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2016-17 Voting Assistance GuideAssistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) (42 U.S. Code 1973ff)

Publication ID# VAG 16-17

The 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) was prepared by the Federal Voting Assistance Program with the assistance of the Secretaries of State, Directors of Elections and their staff, the Uniformed Service branches and the Department of State. Information and procedures in the VAG are current as of September 2015 and may be affected by changes to Federal and State legislation. Check for updates and for information on how to order an updated version of the VAG.

We want your feedback! If this book was helpful to you or if you ran into problems or have questions, please email [email protected] or mail: Federal Voting Assistance Program, 4800 Mark Center Dr., Ste 03J25-02; Alexandria, VA 22350.

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015) 1


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Dear Voting Assistance Guide User:

Welcome to the 2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (VAG). The VAG, published every two years and continually updated online, is a catalog of the State-specific processes and regulations that military and overseas voters should follow to successfully register to vote and cast an absentee ballot. FVAP produces this important resource for each election cycle as it often serves as a single source of information for both Voting Assistance Officers and voters. It contains all of the essential steps Uniformed Service members, their eligible family members and overseas citizens should take to complete the absentee voting process.

The VAG dates back to the 1950s and over the years the format and quantity of information have made the publication overwhelming and less readable to some. For the previous 2014-2015 VAG, we worked with election assistance professionals to employ best practices in election material design to make it more usable. I am pleased to share that for this edition, FVAP further improved this valuable resource by standardizing the content and rewriting it in plain language. This was no small feat. FVAP worked closely with State election officials through several rounds of coordination — we could not have accomplished this much-improved version without their collaboration and valuable input. FVAP continues to distribute the VAG in multiple formats to accommodate the various environments in which U.S. citizens reside. Whether it is in hardcopy format or the FVAP website, this material is a resource available for people across a wide spectrum of conditions ranging from domestic Installation Voting Assistance Officers, personnel on ships at sea, Peace Corps volunteers, missionaries, business people, students and military members deployed at Forward Operating Bases.

Voting is an individual’s choice and personal responsibility, and for those Uniformed Service members, their families and overseas citizens who want to vote, FVAP is committed to providing the best voting assistance possible. We look forward to continuing to serve our voters — and the people who support them.


Matt BoehmerDirector, Federal Voting Assistance Program

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)


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Table of contents

Chapter 1 How to vote absentee . . . . . . . . . . .

Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) . . . . . . 11

Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) . . . . 15

Electronic Transmission Sheet . . . . . . . . . . 21

Chapter 2 Absentee voting procedures . . . . . . 2 by State or territory

Chapter 3 Guide for Voting Assistance Officers 45

Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Frequently Asked Questions Handout . . . . 465

2016 Primary Election Dates Handout . . . . . 471

U.S. Embassy and Consulate Email . . . . . . 473 Addresses Handout

Inside front cover: Service Voting Action Officers’ contact information

Inside back cover: International toll-free phone and fax numbers

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)


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Chapter 1

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1How to vote absentee

:To vote in a U.S. election, on the day of the election you must

be a U.S. 18 years absent from your voting residence.

Voting absentee?

The absentee voting process in this guide applies to you if you are:

an active duty member of the Uniformed Services or MerchantMarine;an eligible spouse or family member of an active duty memberof the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine; ora U.S. citizen residing outside the U.S.

This guide may also apply to you if you are:

a member of the National Guard activated on State orders, insome States.

See State requirements in Chapter 2 Absentee voting procedures by State or territory.

This guide does NOT apply to you if:

you are located at your voting residence on election dayto vote locally contact your election office; orcomplete a National Voter Registration Form (NVRF), which maybe obtained from your Installation Voter Assistance Office (IVAOffice).

Contact your State election office or website for more information. See Chapter 2 Absentee votingfor contact information. procedures by State or territory


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Chapter 1

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How do I know whatinformation must beincluded in the FPCA? Chapter 2 of the VAGprovides State by Stateinstructions for completingand transmitting the FPCA.

How often should I completean FPCA? To ensure youcontinue to receive absenteeballots during your time awayfrom your voting residence,be sure to submit a newFPCA every January, eachtime you change youraddress, and at least 90 daysprior to the election you wantto vote in.

How do you vote absentee?

There are three steps to voting absentee in an election:

Step 1: Register and request your absentee ballot usingthe Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)

Under the federal law,the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee ( , the FPCA registers you to vote and requestsVoting Act UOCAVA)

absentee ballots for a minimum of all federal elections in the currentcalendar year.

To get an FPCA

Online version:

Use the online assistant at to complete your FPCA.FVAP.govThe online assistant filters your State's requirements as you gothrough the process of completing the form. Download the PDFpackage, print, sign and send.Visit to download the fillable FPCA. Complete it usingFVAP.govyour State's requirements listed in Chapter 2 of the VotingAssistance Guide. Print, sign and send.NOTE: You will need to have your own envelope to send yourcompleted FPCA by mail. Envelope templates are available todownload online at

Hardcopy version:

Get a hardcopy FPCA from a Voting Assistance Officer (VAO) orat an Installation Voter Assistance (IVA) Office at any militaryinstallation, U.S. embassy and/or consulate.Make a copy of the FPCA found in Chapter 1 or the Appendix ofthe Voting Assistance Guide.

Send your completed and signed FPCA to your election official.

To find your State transmission methods, see State requirements in Chapter 2 Absentee votingprocedures by State or territory.

Step 2: Receive your absentee ballot

Your election official will process your FPCA to determine theappropriate ballot to send you. If you have questions about the statusof your FPCA, contact your local election office. Your local electionofficial will contact you if your application is denied or if they needaddditional information from you in order to process your form.

Election officials are required to send absentee ballots 45 days beforean election for those who are registered and have requested a ballot. Ifyou submit your FPCA within 45 days of the election, they will sendyour ballot as soon as possible, upon processing your form.

All States must allow you to receive your blank absentee ballotelectronically, when requested. This may include email, fax or onlinedownload.


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Chapter 1

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Want information oncandidates? Visit your Stateelection website wherecandidate information maybe available 30 days beforethe election.

What if I do not receive myabsentee ballot and theelection is 30 days away? Ifyou do not receive your Stateabsentee ballot 30 daysbefore the election, use theFederal Write-In AbsenteeBallot (FWAB). Informationabout the FWAB can befound in Chapter 1 and yourState pages in Chapter 2.

Step 3a: Return your voted State ballot

Vote and return your State absentee ballot as soon as you receive it.Follow the instructions sent with your ballot to mark and return yourballot.

Know the deadline. The date when your election office must receiveyour completed ballot is set by each State.

See State requirements in .Chapter 2 Absentee voting procedures by State or territory

Step 3b: If you do not receive your State ballot

If you do not receive your State absentee ballot in time to return it toyour election office by the State deadline, use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB).

The FWAB serves as a backup ballot for voters covered by .UOCAVAThe FWAB can be used in all States and territories to vote for federaloffices (President/Vice President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative andDelegate or Resident Commissioner). Some States allow the FWAB tobe used to vote for State and local offices.

See State requirements in Chapter 2 Absentee voting procedures by State or territory.

To get a FWAB

Online version:

Use the online assistant at to complete the FWAB. FVAP.govThe online assistant filters your State's requirements as you gothrough the process of completing the FWAB. Download thePDF package, print, sign and send.Visit to download the fillable FWAB. Complete itFVAP.govusing the State requirements listed in Chapter 2 of the VotingAssistance Guide. Print, sign and send.NOTE: You will need to have your own envelopes to submityour completed FWAB by mail. Envelope templates areavailable to download online at

Hardcopy version:

Get a hardcopy FWAB from a Voting Assistance Officer (VAO) orat an Installation Voter Assistance (IVA) Office at any militaryinstallation, U.S. embassy and/or consulate.Make a copy of the FWAB found in Chapter 1 or the Appendixof the Voting Assistance Guide.

Send your completed and signed FWAB package to your election official.

To find your State transmission methods, see State requirements in Chapter 2 Absentee voting procedures by State or territory.


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Chapter 1

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

If you receive your Stateabsentee ballot aftersubmitting the FWAB,complete and return it. Ifboth the FWAB and Stateabsentee ballot are receivedby the deadline, only one willcount.

The FWAB consists of:

Voter's Declaration/AffirmationOfficial Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot with Security EnvelopeattachedMailing Envelope.

Send your completed and signed FWAB to your election official.

To find your State transmission methods, see State requirements in Chapter 2 Absentee votingprocedures by State or territory.

Timeline of the absentee voting process:

Step What When

1 Register and request an absentee ballotusing the Federal Post Card Application

.(FPCA)January of eachyear

2 Receive your absentee ballot from yourState election office.

45-30 calendardays before theelection

3a &3b Return your State absentee ballot to your


If you do not receive your State absenteeballot, use the Federal Write-In AbsenteeBallot (FWAB)

As soon as youreceive it

NOTE: If you are overseas or on a deployednaval vessel

30 calendardays before theelection

NOTE: If you are a stateside Uniformed Servicemember or eligible family member

7 calendar daysbefore theelection


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Your State may require you to specify a political party to vote in primary elections:



Previous name (if applicable)



IdentificationSome States require your full SSN. Check your State’s pages in the Voting Assistance Guide on

Contact informationInclude international prefixes. No DSN numbers.

Ballot receipt




Last name

First name


Apt. #

3Legal name


Street Address (not P.O. Box) Voting residence addressUsually your last U.S. residence or your legal U.S. residence. See instructions.

Where to send my ballot This is your current mailing address and should be different from above. If required, place a forwarding address in Box 9.



This information is for official use only. Any unauthorized release may be punishable by law. PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE.

Please print in black ink.


ClassificationMake only 1 selection.

(In most States, you must be absent from your voting district to use this form).

I am an activated National Guard member on State orders.

I prefer to receive my ballot, as permitted by my State, by:

I am a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty OR

Standard Form 76 (Rev. 08-2013), OMB No. 0704-0503

Birth date D D

/ /M M Y Y Y Y

Additional requirements for your State Such as: mail forwarding address, additional email address/phone number, or other State required information. See Voting Assistance Guide.

/ /

You must sign and send in.

Affirmation (REQUIRED): I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that:

• The information on this form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a material misstatement of fact in completion of this document may constitute grounds for conviction of perjury. • I am a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age (or will be by the day of the election), eligible to vote in the requested jurisdiction, and • I am not disqualified to vote due to having been convicted of a felony or other disqualifying offense, nor have I been adjudicated mentally incompetent; or if so, my voting rights have been reinstated; and • I am not registering, requesting a ballot, or voting in any other jurisdiction in the United States, except the jurisdiction cited in this voting form.

Witness signature / date if required by your State.

Middle name

I am an eligible spouse or dependent.




State Zip Code

OR Social Security Number

State Driver’s License or ID

Mail Fax



For any questions about this form, consult the Voting Assistance Guide available in hard copy or on or your Voting Assistance Officer.


I am a U.S. citizen residing outside the United States, and my return is not certain.

I am a U.S. citizen residing outside the United States, and I intend to return.

I request an absentee ballot for all elections in which I am eligible to vote AND:

I am a U.S. citizen and have never resided in the United States.


M M D D Y Y Y YToday’s date

Sex M F

Political party

Rank from 1-3 in order of preference; be sure appropriate contact information is provided above.


For absent Uniformed Service members, their families, and citizens residing outside the U.S.

Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)

See instructions

– –


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FPCA mailing instructionsStep 1

Complete the FPCA using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2 or online at Make sure to sign and date the FPCA after completing and/or after printing if using an online version.





Step 2

Fold and seal your signed FPCA.

If using FVAP’s online assistant to complete the FPCA. Use a postage-paid envelope template available online at Otherwise, seal the FPCA in an envelope.

Step 3Mail the FPCA to your election office; the address can be found in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State’s pages in Chapter 2 or online at Be sure to include your return address. If using FVAP’s FPCA online assistant, your election office address and postage are included on the envelope downloaded.

If using a FVAP’s postage paid envelope template:

• Use the U.S. postal system, including APO and FPO addresses

• Send it through the diplomatic pouches at U.S. embassies and consulates.

• Contact your U.S. embassy or consulate for information on how to drop off your FPCA.

If using a regular envelope (not FVAP’s postage paid envelope template):

• Send it using a foreign mail service. Be sure to use the correct postage.

• Use a private courier service.

Mailing options for your FPCA:

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


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FPCA emailing instructionsStep 1

Check in Chapter 2 to see if your State allows you to submit your FPCA by email.

Complete the FPCA using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2 or online at Make sure to sign the FPCA after completing and/or after printing if using an online version.





Step 2

Complete the electronic transmission sheet found at the end of Chapter 1, in the Appendix or online at

Scan your completed electronic transmission sheet and signed FPCA and save together as a PDF file. If more convenient, you can make a cover sheet that contains the same information found on FVAP’s electronic cover sheet.

Step 3

Email the PDF file as an attachment directly to your election office. Email addresses can be found in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State’s pages in Chapter 2 or online at




2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


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FPCA faxing instructionsStep 1

Check in Chapter 2 to see if your State allows you to submit your FPCA by fax.

Complete the FPCA using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2 or online at Make sure to sign and date the FPCA after completing and/or after printing if using an online version.




Step 2

Complete the electronic transmission sheet. The electronic transmission sheet can be found at the end of Chapter 1, in the Appendix and online at If more convenient, you can make a cover sheet that contains the same information found on FVAP’s electronic transmission sheet.

Step 3Fax your electronic transmission sheet with the FPCA to your election official. Fax numbers can be found in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State page in Chapter 2 or online at


Transmission Sheet

Transmission Sheet

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


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You must sign and send in.

Voter’s Declaration/AffirmationFederal Write-in Absentee Ballot (FWAB)


Previous name (if applicable)

Qualification & Voter Registration Many States require that you be registered and request an absentee ballot before using this form.

If you answer No, you can do this via the Federal Post Card Application, or in a few States, by marking the box below. Check your State’s pages in the Voting Assistance Guide on to see if your State allows registration via this form.

Have you already registered and requested an absentee ballot?

I also want to register to vote and/or request an absentee ballot for all elections in which I am eligible to vote.

IdentificationSome States require your full SSN. Check your State’s pages in the Voting Assistance Guide on

Contact informationInclude international prefixes. No DSN numbers.

– –

Last name Suffix

Apt. #

Legal name


Street Address (not P.O. Box) Voting residence addressUsually your last U.S. residence or your legal U.S. residence. See instructions.

Where to send my voting materials This is your current mailing address and should be different from above. If required, place a forwarding address in Box 9.

Additional requirements for your State Such as: future ballot receipt preference, mail forwarding address, additional phone, or other State required information. See your State’s pages in the Voting Assistance Guide on

Please print in black ink.

ClassificationMake only 1 selection.

I am an activated National Guard member on State orders.

/ /

/ /

Standard Form 186 (Rev. 08-2013) , OMB No. 0704-0502

Witness signature / date if required by your State.

I am a member of the Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine on active duty OR I am an eligible spouse or dependent.

First name Middle name

Yes No

Sex Birth date

State Driver’s License or I.D.



State Zip Code

Today’s date


Alternate Email









This information is for official use only. Any unauthorized release may be punishable by law. PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE.

Your State may require you to specify a political party to vote in primary elections: Political party 6




I am a U.S. citizen residing outside the United States, and my return is not certain.

I am a U.S. citizen residing outside the United States, and I intend to return.


I am a U.S. citizen and have never resided in the United States.

Affirmation (REQUIRED): I swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that:






For any questions about this form, consult the Voting Assistance Guide available in hard copy or on or your Voting Assistance Officer.

OR Social Security Number

• The information on this form is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that a material misstatement of fact in completion of this document may constitute grounds for conviction of perjury.

• I am a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years of age (or will be by the day of the election), eligible to vote in the requested jurisdiction, and

• I am not disqualified to vote due to having been convicted of a felony or other disqualifying offense, nor have I been adjudicated mentally incompetent; or if so, my voting rights have been reinstated; and

• I am not registering, requesting a ballot, or voting in any other jurisdiction in the United States, except the jurisdiction cited in this voting form.

• In voting, I have marked and sealed this ballot in private and have not allowed any person to observe the marking of this ballot, except those authorized to assist voters under State and Federal law.


For absent Uniformed Service members, their families, and citizens residing outside the U.S.

See Instructions


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Official Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot

President/Vice President:

U.S. Senator*:

* Legal residents of the District of Columbia may vote only for President/Vice President and Delegate.

** Legal residents of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands may vote only for Delegate or Resident Commissioner to the Congress.

AddendumIf you are eligible to use this ballot to vote for offices other than those listed above or for ballot initiatives, please indicate in the spaces provided below, the office for which you wish to vote (for example: Governor, Attorney General, Mayor, State Senator, etc.). You may also indicate the ballot intiative and your vote for the initiative.

U.S. Representative/Delegate**/Resident Commissioner**:

Office / Ballot Initiative Candidate Name, Party Affiliation, or Initiative Vote

Detach here, fold and insert into security envelope




Standard Form 186 (Rev 08-2013)

(Use reverse side for additional space)

Vote by writing the name and/or party affiliation of the candidate for whom you wish to vote. Some States allow the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot to be used by military and overseas voters in elections other than general elections or for offices other than Federal offices. Consult the Voting Assistance Guide to determine your State’s policy.


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Official Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot (continuation)

Security Envelope Only - DO NOT WRITE ON THIS ENVELOPE

Standard Form 186 (Rev 08-2013) (Back)

Office / Ballot Initiative Candidate Name, Party Affiliation, or Initiative Vote

If you need more space enclose an additional sheet of paper.


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FWAB mailing instructionsStep 1

Complete, sign and date the FWAB’s Voter

Declaration/Affirmation using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2.



Security Envelope


Security Envelope




Declaration/ Affirmation

Mailing Envelope

Step 2

Use the Official Write-in Absentee Ballot to vote by writing in either a candidate’s name or political party for each office. If using FVAP’s online assistant to complete the FWAB, the candidates for federal offices are listed for your selection based on your voting residence.

Once you complete the Official Write-in Absentee Ballot, detach the ballot from the security envelope, fold it, and insert it into the security envelope and seal.

If using the online FWAB, seal the voted FWAB in a separate blank envelope and write “Security Envelope” on it.

Step 3

Fold and place the completed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and the sealed security envelope, containing your voted ballot, into the accompanying mailing envelope and seal.

If using FVAP’s online assistant to complete the FWAB, you may use a postage paid envelope template available online at Otherwise use your own envelope as the mailing envelope.

Step 4

Mail the FWAB packet to your election office. Addresses can be for in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State’s pages in Chapter 2 or online at If using FVAP’s FWAB online assistant your election office address is included in the printed pdf package.

If using a Postage Paid envelope:• Use the U.S. postal system, including APO and FPO addresses• Send it through the diplomatic pouches at U.S. embassies and consulates.• Contact your U.S. embassy or consulate for information on how to drop off your FWAB.

If using a regular envelope (not Postage Paid):• Send it using a foreign mail service. Be sure to use the correct postage.• Use a private courier service.

Mailing options for your FWAB:

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


Page 19: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

FWAB emailing instructionsStep 1

Check in Chapter 2 to see if your State allows you to submit your FWAB by email.

Complete, sign and date the Voter’s Declaration/ Affirmation using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2 or online at






Declaration/ Affirmation

Step 2

Use the Official Write-in Absentee Ballot to vote by writing in either a candidate’s name or political party for each office. If using FVAP’s online assistant to complete the FWAB, the candidates for federal offices are listed for your selection based on your voting residence.

Step 3

Complete the electronic transmission sheet found at the end of chapter 1, in the Appendix or online at If more convenient, you can make a cover sheet that contains the same information found on FVAP’s electronic transmission sheet. Scan the electronic transmission sheet, the signed Voter’s Declaration/ Affirmation and the Official Ballot and save together as a PDF file.

Step 4

Email the PDF file as an attachment directly to your election office. Email addresses can be found in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State’s pages in Chapter 2 or online at

Declaration/ Affirmation




2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


Page 20: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

FWAB faxing instructionsStep 1

Check in Chapter 2 to see if your State allows you to submit your FWAB by fax.

Complete, sign and date the Voter’s Declaration/ Affirmation using your State’s instructions in Chapter 2 or online at






Declaration/ Affirmation

Step 2

Use the Official Write-in Absentee Ballot to vote by writing in either a candidate’s name or political party for each office. If using FVAP’s online assistant to complete the FWAB, the candidates for federal offices are listed for your selection based on your voting residence.

Step 3

Complete the electronic transmission sheet. The electronic transmission sheet can be found at the end of Chapter 1, in the Appendix and online at If more convenient, you can make a cover sheet that contains the same information found on FVAP’s electronic transmission sheet.

Step 4

Fax your FWAB including the electronic transmission sheet, Voter’s Declaration/Affirmation and Official Write-in Absentee Ballot to your election official. Fax numbers can be found in the “Local Election Offices” section of your State’s pages in Chapter 2 or online at




Declaration/ Affirmation

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Chapter 1


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Official Election Materials – Electronic Transmission Sheet Transmission (Cover) Sheet from Absentee Voter to Election Official


City/County Board of Elections

Fax Number




Last Name

First Name

Middle Name

Telephone Number

Fax Number

Email Address

Additional Information:

If a VOTED BALLOT is being faxed or emailed, sign below:

“I understand that by faxing or emailing my voted ballot I am voluntarily waiving my right to a secret ballot”

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Number of pages being transmitted, including this sheet: ___________________

Not all forms can be sent electronically. Please check the website

or the Voting Assistance Guide to verify what forms can be electronically sent to your Local Election Official.

Fax to one of these numbers: 703-693-5527/DSN 223-5527 or 1-800-368-8683 or

Check for international fax numbers Email to [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State Primary RunoffApril 12, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Postmarked byFebruary 15, 2016

Postmarked byFebruary 15, 2016

Postmarked byMarch 28, 2016

Postmarked byOctober 24, 2016

Ballot Request Received byFebruary 25, 2016

Received byFebruary 25, 2016

Received byApril 7, 2016

Received byNovember 3, 2016

Ballot Return Postmarked by*March 1, 2016

Postmarked by*March 1, 2016

Postmarked by*April 12, 2016

Postmarked by*November 8, 2016

*Ballots must be received by 12:00pm on the 7th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires a candidate toreceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:

"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You your signed FPCA to your electionmust mailofficial. Addresses can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailed

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. This form must havetwo witness signatures.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Addresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Autauga Autauga County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 681864Prattville, AL 36068Phone: (256) 760-5728

Fax: (334) 361-3738Email:

Baldwin Baldwin County Election Manager312 Courthouse Square, Ste 10Bay Minette, AL 36507Phone: (256) 974-2438

Email: [email protected]

Barbour Barbour County Circuit Clerk303 E Broad St Rm 201Eufaula, AL 36027Phone: (334) 737-3490

Fax: (334) 687-1599Email: [email protected]

Bibb Bibb County Election Office8 Ct Sq W, Ste BCentreville, AL 35042Phone: (256) 926-3105

Email: [email protected]

Blount Blount County Election Office220 2nd Ave EOneonta, AL 35121Phone: (334) 548-2252

Fax: (205) 625-4016Email: [email protected]

Bullock Bullock County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 230Union Springs, AL 36089-0230Phone: (334) 724-2614

Fax: (334) 738-2282Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Butler Butler County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 236Greenville, AL 36037Phone: (256) 532-3390

Fax: (334) 382-7488Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County Circuit Clerk 1702 Nobile St, Ste 111Anniston, AL 36201Phone: (334) 295-2224

Fax: (256) 231-1826Email: [email protected]

Chambers Chambers County Circuit Clerk2 Lafayette St Lafayette , AL 36862Phone: (205) 921-7451

Fax: (334) 864-4368Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County Circuit Clerk100 Main St, Rm 203Centre, AL 35960Phone: (256) 571-7785

Email: [email protected]

Chilton Chilton County Election OfficeP.O. Box 1946Clanton, AL 35046Phone: (251) 574-5945

Email: [email protected]

Choctaw Choctaw County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 428Butler, AL 36904-0428Phone: (251) 743-2283

Fax: (205) 459-3218Email: [email protected]

Clarke Clarke County Election ManagerP.O. Box 921Grove Hill, AL 36451Phone: (334) 832-1261

Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 816Ashland, AL 36251-0814Phone: (256) 351-4790

Fax: 254-354-2249Email: [email protected]

Clebume Clebume County Circuit Clerk120 Vickery St, Ste 202Heflin, AL 36264Phone: (334) 683-6106

Fax: (256) 463-2257Email: [email protected]

Coffee Coffee County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 427New Brockton, AL 36351Phone: (205) 367-2050

Email: [email protected]

Colbert Colbert County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 740370Tuscumbia, AL 35674Phone: (334) 566-5113

Fax: (256) 386-8505Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Conecuh Conecuh County Circuit Clerk111 Ct St Rm 203Evergreen, AL 36401Phone: (256) 357-4551

Fax: (251) 578-7013Email: [email protected]

Coosa Coosa County Election OfficeP.O. Box 98Rockford, AL 35136Phone: (334) 298-0516

Email: [email protected]

Covington Covington County Circuit Clerk1-K N Ct SqAndalusia, AL 36420Phone: (205) 669-3760

Email: [email protected]

Crenshaw Crenshaw County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 263Luverne, AL 36049Phone: (205) 594-2184

Fax: (334) 335-3616Email: [email protected]

Cullman Cullman County Circuit Clerk500 Second Ave SW, Ste 303Cullman, AL 35055-4137Phone: (205) 652-2291

Email: [email protected]

Dale Dale County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 1350Ozark , AL 36361Phone: (256) 761-2103

Email: [email protected]

Dallas Dallas County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 327 Selma, AL 36702Phone: (256) 825-1098

Email: [email protected]

DeKalb DeKalb County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 681149Fort Payne, AL 35968-1613Phone: (205) 464-8260

Fax: (256) 845-8535Email: [email protected]

Elmore Elmore County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 310Wetumpka, AL 36093Phone: (205) 384-7268

Email: [email protected]

Escambia Escambia County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 856Brewton, AL 36427-0856Phone: (251) 847-2239

Email: [email protected]

Etowah Etowah County Circuit Clerk801 Forrest Ave, Ste 202Gadsen , AL 35901Phone: (334) 682-4126

Fax: (256) 439-6001Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Fayette Fayette County Circuit Clerk103 1st Ave NW Ste 2Fayette, AL 35555Phone: (205) 489-5533

Fax: (205) 932-2697Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 160Russellville, AL 35653-0160Phone: (256) 332-8861

Email: [email protected]

Geneva Geneva County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 86Geneva, AL 36340-0086Phone: (334) 684-5620

Fax: (334) 684-5605Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 307Eutaw, AL 35462Phone: (205) 372-3598

Fax: (205) 372-1510Email: [email protected]

Hale Hale County Circuit Clerk1001 Main St # 13Greensboro, AL 36744Phone: (334) 624-4334

Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Circuit Clerk101 Ct Sq, Ste JAbbeville, AL 36310-2135Phone: (334) 585-2753

Fax: (334) 585-5006Email: [email protected]

Houston Houston County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 6406Dothan, AL 36302Phone: (334) 671-8764

Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 459Scottsboro, AL 35768-0397Phone: (256) 574-9320

Fax: (256) 259-9981Email: [email protected]

Jefferson -Bessemer

Jefferson - Bessemer County Election Office716 Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd N, Rm 400Birmingham, AL 35203-0001Phone: (205) 497-8510

Fax: (205) 325-5362Email: [email protected]

Jefferson -Birmingham

Jefferson - Birmingham County Election Office1851 2nd Ave NBessemer, AL 35020Phone: (205) 325-5355

Fax: (205) 497-8515Email: [email protected]

Lamar Lamar County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 434Vernon, AL 35592-0434Phone: (205) 695-7193

Fax: (205) 695-0046Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Lauderdale Lauderdale County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 776Florence, AL 35631Phone: (256) 760-5728

Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Circuit Clerk14451 Market St, Ste 300Moulton, AL 35650Phone: (256) 974-2438

Fax: (256) 974-2426Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Circuit Clerk2311 Gateway Dr, Rm 104Opelika, AL 36801Phone: (334) 749-7141

Fax: (334) 737-3520Email: [email protected]

Limestone Limestone County Circuit Clerk200 Washington St W.Athens, AL 35611Phone: (256) 233-6406

Fax: (256) 232-0764Email: [email protected]

Lowndes Lowndes County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 876 Hayneville, AL 36040-0876Phone: (334) 548-2252

Email: [email protected]

Macon Macon County Circuit Clerk101 E Rosa Parks Ave Ste 300Tuskegee, AL 36083Phone: (334) 724-2614

Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Circuit Clerk100 Northside Sq, Rm 217Huntsville , AL 35801-4800Phone: (256) 532-3390

Fax: (256) 532-3768Email: [email protected]

Marengo Marengo County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 480566Linden, AL 36748-0566Phone: (334) 295-2224

Fax: (334) 295-2092Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 1595Hamilton, AL 35570Phone: (205) 921-7451

Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Circuit Clerk424 Blount Ave, Ste 201Guntersville, AL 35976Phone: (256) 571-7785

Email: [email protected]

Mobile Mobile County Circuit Clerk205 Government St, Ste C-913 Mobile, AL 36644-2911Phone: (251) 574-5945

Fax: (251) 574-8075Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Monroe Monroe County Circuit Clerk65 N Alabama AveMonroeville, AL 36460Phone: (251) 743-2283

Fax: (251) 575-5933Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 1667Montgomery , AL 36102-1667Phone: (334) 832-1261

Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 668Decatur, AL 35602-0668Phone: (256) 351-4790

Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 505 Marion, AL 36756-0505Phone: (334) 683-6106

Fax: (334) 683-2207Email: [email protected]

Pickens Pickens County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 418 Carrollton, AL 35447-0418Phone: (205) 331-2721

Fax: (205) 367-2054Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County Circuit Clerk120 W Church StTroy, AL 36081Phone: (334) 566-5113

Fax: (334) 807-5009Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 328 Wedowee, AL 36278-0328Phone: (256) 357-4551

Fax: (256) 357-9012Email: [email protected]

Russell Russell County Circuit Clerk501 14th St Phenix City, AL 36867Phone: (334) 298-0516

Fax: (334) 297-6250Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Election OfficeP.O. Box 1642Columbiana , AL 35051Phone: (205) 669-3913

Fax: (205) 669-3786Email: [email protected]

St. Clair St. Clair County Circuit Clerk100 6th Ave, Ste 400Ashville, AL 35953Phone: (205) 594-2184

Fax: (205) 594-2196Email: [email protected]

Sumter Sumter County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 936Livingston, AL 35470Phone: (205) 652-2291

Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Talladega Talladega County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 6137Talladega, AL 35161Phone: (256) 761-2102

Fax: (256) 480-5291Email: [email protected]

Tallapoosa Tallapoosa County Circuit Clerk125 N Broadnax St, Rm 132Dadeville, AL 36853Phone: (256) 825-1098

Fax: (256) 329-8123Email: [email protected]

Tuscaloosa Tuscaloosa County Circuit Clerk714 Greensboro Ave Rm 214Tuscaloosa, AL 35401Phone: (205) 349-3870

Fax: (205) 464-8588Email: [email protected]

Walker Walker County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 1389Jasper, AL 35501Phone: (205) 384-7268

Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 548 Chatom, AL 36515-0548Phone: (251) 847-2239

Email: [email protected]

Wilcox Wilcox County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 608Camden, AL 36726Phone: (334) 682-4126

Email: [email protected]

Winston Winston County Circuit ClerkP.O. Box 309Double Springs, AL 35553-0309Phone: (205) 489-5533

Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 16, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byJuly 17, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byJuly 17, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 9, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byOctober 9, 2016


Request Mail Ballot: Received byAugust 6, 2016Request Email/Online or Fax Ballot:Received by5 PM, August 15, 2016

Request Mail Ballot: Received byOctober 29, 2016Request Email/Online or Fax Ballot:Received by5 PM, November 7, 2016


Return by Mail: Postmarked by*August 16, 2016Return by Online or Fax: Received by8 PM, August 16, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarked by**November 8, 2016Return by Online or Fax: Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Primary election ballots must be received by the 10th day after the election.

**Ballot Return: (From outside U.S.)- General election ballots must be received by the 15th day after theelection. Ballot Return: (From within U.S.)- General election ballots must be received by the 10th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Alaska is eligible to vote as a "federalvoter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Political

party affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information is



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour signed FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly to

recommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 If you are using this form to registerto vote, you must enclose proof ofAlaska residency (such as a copy ofa current Alaska Driver's License or aleave and earning statementreflecting Alaska as place ofresidency) with this application.Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

your election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by , mail online (online only if you requested your absentee

or . Contact information can beballot online) faxfound in the "Local Election Offices" section. Youmay use the DoD Electronic Transmission Service(ETS) to fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

Uniformed Services members, an eligible spouse ordependent, or an U.S. citizen residing outside of the

can use theUnited States and intend to return,FWAB to register to vote and vote in all elections forfederal and State offices, including ballot measures.If you are using the FWAB to register to vote, it mustbe received by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

U.S. citizens residing outside of the United Stateswhose intent to return is uncertain or U.S. citizens

can usewho have never resided in the United Statesthe FWAB to register to vote and vote in all electionsfor federal office. If you are using the FWAB toregister to vote, it must be received by the



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

registration deadline listed in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 If you are using this form to registerto vote, you must enclose proof ofAlaska residency (such as a copy of

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or Contactmail fax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

a current Alaska Driver's License or aleave and earning statementreflecting Alaska as place ofresidency) with this application.Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. This form must have awitness signature.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Absentee and Petition Office2525 Gambell St, Ste 105Anchorage, AK 99503-2838Phone: (907) 270-2700

Fax: (907) 677-9937Email: [email protected]



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Page 37: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour territory in time to return it to your election official to participate inthe election, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byOctober 10, 2016

Ballot Request Received byOctober 24, 2016

Ballot Return Received byNovember 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


American Samoa

Page 38: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your territory has any online tools available here:

Does my territory have anyonline tools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on territorial orders;does my territory afford meUOCAVA privileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this territory?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers, you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued ID."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your election

official can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


American Samoa

Page 39: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourterritory it must be returned according to thedeadlines and requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The territory absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a territory absentee ballot in order to usethe FWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


American Samoa

Page 40: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theterritory absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the territoryabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the territory absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Chief Election OfficerP.O. Box 3970Pago Pago, AS 96799Phone: (684) 699-3570

Fax: (684) 699-3574Email: [email protected]


American Samoa

Page 41: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 22, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 30, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by7 PM, March 22, 2016

Received by7 PM, August 30, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

Ballot Request Received by7 PM, March 22, 2016

Received by7 PM, August 30, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

Ballot Return Received by7 PM, March 22, 2016

Received by7 PM, August 30, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



Page 42: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last registered to vote in Arizona is eligible to vote inArizona.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



Page 43: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, (online to use the online upload, you must have

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 If you are using this form to registerto vote, you must provide proof ofcitizenship. You must include aphotocopy, do not send originaldocuments.Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

) or received instructions from your election official fax. Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourballot. canOverseas Uniformed Service membersrequest to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoDapplied to the general election ballot. Additionalinformation about this label can be found in the"Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register, it must be received bythe registration deadline listed in the "FederalElection Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.



Page 44: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by (to use themail, onlineonline upload, you must have received instructionsfrom your election official) or Contactfax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information about

Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 If you are using this form to registerto vote, you must provide proof ofcitizenship. You must include aphotocopy, do not send originaldocuments.Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

this label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Upload your FWAB: (To use this system, you must.)have received instructions from your election official

Scan the signed Voter's Declaration/ Affirmation andthe FWAB into your computer. Be sure to alsoinclude the Electronic Transmission Sheet withsecrecy waiver. Upload this ballot package directly toyour election official.

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Arizona Secretary of State Elections Division1700 W Washington St, Fl 7Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808Phone: (877) 843-8683

Fax: (602) 542-6172Email: [email protected]



Page 45: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

PresidentialPrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryRunoffMarch 22, 2016

GeneralElectionNovember 8,2016

General RunoffNovember 29,2016

Registration Postmarked byJanuary 31, 2016

Postmarked byJanuary 31,2016

Postmarked byFebruary 21,2016

Postmarked byOctober 9,2016

Postmarked byOctober 30,2016


Received byFebruary 23,2016

Received byFebruary 23,2016

Received byMarch 15, 2016

Received byNovember 1,2016

Received byNovember 22,2016


Postmarked by*March 1, 2016

Postmarkedby*March 1, 2016

Postmarked by*March 22, 2016

Postmarkedby*November 8,2016

Postmarked by*November 29,2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 10th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



Page 46: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.



Page 47: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You your signed FPCA to your electionmust mailofficial. Addresses can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Arkansas Arkansas County Clerk101 Court SqDewitt, AR 72042-2050Phone: (870) 946-4349

Fax: (870) 946-4399Email: [email protected]

Ashley Ashley County Clerk205 E Jefferson StHamburg, AR 71646-3007Phone: (870) 853-2020

Fax: (870) 853-2082Email: [email protected]

Baxter Baxter County Clerk#1 E 7th St, Ste 103Mountain Home, AR 72653-4468Phone: (870) 425-3475

Fax: (870) 424-5105Email: [email protected]

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Benton Benton County Clerk215 E Central, Ste 217Bentonville, AR 72712-5373Phone: (479) 271-1013

Fax: (479) 271-1019Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone County Clerk100 N Main St, Ste 201Harrison, AR 72601-4228Phone: (870) 741-8428

Fax: (870) 741-9724Email: [email protected]

Bradley Bradley County Clerk101 E Cedar StWarren, AR 71671-2744Phone: (870) 226-3464

Fax: (870) 226-8404Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County ClerkP.O. Box 1175Hampton, AR 71744-1175Phone: (870) 798-2517

Fax: (870) 798-2428Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Clerk210 W Church StBerryville, AR 72616-4222Phone: (870) 423-2022

Fax: (870) 423-7400Email: [email protected]

Chicot Chicot County Clerk108 Main StLake Village, AR 71653-1965Phone: (870) 265-8000

Fax: (870) 265-8006Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County Clerk401 Clay StArkadelphia, AR 71923-6100Phone: (870) 246-4491

Fax: (870) 246-6505Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Clerk151 S Second AvenuePiggot, AR 72454-2618Phone: (870) 598-2813

Fax: (870) 598-2813Email: [email protected]

Cleburne Cleburne County Clerk301 W Main StHeber Springs, AR 72543-3016Phone: (501) 362-4620

Fax: (501) 362-4622Email: [email protected]

Cleveland Cleveland County Clerk20 Magnolia StRison, AR 71665-0368Phone: (870) 325-6521

Fax: (870) 325-6144Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County ClerkOne Court Sq, Ste 1Magnolia, AR 71753-3599Phone: (870) 235-3774

Fax: (870) 235-3773Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Conway Conway County Clerk117 S Moose St, Ste 02Morrilton, AR 72110-3400Phone: (501) 354-9621

Fax: (501) 354-9610Email: [email protected]

Craighead Craighead County Clerk511 S Main, Rm 202Jonesboro, AR 72401Phone: (870) 933-4520

Fax: (870) 933-4514Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County Clerk300 Main St, Rm 7Van Buren, AR 72956Phone: (479) 474-1312

Fax: (479) 471-3236Email: [email protected]

Crittenden Crittenden County Clerk100 Court SqMarion, AR 72364-1850Phone: (870) 739-4434

Fax: (870) 739-3072Email: [email protected]

Cross Cross County Clerk705 E Union StWynne, AR 72396-3039Phone: (870) 238-5735

Fax: (870) 238-5739Email: [email protected]

Dallas Dallas County Clerk206 W 3rdFordyce, AR 71742-3250Phone: (870) 352-2307

Fax: (870) 352-7179Email: [email protected]

Desha Desha County Clerk608 Robert S MooreArkansas City, AR 71630-0218Phone: (870) 877-2323

Fax: (870) 877-3413Email: [email protected]

Drew Drew County Clerk210 S Main StMonticello, AR 71655-4731Phone: (870) 460-6260

Fax: (870) 460-6246Email: [email protected]

Faulkner Faulkner County Clerk801 Locust StConway, AR 72034-5358Phone: (501) 450-4909

Fax: (501) 450-4938Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Clerk211 W CommericalOzark, AR 72949-3213Phone: (479) 667-3607

Fax: (479) 667-3611Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Clerk12 S Main StSalem, AR 72576-9473Phone: (870) 895-3310

Fax: (870) 895-3383Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Garland Garland County Clerk501 Ouachita St, Rm 103Hot Springs, AR 71901-5161Phone: (501) 622-3610

Fax: (501) 624-0665Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Clerk102 W Center, Rm 106Sheridan, AR 72150-2493Phone: (870) 942-2631

Fax: (870) 942-3564Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Clerk320 W Court St, Rm 102Paragould, AR 72450-4300Phone: (870) 239-6345

Fax: (870) 239-6320Email: [email protected]

Hempstead Hempstead County Clerk400 S Washington StHope, AR 71802Phone: (870) 777-2241

Fax: (870) 777-7829Email: [email protected]

Hot Spring Hot Spring County Clerk210 Locust StMalvern, AR 72104-3791Phone: (501) 332-2291

Fax: (501) 332-2221Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard County Clerk421 N Main St, Rm 10Nashville, AR 71852-7505Phone: (870) 845-7502

Fax: (870) 845-7505Email: [email protected]

Independence Independence County Clerk192 E Main StBatesville, AR 72501-5510Phone: (870) 793-8828

Fax: (870) 793-8831Email: [email protected]

Izard Izard County ClerkP.O. Box 95Melbourne, AR 72556-0095Phone: (870) 368-4316

Fax: (870) 368-4748Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Clerk208 Main StNewport, AR 72112-3329Phone: (870) 523-7420

Fax: (870) 523-7406Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk101 W BarraquePine Bluff, AR 71601-6317Phone: (870) 541-5322

Fax: (870) 541-5324Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Clerk215 W Main StClarksville, AR 72830-3009Phone: (479) 754-3967

Fax: (479) 754-2286Email: [email protected]



Page 50: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Lafayette Lafayette County Clerk2 Courthouse Sq Lewisville, AR 71845-8801Phone: (870) 921-4633

Fax: (870) 921-4505Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Clerk315 W Main / P.O. Box 526Walnut Ridge, AR 72476-1937Phone: (870) 886-1111

Fax: (870) 886-1122Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Clerk15 E Chestnut St, Rm 4Marianna, AR 72360-2342Phone: (870) 295-7715

Fax: (870) 295-7783Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk300 S Drew StStar City, AR 71667-5104Phone: (870) 628-5114

Fax: (870) 628-5794Email: [email protected]

Little River Little River County Clerk351 N Second St, Ste 4BAshdown, AR 71822-2747Phone: (870) 898-7208

Fax: (870) 898-2860Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County Clerk25 W Walnut St, #25Paris, AR 72855-3239Phone: (479) 963-2618

Fax: (479) 963-9017Email: [email protected]

Lonoke Lonoke County Clerk301 N Center StLonoke, AR 72086-2890Phone: (501) 676-2368

Fax: (501) 676-3431Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Clerk201 W Main St, Ste 202Huntsville, AR 72740-0037Phone: (479) 738-2747

Fax: (479) 738-2735Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County ClerkP.O. Box 385Yellville, AR 72687-0385Phone: (870) 449-6226

Fax: (870) 449-4979Email: [email protected]

Miller Miller County Clerk400 Laurel St Rm 105Texarkana, AR 71854-5249Phone: (870) 774-1501

Fax: (870) 773-4090Email: [email protected]

Mississippi Mississippi County Clerk200 W Walnut StBlytheville, AR 72315-2831Phone: (870) 762-2411

Fax: (870) 838-7784Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Monroe Monroe County Clerk123 MadisonClarendon, AR 72029-2742Phone: (870) 747-3632

Fax: (870) 747-5961Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Clerk105 Hwy 270 E #10Mount Ida, AR 71957-0369Phone: (870) 867-3521

Fax: (870) 867-2177Email: [email protected]

Nevada Nevada County Clerk215 E 2nd St SPrescott, AR 71857-2136Phone: (870) 887-2710

Fax: (870) 887-5795Email: [email protected]

Newton Newton County ClerkP.O. Box 410Jasper, AR 72641-0410Phone: (870) 446-5125

Fax: (870) 446-5755Email: [email protected]

Ouachita Ouachita County Clerk145 Jefferson StCamden, AR 71711Phone: (870) 837-2220

Fax: (870) 837-2217Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Clerk310 W Main St Perryville, AR 72126Phone: (501) 889-5126

Fax: (501) 889-5759Email: [email protected]

Phillips Phillips County Clerk620 Cherry St, Ste 202Helena, AR 72342-3306Phone: (870) 338-5505

Fax: (870) 338-5509Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County ClerkP.O. Box 218Murfreesboro, AR 71958-0219Phone: (870) 285-2743

Fax: (870) 285-3900Email: [email protected]

Poinsett Poinsett County Clerk401 Market StHarrisburg, AR 72432-1900Phone: (870) 578-4412

Fax: (870) 578-2441Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Clerk507 Church Avenue,Mena, AR 71953-3258Phone: (479) 394-8123

Fax: (479) 394-8115Email: [email protected]

Pope Pope County Clerk102 W Main St, Ste 6Russellville, AR 72801-3723Phone: (479) 968-6064

Fax: (479) 967-2291Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Prairie Prairie County Clerk200 Courthouse Sq, Ste 104Des Arc, AR 72040-1011Phone: (870) 256-4434

Fax: (870) 256-4434Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski County Clerk401 W Markham St.Little Rock, AR 72201Phone: (501) 340-8336

Fax: (501) 340-3556Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph County Clerk101 E Broadway, Ste APocahontas, AR 72455-3412Phone: (870) 892-5822

Fax: (870) 892-5829Email: [email protected]

Saline Saline County Clerk215 N Main, Ste 9Benton, AR 72015-3781Phone: (501) 303-5630

Fax: (501) 776-2412Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Clerk190 W First St, Box 10Waldron, AR 72958-7103Phone: (479) 637-2642

Fax: (479) 637-0124Email: [email protected]

Searcy Searcy County ClerkP.O. Box 998Marshall, AR 72650-0998Phone: (870) 448-3807

Fax: (870) 448-5005Email: [email protected]

Sebastian Sebastian County Clerk35 S 6th St, Rm 102Fort Smith, AR 72901-2442Phone: (479) 782-5065

Fax: (479) 784-1567Email: [email protected]

Sevier Sevier County Clerk115 N Third St, Rm 102De Queen, AR 71832-2852Phone: (870) 642-2852

Fax: (870) 642-3896Email: [email protected]

Sharp Sharp County Clerk718 Ash Flat Drive / P.O. Box 307Ash Flat, AR 72513-9103Phone: (870) 994-7361

Fax: (870) 994-7712Email: [email protected]

St. Francis Saint Francis County ClerkP.O. Box 1653Forest City, AR 72336Phone: (870) 261-1725

Fax: (870) 630-1210Email: [email protected]

Stone Stone County Clerk107 W Main St, Ste. DMountain View, AR 72560-9610Phone: (870) 269-5550

Fax: (870) 269-9058Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Union Union County Clerk101 N. Washington St, Ste 102El Dorado, AR 71730-5661Phone: (870) 864-1910

Fax: (870) 864-1927Email: [email protected]

Van Buren Van Buren County Clerk1414 Hwy 65 S Ste 131Clinton, AR 72031Phone: (501) 745-4140

Fax: (501) 745-7400Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Clerk280 N College Avenue, Ste 300Fayetteville, AR 72701-4279Phone: (479) 444-1711

Fax: (479) 444-1894Email: [email protected]

White White County Clerk315 N Spruce StSearcy, AR 72143-7720Phone: (501) 279-6204

Fax: (501) 279-6260Email: [email protected]

Woodruff Woodruff County Clerk500 N Third StAugusta, AR 72006-2020Phone: (870) 347-2871

Fax: (870) 347-2608Email: [email protected]

Yell Yell County Clerk101 E 5th StDanville, AR 72833-0219Phone: (479) 495-4850

Fax: (479) 495-4875Email: [email protected]



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Page 53: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryJune 7, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Return by Mail: Postmarked byMay 23, 2016Return by Fax: Received byMay 23, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarked byOctober 24, 2016Return by Fax: Received byOctober 24, 2016

Ballot Request Received byMay 31, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Return by Mail: Postmarked by*June 7, 2016Return by Fax: Received byJune 7, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarked by*November 8, 2016Return by Fax: Received byNovember 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 3rd day after the election, excluding holidays.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in California is eligible to vote inCalifornia as long as he or she has not registered or voted in anotherState.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Voters who do not provide a politicalparty affiliation can vote in apresidential primary election if thepolitical party allows it, moreinformation about this can be foundat . Political affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forother primary elections or general


Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or . Contactmail faxinformation can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail fax ( fax only if you are a Uniformed Service member

. Contactor eligible family member overseas)information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your ballot.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail fax (fax only ifyou are a Uniformed Service member or eligible

. Contact information canfamily member overseas)be found in the "Local Election Offices" section oronline at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter's

Block 6 Voters who do not provide a politicalparty affiliation can vote in apresidential primary election if thepolitical party allows it, moreinformation about this can be foundat . Political affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forother primary elections or generalelections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Declaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: (only if you are a Uniformed Service. Faxmember or eligible family member overseas)

your FWAB directly to your election official. Be sureto include your ballot, signed VoterDeclaration/Affirmation and cover sheet with secrecywaiver. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FWABtoll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Alameda Alameda Registrar of Voters1225 Fallon St, Rm G1Oakland, CA 94612-4229Phone: (510) 272-6973

Fax: (510) 272-6982Email: [email protected]

Alpine Alpine County Clerk, Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 158Markleeville, CA 96120-0158Phone: (530) 694-2281

Fax: (530) 694-2491Email: [email protected]

Amador Amador Registrar of Voters810 Court StJackson, CA 95642-2132Phone: (209) 223-6465

Fax: (209) 223-6467Email: [email protected]

Butte Butte County Clerk, Registrar of Voters155 Nelson AveOroville, CA 95965Phone: (530) 538-7762

Fax: (530) 538-6853Email: [email protected]

Calaveras Calaveras County Clerk, Elections Department891 Mountain Ranch RdSan Andreas, CA 95249-9713Phone: (209) 754-6375

Fax: (209) 754-6733Email: [email protected]

Colusa Colusa County Clerk-Elections Department546 Jay St, Ste 200Colusa, CA 95932-2400Phone: (877) 458-0501

Fax: (530) 458-0512Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Contra Costa Contra Costa County Clerk - Elections DepartmentP.O. Box 271Martinez, CA 94553-0027Phone: (925) 335-7800

Fax: (925) 335-7843Email: [email protected]

Del Norte Del Norte County Clerk-Recorder-Elections981 H St, Rm 160Crescent City, CA 95531-3457Phone: (707) 464-7216

Fax: (707) 465-0321Email: [email protected]

El Dorado El Dorado Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 678001Placerville, CA 95667-4100Phone: (530) 621-7480

Fax: (530) 626-5514Email: [email protected]

Fresno Fresno County Clerk, Registrar of Voters2221 Kern StFresno, CA 93721-2613Phone: (559) 600-8683

Fax: (559) 488-3279Email: [email protected]

Glenn Glenn County Clerk-Elections516 W Sycamore St, Fl 2Willows, CA 95988-2740Phone: (530) 934-6414

Fax: (530) 934-6571Email: [email protected]

Humboldt Humboldt County Office of Elections and VoterRegistration 3033 H St, Rm 20Eureka, CA 95501-4409Phone: (707) 445-7481

Fax: (707) 445-7204Email: [email protected]

Imperial Imperial County Clerk, Courthouse940 W. Main St, Ste 206El Centro, CA 92243-2839Phone: (442) 265-1060

Fax: (442) 265-1062Email: [email protected]

Inyo Inyo County Clerk-ElectionsP.O. Drawer FIndependence, CA 93526-0606Phone: (760) 878-0224

Fax: (760) 878-1805Email: [email protected]

Kern Kern County Clerk - Elections Office1115 Truxtun AveBakersfield, CA 93301-4639Phone: (661) 868-3590

Fax: (661) 868-3768Email: [email protected]

Kings Kings County Elections Dept., Govt. Center1400 W Lacey BlvdHanford, CA 93230-5997Phone: (559) 582-3211

Fax: (559) 585-8453Email: [email protected]

Lake Registrar of Voters, County of Lake255 N Forbes StLakeport, CA 95453-4747Phone: (707) 263-2372

Fax: (707) 263-2742Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lassen Lassen County Clerk, Registrar of Voters220 S Lassen St, Ste 5Susanville, CA 96130-4343Phone: (530) 251-8217

Fax: (530) 257-3480Email: [email protected]

Los Angeles Los Angeles Registrar-Recorder County ClerkP.O. Box 1024 Norwalk, CA 90651-1024Phone: (562) 466-1323

Fax: (562) 864-2394 (562) 462-3035Email: [email protected]

Madera Madera County Clerk-Elections200 W. 4th StMadera, CA 93637-3548Phone: (559) 675-7720

Fax: (559) 675-7870Email: [email protected]

Marin Marin County Registrar of VotersP.O. Box ESan Rafael, CA 94913-3904Phone: (415) 473-6441

Fax: (415) 473-4224 (415) 473-6447 Email: [email protected]

Mariposa Mariposa County Clerk, Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 247Mariposa, CA 95338-0247Phone: (209) 966-2007

Fax: (209) 966-6496Email: [email protected]

Mendocino Mendocino County Clerk-Elections501 Low Gap Rd, Rm 1020Ukiah, CA 95482-3738Phone: (707) 234-6819

Fax: (707) 463-4257Email: [email protected]

Merced Merced County Registrar of Voters2222 M St, Rm 14Merced, CA 95340-3729Phone: (209) 385-7541

Fax: (209) 385-7387Email: [email protected]

Modoc Modoc County Clerk-Elections108 E Modoc St Alturas, CA 96101-4020Phone: (530) 233-6201

Fax: (530) 233-6205Email: [email protected]

Mono Mono County Clerk-ElectionsP.O. Box 237 Bridgeport, CA 93517Phone: (760) 932-5537

Fax: (760) 932-5531Email: [email protected]

Monterey Monterey County ElectionsP.O. Box 4400 Salinas, CA 93912Phone: (831) 796-1499

Fax: (831) 755-5485Email: [email protected]

Napa Napa County Clerk, Registrar of Voters900 Coombs St, Ste 256Napa, CA 94559Phone: (707) 299-1470

Fax: (707) 253-4390Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Nevada Nevada County Clerk/Recorder- Elections950 Maidu Ave, Ste 250Nevada City, CA 95959-8600Phone: (530) 470-2740

Fax: (530) 265-9829Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange County Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 11298Santa Ana, CA 92711Phone: (714) 567-7560

Fax: (714) 567-5100Email: [email protected]

Placer Placer County Office of ElectionsP.O. Box 5278 Auburn, CA 95604-2640Phone: (530) 886-5650

Fax: (530) 886-5688Email: [email protected]

Plumas Plumas County Clerk - Elections520 Main St, Rm 102Quincy, CA 95971-9366Phone: (530) 283-6256

Fax: (530) 283-6155Email: [email protected]

Riverside Riverside County Registrar of Voters2724 Gateway DrRiverside, CA 92507-0918Phone: (951) 486-7200

Fax: (951) 486-7272Email: [email protected]

Sacramento Sacramento Voter Registration and Elections7000 65th St, Ste ASacramento, CA 95823-2315Phone: (916) 875-6451

Fax: (916) 876-5597Email: [email protected]

San Benito San Benito County Clerk, Court House440 Fifth St, Rm 206Hollister, CA 95023-3843Phone: (831) 636-4016

Fax: (831) 636-2939Email: [email protected]

San Bernardino San Bernardino Registrar of Voters777 E Rialto AveSan Bernardino, CA 92415-0770Phone: (909) 387-8300

Fax: (909) 386-8388Email: [email protected]

San Diego San Diego Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 85656 San Diego, CA 92186-5656Phone: (858) 505-7319

Fax: (858) 505-7294Email: [email protected]

San Francisco San Francisco Elections, Voter Services Division1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Pl, Rm 48San Francisco, CA 94102-4608Phone: (415) 554-4411

Fax: (415) 554-4372Email: [email protected]

San Joaquin San Joaquin Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 810Stockton, CA 95201Phone: (209) 468-2890

Fax: (209) 468-9534Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Elections1055 Monterey St, Rm D120San Luis Obispo, CA 93408-1003Phone: (805) 781-5228

Fax: (805) 781-1111Email: [email protected]

San Mateo San Mateo County Registration and ElectionsDivision40 Tower RdSan Mateo, CA 94402-4098Phone: (650) 312-5222

Fax: (650) 312-5348Email: [email protected]

Santa Barbara Santa Barbara County Clerk-Elections,P.O. Box 61510Santa Barbara, CA 93160-1510Phone: (805) 568-2200

Fax: (805) 568-2209Email: [email protected]

Santa Clara Santa Clara Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 49003 San Jose, CA 95161-9003Phone: (408) 299-8640

Fax: (408) 293-6002Email: [email protected]

Santa Cruz Santa Cruz County Clerk - Elections701 Ocean St, Rm 210Santa Cruz, CA 95060-4076Phone: (831) 454-2405

Fax: (831) 454-2445Email: [email protected]

Shasta Shasta County Clerk-ElectionsP.O. Box 990880 Redding, CA 96099-0880Phone: (530) 225-5730

Fax: (530) 225-5454Email: [email protected]

Sierra Sierra County Clerk-Recorders OfficeP.O. Drawer D Downieville, CA 95936-0398Phone: (530) 289-3295

Fax: (530) 289-2830Email: [email protected]

Siskiyou Siskiyou County Clerk-Elections510 N Main St.Yreka, CA 96097-9910Phone: (530) 842-8084

Fax: (530) 841-4110Email: [email protected]

Solano Solano Registrar of Voters675 Texas St, Ste 2600Fairfield, CA 94533-6338Phone: (707) 784-6675

Fax: (707) 784-6678Email: [email protected]

Sonoma Sonoma County Clerk, Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 11485 Santa Rosa, CA 95406-1485Phone: (707) 565-6800

Fax: (707) 565-6843Email: [email protected]

Stanislaus Stanislaus County Clerk-Recorder, Registrar of Voters1021 I St, Ste 101Modesto, CA 95354-2331Phone: (209) 525-5201

Fax: (209) 525-5803Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Sutter Sutter County Clerk-Elections1435 Veterans Memorial CirYuba City, CA 95993-3011Phone: (530) 822-7122

Fax: (530) 822-7587Email: [email protected]

Tehama Tehama County Clerk-ElectionsP.O. Box 250Red Bluff, CA 96080-0250Phone: (530) 527-8190

Fax: (530) 527-1140Email: [email protected]

Trinity Trinity County Clerk - ElectionsP.O. Box 1215Weaverville, CA 96093-1215Phone: (530) 623-1220

Fax: (530) 623-8398Email: [email protected]

Tulare Tulare County Registrar of Voters5951 S. Mooney BlvdVisalia, CA 93277-9394Phone: (559) 624-7300

Fax: (559) 737-4498Email: [email protected]

Tuolumne Tuolumne County Clerk - Elections2 S Green StSonora, CA 95370-4696Phone: (209) 533-5570

Fax: (209) 694-8931Email: [email protected]

Ventura Ventura County Clerk-Elections800 S Victoria Ave, L 1200Ventura, CA 93009-1200Phone: (805) 654-2734

Fax: (805) 648-9200Email: [email protected]

Yolo Yolo County Elections DepartmentP.O. Box 1820Woodland, CA 95776-1820Phone: (530) 666-8133

Fax: (530) 666-8123Email: [email protected]

Yuba Yuba County Clerk915 8th St, Ste 107Marysville, CA 95901-5273Phone: (530) 749-7855

Fax: (530) 749-7854Email: [email protected]



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Page 61: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 28, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Sent by*7 PM, June 28, 2016

Sent by*7 PM, November 8, 2016

Ballot Request No Deadline No Deadline

Ballot Return Sent by**7 PM, June 28, 2016

Sent by**7 PM, November 8, 2016

*Registration: The FPCA must be received by the 8th day after the election.

**Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 8th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent, legalguardian, spouse or civil union partner that was last domiciled inColorado is eligible to vote in Colorado.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by mail, email or fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit your State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it must bereceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is not



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. You

required if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

may also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 5027Brighton, CO 80601-8207Phone: (720) 523-6500

Fax: (720) 523-6266Email: [email protected]

Alamosa Alamosa County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 630Alamosa, CO 81101-0630Phone: (719) 589-6681

Fax: (719) 589-6118Email: [email protected]

Arapahoe Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder5334 S Prince StLittleton, CO 80120-1136Phone: (303) 795-4511

Fax: (303) 795-4712Email: [email protected]

Archuleta Archuleta County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 2589Pagosa Springs, CO 81147-2589Phone: (970) 264-8331

Fax: (970) 264-8562Email: [email protected]

Baca Baca County Clerk and Recorder741 Main, Ste 3Springfield, CO 81073-1548Phone: (719) 523-4372

Fax: (719) 523-4881Email: [email protected]

Bent Bent County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 350Las Animas, CO 81054-0350Phone: (719) 456-2009

Fax: (719) 456-0375Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Boulder Boulder County Clerk and Recorder, ElectionsDivision1750 33rd St, Ste 200Boulder, CO 80301-2534Phone: (303) 413-7796

Fax: (303) 413-7728Email: [email protected]

Broomfield Broomfield County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 328Broomfield, CO 80038-0328Phone: (303) 464-5857

Fax: (303) 410-3815Email: [email protected]

Chaffee Chaffee County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 699Salida, CO 81201-0699Phone: (719) 539-4004

Fax: (719) 539-8588Email: [email protected]

Cheyenne Cheyenne County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 567Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810-0567Phone: (719) 767-5685

Fax: (719) 767-8730Email: [email protected]

Clear Creek Clear Creek County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 2000 Georgetown, CO 80444-2000Phone: (303) 679-2339

Fax: (303) 679-2416Email: [email protected]

Conejos Conejos County Clerk and RecorderP.O.Box 127Conejos, CO 81129-0127Phone: (719) 376-5422

Fax: (719) 376-5997Email: [email protected]

Costilla Costilla County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 308San Luis, CO 81152-0308Phone: (719) 937-7671

Fax: (719) 672-3781Email: [email protected]

Crowley Crowley County Clerk and Recorder631 Main St., Ste 102Ordway, CO 81063-1092Phone: (719) 267-5225

Fax: (719) 267-4608Email: [email protected]

Custer Custer County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 150Westcliffe, CO 81252-0150Phone: (719) 783-2441

Fax: (719) 783-2885Email: [email protected]

Delta Delta County Clerk and Recorder501 Palmer, Ste 211Delta, CO 81416-1764Phone: (970) 874-2150

Fax: (970) 874-2161Email: [email protected]

Denver Denver County Clerk and Recorder, ElectionsDivision200 W 14th Ave, Ste 100Denver, CO 80204-2732Phone: (720) 865-4921

Fax: (720) 913-8607Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Dolores Dolores County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 58Dove Creek, CO 81324-0058Phone: (970) 677-2381

Fax: (970) 677-4144Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County Clerk and Recorder125 Stephanie PlCastle Rock, CO 80109-1520Phone: (303) 660-7444

Fax: (303)814-3321Email: [email protected]

Eagle Eagle County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 537Eagle, CO 81631-0537Phone: (970) 328-8715

Fax: (970) 328-8716Email: [email protected]

El Paso El Paso County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 2007Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2007Phone: (719) 520-7094

Fax: (719) 520-7327Email: [email protected]

Elbert Elbert County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 990Kiowa, CO 80117-0037Phone: (303) 621-3127

Fax: (303) 621-3212Email: [email protected]

Fremont Fremont County Clerk and Recorder615 Macon Ave, Rm 102Canon City, CO 81212-3381Phone: (719) 276-7340

Fax: (719) 276-7338Email: [email protected]

Garfield Garfield County Clerk and Recorder109 8th St, Ste 200Glenwood Springs, CO 81601-3303Phone: (970) 384-3700

Fax: (970) 384-3750Email: [email protected]

Gilpin Gilpin County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 429Central City, CO 80427-0429Phone: (303) 582-5321

Fax: (303) 565-1797Email: [email protected]

Grand Grand County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 120Hot Sulphur Springs, CO 80451-0120Phone: (970) 725-3065

Fax: (970) 725-0100Email: [email protected]

Gunnison Gunnison County Clerk and Recorder221 N Wisconsin St., Ste CGunnison, CO 81230-2433Phone: (970) 641-7927

Fax: (970) 642-4675Email: [email protected]

Hinsdale Hinsdale County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 9Lake City, CO 81235-0009Phone: (970) 944-2228

Fax: (970) 944-2202Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Huerfano Huerfano County Clerk and Recorder401 Main St, Ste 204Walsenburg, CO 81089-2085Phone: (719) 738-2380

Fax: (719) 738-2060Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 337Walden, CO 80480-0337Phone: (970) 723-4334

Fax: (970) 723-3214Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder3500 Illinois St, Ste 1100Golden, CO 80401-6022Phone: (303) 271-8198

Fax: (303) 215-9307Email: [email protected]

Kiowa Kiowa County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 37Eads, CO 81036-0037Phone: (719) 438-5421

Fax: (719) 438-5327Email: [email protected]

Kit Carson Kit Carson County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 249Burlington, CO 80807-0249Phone: (719) 346-8638 x301

Fax: (719) 346-8721Email: [email protected]

La Plata La Plata County Clerk and Recorder98 Everett St, Ste CDurango, CO 81303-6899Phone: (970) 382-6297

Fax: (970) 259-5413Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Clerk and RecorderBox 917Leadville, CO 80461-0917Phone: (719) 486-1410

Fax: (719) 486-3972Email: [email protected]

Larimer Larimer County Clerk and RecorderBox 1547Fort Collins, CO 80522-1547Phone: (970) 498-7820

Fax: (970) 498-7845Email: [email protected]

Las Animas Las Animas County Clerk and RecorderBox 115Trinidad, CO 81082-0115Phone: (719) 846-3314

Fax: (719) 845-2573Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk and RecorderBox 67Hugo, CO 80821-0067Phone: (719) 743-2444

Fax: (719) 743-2524Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County Clerk and Recorder315 Main St, Ste 3Sterling, CO 80751-4357Phone: (970) 522-1544

Fax: (970) 522-2063Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Mesa Mesa County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 20000Grand Junction, CO 81502-5001Phone: (970) 244-1662

Fax: (970) 255-5039Email: [email protected]

Mineral Mineral County Clerk and RecorderBox 70Creede, CO 81130-0070Phone: (719) 658-2440

Fax: (719) 658-0358Email: [email protected]

Moffat Moffat County Clerk and Recorder221 W Victory Way, Ste 200Craig, CO 81625-2716Phone: (970) 824-9104

Fax: (970) 826-3413Email: [email protected]

Montezuma Montezuma County Clerk and Recorder140 W Main, Ste 1Cortez, CO 81321-3189Phone: (970) 565-3728

Fax: (970) 564-0215Email: [email protected]

Montrose Montrose County Clerk and RecorderBox 1289Montrose, CO 81402-1289Phone: (970) 252-4592

Fax: (970) 249-0757Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 1399Fort Morgan, CO 80701-1399Phone: (970) 542-3521

Fax: (970) 542-3553Email: [email protected]

Otero Otero County Clerk and Recorder13 W 3rd St., Rm 210La Junta, CO 81050-1536Phone: (719) 383-3024

Fax: (719) 383-3026Email: [email protected]

Ouray Ouray County Clerk and RecorderBox COuray, CO 81427-0683Phone: (970) 325-4961

Fax: (970) 325-0452Email: [email protected]

Park Park County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 220Fairplay, CO 80440-0220Phone: (719) 836-4333

Fax: (719) 836-4348Email: [email protected]

Phillips Phillips County Clerk and Recorder221 S Interocean AveHolyoke, CO 80734-1521Phone: (970) 854-3131

Fax: (970) 854-4745Email: [email protected]

Pitkin Pitkin County Clerk and Recorder530 E Main St, Ste 101Aspen, CO 81611-1948Phone: (970) 429-2713

Fax: (970) 544-1026Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Prowers Prowers County Clerk and Recorder301 S Main St, Ste 210Lamar, CO 81052-2868Phone: (719) 336-8011

Fax: (719) 336-5306Email: [email protected]

Pueblo Pueblo County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 480Pueblo, CO 81002-0480Phone: (719) 583-4616

Fax: (719) 543-1027Email: [email protected]

Rio Blanco Rio Blanco County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 1067Meeker, CO 81641-1067Phone: (970) 878-9460

Fax: (970) 878-3587Email: [email protected]

Rio Grande Rio Grande County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 160Del Norte, CO 81132-0160Phone: (719) 657-3334

Fax: (719) 657-2621Email: [email protected]

Routt Routt County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 773598Steamboat Springs, CO 80477-3599Phone: (970) 870-5558

Fax: (970) 870-5443Email: [email protected]

Saguache Saguache County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 176Saguache, CO 81149-0176Phone: (719) 655-2512

Fax: (719) 655-2730Email: [email protected]

San Juan San Juan County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 466Silverton, CO 81433-0466Phone: (970) 387-5671

Fax: (970) 387-5671Email: [email protected]

San Miguel San Miguel County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 548Telluride, CO 81435-0548Phone: (970) 369-3654

Fax: (970) 728-4808Email: [email protected]

Sedgwick Sedgwick County Clerk and Recorder315 Cedar St, Ste 220Julesburg, CO 80737-1563Phone: (970) 474-3346

Fax: (970) 474-0954Email: [email protected]

Summit Summit County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 1538Breckenridge, CO 80424-1538Phone: (970) 453-3479

Fax: (970) 453-3502Email: [email protected]

Teller Teller County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 1010Cripple Creek, CO 80813-1010Phone: (719) 686-8036

Fax: (719) 686-8030Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Washington Washington County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box LAkron, CO 80720-0380Phone: (970) 345-6565

Fax: (970) 345-6607Email: [email protected]

Weld Weld County Clerk and RecorderP.O. Box 459Greeley, CO 80632-0459Phone: (970) 304-6525

Fax: (970) 304-6566Email: [email protected]

Yuma Yuma County Clerk and Recorder310 Ash St, Ste FWray, CO 80758-1850Phone: (970) 332-5809

Fax: (970) 332-5919Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 26, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 9, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by5 PM, April 25, 2016

Received by5 PM, August 8, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 7, 2016

Ballot Request Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byAugust 8, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, April 26, 2016

Received by8 PM, August 9, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Connecticut is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Iregister to vote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information is

recommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish to



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You your signed FPCA to your electionmust mailofficial. Addresses can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices " section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

receive ballots.In addition to mailing a regularballot, Connecticut provides a StateSpecial Blank Write-In AbsenteeBallot up to 90 days before theelection to Uniformed Servicemembers and their eligible familymembers unable to vote in theregular absentee voting process dueto military contingencies. This ballotallows you to vote for local, State andFederal offices. To request it, write inBlock 9: "Due to militarycontingencies, I am unable to followthe regular absentee ballotapplication process. I request aspecial write-in absentee ballot."

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name or

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).Please provide a previous name, ifapplicable.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

political party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Andover Andover Town ClerkP.O. Box 328Andover, CT 06232-0328Phone: (860) 742-0188 x2

Fax: 860-742-7535Email: [email protected]

Ansonia Ansonia Town Clerk253 Main StAnsonia, CT 06401-1410Phone: (203) 736-5980

Fax: 203-736-5982Email: [email protected]

Ashford Ashford Town Clerk5 Town Hall RdAshford, CT 06278-1530Phone: (860) 487-4401

Fax: 860-487-4431Email: [email protected]

Avon Avon Town Clerk60 West Main StAvon, CT 06001-3719Phone: (860) 409-4311

Fax: 860-677-8428Email: [email protected]

Barkhamsted Barkhamsted Town Clerk67 Ripley Hill RdBarkhamsted, CT 06063-3340Phone: (860) 379-8665

Fax: 860-379-9284Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Beacon Falls Beacon Falls Town Clerk10 Maple AveBeacon Falls, CT 06403-1198Phone: (203) 729-8254

Fax: 203-729-1078Email: [email protected]

Berlin Berlin Town Clerk240 Kensington RdBerlin, CT 06037-0001Phone: (860) 828-7036

Fax: 860-828-7180Email: [email protected]

Bethany Bethany Town Clerk40 Peck RdBethany, CT 06524-3338Phone: (203) 393-2100 x104

Fax: 203-393-0821Email: [email protected]

Bethel Bethel Town Clerk1 School StBethel, CT 06801-0003Phone: (203) 794-8505

Fax: 203-794-8588Email: [email protected]

Bethlehem Bethlehem Town ClerkP.O. Box 160Bethlehem, CT 06751-0053Phone: (203) 266-7510 x207

Fax: 860-769-3597Email: [email protected]

Bloomfield Bloomfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 337Bloomfield, CT 06002-0337Phone: (860) 769-3507

Fax: 860-769-3598Email: [email protected]

Bolton Bolton Town Clerk222 Bolton Center RdBolton, CT 06043-7698Phone: (860) 649-8066 x6106

Fax: 860-643-0021Email: [email protected]

Bozrah Bozrah Town Clerk1 River RdBozrah, CT 06334-0158Phone: (860) 889-2689 x201

Fax: 860-887-5449Email: [email protected]

Branford Branford Town ClerkP.O. Box 150Branford, CT 06405-0150Phone: (203) 315-0678

Fax: 203-481-5561Email: [email protected]

Bridgeport Bridgeport Town Clerk45 Lyon Terrace, City Hall Rm 124Bridgeport, CT 06604-4062Phone: (203) 576-7208

Fax: 203-330-2811Email: [email protected]

Bridgewater Bridgewater Town ClerkP.O. Box 216Bridgewater, CT 06752-0216Phone: (860) 354-5102

Fax: 860-350-5944Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Bristol Bristol Town Clerk111 N Main StBristol, CT 06010-8184Phone: (860) 584-6200

Fax: 860-584-6199Email: [email protected]

Brookfield Brookfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 5106Brookfield, CT 06804-5106Phone: (203) 775-7313

Fax: 203-775-5231Email: [email protected]

Brooklyn Brooklyn Town ClerkP.O. Box 356Brooklyn, CT 06234-0356Phone: (860) 779-3411 X17

Fax: 860-779-3744Email: [email protected]

Burlington Burlington Town Clerk200 Spielman HwyBurlington, CT 06013-1710Phone: (860) 673-6789 x2

Fax: 860-675-9312Email: [email protected]

Canaan Canaan Town ClerkP.O. Box 47Falls Village, CT 06031-0047Phone: (860) 824-0707 x10

Fax: 860-824-4506Email: [email protected]

Canterbury Canterbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 27Canterbury, CT 06331-0027Phone: (860) 546-9377

Fax: 860-546-9295Email: [email protected]

Canton Canton Town ClerkP.O. Box 168Collinsville, CT 06022-0168Phone: (860) 693-7870

Fax: 860-693-7840Email: [email protected]

Chaplin Chaplin Town Clerk495 Phoenixville RdChaplin, CT 06235Phone: (860) 455-0073

Fax: 860-455-0027Email: [email protected]

Cheshire Cheshire Town Clerk84 S Main StCheshire, CT 06410Phone: (203) 271-6601

Fax: 203-271-6615Email: [email protected]

Chester Chester Town Clerk203 Middlesex AveChester, CT 06412-0218Phone: (860) 526-0013 x511

Fax: 860-526-0004Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton Town Clerk54 E Main StClinton, CT 06413-0174Phone: (860) 669-9101

Fax: 860-669-0890Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Colchester Colchester Town Clerk127 Norwich Ave, Ste 101Colchester, CT 06415-0146Phone: (860) 537-7215

Fax: 860-537-0547Email: [email protected]

Colebrook Colebrook Town ClerkP.O. Box 5Colebrook, CT 06021-0005Phone: (860) 379-3359 X213

Fax: 860-379-2342Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia Town Clerk323 Jonathan Trumbull Hwy, Route 87Columbia, CT 06237-0165Phone: (860) 228-3284

Fax: 860-228-1952Email: [email protected]

Conventry Coventry Town Clerk1712 Main StCoventry, CT 06238Phone: (860) 742-7966

Fax: 860-742-8911Email: [email protected]

Cornwall Cornwall Town ClerkP.O. Box 97Cornwall, CT 06753-0097Phone: (860) 672-2709

Fax: 860-672-4959Email: [email protected]

Cromwell Cromwell Town Clerk41 West StCromwell, CT 06416-2142Phone: (860) 632-3440

Fax: 860-632-3425Email: [email protected]

Danbury Danbury Town Clerk155 Deer Hill AveDanbury, CT 06810-7726Phone: (203) 797-4531

Fax: 203-796-8087Email: [email protected]

Darien Darien Town Clerk2 Renshaw Rd, Rm 101Darien, CT 06820-5344Phone: (203) 656-7307

Fax: 203-656-7380Email: [email protected]

Deep River Deep River Town Clerk174 Main StDeep River, CT 06417-2008Phone: (860) 526-6024

Fax: 860-526-6023Email: [email protected]

Derby Derby Town Clerk1 Elizabeth StDerby, CT 06418-1897Phone: (203) 736-1462

Fax: 203-736-1458Email: [email protected]

Durham Durham Town ClerkP.O. Box 428Durham, CT 06422-0428Phone: (860) 349-3453

Fax: 860-349-8391Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

East Granby East Granby Town ClerkP.O. Box TCEast Granby, CT 06026-0459Phone: (860) 653-6528

Fax: 860-653-4017Email: [email protected]

East Haddam East Haddam Town ClerkP.O. Box KEast Haddam, CT 06423-0295Phone: (860) 873-5027

Fax: 860-345-3730Email: [email protected]

East Hampton East Hampton Town Clerk20 E High StEast Hampton, CT 06424-1091Phone: (860) 267-2519 x311

Fax: 860-267-1027Email: [email protected]

East Hartford East Hartford Town Clerk740 Main StEast Hartford, CT 06108-3114Phone: (860) 291-7230

Fax: 860-289-0831Email: [email protected]

East Haven East Haven Town Clerk250 Main StEast Haven, CT 06512-3004Phone: (203) 468-3201

Fax: 203-468-3916Email: [email protected]

East Lyme East Lyme Town ClerkP.O. Box 519Niantic, CT 06357-0519Phone: (860) 739-6931 x120

Fax: 860-739-6930Email: [email protected]

East Windsor East Windsor Town Clerk11 Rye St.Broad Brook, CT 06106-0213Phone: (860) 292-8255

Fax: 860-623-4798Email: [email protected]

Eastford Eastford Town ClerkP.O. Box 98Eastford, CT 06242Phone: (860) 974-0133 x5

Fax: 860-974-0624Email: [email protected]

Easton Easton Town Clerk225 Center RdEaston, CT 06612-1398Phone: (203) 268-6291 x133

Fax: 203-261-6080Email: [email protected]

Ellington Ellington Town ClerkP.O. Box 187Ellington, CT 06029-0187Phone: (860) 870-3105

Fax: 860-870-3158Email: [email protected]

Enfield Enfield Town Clerk820 Enfield StEnfield, CT 06082-2997Phone: (860) 253-6440

Fax: 860-253-6331Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Essex Essex Town Clerk29 West AveEssex, CT 06426-1140Phone: (860) 767-4340 x129

Fax: 860-767-4560Email: [email protected]

Fairfield Fairfield Town Clerk611 Old Post RdFairfield, CT 06824Phone: (203) 256-3090

Fax: 203-256-3114Email: [email protected]

Farmington Farmington Town Clerk1 Monteith Drive Farmington, CT 06032-1053Phone: (860) 675-2380

Fax: 860-675-7140Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin Town Clerk7 Meeting House Hill RdFranklin, CT 06254-9775Phone: (860) 642-7352 x18

Fax: 860-642-6606Email: [email protected]

Glastonbury Glastonbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 6523Glastonbury, CT 06033-6523Phone: (860) 652-7616

Fax: 860-652-7639Email: [email protected]

Goshen Goshen Town Clerk42 C North StGoshen, CT 06756-0054Phone: (860) 491-3647 x2

Fax: 860-491-6028Email: [email protected]

Granby Granby Town Clerk15 N Granby RdGranby, CT 06035-9442Phone: (860) 844-5308

Fax: 860-653-4769Email: [email protected]

Greenwich Greenwich Town ClerkP.O. Box 2540Greenwich, CT 06830Phone: (203) 622-7897

Fax: 203-622-7774Email: [email protected]

Griswold Griswold Town Clerk28 Main StGriswold, CT 06351Phone: (860) 376-7060 x101

Fax: 860-376-7070Email: [email protected]

Groton Groton Town Clerk45 Fort Hill RdGroton, CT 06340-4360Phone: (860) 441-6640

Fax: 860-441-6678Email: [email protected]

Guilford Guilford Town Clerk31 Park StGuilford, CT 06437-2629Phone: (203) 453-8001

Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Haddam Haddam Town Clerk30 Field Park DriveHaddam, CT 06438Phone: (860) 345-8531 x212

Fax: 860-345-3730Email: [email protected]

Hamden Hamden Town Clerk2750 Dixwell AveHamden, CT 06518-3207Phone: (203) 287-7112

Fax: 203-287-7095Email: [email protected]

Hampton Hampton Town ClerkP.O. Box 143Hampton, CT 06247-0143Phone: (860) 455-9132

Fax: 860-455-0517Email: [email protected]

Hartford Hartford Town Clerk550 Main StHartford, CT 06103-2992Phone: (860) 757-9750

Fax: 860-722-8041Email: [email protected]

Hartland Hartland Town ClerkP.O. Box 297East Hartland, CT 06027Phone: (860) 653-0285

Fax: 860-455-0517Email: [email protected]

Harwinton Harwinton Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Harwinton, CT 06791-0065Phone: (860) 485-9613

Fax: 860-485-0051Email: [email protected]

Hebron Hebron Town Clerk15 Gilead StHebron, CT 06248Phone: (860) 228-5971 x6

Fax: 860-228-4859Email: [email protected]

Kent Kent Town ClerkP.O. Box 678Kent, CT 06757-0678Phone: (860) 927-3433

Fax: 860-927-1313Email: [email protected]

Killingly Killingly Town ClerkP.O. Box 6000Danielson, CT 06239-1832Phone: (860) 779-5308

Fax: 860-779-5394Email: [email protected]

Killingworth Killingworth Town Clerk323 Route 81Killingworth, CT 06419Phone: (860) 663-1765 x502

Fax: 860-663-3305Email: [email protected]

Lebanon Lebanon Town Clerk579 Exeter RdLebanon, CT 06249Phone: (860) 642-2011 x1

Fax: 860-642-7716Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Ledyard Ledyard Town Clerk741 Colonel Ledyard HwyLedyard, CT 06339-1511Phone: (860) 464-3257

Fax: 860-464-1126Email: [email protected]

Lisbon Lisbon Town Clerk1 Newent RdLisbon, CT 06351-2926Phone: (860) 376-2708

Fax: 860-376-6545Email: [email protected]

Litchfield Litchfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 488Litchfield, CT 06759-9602Phone: (860) 567-7561

Fax: 860-567-7552Email: [email protected]

Lyme Lyme Town Clerk480 Hamburg Rd, Route 156Lyme, CT 06371-9614Phone: (860) 434-7733

Fax: 860-434-2989Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison Town Clerk8 Campus DriveMadison, CT 06443-2563Phone: (203) 245-5672

Fax: 203-245-5613Email: [email protected]

Manchester Manchester Town ClerkP.O. Box 191Manchester, CT 06045-0191Phone: (860) 647-3037

Fax: 860-647-3029Email: [email protected]

Mansfield Mansfield Town Clerk4 S Eagleville RdStorrs, CT 06268-2599Phone: (860) 429-3302 x4

Fax: 860-429-7785Email: [email protected]

Marlborough Marlborough Town ClerkP.O. Box 29Marlborough, CT 06447-0029Phone: (860) 295-6206

Fax: 860-295-0317Email: [email protected]

Meriden Meriden Town Clerk142 E Main St, Rm 124Meriden, CT 06450-5605Phone: (203) 630-4030

Fax: 203-630-4059Email: [email protected]

Middlebury Middlebury Town Clerk1212 Whittemore RdMiddlebury, CT 06762-2425Phone: (203) 758-2557

Fax: 203-758-2915Email: [email protected]

Middlefield Middlefield Town ClerkP.O. Box 179Middlefield, CT 06455Phone: (860) 349-7116 x17

Fax: 860-349-7115Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Middletown Middletown Town ClerkP.O. Box 1300Middletown, CT 06457-1300Phone: (860) 638-4910

Fax: 860-344-3591Email: [email protected]

Milford Milford Town Clerk70 West River StMilford, CT 06460-3364Phone: (203) 783-3210

Fax: 203-783-3362Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe Town Clerk7 Fan Hill Rd, Rm 201Monroe, CT 06468-1823Phone: (203) 452-2811

Fax: 203-261-6197Email: [email protected]

Montville Montville Town Clerk310 Norwich-New London Turnpike, Rm 5Uncasville, CT 06382-2599Phone: (860) 848-3030 x384

Fax: 860-848-9784Email: [email protected]

Morris Morris Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Morris, CT 06763-0066Phone: (860) 567-7433

Fax: 860-567-7432Email: [email protected]

Naugatuck Naugatuck Town Clerk229 Church St, 2nd FlNaugatuck, CT 06770-4199Phone: (203) 720-7055

Fax: 203-720-7099Email: [email protected]

New Britain New Britain Town Clerk27 West Main St, Rm 109New Britain, CT 06051-2298Phone: (860) 826-3343

Fax: 860-612-4207Email: [email protected]

New Canaan New Canaan Town ClerkP.O. Box 447New Canaan, CT 06840Phone: (203) 594-3070

Fax: 203-966-0309Email: [email protected]

New Fairfield New Fairfield Town Clerk4 Brush Hill RdNew Fairfield, CT 06812-2619Phone: (203) 312-5616

Fax: 203-312-5612Email: [email protected]

New Hartford New Hartford Town ClerkP.O. Box 426New Hartford, CT 06057-0316Phone: (860) 379-5037

Fax: 860-379-0614Email: [email protected]

New Haven New Haven Town Clerk200 Orange St, Rm 204New Haven, CT 06510-2067Phone: (203) 946-8346

Fax: 203-946-6561Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

New London New London Town Clerk181 State StNew London, CT 06320-6302Phone: (860) 447-5205

Fax: 860-447-1644Email: [email protected]

New Milford New Milford Town Clerk10 Main StNew Milford, CT 06776Phone: (860) 355-6020

Fax: 860-355-6002Email: [email protected]

Newington Newington Town Clerk131 Cedar StNewington, CT 06111-2644Phone: (860) 665-8545

Fax: 860-665-8507Email: [email protected]

Newtown Newtown Town Clerk3 Primrose StNewtown, CT 06470-2185Phone: (203) 270-4210

Fax: 203-270-4213Email: [email protected]

Norfolk Norfolk Town ClerkP.O. Box 552Norfolk, CT 06058Phone: (860) 542-5679

Fax: 860-542-5274Email: [email protected]

North Branford North Branford Town Clerk909 Foxon RdNorth Branford, CT 06471Phone: (203) 484-6015

Fax: 203-484-6025Email: [email protected]

North Canaan North Canaan Town Clerk100 Pease St #7North Canaan, CT 06018-0338Phone: (860) 824-7313 x106

Fax: 203-594-3073Email: [email protected]

North Haven North Haven Town Clerk18 Church StNorth Haven, CT 06473-0336Phone: (203) 239-5321 x541

Fax: 203-234-2130Email: [email protected]

North Stonington North Stonington Town Clerk40 Main StNorth Stonington, CT 06359-1612Phone: (860) 535-2877 x21

Fax: 860-535-4554Email: [email protected]

Norwalk Norwalk Town ClerkP.O. Box 5125Norwalk, CT 06851-5125Phone: (203) 854-7747

Fax: 203-854-7817Email: [email protected]

Norwich Norwich Town Clerk100 Broadway, Rm 215Norwich, CT 06360-4431Phone: (860) 823-3732

Fax: 860-823-3790Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Old Lyme Old Lyme Town Clerk52 Lyme StOld Lyme, CT 06371-2331Phone: (860) 434-1605 x221

Fax: 860-434-1400Email: [email protected]

Old Saybrook Old Saybrook Town Clerk302 Main StOld Saybrook, CT 06475-0618Phone: (860) 395-3135

Fax: 860-395-5014Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange Town Clerk617 Orange Center RdOrange, CT 06477-2423Phone: (203) 891-4730

Fax: 203-891-2185Email: [email protected]

Oxford Oxford Town Clerk486 Oxford RdOxford, CT 06478-1298Phone: (203) 888-2543 x3024

Fax: 203-888-2136Email: [email protected]

Plainfield Plainfield Town Clerk8 Community AvePlainfield, CT 06374-1238Phone: (860) 230-3009

Fax: 860-230-3033Email: [email protected]

Plainville Plainville Town ClerkOne Central SquarePlainville, CT 06062Phone: (860) 793-0221 x246

Fax: 860-793-2285Email: [email protected]

Plymouth Plymouth Town Clerk80 Main StTerryville, CT 06786-1295Phone: (860) 585-4039

Fax: 860-585-4015Email: [email protected]

Pomfret Pomfret Town ClerkP.O. Box 71Pomfret, CT 06259-0180Phone: (860) 974-0343 x2

Fax: 860-974-3950Email: [email protected]

Portland Portland Town Clerk33 E Main StPortland, CT 06480-0071Phone: (860) 342-6743

Fax: 860-342-0001Email: [email protected]

Preston Preston Town Clerk389 Route 2Preston, CT 06365-8830Phone: (860) 887-5581 x111

Fax: 860-885-1905Email: [email protected]

Prospect Prospect Town Clerk36 Center StProspect, CT 06712-2101Phone: (203) 758-4461

Fax: 203-758-4466Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Putnam Putnam Town Clerk126 Church StPutnam, CT 06260-1831Phone: (860) 963-6800 x180

Fax: 860-963-5360Email: [email protected]

Redding Redding Town ClerkP.O. Box 1028Redding, CT 06896Phone: (203) 938-2377

Fax: 203-938-5000Email: [email protected]

Ridgefield Ridgefield Town Clerk400 Main StRidgefield, CT 06877-4699Phone: (203) 431-2783

Fax: 203-431-2722Email: [email protected]

Rocky Hill Rocky Hill Town ClerkP.O. Box 657Rocky Hill, CT 06067-0657Phone: (860) 258-2705

Fax: 860-258-7638Email: [email protected]

Roxbury Roxbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 203Roxbury, CT 06783-0365Phone: (860) 354-3328

Fax: 860-354-0560Email: [email protected]

Salem Salem Town Clerk270 Hartford RdSalem, CT 06420-3804Phone: (860) 859-3873

Fax: 860-859-1184Email: [email protected]

Salisbury Salisbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 548Salisbury, CT 06068-0548Phone: (860) 435-5182

Fax: 860-435-5172Email: [email protected]

Scotland Scotland Town ClerkP.O. Box 122Scotland, CT 06264-0122Phone: (860) 423-9634 x2

Fax: 860-423-3666Email: [email protected]

Seymour Seymour Town Clerk1 First StSeymour, CT 06483-2817Phone: (203) 888-0519

Fax: 203-881-5005Email: [email protected]

Sharon Sharon Town ClerkP.O. Box 224Sharon, CT 06069-0224Phone: (860) 364-5224

Fax: 860-364-5224Email: [email protected]

Shelton Shelton Town ClerkP.O. Box 364Shelton, CT 06484-0364Phone: (203) 924-1555 x1503

Fax: 203-924-1721Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Sherman Sherman Town ClerkP.O. Box 39Sherman, CT 06784-0039Phone: (860) 354-5281

Fax: 860-350-5041Email: [email protected]

Simsbury Simsbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 495Simsbury, CT 06070-0495Phone: (860) 658-3243

Fax: 860-658-3285Email: [email protected]

Somers Somers Town ClerkP.O. Box 308Somers, CT 06071-0308Phone: (860) 763-8207

Fax: 860-763-8228Email: [email protected]

South Windsor South Windsor Town Clerk1540 Sullivan AveSouth Windsor, CT 06074-2786Phone: (860) 644-2511 x226

Fax: 860-644-3781Email: [email protected]

Southbury Southbury Town Clerk501 Main St S, Rm 202Southbury, CT 06488-2295Phone: (203) 262-0657

Fax: 203-264-9762Email: [email protected]

Southington Southington Town ClerkP.O. Box 152Southington, CT 06489-2504Phone: (860) 276-6211

Fax: 860-276-6229Email: [email protected]

Sprague Sprague Town ClerkP.O. Box 162Baltic, CT 06330Phone: (860) 822-3000 x220

Fax: 860-822-3013Email: [email protected]

Stafford Stafford Town ClerkP.O. Box 11Stafford Springs, CT 06076Phone: (860) 684-1765

Fax: 860-684-1795Email: [email protected]

Stamford Stamford Town ClerkP.O. Box 891Stamford, CT 06901-0891Phone: (203) 977-4054

Fax: 203-977-4943Email: [email protected]

Sterling Sterling Town ClerkP.O. Box 157Oneco, CT 06373-0157Phone: (860) 564-2657

Fax: 860-564-1660Email: [email protected]

Stonington Stonington Town Clerk152 Elm StStonington, CT 06378-0352Phone: (860) 535-5060

Fax: 860-535-5062Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Stratford Stratford Town Clerk2725 Main St, Rm 106Stratford, CT 06615-5892Phone: (203) 385-4020

Fax: 203-385-4005Email: [email protected]

Suffield Suffield Town Clerk83 Mountain RdSuffield, CT 06078Phone: (860) 668-3880

Fax: 860-668-3312Email: [email protected]

Thomaston Thompson Town ClerkP.O. Box 899North Grosvenordale, CT 06255-0160Phone: (860) 923-9900 x123

Fax: 860-742-7535Email: [email protected]

Thompson Thomaston Town Clerk158 Main St, Level 3Thomaston, CT 06787-1720Phone: (860) 283-4141

Fax: 860-923-3836Email: [email protected]

Tolland Tolland Town Clerk21 Tolland Green, 5th LevelTolland, CT 06084-9445Phone: (860) 871-3630

Fax: 860-871-3663Email: [email protected]

Torrington Torrington Town Clerk140 Main St, 1st FlTorrington, CT 06790-5201Phone: (860) 489-2236

Fax: 860-489-2548Email: [email protected]

Trumbull Trumbull Town Clerk5866 Main St, 1st FlTrumbull, CT 06611-3193Phone: (203) 452-5035

Fax: 203-452-5094Email: [email protected]

Union Union Town Clerk1043 Buckley HwyUnion, CT 06076-9520Phone: (860) 684-3770

Fax: 860-684-3370Email: [email protected]

Vernon Vernon Town Clerk14 Park PlaceVernon, CT 06066-3291Phone: (860) 870-3662

Fax: 860-870-3583Email: [email protected]

Voluntown Voluntown Town ClerkP.O. Box 96Voluntown, CT 06384-0096Phone: (860) 376-4089

Fax: 860-376-3295Email: [email protected]

Wallingford Wallingford Town Clerk45 S Main St, Rm 108Wallingford, CT 06492Phone: (203) 294-2145

Fax: 203-294-2150Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Warren Warren Town Clerk50 Cemetery RdWarren, CT 06754Phone: (860) 868-7881 x101

Fax: 860-868-7746Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington Town ClerkP.O. Box 383Washington Depot, CT 06794-0383Phone: (860) 868-2786

Fax: 860-868-3103Email: [email protected]

Waterbury Waterbury Town Clerk235 Grand St, 1st FlWaterbury, CT 06702-1986Phone: (203) 574-6806

Fax: 203-574-6887Email: [email protected]

Waterford Waterford Town Clerk15 Rope Ferry RdWaterford , CT 06385-2806Phone: (860) 444-5831

Fax: 860-437-0352Email: [email protected]

Watertown Watertown Town Clerk37 DeForest StWatertown, CT 06795-2195Phone: (860) 945-5230

Fax: 860-945-4741Email: [email protected]

West Hartford West Hartford Town Clerk50 S Main St, Rm 313West Hartford, CT 06107Phone: (860) 561-7430

Fax: 860-561-7438Email: [email protected]

West Haven West Haven Town Clerk355 Main St, 1st FlWest Haven, CT 06516-4310Phone: (203) 937-3535

Fax: 203-937-3504Email: [email protected]

Westbrook Westbrook Town Clerk866 Boston Post RdWestbrook, CT 06498Phone: (860) 399-3044 x118

Fax: 860-399-3092Email: [email protected]

Weston Weston Town ClerkP.O. Box 1007Weston, CT 06883-1007Phone: (203) 222-2616

Fax: 203-222-8871Email: [email protected]

Westport Westport Town Clerk110 Myrtle Ave, Rm 105Westport, CT 06880-3514Phone: (203) 341-1110

Fax: 203-341-1112Email: [email protected]

Wethersfield Wethersfield Town Clerk505 Silas Deane HwyWethersfield, CT 06109-2219Phone: (860) 721-2880

Fax: 860-721-2994Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Willington Willington Town Clerk40 Old Farms RdWillington, CT 06279-1720Phone: (860) 487-3121

Fax: 860-487-3103Email: [email protected]

Wilton Wilton Town Clerk238 Danbury RdWilton, CT 06897-4008Phone: (203) 563-0106

Fax: 203-563-0299Email: [email protected]

Winchester Winchester Town Clerk338 Main StWinchester, CT 06098-1697Phone: (860) 738-6963 x342

Fax: 860-738-7053Email: [email protected]

Windham Windham Town ClerkP.O. Box 94Windham, CT 06226Phone: (860) 465-3013

Fax: 860-465-3012Email: [email protected]

Windsor Windsor Locks Town Clerk50 Church StWindsor Locks, CT 06096-2331Phone: (860) 627-1441 x312

Fax: 860-285-1909Email: [email protected]

Windsor Locks Windsor Town ClerkP.O. Box 472Windsor, CT 06095-0472Phone: (860) 285-1902

Fax: 860-292-1121Email: [email protected]

Wolcott Wolcott Town Clerk10 Kenea AveWolcott, CT 06716-2114Phone: (203) 879-8100

Fax: 203-879-8105Email: [email protected]

Woodbridge Woodbridge Town Clerk11 Meetinghouse LnWoodbridge, CT 06525-1597Phone: (203) 389-3422

Fax: 203-389-3473Email: [email protected]

Woodbury Woodbury Town Clerk281 Main St SWoodbury, CT 06798Phone: (203) 263-2144

Fax: 203-263-4755Email: [email protected]

Woodstock Woodstock Town Clerk415 Route 169Woodstock, CT 06281-3039Phone: (860) 928-6595 x320

Fax: 860-963-7557Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 26, 2016

State PrimarySeptember 13, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byApril 11, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyApril 11, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byAugust 29, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyAugust 29, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 24, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyOctober 24, 2016


Request Mail Ballot:Received by12 PM, April 22, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, April 25, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received by12 PM, September 9, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, September 12, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received by12 PM, November 4, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, November 7, 2016


Received by8 PM, April 26, 2016

Received by8 PM, September 13, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Delaware is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Iregister to vote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receiving



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by mail, email or fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

your absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, Contact information can be found in theemail or fax.

