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Nowendoc Public SchoolAnnual Report



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The Annual Report for 2016 is provided to the community of Nowendoc Public as an account of the school's operationsand achievements throughout the year. 

It provides a detailed account of the progress the school has made to provide high quality educational opportunities forall students, as set out in the school plan. It outlines the findings from self–assessment that reflect the impact of keyschool strategies for improved learning and the benefit to all students from the expenditure of resources, including equityfunding.

Kathy Bourke


School contact details

Nowendoc Public School6090 Brackendale RoadNowendoc, 0905

Message from the Principal

When the rhythms of education match the rhythms of a student's learning, kids will never disengage from learning. 

Our success is underpinned by Sir Ken Robinson's words above, for within our School setting there is a strong feeling ofconnectedness and belonging. During my six years as Teaching Principal we have created genuine partnerships with thecaregivers and parents of our students as we value the knowledge they hold of their child and the insights they canprovide to ensure successful outcomes. These partnerships are based upon shared expectations, values and respectfulcommunication. We have striven to enrich these relationships this year as we firmly believe that you can always dobetter.

I am proud of the ongoing success of the strategies being implemented by our school to create high quality learningexperiences for our students. Our very dedicated staff work collaboratively to provide an excellent learning environment,where all students are nurtured and encouraged to strive for excellence every day.Our students demonstrate a passionfor learning and a commitment to friendships and care.

I certify that the information provided in this report is the result of a rigorous school self–assessment and review processundertaken with staff,parent and student leaders and provides a balanced and genuine account of the school’sachievements and areas for development.

Kathy Bourke

Teaching Principal

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School background

School vision statement

We value a rich,rigorous education of discovery that respects childhood, builds resilient individuals and celebrates thehuman spirit.

We will honour each student’s learning needs, readiness and interests through thoughtful planning,targeted flexibleinstruction and strategic assessment in order to maximise each student’s learning potential and achievement.

Our goal is that every student will experience a sense of success, growth and achievement, well– being and belonging.They will learn 21st century skills to:

• Understand self and others • Collaborate and work as part of a team • Create and imagine, bringing ideas together • Think critically and analytically • Be creative and productive users of technology • Act with integrity and empathy • Communicate with care

Each child will experience the right to be heard, to be respected, to feel a sense of belonging to their family, school andcommunity and to become responsible citizens of the world.

School context

Nowendoc Public School is located within 4 kms of the small and isolated rural settlement of Nowendoc on the easternfalls of the New England Tablelands.

The school has an enrolment of 9 in 2016 with students being in K–5 grades.

A total teacher entitlement of 1.31  includes a full–time teaching principal and a release from face–to–face/learning andsupport teacher.

The school ethos;Creativity, Collaboration and Care, reflects all members of the school community’s commitment tohelping children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment,enthusiasm,persistence, imagination and reflexivity.

Learning programs are student centred, highly responsive to personal learning needs and driven by evidenced basedteaching and learning.

Nowendoc Public School’s FOEI value is`171 compared with the NSW average of 100. Higher FOEI values indicategreater disadvantage.

Nowendoc PS is a proud member of the Wild Rivers Alliance of small schools.

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Self-assessment and school achievement

Self-assessment using the School Excellence Framework

For schools participating in external validation processes:

This section of the Annual Report outlines the findings from self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework,school achievements and the next steps to be pursued.

This year, our school undertook self–assessment using the School Excellence Framework and participated in an externalvalidation. The framework supports public schools throughout NSW in the pursuit of excellence by providing a cleardescription of high quality practice across the three domains of Learning, Teaching and Leading. During the externalvalidation process, an independent panel of peer principals considered our evidence and assessment of the school’sprogress, aligned with the standards articulated in the School Excellence Framework.

The results of this process indicated:

that in the School Excellence Framework domain of Learning the school has collected evidence to justify an on–balanceassessment of Sustaining and Growing.

Our little cohort of learners bring smiles every day and the smiles remain at the end of the day. During the day our strongPositive Behaviour for Learning framework nurtures our learning culture. Our attendance remains above the stateaverage and our absence of any behavioural issues remains intact.

We have pursued a major initiative from our 2015–2017 Strategic Direction 1 product: A student centred school is visiblyevident; respectful and caring student teacher relationships guide authentic learning experiences which respect studentvoice, respond to individual students needs and connect learning to the wider community outside the school. Ourchildren, their families and members of the broader community have always been encouraged to collaborate with us toprovide meaningful learning experiences from which our children can flourish. This year, through a rigorous focus, highexpectations,communication and collaboration our  impact statement; learners are embedded in a network of supportiverelationships & are motivated to learn through collaboration, risk taking, inquiry & innovation–everyone belongs, hassurpassed our expectations and has been successfully achieved.

