deployments, but not without the love, support and prayers of her Church Family, especially Pete Chamberlain, Daniel Garcia and Charlie. Anyone who knows Beverly or has been in her office knows that she is a Blue Star Mother through and through.

Beverly's professional career has been diverse and that is what has made her the consummate professional that she is today, and has been since she came to bless us with her always smiling face, upbeat attitude and genuine love for everyone she comes in contact with. When you see her in the office, hall, singing in the choir, playing hand bells or helping someone who wanders into our Church needing help, please tell her how much you appreciate everything she has done for First Presbyterian Church and wish her well on the next chapter of her life.

Now for the "Good News": When the Personnel Committee realized the

daunting task we had facing us to find a replacement for the "Church Lady," we really didn't know where to start. But it turned out to be one of the easiest tasks we have ever had to undertake. That's because we were fortunate to meet Kim Durkee, our new Church Lady 2. Kim has lived in Rockport for over 10 years. In keeping with the tradition of supporting our military, Kim's husband Daniel is in the Air Force serving in Turkey. She and her husband have a combined family of four children. Jade a 19 year-old daughter serving in the Army in Germany, Katrina is 17 and lives in Missouri. Niko is 13 and lives with his mom in Central Texas. Elijah is 9 and about to start 4th grade at Fulton Learning Center.

Like her predecessor, Kim has had a diverse professional career and has over 15 years of office experience. She is currently learning the ropes from Beverly and we have been told she is doing a great job already. Please stop by the office and welcome our new "Church Lady," Kim Durkee.

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Treasurer’s Report - YTD April 30, 2018

Year to Date 4/30/18 4/30/17 2018 Budget

Income Loose Offering $ 3,907 $ 5,839 $ 4,673

Pledges & Other 42,289 56,565 51,065 Castaways 43,271 27,799 28,286 Special Gifts 24,000 23,210 24,000 Sub-Total $113,467 $113.413 $108,024

Expenses $110,865 $106,915 $114,556

2018 “One Great Hour of Sharing” results

Collection Plates $568.00 Fish boxes 119.42 Total: $687.42

2018 Pentecost Offering as of 5/20 $684.50

Kay Stanley, Treasurer

Operations Committee , Treasurer’s Report

Operations Committee

The Community Table is back!!!

A meeting of all the hosts and civic groups met on May 8th at 6:00 pm, and agreed UNAMIOUSLY to make sure that Community Table continues in some fashion. It was decided that Community Table would be held every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 4:30 to 6:00. First Presbyterian will host the fist week. Schedules for coordinators have not been made at this time. We will need several volunteers as we don’t know yet how many honored guests will be in attendance. Please see below for more information about volunteer opportunities.

June’s serving schedule and FPC Coordinators

Date Host FPC Coordinator June 12 First Presbyterian Church TBD June 26 OPEN TBD

All are invited to volunteer for The Community Table. Choose from the following are shifts and arrive at the designated time, then park and enter on Magnolia Street. The doors are opened and serving starts no later than 4:30.

Shift Time Comments Cooks TBA Check with Mike RevelTeam leader Set up crew 3:30 Need 4+ Platers 4:15 Check with Mike Revel-Team leader Servers 4:15 Need 8+ to cover 2 of 17 tables Busers 4:15 Need 8+ to cover 2 of 17 tables Beverage Crew 4:15 Check with “The Beverage Lady,” Gloria Greeter 4:30 Need 1+ to share or trade off sitting at desk Dishwashers 4:30 Need 4+ Clean up /closing crew 5:30 A.K.A. “The Forgotten Shift” Needs 4+


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Women, these are opportunities during JUNE 2018 for growth and service, and a time to have fellowship with other women in the church. Please mark your calendars for the following experiences.

1. PW will meet Sept 4 at 10:00 am in the Cafe. All women are cordially invited to attend this business meeting. It will be the first meeting after the summer hiatus.

2. Quilters: will meet June 19 at 9:00am in the upstairs Sewing & Quilting Room to make Prayer Comforters. The quilters have been organizing the material in the quilting room. The sewing machines have also been located and moved back into room 204! 3. Circle Bible Study: will meet Sept 25 at 12:00 pm in the Parlor. All women are invited. Please bring a sack

lunch. The new study book, “God’s Promise” will be available in early September. 4. Treasurer’s Report:

Income: $736.60. Disbursements YTD : $12,058.58. Remaining Disbursements Budget: $43,041.42.

5. Castaways: A. We continue to need volunteers to help out! We especially need help at the jewelry counter, putting out

clothing and goods, maintaining the racks and shelves, and back up cashiers and baggers. B. FPC’s shift days are every Monday, 8:00am to 3:00pm, when we staff and manage the store and Thursdays,

8:00am to 11:00am, when we do the marking. There is plenty to do either day and the jobs are easy to learn!