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register, it must be received bythe registration deadline listed in the "FederalElection Deadlines" chart.

If you are a U.S. citizen residing outside the United, you can use theStates and your return is not certain

FWAB to vote in all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of these



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by mail, email or fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.

numbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Kent Department of Elections - Kent County OfficeP.O. Box 699Dover, DE 19903-0699Phone: (302) 739-4498

Fax: (302) 739-4515Email: [email protected]

New Castle Department of Elections - New Castle County OfficeP.O. Box 7079Wilmington, DE 19803-0079Phone: (302) 577-3464

Fax: (302) 577-6545Email: [email protected]

Sussex Department of Elections - Sussex County OfficeP.O. Box 457Georgetown, DE 19947-0457Phone: (302) 856-5367

Fax: (302) 856-5082Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalWhat is the Prepaid Mail Label

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot from theUOCAVADistrict in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

District of

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryJune 14, 2016

District PrimaryJune 14, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Received byMay 15, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byMay 16, 2016

By Mail: Received byMay 15, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byMay 16, 2016

Received byOctober 11, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Received byJune 14, 2016

Received byJune 14, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


District of Columbia

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if the District has any online tools available here:

Does the District have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on District orders; doesmy District afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in the District of Columbia is eligible tovote in District of Columbia .

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this District?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Districteitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or District issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.


District of Columbia

Page 87: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from theDistrict it must be returned according to thedeadlines and requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the District absentee ballot by mail, or Contact information can be found in theemail fax.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal and localelections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Districteitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or District issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.


District of Columbia

Page 88: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by .mail, email or faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email this

Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials tobe sent to a different address orhave a forwarding address, useBlock 9 for this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

ballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theDistrict absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Districtabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the District absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All The District of Columbia Board of Elections andEthics441 4th St NW, Ste 250 NWashington, DC 20001-2745Phone: (202) 727-2525

Fax: (202) 347-2648Email: [email protected]


District of Columbia

Page 89: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 30, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Postmarked byFebruary 16, 2016

Postmarked byAugust 1, 2016

Postmarked byOctober 11, 2016


Request Mail Ballot:Received byMarch 9, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byMarch 15, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byAugust 24, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byAugust 30, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byNovember 2, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byNovember 8, 2016


Within U.S.Return by Mail: Received byMarch 15, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Mail: Postmarkedby*March 15, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Fax: Received byMarch 15, 2016

Received byAugust 30, 2016

Within U.S.Return by Mail: Received byNovember 8, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Mail: Postmarkedby*November 8, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Fax: Received byNovember 8, 2016

*Ballot return: Ballots must be received by the 10th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, you

must enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social security



Page 91: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to , you register to vote the form. Addresses can be found in themust mail

"Local Election Offices" section or online

If you are already registered and are using the FPCAto an absentee ballot, you can request mail, email or

your signed form to your election official. Contactfaxinformation can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

number or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesprovided in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.For special federal elections, visit forspecific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail . Contactfax (fax only if you are outside of the U.S.)

information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your ballot.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1



Page 92: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required to

Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Provide a State issued IDeithernumber the last four digits of yourorSocial Security number. If you do nothave either of these numbers youmust enter in Block 9: "I do not havea social security number or Stateissued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

make a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail fax (fax only if. Contact information can beyou are outside the U.S.)

found in the "Local Election Offices" section or onlineat

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax(only if you are outside the U.S.)your FWAB directly to your election official. Be sureto include your ballot, signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and cover sheet with secrecy waiver. Youmay use the DoD Electronic Transmission Service(ETS) to fax your FWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETSare in the "Important Information" section or onlineat

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Alachua Alachua Supervisor of Elections515 N Main St Gainesville , FL 32601Phone: (352) 374-5252

Fax: (352) 374-5264Email: [email protected]

Baker Baker Supervisor of Elections32 N 5th St, SteA Macclenny , FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6339

Fax: (904) 259-2799Email: [email protected]

Bay Bay County Supervisor of Elections830 W 11th StPanama City , FL 32401Phone: (850) 784-6100

Fax: (850) 784-6141Email: [email protected]



Page 93: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Bradford Bradford Supervisor of Elections945 N Temple Ave Ste C Starke , FL 32091Phone: (904) 966-6266

Fax: (904) 966-6165Email: [email protected]

Brevard Brevard Supervisor of Elections2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Bldg C Melbourne , FL 32941Phone: (321) 633-2127

Fax: (821) 637-5460Email: [email protected]

Broward Broward Supervisor of Elections115 S Andrews Ave, Rm 102 Fort Lauderdale , FL 33302Phone: (954) 357-7050

Fax: (954) 357-7070Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun Supervisor of Elections20859 Central Ave E, Rm 117Blountstown , FL 32424Phone: (850) 674-8568

Fax: (850) 674-2449Email: [email protected]

Charlotte Charlotte Supervisor of Elections226 Taylor St, Unit 120Punta Gorda , FL 33950Phone: (941) 833-5400

Fax: (941) 833-5422Email: [email protected]

Citrus Citrus Supervisor of Elections120 N Apopka AveInverness , FL 34450Phone: (352) 341-6740

Fax: (352) 341-6749Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay Supervisor of Elections500 N Orange Ave Green Cove Springs , FL 32043Phone: (904) 269-6350

Fax: (904) 284-0935Email: [email protected]

Collier Collier Supervisor of Elections3295 Tamiami Trl ENaples , FL 34112Phone: (239) 252-8683

Fax: (239) 774-9468Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia Supervisor of Elections971 W Duval St, Ste 102Lake City , FL 32055Phone: (386) 758-1026

Fax: (386) 755-7233Email: [email protected]

DeSoto DeSoto Supervisor of Elections201 E Oak St, Ste104 Arcadia , FL 34265Phone: (863) 993-4871

Fax: (863) 993-4875Email: [email protected]

Dixie Dixie Supervisor of Elections229 NE 351 Hwy., SteA Cross City , FL 32628Phone: (352) 498-1216

Fax: (352) 498-1218Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Duval Duval Supervisor of Elections105 E Monroe StJacksonville , FL 32202Phone: (904) 630-8015

Fax: (904) 301-3867Email: [email protected]

Escambia Escambia Supervisor of Elections213 Palafox Pl, 2nd Fl Pensacola , FL 32591Phone: (850) 595-3900

Fax: (850) 595-3914Email: [email protected]

Flagler Flagler Supervisor of Elections1769 E Moody Blvd, Bldg 2, Ste101 Bunnell , FL 32110Phone: (386) 313-4170

Fax: (386) 313-4171Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin Supervisor of Elections47 Ave FApalachicola , FL 32320Phone: (850) 653-9520

Fax: (850) 653-9092Email: [email protected]

Gadsden Gadsden Supervisor of Elections16 S Madison St Quincy , FL 32353Phone: (850) 627-9910

Fax: (850) 627-6144Email: [email protected]

Gilchrist Gilchrist Supervisor of Elections112 S Main St, Rm 128Trenton , FL 32693Phone: (352) 463-3194

Fax: (352) 463-3196Email: [email protected]

Glades Glades Supervisor of Elections500 Ave J Moore Haven , FL 33471Phone: (863) 946-6005

Fax: (863) 946-0313Email: [email protected]

Gulf Gulf Supervisor of Elections401 Long AvePort St Joe , FL 32456Phone: (850) 229-6117

Fax: (850) 229-8975Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton Supervisor of Elections1153 US Hwy 41 NW, Ste 1Jasper , FL 32052Phone: (386) 792-1426

Fax: (386) 792-3205Email: [email protected]

Hardee Hardee Supervisor of Elections311 N. 6th AveWauchula , FL 33873Phone: (863) 773-6061

Fax: (863) 773-6813Email: [email protected]

Hendry Hendry Supervisor of Elections25 East Hickpochee Ave LaBelle , FL 33975Phone: (863) 675-5230

Fax: (863) 675-7803Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hernando Hernando Supervisor of Elections20 N Main St, Rm 165Brooksville , FL 34601Phone: (352) 754-4125

Fax: (352) 754-4425Email: [email protected]

Highlands Highlands Supervisor of Elections580 S Commerce Ave, Rm A201 Sebring , FL 33871Phone: (863) 402-6655

Fax: (863) 402-6657Email: [email protected]

Hillsborough Hillsborough Supervisor of Elections2514 N Falkenburg Rd Tampa , FL 33619Phone: (813) 272-5850

Fax: (813) 612-4199Email: [email protected]

Holmes Holmes Supervisor of Elections201 N Oklahoma St, Ste 102 Bonifay , FL 32425Phone: (850) 547-1107

Fax: (850) 547-4168Email: [email protected]

Indian River Indian River Supervisor of Elections4375 43rd AveVero Beach , FL 32967Phone: (772) 226-3440

Fax: (772) 770-5367Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson Supervisor of Elections2851 Jefferson St Marianna , FL 32447Phone: (850) 482-9652

Fax: (850) 482-9102Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson Supervisor of Elections380 West Dogwood StMonticello , FL 32344Phone: (850) 997-3348

Fax: (850) 997-6958Email: [email protected]

Lafayette Lafayette Supervisor of Elections120 W. Main St, Rm 129 Mayo , FL 32066Phone: (386) 294-1261

Fax: (386) 294-2164Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake Supervisor of Elections315 West Main St Tavares , FL 32778Phone: (352) 343-9734

Fax: (352) 343-3605Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee Supervisor of Elections2480 Thompson St Fort Myers , FL 33902Phone: (239) 533-8683

Fax: (239) 533-6310Email: [email protected]

Leon Leon Supervisor of Elections315 S Calhoun St, Ste110 Tallahassee , FL 32314Phone: (850) 606-8683

Fax: (850) 606-8601Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Levy Levy Supervisor of Elections421 S Court StBronson , FL 32621Phone: (352) 486-5163

Fax: (352) 486-5146Email: [email protected]

Liberty Liberty Supervisor of Elections10818 NW SR 20 Courthouse Bristol , FL 32321Phone: (850) 643-5226

Fax: (850) 643-5648Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison Supervisor of Elections239 SW Pinckney St. Madison , FL 32340Phone: (850) 973-6507

Fax: (850) 973-3780Email: [email protected]

Manatee Manatee Supervisor of Elections600 301 Blvd W, Ste 108 Bradenton , FL 34206Phone: (941) 741-3823

Fax: (941) 741-3820Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion Supervisor of Elections981 NE 16th St Ocala , FL 34478Phone: (352) 620-3290

Fax: (352) 620-3286Email: [email protected]

Martin Martin Supervisor of Elections135 SE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd Stuart , FL 34995Phone: (772) 288-5637

Fax: (772) 288-5765Email: [email protected]

Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections2700 NW 87th Ave Miami , FL 33152Phone: (305) 499-8444

Fax: (305) 468-2521Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe Supervisor of Elections530 Whitehead St, #101Key West , FL 33040Phone: (305) 292-3416

Fax: (305) 292-3406Email: [email protected]

Nassau Nassau Supervisor of Elections96135 Nassau Pl, Ste 3Yulee , FL 32097Phone: (904) 491-7500

Fax: (904) 432-1417Email: [email protected]

Okaloosa Okaloosa Supervisor of Elections302 Wilson St N, Ste 102Crestview , FL 32536Phone: (850) 689-5600

Fax: (850) 598-5644Email: [email protected]

Okeechobee Okeechobee Supervisor of Elections304 NW 2nd St, Rm 144Okeechobee , FL 34972Phone: (863) 763-4014

Fax: (863) 763-0152Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Orange Orange Supervisor of Elections119 West Kaley St Orlando , FL 32856-2001Phone: (407) 836-2070

Fax: (407) 254-6596Email: [email protected]

Osceola Osceola Supervisor of Elections2509 E Irlo Bronson Mem HwyKissimmee , FL 34744Phone: (407) 742-6000

Fax: (407) 742-6001Email: [email protected]

Palm Beach Palm Beach Supervisor of Elections240 S Military Trl West Palm Beach , FL 33416Phone: (561) 656-6200

Fax: (561) 656-6287Email: [email protected]

Pasco Pasco Supervisor of Elections14236 6th St, Ste 200 Dade City , FL 33526Phone: (352) 521-4302

Fax: (352) 521-4319Email: [email protected]

Pinellas Pinellas Supervisor of Elections13001 Starkey RdLargo , FL 33773Phone: (727) 464-6788

Fax: (727) 464-6239Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk Supervisor of Elections250 S Broadway Ave Bartow , FL 33831Phone: (863) 534-5888

Fax: (863) 534-5899Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam Supervisor of Elections2509 Crill Ave, Ste 900Palatka , FL 32177Phone: (386) 329-0224

Fax: (386) 329-0455Email: [email protected]

Santa Rosa Santa Rosa Supervisor of Elections6495 Caroline St, Ste FMilton , FL 32570Phone: (850) 983-1900

Fax: (850) 983-1829Email: [email protected]

Sarasota Sarasota Supervisor of Elections101 S. Washington Blvd. Sarasota , FL 34230Phone: (941) 861-8600

Fax: (941) 861-8609Email: [email protected]

Seminole Seminole Supervisor of Elections1500 E AirP.O.rt Blvd. Sanford , FL 32772Phone: (407) 585-8683

Fax: (407) 708-7705Email: [email protected]

St. Johns St. Johns Supervisor of Elections4455 Ave A, Ste 101St. Augustine , FL 32095Phone: (904) 823-2238

Fax: (904) 823-2249Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

St. Lucie St. Lucie Supervisor of Elections4132 Okeechobee RdFort Pierce , FL 34947Phone: (772) 462-1500

Fax: (772) 462-1439Email: [email protected]

Sumter Sumter Supervisor of Elections900 N Main St. Bushnell , FL 33513Phone: (352) 569-1540

Fax: (352) 569-1541Email: [email protected]

Suwannee Suwannee Supervisor of Elections220 Pine Ave, SWLive Oak , FL 32064Phone: (386) 362-2616

Fax: (386) 364-5185Email: [email protected]

Taylor Taylor Supervisor of Elections108 N Jefferson St, Ste 202 Perry , FL 32348Phone: (850) 838-3515

Fax: (850) 838-3516Email: [email protected]

Union Union Supervisor of Elections175 West Main StLake Butler , FL 32054Phone: (386) 496-2236

Fax: (386) 496-1535Email: [email protected]

Volusia Volusia Supervisor of Elections125 W New York AveDeLand , FL 32720Phone: (386) 736-5930

Fax: (386) 822-5715Email: [email protected]

Wakulla Wakulla Supervisor of Elections3115-B Crawfordville Hwy Crawfordville , FL 32326Phone: (850) 926-7575

Fax: (850) 926-8104Email: [email protected]

Walton Walton Supervisor of Elections571 US Hwy 90 EDeFuniak Springs , FL 32433Phone: (850) 892-8112

Fax: (850) 892-8113Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington Supervisor of Elections1331 S Blvd, Ste 900Chipley , FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-6230

Fax: (850) 638-6238Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotWhat is the Federal Write-In

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

PresidentialPrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryMay 24, 2016

State PrimaryRunoffJuly 26, 2016

GeneralElectionNovember 8,2016

General RunoffJanuary 10,2017

Registration By Email or Fax:Received by5 PM, February1, 2016By Mail:Postmarked by*5 PM, February1, 2016

By Email or Fax:Received by5 PM, April 26,2016By Mail:Postmarked by*5 PM, April 26,2016

By Email or Fax:Received by5 PM, April 26,2016By Mail:Postmarked by*5 PM, April 26,2016

By Email or Fax:Received by5 PM, October11, 2016By Mail:Postmarked by*5 PM, October11, 2016

By Email or Fax:Received by5 PM, October11, 2016By Mail:Postmarked by*5 PM, October11, 2016


Received by5 PM, February26, 2016

Received by5 PM, May 20,2016

Received by5 PM, July 22,2016

Received by5 PM,November 4,2016

Received by5 PM, January 6,2017


Postmarkedby**5 PM, March 1,2016

Postmarkedby**5 PM, May 24,2016

Postmarkedby**5 PM, July 26,2016

Postmarkedby**5 PM,November 8,2016

Postmarkedby**5 PM, January10, 2017

*Registration:FPCAs must be received by the 3rd day after the postmark deadline.

**Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 3rd day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last registered in Georgia is eligible to vote inGeorgia.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

for citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

Absentee Ballot (FWAB)?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesprovided in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.For special federal elections, visit forspecific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Appling Appling Registrar Office69 Tippins St, Ste 205Baxley, GA 31513-1908Phone: (912) 367-8113

Fax: (912) 367-5377Email: [email protected]

Atkinson Atkinson County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 1234Pearson, GA 31642-0855Phone: (912) 422-8113

Fax: (912) 422-6710Email: [email protected]

Bacon Bacon County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 375Alma, GA 31510Phone: (912) 632-5551

Fax: (912) 632-0232Email: [email protected]

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Baker Baker County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 335Newton, GA 39870Phone: (229) 734-3019

Fax: (229) 734-0889Email: [email protected]

Baldwin Baldwin County Voter RegistrarP.O. Box 1804Milledgeville, GA 31061-5756Phone: (478) 445-4526

Fax: (478) 445-5756Email: [email protected]

Banks Banks County Registrars226 Candler StHomer, GA 30547-0172Phone: (706) 677-6260

Fax: (706) 677-4102Email: [email protected]

Barrow Barrow County Board of Elections and Registration233 E Broad StWinder, GA 30680-1973Phone: (770) 307-3510

Fax: (770) 307-1054Email: [email protected]

Bartow Bartow County Elections and Voter Registration135 W Cherokee Ave, Ste 106Cartersville, GA 30120-3181Phone: (770) 387-5098

Fax: (770) 606-2245Email: [email protected]

Ben Hill Ben Hill Board of Elections and Voter Registration115 W Pine StFitzgerald, GA 31750Phone: (229) 426-5151

Fax: (229) 426-5152Email: [email protected]

Berrien Berrien County Board of Elections and Registration201 N Davis StNashville, GA 31639Phone: (229) 686-5213 x2

Fax: (229) 686-9495Email: [email protected]

Bibb Bibb County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 6297Macon, GA 31208-6297Phone: (478) 621-6622

Fax: (478) 784-9774Email: [email protected]

Bleckley Bleckley County Chief Registrar112 N Second StCochran, GA 31014Phone: (478) 934-3212

Fax: (478) 934-0822Email: [email protected]

Brantley Brantley County Board of Elections and RegistrationsP.O. Box 326Nahunta, GA 31553Phone: (912) 462-6159

Fax: (912) 462-6197Email: [email protected]

Brooks Brooks County Election SupervisorP.O. Box 5030Quitman, GA 31643Phone: (229) 263-9939

Fax: (229) 263-5372Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Bryan Bryan County Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 1526Pembroke, GA 31321-1526Phone: (912) 653-3859

Fax: (912) 653-3895Email: [email protected]

Bulloch Bulloch County Board of Elections 113 N Main StStatesboro, GA 30458Phone: (912) 764-6502

Fax: (912) 764-8167Email: [email protected]

Burke Burke County Board of Elections and Registration P.O. Box 923Waynesboro, GA 30830-0923Phone: (706) 554-7457

Fax: (706) 554-8764Email: [email protected]

Butts Butts County Board of Elections and Registration625 Third St, Ste 5Jackson, GA 30233-1965Phone: (770) 775-8202

Fax: (770) 775-2765Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 87Morgan, GA 39866-0087Phone: (229) 849-2972

Fax: (229) 849-0071Email: [email protected]

Camden Camden County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 608Woodbine, GA 31569-0608Phone: (912) 576-3245

Fax: (912) 576-8176Email: [email protected]

Candler Candler County Board of Elections and Registration 432 N Rountree StMetter, GA 30439Phone: 855-883-2654

Fax: (912) 685-2189Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Election and Registration SupervisorP.O. Box 338Carrollton, GA 30112-0338Phone: (770) 830-5823

Fax: (770) 214-3594Email: [email protected]

Catoosa Catoosa County Board of Elections and Registration7658 Nashville StRinggold, GA 30736Phone: (706) 935-3990

Fax: (706) 935-2538Email: [email protected]

Charlton Charlton County Board of Elections and Registration1520 3rd St, Ste CFolkston, GA 31537Phone: (912) 496-2607

Fax: (912) 496-2608Email: [email protected]

Chatham Chatham County Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 13757Savannah, GA 31416Phone: (912) 790-1520

Fax: (912) 790-1519Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Chattahoochee Chattahoochee County Chief Deputy RegistrarP.O. Box 125Cusseta, GA 31805-0125Phone: (706) 989-2014

Fax: (706) 989-2005Email: [email protected]

Chattooga Chattooga County RegistrarP.O. Box 165Summerville, GA 30747Phone: (706) 857-0739

Fax: (706) 857-0739Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County Elections & Registration400 E Main StCanton, GA 30114-2802Phone: (770) 479-0407

Fax: (770) 479-9791Email: [email protected]

Clarke Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections P.O. Box 1828Athens, GA 30603Phone: (706) 613-3150

Fax: (706) 613-3840Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 448Fort Gaines, GA 31751Phone: (229) 768-2455

Fax: (229) 768-2710Email: [email protected]

Clayton Clayton County Board of Elections and Registration 121 S McDonough StJonesboro, GA 30236-3636Phone: (770) 603-4141

Fax: (770) 477-4521Email: [email protected]

Clinch Clinch County Board of Elections and Registration25 Court Sq, Ste AHomerville, GA 31634Phone: (912) 487-3656

Fax: (912) 487-5162Email: [email protected]

Cobb Cobb County Board of Elections and RegistrationP.O. Box 649Marietta, GA 30061-0649Phone: (770) 528-2581

Fax: (770) 528-2519Email: [email protected]

Coffee Coffee County Elections and Registration224 W Ashley StDouglas, GA 31533Phone: (912) 384-7018

Fax: (912) 384-1343Email: [email protected]

Colquitt Colquitt County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 517Moultrie, GA 31776-0517Phone: (229) 616-7056

Fax: (229) 616-7498Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County Election SupervisorP.O. Box 919Evans, GA 30809-0919Phone: (706) 868-3355

Fax: (706) 868-3358Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Cook Cook County Board of Elections and Registrars1200 S Hutchingson AveAdel, GA 31620Phone: (229) 896-7925

Fax: (229) 896-7925Email: [email protected]

Coweta Coweta County Election Superintendent22 E Broad StNewnan, GA 30263Phone: (770) 254-2615

Fax: (770) 683-2800Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 732Roberta, GA 31078-0739Phone: (478) 836-1877

Fax: (478) 836-1879Email: [email protected]

Crisp Crisp County Election SupervisorCrisp County Government Ctr, 210 S 7th St, Rm 103Cordele, GA 31015-4295Phone: (229) 276-2611

Fax: (229) 276-2735Email: [email protected]

Dade Dade County Board of Elections and RegistrationP.O. Box 152Trenton, GA 30752-0152Phone: (706) 657-8170

Fax: (706) 657-2048Email: [email protected]

Dawson Dawson County Election Supervisor96 Academy AveDawsonville, GA 30534-0436Phone: (706) 344-3640

Fax: (706) 344-3642Email: [email protected]

DeKalb DeKalb County Election Supervisor4380 Mem Dr, Ste 300Decatur, GA 30032Phone: 404-298-4040

Fax: 404-298-4038Email: [email protected]

Decatur Decatur County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 7428Bainbridge, GA 39818Phone: (229) 243-2087

Fax: (229) 248-3743Email: [email protected]

Dodge Dodge County Elections Office Election Superintendent, P.O. Box 514Eastman, GA 31023-0514Phone: (478) 374-8123

Fax: (478) 374-8124Email: [email protected]

Dooly Dooly County Election & Registration402 Hawkinsville Rd, Rm 9Vienna, GA 31092-0304Phone: (229) 268-9023

Fax: (229) 268-9325Email: [email protected]

Dougherty Dougherty County Election SupervisorP.O. Box 1827Albany, GA 31702-1827Phone: (229) 431-3247

Fax: (229) 438-3975Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Douglas Douglas County Voter Registration8700 Hospital Dr, Rm A-1003Douglasville, GA 30134-2264Phone: (770) 920-7217

Fax: (770) 920-7583Email: [email protected]

Early Early County Board of Registrars15157 River StBlakely, GA 39823Phone: (229) 723-4522

Fax: (229) 723-8477Email: [email protected]

Echols Echols County Election SuperintendentP.O. Box 118Statenville, GA 31648-0118Phone: (229) 559-7526

Fax: (229) 559-8128Email: [email protected]

Effingham Effingham County Board of Elections andRegistration284 Hwy 119 SSpringfield, GA 31329Phone: (912) 754-8030

Fax: (912) 754-8408Email: [email protected]

Elbert Elbert County Board of RegistrarsElbert County Courthouse, 45 Forest Ave, Rm 42Elberton, GA 30635-1840Phone: (706) 283-2012

Fax: (706) 283-0216Email: [email protected]

Emanuel Emanuel County Elections and Registration105 S Main StSwainsboro, GA 30401Phone: (478) 237-3471

Fax: (478) 237-5998Email: [email protected]

Evans Evans County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 652Claxton, GA 30417-0652Phone: (912) 739-0708

Fax: (912) 739-4425Email: [email protected]

Fannin Fannin County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration400 W Main St, Ste 301Blue Ridge, GA 30513Phone: (706) 632-7740

Fax: (706) 258-5164Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration140 Stonewall Ave W, Ste 208Fayetteville, GA 30214Phone: (770) 305-5139

Fax: (770) 719-5539Email: [email protected]

Floyd Floyd County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration12 E Fourth Ave, Ste 20Rome, GA 30161Phone: (706) 291-5168

Fax: (706) 233-0019Email: [email protected]

Forsyth Forsyth County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration110 E Main St, Ste 200Cumming, GA 30040-2468Phone: (770) 781-2118

Fax: (770) 886-2825Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Franklin Franklin County Elections and Registration Office P.O. Box 313Carnesville, GA 30521Phone: (706) 384-4390

Fax: (706) 384-3506Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections130 Peachtree St, Ste 2186 FAtlanta, GA 30303Phone: 404-612-7050

Fax: 404-730-8839Email: [email protected]

Gilmer Gilmer County Board of Voter Registration1 Broad St., Ste 107Ellijay, GA 30540Phone: (706) 635-4617

Fax: (706) 635-4647Email: [email protected]

Glascock Glascock Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 68Gibson, GA 30810Phone: (706) 598-2811

Fax: (706) 598-3638Email: [email protected]

Glynn Glynn County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration1815 Gloucester StBrunswick, GA 31520Phone: (912) 554-(706)0

Fax: (912) 261-3819Email: [email protected]

Gordon Gordon County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 715Calhoun, GA 30703-0715Phone: (706) 629-7781

Fax: (706) 629-7198Email: [email protected]

Grady Grady County Board of Registrars250 N Broad St, Box 3Cairo, GA 39828Phone: (229) 377-1897

Fax: (229) 377-4127Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Board of Elections and Registration1180 C. Weldon Smith Dr., Ste 120Greensboro, GA 30642Phone: (706) 453-1108

Fax: (706) 453-9438Email: [email protected]

Gwinnett Gwinnett County Board of Registration and Elections 75 Langley DrLawrenceville, GA 30046Phone: (678) 226-7210

Fax: (678) 226-7209Email: [email protected]

Habersham Habersham County Elections & Registration555 Monroe St, Unit 45Clarkesville, GA 30523Phone: (706) 839-0170

Fax: (706) 754-5836Email: [email protected]

Hall Hall County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1435Gainesville, GA 30501-1435Phone: (770) 531-6945

Fax: (770) 531-3931Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hancock Hancock County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 118Sparta, GA 31087-0118Phone: (706) 444-5259

Fax: (706) 444-0989Email: [email protected]

Haralson Haralson County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1119Buchanan, GA 30113-1119Phone: (770) 646-2010

Fax: (770) 646-1523Email: [email protected]

Harris Harris County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 123Hamilton, GA 31811-0123Phone: (706) 628-5210

Fax: (706) 628-4223Email: [email protected]

Hart Hart County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 426Hartwell, GA 30643-0426Phone: (706) 376-8911

Fax: (706) 376-8911Email: [email protected]

Heard Heard County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 427Franklin, GA 30217-0427Phone: (706) 675-3907

Fax: (706) 675-0819Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Elections and Registration345 Phillips DrMcDonough, GA 30253Phone: (770) 288-6455

Fax: (770) 288-6468Email: [email protected]

Houston Houston County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 945Perry, GA 31069-0945Phone: (478) 987-1973

Fax: (478) 988-0699Email: [email protected]

Irwin Irwin County Board of Registrars207 S Irwin AveOcilla, GA 31774-0514Phone: (229) 468-5894

Fax: (229) 468-9672Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Voter Registration67 Athens StJefferson, GA 30549Phone: (706) 367-6377

Fax: (706) 367-1193Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County Board of Registrars126 W Greene St, Ste 3, CourthouseMonticello, GA 31064Phone: (706) 468-4908

Fax: (706) 468-1485Email: [email protected]

Jeff Davis Jeff DavisCounty Board of Elections & RegistrarsP.O. Box 552Hazlehurst, GA 31539Phone: (912) 375-6635

Fax: (912) 379-0340Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Jefferson Jefferson County Board of Registrars415 Green StLouisville, GA 30434Phone: (478) 625-8357

Fax: (478) 625-7124Email: [email protected]

Jenkins Jenkins County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 510Millen, GA 30442Phone: (478) 982-3985

Fax: (478) 982-4380Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 255Wrightsville, GA 31096-0255Phone: (478) 864-4019

Fax: (478) 864-2019Email: [email protected]

Jones Jones County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1417Gray, GA 31032-1417Phone: (478) 986-8234

Fax: 474-986-9682Email: [email protected]

Lamar Lamar County Board of Elections and Registration408 Thomaston St, Ste DBarnesville, GA 30204Phone: (770) 358-5235

Fax: (770) 358-5445Email: [email protected]

Lanier Lanier County Board of Registrars56 W Main St-Ste 8Lakeland, GA 31635-1189Phone: (229) 482-8361

Fax: (229) 482-3680Email: [email protected]

Laurens Laurens County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 2102Dublin, GA 31040-2102Phone: (478) 272-2841

Fax: (478) 277-2933Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Board of Elections and Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 326Leesburg, GA 31763-0326Phone: (229) 759-6002

Fax: (229) 759-3348Email: [email protected]

Liberty Liberty County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 557Hinesville, GA 31313-1557Phone: (912) 876-3310

Fax: (912) 876-2538Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1419Lincolnton, GA 30817Phone: (706) 359-6126

Fax: (706) 359-7396Email: [email protected]

Long Long County Elections and RegistrarP.O. Box 669Ludowici, GA 31316Phone: (912) 545-2234

Fax: (912) 545-3446Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Lowndes Lowndes County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 10130Valdosta, GA 31604Phone: (229) 671-2850

Fax: (229) 333-5199Email: [email protected]

Lumpkin Lumpkin County Election and Voter RegistrationOffice56 Short StDahlonega, GA 30533Phone: (706) 864-6279

Fax: (706) 864-0731Email: [email protected]

Macon Macon County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 415Oglethorpe, GA 31068-0415Phone: (478) 472-8520

Fax: (478) 472-8522Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 328Danielsville, GA 30633-0328Phone: (706) 795-6337

Fax: (706) 795-2233Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Board of Elections and RegistrationP.O. Box 444Buena Vista, GA 31803-0444Phone: (229) 649-9838

Fax: (229) 649-3928Email: [email protected]

McDuffie McDuffie County Board of Elections and RegistrationP.O. Box 600Thomson, GA 30824Phone: (706) 595-2105

Fax: (706) 595-0460Email: [email protected]

McIntosh McIntosh County Board of Elections andRegistrationsP.O. Box 1987Darien, GA 31305-1987Phone: (912) 437-6605

Fax: (912) 437-5041Email: [email protected]

Meriwether Meriwether County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 219Greenville, GA 30222Phone: (706) 672-9433

Fax: (706) 672-9584Email: [email protected]

Miller Miller County Board of Registrars155 S First StColquitt, GA 39837Phone: (229) 758-4118

Fax: (229) 758-9088Email: [email protected]

Mitchell Mitchell County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 229Camilla, GA 31730-0229Phone: (229) 336-2016

Fax: (229) 336-2354Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 1245Forsyth, GA 31029-0357Phone: (478) 994-7622

Fax: (478) 994-7624Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Montgomery Montgomery County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 363Mount Vernon, GA 30445-0363Phone: (912) 583-4296

Fax: (912) 583-4343Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Board of Elections and Registration434 Hancock StMadison, GA 30650-1383Phone: (706) 342-2508

Fax: (706) 343-6496Email: [email protected]

Murray Murray County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 1015Chatsworth, GA 30705-1015Phone: (706) 517-1400 x7

Fax: (706) 695-9755Email: [email protected]

Muscogee Muscogee County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1340Columbus, GA 31902-1340Phone: (706) 653-4392

Fax: (706) 225-4394Email: [email protected]

Newton Newton County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1274Covington, GA 30015-1274Phone: (770) 784-2055

Fax: (770) 784-2057Email: [email protected]

Oconee Oconee County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 958Watkinsville, GA 30677Phone: (706) 769-3958

Fax: (706) 310-3486Email: [email protected]

Oglethorpe Oglethorpe County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 190Lexington, GA 30648-0232Phone: (706) 743-8954

Fax: (706) 743-3514Email: [email protected]

Paulding Paulding County Board of Elections and RegistrationWatson Government Complex, 240 ConstitutionBlvd.Dallas, GA 30132Phone: (678) 224-4050

Fax: (770) 443-7548Email: [email protected]

Peach Peach County Board of Elections and Registration205 W Church St, Ste 102Fort Valley, GA 31030-0853Phone: (478) 825-3514

Fax: (478) 825-2187Email: [email protected]

Pickens Pickens County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration83 Pioneer Rd.Jasper, GA 30143Phone: (706) 253-8781

Fax: (706) 253-8782Email: [email protected]

Pierce Pierce County Board of Elections and Registration312 Nichols St., Ste 2Blackshear, GA 31516Phone: (912) 449-2028

Fax: (912) 807-9940Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pike Pike County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 1032Zebulon, GA 30295-1032Phone: (770) 567-2003

Fax: (770) 567-7280Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Board of Elections and Registration144 W Ave, Ste DCedartown, GA 30125Phone: (770) 749-2103

Fax: (770) 749-2194Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 448Hawkinsville, GA 31036Phone: (478) 783-0828

Fax: (478) 783-0696Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam County Board of Elections and Registration100 S Jefferson Ave, Ste 217Eatonton, GA 31024Phone: (706) 485-8683

Fax: (706) 485-9684Email: [email protected]

Quitman Quitman County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 447Georgetown, GA 39854-0447Phone: (229) 334-2224

Fax: (229) 334-2151Email: [email protected]

Rabun Rabun County Board of Elections and Registration19 Jo Dotson Circle, Ste 201Clayton, GA 30525Phone: (706) 782-1878

Fax: (706) 782-3754Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 532Cuthbert, GA 39840-0323Phone: (229) 732-5220

Fax: (229) 732-4025Email: [email protected]

Richmond Richmond County Board of Elections530 Greene St, Ste 500AAugusta, GA 30901Phone: (706) 821-2343

Fax: (706) 821-2814Email: [email protected]

Rockdale Rockdale County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration1400 Parker Road, Lobby CConyers, GA 30094-5953Phone: (770) 278-7333

Fax: (770) 785-6932Email: [email protected]

Schley Schley County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 385Ellaville, GA 31806-0385Phone: (229) 937-2689

Fax: (229) 937-5588Email: [email protected]

Screven Screven County Board of RegistrarsScreven County Courthouse, 216 Mims Road, Rm114Sylvania, GA 30467Phone: (912) 564-2153

Fax: (912) 564-5617Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Seminole Seminole County Board of Registrars200 S Knox AveDonalsonville, GA 39845Phone: (229) 524-5652

Fax: (229) 524-8644Email: [email protected]

Spalding Spalding County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1087Griffin, GA 30224Phone: (770) 467-4256

Fax: (770) 467-4278Email: [email protected]

Stephens Stephens County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1557Toccoa, GA 30577-1557Phone: (706) 886-8954

Fax: (706) 886-2631Email: [email protected]

Stewart Stewart County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 713Lumpkin, GA 31815-0713Phone: (229) 838-6769 x210

Fax: (229) 838-9856Email: [email protected]

Sumter Sumter County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1263Americus, GA 31709Phone: (229) 928-4580

Fax: (229) 928-4589Email: [email protected]

Talbot Talbot County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 8Talbotton, GA 31827-0008Phone: (706) 665-8270

Fax: (706) 665-2152Email: [email protected]

Taliaferro Taliaferro County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 9Crawfordville, GA 30631-0009Phone: (706) 456-3563

Fax: (706) 456-2904Email: [email protected]

Tattnall Tattnall County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1098Reidsville, GA 30453-1098Phone: (912) 557-6417

Fax: (912) 557-3005Email: [email protected]

Taylor Taylor County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 2044Butler, GA 31006-2044Phone: (478) 862-3997

Fax: (478) 862-3992Email: [email protected]

Telfair Telfair County Board of Registrars91 Telfair AveMcRae, GA 31055-1604Phone: (229) 868-2023

Fax: (229) 868-2266Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Terrell Terrell County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 525Dawson, GA 39842-0525Phone: (229) 995-5066

Fax: (229) 995-4320Email: [email protected]

Thomas Thomas County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 110Thomasville, GA 31799-0110Phone: (229) 225-4101

Fax: (229) 225-3133Email: [email protected]

Tift Tift County Board of Elections and Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 826Tifton, GA 31793-0867Phone: (229) 386-7915

Fax: (229) 386-7996Email: [email protected]

Toombs Toombs County Board of Election and RegistrationP.O. Box 897Lyons, GA 30436Phone: (912) 526-8226

Fax: (912) 526-9420Email: [email protected]

Towns Towns County Board of Registrars91 Berrong StHiawassee, GA 30546Phone: (706) 896-4353

Fax: (706) 896-2689Email: [email protected]

Treutlen Treutlen County Board of RegistrarsCourthouse Annex, 650 Second St SSoperton, GA 30457Phone: (912) 529-3098

Fax: (912) 529-6838Email: [email protected]

Troup Troup County Board of Elections and RegistrationCounty Government Services BldgLaGrange, GA 30241Phone: (706) 883-1745

Fax: (706) 883-1692Email: [email protected]

Turner Turner County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration1807 U.S Hwy 41 SSycamore, GA 31790Phone: (229) 567-2909

Fax: (229) 567-9624Email: [email protected]

Twiggs Twiggs County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 130Jeffersonville, GA 31044-0130Phone: (478) 945-3639

Fax: (478) 945-3477Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Board of Registrars65 Courthouse St, Box 9Blairsville, GA 30512Phone: (706) 439-6016

Fax: (706) 439-6015Email: [email protected]

Upson Upson County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 547Thomaston, GA 30286-0547Phone: (706) 647-6259

Fax: (706) 646-3168Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Walker Walker County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 1105LaFayette, GA 30728-1105Phone: (706) 638-4364

Fax: (706) 639-3346Email: [email protected]

Walton Walton County Board of Elections and Registration303 S Hammond Dr, Ste 111Monroe, GA 30655Phone: (770) 267-1337

Fax: (770) 267-1408Email: [email protected]

Ware Ware County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration800 Church St, Rm B68Waycross, GA 31501-3596Phone: (912) 287-4363

Fax: (912) 287-4364Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 186Warrenton, GA 30828-0186Phone: (706) 465-1993

Fax: (706) 465-2576Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Board of Registrars132 W Haynes St, Rm 108Sandersville, GA 31082Phone: (478) 552-5239

Fax: (478) 552-3304Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 1092Jesup, GA 31598-1092Phone: (912) 427-5950

Fax: (912) 588-0184Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster County Board of Elections and VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 29Preston, GA 31824-0029Phone: (229) 828-5775

Fax: (229) 828-2105Email: [email protected]

Wheeler Wheeler County Board of RegistrarsP.O. Box 431Alamo, GA 30411-0431Phone: (912) 568-7131

Fax: (912) 568-7856Email: [email protected]

White White County Board of Registrars1241 Helen Hwy, Ste 210-ACleveland, GA 30528Phone: (706) 865-7812

Fax: (706) 219-1511Email: [email protected]

Whitfield Whitfield County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration205 N Selvidge St, Ste KDalton, GA 30720Phone: (706) 278-7183 x1542

Fax: (706) 226-0792Email: [email protected]

Wilcox Wilcox County Board of Registrars377 College St.Abbeville, GA 31001-1000Phone: (229) 467-2111

Fax: (229) 467-2115Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Wilkes Wilkes County Board of Registrars23 E Court St, Rm 113Washington, GA 30673-1594Phone: (706) (678) 1850

Fax: (706) (678) 3458Email: [email protected]

Wilkinson Wilkinson County Board of Elections andRegistrationP.O. Box 186Irwinton, GA 31042-0186Phone: (478) 946-2188

Fax: (478) 946-4388Email: [email protected]

Worth Worth County Board of Elections and VoterRegistration201 N Main St, Rm 10Sylvester, GA 31791Phone: (229) 776-8208 x223

Fax: (229) 776-8258Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalWhat is the Prepaid Mail Label

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour territory in time to return it to your election official to participate inthe election, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Territory PrimaryAugust 27, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by8 PM, August 17, 2016

Received by8 PM, October 28, 2016

Ballot Request Received by5 PM, August 24, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 5, 2016

Ballot Return Postmarked by*August 27, 2016

Postmarked by*November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 15th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your territory has any online tools available here:

Does my territory have anyonline tools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on territorial orders;does my territory afford meUOCAVA privileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this territory?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of these

numbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourterritory it must be returned according to thedeadlines and requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The territory absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "Important

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a territory absentee ballot in order to usethe FWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9: Ido not have a social security numberor territory issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theterritory absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the territoryabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the territory absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Guam Election CommissionP.O. Box BGHagatna, GU 96932-8958Phone: (671) 477-9791

Fax: (671) 477-1895Email: [email protected]

forwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is 'temporary registration'?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 13, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byJuly 14, 2016

Received byOctober 10, 2016

Ballot Request Received by4:30 PM, August 6, 2016

Received by4:30 PM, November 1, 2016

Ballot Return Received by6 PM, August 13, 2016

Received by6 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot by contacting yourelection official. Contact information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section.

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Hawaii is eligible to vote as a "federalvoter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number your Socialor

Security number. If you do not haveeither of these numbers you mustenter in Block 9: "I do not have asocial security number or Stateissued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting your



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail (fax fax only allowed if you requested your ballot by

). Contactfax within five days before the electioninformation can be found in the "Local Election

ballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Offices" section. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your ballot.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number your SocialorSecurity number. If you do not haveeither of these numbers you mustenter in Block 9: "I do not have asocial security number or Stateissued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Complete street address of yourHawaii voting residence. A postoffice box is not sufficient. If youraddress includes a rural route,



Page 116: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail fax ( fax onlyallowed if you requested your ballot by fax within five

. Contact information can bedays before the election)found in the "Local Election Offices" section or onlineat

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: (only allowed if you requested your Faxballot by fax within five days before the election)

your FWAB directly to your election official. Be sureto include your ballot, signed VoterDeclaration/Affirmation and cover sheet with secrecywaiver. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FWABtoll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your voted

describe its location in Block 9. Thisaddress must be within the countywhere you claim legal votingresidence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

FWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for island

Island Mailing Address

Hawaii Hawaii County Clerk25 Aupuni St, Rm 1502Hilo, HI 96720-4245Phone: (808) 961-8277

Fax: (808) 961-8673Email: [email protected]

Honolulu Honolulu County Clerk530 S King St, Rm 100Honolulu, HI 96813-3077Phone: (808) 768-3800

Fax: (808) 768-3835Email: [email protected]

Kauai Kauai County Clerk4386 Rice St, Ste 101Lihue, HI 96766-1819Phone: (808) 241-4800

Fax: (808) 241-6207Email: [email protected]

Maui Maui County Clerk200 S High St, Rm 708Wailuku, HI 96793-2155Phone: (808) 270-7749

Fax: (808) 270-7171Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential Primary - RepMarch 8, 2016

State PrimaryMay 17, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byFebruary 12, 2016

Received by5 PM, April 22, 2016

Received by5 PM, October 14, 2016

Ballot Request Received byMarch 2, 2016

Received by5 PM, May 11, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 2, 2016

Ballot Return Received byMarch 8, 2016

Received by8 PM, May 17, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to , you register to vote the form. If you are already registered andmust mail

are using the FPCA to an absentee ballot,requestyou can mail, email or fax your signed form to yourelection official. Contact information can be found inthe "Local Election Offices" section or online

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.



Page 120: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Ada Ada County Clerk400 N Benjamin Ln, Ste 100Boise, ID 83704Phone: (208) 287-6860

Fax: (208) 287-6939Email: [email protected]

Adams Adams County ClerkP.O. Box 48Council, ID 83612-0048Phone: (208) 253-4561

Fax: (208) 253-4880Email: [email protected]

Bannock Bannock County ClerkP.O. Box 6094Pocatello, ID 83205-6094Phone: (208) 236-7334

Fax: (208) 236-7073Email: [email protected]

Bear Lake Bear Lake County ClerkP.O. Box 190Paris, ID 83261-0190Phone: (208) 945-2212

Fax: (208) 945-2248Email: [email protected]

Benewah Benewah County Clerk701 College Ave, Ste101Saint Maries, ID 83861-1852Phone: (208) 245-3212

Fax: (208) 245-9152Email: [email protected]

Bingham Bingham County Clerk501 N Maple St, #205Blackfoot, ID 83221-1776Phone: (208) 785-5005

Fax: (208) 785-4131Email: [email protected]

Blaine Blaine County Clerk206 1st Ave S, #200Hailey, ID 83333-8429Phone: (208) 788-5505

Fax: (208) 788-5501Email: [email protected]

Boise Boise County ClerkP.O. Box 1300Idaho City, ID 83631-1300Phone: (208) 392-4431

Fax: (208) 392-4473Email: [email protected]

Bonner Bonner County Clerk1500 Highway 2, Ste 337Sandpoint, ID 83864-1794Phone: (208) 255-3631

Fax: (208) 263-9178Email: [email protected]

Bonneville Bonneville County Clerk605 N Capital AveIdaho Falls, ID 83402-3582Phone: (208) 529-1363

Fax: (208) 529-1188Email: [email protected]

Boundary Boundary County ClerkP.O. Box 419Bonners Ferry, ID 83805-0419Phone: (208) 267-2242

Fax: (208) 267-7814Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Butte Butte County ClerkP.O. Box 737Arco, ID 83213-0737Phone: (208) 527-3021

Fax: (208) 527-3295Email: [email protected]

Camas Camas County ClerkP.O. Box 430Fairfield, ID 83327-0430Phone: (208) 764-2242

Fax: (208) 764-2349Email: [email protected]

Canyon Canyon County Clerk1102 E. ChicagoCaldwell, ID 83605-3522Phone: (208) 454-7562

Fax: (208) 454-6899Email: [email protected]

Caribou Caribou County ClerkP.O. Box 775Soda Springs, ID 83276-0775Phone: (208) 547-4324

Fax: (208) 547-4759Email: [email protected]

Cassia Cassia County Clerk1459 Overland AveBurley, ID 83318-1862Phone: (208) 878-4367

Fax: (208) 878-8825Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County ClerkP.O. Box 205Dubois, ID 83423-0205Phone: (208) 374-5304

Fax: (208) 374-5609Email: [email protected]

Clearwater Clearwater County ClerkP.O. Box 586Orofino, ID 83544-0586Phone: (208) 476-5615

Fax: (208) 476-9315Email: [email protected]

Custer Custer County ClerkP.O. Box 385Challis, ID 83226-0385Phone: (208) 879-2360

Fax: (208) 879-5246Email: [email protected]

Elmore Elmore County Clerk150 S 4th E., #3Mountain Home, ID 83647-3000Phone: (208) 587-2131

Fax: (208) 587-2159Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Clerk39 W OneidaPreston, ID 83263-1232Phone: (208) 852-1090

Fax: (208) 852-1094Email: [email protected]

Fremont Fremont County Clerk151 W 1st N, #12Saint Anthony, ID 83445-1548Phone: (208) 624-7332

Fax: (208) 624-7335Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Gem Gem County Clerk415 E MainEmmett, ID 83617-3096Phone: (208) 365-4561

Fax: (208) 365-7795Email: [email protected]

Gooding Gooding County ClerkP.O. Box 417Gooding, ID 83330-0417Phone: (208) 934-4841

Fax: (208) 934-5085Email: [email protected]

Idaho Idaho County Clerk320 W Main, #5Grangeville, ID 83530-1948Phone: (208) 983-2751

Fax: (208) 938-1428Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk210 Courthouse Way, Ste100Rigby, ID 83442-5294Phone: (208) 745-7756

Fax: (208) 745-9397Email: [email protected]

Jerome Jerome County Clerk300 N Lincoln, Room 301Jerome, ID 83338-2344Phone: (208) 324-8811

Fax: (208) 644-2709Email: [email protected]

Kootenai Kootenai County ClerkP.O. Box 9000Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000Phone: (208) 446-1039

Fax: (208) 446-1039Email: [email protected]

Latah Latah County ClerkP.O. Box 8068Moscow, ID 83843-0568Phone: (208) 882-8580

Fax: (208) 883-7203Email: [email protected]

Lemhi Lemhi County Clerk206 Courthouse DrSalmon, ID 83467-3900Phone: (208) 756-2815 x221

Fax: (208) 756-8424Email: [email protected]

Lewis Lewis County Clerk510 Oak St, Room 1Nezperce, ID 83543-5065Phone: (208) 937-2661

Fax: (208) 937-9234Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk111 W B St, Ste CShoshone, ID 83352-5364Phone: (208) 886-7641

Fax: (208) 886-2798Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County ClerkP.O. Box 389Rexburg, ID 83440-0389Phone: (208) 359-6200 x1

Fax: (208) 356-8396Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Minidoka Minidoka County ClerkP.O. Box 368Rupert, ID 83350-0368Phone: (208) 436-7111

Fax: (208) 436-9061Email: [email protected]

Nez Perce Nez Perce County ClerkP.O. Box 896Lewiston, ID 83501-0896Phone: (208) 799-3020

Fax: (208) 799-3070Email: [email protected]

Oneida Oneida County Clerk10 Court StMalad City, ID 83252-1200Phone: (208) 766-4116

Fax: (208) 766-2448Email: [email protected]

Owyhee Owyhee County ClerkP.O. Box 128Murphy, ID 83650-0128Phone: (208) 495-2421

Fax: (208) 495-1173Email: [email protected]

Payette Payette County Clerk1130 3rd Ave N, Room 104Payette, ID 83661-2473Phone: (208) 642-6000

Fax: (208) 642-6011Email: [email protected]

Power Power County Clerk543 Bannock AveAmerican Fall, ID 83211-1200Phone: (208) 226-7611

Fax: (208) 226-7612Email: [email protected]

Shoshone Shoshone County Clerk700 Bank St, #120Wallace, ID 83873-2348Phone: (208) 752-1264

Fax: (208) 752-1896Email: [email protected]

Teton Teton County Clerk150 Courthouse Dr #208Driggs, ID 83422-5164Phone: (208) 354-8780

Fax: (208) 354-8410Email: [email protected]

Twin Falls Twin Falls County ClerkP.O. Box 126Twin Falls, ID 83303-0126Phone: (208) 736-4004

Fax: (208) 736-4182Email: [email protected]

Valley Valley County ClerkP.O. Box 1350Cascade, ID 83611-1350Phone: (208) 382-4297

Fax: (208) 382-7107Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County ClerkP.O. Box 670Weiser, ID 83672-0670Phone: (208) 414-2092

Fax: (208) 414-3925Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Not Required Not Required Not Required


Overseas CitizensSigned byFebruary 15, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersSigned byMarch 5, 2016

Overseas CitizensSigned byFebruary 15, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersSigned byMarch 5, 2016

Overseas CitizensSigned byOctober 8, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersSigned byOctober 29, 2016


Signed by*March 15, 2016

Signed by*March 15, 2016

Signed by*November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 14th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Illinois is eligible to vote in Illinois.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide this

information in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Your gender is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receiving



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

your absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You have already requested a State absenteemustballot in order to use the FWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they need



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your voted

additional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

FWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Clerk507 Vermont, P.O. Box 1169Quincy, IL 62306-1169Phone: (217) 277-2166

Fax: (217) 277-2155Email: [email protected]

Alexander Alexander County Clerk2000 Washington AveCairo, IL 62914-1717Phone: (618) 734-7000

Fax: (618) 734-7002Email: [email protected]

Bond Bond County Clerk203 W College Ave.Greenville, IL 62246Phone: (618) 664-0449

Fax: (618) 664-9414Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone County Clerk1212 Logan Avenue, Ste 103Belvidere, IL 61008Phone: (815) 544-3103

Fax: (815) 547-8701Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Clerk200 Court St, Rm 4Mount Sterling, IL 62353-1285Phone: (217) 773-3421

Fax: (217) 773-2233Email: [email protected]

Bureau Bureau County Clerk700 S Main, Rm 104Princeton, IL 61356-2078Phone: (815) 875-2014

Fax: (815) 879-4803Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County Clerk106 N County RdHardin, IL 62047-0187Phone: (618) 576-2351

Fax: (618) 576-2895Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Clerk301 N MainMount Caroll, IL 61053-1044Phone: (815) 244-0221

Fax: (815) 244-3709Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County Clerk100 E. SpringfieldVirginia, IL 62691-1322Phone: (217) 452-2277

Fax: (217) 452-7219Email: [email protected]

Champaign Champaign County Clerk1776 E. WashingtonUrbana, IL 61802-4578Phone: (217) 384-3724

Fax: (217) 384-1241Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Christian Christian County Clerk101 S Main, P.O. Box 647Taylorville, IL 62568-0647Phone: (217) 824-4969

Fax: (217) 824-5105Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County Clerk501 Archer AvenueMarshall, IL 62441-1275Phone: (217) 826-8311

Fax: (217) 826-2519Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Clerk111 ChestnutLouisville, IL 62858-0160Phone: (618) 665-3626

Fax: (618) 665-3607Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County Clerk850 Fairfax, P.O. Box 308Carlyle, IL 62231-0308Phone: (618) 594-6620

Fax: (618) 594-0195Email: [email protected]

Coles Coles County Clerk651 Jackson Avenue, Rm 122Charleston, IL 61920-2053Phone: (217) 348-0501

Fax: (217) 348-7337Email: [email protected]

Cook Cook County Clerk69 W. Washington, 5th FloorChicago, IL 60602-1304Phone: (312) 603-0906

Fax: (312) 603-9788Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County Clerk100 Douglas, P.O. Box 616Robinson, IL 62454-0602Phone: (618) 546-1212

Fax: (618) 546-0140Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Clerk140 Courthouse Sq, P.O. Box 146Toledo, IL 62468-0146Phone: (217) 849-2631

Fax: (217) 849-2968Email: [email protected]

De Kalb De Kalb County Clerk110 E. SycamoreSycamore, IL 60178-1497Phone: (815) 895-7149

Fax: (815) 895-7148Email: [email protected]

De Witt De Witt County Clerk201 W. Washington St, P.O. Box 439Clinton, IL 61727-1628Phone: (217) 935-7780

Fax: (217) 935-7789Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County Clerk401 S Center, P.O. Box 467Tuscola, IL 61953-0467Phone: (217) 253-2411

Fax: (217) 253-2233Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Dupage Dupage County Board of Election Commissioners421 N. County Farm RdWheaton, IL 60189-1087Phone: (630) 407-5600

Fax: (630) 407-5630Email: [email protected]

Edgar Edgar County Clerk115 W. Court St, Rm JParis, IL 61944-1785Phone: (217) 466-7433

Fax: (217) 466-7430Email: [email protected]

Edwards Edwards County Clerk50 E. Main StAlbion, IL 62806-1262Phone: (618) 445-2115

Fax: (618) 445-4941Email: [email protected]

Effingham Effingham County Clerk101 N. 4th, Box 628Effingham, IL 62401-0628Phone: (217) 342-6535

Fax: (217) 342-3577Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Clerk114 W. JeffersonVandalia, IL 62471-0401Phone: (618) 283-5000

Fax: (618) 283-5004Email: [email protected]

Ford Ford County Clerk200 W. State St, Rm 101Paxton, IL 60957-1199Phone: (217) 379-9400

Fax: (217) 379-9409Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Clerk202 W. Main, P.O. Box 607Benton, IL 62812-0607Phone: (618) 438-3221

Fax: (618) 435-3405Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Clerk100 N. MainLewistown, IL 61542-0226Phone: (309) 547-3041

Fax: (309) 547-3326Email: [email protected]

Gallatin Gallatin County Clerk484 N. Lincoln, P.O. Box 550Shawneetown, IL 62984-0550Phone: (618) 269-3025

Fax: (618) 269-3343Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Clerk519 N. MainCarrollton, IL 62016-0133Phone: (217) 942-5443

Fax: (217) 942-9323Email: [email protected]

Grundy Grundy County Clerk111 E. Washington, P.O. Box 675Morris, IL 60450-0675Phone: (815) 941-3222

Fax: (815) 942-2222Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hamilton Hamilton County Clerk100 S Jackson StMcLeansboro, IL 62859-1489Phone: (618) 643-2721

Fax: (618) 643-2756Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock County Clerk500 Main StCarthage, IL 62321-0039Phone: (217) 357-3911

Email: [email protected]

Hardin Hardin County ClerkMain & Market StsElizabethtown, IL 62931-0187Phone: (618) 287-2251

Fax: (618) 287-2661Email: [email protected]

Henderson Henderson County Clerk4th & Warren, P.O. Box 308Oquawka, IL 61469-0308Phone: (309) 867-2911

Fax: (309) 867-2033Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Clerk307 W. Center StCambridge, IL 61238-1232Phone: (309) 937-3575

Fax: (309) 937-2796Email: [email protected]

Iroquois Iroquois County Clerk1001 E. GrantWatseka, IL 60970-1882Phone: (815) 432-6960

Fax: (815) 432-3894Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Clerk1001 WalnutMurphysboro, IL 62966-2177Phone: (618) 687-7360

Fax: (618) 687-7359Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County Clerk204 W. Washington, Ste 2Newton, IL 62448-1973Phone: (618) 783-3124

Fax: (618) 783-4137Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk100 S 10th St, Rm 105Mount Vernon, IL 62864-4012Phone: (618) 244-8020

Fax: (618) 244-8023Email: [email protected]

Jersey Jersey County Clerk200 N. LaFayetteJerseyville, IL 62052-1662Phone: (618) 498-5571

Fax: (618) 498-7721Email: [email protected]

Jo Daviess Jo Daviess County Clerk330 N. BenchGalena, IL 61036-1323Phone: (815) 777-0161

Fax: (815) 777-3688Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Johnson Johnson County Clerk117 N 5th, P.O. Box 96Vienna, IL 62995-0096Phone: (618) 658-3611

Fax: (618) 658-9665Email: [email protected]

Kane Kane County Clerk719 S Batavia, P.O. Box 70Geneva, IL 60134-0070Phone: (630) 232-5990

Fax: (630) 208-8112Email: [email protected]

Kankakee Kankakee County Clerk189 E. Court StKankakee, IL 60901-3892Phone: (815) 937-2990

Fax: (815) 939-8831Email: [email protected]

Kendall Kendall County Clerk111 W. FoxYorkville, IL 60560-1621Phone: (630) 553-4104

Fax: (630) 553-4119Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox County Clerk200 S. Cherry StGalesburg, IL 61401-4991Phone: (309) 345-3815

Fax: (309) 345-3801Email: [email protected]

La Salle La Salle County Clerk707 Etna RdOttawa, IL 61350-0430Phone: (815) 434-8202

Fax: (815) 434-8319Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Clerk18 N. County Rd, Rm 101Waukegan, IL 60085-4364Phone: 847-377-2400

Fax: 847-984-5822Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Clerk1100 State StLawrenceville, IL 62439-2341Phone: (618) 943-2346

Fax: (618) 943-3786Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Clerk112 E 2nd, P.O. Box 329Dixon, IL 61021-0385Phone: (815) 288-3309

Fax: (815) 288-6492Email: [email protected]

Livingston Livingston County Clerk112 W. Madison StPontiac, IL 61764-1629Phone: (815) 844-2006

Fax: (815) 842-1844Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County Clerk601 Broadway Lincoln, IL 62656Phone: (217) 732-4148

Fax: (217) 732-6064Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Macon Macon County Clerk141 S Main, Rm 104Decatur, IL 62523-1235Phone: (217) 424-1305

Fax: (217) 423-0933Email: [email protected]

Macoupin Macoupin County Clerk201 E Main, P.O. Box 107Carlinville, IL 62626-0107Phone: (217) 854-3214

Fax: (217) 854-7347Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Clerk157 N. Main St, Ste 109Edwardsville, IL 62025-0218Phone: (618) 692-6290

Fax: (618) 692-8903Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Clerk100 E Main, P.O. Box 637Salem, IL 62881-0637Phone: (618) 548-3400

Fax: (618) 548-2226Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Clerk122 N. Prairie, P.O. Box 328Lacon, IL 61540-0328Phone: (309) 246-6325

Fax: (309) 246-3667Email: [email protected]

Mason Mason County Clerk100 N Broadway, P.O. Box 77Havana, IL 62644-0077Phone: (309) 543-6661

Fax: (309) 543-2085Email: [email protected]

Massac Massac County Clerk1 Superman Sq, P.O. Box 429Metropolis, IL 62960-0429Phone: (618) 524-5213

Fax: (618) 524-8514Email: [email protected]

McDonough McDonough County Clerk#1 Courthouse SqMacomb, IL 61455-2200Phone: (309) 833-2474

Fax: (309) 837-1154Email: [email protected]

McHenry McHenry County Clerk2200 N. Seminary AvenueWoodstock, IL 60098-2693Phone: (815) 334-4242

Fax: (815) 334-8727Email: [email protected]

McLean McLean County Clerk115 E. Washington, Rm 102Bloomington, IL 61702-2400Phone: (309) 888-5190

Fax: (309) 888-5932Email: [email protected]

Menard Menard County Clerk102 S 7th, P.O. Box 465Petersburg, IL 62675-0465Phone: (217) 632-3201

Fax: (217) 632-4301Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Mercer Mercer County Clerk100 S E. 3rd St, P.O. Box 66Aledo, IL 61231-0066Phone: (309) 582-7021

Fax: (309) 582-7022Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Clerk100 S MainWaterloo, IL 62298-1399Phone: (618) 939-8681

Fax: (618) 939-8639Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Clerk1 Courthouse Sq, P.O. Box 595Hillsboro, IL 62049-0465Phone: (217) 532-9530

Fax: (217) 532-9581Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Clerk300 W State, P.O. Box 1387Jacksonville, IL 62651-1387Phone: (217) 243-8581

Fax: (217) 243-8368Email: [email protected]

Moultrie Moultrie County Clerk10 S. Main, Ste 6Sullivan, IL 61951-1969Phone: (217) 728-4389

Fax: (217) 728-8178Email: [email protected]

Ogle Ogle County Clerk105 South 5th, Ste 104Oregon, IL 61061-0357Phone: (815) 732-1110

Fax: (815) 732-3477Email: [email protected]

Peoria County Peoria County Clerk324 Main StPeoria, IL 61602-1319Phone: (309) 672-6070

Fax: (309) 672-6063Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Clerk3764 State Route 13/127, P.O. Box 438Pinckneyville, IL 62274-0438Phone: (618) 357-5116

Fax: (618) 357-3194Email: [email protected]

Piatt Piatt County Clerk101 W. Washington, P.O. Box 558Monticello, IL 61856-0558Phone: (217) 762-9487

Fax: (217) 762-7563Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County Clerk121 E. Washington StPittsfield, IL 62363-1496Phone: (217) 285-6812

Fax: (217) 285-5820Email: [email protected]

Pope Pope County Clerk310 E. Main, P.O. Box 216Golconda, IL 62938-0216Phone: (618) 683-4466

Fax: (618) 683-4466Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pulaski Pulaski County Clerk500 Illinois Ave, P.O. Box 118Mound City, IL 62963-0109Phone: (618) 748-9360

Fax: (618) 748-9305Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam County Clerk120 N 4th, P.O. Box 236Hennepin, IL 61327-0236Phone: (815) 925-7129

Fax: (815) 925-7549Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph County Clerk1 Taylor St, Rm 202Chester, IL 62233-0309Phone: (618) 826-5000

Fax: (618) 826-3750Email: [email protected]

Richland Richland County Clerk103 W. Main StOlney, IL 62450-2170Phone: (618) 392-3111

Fax: (618) 393-4005Email: [email protected]

Rock Island Rock Island County Clerk1504 3rd AvenueRock Island, IL 61201Phone: (309) 558-3570

Fax: (309) 786-7381Email: [email protected]

Saline Saline County Clerk10 E. PoplarHarrisburg, IL 62946-1703Phone: (618) 253-8197

Fax: (618) 252-3073Email: [email protected]

Sangamon Sangamon County Clerk200 S 9th St, Rm 105Springfield, IL 62701-1632Phone: (217) 753-8683

Fax: (217) 753-6739Email: [email protected]

Schuyler Schuyler County Clerk102 South Congress, P.O. Box 200Rushville, IL 62681-0200Phone: (217) 322-4734

Fax: (217) 322-6164Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Clerk35 E. Market StWinchester, IL 62694-1238Phone: (217) 742-3178

Fax: (217) 742-5853Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Clerk301 E Main, P.O. Box 230Shelbyville, IL 62565-0230Phone: (217) 774-4421

Fax: (217) 774-5291Email: [email protected]

St. Clair St. Clair County Clerk10 Public SqBelleville, IL 62220-1639Phone: (618) 277-6600

Fax: (618) 277-8783Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Stark Stark County Clerk130 W. Main, P.O. Box 97Toulon, IL 61483-0097Phone: (309) 286-5911

Fax: (309) 286-4039Email: [email protected]

Stephenson Stephenson County Clerk50 W Douglas, Ste 500Freeport, IL 61032-4399Phone: (815) 235-8289

Fax: (815) 235-8378Email: [email protected]

Tazewell Tazewell County Clerk11 S 4th St. , Ste 203Pekin, IL 61554-4281Phone: (309) 477-2264

Fax: (309) 477-2244Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Clerk309 W. Market, P.O. Box HJonesboro, IL 62952-0478Phone: (618) 833-5711

Fax: (618) 833-8712Email: [email protected]

Vermilion Vermilion County Clerk6 N. VermilionDanville, IL 61832-5879Phone: (217) 554-1900

Fax: (217) 554-1914Email: [email protected]

Wabash Wabash County Clerk401 Market St, P.O. Box 277Mt. Carmel, IL 62863-0277Phone: (618) 262-4561

Fax: (618) 263-3751Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Clerk100 W. BroadwayMonmouth, IL 61462-1797Phone: (309) 734-8592

Fax: (309) 734-7406Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Clerk101 E St Louis StNashville, IL 62263-1100Phone: (618) 327-4800

Fax: (618) 327-3582Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Clerk301 E Main, P.O. Box 187Fairfield, IL 62837-0187Phone: (618) 842-5182

Fax: (618) 842-6427Email: [email protected]

White White County Clerk301 E Main, P.O. Box 339Carmi, IL 62821-0339Phone: (618) 382-7211

Fax: (618) 382-2322Email: [email protected]

Whiteside Whiteside County Clerk200 E. KnoxMorrison, IL 61270-2819Phone: (815) 772-5189

Fax: (815) 772-7673Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Will Will County Clerk302 N. ChicagoJoliet, IL 60432-4060Phone: (815) 740-4615

Fax: (815) 740-4699Email: [email protected]

Williamson Williamson County Clerk407 N. Monroe St, Ste 119Marion, IL 62959Phone: (618) 997-2110

Fax: (618) 993-2071Email: [email protected]

Winnebago Winnebago County Clerk404 Elm StRockford, IL 61101-1276Phone: (815) 319-4252

Fax: (815) 969-0259Email: [email protected]

Woodford Woodford County Clerk115 N. Main, Rm 202Eureka, IL 61530-1274Phone: (309) 467-2822

Fax: (309) 467-7391Email: [email protected]

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Aurora Aurora City Board of Election Commissioners323 W. Galena BlvdAurora, IL 60506Phone: (630) 897-4030

Fax: (630) 897-4060Email: [email protected]

Bloomington Bloomington City Board of Election Commissioners115 E. Washington St, Rm 403Bloomington, IL 61702Phone: (309) 888-5136

Fax: (309) 888-5776Email: [email protected]

Chicago Chicago City Board of Election Commissioners69 W. Washington, Ste 800Chicago, IL 60602-3012Phone: (312) 269-7869

Fax: (312) 269-0626Email: [email protected]

Danville Danville City Board of Election Commissioners6 N. VermillionDanville, IL 61832-5842Phone: (217) 554-1930

Fax: (217) 554-1933Email: [email protected]

East St. Louis E. St. Louis City Board of Election Commissioners301 River Park Dr, Ste 300E St. Louis, IL 62201Phone: (618) 482-6672

Fax: (618) 271-8194Email: [email protected]

Galesburg Galesburg City Board of Election Commissioners55 W. Tompkins, P.O. Box 1387Galesburg, IL 61402-1387Phone: (309) 345-3660

Fax: (309) 345-5706Email: [email protected]

Peoria BEC City Peoria BEC City Board of Election Commissioners542 SW AdamsPeoria, IL 61602-1553Phone: (309) 494-8683

Fax: (309) 494-8140Email: [email protected]

Rockford Rockford City Board of Election Commissioners301 S 6th StRockford, IL 61104-2195Phone: (815) 987-5750

Fax: (815) 987-5757Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in the

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMay 3, 2016

State PrimaryMay 3, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byOctober 31, 2016


Request Mail Ballot:Received byApril 25, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, May 2, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byApril 25, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, May 2, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byOctober 31, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received by12 PM, November 7, 2016


Within U.S.Received byMay 3, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Email or Fax:Received byMay 3, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Mail: Postmarkedby*May 3, 2016

Within U.S.Received byMay 3, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Email or Fax:Received byMay 3, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Mail: Postmarkedby*May 3, 2016

Within U.S.Received byNovember 8, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Email or Fax:Received byNovember 8, 2016Outside U.S.Return by Mail: Postmarkedby*November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by 12:00 pm the 10th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label. It provides freeexpress mail service to your election official for voted absentee ballotsmailed on or before the November general election. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your ballot at MilitaryPostal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is kept by youfor tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

election, use the FWAB.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, you

must enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the

"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

If you are a U.S. citizen residing outside the United you can use theStates and your return is not certain,

FWAB to vote in all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/ Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Circuit Court Clerk112 S. Second St. Decatur, IN 46733-0189Phone: (260) 724-5309

Fax: (260) 724-5313Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Allen Allen County Election Board 1 East Main St, Ste 172Fort Wayne, IN 46802Phone: (260) 449-7329

Fax: (260) 449-7908Email: [email protected]

Bartholomew Bartholomew County ClerkP.O. Box 924Columbus, IN 47202-0924Phone: (812) 379-1604

Fax: (812) 379-1676Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County Circuit Court Clerk706 E. 5th St, Ste 37Fowler, IN 47944-1556Phone: (765) 884-0930

Fax: (765) 884-0322Email: [email protected]

Blackford Blackford County Circuit Court Clerk110 W. Washington StHartford City, IN 47348-2298Phone: (765) 348-7217

Fax: (765) 348-7234Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone County Circuit Court Clerk121 Courthouse SqLebanon, IN 46052-2100Phone: (765) 483-5251

Fax: (765) 485-0150Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County ClerkP.O. Box 85 Nashville, IN 47448-0085Phone: (812) 988-5511

Fax: (812) 988-5562Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Circuit Court Clerk101 W. Main St, Ste 206Delphi, IN 46923Phone: (765) 564-4485

Fax: (765) 564-6795Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County Circuit Court Clerk200 Court ParkLogansport, IN 46947-3192Phone: (574) 753-7870

Fax: (574) 753-6147Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County Circuit Court Clerk501 E. Court Ave, Rm 131Jeffersonville, IN 47130-4090Phone: (812) 285-6329

Fax: (812) 280-5652Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Circuit Court Clerk609 E. National Ave, Rm 211Brazil, IN 47834-0033Phone: (812) 448-9023

Fax: (812) 446-9602Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County Circuit Court Clerk265 Courthouse SqFrankfort, IN 46041-1993Phone: (765) 659-6337

Fax: (765) 659-6347Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Crawford Crawford County Circuit Court Clerk715 Judicial Plaza DrEnglish, IN 47118Phone: (812) 338-2565

Fax: (812) 338-2507Email: [email protected]

Daviess Daviess County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 739Washington, IN 47501Phone: (812) 254-8679

Fax: (812) 254-8698Email: [email protected]

De Kalb De Kalb County Circuit Court Clerk100 S. Main StAuburn, IN 46706-0230Phone: (260) 925-9787

Fax: (260) 925-5126Email: [email protected]

Dearborn Dearborn County Circuit Court Clerk215 W. High StLawrenceburg, IN 47025-1909Phone: (812) 537-1877

Fax: (812) 532-2021Email: [email protected]

Decatur Decatur County Circuit Court Clerk150 Courthouse Sq, Ste 244Greensburg, IN 47240-2080Phone: (812) 222-0568

Fax: (812) 222-0568Email: [email protected]

Delaware Delaware County Board of Voter Registration100 W Main St, Rm 211Muncie, IN 47305-2836Phone: (765) 747-7812

Fax: (765) 747-7768Email: [email protected]

Dubois Dubois County Circuit Court ClerkOne Courthouse SqJasper, IN 47546-3058Phone: (812) 481-7037

Fax: (812) 481-7044Email: [email protected]

Elkhart Elkhart County Board of Voter Registration101 N. Main St, Rm 204Goshen, IN 46526-3243Phone: (574) 535-6469

Fax: (574) 535-6471Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Circuit Court Clerk401 Central AveConnersville, IN 47331-0607Phone: (765) 825-1813

Fax: (765) 827-4902Email: [email protected]

Floyd Floyd County Circuit Court Clerk311 Hauss Sq Rm 235New Albany, IN 47150-1056Phone: (812) 948-5415

Fax: (812) 948-4711Email: [email protected]

Fountain Fountain County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 183Covington, IN 46932-0183Phone: (765) 793-2192

Fax: (765) 793-5002Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Franklin Franklin County Circuit Court Clerk459 Main StBrookville, IN 47012-1486Phone: (765) 647-5111 x3

Fax: (765) 647-3224Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Circuit Court Clerk815 Main StRochester, IN 46975-0524Phone: (574) 223-7713

Fax: (574) 223-8304Email: [email protected]

Gibson Gibson County Circuit Court Clerk101 N. Main StPrinceton, IN 47670-0630Phone: (812) 385-2541

Fax: (812) 385-5025Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Circuit Court ClerkCourthouse, Ste B-9, 101 E. 4th StMarion, IN 46952-4055Phone: (765) 664-9880

Fax: (765) 664-4515Email: Military/[email protected]

Greene Greene County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 229Bloomfield, IN 47424-0229Phone: (812) 384-2015

Fax: (812) 384-8458Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Board of Voter Registration1 Hamilton County Sq, Ste 106Noblesville, IN 46060-2219Phone: (317) 776-8476

Fax: (317) 776-8206Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock County Board of Voter Registration9 East Main StGreenfield, IN 46140-2320Phone: (317) 477-1171

Fax: (317) 477-8683Email: [email protected]

Harrison Harrison County Circuit Court Clerk300 N. Capitol Ave, Rm 203Corydon, IN 47112-1155Phone: (812) 738-8790

Fax: (812) 738-3126Email: [email protected]

Hendricks Hendricks County Circuit Court Clerk355 S Washington St. #218Danville, IN 46122-1798Phone: (317) 745-9313

Fax: (317) 745-9452Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Board of Voter Registration1215 Race StNew Castle, IN 47362-1044Phone: (765) 529-9310

Fax: (765) 521-7046Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard County Board of Voter Registration104 N Buckeye St, Rm 114Kokomo, IN 46901-9004Phone: (765) 456-2307

Fax: (765) 456-2267Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Huntington Huntington County Circuit Court Clerk201 N Jefferson StHuntington, IN 46750-2896Phone: (260) 358-4820

Fax: (260) 358-4880Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 318Brownstown, IN 47220-0122Phone: (812) 358-6120

Fax: (812) 358-6187Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County Circuit Court Clerk115 W Washington, Ste 204Rensselaer, IN 47978-2829Phone: (219) 866-4927

Fax: (219) 866-9450Email: [email protected]

Jay Jay County Circuit Court Clerk120 N Court St., Ste 209Portland, IN 47371-2195Phone: (260) 726-6915

Fax: (260) 726-6922Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Circuit Court ClerkCourthouse, Rm 203, 300 East Main StMadison, IN 47250-3594Phone: (812) 265-8926

Fax: (812) 273-5428Email: [email protected]

Jennings Jennings County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 385Vernon, IN 47282-0385Phone: (812) 352-3080

Fax: (812) 352-3081Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 451Franklin, IN 46131-0451Phone: (317) 346-4466

Fax: (317) 736-3798Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox County Circuit Court Clerk111 N 7th St, Ste 27Vincennes, IN 47591-2022Phone: (812) 895-4928

Fax: (812) 895-4929Email: [email protected]

Kosciusko Kosciusko County Circuit Court Clerk121 N Lake St, D162Warsaw, IN 46580Phone: (574) 372-2332

Fax: (574) 372-2338Email: [email protected]

La Porte La Porte County Board of Voter Registration813 Lincolnway, Suite 105LaPorte, IN 46350-3401Phone: (219) 326-6808 x2465

Fax: (219) 326-6626Email: [email protected]

LaGrange LaGrange County Circuit Court Clerk105 N Detroit StLaGrange, IN 46761-1801Phone: (260) 499-6392

Fax: (260) 499-6403Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Lake Lake County Board of Voter Registration2293 N Main St, A2-205Crown Point, IN 46307-1854Phone: (219) 755-3795

Fax: (219) 755-3801Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Voter Registration916 15th St, Rm 11Bedford, IN 47421-3800Phone: (812) 277-2036

Fax: (812) 277-2024Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County ClerkP.O. Box 1277Anderson, IN 46015Phone: (765) 641-9459

Fax: (765) 640-4203Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Election Board 3737 E. Washington St, Ste AIndianapolis, IN 46201Phone: (317) 327-5097

Fax: (317) 327-3598Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Circuit Court Clerk211 W Madison StPlymouth, IN 46563-1762Phone: (574) 935-8713

Fax: (574) 935-8713Email: [email protected]

Martin Martin County Circuit Court Clerk129 Main StShoals, IN 47581Phone: (812) 247-3651

Fax: (812) 247-2791Email: [email protected]

Miami Miami County Voter Registration25 N. Broadway, Rm 115Peru, IN 46970Phone: (765) 472-2671

Fax: (765) 472-8593Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Election Board407 W 7th St., Suite 100Bloomington, IN 47404Phone: (812) 349-2612

Fax: (812) 349-2610Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Circuit Court Clerk100 East Main StCrawfordsville, IN 47933-0768Phone: (765) 364-6437

Fax: (765) 364-6355Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Circuit Court Clerk180 S. Main St. Ste 1Martinsville, IN 46151-1556Phone: (765) 342-1029

Fax: (765) 349-5370Email: [email protected]

Newton Newton County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 49Kentland, IN 47951-0049Phone: (219) 474-6081

Fax: (219) 474-5749Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Noble Noble County Circuit Court Clerk101 N Orange StAlbion, IN 46701-1092Phone: (260) 636-2736 x1806

Fax: (260) 636-4000Email: [email protected]

Ohio Ohio County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 185Rising Sun, IN 47040-0185Phone: (812) 438-2610

Fax: (812) 438-1215Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange County Circuit Court Clerk1 Court StPaoli, IN 47454Phone: (812) 723-2649

Fax: (812) 723-0239Email: [email protected]

Owen Owen County Circuit Court Clerk60 S. Main St.Spencer, IN 47460-0146Phone: (812) 829-5028

Fax: (812) 829-5147Email: [email protected]

Parke Parke County Clerk116 W High St, Rm 204Rockville, IN 47872-1781Phone: (765) 569-5132

Fax: (765) 569-4222Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Circuit Court Clerk2219 Payne StTell City, IN 47586Phone: (812) 547-3741

Fax: (812) 547-3741Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County Circuit Court Clerk801 Main St, 2nd FlPetersburg, IN 47567Phone: (812) 354-6025

Fax: (812) 354-6369Email: [email protected]

Porter Porter County Board of Voter Registration155 Indiana Ave, Ste 105Valparaiso, IN 46383-5555Phone: (219) 465-3486

Fax: (219) 465-3486Email: [email protected]

Posey Posey County Circuit Court Clerk300 Main StMount Vernon, IN 47620-0606Phone: (812) 838-1339

Fax: (812) 838-1307Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski County Circuit Court Clerk112 East Main, Rm 230Winamac, IN 46996-1394Phone: (574) 946-4401

Fax: (574) 946-4953Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam County Circuit Court ClerkCourthouse, Rm 21Greencastle, IN 46135-0546Phone: (765) 655-1538

Fax: (765) 653-7030Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Randolph Randolph County Circuit Court Clerk100 S. Main St, P.O. Box 230Winchester, IN 47394-0230Phone: (765) 584-4717

Fax: (765) 584-4320Email: [email protected]

Ripley Ripley County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 177Versailles, IN 47042-0177Phone: (812) 689-6115

Fax: (812) 689-6000Email: [email protected]

Rush Rush County Circuit Court Clerk101 E. Second St., Room 209Rushville, IN 46173Phone: (765) 932-2086

Fax: (765) 932-4165Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Circuit Court Clerk1 East McClain Ave, Ste 120Scottsburg, IN 47170Phone: (812) 752-8421

Fax: (812) 752-5459Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Circuit Court Clerk407 S. Harrison St Shelbyville, IN 46176-0198Phone: (317) 392-6324

Fax: (317) 392-6339Email: [email protected]

Spencer Spencer County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 523Rockport, IN 47635Phone: (812) 649-6017

Fax: (812) 649-2139Email: [email protected]

St. Joseph St. Joseph County Clerk227 W. JeffersonSouth Bend, IN 46601Phone: (574) 235-9635

Fax: (574) 235-9838Email: [email protected]

Starke Starke County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 395Knox, IN 46534Phone: (574) 772-9160

Fax: (574) 772-1969Email: [email protected]

Steuben Steuben County Circuit Court Clerk55 S Public SqAngola, IN 46703Phone: (260) 668-1000 x220

Fax: (260) 668-3702Email: [email protected]

Sullivan Sullivan County Circuit Court ClerkP.O. Box 370Sullivan, IN 47882-0370Phone: (812) 268-4657

Fax: (812) 268-7027Email: [email protected]

Switzerland Switzerland County Circuit Court Clerk212 W Main StVevay, IN 47043-1180Phone: (812) 427-4415

Fax: (812) 427-4408Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Tippecanoe Tippecanoe County Board of Elections & VoterRegistrationP.O. Box 619Lafayette, IN 47902-1360Phone: (765) 423-9303

Fax: (765) 423-9386Email: [email protected]

Tipton Tipton County Circuit Court Clerk101 E. Jefferson StTipton, IN 46072Phone: (765) 675-2795

Fax: (765) 675-6436Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Circuit Court Clerk26 W Union StLiberty, IN 47353-1396Phone: (765) 458-6121

Fax: (765) 458-5263Email: [email protected]

Vanderburgh Vanderburgh County Circuit Court Clerk P.O. Box 3343Evansville, IN 47732-3343Phone: (812) 435-5108

Fax: (812) 435-5325Email: [email protected]

Vermillion Vermillion County Circuit Court Clerk255 S. Main St, Rm 304Newport, IN 47966Phone: (765) 492-5350

Fax: (765) 492-5351Email: [email protected]

Vigo Vigo County Board of Voter Registration33 S 3rd StTerre Haute, IN 47807-3472Phone: (812) 462-3235

Fax: (812) 232-3113Email: [email protected]

Wabash Wabash County Clerk's Office69 W. Hill StWabash, IN 46992Phone: (260) 563-0661 x1238

Fax: (260) 569-1352Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren Warren County Circuit Court Clerk125 N Monroe St, Ste 11Williamsport, IN 47993Phone: (765) 762-3510

Fax: (765) 762-7251Email: [email protected]

Warrick Warrick County Circuit Court Clerk1 County Sq, Ste 220Boonville, IN 47601Phone: (812) 897-6161

Fax: (812) 897-6400Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Circuit Court Clerk99 Public Sq, Ste 102Salem, IN 47167Phone: (812) 883-5748

Fax: (812) 883-8108Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Circuit Court Clerk301 E. Main StRichmond, IN 47374Phone: (317) 973-9304

Fax: (765) 973-9490Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Wells Wells County Circuit Court Clerk102 W Market St, Ste 201Bluffton, IN 46714Phone: (260) 824-6480

Fax: (260) 824-6559Email: [email protected]

White White County Circuit Court Clerk110 N. Main StMonticello, IN 47960-0350Phone: (574) 583-1531

Fax: (574) 583-1532Email: [email protected]

Whitley Whitley County Circuit Court ClerkCourthouse, Rm 10, 101 W Van Buren StColumbia City, IN 46725Phone: (260) 248-3164

Fax: (260) 248-3137Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 7, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016


Request Mail Ballot: Received by5 PM, June 3, 2016Request Email/Online or Fax Ballot:Received by5 PM, June 6, 2016

Request Mail Ballot: Received by5 PM, November 4, 2016Request Email/Online or Fax Ballot:Received by5 PM, November 7, 2016


Return by Mail: Postmarked by*June 6, 2016Return by Email or Fax: Received by9 PM, June 7, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarked by*November 7, 2016Return by Email or Fax: Received by9 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot return: Ballots must be received by the 6th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Iowa is eligible to vote in Iowa.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or email fax (email or fax only if you are located in a

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots..