Relationships have been, and will continue to be the glue that binds our school community.Learners are goal motivatedand strive for their personal best. An inclusive and cohesive school learning culture is visibly evident.

The results of this process indicated that in the School Excellence Framework domain of Teaching the school hascollected evidence to justify an on–balance assessment of Sustaining and Growing.

A culture of peer coaching and mentoring has supported innovations in the classroom. Teachers have trialed newstrategies and increased their capacity to evaluate their impact effectively.  Data has been collected on a daily basisensuring timely and targeted interventions. Coaching, mentoring and professional learning targeted to our school planhas empowered teachers and leaders alike and a performance and development culture is embedded.  We haveembraced Ann McIntyre’s (2010), ‘successful schools use student learning as a powerful lens for teacher, school leaderand school learning’ and Hattie’s(2015), ‘narrative of impact’ in our commitment to ensure our Alliance continues to be aprofessional learning community in essence, as well as in name.  Teachers are committed to ongoing ProfessionalLearning for improvement of skills and strategies through self–reflective and evaluative processes.

The results of this process indicated that in the School Excellence Framework domain of Leading the school hascollected evidence to justify an on–balance assessment of Sustaining and Growing.

 “The more leaders focus their influence, their learning and their relationships with teachers on the core business ofteaching and learning, the greater their influence on student outcomes”.

Innovation and change in our local system continues as our Wild Rivers alliance of schools is now actively collaboratingon professional learning projects which are building the capacity of teachers to deliver sustained improvements in ourlearners writing,dispositions for learning and understanding of how they learn. Through Hattie’s visible learning, Dweck’smindsets and consistent teacher judgement, self–regulation and self–awareness for all has been instrumental in raisinglearner outcomes and well–being.

As a Teaching Principal, I have promoted and participated in data driven professional learning alongside teachers toincrease our capacity to deliver quality teaching and learning addressing Every Student, Every School and the Rural andRemote reforms. Inclusion Online courses have enabled us to gain a deeper understanding of how to effectively cater toour specific learners. Our personalised learning course has inspired us to trial a deeper exploration of student centredlearning through a project based inquiry into how we can make our school better.  Human capital and resources have

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been strategically utilised in our commitment to best meet the needs of students and our community. 

Policies have been updated to reflect current DoE reforms and our school and community needs.

Our self–assessment process will assist the school to refine the strategic priorities in our School Plan, leading to furtherimprovements in the delivery of education to our students. For more information about the School ExcellenceFramework:–the–department/our–reforms/school–excellence–framework

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Strategic Direction 1

Dynamic & Engaging Learning Culture


To actively support all students in achieving their potential and developing a love of learning in a high expectationsenvironment.

 Students are engaged as 21st Century learners and enjoy a variety of learning experiences and contexts.

Through the use and sharing of growth focused data students are engaged in their own learning journey.

Overall summary of progress

Students have been assessed on a daily and weekly routine, and reviews based on rich conversations and analyseshave occurred on a bi–termly basis utilising quantitative and qualitative data. This has proved highly influential inenabling us to design personalised and innovative programs for each child across each key learning area. A priority hasbeen the provision of effective feedback, challenging student’s thinking and supporting the use of data to inform nextsteps in learning. Student outcomes in literacy, numeracy and the general capabilities are being met (PLAN data).

Staff and students, from our youngest kindergarten student to our year 5 students share responsibility for learning andour conversations based on:

•    Where am I going?This is articulated in learning intentions, goals, and success criteria.

•    How am I going?This is explored through self–assessment and self–evaluation. What progress has been made?Refer back to goals set

.•    Where to next?What needs to be done to achieve further success? Reflect on the goal, continue to deepen.

Staff and students engage in explicit teaching and learning activities focusing on growth mindsets, resilience and  visiblelearning. A student centred school is visibly evident; respectful and caring student teacher relationships guide authenticlearning experiences which respect student voice, respond to individual students needs and connect learning to thewider community outside the school. There is a collective efficacy between all our Nowendoc Public family to help all ofour students discover a love of learning, and a love of life.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

• School based assessments,based on the literacy andnumeracy and generalcapabilities continuums indicatethat student growth in numeracyand literacy and 21st centuryskills is sustained, significant, andappropriate for each student.   • Teaching and learning will beinformed and driven by thesystematic collection of data.

Personalised learning and support are providedthrough a differentiated curriculum which utilisesevidence based programs to target student needs.

$15000 Equity and Location

Next Steps

Act upon the energy that has emanated from our deepened exploration into personalised learning and continue to createour shared vision of a student centred school. Futures learning,Project based learning and an extension of our wellbeinginitiatives will be enthusiastically put in place.

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Strategic Direction 2

Quality Teaching and Leadership


Developing teacher capacity to systematically deliver a differentiated curriculum through instructional leadership andquality teaching and learning.

