Download - 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin

Page 1: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin

Second Sunday after Pentecost June 3, 2018 Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory to Him Forever! Welcome to Saint Stephen Byzantine Catholic Cathedral. We are delighted you have come to pray with us. Our Church follows the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Gospel and passed on to us through the teachings of the Holy Apostles and Holy Tradition. Saint Stephen Byzantine Cathol ic Cathedral 8141 North 16th Street, Front Sunday Divine L iturgy Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin Website Confessions 1 hour before Liturgy or by Appointment

Served by: Most Rev. John S. Pazak, C.Ss.R., Bishop

Most Reverend Gerald N. Dino, Bishop Emeritus Very Rev. Diodoro Mendoza, Rector – [email protected]

Rev. Joseph Hutsko, Vice-Rector – [email protected] Very Rev. Archpriest David M. Petras, Retired

Msgr. Kevin McAuliffe, In Residence Deacon John Montalvo - Deacon James Danovich - Deacon Adam Lowe – Subdeacon Paul Kilroy

Parish Advisory Counci l Served by: Parish Finance Counci l Served by: Mary Beth Foster Sean Grimes Peyton Becktold John Surmay Dolores Sugent Jessica Kostyun Joanie Mahar Basil Rabayda Nicholas Stefaniak III Msgr. Kevin McAuliffe Simon Marmol Ann Zlamal Jennifer Hetrick

Page 2: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin


BeginsonPg.104inGreenBookPsalm140 Tone1 Pg123VesperHymns Tone1 Pg123Dogmatikon Tone1 Pg124Prokimenon Tone1 Pg127 Alleluia Tone1 Pg127LetusWhoMystically VersionA Pg42 NiceneCreed VersionA Pg51Holy,Holy,Holy VersionA Pg56Wepraiseyou VersionA Pg58OurFather Tone1 Pg66CommunionHymn(Sunday) VersionA Pg78


BeginsonPg.11inGreenBookHymnoftheIncarnation VersionA Pg18 ThirdAntiphon(Sunday) Pg22EntranceHymn(Sunday) VersionA Pg25Troparion Tone1 Pg125Kontakion Tone1 Pg126Prokimenon Tone1 Pg127Alleluia Tone1 Pg127LetusWhoMystically VersionA Pg42 NiceneCreed VersionA Pg51Holy,Holy,Holy VersionA Pg56Wepraiseyou VersionA Pg58OurFather Tone1 Pg66CommunionHymn VersionA Pg78

SPECIAL SPONSORS This space is available for advertisements to help subsidize the cost of the bulletin. If you know of a business and/or an organization that would like to advertise in our bulletin please contact Fr. Diodoro for promotional rates. Thank you. Vital B iz Group, PLLC Nicholas Stefaniak I I I , CPA Strategies for Today’s Business [email protected] Scottsdale AZ 85258 480-526-7909 Office 602-577-4991 Cell


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Page 3: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin



























Page 4: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin



This Week’s Candle IntentionEternalLamp-ParishionersofSt.StephenCathedralResurrection:InfirmedofourParish



Coming Events – Mark Your Calendars


Page 5: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin



But there will be glory, honor, and peace, to every man that work good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: For there is no respect of persons with God. For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law: and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another.) In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.



And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he said to them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. And going on from there, he saw other two brethren, James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, in a ship with Zebedee their father, mending their nets; and he called them. And they immediately left the ship and their father, and followed him. And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

Page 6: 2018-6-03 Second Sunday after Pentecost · 6/3/2018  · Phoenix, Arizona 85020-3950 Saturday 4:00 PM Weekday Services Office: 602.943.5379 Fax 602.997.4093 Sunday 9:00 AM See Bulletin

Ten Basic Tips for Family Communication

"You never ever understand me" and "there's no use trying to talk with you" are the most familiar expressions heard by parents. Usually, there is some truth to it because parents are adults of one generation, and the children of another. . . and because our fast-paced society simply doesn't foster parent/child communication.

When there's no communication or attention at home, some children will take up with the "wrong crowd," act up at school, wind up experimenting with drugs, or run away from home. Parents, in turn, ask: "why didn't they come to us about it?"

We have to ask ourselves, as parents, "Do we create the climate for communication in our home?" From the "College of Hard Knocks" experience - here are 10 basic tips:

• Take time out to listen and discuss - Don't be too busy to listen to what your child has to say. What may be minor or inconsequential to you could be vitally important right now to your child. When your boy or girl is enthusiastic about something, share it, talk about it. Build up, don't undermine his or her enthusiasm, creativity and curiosity. Show you're interested. Also let them know that interest and discussion is a "two-way" street.

• Don't always disapprove; avoid sarcasm - If a child finds out that what he or she says, or does, or likes is going to be "put down," soon he'll not communicate at all. After all,

who wants to feel inferior every time he says something? A young person wants to be accepted, not rejected.

• Keep your promises - Try your best not to make promises you doubt you can really keep. Want to lose your child's (or anyone's) respect fast? Say you'll do something, and then for your own convenience or less-than-important reason, fail to come through after the other person has built up his or her hopes. This is a really serious "let-down" and the other person, child or adult, begins to lose faith in you. It's extremely important that your child respect you and see you as trustworthy.

• Disagreeing, questioning is healthy - Allow your child to disagree with you on a subject. Don't be afraid or ashamed to admit that you don't have all the answers 'to everything. As children enter their teen years, they begin to explore other value systems; they question "pat" answers and they usually try testing them first on their parents. No matter how distasteful it may seem to you, let them express the way they feel. Emphasize mutual respect, tone of voice, and they'll feel they can come back to you "in a crunch."

• Don't be quick to reject your child's friends or associations - Seldom are youthful peers - or their ways - totally acceptable to the parents or other adults. Again, youth are searching, exploring, learning. Requiring certain "basic," standards, yet accepting their differences with adult culture, will usually assure that your child will, a) have some genuine and normal peer associations and yet, b) listen to you when you're really forced to object to aberrant behavior and activities on the part of your children and/or their associates.

• Don't be afraid to say "NO" - Your child expects standards and guidance, both positively and negatively. He needs to know "the limits" that society realistically will set for him. But choose carefully the times when "no" is the answer; bend and balance "the rule" to meet your child's legitimate human needs and expectations. Show children that adults can be human, consistent, understanding, and reasonable in the "yes" and the "no" of life.

• Build up self-esteem - Regularly compliment, praise, hug, show affection for both your children and your spouse. This will reinforce both your child's sense of belonging and self-esteem, and your "role model." A good self-image, knowing that he or she is "someone of value" allows the child to feel good about himself and stand on his own two feet. When the child feels that way, he or she can - on their own - say "no," when necessary, to peer pressure.

• Don't "preach at" or "nag" your child - The surest way to stifle parent-child communication and the learning of solid life-values is to preach at, nag or constantly moralize over our child's behavior. Don't hesitate - at appropriate times - to share

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religious, moral and ethical values. But it isn't necessary or helpful to pontificate every time they do something you disapprove of.

• Take time out to play together - Family activities, sharing in the child's interests and play are very important. Always being preoccupied or too busy "formalizes" the parent-child relationship and makes family life "no fun at all."

• Pray Together - Have a "family altar" in the home. Ask God's blessing at meal-time, work, studies and activities. Encourage your children; show the way, as parents, in praying. Receive the Lord's Sacraments together frequently.