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

. Contact information can be found inhostile fire area)the "Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You have requested a State absentee ballot atmustleast 14 days before the election and be registeredto vote to use the FWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a rural



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online at

route, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adair Adair County Auditor400 Public Sq Ste 5Greenfield, IA 50849-1259Phone: (641) 743-2546

Fax: (641) 743-2565Email: [email protected]

Adams Adams County AuditorP.O. Box 28Corning, IA 50841-0028Phone: (641) 322-3340

Fax: (641) 322-4647Email: [email protected]

Allamakee Allamakee County Auditor110 Allamakee StWaukon, IA 52172-1744Phone: (563) 568-3522

Fax: (563) 568-4978Email: [email protected]

Appanoose Appanoose County Auditor201 N. 12th StCenterville, IA 52544-1711Phone: (641) 856-6191

Fax: (641) 856-8023Email: [email protected]

Audubon Audubon County Auditor318 Leroy St #4Audubon, IA 50025-0549Phone: (712) 563 2584

Fax: (712) 563 2556Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County AuditorP.O. Box 549Vinton, IA 52349-4712Phone: (319) 472-2365

Fax: (319) 472-3692Email: [email protected]

Black Hawk Black Hawk County Auditor316 E. 5th StWaterloo, IA 50703-3922Phone: (319) 833-3002

Fax: (319) 833-3119Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone County Auditor201 State StBoone, IA 50036-3536Phone: (515) 433-0502

Fax: (515) 432-8102Email: [email protected]

Bremer Bremer County Auditor415 E. Bremer AveWaverly, IA 50677-0317Phone: (319) 352-0340

Fax: (319) 352-0290Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Buchanan Buchanan County AuditorP.O. Box 317Independence, IA 50644-0220Phone: (319) 334-4109

Fax: (319) 334-4234Email: [email protected]

Buena Vista Buena Vista County AuditorP.O. Box 220Storm Lake, IA 50588-0325Phone: (712) 749-2542

Fax: (712) 732-2603Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler County AuditorP.O. Box 325Allison, IA 50602-1428Phone: (319) 267-2670

Fax: (319) 267-2625Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County Auditor416 4th St Ste. 1Rockwell City, IA 50579-2400Phone: (712) 297-7741

Fax: (712) 297-7382Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Auditor114 E. 6th StCarroll, IA 51401-2400Phone: (712) 792-9802

Fax: (712) 775-2148Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County Auditor5 W. 7th StAtlantic, IA 50022-1461Phone: (712) 243-4570

Fax: (712) 243-6660Email: [email protected]

Cedar Cedar County Auditor400 Cedar StTipton, IA 52772-1748Phone: (563) 886-3168

Fax: (563) 886-3339Email: [email protected]

Cerro Gordo Cerro Gordo County Auditor220 N. Washington Ave.Mason City, IA 50401-3220Phone: (641) 421-3034

Fax: (641) 421-3139Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County Auditor520 W. Main Drawer HCherokee, IA 51012-1700Phone: (712) 225-6704

Fax: (712) 225-6708Email: [email protected]

Chickasaw Chickasaw County AuditorBox 311New Hampton, IA 50659-0311Phone: (641) 394-2100

Fax: (641) 394-5541Email: [email protected]

Clarke Clarke County Auditor100 S. MainOsceola, IA 50213-2411Phone: (641) 342-3315

Fax: (641) 342-1592Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Clay Clay County Auditor300 W. 4th St, Ste. 4Spencer, IA 51301-3806Phone: (712) 262-1569

Fax: (712) 262-5793Email: [email protected]

Clayton Clayton County AuditorP.O. Box 416Elkader, IA 52043-0416Phone: (563) 245-1106

Fax: (563) 245-2353Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County AuditorP.O. Box 2957Clinton, IA 52733-2957Phone: (563) 244-0568

Fax: (563) 243-5869Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County Auditor1202 Broadway, Ste. 5Denison, IA 51442-2646Phone: (712) 263-3045

Fax: (712) 263-8382Email: [email protected]

Dallas Dallas County Auditor801 Court St, Rm 200Adel, IA 50003-1490Phone: (515) 993-6915

Fax: (515) 993-6930Email: [email protected]

Davis Davis County Auditor100 Courthouse Sq Ste 2Bloomfield, IA 52537-1600Phone: (641) 664-2101

Fax: (641) 664-1395Email: [email protected]

Decatur Decatur County Auditor207 N. Main StLeon, IA 50144-1647Phone: (641) 446-4323

Fax: (641) 446-7149Email: [email protected]

Delaware Delaware County Auditor301 E. Main St Rm 210Manchester, IA 52057-1739Phone: (563) 927-4701

Fax: (563) 927-6423Email: [email protected]

Des Moines Des Moines County AuditorP.O. Box 784Burlington, IA 52601-0784Phone: (319) 753-8232

Fax: (319) 753-8227Email: [email protected]

Dickinson Dickinson County Auditor1802 Hill Ave Ste 1400Spirit Lake, IA 51360-1259Phone: (712) 336-3356

Fax: (712) 336-2677Email: [email protected]

Dubuque Dubuque County Auditor720 Central AveDubuque, IA 52001-7079Phone: (563) 589-4499

Fax: (563) 589-4478Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Emmet Emmet County Auditor609 1st Ave N.Estherville, IA 51334-2245Phone: (712) 362-4261

Fax: (712) 362-7454Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County AuditorP.O. Box 267West Union, IA 52175-0267Phone: (563) 422-3497

Fax: (563) 422-9201Email: [email protected]

Floyd Floyd County Auditor101 S. Main St #302Charles City, IA 50616-2756Phone: (641) 257-6131

Fax: (641) 257-6112Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County AuditorP.O. Box 26Hampton, IA 50441-0026Phone: (641) 456-5622

Fax: (641) 456-6001Email: [email protected]

Fremont Fremont County Auditor506 FilmoreSidney, IA 51652-0610Phone: (712) 374-2031

Fax: (712) 374-4523Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Auditor114 N. ChestnutJefferson, IA 50129-2144Phone: (515) 386-5680

Fax: (515) 386-2216Email: [email protected]

Grundy Grundy County Auditor706 G AveGrundy Center, IA 50638-1456Phone: (319) 824-3122

Fax: (319) 824-6098Email: [email protected]

Guthrie Guthrie County Auditor200 N. 5th StGuthrie Center, IA 50115-1300Phone: (641) 747-3619

Fax: (641) 747-3027Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Auditor2300 Superior StWebster City, IA 50595-3158Phone: (515) 832-9510

Fax: (515) 832-9514Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock County Auditor855 State St Po Box 70Garner, IA 50438-0070Phone: (641) 923-3163

Fax: (641) 923-4191Email: [email protected]

Hardin Hardin County Auditor1215 Edgington Ave, Ste. 1Eldora, IA 50627-1700Phone: (641) 939-8112

Fax: (641) 939-8245Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Harrison Harrison County Auditor111 N. 2nd AveLogan, IA 51546-1370Phone: (712) 644-2401

Fax: (712) 644-2643Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Auditor100 E. Washington St Ste 202Mount Pleasant, IA 52641-0149Phone: (319) 385-0756

Fax: (319) 385-3601Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard County Auditor137 N. Elm StCresco, IA 52136-1501Phone: (563) 547-9203

Fax: (563) 547-2629Email: [email protected]

Humboldt Humboldt County AuditorP.O. Box 100Dakota City, IA 50529-0100Phone: (515) 332-1571

Fax: (515) 332-1738Email: [email protected]

Ida Ida County Auditor401 Moorehead StIda Grove, IA 51445-1429Phone: (712) 364-2626

Fax: (712) 364-3929Email: [email protected]

Iowa Iowa County Auditor970 Court AveMarengo, IA 52301-0126Phone: (319) 642-3923

Fax: (319) 642-7637Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Auditor201 W. Platt StMaquoketa, IA 52060-2243Phone: (563) 652-3144

Fax: (563) 652-4738Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County AuditorP.O. Box 944Newton, IA 50208-0944Phone: (641) 792-7016

Fax: (641) 792-1053Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Auditor51 E. BriggsFairfield, IA 52556-2820Phone: (641) 472-2840

Fax: (641) 472-2597Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Auditor913 S. Dubuque St., Ste. 101Iowa City, IA 52240-4273Phone: (319) 356-6004

Fax: (319) 356-6086Email: [email protected]

Jones Jones County AuditorP.O. Box 109Anamosa, IA 52205-0109Phone: (319) 462-2282

Fax: (319) 462-5815Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Keokuk Keokuk County Auditor101 S. MainSigourney, IA 52591-1419Phone: (641) 622-2320

Fax: (641) 622-2286Email: [email protected]

Kossuth Kossuth County Auditor114 W. State StAlgona, IA 50511-2613Phone: (515) 295-2718

Fax: (515) 295-3071Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County AuditorCounty Office Bldg.,P.O. Box 190Fort Madison, IA 52627-0190Phone: (319) 372-3705

Fax: (319) 372-7033Email: [email protected]

Linn Linn County Auditor935 2nd St SWCedar Rapids, IA 52404Phone: (319) 892-5300

Fax: (319) 892-5359Email: [email protected]

Louisa Louisa County AuditorP.O. Box 186Wapello, IA 52653-0186Phone: (319) 523-3373

Fax: (319) 523-3713Email: [email protected]

Lucas Lucas County Auditor916 Braden AveChariton, IA 50049-1700Phone: (641) 774-4512

Fax: (641) 774-1615Email: [email protected]

Lyon Lyon County Auditor206 S. 2nd AveRock Rapids, IA 51246-1538Phone: (712) 472-3713

Fax: (712) 472-3800Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County AuditorP.O. Box 152Winterset, IA 50273-0152Phone: (515) 462-3914

Fax: (515) 462-5888Email: [email protected]

Mahaska Mahaska County Auditor106 S. 1st StOskaloosa, IA 52577-2869Phone: (641) 673-7148

Fax: (641) 673-8979Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Auditor214 E. MainKnoxville, IA 50138-2545Phone: (641) 828-2217

Fax: (641) 828-6351Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Auditor1 E. Main StMarshalltown, IA 50158-4915Phone: (641) 754-6323

Fax: (641) 754-6321Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Mills Mills County Auditor418 Sharp StGlenwood, IA 51534-1774Phone: (712) 527-3146

Fax: (712) 527-1579Email: [email protected]

Mitchell Mitchell County Auditor117 Plaza LaneOsage, IA 50461-1250Phone: (641) 832-3946

Fax: (641) 732-5218Email: [email protected]

Monona Monona County Auditor610 Iowa AveOnawa, IA 51040-1626Phone: (712) 433-2191

Fax: (712) 433-3203Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Auditor10 Benton Ave EAlbia, IA 52531-2056Phone: (641) 932-2865

Fax: (641) 932-5905Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County AuditorP.O. Box 469Red Oak, IA 51566-0469Phone: (712) 623-5127

Fax: (712) 623-2346Email: [email protected]

Muscatine Muscatine County Auditor414 E. 3rd StMuscatine, IA 52761-4141Phone: (563) 263-5821

Fax: (563) 263-7248Email: [email protected]

O'Brien O'Brien County AuditorP.O. Box 380Primghar, IA 51245-0803Phone: (712) 957-3225

Fax: (712) 957-0425Email: [email protected]

Osceola Osceola County Auditor300 7th StSibley, IA 51249-1648Phone: (712) 754-2241

Fax: (712) 754-3743Email: [email protected]

Page Page County Auditor112 E. MainClarinda, IA 51632-2141Phone: (712) 542-3219

Fax: (712) 542-5019Email: [email protected]

Palo Alto Palo Alto County AuditorP.O. Box 95Emmetsburg, IA 50536-0095Phone: (712) 852-2924

Fax: (712) 852-4671Email: [email protected]

Plymouth Plymouth County Auditor215 4th Ave SELe Mars, IA 51031-2169Phone: (712) 546-6100

Fax: (712) 546-5784Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pocahontas Pocahontas County Auditor99 Court SqPocahontas, IA 50574-1629Phone: (712) 335-3361

Fax: (712) 335-4502Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Auditor120 2nd AveDes Moines, IA 50309-4757Phone: (515) 286-3247

Fax: (515) 286-3608Email: [email protected]

Pottawattamie Pottawattamie County AuditorBox 649Council Bluffs, IA 51501-0649Phone: (712) 328-5700

Fax: (712) 328-4740Email: [email protected]

Poweshiek Poweshiek County AuditorP.O. Box 57Montezuma, IA 50171-0057Phone: (641) 623-5443

Fax: (641) 623-2363Email: [email protected]

Ringgold Ringgold County Auditor109 W. MadisonMount Ayr, IA 50854-1642Phone: (641) 464-3239

Fax: (641) 464-0654Email: [email protected]

Sac Sac County Auditor100 NW State St Box 1Sac City, IA 50583-0001Phone: (712) 662-7310

Fax: (712) 662-7879Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Auditor600 W 4th StDavenport, IA 52801-1030Phone: (563) 326-8631

Fax: (563) 326-8601Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Auditor612 Court StHarlan, IA 51537-1464Phone: (712) 755-3831

Fax: (712) 755-3200Email: [email protected]

Sioux Sioux County AuditorP.O. Box 18Orange City, IA 51041-0018Phone: (712) 737-2216

Fax: (712) 737-2537Email: [email protected]

Story Story County Auditor900 6th StNevada, IA 50201-2004Phone: (515) 382-7210

Fax: (515) 382-7221Email: [email protected]

Tama Tama County AuditorP.O. Box 61Toledo, IA 52342-0061Phone: (641) 484-2740

Fax: (641) 484-5127Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Taylor Taylor County Auditor405 Jefferson StBedford, IA 50833-1300Phone: (712) 523-2280

Fax: (712) 523-2274Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Auditor300 N. Pine St. Ste. 2Creston, IA 50801-2400Phone: (641) 782-1701

Fax: (641) 782-1709Email: [email protected]

Van Buren Van Buren County AuditorP.O. Box 475Keosauqua, IA 52565-0475Phone: (319) 293-3129

Fax: (319) 293-6404Email: [email protected]

Wapello Wapello County Auditor101 W. 4thOttumwa, IA 52501-2510Phone: (641) 683-0024

Fax: (641) 683-0053Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Auditor301 N. Buxton Ste. 101Indianola, IA 50125-1801Phone: (515) 961-1020

Fax: (515) 961-1049Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County AuditorP.O. Box 889Washington, IA 52353-0889Phone: (319) 653-7715

Fax: (319) 653-7788Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County AuditorP.O. Box 435Corydon, IA 50060-0435Phone: (641) 872-2242

Fax: (641) 872-2843Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster County Auditor703 Central AveFort Dodge, IA 50501-3872Phone: (515) 573-7175

Fax: (515) 574-3714Email: [email protected]

Winnebago Winnebago County Auditor126 S. Clark StForest City, IA 50436-1706Phone: (641) 585-3412

Fax: (641) 585-9302Email: [email protected]

Winneshiek Winneshiek County Auditor201 W. Main StDecorah, IA 52101-1713Phone: (563) 382-5085

Fax: (563) 387-4083Email: [email protected]

Woodbury Woodbury County Auditor620 Douglas St., Rm 103Sioux City, IA 51101-1248Phone: (712) 279-6465

Fax: (712) 279-6629Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Worth Worth County Auditor1000 Central AveNorthwood, IA 50459-1539Phone: (641) 324-2316

Fax: (641) 324-3682Email: [email protected]

Wright Wright County AuditorP.O. Box 147Clarion, IA 50525-0147Phone: (515) 532-2771

Fax: (515) 532-2669Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is 'temporary registration'?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 2, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byJuly 12, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byJuly 12, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 18, 2016By Email or Fax: Received byOctober 18, 2016

Ballot Request Sent byAugust 2, 2016

Sent byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Return Received byAugust 2, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Kansas is eligible to vote in Kansas.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use the

even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

DoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and cover

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

sheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Allen Allen County Clerk1 N WashingtonIola, KS 66749-2895Phone: (620) 365-1407

Fax: (620) 365-1441Email: [email protected]

Anderson Anderson County Clerk100 E 4thGarnett, KS 66032-1596Phone: (785) 448-6841

Fax: (785) 448-5621Email: [email protected]

Atchison Atchison County Clerk423 N 5thAtchison, KS 66002Phone: (913) 367-1653

Fax: (913) 367-0227Email: [email protected]

Barber Barber County Clerk120 E WashingtonMedicine Lodge, KS 67104-1499Phone: (620) 886-3961

Fax: (620) 886-5425Email: [email protected]

Barton Barton County Clerk1400 Main St, Rm 202Great Bend, KS 67530-1089Phone: (620) 793-1835

Fax: (620) 793-1990Email: [email protected]

Bourbon Bourbon County Clerk210 S NationalFort Scott, KS 66701-1328Phone: (620) 223-3800

Fax: (620) 223-5832Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Clerk601 Oregon StHiawatha, KS 66434-2283Phone: (785) 742-2581

Fax: (785) 742-7705Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler County Clerk205 W CentralEl Dorado, KS 67042-2193Phone: (316) 322-4233

Fax: (316) 321-1011Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Chase Chase County ClerkP.O. Box 529Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845-0547Phone: (620) 273-6423

Fax: (620) 273-6617Email: [email protected]

Chautauqua Chautauqua County Clerk215 N ChautauquaSedan, KS 67361-1395Phone: (620) 725-5800

Fax: (620) 725-5801Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County ClerkP.O. Box 14Columbus, KS 66725-0014Phone: (620) 429-2042

Fax: (620) 429-1042Email: [email protected]

Cheyenne Cheyenne County ClerkP.O. Box 985Saint Francis, KS 67756-0985Phone: (785) 332-8800

Fax: (785) 332-8825Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County ClerkP.O. Box 886Ashland, KS 67831-0886Phone: (620) 635-2813

Fax: (620) 635-2051Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Clerk712 5th St, Ste 102Clay Center, KS 67432-0098Phone: (785) 632-2552

Fax: (785) 632-5856Email: [email protected]

Cloud Cloud County Clerk811 WashingtonConcordia, KS 66901-3415Phone: (785) 243-8110

Fax: (785) 243-8123Email: [email protected]

Coffey Coffey County Clerk110 S 6th, Rm 202Burlington, KS 66839-1796Phone: (620) 364-2191

Fax: (620) 364-8975Email: [email protected]

Comanche Comanche County Clerk201 S New York, Box 776Coldwater, KS 67029-0397Phone: (620) 582-2361

Fax: (620) 582-2426Email: [email protected]

Cowley Cowley County Clerk321 E 10th AveWinfield, KS 67156-2864Phone: (620) 221-5495

Fax: (620) 221-5498Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County ClerkP.O. Box 249Girard, KS 66743-0249Phone: (620) 724-6115

Fax: (620) 724-6007Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Decatur Decatur County ClerkP.O. Box 28Oberlin, KS 67749-0028Phone: (785) 475-8102

Fax: (785) 475-8150Email: [email protected]

Dickinson Dickinson County ClerkP.O. Box 248Abilene, KS 67410-0248Phone: (785) 263-3774

Fax: (785) 263-2045Email: [email protected]

Doniphan Doniphan County ClerkP.O. Box 278Troy, KS 66087-0278Phone: (785) 985-3513

Fax: (785) 985-3723Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County Clerk1100 Massachusetts StLawrence, KS 66044-3096Phone: (785) 832-5281

Fax: (785) 832-5192Email: [email protected]

Edwards Edwards County Clerk312 MassachusettsKinsley, KS 67547-1099Phone: (620) 659-3000

Fax: (620) 659-2583Email: [email protected]

Elk Elk County ClerkP.O. Box 606Howard, KS 67349-0606Phone: (620) 374-2490

Fax: (620) 374-2771Email: [email protected]

Ellis Ellis County ClerkP.O. Box 720Hays, KS 67601-3899Phone: (785) 628-9410

Fax: (785) 628-9413Email: [email protected]

Ellsworth Ellsworth County Clerk210 N KansasEllsworth, KS 67439-3118Phone: (785) 472-4161

Fax: (785) 472-3818Email: [email protected]

Finney Finney County Clerk311 N 9th StGarden City, KS 67846-0450Phone: (620) 272-3575

Fax: (620) 272-3890Email: [email protected]

Ford Ford County Clerk100 GunsmokeDodge City, KS 67801-1575Phone: (620) 227-4550

Fax: (620) 227-4699Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Clerk315 S MainOttawa, KS 66067-2331Phone: (785) 229-3410

Fax: (785) 229-3419Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Geary Geary County Clerk200 E 8th StJunction City, KS 66441-2589Phone: (785) 238-3912

Fax: (785) 238-5419Email: [email protected]

Gove Gove County ClerkP.O. Box 128Gove, KS 67736-0128Phone: (785) 938-2300

Fax: (785) 938-4486Email: [email protected]

Graham Graham County Clerk410 N PomeroyHill City, KS 67642-1697Phone: (785) 421-3453

Fax: (785) 421-6374Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Clerk108 S GlennUlysses, KS 67880-2599Phone: (620) 356-1335

Fax: (620) 356-3081Email: [email protected]

Gray Gray County ClerkP.O. Box 487Cimarron, KS 67835-0487Phone: (620) 855-3618

Fax: (620) 855-3107Email: [email protected]

Greeley Greeley County ClerkP.O. Box 277Tribune, KS 67879-0277Phone: (620) 376-4256

Fax: (620) 376-2294Email: [email protected]

Greenwood Greenwood County Clerk311 N MainEureka, KS 67045-0268Phone: (620) 583-8121

Fax: (620) 583-8124Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County ClerkP.O. Box 1167Syracuse, KS 67878-8025Phone: (620) 384-5629

Fax: (620) 384-5853Email: [email protected]

Harper Harper County Clerk201 N JenningsAnthony, KS 67003-2748Phone: (620) 842-5555

Fax: (620) 842-3455Email: [email protected]

Harvey Harvey County ClerkP.O. Box 687Newton, KS 67114-0687Phone: (316) 284-6842

Fax: (316) 284-6856Email: [email protected]

Haskell Haskell County ClerkP.O. Box 518Sublette, KS 67877-0518Phone: (620) 675-2263

Fax: (620) 675-2681Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Hodgeman Hodgeman County Clerk500 MainJetmore, KS 67854-0247Phone: (620) 357-6421

Fax: (620) 357-6313Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Clerk400 New YorkHolton, KS 66436-1787Phone: (785) 364-2891

Fax: (785) 364-4204Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County ClerkP.O. Box 321Oskaloosa, KS 66066-0321Phone: (785) 863-2272

Fax: (785) 863-3135Email: [email protected]

Jewell Jewell County Clerk307 N CommercialMankato, KS 66956-2095Phone: (785) 378-4020

Fax: (785) 378-3037Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Election Commissioner2101 E Kansas City RdOlathe, KS 66061-6002Phone: (913) 782-3441

Fax: (913) 791-1753Email: [email protected]

Kearny Kearny County ClerkP.O. Box 86Lakin, KS 67860-0086Phone: (620) 355-6422

Fax: (620) 355-7382Email: [email protected]

Kingman Kingman County Clerk130 N SpruceKingman, KS 67068-1697Phone: (620) 532-2521

Fax: (620) 532-2037Email: [email protected]

Kiowa Kiowa County Clerk211 E Florida AveGreensburg, KS 67054-2294Phone: (620) 723-3366

Fax: (620) 723-3234Email: [email protected]

Labette Labette County ClerkP.O. Box 387Oswego, KS 67356-0387Phone: (620) 795-2138

Fax: (620) 795-2928Email: [email protected]

Lane Lane County ClerkP.O. Box 788Dighton, KS 67839-0788Phone: (620) 397-5356

Fax: (620) 397-5419Email: [email protected]

Leavenworth Leavenworth County Clerk300 WalnutLeavenworth, KS 66048-2748Phone: (913) 684-0422

Fax: (913) 680-1489Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk216 E Lincoln AveLincoln, KS 67455-2098Phone: (785) 524-4757

Fax: (785) 524-5008Email: [email protected]

Linn Linn County ClerkP.O. Box 350Mound City, KS 66056-0350Phone: (913) 795-2668

Fax: (913) 795-2889Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County Clerk710 W 2ndOakley, KS 67748-1233Phone: (785) 671-4244

Fax: (785) 671-3341Email: [email protected]

Lyon Lyon County Clerk430 CommercialEmporia, KS 66801-7212Phone: (620) 341-3245

Fax: (620) 341-3415Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Clerk200 S Third, Ste 104Marion, KS 66861-0219Phone: (620) 382-2185

Fax: (620) 382-8815Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Clerk1201 BroadwayMarysville, KS 66508-1844Phone: (785) 562-5361

Fax: (785) 562-5262Email: [email protected]

McPherson McPherson County Clerk117 N. MapleMcPherson, KS 67460-0676Phone: (620) 241-3656

Fax: (620) 241-1168Email: [email protected]

Meade Meade County ClerkP.O. Box 278Meade, KS 67864-0278Phone: (620) 873-8700

Fax: (620) 873-8713Email: [email protected]

Miami Miami County Clerk201 S. Pearl, Ste 102Paola, KS 66071-1795Phone: (913) 294-3976

Fax: (913) 294-9544Email: [email protected]

Mitchell Mitchell County ClerkP.O. Box 190Beloit, KS 67420-0190Phone: (785) 738-3652

Fax: (785) 738-5524Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County ClerkP.O. Box 446Independence, KS 67301-0446Phone: (620) 330-1200

Fax: (620) 330-1202Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Morris Morris County Clerk501 W MainCouncil Grove, KS 66846-1791Phone: (620) 767-5518

Fax: (620) 767-6861Email: [email protected]

Morton Morton County ClerkP.O. Box 1116Elkhart, KS 67950-1116Phone: (620) 697-2157

Fax: (620) 697-2159Email: [email protected]

Nemaha Nemaha County ClerkP.O. Box 186Seneca, KS 66538-1795Phone: (785) 336-2170

Fax: (785) 336-3373Email: [email protected]

Neosho Neosho County ClerkP.O. Box 138Erie, KS 66733-0138Phone: (620) 244-3811

Fax: (620) 244-3810Email: [email protected]

Ness Ness County Clerk202 W SycamoreNess City, KS 67560-1558Phone: (785) 798-2401

Fax: (785) 798-3180Email: [email protected]

Norton Norton County ClerkP.O. Box 70Norton, KS 67654-0070Phone: (785) 877-5710

Fax: (785) 877-5794Email: [email protected]

Osage Osage County ClerkP.O. Box 226Lyndon, KS 66451-0226Phone: (785) 828-4812

Fax: (785) 828-4749Email: [email protected]

Osborne Osborne County ClerkP.O. Box 160Osborne, KS 67473-2302Phone: (785) 346-2431

Fax: (785) 346-5252Email: [email protected]

Ottawa Ottawa County Clerk307 N Concord Ste 130Minneapolis, KS 67467-2140Phone: (785) 392-2279

Fax: (785) 392-2011Email: [email protected]

Pawnee Pawnee County Clerk715 BroadwayLarned, KS 67550-3098Phone: (620) 285-3721

Fax: (620) 285-2559Email: [email protected]

Phillips Phillips County Clerk301 State StPhillipsburg, KS 67661-1929Phone: (785) 543-6825

Fax: (785) 543-6827Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pottawatomie Pottawatomie County ClerkP.O. Box 187Westmoreland, KS 66549-9998Phone: (785) 457-3314

Fax: (785) 457-3507Email: [email protected]

Pratt Pratt County ClerkP.O. Box 885Pratt, KS 67124-0885Phone: (620) 672-4110

Fax: (620) 672-9541Email: [email protected]

Rawlins Rawlins County Clerk607 MainAtwood, KS 67730-1896Phone: (785) 626-3351

Fax: (785) 626-9019Email: [email protected]

Reno Reno County Clerk206 W 1stHutchinson, KS 67501-5245Phone: (620) 694-2732

Fax: (620) 694-2534Email: [email protected]

Republic Republic County Clerk1815 M StBelleville, KS 66935-0429Phone: (785) 527-7231

Fax: (785) 527-2668Email: [email protected]

Rice Rice County Clerk101 W CommercialLyons, KS 67554-2799Phone: (620) 257-2232

Fax: (620) 257-3039Email: [email protected]

Riley Riley County Clerk110 Courthouse PlazaManhattan, KS 66502-0109Phone: (785) 537-6300

Fax: (785) 537-6394Email: [email protected]

Rooks Rooks County Clerk115 N WalnutStockton, KS 67669-1666Phone: (785) 425-6391

Fax: (785) 425-6015Email: [email protected]

Rush Rush County ClerkP.O. Box 220LaCrosse, KS 67548-0220Phone: (785) 222-2731

Fax: (785) 222-3559Email: [email protected]

Russell Russell County ClerkP.O. Box 113Russell, KS 67665-0113Phone: (785) 483-4641

Fax: (785) 483-5725Email: [email protected]

Saline Saline County Clerk300 W Ash, StE #215Salina, KS 67401-2396Phone: (785) 309-5820

Fax: (785) 309-5826Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Scott Scott County Clerk303 CourtScott City, KS 67871-1197Phone: (620) 872-2420

Fax: (620) 872-7145Email: [email protected]

Sedgwick Sedgwick County Election Commissioner510 N MainWichita, KS 67203-3798Phone: (316) 660-7100

Fax: (316) 660-7125Email: [email protected]

Seward Seward County Clerk515 N Washington, Ste 100Liberal, KS 67901-3473Phone: (620) 626-3355

Fax: (620) 626-3211Email: [email protected]

Shawnee Shawnee County Election Commissioner3420 SW Van BurenTopeka, KS 66611-2378Phone: (785) 251-5900

Fax: (785) 266-0299Email: [email protected]

Sheridan Sheridan County ClerkP.O. Box 899Hoxie, KS 67740-0899Phone: (785) 675-3361

Fax: (785) 675-3487Email: [email protected]

Sherman Sherman County Clerk813 Broadway, Rm 102Goodland, KS 67735-0011Phone: (785) 890-4802

Fax: (785) 890-4809Email: [email protected]

Smith Smith County Clerk218 S GrantSmith Center, KS 66967-2798Phone: (785) 282-5110

Fax: (785) 282-5114Email: [email protected]

Stafford Stafford County Clerk209 N BroadwaySaint John, KS 67576-2042Phone: (620) 549-3509

Fax: (620) 549-3481Email: [email protected]

Stanton Stanton County ClerkP.O. Box 190Johnson, KS 67855-0190Phone: (620) 492-2140

Fax: (620) 492-2688Email: [email protected]

Stevens Stevens County Clerk200 E 6thHugoton, KS 67951-2606Phone: (620) 544-2541

Fax: (620) 544-4094Email: [email protected]

Sumner Sumner County Clerk501 N WashingtonWellington, KS 67152-4070Phone: (620) 326-3395

Fax: (620) 326-2116Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Thomas Thomas County Clerk300 N CourtColby, KS 67701-2421Phone: (785) 460-4500

Fax: (785) 460-4503Email: [email protected]

Trego Trego County Clerk216 MainWaKeeney, KS 67672-2187Phone: (785) 743-5773

Fax: (785) 743-5594Email: [email protected]

Wabaunsee Wabaunsee County ClerkP.O. Box 278Alma, KS 66401-9797Phone: (785) 765-2421

Fax: (785) 765-3704Email: [email protected]

Wallace Wallace County ClerkP.O. Box 70Sharon Springs, KS 67758-0070Phone: (785) 852-4282

Fax: (785) 852-4783Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Clerk214 C StWashington, KS 66968-1985Phone: (785) 325-2974

Fax: (785) 325-2303Email: [email protected]

Wichita Wichita County ClerkP.O. Drawer 968Leoti, KS 67861-0279Phone: (620) 375-2731

Fax: (620) 375-4350Email: [email protected]

Wilson Wilson County Clerk615 MadisonFredonia, KS 66736-1382Phone: (620) 378-2186

Fax: (620) 378-3841Email: [email protected]

Woodson Woodson County Clerk105 W Rutledge, Rm 103Yates Center, KS 66783-1497Phone: (620) 625-8605

Fax: (620) 625-8670Email: [email protected]

Wyandotte Wyandotte County Election Office850 State AveKansas City, KS 66101-2502Phone: (913) 573-8500

Fax: (913) 573-8580Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryMay 17, 2016

Presidential Primary - DemMay 17, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byApril 18, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyApril 18, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byApril 18, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyApril 18, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 11, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyOctober 11, 2016


Received byMay 10, 2016

Received byMay 10, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Received by6 PM, May 17, 2016

Received by6 PM, May 17, 2016

Received by6 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Kentucky is eligible to vote inKentucky.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines"chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adair Adair County Clerk424 Public Sq, Ste 3Columbia, KY 42728-1493Phone: (270) 384-2801

Fax: (270) 384-4805Email: [email protected]

Allen Allen County Clerk201 W Main St, Rm 6Scottsville, KY 42164Phone: (270) 237-3706

Fax: (270) 237-9206Email: [email protected]

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Anderson Anderson County Clerk100 S Main StLawrenceburg, KY 40342-1192Phone: (502) 839-3041 x111

Fax: (502) 839-3043Email: [email protected]

Ballard Ballard County ClerkP.O. Box 145Wickliffe, KY 42087-0145Phone: (270) 335-5168

Fax: (270) 335-3081Email: [email protected]

Barren Barren County Clerk117 N Public Sq, Ste 1AGlasgow, KY 42141Phone: (270) 651-5200

Fax: (270) 651-1083Email: [email protected]

Bath Bath County ClerkP.O. Box 609Owingsville, KY 40360-0609Phone: (606) 674-2613

Fax: (606) 674-9526Email: [email protected]

Bell Bell County ClerkP.O. Box 157Pineville, KY 40977-0157Phone: (606) 337-6143

Fax: (606) 337-5415Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone County ClerkP.O. Box 874Burlington, KY 41005-0874Phone: (859) 334-2108 x8

Fax: (859) 334-3144Email: [email protected]

Bourbon Bourbon County ClerkP.O. Box 312Paris, KY 40361-0312Phone: (859) 987-2142

Fax: (859) 987-5660Email: [email protected]

Boyd Boyd County ClerkP.O. Box 523Catlettsburg, KY 41129-0523Phone: (606) 739-5116 x3

Fax: (606) 739-0430Email: [email protected]

Boyle Boyle County Clerk321 W Main St, Ste 123Danville, KY 40422-1848Phone: (859) 238-1110

Fax: (859) 238-1114Email: [email protected]

Bracken Bracken County ClerkP.O. Box 147Brooksville, KY 41004-0147Phone: (606) 735-2952

Fax: (606) 735-2687Email: [email protected]

Breathitt Breathitt County Clerk1137 Main StJackson, KY 41339-1194Phone: (606) 666-3800 x707

Fax: (606) 666-3817Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Breckinridge Breckinridge County ClerkP.O. Box 538Hardinsburg, KY 40143-0538Phone: (270) 756-2246

Fax: (270) 756-1569Email: [email protected]

Bullitt Bullitt County ClerkP.O. Box 6Shepherdsville, KY 40165-0006Phone: (502) 543-2513 x201

Fax: (502) 543-9121Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler County ClerkP.O. Box 449Morgantown, KY 42261Phone: (270) 526-5676

Fax: (270) 526-2658Email: [email protected]

Caldwell Caldwell County Clerk100 E Market St, Rm 23Princeton, KY 42445-1696Phone: (270) 365-6754

Fax: (270) 365-7447Email: [email protected]

Calloway Calloway County Clerk101 S 5th St, Ste 5Murray, KY 42071-2569Phone: (270) 753-3923

Fax: (270) 759-9611Email: [email protected]

Campbell Campbell County Clerk1098 Monmouth St, Rm 205Newport, KY 41071Phone: (859) 292-3850 x3400

Fax: (859) 547-3444Email: [email protected]

Carlisle Carlisle County ClerkP.O. Box 176Bardwell, KY 42023-0176Phone: (270) 628-3233

Fax: (270) 628-0191Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Clerk440 Main StCarrollton, KY 41008-1064Phone: (502) 732-7005

Fax: (502) 732-7007Email: [email protected]

Carter Carter County Clerk300 W Main St, Rm 232Grayson, KY 41143-1298Phone: (606) 474-5188 x115

Fax: (606) 474-2719Email: [email protected]

Casey Casey County ClerkP.O. Box 310Liberty, KY 42539-0310Phone: (606) 787-6471

Fax: (606) 787-9155Email: [email protected]

Christian Christian County Clerk511 S Main St, Ste 11Hopkinsville, KY 42240-2300Phone: (270) 887-4107

Fax: (270) 887-4186Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Clark Clark County ClerkP.O. Box 4060Winchester, KY 40392-4060Phone: (859) 745-0280 x3

Fax: (859) 745-4251Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Clerk102 Richmond Road, Ste 101Manchester, KY 40962-1392Phone: (606) 598-2544

Fax: (606) 599-0603Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County Clerk100 S. Cross St, Ste 103Albany, KY 42602Phone: (606) 387-5943

Fax: (606) 387-5258Email: [email protected]

Crittenden Crittenden County Clerk107 S. Main St, Ste 203Marion, KY 42064-1563Phone: (270) 965-3403

Fax: (270) 965-3447Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County ClerkP.O. Box 275Burkesville, KY 42717-0275Phone: (270) 864-3726

Fax: (270) 864-5884Email: [email protected]

Daviess Daviess County ClerkP.O. Box 609Owensboro, KY 42302-0609Phone: (270) 685-8434 x3

Fax: (270) 686-7111Email: [email protected]

Edmonson Edmonson County ClerkP.O. Box 830Brownsville, KY 42210Phone: (270) 597-2624

Fax: (270) 597-9714Email: [email protected]

Elliott Elliott County ClerkP.O. Box 225Sandy Hook, KY 41171-0225Phone: (606) 738-5421

Fax: (606) 738-4462Email: [email protected]

Estill Estill County ClerkP.O. Box 59Irvine, KY 40336-0059Phone: (606) 723-5156

Fax: (606) 723-5108Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Clerk162 E Main StLexington, KY 40507Phone: (859) 253-3344

Fax: (859) 255-0561Email: [email protected]

Fleming Fleming County Clerk100 Court SqFlemingsburg, KY 41041Phone: (606) 845-8461

Fax: (606) 845-0212Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Floyd Floyd County ClerkP.O. Box 1089Prestonsburg, KY 41653-5089Phone: (606) 886-3816

Fax: (606) 886-8089Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County ClerkP.O. Box 338Frankfort, KY 40602-0338Phone: (502) 875-8702

Fax: (502) 875-8718Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County ClerkP.O. Box 126Hickman, KY 42050-0126Phone: (270) 236-2727

Fax: (270) 236-2522Email: [email protected]

Gallatin Gallatin County ClerkP.O. Box 1309Warsaw, KY 41095Phone: (859) 567-5411

Fax: (859) 567-5444Email: [email protected]

Garrard Garrard County Clerk15 Public Sq, Ste 5Lancaster, KY 40444-1023Phone: (859) 792-3071

Fax: (859) 792-6751Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Clerk107 N Main StWilliamstown, KY 41097-1107Phone: (859) 824-3321

Fax: (859) 824-3367Email: [email protected]

Graves Graves County Clerk101 E S St, Ste 2Mayfield, KY 42066-2324Phone: (270) 247-1676

Fax: (270) 247-1274Email: [email protected]

Grayson Grayson County Clerk10 Public SqLeitchfield, KY 42754-1199Phone: (270) 259-0638

Fax: (270) 259-9264Email: [email protected]

Green Green County Clerk203 W Court StGreensburg, KY 42743-1552Phone: (270) 932-5386

Fax: (270) 932-6241Email: [email protected]

Greenup Greenup County ClerkP.O. Box 686Greenup, KY 41144-0686Phone: (606) 473-7394 x225

Fax: (606) 473-5354Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock County ClerkP.O. Box 146Hawesville, KY 42348-0146Phone: (270) 927-6117

Fax: (270) 927-8639Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Hardin Hardin County ClerkP.O. Box 1030Elizabethtown, KY 42702-1030Phone: (270) 765-6762

Fax: (270) 765-6193Email: [email protected]

Harlan Harlan County ClerkP.O. Box 670Harlan, KY 40831-0670Phone: (606) 573-3636

Fax: (606) 573-0064Email: [email protected]

Harrison Harrison County Clerk111 S Main StCynthiana, KY 41031-1242Phone: (859) 234-7130

Fax: (859) 234-8049Email: [email protected]

Hart Hart County ClerkP.O. Box 277Munfordville, KY 42765-0277Phone: (270) 524-2751

Fax: (270) 524-0458Email: [email protected]

Henderson Henderson County ClerkP.O. Box 374Henderson, KY 42419-0374Phone: (270) 826-3906

Fax: (270) 826-9677Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County ClerkP.O. Box 615New Castle, KY 40050-0615Phone: (502) 845-5705

Fax: (502) 845-5708Email: [email protected]

Hickman Hickman County Clerk110 E Clay St, Ste EClinton, KY 42031-1296Phone: (270) 653-2131

Fax: (270) 653-2831Email: [email protected]

Hopkins Hopkins County Clerk24 Union StMadisonville, KY 42431Phone: (270) 821-7361

Fax: (270) 821-3270Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County ClerkP.O. Box 339McKee, KY 40447-0339Phone: (606) 287-7800

Fax: (606) 287-4505Email: [email protected]

Jefferson ElectionCenter

Jefferson County Clerk810 Barret Ave, Ste 103Louisville, KY 40204-1782Phone: (502) 574-6074

Fax: (502) 574-5044Email: [email protected]

Jessamine Jessamine County Clerk101 N Main StNicholasville, KY 40356-1270Phone: (859) 885-4161

Fax: (859) 885-5837Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Johnson Johnson County Clerk230 Court St, Ste 124Paintsville, KY 41240-1607Phone: (606) 789-2557

Fax: (606) 789-2559Email: [email protected]

Kenton Kenton County Clerk303 Court St Rm 103 / P.O. Box 1109Covington, KY 41012-1109Phone: (859) 392-1620

Fax: (859) 392-1623Email: [email protected]

Knott Knott County ClerkP.O. Box 446Hindman, KY 41822-0446Phone: (606) 785-5651

Fax: (606) 785-0996Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox County Clerk401 Court Sq, Ste 102Barbourville, KY 40906-1463Phone: (606) 546-3568

Fax: (606) 546-3589Email: [email protected]

Larue Larue County Clerk209 W High St, Ste 3Hodgenville, KY 42748-1543Phone: (270) 358-3544

Fax: (270) 358-4528Email: [email protected]

Laurel Laurel County Clerk101 S Main St, Rm 203London, KY 40741-2308Phone: (606) 864-5158 x4

Fax: (606) 864-7369Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Clerk122 S Main Cross StLouisa, KY 41230-1393Phone: (606) 638-4108

Fax: (606) 638-0638Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County ClerkP.O. Box 556Beattyville, KY 41311-0556Phone: (606) 464-4115

Fax: (606) 464-4102Email: [email protected]

Leslie Leslie County ClerkP.O. Box 916Hyden, KY 41749-0916Phone: (606) 672-2193

Fax: (606) 672-4264Email: [email protected]

Letcher Letcher County Clerk156 Main St, Ste 102Whitesburg, KY 41858-7286Phone: (606) 633-2432

Fax: (606) 632-9282Email: [email protected]

Lewis Lewis County ClerkP.O. Box 129Vanceburg, KY 41179-0129Phone: (606) 796-3062

Fax: (606) 796-6511Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk301 N 3rd StStanford, KY 40484-1298Phone: (606) 365-4570

Fax: (606) 365-4572Email: [email protected]

Livingston Livingston County ClerkP.O. Box 400Smithland, KY 42081-0400Phone: (270) 928-2162 x2

Fax: (270) 928-2211Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County ClerkP.O. Box 358Russellville, KY 42276-0358Phone: (270) 726-(606)1 x2

Fax: (270) 726-4355Email: [email protected]

Lyon Lyon County ClerkP.O. Box 310Eddyville, KY 42038-0310Phone: (270) 388-2331

Fax: (270) 388-0634Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County ClerkP.O. Box 1270Richmond, KY 40475-1415Phone: (859) 624-4703 x2

Fax: (859) 624-4954Email: [email protected]

Magoffin Magoffin County ClerkP.O. Box 1535Salyersville, KY 41465-0530Phone: (606) 349-2216

Fax: (606) 349-2328Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Clerk223 N Spalding Ave, Ste 102Lebanon, KY 40033-1584Phone: (270) 692-2651

Fax: (270) 692-9811Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Clerk1101 Main StBenton, KY 42025-1498Phone: (270) 527-4740

Fax: (270) 527-4738Email: [email protected]

Martin Martin County ClerkP.O. Box 460Inez, KY 41224-0460Phone: (606) 298-2810

Fax: (606) 298-0143Email: [email protected]

Mason Mason County ClerkP.O. Box 234Maysville, KY 41056-0234Phone: (606) 564-3341

Fax: (606) 564-8979Email: [email protected]

McCracken McCracken County ClerkP.O. Box 609Paducah, KY 42002-0609Phone: (270) 444-4700 x4

Fax: (270) 444-4704Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

McCreary McCreary County ClerkP.O. Box 699Whitley City, KY 42653-0699Phone: (606) 376-2411

Fax: (606) 376-3898Email: [email protected]

McLean McLean County ClerkP.O. Box 57Calhoun, KY 42327-0057Phone: (270) 273-3082

Fax: (270) 273-5084Email: [email protected]

Meade Meade County ClerkP.O. Box 614Brandenburg, KY 40108-0614Phone: (270) 422-2152

Fax: (270) 422-2158Email: [email protected]

Menifee Menifee County ClerkP.O. Box 123Frenchburg, KY 40322-0123Phone: (606) 768-3512

Fax: (606) 768-6738Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer County ClerkP.O. Box 426Harrodsburg, KY 40330-0426Phone: (859) 734-6310

Fax: (859) 734-6309Email: [email protected]

Metcalfe Metcalfe County ClerkP.O. Box 25Edmonton, KY 42129-0025Phone: (270) 432-4821

Fax: (270) 432-5176Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Clerk200 N Main St, Ste DTompkinsville, KY 42167-1548Phone: (270) 487-5471

Fax: (270) 487-5976Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County ClerkP.O. Box 1406Mount Sterling, KY 40353-1363Phone: (859) 498-8700

Fax: (859) 498-8729Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County ClerkP.O. Box 26West Liberty, KY 41472-0026Phone: (606) 743-3949

Fax: (606) 743-2111Email: [email protected]

Muhlenberg Muhlenberg County ClerkP.O. 525Greenville, KY 42345-0525Phone: (270) 338-1441 x5

Fax: (270) 338-1774Email: [email protected]

Nelson Nelson County Clerk113 E. Stephen Foster AveBardstown, KY 40004Phone: (502) 348-1803

Fax: (502) 348-1863Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Nicholas Nicholas County ClerkP.O. Box 227Carlisle, KY 40311-0227Phone: (859) 289-3730

Fax: (859) 289-3709Email: [email protected]

Ohio Ohio County Clerk301 S Main St, Ste 201Hartford, KY 42347-1176Phone: (270) 298-4422

Fax: (270) 298-4426Email: [email protected]

Oldham Oldham County Clerk100 W Jefferson StLaGrange, KY 40031-1189Phone: (502) 222-9311

Fax: (502) 222-3208Email: [email protected]

Owen Owen County Clerk135 W Bryan StOwenton, KY 40359Phone: (502) 484-2213

Fax: (502) 484-1002Email: [email protected]

Owsley Owsley County ClerkP.O. Box 500Booneville, KY 41314-0500Phone: (606) 593-5735

Fax: (606) 593-5737Email: [email protected]

Pendleton Pendleton County ClerkP.O. Box 112Falmouth, KY 41040Phone: (859) 654-3380

Fax: (859) 654-5600Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County ClerkP.O. Box 150Hazard, KY 41702-0150Phone: (606) 436-3090

Fax: (606) 439-0557Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County ClerkP.O. Box 631Pikeville, KY 41502-0631Phone: (606) 432-6211

Fax: (606) 432-6222Email: [email protected]

Powell Powell County ClerkP.O. Box 548Stanton, KY 40380-0548Phone: (606) 663-6446

Fax: (606) 663-6406Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski County ClerkP.O. Box 739Somerset, KY 42502Phone: (606) 679-2042

Fax: (606) 678-0073Email: [email protected]

Robertson Robertson County ClerkP.O. Box 75Mount Olivet, KY 41064-0075Phone: (606) 724-5212

Fax: (606) 724-5022Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Rockcastle Rockcastle County Clerk205 E Main St, #6Mount Vernon, KY 40456-2211Phone: (606) 256-2831

Fax: (606) 256-4302Email: [email protected]

Rowan Rowan County Clerk600 W Main St, Rm 102Morehead, KY 40351-1390Phone: (606) 784-5850

Fax: (606) 784-2923Email: [email protected]

Russell Russell County ClerkP.O. Box 579Jamestown, KY 42629-0579Phone: (270) 343-2125

Fax: (270) 343-4700Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Clerk101 E Main StGeorgetown, KY 40324-1794Phone: (502) 863-7875

Fax: (502) 863-4648Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County ClerkP.O. Box 819Shelbyville, KY 40066-0819Phone: (502) 633-4410 x2

Fax: (502) 633-7887Email: [email protected]

Simpson Simpson County ClerkP.O. Box 268Franklin, KY 42135-0268Phone: (270) 586-8161

Fax: (270) 586-6464Email: [email protected]

Spencer Spencer County ClerkP.O. Box 544Taylorsville, KY 40071-0544Phone: (502) 477-3215 x317

Fax: (502) 477-3216Email: [email protected]

Taylor Taylor County Clerk203 N Court St, Ste 5Campbellsville, KY 42718-2298Phone: (270) 465-6677

Fax: (270) 789-1144Email: [email protected]

Todd Todd County ClerkP.O. Box 307Elkton, KY 42220-0307Phone: (270) 265-9966 x1

Fax: (270) 265-2588Email: [email protected]

Trigg Trigg County ClerkP.O. Box 1310Cadiz, KY 42211-1310Phone: (270) 522-6661

Fax: (270) 522-6662Email: [email protected]

Trimble Trimble County ClerkP.O. Box 262Bedford, KY 40006-0262Phone: (502) 255-7174

Fax: (502) 255-7045Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Union Union County ClerkP.O. Box 119Morganfield, KY 42437-0119Phone: (270) 389-1334

Fax: (270) 389-9135Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County ClerkP.O. Box 478Bowling Green, KY 42102Phone: (270) 843-5306

Fax: (270) 843-5315Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County ClerkP.O. Box 446Springfield, KY 40069-0446Phone: (859) 336-5425

Fax: (859) 336-5408Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Clerk55 N Main St Ste 106Monticello, KY 42633Phone: (606) 348-5721

Fax: (606) 348-8303Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster County ClerkP.O. Box 19Dixon, KY 42409-0019Phone: (270) 639-7006

Fax: (270) 639-7029Email: [email protected]

Whitley Whitley County ClerkP.O. Box 8Williamsburg, KY 40769Phone: (606) 549-6003

Fax: (606) 549-2790Email: [email protected]

Wolfe Wolfe County ClerkP.O. Box 400Campton, KY 41301-0400Phone: (606) 668-3515

Fax: (606) 668-3492Email: [email protected]

Woodford Woodford County Clerk103 S Main St, Ste 120Versailles, KY 40383-1298Phone: (859) 873-3421

Fax: (859) 873-6985Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 5, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

General RunoffDecember 10, 2016

Registration Return by Mail: PostmarkedbyFebruary 2, 2016By Fax: Received byFebruary 2, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 11, 2016By Fax: Received byOctober 11, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byNovember 9, 2016By Fax: Received byNovember 9, 2016


Received by4:30 PM, March 4, 2016

Received by4:30 PM, November 7,2016

Received by4:30 PM, December 9,2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, March 5, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Received by8 PM, December 10, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party ballot you want toreceive. Political party affiliation isnot required if requesting anabsentee ballot for other primaryelections or general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).

If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rank



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

your preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail. Contact information can be found in the "Localfax

Election Offices" section. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourballot. canOverseas Uniformed Service membersrequest to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoDapplied to the general election ballot. Additionalinformation about this label can be found in the"Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information is



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or Contactmail fax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

recommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party primary in which you arevoting. Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin other primary elections and allgeneral elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for parish

Parish Mailing Address

Acadia Acadia Parish Registrar of Voters568 NW Ct CirCrowley, LA 70526-4363Phone: (337) 788-8841

Fax: (337) 788-3571Email: [email protected]

Allen Allen Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 150Oberlin, LA 70655-0150Phone: (337) 639-4966

Fax: (337) 639-4691Email: [email protected]

Ascension Ascension Parish Registrar of Voters828 S Irma Blvd, Rm 205Gonzales, LA 70737-3631Phone: (225) 621-5780

Fax: (225) 621-5783Email: [email protected]

Assumption Assumption Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 578Napoleonville, LA 70390-0578Phone: (985) 369-7347

Fax: (985) 369-2976Email: [email protected]

Avoyelles Avoyelles Parish Registrar of Voters312 N Main St, Ste EMarksville, LA 71351-2409Phone: (318) 253-7129

Fax: (318) 253-0359Email: [email protected]

Beauregard Beauregard Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 952DeRidder, LA 70634-0952Phone: (337) 463-7955

Fax: (337) 463-7986Email: [email protected]

Bienville Bienville Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 697Arcadia, LA 71001-0697Phone: (318) 263-7407

Fax: (318) 263-4101Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Parish Mailing Address

Bossier Bossier Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 635Benton, LA 71006-0635Phone: (318) 965-2301

Fax: (318) 965-3760Email: [email protected]

Caddo Caddo Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 1253Shreveport, LA 71163-1253Phone: (318) 226-6891

Fax: (318) 226-6969Email: [email protected]

Calcasieu Calcasieu Parish Registrar of Voters1000 Ryan St, Rm 7 Lake Charles, LA 70601-5250Phone: (337) 721-4000

Fax: (337) 437-3389Email: [email protected]

Caldwell Caldwell Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 1107Columbia, LA 71418-1107Phone: (318) 649-7364

Fax: (318) 649-7320Email: [email protected]

Cameron Cameron Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 1Cameron, LA 70631Phone: (337) 775-5493

Fax: (337) 775-8014Email: [email protected]

Catahoula Catahoula Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 215Harrisonburg, LA 71340-0215Phone: (318) 744-5745

Fax: (318) 744-2010Email: [email protected]

Claiborne Claiborne Parish Registrar of Voters507 W Main St, Ste 1Homer, LA 71040-3914Phone: (318) 927-3332

Fax: (318) 927-3345Email: [email protected]

Concordia Concordia Parish Registrar of Voters4001 Carter St, Ste K Vidalia, LA 71373-3021Phone: (318) 336-7770

Fax: (318) 336-9906Email: [email protected]

De Soto De Soto Parish Registrar of Voters105 Franklin StMansfield, LA 71052-2046Phone: (318) 872-1149

Fax: (318) 872-1153Email: [email protected]

East Baton Rouge E Baton Rouge Parish Registrar of Voters222 St Louis St, Rm 201Baton Rouge, LA 70802-5860Phone: (225) 389-3940

Fax: (225) 389-5340Email: [email protected]

East Carroll E Carroll Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 708Lake Providence, LA 71254-0708Phone: (318) 559-2015

Fax: (318) 559-5110Email: [email protected]

Parish Mailing Address

East Feliciana E Feliciana Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 488Clinton, LA 70722-0488Phone: (225) 683-3105

Fax: (225) 683-9464Email: [email protected]

Evangeline Evangeline Parish Registrar of Voters200 Court St, Ste 102Ville Platte, LA 70586-4463Phone: (337) 363-5538

Fax: (337) 363-5530Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin Parish Registrar of Voters6560 Main StWinnsboro, LA 71295-2750Phone: (318) 435-4489

Fax: (318) 435-4416Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant Parish Registrar of Voters200 Main St, Rm 103Colfax, LA 71417-1828Phone: (318) 627-9938

Fax: (318) 627-9940Email: [email protected]

Iberia Iberia Parish Registrar of Voters300 S Iberia St, Ste 110New Iberia, LA 70560-4543Phone: (337) 369-4407

Fax: (337) 369-4409Email: [email protected]

Iberville Iberville Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 554Plaquemine, LA 70765-0554Phone: (225) 687-5201

Fax: (225) 687-5235Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson Parish Registrar of Voters500 E Court St, Rm 102Jonesboro, LA 71251-3400Phone: (318) 259-2486

Fax: (318) 259-5671Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 10494Jefferson, LA 70181-0494Phone: (504) 736-6191

Fax: (504) 736-6197Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Davis Jefferson Davis Parish Registrar of Voters302 N Cutting AveJennings, LA 70546-5361Phone: (337) 824-0834

Fax: (337) 824-9187Email: [email protected]

La Salle Lasalle Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 2439Jena, LA 71342-2439Phone: (318) 992-2254

Fax: (318) 992-7309Email: [email protected]

Lafayette Lafayette Parish Registrar of Voters1010 Lafayette St, Ste 313Lafayette, LA 70501-6885Phone: (337) 291-7140

Fax: (337) 291-7143Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Parish Mailing Address

Lafourche Lafourche Parish Registrar of Voters307 W 4th St Thibodaux, LA 70301-3105Phone: (985) 447-3256

Fax: (985) 447-3277Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln Parish Registrar of Voters100 W Texas Ave, #10Ruston, LA 71270-4463Phone: (318) 251-5110

Fax: (318) 251-5126Email: [email protected]

Livingston Livingston Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 968Livingston, LA 70754-0968Phone: (225) 686-3054

Fax: (225) 686-3055Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison Parish Registrar of Voters100 N Cedar St, Rm 5Tallulah, LA 71282-3892Phone: (318) 574-2193

Fax: (318) 574-2193Email: [email protected]

Morehouse Morehouse Parish Registrar of Voters129 N Franklin St, Ste 1Bastrop, LA 71220-3815Phone: (318) 281-1434

Fax: (318) 281-0929Email: [email protected]

Natchitoches Natchitoches Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 677Natchitoches, LA 71458-0677Phone: (318) 357-2211

Fax: (318) 357-2212Email: [email protected]

Orleans Orleans Parish Registrar of Voters1300 Perdido St, Rm 1W23New Orleans, LA 70112-2127Phone: (504) 658-8300

Fax: (504) 658-8315Email: [email protected]

Ouachita Ouachita Parish Registrar of Voters1650 Desiard St, Ste B12F Monroe, LA 71201-7722Phone: (318) 327-1436

Fax: (318) 327-1337Email: [email protected]

Plaquemines Plaquemines Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 989Port Sulphur, LA 70083-0989Phone: (504) 934-3620

Fax: (504) 934-3625Email: [email protected]

Pointe Coupee Pointe Coupee Parish Registrar of Voters211 E Main St New Roads, LA 70760-3661Phone: (225) 638-5537

Fax: (225) 638-5545Email: [email protected]

Rapides Rapides Parish Registrar of Voters701 Murray St, Rm 123Alexandria, LA 71301-8060Phone: (318) 473-6770

Fax: (318) 473-6601Email: [email protected]

Parish Mailing Address

Red River Red River Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 432Coushatta, LA 71019-0432Phone: (318) 932-5027

Fax: (318) 932-5086Email: [email protected]

Richland Richland Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 368Rayville, LA 71269-0368Phone: (318) 728-3582

Fax: (318) 728-7028Email: [email protected]

Sabine Sabine Parish Registrar of Voters400 Capitol St, #107Many, LA 71449-3099Phone: (318) 256-3697

Fax: (318) 256-5944Email: [email protected]

St Bernard St Bernard Parish Registrar of Voters8201 W Judge Perez Dr, Rm 104Chalmette, LA 70043-1696Phone: (504) 278-4231

Fax: (504) 277-0470Email: [email protected]

St Charles St Charles Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 315Hahnville, LA 70057-0315Phone: (985) 783-5120

Fax: (985) 783-5121Email: [email protected]

St Helena St Helena Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 543Greensburg, LA 70441-0543Phone: (225) 222-4440

Fax: (225) 222-3040Email: [email protected]

St James St James Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 179Convent, LA 70723-0179Phone: (225) 562-2330

Fax: (225) 562-2331Email: [email protected]

St John theBaptist

St John the Baptist Registrar of Voters1801 W Airline HwyLaPlace, LA 70068-3344Phone: (985) 652-9797

Fax: (985) 359-0335Email: [email protected]

St Landry St Landry Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 818Opelousas, LA 70571-0818Phone: (337) 948-0572

Fax: (337) 948-0575Email: [email protected]

St Martin St Martin Parish Registrar of Voters415 Saint Martin StSt Martinville, LA 70582-4549Phone: (337) 394-2204

Fax: (337) 394-2204Email: [email protected]

St Mary St Mary Parish Registrar of Voters500 Main St, Courthouse, Rm 301Franklin, LA 70538-6144Phone: (337) 828-4100 x360

Fax: (337) 829-9901Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Parish Mailing Address

St Tammany St Tammany Parish Registrar of Voters701 N Columbia StCovington, LA 70433Phone: (985) 809-5500

Fax: (985) 809-5508Email: [email protected]

Tangipahoa Tangipahoa Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 895Amite, LA 70422-0895Phone: (985) 748-3215

Fax: (985) 748-3839Email: [email protected]

Tensas Tensas Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 183St Joseph, LA 71366-0183Phone: (318) 766-3931

Fax: (318) 766-3933Email: [email protected]

Terrebonne Terrebonne Parish Registrar of Voters8026 Main St, Ste 101Houma, LA 70360-3407Phone: (985) 873-6533

Fax: (985) 873-6834Email: [email protected]

Union Union Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 235Farmerville, LA 71241-0235Phone: (318) 368-8660

Fax: (318) 368-8660Email: [email protected]

Vermilion Vermilion Parish Registrar of Voters100 N State St, Ste 120Abbeville, LA 70510-5170Phone: (337) 898-4324

Fax: (337) 898-4326Email: [email protected]

Vernon Vernon Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 626Leesville, LA 71496-0626Phone: (337) 239-3690

Fax: (337) 238-0634Email: [email protected]

West BatonRouge

W Baton Rouge Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 31Port Allen, LA 70767-0031Phone: (225) 336-2421

Fax: (225) 387-3222Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington Parish Registrar of Voters900 Washington St, Ste 3Franklinton, LA 70438-1719Phone: (985) 839-7850

Fax: (985) 839-7851Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 674Minden, LA 71058-0674Phone: (318) 377-9272

Fax: (318) 377-9917Email: [email protected]

West Carroll W Carroll Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 71Oak Grove, LA 71263-0071Phone: (318) 428-2381

Fax: (318) 428-9253Email: [email protected]

Parish Mailing Address

West Feliciana W Feliciana Parish Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 2490St Francisville, LA 70775-2490Phone: (225) 635-6161

Fax: (225) 635-6161Email: [email protected]

Winn Winn Parish Registrar of Voters119 W Main St, Rm 105Winnfield, LA 71483-3238Phone: (318) 628-6133

Fax: (318) 628-6142Email: [email protected]



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Page 181: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 14, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byJune 14, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJune 14, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, June 14, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Maine is eligible to vote in Maine.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register, it be received bymustthe registration deadline listed in the "FederalElection Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal and State offices as well as ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannot



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

use a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Bureau of Corporations, Elections, and CommissionsDivision of ElectionsAugusta, ME 04333-0101Phone: (207) 624-7650

Fax: (207) 287-5428Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 26, 2016

State PrimaryApril 26, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Postmarked byApril 5, 2016

Postmarked byApril 5, 2016

Postmarked byOctober 18, 2016


Request Mail Ballot:Received byApril 19, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byApril 22, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byApril 19, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byApril 22, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byNovember 1, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byNovember 4, 2016


Postmarked by*8 PM, April 26, 2016

Postmarked by*8 PM, April 26, 2016

Postmarked by*8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot return: Ballots must be received by the 10th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide this

information in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to , you register to vote the form. If you are already registered andmust mail

are using the FPCA to an absentee ballot,requestyou can mail, email or fax your signed form to yourelection official. Contact information can be found inthe "Local Election Offices" section or online

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesprovided in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.For special federal elections, visit forspecific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

U.S. citizens residing outside the United Stateswhose return is not certain can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the security

If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

envelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Maryland State Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 6486Annapolis, MD 21401-0486Phone: (410) 269-2840

Fax: (410) 974-2019Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimarySeptember 8, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Not Required Not Required Not Required


Received by12 PM, February 29,2016

Received by12 PM, September 7,2016

Received by12 PM, November 7, 2016


Received by8 PM, March 1, 2016

Received by8 PM, September 8,2016

Return by Mail: Postmarked by*November 8, 2016Return by Email/Online or Fax:Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by 5:00 PM on the 10th day after the general election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

YesI am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Massachusetts is eligible to vote inMassachusetts.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be postmarked and returned accordingto the deadlines provided in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal and State offices as well as ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe the



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and cover

location of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

sheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Attleboro, City of Attleboro Election Commission77 Park StAttleboro, MA 02703-2334Phone: (508) 223-2222

Fax: (508) 222-3046Email: [email protected]

Beverly, City of Beverly City Clerk191 Cabot StBeverly, MA 01915-5849Phone: (978) 921-6037

Fax: (978) 921-8511Email: [email protected]

Boston, City of Boston Election CommissionerOne City Hall SqBoston, MA 02201-4309Phone: (617) 635-3767

Fax: (617) 635-4483Email: [email protected]

Brockton, City of Brockton Election Commission45 School StBrockton, MA 02301-4049Phone: (508) 580-7117

Fax: (508) 583-6424Email: [email protected]

Cambridge, Cityof

Cambridge Election Commissioner51 Inman St, 1st FlCambridge, MA 02139-1732Phone: (617) 349-4361

Fax: (617) 349-4366Email: [email protected]

Everett, City of Everett Board of Registrars484 Broadway, Rm 10Everett, MA 02149-2332Phone: (617) 394-2297

Fax: (617) 389-0764Email: [email protected]

Fall River, City of Fall River Election CommissionerOne Government CtrFall River, MA 02722-2761Phone: (508) 324-2630

Fax: (508) 324-2633Email: [email protected]

Fitchburg, City of Fitchburg City Clerk718 Main StFitchberg, MA 01420-3155Phone: (978) 829-1820

Fax: (978) 345-9595Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Gardner, City of Gardner City Clerk95 Pleasant St; Rm 121Gardner, MA 01440-2630Phone: (978) 630-4058

Fax: (978) 630-2589Email: [email protected]

Georgetown, Cityof

Georgetown Town ClerkOne Library StGeorgetown, MA 01833-2058Phone: (978) 352-5711

Fax: (978) 352-5725Email: [email protected]

Gloucester, Cityof

Gloucester City Clerk9 Dale AveGloucester, MA 01930-3009Phone: (978) 281-9720

Fax: (978) 282-3051Email: [email protected]

Holyoke, City of Holyoke City Clerk536 Dwight StHolyoke, MA 01040-5019Phone: (413) 322-5520

Fax: (413) 322-5521Email: [email protected]

Lawrence, City of Lawrence City Clerk200 Common St, 1st Fl, Rm 107Lawrence, MA 01840-1612Phone: (978) 620-3290

Fax: (978) 722-9190Email: [email protected]

Lowell, City of Lowell Election Commissioner375 Merrimack St, Rm 5Lowell, MA 01852-1950Phone: (978) 674-1197

Fax: (978) 970-4089Email: [email protected]

Lynn, City of Lynn City Clerk3 City Hall Sq, Rm 201Lynn, MA 01901-1019Phone: (781) 598-4000

Fax: (781) 477-7032Email: [email protected]

Malden, City of Malden City Clerk200 Pleasant StMalden, MA 02148-4802Phone: (781) 397-7116

Fax: (781) 388-0610Email: [email protected]

Marlborough,City of

Marlborough City Clerk140 Main StMarlborough, MA 01752-3812Phone: (508) 460-3775

Fax: (508) 460-3723Email: [email protected]

Melrose, City of Melrose City Clerk562 Main StMelrose, MA 02176-3142Phone: (781) 979-4125

Fax: (781) 979-4149Email: [email protected]

New Bedford,City of

New Bedford Election Commissioner133 William St, Rm 114New Bedford, MA 02740-6132Phone: (508) 979-1420

Fax: (508) 979-1422Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Newburyport,City of

Newburyport City Clerk60 Pleasant StNewburyport, MA 01950-2627Phone: (978) 465-4407

Fax: (978) 462-7936Email: [email protected]

Newton, City of Newton Election Commissioner1000 Commonwealth AveNewton, MA 02459-1449Phone: (617) 796-1200

Fax: (617) 796-1214Email: [email protected]

Pittsfield, City of Pittsfield Board of Registrars70 Allen StPittsfield, MA 01201-1917Phone: (413) 499-9460

Fax: (413) 499-9463Email: [email protected]

Revere, City of Revere Election Commission281 BRdwayRevere, MA 02151Phone: (781) 286-8200 x1

Fax: (781) 286-8206Email: [email protected]

Somerville, Cityof

Somerville Election Commissioner93 Highland AveSomerville, MA 02143-1702Phone: (617) 625-6600

Fax: (617) 625-5643Email: [email protected]

Springfield, Cityof

Springfield Election Commissioner36 Court StSpringfield, MA 01103-1699Phone: (413) 787-6190

Fax: (413) 787-6186Email: [email protected]

Westfield, City of Westfield City Clerk59 Court StWestfield, MA 01085-3520Phone: (413) 572-6235

Fax: (413) 564-3114Email: [email protected]

Woburn, City of Woburn City Clerk10 Common StWoburn, MA 01801-6702Phone: (781) 897-5850

Fax: (781) 897-5859Email: [email protected]

Worcester, City of Worcester Election Commisioner455 Main St, Rm 208Worcester, MA 01608-1801Phone: (508) 799-1134

Fax: (508) 799-1137Email: [email protected]

Local election offices for town

Town Mailing Address

Abington, Townof

Abington Town Clerk500 Gliniewicz WayAbington, MA 02351-2058Phone: (781) 982-2112

Fax: (781) 982-2138Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Acton, Town of Acton Town Clerk472 Main StActon, MA 01720-3939Phone: (978) 929-6620

Fax: (978) 929-6340Email: [email protected]

Acushnet, Townof

Acushnet Town Clerk122 Main StAcushnet, MA 02743-1548Phone: (508) 998-0215

Fax: (508) 998-0216Email: [email protected]

Adams, Town of Adams Town Clerk8 Park StAdams, MA 01220-2053Phone: (413) 743-8320

Fax: (413) 743-8316Email: [email protected]

Agawam, Townof

Agawam Town Clerk36 Main StAgawam, MA 01001-1801Phone: (413) 786-0400 x8215

Fax: (413) 786-9927Email: [email protected]

Alford, Town of Alford Town Clerk5 Alford Ctr RdAlford, MA 01230-8920Phone: (413) 528-4536

Fax: (413) 528-4581Email: [email protected]

Amesbury, Townof

Amesbury Town Clerk62 Friend StAmesbury, MA 01913-2825Phone: (978) 388-8100

Fax: (978) 388-8150Email: [email protected]

Amherst, Town of Amherst Town Clerk4 Boltwood AveAmherst, MA 01002-2301Phone: (413) 259-3035

Fax: (413) 259-2401Email: [email protected]

Andover, Town of Andover Town Clerk36 Bartlet StAndover, MA 01810-3813Phone: (978) 623-8255

Fax: (978) 623-8260Email: [email protected]

Aquinnah, Townof

Aquinnah Town Clerk65 State RdAquinnah, MA 02535-1345Phone: (508) 645-2304

Fax: (508) 645-7884Email: [email protected]

Arlington, Townof

Arlington Town Clerk730 Massachusetts AveArlington, MA 02476-4906Phone: (781) 316-3070

Fax: (781) 316-3079Email: [email protected]

Ashburnham,Town of

Ashburnham Town Clerk32 Main St.Ashburnham, MA 01430-1241Phone: (978) 827-4102

Fax: (978) 827-4105Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Ashby, Town of Ashby Town Clerk895 Main StAshby, MA 01431-2322Phone: (978) 386-2424

Fax: (978) 386-2490Email: [email protected]

Ashfield, Town of Ashfield Town Clerk412 Main StAshfield, MA 01330Phone: (413) 628-4441

Fax: (413) 628-0228Email: [email protected]

Ashland, Town of Ashland Town Clerk101 Main StAshland, MA 01721Phone: (508) 881-0100

Fax: (508) 231-1503Email: [email protected]

Athol, Town of Athol Town Clerk584 Main St, Ste 10Athol, MA 01331-1824Phone: (978) 249-4551

Fax: (978) 249-2491Email: [email protected]

Auburn, Town of Auburn Town Clerk104 Central StAuburn, MA 01501-2310Phone: (508) 832-7701

Fax: (508) 832-7702Email: [email protected]

Avon, Town of Avon Town Clerk65 East Main StAvon, MA 02322-1435Phone: (508) 588-0414

Fax: (508) 559-0209Email: [email protected]

Ayer, Town of Ayer Town ClerkOne Main StAyer, MA 01432-1325Phone: (978) 772-8215

Fax: (978) 772-8222Email: [email protected]

Barnstable, Townof

Barnstable Town Clerk367 Main StHyannis, MA 02601-3919Phone: (508) 862-4044

Fax: (508) 790-6326Email: [email protected]

Barre, Town of Barre Town Clerk40 West StBarre, MA 01005-9138Phone: (978) 355-5003 x5

Fax: (978) 355-5025Email: [email protected]

Becket, Town of Becket Town Clerk557 Main StBecket, MA 01223-3252Phone: (413) 623-8934

Fax: (413) 623-6036Email: [email protected]

Bedford, Town of Bedford Town Clerk10 Mudge WayBedford, MA 01730-2193Phone: (781) 275-0083

Fax: (781) 275-5757Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Belchertown,Town of

Belchertown Town Clerk2 Jabish StBelchertown, MA 01007-9840Phone: (413) 323-0281

Fax: (413) 323-0107Email: [email protected]

Bellingham,Town of

Bellingham Town Clerk10 Mechanic StBellingham, MA 02019-1676Phone: (508) 657-2830

Fax: (508) 657-2832Email: [email protected]

Belmont, Town of Belmont Town Clerk455 Concord AveBelmont, MA 02478-2514Phone: (617) 993-2600

Fax: (617) 993-2601Email: [email protected]

Berkley, Town of Berkley Town Clerk1 North Main StBerkley, MA 02779-1336Phone: (508) 822-3348

Fax: (508) 822-3511Email: [email protected]

Berlin, Town of Berlin Town Clerk23 Linden StBerlin, MA 01503-1669Phone: (978) 838-2931

Fax: (978) 838-0014Email: [email protected]

Bernardston,Town of

Bernardston Town Clerk38 Church StBernardston, MA 01337Phone: (413) 648-5408

Fax: (413) 648-9318Email: [email protected]

Billerica, Town of Billerica Town Clerk365 Boston Rd.Billerica, MA 01821-1888Phone: (978) 671-0924

Fax: (978) 663-6510Email: [email protected]

Blackstone, Townof

Blackstone Town Clerk15 St. Paul StBlackstone, MA 01504-2276Phone: (508) 883-1500 x146

Fax: (508) 883-4953Email: [email protected]

Blandford, Townof

Blandford Town Clerk1 Russell Stage Rd, # 2Blandford, MA 01008-9800Phone: (413) 848-2782

Fax: (413) 848-0908Email: [email protected]

Bolton, Town of Bolton Town Clerk663 Main StBolton, MA 01740-1307Phone: (978) 779-2771

Fax: (978) 779-5461Email: [email protected]

Bourne, Town of Bourne Town Clerk24 Perry AveBuzzards Bay, MA 02532-3441Phone: (508) 759-0600

Fax: (508) 759-7980Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Boxborough,Town of

Boxborough Town Clerk29 Middle RdBoxborough, MA 01719-1430Phone: (978) 264-1727

Fax: (978) 264-3127Email: [email protected]

Boxford, Town of Boxford Town Clerk7A Spofford Rd.Boxford, MA 01921Phone: (978) 887-6000 x501

Fax: (978) 887-0943Email: [email protected]

Boylston, Town of Boylston Town Clerk221 Main St.Boylston, MA 01505Phone: (508) 869-2234

Fax: (508) 869-6210Email: [email protected]

Braintree, Townof

Braintree Town Clerk1 JFK Memorial DrBraintree, MA 02184-6425Phone: (781) 794-8244

Fax: (781) 794-8259Email: [email protected]

Brewster, Townof

Brewster Town Clerk2198 Main StBrewster, MA 02631-1852Phone: (508) 896-4506

Fax: (508) 896-8089Email: [email protected]

Bridgewater,Town of

Bridgewater Town Clerk64 Central SqBridgewater, MA 02324-2550Phone: (508) 697-0921

Fax: (508) 697-0941Email: [email protected]

Brimfield, Townof

Brimfield Town Clerk21 Main StBrimfield, MA 01010-9744Phone: (413) 245-4100 x7

Fax: (413) 245-4107Email: [email protected]

Brookfield, Townof

Brookfield Town Clerk6 Central StBrookfield, MA 01506-1612Phone: (508) 867-2930 x12

Fax: (508) 867-5091Email: [email protected]

Brookline, Townof

Brookline Town Clerk333 Washington StBrookline, MA 02445-6853Phone: (617) 730-2010

Fax: (617) 730-2043Email: [email protected]

Buckland, Townof

Buckland Town Clerk17 State StBuckland, MA 01338Phone: (413) 625-8572

Fax: (413) 625-8570Email: [email protected]

Burlington, Townof

Burlington Town Clerk29 Center StBurlington, MA 01803-3058Phone: (781) 270-1660

Fax: (781) 238-4692Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Canton, Town of Canton Town Clerk801 Washington StCanton, MA 02021-2500Phone: (781) 821-5013

Fax: (781) 821-5016Email: [email protected]

Carlisle, Town of Carlisle Town Clerk66 Westford StCarlisle, MA 01741-1582Phone: (978) 369-6155

Fax: (978) 371-0594Email: [email protected]

Carver, Town of Carver Town Clerk108 Main StCarver, MA 02330-2025Phone: (508) 866-3403

Fax: (508) 866-3408Email: [email protected]

Charlemont,Town of

Charlemont Town Clerk157 Main StCharlemont, MA 01339-9703Phone: (413) 339-4335 x7

Fax: (413) 339-0320Email: [email protected]

Charlton, Town of Charlton Town Clerk37 Main StCharlton, MA 01507-1382Phone: (508) 248-2249

Fax: (508) 248-2381Email: [email protected]

Chatham, Townof

Chatham Town Clerk549 Main StChatham, MA 02633-2279Phone: (508) 945-5101

Fax: (508) 945-0752Email: [email protected]

Chelmsford,Town of

Chelmsford Town Clerk50 Billerica RdChelmsford, MA 01824-3162Phone: (978) 250-5205

Fax: (978) 250-5208Email: [email protected]

Chelsea, Town of Chelsea City Clerk500 Broadway, Rm 209Chelsea, MA 02150-2996Phone: (617) 466-4050

Fax: (617) 466-4059Email: [email protected]

Cheshire, Townof

Cheshire Town Clerk80 Church StCheshire, MA 01225-9657Phone: (413) 743-1690 x22

Fax: (413) 743-0389Email: [email protected]

Chester, Town of Chester Town Clerk15 Middlefield RdChester, MA 01011-9805Phone: (413) 354-6603

Fax: (413) 354-2276Email: [email protected]

Chesterfield,Town of

Chesterfield Town Clerk422 Main RdChesterfield, MA 01012-9708Phone: (413) 296-4741

Fax: (413) 296-4394Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Chicopee, Townof

Chicopee Election Commission17 Springfield StChicopee, MA 01013-2681Phone: (413) 594-1460

Fax: (413) 594-1469Email: [email protected]

Chilmark, Townof

Chilmark Town Clerk401 Middle RdChilmark, MA 02535-1995Phone: (508) 645-2107

Fax: (508) 645-2110Email: [email protected]

Clarksburg, Townof

Clarksburg Town Clerk111 River RdClarksburg, MA 01247-2147Phone: (413) 663-8255

Fax: (413) 664-6575Email: [email protected]

Clinton, Town of Clinton Town Clerk242 Church StClinton, MA 01510-2631Phone: (978) 365-4119

Fax: (978) 612-0212Email: [email protected]

Cohasset, Townof

Cohasset Town Clerk41 Highland AveCohasset, MA 02025-1822Phone: (781) 383-4100

Fax: (781) 383-1561Email: [email protected]

Colrain, Town of Colrain Town Clerk55 Main RdColrain, MA 01340-5501Phone: (413) 624-3454

Fax: (413) 624-8852Email: [email protected]

Concord, Town of Concord Town Clerk22 Monument SqConcord, MA 01742-1826Phone: (978) 318-3080

Fax: (978) 318-3093Email: [email protected]

Conway, Town of Conway Town Clerk32 Main StConway, MA 01341Phone: (413) 369-4235

Fax: (413) 369-4237Email: [email protected]

Cummington,Town of

Cummington Town Clerk33 Main StCummington, MA 01026-9742Phone: (413) 200-5011

Fax: (413) 634-5568Email: [email protected]

Dalton, Town of Dalton Town Clerk462 Main StDalton, MA 01226-1677Phone: (413) 684-6111 x15

Fax: (413) 684-6129Email: [email protected]

Danvers, Town of Danvers Town ClerkOne Sylvan StDanvers, MA 01923-2790Phone: (978) 777-0001 x3051

Fax: (978) 777-1025Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Dartmouth, Townof

Dartmouth Town Clerk400 Slocum RdDartmouth, MA 02747-3953Phone: (508) 910-1800

Fax: (508) 910-1894Email: [email protected]

Dedham, Town of Dedham Town Clerk26 Bryant StDedham, MA 02027-3329Phone: (781) 751-9200

Fax: (781) 751-9109Email: [email protected]

Deerfield, Townof

Deerfield Town Clerk8 Conway StSouth Deerfield, MA 01373-1313Phone: (413) 665-2130 x100

Fax: (413) 665-5512Email: [email protected]

Dennis, Town of Dennis Town Clerk485 Main StSouth Dennis, MA 02660-4455Phone: (508) 760-6112

Fax: (508) 394-8309Email: [email protected]

Dighton, Town of Dighton Town Clerk979 Somerset Ave.Dighton, MA 02715Phone: (508) 669-5411

Fax: (508) 669-5932Email: [email protected]

Douglas, Town of Douglas Town Clerk29 Depot StDouglas, MA 01516-2323Phone: (508) 476-4000x355

Fax: (508) 476-4012Email: [email protected]

Dover, Town of Dover Town Clerk5 Springdale AveDover, MA 02030-2376Phone: (508) 785-0032

Fax: (508) 785-2341Email: [email protected]

Dracut, Town of Dracut Town Clerk62 Arlington StDracut, MA 01826-3953Phone: (978) 453-0951

Fax: (978) 452-7924Email: [email protected]

Dudley, Town of Dudley Town Clerk71 West Main StDudley, MA 01571-3329Phone: (508) 949-8004

Fax: (508) 949-7115Email: [email protected]

Dunstable, Townof

Dunstable Town Clerk511 Main StDunstable, MA 01827-1313Phone: (978) 649-4514 x222

Fax: (978) 649-4371Email: [email protected]

Duxbury, Town of Duxbury Town Clerk878 Tremont StDuxbury, MA 02332-4455Phone: (781) 934-1100

Fax: (781) 934-1133Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

East Bridgewater,Town of

East Bridgewater Town Clerk175 Central StEast Bridgewater, MA 02333Phone: (508) 378-1606

Fax: (508) 378-1638Email: [email protected]

East Brookfield,Town of

East Brookfield Town Clerk122 Connie Mack DrEast Brookfield, MA 01515-2457Phone: (508) 867-6769

Fax: (508) 867-4190Email: [email protected]

EastLongmeadow,Town of

East Longmeadow Town Clerk60 Ctr SqEast Longmeadow, MA 01028-2589Phone: (413) 525-5400 x1000

Fax: (413) 525-0022Email: [email protected]

Eastham, Town of Eastham Town Clerk2500 State HwyEastham, MA 02642-1470Phone: (508) 240-5900 x226

Fax: (508) 240-5918Email: [email protected]

Easthampton,Town of

Easthampton Town Clerk50 Payson Ave, Ste 100Easthampton, MA 01027-1462Phone: (413) 529-1460

Fax: (413) 529-1417Email: [email protected]

Easton, Town of Easton Town Clerk136 Elm StNorth Easton, MA 02356-8238Phone: (508) 230-0530

Fax: (508) 230-0539Email: [email protected]

Edgartown, Townof

Edgartown Town Clerk70 Main StEdgartown, MA 02539Phone: (508) 627-6110

Fax: (508) 627-6119Email: [email protected]

Egremont, Townof

Egremont Town Clerk171 Egremont Plain RdEgremont, MA 01258-9717Phone: (413) 528-0182

Fax: (413) 528-5465Email: [email protected]

Erving, Town of Erving Town Clerk12 East Main StErving, MA 01344-1235Phone: (413) 422-2800 x106

Fax: (413) 422-2808Email: [email protected]

Essex, Town of Essex Town Clerk30 Martin StEssex, MA 01929-3694Phone: (978) 768-7111

Fax: (978) 768-2505Email: [email protected]

Fairhaven, Townof

Fairhaven Town Clerk40 Ctr StFairhaven, MA 02719-7700Phone: (508) 979-4025

Fax: (508) 979-4079Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Falmouth, Townof

Falmouth Town Clerk59 Town Hall SqFalmouth, MA 02540Phone: (508) 548-7611 x7360

Fax: (508) 457-2511Email: [email protected]

Florida, Town of Florida Town Clerk379 Mohawk TrailDrury, MA 01343-9606Phone: (413) 662-2448

Fax: (413) 664-8640Email: [email protected]

Foxborough,Town of

Foxborough Town Clerk40 South StFoxborough, MA 02035-2397Phone: (508) 543-1208

Fax: (508) 543-6278Email: [email protected]

Framingham,Town of

Framingham Town Clerk150 Concord StFramingham, MA 01702-8306Phone: (508) 532-5520

Fax: (508) 628-1358Email: [email protected]

Franklin, Town of Franklin Town Clerk355 East Central StFranklin, MA 02038-1352Phone: (508) 520-4900

Fax: (508) 520-4923Email: [email protected]

Freetown, Townof

Freetown Town Clerk3 North Main StAssonet, MA 02702-1117Phone: (508) 644-2201 x2

Fax: (508) 644-9826Email: [email protected]

Gill, Town of Gill Town Clerk325 Main RdGill, MA 01354Phone: (413) 863-8103

Fax: (413) 863-7775Email: [email protected]

Goshen, Town of Goshen Town Clerk40 Main StGoshen, MA 01032-9610Phone: (413) 268-8236

Fax: (413) 268-8237Email: [email protected]

Gosnold, Town of Gosnold Town Clerk28 Tower Hill RdCuttyhunk, MA 02713Phone: (508) 990-7408

Fax: (508) 990-3318Email: [email protected]

Grafton, Town of Grafton Town Clerk30 Providence RdGrafton, MA 01519-1511Phone: (508) 839-5335 x1195

Fax: (508) 839-4602Email: [email protected]

Granby, Town of Granby Town Clerk215 B West State St.Granby, MA 01033-9417Phone: (413) 467-7178

Fax: (413) 467-3101Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Granville, Townof

Granville Town Clerk707 Main RdGranville, MA 01034-9797Phone: (413) 357-8585

Fax: (413) 357-6002Email: [email protected]

Great Barrington,Town of

Great Barrington Town Clerk334 Main StGreat Barrington, MA 01230-1845Phone: (413) 528-1619 x3

Fax: (413) 528-1026Email: [email protected]

Greenfield, Townof

Greenfield Town Clerk14 Court SqGreenfield, MA 01301-3547Phone: (413) 772-1555

Fax: (413) 772-1542Email: [email protected]

Groton, Town of Groton Town Clerk173 Main StGroton, MA 01450-4231Phone: (978) 448-1100

Fax: (978) 448-2030Email: [email protected]

Groveland, Townof

Groveland Town Clerk183 Main StGroveland, MA 01834-1377Phone: (978) 469-5005

Fax: (978) 469-5006Email: [email protected]

Hadley, Town of Hadley Town Clerk100 Middle StHadley, MA 01035-9429Phone: (413) 584-1590

Fax: (413) 586-5661Email: [email protected]

Halifax, Town of Halifax Town Clerk499 Plymouth StHalifax, MA 02338-1377Phone: (781) 293-7970

Fax: (781) 294-7684Email: [email protected]

Hamilton, Townof

Hamilton Town Clerk577 Bay RdHamilton, MA 01936-9429Phone: (978) 468-5570

Fax: (978) 468-2682Email: [email protected]

Hampden, Townof

Hampden Town Clerk625 Main StHampden, MA 01036-1338Phone: (413) 566-2151 x103

Fax: (413) 566-3513Email: [email protected]

Hancock, Town of Hancock Town Clerk3650 Hancock RdHancock, MA 01237-1032Phone: (413) 738-5225

Fax: (413) 738-5310Email: [email protected]

Hanover, Town of Hanover Town Clerk550 Hanover St, Ste 10Hanover, MA 02339-9000Phone: (781) 826-5000 x1079

Fax: (781) 826-7499Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Hanson, Town of Hanson Town Clerk542 Liberty StHanson, MA 02341Phone: (781) 293-2772

Fax: (781) 294-0884Email: [email protected]

Hardwick, Townof

Hardwick Town Clerk307 Main StGilbertville, MA 01031-2242Phone: (413) 477-6700 x104

Fax: (413) 477-6703Email: [email protected]

Harvard, Town of Harvard Town Clerk13 Ayer RdHarvard, MA 01451-1627Phone: (978) 456-4100 x316

Fax: (978) 456-4113Email: [email protected]

Harwich, Town of Harwich Town Clerk732 Main StHarwich, MA 02645Phone: (508) 430-7516

Fax: (508) 432-5039Email: [email protected]

Hatfield, Town of Hatfield Town Clerk59 Main StHatfield, MA 01038-1411Phone: (413) 247-0492 x112

Fax: (413) 247-5029Email: [email protected]

Haverhill, Townof

Haverhill City Clerk4 Summer St, Rm 118Haverhill, MA 01830-2717Phone: (978) 374-2312

Fax: (978) 373-8490Email: [email protected]

Hawley, Town of Hawley Town Clerk8 Pudding Hollow RdHawley, MA 01339-9702Phone: (413) 339-5518

Fax: (413) 339-4959Email: [email protected]

Heath, Town of Heath Town ClerkOne East Main StHeath, MA 01346-6559Phone: (413) 337-4934

Fax: (413) 337-8542Email: [email protected]

Hingham, Townof

Hingham Town Clerk210 Central StHingham, MA 02043-9621Phone: (781) 741-1410

Fax: (781) 740-0239Email: [email protected]

Hinsdale, Town of Hinsdale Town Clerk39 South StHinsdale, MA 01235-9706Phone: (413) 655-2301

Fax: (413) 655-8807Email: [email protected]

Holbrook, Townof

Holbrook Town Clerk50 North Franklin StHolbrook, MA 02343-1560Phone: (781) 767-4314

Fax: (781) 767-9057Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Holden, Town of Holden Town Clerk1196 Main StHolden, MA 01520-1016Phone: (508) 210-5530

Fax: (508) 829-0281Email: [email protected]

Holland, Town of Holland Town Clerk27 Sturbridge RdHolland, MA 01521-3151Phone: (413) 245-7108 x10

Fax: (413) 245-7037Email: [email protected]

Holliston, Townof

Holliston Town Clerk703 Washington StHolliston, MA 01746-2168Phone: (508) 429-0601

Fax: (508) 429-0642Email: [email protected]

Hopedale, Townof

Hopedale Town Clerk78 Hopedale StHopedale, MA 01747-1716Phone: (508) 634-2203 x215

Fax: (508) 634-2200Email: [email protected]

Hopkinton, Townof

Hopkinton Town Clerk18 Main StHopkinton, MA 01748-1212Phone: (508) 497-9710

Fax: (508) 497-9786Email: [email protected]

Hubbardston,Town of

Hubbardston Town Clerk7 Main St, Unit 12Hubbardston, MA 01452-1437Phone: (978) 928-1400 x202

Fax: (978) 928-1402Email: [email protected]

Hudson, Town of Hudson Town Clerk78 Main StHudson, MA 01749-2134Phone: (978) 568-9615

Fax: (978) 562-8508Email: [email protected]

Hull, Town of Hull Town Clerk253 Atlantic AveHull, MA 02045Phone: (781) 925-2262

Fax: (781) 925-0224Email: [email protected]

Huntington, Townof

Huntington Town Clerk24 Russell RdHuntington, MA 01050-9776Phone: (413) 667-3186

Fax: (413) 667-3507Email: [email protected]

Ipswich, Town of Ipswich Town Clerk25 Green StIpswich, MA 01938-2229Phone: (978) 356-6600

Fax: (978) 356-6616Email: [email protected]

Kingston, Townof

Kingston Town Clerk26 Evergreen StKingston, MA 02364-1426Phone: (781) 585-0502

Fax: (781) 585-0542Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Lakeville, Town of Lakeville Town Clerk346 Bedford StLakeville, MA 02347-2150Phone: (508) 946-8814

Fax: (508) 946-3970Email: [email protected]

Lancaster, Townof

Lancaster Town Clerk695 Main St, Ste 2Lancaster, MA 01523-2245Phone: (978) 365-2542

Fax: (978) 368-4011Email: [email protected]

Lanesborough,Town of

Lanesborough Town Clerk83 North Main StLanesborough, MA 01237-1517Phone: (413) 442-1351

Fax: (413) 443-5811Email: [email protected]

Lee, Town of Lee Town Clerk32 Main StLee, MA 01238-1333Phone: (413) 243-5505

Fax: (413) 243-5507Email: [email protected]

Leicester, Townof

Leicester Town ClerkThree Washburn SqLeicester, MA 01524-1333Phone: (508) 892-7011

Fax: (508) 892-7070Email: [email protected]

Lenox, Town of Lenox Town Clerk6 Walker StLenox, MA 01240-2741Phone: (413) 637-5500 x1207

Fax: (413) 637-5518Email: [email protected]

Leominister,Town of

Leominister City Clerk25 West StLeominster, MA 01453Phone: (978) 534-7536

Fax: (978) 534-7546Email: [email protected]

Leverett, Town of Leverett Town Clerk9 Montague RdLeverett, MA 01054-9737Phone: (413) 548-9150

Fax: (413) 548-1035Email: [email protected]

Lexington, Townof

Lexington Town Clerk1625 Massachusetts AveLexington, MA 02420-3801Phone: (781) 862-0500 x84558

Fax: (781) 861-2754Email: [email protected]

Leyden, Town of Leyden Town Clerk16 West Leyden RdLeyden, MA 01337-9737Phone: (413) 774-7769

Fax: (413) 772-0146Email: [email protected]

Lincoln, Town of Lincoln Town Clerk16 Lincoln RdLincoln, MA 01773-2009Phone: (781) 259-2607

Fax: (781) 259-4300Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Littleton, Town of Littleton Town HallPO Box 1305Littleton, MA 01460-1263Phone: (978) 540-2401

Fax: (978) 952-2321Email: [email protected]

Longmeadow,Town of

Longmeadow Town Clerk20 Williams StLongmeadow, MA 01106Phone: (413) 567-1066

Fax: (413) 565-4130Email: [email protected]

Ludlow, Town of Ludlow Town Clerk488 Chapin StLudlow, MA 01056-5909Phone: (413) 583-5600 x1230

Fax: (413) 583-5603Email: [email protected]

Lunenburg, Townof

Lunenburg Town Clerk17 Main StLunenburg, MA 01462-1248Phone: (978) 582-4130

Fax: (978) 582-4148Email: [email protected]

Lynnfield, Townof

Lynnfield Town Clerk55 Summer StLynnfield, MA 01940-1823Phone: (781) 334-9400

Fax: (781) 334-9469Email: [email protected]

Manchester-by-the-Sea, Town of

Manchester-by-the-Sea Town Clerk10 Central StManchester-by-the-Sea, MA 01944-1308Phone: (978) 526-2040

Fax: (978) 526-2001Email: [email protected]

Mansfield, Townof

Mansfield Town Clerk6 Park RowMansfield, MA 02048-2433Phone: (508) 261-7345

Fax: (508) 261-1083Email: [email protected]

Marblehead,Town of

Marblehead Town Clerk188 Washington StMarblehead, MA 01945-3341Phone: (781) 631-0528

Fax: (781) 631-0561Email: [email protected]

Marion, Town of Marion Town Clerk2 Spring StMarion, MA 02738-1519Phone: (508) 748-3502