C. Pulling In June, will be Fri., June 30 at 3 pm. 6. Good Samaritans : Janet Gaskamp reported that Good Sams is open 3 days a week and served 865 households in April. A grant from JJ Watt was awarded to purchase a portable building and refrigeration as well as a small AC unit. 7. Backpack Buddies: Trish Revel reported that food for 20 students has been delivered each week this year and that it will end in May for the summer. 8. Neet Feet: No report. 9. BEAS: Our student will attend summer school. 10. Cluster: No report. 11. PW Birthday Party was held May 2 at 5:30. Kristin Barnaby and Cynthia Vargas from Aransas County Children’s Foundation, presented important information about their foundation. 12. Summer Camps: PW will pay $600 for the children of our church to attend Summer camps at Mo Ranch and John Knox. Contact Janet Gaskamp if you have a child wanting to attend. 13. Women’s Conference: The 20 women had a great time at the Mo Ranch Women’s Confernece in April. Next year the conference is March 22-24. Mark your calendars! Actions taken by PW:


News from Presbyterian Women …

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Ministering to others through Prayer and

Prayer Comforters

From: Shirley Wilson

Requested by: Don and Sue Smith

Card Received: March 22, 2018

Card Inscription: Our Thanks to You

Prayer Comforter : Sympathy for the passing of her brother’s passing To Presbyterian Church, Thank you, For all the prayers in our time of need. My brother went too fast, he was the youngest. He’s in God’s loving arms. Thank you all, God Bless, Shirley Wilson and Son

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Odds and Ends…..

To our Church Family: I have written many letters over the last 20 years….some for Stewardship (actually a lot!), some just to brighten your day or encourage us as a church, but I find this one to be the most difficult. Don and I will be returning to live in Fort Worth full time this month and while we rejoice in being with our family full time, we are saddened that we are leaving “other” family behind. This was a difficult decision for us to make and had nothing to do with our friend Harvey. We have been wrestling with this for several years. Don brought me to Rockport kicking and screaming and now I am the one wanting to stay. I have realized though that the pull of our children and our grandchildren has won the tug! We spend far too many hours going back and forth and never seem to be in the right place at the right time. I shared with Charlie that we hope to teach our grandchildren the ways God can be a part of their lives and table manners! This church has meant so much to both of us and has been such a part of the community long before we came. I have always been proud to call it my church home and have invited many to join with us in worshiping here. I am always so proud when we reach out to other families when there is a death and they have no church home. This is God’s home and I think that we show that through so many projects we are involved with. I have loved helping Bev with the Quilt Ministry and I hope one of you will step up and help Kim as this is an important part of who we are….reaching out to others with a small token of cloth that shows God’s love. It will be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. I loved being a part of Pew 3, the Cantata, VBS, Lay reading, whispering with Mindy when we weren’t supposed to, ushering, Session, making meatloaf for 300 (my hands have never been softer) and weeding the flower bed! Thank you for teaching me it is ok to stand up and ask for prayers even when you tear up at the first word. Openly praying for others was new to me and now I can’t be stopped! I have loved watching so many of your children grow into such fine people and, like my own, I love them all. Charlie’s sermons, Yvonne’s and Merlene”s music, Beverly’s guidance for us all, always with a smile, and the willingness for so many people to step into leadership positions over and over again…..for the hours devoted to Castaway’s and Community Table…..each of you have blessed me by your actions and I hope in turn have been blessed. You have all enriched our time here and it will never be forgotten. We are off on a new adventure and I guess there is no time like the present to start. You will be cherished ….Caro and Don Jackson

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More Odds and Ends…..

Embroidered pillows for the sanctuary were made and donated by Karen Peterson to replace the ones that disappeared during the packing process in preparation for reconstruction after Hurricane Harvey.


A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. He wrote: “I’ve gone for 30 years now, and in that time I have heard something like 30,000 sermons, but for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time, the preachers and priests are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all”. This started a real controversy in the “Letters to the Editor” column. Much to the delight of the editor, it went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: “I’ve been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But, for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would spiritually dead today!”

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All June Dates for Sanctuary Flowers are filled. At the conclusion of the worship service, donors may either take their arrangements home to enjoy, or consider donating them to The Community Table for the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Host churches divide them into bud vases to decorate the tables on Tuesday night.

Odds and Ends…..


June 2 Dorothy Love June 3 Helen Bradshaw June 4 Carol Douglass June 5 Caroline Bernardy June 6 Annette Ledbetter June 7 Bobby Little June 10 Mindy Durham June 18 Jake Parr June 20 Brandon Henderson June 24 Veronika Camehl Merlene Flournoy Travis Smith June 25 Kyler Friebele June 27 Michelle Haun Zentner

If your birthday is not listed, please call the church office and let us know. We want our records to be accurate and include everyone.

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More Odds and Ends…..

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PRESBYLINES is published monthly by:

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CHARLIE: Summer Worship 2018, Do It Yourself Hymnody selections for June 1

Texts & Themes for June, Communion/Good Samaritans Sunday, Presbytery Meeting 2

BEVERLY: Letter from the Church Lady 3



Committee Report by Kelly McNeely 4

Camp Noah 5

John Knox Ranch 6

2018 Roster of Rockport-area church VBS programs this summer 7

FELLOWSHIP- June’s Fellowship Lunch Theme 8

WORSHIP- May Thank You’s, June FYI’s and Other Stuff by Adelaide Marlatt 9

OPERATIONS - News from the Operations Committee by Sally Reynolds 10

Treasurer’s Report YTD April, OGHS Offering results by Kay Stanley 11



WOMEN - Recap of May’s Board Meeting by Connie Schuler 12


Thank You correspondence 13


Letter from Caro and Don Jackson 14

Thanks, Honored Educator, and Food For Thought 15

June Birthdays, June Sanctuary Flower Sponsorships, Happy Father’s Day 16 & 17