The staff has a commitment to ongoing professional development and use systematic data collection to monitor schoolwide progress and target areas for improvement.

Resources are applied in a targeted manner to meet student learning and wellbeing needs.

Overall summary of progress

Staff have collaboratively developed a performance and development framework so that professional learningexpectations are explicitly known and a shared responsibility to a performance and development culture is embedded.Personalised professional development plans, guided by the School Excellence Framework, Australian ProfessionalTeaching Standards and Australian Professional Standard for Principals drive our passion to do whatever it takes to get itright. Goals and guiding questions have aligned with the school plan and priorities and career progression.

The evidence presented as part of the External Validation program demonstrates a commitment to collegiality andsupport for colleagues as well as a commitment to providing planned, constructive feedback from peers and schoolleaders. In the teaching domain of professional Standards Nowendoc PS was validated at Excelling.

Nowendoc PS teachers and learners have created a quality teaching and learning resource which has been added to theScootle web teachers resource. We are currently completing another project for DoE Learning Systems which will bepromoted on the Filmpond resource. We are extremely proud of this resource and hope that once it is added to Scootle itmay support other teachers and motivate them to explore collaborative forms of teaching and learning.

We are showing that effective teachers are our most important resource for supporting high quality educational outcomesfor every student.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Teaching and learning will beinformed and driven by thesystematic collection of data asevidenced by:

Formative assessment has been used to plantimely interventions and for teacher reflections todrive improvement in teaching and learning.PLANdata is regularly updated to guide teachingstrategies which support student growth along theliteracy and numeracy continuum.Feedback fromstaff,students, parents and community has beenregular and positive.

$12000 Equity and Location

A Professional LearningFramework will supporthigh–quality professional learningopportunities that are schoolbased and collegiate and focusedon improved student learning.

Teachers demonstrate, share expertise and usefeedback and reflection, to ensure they deliverteaching programs that are relevant, challengingand engaging.

Next Steps

Explore further avenues for extending our coaching and instructional leadership passions and continue to invigorate ourinterests in collaborative learning and professional learning. Collaboration with EAfS phase 2 Instructional Leader tostrengthen our culture of inquiry and the use of data at all levels leading to continuous improvement.

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Strategic Direction 3

Collaborative Learning Partnerships


To facilitate through distributed leadership a collaborative professional learning culture across The Wild Rivers Alliance.

Members commit to shared responsibility for promoting individual and collective practice for the ongoing development ofthe alliance.

Overall summary of progress

Wild Rivers Alliance (WRA) members continued a collaborative partnership in 2016. Regular meetings throughout theyear enabled collegial discussion of pedagogical practices to improve student outcomes in writing. Membersdemonstrated responsibility for ongoing Professional Learning by completing Online Training (OLT) PersonalisedLearning and BOSTES NAPLAN 2015 Persuasive Writing Marker Training. This meant a deeper understanding andinterpretation of criteria based marking and differentiation when analysing student writing samples. Data was effectivelyused to build teacher capacity which informed teaching and learning. Value –added growth was evident with pre– andpost– testing. Self–reflective and evaluative processes against the Collaborative Inquiry Continuum clearly demonstrateprogression from Term 1 2015 to Term 4 2016.

Progress towards achieving improvement measures

Improvement measures(to be achieved over 3 years)

Progress achieved this year Funds Expended(Resources)

Increased targeted disciplinedprofessional learningcollaboration within the WildRivers Alliance evidenced byprogression against theCollaborative Inquiry Continuum

The WRA has progressed to SUSTAINING onCollaborative Inquiry Continuum. Schoolself–evaluation of project using Guskey’sThermometer

Next Steps

Build the collective capacity of staff and the school community to use data to inform strategic school improvement efforts.

Staff training in Seven Steps to Writing Success.

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Key Initiatives Impact achieved this year Resources (annual)

Aboriginal background loading Personalised learning plans were based onpoint of need feedback and assessment andcollaboratively designed with the parents andstudents.


Low level adjustment for disability Funds were used for Teacher ProfessionalDevelopment and the employment of anSLSO to assist specific students


Socio–economic background The majority of funding has been used toIncrease the Learning & Support Teacherallocation of 0.1. This has enabled enhancedstudent learning opportunities and well–beinginitiatives to flourish.


Location Teaching staff are supported in theirprofessional learning and collaborativepractices.Families are provided with supportto access school programs and activities.