Fax: (508) 748-9983Email: [email protected]

Marshfield, Townof

Marshfield Town Clerk870 Moraine StMarshfield, MA 02050-3498Phone: (781) 834-5540

Fax: (781) 834-6289Email: [email protected]

Mashpee, Townof

Mashpee Town Clerk16 Great Neck Rd NorthMashpee, MA 02649-2528Phone: (508) 758-4103 x8534

Fax: (508) 539-1428Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Mattapoisett,Town of

Mattapoisett Town Clerk16 Main StMattapoisett, MA 02739-2613Phone: (508) 758-4103 x2

Fax: (508) 758-3030Email: [email protected]

Maynard, Townof

Maynard Town Clerk195 Main StMaynard, MA 01754-2509Phone: (978) 897-1300

Fax: (978) 897-8553Email: [email protected]

Medfield, Townof

Medfield Town Clerk459 Main StMedfield, MA 02052-2009Phone: (508) 359-8505

Fax: (508) 359-6182Email: [email protected]

Medford, Town of Medford Board of Registrars85 George P. Hassett Dr, Rm 102Medford, MA 02155-3256Phone: (781) 393-2491

Fax: (781) 391-1895Email: [email protected]

Medway, Town of Medway Town Clerk155 Village StMedway, MA 02053-1147Phone: (508) 533-3204

Fax: (508) 533-3287Email: [email protected]

Mendon, Town of Mendon Town Clerk20 Main StMendon, MA 01756-1130Phone: (508) 473-1085

Fax: (508) 478-8241Email: [email protected]

Merrimac, Townof

Merrimac Town Clerk2 School StMerrimac, MA 01860-1915Phone: (978) 346-8013

Fax: (978) 346-7832Email: [email protected]

Methuen, Townof

Methuen Town Clerk41 Pleasant St, Rm 112Methuen, MA 01844-3179Phone: (978) 983-8515

Fax: (978) 983-8974Email: [email protected]

Middleborough,Town of

Middleborough Town Clerk20 Centre St, 1st FlMiddleborough, MA 02346-2270Phone: (508) 946-2415

Fax: (508) 946-2308Email: [email protected]

Middlefield,Town of

Middlefield Town Clerk188 Skyline TrailMiddlefield, MA 01243-9800Phone: (413) 623-2079

Fax: (413) 623-6108Email: [email protected]

Middleton, Townof

Middleton Town Clerk48 South Main StMiddleton, MA 01949-2253Phone: (978) 774-6927

Fax: (978) 774-6167Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Milford, Town of Milford Town Clerk52 Main StMilford, MA 01757-2611Phone: (508) 634-2307

Fax: (508) 634-2324Email: [email protected]

Millbury, Town of Millbury Town Clerk127 Elm StMilbury, MA 01527-2632Phone: (508) 865-9110

Fax: (508) 865-0857Email: [email protected]

Millis, Town of Millis Town Clerk900 Main StMillis, MA 02054-1512Phone: (508) 376-7046

Fax: (508) 376-7055Email: [email protected]

Millville, Town of Millville Town Clerk8 Central StMillville, MA 01529-1750Phone: (508) 883-5849

Fax: (508) 883-2994Email: [email protected]

Milton, Town of Milton Town Clerk525 Canton AveMilton, MA 02186-3240Phone: (617) 898-4859

Fax: (617) 698-6995Email: [email protected]

Monroe, Town of Monroe Town Clerk102 School StMonroe, MA 01350-9600Phone: (413) 424-5272

Fax: (413) 424-5272Email: [email protected]

Monson, Town of Monson Town Clerk29 Thompson St.Monson, MA 01057-1348Phone: (413) 267-4115

Fax: (413) 267-3726Email: [email protected]

Montague, Townof

Montague Town ClerkOne Ave ATurners Falls, MA 01376-1128Phone: (413) 863-3200 x203

Fax: (413) 863-3224Email: [email protected]

Monterey, Townof

Monterey Town Clerk435 Main RdMonterey, MA 01254-9716Phone: (413) 528-1443 x113

Fax: (413) 528-9452Email: [email protected]

Montgomery,Town of

Montgomery Town Clerk58 North RdMontgomery, MA 01085-9525Phone: (413) 862-3386

Fax: (413) 862-3204Email: [email protected]

MountWashington,Town of

Mount Washington Town Clerk118 East StMount Washington, MA 01258-9710Phone: (413) 528-2839

Fax: (413) 644-9980Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Nahant, Town of Nahant Town Clerk334 Nahant RdNahant, MA 01908-1469Phone: (781) 581-0018

Fax: (781) 593-0340Email: [email protected]

Nantucket, Townof

Nantucket Town Clerk16 BRd StNantucket, MA 02554-3500Phone: (508) 228-7217

Fax: (508) 325-5313Email: [email protected]

Natick, Town of Natick Town Clerk13 East Central StNatick, MA 01760-4629Phone: (508) 647-6430 x4

Fax: (508) 655-6715Email: [email protected]

Needham, Townof

Needham Town Clerk1471 Highland AveNeedham, MA 02492-2605Phone: (781) 455-7510

Fax: (781) 449-4569Email: [email protected]

New Ashford,Town of

New Ashford Town Clerk188 Mallery RdNew Ashford, MA 01237-9611Phone: (413) 458-5461

Fax: (413) 458-5461Email: [email protected]

New Braintree,Town of

New Braintree Town Clerk20 Memorial Dr, Rm 5New Braintree, MA 01531Phone: (508) 867-2071

Fax: (508) 867-4467Email: [email protected]

NewMarlborough,Town of

New Marlborough Town ClerkMill River South Field RdMill River, MA 01244Phone: (413) 229-8278

Fax: (413) 229-6674Email: [email protected]

New Salem,Town of

New Salem Town Clerk15 South Main StNew Salem, MA 01355-9713Phone: (978) 544-2731

Email: [email protected]

Newbury, Townof

Newbury Town Clerk25 High RdNewbury, MA 01951-1236Phone: (978) 465-0862 x315

Fax: (978) 465-3064Email: [email protected]

Norfolk, Town of Norfolk Town ClerkOne Liberty LaneNorfolk, MA 02056-1499Phone: (508) 528-1400

Fax: (508) 541-3363Email: [email protected]

North Adams,Town of

North Adams City Clerk10 Main StNorth Adams, MA 01247-3419Phone: (413) 662-3015

Fax: (413) 662-3532Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

North Andover,Town of

North Andover Town Clerk120 Main StNorth Andover, MA 01845-2420Phone: (978) 688-9502

Fax: (978) 688-9557Email: [email protected]

NorthAttleborough,Town of

North Attleborough Election Commission43 South Washington StNorth Attleborough, MA 02760-1642Phone: (508) 699-0106

Fax: (508) 699-0134Email: [email protected]

North Brookfield,Town of

North Brookfield Town Clerk167 North Main StNorth Brookfield, MA 01535-1938Phone: (508) 867-0203

Fax: (508) 867-0249Email: [email protected]

North Reading,Town of

North Reading Town Clerk235 North StNorth Reading, MA 01864-1258Phone: (978) 664-6017

Fax: (978) 664-4196Email: [email protected]

Northampton,Town of

Northampton Board of Registrars210 Main StNorthampton, MA 01060-3196Phone: (413) 587-1290

Fax: (413) 587-1308Email: [email protected]

Northborough,Town of

Northborough Town Clerk63 Main StNorthborough, MA 01532-1943Phone: (508) 393-5002

Fax: (508) 393-6996Email: [email protected]

Northbridge,Town of

Northbridge Town Clerk7 Main StWhitinsville, MA 01588-2210Phone: (508) 234-2001

Fax: (508) 234-0813Email: [email protected]

Northfield, Townof

Northfield Town Clerk69 Main StNorthfield, MA 01360-1017Phone: (413) 498-2901

Fax: (413) 498-5103Email: [email protected]

Norton, Town of Norton Town Clerk70 East Main StNorton, MA 02766-2310Phone: (508) 285-0230

Fax: (508) 285-0297Email: [email protected]

Norwell, Town of Norwell Town Clerk345 Main StNorwell, MA 02061-2449Phone: (781) 659-8072

Fax: (781) 659-8073Email: [email protected]

Norwood, Townof

Norwood Town Clerk566 Washington StNorwood, MA 02062-2203Phone: (781) 762-1240

Fax: (781) 762-0954Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Oak Bluffs, Townof

Oak Bluffs Town Clerk56 School StOak Bluffs, MA 02557Phone: (508) 693-3554

Fax: (508) 693-5124Email: [email protected]

Oakham, Town of Oakham Town ClerkTwo Coldbrook Rd, Unit # 4Oakham, MA 01068Phone: (508) 882-5549

Fax: (508) 882-3060Email: [email protected]

Orange, Town of Orange Town Clerk6 Prospect StOrange, MA 01364-1133Phone: (978) 544-1100

Fax: (978) 544-1134Email: [email protected]

Orleans, Town of Orleans Town Clerk19 School RdOrleans, MA 02653-2309Phone: (508) 240-3700 x405

Fax: (508) 240-3388Email: [email protected]

Otis, Town of Otis Town Clerk1 North Main RdOtis, MA 01253-9800Phone: (413) 269-0100

Fax: (413) 269-0111Email: [email protected]

Oxford, Town of Oxford Town Clerk325 Main StOxford, MA 01540-1774Phone: (508) 987-6032

Fax: (508) 987-1804Email: [email protected]

Palmer, Town of Palmer Town Clerk4417 Main StPalmer, MA 01069-6901Phone: (413) 283-2608

Fax: (413) 283-2637Email: [email protected]

Paxton, Town of Paxton Town Clerk697 Pleasant StPaxton, MA 01612-1026Phone: (508) 799-7347 x13

Fax: (508) 797-0966Email: [email protected]

Peabody, Townof

Peabody City Clerk24 Lowell StPeabody, MA 01960-5449Phone: (978) 538-5750

Fax: (978) 538-5985Email: [email protected]

Pelham, Town of Pelham Town Clerk351 Amherst RdPelham, MA 01002-9714Phone: (413) 253-0512

Fax: (413) 256-8927Email: [email protected]

Pembroke, Townof

Pembroke Town Clerk100 Ctr StPembroke, MA 02359-2207Phone: (781) 293-7211

Fax: (781) 709-1456Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Pepperell, Townof

Pepperell Town ClerkOne Main StPepperell, MA 01463-9755Phone: (978) 433-0339

Fax: (978) 433-0338Email: [email protected]

Peru, Town of Peru Town Clerk3 East Main RdPeru, MA 01235-9736Phone: (413) 655-8312

Fax: (413) 655-2759Email: [email protected]

Petersham, Townof

Petersham Town Clerk3 South Main StPetersham, MA 01366-6250Phone: (978) 724-6649

Fax: (978) 724-3501Email: [email protected]

Phillipston, Townof

Phillipston Town Clerk50 On The CommonPhillipston, MA 01331Phone: (978) 249-1733

Fax: (978) 249-1733Email: [email protected]

Plainfield, Townof

Plainfield Town Clerk304 Main StPlainfield, MA 01070-3325Phone: (413) 634-5582

Fax: (413) 634-5785Email: [email protected]

Plainville, Townof

Plainville Town Clerk142 South StPlainville, MA 02762-1123Phone: (508) 695-3010 x19

Fax: (508) 695-1857Email: [email protected]

Plymouth, Townof

Plymouth Town Clerk11 Lincoln StPlymouth, MA 02360-1129Phone: (508) 747-1620

Fax: (508) 830-4053Email: [email protected]

Plympton, Townof

Plympton Town Clerk5 Palmer RdPlympton, MA 02367-2213Phone: (781) 585-3220

Fax: (781) 582-1505Email: [email protected]

Princeton, Townof

Princeton Town Clerk6 Town Hall DrPrinceton, MA 01541-5119Phone: (508) 464-2103

Fax: (978) 464-2106Email: [email protected]

Provincetown,Town of

Provincetown Town Clerk260 Commercial StProvincetown, MA 02657-2213Phone: (508) 487-7013

Fax: (508) 487-9560Email: [email protected]

Quincy, Town of Quincy City Clerk1259 Hancock StQuincy, MA 02169-5119Phone: (617) 376-1144

Fax: (617) 376-1082Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Randolph, Townof

Randolph Town Clerk41 South Main StRandolph, MA 02368-4839Phone: (781) 961-0900

Fax: (781) 961-0919Email: [email protected]

Raynham, Townof

Raynham Town Clerk558 South Main StRaynham, MA 02767-5332Phone: (508) 824-2700

Fax: (508) 823-1812Email: [email protected]

Reading, Town of Reading Town Clerk16 Lowell StReading, MA 01867-2601Phone: (781) 942-9050

Fax: (781) 942-9070Email: [email protected]

Rehoboth, Townof

Rehoboth Town Clerk148 Peck StRehoboth, MA 02769-3009Phone: (508) 252-6502

Fax: (508) 252-5342Email: [email protected]

Richmond, Townof

Richmond Town Clerk1529 State RdRichmond, MA 01254-5094Phone: (413) 698-3315

Fax: (413) 698-3272Email: [email protected]

Rochester, Townof

Rochester Town Clerk1 Constitution WayRochester, MA 02770-2029Phone: (508) 763-3871 x17

Fax: (508) 763-4892Email: [email protected]

Rockland, Townof

Rockland Town Clerk242 Union StRockland, MA 02370-1804Phone: (781) 871-1892 x1

Fax: (781) 871-0386Email: [email protected]

Rockport, Townof

Rockport Town Clerk34 BRdwayRockport, MA 01966-1537Phone: (978) 546-6894

Fax: (978) 546-5018Email: [email protected]

Rowe, Town of Rowe Town Clerk321 Zoar RdRowe, MA 01367-9728Phone: (413) 339-5520

Fax: (413) 339-5316Email: [email protected]

Rowley, Town of Rowley Town Clerk139 Main StRowley, MA 01969-1811Phone: (978) 948-2081

Fax: (978) 948-2162Email: [email protected]

Royalston, Townof

Royalston Town ClerkPO Box 127Royalston, MA 01368Phone: (978) 249-0493

Fax: (978) 575-0748Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Russell, Town of Russell Town Clerk65 Main StRussell, MA 01071Phone: (413) 862-6207

Fax: (413) 862-3103Email: [email protected]

Rutland, Town of Rutland Town Clerk250 Main StRutland, MA 01543-1300Phone: (508) 886-4104

Fax: (508) 886-2929Email: [email protected]

Salem, Town of Salem City Clerk93 Washington StSalem, MA 01970-3527Phone: (978) 745-9595 x5616

Fax: (978) 740-9209Email: [email protected]

Salisbury, Townof

Salisbury Town Clerk5 Beach RdSalisbury, MA 01952-2006Phone: (978) 462-7591

Fax: (978) 462-4176Email: [email protected]

Sandisfield, Townof

Sandisfield Town Clerk66 Sandisfield RdSandisfield, MA 01255-9770Phone: (413) 258-4711

Fax: (413) 258-4225Email: [email protected]

Sandwich, Townof

Sandwich Town Clerk145 Main StSandwich, MA 02563-2280Phone: (508) 888-0340

Fax: (508) 888-2497Email: [email protected]

Saugus, Town of Saugus Town Clerk298 Central StSaugus, MA 01906-2152Phone: (781) 231-4101

Fax: (781) 231-4109Email: [email protected]

Savoy, Town of Savoy Town Clerk720 Main RdSavoy, MA 01256-9387Phone: (413) 743-3759

Fax: (413) 743-4292Email: [email protected]

Scituate, Town of Scituate Town Clerk600 Chief Justice Cushing WayScituate, MA 02066-3229Phone: (781) 545-8743

Fax: (781) 545-8704Email: [email protected]

Seekonk, Town of Seekonk Town Clerk100 Peck StSeekonk, MA 02771-5116Phone: (508) 336-2920

Fax: (508) 336-0764Email: [email protected]

Sharon, Town of Sharon Town Clerk90 South Main StSharon, MA 02067-1954Phone: (781) 784-1505

Fax: (781) 784-1502Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Sheffield, Townof

Sheffield Town Clerk21 Depot SqSheffield, MA 01257Phone: (413) 229-7000 x151

Fax: (413) 229-7010Email: [email protected]

Shelburne, Townof

Shelburne Town Clerk51 Bridge StShelburne Falls, MA 01370-1102Phone: (413) 625-0300

Fax: (413) 625-0303Email: [email protected]

Sherborn, Townof

Sherborn Town Clerk19 Washington StSherborn, MA 01770-1026Phone: (508) 651-7853

Fax: (508) 651-0407Email: [email protected]

Shirley, Town of Shirley Town Clerk7 Keady WayShirley, MA 01464-2630Phone: (978) 425-2600

Fax: (978) 425-2681Email: [email protected]

Shrewsbury,Town of

Shrewsbury Town Clerk100 Maple AveShrewsbury, MA 01545-5338Phone: (508) 841-8507

Fax: (508) 841-1501Email: [email protected]

Shutesbury, Townof

Shutesbury Town Clerk1 Cooleyville RdShutesbury, MA 01072-9766Phone: (413) 259-1204

Fax: (413) 259-1107Email: [email protected]

Somerset, Townof

Somerset Town Clerk140 Wood StSomerset, MA 02726-5225Phone: (508) 646-2818

Fax: (508) 646-2802Email: [email protected]

South Hadley,Town of

South Hadley Town Clerk116 Main St, Rm 108South Hadley, MA 01075-2833Phone: (413) 538-5017

Fax: (413) 538-7565Email: [email protected]

Southampton,Town of

Southampton Town Clerk210 College HWYSouthampton, MA 01073-9266Phone: (413) 527-8392

Fax: (413) 527-1352Email: [email protected]

Southborough,Town of

Southborough Town Clerk17 Common StSouthborough, MA 01772-1691Phone: (508) 485-0710

Fax: (508) 480-0161Email: [email protected]

Southbridge,Town of

Southbridge Town Clerk41 Elm StSouthbridge, MA 01550-2645Phone: (508) 764-5408

Fax: (508) 764-2309Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Southwick, Townof

Southwick Town Clerk454 College HwySouthwick, MA 01077-9267Phone: (413) 569-5504

Fax: (413) 569-0667Email: [email protected]

Spencer, Town of Spencer Town Clerk157 Main StSpencer, MA 01562-2123Phone: (508) 885-7500 x150

Fax: (508) 885-7528Email: [email protected]

Sterling, Town of Sterling Town Clerk1 Park StSterling, MA 01564-2132Phone: (508) 422-8111

Fax: (978) 422-0289Email: [email protected]

Stockbridge,Town of

Stockbridge Town Clerk6 Main StStockbridge, MA 01262-9701Phone: (413) 298-4568

Fax: (413) 298-4344Email: [email protected]

Stoneham, Townof

Stoneham Town Clerk35 Central StStoneham, MA 02180-2055Phone: (781) 279-2650

Fax: (781) 279-2653Email: [email protected]

Stoughton, Townof

Stoughton Town Clerk10 Pearl StStoughhton, MA 02072-2364Phone: (781) 341-1300

Fax: (781) 341-1032Email: [email protected]

Stow, Town of Stow Town Clerk380 Great RdStow, MA 01775-1122Phone: (978) 897-4514 x1

Fax: (978) 897-4534Email: [email protected]

Sturbridge, Townof

Sturbridge Town Clerk308 Main StSturbridge, MA 01566-1006Phone: (508) 347-2510

Fax: (508) 347-5886Email: [email protected]

Sudbury, Town of Sudbury Town Clerk322 Concord RdSudbury, MA 01776-1819Phone: (978) 639-3351

Fax: (978) 639-3340Email: [email protected]

Sunderland,Town of

Sunderland Town Clerk12 School StSunderland, MA 01375-9503Phone: (413) 665-1442

Fax: (413) 665-1446Email: [email protected]

Sutton, Town of Sutton Town Clerk4 Uxbridge RdSutton, MA 01590-1702Phone: (508) 865-8725

Fax: (508) 865-8721Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Swampscott,Town of

Swampscott Town Clerk22 Monument AveSwampscott, MA 01907-1197Phone: (781) 596-8855

Fax: (781) 596-8870Email: [email protected]

Swansea, Townof

Swansea Town Clerk81 Main StSwansea, MA 02777-4616Phone: (508) 678-9389

Fax: (508) 324-6700Email: [email protected]

Taunton, Town of Taunton City Clerk141 Oak StTaunton, MA 02780-3430Phone: (508) 821-1024

Fax: (508) 821-1098Email: [email protected]

Templeton, Townof

Templeton Town Clerk4 Elm StBaldwinville, MA 01436-1225Phone: (978) 939-8466

Fax: (978) 939-8327Email: [email protected]

Tewksbury, Townof

Tewksbury Town Clerk1009 Main StTewkesbury, MA 01876-4737Phone: (978) 640-4355

Fax: (978) 851-8610Email: [email protected]

Tisbury, Town of Tisbury Town Clerk51 Spring StVineyard Haven, MA 02568-5501Phone: (508) 696-4215

Fax: (508) 693-5876Email: [email protected]

Tolland, Town of Tolland Town Clerk241 West Granville RdTolland, MA 01034-9543Phone: (413) 258-4068

Fax: (413) 258-4048Email: [email protected]

Topsfield, Townof

Topsfield Town Clerk8 West Common StTopsfield, MA 01983-1427Phone: (978) 887-1505

Fax: (978) 887-1502Email: [email protected]

Townsend, Townof

Townsend Town Clerk272 Main StTownsend, MA 01469-1074Phone: (978) 597-1704

Fax: (978) 597-8135Email: [email protected]

Truro, Town of Truro Town Clerk24 Town Hall RdTruro, MA 02666Phone: (508) 349-7004 x26

Fax: (508) 349-5505Email: [email protected]

Tyngsborough,Town of

Tyngsborough Town Clerk25 Bryants LaneTyngsborough, MA 01879-1042Phone: (978) 649-2300

Fax: (978) 649-2301Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Tyringham, Townof

Tyringham Town Clerk116 Main RdTyringham, MA 01264-9700Phone: (413) 243-1749

Fax: (413) 243-4942Email: [email protected]

Upton, Town of Upton Town Clerk1 Main StUpton, MA 01568-1619Phone: (508) 529-3565

Fax: (508) 529-1010Email: [email protected]

Uxbridge, Townof

Uxbridge Town Clerk21 South Main StUxbridge, MA 01569-1675Phone: (508) 278-8600 x3

Fax: (508) 278-8605Email: [email protected]

Wakefield, Townof

Wakefield Town ClerkOne Lafayette StWakefield, MA 01880-2339Phone: (781) 246-6383

Fax: (781) 246-4155Email: [email protected]

Wales, Town of Wales Town Clerk3 Hollow RdWales, MA 01081-9755Phone: (413) 245-7571

Fax: (413) 245-6197Email: [email protected]

Walpole, Town of Walpole Town Clerk135 School StWalpole, MA 02081-2844Phone: (508) 660-7296

Fax: (508) 660-7297Email: [email protected]

Waltham, Townof

Waltham City Clerk610 Main StWaltham, MA 02452-5580Phone: (781) 314-3120

Fax: (781) 314-3130Email: [email protected]

Ware, Town of Ware Town Clerk126 Main St Ste FWare, MA 01082-1360Phone: (413) 967-9648 x177

Fax: (413) 967-9638Email: [email protected]

Wareham, Townof

Wareham Town Clerk54 Marion RdWareham, MA 02571-5580Phone: (508) 291-3140

Fax: (508) 291-6511Email: [email protected]

Warren, Town of Warren Town Clerk48 High StWarren, MA 01083Phone: (413) 436-5702

Fax: (413) 436-9754Email: [email protected]

Warwick, Town of Warwick Town Clerk12 Athol RdWarwick, MA 01378-9301Phone: (978) 544-8304

Fax: (978) 544-6499Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Washington,Town of

Washington Town Clerk8 Summit Hill RdWashington, MA 01223-9627Phone: (413) 623-8878

Fax: (413) 623-2116Email: [email protected]

Watertown, Townof

Watertown Town Clerk149 Main StWatertown, MA 02472-4410Phone: (617) 972-6486

Fax: (617) 972-6595Email: [email protected]

Wayland, Townof

Wayland Town Clerk41 Cochituate RdWayland, MA 01778-2604Phone: (508) 358-3630

Fax: (508) 358-3627Email: [email protected]

Webster, Town of Webster Town Clerk350 Main StWebster, MA 01570-2292Phone: (508) 949-3800 x4003

Fax: (508) 949-3888Email: [email protected]

Wellesley, Townof

Wellesley Town Clerk525 Washington StWellesley, MA 02482-5918Phone: (781) 431-1019

Fax: (781) 237-5037Email: [email protected]

Wellfleet, Townof

Wellfleet Town Clerk300 Main StWellfleet, MA 02667-7471Phone: (508) 349-0301

Fax: (508) 349-0317Email: [email protected]

Wendell, Town of Wendell Town Clerk270 Wendell Depot Rd.Wendell Depot, MA 01380Phone: (978) 544-3395

Fax: (978) 544-6052Email: [email protected]

Wenham, Townof

Wenham Town Clerk138 Main StWenham, MA 01984-1555Phone: (978) 468-5520

Fax: (978) 468-8104Email: [email protected]

West Boylston,Town of

West Boylston Town Clerk127 Hartwell ST Ste 100West Boylston, MA 01583-1106Phone: (508) 835-6240

Fax: (508) 835-4102Email: [email protected]

WestBridgewater,Town of

West Bridgewater Town Clerk65 North Main StWest Bridgewater, MA 02379-1799Phone: (508) 894-1200

Fax: (508) 894-1210Email: [email protected]

West Brookfield,Town of

West Brookfield Town Clerk2 East Main StWest Brookfield, MA 01585-2903Phone: (508) 867-1421 x302

Fax: (508) 867-1401Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

West Newbury,Town of

West Newbury Town Clerk381 Main StWest Newbury, MA 01985-1446Phone: (978) 363-1100

Fax: (978) 363-1117Email: [email protected]

West Springfield,Town of

West Springfield Town Clerk26 Central St, Ste 8West Springfield, MA 01089-2753Phone: (413) 263-3012

Fax: (413) 263-3046Email: [email protected]

WestStockbridge,Town of

West Stockbridge Town Clerk21 State Line RdWest Stockbridge, MA 01266-9707Phone: (413) 232-0300

Fax: (413) 232-7195Email: [email protected]

West Tisbury,Town of

West Tisbury Town Clerk1059 State RdWest Tisbury, MA 02575Phone: (508) 696-0148

Fax: (508) 696-0103Email: [email protected]

Westborough,Town of

Westborough Town Clerk34 West Main StWestborough, MA 01581-1902Phone: (508) 366-3020

Fax: (508) 366-3012Email: [email protected]

Westford, Townof

Westford Town Clerk55 Main StWestford, MA 01886-2551Phone: (978) 692-5515

Fax: (978) 399-2555Email: [email protected]

Westhampton,Town of

Westhampton Town ClerkOne South RdWesthampton, MA 01027-9661Phone: (413) 203-3080

Fax: (413) 527-8655Email: [email protected]

Westminister,Town of

Westminister Town Clerk11 South StWestminister, MA 01473-1545Phone: (978) 874-7406

Fax: (978) 874-7411Email: [email protected]

Weston, Town of Weston Town Clerk11 Town House RdWeston, MA 02493-1540Phone: (781) 786-5010

Fax: (781) 786-5079Email: [email protected]

Westport, Townof

Westport Town Clerk816 Main RdWestport, MA 02790-4311Phone: (508) 636-1000

Fax: 774-264-5152Email: [email protected]

Westwood, Townof

Westwood Town Clerk580 High StWestwood, MA 02090-1607Phone: (781) 326-3964

Fax: (781) 329-8030Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Weymouth, Townof

Weymouth Town Clerk75 Middle StWeymouth, MA 02189-1359Phone: (781) 340-5017

Fax: (781) 682-6129Email: [email protected]

Whately, Town of Whately Town Clerk218 Chestnut Plain RdWhately, MA 01093Phone: (413) 665-0054

Fax: (413) 665-9560Email: [email protected]

Whitman, Townof

Whitman Town Clerk54 South AveWhitman, MA 02382-2052Phone: (781) 618-9710

Fax: (781) 618-9791Email: [email protected]

Wilbraham, Townof

Wilbraham Town Clerk240 Springfield StWilbraham, MA 01095-2257Phone: (413) 596-2800 x200

Fax: (413) 596-2830Email: [email protected]

Williamsburg,Town of

Williamsburg Town Clerk141 Main StHaydenville, MA 01039-9704Phone: (413) 268-8402

Fax: (413) 268-8409Email: [email protected]

Williamstown,Town of

Williamstown Town Clerk31 North StWilliamstown, MA 01267-2003Phone: (413) 458-9341

Fax: (413) 458-4839Email: [email protected]

Wilmington,Town of

Wilmington Town Clerk121 Glen RdWilmington, MA 01887-3500Phone: (978) 658-2030

Fax: (978) 657-7564Email: [email protected]

Winchendon,Town of

Winchendon Town Clerk109 Front StWinchendon, MA 01475-1758Phone: (978) 297-2766

Fax: (978) 297-1616Email: [email protected]

Winchester, Townof

Winchester Town Clerk71 Mt. Vernon StWinchester, MA 01890-2706Phone: (781) 721-7130

Fax: (781) 721-1153Email: [email protected]

Windsor, Town of Windsor Town Clerk1890 Route 9 Ste 2Windsor, MA 01270-9687Phone: (413) 684-3811

Fax: (413) 684-3806Email: [email protected]

Winthrop, Townof

Winthrop Town ClerkOne Metcalf SqWinthrop, MA 02152-3159Phone: (617) 846-1742

Fax: (617) 539-5814Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Worthington,Town of

Worthington Town Clerk160 Huntington RdWorthington, MA 01098-9505Phone: (413) 238-5577

Fax: (413) 238-5579Email: [email protected]

Wrentham, Townof

Wrentham Town Clerk79 South StWrentham, MA 02093-2211Phone: (508) 384-5415

Fax: (508) 384-5434Email: [email protected]

Yarmouth, Townof

Yarmouth Town Clerk1146 Route 28South Yarmouth, MA 02664-4463Phone: (508) 398-2231 x1216

Fax: (508) 760-4842Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 8, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 2, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by8 PM, March 8, 2016

Received by8 PM, August 2, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Ballot Request Received by2 PM, March 5, 2016

Received by2 PM, July 30, 2016

Received by2 PM, November 5, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, March 8, 2016

Received by8 PM, August 2, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Michigan is eligible to vote inMichigan as long as he or she has not registered or voted in anotherState.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party ballot you want toreceive. Political party affiliation isnot required if requesting anabsentee ballot for other primaryelections or general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting your



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service members

ballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party primary in which you arevoting. Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin other primary elections and allgeneral elections.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this ballot or application.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Alcona County Alcona County Clerk106 5th StHarrisville, MI 48740-0308Phone: (989) 724-9410

Fax: (989) 724-9419Email: [email protected]

Alger County Alger County Clerk101 Court St.Munising, MI 49862Phone: (906) 387-2076

Fax: (906) 387-2156Email: [email protected]

Allegan County Allegan County Clerk113 Chestnut StAllegan, MI 49010Phone: (269) 673-0450

Fax: (269) 673-0298Email: [email protected]

Alpena County Alpena County Clerk720 West ChisholmAlpena, MI 49707Phone: (989) 354-9520

Fax: (989) 354-9644Email: [email protected]

Antrim County Antrim County Clerk203 E Cayuga StBellaire, MI 49659Phone: (231) 533-6353

Fax: (231) 533-6935Email: [email protected]

Arenac County Arenac County Clerk120 N GroveStandish, MI 48658-0747Phone: (989) 846-4626

Fax: (989) 846-9194Email: [email protected]

Baraga County Baraga County Clerk2 S. Main StL'Anse, MI 49946Phone: (906)524-6183

Fax: (906)524-6432Email: [email protected]

Barry County Barry County Clerk220 W State StHastings, MI 49058Phone: (269) 945-1285

Fax: (269) 945-0209Email: [email protected]

Bay County Bay County Clerk515 Center Ave Ste 101Bay City, MI 48708-4280Phone: (989) 895-4280

Email: [email protected]

Benzie County Benzie County Clerk448 Court PlaceBeulah, MI 49617Phone: (231) 882-9671

Fax: (231) 882-5941Email: [email protected]

Berrien County Berrien County ClerkBerrien County CourthouseSt. Joseph, MI 49085Phone: (269) 983-7111 x8264

Fax: (269) 982-8642Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Branch County Branch County Clerk31 Division StColdwater, MI 49036Phone: (517) 279 4306

Fax: (517) 278 5627Email: [email protected]

Calhoun County Calhoun County Clerk315 W. Green StMarshall, MI 49068Phone: (269) 781-0988

Fax: (269) 781-0720Email: [email protected]

Cass County Cass County Clerk120 N Broadway Cassopolis, MI 49031Phone: (269) 445 4464

Fax: (269) 445 4406Email: [email protected]


Charlevoix County Clerk203 Antrim StCharlevoix, MI 49720Phone: (231) 547-7200

Fax: (231) 547-7217Email: [email protected]


Cheboygan County Clerk870 S Main St Cheboygan, MI 49721Phone: (231) 627-8808

Fax: (231) 627-8453Email: [email protected]

Chippewa County Chippewa County Clerk319 Court StSault Ste Marie, MI 49783Phone: (906) 635-6300

Fax: (906)635-6851Email: [email protected]

Clare County Clare County Clerk225 W Main StHarrison, MI 48625-0438Phone: (989) 539-7131

Fax: (989) 539-6616Email: [email protected]

Clinton County Clinton County Clerk100 E. State St. Ste 2600St Johns, MI 48879Phone: (989) 224-5140 x4

Fax: (989)227-6421Email: [email protected]

Crawford County Crawford County Clerk200 W MichiganGrayling, MI 49738-1798Phone: (989) 344-3200

Fax: (989) 344-3223Email: [email protected]

Delta County Delta County Clerk310 Ludington StEscanaba, MI 49829-4057Phone: (906)789-5105

Fax: (906)789-5196Email: [email protected]

Dickinson County Dickinson County Clerk705 S StephensonIron Mountain, MI 49801-0609Phone: (906)774-0988

Fax: (906)774-4660Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Eaton County Eaton County Clerk1045 Independence BlvdCharlotte, MI 48813Phone: (517) 543-2421

Fax: (517) 541-0666Email: [email protected]

Emmet County Emmet County Clerk200 Division StPetoskey, MI 49770-2444Phone: (231) 348-1744

Fax: (231)348-0633Email: [email protected]

Genesee County Genesee County Clerk1101 Beach StFlint, MI 48502Phone: (810) 257-3225

Email: [email protected]

Gladwin County Gladwin County Clerk401 W Cedar AveGladwin, MI 48624Phone: (989)426-7351

Fax: (989)426-6917Email: [email protected]

Gogebic County Gogebic County Clerk200 N MooreBessemer, MI 49911-1052Phone: (906) 663-4518

Fax: (906) 663-4660Email: [email protected]

Grand TraverseCounty

Grand Traverse County Clerk400 Boardman AveTraverse City, MI 49684Phone: (231) 922-4760

Email: [email protected]

Gratiot County Gratiot County Clerk214 E. Center StIthaca, MI 48847Phone: (989) 875-5215

Fax: (989) 875-5254Email: [email protected]

Hillsdale County Hillsdale County ClerkCourthouse, Rm #1Hillsdale, MI 49242-1698Phone: (517) 437-3391

Fax: (517) 437-3392Email: [email protected]

Houghton County Houghton County Clerk401 E Houghton AveHoughton, MI 49931-2099Phone: (906) 482-1150

Fax: (906) 483-0364Email: [email protected]

Huron County Huron County Clerk250 E Huron Ave - Rm 201Bad Axe, MI 48413-1386Phone: (989) 269-9942

Fax: (989) 269-6160Email: [email protected]

Ingham County Ingham County ClerkCourthouseMason, MI 48854-0179Phone: (517) 676-7201

Fax: (517) 676-7254Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Ionia County Ionia County ClerkCounty BuildingIonia, MI 48846Phone: (616) 527-5322

Fax: (616)527-8201Email: [email protected]

Iosco County Iosco County ClerkCounty BuildingTawas City, MI 48764-0838Phone: (989) 362-3497

Fax: (989) 984-1012Email: [email protected]

Iron County Iron County Clerk2 S 6th StCrystal Falls, MI 49920-1495Phone: (906) 875-3221

Fax: (906) 875-6775Email: [email protected]

Isabella County Isabella County Clerk200 North Main StMt Pleasant, MI 48858Phone: (989) 772-0911 x205

Fax: (989) 772-6347Email: [email protected]

Jackson County Jackson County Clerk312 S. Jackson St.Jackson, MI 49201-1315Phone: (517) 768-6759

Fax: (517) 788-4601Email: [email protected]


Kalamazoo County Clerk201 W Kalamazoo AveKalamazoo, MI 49007-3777Phone: (269) 383-8840

Fax: (269) 384-8143Email: [email protected]

Kalkaska County Kalkaska County Clerk605 N Birch StKalkaska, MI 49646Phone: (231) 258-3300

Fax: (231)258-3337Email: [email protected]

Kent County Kent County Clerk300 Monroe NWGrand Rapids, MI 49503-2288Phone: (616) 632-7650

Fax: (616) 632-7655Email: [email protected]


Keweenaw County Clerk5095 4thEagle River, MI 49950-9624Phone: (906) 337-2229

Fax: (906) 337-2253Email: [email protected]

Lake County Lake County Clerk800 10th St - Ste 200Baldwin, MI 49304Phone: (231) 745-4641

Fax: (231) 745-2241Email: [email protected]

Lapeer County Lapeer County Clerk255 Clay StLapeer, MI 48446-2298Phone: (810) 245-4863

Fax: (810) 667-0362Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Leelanau County Leelanau County ClerkCounty BuildingSuttons Bay, MI 49682Phone: (231) 256-9824

Fax: (231) 256-8295Email: [email protected]

Lenawee County Lenawee County Clerk425 N Main StAdrian, MI 49221-2198Phone: (517) 264-4594

Fax: (517) 264-4533Email: [email protected]

Livingston County Livingston County Clerk200 E Grand RiverHowell, MI 48843-2399Phone: (517) 546-8177

Fax: (517) 546-4354Email: [email protected]

Luce County Luce County Clerk407 W Harrie StNewberry, MI 49868-1299Phone: (906) 293-5521

Fax: (906) 293-5553Email: [email protected]

Mackinac County Mackinac County Clerk100 S Marley St - Rm 10St Ignace, MI 49781-1491Phone: (906) 643-7301

Fax: (906) 643-7302Email: [email protected]

Macomb County Macomb County Clerk40 N Main StMount Clemens, MI 48043-5661Phone: (586) 469-5209

Fax: (586) 469-6927Email: [email protected]

Manistee County Manistee County Clerk415 Third StManistee, MI 49660-1606Phone: (231) 723-3331

Fax: (231) 723-1492Email: [email protected]


Marquette County Clerk234 W. Baraga AveMarquette, MI 49855Phone: (906) 225-8330

Fax: (906) 228-1572Email: [email protected]

Mason County Mason County Clerk304 E Ludington AveLudington, MI 49431-2121Phone: (231) 843-8202

Fax: (231) 843-1972Email: [email protected]

Mecosta County Mecosta County Clerk400 Elm StBig Rapids, MI 49307-1849Phone: (231) 592-0787

Fax: (231) 592-0193Email: [email protected]


Menominee County Clerk839 10th Ave Menominee, MI 49858-3000Phone: (906) 863-9968

Fax: (906) 863-5819Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Midland County Midland County Clerk220 W Ellsworth StMidland, MI 48640-5194Phone: (989) 832-6739

Fax: (989) 832-6680Email: [email protected]


Missaukee County ClerkP.O. Box 800Lake City, MI 49651-0800Phone: (231) 839-4967

Fax: (231) 839-3684Email: [email protected]

Monroe County Monroe County Clerk106 E First StMonroe, MI 48161-2185Phone: (734) 240-7020

Fax: (734) 240-7045Email: [email protected]

Montcalm County Montcalm County Clerk211 W Main StStanton, MI 48888-0368Phone: (989) 831-7339

Fax: (989) 831-7474Email: [email protected]


Montmorency County ClerkP O Box 789Atlanta, MI 49709-0789Phone: (989) 785-8022

Fax: (989) 785-8023Email: [email protected]


Muskegon County ClerkCounty BuildingMuskegon, MI 49442Phone: (231) 724-6221

Fax: (231) 724-6262Email: [email protected]

Newaygo County Newaygo County Clerk1087 NewellWhite Cloud, MI 49349-0885Phone: (231) 689-7235

Fax: (231) 689-7241Email: [email protected]

Oakland County Oakland County ClerkOakland County Clerk Register Of DeedsPontiac, MI 48341Phone: (248) 858-0560

Email: [email protected]

Oceana County Oceana County Clerk100 State St - Ste 1Hart, MI 49420Phone: (231) 873-4328

Fax: (231) 873-1391Email: [email protected]

Ogemaw County Ogemaw County Clerk806 W Houghton Ave, Rm 101West Branch, MI 48661-1215Phone: (989) 345-0215

Fax: (989) 345-7223Email: [email protected]


Ontonagon County Clerk725 Greenland RdOntonagon, MI 49953Phone: (906) 884-4255

Fax: (906) 884-6796Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Osceola County Osceola County Clerk301 W Upton Reed City, MI 49677-1149Phone: (231) 832-3261

Fax: (231) 832-6149Email: [email protected]

Oscoda County Oscoda County Clerk311 Morenci Ave.Mio, MI 48647-0399Phone: (989) 826-1110

Fax: (989) 826-1136Email: [email protected]

Otsego County Otsego County Clerk225 W Main StGaylord, MI 49735-1393Phone: (989) 731-7504

Fax: (989) 731-7519Email: [email protected]

Ottawa County Ottawa County Clerk12220 Fillmore St Rm 130West Olive, MI 49460Phone: (616) 994-4537

Fax: (616) 994-4538Email: [email protected]

Presque IsleCounty

Presque Isle County ClerkP.O. Box 110Rogers City, MI 49779Phone: (989) 734-3288

Fax: (989) 734-7635Email: [email protected]


Roscommon County Clerk500 Lake StRoscommon, MI 48653Phone: (989) 275-5923

Fax: (989) 275-8640Email: [email protected]

Saginaw County Saginaw County Clerk111 S Michigan Saginaw, MI 48602-2086Phone: (989) 790-5251

Fax: (989) 790-5254Email: [email protected]

Sanilac County Sanilac County Clerk60 W SanilacSandusky, MI 48471-1094Phone: (810) 648-3212 x4

Fax: (810) 648-5466Email: [email protected]


Schoolcraft County Clerk300 Walnut StManistique, MI 49854-1487Phone: (906) 341-3618

Fax: (906) 341-5680Email: [email protected]


Shiawassee County Clerk208 N Shiawassee StCorunna, MI 48817-1491Phone: (989) 743-2242

Fax: (989) 743-2241Email: [email protected]

St. Clair County St. Clair County Clerk201 Mcmorran Blvd - Rm 1100Port Huron, MI 48060-4082Phone: (810) 985-2200

Fax: (810) 985-2241Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

St. JosephCounty

St. Joseph County Clerk125 W Main StCentreville, MI 49032-0189Phone: (269) 467-5603

Fax: (269) 467-5596Email: [email protected]

Tuscola County Tuscola County Clerk440 N State StCaro, MI 48723-1592Phone: (989) 672-3780

Fax: (989) 672-4266Email: [email protected]

Van BurenCounty

Van Buren County Clerk212 E Paw Paw Ste 101Paw Paw, MI 49079-1496Phone: (269) 657-8218 x6

Fax: (269) 657-8298Email: [email protected]


Washtenaw County Clerk200 N Main StAnn Arbor, MI 48104Phone: (734) 222-6730

Fax: (734) 222-6528Email: [email protected]

Wayne County Wayne County Clerk2 Woodward AveDetroit, MI 48226-3463Phone: (313) 224-6262

Fax: (313) 224-5364Email: [email protected]

Wexford County Wexford County Clerk437 E. Division StCadillac, MI 49601Phone: (231) 779-9450

Fax: (231) 779-0447Email: [email protected]

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Ann Arbor, City of(WashtenawCounty)

Ann Arbor City Clerk301 E. Huron St. Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8647Phone: (734) 994-2725

Fax: (734) 994-8296Email: [email protected]

Battle Creek, Cityof (CalhounCounty)

Battle Creek City Clerk10 N. Division St, Rm 111Battle Creek, MI 49014Phone: (269) 966-3348

Fax: (269) 966-3555Email: [email protected]

Bay City, City of(Bay County)

Bay City City Clerk301 Washington AveBay City, MI 48708Phone: (989) 894-8168

Fax: (989) 894-0704Email: [email protected]

DearbornHeights, City of(Wayne County)

Dearborn Heights City Clerk6045 Fenton StDearborn Heights, MI 48127Phone: (313) 791-3430

Fax: (313) 791-3401Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Dearborn, City of(Wayne County)

Dearborn City Clerk16901 Michigan AveDearborn, MI 48126Phone: (313) 943-2021

Fax: (313) 943-2011Email: [email protected]

Detroit, City of(Wayne County)

Detroit City Clerk2978 W. Grand Blvd.Detroit, MI 48202-3069Phone: (313) 224-3260

Fax: (313) 224-1466Email: [email protected]

East Lansing, Cityof (InghamCounty)

East Lansing City Clerk410 Abbot RdEast Lansing, MI 48823-3388Phone: (517) 319-6914

Fax: (517) 337-1607Email: [email protected]

Farmington Hills,City of (OaklandCounty)

Farmington Hills City ClerkCity HallFarmington Hills, MI 48336-1165Phone: (248) 871-2410

Fax: (248) 871-2411Email: [email protected]

Flint, City of(Genesee County)

Flint City Clerk1101 S. Saginaw St Ste-201cFlint, MI 48502Phone: (810) 766-7414

Fax: (810) 766-7480Email: [email protected]

Grand Rapids,City of (KentCounty)

Grand Rapids City Clerk300 Monroe Ave NWGrand Rapids, MI 49503Phone: (616) 456-3010

Fax: (616) 456-4607Email: [email protected]

Kalamazoo, Cityof (KalamazooCounty)

Kalamazoo City Clerk241 W S St Rm 104Kalamazoo, MI 49007Phone: (269) 337-8793

Fax: (269) 337-8494Email: [email protected]

Lansing, City of(Ingham County)

Lansing City Clerk124 W Michigan Ave, 9th FloorLansing, MI 48933-1695Phone: (517) 483-4133

Fax: (517) 377-0068Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Park, Cityof (WayneCounty)

Lincoln Park City Clerk1355 Sfield Rd.Lincoln Park, MI 48146Phone: (313)386-1800 x247

Fax: (313)386-3108Email: [email protected]

Livonia, City of(Wayne County)

Livonia City Clerk33000 Civic Center DrLivonia, MI 48154Phone: (734) 466-2233

Fax: (734) 421-1147Email: [email protected]

Pontiac, City of(Oakland County)

Pontiac City Clerk47450 Woodward AvePontiac, MI 48342Phone: (248) 758-3006

Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Roseville, City of(Macomb County)

Roseville City ClerkP.O. Box 290Roseville, MI 48066Phone: (586) 445-5443

Fax: (586) 445-5402Email: [email protected]

Royal Oak, City of(Oakland County)

Royal Oak City Clerk211 Williams StRoyal Oak, MI 48067Phone: (248) 246-3050

Fax: (248) 246-3001Email: [email protected]

Saginaw, City of(Saginaw County)

Saginaw City Clerk1315 S Washington Ave - Rm 102Saginaw, MI 48601Phone: (989) 759-1480

Fax: (989) 759-1447Email: [email protected]

Southfield, City of(Oakland County)

Southfield City Clerk26000 Evergreen RdSouthfield, MI 48037-2055Phone: (248) 796-5150

Fax: (248) 796-5155Email: [email protected]

St. Clair Shores,City of (MacombCounty)

St. Clair Shores City Clerk27600 Jefferson Circle DrSt. Clair Shores, MI 48081Phone: (586) 447-3303

Fax: (586) 445-0469Email: [email protected]

Sterling Heights,City of (MacombCounty)

Sterling Heights City Clerk40555 Utica RdSterling Heights, MI 48311-8009Phone: (586) 446 2420

Fax: (586) 276 4077Email: [email protected]

Taylor, City of(Wayne County)

Taylor City Clerk23555 GoddardTaylor, MI 48180Phone: (734) 374-1474

Fax: (734) 374-1343Email: [email protected]

Troy, City of(Oakland County)

Troy City Clerk500 W Big Beaver RdTroy, MI 48084-5285Phone: (248) 524-3316

Fax: (248) 524-1770Email: [email protected]

Warren, City of(Macomb County)

Warren City ClerkOne City Square - Ste 205Warren, MI 48093Phone: (586) 574-4557

Fax: (586) 574-4556Email: [email protected]

Westland, City of(Wayne County)

Westland City Clerk36300 Warren Rd.Westland, MI 48185Phone: (734) 467-3185

Fax: (734) 422-1108Email: [email protected]

Wyoming, City of(Kent County)

Wyoming City Clerk1155 28th St SWWyoming, MI 49509-0905Phone: (616)530-7296

Fax: (616) 530-7200Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 9, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byAugust 9, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Request Received byAugust 9, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, August 9, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Minnesota is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have access to any ofthese numbers, leave this blockblank.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot. If you do notmake a selection, your ballot will bemailed to you.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official in



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be postmarked and returned accordingto the deadlines provided in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

accepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You can use the FWAB to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

U.S. citizens residing outside the United Stateswhose return is not certain and U.S. citizens whohave never resided in the United States can use theFWAB to vote in all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have access to any ofthese numbers, leave this blockblank.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe the



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

location of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Aitkin Aitkin County Auditor209 2nd St NW Rm 202Aitkin, MN 56431-1292Phone: (218) 927-7354

Fax: (218) 927-7324Email: [email protected]

Anoka Anoka County Elections325 E Main St, Ste W130Anoka, MN 55303-5031Phone: (763) 323-5275

Fax: (763) 422-7526Email: [email protected]

Becker Becker County Courthouse915 Lake AveDetroit Lakes, MN 56501-3403Phone: (218) 846-7311

Fax: (218) 846-7257Email: [email protected]

Beltrami Beltrami County Auditor701 Minnesota Ave NW, Ste 220Bemidji, MN 56601-3178Phone: (218) 333-8476

Fax: (218) 333-4246Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County Auditor-Treasurer's Office531 Dewey StFoley, MN 56329-0129Phone: (320) 968-5027

Fax: (320) 968-5337Email: [email protected]

Big Stone Big Stone County Auditor20 2nd St SE, Ste 103Ortonville, MN 56278-1544Phone: (320) 839-6366

Fax: (320) 839-6370Email: [email protected]

Blue Earth Blue Earth CountyGovernment Center410 S 5th StMankato, MN 56002-3524Phone: (507) 304-4341

Fax: (507) 304-4396Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Courthouse14 South State StNew Ulm, MN 56073-0115Phone: (507) 233-6614

Fax: (507) 359-1430Email: [email protected]

Carlton Courthouse301 Walnut AveCarlton, MN 55718-0130Phone: (218) 384-9127

Fax: (218) 384-9116Email: [email protected]

Carver Government Center - Administration Bldg600 E Fourth StChaska, MN 55318-2102Phone: (952) 361-1981

Fax: (952) 361-1919Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County Courthouse303 Minnesota Ave WWalker, MN 56484-3000Phone: (218) 547-7260

Fax: (218) 547-7278Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Chippewa Chippewa County Courthouse629 N 11Th StMontevideo, MN 56265-1652Phone: (320) 269-7447

Fax: (320) 269-7412Email: [email protected]

Chisago Chisago County Gov Center313 N Main St, Rm 271Center City, MN 55012-7656Phone: (651) 213-8504

Fax: (651) 213-8510Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Courthouse807 N 11th StMoorhead, MN 56560-0280Phone: (218) 299-5006

Fax: (218) 299-5195Email: [email protected]

Clearwater Clearwater County Auditor-Treasurer213 Main Ave N, Dept 202Bagley, MN 56621-8304Phone: (218) 694-6520

Fax: (218) 694-6244Email: [email protected]

Cook Cook County Courthouse411 W 2nd StGrand Marais, MN 55604-1150Phone: (218) 387-3642

Fax: (218) 387-3063Email: [email protected]

Cottonwood Cottonwood County Courthouse900 3rd AveWindom, MN 56101-1645Phone: (507) 831-1342

Fax: (507) 831-4553Email: [email protected]

Crow Wing Crow Wing County Auditor326 Laurel St, Courthouse Ste 22Brainerd, MN 56401-3590Phone: (218) 824-1045

Fax: (218) 824-1301Email: [email protected]

Dakota Dakota County Elections1590 Highway 55, Ste 2300Hastings, MN 55033-2380Phone: (651) 438-4305

Fax: (651) 438-4391Email: [email protected]

Dodge Dodge County Elections721 Main Street N, Dept 45Mantorville, MN 55955-2204Phone: (507) 635-6233

Fax: (507) 635-6265Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County Auditor/Treasurer305 8th Ave WAlexandria, MN 56308-1793Phone: (320) 762-3077

Fax: (320) 762-2389Email: [email protected]

Faribault Faribault County Courthouse415 N Main StBlue Earth, MN 56013-0130Phone: (507) 526-6212

Fax: (507) 526-6290Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Fillmore Fillmore County Courthouse101 Fillmore StPreston, MN 55965-0466Phone: (507) 765-4701

Fax: (507) 765-2662Email: [email protected]

Freeborn Freeborn County Government Center411 S BroadwayAlbert Lea, MN 56007-1147Phone: (507) 377-5120

Fax: (507) 377-5175Email: [email protected]

Goodhue Goodhue County Government Center509 W 5th StRed Wing, MN 55066-0408Phone: (651) 385-3032

Fax: (651) 385-3196Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Courthouse10 2nd St NEElbow Lake, MN 56531-4400Phone: (218) 685-8236

Fax: (218) 685-4521Email: [email protected]

Hennepin Hennepin County Gov't Center300 S 6th St, PSL 012Minneapolis, MN 55487-0012Phone: (612) 348-5151

Fax: (612) 348-2151Email: [email protected]

Houston Houston County Courthouse304 S Marshall St, Rm 116Caledonia, MN 55921-1330Phone: (507) 725-5803

Fax: (507) 725-2647Email: [email protected]

Hubbard Hubbard County Courthouse301 Court AvePark Rapids, MN 56470-1483Phone: (218) 732-3196

Fax: (218) 732-3645Email: [email protected]

Isanti Isanti County Auditor's Office555 18th Ave SWCambridge, MN 55008-9386Phone: (763) 689-1644

Fax: (763) 689-8210Email: [email protected]

Itasca Itasca County Courthouse123 NE 4th StGrand Rapids, MN 55744-2600Phone: (218) 327-2849

Fax: (218) 327-7426Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Courthouse405 4th St, PO Box 226Jackson, MN 56143-1529Phone: (507) 847-2763

Fax: (507) 847-4718Email: [email protected]

Kanabec Kanabec County Courthouse18 N Vine St, Ste 261-AMora, MN 55051-1351Phone: (320) 679-6430

Fax: (320) 679-6431Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Kandiyohi Kandiyohi County Office Bldg400 Benson Ave SwWillmar, MN 56201-0936Phone: (320) 231-6202

Fax: (320) 231-6263Email: [email protected]

Kittson Kittson County Elections410 5th St SE, Ste 214Hallock, MN 56728-4141Phone: (218) 843-2655

Fax: (218) 843-3432Email: [email protected]

Koochiching Koochiching County Courthouse715 4th StInternational Falls, MN 56649-2486Phone: (218) 283-1112

Fax: (218) 283-1104Email: [email protected]

Lac Qui Parle Lac qui Parle County Auditor600 6th St, Ste 6Madison, MN 56256-1296Phone: (320) 598-7444

Fax: (320) 598-3125Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Courthouse601 3rd AveTwo Harbors, MN 55616-1565Phone: (218) 834-8473

Fax: (218) 834-8358Email: [email protected]

Lake of theWoods

Lorene Hanson206 8th Ave SE, Ste 260Baudette, MN 56623-0808Phone: (218) 634-2836

Fax: (218) 634-2509Email: [email protected]

Le Sueur Le Sueur County Courthouse88 S Park AveLe Center, MN 56057-1600Phone: (507) 357-2251

Fax: (507) 357-8628Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Courthouse319 N Rebecca StIvanhoe, MN 56142-0029Phone: (507) 694-1529

Fax: (507) 694-1198Email: [email protected]

Lyon Lyon County Government Center607 W MainMarshall, MN 56258-3099Phone: (507) 537-6724

Fax: (507) 537-6091Email: [email protected]

Mahnomen Mahnomen County Courthouse311 N Main StMahnomen, MN 56557-0379Phone: (218) 935-5669

Fax: (218) 936-5656Email: [email protected]

Marshall Domita Mack208 E Colvin Ave, Ste 10Warren, MN 56762-1697Phone: (218) 745-4960

Fax: (218) 745-4317Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Martin Martin County Courthouse201 Lake AveFairmont, MN 56031-1852Phone: (507) 238-3211

Fax: (507) 238-3259Email: [email protected]

McLeod Mcleod County2391 Hennepin Ave NGlencoe, MN 55336-2200Phone: (320) 864-1203

Fax: (320) 864-3268Email: [email protected]

Meeker Meeker County Courthouse325 Sibley Ave NLitchfield, MN 55355-2189Phone: (320) 693-5212

Fax: (320) 693-5217Email: [email protected]

Mille Lacs Mille Lacs County Courthouse635 2nd St SEMilaca, MN 56353-1396Phone: (320) 983-8302

Fax: (320) 983-8336Email: [email protected]

Morrison Morrison County Courthouse213 SE 1st AveLittle Falls, MN 56345-3199Phone: (320) 632-0132

Fax: (320) 632-0139Email: [email protected]

Mower Steve Reinartz Auditor-Treasurer201 1st St NE Ste 7Austin, MN 55912-3475Phone: (507) 525-1192

Fax: (507) 434-2646Email: [email protected]

Murray Murray County Elections2500 28th StSlayton, MN 56172-0057Phone: (507) 836-1153

Fax: (507) 836-6114Email: [email protected]

Nicollet Nicollet County Govt Center501 S Minnesota AveSaint Peter, MN 56082-0089Phone: (507) 934-7806

Fax: (507) 931-0856Email: [email protected]

Nobles Nobles County Auditor-Treasurer315 10th StWorthington, MN 56187-0757Phone: (507) 295-5258

Fax: (507) 372-8390Email: [email protected]

Norman Norman County Courthouse16 E 3rd AveAda, MN 56510-0266Phone: (218) 784-5471

Fax: (218) 784-4531Email: [email protected]

Olmsted Olmsted County Government Center151 4th St SERochester, MN 55904-3709Phone: (507) 328-7650

Fax: (507) 328-7964Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Otter Tail Otter Tail County Government Services Center510 Fir Ave WFergus Falls, MN 56537-1364Phone: (218) 998-8040

Fax: (218) 998-8042Email: [email protected]

Pennington Pennington County Courthouse101 Main Ave NThief River Falls, MN 56701-0616Phone: (218) 683-7000

Fax: (218) 683-7080Email: [email protected]

Pine Pine County Courthouse635 Northridge Dr NW, Ste 240Pine City, MN 55063-1694Phone: (320) 591-1670

Fax: (320) 591-1671Email: [email protected]

Pipestone Pipestone County Courthouse416 Hiawatha Ave SPipestone, MN 56164-0455Phone: (507) 825-6740

Fax: (507) 825-6741Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Government Center612 N Broadway, Ste 207Crookston, MN 56716-1452Phone: (218) 470-8362

Fax: (218) 281-3801Email: [email protected]

Pope Pope County Courthouse130 E Minnesota Ave, Ste 218Glenwood, MN 56334-4525Phone: (320) 634-7706

Fax: (320) 634-3087Email: [email protected]

Ramsey Ramsey County Elections90 W Plato Blvd, Ste 160St. Paul, MN 55107Phone: (651) 266-2171

Fax: (651) 266-2177Email: [email protected]

Red Lake Red Lake County Auditor124 Langevin AveRed Lake Falls, MN 56750-0367Phone: (218) 253-2598

Fax: (218) 253-4894Email: [email protected]

Redwood Redwood County Government Center403 S Mill StRedwood Falls, MN 56283-0130Phone: (507) 637-4013

Fax: (507) 637-4072Email: [email protected]

Renville Renville County Courthouse500 E Depue Ave, Ste 202Olivia, MN 56277-1396Phone: (320) 523-2071

Fax: (320) 523-3679Email: [email protected]

Rice Rice County Elections320 3rd St NWFairbault, MN 55021-6141Phone: (507) 332-6133

Fax: (507) 333-3754Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Rock Rock County Courthouse204 Brown St ELuverne, MN 56156-0509Phone: (507) 283-5060

Fax: (507) 283-1343Email: [email protected]

Roseau Roseau County Courthouse606 5th Ave Sw, Rm 160Roseau, MN 56751-1477Phone: (218) 463-1282

Fax: (218) 463-4283Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Customer Service Department200 Fourth Ave WShakopee, MN 55379Phone: (952) 496-8161

Fax: (952) 496-8174Email: [email protected]

Sherburne Sherburne County Auditor13880 Business Center Dr NWElk River, MN 55330Phone: (763) 765-4351

Fax: (763) 765-4400Email: [email protected]

Sibley Sibley County Auditor400 Court AveGaylord, MN 55334-0171Phone: (507) 237-4070

Fax: (507) 237-4073Email: [email protected]

St. Louis St. Louis County Auditor100 N 5th Ave W, 214 Duluth, MN 55802-1293Phone: (218) 726-2385

Fax: (218) 725-5060Email: [email protected]

Stearns Stearns County Administration Center705 Courthouse Sq, Rm 148Saint Cloud, MN 56303-4781Phone: (320) 656-6384

Fax: (320) 656-3916Email: [email protected]

Steele Steele County Auditor630 Florence AveOwatonna, MN 55060-0890Phone: (507) 444-7410

Fax: (507) 444-7470Email: [email protected]

Stevens Stevens County Courthouse400 Colorado Ave, Ste 303Morris, MN 56267-0530Phone: (320) 208-6570

Fax: (320) 589-2036Email: [email protected]

Swift Swift County Courthouse301 14th St NBenson, MN 56215-0288Phone: (320) 843-4069

Fax: (320) 843-2275Email: [email protected]

Todd Todd County Historic Courthouse215 1st Ave S, Ste 201Long Prairie, MN 56347-1390Phone: (320) 732-4414

Fax: (320) 732-4001Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Traverse Traverse County Courthouse702 2nd Ave NWheaton, MN 56296-0428Phone: (320) 422-7740

Fax: (320) 563-1601Email: [email protected]

Wabasha Wabasha County Auditor/Treasurer625 Jefferson AveWabasha, MN 55981-1594Phone: (651) 565-2648

Fax: (651) 565-2774Email: [email protected]

Wadena Wadena County Courthouse415 S Jefferson StWadena, MN 56482-1595Phone: (218) 631-7792

Fax: (218) 631-7652Email: [email protected]

Waseca Waseca County Courthouse307 N State StWaseca, MN 56093-2993Phone: (507) 835-0622

Fax: (507) 835-0633Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Government Center14949 62nd St N - PO Box 6Stillwater, MN 55082-0006Phone: (651) 430-6175

Fax: (651) 430-6178Email: [email protected]

Watonwan Watonwan County Courthouse710 2nd Ave SSaint James, MN 56081-0518Phone: (507) 375-1210

Fax: (507) 375-3547Email: [email protected]

Wilkin Wilkin County Courthouse300 S 5th StBreckenridge, MN 56520-0409Phone: (218) 643-7165

Fax: (218) 643-7169Email: [email protected]

Winona Winona County Auditor-Treasurer177 Main StrWinona, MN 55987-3102Phone: (507) 457-8830

Fax: (507) 454-9368Email: [email protected]

Wright Wright County Government Center10 2nd St NW, Rm 230Buffalo, MN 55313-1195Phone: (763) 682-7692

Fax: (763) 682-7873Email: [email protected]

Yellow Medicine YMC Government Center180 8th AveGranite Falls, MN 56241-1508Phone: (320) 564-3132

Fax: (320) 564-0927Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemail

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

PresidentialPrimaryMarch 8, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 8, 2016

State PrimaryRunoffMarch 29, 2016

GeneralElectionNovember 8,2016

General RunoffNovember 29,2016

Registration By Mail:Postmarked byFebruary 27,2016By Email or Fax:Received byFebruary 27,2016

By Mail:Postmarked byFebruary 27,2016By Email or Fax:Received byFebruary 27,2016

By Mail:Postmarked byMarch 8, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byMarch 8, 2016

By Mail:Postmarked byOctober 29,2016By Email or Fax:Received byOctober 29,2016

By Mail:Postmarked byOctober 29,2016By Email or Fax:Received byOctober 29,2016


Received byMarch 8, 2016

Received byMarch 8, 2016

Received byMarch 29, 2016

Received byNovember 8,2016

Received byNovember 29,2016


Received by7 PM, March 8,2016

Received by7 PM, March 8,2016

Received by7 PM, March 29,2016

Received by7 PM,November 8,2016

Received by7 PM,November 29,2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot by contacting yourelection official. Contact information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section.

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

in Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoD

If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it be returned according to the deadlinesmustand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Elections Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name or

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

political party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County RegistrarP. O. Box 1224Natchez, MS 39121Phone: (601) 446-6326

Fax: (601) 445-7955Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Alcorn Alcorn County RegistrarP. O. Box 430Corinth, MS 38835Phone: (662) 286-7740

Fax: (662) 286-7767Email: [email protected]

Amite Amite County RegistrarP. O. Box 312Liberty, MS 39645Phone: (601) 657-8932

Fax: (601) 657-1082Email: [email protected]

Attala Attala County Registrar100 Courthouse Ste 1Kosciusko, MS 39090Phone: (662) 289-1471

Fax: (662) 289-7666Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County RegistrarP. O. Box 262Ashland, MS 38603Phone: (662) 224-6310

Fax: (662) 224-6312Email: [email protected]

Bolivar Bolivar County RegistrarP. O. Box 670Cleveland, MS 38732Phone: (662) 843-2061

Fax: (662) 846-2943Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County RegistrarP. O. Box 25Pittsboro, MS 38951Phone: (662) 412-3101

Fax: (662) 412-3103Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County RegistrarP. O. Box 6Vaiden, MS 39176Phone: (662) 464-5476

Fax: (662) 464-5407Email: [email protected]

Chickasaw Chickasaw County Registrar1 Pinson Sq Rd Rm 2Houston, MS 38851Phone: (662) 456-2331

Fax: (662) 456-4831Email: [email protected]

Choctaw Choctaw County RegistrarP. O. Box 34Ackerman, MS 39735Phone: (662) 285-6245

Fax: (662) 285-2196Email: [email protected]

Claiborne Claiborne County RegistrarP. O. Box 549Port Gibson, MS 39150Phone: (601) 437-5841

Fax: (601) 437-4543Email: [email protected]

Clarke Clarke County RegistrarP. O. Box 216Quitman, MS 39355Phone: (601) 776-3111

Fax: (601) 776-1001Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Clay Clay County RegistrarP. O. Box 364West Point, MS 39773Phone: (662) 494-3384

Fax: (662) 495-2057Email: [email protected]

Coahoma Coahoma County RegistrarP. O. Drawer 849Clarksdale, MS 38614Phone: (662) 624-3014

Fax: (662) 624-3075Email: [email protected]

Copiah Copiah County RegistrarP. O. Box 467Hazelhurst, MS 39083-0467Phone: (601) 894-1241

Fax: (601) 894-3026Email: [email protected]

Covington Covington County RegistrarP. O. Box 667Collins, MS 39428Phone: (601) 765-6506

Fax: (601) 765-5012Email: [email protected]

DeSoto DeSoto County Registrar2535 Hwy 51 SHernando, MS 38632Phone: (662) 429-1325

Fax: (662) 449-1416Email: [email protected]

Forrest Forrest County RegistrarP. O. Box 992Hattiesburg, MS 39403-0992Phone: (601) 582-3213

Fax: (601) 545-6065Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County RegistrarP. O. Box 267Meadville, MS 39653Phone: (601) 384-2320

Fax: (601) 384-8244Email: [email protected]

George George County Registrar355 Cox St , Ste CLucedale, MS 39452Phone: (601) 947-4881

Fax: (601) 947-8804Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County RegistrarP. O. Box 310Leakesville, MS 39451Phone: (601) 394-2379

Fax: (601) 394-2334Email: [email protected]

Grenada Grenada County RegistrarP. O. Box 1517Grenada, MS 38902-1517Phone: (662) 226-1941

Fax: (662) 227-2865Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock County Registrar152 Main St, Ste BBay Saint Louis, MS 39520Phone: (228) 467-5265

Fax: (228) 467-2779Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Harrison Harrison County RegistrarP. O. Box 998Gulfport, MS 39502Phone: (228) 865-4051

Fax: (228) 865-4099Email: [email protected]

Hinds Hinds County RegistrarP. O Box 327Jackson, MS 39205Phone: (601) 968-6628

Fax: (601) 973-5547Email: [email protected]

Holmes Holmes County RegistrarP. O. Box 718Lexington, MS 39095Phone: (662) 834-2476

Fax: (662) 834-3870Email: [email protected]

Humphreys Humphreys County RegistrarP. O. Box 696Belzoni, MS 39038Phone: (662) 247-3065

Fax: (662) 247-3906Email: [email protected]

Issaquena Issaquena County RegistrarP. O. Box 27Mayersville, MS 39113Phone: (662) 873-2761

Fax: (601) 873-2061Email: [email protected]

Itawamba Itawamba County Registrar201 W Main StFulton, MS 38843Phone: (662) 862-3511

Fax: (662) 862-4006Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County RegistrarP. O. Box 998Pascagoula, MS 39568Phone: (228) 769-3040

Fax: (228)769-3180Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County RegistrarP.O. Box 58Bay Springs, MS 39422Phone: (601) 727-4914

Fax: (601)764-3078Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County RegistrarP. O. Box 305Fayette, MS 39069Phone: (601) 786-3422

Fax: (601) 786-9676Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Davis Jefferson Davis County RegistrarP. O. Box 1090Prentiss, MS 39474Phone: (601) 792-4231

Fax: (601) 792-4957Email: [email protected]

Jones Jones County RegistrarP. O. Box 1336Laurel, MS 39441Phone: (601) 425-2556

Fax: (601) 399-4774Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Kemper Kemper County RegistrarP. O. Box 130De Kalb, MS 39328Phone: (601) 743-2224

Fax: (601) 743-4173Email: [email protected]

Lafayette Lafayette County Registrar1 Courthouse Sq , Ste 101Oxford, MS 38655Phone: (662) 234-4951

Fax: (662) 236-0238Email: [email protected]

Lamar Lamar County RegistrarP. O. Box 369Purvis, MS 39475Phone: (601) 794-8504

Fax: (601) 794-3905Email: [email protected]

Lauderdale Lauderdale County RegistrarP. O. Box 1005Meridian, MS 39302-1005Phone: (601) 482-9731

Fax: (601) 482-9734Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County RegistrarP. O. Box 1249Monticello, MS 39654Phone: (601) 587-4791

Fax: (601) 587-4405Email: [email protected]

Leake Leake County RegistrarP. O. Box 67Carthage, MS 39051Phone: (601) 267-8357

Fax: (601) 267-8889Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County RegistrarP. O. Box 762Tupelo, MS 38802Phone: (662) 841-9024

Fax: (662) 680-6079Email: [email protected]

Leflore Leflore County RegistrarP. O. Box 1953Greenwood, MS 38935Phone: (662) 453-1435

Fax: (662) 455-1278Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Registrar301 S First St, Rm 205Brookhaven, MS 39602Phone: (601) 835-3435

Fax: (601) 835-3482Email: [email protected]

Lowndes Lowndes County RegistrarP. O. Box 31Columbus, MS 39703Phone: (662) 329-5900

Fax: (662)329-5935Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County RegistrarP. O. Drawer 1626Canton, MS 39046Phone: (601) 859-4365

Fax: (601) 859-8555Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Marion Marion County Registrar250 Broad St , Ste 1Columbia, MS 39429Phone: (601) 736-8246

Fax: (601) 731-6344Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County RegistrarP. O. Box 459Holly Springs, MS 38635Phone: (662) 252-3434

Fax: (662) 252-5951Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County RegistrarP. O. Box 843Aberdeen, MS 39730Phone: (662) 369-8695

Fax: (662) 369-3684Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County RegistrarP. O. Box 765Winona, MS 38967Phone: (662) 283-4161

Fax: (662) 283-3363Email: [email protected]

Neshoba Neshoba County Registrar401 E. Beacon St , Ste 110Philadelphia, MS 39350Phone: (601) 656-4781

Fax: (601) 650-3997Email: [email protected]

Newton Newton County RegistrarP. O. Box 447Decatur, MS 39327Phone: (601) 635-2368

Fax: (601) 635-3210Email: [email protected]

Noxubee Noxubee County Registrar505 S Jefferson StMacon, MS 39341Phone: (662) 726-5737

Fax: (662) 726-6041Email: [email protected]

Oktibbeha Oktibbeha County Registrar108 W. Main St , Ste 118Starkville, MS 39759Phone: (662) 323-1356

Fax: (662) 323-1121Email: [email protected]

Panola Panola County RegistrarP. O. Box 346Batesville, MS 38606Phone: (662) 563-6210

Fax: (662) 563-8233Email: [email protected]

Pearl River Pearl River County Registrar200 S MainPoplarville, MS 39470Phone: (601) 403-2328

Fax: (601) 403-2325Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County RegistrarP. O. Box 198New Augusta, MS 39462Phone: (601) 964-8663

Fax: (601) 964-8740Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Pike Pike County RegistrarP. O Drawer 31Magnolia, MS 39652Phone: (601) 783-2581

Fax: (601) 783-6322Email: [email protected]

Pontotoc Pontotoc County RegistrarP. O Box 428Pontotoc, MS 38863Phone: (662) 489-3908

Fax: (662) 489-2318Email: [email protected]

Prentiss Prentiss County RegistrarP. O Box 727Booneville, MS 38829Phone: (662) 728-4611

Fax: (662) 728-2006Email: [email protected]

Quitman Quitman County Registrar220 Chestnut St, Ste 4Marks, MS 38646Phone: (662) 326-8003

Fax: (601) 326-8004Email: [email protected]

Rankin Rankin County RegistrarP. O. Box 1599Brandon, MS 39043Phone: (601) 825-1466

Fax: (601) 825-1465Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County RegistrarP. O. Box 371Forest, MS 39074Phone: (601) 469-3601

Fax: (601) 469-5188Email: [email protected]

Sharkey Sharkey County RegistrarP. O. Box 218Rolling Fork, MS 39159Phone: (662) 873-2755

Fax: (662) 873-6045Email: [email protected]

Simpson Simpson County RegistrarP. O. Box 307Mendenhall, MS 39114Phone: (601) 847-2474

Fax: (601) 847-4011Email: [email protected]

Smith Smith County RegistrarP. O. Box 517Raleigh, MS 39153Phone: (601) 782-4751

Fax: (601) 782-4007Email: [email protected]

Stone Stone County Registrar323 Cavers AveWiggins, MS 39577Phone: (601) 928-5246

Fax: (601) 928-5248Email: [email protected]

Sunflower Sunflower County RegistrarP. O. Box 880Indianola, MS 38751Phone: (662) 887-1252

Fax: (662) 887-7077Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Tallahatchie Tallahatchie County RegistrarP. O. Box 86Charleston, MS 38921Phone: (662) 647-8758

Fax: (662) 647-8490Email: [email protected]

Tate Tate County Registrar201 Ward StSenatobia, MS 38668Phone: (662) 562-5211

Fax: (662) 562-7486Email: [email protected]

Tippah Tippah County Registrar102-A N. MainRipley, MS 38663Phone: (662) 837-7370

Fax: (662) 837-1030Email: [email protected]

Tishomingo Tishomingo County Registrar1008 Battleground DrLuka, MS 38852Phone: (662) 423-7026

Fax: (662) 423-1667Email: [email protected]

Tunica Tunica County RegistrarP. O. Box 184Tunica, MS 38676Phone: (662) 363-2842

Fax: (662) 363-2413Email: [email protected]

Union Union County RegistrarP. O. Box 298New Albany, MS 38652Phone: (662) 534-1910

Fax: (662) 534-2059Email: [email protected]

Walthall Walthall County Registrar200 Ball AveTylertown, MS 39667Phone: (601) 876-5677

Fax: (601) 876-4077Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County RegistrarP. O. Box 351Vicksburg, MS 39181Phone: (601) 636-3961

Fax: (601) 630-4100Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County RegistrarP. O Box 1276Greenville, MS 38702Phone: (662) 378-2747

Fax: (662) 334-2698Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Registrar609 AzaleaWaynesboro, MS 39367Phone: (601) 735-1171

Fax: (601) 735-6261Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster County Registrar515 Carroll StWalthall, MS 39771Phone: (662) 258-6287

Fax: (662) 258-7686Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Wilkinson Wilkinson County RegistrarP. O. Box 327Woodville, MS 39669Phone: (601) 888-6697

Fax: (601) 888-6984Email: [email protected]

Winston Winston County RegistrarP. O. Drawer 785Louisville, MS 39339Phone: (662) 773-3581

Fax: (662) 773-7192Email: [email protected]

Yalobusha Yalobusha County RegistrarP.O. Box 201Water Valley, MS 38965Phone: (662) 675-8187

Fax: (662) 675-8004Email: [email protected]

Yazoo Yazoo County RegistrarP. O Box 108Yazoo City, MS 39194Phone: (662) 746-1872

Fax: (662) 716-0113Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 2, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by*February 17, 2016

Received by*July 6, 2016

Received by*October 12, 2016


Received byMarch 11, 2016

Received byJuly 29, 2016

Received byNovember 4, 2016


Return by Mail: Postmarkedby**March 14, 2016Return by Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, March 15, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarkedby**August 1, 2016Return by Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, August 2, 2016

Return by Mail: Postmarkedby**November 7, 2016Return by Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

*Registration: The FWAB must be received by the 28th day before the election if used for registration.

**Ballot Return: Mailed ballots must be received by the 3rd day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).

If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballot



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

by mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or email fax (email or fax only if you are located in a

. Contact information can be found inhostile fire area)the "Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social security



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax(email or fax only if you are located in a hostile fire

. Contact information can be found in the "Localarea)Election Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter's

number or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Declaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: (only if you are located in a hostile Scan the signed Voter'sfire area)

Declaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: (only if you are located in a hostile Fax your FWAB directly to your electionfire area)

official. Be sure to include your ballot, signed VoterDeclaration/Affirmation and cover sheet with secrecywaiver. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FWABtoll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adair Adair106 W Washington St, 2nd FlKirksville, MO 63501Phone: (660) 665-3350

Fax: (660) 785-3233Email: [email protected]

Andrew AndrewP.O. Box 206Savannah, MO 64485Phone: (816) 324-3624

Fax: (816) 324-6154Email: [email protected]

Atchison AtchisonP.O. Box 280Rock Port, MO 64482Phone: (660) 744-6214

Fax: (660) 744-5499Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Audrain Audrain101 N Jefferson, Rm 101Mexico, MO 65265Phone: (573) 473-5820

Fax: (573) 5812-380Email: [email protected]

Barry Barry700 Main, Ste 2Cassville, MO 65625Phone: (417) 847-2561

Fax: (417) 847-5311Email: [email protected]

Barton Barton1004 Gulf, Rm 103Lamar, MO 64759Phone: (417) 682-3529

Fax: (417) 682-4100Email: [email protected]

Bates Bates1 N DelawareButler, MO 64730Phone: (660) 679-3371

Fax: (660) 679-9922Email: [email protected]

Benton BentonP.O. Box 1238Warsaw, MO 65355Phone: (660) 438-7326

Fax: (660) 438-3275Email: [email protected]

Bollinger Bollinger204 High St, Ste 5Marble Hill, MO 63764Phone: (573) 238-1900 x333

Fax: (573) 238-3275Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone801 E Walnut, Rm 236Columbia, MO 65201Phone: (573) 886-4295

Fax: (573) 886-4300Email: [email protected]

Buchanan Buchanan411 Jules, Rm 121St. Joseph, MO 64501Phone: (816) 271-1411

Fax: (816) 271-1535Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler100 N Main, Rm 202Poplar Bluff, MO 63901Phone: (573) 686-8050

Fax: (573) 686-8066Email: [email protected]

Caldwell Caldwell49 E Main StKingston, MO 64650Phone: (816) 586-2571

Fax: (816) 586-3001Email: [email protected]

Callaway Callaway10 E Fifth StFulton, MO 65251Phone: (573) 642-0730

Fax: (573) 642-7181Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Camden Camden1 Court Circle NW, Ste 2Camdenton, MO 65020Phone: (573) 317-3890

Fax: (573) 346-8445Email: [email protected]

Cape Girardeau Cape Girardeau1 Barton Square, Ste 301Jackson, MO 63755Phone: (573) 243-3547

Fax: (573) 204-2418Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll8 South Main, Ste 6Carrollton, MO 64633Phone: (660) 542-0615

Fax: (660) 542-0621Email: [email protected]

Carter CarterP.O. Box 517Van Buren, MO 63965Phone: (573) 323-4527

Fax: (573) 323-4527Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass102 E Wall StHarrisonville, MO 64701Phone: (816) 380-8102

Fax: (816) 380-8101Email: [email protected]

Cedar Cedar113 South StStockton, MO 65785Phone: (417) 276-6700 x221

Fax: (417) 276-3461Email: [email protected]

Chariton Chariton306 S Cherry StKeytesville, MO 65261Phone: (660) 288-3273

Fax: (660) 288-3403Email: [email protected]

Christian Christian100 W Church, Rm 206Ozark, MO 65721Phone: (417) 582-4340

Fax: (417) 581-8331Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark111 E Court St, Ste 110Kahoka, MO 63445Phone: (660) 727-3283

Fax: (660) 727-1088Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay 100 W MississippiLiberty, MO 64068Phone: (816) 415-8683

Fax: (816) 792-5334Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton207 N Main St, Rm 103Plattsburg, MO 64477Phone: (816) 539-3713

Fax: (816) 539-3072Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Cole Cole311 E High St, Rm 201Jefferson City, MO 65101Phone: (573) 634-9101

Fax: (573) 681-9678Email: [email protected]

Cooper Cooper200 Main St, Rm 23Boonville, MO 65233Phone: (660) 882-2114

Fax: (660) 882-5645Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford302 W Main StSteelville, MO 65565Phone: (573) 775-2376

Fax: (573) 775-3066Email: [email protected]

Dade DadeDade Co CourthouseGreenfield, MO 65661Phone: (417) 637-2724

Fax: (417) 6371006Email: [email protected]

Dallas DallasP.O. Box 436Buffalo, MO 65622Phone: (417) 345-2632

Fax: (417) 345-5321Email: [email protected]

Daviess Daviess102 N MainGallatin, MO 64640Phone: (660) 663-2641

Fax: (660) 663-3075Email: [email protected]

De Kalb De Kalb109 W Main StMaysville, MO 64469Phone: (816) 449-5402

Fax: (816) 449-2440Email: [email protected]

Dent Dent400 N Main StSalem, MO 65560Phone: (573) 729-4144

Fax: (573) 729-3350Email: [email protected]

Douglas DouglasP.O. Box 398Ava, MO 65608Phone: (417) 683-4714

Fax: (417) 683-1017Email: [email protected]

Dunklin DunklinP.O. Box 188Kennett, MO 63857Phone: (573) 888-1374

Fax: (573) 888-2832Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin400 E Locust, Ste 201Union, MO 63084Phone: (636) 583-6355

Fax: (636) 583-7320Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Gasconade Gasconade119 E First Street, Ste 2Hermann, MO 65041Phone: (573) 486-5427

Fax: (573) 486-8893Email: [email protected]

Gentry Gentry200 W ClayAlbany, MO 64402Phone: (660) 726-3525

Fax: (660) 726-4478Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene940 Boonville, Rm 113Springfield, MO 65802Phone: (417) 868-4055

Fax: (417) 868-4170Email: [email protected]

Grundy Grundy700 Main, Second FlTrenton, MO 64683Phone: (660) 359-4040 x4

Fax: (660) 359-6786Email: [email protected]

Harrison Harrison1505 MainBethany, MO 64424Phone: (660) 425-6424

Fax: (660) 425-3772Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry100 W FranklinClinton, MO 64735Phone: (660) 885-7204

Fax: (660) 890-2963Email: [email protected]

Hickory HickoryP.O. Box 3Hermitage, MO 65668Phone: (417) 745-6450

Fax: (417) 745-6057Email: [email protected]

Holt Holt102 NodawayOregon, MO 64473Phone: (660) 446-3303

Fax: (660) 446-3353Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard1 Courthouse SquareFayette, MO 65248Phone: (660) 248-2284

Fax: (660) 248-9810Email: [email protected]

Howell Howell35 Court Square, Ste 200West Plains, MO 65775Phone: (417) 256-2591

Fax: (417) 256-2512Email: [email protected]

Iron Iron250 S Main StIronton, MO 63650Phone: (573) 546-2912

Fax: (573) 546-6499Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Jackson JacksonP.O. Box 296Independence, MO 64051Phone: (816) 325-4600

Fax: (816) 325-4642Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper302 S Main St, Rm 102Carthage, MO 64836Phone: (417) 237-1008

Fax: (417) 359-1297Email: [email protected]

Jefferson JeffersonP.O. Box 100Hillsboro, MO 63050Phone: (636) 797-5486

Fax: (636) 797-5360Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson300 N HoldenWarrensburg, MO 64093Phone: (660) 747-6161

Fax: (660) 747-9332Email: [email protected]

Kansas City Kansas City Board30 W Pershing Rd, Ste 610Kansas City, MO 64108Phone: (816) 842-4820 x238

Fax: (816) 472-4960Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox107 N 4th StEdina, MO 63537Phone: (660) 397-2184

Fax: (660) 397-2642Email: [email protected]

Laclede Laclede200 N Adams AveLebanon, MO 65536Phone: (417) 532-5471

Fax: (417) 588-9288Email: [email protected]

Lafayette Lafayette1001 Main St, Rm 103Lexington, MO 64067Phone: (660) 259-4315

Fax: (660) 259-6109Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence1 E Courthouse Sq, Ste 101Mt. Vernon, MO 65712Phone: (417) 466-2638

Fax: (417) 466-4348Email: [email protected]

Lewis LewisP.O. Box 67Monticello, MO 63457Phone: (573) 767-5205

Fax: (573) 767-8245Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln201 Main StTroy, MO 63379Phone: (636) 528-6300

Fax: (636) 528-5528Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Linn Linn108 N High, Rm 102Linneus, MO 64653Phone: (660) 895-5417

Fax: (660) 895-5527Email: [email protected]

Livingston Livingston700 Webster St, Ste 10Chillicothe, MO 64601Phone: (660) 646-8000 x3

Fax: (660) 646-8010Email: [email protected]

Macon Macon101 E Washington, Bldg 1, Ste BMacon, MO 63552Phone: (660) 385-2913

Fax: (660) 385-7203Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison1 Courthouse SqFredericktown, MO 63645Phone: (573) 783-2176 x5

Fax: (573) 783-5351Email: [email protected]

Maries MariesP.O. Box 205, 211 4th StVienna, MO 65582Phone: (573) 422-3388 x6

Fax: (573) 422-3269Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion100 S MainPalmyra, MO 63461Phone: (573) 769-2549

Fax: (573) 769-4312Email: [email protected]

McDonald McDonald602 Main StPineville, MO 64856Phone: (417) 223-4662

Fax: (417) 223-7519Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer802 Main StPrinceton, MO 64673Phone: (660) 748-3425

Fax: (660) 748-3445Email: [email protected]

Miller MillerP.O. Box 12Tuscumbia, MO 65082Phone: (573) 369-1910

Fax: (573) 369-1905Email: [email protected]

Mississippi MississippiP.O. Box 369Charleston, MO 63834Phone: (573) 683-2146 x221

Fax: (573) 683-6071Email: [email protected]

Moniteau Moniteau200 E Main St, Rm 106California, MO 65018Phone: (573) 796-4661

Fax: (573) 796-3082Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Monroe Monroe300 N Main St, Rm 204Paris, MO 65275Phone: (660) 327-5106

Fax: (660) 327-1019Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery211 E Third StMontgomery City, MO 63361Phone: (573) 564-3357

Fax: (573) 564-8088Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan100 E Newton StVersailles, MO 65084Phone: (573) 378-5436

Fax: (573) 378-5991Email: [email protected]

New Madrid New Madrid450 MainNew Madrid, MO 63869Phone: (573) 748-2524

Fax: (573) 748-9269Email: [email protected]

Newton NewtonP.O. Box 488Neosho, MO 64850Phone: (417) 451-8221

Fax: (417) 451-7434Email: [email protected]

Nodaway Nodaway403 N MarketMaryville, MO 64468Phone: (660) 582-2251

Fax: (660) 582-5282Email: [email protected]

Oregon OregonP.O. Box 324Alton, MO 65606Phone: (417) 778-7475

Fax: (417) 778-7488Email: [email protected]

Osage Osage205 E MainLinn, MO 65051Phone: (573) 897-2139

Fax: (573) 897-4741Email: [email protected]

Ozark OzarkP.O. Box 416Gainesville, MO 65655Phone: (417) 679-3516

Fax: (417) 679-3209Email: [email protected]

Pemiscot Pemiscot610 Ward Avenue, Ste 2-ACaruthersville, MO 63830Phone: (573) 333-4203

Fax: (573) 333-0440Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry321 N Main St, No. 2Perryville, MO 63775Phone: (573) 547-4242

Fax: (573) 547-7367Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Pettis Pettis415 S OhioSedalia, MO 65301Phone: (660) 826-5000 x400

Fax: (660) 829-0717Email: [email protected]

Phelps Phelps200 N Main StRolla, MO 65401Phone: (573) 458-6115

Fax: (573) 458-6119Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike115 W MainBowling Green, MO 63334Phone: (573) 324-2412

Fax: (573) 324-5154Email: [email protected]

Platte Platte2600 NW Prairie View RdPlatte City, MO 64079Phone: (816) 858-4400

Fax: (816) 858-3387Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk102 E Broadway, Rm 11Bolivar, MO 65613Phone: (417) 326-4031

Fax: (417) 326-3525Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski301 Historic 66 E, Ste 101Waynesville, MO 65583Phone: (573) 774-4701

Fax: (573) 774-5601Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam1601 Main St, Rm 101Unionville, MO 63565Phone: (660) 947-2674

Fax: (660) 947-4214Email: [email protected]

Ralls RallsP.O. Box 400New London, MO 63459Phone: (573) 985-7111

Fax: (573) 985-6100Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph110 S MainHuntsville, MO 65259Phone: (660) 277-4717

Fax: (660) 277-3246Email: [email protected]

Ray Ray100 W MainRichmond, MO 64085Phone: (816) 776-4502

Fax: (816) 776-4512Email: [email protected]

Reynolds Reynolds2319 Green StCenterville, MO 63633Phone: (573) 648-2494

Fax: (573) 648-2449Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Ripley Ripley100 Courthouse Sq, Ste 2Doniphan, MO 63935Phone: (573) 996-3215

Fax: (573) 996-9774Email: [email protected]

Saline Saline19 E Arrow, Rm 202Marshall, MO 65340Phone: (660) 886-3331

Fax: (660) 886-2603Email: [email protected]

Schuyler SchuylerP.O. Box 187Lancaster, MO 63548Phone: (660) 4573-842

Fax: (660) 457-2295Email: [email protected]

Scotland Scotland117 S Market St Ste 100Memphis, MO 63555Phone: (660) 465-7027

Fax: (660) 465-7785Email: [email protected]

Scott ScottP.O. Box 188Benton, MO 63736Phone: (573) 545-3549

Fax: (573) 545-3540Email: [email protected]

Shannon Shannon111 N Main StEminence, MO 65466Phone: (573) 226-3414

Fax: (573) 226-5325Email: [email protected]

Shelby ShelbyP.O. Box 186Shelbyville, MO 63469Phone: (573) 633-2181

Fax: (573) 633-1004Email: [email protected]

St. Charles St. Charles397 Turner BlvdSt. Peters, MO 63376Phone: (636) 949-7550

Fax: (636) 949-7552Email: [email protected]

St. Clair St. ClairP.O.Box 525Osceola, MO 64776Phone: (417) 646-2315

Fax: (417) 646-8080Email: [email protected]

St. Francois St. Francois1 W Liberty St, Ste 300Farmington, MO 63640Phone: (573) 756-5411

Fax: (573) 431-6967Email: [email protected]

St. Louis City St. Louis City300 N Tucker BlvdSt. Louis, MO 63101Phone: (314) 622-4336

Fax: (314) 622-3587Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

St. Louis County St. Louis12 Sunnen Drive, Ste 126Maplewood, MO 63143Phone: (314) 615-1800

Fax: (314) 615-1999Email: [email protected]

Ste. Genevieve Ste. Genevieve55 S ThirdSte. Genevieve, MO 63670Phone: (573) 883-5589

Fax: (573) 883-7202Email: [email protected]

Stoddard Stoddard401 S PrairieBloomfield, MO 63825Phone: (573) 568-3339

Fax: (573) 568-2194Email: [email protected]

Stone StoneP.O. Box 45Galena, MO 65656Phone: (417) 357-6127

Fax: (417) 357-6861Email: [email protected]

Sullivan Sullivan109 N Main St, Ste 5Milan, MO 63556Phone: (660) 265-3786

Fax: (660) 265-3724Email: [email protected]

Taney Taney132 David StForsyth, MO 65653Phone: (417) 546-7202

Fax: (417) 546-2519Email: [email protected]

Texas Texas210 N Grand, Ste 311Houston, MO 65483Phone: (417) 967-2112

Fax: (417) 967-3837Email: [email protected]

Vernon Vernon100 W Cherry, Ste 6Nevada, MO 64772Phone: (417) 448-2500

Fax: (417) 667-6035Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren101 Mockingbird Ln, Ste 302Warrenton, MO 63383Phone: (636) 456-3331

Fax: (636) 456-1801Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington102 N Missouri StPotosi, MO 63664Phone: (573) 438-6111 x221

Fax: (573) 438-4038Email: [email protected]

Wayne WayneP.O. Box 48Greenville, MO 63944Phone: (573) 224-5600 x4

Fax: (573) 224-5609Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Webster Webster101 S Crittenden, Rm 12Marshfield, MO 65706Phone: (417) 468-2223

Fax: (417) 468-5307Email: [email protected]

Worth WorthP.O.Box 450Grant City, MO 64456Phone: (660) 564-2219

Fax: (660) 564-2432Email: [email protected]

Wright WrightP.O.Box 98Hartville, MO 65667Phone: (417) 741-6661

Fax: (417) 741-6142Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryJune 7, 2016

State PrimaryJune 7, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016


Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016


Return by Mail: Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016Return by Email or Fax: Sentby8 PM, June 7, 2016

Return by Mail: Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016Return by Email or Fax: Sentby8 PM, June 7, 2016

Return by Mail: Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016Return by Email or Fax: Sentby8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: FWABs must be sent by the day of the election and received by the 6th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailing



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, visit

address. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired. for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by mail, email or fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic Transmission

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Service (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/ Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Beaverhead Beaverhead County Election Administrator2 S Pacific St, No 3Dillon, MT 59725-2799Phone: (406) 683-3720

Fax: (406) 683-3781Email: [email protected]

Big Horn Big Horn County Election AdministratorP.O. Box 908Hardin, MT 59034-0908Phone: (406) 665-9796

Fax: (406) 665-9824Email: [email protected]

Blaine Blaine County Election AdministratorP.O. Box 278Chinook, MT 59523-0278Phone: (406) 357-3240

Fax: (406) 357-2199Email: [email protected]

Broadwater Broadwater County Election Administrator515 Broadway StTownsend, MT 59644-2397Phone: (406) 266-3443

Fax: (406) 266-3674Email: [email protected]

Carbon Carbon County Election AdministratorP.O. Box 887Red Lodge, MT 59068-0887Phone: (406) 446-1220

Fax: (406) 446-2640Email: [email protected]

Carter Carter County Election AdministratorBox 315Ekalaka, MT 59324-0315Phone: (406) 775-8749

Fax: (406) 775-8750Email: [email protected]

Cascade Cascade County Election AdministratorBox 2305Great Falls, MT 59403-2305Phone: (406) 454-6803

Fax: (406) 454-6725Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Chouteau Chouteau County Election AdministratorBox 459Fort Benton, MT 59442-0459Phone: (406) 622-5151

Fax: (406) 622-3012Email: [email protected]

Custer Custer County Election Administrator1010 MainMiles City, MT 59301-3496Phone: (406) 874-3343

Fax: (406) 874-3452Email: [email protected]

Daniels Daniels County Election AdministratorBox 247Scobey, MT 59263-0247Phone: (406) 487-5561

Fax: (406) 487-5583Email: [email protected]

Dawson Dawson County Election Administrator207 W BellGlendive, MT 59330-1616Phone: (406) 377-3058

Fax: (406) 377-1717Email: [email protected]

Deer Lodge Deer Lodge County Election Administrator800 MainAnaconda, MT 59711-2950Phone: (406) 563-4060

Fax: (406) 563-4078Email: [email protected]

Fallon Fallon County Election AdministratorBox 846Baker, MT 59313-0846Phone: (406) 778-7106

Fax: (406) 778-2048Email: [email protected]

Fergus Fergus County Election Administrator712 W MainLewistown, MT 59457-2562Phone: (406) 535-5242

Fax: (406) 535-9023Email: [email protected]

Flathead Flathead County Election Administrator800 S MainKalispell, MT 59901-5435Phone: (406) 758-5535

Fax: (406) 758-5877Email: [email protected]

Gallatin Gallatin County Election Administrator311 W Main, Rm 210Bozeman, MT 59715Phone: (406) 582-3060

Fax: (406) 582-3068Email: [email protected]

Garfield Garfield County Election AdministratorBox 7Jordan, MT 59337-0007Phone: (406) 557-2760

Fax: (406) 557-2765Email: [email protected]

Glacier Glacier County Election Administrator512 E MainCut Bank, MT 59427-3075Phone: (406) 873-3609

Fax: (406) 873-3613Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Golden Valley Golden Valley County Election AdministratorP.O. Box 10Ryegate, MT 59074-0010Phone: (406) 568-2231

Fax: (406) 568-2428Email: [email protected]

Granite Granite County Election AdministratorBox 925Philipsburg, MT 59858-0925Phone: (406) 859-3771

Fax: (406) 859-3817Email: [email protected]

Hill Hill County Election Administrator315 4th StHavre, MT 59501-3923Phone: (406) 265-5481 x221

Fax: (406) 265-2445Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Election AdministratorBox HBoulder, MT 59632-0249Phone: (406) 225-4020

Fax: (406) 225-4149Email: [email protected]

Judith Basin Judith Basin County Election AdministratorBox 427Stanford, MT 59479-0427Phone: (406) 566-2277 x109

Fax: (406) 566-2211Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Election Administrator106 4th Ave EPolson, MT 59860-2125Phone: (406) 883-7268

Fax: (406) 883-7230Email: [email protected]

Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark County Election Administrator316 N Park Ave, Rm 168Helena, MT 59623-0001Phone: (406) 447-8338

Fax: (406) 457-8598Email: [email protected]

Liberty Liberty County Election AdministratorBox 459Chester, MT 59522-0459Phone: (406) 759-5365

Fax: (406) 759-5395Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Election Administrator512 CaliforniaLibby, MT 59923-1942Phone: (406) 283-2301

Fax: (406) 293-8577Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Election AdministratorBox 366Virginia City, MT 59755-0366Phone: (406) 843-4270

Fax: (406) 843-5264Email: [email protected]

McCone McCone County Election AdministratorBox 199Circle, MT 59215-0199Phone: (406) 485-3505

Fax: (406) 485-2689Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Meagher Meagher County Election AdministratorBox 309White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645-0309Phone: (406) 547-3612 x2

Fax: (406) 547-3388Email: [email protected]

Mineral Mineral County Election AdministratorBox 550Superior, MT 59872-0550Phone: (406) 822-3520

Fax: (406) 822-3579Email: [email protected]

Missoula Missoula County Election Administrator200 W BroadwayMissoula, MT 59802-4216Phone: (406) 258-4751

Fax: (406) 258-3913Email: [email protected]

Musselshell Musselshell County Election Administrator506 MainRoundup, MT 59072-2426Phone: (406) 323-1104

Fax: (406) 323-3303Email: [email protected]

Park Park County Election Administrator414 E Callender StLivingston, MT 59047-2746Phone: (406) 222-4110

Fax: (406) 222-4193Email: [email protected]

Petroleum Petroleum County Election AdministratorBox 226Winnett, MT 59087-0226Phone: (406) 429-5311

Fax: (406) 429-6328Email: [email protected]

Phillips Phillips County Election AdministratorBox 360Malta, MT 59538-0360Phone: (406) 654-2423

Fax: (406) 654-2429Email: [email protected]

Pondera Pondera County Election Administrator20 4th Ave SWConrad, MT 59425-2383Phone: (406) 271-4000

Fax: (406) 271-4070Email: [email protected]

Powder River Powder River County Election AdministratorBox 200Broadus, MT 59317-0270Phone: (406) 436-2361

Fax: (406) 436-2151Email: [email protected]

Powell Powell County Election Administrator409 MissouriDeer Lodge, MT 59722-1078Phone: (406) 846-9786

Fax: (406) 846-3891Email: [email protected]

Prairie Prairie County Election AdministratorBox 125Terry, MT 59349-0125Phone: (406) 635-5575

Fax: (406) 635-5576Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Ravalli Ravalli County Election Administrator215 S 4th St, Ste CHamilton, MT 59840-2703Phone: (406) 375-6550

Fax: (406) 375-6554Email: [email protected]

Richland Richland County Election Administrator201 W MainSidney, MT 59270-4087Phone: (406) 433-1708

Fax: (406) 433-3731Email: [email protected]

Roosevelt Roosevelt County Election Administrator400 2nd Ave SWolf Point, MT 59201-1600Phone: (406) 653-6250

Fax: (406) 653-6289Email: [email protected]

Rosebud Rosebud County Election AdministratorBox 47Forsyth, MT 59327-0047Phone: (406) 346-7318

Fax: (406) 346-7551Email: [email protected]

Sanders Sanders County Election AdministratorBox 519Thompson Falls, MT 59873-0519Phone: (406) 827-6922

Fax: (406) 827-6970Email: [email protected]

Sheridan Sheridan County Election Administrator100 W Laurel AvePlentywood, MT 59254-1647Phone: (406) 765-3403

Fax: (406) 765-2609Email: [email protected]

Silver Bow Silver Bow County Election Administrator155 W Granite, Rm 208Butte, MT 59701-9256Phone: (406) 497-6342

Fax: (406) 497-6328Email: [email protected]

Stillwater Stillwater County Election AdministratorBox 149Columbus, MT 59019-0149Phone: (406) 322-8000

Fax: (406) 322-8069Email: [email protected]

Sweet Grass Sweet Grass County Election AdministratorBox 888Big Timber, MT 59011-0888Phone: (406) 932-5152

Fax: (406) 932-3026Email: [email protected]

Teton Teton County Election AdministratorBox 610Choteau, MT 59422-0610Phone: (406) 466-2693

Fax: (406) 466-3244Email: [email protected]

Toole Toole County Election Administrator226 1st St SShelby, MT 59474-1990Phone: (406) 424-8300

Fax: (406) 424-8301Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Treasure Treasure County Election AdministratorBox 392Hysham, MT 59038-0392Phone: (406) 342-5547

Fax: (406) 342-5547Email: [email protected]

Valley Valley County Election Administrator501 Court Sq, Box 2Glasgow, MT 59230-2405Phone: (406) 228-6226

Fax: (406) 228-9027Email: [email protected]

Wheatland Wheatland County Election AdministratorBox 1903Harlowton, MT 59036-1903Phone: (406) 632-4891

Fax: (406) 632-4880Email: [email protected]

Wibaux Wibaux County Election AdministratorP.O. Box 199Wibaux, MT 59353-0199Phone: (406) 796-2481

Fax: (406) 796-2625Email: [email protected]

Yellowstone Yellowstone County Election AdministratorBox 35002Billings, MT 59107-5002Phone: (406) 256-2740

Fax: (406) 254-7940Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To fax

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is temporary registration?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMay 10, 2016

State PrimaryMay 10, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Received by6 PM, April 22, 2016By Email or Fax: Receivedby6 PM, April 29, 2016

By Mail: Received by6 PM, April 22, 2016By Email or Fax: Receivedby6 PM, April 29, 2016

By Mail: Received by6 PM, October 21, 2016By Email or Fax: Received by6 PM, October 28, 2016


Received by4 PM, May 4, 2016

Received by4 PM, May 4, 2016

Received by4 PM, November 2, 2016


Received by8 PM CT/ 7 PM MT, May 10,2016

Received by8 PM CT/ 7 PM MT, May 10,2016

Received by8 PM CT/ 7 PM MT, November8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

These dates are tentative, pending approval from the Nebraska Attorney General's Office.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last registered in Nebraska is eligible to vote inNebraska as long as he or she has not registered or voted in anotherState.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Iregister to vote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot for

general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If you



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "Important

want to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Information" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail. Contact information can be found in the "Localfax

Election Offices " section. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourballot. canOverseas Uniformed Service membersrequest to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoDapplied to the general election ballot. Additionalinformation about this label can be found in the"Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or Contactmail fax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, fold

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

and place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Clerk500 W 4th St, Rm 109Hastings, NE 68902Phone: (402) 461-7107

Fax: (402) 461-7185Email: [email protected]

Antelope Antelope County Clerk501 Main StNeligh, NE 68756Phone: (402) 887-4410

Fax: (402) 887-4719Email: [email protected]

Arthur Arthur County Clerk205 First StArthur, NE 69121Phone: (308) 764-2203

Fax: (308) 764-2216Email: [email protected]

Banner Banner County Clerk206 State StHarrisburg, NE 69345Phone: (308) 436-5265

Fax: (308) 436-4180Email: [email protected]

Blaine Blaine County Clerk145 Lincoln AveBrewster, NE 68821Phone: (308) 547-2222 x201

Fax: (308) 547-2228Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Boone Boone County Clerk222 4th StAlbion, NE 68620Phone: (402) 395-2055

Fax: (402) 395-2055Email: [email protected]

Box Butte Box Butte County ClerkP.O. Box 678Allliance, NE 69301Phone: (308) 762-6565

Fax: (308) 762-2867Email: [email protected]

Boyd Boyd County Clerk401 Thayer StButte, NE 68722Phone: (402) 775-2391

Fax: (402) 775-2146Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Clerk148 W 4th StAinsworth, NE 69210Phone: (402) 387-2705

Fax: (402) 387-0918Email: [email protected]

Buffalo Buffalo Election Commissioner1512 Central AveKearney, NE 68848Phone: (308) 236-1233

Fax: (308) 233-3663Email: [email protected]

Burt Burt County Clerk111 N 13th St., Ste 8Tekamah, NE 68061Phone: (402) 374-2955

Fax: (402) 374-2956Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler County Clerk451 N 5th StDavid City, NE 68632Phone: (402) 367-7430

Fax: (402) 367-7436Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass Election Commissioner201 Main StPlattsmouth, NE 68048Phone: (402) 296-9309

Fax: (402) 296-9509Email: [email protected]

Cedar Cedar County Clerk101 South BroadwayHartington, NE 68739Phone: (402) 254-7411

Fax: (402) 254-7410Email: [email protected]

Chase Chase County Clerk921 Broadway St.Imperial, NE 69033Phone: (308) 882-7500

Fax: (308) 882-7552Email: [email protected]

Cherry Cherry County Clerk365 N Main StValentine, NE 69201Phone: (402) 376-2771

Fax: (402) 376-3095Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Cheyenne Cheyenne County Clerk1000 - 10th AveSidney, NE 69162Phone: (308) 254-2141

Fax: (308) 254-5049Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Clerk111 W Fairfield StClay Center, NE 68933Phone: (402) 762-3463

Fax: (402) 762-3468Email: [email protected]

Colfax Colfax County Clerk411 E 11th St.Schuyler, NE 68661Phone: (402) 352-8504

Fax: (402) 352-8515Email: [email protected]

Cuming Cuming County Clerk200 S Lincoln St Rm 100West Point, NE 68788Phone: (402) 372-6002

Fax: (402) 372-6013Email: [email protected]

Custer Custer County Clerk431 S 10th Broken Bow, NE 68822Phone: (308) 872-5701

Fax: (308) 872-6139Email: [email protected]

Dakota Dakota County Clerk1601 Broadway StDakota City, NE 68731Phone: (402) 987-2125

Fax: (402) 494-9229Email: [email protected]

Dawes Dawes County Clerk451 MainChadron, NE 69337Phone: (308) 432-0100

Fax: (308) 432-5179Email: [email protected]

Dawson Dawson County Clerk700 N Washington, Rm ALexington, NE 68850Phone: (308) 324-2127

Fax: (308) 324-6106Email: [email protected]

Deuel Deuel County Clerk718 Third StChappell, NE 69129Phone: (308) 874-3308

Fax: (308) 874-3472Email: [email protected]

Dixon Dixon County Clerk302 W 3rd StPonca, NE 68770Phone: (402) 755-5602

Fax: (402) 755-5650Email: [email protected]

Dodge Dodge County Clerk435 N Park, Rm. 102Fremont, NE 68025Phone: (402) 727-2767

Fax: (402) 727-2764Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Douglas Douglas Election Commissioner225 N 115th St.Omaha, NE 68154Phone: (402) 444-8683

Fax: (402) 444-4181Email: [email protected]

Dundy Dundy County Clerk112 7th Ave WBenkelman, NE 69021Phone: (308) 423-2058

Fax: (308) 423-2325Email: [email protected]

Fillmore Fillmore County Clerk900 G StGeneva, NE 68361Phone: (402) 759-4931

Fax: (402) 759-4307Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Clerk405 - 15th AveFranklin, NE 68939Phone: (308) 425-6202

Fax: (308) 425-6093Email: [email protected]

Frontier Frontier County ClerkWellington StStockville, NE 69042Phone: (308) 367-8641

Fax: (308) 367-8730Email: [email protected]

Furnas Furnas County Clerk912 R StBeaver City, NE 68926Phone: (308) 268-4145

Fax: (308) 268-3205Email: [email protected]

Gage Gage County Clerk612 Grant StBeatrice, NE 68310Phone: (402) 223-1300

Fax: (402) 223-1371Email: [email protected]

Garden Garden County Clerk611 Main StOshkosh, NE 69154Phone: (308) 772-3924

Fax: (308) 772-9926Email: [email protected]

Garfield Garfield County Clerk250 S 8th AveBurwell, NE 68823Phone: (308) 346-4161

Fax: (308) 346-4651Email: [email protected]

Gosper Gosper County Clerk507 Smith AveElwood, NE 68937Phone: (308) 785-2611

Fax: (308) 785-2300Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Clerk105 E Harrison StHyannis, NE 69350Phone: (308) 458-2488

Fax: (308) 458-2780Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Greeley Greeley County Clerk101 S Kildare St.Greeley, NE 68842Phone: (308) 428-3625

Fax: (308) 428-3022Email: [email protected]

Hall Hall Election Commissioner121 South PineGrand Island, NE 68801Phone: (308) 385-5085

Fax: (308) 385-5071Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Clerk1111 13th St., StE 1Aurora, NE 68818Phone: (402) 694-3443

Fax: (402) 694-2297Email: [email protected]

Harlan Harlan County Clerk706 W 2nd StAlma, NE 68920Phone: (308) 928-2173

Fax: (308) 928-2079Email: [email protected]

Hayes Hayes County Clerk505 TrothHayes Center, NE 69032Phone: (308) 286-3413

Fax: (308) 286-3208Email: [email protected]

Hitchcock Hitchcock County Clerk229 E D StTrenton, NE 69044Phone: (308) 334-5646

Fax: (308) 334-5398Email: [email protected]

Holt Holt County Clerk204 N 4th StO'Neill, NE 68763Phone: (402) 336-1762

Fax: (402) 336-1762Email: [email protected]

Hooker Hooker County Clerk303 NW First St.Mullen, NE 69152Phone: (308) 546-2244

Fax: (308) 546-2490Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard County Clerk612 Indian StSt. Paul, NE 68873Phone: (308) 754-4343

Fax: (308) 754-4266Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk411 4th StFairbury, NE 68352Phone: (402) 729-6818

Fax: (402) 729-6806Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Clerk351 BroadwayTecumseh, NE 68450Phone: (402) 335-6300

Fax: (402) 335-6311Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Kearney Kearney County Clerk424 N Colorado AveMinden, NE 68959Phone: (308) 832-2723

Fax: (308) 832-2729Email: [email protected]

Keith Keith County Clerk511 N Spruce, Ste 102Ogallala, NE 69153Phone: (308) 284-4726

Fax: (308) 284-6277Email: [email protected]

Keya Paha Keya Paha County Clerk310 Courthouse DriveSpringview, NE 68778Phone: (402) 497-3791

Fax: (402) 497-3799Email: [email protected]

Kimball Kimball County Clerk114 E 3rd St Ste 6Kimball, NE 69145Phone: (308) 235-2241

Fax: (308) 235-3654Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox County Clerk206 Main StCenter, NE 68724Phone: (402) 288-5604

Fax: (402) 288-5605Email: [email protected]

Lancaster Lancaster Election Commissioner601 N 46th StLincoln, NE 68503Phone: (402) 441-7311

Fax: (402) 441-6379Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk301 N Jeffers, Rm 101North Platte, NE 69101Phone: (308) 534-4350 x110

Fax: (308) 535-3522Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan County Clerk317 Main StStapleton, NE 69163Phone: (308) 636-2311

Fax: (308) 636-2678Email: [email protected]

Loup Loup County Clerk408 4th StTaylor, NE 68879Phone: (308) 942-3135

Fax: (308) 942-3103Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Clerk1313 N Main StMadison, NE 68748Phone: (402) 454-3311 X136

Fax: (402) 454-6682Email: [email protected]

McPherson McPherson County Clerk500 AndersonTryon, NE 69167Phone: (308) 587-2363

Fax: (308) 587-2363Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Merrick Merrick County Clerk1510 18th StCentral City, NE 68826Phone: (308) 946-2881

Fax: (308) 946-2332Email: [email protected]

Morrill Morrill County Clerk6th & L St.Bridgeport, NE 69336Phone: (308) 262-0860

Fax: (308) 262-2260Email: [email protected]

Nance Nance County Clerk209 EstherFullerton, NE 68638Phone: (308) 536-2331

Fax: (308) 536-2742Email: [email protected]

Nemaha Nemaha County Clerk1824 N StAuburn, NE 68305Phone: (402) 274-4213

Fax: (402) 274-4389Email: [email protected]

Nuckolls Nuckolls County Clerk150 S MainNelson, NE 68961Phone: (402) 225-4361

Fax: (402) 225-4301Email: [email protected]

Otoe Otoe County Clerk1021 Central Ave, Room 102Nebr. City, NE 68410Phone: (402) 873-9505

Fax: (402) 873-9506Email: [email protected]

Pawnee Pawnee County Clerk625 6th StPawnee City, NE 68420Phone: (402) 852-2962

Fax: (402) 852-2963Email: [email protected]

Perkins Perkins County Clerk200 Lincoln AveGrant, NE 69140Phone: (308) 352-7560

Fax: (308) 352-7562Email: [email protected]

Phelps Phelps County Clerk715 5th AveHoldrege, NE 68949Phone: (308) 995-4469

Fax: (308) 995-4368Email: [email protected]

Pierce Pierce County Clerk111 W Court, # 1Pierce, NE 68767Phone: (402) 329-4225

Fax: (402) 329-6439Email: [email protected]

Platte Platte Election Commissioner2610 14th St.Columbus, NE 68602Phone: (402) 563-4908

Fax: (402) 564-7733Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Polk Polk County Clerk400 Hawkeye StOsceola, NE 68651Phone: (402) 747-5431

Fax: (402) 747-2656Email: [email protected]

Red Willow Red Willow County Clerk502 Norris AveMcCook, NE 69001Phone: (308) 345-1552

Fax: (308) 345-4460Email: [email protected]

Richardson Richardson County Clerk1700 Stone St, Rm 203Falls City, NE 68355Phone: (402) 245-2911

Fax: (402) 245-2946Email: [email protected]

Rock Rock County Clerk400 State StBassett, NE 68714Phone: (402) 684-3933

Fax: (402) 684-2471Email: [email protected]

Saline Saline County Clerk215 S Court StWilber, NE 68465Phone: (402) 821-2374

Fax: (402) 821-3381Email: [email protected]

Sarpy Sarpy Election Commissioner501 Olson Dr, Ste 4Papillion, NE 68046Phone: (402) 593-2166

Fax: (402) 593-5770Email: [email protected]

Saunders Saunders County Clerk433 N Chestnut Ste 200Wahoo, NE 68066Phone: (402) 443-8101

Fax: (402) 443-8174Email: [email protected]

Scotts Scotts Bluff County Clerk1825 10th StGering, NE 69341Phone: (308) 436-6604

Fax: (308) 436-3178Email: [email protected]

Seward Seward County Clerk529 Seward St.Seward, NE 68434Phone: (402) 643-2883

Fax: (402) 643-2228Email: [email protected]

Sheridan Sheridan County Clerk301 E 2nd StRushville, NE 69360Phone: (308) 327-5650

Fax: (308) 327-2712Email: [email protected]

Sherman Sherman County Clerk630 O StLoup City, NE 68853Phone: (308) 745-1513 X100

Fax: (308) 745-0297Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Sioux Sioux County Clerk325 Main St.Harrison, NE 69346Phone: (308) 668-2443

Fax: (308) 668-2443Email: [email protected]

Stanton Stanton County Clerk804 Ivy StStanton, NE 68779Phone: (402) 439-2222

Fax: (402) 439-2200Email: [email protected]

Thayer Thayer County Clerk225 N 4th St, Rm 201Hebron, NE 68370Phone: (402) 768-6126

Fax: (402) 768-2129Email: [email protected]

Thomas Thomas County Clerk503 Main StThedford, NE 69166Phone: (308) 645-2261

Fax: (308) 645-2623Email: [email protected]

Thurston Thurston County Clerk106 South 5th StPender, NE 68047Phone: (402) 385-2343

Fax: (402) 385-3544Email: [email protected]

Valley Valley County Clerk125 S 15th St., StE 202Ord, NE 68862Phone: (308) 728-3700

Fax: (308) 728-7725Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County ClerkP.O. Box 466Blair, NE 68008Phone: (402) 426-6822

Fax: (402) 426-6825Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Clerk501 Pearl St., Ste 5Wayne, NE 68787Phone: (402) 375-2288

Fax: (402) 375-4137Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster County Clerk621 N Cedar StRed Cloud, NE 68970Phone: (402) 746-2716

Fax: (402) 746-2710Email: [email protected]

Wheeler Wheeler County Clerk3rd & MainBartlett, NE 68622Phone: (308) 654-3235

Fax: (308) 750-3470Email: [email protected]

York York County Clerk510 Lincoln AveYork, NE 68467Phone: (402) 362-7759

Fax: (402) 362-7558Email: [email protected]



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Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalWhat is the Prepaid Mail Label

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 14, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by*May 14, 2016

Received by*October 8, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Received by7 PM, June 14, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

*Registration deadline for the FWAB is 7 days before the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Nevada is eligible to vote in Nevadaas long as he or she has not registered or voted in another State.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

election absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use the

even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

DoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

Uniformed Service members and their eligiblefamily members can use the FWAB to vote in allelections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Overseas citizens can use the FWAB to vote in allelections for federal office.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter's

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Declaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Carson City Carson City County Clerk885 E Musser St, Ste 1025Carson City, NV 89701-4475Phone: (775) 887-2087

Fax: (775) 887-2146Email: [email protected]

Churchill Churchill County Clerk155 N Taylor St, Ste 110Fallon, NV 89406-2748Phone: (775) 423-6028

Fax: (775) 423-7069Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 3909Las Vegas, NV 89127Phone: (702) 455-8683

Fax: (702) 455-2831Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County ClerkP.O. Box 218Minden, NV 89423-0218Phone: (775) 782-9023

Fax: (775) 782-9016Email: [email protected]

Elko Elko County ClerkCounty Courthouse 550 Court St, 3rd FlElko, NV 89801-3700Phone: (775) 753-4600

Fax: (775) 753-4610Email: [email protected]

Esmeralda Esmeralda County ClerkP.O. Box 547Goldfield, NV 89013-0547Phone: (775) 485-6309

Fax: (775) 485-6376Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Eureka Eureka County ClerkP.O. Box 677Eureka, NV 89316-0677Phone: (775) 237-5262

Fax: (775) 237-6015Email: [email protected]

Humboldt Humboldt County Clerk50 W 5th St, 207Winnemucca, NV 89445-3199Phone: (775) 623-6343

Fax: (775) 623-6309Email: [email protected]

Lander Lander County Clerk315 S Humboldt StBattle Mountain, NV 89820-9998Phone: (775) 635-5738

Fax: (775) 635-0394Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County ClerkP.O. Box 90Pioche, NV 89043-0090Phone: (775) 962-5390

Fax: (775) 962-5180Email: [email protected]

Lyon Lyon County Clerk27 S Main StYerington, NV 89447-2571Phone: (775) 463-6501

Fax: (775) 463-5305Email: [email protected]

Mineral Mineral County ClerkP.O. Box 1450Hawthorne, NV 89415-1450Phone: (775) 945-2446

Fax: (775) 945-0706Email: [email protected]

Nye Nye County ClerkP.O. Box 1031Tonopah, NV 89049-1031Phone: (775) 482-8127

Fax: (775) 482-8133Email: [email protected]

Pershing Pershing County ClerkP.O. Box 820Lovelock, NV 89419-0820Phone: (775) 273-2208

Fax: (775) 273-3015Email: [email protected]

Storey Storey County ClerkCounty Courthouse 26 S B St, Drawer DVirginia City, NV 89440-0139Phone: (775) 847-0969

Fax: (775) 847-0921Email: [email protected]

Washoe Washoe Registrar of VotersP.O. Box 11130Reno, NV 89520-0027Phone: (775) 328-3670

Fax: (775) 328-3747Email: [email protected]

White Pine White Pine County Clerk801 Clark St, Ste 4Ely, NV 89301-1994Phone: (775) 293-6509

Fax: (775) 289-2544Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential Primary*TBD

State PrimarySeptember 13, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration TBD Received bySeptember 13, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Ballot Request TBD Received bySeptember 12, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return TBD Received bySeptember 13, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

*Please visit for the most current election deadline information. Deadline dates were unavailable attime of publishing.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in New Hampshire is eligible to vote inNew Hampshire.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official in


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Berlin, City of City Clerk of Berlin168 Main StBerlin, NH 03570Phone: (603) 752-2340

Fax: (603) 752-1654Email: [email protected]

Claremont, Cityof

City Clerk of Claremont58 Opera House SqClaremont, NH 03743Phone: (603) 542-0139

Fax: (603) 542-7014Email: [email protected]

Concord, City of City Clerk of Concord41 Green StConcord, NH 03301Phone: (603) 225-8500

Fax: (603) 225-8592Email: [email protected]

accepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

City Mailing Address

Dover, City of City Clerk of Dover288 Central AveDover, NH 03820Phone: (603) 516-6020

Fax: (603) 516-6666Email: [email protected]

Franklin, City of City Clerk of Franklin316 Central StFranklin, NH 03235Phone: (603) 934-3109

Fax: (603) 934-7413Email: [email protected]

Keene, City of City Clerk of Keene3 Washington StKeene, NH 03431Phone: (603) 352-0133

Fax: (603) 357-9884Email: [email protected]

Laconia, City of City Clerk of LaconiaP.O. Box 489Laconia, NH 03247Phone: (603) 527-1265

Fax: (603) 524-1766Email: [email protected]

Lebanon, City of City Clerk of Lebanon51 N Park StLebanon, NH 03766Phone: (603) 448-3054

Fax: (603) 442-6148Email: [email protected]

Manchester, Cityof

City Clerk of Manchester1 City Hall PlazaManchester, NH 03101Phone: (603) 624-6455

Fax: (603) 624-6481Email: [email protected]

Nashua, City of City Clerk of Nashua229 Main StNashua, NH 03060Phone: (603) 589-3010

Fax: (603) 589-3029Email: [email protected]

Portsmouth, Cityof

City Clerk of Portsmouth1 Junkins AvePortsmouth, NH 03801Phone: (603) 610-7207

Fax: (603) 427-1579Email: [email protected]

Rochester, City of City Clerk of Rochester31 Wakefield StRochester, NH 03867Phone: (603) 332-2130

Fax: (603) 509-1915Email: [email protected]

Somersworth,City of

City Clerk of Somersworth1 Government WaySomersworth, NH 03878Phone: (603) 692-9511

Fax: (603) 692-9574Email: [email protected]

Local election offices for town

Town Mailing Address


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Acworth, Town of Town Clerk of AcworthP.O. Box 37Acworth, NH 03601Phone: (603) 835-6879

Fax: (603) 835-7901Email: [email protected]

Albany, Town of Town Clerk of Albany1972 NH Rte 16Albany, NH 03818Phone: (603) 447-2877

Fax: (603) 452-5633Email: [email protected]

Alexandria, Townof

Town Clerk of Alexandria47 Washburn RdAlexandria, NH 03222Phone: (603) 744-3288

Fax: (603) 744-8577Email: [email protected]

Allenstown, Townof

Town Clerk of Allenstown16 School StAllenstown, NH 03275Phone: (603) 485-4276

Fax: (603) 485-8669Email: [email protected]

Alstead, Town of Town Clerk of AlsteadP.O. Box 65Alstead, NH 03602Phone: (603) 835-2242

Fax: (603) 835-2178Email: [email protected]

Alton, Town of Town Clerk of AltonP.O. Box 637Alton, NH 03809Phone: (603) 875-2101

Fax: (603) 875-2171Email: [email protected]

Amherst, Town of Town Clerk of AmherstP.O. Box 960Amherst, NH 03031Phone: (603) 673-6041

Fax: (603) 673-4138Email: [email protected]

Andover, Town of Town Clerk of AndoverP.O. Box 361Andover, NH 03216Phone: (603) 735-5332

Fax: (603) 735-6975Email: [email protected]

Antrim, Town of Town Clerk of AntrimP.O. Box 517Antrim, NH 03440Phone: (603) 588-6785

Fax: (603) 588-2969Email: [email protected]

Ashland, Town of Town Clerk of AshlandP.O. Box 517Ashland, NH 03217Phone: (603) 968-4432

Fax: (603) 968-3776Email: [email protected]

Atkinson, Townof

Town Clerk of Atkinson21 Academy Ave.Atkinson, NH 03811Phone: (603) 362-4920

Fax: (603) 362-5305Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Auburn, Town of Town Clerk of AuburnP.O. Box 309Auburn, NH 03032Phone: (603) 483-2281

Fax: (603) 483-0518Email: [email protected]

Barnstead, Townof

Town Clerk of BarnsteadP.O. Box 11Center Barnstead, NH 03225Phone: (603) 269-4631

Fax: (603) 269-4072Email: [email protected]

Barrington, Townof

Town Clerk of BarringtonP.O. Box 660Barrington, NH 03825Phone: (603) 664-5476

Fax: (603) 664-0177Email: [email protected]

Bartlett, Town of Town Clerk of Bartlett56 Town Hall RdIntervale, NH 03845Phone: (603) 356-2300

Fax: (603) 356-2300Email: [email protected]

Bath, Town of Town Clerk of BathP.O. Box 88Bath, NH 03740Phone: (603) 747-2454

Fax: (603) 747-0497Email: [email protected]

Bedford, Town of Town Clerk of Bedford24 N Amherst Rd.Bedford, NH 03110Phone: (603) 472-3550

Fax: (603) 472-4573Email: [email protected]

Belmont, Town of Town Clerk of BelmontP.O. Box 310Belmont, NH 03220Phone: (603) 267-8300

Fax: (603) 267-8305Email: [email protected]

Bennington,Town of

Town Clerk of Bennington7 School St, Unit 101Bennington, NH 03444Phone: (603) 588-2189

Fax: (603) 588-8005Email: [email protected]

Benton, Town of Town Clerk of Benton110 Flanders RdBenton, NH 03785Phone: (603) 787-6541

Email: [email protected]

Bethlehem, Townof

Town Clerk of BethlehemP.O. Box 185Bethlehem, NH 03574Phone: (603) 869-2293

Fax: (603) 869-5500Email: [email protected]

Boscawen, Townof

Town Clerk of Boscawen116 N. Main StBoscawen, NH 03303Phone: (603) 753-9188

Fax: (603) 753-9184Email: [email protected]


New Hampshire

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Bow, Town of Town Clerk of Bow10 Grandview RdBow, NH 03304Phone: (603) 228-1187

Fax: (603) 225-5428Email: [email protected]

Bradford, Townof

Town Clerk of BradfordP.O. Box 607Bradford, NH 03221Phone: (603) 938-2288

Fax: (603) 938-5694Email: [email protected]

Brentwood, Townof

Town Clerk of Brentwood1 Dalton RdBrentwood, NH 03833Phone: (603) 642-6400

Fax: (603) 642-6310Email: [email protected]

Bridgewater,Town of

Town Clerk of BridgewaterP.O. Box 419Plymouth, NH 03264Phone: (603) 968-7911

Fax: (603) 968-3506Email: [email protected]

Bristol, Town of Town Clerk of Bristol230 Lake StBristol, NH 03222Phone: (603) 744-3354

Fax: (603) 744-2521Email: [email protected]

Brookfield, Townof

Town Clerk of Brookfield267 Wentworth RdBrookfield, NH 03872Phone: (603) 522-3688

Fax: (603) 522-6245Email: [email protected]

Brookline, Townof

Town Clerk of BrooklineP.O. Box 336Brookline, NH 03033Phone: (603) 673-8855

Fax: (603) 673-8136Email: [email protected]

Campton, Townof

Town Clerk of Campton10 Gearty Way Campton, NH 03223Phone: (603) 726-3223

Fax: (603) 726-9817Email: [email protected]

Canaan, Town of Town Clerk of CanaanP.O. Box 38Canaan, NH 03741Phone: (603) 523-7106

Fax: (603) 523-4526Email: [email protected]

Candia, Town of Town Clerk of Candia74 High StCandia, NH 03034Phone: (603) 483-5573

Fax: (603) 483-0252Email: [email protected]

Canterbury, Townof

Town Clerk of Canterbury10 Hackleboro Rd. Canterbury, NH 03224Phone: (603) 783-0153

Fax: (603) 783-0501Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Carroll, Town of Town Clerk of CarrollP.O. Box 88Twin Mountain, NH 03595Phone: (603) 846-5494

Fax: (603) 846-5713Email: [email protected]

Center Harbor,Town of

Town Clerk of Center HarborP.O. Box 140Center Harbor, NH 03226Phone: (603) 253-4561

Fax: (603) 253-8420Email: [email protected]

Charlestown,Town of

Town Clerk of CharlestownP.O. Box 834Charlestown, NH 03603Phone: (603) 826-5821

Fax: (603) 826-5181Email: [email protected]

Chatham, Townof

Town Clerk of Chatham1681 Main RdChatham, NH 03813Phone: (603) 694-2043

Fax: (603) 694-2043Email: [email protected]

Chester, Town of Town Clerk of Chester84 Chester StChester, NH 03036Phone: (603) 887-3636

Fax: (603) 887-4334Email: [email protected]

Chesterfield,Town of

Town Clerk of ChesterfieldP.O. Box 64Chesterfield, NH 03443Phone: (603) 363-8071

Fax: (603) 363-8047Email: [email protected]

Chichester, Townof

Town Clerk of Chichester54 Main StChichester, NH 03258Phone: (603) 798-5808

Fax: (603) 798-3170Email: [email protected]

Clarksville, Townof

Town Clerk of Clarksville408 NH Rt. 145Clarksville, NH 03592Phone: (603) 246-7751

Fax: (603) 246-3480Email: [email protected]

Colebrook, Townof

Town Clerk of Colebrook17 Bridge StColebrook, NH 03576Phone: (603) 237-5200

Fax: (603) 237-5069Email: [email protected]

Columbia, Townof

Town Clerk of ColumbiaP.O. Box 157Colebrook, NH 03576Phone: (603) 237-5255

Fax: (603) 237-8270Email: [email protected]

Conway, Town of Town Clerk of Conway1634 E Main StCenter Conway, NH 03813Phone: (603) 447-3811

Fax: (603) 447-1348Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Cornish, Town of Town Clerk of CornishP.O. Box 183Cornish Flat, NH 03746Phone: (603) 675-5207

Fax: (603) 675-5605Email: [email protected]

Croydon, Town of Town Clerk of Croydon879 NH RTE 10Croydon, NH 03773Phone: (603) 863-7830

Fax: (603) 863-2601Email: [email protected]

Dalton, Town of Town Clerk of Dalton756 Dalton Rd.Dalton, NH 03598Phone: (603) 837-2092

Fax: (603) 873-9642Email: [email protected]

Danbury, Town of Town Clerk of Danbury23 High StDanbury, NH 03230Phone: (603) 768-5448

Fax: (603) 768-5448Email: [email protected]

Danville, Town of Town Clerk of Danville210 Main StDanville, NH 03819Phone: (603) 382-8253

Fax: (603) 382-3363Email: [email protected]

Deerfield, Townof

Town Clerk of DeerfieldP.O. Box 159Deerfield, NH 03037Phone: (603) 463-8811

Fax: (603) 463-2820Email: [email protected]

Deering, Town of Town Clerk of Deering762 Deering Center RdDeering, NH 03244Phone: (603) 464-3224

Fax: (603) 464-3804Email: [email protected]

Derry, Town of Town Clerk of Derry14 Manning StDerry, NH 03038Phone: (603) 432-6105

Fax: (603) 432-8176Email: [email protected]

Dixville, Town of Town Clerk of Dixville580 Rte 117Sugar Hill, NH 03586Phone: (603) 723-8256

Fax: (603) 255-4221Email: [email protected]

Dorchester, Townof

Town Clerk of Dorchester1086 N Dorchester RdDorchester, NH 03266Phone: (603) 786-9476

Fax: (603) 786-9476Email: [email protected]

Dublin, Town of Town Clerk of DublinP.O. Box 62Dublin, NH 03444Phone: (603) 563-8859

Fax: (603) 563-9221Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Dummer, Town of Town Clerk of Dummer75 Hill RdDummer, NH 03588Phone: (603) 449-2006

Fax: (603) 449-2930Email: [email protected]

Dunbarton, Townof

Town Clerk of Dunbarton1011 School StDunbarton, NH 03046Phone: (603) 774-3547

Fax: (603) 774-5541Email: [email protected]

Durham, Town of Town Clerk of Durham8 Newmarket RdDurham, NH 03824Phone: (603) 868-5577

Fax: (603) 868-8033Email: [email protected]

East Kingston,Town of

Town Clerk of East KingstonP.O. Box 249East Kingston, NH 03827Phone: (603) 642-8794

Fax: (603) 642-8794Email: [email protected]

Easton, Town of Town Clerk of Easton1060 Easton Valley RdEaston, NH 03580Phone: (603) 823-8017

Fax: (603) 823-7780Email: [email protected]

Eaton, Town of Town Clerk of EatonP.O. Box 118Eaton Center, NH 03832Phone: (603) 447-2840

Fax: (603) 447-2560Email: [email protected]

Effingham, Townof

Town Clerk of Effingham68 School StEffingham, NH 03882Phone: (603) 539-7551

Fax: (603) 539-7637Email: [email protected]

Ellsworth, Townof

Town Clerk of Ellsworth3 Ellsworth Pond RdEllsworth, NH 03223Phone: (603) 726-3551

Fax: (603) 726-8994Email: [email protected]

Enfield, Town of Town Clerk of EnfieldP.O. Box 373Enfield, NH 03748Phone: (603) 632-4201

Fax: (603) 632-5182Email: [email protected]

Epping, Town of Town Clerk of Epping157 Main StEpping, NH 03042Phone: (603) 679-8288

Fax: (603) 679-3002Email: [email protected]

Epsom, Town of Town Clerk of EpsomP.O. Box 10Epsom, NH 03234Phone: (603) 736-4825

Fax: (603) 736-8539Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Errol, Town of Town Clerk of ErrolP.O. Box 100Errol, NH 03579Phone: (603) 482-3351

Email: [email protected]

Exeter, Town of Town Clerk of Exeter10 Front StExeter, NH 03833Phone: (603) 778-0591 x403

Fax: (603) 418-6424Email: [email protected]

Farmington,Town of

Town Clerk of Farmington356 Main StFarmington, NH 03835Phone: (603) 755-3657

Fax: (603) 155-9128Email: [email protected]

Fitzwilliam, Townof

Town Clerk of FitzwilliamP.O. Box 725Fitzwilliam, NH 03447Phone: (603) 585-7214

Fax: (603) 585-7744Email: [email protected]

Francestown,Town of

Town Clerk of FrancestownP.O. Box 67Francestown, NH 03043Phone: (603) 547-6251

Fax: (603) 547-2622Email: [email protected]

Franconia, Townof

Town Clerk of FranconiaP.O. Box 900Franconia, NH 03580Phone: (603) 823-5237

Fax: (603) 823-5581Email: [email protected]

Freedom, Townof

Town Clerk of FreedomP.O. Box 457Freedom, NH 03836Phone: (603) 539-8269

Fax: (603) 539-8270Email: [email protected]

Fremont, Town of Town Clerk of FremontP.O. Box 120Fremont, NH 03044Phone: (603) 895-8693

Fax: (603) 895-3149Email: [email protected]

Gilford, Town of Town Clerk of Gilford47 Cherry Valley RdGilford, NH 03249Phone: (603) 527-4713

Fax: (603) 527-4719Email: [email protected]

Gilmanton, Townof

Town Clerk of GilmantonP.O. Box 550Gilmanton, NH 03237Phone: (603) 267-6726

Fax: (603) 267-6701Email: [email protected]

Gilsum, Town of Town Clerk of GilsumP.O. Box 36Gilsum, NH 03448Phone: (603) 357-0320

Fax: (603) 352-0845Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Goffstown, Townof

Town Clerk of Goffstown16 Main StGoffstown, NH 03045Phone: (603) 497-8990

Fax: (603) 497-5710Email: [email protected]

Gorham, Town of Town Clerk of Gorham20 Park StGorham, NH 03581Phone: (603) 466-2744

Fax: (603) 466-2744Email: [email protected]

Goshen, Town of Town Clerk of GoshenP.O. Box 58Goshen, NH 03752Phone: (603) 863-5655

Fax: (603) 863-6139Email: [email protected]

Grafton, Town of Town Clerk of GraftonP.O. Box 277Grafton, NH 03240Phone: (603) 523-7270

Fax: (603) 523-4986Email: [email protected]

Grantham, Townof

Town Clerk of GranthamP.O. Box 135Grantham, NH 03753Phone: (603) 863-5608

Fax: (603) 863-4499Email: [email protected]

Greenfield, Townof

Town Clerk of GreenfieldP.O. Box 256Greenfield, NH 03047Phone: (603) 547-2782

Fax: (603) 547-3004Email: [email protected]

Greenland, Townof

Town Clerk of GreenlandP.O. Box 100Greenland, NH 03840Phone: (603) 431-7111

Fax: (603) 430-3761Email: [email protected]

Greenville, Townof

Town Clerk of GreenvilleP.O. Box 354Greenville, NH 03048Phone: (603) 878-4155

Fax: (603) 878-4951Email: [email protected]

Groton, Town of Town Clerk of Groton754 N Groton RdGroton, NH 03241Phone: (603) 744-8849

Fax: (603) 744-3382Email: [email protected]

Hampstead,Town of

Town Clerk of HampsteadP.O. Box 298Hampstead, NH 03841Phone: (603) 329-4100

Fax: (603) 329-7174Email: [email protected]

Hampton Falls,Town of

Town Clerk of Hampton Falls1 Drinkwater Rd, Town HallHampton Falls, NH 03844Phone: (603) 926-4618

Fax: (603) 926-1848Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Hampton, Townof

Town Clerk of Hampton100 Winnacunnet RdHampton, NH 03842Phone: (603) 926-0406

Fax: (603) 929-5917Email: [email protected]

Hancock, Town of Town Clerk of HancockP.O. Box 6Hancock, NH 03449Phone: (603) 525-4441

Fax: (603) 525-4427Email: [email protected]

Hanover, Town of Town Clerk of HanoverP.O. Box 483Hanover, NH 03755Phone: (603) 640-3201

Fax: (603) 643-1720Email: [email protected]

Harrisville, Townof

Town Clerk of HarrisvilleP.O. Box 284Harrisville, NH 03450Phone: (603) 827-5546

Fax: (603) 827-2917Email: [email protected]

Harts Location,Town of

Town Clerk of Harts LocationP.O. Box 540Hart's Location, NH 03812Phone: (603) 374-2436

Email: [email protected]

Haverhill, Townof

Town Clerk of Haverhill2975 Dartmouth College HwyNorth Haverhill, NH 03774Phone: (603) 787-6200

Fax: (603) 787-2226Email: [email protected]

Hebron, Town of Town Clerk of HebronP.O. Box 55Hebron, NH 03241Phone: (603) 744-7999

Fax: (603) 744-9994Email: [email protected]

Henniker, Townof

Town Clerk of Henniker18 Depot Hill RdHenniker, NH 03242Phone: (603) 428-3240

Fax: (603) 428-4366Email: [email protected]

Hill, Town of Town Clerk of Hill30 Crescent St, #2Hill, NH 03243Phone: (603) 934-3951

Fax: (603) 934-2011Email: [email protected]

Hillsborough,Town of

Town Clerk of HillsboroughP.O. Box 1699Hillsborough, NH 03244Phone: (603) 464-3877

Fax: (603) 464-4270Email: [email protected]

Hinsdale, Town of Town Clerk of HinsdaleP.O. Box 31Hinsdale, NH 03451Phone: (603) 336-5719

Fax: (603) 336-5711Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Holderness, Townof

Town Clerk of HoldernessP.O. Box 203Holderness, NH 03245Phone: (603) 968-7536

Fax: (603) 968-9954Email: [email protected]

Hollis, Town of Town Clerk of Hollis7 Monument SqHollis, NH 03049Phone: (603) 465-2064

Fax: (603) 465-2964Email: [email protected]

Hooksett, Townof

Town Clerk of Hooksett35 Main StHooksett, NH 03106Phone: (603) 485-9534

Fax: (603) 485-4423Email: [email protected]

Hopkinton, Townof

Town Clerk of HopkintonP.O. Box 446Contoocook, NH 03229Phone: (603) 746-3180

Fax: (603) 746-4011Email: [email protected]

Hudson, Town of Town Clerk of Hudson12 School StHudson, NH 03051Phone: (603) 886-6003

Fax: (603) 598-6481Email: [email protected]

Jackson, Town of Town Clerk of JacksonP.O. Box 336Jackson, NH 03846Phone: (603) 383-6248

Email: [email protected]

Jaffrey, Town of Town Clerk of Jaffrey10 Goodnow StJaffrey, NH 03452Phone: (603) 532-7861

Fax: (603) 532-7862Email: [email protected]

Jefferson, Townof

Town Clerk of Jefferson84 Stag Hollow RdJefferson, NH 03583Phone: (603) 586-4553

Fax: (603) 586-4553Email: [email protected]

Kensington,Town of

Town Clerk of Kensington95 Amesbury RdKensington, NH 03833Phone: (603) 772-5423

Fax: (603) 772-6841Email: [email protected]

Kingston, Townof

Town Clerk of KingstonP.O. Box 657Kingston, NH 03848Phone: (603) 642-3112

Fax: (603) 642-3204Email: [email protected]

Lancaster, Townof

Town Clerk of Lancaster25 Main StLancaster, NH 03584Phone: (603) 788-2306

Fax: (603) 788-2114Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Landaff, Town of Town Clerk of Landaff12 Center Hill RdLandaff, NH 03585Phone: (603) 838-6220

Fax: (603) 838-5225Email: [email protected]

Langdon, Townof

Town Clerk of Langdon122 NH Rte 12ALangdon, NH 03602Phone: (603) 835-2389

Fax: (603) 835-6055Email: [email protected]

Lee, Town of Town Clerk of Lee7 Mast RdLee, NH 03824Phone: (603) 659-2964

Fax: (603) 659-7202Email: [email protected]

Lempster, Townof

Town Clerk of LempsterP.O. Box 33Lempster, NH 03605Phone: (603) 863-3213

Fax: (603) 863-8105Email: [email protected]

Lincoln, Town of Town Clerk of LincolnP.O. Box 39Lincoln, NH 03251Phone: (603) 745-8971

Fax: (603) 745-6743Email: [email protected]

Lisbon, Town of Town Clerk of Lisbon46 School StLisbon, NH 03585Phone: (603) 838-2862

Fax: (603) 838-6790Email: [email protected]

Litchfield, Townof

Town Clerk of Litchfield2 Liberty WayLitchfield, NH 03052Phone: (603) 424-4045

Fax: (603) 424-8154Email: [email protected]

Littleton, Town of Town Clerk of Littleton125 Main St, Suite 200Littleton, NH 03561Phone: (603) 444-3995

Fax: (603) 444-0735Email: [email protected]

Londonderry,Town of

Town Clerk of Londonderry268 B Mammoth RdLondonderry, NH 03053Phone: (603) 432-1100

Fax: (603) 421-9617Email: [email protected]

Loudon, Town of Town Clerk of LoudonP.O. Box 7837Loudon, NH 03307Phone: (603) 798-4542

Fax: (603) 798-3539Email: [email protected]

Lyman, Town of Town Clerk of Lyman65 Parker Hill RdLyman, NH 03585Phone: (603) 838-6113

Fax: (603) 838-6818Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Lyme, Town of Town Clerk of LymeP.O. Box 342Lyme, NH 03768Phone: (603) 795-2535

Fax: (603) 795-2117Email: [email protected]

Lyndeborough,Town of

Town Clerk of Lyndeborough9 Citizens Hall RdLyndeborough, NH 03082Phone: (603) 654-5955

Fax: (603) 654-5777Email: [email protected]

Madbury, Townof

Town Clerk Madbury13 Town Hall RdMadbury, NH 03823Phone: (603) 742-5131

Fax: (603) 742-2505Email: [email protected]

Madison, Town of Town Clerk of MadisonP.O. Box 248Madison, NH 03849Phone: (603) 367-9931

Fax: (603) 367-4765Email: [email protected]

Marlborough,Town of

Town Clerk of MarlboroughP.O. Box 487Marlborough, NH 03455Phone: (603) 876-4529

Fax: (603) 876-4703Email: [email protected]

Marlow, Town of Town Clerk of Marlow167 NH RT 123Marlow, NH 03456Phone: (603) 446-2245

Fax: (603) 446-8306Email: [email protected]

Mason, Town of Town Clerk of Mason16 Darling Hill RdMason, NH 03048Phone: (603) 878-3768

Fax: (603) 878-4892Email: [email protected]

Meredith, Townof

Town Clerk of Meredith41 Main StMeredith, NH 03253Phone: (603) 677-4203

Fax: (603) 677-1090Email: [email protected]

Merrimack, Townof

Town Clerk of Merrimack6 Baboosic Lake RdMerrimack, NH 03054Phone: (603) 424-3651

Fax: (603) 423-8539Email: [email protected]

Middleton, Townof

Town Clerk of Middleton182 Kings HwyMiddleton, NH 03887Phone: (603) 473-5210

Fax: (603) 473-2450Email: [email protected]

Milan, Town of Town Clerk of MilanP.O. Box 158Milan, NH 03588Phone: (603) 449-3461

Fax: (603) 449-2624Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Milford, Town of Town Clerk of Milford1 Union SqMilford, NH 03055Phone: (603) 249-0650

Fax: (603) 673-2273Email: [email protected]

Millsfield, Townof

Town Clerk of Millsfield468 US Rte 26Errol, NH 03579Phone: (603) 482-3294

Email: [email protected]

Milton, Town of Town Clerk of MiltonP.O. Box 180Milton, NH 03851Phone: (603) 652-4501 x3

Fax: (603) 652-4120Email: [email protected]

Monroe, Town of Town Clerk of MonroeP.O. Box 63Monroe, NH 03771Phone: (603) 638-2644

Fax: (603) 638-2021Email: [email protected]

Mont Vernon,Town of

Town Clerk of Mount VernonP.O. Box 417Mont Vernon, NH 03057Phone: (603) 673-9126

Fax: (603) 673-0914Email: [email protected]

Moultonborough,Town of

Town Clerk of MoultonboroughP.O. Box 15Moultonborough, NH 03254Phone: (603) 476-2347

Fax: (603) 476-2778Email: [email protected]

Nelson, Town of Town Clerk of Nelson7 Nelson Common RdNelson, NH 03457Phone: (603) 847-9043

Fax: (603) 847-3197Email: [email protected]

New Boston,Town of

Town Clerk of New BostonP.O. Box 250New Boston, NH 03070Phone: (603) 487-2500

Fax: (603) 487-2975Email: [email protected]

New Castle,Town of

Town Clerk of New CastleP.O. Box 367New Castle, NH 03854Phone: (603) 431-6710

Fax: (603) 433-6198Email: [email protected]

New Durham,Town of

Town Clerk of New DurhamP.O. Box 207New Durham, NH 03855Phone: (603) 859-2091

Fax: (603) 859-6644Email: [email protected]

New Hampton,Town of

Town Clerk of New HamptonP.O. Box 538New Hampton, NH 03256Phone: (603) 744-8454

Fax: (603) 744-0671Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

New Ipswich,Town of

Town Clerk of New Ipswich661 Tpk RdNew Ipswich, NH 03071Phone: (603) 878-2772

Fax: (603) 878-3855Email: [email protected]

New London,Town of

Town Clerk of New London375 Main StNew London, NH 03257Phone: (603) 526-4821

Fax: (603) 526-9494Email: [email protected]

Newbury, Townof

Town Clerk of NewburyP.O. Box 253Newbury, NH 03255Phone: (603) 763-5326

Fax: (603) 763-5298Email: [email protected]

Newfields, Townof

Town Clerk of Newfields65 Main StNewfields, NH 03856Phone: (603) 772-5070

Fax: (603) 772-9004Email: [email protected]

Newington, Townof

Town Clerk of Newington205 Nimble Hill RdNewington, NH 03801Phone: (603) 436-7640

Fax: (603) 436-7188Email: [email protected]

Newmarket,Town of

Town Clerk of Newmarket186 Main StNewmarket, NH 03857Phone: (603) 659-3073

Fax: (603) 659-3441Email: [email protected]

Newport, Townof

Town Clerk of Newport15 Sunapee StNewport, NH 03773Phone: (603) 863-2224

Fax: (603) 863-8008Email: [email protected]

Newton, Town of Town Clerk of NewtonP.O. Box 375Newton, NH 03858Phone: (603) 382-4096

Fax: (603) 382-2596Email: [email protected]

North Hampton,Town of

Town Clerk of North Hampton237 Atlantic AveNorth Hampton, NH 03862Phone: (603) 964-6029

Fax: (603) 964-2906Email: [email protected]

Northfield, Townof

Town Clerk of Northfield21 Summer StNorthfield, NH 03276Phone: (603) 286-4482

Fax: (603) 286-3328Email: [email protected]

Northumberland,Town of

Town Clerk of Northumberland19 Main StGrovetown, NH 03582Phone: (603) 636-1451

Fax: (603) 636-6098Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Northwood,Town of

Town Clerk of Northwood818 First NH TpkNorthwood, NH 03261Phone: (603) 942-5586

Fax: (603) 942-9107Email: [email protected]

Nottingham,Town of

Town Clerk of NottinghamP.O. Box 114Nottingham, NH 03290Phone: (603) 679-9598

Fax: (603) 679-9598Email: [email protected]

Orange, Town of Town Clerk of OrangeP.O. Box 37Canaan, NH 03741Phone: (603) 523-4467

Fax: (603) 523-7054Email: [email protected]

Orford, Town of Town Clerk of Orford2529 Rourt 25AOrford, NH 03777Phone: (603) 353-4404

Fax: (603) 353-4489Email: [email protected]

Ossipee, Town of Town Clerk of OssipeeP.O. Box 67Ossipee, NH 03814Phone: (603) 539-2008

Fax: (603) 539-2856Email: [email protected]

Pelham, Town of Town Clerk of Pelham6 Village GreenPelham, NH 03076Phone: (603) 508-3076

Fax: (603) 508-3096Email: [email protected]

Pembroke, Townof

Town Clerk of Pembroke311 Pembroke StPembroke, NH 03275Phone: (603) 485-4747

Fax: (603) 485-3967Email: [email protected]

Peterborough,Town of

Town Clerk of Peterborough1 Grove StPeterborough, NH 03458Phone: (603) 924-8000

Fax: (603) 924-8001Email: [email protected]

Piermont, Townof

Town Clerk of PiermontP.O. Box 27Piermont, NH 03779Phone: (603) 272-4840

Fax: (603) 272-4947Email: [email protected]

Pittsburg, Townof

Town Clerk of Pittsburg1526 Main StPittsburg, NH 03592Phone: (603) 538-6699

Fax: (603) 538-6697Email: [email protected]

Pittsfield, Town of Town Clerk of PittsfieldP.O. Box 98Pittsfield, NH 03263Phone: (603) 435-6773

Fax: (603) 435-7922Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Plainfield, Townof

Town Clerk of PlainfieldP.O. Box 380Meriden, NH 03770Phone: (603) 469-3201

Fax: (603) 469-3642Email: [email protected]

Plaistow, Town of Town Clerk of Plaistow145 Main StPlaistow, NH 03865Phone: (603) 382-8129

Fax: (603) 382-0006Email: [email protected]

Plymouth, Townof

Town Clerk of Plymouth6 Post Office SqPlymouth, NH 03264Phone: (603) 536-1732

Fax: (603) 536-0036Email: [email protected]

Randolph, Townof

Town Clerk of Randolph130 Durand RdRandolph, NH 03593Phone: (603) 466-5771

Fax: (603) 466-9856Email: [email protected]

Raymond, Townof

Town Clerk of Raymond4 Epping StRaymond, NH 03077Phone: (603) 895-4735

Fax: (603) 895-0903Email: [email protected]

Richmond, Townof

Town Clerk of Richmond105 Old Homestead HwyRichmond, NH 03470Phone: (603) 239-6202

Fax: (603) 239-4615Email: [email protected]

Rindge, Town of Town Clerk of Rindge30 Payson Hill RdRindge, NH 03461Phone: (603) 899-5181

Fax: (603) 899-2108Email: [email protected]

Rollinsford, Townof

Town Clerk of RollinsfordP.O. Box 309Rollinsford, NH 03869Phone: (603) 742-2510

Fax: (603) 740-0254Email: [email protected]

Roxbury, Town of Town Clerk of Roxury3 Middletown Rd.Roxbury, NH 03431Phone: (603) 352-4903

Fax: (603) 352-4903Email: [email protected]

Rumney, Town of Town Clerk of RumneyP.O. Box 275Rumney, NH 03266Phone: (603) 786-2237

Fax: (603) 786-2237Email: [email protected]

Rye, Town of Town Clerk of Rye10 Central RdRye, NH 03870Phone: (603) 964-8562

Fax: (603) 964-4132Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Salem, Town of Town Clerk of Salem33 Geremonty DriveSalem, NH 03079Phone: (603) 890-2116

Fax: (603) 685-6402Email: [email protected]

Salisbury, Townof

Town Clerk of SalisburyP.O. Box 2Salisbury, NH 03268Phone: (603) 648-6322

Fax: (603) 648-6658Email: [email protected]

Sanbornton,Town of

Town Clerk of SanbortonP.O. Box 124Sanbornton, NH 03269Phone: (603) 286-4034

Fax: (603) 286-9544Email: [email protected]

Sandown, Townof

Town Clerk of SandownP.O. Box 583Sandown, NH 03873Phone: (603) 887-4870

Fax: (603) 887-8977Email: [email protected]

Sandwich, Townof

Town Clerk of SandwhichP.O. Box 194Sandwich, NH 03227Phone: (603) 284-7113

Fax: (603) 284-6819Email: [email protected]

Seabrook, Townof

Town Clerk of SeabrookP.O. Box 476Seabrook, NH 03874Phone: (603) 474-3152

Fax: (603) 474-8007Email: [email protected]

Sharon, Town of Town Clerk of Sharon432 NH Rte 123Sharon, NH 03458Phone: (603) 345-0380

Fax: (603) 924-7553Email: [email protected]

Shelburne, Townof

Town Clerk of Shelburne74 Village RdShelburne, NH 03581Phone: (603) 466-2262

Fax: (603) 466-5271Email: [email protected]

South Hampton,Town of

Town Clerk of South Hampton190 Hilldale AveSouth Hampton, NH 03827Phone: (603) 394-7696

Fax: (603) 394-2134Email: [email protected]

Springfield, Townof

Town Clerk of SpringfieldP.O. Box 22Springfield, NH 03284Phone: (603) 763-4805

Fax: (603) 763-3336Email: [email protected]

Stark, Town of Town Clerk of Stark1189 Stark HwyStark, NH 03582Phone: (603) 636-2118

Fax: (603) 636-6199Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Stewartstown,Town of

Town Clerk of Stewartstown888 Washington West Stewartstown, NH 03597Phone: (603) 246-3329

Fax: (603) 246-3329Email: [email protected]

Stoddard, Townof

Town Clerk of StoddardP.O. Box 373Stoddard, NH 03464Phone: (603) 446-2214

Fax: (603) 446-2214Email: [email protected]

Strafford, Townof

Town Clerk of StraffordP.O. Box 169Strafford, NH 03884Phone: (603) 664-2192

Fax: (603) 664-7276Email: [email protected]

Stratford, Townof

Town Clerk of Stratford10 Town Common Rd. Stratford, NH 03590Phone: (603) 922-5546

Fax: (603) 922-3317Email: [email protected]

Stratham, Townof

Town Clerk of Stratham10 Bunker Hill AveStratham, NH 03885Phone: (603) 772-4741

Fax: (603) 775-0517Email: [email protected]

Sugar Hill, Townof

Town Clerk of Sugar HillP.O. Box 574Sugar Hill, NH 03586Phone: (603) 823-8516

Fax: (603) 823-8446Email: [email protected]

Sullivan, Town of Town Clerk of SullivanP.O. Box 110Sullivan, NH 03445Phone: (603) 847-3316

Fax: (603) 847-9154Email: [email protected]

Sunapee, Town of Town Clerk of SunapeeP.O. Box 303Sunapee, NH 03782Phone: (603) 763-2449

Fax: (603) 763-4608Email: [email protected]

Surry, Town of Town Clerk of Surry1 Village RdSurry, NH 03431Phone: (603) 352-3075

Fax: (603) 357-4890Email: [email protected]

Sutton, Town of Town Clerk of SuttonP.O. Box 545Sutton, NH 03260Phone: (603) 927-4575

Fax: (603) 927-4646Email: [email protected]

Swanzey, Townof

Town Clerk of SwanzeyP.O. Box 10009Swanzey, NH 03446Phone: (603) 352-7411

Fax: (603) 352-6250Email: [email protected]


New Hampshire

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Tamworth, Townof

Town Clerk of Tamworth84 Main StTamworth, NH 03886Phone: (603) 323-7971

Fax: (603) 323-2347Email: [email protected]

Temple, Town of Town Clerk of TempleP.O. Box 69Temple, NH 03084Phone: (603) 878-3873

Email: [email protected]

Thornton, Townof

Town Clerk of Thornton16 Merrill Access RdThornton, NH 03285Phone: (603) 726-4232

Fax: (603) 726-2078Email: [email protected]

Tilton, Town of Town Clerk of Tilton257 Main StTilton, NH 03276Phone: (603) 286-4425

Fax: (603) 286-3519Email: [email protected]

Troy, Town of Town Clerk of TroyP.O. Box 249Troy, NH 03465Phone: (603) 242-3845

Fax: (603) 242-3430Email: [email protected]

Tuftonboro, Townof

Town Clerk of TuftonboroP.O. Box 98Center Tuftonboro, NH 03816Phone: (603) 569-4539

Fax: (603) 569-4328Email: [email protected]

Unity, Town of Town Clerk of Unity13 Center Rd #1Unity, NH 03603Phone: (603) 542-9665

Fax: (603) 542-9736Email: [email protected]

Wakefield, Townof

Town Clerk of Wakefield2 High StSanbornville, NH 03872Phone: (603) 522-6205

Fax: (603) 522-6794Email: [email protected]

Walpole, Town of Town Clerk of WalpoleP.O. Box 756Walpole, NH 03608Phone: (603) 756-3514

Fax: (603) 756-4153Email: [email protected]

Warner, Town of Town Clerk of WarnerP.O. Box 265Warner, NH 03278Phone: (603) 456-2298

Fax: (603) 456-3576Email: [email protected]

Warren, Town of Town Clerk of WarrenP.O. Box 40Warren, NH 03279Phone: (603) 764-7705

Fax: (603) 764-9296Email: [email protected]

Town Mailing Address

Washington,Town of

Town Clerk of Washington3535 E Washington RdWashington, NH 03280Phone: (603) 495-3667

Fax: (603) 496-3521Email: [email protected]

Waterville Valley,Town of

Town Clerk of Waterville ValleyP.O. Box 500Waterville Valley, NH 03215Phone: (603) 236-4730

Fax: (603) 236-2056Email: [email protected]

Weare, Town of Town Clerk of Weare15 Flanders Memorial Rd.Weare, NH 03281Phone: (603) 529-7575

Fax: (603) 529-7571Email: [email protected]

Webster, Town of Town Clerk of Webster945 Battle StWebster, NH 03303Phone: (603) 648-2538

Fax: (603) 648-6055Email: [email protected]

Wentworth, Townof

Town Clerk of WentworthP.O. Box 2Wentworth, NH 03282Phone: (603) 764-5244

Fax: (603) 764-9362Email: [email protected]

Westmoreland,Town of

Town Clerk of WestmorelandP.O. Box 55Westmoreland, NH 03467Phone: (603) 399-4471

Fax: (603) 399-7211Email: [email protected]

Whitefield, Townof

Town Clerk of Whitefield56 Littleton RdWhitefield, NH 03598Phone: (603) 837-9871

Fax: (603) 837-3148Email: [email protected]

Wilmot, Town of Town Clerk of WilmotP.O. Box 94Wilmot, NH 03287Phone: (603) 526-9639

Fax: (603) 526-4067Email: [email protected]

Wilton, Town of Town Clerk of WiltonP.O. Box 83Wilton, NH 03086Phone: (603) 654-9451

Fax: (603) 654-6663Email: [email protected]

Winchester, Townof

Town Clerk of WinchesterP.O. Box 512Winchester, NH 03470Phone: (603) 239-6233

Fax: (603) 239-4146Email: [email protected]

Windham, Townof

Town Clerk of Windham3 N Lowell RdWindham, NH 03087Phone: (603) 434-5075

Fax: (603) 425-6582Email: [email protected]


New Hampshire

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Town Mailing Address

Windsor, Town of Town Clerk of Windsor139 Rocky Ledge RdWindsor, NH 03244Phone: (603) 478-3292

Fax: (603) 478-3293Email: [email protected]

Wolfeboro, Townof

Town Clerk of WolfeboroP.O. Box 1207Wolfeboro, NH 03894Phone: (603) 569-5328

Fax: (603) 569-5328Email: [email protected]

Woodstock,Town of

Town Clerk of WoodstockBox 156Woodstock, NH 03262Phone: (603) 745-8752

Fax: (603) 745-2393Email: [email protected]

Cambridge, Townof

Town Clerk of Cambridge33 P.O. Box 100 Errol, NH 03579Phone: (603) 482-3351

Fax: (603) 482-3804Email: [email protected]

Green's Grant,Town of

Town Clerk of Green's Grant20 Park StGorham, NH 03581Phone: (603) 466-2744

Fax: (603) 466-3100Email: [email protected]

Pinkham's Grant,Town of

Town Clerk of Pinkham's Grant20 Park StGorham, NH 03581Phone: (603) 466-2744

Fax: (603) 466-3100Email: [email protected]

Wentworth'sLocation, Town of

Town Clerk of Wentworth's LocationP.O. Box 100Errol, NH 03579Phone: (603) 482-3351

Fax: (603) 237-5069Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryJune 7, 2016

State PrimaryJune 7, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Received byMay 8, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyJune 3, 2016

By Mail: Received byMay 8, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyJune 3, 2016

By Mail: Received byOctober 9, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyNovember 4, 2016


By Mail: Received byMay 8, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyJune 3, 2016

By Mail: Received byMay 8, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyJune 3, 2016

By Mail: Received byOctober 9, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyNovember 4, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receiving


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

your absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

U.S. citizens residing outside the United Stateswhose return is not certain, can use the FWAB tovote in all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that describesyou.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social security


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "Important

number or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Information" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Atlantic Atlantic County Clerk - FPCA5901 Main StMays Landing, NJ 08330Phone: (609) 625-4011

Fax: (609) 645-5875Email: [email protected]

Atlantic Atlantic County Board of Elections - FWAB5903 Main StMays Landing, NJ 08330Phone: (609) 645-5867

Fax: (609) 909-5875Email: [email protected]

Bergen Bergen County Clerk - FPCA1 Bergen County Plaza, Rm 130Hackensack, NJ 07601Phone: (201) 336-6230

Fax: (201) 336-6242Email: [email protected]

Bergen Bergen County Board of Elections - FWAB1 Bergen County Plaza, Rm 310Hackensack, NJ 07601Phone: (201) 336-7020

Fax: (201) 336-7005Email: [email protected]

Burlington Burlington County Clerk - FPCA49 Rancocas Rd, Rm 104, P.O. Box 6000Mount Holly, NJ 08060Phone: (609) 265-5122

Fax: (609) 265-0696Email: [email protected]

Burlington Burlington County Board of Elections - FWAB49 Rancocas RdMount Holly, NJ 08060Phone: (609) 265-5229

Fax: (609) 265-5032Email: [email protected]

Camden Camden County Clerk - FPCA100 University CourtCamden, NJ 08012Phone: (856) 401-8683

Fax: (856) 401-8689Email: [email protected]

Camden Camden County Board of Elections - FWAB509 Lakeland RdBlackwood, NJ 08012Phone: (856) 225-7219

Fax: (856) 756-2213Email: [email protected]

Cape May Cape May County Clerk - FPCA7 N Main St, P.O. Box 5000Cape May Courthouse, NJ 08210Phone: (609) 465-1013

Fax: (609) 465-8625Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Cape May Cape May County Board of Elections - FWAB10 Mechanic St, P.O. Box 5000Cape May Courthouse, NJ 08210Phone: (609) 465-1050

Fax: (609) 465-1639Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Clerk - FPCA60 W. Broad StBridgeton, NJ 08302Phone: (856) 453-4865

Fax: (856) 455-1410Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Board of Elections - FWAB555 Shiloh PikeBridgeton, NJ 08302Phone: (856) 453-5801

Fax: (856) 451-3172Email: [email protected]

Essex Essex County Clerk - FPCAP.O. Box 690Newark, NJ 07101-0690Phone: (973) 621-4921

Fax: (973) 621-2527Email: [email protected]

Essex Essex County Board of Elections - FWAB465 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., 4th Fl, Rm 411Newark, NJ 07102Phone: (973) 387-7314

Fax: (973) 621-4640Email: [email protected]

Gloucester Gloucester County Clerk - FPCAP.O. Box 129Woodbury, NJ 08096Phone: (856) 853-3241

Fax: (856) 251-1645Email: [email protected]

Gloucester Gloucester County Board of Elections - FWABP.O. Box 352Woodbury, NJ 08096Phone: (856) 384-4531

Fax: (856) 251-1646Email: [email protected]

Hudson Hudson County Clerk - FPCA257 Cornelison Ave - 4th FlJersey City, NJ 07302Phone: (201) 369-3470

Fax: (201) 369-3478Email: [email protected]

Hudson Hudson County Board of Elcetions - FWAB257 Cornelison Ave - 4th FlJersey City, NJ 07302Phone: (201) 369-3435

Fax: (201) 369-3436Email: [email protected]

Hunterdon Hunterdon County Clerk - FPCAHall of Records, 71 Main StFlemington, NJ 08822Phone: (908) 788-1214

Fax: (908) 782-4068Email: [email protected]

Hunterdon Hunterdon County Board of Elections - FWABP.O. Box 2900Flemington, NJ 08822Phone: (908) 788-1190

Fax: (908) 806-4686Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Mercer Mercer County Clerk - FPCA209 S Broad StTrenton, NJ 08650Phone: (609) 989-6494

Fax: (609) 394-8785Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer County Board of Elections - FWAB640 S Broad StTrenton, NJ 08650Phone: (609) 989-6522

Fax: (609) 278-2713Email: [email protected]

Middlesex Middlesex County Clerk - FPCA75 Bayard StNew Brunswick, NJ 08901Phone: (732) 745-4202

Fax: (732) 745-2170Email: [email protected]

Middlesex Middlesex County Board of Elections - FWAB11 Kennedy Blvd.New Brunswick, NJ 08816-1250Phone: (732) 745-3471

Fax: (732) 292-6560Email: [email protected]

Monmouth Monmouth County Clerk - FPCA300 Halls Mill RdFreehold, NJ 07728-8835Phone: (732) 431-7802 x7150

Fax: (732) 409-4887Email: [email protected]

Monmouth Monmouth County Board of Elections - FWAB300 Halls Mill RdFreehold, NJ 07728-8835Phone: (732) 431-7802

Fax: (732) 303-7648Email: [email protected]

Morris Morris County Clerk - FPCAP.O. Box 315Morristown, NJ 07963-0900Phone: (973) 285-6066

Fax: (973) 285-5233Email: [email protected]

Morris Morris County Board of Elections - FWABP.O. Box 900Morristown, NJ 07693Phone: (973) 285-6715

Fax: (973) 285-5208Email: [email protected]

Ocean Ocean County Clerk - FPCA118 Washington St, Rm 107Toms River, NJ 08754Phone: (732) 929-2018

Fax: (732) 349-4336Email: [email protected]

Ocean Ocean County Board of Elections - FWAB129 Hooper Ave, P.O. Box 2006Toms River, NJ 08754Phone: (732) 929-2167

Fax: (732) 506-5110Email: [email protected]

Passaic Passaic County Clerk - FPCA401 Grand St, Rm 130Paterson, NJ 07505Phone: (973) 225-3632

Fax: (973) 742-5744Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Passaic Passaic County Board of Elections - FWAB401 Grand St, Rm 123Paterson, NJ 07505Phone: (973) 881-4527

Fax: (973) 523-9121Email: [email protected]

Salem Salem County Clerk - FPCA110 Fifth St, Ste 200Salem, NJ 08079Phone: (856) 935-7510 x8328

Fax: (856) 935-8882Email: [email protected]

Salem Salem County Board of Elections - FWAB110 Fifth St, Ste 1000Salem, NJ 08079Phone: (856) 935-7510 x8331

Fax: (856) 935-6725Email: [email protected]

Somerset Somerset County Clerk - FPCAP.O. Box 3000Somerville, NJ 08876Phone: (908) 231-7013

Fax: (908) 253-8853Email: [email protected]

Somerset Somerset County Board of Elections - FWABP.O. Box 3000Somerville, NJ 08876Phone: (908) 231-7084

Fax: (908) 231-9465Email: [email protected]

Sussex Sussex County Clerk - FPCA83 Spring St, Ste 305Newton, NJ 07860Phone: (973) 579-0900

Fax: (973) 383-7493Email: [email protected]

Sussex Sussex County Board of Elections - FWAB83 Spring St, Ste 305Newton, NJ 07860Phone: (973) 579-0950

Fax: (973) 579-0955Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Clerk - FPCA2 Broad St, Rm 113Elizabeth, NJ 07201-2299Phone: (908) 527-4996

Fax: (908) 558-2589Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Board of Elections - FWAB271 N Broad StElizabeth, NJ 07208Phone: (908) 527-4123

Fax: (908) 527-4127Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Clerk - FPCA20 Mansfield St, Belvidere, NJ 07823Phone: (908) 475-6211

Fax: (908) 475-6208Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Board of Elections - FWAB413 Second StBelivdere, NJ 07823Phone: (908) 475-6313

Fax: (908) 475-6221Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryJune 7, 2016

State PrimaryJune 7, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byMay 10, 2016

Received byMay 10, 2016

Received byOctober 11, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJune 3, 2016

Received byJune 3, 2016

Received byNovember 4, 2016

Ballot Return Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in New Mexico is eligible to vote in NewMexico.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your Social

Security number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official in


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

accepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that describesyou.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your SocialSecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have a


New Mexico

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines"chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the State

forwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Bernalillo Bernalillo County ClerkOne Civic Plaza NW, 6th FlAlbuquerque, NM 87102-2169Phone: (505) 468-1290

Fax: (505) 468-1293Email: [email protected]

Catron Catron County ClerkP.O. Box 197Reserve, NM 87830-0197Phone: (575) 533-6400

Fax: (575) 533-6400Email: [email protected]

Chaves Chaves County ClerkP.O. Box 580Roswell, NM 88202-0580Phone: (575) 624-6614

Fax: (575)624-6523Email: [email protected]

Cibola Cibola County Clerk515 W HighGrants, NM 87020Phone: (505) 285-2535

Fax: (505) 285-2562Email: [email protected]

Colfax Colfax County ClerkP.O. Box 159Raton, NM 87740-0159Phone: (575) 445-5551

Fax: (575) 445-4031Email: [email protected]

Curry Curry County Clerk1509 Grayson CtClovis, NM 88102-1168Phone: (575) 763-5591

Fax: (575) 763-4232Email: [email protected]

De Baca De Baca County ClerkP.O. Box 347Fort Sumner, NM 88119-0347Phone: (575) 355-2601

Fax: (575) 355-2441Email: [email protected]

Dona Ana Dona Ana County Bureau of Elections845 N Motel BlvdLas Cruces, NM 88007Phone: (575) 647-7421

Fax: (575) 527-9857Email: [email protected]

Eddy Eddy County Clerk325 S Main StCarlsbad, NM 88220Phone: (575) 885-3383

Fax: (575) 234-1793Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County ClerkP.O. Box 898Silver City, NM 88062-0898Phone: (575) 574-0042

Fax: (575) 574-0076Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Guadalupe Guadalupe County Clerk1448 Historic Route 66, Ste 1Santa Rosa, NM 88435Phone: (575) 472-3791

Fax: (575) 472-4791Email: [email protected]

Harding Harding County Clerk35 Pine StMosquero, NM 87733Phone: (575) 673-2301

Fax: (575) 673-2922Email: [email protected]

Hidalgo Hidalgo County Clerk300 S Shakespeare St.Lordsburg, NM 88045-1939Phone: (575) 542-9213

Fax: (575) 542-3193Email: [email protected]

Lea Lea County ClerkP.O. Box 1507Lovington, NM 88260-1507Phone: (575) 396-8619

Fax: (575) 396-3293Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County ClerkP.O. Box 338Carrizozo, NM 88301-0338Phone: (575) 648-2394

Fax: (575) 648-2576Email: [email protected]

Los Alamos Los Alamos County Clerk1000 Central Ave, Ste 240Los Alamos, NM 87544-0030Phone: (505) 662-8010

Fax: (505) 662-8008Email: [email protected]

Luna Luna County ClerkP.O. Box 1838Deming, NM 88030-1838Phone: (575) 546-0491

Fax: (575) 543-6617Email: [email protected]

McKinley McKinley County Clerk207 West Hill StGallup, NM 87301Phone: (505) 863-6866

Fax: (505) 863-1419Email: [email protected]

Mora Mora County ClerkP.O. Box 360Mora, NM 87732-0360Phone: (575) 387-2448

Fax: (575) 387-9023Email: [email protected]

Otero Otero County Clerk1104 N White Sands Blvd, Ste CAlamogordo, NM 88310Phone: (575) 437-4942

Fax: (575) 443-2922Email: [email protected]

Quay Quay County ClerkBox 1225Tucumcari, NM 88401-1225Phone: (575) 461-0510

Fax: (575) 461-0513Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Rio Arriba Rio Arriba County ClerkP.O. Box 158Tierra Amarilla, NM 87575Phone: (575) 588-7724

Fax: (575) 588-7418Email: [email protected]

Roosevelt Roosevelt County Clerk109 W First St, Lobby Box 4Portales, NM 88130-5901Phone: (575) 356-8562

Fax: (575) 356-3560Email: [email protected]

San Juan San Juan County ClerkP.O. Box 550Aztec, NM 87410-0550Phone: (505) 334-9471

Fax: (505) 334-3635Email: [email protected]

San Miguel San Miguel County Clerk500 W National Ave, Ste 113Las Vegas, NM 87701-3703Phone: (505) 425-9331

Fax: (505) 454-1799Email: [email protected]

Sandoval Sandoval County ClerkP.O. Box 40Bernalillo, NM 87004-0040Phone: (505) 867-7573

Fax: (505) 771-8610Email: [email protected]

Santa Fe Santa Fe County ClerkBox 1985Santa Fe, NM 87504-1985Phone: (505) 986-6280

Fax: (505) 995-2767Email: [email protected]

Sierra Sierra County Clerk100 N Date St, Ste 6T or C, NM 87901-2398Phone: (575) 894-2840

Fax: (575) 894-2516Email: [email protected]

Socorro Socorro County ClerkP.O. Box ISocorro, NM 87801-0001Phone: (575) 835-0423

Fax: (575) 835-1043Email: [email protected]

Taos Taos County Clerk105 Albright St, Ste DTaos, NM 87571Phone: (575) 737-6380

Fax: (575) 737-6390Email: [email protected]

Torrance Torrance County ClerkP.O. Box 767Estancia, NM 87016Phone: (505) 246-4737

Fax: (505) 384-4080Email: [email protected]

Union Union County ClerkP.O. Box 430Clayton, NM 88415Phone: (575) 374-9491

Fax: (575) 374-9591Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Valencia Valencia County ClerkP.O. Box 969Los Lunas, NM 87031Phone: (505) 866-2073

Fax: (505) 866-2023Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 19, 2016

Federal PrimaryJune 28, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byMarch 25, 2016

Received byJune 3, 2016

Received byOctober 14, 2016

Ballot Request Received byApril 12, 2016

Received byJune 21, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Postmarked by*April 18, 2016

Postmarked by*June 27, 2016

Postmarked by**November 7, 2016

*Ballot Return: Primary election ballots must be received by the 7th day after the election.

**Ballot Return: General election ballots must be received by the 13th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


New York

Page 296: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in New York is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide the numbereitherof your New York DMV issued ID orthe last four digits of your SocialSecurity number. If you do not haveeither of these numbers you mustenter in Block 9: "I do not have asocial security number or New YorkDMV issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe the


New York

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

location of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like to an absentee ballot for futurerequest


Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide the numbereitherof your New York DMV issued ID orthe last four digits of your SocialSecurity number. If you do not haveeither of these numbers you mustenter in Block 9: "I do not have asocial security number or New YorkDMV issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the party


New York

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your voted

primary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

FWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Albany Albany County Board of Elections32 N Russell RdAlbany, NY 12206Phone: (518) 487-5060

Fax: (518) 487-5077Email: [email protected]

Allegany Allegany County Board of Elections6 Schuyler StBelmont, NY 14813Phone: (585) 268-9294

Fax: (585) 268-9406Email: [email protected]

Broome Broome County Board of Elections60 Hawley St., Government PlazaBinghamton, NY 13902Phone: (607) 778-2172

Fax: (607) 778-2174Email: [email protected]

Cattaraugus Cattaraugus County Board of Elections207 Rock City St - Ste 100Little Valley, NY 14755Phone: (716) 938-2400

Fax: (716) 938-2775Email: [email protected]

Cayuga Cayuga County Board of Elections157 Genesee St (Basement)Auburn, NY 13021Phone: (315) 253-1285

Fax: (315) 253-1289Email: [email protected]

Chautauqua Chautauqua County Board of Elections7 N Erie StMayville, NY 14757Phone: (716) 753-4580

Fax: (716) 753-4111Email: [email protected]

Chemung Chemung County Board of Elections378 S Main St, P.O. Box 588Elmira, NY 14902-0588Phone: (607) 737-5475

Fax: (607) 737-5499Email: [email protected]

Chenango Chenango County Board of Elections5 Court StNorwich, NY 13815Phone: (607) 337-1760

Fax: (607) 337-1766Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County Board of ElectionsCo. Government Ctr. Ste 104, 137 Margaret StPlattsburgh, NY 12901Phone: (518) 565-4740

Fax: (518) 565-4508Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County Board of Elections401 State St.Hudson, NY 12534Phone: (518) 828-3115

Fax: (518) 828-2624Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Cortland Cortland County Board of Elections112 River St - Ste 1Cortland, NY 13045-2828Phone: (607) 753-5032

Fax: (607) 758-5513Email: [email protected]

Delaware Delaware County Board of Elections3 Gallant Ave.Delhi, NY 13753Phone: (607) 832-5321

Fax: (607) 832-6077Email: [email protected]

Dutchess Dutchess County Board of Elections47 Cannon St.Poughkeepsie, NY 12601Phone: (845) 486-2473

Fax: (845) 486-2483Email: [email protected]

Erie Erie County Board of Elections134 W Eagle St.Buffalo, NY 14202Phone: (716) 858-8891

Fax: (716) 858-8282Email:

Essex Essex County Board of Elections7551 Court St, P.O. Box 217Elizabethtown, NY 12932Phone: (518) 873-3474

Fax: (518) 873-3479Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Board of Elections355 W Main St - Ste 161Malone, NY 12953-1823Phone: (518) 481-1663

Fax: (518) 481-6018Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Board of Elections2714 STHWY 29, Ste 1Johnstown, NY 12095-9946Phone: (518) 736-5526

Fax: (518) 736-1612Email: [email protected]

Genesee Genesee County Board of ElectionsCounty Building One, 15 Main StBatavia, NY 14020Phone: (585) 344-2550

Fax: (585) 344-8562Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Board of Elections411 Main St, Ste 437Catskill, NY 12414Phone: (518) 719-3550

Fax: (518) 719-3784Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Board of ElectionsRoute 8, P.O. Box 175Lake Pleasant, NY 12108Phone: (518) 548-4684

Fax: (518) 548-6345Email: [email protected]

Herkimer Herkimer County Board of Elections109 Mary St, Ste 1306Herkimer, NY 13350Phone: (315) 867-1102

Fax: (315) 867-1106Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Jefferson Jefferson County Board of Elections175 Arsenal St.Watertown, NY 13601Phone: (315) 785-3027

Fax: (315) 785-5197Email:

Lewis Lewis County Board of Elections7660 N. State StLowville, NY 13367Phone: (315) 376-5329

Fax: (315) 376-2860Email: [email protected]

Livingston Livingston County Board of Elections6 Court St, Room 104Geneseo, NY 14454-1043Phone: (585) 243-7090

Fax: (585) 243-7015Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Board of ElectionsP. O. Box 666Wampsville, NY 13163Phone: (315) 366-2231

Fax: (315) 366-2532Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Board of Elections39 Main St. W Rochester, NY 14614Phone: (585) 753-1550

Fax: (585) 324-1612Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Board of ElectionsOld Courthouse, 9 Park St, P.O. Box 1500Fonda, NY 12068-1500Phone: (518) 853-8180

Fax: (518) 853-8392Email: [email protected]

Nassau Nassau County Board of Elections240 Old Country Rd - 5th FloorMineola, NY 11501Phone: (516) 571-2411

Fax: (516) 571-2058Email: [email protected]

Niagara Niagara County Board of Elections111 Main St, Ste 100Lockport, NY 14094Phone: (716) 438-4040

Fax: (716) 438-4054Email: [email protected]

Oneida Oneida County Board of ElectionsUnion Station, 321 Main St- 3rd FloorUtica, NY 13501Phone: (315) 798-5765

Fax: (315) 798-6412Email: [email protected]

Onondaga Onondaga County Board of Elections1000 Erie Blvd W Syracuse, NY 13204Phone: (315) 435-3312

Fax: (315) 435-8451Email: [email protected]

Ontario Ontario County Board of Elections74 Ontario StCanandaigua, NY 14424Phone: (585) 396-4005

Fax: (585) 393-2941Email: [email protected]


New York

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Orange Orange County Board of Elections75 Webster Ave, P.O. Box 30Goshen, NY 10924Phone: (845) 360-6500

Fax: (845) 291-2437Email: [email protected]

Orleans Orleans County Board of Elections14012 State Route 31Albion, NY 14411Phone: (585) 589-3274

Fax: (585) 589-2771Email:

Oswego Oswego County Board of Elections185 E. Seneca St, Box 9Oswego, NY 13126Phone: (315) 349-8350

Fax: (315) 349-8357Email:

Otsego Otsego County Board of Elections140 County Highway 33W, Ste 2Cooperstown, NY 13326Phone: (607) 547-4247

Fax: (607) 547-4248Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam County Board of Elections25 Old Route 6Carmel, NY 10512Phone: (845) 808-1300

Fax: (845) 808-1920Email: [email protected]

Rensselaer Rensselaer County Board of ElectionsNed Pattison Government Ctr, Troy, NY 12180Phone: (518) 270-2990

Fax: (518) 270-2909Email: [email protected]

Rockland Rockland County Board of Elections11 New Hempstead RdNew City, NY 10956Phone: (845) 638-5172

Fax: (845) 638-5196Email: [email protected]

Saratoga Saratoga County Board of Elections50 W. High St.Ballston Spa, NY 12020Phone: (518) 885-2249

Fax: (518) 884-4751Email: [email protected]

Schenectady Schenectady County Board of Elections388 Broadway - Ste ESchenectady, NY 12305-2520Phone: (518) 377-2469

Fax: (518) 377-2716Email: [email protected]

Schoharie Schoharie County Board of ElectionsCounty Office Bldg. - 284 Main St, P. O. Box 99Schoharie, NY 12157Phone: (518) 295-8388

Fax: (518) 295-8419Email: [email protected]

Schuyler Schuyler County Board of Elections105 9th St, Unit 13Watkins Glen, NY 14891-9972Phone: (607) 535-8195

Fax: (607) 535-8364Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Seneca Seneca County Board of ElectionsOne DiPronio DriveWaterloo, NY 13165Phone: (315) 539-1760

Fax: (315) 539-3710Email: [email protected]

St. Lawrence St. Lawrence County Board of Elections80 State Highway 310Canton, NY 13617Phone: (315) 379-2202

Fax: (315) 386-2737Email:

Steuben Steuben County Board of Elections3 E. Pulteney SquareBath, NY 14810Phone: (607) 664-2260

Fax: (607) 664-2376Email: [email protected]

Suffolk Suffolk County Board of ElectionsYaphank Ave, P.O. Box 700Yaphank, NY 11980Phone: 631-852-4500

Fax: 631-852-4590Email: [email protected]

Sullivan Sullivan County Board of ElectionsGovernment Ctr, 100 North St, P.O. Box 5012Monticello, NY 12701-5192Phone: (845) 807-0400

Fax: (845) 807-0410Email: [email protected]

Tioga Tioga County Board of Elections1062 State Route 38, P.O. Box 306Owego, NY 13827Phone: (607) 687-8261

Fax: (607) 687-6348Email: [email protected]

Tompkins Tompkins County Board of Elections128 E. Buffalo StIthaca, NY 14850Phone: (607) 274-5522

Fax: (607) 274-5533Email: [email protected]

Ulster Ulster County Board of Elections284 Wall StKingston, NY 12401Phone: (845) 334-5470

Fax: (845) 334-5434Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Board of ElectionsCo. Municipal Ctr. 3rd Fl.- Human Serv., 1340 StateRoute 9Lake George, NY 12845Phone: (518) 761-6456

Fax: (518) 761-6480Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Board of Elections383 BroadwayFort Edward, NY 12828Phone: (518) 746-2180

Fax: (518) 746-2179Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Board of Elections7376 State Route 31, P. O. Box 636Lyons, NY 14489Phone: (315) 946-7400

Fax: (315) 946-7409Email: [email protected]


New York

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Westchester Westchester County Board of Elections25 Quarropas StWhite Plains, NY 10601Phone: (914) 995-5700

Fax: (914) 995-3190Email: [email protected]

Wyoming Wyoming County Board of Elections4 Perry AveWarsaw, NY 14569Phone: (585) 786-8931

Fax: (585) 786-8843Email: [email protected]

Yates Yates County Board of Elections417 Liberty St, Ste 1124Penn Yan, NY 14527Phone: (315) 536-5135

Fax: (315) 536-5523Email: [email protected]

Local election offices forborough

Borough Mailing Address

Bronx Bronx Borough Board of Elections1780 Grand Concourse-5th FloorBronx, NY 10457Phone: (718) 299-9017

Fax: (718) 299-2140Email: [email protected]

Kings Brooklyn Kings (Brooklyn) Borough Board of Elections345 Adams St - 4th FloorBrooklyn, NY 11201Phone: (718) 797-8800

Fax: (718) 246-5958Email: [email protected]

NY Manhattan New York (Manhattan) Borough Board of Elections200 Varick St - 10th FloorNew York, NY 10014Phone: (212) 886-2100

Fax: 646-638-2047Email: [email protected]

Queens Queens Borough Board of Elections126-06 Queens BlvdKew Gardens, NY 11415Phone: (718) 730-6730

Fax: (718) 459-3384Email: [email protected]

Richmond StatenIsland

Richmond (Staten Island) Borough Board of Elections1 Edgewater PlazaStaten Island, NY 10305Phone: (718) 876-0079

Fax: (718) 876-0912Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allows

What is temporary registration?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

Federal PrimaryRunoffMay 24, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by5 PM, March 14,2016

Received by5 PM, March 14,2016

Received by5 PM, May 23, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 7,2016


Received by5 PM, March 14,2016

Received by5 PM, March 14,2016

Received by5 PM, May 23, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 7,2016


Return by Mail: Sentby*12 AM, March 15,2016Return by Email orFax: Received by7:30 PM, March 15,2016

Return by Mail: Sentby*12 AM, March 15,2016Return by Email orFax: Received by7:30 PM, March 15,2016

Return by Mail:Sentby**12 AM, May 24, 2016Return by Email orFax: Received by7:30 PM, May 24,2016

Return by Mail: Sentby***12 AM, November 8,2016Return by Email orFax: Received by7:30 PM, November8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Presidential primary ballots and State primary ballots must be received by 5:00pm on the 6thday after the election.