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Student information

Student enrolment profile


Students 2013 2014 2015 2016

Boys 1 2 3 3

Girls 3 4 6 6

Student attendance profile


Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

K 94.4 96.2 100 98.9

1 94.4 98.9 97.1 96.8

2 96.6 100 95.6 97.1

3 95.1 100 100

4 95.6 98.9

5 95.7

All Years 95.5 96.9 97.3 97.5

State DoE

Year 2013 2014 2015 2016

K 95 95.2 94.4 94.4

1 94.5 94.7 93.8 93.9

2 94.7 94.9 94 94.1

3 95 94.1 94.2

4 94 93.9

5 93.9

All Years 94.7 94.8 94 94

Management of non-attendance

Student attendance continues to be strong, above boththe regional and state attendance rates. This reflectsthe strong support by the community for thevalues,programs and curriculum of Nowendoc Public .

Overall, non–attendance is not an issue. On anoccasion that a student will be absent, parents makephone  contact or come  in personally to inform theschool. Due to our isolation, most absences are due tomedical & dental appointments which require longdistance travel.

Workforce information

Workforce composition

Position FTE*

Principal 1

Classroom Teacher(s) 0.13

Learning and Support Teacher(s) 0.1

Teacher Librarian 0.08

School Administration & SupportStaff


Other Positions 0

*Full Time Equivalent

Reporting of information for all staff must be consistentwith privacy and personal information policies.

The Australian Education Regulation, 2014 requiresschools to report on Aboriginal composition of theirworkforce.

There are currently no Indigenous staff membersemployed at Nowendoc Public School.

Teacher qualifications

All teaching staff meet the professional requirementsfor teaching in NSW public schools. 

Teacher qualifications

Qualifications % of staff

Undergraduate degree or diploma 100

Postgraduate degree

Professional learning and teacher accreditation

The teaching principal maintains teacher accreditationwith the NSW Education Standards Authority and onecasual teacher is working towards accreditation.

Professional learning and equity funds were used tosupport the development of all staff. Professionallearning was linked to the school improvement plan andeffectively met DoE professional development planguidelines and individual professional growth.

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Financial information (for schoolsusing OASIS for the whole year)

Financial information

This summary financial information covers funds foroperating costs to 30/11/2016 and does not involveexpenditure areas such as permanent salaries, buildingand major maintenance.

Income $

Balance brought forward 34 368.19

Global funds 54 221.71

Tied funds 26 403.01

School & community sources 100.00

Interest 892.28

Trust receipts 0.00

Canteen 0.00

Total income 115 985.19


Teaching & learning

Key learning areas 6 640.35

Excursions 0.00

Extracurricular dissections 0.00

Library 1 677.87

Training & development 2 829.70

Tied funds 29 903.53

Short term relief 1 797.87

Administration & office 17 547.97

School-operated canteen 0.00

Utilities 4 622.60

Maintenance 7 178.23

Trust accounts 0.00

Capital programs 0.00

Total expenditure 72 198.12

Balance carried forward 43 787.07

A full copy of the school’s financial statement is tabledat the annual general meetings of the parent and/orcommunity groups. Further details concerning thestatement can be obtained by contacting the school.

School performance


In the National Assessment Program, the results acrossthe Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 literacy andnumeracy assessments are reported on a scale fromBand 1 to Band 10. The achievement scalerepresents increasing levels of skillsand understandings demonstrated in theseassessments.

The My School website provides detailedinformation and data for national literacy and numeracytesting. Click on the link insert the school name in the Find a school andselect GO to access the school 

Due to the low student cohorts results cannot bepublished.

Parent/caregiver, student, teachersatisfaction

Each year schools are required to seek the opinions ofparents, students and teachers about the school. Theirresponses are presented below.

Parents responded with very positive comments aboutour school. 100% of respondents confirmed that theywere proud of our school and students are the school’smain concern.

Our parents all agreed that they would like theirchildren to be resourceful, resilient problem solvers whoare competent users of technology with the ability tocommunicate well.

They expressed appreciation for the: • Varied opportunities students are offered and

school financial support for extracurricularactivities

• Curriculum adaptation to respect our local contextand the students’real world.

• Teachers’ dedication to ensuring students arehappy,successful learners.

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Policy requirements

Aboriginal education

This year our school received Aboriginal backgroundfunding. This was used for learning and supportprograms.

Personalised learning plans were based on point ofneed feedback and assessment and collaborativelydesigned with the parents and students.

Aboriginal Perspectives continued to be embeddedthroughout our teaching and learning programs..

Students   participated   in   NAIDOC   and   Flag   Dayactivities and a Creative & Performing Arts Day led byformer Nowendoc PS students, Jennibee. 

Multicultural and anti-racism education

 Students have embraced programs to enhanceinformed understanding of other cultures. Excursionsand programs encourage students to have a greaterawareness and respect of cultural,historical,    linguistic     and     religious     differences.

Students engaged in Multicultural Day hosted byWoolbrook PS, Harmony Day celebrations, Smiles Day,Visits from  overseas exchange students who wereliving and working in the local area.

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