**Ballot Return: Federal primary runoff ballots must be received by 5:00pm on the 3rd day after the election.

***Ballot Return: General Election ballots must be received by 5:00pm on the 9th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in North Carolina is eligible to vote inNorth Carolina.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

you to do so.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that describesyou.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Political


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

party affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signature

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemust



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

received by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section. or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive the

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

State absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Alamance Alamance County Board of Elections115 S Maple StGraham, NC 27253-2804Phone: (336) 570-6755

Fax: (336) 570-6757Email: [email protected]

Alexander Alexander County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 326Taylorsville, NC 28681-0326Phone: (828) 632-2990

Fax: (828) 632-1381Email: [email protected]

Alleghany Alleghany County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 65Sparta, NC 28675-0065Phone: (336) 372-4557

Fax: (336) 372-5435Email: [email protected]

Anson Anson County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 768Wadesboro, NC 28170-0768Phone: (704) 994-3223

Fax: (704) 994-3260Email: [email protected]

Ashe Ashe County Board of Elections150 Gov. Cir, Ste 2100Jefferson, NC 28640-8959Phone: (336) 846-5570

Fax: (336) 846-5574Email: [email protected]

Avery Avery County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 145Newland, NC 28657-0145Phone: (828) 733-8282

Fax: (828) 733-8283Email: [email protected]

Beaufort Beaufort County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1016Washington, NC 27889-1016Phone: (252) 946-2321

Fax: (252) 974-2962Email: [email protected]

Bertie Bertie County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 312Windsor, NC 27983-0312Phone: (252) 794-5306

Fax: (252) 794-5368Email: [email protected]

Bladen Bladen County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 512Elizabethtown, NC 28337-0512Phone: (910) 862-6951

Fax: (910) 862-7820Email: [email protected]

Brunswick Brunswick County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 2Bolivia, NC 28422-0002Phone: (910) 253-2620

Fax: (910) 253-2618Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Buncombe Buncombe County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 7468Asheville, NC 28802-7468Phone: (828) 764-9010

Fax: (828) 764-9011Email: [email protected]

Burke Burke County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 798Morganton, NC 28680-0798Phone: (828) 433-1703

Fax: (828) 433-1706Email: [email protected]

Cabarrus Cabarrus County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1315Concord, NC 28026-1315Phone: (704) 920-2860

Fax: (704) 920-2831Email: [email protected]

Caldwell Caldwell County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 564Lenoir, NC 28645-0564Phone: (828) 757-1326

Fax: (828) 757-1195Email: [email protected]

Camden Camden County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 206Camden, NC 27921-0206Phone: (252) 338-5530

Fax: (252) 338-1271Email: [email protected]

Carteret Carteret County Board of Elections1702 Live Oak St Ste 200 Beaufort, NC 28516-1519Phone: (252) 728-8460

Fax: (252) 728-8571Email: [email protected]

Caswell Caswell County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 698Yanceyville, NC 27379-0698Phone: (336) 694-4010

Fax: (336) 694-9924Email: [email protected]

Catawba Catawba County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 132Newton, NC 28658-0389Phone: (828) 464-2424

Fax: (828) 464-9832Email: [email protected]

Chatham Chatham County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 111Pittsboro, NC 27312-0111Phone: (919) 545-8500

Fax: (919) 542-6430Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County Board of Elections40 Peachtree St, Ste BMurphy, NC 28906-2944Phone: (828) 837-6670

Fax: (828) 837-7998Email: [email protected]

Chowan Chowan County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 133Edenton, NC 27932-0133Phone: (252) 482-4010

Fax: (252) 482-5920Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Clay Clay County Board of Elections54 Church StHayesville, NC 28904-7769Phone: (828) 389-6812

Fax: (828) 389-3757Email: [email protected]

Cleveland Cleveland County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1299Shelby, NC 28151-1299Phone: (704) 484-4858

Fax: (704) 484-4958Email: [email protected]

Columbus Columbus County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 37Whiteville, NC 28472-0037Phone: (910) 640-6609

Fax: (910) 640-0916Email: [email protected]

Craven Craven County Board of Elections406 Craven StNew Bern, NC 28560-4911Phone: (252) 636-6610

Fax: (252) 636-6687Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Board of Elections227 Fountainhead Ln, Ste 101Fayetteville, NC 28301Phone: (910) 678-7733

Fax: (910) 678-7738Email: [email protected]

Currituck Currituck County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 177Currituck, NC 27929-0177Phone: (252) 232-2525

Fax: (252) 232-2427Email: [email protected]

Dare Dare County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1000Manteo, NC 27954-1000Phone: (252) 475-5631

Fax: (252) 475-1223Email: [email protected]

Davidson Davidson County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1084Lexington, NC 27293-1084Phone: (336) 242-2190

Fax: (336) 242-2199Email: [email protected]

Davie Davie County Board of Elections161 Poplar St, Ste 102Mocksville, NC 27028-2225Phone: (336) 753-6072

Fax: (336) 751-0185Email: [email protected]

Duplin Duplin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 975Kenansville, NC 28349-0975Phone: (910) 296-2170

Fax: (910) 296-2167Email: [email protected]

Durham Durham County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 868Durham, NC 27702-0868Phone: (919) 560-0700

Fax: (919) 560-0688Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Edgecombe Edgecombe County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 10Tarboro, NC 27886-0010Phone: (252) 641-7852

Fax: (252) 641-1740Email: [email protected]

Forsyth Forsyth County Board of Elections201 N Chestnut StWinston Salem, NC 27101-4120Phone: (336) 703-2800

Fax: (336) 727-2893Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 180Louisburg, NC 27549-0180Phone: (919) 496-3898

Fax: (919) 496-7418Email: [email protected]

Gaston Gaston County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1396Gastonia, NC 28053-1396Phone: (704) 852-6005

Fax: (704) 852-6011Email: [email protected]

Gates Gates County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 621Gatesville, NC 27938-0621Phone: (252) 357-1780

Fax: (252) 357-4341Email: [email protected]

Graham Graham County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1239Robbinsville, NC 28771-1239Phone: (828) 479-7969

Fax: (828) 479-4264Email: [email protected]

Granville Granville County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 83Oxford, NC 27565-0083Phone: (919) 693-2515

Fax: (919) 690-0245Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 583Snow Hill, NC 28580-0583Phone: (252) 747-5921

Fax: (252) 747-2426Email: [email protected]

Guilford Guilford County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 3427Greensboro, NC 27402-3427Phone: (336) 641-6874

Fax: (336) 641-4454Email: [email protected]

Halifax Halifax County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 101Halifax, NC 27839-0101Phone: (252) 583-4391

Fax: (252) 583-1068Email: [email protected]

Harnett Harnett County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 356Lillington, NC 27546-0356Phone: (910) 893-7553

Fax: (910) 893-4655Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Haywood Haywood County Board of Elections63 Elmwood Way, Ste AWaynesville, NC 28786Phone: (828) 452-6633

Fax: (828) 452-6750Email: [email protected]

Henderson Henderson County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 2090Hendersonville, NC 28793-2090Phone: (828) 697-4970

Fax: (828) 697-4590Email: [email protected]

Hertford Hertford County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 416Winton, NC 27986-0416Phone: (252) 358-7812

Fax: (252) 358-7803Email: [email protected]

Hoke Hoke County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1565Raeford, NC 28376-1565Phone: (910) 875-8751

Fax: (910) 875-9084Email: [email protected]

Hyde Hyde County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 152Swan Quarter, NC 27885-0152Phone: (252) 926-4194

Fax: (252) 926-3707Email: [email protected]

Iredell Iredell County Board of Elections203 Stockton StStatesville, NC 28677-5245Phone: (704) 878-3140

Fax: (704) 832-2312Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Board of Elections876 Skyland Dr, Ste 1Sylva, NC 28779Phone: (828) 586-7538

Fax: (828) 586-1951Email: [email protected]

Johnston Johnston County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1172Smithfield, NC 27577-1172Phone: (919) 989-5095

Fax: (919) 989-5142Email: [email protected]

Jones Jones County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 263Trenton, NC 28585-0263Phone: (252) 448-3921

Fax: (252) 448-1040Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1443Sanford, NC 27331Phone: (919) 718-4646

Fax: (919) 718-4629Email: [email protected]

Lenoir Lenoir County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 3503Kinston, NC 28502-3503Phone: (252) 523-0636

Fax: (252) 523-3472Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lincoln Lincoln County Board of Elections115 W Main St, Rm 201Lincolnton, NC 28092-2611Phone: (704) 736-8480

Fax: (704) 736-8804Email: [email protected]

Macon Macon County Board of Elections5 West Main StFranklin, NC 28734-3005Phone: (828) 349-2034

Fax: (828) 349-2557Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 142Marshall, NC 28753-0142Phone: (828) 649-3731

Fax: (828) 649-0187Email: [email protected]

Martin Martin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 801Williamston, NC 27892-0801Phone: (252) 789-4317

Fax: (252) 789-4319Email: [email protected]

McDowell McDowell County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1509Marion, NC 28752-1509Phone: (828) 652-7121

Fax: (828) 659-3294Email: [email protected]

Mecklenburg Mecklenburg County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 31788Charlotte, NC 28231-1788Phone: (704) 336-2133

Fax: (704) 343-0537Email: [email protected]

Mitchell Mitchell County Board of Elections328 Longview Dr Rm 103Bakersville, NC 28705Phone: (828) 688-3101

Fax: (828) 688-1651Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 607Troy, NC 27371-0607Phone: (910) 572-2024

Fax: (910) 576-2118Email: [email protected]

Moore Moore County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 787Carthage, NC 28327-0787Phone: (910) 947-3868

Fax: (910) 947-2389Email: [email protected]

Nash Nash County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 305Nashville, NC 27856-0305Phone: (252) 459-1350

Fax: (252) 459-1371Email: [email protected]

New Hanover New Hanover County Board of Elections230 Government Ctr Dr, Ste 38Wilmington, NC 28403-1672Phone: (910) 798-7330

Fax: (910) 798-7295Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Northampton Northampton County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 603Jackson, NC 27845-0603Phone: (252) 534-5681

Fax: (252) 534-1202Email: [email protected]

Onslow Onslow County Board of Elections4024 Richlands HwyJacksonville, NC 28540-8872Phone: (910) 455-4484

Fax: (910) 455-1390Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 220Hillsborough, NC 27278-0220Phone: (919) 245-2350

Fax: (919) 644-3318Email: [email protected]

Pamlico Pamlico County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 464Bayboro, NC 28515-0464Phone: (252) 745-4821

Fax: (252) 745-4114Email: [email protected]

Pasquotank Pasquotank County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1797Elizabeth City, NC 27906-1797Phone: (252) 335-1739

Fax: (252) 331-2560Email: [email protected]

Pender Pender County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1232Burgaw, NC 28425-1232Phone: (910) 259-1220

Fax: (910) 259-1269Email: [email protected]

Perquimans Perquimans County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 336Hertford, NC 27944-0336Phone: (252) 426-5598

Fax: (252) 426-5068Email: [email protected]

Person Person County Board of Election331 S Morgan StRoxboro, NC 27573-5223Phone: (336) 597-1727

Fax: (336) 598-0300Email: [email protected]

Pitt Pitt County Board of ElectionsP.O. Drawer 56Greenville, NC 27835-0056Phone: (252) 902-3300

Fax: (252) 830-1157Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 253Columbus, NC 28722-0253Phone: (828) 894-8181

Fax: (828) 894-3565Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph County Board of Elections158 Worth StAsheboro, NC 27203-5565Phone: (336) 318-6900

Fax: (336) 318-6903Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Richmond Richmond County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1843Rockingham, NC 28379Phone: (910) 997-8253

Fax: (910) 417-4900Email: [email protected]

Robeson Robeson County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 2159Lumberton, NC 28359-2159Phone: (910) 671-3080

Fax: (910) 671-3089Email: [email protected]

Rockingham Rockingham County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 22Wentworth, NC 27375-0208Phone: (336) 342-8107

Fax: (336) 342-8228Email: [email protected]

Rowan Rowan County Board of Elections130 W Innes StSalisbury, NC 28144-4375Phone: (704) 216-8140

Fax: (704) 216-8145Email: [email protected]

Rutherford Rutherford County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 927Rutherfordton, NC 28139-0927Phone: (828) 287-6030

Fax: (828) 287-6140Email: [email protected]

Sampson Sampson County Board of Elections335 County Complex Road, Ste 110 Building DClinton, NC 28328Phone: (910) 592-5796

Fax: (910) 590-2818Email: [email protected]

Scotland Scotland County Board of Elections231 E Cronly St, Ste 305Laurinburg, NC 28352-3820Phone: (910) 277-2595

Fax: (910) 277-2928Email: [email protected]

Stanly Stanly County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1309Albemarle, NC 28002-1309Phone: (704) 986-3647

Fax: (704) 986-3798Email: [email protected]

Stokes Stokes County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 34Danbury, NC 27016-0034Phone: (336) 593-2409

Fax: (336) 593-4022Email: [email protected]

Surry Surry County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 372Dobson, NC 27017-0372Phone: (336) 401-8225

Fax: (336) 401-8228Email: [email protected]

Swain Swain County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 133Bryson City, NC 28713-0133Phone: (828) 488-6177

Fax: (828) 488-6463Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Transylvania Transylvania County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 868Brevard, NC 28712-0868Phone: (828) 884-3114

Fax: (828) 884-8682Email: [email protected]

Tyrrell Tyrrell County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 449Columbia, NC 27925-0449Phone: (252) 796-0775

Fax: (252) 796-5375Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1106Monroe, NC 28111-1106Phone: (704) 283-3809

Fax: (704) 282-1083Email: [email protected]

Vance Vance County Board of Elections300 S Garnett St, Ste C Henderson, NC 27536-4578Phone: (252) 492-3730

Fax: (252) 430-7370Email: [email protected]

Wake Wake County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 695Raleigh, NC 27602-0695Phone: (919) 856-6240

Fax: (919) 856-5864Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 803Warrenton, NC 27589-0803Phone: (252) 257-2114

Fax: (252) 257-5232Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1007Plymouth, NC 27962-1007Phone: (252) 793-6017

Fax: (252) 793-5801Email: [email protected]

Watauga Watauga County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 528Boone, NC 28607-0528Phone: (828) 265-8061

Fax: (828) 265-8068Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Board of Elections209 S William StGoldsboro, NC 27530-4824Phone: (919) 731-1411

Fax: (919) 731-1409Email: [email protected]

Wilkes Wilkes County Board of Elections110 N St, Rm 315Wilkesboro, NC 28697-2469Phone: (336) 651-7339

Fax: (336) 651-7560Email: [email protected]

Wilson Wilson County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 2121Wilson, NC 27894-2121Phone: (252) 399-2836

Fax: (252) 399-2838Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Yadkin Yadkin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 877Yadkinville, NC 27055-0877Phone: (336) 679-4227

Fax: (336) 679-2289Email: [email protected]

Yancey Yancey County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 763Burnsville, NC 28714-0763Phone: (828) 682-3950

Fax: (828) 682-2209Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 14, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Not Required Not Required


Received byJune 13, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return Return by Email/Online or Fax: ReceivedbyJune 13, 2016Return by Mail: Postmarked by*June 13, 2016

Return by Email/Online or Fax: ReceivedbyNovember 7, 2016Return by Mail: Postmarked by*November 7, 2016

*Ballot return: Ballots must be received by the 6th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


North Dakota

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in North Dakota is eligible to vote inNorth Dakota.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) requests absentee ballots for a minimum ofall federal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you in

order to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish to


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can beemail/online fax

found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Youmay use the DoD Electronic Transmission Service(ETS) to email or fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed

can request to have the PrepaidService membersMail Label 11-DoD applied to the general electionballot. Additional information about this label can befound in the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

receive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

The FWAB can be used as a ballot request. If you areusing the FWAB as a ballot request, it bemustreceived by the request deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name or

Block 1 Check this box if you would like touse the FWAB as a ballot request forthis election.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

political party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County AuditorP.O. Box 589Hettinger, ND 58639-0589Phone: (701) 567-4363

Fax: (701) 567-2910Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Barnes Barnes County Auditor230 4th St NW, Rm 202Valley City, ND 58072-2947Phone: (701) 845-6666

Fax: (701) 845-8548Email: [email protected]

Benson Benson County AuditorP.O. Box 206Minnewaukan, ND 58351-0206Phone: (701) 473-5340

Fax: (701) 473-5571Email: [email protected]

Billings Billings County AuditorP.O. Box 168Medora, ND 58645-0168Phone: (701) 623-4377

Fax: (701) 623-4761Email: [email protected]

Bottineau Bottineau County Auditor314 W 5th St, Ste 10Bottineau, ND 58318-1268Phone: (701) 228-2225

Fax: (701) 228-5181Email: [email protected]

Bowman Bowman County Auditor104 1st St NW, Ste 1Bowman, ND 58623Phone: (701) 523-3130

Fax: (701) 523-4899Email: [email protected]

Burke Burke County AuditorP.O. Box 310Bowbells, ND 58721-0310Phone: (701) 377-2861

Fax: (701) 377-2866Email: [email protected]

Burleigh Burleigh County AuditorP.O. Box 5518Bismarck, ND 58506-5518Phone: (701) 222-6718

Fax: (701) 222-7528Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County AuditorP.O. Box 2806Fargo, ND 58108-2806Phone: (701) 241-5600

Fax: (701) 241-5728Email: [email protected]

Cavalier Cavalier County Auditor901 3rd St, Ste 15Langdon, ND 58249-2457Phone: (701) 256-2229

Fax: (701) 256-2546Email: [email protected]

Dickey Dickey County AuditorP.O. Box 215Ellendale, ND 58436-0215Phone: (701) 349-3249 x3

Fax: (701) 349-4639Email: [email protected]

Divide Divide County AuditorP.O. Box 49Crosby, ND 58730-0049Phone: (701) 965-6351

Fax: (701) 965-4370Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Dunn Dunn County Auditor205 Owens StManning, ND 58642-0105Phone: (701) 573-4448

Fax: (701) 573-4323Email: [email protected]

Eddy Eddy County Auditor524 Central AveNew Rockford, ND 58356-1652Phone: (701) 947-2434 x2020

Fax: (701) 947-2279Email: [email protected]

Emmons Emmons County AuditorP.O. Box 129Linton, ND 58552-0129Phone: (701) 254-4807

Fax: (701) 254-4012Email: [email protected]

Foster Foster County AuditorP.O. Box 104Carrington, ND 58421-0104Phone: (701) 652-2441

Fax: (701) 652-2173Email: [email protected]

Golden Valley Golden Valley County AuditorP.O. Box 67Beach, ND 58621-0067Phone: (701) 872-4331

Fax: (701) 872-4383Email: [email protected]

Grand Forks Grand Forks County AuditorP.O. Box 5726Grand Forks, ND 58206-5726Phone: (701) 780-8200

Fax: (701) 780-8207Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County AuditorP.O. Box 227Carson, ND 58529-0227Phone: (701) 622-3275

Fax: (701) 622-3005Email: [email protected]

Griggs Griggs County AuditorP.O. Box 511Cooperstown, ND 58425-0511Phone: (701) 797-3117

Fax: (701) 797-3587Email: [email protected]

Hettinger Hettinger County AuditorP.O. Box 157Mott, ND 58646-0668Phone: (701) 824-2515

Fax: (701) 824-2717Email: [email protected]

Kidder Kidder County AuditorP.O. Box 167Steele, ND 58482-0167Phone: (701) 475-2632 x9219

Fax: (701) 475-2202Email: [email protected]

LaMoure LaMoure County AuditorP.O. Box 128LaMoure, ND 58458-0128Phone: (701) 883-5301

Fax: (701) 883-4514Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Logan Logan County Auditor301 BroadwayNapoleon, ND 58561-7010Phone: (701) 754-2425

Fax: (701) 754-2280Email: [email protected]

McHenry McHenry County Auditor407 Main St S, Rm 201Towner, ND 58788-4048Phone: (701) 537-5724

Fax: (701) 537-5969Email: [email protected]

McIntosh McIntosh County AuditorP.O. Box 39Ashley, ND 58413-0019Phone: (701) 288-3347

Fax: (701) 288-3671Email: [email protected]

McKenzie McKenzie County Auditor201 5th St NW, Ste 543Watford City, ND 58854-7103Phone: (701) 444-3616

Fax: (701) 444-4113Email: [email protected]

McLean McLean County AuditorP.O. Box 1108Washburn, ND 58577-1108Phone: (701) 462-8541

Fax: (701) 462-3542Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer County AuditorP.O. Box 39Stanton, ND 58571-0039Phone: (701) 745-3292

Fax: (701) 745-3793Email: [email protected]

Morton Morton County Auditor210 2nd Ave, NWMandan, ND 58554-3158Phone: (701) 667-3300

Fax: (701) 667-3453Email: [email protected]

Mountrail Mountrail County AuditorP.O. Box 69Stanley, ND 58784-0069Phone: (701) 628-2145

Fax: (701) 628-2276Email: [email protected]

Nelson Nelson County Auditor210 B Ave W, Ste 201Lakota, ND 58344-7410Phone: (701) 247-2463

Fax: (701) 247-2754Email: [email protected]

Oliver Oliver County AuditorP.O. Box 188Center, ND 58530-0188Phone: (701) 794-8721

Fax: (701) 794-3476Email: [email protected]

Pembina Pembina County Auditor301 Dakota St W, Ste 1Cavalier, ND 58220-4100Phone: (701) 265-4231

Fax: (701) 265-4876Email: [email protected]


North Dakota

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pierce Pierce County Auditor240 2nd St SE, Ste 6Rugby, ND 58368-1897Phone: (701) 776-5225

Fax: (701) 776-6942Email: [email protected]

Ramsey Ramsey County Auditor524 4th Ave NE, Unit 6Devils Lake, ND 58301-2487Phone: (701) 662-7009

Fax: (701) 662-7049Email: [email protected]

Ransom Ransom County AuditorP.O. Box 668Lisbon, ND 58054-0668Phone: (701) 683-6113

Fax: (701) 683-5827Email: [email protected]

Renville Renville County AuditorP.O. Box 68Mohall, ND 58761-0068Phone: (701) 756-6301

Fax: (701) 756-7158Email: [email protected]

Richland Richland County Auditor418 2nd Ave NWahpeton, ND 58075-4400Phone: (701) 642-7700

Fax: (701) 642-7701Email: [email protected]

Rolette Rolette County AuditorP.O. Box 939Rolla, ND 58367-0939Phone: (701) 477-5665

Fax: (701) 477-6339Email: [email protected]

Sargent Sargent County Auditor355 Main St S, Ste 1Forman, ND 58032-4149Phone: (701) 724-6241

Fax: (701) 724-6244Email: [email protected]

Sheridan Sheridan County AuditorP.O. Box 439McClusky, ND 58463-0439Phone: (701) 363-2205

Fax: (701) 363-2953Email: [email protected]

Sioux Sioux County AuditorP.O. Box LFort Yates, ND 58538-0529Phone: (701) 854-3481

Fax: (701) 854-3854Email: [email protected]

Slope Slope County AuditorP.O. Box NNAmidon, ND 58620-0449Phone: (701) 879-6276

Fax: (701) 879-6278Email: [email protected]

Stark Stark County AuditorP.O. Box 130Dickinson, ND 58602-0130Phone: (701) 456-7630

Fax: (701) 456-7634Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Steele Steele County AuditorP.O. Box 275Finley, ND 58230-0275Phone: (701) 524-2110

Fax: (701) 524-1715Email: [email protected]

Stutsman Stutsman County Auditor511 2nd Ave SE, Rm 102Jamestown, ND 58401-4298Phone: (701) 252-9035

Fax: (701) 251-6325Email: [email protected]

Towner Towner County AuditorP.O. Box 603Cando, ND 58324-0603Phone: (701) 968-4340

Fax: (701) 968-4342Email: [email protected]

Traill Traill County AuditorP.O. Box 429Hillsboro, ND 58045-0429Phone: (701) 636-4458

Fax: (701) 636-5418Email: [email protected]

Walsh Walsh County Audior600 Cooper AveGrafton, ND 58237-1535Phone: (701) 352-2851

Fax: (701) 352-3340Email: [email protected]

Ward Ward County AuditorP.O. Box 5005Minot, ND 58702-5005Phone: (701) 857-6420

Fax: (701) 857-6424Email: [email protected]

Wells Wells County AuditorP.O. Box 37Fessenden, ND 58438-0037Phone: (701) 547-3521

Fax: (701) 547-3719Email: [email protected]

Williams Williams County AuditorP.O. Box 2047Williston, ND 58802-2047Phone: (701) 577-4500

Fax: (701) 577-4510Email: [email protected]


North Dakota

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 15, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byFebruary 16, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyFebruary 16, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byFebruary 16, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyFebruary 16, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 11, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyOctober 11, 2016


Received by12 PM, March 12, 2016

Received by12 PM, March 12, 2016

Received by12 PM, November 5, 2016

Ballot Return Received byMarch 25, 2016

Received byMarch 25, 2016

Received byNovember 18, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot by contacting yourelection official. Contact information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section.

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Ohio is eligible to vote in Ohio.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that describesyou.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe the



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

location of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that describesyou.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the State

Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Director, Adams County Board of Elections215 N. Cross St, Rm 103West Union, OH 45693-1389Phone: (937) 544-2633

Fax: (937) 544-5111Email: [email protected]

Allen Director, Allen County Board of Elections204 N. Main StLima, OH 45801-4433Phone: (419) 223-8530

Fax: (419) 222-0311Email: [email protected]

Ashland Director, Ashland County Board of Elections110 Cottage StAshland, OH 44805-2183Phone: (419) 282-4224

Fax: (419) 282-4260Email: [email protected]

Ashtabula Director, Ashtabula County Board of Elections8 W. Walnut StJefferson, OH 44047-1097Phone: (440) 576-6915

Fax: (440) 576-1445Email: [email protected]

Athens Director, Athens County Board of Elections15 S. Court St, Rm 130Athens, OH 45701-2836Phone: (740) 592-3201

Fax: (740) 592-3262Email: [email protected]

Auglaize Director, Auglaize County Board of Elections209 S. Blackhoof, Rm 205Wapakoneta, OH 45895-1983Phone: (419) 739-6720

Fax: (419) 739-6721Email: [email protected]

Belmont Director, Belmont County Board of Elections103 Plaza Dr, Ste BSt. Clairsville, OH 43950Phone: (740) 526-0188

Fax: (740) 526-0512Email: [email protected]

Brown Director, Brown County Board of Elections800 Mt. Orab Pike, Ste 111Georgetown, OH 45121-1283Phone: (937) 378-3008

Fax: (937) 378-6457Email: [email protected]

Butler Director, Butler County Board of Elections1802 Princeton Rd, Ste 600Hamilton, OH 45011-4742Phone: (513) 887-3700

Fax: (513) 887-5535Email: [email protected]

Carroll Director, Carroll County Board of Elections119 S. Lisbon St, Ste 102Carrolton, OH 44615-1489Phone: (330) 627-2610

Fax: (330) 627-5387Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Champaign Director, Champaign County Board of Elections1512 S. U.S. Hwy 68, Ste L100Urbana, OH 43078-9288Phone: (937) 484-1575

Fax: (937) 484-1578Email: [email protected]

Clark Director, Clark County Board of Elections3130 E. Main St, P.O. Box 1766Springfield, OH 45501-1766Phone: (937) 521-2120

Fax: (937) 328-2603Email: [email protected]

Clermont Director, Clermont County Board of Elections76 S. RIverside DrBatavia, OH 45103-2961Phone: (513) 732-7275

Fax: (513) 732-7330Email: [email protected]

Clinton Director, Clinton County Board of Elections46 S. South St, Rm 126Wilmington, OH 45177-2214Phone: (937) 382-3537

Fax: (937) 383-3538Email: [email protected]

Columbiana Director, Columbiana County Board of Elections7989 Dickey Dr, Ste 3Lisbon, OH 44432-1258Phone: (330) 424-1448

Fax: (330) 424-6661Email: [email protected]

Coshocton Director, Coshocton County Board of Elections724 S. Seventh St, Rm 100Coshocton, OH 43812-2397Phone: (740) 622-1117

Fax: (740) 623-6524Email: [email protected]

Crawford Director, Crawford County Board of Elections112 E. Mansfield St, Ste ABucyrus, OH 44820-2383Phone: (419) 562-8721

Fax: (419) 562-2235Email: [email protected]

Cuyahoga Director, Cuyahoga County Board of Elections2925 Euclid AveCleveland, OH 44115-2497Phone: (216) 443-3200

Fax: (216) 443-6633Email: [email protected]

Darke Director, Darke County Board of Elections300 Garst AveGreenville, OH 45331-1409Phone: (937) 548-1835

Fax: (937) 548-2820Email: [email protected]

Defiance Director, Defiance County Board of Elections1300 E. Second St., Ste. 103Defiance, OH 43512-2255Phone: (419) 782-8543

Fax: (419) 782-5773Email: [email protected]

Delaware Director, Delaware County Board of Elections2079 U.S. Hwy 23 NDelaware, OH 43015Phone: (740) 833-2080

Fax: (740) 833-2079Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Erie Director, Erie County Board of Elections2900 Columbus Ave, Rm 101Sandusky, OH 44870-5553Phone: (419) 627-7601

Fax: (419) 626-0034Email: [email protected]

Fairfield Director, Fairfield County Board of Elections951 Liberty DrLancaster, OH 43130-8045Phone: (740) 652-7000

Fax: (740) 681-4727Email: [email protected]

Fayette Director, Fayette County Board of Elections135 S Main StWashington Court House, OH 43160Phone: (740) 335-1190

Fax: (740) 333-3574Email: [email protected]

Franklin Director, Franklin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 182111Columbus, OH 43218-2111Phone: (614) 525-3100

Fax: (614) 525-3151Email: [email protected]

Fulton Director, Fulton County Board of Elections135 Courthouse PlazaWauseon, OH 43567Phone: (419) 335-6841

Fax: (419) 337-2363Email: [email protected]

Gallia Director, Gallia County Board of Elections18 Locust St., Rm 1266, 2nd FloorGallipolis, OH 45631-1292Phone: (740) 446-1600

Fax: (740) 441-2049Email: [email protected]

Geauga Director, Geauga County Board of Elections470 Center St, Bldg. 6-AChardon, OH 44024-1243Phone: (440) 279-2030

Fax: (440) 285-0959Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Board of Elections551 Ledbetter RdXenia, OH 45385Phone: (937) 562-6170

Fax: (937) 562-6171Email: [email protected]

Guernsey Director, Guernsey County Board of Elections627 Wheeling Ave, Ste 101Cambridge, OH 43725-2284Phone: (740) 432-2680

Fax: (740) 432-6784Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Director, Hamilton County Board of Elections824 BroadwayCincinnati, OH 45202-1345Phone: (513) 632-7089

Fax: (513) 579-0988Email: [email protected]

Hancock Director, Hancock County Board of Elections201 E. Lincoln St RearFindlay, OH 45840-3301Phone: (419) 422-3245

Fax: (419) 424-7293Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hardin Director, Hardin County Board of Elections1 Court House SqKenton, OH 43326-2387Phone: (419) 674-2211

Fax: (419) 674-2213Email: [email protected]

Harrison Director, Harrison County Board of Elections538 N Main St, Ste BCadiz, OH 43907-1197Phone: (740) 942-8866

Fax: (740) 942-8531Email: [email protected]

Henry Director, Henry County Board of Elections1827 Oakwood AveNapoleon, OH 43545-9243Phone: (419) 592-7956

Fax: (419) 592-7957Email: [email protected]

Highland Director, Highland County Board of Elections1575 N. High St., Ste 200Hillsboro, OH 45133-1089Phone: (937) 393-9961

Fax: (937) 393-5854Email: [email protected]

Hocking Director, Hocking County Board of Elections93 W. Hunter St., P.O. Box 109Logan, OH 43138-1207Phone: (740) 380-8683

Fax: (740) 380-3712Email: [email protected]

Holmes Director, Holmes County Board of Elections75 E. Clinton St, Ste 108Millersburg, OH 44654-1269Phone: (330) 674-5921

Fax: (330) 674-5978Email: [email protected]

Huron Director, Huron County Board of Elections180 Milan Ave, Ste 4Norwalk, OH 44857-1168Phone: (419) 668-8238

Fax: (419) 668-8710Email: [email protected]

Jackson Director, Jackson County Board of Elections275 Portsmouth St., Ste 2Jackson, OH 45640-1769Phone: (740) 286-2905

Fax: (740) 288-3631Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Director, Jefferson County Board of Elections500 Market St, 1st Flr, Ste. 1Steubenville, OH 43952-4499Phone: (740) 283-8522

Fax: (740) 314-8992Email: [email protected]

Knox Director, Knox County Board of Elections117 E. High St, Ste 210Mount Vernon, OH 43050-3401Phone: (740) 393-6716

Fax: (740) 393-6717Email: [email protected]

Lake Director, Lake County Board of Elections105 Main St, P.O. Box 490Painesville, OH 44077-0490Phone: (440) 350-2700

Fax: (440) 350-2670Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lawrence Director, Lawrence County Board of Elections111 S. 4th St, Veterans SqIronton, OH 45638-1521Phone: (740) 532-0444

Fax: (740) 533-2730Email: [email protected]

Licking Director, Licking County Board of Elections20 S. 2nd St P.O. Box 4261Newark, OH 43058-4261Phone: (740) 670-5080

Fax: (740) 670-5081Email: [email protected]

Logan Director, Logan County Board of Elections225 S. Main StBellefontaine, OH 43311-2075Phone: (937) 599-7255

Fax: (937) 599-7270Email: [email protected]

Lorain Director, Lorain County Board of Elections1985 N. Ridge Rd, EastLorain, OH 44055-3344Phone: (440) 326-5900

Fax: (440) 326-5931Email: [email protected]

Lucas Director, Lucas County Board of ElectionsOne Government Center, Ste 300Toledo, OH 43604-2250Phone: (419) 213-4001

Fax: (419) 213-4069Email: [email protected]

Madison Director, Madison County Board of Elections1423 State Rte 38 SELondon, OH 43140-1095Phone: (740) 852-9424

Fax: (740) 852-7131Email: [email protected]

Mahoning Director, Mahoning County Board of Elections345 Oakhill Ave, Ste 101Youngstown, OH 44502Phone: (330) 783-2474

Fax: (330) 783-2801Email: [email protected]

Marion Director, Marion County Board of Elections222 W. Center StMarion, OH 43302-3646Phone: (740) 223-4090

Fax: (740) 223-4099Email: [email protected]

Medina Director, Medina County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 506Medina, OH 44258Phone: (330) 722-9278

Fax: (330) 722-9299Email: [email protected]

Meigs Director, Meigs County Board of Elections117 E. Memorial Dr, Ste 1Pomeroy, OH 45769-0688Phone: (740) 992-2697

Fax: (740) 992-2645Email: [email protected]

Mercer Director, Mercer County Board of Elections101 N. Main St., Ste 107Celina, OH 45822-1790Phone: (419) 586-2215

Fax: (419) 586-2748Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Miami Director, Miami County Board of Elections215 W. Main StTroy, OH 45373-3263Phone: (937) 440-3900

Fax: (937) (440) 3901Email: [email protected]

Monroe Director, Monroe County Board of Elections117 N. Main St., Ste. 12Woodsfield, OH 43793-1001Phone: (740) 472-0929

Fax: (740) 472-2517Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Director, Montgomery County Board of Elections451 W. Third StDayton, OH 45422Phone: (937) 225-5656

Fax: (937) 496-7798Email: [email protected]

Morgan Director, Morgan County Board of Elections155 E. Main St, Rm 157McConnelsville, OH 43756-1296Phone: (740) 962-3116

Fax: (740) 962-3099Email: [email protected]

Morrow Director, Morrow County Board of Elections619 West Marion Rd, Rm 146Mount Gilead, OH 43338-1097Phone: (419) 946-4026

Fax: (419) 946-9861Email: [email protected]

Muskingum Director, Muskingum County Board of Elections205 N. Seventh StZanesville, OH 43701-3709Phone: (740) 455-7120

Fax: (740) 455-7178Email: [email protected]

Noble Director, Noble County Board of Elections140 Court HouseCaldwell, OH 43724-1243Phone: (740) 732-2057

Fax: (740) 732-6577Email: [email protected]

Ottawa Director, Ottawa County Board of Elections8444 W. State Rte 163, Ste 101Oak Harbor, OH 43449-8884Phone: (419) 898-3071

Fax: (419) 898-3146Email: [email protected]

Paulding Director, Paulding County Board of Elections105 E. Perry StPaulding, OH 45879-1412Phone: (419) 399-8230

Fax: (419) 399-8250Email: [email protected]

Perry Director, Perry County Board of Elections121 W. Brown St, P.O. Box 187New Lexington, OH 43764-1241Phone: (740) 342-2134

Fax: (740) 342-4787Email: [email protected]

Pickaway Director, Pickaway County Board of Elections141 W. Main St, Ste 800Circleville, OH 43113-1601Phone: (740) 474-1100

Fax: (740) 477-2991Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Pike Director, Pike County Board of Elections230 Waverly Plaza, Ste 1100Waverly, OH 45690-1288Phone: (740) 947-4512

Fax: (740) 947-5973Email: [email protected]

Portage Director, Portage County Board of Elections449 S. Meridian St Rm 101Ravenna, OH 44266-2963Phone: (330) 297-3511

Fax: (330) 297-3518Email: [email protected]

Preble Director, Preble County Board of Elections101 E. Main StEaton, OH 45320-1758Phone: (937) 456-8118

Fax: (937) 456-2986Email: [email protected]

Putnam Director, Putnam County Board of Elections336 E. Main St, Ste AOttawa, OH 45875-1957Phone: (419) 523-3343

Fax: (419) 523-3417Email: [email protected]

Richland Director, Richland County Board of Elections1495 W. Longview Ave. Ste 101Mansfield, OH 44906Phone: (419) 774-5530

Fax: (419) 774-5534Email: [email protected]

Ross Director, Ross County Board of Elections475 Western Ave, Ste DChillicothe, OH 45601-3207Phone: (740) 775-2350

Fax: (740) 775-2383Email: [email protected]

Sandusky Director, Sandusky County Board of Elections2020 Countryside DrFremont, OH 43420-9574Phone: (419) 334-6180

Fax: (419) 334-6184Email: [email protected]

Scioto Director, Scioto County Board of Elections602 Seventh St, Rm 105Portsmouth, OH 45662-3927Phone: (740) 353-4178

Fax: (740) 355-8363Email: [email protected]

Seneca Director, Seneca County Board of Elections71 S. Washington St, Ste 1101Tiffin, OH 44883-2302Phone: (419) 447-4424

Fax: (419) 443-7925Email: [email protected]

Shelby Director, Shelby County Board of Elections230 E. Court StSidney, OH 45365-3060Phone: (937) 498-7207

Fax: (937) 498-7326Email: [email protected]

Stark Director, Stark County Board of Elections3525 Regent Ave NECanton, OH 44705Phone: (330) 451-8683

Fax: (330) 451-7000Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Summit Director, Summit County Board of Elections470 Grant StAkron, OH 44311-1157Phone: (330) 643-5438 x5446

Fax: (330) 643-5422Email: [email protected]

Trumbull Director, Trumbull County Board of Elections2947 Youngstown Rd, SE,Warren, OH 44484-5294Phone: (330) 369-4050

Fax: (330) 369-4160Email: [email protected]

Tuscarawas Director, Tuscarawas County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 69New Philadelphia, OH 44663-2599Phone: (330) 343-8819

Fax: (330) 343-3125Email: [email protected]

Union Director, Union County Board of Elections940 London Ave, Ste 1000Marysville, OH 43040-8036Phone: (937) 642-2836

Fax: (937) 642-2823Email: [email protected]

Van Wert Director, County Board of Elections120 E. Main StVan Wert, OH 54891-1428Phone: (419) 238-4192

Fax: (419) 238-7145Email: [email protected]

Vinton Director, County Board of Elections31935 SR 93McArthur, OH 45651Phone: (740) 596-5855

Fax: (740) 596-1907Email: [email protected]

Warren Director, Warren County Board of Elections520 Justice DrLebanon, OH 45036Phone: (513) 695-1358

Fax: (513) 695-2953Email: [email protected]

Washington Director, Washington County Board of Elections204 Davis Ave.,Ste BMarietta, OH 45750Phone: (740) 374-6828

Fax: (740) 374-7698Email: [email protected]

Wayne Director, Wayne County Board of Elections200 Vanover St, Ste 1Wooster, OH 44691-4849Phone: (330) 287-5480

Fax: (330) 287-5686Email: [email protected]

Williams Director, Williams County Board of Elections1425 E. High St, Ste. 104Bryan, OH 43506-1751Phone: (419) 636-1854

Fax: (419) 636-2975Email: [email protected]

Wood Director, Wood County Board of Elections1 Courthouse SqBowling Green, OH 43402-2427Phone: (419) 354-9120

Fax: (419) 354-1730Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Wyandot Director, Wyandot County Board of Elections109 S Sandusky Ave Rm 12Upper Sandusky, OH 43351-1423Phone: (419) 294-1226

Fax: (419) 294-6437Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryJune 28, 2016

State Primary RunoffAugust 23, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: PostmarkedbyFebruary 5, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byFebruary 5, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbyJune 3, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byJune 3, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbyJuly 29, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byJuly 29, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbyOctober 14, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byOctober 14, 2016


Received by5 PM, February 24,2016

Received by5 PM, June 22, 2016

Received by5 PM, August 17,2016

Received by5 PM, November 2,2016


Received by7 PM, March 1, 2016

Received by7 PM, June 28, 2016

Received by7 PM, August 23,2016

Received by7 PM, November 8,2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Oklahoma is eligible to vote inOklahoma.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail. Contact information can be found in the "Localfax

Election Offices" section. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourballot. canOverseas Uniformed Service membersrequest to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoDapplied to the general election ballot. Additionalinformation about this label can be found in the"Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal and State offices.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social security



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or Contactmail fax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelope

number or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

and mail your FWAB directly to your election official. can request toOverseas Uniformed Service members

have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adair Secretary, Adair County Election Board220 Division StStilwell, OK 74960Phone: (918) 696-7221

Fax: (918) 696-4905Email: [email protected]

Alfalfa Secretary, Alfalfa County Election Board602 W 5th St Ste 3Cherokee, OK 73728Phone: (580) 596-2718

Fax: (580) 596-2778Email: [email protected]

Atoka Secretary, Atoka County Election Board200 E Court St, Ste. 106EAtoka, OK 74525Phone: (580) 889-5297

Fax: (580) 889-5311Email: [email protected]

Beaver Secretary, Beaver County Election Board111 W 2nd StBeaver, OK 73932Phone: (580) 625-4742

Fax: (580) 625-4742Email: [email protected]

Beckham Beckham County Election Board306 E Main StSayre, OK 73662-2923Phone: (580) 928-3314

Fax: (580) 928-9266Email: [email protected]

Blaine Secretary, Blaine County Election Board212 N Weigle Ave Ste 6Watonga, OK 73772-3844Phone: (580) 623-5518

Fax: (580) 623-5519Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Bryan Secretary, Bryan County Election Board402 W Evergreen St, Ste A2Durant, OK 74701Phone: (580) 924-3228

Fax: (580) 924-2785Email: [email protected]

Caddo Secretary, Caddo County Election Board110 SW 2nd St, Ste 112Anadarko, OK 73005Phone: (405) 247-5001

Fax: (405) 247-2052Email: [email protected]

Canadian Secretary, Canadian County Election Board200 S Bickford AveEl Reno, OK 73036Phone: (405) 422-2422

Fax: (405) 422-2450Email: [email protected]

Carter Secretary, Carter County Election Board106 Hinkle St SWArdmore, OK 73401Phone: (580) 223-5290

Fax: (580) 223-8203Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Secretary, Cherokee County Election Board914 S College AveTahlequah, OK 74464Phone: (918) 456-2261

Fax: (918) 453-2022Email: [email protected]

Choctaw Secretary, Choctaw County Election Board300 E Duke StHugo, OK 74743Phone: (580) 326-5164

Fax: (580) 317-8245Email: [email protected]

Cimarron Secretary, Cimarron County Election BoardP.O. Box 331Boise City, OK 73933-0331Phone: (580) 544-3377

Fax: (580) 544-3377Email: [email protected]

Cleveland Secretary, Cleveland County Election Board641 E Robinson St, Ste 200Norman, OK 73071Phone: (405) 366-0210

Fax: (405) 366-0209Email: [email protected]

Coal Secretary, Coal County Election Board18 N Michigan St Coalgate, OK 74538-2823Phone: (580) 927-3456

Fax: (580) 927-3710Email: [email protected]

Comanche Secretary, Comanche County Election Board315 SW 5th St, Rm 206Lawton, OK 73501Phone: (580) 353-1880

Fax: (580) 353-0049Email: [email protected]

Cotton Secretary, Cotton County Election Board301 N Broadway St, Rm 2Walters, OK 73572Phone: (580) 875-3403

Fax: (580) 875-3403Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Craig Secretary, Craig County Election Board210 W Delaware Ave, Ste 108Vinita, OK 74301Phone: (918) 256-7559

Fax: (918) 256-8173Email: [email protected]

Creek Secretary, Creek County Election Board230 E Hobson AveSapulpa, OK 74066Phone: (918) 224-3529

Fax: (918) 227-6332Email: [email protected]

Custer Secretary, Custer County Election Board633 N 6th StClinton, OK 73601Phone: (580) 323-5124

Fax: (580) 323-5130Email: [email protected]

Delaware Secretary, Delaware County Election Board225 S 5th StJay, OK 74346Phone: (918) 253-8762

Fax: (918) 253-3286Email: [email protected]

Dewey Secretary, Dewey County Election BoardP.O. Box 115Taloga, OK 73667-0115Phone: (580) 328-5668

Fax: (580) 328-5768Email: [email protected]

Ellis Secretary, Ellis County Election Board101 S Washington StArnett, OK 73832Phone: (580) 885-7721

Fax: (580) 885-7273Email: [email protected]

Garfield Secretary, Garfield County Election Board903 Failing DrEnid, OK 73701Phone: (580) 237-6016

Fax: (580) 249-5959Email: [email protected]

Garvin Secretary, Garvin County Election Board201 W Grant Ave, Rm 8Pauls Valley, OK 73075Phone: (405) 238-3303

Fax: (405) 238-1140Email: [email protected]

Grady Secretary, Grady County Election Board307 W Pennsylvania AveChickasha, OK 73018Phone: (405) 224-1430

Fax: (405) 224-6576Email: [email protected]

Grant Secretary, Grant County Election Board112 E Guthrie St, Ste 101AMedford, OK 73759Phone: (580) 395-2862

Fax: (580) 395-2603Email: [email protected]

Greer Secretary, Greer County Election Board106 E Jefferson St, Rm 1Mangum, OK 73554-4273Phone: (580) 782-2307

Fax: (580) 782-2307Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Harmon Secretary, Harmon County Election Board114 W Hollis St, Fl 2, Rm 5Hollis, OK 73550Phone: (580) 688-2460

Fax: (580) 688-9784Email: [email protected]

Harper Secretary, Harper County Election Board311 SE 1st StBuffalo, OK 73834Phone: (580) 735-2313

Fax: (580) 735-2311Email: [email protected]

Haskell Secretary, Haskell County Election Board202 E Main St Ste 1Stigler, OK 74462Phone: (918) 967-8792

Fax: (918) 967-2199Email: [email protected]

Hughes Secretary, Hughes County Election Board200 N Broadway St, Ste 3Holdenville, OK 74848Phone: (405) 379-2174

Fax: (405) 379-3489Email: [email protected]

Jackson Secretary, Jackson County Election Board101 N Main St, Rm 105Altus, OK 73521-3142Phone: (580) 482-2370

Fax: (580) 477-4573Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Secretary, Jefferson County Election Board220 N Main St, Rm 203Waurika, OK 73573Phone: (580) 228-3150

Fax: (580) 228-2775Email: [email protected]

Johnston Secretary, Johnston County Election Board705 W Main StTishomingo, OK 73460-1734Phone: (580) 371-3670

Fax: (580) 371-3670Email: [email protected]

Kay Secretary, Kay County Election Board201 S Main StNewkirk, OK 74647Phone: (580) 362-2130

Fax: (580) 362-1100Email: [email protected]

Kingfisher Secretary, Kingfisher County Election Board101 S Main St, Ste 8Kingfisher, OK 73750Phone: (405) 375-3895

Fax: (405) 375-5962Email: [email protected]

Kiowa Secretary, Kiowa County Election Board215 N Lincoln StHobart, OK 73651Phone: (580) 726-2509

Fax: (580) 726-2124Email: [email protected]

Latimer Secretary, Latimer County Election Board109 N Central St, Ste 102Wilburton, OK 74578Phone: (918) 465-3703

Fax: (918) 465-4019Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

LeFlore Secretary, LeFlore County Election Board103 N Church StPoteau, OK 74953Phone: (918) 647-3701

Fax: (918) 647-5262Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Secretary, Lincoln County Election Board811 Manvel Ave, Ste 15Chandler, OK 74834-3800Phone: (405) 258-1349

Fax: (405) 258-5565Email: [email protected]

Logan Secretary, Logan County Election Board224 E Vilas AveGuthrie, OK 73044Phone: (405) 282-1900

Fax: (405) 282-1994Email: [email protected]

Love Secretary, Love County Election Board405 W Main St, Ste 103Marietta, OK 73448Phone: (580) 276-2242

Fax: (580) 276-2242Email: [email protected]

Major Secretary, Major County Election Board121 N 2nd Ave, Ste 101Purcell, OK 73080Phone: (405) 527-3121

Fax: (405) 527-9347Email: [email protected]

Marshall Secretary, Marshall County Election Board104 N Central AveIdabel, OK 74745Phone: (580) 286-7405

Fax: (580) 286-7499Email: [email protected]

Mayes Secretary, Mayes County Election Board110 N 1st St, Ste 101Eufala, OK 74432Phone: (918) 689-2452

Fax: (918) 689-2914Email: [email protected]

McClain Secretary, McClain County Election Board500 E Broadway, Ste 8Fairview, OK 73737-2243Phone: (580) 227-4520

Fax: (580) 227-1260Email: [email protected]

McCurtain Secretary, McCurtain County Election BoardCounty Courthouse, Rm 301Madill, OK 73446Phone: (580) 795-5460

Fax: (580) 795-5460Email: [email protected]

McIntosh Secretary, McIntosh County Election Board1 Court Pl, Ste 130Pryor, OK 74361Phone: (918) 825-1826

Fax: (918) 825-3848Email: [email protected]

Murray Secretary, Murray County Election Board10th & WyandotteSulphur, OK 73086Phone: (580) 622-3800

Fax: (580) 622-4319Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Muskogee Secretary, Muskogee County Election Board400 W Broadway St, Ste 120Muskogee, OK 74401Phone: (918) 687-8151

Fax: (918) 687-0382Email: [email protected]

Noble Secretary, Noble County Election Board300 Courthouse Dr, Ste 2Perry, OK 73077Phone: (580) 336-3527

Fax: (580) 336-2035Email: [email protected]

Nowata Secretary, Nowata County Election Board228 N Maple StNowata, OK 74048-2626Phone: (918) 273-0710

Fax: (918) 273-2578Email: [email protected]

Okfuskee Secretary, Okfuskee County Election Board209 N 3rd StOkemah, OK 74859Phone: (918) 623-0105

Fax: (918) 623-1222Email: [email protected]

Oklahoma Secretary, Oklahoma County Election Board4201 N Lincoln BlvdOklahoma City, OK 73105-5210Phone: (405) 713-1515

Fax: (405) 713-7191Email: [email protected]

Okmulgee Secretary, Okmulgee County Election Board314 W 7th St, Ste 102Okmulgee, OK 74447Phone: (918) 756-2365

Fax: (918) 758-1275Email: [email protected]

Osage Secretary, Osage County Election Board630 Kihekah AvePawhuska, OK 74056Phone: (918) 287-3036

Fax: (918) 287-4820Email: [email protected]

Ottawa Secretary, Ottawa County Election Board123 E Central Ave, Ste 104Miami, OK 74354-7080Phone: (918) 542-2893

Fax: (918) 542-3005Email: [email protected]

Pawnee Secretary, Pawnee County Election Board500 Harrison St, Rm 101Pawnee, OK 74058Phone: (918) 762-2125

Fax: (918) 762-2387Email: [email protected]

Payne Secretary, Payne County Election Board315 W 6th Ave, Ste 207Stillwater, OK 74074Phone: (405) 747-8350

Fax: (405) 747-8393Email: [email protected]

Pittsburg Secretary, Pittsburg County Election Board109 E Carl Albert Pkwy Rm 101McAlester, OK 74501Phone: (918) 423-3877

Fax: (918) 423-7088Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Pontotoc Secretary, Pontotoc County Election Board131 W 13th StAda, OK 74820Phone: (580) 332-4534

Fax: (580) 421-7765Email: [email protected]

Pottawatomie Secretary, Pottawatomie County Election Board14101 Acme RdShawnee, OK 74804-9250Phone: (405) 273-8376

Fax: (405) 275-3240Email: [email protected]

Pushmataha Secretary, Pushmataha County Election Board204 SW 4th St, Ste AAntlers, OK 74523Phone: (580) 298-3292

Fax: (580) 298-3292Email: [email protected]

Roger Mills Secretary, Roger Mills County Election Board504 E. BroadwayCheyenne, OK 73628Phone: (580) 497-3330

Fax: (580) 497-3546Email: [email protected]

Rogers Secretary, Rogers County Election Board415 W 1st StClaremore, OK 74017-7801Phone: (918) 341-2965

Fax: (918) 341-4666Email: [email protected]

Seminole Secretary, Seminole County Election Board110 S Wewoka Ave, Ste 101Wewoka, OK 74884Phone: (405) 257-2786

Fax: (405) 257-3912Email: [email protected]

Sequoyah Secretary, Sequoyah County Election Board110 E Creek AveSallisaw, OK 74955Phone: (918) 775-2614

Fax: (918) 775-1205Email: [email protected]

Stephens Secretary, Stephens County Election Board101 S 11th St, Room 100Duncan, OK 73533-4758Phone: (580) 255-8782

Fax: (580) 255-3188Email: [email protected]

Texas Secretary, Texas County Election Board301 N Main StGuymon, OK 73942Phone: (580) 338-7644

Fax: (580) 338-2618Email: [email protected]

Tillman Secretary, Tillman County Election Board201 N Main St, Rm 5Fredrick, OK 73542Phone: (580) 335-2287

Fax: (580) 335-2699Email: [email protected]

Tulsa Secretary, Tulsa County Election Board555 N Denver AveTulsa, OK 74103-1008Phone: (918) 596-5780

Fax: (918) 596-4536Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Wagoner Secretary, Wagoner County Election Board208 N Lee AveWagoner, OK 74467Phone: (918) 485-2142

Fax: (918) 485-8063Email: [email protected]

Washington Secretary, Washington County Election Board420 S Johnstone Ave, Ste 101Bartlesville, OK 74003Phone: (918) 337-2850

Fax: (918) 337-2895Email: [email protected]

Washita Secretary, Washita County Election Board116 S College StCordell, OK 73632Phone: (580) 832-3658

Fax: (580) 832-4119Email: [email protected]

Woods Secretary, Woods County Election Board407 Government StAlva, OK 73717Phone: (580) 327-1452

Fax: (580) 327-6216Email: [email protected]

Woodward Secretary, Woodward County Election Board1600 Main St, St 2Woodward, OK 73801Phone: (580) 256-3609

Fax: (580) 254-6877Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMay 17, 2016

State PrimaryMay 17, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byApril 26, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyApril 26, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byApril 26, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyApril 26, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 18, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyOctober 18, 2016


Request Mail Ballot:Received byMay 12, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byMay 17, 2016

Request Mailed BallotMay 12, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byMay 17, 2016

Request Mail Ballot:Received byNovember 3, 2016Request Email/Online orFax Ballot: Received byNovember 8, 2016


Received by8 PM, May 17, 2016

Received by8 PM, May 17, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. is eligible to vote if theyintend to reside in Oregon, have a parent, legal guardian, or spouse thatis a military or overseas voter under Oregon law, and that parent, legalguardian, or spouse last resided in Oregon.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in a primary election for amajor party, you must enter thename of the party ballot you want toreceive. If you do not indicate apolitical party, you will receive anonpartisan ballot. Political partyaffiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot for

general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a State issued IDnumber. If you do not have a Stateissued ID number, provide the lastfour digits of your Social Securitynumber. If you do not have either ofthese numbers, you must enter inBlock 9 "I do not have a State issuedID or social security number".

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you must



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to , you register to vote the form. If you are already registered andmust mail

are using the FPCA to an absentee ballot,requestyou can mail, email or fax your signed form to yourelection official. Contact information can be found inthe "Local Election Offices" section or online

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD Electronic

provide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Transmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You must provide a State issued IDnumber. If you do not have a Stateissued ID number, provide the lastfour digits of your Social Securitynumber. If you do not have either ofthese numbers, you must enter inBlock 9 "I do not have a State issuedID or social security number".

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in a primary election for amajor party, you must enter thename of the party ballot you want toreceive. If you do not indicate apolitical party, you will receive anonpartisan ballot. Political partyaffiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Baker Baker County Clerk, Elections Office1995 3rd St, Ste 150Baker City, OR 97814-3398Phone: (541) 523-8207

Fax: (541) 523-8240Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County Clerk, Elections Office120 NW 4th St, Rm 13Corvallis, OR 97330-0888Phone: (541) 766-6756

Fax: (541) 766-6757Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Clackamas Clackamas County Clerk, Elections Office1710 Red Soils Ct, Ste 100Oregon City, OR 97045-4300Phone: (503) 655-8510

Fax: (503) 655-8461Email: [email protected]

Clatsop Clatsop County Clerk, Elections Office820 Exchange St, Ste 220Astoria, OR 97103-4609Phone: (503) 325-8511

Fax: (503) 325-9307Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County Clerk, Elections OfficeColumbia County Courthouse, 230 Strand StSaint Helens, OR 97051-2089Phone: (503) 397-7214

Fax: (503) 397-7266Email: [email protected]

Coos Coos County Clerk, Elections OfficeCoos County Courthouse, 250 N Baxter StCoquille, OR 97423-1899Phone: (541) 396-7610

Fax: (541) 396-1013Email: [email protected]

Crook Crook County Clerk, Elections Office300 NE 3rd, Rm 23Prineville, OR 97754-1919Phone: (541) 447-6553

Fax: (541) 416-2145Email: [email protected]

Curry Curry County Clerk, Elections Office94235 Moore St, Ste 212Gold Beach, OR 97444-9705Phone: (541) 247-3297

Fax: (541) 247-9361Email: [email protected]

Deschutes Deschutes County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 6005Bend, OR 97708-6005Phone: (541) 388-6546

Fax: (541) 383-4424Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 10Roseburg, OR 97470-0004Phone: (541) 440-4252

Fax: (541) 440-4408Email: [email protected]

Gilliam Gilliam County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 427Condon, OR 97823-0427Phone: (541) 384-2311

Fax: (541) 384-2166Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Clerk, Elections Office201 S Humbolt, Ste 290Canyon City, OR 97820-6186Phone: (541) 575-1675

Fax: (541) 575-2248Email: [email protected]

Harney Harney County Clerk, Elections Office450 N Buena Vista, 14Burns, OR 97720-1533Phone: (541) 573-6641

Fax: (541) 573-8370Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Hood River Hood River County Clerk, Elections Office601 State StHood River, OR 97031-1871Phone: (541) 386-1442

Fax: (541) 387-6864Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Clerk, Elections Office1101 W Main St, Ste 201Medford, OR 97501-2369Phone: (541) 774-6148

Fax: (541) 774-6140Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Clerk, Elections Office66 SE D St, Ste CMadras, OR 97741-1739Phone: (541) 475-4451

Fax: (541) 325-5018Email: [email protected]

Josephine Josephine County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 69Grants Pass, OR 97528-0203Phone: (541) 474-5243

Fax: (541) 474-5246Email: [email protected]

Klamath Klamath County Clerk, Elections Office305 Main StKlamath Falls, OR 97601-6332Phone: (541) 883-5157

Fax: (541) 885-6757Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Clerk, Elections Office513 Center StLakeview, OR 97630-1539Phone: (541) 947-6006

Fax: (541) 947-0905Email: [email protected]

Lane Lane County Clerk, Elections Office275 W 10th AveEugene, OR 97401-3008Phone: (541) 682-4234

Fax: (541) 682-2303Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk, Elections Office225 W Olive St, Rm 201Newport, OR 97365-3869Phone: (541) 265-4131

Fax: (541) 265-4950Email: [email protected]

Linn Linn County Clerk, Elections Office300 4th Avenue SWAlbany, OR 97321-2393Phone: (541) 967-3831

Fax: (541) 925-5109Email: [email protected]

Malheur Malheur County Clerk, Elections Office251 B St W, Ste 4Vale, OR 97918-1375Phone: (541) 473-5151

Fax: (541) 473-5523Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 14500Salem, OR 97309Phone: (503) 588-5041

Fax: (503) 588-5383Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Morrow Morrow County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 338Heppner, OR 97836-0338Phone: (541) 676-5604

Fax: (541) 676-9876Email: [email protected]

Multnomah Multnomah County Clerk, Elections Office1040 SE Morrison St.Portland, OR 97214-2495Phone: (503) 988-3720

Fax: (503) 988-3719Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Clerk, Elections Office850 Main StDallas, OR 97338-3179Phone: (503) 623-9217

Fax: (503) 623-0717Email: [email protected]

Sherman Sherman County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 365Moro, OR 97039-0365Phone: (541) 565-3606

Fax: (541) 565-3771Email: [email protected]

Tillamook Tillamook County Clerk, Elections Office201 Laurel AveTillamook, OR 97141-2311Phone: (503) 842-3402

Fax: (503) 842-1599Email: [email protected]

Umatilla Umatilla County Clerk, Elections Office216 SE 5th St, Ste 18Pendleton, OR 97801Phone: (541) 278-6254

Fax: (541) 278-5463Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Clerk, Elections Office1001 4th St, Ste DLa Grande, OR 97850-2100Phone: (541) 963-1006

Fax: (541) 963-1013Email: [email protected]

Wallowa Wallowa County Clerk, Elections Office101 S River St, Rm 100Enterprise, OR 97828-1335Phone: (541) 426-4543 x158

Fax: (541) 426-5901Email: [email protected]

Wasco Wasco County Clerk, Elections Office511 Washington St, Rm 201The Dalles, OR 97058-2266Phone: (541) 506-2530

Fax: (541) 506-2531Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Clerk, Elections Office3700 SW Murray Blvd, Ste 101Beaverton, OR 97005-2365Phone: (503) 846-5800

Fax: (503) 846-5810Email: [email protected]

Wheeler Wheeler County Clerk, Elections OfficeP.O. Box 327Fossil, OR 97830-0327Phone: (541) 763-2400

Fax: (541) 763-2026Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Yamhill Yamhill County Clerk, Elections Office414 NE Evans StMcMinnville, OR 97128-4607Phone: (503) 434-7518

Fax: (503) 434-7520Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 26, 2016

State PrimaryApril 26, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration By Mail: Postmarked byMarch 28, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyMarch 28, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byMarch 28, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyMarch 28, 2016

By Mail: Postmarked byOctober 11, 2016By Email or Fax: ReceivedbyOctober 11, 2016


Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return Signed by*April 25, 2016

Signed by*April 25, 2016

Signed by*November 7, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by 5:00 pm on the 7th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forspecial or general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

If you are a , you can useUniformed Service memberthe FWAB to register to vote and vote in all electionsfor federal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures. If you are using the FWAB to register tovote, it be received by the registration deadlinemustlisted in the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

If you are an and have alreadyoverseas citizenrequested an absentee ballot, you may use theFWAB to vote in all elections for federal, State andlocal offices, including ballot measures. If not, youcan only use the FWAB to vote in elections forfederal office.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot (Uniformed Servicemembers only).

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forspecial or general elections.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Board of ElectionsAdams County CourthouseGettysburg, PA 17325-2313Phone: (717) 337-9832

Fax: (717) 337-9830Email: [email protected]

Allegheny Allegheny County Board of Elections542 Forbes Ave, Ste 604Pittsburgh, PA 15219-2953Phone: (412) 350-4520

Fax: (412) 350-5697Email: [email protected]

Armstrong Armstrong County Board of Elections450 E Market St, Ste 207Kittanning, PA 16201-1429Phone: (724) 548-3222

Fax: (724) 548-3714Email: [email protected]

Beaver Beaver County Board of ElectionsBeaver County CourthouseBeaver, PA 15009-2139Phone: (724) 770-4440

Fax: (724) 728-9318Email: [email protected]

Bedford Bedford County Board of Elections200 S Juliana St, 3rd FlBedford, PA 15522-0166Phone: (814) 623-4807

Fax: (814) 623-0991Email: [email protected]

Berks Berks County Board of ElectionsBerks County Courthouse/Services Ctr.Reading, PA 19601-4302Phone: (610) 478-6490

Fax: (610) 478-6218Email: [email protected]

Blair Blair County Board of ElectionsBlair County CourthouseHollidaysburg, PA 16648-2022Phone: (814) 693-3150

Fax: (814) 693-3033Email: [email protected]

Bradford Bradford County Board of Elections6 Court St, Ste 2Towanda, PA 18848-1878Phone: (570) 265-1717

Fax: (570) 265-1738Email: [email protected]

Bucks Bucks County Board of Elections55 E. Court St.Doylestown, PA 18901-4318Phone: (215) 348-6153

Fax: (215) 348-6387Email: [email protected]

Butler Butler County Board of Elections124 W. Diamond StButler, PA 16003-1208Phone: (724) 284-5308

Fax: (724) 284-5311Email: [email protected]

Cambria Cambria County Board of Elections200 S. Center StEbensburg, PA 15931-1947Phone: (814) 472-1464

Fax: (814) 472-9642Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Cameron Cameron County Board of Elections20 E. 5th StEmporium, PA 15834-1469Phone: (814) 486-9321

Fax: (814) 486-3176Email: [email protected]

Carbon Carbon County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 170Jim Thorpe, PA 18229-0170Phone: (570) 325-4801

Fax: (570) 732-0040Email: [email protected]

Centre Centre County Board of Elections420 Holmes StBellefonte, PA 16823-1488Phone: (814) 355-6703

Fax: (814) 355-6857Email: [email protected]

Chester Chester County Board of Elections601 Westtown Road, Ste 150West Chester, PA 19380-0990Phone: (610) 344-6410

Fax: (610) 344-5682Email: [email protected]

Clarion Clarion County Board of Elections330 Main StClarion, PA 16214-1093Phone: (814) 226-4000

Fax: (814) 226-8069Email: [email protected]

Clearfield Clearfield County Board of Elections212 E. Locust St., Ste 106Clearfield, PA 16830-2448Phone: (814) 765-2642 x3012

Fax: (814) 765-2640Email: [email protected]

Clinton Clinton County Board of Elections232 E. Main StLock Haven, PA 17745-1385Phone: (570) 893-4043

Fax: (570) 893-4354Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County Board of Elections11 W. Main StBloomsburg, PA 17815-0380Phone: (570) 389-5640

Fax: (570) 784-0257Email: [email protected]

Crawford Crawford County Board of ElectionsCrawford County CourthouseMeadville, PA 16335-2678Phone: (814) 333-7308

Fax: (814) 337-0457Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Board of Elections1601 Ritner Highway, Ste 201Carlisle, PA 17013Phone: (717) 240-6385

Fax: (717) 240-7759Email: [email protected]

Dauphin Dauphin County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 1295Harrisburg, PA 17108-1295Phone: (717) 780-6360

Fax: (717) 780-6478Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Delaware Delaware County Bureau of Elections201 W Front StMedia, PA 19063Phone: (610) 891-4673

Fax: (610) 892-0641Email: [email protected]

Elk Elk County Board of Elections300 Center StRidgway, PA 15853-4659Phone: (814) 776-5337

Fax: (814) 776-5362Email: [email protected]

Erie Erie County Board of Elections140 W. 6th St, Rm 112Erie, PA 16501-1029Phone: (814) 451-6276

Fax: (814) 451-7007Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Board of ElectionsFayette County Public Service BuildingUniontown, PA 15401-3412Phone: (724) 430-1289

Fax: (724) 430-4948Email: [email protected]

Forest Forest County Board of ElectionsP.O. Box 3Tionesta, PA 16353-9724Phone: (814) 755-3537

Fax: (814) 755-8837Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Board of Elections14 N Main StChambersburg, PA 17201-1824Phone: (717) 261-3886

Fax: (717) 261-3131Email: [email protected]

Fulton Fulton County Board of Elections116 W. Market St, Ste 203McConnelsburg, PA 17233-1018Phone: (717) 485-3691

Fax: (717) 485-9411Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Board of ElectionsCounty Office BuildingWaynesburg, PA 15370-1839Phone: (724) 852-5304

Fax: (724) 852-5321Email: [email protected]

Huntingdon Huntingdon County Board of ElectionsHuntington County CourthouseHuntingdon, PA 16652-1457Phone: (814) 643-3091

Fax: (814) 643-8152Email: [email protected]

Indiana Indiana County Board of Elections825 Philadelphia StIndiana, PA 15701-3934Phone: (724) 465-3852

Fax: (724) 465-2935Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Board of Elections155 Main St, 2nd FlBrookville, PA 15825-1269Phone: (814) 849-1653

Fax: (814) 849-4084Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Juniata Juniata County Board of Elections1 N Main StMifflintown, PA 17059Phone: (717) 436-7706

Fax: (717) 436-7756Email: [email protected]

Lackawanna Lackawanna County Board of Elections2400 Stafford AveScranton, PA 18505Phone: (570) 963-6737

Fax: (570) 963-6691Email: [email protected]

Lancaster Lancaster County Board of Elections150 N. Queen St, Ste 117Lancaster, PA 17603-3562Phone: (717) 299-8293

Fax: (717) 209-3076Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Board of ElectionsLawrence County Government CenterNew Castle, PA 16101-3593Phone: (724) 656-2161

Fax: (724) 656-1987Email: [email protected]

Lebanon Lebanon County Board of ElectionsMunicipal Building, Rm 209Lebanon, PA 17042-6794Phone: (717) 274-2801

Fax: (717) 274-8094Email: [email protected]

Lehigh Lehigh County Board of ElectionsLehigh County Government CenterAllentown, PA 18101-2401Phone: (610) 782-3194

Fax: (610) 770-3845Email: [email protected]

Luzerne Luzerne County Board of Elections20 N. Pennsylvania Ave, Ste 207Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-3505Phone: (570) 825-1715

Fax: (570) 820-6399Email: [email protected]

Lycoming Lycoming County Board of Elections48 W. Third StWilliamsport, PA 17701-0536Phone: (570) 327-2285

Fax: (570) 320-2117Email: [email protected]

McKean McKean County Board of ElectionsMcKean County CourthouseSmethport, PA 16749-1149Phone: (814) 887-3203

Fax: (814) 887-2242Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer County Board of Elections5 CourthouseMercer, PA 16137-1227Phone: (724) 662-7542

Fax: (724) 662-1530Email: [email protected]

Mifflin Mifflin County Board of ElectionsMifflin County CourthouseLewistown, PA 17044-1770Phone: (717) 248-6571

Fax: (717) 242-5455Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Monroe Monroe County Board of ElectionsMonroe County Administration OfficesStroudsburg, PA 18360-2170Phone: (570) 517-3165

Fax: (570) 517-3856Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Board of ElectionsMontgomery County CourthouseNorristown, PA 19404-0311Phone: (610) 278-3275

Fax: (610) 292-4527Email: [email protected]

Montour Montour County Board of ElectionsMontour County CourthouseDanville, PA 17821-1999Phone: (570) 271-3000

Fax: (570) 271-3088Email: [email protected]

Northampton Northampton County Board of Elections670 Wolf AveEaston, PA 18042-4343Phone: (610) 559-3055

Fax: (610) 559-3736Email: [email protected]

Northumberland Northumberland County Board of Elections320 N. Second St. Ste 1Sunbury, PA 17801-2360Phone: (570) 988-4208

Fax: (570) 988-4306Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Board of Elections25 W Main StNew Bloomfield, PA 17068-0037Phone: (717) 582-2131 x4110

Fax: (717) 582-5162Email: [email protected]

Philadelphia Philadelphia County Board of Elections142 City HallPhiladelphia, PA 19107Phone: (215) 686-3943

Fax: (215) 686-3398Email: [email protected]

Pike Pike County Board of Elections506 Broad StMilford, PA 18337-1535Phone: (570) 296-3426

Fax: (570) 296-6055Email: [email protected]

Potter Potter County Board of Elections1 N Main StCoudersport, PA 16915-1630Phone: (814) 274-8467

Fax: (814) 274-7395Email: [email protected]

Schuylkill Schuylkill County Board of Elections420 N. Center StPottsville, PA 17901Phone: (570) 628-1467

Fax: (570) 628-1466Email: [email protected]

Snyder Snyder County Board of Elections9 W Market StMiddleburg, PA 17842-0217Phone: (570) 837-4286

Fax: (570) 837-4282Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Somerset Somerset County Board of Elections300 N. Center Ave, Ste 340Somerset, PA 15501-1472Phone: (814) 445-1549

Fax: (814) 445-7991Email: [email protected]

Sullivan Sullivan County Board of Elections245 Muncy St, Ste 200Laporte, PA 18626-0157Phone: (570) 946-5201

Fax: (570) 946-4421Email: [email protected]

Susquehanna Susquehanna County Board of ElectionsSusquehanna County CourthouseMontrose, PA 18801-0218Phone: (570) 278-4600

Fax: (570) 278-9268Email: [email protected]

Tioga Tioga County Board of Elections118 Main StWellsboro, PA 16901-0589Phone: (570) 723-8230

Fax: (570) 723-8206Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Board of Elections155 N. 15th StLewisburg, PA 17837-8822Phone: (570) 524-8681

Fax: (570) 524-8627Email: [email protected]

Venango Venango County Board of ElectionsCourthouse AnnexFranklin, PA 16323-0831Phone: (814) 432-9508

Fax: (814) 432-4741Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren County Board of ElectionsWarren County CourthouseWarren, PA 16365-2399Phone: (814) 728-3406

Fax: (814) 728-3479Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Board of Elections100 W. Beau St, Rm 206Washington, PA 15301-4432Phone: (724) 228-6750

Fax: (724) 250-6422Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Board of ElectionsWayne County Courthouse AnnexHonesdale, PA 18431-1996Phone: (570) 253-5978

Fax: (570) 253-5432Email: [email protected]

Westmoreland Westmoreland County Board of Elections2 N. Main St, Ste 109Greensburg, PA 15601-2405Phone: (724) 830-3150

Fax: (724) 830-3152Email: [email protected]

Wyoming Wyoming County Board of ElectionsWyoming County CourthouseTunkhannock, PA 18657-1216Phone: (570) 996-2224

Fax: (570) 836-5797Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

York York County Board of Elections28 E Market StYork, PA 17401-1579Phone: (717) 771-9604

Fax: (717) 771-4387Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVA

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is temporary registration?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential Primary- Dem*TBD

Presidential Primary- RepMarch 6, 2016

State PrimaryJune 5, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration TBD By Mail: PostmarkedbyFebruary 5, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byFebruary 5, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbyApril 16, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byApril 16, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbySeptember 19, 2016By Email or Fax:Received bySeptember 19, 2016


TBD By Mail: PostmarkedbyFebruary 16, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byFebruary 16, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbyApril 16, 2016By Email or Fax:Received byApril 16, 2016

By Mail: PostmarkedbySeptember 19, 2016By Email or Fax:Received bySeptember 19, 2016


TBD Postmarked byMarch 6, 2016

Postmarked byJune 5, 2016

Postmarked byNovember 8, 2016

*Please visit for the most current election deadline information. Deadline dates were unavailable attime of publishing.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


Puerto Rico

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your territory has any online tools available here:

Does my territory have anyonline tools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on territorial orders;does my territory afford meUOCAVA privileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this territory?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

your territory in time to return it to your election official to participate inthe election, use the FWAB.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.


Puerto Rico

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the Electronic

If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online, you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide your father's and mother'sfirst names.Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Transmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourterritory it must be returned according to thedeadlines and requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The territory absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the Local Election Offices section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered and have already requestedmustan absentee ballot in order to use the FWAB.

Uniformed Service members and their eligiblefamily members can use the FWAB to vote in allelections for federal, territory and local offices,including ballot measures.

Overseas citizens can use the FWAB to vote in allelections for federal office.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1


Puerto Rico

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued ID."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide your father's and mother'sfirst names.Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theterritory absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the territoryabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the territory absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for all

All Mailing Address

All Absentee Voting Administrative Board (JAVA)Puerto Rico State Election CommissionSan Juan, PR 00919-2359Phone: (787) 777-8357

Fax: (787) 777-8358Email: [email protected]


Puerto Rico

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot at

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 26, 2016

State PrimarySeptember 13, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Not Required Not Required Not Required

Ballot Request Received by4 PM, April 5, 2016

Received by4 PM, August 23, 2016

Received by4 PM, October 18, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM, April 26, 2016

Received by8 PM, September 13, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Rhode Island is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Military Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fouror

digits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or . Contactmail faxinformation can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail.fax

Mail your ballot directly to:

State Board of Elections 50 Branch Ave. Providence, RI 02904

Fax your ballot directly to the State Board ofElections at 401-222-6529.

You may use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed

can request to have the PrepaidService membersMail Label 11-DoD applied to the general electionballot. Additional information about this label can befound in the "Important Information" section.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or Contactmail fax.information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to:

State Board of Elections 50 Branch Ave. Providence, RI 02904

Overseas Uniformed Service members can request tohave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to the StateBoard of Elections at 401-222-6529. Be sure toinclude your ballot, signed VoterDeclaration/Affirmation and cover sheet with secrecywaiver. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FWABtoll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

City Mailing Address

Barrington Barrington Board of Canvassers283 County RdBarrington, RI 02806-2406Phone: (401) 247-1900

Fax: (401) 247-3765Email: [email protected]

Bristol Bristol Board of Canvassers10 Court StBristol, RI 02809-2234Phone: (401) 253-7000

Fax: (401) 253-2647Email: [email protected]

Burrillville Burrillville Board of Canvassers105 Harrisville Main StHarrisville, RI 02830-1403Phone: (401) 568-4300

Fax: (401) 568-0490Email: [email protected]

Central Falls Central Falls Board of Canvassers580 Broad StCentral Falls, RI 02863-2835Phone: (401) 727-7450

Fax: (401) 724-2031Email: [email protected]

Charlestown Charlestown Board of Canvassers4540 South County TrlCharlestown, RI 02813-3454Phone: (401) 364-1200

Fax: (401) 364-1238Email: [email protected]

Coventry Coventry Board of Canvassers1670 Flat River RdCoventry, RI 02816-8909Phone: (401) 822-9150

Fax: (401) 822-9132Email: [email protected]

Cranston Cranston Board of Canvassers869 Park AveCranston, RI 02910-2786Phone: (401) 780-3126

Fax: (401) 780-3125Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland Board of Canvassers45 Broad StCumberland, RI 02864-8388Phone: (401) 728-2400

Fax: (401) 724-1103Email: [email protected]

East Greenwich East Greenwich Board of Canvassers125 Main St, P.O Box 111East Greenwich, RI 02818-0111Phone: (401) 886-8603

Fax: (401) 886-8623Email: [email protected]

East Providence East Providence Board of Canvassers145 Taunton AveEast Providence, RI 02914-4530Phone: (401) 435-7503

Fax: (401) 435-1909Email: [email protected]

Exeter Exeter Board of Canvassers675 Ten Rod RdExeter, RI 02822-2447Phone: (401) 294-2287

Fax: (401) 295-1248Email: [email protected]


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Foster Foster Board of Canvassers181 Howard Hill RdFoster, RI 02825-1226Phone: (401) 392-9200

Fax: (401) 702-5010Email: [email protected]

Glocester Glocester Board of Canvassers1145 Putnam PikeChepachet, RI 02814-0702Phone: (401) 568-6206

Fax: (401) 568-5850Email: [email protected]

Hopkinton Hopkinton Board of Canvassers1 Townhouse RdHopkinton, RI 02833-1142Phone: (401) 377-7777

Fax: (401) 377-7788Email: [email protected]

Jamestown Jamestown Board of Canvassers93 Narragansett AveJamestown, RI 02835-1149Phone: (401) 423-9804

Fax: (401) 423-7230Email: [email protected]

Johnston Johnston Board of Canvassers1385 Harftford AveJohnston, RI 02919-7192Phone: (401) 553-8856

Fax: (401) 553-8862Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln Board of Canvassers100 Old River Rd, P.O. Box 100Lincoln, RI 02865-1332Phone: (401) 333-1140

Fax: (401) 333-3648Email: [email protected]

Little Compton Little Compton Board of Canvassers40 Commons, P.O. Box 226Little Compton, RI 02837-0226Phone: (401) 635-4400

Fax: (401) 635-2470Email: [email protected]

Middletown Middletown Board of Canvassers350 East Main RdMiddletown, RI 02842-5267Phone: (401) 849-5540

Fax: (401) 845-0406Email: [email protected]

Narragansett Narragansett Board of Canvassers25 Fifth AveNarragansett, RI 02882-3612Phone: (401) 782-0625

Fax: (401) 783-9637Email: [email protected]

New Shoreham New Shoreham Board of CanvassersOld Town Rd, P.O. Box 220New Shoreham, RI 02807-0220Phone: (401) 466-3200

Fax: (401) 466-3219Email: [email protected]

Newport Newport Board of Canvassers43 BroadwayNewport, RI 02840-2746Phone: (401) 845-5384

Fax: (401) 848-5750Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

North Kingstown North Kingstown Board of Canvassers80 Boston Neck RdNorth Kingstown, RI 02852-5767Phone: (401) 294-3331 x128

Fax: (401) 294-2437Email: [email protected]

North Providence North Providence Board of Canvassers2000 Smith StNorth Providence, RI 02911-1740Phone: (401) 232-0900

Fax: (401) 719-1609Email: [email protected]

North Smithfield North Smithfield Board of Canvassers575 Smithfield RdNorth Smithfield, RI 02896-7227Phone: (401) 767-2200

Fax: (401) 356-4057Email: [email protected]

Pawtucket Pawtucket Board of Canvassers137 Roosevelt AvePawtucket, RI 02860-2129Phone: (401) 722-1637

Fax: (401) 729-9499Email: [email protected]

Portsmouth Portsmouth Board of Canvassers2200 East Main RdPortsmouth, RI 02871-2168Phone: (401) 683-3157

Fax: (401) 683-2107Email: [email protected]

Providence Providence Board of Canvassers25 Dorrance StProvidence, RI 02903-1738Phone: (401) 421-0495

Fax: (401) 421-9397Email: [email protected]

Richmond Richmond Board of Canvassers5 Richmond Townhouse RdWyoming, RI 02898-1247Phone: (401) 539-9000

Fax: (401) 539-1089Email: [email protected]

Scituate Scituate Board of Canvassers195 Danielson PikeNorth Scituate, RI 02857-1906Phone: (401) 647-7466

Fax: (401) 647-7220Email: [email protected]

Smithfield Smithfield Board of Canvassers64 Farnum PikeEsmond, RI 02917-3224Phone: (401) 233-1000

Fax: (401) 232-7244Email: [email protected]

South Kingstown South Kingstown Board of Canvassers180 High StSouth Kingstown, RI 02879-3140Phone: (401) 789-9331

Fax: (401) 788-9792Email: [email protected]

Tiverton Tiverton Board of Canvassers343 Highland RdTiverton, RI 02878-4401Phone: (401) 625-6704

Fax: (401) 625-6705Email: [email protected]


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Warren Warren Board of Canvassers514 Main StWarren, RI 02885-4369Phone: (401) 245-7340

Fax: (401) 245-7421Email: [email protected]

Warwick Warwick Board of Canvassers3275 Post RdWarwick, RI 02886-7145Phone: (401) 738-2000 x6222

Fax: (401) 732-3439Email: [email protected]

West Greenwich West Greenwich Board of Canvassers280 Victory HwyWest Greenwich, RI 02817-2155Phone: (401) 392-3800

Fax: (401) 392-3805Email: [email protected]

West Warwick West Warwick Board of Canvassers1170 Main StWest Warwick, RI 02893-4893Phone: (401) 822-9201

Fax: (401) 822-9266Email: [email protected]

Westerly Westerly Board of Canvassers45 Broad StWesterly, RI 02891-1888Phone: (401) 348-2503

Fax: (401) 348-2571Email: [email protected]

Woonsocket Woonsocket Board of Canvassers169 Main St, P.O. Box BWoonsocket, RI 02895-4330Phone: (401) 767-0027

Fax: (401) 767-9226Email: [email protected]


Rhode Island

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)


. What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

PresidentialPrimary - RepFebruary 20,2016

PresidentialPrimary - DemFebruary 27,2016

State PrimaryJune 14, 2016

State PrimaryRunoffJune 28, 2016

GeneralElectionNovember 8,2016

Registration Received byJanuary 27,2016

Received byJanuary 27,2016

Received byMay 14, 2016

Received byMay 14, 2016

Received byOctober 8, 2016


Received by7 PM, February20, 2016

Received by7 PM, February27, 2016

Received by7 PM, June 14,2016

Received by7 PM, June 28,2016

Received by7 PM,November 8,2016


By Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, February20, 2016By Mail: Sentby*7 PM, February20, 2016

By Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, February27, 2016By Mail: Sentby*7 PM, February27, 2016

By Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, June 14,2016By Mail: Sentby**7 PM, June 14,2016

By Email or Fax:Received by7 PM, June 28,2016By Mail: Sentby**7 PM, June 28,2016

By Email or Fax:Received by7 PM,November 8,2016By Mail: Sentby***7 PM,November 8,2016

*Ballot Return: Presidential Primary ballots must be received by 5pm on the 4th day after the election.

**Ballot Return: State Primary and Primary Runoff ballots must be received by 5pm on the day after theelection.

***Ballot Return: General Election ballots must be received by 5pm on the 2nd day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


South Carolina

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in South Carolina is eligible to vote inSouth Carolina.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a new

FPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1


South Carolina

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your socialsecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you are

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


South Carolina

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

using the FWAB to register, it be received bymustthe registration deadline listed in the "FederalElection Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your socialsecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish to

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

receive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.


South Carolina

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Abbeville Abbeville Board of Voter Registration901 W Greenwood St.Abbeville, SC 29620Phone: (864) 366-2400 x53

Fax: (864) 366-5797Email: [email protected]

Aiken Aiken Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 3127Aiken, SC 29802Phone: (803) 642-2028

Fax: (803) 642-2029Email: [email protected]

Allendale Allendale Board of Voter Registration158 McNair StAllendale, SC 29810Phone: (803) 584-4178

Fax: (803) 584-8147Email: [email protected]

Anderson Anderson Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 8002Anderson, SC 29624Phone: (864) 260-4035

Fax: (864) 260-4203Email: [email protected]

Bamberg Bamberg Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 947Bamberg, SC 29003Phone: (803) 245-3028

Fax: (803) 245-3027Email: [email protected]

Barnwell Barnwell Board of Voter Registration34 Pechman StBarnwell, SC 29812Phone: (803) 541-1060

Fax: (803) 541-3683Email: [email protected]

Beaufort Beaufort Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 1228Beaufort, SC 29901-1228Phone: (843) 255-6900

Fax: (843) 255-9429Email: [email protected]

Berkeley Berkeley Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 6122Moncks Corner, SC 29461Phone: (843) 719-4056

Fax: (843) 719-4060Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun Board of Voter Registration102 Courthouse Dr, Ste 113St. Matthews, SC 29135Phone: (803) 874-2929

Fax: (803) 874-1242Email: [email protected]

Charleston Charleston Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 71419Charleston, SC 29415Phone: (843) 744-8683

Fax: (843) 745-2236Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee Board of Voter Registration110 Railroad AveGaffney, SC 29340Phone: (864) 487-2563

Fax: (864) 902-1127Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Chester Chester Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 580Chester, SC 29706Phone: (803) 385-2562

Fax: (803) 581-2696Email: [email protected]

Chesterfield Chesterfield Board of Voter Registration416 W BlvdChesterfield, SC 29709Phone: (843) 623-2265

Fax: (843) 623-3196Email: [email protected]

Clarendon Clarendon Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 548Manning, SC 29102-0458Phone: (803) 435-8215

Fax: (803) 435-9074Email: [email protected]

Colleton Colleton Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 97Walterboro, SC 29488Phone: (843) 549-2842

Fax: (843) 549-2812Email: [email protected]

Darlington Darlington Board of Voter Registration131 Cashua StDarlington, SC 29532-3222Phone: (843) 398-4900

Fax: (843) 398-4907Email: [email protected]

Dillon Dillon Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 973Dillon, SC 29536Phone: (843) 774-1403

Fax: (843) 841-3728Email: [email protected]

Dorchester Dorchester Board of Voter Registration201 Johnston StSaint George, SC 29477Phone: (843) 563-0132

Fax: (843) 563-0186Email: [email protected]

Edgefield Edgefield Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 442Edgefield, SC 29824-0442Phone: (803) 637-4072

Fax: (803) 637-4134Email: [email protected]

Fairfield Fairfield Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Drawer 60Winnsboro, SC 29180-0060Phone: (803) 635-6255

Fax: (803) 635-5095Email: [email protected]

Florence Florence Board of Voter Registration219 Third Loop RdFlorence, SC 29505Phone: (843) 665-3094

Fax: (843) 292-1613Email: [email protected]

Georgetown Georgetown Board of Voter Registration303 N Hazard StGeorgetown, SC 29440Phone: (843) 545-3339

Fax: (843) 545-3342Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Greenville Greenville Board of Voter Registration301 University Ridge, Ste 1900Greenville, SC 29601-3668Phone: (864) 467-7250

Fax: (864) 467-7256Email: [email protected]

Greenwood Greenwood Board of Voter Registration600 Monument St, Box P-117Greenwood, SC 29646-2643Phone: (864) 942-8585

Fax: (864) 942-5664Email: [email protected]

Hampton Hampton Board of Voter Registration201 Jackson Ave WHampton, SC 29924Phone: (803) 914-2080

Fax: (803) 914-2083Email: [email protected]

Horry Horry Board of Voter Registration1515 4th AveConway, SC 29526Phone: (843) 915-5440

Fax: (843) 915-6440Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 299Ridgeland, SC 29936-0299Phone: (843) 726-7709

Fax: (843) 726-7626Email: [email protected]

Kershaw Kershaw Board of Voter Registration609 Lafayette AvECamden, SC 29020Phone: (803) 424-4016

Fax: (803) 424-4012Email: [email protected]

Lancaster Lancaster Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 1809Lancaster, SC 29721Phone: (803) 285-2969

Fax: (803) 416-9357Email: [email protected]

Laurens Laurens Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 769Laurens, SC 29360Phone: (864) 984-4431

Fax: (864) 983-2529Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 309Bishopville, SC 29010Phone: (803) 484-5341 x324

Fax: (803) 484-4392Email: [email protected]

Lexington Lexington Board of Voter Registration605 W Main St, Ste 105Lexington, SC 29072Phone: (803) 785-8361

Fax: (803) 785-8390Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion Board of Voter Registration137 Airport Ct, Ste EMullins, SC 29574Phone: (843) 423-8268

Fax: (843) 423-8267Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Marlboro Marlboro Board of Voter Registration119 S Marlboro StBennettsville, SC 29512-0502Phone: (843) 479-5612

Fax: (843) 454-0633Email: [email protected]

McCormick McCormick Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 636McCormick, SC 29835Phone: (864) 852-2089

Fax: (864) 852-2489Email: [email protected]

Newberry Newberry Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 147Newberry, SC 29108Phone: (803) 321-2121

Fax: (803) 321-2122Email: [email protected]

Oconee Oconee Board of Voter Registration415 S Pine St.Walhalla, SC 29691Phone: (864) 638-4196

Fax: (864) 638-4197Email: [email protected]

Orangeburg Orangeburg Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 9000Orangeburg, SC 29116-9000Phone: (803) 533-6210

Fax: (803) 533-6215Email: [email protected]

Pickens Pickens Board of Voter Registration222 McDaniel Ave, B-9Pickens, SC 29671Phone: (864) 898-5949

Fax: (864) 898-5637Email: [email protected]

Richland Richland Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 192Columbia, SC 29202Phone: (803) 576-2240

Fax: (803) 576-2249Email: [email protected]

Saluda Saluda Board of Voter Registration111 Law RangeSaluda, SC 29138Phone: (864) 445-4500 x2200

Fax: (864) 445-9187Email: [email protected]

Spartanburg Spartanburg Board of Voter RegistrationP.O. Box 1287Spartanburg, SC 29304Phone: (864) 596-2549

Fax: (864) 596-2958Email: [email protected]

Sumter Sumter Board of Voter Registration141 N Main St, Room 114Sumter, SC 29150-4987Phone: (803) 436-2313

Fax: (803) 436-2405Email: [email protected]

Union Union Board of Voter Registration320 E Main StUnion, SC 29379Phone: (864) 429-1616

Fax: (864) 427-7851Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Williamsburg Williamsburg Board of Voter Registration5 Courthouse SqKingstree, SC 29556Phone: (843) 355-6044

Fax: (843) 355-2039Email: [email protected]

York York Board of Voter RegistrationEC Black Bldg, 13 S Congress StYork, SC 29745Phone: (803) 684-1242

Fax: (803) 684-7801Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

PresidentialPrimaryJune 7, 2016

State PrimaryJune 7, 2016

State Primary RunoffAugust 16, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by5 PM, May 23,2016

Received by5 PM, May 23,2016

Received by5 PM, August 1, 2016

Received by5 PM, October 24,2016


Received by5 PM, June 6, 2016

Received by5 PM, June 6,2016

Received by5 PM, August 15,2016

Received by5 PM, November 7,2016

Ballot Return Received by7 PM, June 7, 2016

Received by7 PM, June 7,2016

Received by7 PM, August 16,2016

Received by7 PM, November 8,2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who is under the age of 22 and has never resided in theU.S. and has a parent or legal guardian that was last domiciled in SouthDakota is eligible vote in South Dakota.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receiving


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How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the Electronic

your absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.Stateside Uniformed Servicemembers and their eligible familymembers must provide a photocopyof a valid form of personal ID withyour picture: (1) A State issued IDcard; (2) A passport or governmentissued ID card; (3) A tribal ID card; or(4) A current student identificationcard. If you cannot provide a copy ofyour ID, then the FPCA must benotarized.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Transmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the local election official inaccepting this form.Stateside Uniformed Servicemembers and their eligible familymembers must provide a photocopyof a valid form of personal ID withyour picture: (1) A State issued IDcard; (2) A passport or governmentissued ID card; (3) A tribal ID card; or(4) A current student identificationcard. If you cannot provide a copy ofyour ID, then the FPCA must benotarized.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Aurora Aurora County AuditorP.O. Box 397Plankinton, SD 57368-0397Phone: (605) 942-7752

Fax: (605) 942-7746Email: [email protected]

Beadle Beadle County Auditor450 3rd St SW, Ste 201Huron, SD 57350Phone: (605) 353-8400

Fax: (605) 353-8402Email: [email protected]

Bennett Bennett County AuditorP.O. Box 460Martin, SD 57551-0460Phone: (605) 685-6931

Fax: (605) 685-6311Email: [email protected]

Bon Homme Bon Homme County AuditorP.O. Box 605Tyndall, SD 57066-0605Phone: (605) 589-4212

Fax: (605) 589-4202Email: [email protected]

Brookings Brookings County Auditor520 3rd St, Ste 100Brookings, SD 57006Phone: (605) 696-8250

Fax: (605) 696-8259Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Auditor25 Market St, Ste 1Aberdeen, SD 57401-4293Phone: (605) 626-7110

Fax: (605) 626-4010Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Brule Brule County Auditor300 S Courtland, Ste 103Chamberlain, SD 57325-1599Phone: (605) 234-4430

Fax: (605) 234-4430Email: [email protected]

Buffalo Buffalo County AuditorP.O. Box 146Gann Valley, SD 57341-0146Phone: (605) 293-3217

Fax: (605) 293-3240Email: [email protected]

Butte Butte County Auditor839 Fifth AveBelle Fourche, SD 57717-1719Phone: (605) 892-4485

Fax: (605) 892-4525Email: [email protected]

Campbell Campbell County AuditorP.O. Box 37Mound City, SD 57646-0037Phone: (605) 955-3366

Fax: (605) 955-3308Email: [email protected]

Charles Mix Charles Mix County AuditorP.O. Box 490Lake Andes, SD 57356-0490Phone: (605) 487-7131

Fax: (605) 487-7221Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County AuditorP.O. Box 294Clark, SD 57225-0294Phone: (605) 532-5921

Fax: (605) 532-5931Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Auditor211 W Main St, Ste 200Vermillion, SD 57069-2039Phone: (605) 677-7120

Fax: (605) 677-7109Email: [email protected]

Codington Codington County Auditor14 First Ave SEWatertown, SD 57201-3611Phone: (605) 882-6297

Fax: (605) 882-6288Email: [email protected]

Corson Corson County AuditorP.O. Box 255McIntosh, SD 57641-0255Phone: (605) 273-4229

Fax: (605) 273-4233Email: [email protected]

Custer Custer County Auditor420 Mt Rushmore RdCuster, SD 57730-1934Phone: (605) 673-8173

Fax: (605) 673-8150Email: [email protected]

Davison Davison County Auditor200 E 4th StMitchell, SD 57301-2692Phone: (605) 995-8608

Fax: (605) 995-8618Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Day Day County Auditor711 W 1st StWebster, SD 57274-1364Phone: (605) 345-9500

Fax: (605) 345-9515Email: [email protected]

Deuel Deuel County AuditorP.O. Box 616Clear Lake, SD 57226-0616Phone: (605) 874-2312

Fax: (605) 874-1306Email: [email protected]

Dewey Dewey County AuditorP.O. Box 277Timber Lake, SD 57656-0277Phone: (605) 865-3672

Fax: (605) 865-3691Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County AuditorP.O. Box 159Armour, SD 57313-0159Phone: (605) 724-2423

Fax: (605) 724-2204Email: [email protected]

Edmunds Edmunds County AuditorP.O. Box 97Ipswich, SD 57451-0097Phone: (605) 426-6762

Fax: (605) 426-6164Email: [email protected]

Fall River Fall River County Auditor906 N River StHot Springs, SD 57747-1398Phone: (605) 745-5130

Fax: (605) 745-6835Email: [email protected]

Faulk Faulk County AuditorP.O. Box 309Faulkton, SD 57438-0309Phone: (605) 598-6224

Fax: (605) 598-6680Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County Auditor210 E Fifth AveMilbank, SD 57252-2499Phone: (605) 432-6711

Fax: (605) 432-9004Email: [email protected]

Gregory Gregory County AuditorP.O. Box 437Burke, SD 57523-0413Phone: (605) 775-2664

Fax: (605) 775-2596Email: [email protected]

Haakon Haakon County AuditorP.O. Box 698Philip, SD 57567-0698Phone: (605) 859-2800

Fax: (605) 859-2801Email: [email protected]

Hamlin Hamlin County AuditorP.O. Box 237Hayti, SD 57241-0237Phone: (605) 783-3201

Fax: (605) 783-3201Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hand Hand County Auditor415 W First AveMiller, SD 57362-1346Phone: (605) 853-2182

Fax: (605) 853-2769Email: [email protected]

Hanson Hanson County AuditorP.O. Box 500Alexandria, SD 57311-0500Phone: (605) 239-4714

Fax: (605) 239-4296Email: [email protected]

Harding Harding County AuditorP.O. Box 26Buffalo, SD 57720-0026Phone: (605) 375-3313

Fax: (605) 375-3318Email: [email protected]

Hughes Hughes County Auditor104 E Capitol AvePierre, SD 57501-2591Phone: (605) 773-7451

Fax: (605) 773-7479Email: [email protected]

Hutchinson Hutchinson County Auditor140 Euclid, Rm 128Olivet, SD 57052-0128Phone: (605) 387-4212

Fax: (605) 387-4209Email: [email protected]

Hyde Hyde County AuditorP.O. Box 379Highmore, SD 57345-0379Phone: (605) 852-2519

Fax: (605) 852-3178Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County AuditorP.O. Box 280Kadoka, SD 57543-0280Phone: (605) 837-2422

Fax: (605) 837-2447Email: [email protected]

Jerauld Jerauld County AuditorP.O. Box 422Wessington Springs, SD 57382-0422Phone: (605) 539-9301

Fax: (605) 539-9125Email: [email protected]

Jones Jones County AuditorP.O. Box 307Murdo, SD 57559-0307Phone: (605) 669-7100

Fax: (605) 669-7120Email: [email protected]

Kingsbury Kingsbury County AuditorP.O. Box 196Desmet, SD 57231-0196Phone: (605) 854-3832

Fax: (605) 854-3833Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Auditor200 E CenterMadison, SD 57042-2941Phone: (605) 256-7600

Fax: (605) 256-7622Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lawrence Lawrence County AuditorP.O. Box FDeadwood, SD 57732-0678Phone: (605) 578-1941

Fax: (605) 578-1065Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Auditor104 N Main, Ste 110Canton, SD 57013-1703Phone: (605) 764-2581

Fax: (605) 764-0134Email: [email protected]

Lyman Lyman County AuditorP.O. Box 38Kennebec, SD 57544-0038Phone: (605) 869-2247

Fax: (605) 869-2203Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County AuditorP.O. Box 130Britton, SD 57430-0130Phone: (605) 448-2401

Fax: (605) 448-2116Email: [email protected]

McCook McCook County AuditorP.O. Box 190Salem, SD 57058-0190Phone: (605) 425-2791

Fax: (605) 425-2534Email: [email protected]

McPherson McPherson County AuditorP.O. Box 390Leola, SD 57456-0448Phone: (605) 439-3314

Fax: (605) 439-3394Email: [email protected]

Meade Meade County Auditor1300 Sherman St, Ste 126Sturgis, SD 57785Phone: (605) 347-2360

Fax: (605) 720-6624Email: [email protected]

Mellette Mellette County AuditorP.O. Box CWhite River, SD 57579-0403Phone: (605) 259-3291

Fax: (605) 259-3194Email: [email protected]

Miner Miner County AuditorP.O. Box 86Howard, SD 57349-0086Phone: (605) 772-4671

Fax: (605) 772-4821Email: [email protected]

Minnehaha Minnehaha County Auditor415 N Dakota AveSioux Falls, SD 57104-2465Phone: (605) 367-4220

Fax: (605) 367-7409Email: [email protected]

Moody Moody County Auditor101 E Pipestone Ave, Ste DFlandreau, SD 57028-1750Phone: (605) 997-3161

Fax: (605) 997-9996Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Pennington Pennington County Auditor906 N River StRapid City, SD 57701Phone: (605) 745-5130

Fax: (605) 745-6835Email: [email protected]

Perkins Perkins County Auditor130 Kansas City St, Ste 230Bison, SD 57620-0126Phone: (605) 394-2153

Fax: (605) 394-6840Email: [email protected]

Potter Potter County AuditorP.O. Box 126Gettysburg, SD 57442-1521Phone: (605) 244-5624

Fax: (605) 244-7289Email: [email protected]

Roberts Roberts County Auditor201 S ExeneSisseton, SD 57262-1495Phone: (605) 765-9408

Fax: (605) 765-2332Email: [email protected]

Sanborn Sanborn County Auditor411 2nd Ave EWoonsocket, SD 57385-0007Phone: (605) 698-7336

Fax: (605) 698-4277Email: [email protected]

Shannon Shannon County AuditorP.O. Box 7Hot Springs, SD 57747-1398Phone: (605) 796-4513

Fax: (605) 796-4509Email: [email protected]

Spink Spink County Auditor210 E 7th Ave, Ste 5Redfield, SD 57469-1266Phone: (605) 472-4580

Fax: (605) 472-4582Email: [email protected]

Stanley Stanley County AuditorP.O. Box 595Fort Pierre, SD 57532-0595Phone: (605) 223-7780

Fax: (605) 223-7791Email: [email protected]

Sully Sully County AuditorP.O. Box 265Onida, SD 57564-0265Phone: (605) 258-2541

Fax: (605) 258-2884Email: [email protected]

Todd Tripp County Auditor200 East 3rdWinner, SD 57580-1806Phone: (605) 842-3727

Fax: (605) 842-3621Email: [email protected]

Tripp Todd County Auditor200 East 3rdWinner, SD 57580-1806Phone: (605) 842-3727

Fax: (605) 842-1116Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Turner Turner County AuditorP.O. Box 370Parker, SD 57053-0370Phone: (605) 297-3153

Fax: (605) 297-5556Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Auditor209 E Main St, Ste 200Elk Point, SD 57025-2327Phone: (605) 356-2101

Fax: (605) 356-3047Email: [email protected]

Walworth Walworth County AuditorP.O. Box 199Selby, SD 57472-0199Phone: (605) 649-7878

Fax: (605) 649-7867Email: [email protected]

Yankton Yankton County Auditor321 W 3rd St, Ste 100Yankton, SD 57078-0137Phone: (605) 260-4436

Fax: (605) 260-4494Email: [email protected]

Ziebach Ziebach County AuditorP.O. Box 68Dupree, SD 57623-0068Phone: (605) 365-5157

Fax: (605) 365-5204Email: [email protected]


South Dakota

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Page 375: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in all elections for the calendar year inwhich the FPCA is submitted.

What is 'temporary registration'?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 4, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byFebruary 23, 2016

Received byJuly 28, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Request Received byFebruary 23, 2016

Received byJuly 28, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016

Ballot Return Received by8 PM ET, March 1, 2016

Received by8 PM ET, August 4, 2016

Received by8 PM ET, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Tennessee is eligible to vote inTennessee.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your SocialSecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted. You can also track thestatus of your FPCA here:


Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

general election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to temporarily register tovote. If you are using the FWAB to register to vote, it

be received by the registration deadline listedmustin the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like totemporarily register to vote and/orrequest an absentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your SocialSecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Anderson Anderson County Election Commission100 N Main St, Rm 207Clinton, TN 37716-3683Phone: (865) 457-6238

Fax: (865) 457-5624Email: [email protected]

Bedford Bedford County Election CommissionOne Public Sq, Ste 20Shelbyville, TN 37160-3952Phone: (931) 684-0531

Fax: (931) 685-0975Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County Election Commission113 Maple Ave, Ste 1Camden, TN 38320-2044Phone: (731) 584-6144

Fax: (731) 584-5956Email: [email protected]

Bledsoe Bledsoe County Election Commission3150 Main St, Ste 700Pikeville, TN 37367Phone: (423) 447-2776

Fax: (423) 447-2776Email: [email protected]

Blount Blount County Election Commission383 Court StreetMaryville, TN 37804-5906Phone: (865) 273-5920

Fax: (865) 273-5927Email: [email protected]

Bradley Bradley County Election Commission155 Broad St NW, Ste 102Cleveland, TN 37311-5000Phone: (423) 728-7115

Fax: (423) 728-7116Email: [email protected]

Campbell Campbell County Election Commission129 Church AlleyJacksboro, TN 37757Phone: (423) 562-9777

Fax: (423) 562-9758Email: [email protected]

Cannon Cannon County Election Commission301 W Main St, Ste 244Woodbury, TN 37190-1100Phone: (615) 563-5650

Fax: (615) 563-2415Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll County Election Commission625 High St, Ste 113Huntingdon, TN 38344-1712Phone: (731) 986-1968

Fax: (731) 986-1913Email: [email protected]

Carter Carter County Election Commission116 Holston AveElizabethton, TN 37643-3264Phone: (423) 542-1822

Fax: (423) 547-1534Email: [email protected]

Cheatham Cheatham County Election Commission188 County Services Dr, Ste 100Ashland City, TN 37015-1744Phone: (615) 792-5770

Fax: (615) 792-2014Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Chester Chester County Election Commission133 E Main St, 1st FlHenderson, TN 38340Phone: (731) 989-4039

Fax: (731) 989-5023Email: [email protected]

Claiborne Claiborne County Election Commission1802 Main StTazewell, TN 37879Phone: (423) 626-5128

Fax: (423) 626-6770Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay County Election Commission145 Cordell Hull DrCelina, TN 38551Phone: (931) 243-2536

Fax: (931) 243-2543Email: [email protected]

Cocke Cocke County Election Commission360 E Main St, Rm 130Newport, TN 37821-3121Phone: (423) 623-2042

Fax: (423) 625-8416Email: [email protected]

Coffee Coffee County Election Commission1329 McArthur St, Ste 6Manchester, TN 37355-2456Phone: (931) 723-5103

Fax: (931) 723-8279Email: [email protected]

Crockett Crockett County Election Commission235 E Church StAlamo, TN 38001-1107Phone: (731) 696-5465

Fax: (731) 696-4977Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland County Election Commission2 S Main St, Ste 105Crossville, TN 38555-4583Phone: (931) 484-4919

Fax: (931) 456-9409Email: [email protected]

Davidson Davidson County Election Commission1417 Murfreesboro PikeNashville, TN 37217Phone: (615) 862-8815

Fax: (615) 880-1729Email: [email protected]

DeKalb DeKalb County Election Commission1 Public Sq, Rm 104Smithville, TN 37166-1425Phone: (615) 597-4146

Fax: (615) 597-7799Email: [email protected]

Decatur Decatur County Election Commission67 S E StreetDecaturville, TN 38329Phone: (731) 852-2911

Fax: (731) 852-2059Email: [email protected]

Dickson Dickson County Election Commission110-A Academy StCharlotte, TN 37036Phone: (615) 671-1146

Fax: (615) 671-1113Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Dyer Dyer County Election Commission103 W MarketDyersburg, TN 38024Phone: (731) 286-4268

Fax: (731) 286-3581Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Election Commission45 Dogwood LnSomerville, TN 38068Phone: (901) 465-5223

Fax: (901) 465-5238Email: [email protected]

Fentress Fentress County Election Commission111 N Norris StJamestown, TN 38556Phone: (931) 879-7162

Fax: (931) 879-2579Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Election Commission839 Dinah Shore Blvd, Ste 1Winchester, TN 37398-1426Phone: (931) 967-1893

Fax: (931) 967-5317Email: [email protected]

Gibson Gibson County Election Commission1 Court Square, Ste 101Trenton, TN 38382-1851Phone: (731) 855-7669

Fax: (731) 855-7606Email: [email protected]

Giles Giles County Election Commission222 West Madison St, Rm 100Pulaski, TN 38478-2622Phone: (931) 363-2424

Fax: (931) 424-1436Email: [email protected]

Grainger Grainger County Election Commission119 Marshall AveRutledge, TN 37861Phone: (865) 828-5132

Fax: (865) 828-6161Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene County Election Commission218 N Main St, Ste 1Greeneville, TN 37745-3834Phone: (423) 798-1715

Fax: (423) 798-1719Email: [email protected]

Grundy Grundy County Election Commission68 Cumberland St, Ste 122Altamont, TN 37301Phone: (931) 692-3551

Fax: (931) 692-3573Email: [email protected]

Hamblen Hamblen County Election Commission511 W Second N St, Rm 101Morristown, TN 37814-3964Phone: (423) 586-7169

Fax: (423) 585-4053Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Election Commission700 River Terminal RoadChattanooga, TN 37406-1736Phone: (423) 493-5100

Fax: (423) 493-5101Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hancock Hancock County Election Commission1237 Main St, 1st FlSneedville, TN 37869-3846Phone: (423) 733-4549

Fax: (423) 733-4596Email: [email protected]

Hardeman Hardeman County Election Commission106 S Porter StBolivar, TN 38008-1735Phone: (731) 658-4751

Fax: (731) 659-2363Email: [email protected]

Hardin Hardin County Election Commission465 Main St, Courthouse Lower LevelSavannah, TN 38372-2062Phone: (731) 925-3375

Fax: (731) 925-9734Email: [email protected]

Hawkins Hawkins County Election Commission110 E Main St, Ste 301Rogersville, TN 37857-3360Phone: (423) 272-8061

Fax: (423) 921-9459Email: [email protected]

Haywood Haywood County Election Commission1 N. Washington Ave BsmtBrownsville, TN 38012-2561Phone: (731) 772-1760

Fax: (731) 722-3864Email: [email protected]

Henderson Henderson County Election Commission340 Natchez Trace Drive, Suite CLexington, TN 38351-1874Phone: (731) 968-6832

Fax: (731) 968-0937Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry County Election Commission213 W Washington StParis, TN 38242Phone: (731) 642-0411

Fax: (731) 644-7302Email: [email protected]

Hickman Hickman County Election Commission114 N Central Ave, Ste 201Centerville, TN 37033-1426Phone: (931) 729-4560

Fax: (931) 729-0375Email: [email protected]

Houston Houston County Election Commission4760 East Main StreetErin, TN 37061Phone: (931) 289-3047

Fax: (931) 289-5010Email: [email protected]

Humphreys Humphreys County Election Commission208 W Wyly StWaverly, TN 37185-1547Phone: (931) 296-6504

Fax: (931) 296-6509Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Election Commission101 East Hull AvenueGainesboro, TN 38562Phone: (931) 268-9284

Fax: (931) 268-2414Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Jefferson Jefferson County Election Commission931 Industrial Park RoadDandridge, TN 37725-4701Phone: (865) 397-3440

Fax: (865) 397-5062Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Election Commission158 Election AveMountain City, TN 37683-1870Phone: (423) 727-8592

Fax: (423) 727-9168Email: [email protected]

Knox Knox County Election Commission300 Main Ave, Rm 218Knoxville, TN 37902-1850Phone: (865) 215-2480

Fax: (865) 215-4239Email: [email protected]

Lake Lake County Election Commission217 S Crt StTiptonville, TN 38079-1305Phone: (731) 253-7521

Fax: (731) 253-3481Email: [email protected]

Lauderdale Lauderdale County Election Commission217 N Main StRipley, TN 38063-1315Phone: (731) 635-2881

Fax: (731) 221-0874Email: [email protected]

Lawrence Lawrence County Election Commission219 Centennial BlvdLawrenceburg, TN 38464-3208Phone: (931) 762-7836

Fax: (931) 762-7839Email: [email protected]

Lewis Lewis County Election Commission35 Smith AveHohenwald, TN 38462-1124Phone: (931) 796-0510

Fax: (931) 796-0073Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Election Commission208 Davidson St E, Rm 106Fayetteville, TN 37334-3581Phone: (931) 433-6220

Fax: (931) 433-9308Email: [email protected]

Loudon Loudon County Election Commission100 River Rd, rm 108Loudon, TN 37774-1042Phone: (865) 458-2560

Fax: (865) 458-4825Email: [email protected]

Macon Macon County Election Commission111 E Locust StLafayette, TN 37083-1219Phone: (615) 666-2199

Fax: (615) 666-7469Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Election Commission311 N PwyJackson, TN 38305-2713Phone: (731) 660-1796

Fax: (731) 660-1824Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Marion Marion County Election Commission109 Academy AveJasper, TN 37347-3520Phone: (423) 942-2108

Fax: (423) 942-1082Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall County Election Commission230 College St, Ste 120Lewisburg, TN 37091-3305Phone: (931) 359-4894

Fax: (931) 359-0554Email: [email protected]

Maury Maury County Election Commission1207A Tradewinds DrColumbia, TN 38401-4607Phone: (931) 375-6001

Fax: (931) 375-6019Email: [email protected]

McMinn McMinn County Election Commission5 S Hill St, Ste BAthens, TN 37303-5403Phone: (423) 745-0843

Fax: (423) 744-1646Email: [email protected]

McNairy McNairy County Election Commission530 Mulberry AveSelmer, TN 38375Phone: (731) 645-6432

Fax: (731) 645-9124Email: [email protected]

Meigs Meigs County Election Commission17214 State Hwy 58 N, 1st FlDecatur, TN 37322-7472Phone: (423) 334-5866

Fax: (423) 334-7203Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe County Election Commission401 Main StMadisonville, TN 37354-3110Phone: (423) 442-2461

Fax: (423) 442-9432Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Election Commission350 Pageant Lane, Ste 404Clarksville, TN 37040-3813Phone: (931) 648-5707

Fax: (931) 553-5155Email: [email protected]

Moore Moore County Election Commission241 Main St, Ste 201Lynchburg, TN 37352-8390Phone: (931) 759-4532

Fax: (931) 759-6394Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County Election Commission415 N Kingston StWartburg, TN 37887-4317Phone: (423) 346-3190

Fax: (423) 346-4350Email: [email protected]

Obion Obion County Election Commission308 Bill Burnett CircleUnion City, TN 38281-3705Phone: (731) 885-1901

Fax: (731) 885-6280Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Overton Overton County Election Commission317 E University St, Rm 45Livingston, TN 38570-1547Phone: (931) 823-5985

Fax: (931) 823-5884Email: [email protected]

Perry Perry County Election Commission124 E Main StLinden, TN 37096Phone: (931) 589-2025

Fax: (931) 589-5819Email: [email protected]

Pickett Pickett County Election Commission105 S Main St, Rm 2Byrdstown, TN 38549-2285Phone: (931) 864-3583

Fax: (931) 864-6362Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Election Commission6050 Highway 411Benton, TN 37307-3603Phone: (423) 338-4531

Fax: (423) 338-4549Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam County Election Commission705 County Services DrCookeville, TN 38501-4338Phone: (931) 526-2566

Fax: (931) 526-8724Email: [email protected]

Rhea Rhea County Election Commission125 Court St, Ste 1Dayton, TN 37321-1275Phone: (423) 775-7816

Fax: (423) 775-7880Email: [email protected]

Roane Roane County Election Commission200 E Race St, Ste 8Kingston, TN 37763-2860Phone: (865) 376-3184

Fax: (865) 376-2017Email: [email protected]

Robertson Robertson County Election Commission513 S Brown St, Rm 137Springfield, TN 37172-2941Phone: (615) 384-5592

Fax: (615) 382-3122Email: [email protected]

Rutherford Rutherford County Election Commission1 S Public Sq, Rm 103Murfreesboro, TN 37130-8001Phone: (615) 898-7743

Fax: (615) 898-7938Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott County Election Commission2845 Baker HighwayHuntsville, TN 37756-3710Phone: (423) 663-2430

Fax: (423) 663-3127Email: [email protected]

Sequatchie Sequatchie County Election Commission68 Spring StDunlap, TN 37327-3752Phone: (423) 949-2431

Fax: (423) 949-8396Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Sevier Sevier County Election Commission1145 Dolly Parton PwySevierville, TN 37862-3710Phone: (865) 453-6985

Fax: (865) 429-0376Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Election Commission980 Nixon DrMemphis, TN 38134-7966Phone: (901) 222-6800

Fax: (901) 222-6812Email: [email protected]

Smith Smith County Election Commission122 Turner High Cir, Ste 105Carthage, TN 37030-1555Phone: (615) 735-8241

Fax: (615) 735-8253Email: [email protected]

Stewart Stewart County Election Commission110 Natcor DrDover, TN 37058Phone: (931) 232-5100

Fax: (931) 232-4017Email: [email protected]

Sullivan Sullivan County Election Commission3258 Hwy 126, Ste 103Blountville, TN 37617-4566Phone: (423) 323-6444

Fax: (423) 323-6443Email: [email protected]

Sumner Sumner County Election Commission355 N. Belvedere Dr, Rm 106Gallatin, TN 37066-5410Phone: (615) 452-1456

Fax: (615) 230-6147Email: [email protected]

Tipton Tipton County Election Commission113 E Church StCovington, TN 38019-2503Phone: (901) 476-0223

Fax: (901) 476-0233Email: [email protected]

Trousdale Trousdale County Election Commission214 BroadwayHartsville, TN 37074-1304Phone: (615) 374-2712

Fax: (615) 374-2142Email: [email protected]

Unicoi Unicoi County Election Commission106 Nolichucky AveErwin, TN 37650-1254Phone: (423) 743-6521

Fax: (423) 735-7327Email: [email protected]

Union Union County Election Commission901 Main St, Rm 108Maynardville, TN 37807-3557Phone: (865) 992-3471

Fax: (865) 992-7360Email: [email protected]

Van Buren Van Buren County Election Commission179 Veterans SqSpencer, TN 38585Phone: (931) 946-2728

Fax: (931) 946-7176Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Warren Warren County Election Commission201 Locust St, Ste 3McMinnville, TN 37110-9926Phone: (931) 473-5834

Fax: (931) 473-3984Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Election Commission110 E Main StJonesborough, TN 37659-1340Phone: (423) 753-1688

Fax: (423) 913-8430Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne County Election Commission100 Court Circle, Rm 201Waynesboro, TN 38485-2142Phone: (931) 722-3517

Fax: (931) 722-2388Email: [email protected]

Weakley Weakley County Election Commission135 S Poplar St, Ste ADresden, TN 38225-1479Phone: (731) 364-5564

Fax: (731) 364-3229Email: [email protected]

White White County Election Commission1 E Blockman Way, Rm 215Sparta, TN 38583-2034Phone: (931) 836-3671

Fax: (931) 837-3672Email: [email protected]

Williamson Williamson County Election Commission1320 W Main St, Ste 140Franklin, TN 37064-3731Phone: (615) 790-5711

Fax: (615) 790-5617Email: [email protected]

Wilson Wilson County Election Commission203 E Main StLebanon, TN 37087-2825Phone: (615) 444-0216

Fax: (615) 443-2669Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is 'temporary registration'?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State Primary RunoffMay 24, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byFebruary 1, 2016

Received byFebruary 1, 2016

Received byApril 25, 2016

Received byOctober 11, 2016

Ballot Request Received byFebruary 19, 2016

Received byFebruary 19, 2016

Received byMay 13, 2016

Received byOctober 28, 2016

Ballot Return Within U.S.Received byMarch 1, 2016Outside U.S.Received byMarch 7, 2016

Within U.S.Received byMarch 1, 2016Outside U.S.Received byMarch 7, 2016

Within U.S.Received byMay 24, 2016Outside U.S.Received byMay 31, 2016

Within U.S.Received byNovember 8, 2016Outside U.S.Received byNovember 14, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A runoff election is an election held if the State requires that a candidatereceive a certain percentage of the votes in order to advance to ageneral election or take public office.

What is a runoff election?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required if

requesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they need



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.

additional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online you must provideyour email address.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail or email/online. Rank yourpreferred method of receiving yourabsentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online. If you wantyour election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by or mail .fax (fax only if you are located in a hostile fire area)

Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourballot. canOverseas Uniformed Service membersrequest to have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoDapplied to the general election ballot. Additionalinformation about this label can be found in the"Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

All voters be registered and have alreadymustrequested an absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

If you are a U.S. citizen residing outside the UnitedStates whose return is not certain, you can use theFWAB to vote in all elections for federal office.

All other votersUOCAVA can use the FWAB to votein all elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide this



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail fax (fax only if. Contactyou are located in a hostile fire area)

information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

information in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Fax your FWAB: (only if you are located in a hostile Fax your FWAB directly to your electionfire area)

official. Be sure to include your ballot, signed VoterDeclaration/ Affirmation and cover sheet withsecrecy waiver. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FWABtoll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Anderson Anderson County Early Voting Clerk703 N Mallard, Ste 116Palestine, TX 75801Phone: (903) 723-7855

Fax: (903) 723-1223Email: [email protected]

Andrews Andrews County Early Voting Clerk201 N. Main Rm 101Andrews, TX 79714Phone: (432) 524-1426

Fax: (432) 524-1464Email: [email protected]

Angelina Angelina County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1344Lufkin, TX 75902-1343Phone: (936) 634-8376

Fax: (936) 634-2690Email: [email protected]

Aransas Aransas County Early Voting Clerk602 E. ConchoRockport, TX 78382Phone: (361) 729-7431

Fax: (361) 790-0177Email: [email protected]

Archer Archer County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 700Archer CIty, TX 76351Phone: (940) 574-4302

Fax: (940) 574-2876Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Armstrong Armstrong County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 835Claude, TX 79019Phone: (806) 226-2081

Fax: (806) 226-5301Email: [email protected]

Atascosa Atascosa County Early Voting Clerk914 N Main, Ste 115Jourdanton, TX 78026Phone: (830) 769-1472

Fax: (830) 769-1215Email: [email protected]

Austin Austin County Early Voting Clerk804 E Wendt StBellville, TX 77418-2840Phone: (979) 865-8633

Fax: (979) 865-0183Email: [email protected]

Bailey Bailey County Early Voting Clerk300 S 1st St, Ste 140Muleshoe, TX 79347Phone: (806) 272-3044

Fax: (806) 272-3538Email: [email protected]

Bandera Bandera County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1882Bandera, TX 78003Phone: (830) 796-8146

Fax: (830) 796-8146Email: [email protected]

Bastrop Bastrop County Early Voting Clerk804 Pecan StBastrop, TX 78602Phone: (512) 581-7160

Fax: (512) 581-4260Email: [email protected]

Baylor Baylor County Early Voting Clerk101 S Washington StSeymour, TX 76380Phone: (940) 889-3322

Fax: (940) 889-4300Email: [email protected]

Bee Bee County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1900Beeville, TX 78104Phone: (361) 362-3245

Fax: (361) 362-3247Email: [email protected]

Bell Bell County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1629Belton, TX 76513Phone: (254) 933-5774

Fax: (254) 933-6754Email: [email protected]

Bexar Bexar County Early Voting Clerk1103 S Frio, Ste 100San Antonio, TX 78207Phone: (210) 335-8683

Fax: (210) 335-0371Email: [email protected]

Blanco Blanco County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 465Johnson City, TX 78636Phone: (830) 868-7357

Fax: (830) 868-4158Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Borden Borden County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1151Gail, TX 79738Phone: (806) 756-4312

Fax: (806) 756-4324Email: [email protected]

Bosque Bosque County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 346Meridian, TX 76665Phone: (254) 435-2201

Fax: (254) 435-2152Email: [email protected]

Bowie Bowie County Early Voting Clerk710 James Bowie DrNew Boston, TX 75570Phone: (903) 628-6810

Fax: (903) 628-6811Email: [email protected]

Brazoria Brazoria County Early Voting Clerk450 N VelascoAngleton, TX 77515Phone: (979) 864-1371

Fax: (979) 864-1164Email: [email protected]

Brazos Brazos County Early Voting Clerk300 E Wm. J. PkwyBryan, TX 77803Phone: (979) 361-4135

Fax: (979) 361-4125Email: [email protected]

Brewster Brewster County Early Voting Clerk107 W. Ave E Alpine, TX 79830Phone: (432) 837-6230

Fax: (432) 837-3871Email: [email protected]

Briscoe Briscoe County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 315Silverton, TX 79257Phone: (806) 823-2134

Fax: (806) 823-2076Email: [email protected]

Brooks Brooks County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 714Falfurrias, TX 78355Phone: (361) 325-5670 x368

Fax: (361) 325-4019Email: [email protected]

Brown Brown County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 700Brownwood, TX 76804Phone: (325) 646-4333

Fax: (325) 643-6317Email: [email protected]

Burleson Burleson County Early Voting Clerk100 W Buck St, #107Caldwell, TX 77836Phone: (979) 567-2000

Fax: (979) 567-0789Email: [email protected]

Burnet Burnet County Early Voting Clerk220 S St. BurnetPierce, TX 78611Phone: (512) 715-5288

Fax: (512) 715-5287Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Caldwell Caldwell County Early Voting Clerk1403 Blackjack StLockhart, TX 78644Phone: (512) 668-4347

Fax: (512) 398-1821Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun County Early Voting Clerk211 S Ann StPort Lavaca, TX 77979Phone: (361) 553-4440

Fax: (361) 553-4443Email: [email protected]

Callahan Callahan County Early Voting Clerk100 W 4th St, Ste 101Baird, TX 79504Phone: (325) 854-5815

Fax: (325) 854-5816Email: [email protected]

Cameron Cameron County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 3587Brownsville, TX 78522Phone: (956) 544-0809

Fax: (956) 550-7298Email: [email protected]

Camp Camp County Early Voting Clerk115 N Ave Ste BPittsburg, TX 75686Phone: (903) 856-2731

Fax: (903) 856-6112Email: [email protected]

Carson Carson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 339Panhandle, TX 79068Phone: (806) 537-3873

Fax: (806) 537-3623Email: [email protected]

Cass Cass County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 870Linden, TX 75563Phone: (903) 756-5071

Fax: (903) 756-8057Email: [email protected]

Castro Castro County Early Voting Clerk100 E Bedford, Rm 101Dimmit, TX 79027Phone: (806) 647-3338

Fax: (806) 647-5438Email: [email protected]

Chambers Chambers County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 519Anahuac, TX 77514Phone: (409) 267-2418

Fax: (409) 267-8315Email: [email protected]

Cherokee Cherokee County Early Voting Clerk138 W 5th StRusk, TX 75785Phone: (903) 683-8409

Fax: (903) 683-8419Email: [email protected]

Childress Childress County Early Voting Clerk100 Ave E, NWChildress, TX 79201Phone: (940) 937-6143

Fax: (940) 937-3708Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Clay Clay County Early Voting Clerk214 N Main StHenrietta, TX 76365Phone: (940) 538-4631

Fax: (940) 264-4160Email: [email protected]

Cochran Cochran County Early Voting Clerk100 N Main, Rm 201Morton, TX 79346Phone: (806) 266-5450

Fax: (806) 266-9027Email: [email protected]

Coke Coke County Early Voting Clerk13 E 7th StRobert Lee, TX 76945Phone: (325) 453-2631

Fax: (325) 453-2650Email: [email protected]

Coleman Coleman County Early Voting Clerk100 W Liveoak, Ste 104Coleman, TX 76834Phone: (325) 625-2889

Fax: (325) 625-2889Email: [email protected]

Collin Collin County Early Voting Clerk2010 Redbud Blvd, Ste 102McKinney, TX 75069Phone: (972) 547-1990

Fax: (972) 547-1914Email: [email protected]

Collingsworth Collingsworth County Early Voting Clerk800 W Ave, Box 2 WellingtonWest, TX 79095Phone: (806) 447-2408

Fax: (806) 447-2409Email: [email protected]

Colorado Colorado County Early Voting Clerk318 Spring St, #102Columbus, TX 78934Phone: (979) 732-6860

Fax: (979) 732-8852Email: [email protected]

Comal Comal County Early Voting Clerk205 N. SeguinNew Braunfels, TX 78130Phone: (830) 221-1352

Fax: (830) 608-2013Email: [email protected]

Comanche Comanche County Early Voting Clerk101 W Central AveComanche, TX 76442Phone: (325) 356-2655

Fax: (325) 356-5764Email: [email protected]

Concho Concho County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 67Paint Rock, TX 76866Phone: (325) 732-2031

Fax: (325) 732-2040Email: [email protected]

Cooke Cooke County Early Voting Clerk102 S Dixon StGainesville, TX 76240Phone: (940) 668-5521

Fax: (940) 668-5486Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Coryell Coryell County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 6Gatesville, TX 76528Phone: (254) 248-3141

Fax: (254) 865-2519Email: [email protected]

Cottle Cottle County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 908Paducah, TX 79248Phone: (806) 492-3823

Fax: (806) 492-2625Email: [email protected]

Crane Crane County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 878Crane, TX 79731Phone: (432) 558-3581

Fax: (432) 558-1148Email: [email protected]

Crockett Crockett County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer HOzona, TX 76943Phone: (325) 392-2022

Fax: (325) 392-3742Email: [email protected]

Crosby Crosby County Early Voting Clerk201 W Aspen, #100Crosbyton, TX 79322Phone: (806) 675-2334

Fax: (806) 675-2980Email: [email protected]

Culberson Culberson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 668Van Horn, TX 79855Phone: (432) 283-2058

Fax: (432) 283-2091Email: [email protected]

Dallam Dallam County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1299Dalhart, TX 79022Phone: (806) 244-4751

Fax: (806) 244-3751Email: [email protected]

Dallas Dallas County Early Voting Clerk2377 N Stemmons, Ste 820Dallas, TX 75207Phone: (214) 819-6359

Fax: (214) 819-6303Email: [email protected]

Dawson Dawson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer 1268Lamesa, TX 79331Phone: (806) 872-3778

Fax: (806) 872-2473Email: [email protected]

DeWitt DeWitt County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 169Cuero, TX 77954Phone: (361) 275-0859

Fax: (361) 275-0860Email: [email protected]

Deaf Smith Deaf Smith County Early Voting Clerk235 E 3rd St, Rm 203Hereford, TX 79045Phone: (806) 363-7077

Fax: (806) 363-7023Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Delta Delta County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 388Cooper, TX 75432Phone: (903) 395-4400 x222

Fax: (903) 395-4260Email: [email protected]

Denton Denton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1720Denton, TX 76202Phone: (940) 349-3200

Fax: (940) 349-3201Email: [email protected]

Dickens Dickens County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 120Dickens, TX 79229Phone: (806) 623-5531

Fax: (806) 623-5240Email: [email protected]

Dimmit Dimmit County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 425Carrizo Springs, TX 78834Phone: (830) 876-4209

Fax: (830) 876-4205Email: [email protected]

Donley Donley County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 638Clarendon, TX 79226Phone: (806) 874-3436

Fax: (806) 874-3351Email: [email protected]

Duval Duval County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 308San Diego, TX 78384Phone: (361) 279-6278

Fax: (361) 279-8842Email: [email protected]

Eastland Eastland County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 389Eastland, TX 76448Phone: (254) 629-6051

Fax: (254) 631-0067Email: [email protected]

Ector Ector County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 11149Odessa, TX 79760Phone: (432) 498-4030

Fax: (432) 498-4009Email: [email protected]

Edwards Edwards County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 378Rocksprings, TX 78880Phone: (830) 683-2235

Fax: (830) 683-5376Email: [email protected]

El Paso El Paso County Early Voting Clerk500 E San Antonio, Ste 314El Paso, TX 79901Phone: (915) 546-2154

Fax: (915) 546-2220Email: [email protected]

Ellis Ellis County Early Voting Clerk106 S Monroe StWaxahachie, TX 75165Phone: (972) 923-5195

Fax: (972) 923-5194Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Erath Erath County Early Voting Clerk320 W CollegeStephenville, TX 76401Phone: (254) 965-1482

Fax: (254) 965-5732Email: [email protected]

Falls Falls County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 810Marlin, TX 76661Phone: (254) 883-1521

Fax: (254) 804-0044Email: [email protected]

Fannin Fannin County Early Voting Clerk101 E Sam Rayburn Dr, #102Bonham, TX 75418Phone: (903) 583-7488

Fax: (903) 640-4241Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 605La Grange, TX 78945Phone: (979) 968-6563

Fax: (979) 968-6426Email: [email protected]

Fisher Fisher County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 278Roby, TX 76543Phone: (325) 776-2401

Fax: (325) 776-3274Email: [email protected]

Floyd Floyd County Early Voting Clerk105 S Main, Rm 116Floydada, TX 79235Phone: (806) 983-4900

Fax: (806) 983-4921Email: [email protected]

Foard Foard County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 309Crowell, TX 79227Phone: (940) 684-1365

Fax: (940) 684-1918Email: [email protected]

Fort Bend Fort Bend County Early Voting Clerk301 Jackson StRichmond, TX 77469Phone: (281) 341-8670

Fax: (281) 341-4418Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1047Mount Vernon, TX 75457Phone: (903) 537-2342 x2

Fax: (903) 537-2962 x2Email: [email protected]

Freestone Freestone County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 257Fairfield, TX 75840Phone: (903) 389-2635

Fax: (903) 389-6956Email: [email protected]

Frio Frio County Early Voting Clerk500 E San Antonto St #20Pearsall, TX 78061Phone: (830) 334-2214

Fax: (830) 334-0021Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Gaines Gaines County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 847Seminole, TX 79360Phone: (432) 758-4041

Fax: (432) 955-0150Email: [email protected]

Galveston Galveston County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1169Galveston, TX 77553Phone: (409) 766-2200

Fax: (409) 765-3249Email: [email protected]

Garza Garza County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 26Post, TX 79356Phone: (806) 495-4430

Fax: (806) 495-4431Email: [email protected]

Gillespie Gillespie County Early Voting Clerk101 W Main, #2Fredericksburg, TX 78624Phone: (830) 997-6515

Fax: (830) 997-9958Email: [email protected]

Glasscock Glasscock County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 89 Garden City, TX 79739Phone: (432) 354-2489

Fax: (432) 354-2348Email: [email protected]

Goliad Goliad County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 800Goliad, TX 77963Phone: (361) 645-3294

Fax: (361) 645-3858Email: [email protected]

Gonzales Gonzales County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 677Gonzales, TX 78629Phone: (830) 672-2801

Fax: (830) 672-2636Email: [email protected]

Gray Gray County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2493Pampa, TX 79066Phone: (806) 669-4003

Fax: (806) 669-4004Email: [email protected]

Grayson Grayson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2107Sherman, TX 75091Phone: (903) 813-5216

Fax: (903) 870-0829Email: [email protected]

Gregg Gregg County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2827Longview, TX 75606Phone: (903) 237-2652

Fax: (903) 234-3126Email: [email protected]

Grimes Grimes County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 375Anderson, TX 77830Phone: (936) 873-4424

Fax: (936) 873-2083Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Guadalupe Guadalupe County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1346Seguin, TX 78156Phone: (830) 303-6363

Fax: (830) 303-6373Email: [email protected]

Hale Hale County Early Voting Clerk521 Broadway Courthouse AnnexPlainview, TX 79072Phone: (806) 291-5261

Fax: (806) 291-9810Email: [email protected]

Hall Hall County Early Voting Clerk512 W Main, Ste 5Memphis, TX 79245Phone: (806) 259-2627

Fax: (806) 259-5078Email: [email protected]

Hamilton Hamilton County Early Voting Clerk102 N Rice St, Ste 112Hamilton, TX 76531Phone: (254) 386-1200 x10

Fax: (254) 386-8727Email: [email protected]

Hansford Hansford County Early Voting Clerk14 NW CourtSpearman, TX 79081Phone: (806) 659-4110

Fax: (806) 659-4168Email: [email protected]

Hardeman Hardeman County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 30Quanah, TX 79252Phone: (940) 663-2961

Fax: (940) 663-5161Email: [email protected]

Hardin Hardin County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2260Kountz, TX 77625Phone: (409) 246-5185

Fax: (409) 246-5287Email: [email protected]

Harris Harris County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 3527Houston, TX 77253Phone: (713) 755-3852

Fax: (713) 755-4983Email: [email protected]

Harrison Harrison County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 8409Marshall, TX 75671Phone: (903) 935-4822

Fax: (903) 938-1509Email: [email protected]

Hartley Hartley County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 89Channing, TX 79018Phone: (806) 235-3582

Fax: (806) 235-2316Email: [email protected]

Haskell Haskell County Early Voting Clerk1 Ave DHaskell, TX 79521Phone: (940) 864-2451

Fax: (940) 864-6164Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Hays Hays County Early Voting Clerk712 S Stagecoach Trail, Ste 1045San Marcos, TX 78666Phone: (512) 393-7310

Fax: (512) 393-2248Email: [email protected]

Hemphill Hemphill County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 959Canadian, TX 79014Phone: (806) 323-6212

Fax: (806) 323-8125Email: [email protected]

Henderson Henderson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2720Athens, TX 75751Phone: (903) 675-6160

Fax: (903) 675-6101Email: [email protected]

Hidalgo Hidalgo County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 659Edinburg, TX 78540Phone: (956) 318-2570

Fax: (956) 393-2039Email: [email protected]

Hill Hill County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 725Hillsboro, TX 76645Phone: (254) 582-4072

Fax: (254) 582-4073Email: [email protected]

Hockley Hockley County Early Voting Clerk802 Houston, Ste 106Levelland, TX 79336Phone: (806) 894-3185

Fax: (806) 894-6917Email: [email protected]

Hood Hood County Early Voting Clerk1410 W Pearl StGranbury, TX 76048Phone: (817) 408-2525

Fax: (817) 408-2592Email: [email protected]

Hopkins Hopkins County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 481 Sulphur Springs, TX 75483Phone: (903) 438-4074

Fax: (903) 438-4110Email: [email protected]

Houston Houston County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 941Crockett, TX 75835Phone: (936) 544-3255 x240

Fax: (936) 544-1954Email: [email protected]

Howard Howard County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1069Big Spring, TX 79721Phone: (432) 264-2273

Fax: (432) 264-2275Email: [email protected]

Hudspeth Hudspeth County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 158Sierra Blanca, TX 79851Phone: (915) 369-2301

Fax: (915) 369-0055Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Hunt Hunt County Early Voting Clerk2217A GreenvilleWashington, TX 75401Phone: (903) 454-5467

Fax: (903) 454-7905Email: [email protected]

Hutchinson Hutchinson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 989Stinnett, TX 79083Phone: (806) 878-4002

Fax: (806) 878-3497Email: [email protected]

Irion Irion County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 859Mertzon, TX 76941Phone: (325) 835-2421

Fax: (325) 835-7941Email: [email protected]

Jack Jack County Early Voting Clerk100 N Main, Ste 209Jacksboro, TX 76458Phone: (940) 567-2111

Fax: (940) 567-6441Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson County Early Voting Clerk115 W. Main, Rm 102Edna, TX 77957Phone: (361) 782-3563

Fax: (361) 782-3132Email: [email protected]

Jasper Jasper County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2070Jasper, TX 75951Phone: (409) 384-2632

Fax: (409) 384-7198Email: [email protected]

Jeff Davis Jeff Davis County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1061Fort Davis, TX 79734Phone: (432) 426-3251

Fax: (432) 426-3760Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2112Beaumont, TX 77704Phone: (409) 835-8475

Fax: (409) 839-2394Email: [email protected]

Jim Hogg Jim Hogg County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 160Hebbronville, TX 78361Phone: (361) 527-4031

Fax: (361) 527-5843Email: [email protected]

Jim Wells Jim Wells County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2188Alice, TX 78333Phone: (361) 668-5711

Fax: (361) 664-4276Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 895Cleburne, TX 76033Phone: (817) 556-6197

Fax: (817) 556-6048Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Jones Jones County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 511Anson, TX 79501Phone: (325) 823-3762

Fax: (325) 823-3979Email: [email protected]

Karnes Karnes County Early Voting Clerk200 W Calvert, Ste 3Karnes City, TX 78118Phone: (830) 780-3938

Fax: (830) 780-4576Email: [email protected]

Kaufman Kaufman County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 339Kaufman, TX 75142Phone: (972) 932-0290

Fax: (972) 932-1413Email: [email protected]

Kendall Kendall County Early Voting Clerk221 Fawn Valley Dr, Ste 100Boerne, TX 78006Phone: (830) 331-8701

Fax: (830) 331-8295Email: [email protected]

Kenedy Kenedy County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 243Sarita, TX 78385Phone: (361) 294-5255

Fax: (361) 294-5337Email: [email protected]

Kent Kent County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 7Jayton, TX 79528Phone: (806) 237-3881

Fax: (806) 237-2300Email: [email protected]

Kerr Kerr County Early Voting Clerk700 Main St, Ste 124Kerrville, TX 78028Phone: (830) 792-2242

Fax: (830) 792-2253Email: [email protected]

Kimble Kimble County Early Voting Clerk501 Main StJunction, TX 76849Phone: (325) 446-3353

Fax: (325) 446-2986Email: [email protected]

King King County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 105Guthrie, TX 79236Phone: (806) 596-4412

Fax: (806) 596-4664Email: [email protected]

Kinney Kinney County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1220Brackettville, TX 78832Phone: (830) 563-2521

Fax: (830) 563-2644Email: [email protected]

Kleberg Kleberg County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1457Kingsville, TX 78364Phone: (361) 595-8548

Fax: (361) 593-1355Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Knox Knox County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 47Benjamin, TX 79505Phone: (940) 459-2441

Fax: (940) 459-2005Email: [email protected]

La Salle La Salle County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 737Cotulla, TX 78014Phone: (830) 879-4432

Fax: (830) 879-2933Email: [email protected]

Lamar Lamar County Early Voting Clerk231 Lamar AveParis, TX 75460Phone: (903) 782-1116

Fax: (903) 782-1123Email: [email protected]

Lamb Lamb County Early Voting Clerk100 6th Dr, Rm 105Littlefield, TX 79339Phone: (806) 385-4222

Fax: (806) 385-6485Email: [email protected]

Lampasas Lampasas County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 571Lampasas, TX 76550Phone: (512) 556-8271

Fax: (512) 564-1424Email: [email protected]

Lavaca Lavaca County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 727Hallettsville, TX 77964Phone: (361) 798-3594

Fax: (361) 798-4016Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 419Giddings, TX 78942Phone: (979) 542-3684

Fax: (979) 542-2623Email: [email protected]

Leon Leon County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1239Centerville, TX 75833Phone: (903) 536-4469

Fax: (903) 536-1773Email: [email protected]

Liberty Liberty County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1810Liberty, TX 77575Phone: (936) 336-4670

Fax: (936) 334-8174Email: [email protected]

Limestone Limestone County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 468Groesbeck, TX 76642Phone: (254) 729-4997

Fax: (254) 729-4993Email: [email protected]

Lipscomb Lipscomb County Early Voting Clerk101 S MainLipscomb, TX 79056Phone: (806) 862-2911

Fax: (806) 862-3004Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Live Oak Live Oak County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 519George West, TX 78022Phone: (361) 449-2733 x1029

Fax: (361) 449-1616Email: [email protected]

Llano Llano County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 787Llano, TX 78643Phone: (325) 247-5425

Fax: (325) 247-5624Email: [email protected]

Loving Loving County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 104Mentone, TX 79754Phone: (432) 377-2441

Fax: (432) 377-2701Email: [email protected]

Lubbock Lubbock County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 10536Lubbock, TX 79408Phone: (806) 775-1338

Fax: (806) 775-7980Email: [email protected]

Lynn Lynn County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1205Tahoka, TX 79373Phone: (806) 561-4750

Fax: (806) 561-4988Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison County Early Voting Clerk101 W Main, Rm 121Madisonville, TX 77864Phone: (936) 349-0132

Fax: (936) 348-5858Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion County Early Voting Clerk114 W Austin, Rm 100Jefferson, TX 75657Phone: (903) 665-3971

Fax: (903) 665-7936Email: [email protected]

Martin Martin County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1009Stanton, TX 79782Phone: (432) 607-3580

Fax: (432) 607-2542Email: [email protected]

Mason Mason County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 391Mason, TX 76856Phone: (325) 347-5253

Fax: (325) 347-6868Email: [email protected]

Matagorda Matagorda County Early Voting Clerk1700 7th St, Rm 203Bay City, TX 77414Phone: (979) 244-7680

Fax: (979) 244-7688Email: [email protected]

Maverick Maverick County Early Voting Clerk370 N Monroe, Box 5Eagle Pass, TX 78852Phone: (830) 757-4175

Fax: (830) 757-4337Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

McCulloch McCulloch County Early Voting Clerk302 W CommerceBrady, TX 76825Phone: (325) 597-2400 x2

Fax: (325) 597-1731Email: [email protected]

McLennan McLennan County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2450Waco, TX 76703Phone: (254) 757-5043

Fax: (254) 757-5041Email: [email protected]

McMullen McMullen County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 38Tilden, TX 78072Phone: (361) 274-3215

Fax: (361) 274-3858Email: [email protected]

Medina Medina County Early Voting Clerk1202 14th StHondo, TX 78861Phone: (830) 741-6009

Fax: (830) 741-6007Email: [email protected]

Menard Menard County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 215Menard, TX 76859Phone: (325) 396-4523

Fax: (325) 396-2047Email: [email protected]

Midland Midland County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 3434Midland, TX 79702Phone: (432) 688-4890

Fax: (432) 688-4912Email: [email protected]

Milam Milam County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 551Cameron, TX 76520Phone: (254) 697-7049

Fax: (254) 697-7055Email: [email protected]

Mills Mills County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 56Goldthwaite, TX 76844Phone: (325) 648-2711

Fax: (325) 648-3251Email: [email protected]

Mitchell Mitchell County Early Voting Clerk438 E 2nd StColorado City, TX 79512Phone: (325) 728-3481

Fax: (325) 728-5322Email: [email protected]

Montague Montague County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 158Montague, TX 76251Phone: (940) 894-2540

Fax: (940) 894-2543Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2646Conroe, TX 77305Phone: (936) 539-7843

Fax: (936) 538-8143Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Moore Moore County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 616Dumas, TX 79029Phone: (806) 935-2009

Fax: (806) 935-9004Email: [email protected]

Morris Morris County Early Voting Clerk500 Broadnax St, Ste ADaingerfield, TX 75638Phone: (903) 645-3911

Fax: (903) 645-4026Email: [email protected]

Motley Motley County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 727Matador, TX 79244Phone: (806) 347-2621

Fax: (806) 347-2220Email: [email protected]

Nacogdoches Nacogdoches County Early Voting Clerk203 W MainNacogdoches, TX 75961Phone: (936) 560-7825

Fax: (936) 560-7838Email: [email protected]

Navarro Navarro County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1018Corsicana, TX 75151Phone: (903) 875-3330

Fax: (903) 875-3331Email: [email protected]

Newton Newton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 456Newton, TX 75966Phone: (409) 379-5341

Fax: (409) 379-9049Email: [email protected]

Nolan Nolan County Early Voting Clerk100 E 3rd, Ste 100Sweetwater, TX 79556Phone: (325) 235-2462

Fax: (325) 235-4635Email: [email protected]

Nueces Nueces County Early Voting Clerk901 Leopard Ste 301Corpus Christi, TX 78401Phone: (361) 888-0611

Fax: (361) 888-0329Email: [email protected]

Ochiltree Ochiltree County Early Voting Clerk511 S MainPerryton, TX 79070Phone: (806) 435-8039

Fax: (806) 435-2081Email: [email protected]

Oldham Oldham County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2112Vega, TX 79092Phone: (806) 267-2776

Fax: (806) 267-2671Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange County Early Voting Clerk123 S 6th StOrange, TX 77630Phone: (409) 882-7973

Fax: (409) 670-4176Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Palo Pinto Palo Pinto County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 275Palo Pinto, TX 76484Phone: (940) 659-1217

Fax: (940) 659-2289Email: [email protected]

Panola Panola County Early Voting Clerk110 S. Sycamore StCarthage, TX 75633-2527Phone: (903) 693-0370

Fax: (903) 693-7283Email: [email protected]

Parker Parker County Early Voting Clerk1112 Santa Fe DrWeatherford, TX 76086Phone: (817) 598-6185

Fax: (817) 598-6183Email: [email protected]

Parmer Parmer County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer GFarwell, TX 79325Phone: (806) 481-3691

Fax: (806) 481-9152Email: [email protected]

Pecos Pecos County Early Voting Clerk200 S NelsonFort Stockton, TX 79735Phone: (432) 336-7555

Fax: (432) 336-7557Email: [email protected]

Polk Polk County Early Voting Clerk416 N WashingtonLivingston, TX 77351Phone: (936) 327-6804

Fax: (936) 327-6874Email: [email protected]

Potter Potter County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 9618Amarillo, TX 79105Phone: (806) 379-2299

Fax: (806) 379-2249Email: [email protected]

Presidio Presidio County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 848Marfa, TX 79843Phone: (432) 729-4812

Fax: (432) 729-4313Email: [email protected]

Rains Rains County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 433Emory, TX 75440Phone: (903) 473-5009

Fax: (903) 473-4162Email: [email protected]

Randall Randall County Early Voting Clerk1604 5th AveCanyon, TX 79015Phone: (806) 468-5510

Fax: (806) 468-5634Email: [email protected]

Reagan Reagan County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 100Big Lake, TX 76932Phone: (325) 884-2442

Fax: (325) 884-1503Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Real Real County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 898Leakey, TX 78873Phone: (830) 232-5202

Fax: (830) 232-6888Email: [email protected]

Red River Red River County Early Voting Clerk200 N WalnutClarksville, TX 75426Phone: (903) 427-2401

Fax: (903) 427-3589Email: [email protected]

Reeves Reeves County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 700Pecos, TX 79772Phone: (432) 445-5467

Fax: (432) 445-3997Email: [email protected]

Refugio Refugio County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 452Refugio, TX 78377Phone: (361) 526-2151

Fax: (361) 526-2102Email: [email protected]

Roberts Roberts County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 458Miami, TX 79059Phone: (806) 868-2341

Fax: (806) 868-3381Email: [email protected]

Robertson Robertson County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 819Franklin, TX 77856Phone: (979) 828-5726

Fax: (979) 828-4584Email: [email protected]

Rockwall Rockwall County Early Voting Clerk107 E Kaufman StRockwall, TX 75087Phone: (972) 204-6200

Fax: (972) 204-6209Email: [email protected]

Runnels Runnels County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 517Ballinger, TX 76821Phone: (325) 365-2720

Fax: (325) 365-3408Email: [email protected]

Rusk Rusk County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 668Henderson, TX 75652Phone: (903) 657-0321

Fax: (903) 657-0319Email: [email protected]

Sabine Sabine County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 310Hemphill, TX 75948Phone: (409) 787-3786

Fax: (409) 787-3795Email: [email protected]

San Augustine San Augustine County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 873San Augustine, TX 75972Phone: (936) 275-0989

Fax: (936) 275-0129Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

San Jacinto San Jacinto County Early Voting Clerk51 E Pine Ave, Rm A1Coldspring, TX 77331Phone: (936) 653-5804

Fax: (936) 653-5808Email: [email protected]

San Patricio San Patricio County Early Voting Clerk410 W Market StSinton, TX 78387Phone: (361) 364-6121

Fax: (361) 364-6132Email: [email protected]

San Saba San Saba County Early Voting Clerk500 E WallaceSan Saba, TX 76877Phone: (325) 372-3614

Fax: (325) 372-5425Email: [email protected]

Schleicher Schleicher County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 846Eldorado, TX 76936Phone: (325) 853-2302

Fax: (325) 853-2328Email: [email protected]

Scurry Scurry County Early Voting Clerk1806 25th St, Ste 300Snyder, TX 79549Phone: (325) 573-5332

Fax: (325) 573-7396Email: [email protected]

Shackelford Shackelford County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 2620Albany, TX 76430Phone: (325) 762-2232

Fax: (325) 762-3756Email: [email protected]

Shelby Shelby County Early Voting Clerk200 San Augustine StCenter, TX 75935Phone: (936) 598-6361

Fax: (936) 598-3701Email: [email protected]

Sherman Sherman County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1229Stratford, TX 79084Phone: (806) 366-3060

Fax: (806) 366-5670Email: [email protected]

Smith Smith County Early Voting Clerk302 E Ferguson StTyler, TX 75701Phone: (903) 590-4777

Fax: (903) 590-4778Email: [email protected]

Somervell Somervell County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1355Glen Rose, TX 76043Phone: (254) 897-9470

Fax: (254) 897-7703Email: [email protected]

Starr Starr County Early Voting Clerk100 N FM 3167, Ste 206Rio Grande City, TX 78582Phone: (956) 716-4800

Fax: (956) 716-8222Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Stephens Stephens County Early Voting Clerk200 W WalkerBreckenridge, TX 76424Phone: (254) 559-2732

Fax: (254) 559-2960Email: [email protected]

Sterling Sterling County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 808Sterling City, TX 76951Phone: (325) 378-5191

Fax: (325) 378-3111Email: [email protected]

Stonewall Stonewall County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer NAspermont, TX 79502Phone: (940) 989-2272

Fax: (940) 988-4001Email: [email protected]

Sutton Sutton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 858Sonora, TX 76950Phone: (325) 387-3815

Fax: (325) 387-6028Email: [email protected]

Swisher Swisher County Early Voting ClerkCourthouse, 119 S Maxwell, Rm 107Tulia, TX 79088Phone: (806) 995-2363

Fax: (806) 995-4121Email: [email protected]

Tarrant Tarrant County Early Voting Clerk2700 Premier StFort Worth, TX 76111Phone: (817) 831-6161

Fax: (817) 831-6118Email: [email protected]

Taylor Taylor County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 3318Abilene, TX 79604Phone: (325) 674-1216

Fax: (325) 674-1340Email: [email protected]

Terrell Terrell County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 320Sanderson, TX 79848Phone: (432) 345-2391

Fax: (432) 345-2740Email: [email protected]

Terry Terry County Early Voting Clerk501 W MainBrownfield, TX 79316Phone: (806) 637-8551

Fax: (806) 637-4874Email: [email protected]

Throckmorton Throckmorton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 309Throckmorton, TX 76483Phone: (940) 849-2501

Fax: (940) 849-3032Email: [email protected]

Titus Titus County Early Voting Clerk110 S Madison St, Ste CMt. Pleasant, TX 75455Phone: (903) 575-0902

Fax: (903) 575-1117Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Tom Green Tom Green County Early Voting Clerk113 W Beauregard AveSan Angelo, TX 76903Phone: (325) 659-6541

Fax: (325) 657-9226Email: [email protected]

Travis Travis County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1748Austin, TX 78767Phone: (512) 854-4996

Fax: (512) 854-3969Email: [email protected]

Trinity Trinity County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 369Groveton, TX 75845Phone: (936) 642-1208

Fax: (936) 642-3004Email: [email protected]

Tyler Tyler County Early Voting Clerk116 S Charlton StWoodville, TX 75979Phone: (409) 283-2281

Fax: (409) 283-8049Email: [email protected]

Upshur Upshur County Early Voting Clerk215 N TitusGilmer, TX 75644Phone: (903) 843-4015

Fax: (903) 843-4504Email: [email protected]

Upton Upton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 65Rankin, TX 79778Phone: (432) 693-2014

Fax: (432) 693-2243Email: [email protected]

Uvalde Uvalde County Early Voting Clerk#8 Courthouse SquareUvalde, TX 78801Phone: (830) 278-3225

Fax: (830) 486-0062Email: [email protected]

Val Verde Val Verde County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1368Del Rio, TX 78840Phone: (830) 774-7564

Fax: (830) 774-7608Email: [email protected]

Van Zandt Van Zandt County Early Voting Clerk121 E Dallas, Rm 202Canton, TX 75103Phone: (903) 567-6503

Fax: (903) 567-6722Email: [email protected]

Victoria Victoria County Early Voting Clerk2805 N Navarro, Ste 500Victoria, TX 77901Phone: (361) 576-0124

Fax: (361) 582-5940Email: [email protected]

Walker Walker County Early Voting Clerk1301 Sam Houston AveHuntsville, TX 77340Phone: (936) 436-4959

Fax: (936) 436-4961Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Waller Waller County Early Voting Clerk730 9th StHempstead, TX 77445Phone: (979) 826-7643

Fax: (979) 826-7645Email: [email protected]

Ward Ward County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 290Monahans, TX 79756Phone: (432) 943-3294

Fax: (432) 943-6054Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Early Voting Clerk100 E Main, Ste 102Brenham, TX 77833Phone: (979) 277-6200

Fax: (979) 277-6213Email: [email protected]

Webb Webb County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer 29Laredo, TX 78042Phone: (956) 523-4050

Fax: (956) 523-5006Email: [email protected]

Wharton Wharton County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 390Wharton, TX 77488Phone: (979) 532-0193

Fax: (979) 282-2034Email: [email protected]

Wheeler Wheeler County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1060Wheeler, TX 79096Phone: (806) 826-5544

Fax: (806) 826-3282Email: [email protected]

Wichita Wichita County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1679Wichita Falls, TX 76307Phone: (940) 766-8174

Fax: (940) 716-8554Email: [email protected]

Wilbarger Wilbarger County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1984Vernon, TX 76385Phone: (940) 552-5486

Fax: (940) 553-1202Email: [email protected]

Willacy Willacy County Early Voting Clerk190 N 3rd StRaymondville, TX 78580Phone: (956) 689-2387

Fax: (956) 689-2682Email: [email protected]

Williamson Williamson County Early Voting Clerk301 SE Inner Loop, Ste 104Georgetown, TX 78626Phone: (512) 943-1630

Fax: (512) 943-1634Email: [email protected]

Wilson Wilson County Early Voting Clerk2 Library Ln, Ste 1Floresville, TX 78114Phone: (830) 393-7309

Fax: (830) 393-7334Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Winkler Winkler County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Drawer TKermit, TX 79745Phone: (432) 586-3465

Fax: (432) 586-6925Email: [email protected]

Wise Wise County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 1597Decatur, TX 76234Phone: (940) 626-4453

Fax: (940) 626-4283Email: [email protected]

Wood Wood County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 970Quitman, TX 75783Phone: (903) 763-2400

Fax: (903) 763-2401Email: [email protected]

Yoakum Yoakum County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 250Plains, TX 79355Phone: (806) 456-7491

Fax: (806) 456-2258Email: [email protected]

Young Young County Early Voting Clerk516 4th St, Rm B1Graham, TX 76450Phone: (940) 549-8432

Fax: (940) 521-0305Email: [email protected]

Zapata Zapata County Early Voting Clerk200 E 7th Ave, Ste 226Zapata, TX 78076Phone: (956) 765-9915

Fax: (956) 765-9933Email: [email protected]

Zavala Zavala County Early Voting ClerkP.O. Box 670Crystal City, TX 78839Phone: (830) 374-2331

Fax: (830) 374-5955Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can be

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryJune 28, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by*May 30, 2016

Received by*October 10, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJune 23, 2016

Received byNovember 3, 2016

Ballot Return By Mail: Sent by**June 27, 2016By Email or Fax: Received by8 PM, June 28, 2016

By Mail: Sent by**November 7, 2016By Email or Fax: Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Registration: The FWAB must be received 5 days before the election if used for registration.

**Ballot Return: Mailed ballots must be received by the 13th day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot by contacting yourelection official. Contact information can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section.

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

found in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under a

different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receiving



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

your absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information is



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to the

recommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

general election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/ Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Beaver Beaver County ClerkP.O. Box 392Beaver, UT 84713Phone: (435) 438-6463

Fax: (435) 438-6462Email: [email protected]

Box Elder Box Elder County Clerk01 S Main StBrigham City, UT 84302Phone: (435) 734-3355

Fax: (435) 723-7562Email: [email protected]

Cache Cache County Clerk179 N Main St, Ste 102Logan, UT 84321Phone: (435) 755-1460

Fax: (435) 755-1980Email: [email protected]

Carbon Carbon County Clerk751 E 100 North, Ste 1100Price, UT 84501Phone: (435) 636-3224

Fax: (435) 636-3210Email: [email protected]

Daggett Daggett County ClerkP.O. Box 400Manila, UT 84046Phone: (435) 784-3154

Fax: (435) 784-3335Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Davis Davis County Clerk61 S MainFarmington, UT 84025Phone: (801) 451-3324

Fax: (801) 451-3421Email: [email protected]

Duchesne Duchesne County ClerkP.O. Box 270Duchesne, UT 84021Phone: (435) 738-1228

Fax: (435) 738-5522Email: [email protected]

Emery Emery County ClerkP.O. Box 907Castle Dale, UT 84513Phone: (435) 381-5106

Fax: (435) 381-5183Email: [email protected]

Garfield Garfield County Clerk55 S MainPanguitch, UT 84759Phone: (435) 676-8826

Fax: (435) 676-8239Email: [email protected]

Grand Grand County Clerk125 E CenterMoab, UT 84532Phone: (435) 259-1321

Fax: (435) 259-2959Email: [email protected]

Iron Iron County ClerkP.O. Box 429Parowan, UT 84761Phone: (435) 477-8340

Fax: (435) 477-8847Email: [email protected]

Juab Juab County Clerk160 N MainNephi, UT 84648Phone: (435) 623-3410

Fax: (435) 623-5936Email: [email protected]

Kane Kane County Clerk76 N Main StKanab, UT 84741Phone: (435) 644-2458

Fax: (435) 644-4939Email: [email protected]

Millard Millard County Clerk765 S Highway 99, Ste 6Fillmore, UT 84631Phone: (435) 743-6223

Fax: (435) 743-6923Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan County ClerkP.O. Box 886Morgan, UT 84050Phone: (801) 845-4011

Fax: (801) 829-6176Email: [email protected]

Piute Piute County ClerkP.O. Box 99Junction, UT 84740Phone: (435) 577-2840

Fax: (435) 577-2433Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Rich Rich County ClerkP.O. Box 218Randolph, UT 84064Phone: (435) 793-2415

Fax: (435) 793-2410Email: [email protected]

Salt Lake Salt Lake County Clerk Elections Division2001 S State St, #S1100Salt Lake City, UT 84190Phone: (385) 468-7400

Fax: (385) 468-7401Email: [email protected]

San Juan San Juan County ClerkP.O. Box 338Monticello, UT 84535Phone: (435) 587-3223

Fax: (435) 587-2425Email: [email protected]

Sanpete Sanpete County Clerk160 N Main, Ste 202Manti, UT 84642Phone: (435) 835-2131

Fax: (435) 835-2144Email: [email protected]

Sevier Sevier County ClerkP.O. Box 607Richfield, UT 84701Phone: (435) 893-0401

Fax: (435) 893-0496Email: [email protected]

Summit Summit County ClerkP.O. Box 128Coalville, UT 84017Phone: (435) 336-3204

Fax: (435) 336-3030Email: [email protected]

Tooele Tooele County Clerk47 S MainTooele, UT 84074Phone: (435) 843-3140

Fax: (435) 882-7317Email: [email protected]

Uintah Uintah County Clerk147 E MainVernal, UT 84078Phone: (435) 781-5361

Fax: (435) 781-6701Email: [email protected]

Utah Utah County Clerk100 E Center, Rm 3100Provo, UT 84606Phone: (801) 851-8128

Fax: (801) 370-8122Email: [email protected]

Wasatch Wasatch County Clerk25 N MainHeber City, UT 84032Phone: (435) 654-3211

Fax: (435) 654-0834Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington County Clerk197 E TabernacleSaint George, UT 84770Phone: (435) 634-5712

Fax: (435) 634-5763Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Wayne Wayne County ClerkP.O. Box 189Loa, UT 84747Phone: (435) 836-1300

Fax: (435) 836-2479Email: [email protected]

Weber Weber County Clerk2380 Washington Blvd, #320Ogden, UT 84401Phone: (801) 399-8400

Fax: (801) 399-8300Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Vermont is eligible to vote in

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can I

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 9, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byFebruary 24, 2016

Received byAugust 3, 2016

Received byNovember 2, 2016

Ballot Request Received byFebruary 29, 2016

Received byAugust 8, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return Received byMarch 1, 2016

Received byAugust 9, 2016

Received byNovember 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges? in this State?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party ballot you want toreceive. Political party affiliation isnot required if requesting anabsentee ballot for other primaryelections or general elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your election

official can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.If you have never registered before inVermont, you must take aself-administered oath or it may beadministered by anyone over the ageof 18. The Vermont voter's oath is:"You solemnly swear (or affirm) thatwhenever you give your vote orsuffrage, touching any matter thatconcerns the State of Vermont, youwill do it so as in your conscience you



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You your signed FPCA to your electionmust mailofficial. Addresses can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections for

shall judge will most conduce to thebest good of the same, asestablished by the Constitution,without fear or favor of any person."You, or the person who administeredthe oath to you, must write ONE ofthe following and sign (asapplicable): On the (enter day) day of(enter month), (enter year), I swore oraffirmed the Vermont voter's oath"OR "I administered the oath to thevoter."

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

federal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in presidential primaryelections, you must enter the nameof the party primary in which you arevoting. Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin other primary elections and allgeneral elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials tobe sent to a different address orhave a forwarding address, useBlock 9 for this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official in



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address

Addison Addison Town Clerk65 VT Route 17WAddison, VT 05491Phone: (802) 759-2020

Fax: (802) 759-2233Email: [email protected]

Albany Albany Town ClerkP.O. Box 284Albany, VT 05820Phone: (802) 755-6100

Email: [email protected]

Alburgh Alburgh Town Clerk1 N Main StAlburgh, VT 05440Phone: (802) 796-3468

Fax: (802) 796-3939Email: [email protected]

accepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

City Mailing Address

Andover Andover Town Clerk953 Weston-Andover RdAndover, VT 05143Phone: (802) 875-2765

Fax: (802) 875-6647Email: [email protected]

Arlington Arlington Town Clerk P.O. Box 304Arlington, VT 05250Phone: (802) 375-2332

Fax: (802) 375-2332Email: [email protected]

Athens Athens Town Clerk25 Brookline RdAthens, VT 05143Phone: (802) 869-3370

Fax: (802) 869-3370Email: [email protected]

Bakersfield Bakersfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 203Bakersfield, VT 05441Phone: (802) 827-4495

Fax: (802) 827-3106Email: [email protected]

Baltimore Baltimore Town Clerk1902 Baltimore RdBaltimore, VT 05143Phone: (802) 263-5274

Fax: (802) 263-5274Email: [email protected]

Barnard Barnard Town ClerkP.O. Box 274Barnard, VT 05031-0274Phone: (802) 234-9211

Email: [email protected]

Barnet Barnet Town ClerkP.O. Box 15Barnet, VT 05821Phone: (802) 633-2256

Fax: (802) 633-4315Email: [email protected]

Barre City Barre City ClerkP.O. Box 418Barre, VT 05641Phone: (802) 476-0242

Fax: (802) 476-0264Email: [email protected]

Barre Town Barre Town ClerkP.O. Box 124Websterville, VT 05678Phone: (802) 479-9391

Fax: (802) 479-9332Email: [email protected]

Barton Barton Town Clerk34 Main St.Barton, VT 05822Phone: (802) 525-6222

Fax: (802) 525-8856Email: [email protected]

Belvidere Belvidere Town Clerk3996 VT RT 109Belvidere, VT 05442Phone: (802) 644-6621

Fax: (802) 644-6621Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Bennington Bennington Town Clerk205 S StBennington, VT 05201Phone: (802) 442-1043

Fax: (802) 442-1068Email: [email protected]

Benson Benson Town ClerkP.O. Box 163Benson, VT 05731Phone: (802) 537-2611

Fax: (802) 537-2612Email: [email protected]

Berkshire Berkshire Town Clerk4454 Watertower RdEnosburg Falls, VT 05450Phone: (802) 933-2335

Fax: (802) 933-5913Email: [email protected]

Berlin Berlin Town Clerk108 Shed RdBerlin, VT 05602Phone: (802) 229-9298

Fax: (802) 229-9530Email: [email protected]

Bethel Bethel Town ClerkP.O. Box 404Bethel, VT 05032Phone: (802) 234-9722

Fax: (802) 234-6840Email: [email protected]

Bloomfield Bloomfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 336N Stratford, VT 05905-0336Phone: (802) 962-5191

Fax: (802) 962-5191Email: [email protected]

Bolton Bolton Town Clerk3045 Roosevelt HwyWaterbury, VT 05676Phone: (802) 434-5075

Fax: (802) 434-6404Email: [email protected]

Bradford Bradford Town ClerkP.O. Box 339Bradford, VT 05033Phone: (802) 222-4727

Fax: (802) 222-3520Email: [email protected]

Braintree Braintree Town Clerk932 VT Route 12ABraintree, VT 05060Phone: (802) 728-9787

Fax: (802) 728-9742Email: [email protected]

Brandon Brandon Town Clerk49 Center StBrandon, VT 05733Phone: (802) 247-5721

Fax: (802) 247-5481Email: [email protected]

Brattleboro Brattleboro Town Clerk230 Main St, Ste 108Brattleboro, VT 05301Phone: (802) 251-8157

Fax: (802) 257-2312Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Bridgewater Bridgewater Town Clerk7335 US RT 4Bridgewater, VT 05034Phone: (802) 672-3334

Fax: (802) 672-5395Email: [email protected]

Bridport Bridport Town ClerkP.O. Box 27Bridport, VT 05734Phone: (802) 758-2483

Fax: (802) 758-2483Email: [email protected]

Brighton Brighton Town ClerkP.O. Box 377Island Pond, VT 05846Phone: (802) 723-4405

Fax: (802) 723-4405Email: [email protected]

Bristol Bristol Town ClerkP.O. Box 249Bristol, VT 05443Phone: (802) 453-2410

Fax: (802) 453-5188Email: [email protected]

Brookfield Brookfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 463Brookfield, VT 05036Phone: (802) 276-3352

Fax: (802) 276-3926Email: [email protected]

Brookline Brookline Town ClerkP.O. Box 403Brookline, VT 05345Phone: (802) 365-4648

Fax: (802) 365-4092Email: [email protected]

Brownington Brownington Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Orleans, VT 05860Phone: (802) 754-8401

Fax: (802) 754-8401Email: [email protected]

Brunswick Brunswick Town Clerk994 VT Route 102Brunswick, VT 05905Phone: (802) 962-5514

Fax: (802) 962-5522Email: [email protected]

Burke Burke Town Clerk212 School StWest Burke, VT 05871Phone: (802) 467-3717

Fax: (802) 467-8623Email: [email protected]

Burlington Burlington City Clerk149 Church StBurlington, VT 05401Phone: (802) 865-7000

Fax: (802) 865-7014Email: [email protected]

Cabot Cabot Town ClerkP.O. Box 36Cabot, VT 05647Phone: (802) 563-2279

Fax: (802) 563-2423Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Calais Calais Town Clerk3120 Pekin Brook RdEast Calais, VT 05650Phone: (802) 456-8720

Email: [email protected]

Cambridge Cambridge Town ClerkPo Box 127Jeffersonville, VT 05464Phone: (802) 644-2251

Fax: (802) 644-8348Email: [email protected]

Canaan Canaan Town ClerkP.O. Box 159Canaan, VT 05903Phone: (802) 266-3370

Fax: (802) 266-8253Email: [email protected]

Castleton Castleton Town ClerkP.O. Box 727Castleton, VT 05735Phone: (802) 468-2212 x214

Fax: (802) 468-5482Email: [email protected]

Cavendish Cavendish Town ClerkP.O. Box 126Cavendish, VT 05142Phone: (802) 226-7291

Fax: (802) 226-7290Email: [email protected]

Charleston Charleston Town Clerk5063 VT RTE 105W Charleston, VT 05872Phone: (802) 895-2814

Fax: (802) 895-2814Email: [email protected]

Charlotte Charlotte Town ClerkP.O. Box 119Charlotte, VT 05445Phone: (802) 425-3071

Fax: (802) 425-4713Email: [email protected]

Chelsea Chelsea Town ClerkP.O. Box 266Chelsea, VT 05038Phone: (802) 685-4460

Fax: (802) 685-4460Email: [email protected]

Chester Chester Town ClerkP.O. Box 370Chester, VT 05143Phone: (802) 875-2173

Fax: (802) 875-2237Email: [email protected]

Chittenden Chittenden Town ClerkP.O. Box 89Chittenden, VT 05737Phone: (802) 483-6647

Fax: (802) 483-2504Email: [email protected]

Clarendon Clarendon Town ClerkP.O. Box 30Clarendon, VT 05759Phone: (802) 775-4274

Fax: (802) 775-4274Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Colchester Colchester Town ClerkP.O. Box 55Colchester, VT 05446Phone: (802) 264-5520

Fax: (802) 264-5503Email: [email protected]

Concord Concord Town ClerkP.O. Box 317Concord, VT 05824Phone: (802) 695-2220

Fax: (802) 695-2552Email: [email protected]

Conventry Conventry Town ClerkP.O. Box 461Corinth, VT 05039Phone: (802) 439-5850

Fax: (802) 439-9104Email: [email protected]

Corinth Corinth Town Clerk2629 Route 30Cornwall, VT 05753Phone: (802) 462-2775

Fax: (802) 462-2606Email: [email protected]

Cornwall Cornwall Town ClerkP.O. Box 104Coventry, VT 05825Phone: (802) 754-2288

Fax: (802) 754-6274Email: [email protected]

Craftsbury Craftsbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 55Craftsbury, VT 05826Phone: (802) 586-2823

Fax: (802) 586-2323Email: [email protected]

Danby Danby Town Clerk130 Brook RdDanby, VT 05739Phone: (802) 293-5136

Fax: (802) 293-5311Email: [email protected]

Danville Danville Town ClerkP.O. Box 125Danville, VT 05828-0183Phone: (802) 684-3352

Fax: (802) 684-9606Email: [email protected]

Derby Derby Town Clerk124 Main St.Derby, VT 05829Phone: (802) 766-4906

Fax: (802) 766-2027Email: [email protected]

Dorset Dorset Town ClerkP.O. Box 24East Dorset, VT 05253Phone: (802) 362-1178 x2

Fax: (802) 362-5156Email: [email protected]

Dover Dover Town ClerkP.O. Box 527West Dover, VT 05356Phone: (802) 464-5100 x2

Fax: (802) 464 8721Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Dummerston Dummerston Town Clerk1523 Middle RdE. Dummerston, VT 05346Phone: (802) 257-1496

Fax: (802) 2574671Email: [email protected]

Duxbury Duxbury Town Clerk5421 VT Route 100Duxbury, VT 05676Phone: (802) 244-6660

Fax: (802) 244-5442Email: [email protected]

East Haven East Haven Town ClerkP.O. Box 10East Haven, VT 05837Phone: (802) 467-3772

Email: [email protected]

East Montpelier East Montpelier Town ClerkP.O. Box 157E Montpelier, VT 05651Phone: (802) 223-3313

Fax: (802) 223-4467Email: [email protected]

Eden Eden Town Clerk71 Old Schoolhouse RdEden Mills, VT 05653Phone: (802) 635-2528

Fax: (802) 635-1724Email: [email protected]

Elmore Elmore Town ClerkP.O. BOX 123Lake Elmore, VT 05657Phone: (802) 888-2637

Fax: (802) 888-2637Email: [email protected]

Enosburgh Enosburgh Town ClerkP.O. Box 465Enosburg Falls, VT 05450Phone: (802) 933-4421

Fax: (802) 933-4832Email: [email protected]

Essex Essex Town Clerk81 Main StEssex Junction, VT 05452Phone: (802) 879-0413

Fax: (802) 878-1353Email: [email protected]

Fair Haven Fair Haven Town Clerk3 N Park PlFair Haven, VT 05743Phone: (802) 265-3610 x4

Fax: (802) 265-3176Email: [email protected]

Fairfax Fairfax Town Clerk12 Buck Hollow Rd.Fairfax, VT 05454Phone: (802) 849-6111

Fax: (802) 849-6276Email: [email protected]

Fairfield Fairfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 5Fairfield, VT 05455Phone: (802) 827-3261

Fax: (802) 827-3653Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Fairlee Fairlee Town ClerkP.O. Box 95Fairlee, VT 05045Phone: (802) 333-4363

Fax: (802) 333-9214Email: [email protected]

Fayston Fayston Town Clerk866 N Fayston RDFayston, VT 05660Phone: (802) 496-2454

Fax: (802) 496-9850Email: [email protected]

Ferrisburgh Ferrisburgh Town ClerkP.O. Box 6Ferrisburgh, VT 05456Phone: (802) 877-3429

Fax: (802) 877-6757Email: [email protected]

Fletcher Fletcher Town Clerk215 Cambridge RdCambridge, VT 05444Phone: (802) 849-6616

Fax: (802) 849-2500Email: [email protected]

Franklin Franklin Town ClerkP O Box 82Franklin, VT 05457Phone: (802) 285-2101

Fax: (802) 285-2181Email: [email protected]

Georgia Georgia Town Clerk47 Town Common Rd NSt. Albans, VT 05478Phone: (802) 524-3524

Fax: (802) 524-3543Email: [email protected]

Glover Glover Town Clerk51 Bean HillGlover, VT 05839Phone: (802) 525-6227

Fax: (802) 525-4115Email: [email protected]

Goshen Goshen Town Clerk50 Carlisle Hill RdGoshen, VT 05733Phone: (802) 247-6455

Fax: (802) 247-6740Email: [email protected]

Grafton Grafton Town ClerkP.O. Box 180Grafton, VT 05146Phone: (802) 843-2419

Fax: (802) 843-6100Email: [email protected]

Granby Granby Town ClerkP.O. Box 56Granby, VT 05840Phone: (802) 328-3611

Fax: (802) 328-2200Email: [email protected]

Grand Isle Grand Isle Town ClerkP.O. Box 49Grand Isle, VT 05458Phone: (802) 372-8830

Fax: (802) 372-8815Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Granville Granville Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Granville, VT 05747Phone: (802) 767-4403

Fax: (802) 767-3968Email: [email protected]

Greensboro Greensboro Town ClerkP.O. Box 119Greensboro, VT 05841Phone: (802) 533-2911

Fax: (802) 533-2191Email: [email protected]

Groton Groton Town Clerk1476 Scott HwyGroton, VT 05046Phone: (802) 584-3276

Email: [email protected]

Guildhall Guildhall Town ClerkP.O. Box 10Guildhall, VT 05905Phone: (802) 676-3797

Fax: (802) 676-3518Email: [email protected]

Guilford Guilford Town Clerk236 School RdGuilford, VT 05301Phone: (802) 254-6857

Fax: (802) 257-5764Email: [email protected]

Halifax Halifax Town ClerkP.O. Box 127W. Halifax, VT 05358Phone: (802) 368-7390

Fax: (802) 368-7390Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock Town ClerkP.O. Box 100Hancock, VT 05748Phone: (802) 767-3660

Fax: (802) 767-3660Email: [email protected]

Hardwick Hardwick Town ClerkP.O. Box 523Hardwick, VT 05843Phone: (802) 472-5971

Fax: (802) 472-3793Email: [email protected]

Hartford Hartford Town Clerk171 Bridge StWhite River Jct., VT 05001Phone: (802) 295-2785

Fax: (802) 295-6382Email: [email protected]

Hartland Hartland Town ClerkP.O. Box 349Hartland, VT 05048Phone: (802) 436-2444

Fax: (802) 436-2464Email: [email protected]

Highgate Highgate Town ClerkP.O. Box 189Highgate, VT 05459Phone: (802) 868-4697

Fax: (802) 868-3064Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Hinesburg Hinesburg Town Clerk10632 Rte. 116Hinesburg, VT 05461Phone: (802) 482-2281 x223

Fax: (802) 482-5404Email: [email protected]

Holland Holland Town Clerk120 School RdDerby Line, VT 05830Phone: (802) 895-4440

Fax: (802) 895-4440Email: [email protected]

Hubbardton Hubbardton Town Clerk1831 Monument Hill Rd.Castleton, VT 05735Phone: (802) 273-2951

Fax: (802) 273-3729Email: [email protected]

Huntington Huntington Town Clerk4930 Main RdHuntington, VT 05462Phone: (802) 434-2032

Email: [email protected]

Hyde Park Hyde Park Town ClerkP.O. Box 98Hyde Park, VT 05655Phone: (802) 888-2300

Fax: (802) 888-6878Email: [email protected]

Ira Ira Town Clerk53 West RdIra, VT 05777Phone: (802) 235-2745

Fax: (802) 235-1045Email: [email protected]

Irasburg Irasburg Town ClerkP.O. Box 51Irasburg, VT 05845Phone: (802) 754-2242

Fax: (802) 754-2242Email: [email protected]

Isle La Motte Isle La Motte Town ClerkP.O. Box 250Isle La Motte, VT 05463Phone: (802) 928-3434

Fax: (802) 928-3002Email: [email protected]

Jamaica Jamaica Town ClerkP.O. Box 173Jamaica, VT 05343Phone: (802) 874-4681

Fax: (802) 874-4558Email: [email protected]

Jay Jay Town Clerk1036 VT RTE 242Jay, VT 05859Phone: (802) 988-2996

Fax: (802) 988-2996Email: [email protected]

Jericho Jericho Town ClerkP.O. Box 67Jericho, VT 05465Phone: (802) 899-4936

Fax: (802) 899-5549Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Johnson Johnson Town ClerkP.O. Box 383Johnson, VT 05656Phone: (802) 635-2611

Fax: (802) 635-2393Email: [email protected]

Killington Killington Town ClerkP.O. Box 429Killington, VT 05751Phone: (802) 422-3243

Fax: (802) 422-3030Email: [email protected]

Kirby Kirby Town Clerk346 Town Hall RdLyndonville, VT 05851Phone: (802) 626-9386

Fax: (802) 626-9386Email: [email protected]

Landgrove Landgrove Town Clerk88 Landgrove RdLandgrove, VT 05148Phone: (802) 824-3716

Fax: (802) 824-3716Email: [email protected]

Leicester Leicester Town Clerk44 Schoolhouse RdLeicester, VT 05733Phone: (802) 247-5961 x3

Fax: (802) 247-6501Email: [email protected]

Lemington Lemington Town Clerk2549 River Rd, VT 102Lemington, VT 05903Phone: (802) 277-4814

Fax: (802) 277-4091Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln Town Clerk62 Quaker St.Lincoln, VT 05443Phone: (802) 453-2980

Fax: (802) 453-2975Email: [email protected]

Londonderry Londonderry Town Clerk100 Old School StSo Londonderry, VT 05155Phone: (802) 824-3356

Fax: (802) 824-4259Email: [email protected]

Lowell Lowell Town Clerk2170 VT Rte. 100Lowell, VT 05847Phone: (802) 744-6559

Fax: (802) 744-2357Email: [email protected]

Ludlow Ludlow Town ClerkP.O. Box 307Ludlow, VT 05149Phone: (802) 228-3232

Fax: (802) 228-8399Email: [email protected]

Lunenburg Lunenburg Town ClerkP.O. Box 53Lunenburg, VT 05906Phone: (802) 892 5959

Fax: (802) 892 5100Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Lyndon Lyndon Town ClerkP.O Box 167Lyndonville, VT 05851Phone: (802) 626-5785

Fax: (802) 626-1265Email: [email protected]

Maidstone Maidstone Town ClerkP.O. Box 118Guildhall, VT 05905Phone: (802) 676-3210

Fax: (802) 676-3210Email: [email protected]

Manchester Manchester Town ClerkP.O. Box 830Manchester Center, VT 05255Phone: (802) 362-1313

Fax: (802) 362-1314Email: [email protected]

Marlboro Marlboro Town ClerkP.O. Box EMarlboro, VT 05344Phone: (802) 254-2181

Fax: (802) 257-2447Email: [email protected]

Marshfield Marshfield Town Clerk122 School St, Room 1Marshfield, VT 05658Phone: (802) 426-3305

Fax: (802) 426-3045Email: [email protected]

Mendon Mendon Town Clerk2282 US Route 4Mendon, VT 05701Phone: (802) 775-1662

Email: [email protected]

Middlebury Middlebury Town Clerk94 Main StMiddlebury, VT 05753Phone: (802) 388-8100 x211

Fax: (802) 388-4261Email: [email protected]

Middlesex Middlesex Town Clerk5 Church StMiddlesex, VT 05602Phone: (802) 223-5915

Fax: (802) 223-1298Email: [email protected]


Middletown Springs Town ClerkP.O. Box 1232Middletown Springs, VT 05757Phone: (802) 235-2220

Fax: (802) 235-2066Email: [email protected]

Milton Milton Town ClerkP.O. Box 18Milton, VT 05468Phone: (802) 893-4111

Fax: (802) 893-1005Email: [email protected]

Monkton Monkton Town ClerkP.O. Box 12Monkton, VT 05469Phone: (802) 453 3800

Fax: (802) 453-3612Email: [email protected]



Page 414: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Montgomery Montgomery Town ClerkP.O. Box 356Montgomery Center, VT 05471Phone: (802) 326-4719

Fax: (802) 326-5053Email: [email protected]

Montpelier Montpelier Town Clerk39 Main St - City HallMontpelier, VT 05602Phone: (802) 223-9500

Fax: (802) 223-9523Email: [email protected]

Moretown Moretown Town Clerk19 Kaiser DriveMoretown, VT 05660Phone: (802) 882-8218

Fax: (802) 329-2221Email: [email protected]

Morgan Morgan Town ClerkP.O. Box 45Morgan, VT 05853Phone: (802) 895-2927

Fax: (802) 895-4204Email: [email protected]

Morristown Morristown Town ClerkP O Box 748Morrisville, VT 05661Phone: (802) 888-6370

Fax: (802) 888-6375Email: [email protected]

Mount Holly Mount Holly Town ClerkP.O. Box 248Mount Holly, VT 05758Phone: (802) 259-2391

Fax: (802) 259-2391Email: [email protected]

Mount Tabor Mount Tabor Town ClerkP.O. Box 245Mount Tabor, VT 05739Phone: (802) 293-5282

Fax: (802) 293-5287Email: [email protected]

New Haven New Haven Town Clerk78 N StNew Haven, VT 05472Phone: (802) 453-3516

Fax: (802) 453-7552Email: [email protected]

Newark Newark Town Clerk1336 Newark St.Newark, VT 05871Phone: (802) 467-3336

Email: [email protected]

Newbury Newbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 126Newbury, VT 05051Phone: (802) 866-5521

Fax: (802) 866-5301Email: [email protected]

Newfane Newfane Town ClerkP.O. Box 36Newfane, VT 05345Phone: (802) 365-7772 x10

Fax: (802) 365-7692Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Newport City Newport City Clerk222 Main StNewport, VT 05855Phone: (802) 334-2112

Fax: (802) 334-5632Email: [email protected]

Newport Town Newport Town ClerkP.O. Box 85Newport Center, VT 05857Phone: (802) 334-6442

Fax: (802) 334-6442Email: [email protected]

North Hero North Hero Town ClerkP.O. Box 38North Hero, VT 05474Phone: (802) 372-6926

Fax: (802) 372-3608Email: [email protected]

Northfield Northfield Town Clerk51 S Main StNorthfield, VT 05663Phone: (802) 485-5421

Fax: (802) 485-8426Email: [email protected]

Norton Norton Town ClerkP.O. Box 33Norton, VT 05907Phone: (802) 822-9935

Fax: (802) 822-9965Email: [email protected]

Norwich Norwich Town ClerkP.O. Box 481Norwich, VT 05055Phone: (802) 649-1419 x103

Fax: (802) 649-0123Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange Town ClerkP.O. Box 233East Barre, VT 05649Phone: (802) 479-2673

Fax: (802) 479-2673Email: [email protected]

Orwell Orwell Town ClerkP.O. Box 32Orwell, VT 05760Phone: (802) 948-2032

Email: [email protected]

Panton Panton Town Clerk3176 Jersey StPanton, VT 05491Phone: (802) 475-2333

Fax: (802) 475-2785Email: [email protected]

Pawlet Pawlet Town ClerkP.O. Box 128Pawlet, VT 05761Phone: (802) 325-3309

Fax: (802) 325-6109Email: [email protected]

Peacham Peacham Town ClerkP.O. Box 244Peacham, VT 05862Phone: (802) 592-3218

Fax: (802) 592-3218Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Peru Peru Town ClerkP.O. Box 127Peru, VT 05152Phone: (802) 824-3065

Email: [email protected]

Pittsfield Pittsfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 556Pittsfield, VT 05762-0556Phone: (802) 746-8170

Fax: (802) 746-8170Email: [email protected]

Pittsford Pittsford Town ClerkP.O. Box 10Pittsford, VT 05763Phone: (802) 483-6500 x13

Fax: (802) 483-6612Email: [email protected]

Plainfield Plainfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 217Plainfield, VT 05667Phone: (802) 454-8461

Fax: (802) 454-8467Email: [email protected]

Plymouth Plymouth Town Clerk68 Town Office RdPlymouth, VT 05056Phone: (802) 672-3655

Fax: (802) 672-5466Email: [email protected]

Pomfret Pomfret Town Clerk5218 Pomfret RdNorth Pomfret, VT 05053Phone: (802) 457-3861

Fax: (802) 457-8180Email: [email protected]

Poultney Poultney Town Clerk9 Main St, Ste 2Poultney, VT 05764Phone: (802) 287-5761

Email: [email protected]

Pownal Pownal Town ClerkP.O. Box 411Pownal, VT 05261Phone: (802) 823-7757

Fax: (802) 823-0116Email: [email protected]

Proctor Proctor Town Clerk45 Main StProctor, VT 05765Phone: (802) 459-3333

Fax: (802) 459-2356Email: [email protected]

Putney Putney Town ClerkP.O. Box 233Putney, VT 05346Phone: (802) 387-5862

Fax: (802) 387-4708Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph Town ClerkDrawer BRandolph, VT 05060Phone: (802) 728-5433 x11

Fax: (802) 728-5818Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Reading Reading Town ClerkP.O. Box 72Reading, VT 05062Phone: (802) 484-7250

Fax: (802) 484-0015Email: [email protected]

Readsboro Readsboro Town ClerkP.O. Box 187Readsboro, VT 05350Phone: (802) 423-5405

Fax: (802) 423-5423Email: [email protected]

Richford Richford Town ClerkP.O. Box 236Richford, VT 05476Phone: (802) 848-7751

Fax: (802) 848-7752Email: [email protected]

Richmond Richmond Town ClerkP.O. Box 285Richmond, VT 05477-0285Phone: (802) 434-2221

Fax: (802) 329-2011Email: [email protected]

Ripton Ripton Town ClerkP.O. Box 10Ripton, VT 05766Phone: (802) 388-2266

Fax: (802) 388-0012Email: [email protected]

Rochester Rochester Town ClerkP.O. Box 238Rochester, VT 05767Phone: (802) 767-3631

Fax: (802) 767-6028Email: [email protected]

Rockingham Rockingham Town ClerkP.O. Box 339Bellows Falls, VT 05101Phone: (802) 463-4336

Fax: (802) 463-1228Email: [email protected]

Roxbury Roxbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 53Roxbury, VT 05669Phone: (802) 485-7840

Fax: (802) 485-9160Email: [email protected]

Royalton Royalton Town ClerkP.O. Box 680S Royalton, VT 05068Phone: (802) 763-7207

Fax: (802) 763-7207Email: [email protected]

Rupert Rupert Town ClerkP.O. Box 140West Rupert, VT 05776Phone: (802) 394-7728

Fax: (802) 394-2524Email: [email protected]

Rutland City Rutland City ClerkP.O. Box 969Rutland, VT 05701Phone: (802) 773-1800

Fax: (802) 773-1846Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Rutland Town Rutland Town Clerk181 Business Route 4Center Rutland, VT 05736Phone: (802) 773-8901 x5

Fax: (802) 773-7295Email: [email protected]

Ryegate Ryegate Town ClerkP.O. Box 332Ryegate, VT 05042Phone: (802) 584-3880

Fax: (802) 584-3880Email: [email protected]

Salisbury Salisbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 867St. Albans, VT 05478Phone: (802) 524-1500 x264

Fax: (802) 524-1516Email: [email protected]

Sandgate Sandgate Town ClerkP.O. Box 37St. Albans Bay, VT 05481Phone: (802) 524-2415

Fax: (802) 524-9609Email: [email protected]

Searsburg Searsburg Town ClerkP.O. Box 874Williston, VT 05495Phone: (802) 482-5272

Fax: (802) 482-5548Email: [email protected]

Shaftsbury Shaftsbury Town Clerk1187 main St., Ste 2St Johnsbury, VT 05819Phone: (802) 748-4331

Fax: (802) 748-1267Email: [email protected]

Sharon Sharon Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Salisbury, VT 05769Phone: (802) 352-4228

Fax: (802) 352-9832Email: [email protected]

Sheffield Sheffield Town Clerk3266 Sandgate RdSandgate, VT 05250Phone: (802) 375-9075

Fax: (802) 375-8350Email: [email protected]

Shelburne Shelburne Town ClerkP.O. Box 157Wilmington, VT 05363Phone: (802) 464-8081

Fax: (802) 464-8081Email: [email protected]

Sheldon Sheldon Town ClerkP.O. Box 409Shaftsbury, VT 05262Phone: (802) 442-4038

Fax: (802) 442-0955Email: [email protected]

Shoreham Shoreham Town ClerkP.O. Box 250Sharon, VT 05065Phone: (802) 763-8268

Fax: (802) 763-7392Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Shrewsbury Shrewsbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 165Sheffield, VT 05866Phone: (802) 626-8862

Fax: (802) 626-0424Email: [email protected]

South Burlington South Burlington Town ClerkP.O. Box 88Shelburne, VT 05482Phone: (802) 985-5116

Fax: (802) 985-9550Email: [email protected]

South Hero South Hero Town ClerkP.O. Box 66Sheldon, VT 05483Phone: (802) 933-2524

Fax: (802) 933-4951Email: [email protected]

Springfield Springfield Town Clerk297 Main StShoreham, VT 05770Phone: (802) 897-5841

Fax: (802) 897-2545Email: [email protected]

St. Albans City St. Albans City Town Clerk9823 Cold River RdShrewsbury, VT 05738Phone: (802) 492-3511

Fax: (802) 492-3511Email: [email protected]

St. Albans Town St. Albans Town Clerk575 Dorset StS Burlington, VT 05403Phone: (802) 846-4105

Email: [email protected]

St. George St. George Town ClerkP.O. Box 175South Hero, VT 05486-0175Phone: (802) 372-5552

Fax: (802) 372-3809Email: [email protected]

St. Johnsbury St. Johnsbury Town Clerk96 Main StSpringfield, VT 05156Phone: (802) 885-2104

Fax: (802) 885-1617Email: [email protected]

Stamford Stamford Town Clerk986 Main RdStamford, VT 05352Phone: (802) 694-1361

Fax: (802) 694-1636Email: [email protected]

Stannard Stannard Town ClerkP.O. Box 94Greensboro Bend, VT 05842Phone: (802) 533-2577

Email: [email protected]

Starksboro Starksboro Town ClerkP.O. Box 91Starksboro, VT 05487Phone: (802) 453-2639

Fax: (802) 453-7293Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Stockbridge Stockbridge Town ClerkP.O. Box 39Stockbridge, VT 05772Phone: (802) 746-8400

Fax: (802) 746-8400Email: [email protected]

Stowe Stowe Town ClerkP.O. Box 248Stowe, VT 05672Phone: (802) 253-6133

Fax: (802) 253-6143Email: [email protected]

Strafford Strafford Town ClerkP.O. Box 27Strafford, VT 05072Phone: (802) 765-4411

Fax: (802) 765-9621Email: [email protected]

Stratton Stratton Town Clerk9 West Jamaica Rd.Stratton, VT 05360Phone: (802) 896-6184

Fax: (802) 896-6630Email: [email protected]

Sudbury Sudbury Town Clerk36 Blacksmith LnSudbury, VT 05733Phone: (802) 623-7296

Fax: (802) 623-7296Email: [email protected]

Sunderland Sunderland Town ClerkP.O. Box 295East Arlington, VT 05252-0295Phone: (802) 375-6106

Fax: (802) 375-6106Email: [email protected]

Sutton Sutton Town Clerk167 Underpass RdSutton, VT 05867Phone: (802) 467-3377

Fax: (802) 467-1052Email: [email protected]

Swanton Swanton Town ClerkP.O. Box 711Swanton, VT 05488Phone: (802) 868-4421

Fax: (802) 868-4957Email: [email protected]

Thetford Thetford Town ClerkP.O. Box 126Thetford Ctr, VT 05075Phone: (802) 785-2922

Fax: (802) 785-2031Email: [email protected]

Tinmouth Tinmouth Town Clerk515 N End RdTinmouth, VT 05773Phone: (802) 446-2498

Fax: (802) 446-2498Email: [email protected]

Topsham Topsham Town ClerkP.O. Box 69Topsham, VT 05076Phone: (802) 439-5505

Fax: (802) 439-5505Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Townshend Townshend Town ClerkP.O. Box 223Townshend, VT 05353Phone: (802) 365-7300

Fax: (802) 365-7309Email: [email protected]

Troy Troy Town Clerk142 Main StNorth Troy, VT 05859Phone: (802) 988-2663

Fax: (802) 988-4692Email: [email protected]

Tunbridge Tunbridge Town ClerkP.O. Box 6Tunbridge, VT 05077Phone: (802) 889-5521

Fax: (802) 889-3544Email: [email protected]

Underhill Underhill Town ClerkP.O. Box 120Underhill Ctr, VT 05490Phone: (802) 899-4434 x101

Fax: (802) 899-2137Email: [email protected]

Vergennes Vergennes Town ClerkP.O. Box 35Vergennes, VT 05491Phone: (802) 877-2841

Fax: (802) 877-1160Email: [email protected]

Vernon Vernon Town Clerk567 Governor Hunt RdVernon, VT 05354Phone: (802) 257-0292

Fax: (802) 254-3561Email: [email protected]

Vershire Vershire Town Clerk6894 VT RT 113Vershire, VT 05079Phone: (802) 685-2227

Fax: (802) 685-2224Email: [email protected]

Victory Victory Town ClerkP.O. Box 609North Concord, VT 05858Phone: (802) 328-2400

Email: [email protected]

Waitsfield Waitsfield Town ClerkNine Bridge StWaitsfield, VT 05673Phone: (802) 496-2218

Fax: (802) 496-9284Email: [email protected]

Walden Walden Town Clerk12 VT Rte 215West Danville, VT 05873Phone: (802) 563-2220

Fax: (802) 563-3008Email: [email protected]

Wallingford Wallingford Town Clerk75 School StWallingford, VT 05773Phone: (802) 446-2336

Fax: (802) 446-3174Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Waltham Waltham Town ClerkP.O. Box 175Vergennes, VT 05491Phone: (802) 877-3641

Fax: (802) 877-3641Email: [email protected]

Wardsboro Wardsboro Town ClerkP.O. Box 48Wardsboro, VT 05355Phone: (802) 896-6055

Fax: (802) 896-1000Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren Town ClerkP.O. Box 337Warren, VT 05674Phone: (802) 496-2709

Fax: (802) 496-2418Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington Town Clerk2895 VT Route 110Washington, VT 05675Phone: (802) 883-2218

Fax: (802) 883-2218Email: [email protected]

Waterbury Waterbury Town Clerk43 S Main StWaterbury, VT 05676Phone: (802) 244-8447

Fax: (802) 244-1014Email: [email protected]

Waterford Waterford Town ClerkP.O. Box 56Lower Waterford, VT 05848Phone: (802) 748-2122

Fax: (802) 748-8196Email: [email protected]

Waterville Waterville Town ClerkP.O. Box 31Waterville, VT 05492Phone: (802) 644-8865

Fax: (802) 644-8865Email: [email protected]

Weathersfield Weathersfield Town ClerkP.O. Box 550Ascutney, VT 05030Phone: (802) 674-9500

Fax: (802) 674-2117Email: [email protected]

Wells Wells Town Clerk1064 VT Route 30Wells, VT 05774Phone: (802) 645-0486

Fax: (802) 645-0464Email: [email protected]

West Fairlee West Fairlee Town Clerk894 Unit#5, VT Rte. 113West Fairlee, VT 05083Phone: (802) 333-9696

Fax: (802) 333-9611Email: [email protected]

West Haven West Haven Town Clerk2919 Main RdWest Haven, VT 05743Phone: (802) 265-4880

Fax: (802) 265-3828Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

West Rutland West Rutland Town Clerk35 Marble StWest Rutland, VT 05777Phone: (802) 438-2204

Fax: (802) 438-5133Email: [email protected]

West Windsor West Windsor Town ClerkP.O. Box 6Brownsville, VT 05037Phone: (802) 484-7212

Fax: (802) 484-3518Email: [email protected]

Westfield Westfield Town Clerk38 School StWestfield, VT 05874Phone: (802) 744-2484

Fax: (802) 744-6224Email: [email protected]

Westford Westford Town Clerk1713 VT Route 128Westford, VT 05494Phone: (802) 878-4587

Fax: (802) 879-6503Email: [email protected]

Westminster Westminster Town ClerkP.O. Box 147Westminster, VT 05158Phone: (802) 722-4091

Fax: (802) 722-9816Email: [email protected]

Westmore Westmore Town Clerk54 Hinton Hill RdOrleans, VT 05860Phone: (802) 525-3007

Fax: (802) 525-1131Email: [email protected]

Weston Weston Town ClerkP.O. Box 98Weston, VT 05161Phone: (802) 824-6645

Fax: (802) 824-4121Email: [email protected]

Weybridge Weybridge Town Clerk1727 Quaker Village RdWeybridge, VT 05752Phone: (802) 545-2450

Fax: (802) 545-2624Email: [email protected]

Wheelock Wheelock Town ClerkP.O. Box 1328Lyndonville, VT 05851Phone: (802) 626-9094

Fax: (802) 626-9094Email: [email protected]

Whiting Whiting Town Clerk29 S Main StWhiting, VT 05778Phone: (802) 623-7813

Fax: (802) 623-7813Email: [email protected]

Whitingham Whitingham Town ClerkP.O. Box 529Jacksonville, VT 05342Phone: (802) 368-7887

Fax: (802) 368-7519Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Williamstown Williamstown Town ClerkP.O. Box 646Williamstown, VT 05679Phone: (802) 433-5455

Fax: (802) 433-2160Email: [email protected]

Williston Williston Town Clerk7900 Williston RdWilliston, VT 05495Phone: (802) 878-5121

Fax: (802) 764-1140Email: [email protected]

Wilmington Wilmington Town ClerkP.O. Box 217Wilmington, VT 05363Phone: (802) 464-5836

Email: [email protected]

Windham Windham Town Clerk5976 Windham Hill RdWindham, VT 05359Phone: (802) 874-4211

Fax: (802) 874-4144Email: [email protected]

Windsor Windsor Town Clerk29 Union StWindsor, VT 05089Phone: (802) 674-5610

Fax: (802) 674-1017Email: [email protected]

Winhall Winhall Town ClerkP.O. Box 389Bondville, VT 05340Phone: (802) 297-2122

Fax: (802) 297-2582Email: [email protected]

Winooski Winooski Town Clerk27 West Allen StWinooski, VT 05404Phone: (802) 655-6419

Fax: (802) 655-6414Email: [email protected]

Wolcott Wolcott Town ClerkP.O. Box 100Wolcott, VT 05680Phone: (802) 888-2746

Fax: (802) 888-2669Email: [email protected]

Woodbury Woodbury Town ClerkP.O. Box 10Woodbury, VT 05681Phone: (802) 456 7051

Fax: (802) 456 8834Email: [email protected]

Woodford Woodford Town Clerk1391 VT RTE 9Woodford, VT 05201Phone: (802) 442-4895

Fax: (802) 442-4816Email: [email protected]

Woodstock Woodstock Town Clerk31 The GreenWoodstock, VT 05091Phone: (802) 457-3611

Fax: (802) 457-2329Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Worcester Worcester Town ClerkP.O. Box 161Worcster, VT 05682Phone: (802) 223-6942

Fax: (802) 229-5216Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour territory in time to return it to your election official to participate inthe election, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 6, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

General RunoffNovember 15, 2016

Registration Received byJuly 6, 2016

Received byOctober 2, 2016

Received byOctober 2, 2016

Ballot Request Received byJuly 19, 2016

Received byOctober 11, 2016

Received byOctober 11, 2016

Ballot Return Received by5 PM, August 16, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 18, 2016

Received by5 PM, November 25, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


Virgin Islands

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your territory has any online tools available here:

Does my territory have anyonline tools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot by contacting yourelection official. Contact information can be found in the "Local electionoffices" section.

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on territorial orders;does my territory afford meUOCAVA privileges?

No.I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this territory?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting your


Virgin Islands

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourterritory it must be returned according to thedeadlines and requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the territory absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email

ballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

or fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers

11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register, it be received bymustthe registration deadline listed in the "FederalElection Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a territoryeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or territory issued IDnumber."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.


Virgin Islands

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information about

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

ETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theterritory absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the territoryabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the territory absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for island

Island Mailing Address

St. Croix Island Election Systems of the Virgin IslandsP.O. Box 1499Kingshill, VI 00851-1499Phone: (340) 773-1021

Fax: (340) 773-4523Email: [email protected]

St. John Island Election Systems of the Virgin IslandsP.O. Box 6038St. Thomas, VI 00804Phone: (340) 774-3107

Fax: (340) 776-2391Email: [email protected]

St. Thomas Island Election Systems of the Virgin IslandsP.O. Box 6038St. Thomas, VI 00804Phone: (340) 774-3107

Fax: (340) 776-2391Email: [email protected]


Virgin Islands

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMarch 1, 2016

State PrimaryJune 14, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Overseas CitizensPostmarked byFebruary 8, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived byMarch 1, 2016

Overseas CitizensPostmarked byMay 23, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived byJune 14, 2016

Overseas CitizensPostmarked byOctober 17, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived byNovember 8, 2016


Received byFebruary 23, 2016

Received byJune 7, 2016

Received byNovember 1, 2016


Received by7 PM, March 1, 2016

Received by7 PM, June 14, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Virginia is eligible to vote in Virginiaas long as he or she has not registered or voted in another State.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD??

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, FirstMiddle). If you are registered under

a different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your SocialSecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailing



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

address. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.Overseas citizens: Provide the nameof your employer or the name ofyour spouse's or dependent'semployer. If you do not provide this,you receive a ballot for federaloffices only.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, FirstMiddle). If you are registered undera different name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide your SocialSecurity number.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedAddresses can be found in the "Local ElectionOffices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service members

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.Overseas citizens:Provide the nameof your employer or the name ofyour spouse's or dependent'semployer. If you do not provide this,you receive a ballot for federaloffices only.

Affirmation Sign and date. This form must have awitness signature.

have the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Accomack Accomack General RegistrarP.O. Box 97Accomac, VA 23301-0097Phone: (757) 787-2935

Fax: (757) 787-4823Email: [email protected]

Albemarle Albemarle General Registrar1600 5th, St. ExtendedCharlottesville, VA 22902Phone: (434) 972-4173

Fax: (434) 972-4178Email: [email protected]

Alleghany Allegheny General Registrar110 Rosedale Ave, Ste DCovington, VA 24426-1294Phone: (540) 965-1690

Fax: (540) 965-1692Email: [email protected]

Amelia Amelia General RegistrarP.O. Box 481Amelia Court House, VA 23002-0481Phone: (804) 561-3460

Fax: (804) 561-3490Email: [email protected]

Amherst Amherst General RegistrarP.O. Box 550Amherst, VA 24521-0550Phone: (434) 946-9315

Fax: (434) 946-9345Email: [email protected]

Appomattox Appomattox General RegistrarP.O. Box 8Appomattox, VA 24522-0008Phone: (434) 352-5302

Fax: (434) 352-4409Email: [email protected]

Arlington Arlington General Registrar2100 Clarendon Blvd, Ste 320Arlington, VA 22201-5445Phone: (703) 228-3456

Fax: (703) 228-3659Email: [email protected]

Augusta Augusta General RegistrarP.O. Box 590Verona, VA 24482-0590Phone: (540) 245-5656

Fax: (540) 245-5037Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Bath Bath General RegistrarP.O. Box 157Warm Springs, VA 24484-0157Phone: (540) 839-7266

Fax: (540) 839-7277Email: [email protected]

Bedford County Bedford General Registrar122 E Main St, Ste 204Bedford, VA 24523-2000Phone: (540) 586-7649

Fax: (540) 586-8358Email: [email protected]

Bland Bland General RegistrarP.O. Box 535Bland, VA 24315-0535Phone: (276) 688-4441

Fax: (276) 688-3552Email: [email protected]

Botetourt Botetourt General RegistrarP.O. Box 62Fincastle, VA 24090-0062Phone: (540) 473-8235

Fax: (540) 473-8657Email: [email protected]

Brunswick Brunswick General Registrar100 Tobacco St, Rm 103Lawrenceville, VA 23868-1825Phone: (434) 848-4414

Fax: (434) 848-9276Email: [email protected]

Buchanan Buchanan General RegistrarP.O. Box 975Grundy, VA 24614-0975Phone: (276) 935-6534

Fax: (276) 935-4320Email: [email protected]

Buckingham Buckingham General RegistrarP.O. Box 222Buckingham, VA 23921-0222Phone: (434) 969-4304

Fax: (434) 969-2060Email: [email protected]

Campbell Campbell General RegistrarP.O. Box 103 Rustburg, VA 24588-0103Phone: (434) 332-9579

Fax: (434) 332-9689Email: [email protected]

Caroline Caroline General RegistrarP.O. Box 304Bowling Green, VA 22427-0304Phone: (804) 633-9083

Fax: (804) 633-0362Email: [email protected]

Carroll Carroll General Registrar605 Pine St, Ste 3Hillsville, VA 24343-1463Phone: (276) 730-3035

Fax: (276) 730-3040Email: [email protected]

Charles City Charles City General RegistrarP.O. Box 146Charles City, VA 23030-0146Phone: (804) 652-4606

Fax: (804) 829-6823Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Charlotte Charlotte General RegistrarP.O. Box 118Charlotte Court House, VA 23923-0118Phone: (434) 542-5856

Fax: (434) 542-4168Email: [email protected]

Chesterfield Chesterfield General RegistrarP.O. Box 1690Chesterfield, VA 23832-9125Phone: (804) 748-1471

Fax: (804) 751-0822Email: [email protected]

Clarke Clarke General Registrar101 Chalmers CtBerryville, VA 22611-1387Phone: (540) 955-5168

Fax: (540) 955-5169Email: [email protected]

Craig Craig General RegistrarP.O. Box 8New Castle, VA 24127-0008Phone: (540) 864-6190

Fax: (540) 864-5551Email: [email protected]

Culpeper Culpeper General Registrar151 N Main St, Ste 301Culpeper, VA 22701-3047Phone: (540) 825-0652

Fax: (540) 825-8454Email: [email protected]

Cumberland Cumberland General RegistrarP.O. Box 125Cumberland, VA 23040-0125Phone: (804) 492-4504

Fax: (804) 492-3571Email: [email protected]

Dickenson Dickenson General RegistrarP.O. Box 1306Clintwood, VA 24228-1306Phone: (276) 926-1620

Fax: (276) 926-8287Email: [email protected]

Dinwiddie Dinwiddie General RegistrarPO Box 365Dinwiddie, VA 23841-0365Phone: (804) 469-4500 x2113

Fax: (804) 469-4544Email: [email protected]

Essex Essex General RegistrarP.O. Box 1561Tappahannock, VA 22560-1561Phone: (804) 443-4611

Fax: (804) 443-4157Email: [email protected]

Fairfax County Fairfax General RegistrarP.O. Box 10161Fairfax, VA 22038-8061Phone: (703) 222-0776

Fax: (703) 324-2205Email: [email protected]

Fauquier Fauquier General Registrar32 Waterloo St, #207Warrenton, VA 20186-3238Phone: (540) 422-8290

Fax: (540) 422-8291Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Floyd Floyd General Registrar100 E Main St, Rm 302Floyd, VA 24091-2101Phone: (540) 745-9350

Fax: (540) 745-9390Email: [email protected]

Fluvanna Fluvanna General RegistrarP.O. Box 44Palmyra, VA 22963-0044Phone: (434) 589-3593

Fax: (434) 589-6383Email: [email protected]

Franklin County Franklin General Registrar1255 Franklin ST Ste 106Rocky Mount, VA 24151-1290Phone: (540) 483-3025

Fax: (540) 483-6619Email: [email protected]

Frederick Frederick General Registrar107 N Kent St, Ste 102Winchester, VA 22601-5039Phone: (540) 665-5660

Fax: (540) 665-8976Email: [email protected]

Giles Giles General Registrar201 N Main St, Ste 1Pearisburg, VA 24134-1611Phone: (540) 921-2802

Fax: (540) 921-3176Email: [email protected]

Gloucester Gloucester General RegistrarP.O. Box 208Gloucester, VA 23061-0208Phone: (804) 693-3659

Fax: (804) 824-2465Email: [email protected]

Goochland Goochland General RegistrarP.O. Box 1013Goochland, VA 23063-1013Phone: (804) 556-5803

Fax: (804) 556-6323Email: [email protected]

Grayson Grayson General RegistrarP.O. Box 449Independence, VA 24348-0449Phone: (276) 773-2842

Fax: (276) 773-8042Email: [email protected]

Greene Greene General RegistrarP.O. Box 341Stanardsville, VA 22973-0341Phone: (434) 985-5213

Fax: (434) 985-2369Email: [email protected]

Greensville Greensville General RegistrarP.O. Box 1092Emporia, VA 23847-1092Phone: (434) 348-4228

Fax: (434) 348-4257Email: [email protected]

Halifax Halifax General RegistrarP.O. Box 400Halifax, VA 24558-0400Phone: (434) 476-3322

Fax: (434) 476-1045Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Hanover Hanover General RegistrarP.O. Box 419Hanover, VA 23069-0419Phone: (804) 365-6080

Fax: (804) 365-6078Email: [email protected]

Henrico Henrico General RegistrarP.O. Box 90775Henrico, VA 23273-0775Phone: (804) 501-4347

Fax: (804) 501-5081Email: [email protected]

Henry Henry General RegistrarP.O. Box 7Collinsville, VA 24078-0007Phone: (276) 638-5108

Fax: (276) 638-8278Email: [email protected]

Highland Highland General RegistrarP.O. Box 386Monterey, VA 24465-0386Phone: (540) 468-2013

Fax: (540) 468-2012Email: [email protected]

Isle of Wight Isle of Wight General RegistrarP.O. Box 77Isle Of Wight, VA 23397-0077Phone: (757) 365-6230

Fax: (757) 357-5699Email: [email protected]

James City James City General RegistrarP.O. Box 3567Williamsburg, VA 23187-3567Phone: (757) 253-6868

Fax: (757) 253-6875Email: [email protected]

King George King George General RegistrarP.O. Box 1359King George, VA 22485-1359Phone: (540) 775-9186

Fax: (540) 775-4852Email: [email protected]

King William King William General RegistrarP.O. Box 173King William, VA 23086-0173Phone: (804) 769-4952

Fax: (804) 769-4920Email: [email protected]

King and Queen King and Queen General RegistrarP.O. Box 56King And Queen Court House, VA 23085-0056Phone: (804) 785-5980

Fax: (804) 785-5792Email: [email protected]

Lancaster Lancaster General RegistrarP.O. Box 159Lancaster, VA 22503-0159Phone: (804) 462-5277

Fax: (804) 462-5228Email: [email protected]

Lee Lee General RegistrarPO Box 467Jonesville, VA 24263-0467Phone: (276) 346-7780

Fax: (276) 346-0119Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Loudoun Loudoun General Registrar750 Miller Dr SE, Ste CLeesburg, VA 20175-8916Phone: (703) 777-0380

Fax: (703) 777-0622Email: [email protected]

Louisa Louisa General RegistrarP.O. Box 220Louisa, VA 23093-0220Phone: (540) 967-3427

Fax: (540) 967-3492Email: [email protected]

Lunenburg Lunenburg General Registrar160 Courthouse SqLunenburg, VA 23952-2223Phone: (434) 696-3071

Fax: (434) 696-3952Email: [email protected]

Madison Madison General RegistrarP.O. Box 267Madison, VA 22727-0267Phone: (540) 948-6533

Fax: (540) 948-7825Email: [email protected]

Mathews Mathews General RegistrarP.O. Box 328Mathews, VA 23109-0328Phone: (804) 725-3200

Fax: (804) 725-5786Email: [email protected]

Mecklenburg Mecklenburg General RegistrarP.O. Box 436Boydton, VA 23917-0436Phone: (434) 738-6191 x4313

Fax: (434) 738-6104Email: [email protected]

Middlesex Middlesex General RegistrarP.O. Box 358Saluda, VA 23149-0358Phone: (804) 758-4420

Fax: (804) 758-3950Email: [email protected]

Montgomery Montgomery General Registrar755 Roanoke St, Ste 1FChristiansburg, VA 24073Phone: (540) 382-5741

Fax: (540) 381-6811Email: [email protected]

Nelson Nelson General RegistrarP.O. Box 292Lovingston, VA 22949-0292Phone: (434) 263-4068

Fax: (434) 263-8601Email: [email protected]

New Kent New Kent General RegistrarP.O. Box 128New Kent, VA 23124-0128Phone: (804) 966-9699

Fax: (804) 966-8536Email: [email protected]

Northampton Northampton General RegistrarP.O. Box 510Eastville, VA 23347-0510Phone: (757) 678-0480

Fax: (757) 678-0453Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Northumberland Northumberland General RegistrarP.O. Box 84Heathsville, VA 22473-0084Phone: (804) 580-4655

Fax: (804) 580-2075Email: [email protected]

Nottoway Nottoway General RegistrarP.O. Box 24Nottoway, VA 23955-0024Phone: (434) 645-8148

Fax: (434) 645-1636Email: [email protected]

Orange Orange General Registrar146 Madison Rd, Ste 204Orange, VA 22960-1410Phone: (540) 672-5262

Fax: (540) 672-4872Email: [email protected]

Page Page General Registrar103 S Court St Ste DLuray, VA 22835-1262Phone: (540) 743-3986

Fax: (540) 743-1988Email: [email protected]

Patrick Patrick General RegistrarP.O. Box 635Stuart, VA 24171-0635Phone: (276) 694-7206

Fax: (276) 694-5488Email: [email protected]

Pittsylvania Pittsylvania General Registrar110 Old Chatham Elementary LnChatham, VA 24531-3392Phone: (434) 432-7971

Fax: (434) 432-7973Email: [email protected]

Powhatan Powhatan General Registrar3910 Old Buckingham Rd, Ste EPowhatan, VA 23139-5757Phone: (804) 598-5604

Fax: (804) 598-5607Email: [email protected]

Prince Edward Prince Edward General RegistrarP.O. Box J Farmville, VA 23901-0269Phone: (434) 392-4767

Fax: (434) 392-3889Email: [email protected]

Prince George Prince George General RegistrarP.O. Box 34Prince George, VA 23875-0034Phone: (804) 722-8748

Fax: (804) 733-2793Email: [email protected]

Prince William Prince William General Registrar9250 Lee Ave, Ste 1Manassas, VA 20110-5554Phone: (703) 792-6470

Fax: (703) 792-6461Email: [email protected]

Pulaski Pulaski General Registrar87 Commerce StPulaski, VA 24301-5619Phone: (540) 980-2111

Fax: (540) 994-5883Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Rappahannock Rappahannock General RegistrarP.O. Box 236Washington, VA 22747-0236Phone: (540) 675-5380

Fax: (540) 675-5381Email: [email protected]

Richmond County Richmond General RegistrarP.O. Box 1000Warsaw, VA 22572-1000Phone: (804) 333-4772

Fax: (804) 333-4772Email: [email protected]

Roanoke County Roanoke General RegistrarP.O. Box 20884Roanoke, VA 24018-0089Phone: (540) 772-7500

Fax: (540) 772-2115Email: [email protected]

Rockbridge Rockbridge General Registrar150 S Main StLexington, VA 24450-2359Phone: (540) 463-7203

Fax: (540) 463-1078Email: [email protected]

Rockingham Rockingham General Registrar20 E Gay StHarrisonburg, VA 22802-4108Phone: (540) 564-3055

Fax: (540) 564-3057Email: [email protected]

Russell Russell General RegistrarP.O. Box 383Lebanon, VA 24266-0383Phone: (276) 889-8006

Fax: (276) 889-8022Email: [email protected]

Scott Scott General RegistrarP.O. Box 1892Gate City, VA 24251-4892Phone: (276) 386-3843

Fax: (276) 386-3741Email: [email protected]

Shenandoah Shenandoah General Registrar600 N Main St, Ste 103Woodstock, VA 22664-1855Phone: (540) 459-6195

Fax: (540) 459-6196Email: [email protected]

Smyth Smyth General Registrar121 Bagley Cir, Ste 108Marion, VA 24354-3140Phone: (276) 706-8331

Fax: (276) 783-9055Email: [email protected]

Southampton Southampton General RegistrarP.O. Box 666Courtland, VA 23837-0666Phone: (757) 653-9280

Fax: (757) 653-9401Email: [email protected]

Spotsylvania Spotsylvania General RegistrarP.O. Box 133Spotsylvania, VA 22553-0133Phone: (540) 507-7380

Fax: (540) 582-2604Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Stafford Stafford General RegistrarP.O. Box 301Stafford, VA 22555-0301Phone: (540) 658-4000

Fax: (540) 658-4003Email: [email protected]

Surry Surry General RegistrarP.O. Box 264Surry, VA 23883-0264Phone: (757) 294-5213

Fax: (757) 294-5285Email: [email protected]

Sussex Sussex General Registrar15080 Courthouse RdStony Creek, VA 23882-3707Phone: (434) 246-1047

Fax: (434) 246-4315Email: [email protected]

Tazewell Tazewell General RegistrarP.O. Box 201Tazewell, VA 24651-0201Phone: (276) 385-1305

Fax: (276) 988-2530Email: [email protected]

Warren Warren General Registrar220 N Commerce Ave, #700Front Royal, VA 22630-4204Phone: (540) 635-4327

Fax: (540) 635-5456Email: [email protected]

Washington Washington General Registrar1 Government Center Way Ste AAbingdon, VA 24210-8484Phone: (276) 676-6227

Fax: (276) 676-6200Email: [email protected]

Westmoreland Westmoreland General RegistrarP.O. Box 354Montross, VA 22520-0354Phone: (804) 493-8898

Fax: (804) 493-0158Email: [email protected]

Wise Wise General RegistrarP.O. Box 309Wise, VA 24293-0309Phone: (276) 328-8331

Fax: (276) 328-7111Email: [email protected]

Wythe Wythe General Registrar245 S Fourth St, Ste 101Wytheville, VA 24382-2548Phone: (276) 223-6038

Fax: (276) 223-6039Email: [email protected]

York York General Registrar224 Ballard St / P.O. Box 451Yorktown, VA 23690-0451Phone: (757) 890-3440

Fax: (757) 890-3449Email: [email protected]

Local election offices for city

City Mailing Address



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Alexandria Alexandria General Registrar132 N Royal St, Ste 100Alexandria, VA 22314-3246Phone: (703) 746-4050

Fax: (703) 838-6449Email: [email protected]

Bristol Bristol General Registrar300 Lee St, Ste 101Bristol, VA 24201-4327Phone: (276) 645-7318

Fax: (276) 645-7331Email: [email protected]

Buena Vista Buena Vista General Registrar2039 Sycamore AveBuena Vista, VA 24416-3133Phone: (540) 261-8605

Fax: (540) 261-8618Email: [email protected]

Charlottesville Charlottesville General RegistrarP.O. Box 911Charlottesville, VA 22902Phone: (434) 970-3250

Fax: (434) 970-3249Email: [email protected]

Chesapeake Chesapeake General Registrar411 Cedar RdChesapeake, VA 23322-5566Phone: (757) 277-9797

Fax: (757) 547-5402Email: [email protected]

Colonial Heights Colonial Heights General RegistrarP.O. Box 3401Colonial Heights, VA 23834-9001Phone: (804) 520-9277

Fax: (804) 520-9209Email: [email protected]

Covington Covington General Registrar515 E Pine StCovington, VA 24426-1647Phone: (540) 965-6380

Fax: (540) 965-6362Email: [email protected]

Danville Danville General Registrar515 Main StDanville, VA 24541-1317Phone: (434) 799-6560

Fax: (434) 797-8987Email: [email protected]

Emporia Emporia General RegistrarP.O. Box 1092Emporia, VA 23847-1092Phone: (434) 634-9533

Fax: (434) 634-0003Email: [email protected]

Fairfax City Fairfax City General Registrar10455 Armstrong StFairfax, VA 22030-3600Phone: (703) 385-7890

Fax: (703) 591-8364Email: [email protected]

Falls Church Falls Church General Registrar300 Park Ave, Rm 101EFalls Church, VA 22046-3301Phone: (703) 248-5085

Fax: (703) 248-5204Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Franklin City Franklin City General RegistrarPO Box 190Courtland, VA 23837-0190Phone: (757) 562-8545

Fax: (757) 562-8779Email: [email protected]

Fredericksburg Fredericksburg General RegistrarExecutive Plaza 601 Caroline St, Ste 500-AFredericksburg, VA 22401Phone: (540) 372-1030

Fax: (540) 373-8381Email: [email protected]

Galax Galax General RegistrarPO Box 130Independence, VA 24348-0130Phone: (276) 236-7509

Fax: (276) 236-2889Email: [email protected]

Hampton Hampton General Registrar1919 Commerce Dr, Ste 280Hampton, VA 23666-4348Phone: (757) 727-6218

Fax: (757) 727-6084Email: [email protected]

Harrisonburg Harrisonburg General Registrar345 S Main StHarrisonburg, VA 22801-3606Phone: (540) 432-7707

Fax: (540) 432-7784Email: [email protected]

Hopewell Hopewell General Registrar309 N 2nd AveHopewell, VA 23860-2704Phone: (804) 541-2232

Fax: (804) 452-5828Email: [email protected]

Lexington Lexington General RegistrarP.O. Box 922Lexington, VA 24450-0922Phone: (540) 462-3706

Fax: (540) 463-5310Email: [email protected]

Lynchburg Lynchburg General RegistrarP.O. Box 10036Lynchburg, VA 24506-0036Phone: (434) 477-5999

Fax: (434) 947-2798Email: [email protected]

Manassas Manassas General Registrar9025 Center StManassas, VA 20110-5403Phone: (703) 257-8230

Fax: (703) 257-0080Email: [email protected]

Manassas Park Manassas Park General Registrar1 Park CentercourtManassas Park, VA 20111-5270Phone: (703) 335-8806

Fax: (703) 335-9042Email: [email protected]

Martinsville Martinsville General RegistrarP.O. Box 1323Martinsville, VA 24114-1323Phone: (276) 403-5122

Fax: (276) 403-5258Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

City Mailing Address

Newport News Newport News General Registrar2400 Washington AveNewport News, VA 23607-4305Phone: (757) 926-8683

Fax: (757) 926-3653Email: [email protected]

Norfolk Norfolk General RegistrarPO Box 1531Norfolk, VA 23501-1531Phone: (757) 664-4353

Fax: (757) 664-4685Email: [email protected]

Norton Norton General RegistrarP.O. Box 225Norton, VA 24273-0225Phone: (276) 679-1162

Fax: (276) 679-0754Email: [email protected]

Petersburg Petersburg General RegistrarP.O. Box 1031Petersburg, VA 23804-1031Phone: (804) 733-8071

Fax: (804) 733-8080Email: [email protected]

Poquoson Poquoson General Registrar500 City Hall AvePoquoson, VA 23662-1996Phone: (757) 868-3070

Fax: (757) 868-3104Email: [email protected]

Portsmouth Portsmouth General Registrar801 Crawford St. 1st floorPortsmouth, VA 23704-3822Phone: (757) 393-8644

Fax: (757) 393-5415Email: [email protected]

Radford Radford General Registrar619 2nd. StRadford, VA 24141-1456Phone: (540) 731-3639

Fax: (540) 633-0152Email: [email protected]

Richmond City Richmond City General RegistrarP.O. Box 61037Richmond, VA 23261-1037Phone: (804) 646-5950

Fax: (804) 646-7848Email: [email protected]

Roanoke City Roanoke City General RegistrarPO Box 1095Roanoke, VA 24005-1095Phone: (540) 853-2281

Fax: (540) 853-1025Email: [email protected]

Salem Salem General RegistrarP.O. Box 203Salem, VA 24153-0203Phone: (540) 375-3034

Fax: (540) 375-4052Email: [email protected]

Staunton Staunton General RegistrarP.O. Box 58Staunton, VA 24402-0058Phone: (540) 332-3840

Fax: (540) 332-3834Email: [email protected]

City Mailing Address

Suffolk Suffolk General RegistrarP.O. Box 1966Suffolk, VA 23439-1966Phone: (757) 514-7750

Fax: (757) 514-7759Email: [email protected]

Virginia Beach Virginia Beach General RegistrarP.O. Box 6247Virginia Beach, VA 23456-0247Phone: (757) 385-8683

Fax: (757) 385-5632Email: [email protected]

Waynesboro Waynesboro General Registrar250 S Wayne Ave, Ste 205Waynesboro, VA 22980-4625Phone: (540) 942-6620

Fax: (540) 942-6501Email: [email protected]

Williamsburg Williamsburg General RegistrarP.O. Box 3538Williamsburg, VA 23187-3538Phone: (757) 220-6157

Fax: (757) 220-6158Email: [email protected]

Winchester Winchester General Registrar107-A N E LnWinchester, VA 22601-5047Phone: (540) 545-7910

Fax: (540) 545-7925Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and the

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMay 24, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 2, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received by8 PM, May 24, 2016

Received by8 PM, August 2, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016


Received by8 PM, May 24, 2016

Received by8 PM, August 2, 2016

Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016


Return by Email or Fax:Received by8 PM, May 24, 2016Return by Mail: Signed by*8 PM, May 24, 2016

Return by Email or Fax:Received by8 PM, August 2, 2016Return by Mail: Signed by*8 PM, August 2, 2016

Return by Email or Fax:Received by8 PM, November 8, 2016Return by Mail: Signed by**8 PM, November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 13th day after primary elections

**Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 20th day after the general election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Washington is eligible to vote inWashington.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Virgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the (State/District/territory) absenteeballot by or . Contact information canmail, email faxbe found in the "Local Election Offices" section. Youmay use the DoD Electronic Transmission Service(ETS) to email or fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed

can request to have the PrepaidService membersMail Label 11-DoD applied to the general election

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

ballot. Additional information about this label can befound in the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

The FWAB can be used to register to vote. If you areusing the FWAB to register to vote, it bemustreceived by the registration deadline listed in the"Federal Election Deadlines" chart.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal, State andlocal elections, including ballot measures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Check this box if you would like toregister to vote and/or request anabsentee ballot.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official in



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the State

accepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots, as well as themethod in which you would like toreceive your ballot.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Adams Adams County Auditor210 W. Broadway Ave, Ste 200Ritzville, WA 99169-1897Phone: (509) 659-3249

Fax: (509) 659-3254Email: [email protected]

Asotin Asotin County AuditorP.O. Box 129Asotin, WA 99402-0129Phone: (509) 243-2084

Fax: (509) 243-2087Email: [email protected]

Benton Benton County AuditorP.O. Box 470Prosser, WA 99350-0470Phone: (509) 736-3085

Fax: (509) 786-5482Email: [email protected]

Chelan Chelan County AuditorP.O. Box 4670Wenatchee, WA 98807-0400Phone: (509) 667-6808

Fax: (509) 667-6818Email: [email protected]

Clallam Clallam County Auditor223 E. 4th St, Ste 1Port Angeles, WA 98362-3026Phone: (360) 417-2221

Fax: (360) 417-2312Email: [email protected]

Clark Clark County AuditorP.O. Box 8815Vancouver, WA 98666-8815Phone: (360) 397-2345

Fax: (360) 397-2394Email: [email protected]

Columbia Columbia County Auditor341 E Main St, Ste 3Dayton, WA 99328-1361Phone: (509) 382-4541

Fax: (509) 382-4830Email: [email protected]

Cowlitz Cowlitz County Auditor207 N 4th Ave, Room 107Kelso, WA 98626-4124Phone: (360) 577-3005

Fax: (360) 442-7879Email: [email protected]

Douglas Douglas County AuditorP.O. Box 456Waterville, WA 98858-0456Phone: (888) 578-7707

Fax: (509) 745-8812Email: [email protected]

Ferry Ferry County Auditor350 E Delaware Ave, #2Republic, WA 99166-9747Phone: (509) 775-5225 x2500

Fax: (509) 775-5208Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Franklin Franklin County AuditorP.O. Box 1451Pasco, WA 99301-1451Phone: (509) 545-3538

Fax: (509) 543-2995Email: [email protected]

Garfield Garfield County AuditorP.O. Box 278Pomeroy, WA 99347-0278Phone: (509) 843-1411

Fax: (509) 843-3941Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant County AuditorP.O. Box 37Ephrata, WA 98823-0037Phone: (509) 754-2011

Fax: (509) 754-6562Email: [email protected]

Grays Harbor Grays Harbor County Auditor100 W Broadway, Ste 2Montesano, WA 98563-3614Phone: (360) 249-4232

Fax: (360) 249-3330Email: [email protected]

Island Island County AuditorP.O. Box 1410Coupeville, WA 98239-1410Phone: (360) 679-7366

Fax: (360) 678-2326Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson County AuditorP.O. Box 563Port Townsend, WA 98368-0563Phone: (360) 385-9117

Fax: (360) 385-9228Email: [email protected]

King King County Elections Division919 SW Grady WayRenton , WA 98507-2906Phone: (206) 296-8683

Fax: (206) 296-0108Email: [email protected]

Kitsap Kitsap County Auditor619 Division StPort Orchard, WA 98366-4678Phone: (360) 337-7128

Fax: (360) 337-5769Email: [email protected]

Kittitas Kittitas County Auditor205 W 5th Ave, Ste 105Ellensburg, WA 98926-2891Phone: (509) 962-7503

Fax: (509) 962-7687Email: [email protected]

Klickitat Klickitat County Auditor205 S. Columbus Ave, Stop 2Goldendale, WA 98620-9280Phone: (509) 773-4001

Fax: (509) 773-4244Email: [email protected]

Lewis Lewis County AuditorP.O. Box 29Chehalis, WA 98532-0029Phone: (360) 740-1278

Fax: (360) 740-1421Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lincoln Lincoln County AuditorP.O. Box 28Davenport, WA 99122-0028Phone: (509) 725-4971

Fax: (509) 725-0820Email: [email protected]

Mason Mason County AuditorP.O. Box 400Shelton, WA 98584-0400Phone: (360) 427-9670 x469

Fax: (360) 427-1753Email: [email protected]

Okanogan Okanogan County AuditorP.O. Box 1010Okanogan, WA 98840-1010Phone: (509) 422-7240

Fax: (509) 422-7163Email: [email protected]

Pacific Pacific County AuditorP.O. Box 97South Bend, WA 98586-0097Phone: (360) 875-9313

Fax: (360) 875-9333Email: [email protected]

Pend Oreille Pend Oreille County AuditorP.O. Box 5015Newport, WA 99156-5015Phone: (509) 447-6472

Fax: (509) 447-2475Email: [email protected]

Pierce Pierce County Auditor2501 S 35th St, Ste CTacoma, WA 98409-7484Phone: (253) 798-7430

Fax: (253) 798-2761Email: [email protected]

San Juan San Juan County AuditorP.O. Box 638Friday Harbor, WA 98250-0638Phone: (360) 378-3357

Fax: (360) 378-8856Email: [email protected]

Skagit Skagit County AuditorP.O. Box 1306Mt. Vernon, WA 98273-1306Phone: (360) 336-9305

Fax: (360) 336-9429Email: [email protected]

Skamania Skamania County AuditorP.O. Box 790Stevenson, WA 98648-0790Phone: (509) 427-3730

Fax: (509) 427-3740Email: [email protected]

Snohomish Snohomish County Auditor3000 Rockefeller Ave. # 505Everett, WA 98201-4046Phone: (425) 388-3444

Fax: (425) 259-2777Email: [email protected]

Spokane Spokane County Auditor1033 W Gardner AveSpokane, WA 99260-0020Phone: (509) 477-2320

Fax: (509) 477-6607Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Stevens Stevens County Auditor215 S Oak St, Rm 106Colville, WA 99114-2836Phone: (509) 684-7514

Fax: (509) 684-7568Email: [email protected]

Thurston Thurston County Auditor2000 Lakeridge Drive, SWOlympia, WA 98502-6090Phone: (360) 786-5408

Fax: (360) 786-5223Email: [email protected]

Wahkiakum Wahkiakum County AuditorP.O. Box 543Cathlamet, WA 98612-0543Phone: (360) 795-3219

Fax: (360) 795-0824Email: [email protected]

Walla Walla Walla Walla County AuditorP.O. Box 2176Walla Walla, WA 99362-0176Phone: (509) 524-2530

Fax: (509) 524-2552Email: [email protected]

Whatcom Whatcom County AuditorP.O. Box 369Bellingham, WA 98227-0369Phone: (360) 676-6742

Fax: (360) 738-4556Email: [email protected]

Whitman Whitman County AuditorP.O. Box 191Colfax, WA 99111-0191Phone: (509) 397-5284

Fax: (509) 397-5281Email: [email protected]

Yakima Yakima County AuditorP.O. Box 12570Yakima, WA 98909-2570Phone: (509) 574-1340

Fax: (509) 574-1341Email: [email protected]



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request to

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?


Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryMay 10, 2016

State PrimaryMay 10, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byApril 19, 2016

Received byApril 19, 2016

Received byOctober 18, 2016

Ballot Request Received byMay 4, 2016

Received byMay 4, 2016

Received byNovember 2, 2016

Ballot Return Received byMay 16, 2016

Received byMay 16, 2016

Received byNovember 14, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information


West Virginia

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in West Virginia is eligible to vote inWest Virginia.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

have a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeither

issued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have a


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

You can submit the State absentee ballot by mail, or . Contact information can be found in theemail fax

"Local Election Offices" section. You may use theDoD Electronic Transmission Service (ETS) to emailor fax your ballot. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.

forwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in all elections forfederal, State and local offices, including ballotmeasures.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have a


West Virginia

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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

You can submit the FWAB by or mail, email fax.Contact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

Email your FWAB: Scan the signed Voter'sDeclaration/Affirmation and the FWAB into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet with secrecy waiver. Email thisballot package directly to your election official. Youmay also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email your FWAB. Information aboutETS can be found in the "Important Information"section or online at

Fax your FWAB: Fax your FWAB directly to yourelection official. Be sure to include your ballot,signed Voter Declaration/Affirmation and coversheet with secrecy waiver. You may use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to fax yourFWAB toll-free. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

See the "Federal Election Deadlines" chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the State

forwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

absentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Barbour Barbour Clerk of the County Commission8 N Main StPhilippi, WV 26416-1150Phone: (304) 457-2232

Fax: (304) 457-5983Email: [email protected]

Berkeley Berkeley Clerk of the County Commission100 West King StMartinsburg, WV 25401-3247Phone: (304) 264-1989

Fax: (304) 267-1794Email: [email protected]

Boone Boone Clerk of the County Commission200 State StMadison, WV 25130-1174Phone: (304) 369-7330

Fax: (304) 369-7329Email: [email protected]

Braxton Braxton Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 486Sutton, WV 26601-0486Phone: (304) 765-2833

Fax: (304) 765-2947Email: [email protected]

Brooke Brooke Clerk of the County Commission632 Main StWellsburg, WV 26070-1742Phone: (304) 737-3668

Fax: (304) 737-4023Email: [email protected]

Cabell Cabell Clerk of the County Commission750 5th Ave, Ste 108Huntington, WV 25701-2083Phone: (304) 526-8633

Fax: (304) 526-8632Email: [email protected]

Calhoun Calhoun Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 230Grantsville, WV 26147-0230Phone: (304) 354-6725

Fax: (304) 354-6725Email: [email protected]

Clay Clay Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 190Clay, WV 25043-0190Phone: (304) 587-4259

Fax: (304) 587-7329Email: [email protected]

Doddridge Doddridge Clerk of the County Commission118 E. Court St, Rm 102West Union, WV 26456-1262Phone: (304) 873-2631

Fax: (304) 873-1840Email: [email protected]

Fayette Fayette Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 569Fayetteville, WV 25840-0569Phone: (304) 574-4225

Fax: (304) 574-4335Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Gilmer Gilmer Clerk of the County Commission10 Howard StGlenville, WV 26351-1246Phone: (304) 462-7641

Fax: (304) 462-8855Email: [email protected]

Grant Grant Clerk of the County Commission5 Highland AvePetersburg, WV 26847-1705Phone: (304) 257-4550

Fax: (304) 257-4207Email: [email protected]

Greenbrier Greenbrier Clerk of the County Commission200 N Court StLewisburg, WV 24901-1170Phone: (304) 647-6602

Fax: (304) 647-6694Email: [email protected]

Hampshire Hampshire Clerk of the County Commission66 N. High StRomney, WV 26757-1600Phone: (304) 822-5112

Fax: (304) 822-4039Email: [email protected]

Hancock Hancock Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 367New Cumberland, WV 26047-0367Phone: (304) 564-3311

Fax: (304) 564-5941Email: [email protected]

Hardy Hardy Clerk of the County Commission204 Washington St, Rm 1111Moorefield, WV 26836-1155Phone: (304) 530-0250

Fax: (304) 530-0251Email: [email protected]

Harrison Harrison Clerk of the County Commission301 W. Main StClarksburg, WV 26301-2955Phone: (304) 624-8675

Fax: (304) 624-8575Email: [email protected]

Jackson Jackson Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 800Ripley, WV 25271-0800Phone: (304) 373-2258

Fax: (304) 372-1107Email: [email protected]

Jefferson Jefferson Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 208Charles Town, WV 25414-1072Phone: (304) 728-3347

Fax: (304) 725-1957Email: [email protected]

Kanawha Kanawha Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 3226Charleston, WV 25332-3226Phone: (304) 357-0130

Fax: (304) 357-0585Email: [email protected]

Lewis Lewis Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 87Weston, WV 26452-0087Phone: (304) 269-8215

Fax: (304) 269-8202Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Lincoln Lincoln Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 497Hamlin, WV 25523-0497Phone: (304) 824-3336

Fax: (304) 824-2444Email: [email protected]

Logan Logan Clerk of the County Commission300 Stratton StLogan, WV 25601-3939Phone: (304) 792-8620

Fax: (304) 792-8621Email: [email protected]

Marion Marion Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 1267Fairmont, WV 26555-1267Phone: (304) 367-5445

Fax: (304) 367-5448Email: [email protected]

Marshall Marshall Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 459Moundsville, WV 26041-0459Phone: (304) 845-1220

Fax: (304) 845-5891Email: [email protected]

Mason Mason Clerk of the County Commission200 6th StPoint Pleasant, WV 25550-1131Phone: (304) 675-1997

Fax: (304) 675-2521Email: [email protected]

McDowell McDowell Clerk of the County Commission90 Wyoming St, Ste 109Welch, WV 24801-2487Phone: (304) 436-8544

Fax: (304) 436-8576Email: [email protected]

Mercer Mercer Clerk of the County Commission1501 West Main St, Ste 121Princeton, WV 24740-2600Phone: (304) 487-8466

Fax: (304) 487-9842Email: [email protected]

Mineral Mineral Clerk of the County Commission150 Armstrong StKeyser, WV 26726-3500Phone: (304) 788-3924

Fax: (304) 788-4109Email: [email protected]

Mingo Mingo Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 1197Williamson, WV 25661-1197Phone: (304) 235-0330

Fax: (304) 235-0565Email: [email protected]

Monongalia Monongalia Clerk of the County Commission243 High StMorgantown, WV 26505-5461Phone: (304) 291-7238

Fax: (304) 291-7233Email: [email protected]

Monroe Monroe Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 350Union, WV 24983-0350Phone: (304) 772-3096

Fax: (304) 772-4191Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Morgan Morgan Clerk of the County Commission77 Fairfax St, Rm 102Berkeley Springs, WV 25411-1580Phone: (304) 258-8547

Fax: (304) 258-8545Email: [email protected]

Nicholas Nicholas Clerk of the County Commission700 Main St, Ste 2Summersville, WV 26651-1444Phone: (304) 872-7820

Fax: (304) 872-9600Email: [email protected]

Ohio Ohio Clerk of the County Commission1500 Chapline St, Rm 215Wheeling, WV 26003-3587Phone: (304) 234-3750

Fax: (304) 234-3827Email: [email protected]

Pendleton Pendleton Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 1167Franklin, WV 26807-1167Phone: (304) 358-2505

Fax: (304) 358-2473Email: [email protected]

Pleasants Pleasants Clerk of the County Commission301 Court Lane, Rm 101St. Marys, WV 26170-1317Phone: (304) 684-3542

Fax: (304) 684-7569Email: [email protected]

Pocahontas Pocahontas Clerk of the County Commission900-C 10th AveMarlinton, WV 24954-1333Phone: (304) 799-4549

Fax: (304) 799-6947Email: [email protected]

Preston Preston Clerk of the County CommissionPreston County Courthouse Annex, 106 Main St, Ste103Kingwood, WV 26537-1131Phone: (304) 329-0070

Fax: (304) 329-0198Email: [email protected]

Putnam Putnam Clerk of the County Commission3389 Winfield RdWinfield, WV 25213-0358Phone: (304) 586-0202

Fax: (304) 204-1408Email: [email protected]

Raleigh Raleigh Clerk of the County Commission215 Main StBeckley, WV 25801Phone: (304) 255-9127

Fax: (304) 252-8698Email: [email protected]

Randolph Randolph Clerk of the County Commission2 Randolph AveElkins, WV 26241-4063Phone: (304) 636-0543

Fax: (304) 636-0544Email: [email protected]

Ritchie Ritchie Clerk of the County Commission115 E. Main St, Rm 201Harrisville, WV 26362-1271Phone: (304) 643-2164

Fax: (304) 643-2906Email: [email protected]

County Mailing Address

Roane Roane Clerk of the County Commission200 Main StSpencer, WV 25276-1411Phone: (304) 927-2860

Fax: (304) 927-2489Email: [email protected]

Summers Summers Clerk of the County Commission120 Ballengee StHinton, WV 25951-2469Phone: (304) 466-7121

Fax: (304) 466-7146Email: [email protected]

Taylor Taylor Clerk of the County Commission214 W. Main StGrafton, WV 26354-1387Phone: (304) 265-1401

Fax: (304) 265-5450Email: [email protected]

Tucker Tucker Clerk of the County Commission215 First St, Ste 3Parsons, WV 26287-1277Phone: (304) 478-2414

Fax: (304) 478-2217Email: [email protected]

Tyler Tyler Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 66Middlebourne, WV 26149-0066Phone: (304) 758-2102

Fax: (304) 758-2126Email: [email protected]

Upshur Upshur Clerk of the County Commission40 W. Main St, Rm 101Buckhannon, WV 26201-2299Phone: (304) 472-1068

Fax: (304) 472-1029Email: [email protected]

Wayne Wayne Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 248Wayne, WV 25570-0248Phone: (304) 272-6370

Fax: (304) 272-5318Email: [email protected]

Webster Webster Clerk of the County Commission2 Court Square, Rm G1Webster Springs, WV 26288-1049Phone: (304) 847-2508

Fax: (304) 847-5780Email: [email protected]

Wetzel Wetzel Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 156New Martinsville, WV 26155-0156Phone: (304) 455-8224

Fax: (304) 455-5256Email: [email protected]

Wirt Wirt Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 53Elizabeth, WV 26143-0053Phone: (304) 275-4271

Fax: (304) 275-3418Email: [email protected]

Wood Wood Clerk of the County Commission1 Court SquareParkersburg, WV 26101-7500Phone: (304) 424-1850

Fax: (304) 424-1982Email: [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

County Mailing Address

Wyoming Wyoming Clerk of the County CommissionP.O. Box 309Pineville, WV 24874-0309Phone: (304) 732-8000

Fax: (304) 732-9659Email: [email protected]


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Page 449: 2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide - Altus Air Force Base...2016-17 Voting Assistance Guide Assistance for citizens covered by the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemail

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

Presidential PrimaryApril 5, 2016

State PrimaryAugust 9, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Overseas CitizensPostmarked byMarch 16, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersNot Required

Overseas CitizensPostmarked byJuly 20, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersNot Required

Overseas CitizensPostmarked byOctober 19, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersNot Required


Overseas CitizensReceived by5 PM, March 31, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived by5 PM, April 5, 2016

Overseas CitizensReceived by5 PM, August 4, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived by5 PM, August 9, 2016

Overseas CitizensReceived by5 PM, November 3, 2016Uniformed Services andeligible family membersReceived by5 PM, November 8, 2016


Postmarked by*April 5, 2016

Postmarked by*August 9, 2016

Postmarked by*November 8, 2016

*Ballot Return: Ballots must be received by the 3rd day after the election.

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

Yes.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Wisconsin is eligible to vote as a"federal voter" and may vote for federal offices only.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

in Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) registers you to vote and requests absenteeballots for a minimum of all federal elections in thecurrent calendar year. Be sure to complete a newFPCA each year and every time your addresschanges.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 Not required.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide this

information in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

You must provide a Stateeitherissued ID number the last fourordigits of your Social Security number.If you do not have either of thesenumbers you must enter in Block 9:"I do not have a social securitynumber or State issued ID number."

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA. If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

If you are using the FPCA to , you register to vote the form. If you are already registered andmust mail

are using the FPCA to an absentee ballot,requestyou can mail, email or fax your signed form to yourelection official. Contact information can be found inthe "Local Election Offices" section or online

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

Your FPCA should be returned directly to your localelection official. If you do not know your localelection official's mailing address or how to contactyour them, you can find that information at, or by contacting theWisconsin Government Accountability Board (GAB)by email: [email protected], by fax: (608) 267-0500, or bymail at:

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board 212 East Washington Ave, Third Floor P.O. Box 7984 Madison, WI 53707-7984

In the event you do not have access to the internet or

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

you cannot call the GAB you may send your FPCA tothe GAB.

You may also use the DoD Electronic TransmissionService (ETS) to email or fax your FPCA if you arealready registered to vote and requesting anabsentee ballot. Instructions for ETS are in the"Important Information" section or online

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. Overseas Uniformed Service

can request to have the Prepaid Mail Labelmembers11-DoD applied to the general election ballot.Additional information about this label can be foundin the "Important Information" section.

Your ballot should be returned directly to your localelection official. If you do not know your localelection official's mailing address or contactinformation, please visit Youcan also contact the Wisconsin GovernmentAccountability Board (GAB) by email: [email protected] orby fax: (608) 267-0500.

If you do not have access to the internet or youcannot call the GAB, you may mail your ballot to theGAB:

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board 212 East Washington Ave, Third Floor P.O. Box 7984 Madison, WI 53707-7984

Your ballot will be forwarded to your local electionofficial by the GAB. Please provide for additionalmailing time if you send your ballot to the GAB.Your ballot must be received by your local electionofficial by the ballot receipt deadline even if it isreceived by the G.A.B. before this deadline.



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Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

If you are a Uniformed Service member (or eligible, you can use the FWAB to vote in allfamily member)

elections for federal, State and local offices,including ballot measures.

If you are an , you can use the FWABoverseas citizento vote in all elections for federal office.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 Not required.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that may

Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailed

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

Your FWAB should be returned directly to your localelection official. If you do not know your localelection official's mailing address or contactinformation, please visit Youcan also contact the Wisconsin GovernmentAccountability Board (GAB) by email: [email protected] orby fax: (608) 267-0500.

If you do not have access to the internet or youcannot call the GAB, you may mail your ballot to theGAB:

Wisconsin Government Accountability Board 212 East Washington Ave, Third Floor P.O. Box 7984 Madison, WI 53707-7984

Your FWAB will be forwarded to your local electionofficial by the GAB. Please provide for additionalmailing time if you send your FWAB to the GAB.Your FWAB must be received by your local electionofficial by the ballot receipt deadline even if it isreceived by the G.A.B. before this deadline.

Overseas Uniformed Service members can request tohave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines"chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the State

assist the election official inaccepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. This form must have awitness signature.



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The DoD ETS allows you to your election materials or faxTo your election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet availableemailin Chapter 1 or online at and email to [email protected]. To faxyour election materials using ETS, use the cover sheet available inChapter 1 or online at and fax to: (703) 693-5527, DSN223-5527, or toll-free from the U.S., Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and theVirgin Islands to 1-800-368-8683. International toll-free numbers can befound in the Appendix of the Voting Assistance Guide or online

What is the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS)?

The FPCA will only temporarily register you to vote. This means that youwill be registered and can vote in the elections in which the FPCA allowsyou to do so.

What is 'temporary registration'?

The FWAB (federal form SF 186) serves as an emergency backup ballotfor citizens. If you do not receive your absentee ballot fromUOCAVAyour State in time to return it to your election official to participate in theelection, use the FWAB.

What is the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot (FWAB)?

The FPCA (federal form SF 76) allows citizens to register toUOCAVAvote and request an absentee ballot. This form is also used to updateyour contact information.

What is the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)?

The is commonlyUniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Actreferred to as . citizens are U.S. citizens who are activeUOCAVA UOCAVAmembers of the Uniformed Services, the Merchant Marine, thecommissioned corps of the Public Health Service and the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, their eligible family membersand other U.S. citizens residing outside the United States. The lawprovides the legal basis for absentee voting requirements for federaloffices.

What is UOCAVA?

Federal Election Deadlines

State PrimaryAugust 16, 2016

General ElectionNovember 8, 2016

Registration Received byAugust 15, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Request Received byAugust 15, 2016

Received byNovember 7, 2016

Ballot Return Received by7 PM, August 16, 2016

Received by7 PM, November 8, 2016

Please mail your voting materials early enough to account for mail delivery times. Check the recommendedmailing dates section in Chapter 1 for details.

Important information



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You can see if your State has any online tools available here:

Does my State have any onlinetools?

You can check the status of your absentee ballot here:

How can I check the status of myballot?

No.I am a National Guardsmanactivated on State orders; doesmy State afford me UOCAVAprivileges?

A U.S. citizen who has never resided in the U.S. and has a parent or legalguardian that was last domiciled in Wyoming is eligible to vote inWyoming.

I am an American citizen, but Ihave never lived in the U.S., can Ivote in this State?

A primary election is an election held before the general election todetermine the candidates that can be placed on the general electionballot.

What is a primary election?

Overseas Uniformed Service members can use this label for generalelection absentee ballots. It provides free express mail service to yourelection official for general election absentee ballots. You can request tohave a Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to your absentee ballot atMilitary Postal Office locations (APO/FPO). A portion of the label is keptby you for tracking your absentee ballot through the U.S. postal service.

What is the Prepaid Mail Label11- DoD?

Registering and requesting yourabsentee ballot

Under federal law, the Federal Post Card Application(FPCA) temporarily registers you to vote andrequests absentee ballots for a minimum of allfederal elections in the current calendar year. Besure to complete a new FPCA each year and everytime your address changes.

Complete the following blocks of theFPCA

Block 1 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 2 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyballot you want to receive. Politicalparty affiliation is not required ifrequesting an absentee ballot forgeneral elections.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you inorder to accept your FPCA.If youwant to receive your absentee ballotby email/online or fax, you mustprovide your email address or faxnumber.

Block 6 You can receive your absentee ballotby mail, email/online or fax. Rankyour preferred method of receivingyour absentee ballot.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address,even if you are requesting yourballot by email/online or fax. If youwant your election materials sent to adifferent address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 toprovide this information.



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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

How and where to submit your FPCA

You can submit the FPCA by or .mail, email faxContact information can be found in the "LocalElection Offices" section or online at

Mail your FPCA: Once your FPCA is complete, mailyour FPCA directly to your election official.

E-Mail your FPCA: Scan the signed FPCA into yourcomputer. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. Email this package directly toyour election official. You may also use the DoDElectronic Transmission Service (ETS) to email yourFPCA. Information about ETS can be found in the"Important Information" section or online

Fax your FPCA: Fax your FPCA directly to yourelection official. Be sure to also include the ElectronicTransmission Sheet. You may use the DoD ElectronicTransmission Service (ETS) to fax your FPCA toll-free.Instructions for ETS are in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

To find out the status of your FPCA, contact yourelection official. Your election official will contact youif your FPCA is not accepted.

Voting your ballot

Once you receive your absentee ballot from yourState it must be returned according to the deadlinesand requirements in the "Federal ElectionDeadlines" chart. For special federal elections, for specific deadlines.

The State absentee ballot to yourmust be mailedelection official. The address of your election officialcan be found in the "Local Election Offices" section.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist your election official inaccepting this form. You can use thisspace to designate particularelections or the period you wish toreceive ballots.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

Haven't received your ballot?Use the Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot

You be registered to vote and have alreadymustrequested a State absentee ballot in order to use theFWAB.

You can use the FWAB to vote in federal elections.

Complete the following blocks of theFWAB's voter declaration/affirmation

Block 1 Do not check this box. The FWABcannot be used for voter registrationor as a ballot request.

Block 2 Select the category that bestdescribes you.

Block 3 Enter your current name (Last, First).If you are registered under adifferent name, provide thisinformation in the previous namearea.

Block 4 Your date of birth is required.

Block 5 Your contact information isrecommended so your electionofficial can contact you if they needadditional information from you toaccept your FWAB.

Block 6 To vote in primary elections, youmust enter the name of the partyprimary in which you are voting.Political party affiliation is notrequired if voting an absentee ballotin general elections.

Block 7 Enter the complete street address ofyour voting residence. You cannotuse a post office box mailingaddress. If your address is a ruralroute, use Block 9 to describe thelocation of your voting residence.

Block 8 Enter your current mailing address. Ifyou want your election materials sentto a different address or have aforwarding address, use Block 9 forthis information.

Block 9 Provide any information that mayassist the election official in



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Vote your FWAB

To vote, write in either a candidate's name orpolitical party for each office. You are not required tomake a selection for each and every contest.

How and where to submit your FWAB

The FWAB to your election official.must be mailedThe address of your election official can be found inthe "Local Election Offices" section or online

Mail your FWAB: Once your FWAB is complete, foldand place it in the security envelope and seal theenvelope. Place only the voted ballot in the securityenvelope and do not write on the security envelope.Insert the sealed security envelope and the Voter'sDeclaration/ Affirmation into the mailing envelopeand mail your FWAB directly to your election official.

can request toOverseas Uniformed Service membershave the Prepaid Mail Label 11-DoD applied to thegeneral election ballot. Additional information aboutthis label can be found in the "ImportantInformation" section or online at

See the "Federal Election Deadlines"chart for thedeadline for submitting the FWAB. If you receive theState absentee ballot after transmitting your votedFWAB, you may also vote and return the Stateabsentee ballot. If both are received by the deadline,only the State absentee ballot will be counted.

Local election offices for county

County Mailing Address

Albany Albany County Clerk525 Grand Ave, Ste 202Laramie, WY 82070Phone: (307) 721-2541

Fax: (307) 721-2544Email: [email protected]

Big Horn Big Horn County ClerkCounty Courthouse, P.O. Box 31Basin, WY 82410-0031Phone: (307) 568-2357

Fax: (307) 568-9375Email: [email protected]

Campbell Campbell County ClerkP.O. Box 3010Gillette, WY 82717-3010Phone: (307) 682-7285

Fax: (307) 687-6455Email: [email protected]

accepting this form.

Affirmation Sign and date. No witness signaturerequired.

County Mailing Address

Carbon Carbon County ClerkP.O. Box 6Rawlins, WY 82301-0006Phone: (307) 328-2668

Fax: (307) 328-2669Email: [email protected]

Converse Converse County Clerk107 N 5th St, Ste 114Douglas, WY 82633-2448Phone: (307) 358-2244

Fax: (307) 358-5998Email: [email protected]

Crook Crook County ClerkP.O. Box 37Sundance, WY 82729-0037Phone: (307) 283-1323

Fax: (307) 283-3038Email: [email protected]

Fremont Fremont County Clerk450 N 2nd St, Rm 220Lander, WY 82520-0090Phone: (307) 332-2405

Fax: (307) 332-1132Email: [email protected]

Goshen Goshen County ClerkP.O. Box 160Torrington, WY 82240-0160Phone: (307) 532-4051

Fax: (307) 532-7375Email: [email protected]

Hot Springs Hot Springs County Clerk415 Arapahoe StThermopolis, WY 82443-2783Phone: (307) 864-3515

Fax: (307) 864-3333Email: [email protected]

Johnson Johnson County Clerk76 N Main StBuffalo, WY 82834-1883Phone: (307) 684-7272

Fax: (307) 684-2708Email: [email protected]

Laramie Laramie County ClerkP.O. Box 608Cheyenne, WY 82003-0608Phone: (307) 633-4268

Fax: (307) 633-4240Email: [email protected]

Lincoln Lincoln County Clerk925 Sage Ave, Ste 101Kemmerer, WY 83101Phone: (307) 877-9056

Fax: (307) 877-3101Email: [email protected]

Natrona Natrona County ClerkP.O. Box 863Casper, WY 82601-0863Phone: (307) 235-9217

Fax: (307) 235-9367Email: [email protected]

Niobrara Niobrara County ClerkP.O. Box 420Lusk, WY 82225-0420Phone: (307) 334-2211

Fax: (307) 334-3013Email: [email protected]



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County Mailing Address

Park Park County Clerk1002 Sheridan AveCody, WY 82414-3589Phone: (307) 527-8600

Fax: (307) 527-8626Email: [email protected]

Platte Platte County ClerkPO Drawer 728Wheatland, WY 82201-0728Phone: (307) 322-2315

Fax: (307) 322-2245Email: [email protected]

Sheridan Sheridan County Clerk224 S Main St, Ste B2Sheridan, WY 82801-4855Phone: (307) 674-2500

Fax: (307) 674-2909Email: [email protected]

Sublette Sublette County ClerkP.O. Box 250Pinedale, WY 82941-0250Phone: (307) 367-4372

Fax: (307) 367-6396Email: [email protected]

Sweetwater Sweetwater County Clerk80 W Flaming Gorge, Ste 150Green River, WY 82935-0730Phone: (307) 872-3732

Fax: (307) 872-3994Email: [email protected]

Teton Teton County ClerkP.O. Box 1727Jackson, WY 83001-1727Phone: (307) 733-4430

Fax: (307) 739-8681Email: [email protected]

Uinta Uinta County ClerkP.O. Box 810Evanston, WY 82930-0810Phone: (307) 783-0306

Fax: (307) 783-0376Email: [email protected]

Washakie Washakie County ClerkP.O. Box 260Worland, WY 82401-0260Phone: (307) 347-3131

Fax: (307) 347-9366Email: [email protected]

Weston Weston County Clerk1 W MainNewcastle, WY 82701-2121Phone: (307) 746-4744

Fax: (307) 746-9505Email: [email protected]



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Chapter 3

2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Contact info for IVA Officescan be found online at

. Local residentsFVAP.govmay include civilians,contractors or servicemembers living within theirvoting jurisdiction.

Online training modules forVAOs and Installation VoterAssistance (IVA) Office staffare also available online at

A Uniformed Servicemember who is living withintheir voting jurisdiction is notcovered under .UOCAVA

Chapter 3Guide for Voting Assistance Officers

Your responsibilities

As a Voting Assistance Officer (VAO), you are part of a worldwidenetwork of military members, U.S. government employees andvolunteers who aid in ensuring that citizens covered under the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA)understand their voting rights and know how to vote absentee.

These citizens include:

active duty members of the Uniformed Services or MerchantMarine;eligible spouses or family members of an active duty member ofthe Uniformed Services or Merchant Marine; orU.S. citizens residing outside the U.S.

Keep current

Become familiar with the absentee voting process, the forms,, your organization and your Service's voting

Sign up to receive news releases from FVAP. Subscribe online at or email and provide your [email protected]

address.Workshops are offered at military installations and U.S.embassies and consulates worldwide. You can find trainingschedules online at .FVAP.govTake the online training for Voting Assistance Officers availableonline at

Provide assistance

VAOs provide voters with accurate and nonpartisan voting informationand assistance.

Help voters fill out the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)according to their State's specific requirements.Include voting information at unit or installation family events;leverage readiness programs or spouse clubs.Refer local residents to the Installation Voter Assistance (IVA)Office for local registration.

Promote voter awareness

Post notices and/or posters on bulletin boards to increaseawareness of how to register and vote. Make sure when postingto include your contact information or the contact informationfor the IVA Office. Popular locations include installation housing,gyms, exchanges and commissaries.Use Armed Forces Voters Week, Overseas Citizens Voters Weekand Absentee Voting Week to get the word out.


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Examples include:

Develop relationshipswith the installationPublic Affairs office todisplay votingmessages oninstallation marqueesand place FVAP newsreleases in theinstallation's paper.Include your contactinformation on thebottom of motivationalposters so servicemembers know who tocontact for assistance.

VAOs with access to acomputer, internet andprinter can use onlineversions of these forms.Deploying units should takesufficient paper copies in theevent of internet connectivityissues.

During Absentee Voting Week, announce through variousmedia that voters should return their voted ballots immediately.If they have not received their requested State absentee ballot,encourage them to use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot(FWAB).

Keep voting supplies available

Keep an adequate supply of FPCAs for all unit members andtheir voting-age family members. As a VAO, you are required tosend FPCAs to all unit members and their families by January15th of each year and all potential voters by July 15th.Additionally, ensure you have enough forms for year-roundregistration, absentee ballot requests and change-of-addressrequests for those deploying, returning from deployments,moving or PCSing.Keep an adequate supply of FWABs on hand year-round forcitizens to use in case they do not receive their State absenteeballot.

Manage your program

Create or continue a Continuity Folder.List your contact information in your installation directory forreferrals.Installation-level VAOs should work with your InstallationCommander to assign an Assistant Voting Assistance Officer tohelp with your duties as a VAO.If you serve in an Installation Voter Assistance Office, ahandbook for Office staff is available in the VAO section onlineat

Share your good ideas

After each federal election, the Services and Department of State issueAfter Action Reports that include good ideas submitted by VAOs toimprove the absentee voting process. Good ideas enhance lines ofcommunication among VAOs at all levels and enable you to improveyour voting assistance efforts.

Your good ideas may come from:

Personal experiencesAssessments, audits and appraisalsTraining evaluationsOperational Readiness ReviewsVoting activities, such as registration drives.

Have a good idea?

Send it to your Service Voting Action Officer (SVAO).Overseas citizen organizations may submit their ideas directly toFVAP at [email protected] sure to include a clear statement of your idea and yourcomplete contact information.


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A voting residenceestablishes the jurisdiction towhich the citizen must submitvoting materials.

FPCAs should be distributedelectronically or in hard-copyform in January and July! Besure to reach eligible familymembers.

Help voters

Dates for the November 2016 Election

What When

Deliver FPCAs to all Service members and theirfamilies.

January 15

Deliver FPCAs to eligible voters. July 15

Election officials send ballots to voters.UOCAVA at least 45calendar daysbefore theelection

VAOs should encourage voters who have notreceived their requested State ballot to completethe FWAB.

30 calendar daysbefore theelection

Voters currently overseas or on deployed navalvessels should send voted ballots to theirelection office.

30 calendar daysbefore theelection

Stateside Uniformed Service members and theireligible family members should send votedballots to their election office.

7 calendar daysbefore theelection

Submit unit and installation voting metrics toyour Service Voting Action Officer in therequested format.

In accordancewith Servicerequirements

Guidance regarding these tasks can be found in the Department of and . AllDefense Instruction (DoDI) 1000.04 Service Guidance

guidance can also be found in the VAO section online at .

Determining voting residency

To vote in U.S. elections, citizens must have a legal voting residenceaddress in a State or territory. The issue of voting residence can becomplex, depending on individual circumstances.

For Uniformed Service members and their eligible family members:For voting purposes, legal voting residence can be in the State orterritory where the individual last resided prior to entering militaryservice or the State or territory that the individual has since claimed astheir legal residence. Even though the individual no longer maintainsformal ties to that residence, the address determines their propervoting jurisdiction. To claim a new legal residence, an individual musthave simultaneous physical presence and intend to return to thatlocation as their primary residence.

Uniformed Service members and their eligible family members maychange their residence every time they change permanent dutystations, or they may keep their residence at their previous location.


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Forms should not be sentdirectly to FVAP or anembassy/consulate as theyare unable to process them.

This may mean that the family's Uniformed Service member has adifferent voting residence than his/her family members.

Individuals should consult a legal assistance officer if they are not sureof their voting residence, because there are usually other factors thatshould be considered besides voting.

For overseas citizens: Overseas citizens' legal state of residence forvoting purposes is the State or territory where they last residedimmediately prior to their departure from the United States. Thisapplies to overseas citizens even if they do not have property or otherties in the last State of residence. Children of these citizens should usethe residence address of one of their parents or legal guardians. Insome States, those who were born abroad and have never resided inthe United States are eligible to vote absentee using their parent orlegal guardian's address. To see if your State allows this, check theState pages in Chapter 2 of the VAG or find the listing online

Helping individuals complete the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA)

The FPCA can be used by Uniformed Service members, their eligiblefamily members and overseas citizens to simultaneously register tovote and request an absentee ballot. As a VAO, you should helpindividuals correctly complete their FPCAs. Election officials determinethe voter's eligibility to vote based on information provided in thisapplication. Individuals should include all contact information on theirFPCA and submit it early enough for election officials to contact them ifthey need additional information to process the form.

Check that FPCAs are filled out correctly and include:

Signature and dateComplete voting residence address (no P.O. Box addresses)Legible handwritingAll information required by the State.

Remind voters to send the FPCA early enough to be received by theState registration and/or absentee ballot request deadline. If you areworking in an IVA Office, offer to mail forms on behalf of the voter;remember, collected forms must be mailed within five calendar days.Overseas voters must contact their embassy or consulate prior todropping off forms.

Helping complete the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot(FWAB)

If Uniformed Service members, their eligible family members andoverseas citizens have requested, but have not received their Stateabsentee ballot in time to vote and return it before the deadline, theyshould use the FWAB.

If citizens receive their State absentee ballot after submitting theFWAB, they should vote and return the State absentee ballot


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Photos from successfulVoters Week events can befound on our Facebookpage, send yours to yourSVAO!

Overseas citizen groups andlocal election officials areexcellent resources andVAOs should partner withthem to conduct votingevents.

Federal offices include:

The President andVice PresidentU.S. SenatorsU.S. RepresentativesU.S. Delegates(American Samoa,District of Columbia,Guam, the VirginIslands)U.S. ResidentCommissioner (PuertoRico)

immediately. If the election office receives theState absentee ballot bythe ballot return deadline, the State absentee ballot will be countedinstead of the FWAB.

To use the FWAB, citizens must have applied for a Stateabsentee ballot before the State's ballot request deadline.The FWAB may be used to vote for federal offices in primary,general, special or runoff elections.Some States have expanded the use of the FWAB and acceptthe FWAB for voting for State and local offices, and/or allow theFWAB to be used for voter registration and ballot request.Please see State information in .Chapter 2

Tips for using the FWAB:

Individuals who have not received a requested State absenteeballot in time to return it before the election should immediatelycomplete and send the FWAB to their election office. FVAPrecommends voters use a FWAB if they have not received theirState absentee ballot within 30 days of the election.The FWAB must be received by the election office no later thanthe ballot return deadline for that election.The Voter Affirmation/Declaration must be completed and themailing envelope must be signed and dated.

Conduct voter outreach events

Each regularly scheduled federal election year (every even-numberedyear), FVAP works with the Uniformed Services and the Department ofState to promote voter registration and absentee voting by conductingVoting Emphasis Weeks.

Armed Forces and Overseas Citizens Voters Week: June27-July 5, 2016

Your goal: Deliver the FPCA to all Service members and theirvoting-age family members. Encourage everyone to fill out and submitthe form immediately.

What you can do:

Offer assistance in completing the form.Conduct nonpartisan voting workshops and registration drives.Invite election officials from your area to assist.Hang voting banners near installation entrances or display avoting slogan on installation marquees.Run voting Public Service Announcements (PSAs) at theinstallation theater.Put up motivational posters with voter registration information inpopular areas such as installation housing, gyms, commissariesand exchanges. Be sure to include your contact information.Use media outlets to encourage voter registration. Advertiseevents on Facebook and in installation newspapers.Plan your events around Independence Day.


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These documents and othervoting handouts (such as theElection Dates poster) areavailable for download at

Absentee Voting Week: September 26 - October 3, 2016

Your goal: Encourage everyone to return their voted ballotsimmediately or use the FWAB.

What you can do:

Ask voters if they have received their requested State absenteeballot. If they have not, give them a FWAB and provideassistance with completing the form as necessary.Use media outlets to encourage people to return their Stateabsentee ballot or the FWAB. Run reminders and articles ininstallation newspapers.Enlist the help of other VAOs, local election officials or overseascitizen organizations to conduct events encouraging people toreturn their absentee ballots.Put up posters that tell people how to reach you for help. Hangvoting banners near installation entrances or display a votingslogan on installation marquees.Run voting PSAs at the installation theater.Host unit or installation "Voting Days" where computer terminalsare set up for the purpose of receiving, completing, printing,and returning ballots electronically, if permitted by their State.

Keep voting supplies on hand

Maintaining an adequate supply of voting materials is an essentialfunction of every VAO. Voting materials include the FPCA and FWABforms, motivational posters, voting banners, brochures, wallet cards,etc. To order materials, follow the instructions below.


VAOs are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materialsare made available to Service members. The Army's specificinstructions are:

FPCA (SF 76) - Primary method of use should be by guidingabsentee voters to use the online assistant at ; it willFVAP.govguide voters in creating a completed FPCA. Secondary methodof use is via downloadable PDF, available at .FVAP.govFWAB (SF 186) - Primary method of use should be by guidingabsentee voters to use the online assistant at ; it willFVAP.govguide voters in creating a completed FWAB. Secondary methodof use is via downloadable PDF, available online at


VAOs are responsible for ensuring that all absentee voting materialsare made available to service members. The Navy's specific orderinginstructions are:

FPCA (SF 76) - Primary method of use should be by guidingabsentee voters to use the online assistant at ; it willFVAP.govguide voters in creating a completed FPCA. Secondary methodof use is via downloadable PDF, available at . If


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4. 5.


primary and secondary methods of use are not possiblebecause of operational constraints or other extraneouscircumstances, forms may be ordered from the Navy LogisticsLibrary (NLL). Contact prior to ordering [email protected] circumstances.FWAB (SF 186) - Primary method of use should be by guidingabsentee voters to use the online assistant at ; it willFVAP.govguide voters in creating a completed FWAB. Secondary methodof use is via downloadable PDF, available online at . IfFVAP.govthe primary and secondary methods of use are not possiblebecause of operational constraints or other extraneouscircumstances, forms may be ordered from the Navy LogisticsLibrary (NLL). Contact prior to ordering [email protected] Voting Assistance Guide (VAG) - Primary method ofuse should be online at or downloadable PDF as theFVAP.govguide is updated frequently throughout the election cycle.Installation Voter Assistance (IVA) Offices will also have hardcopies of the guide for reference.Posters - Posters are provided to IVA offices to share with VAOs.Contact your local IVA Office to obtain posters. Additionalposters may be downloaded (high resolution) and printed.Several designs are also available on the 'Navy Voting'Facebook page. VAOs are encouraged to use on-base printingservices to create hard-copy posters.

Air Force

VAOs can order supplies online at .

Login with CAC. Click on "Accounts" tab. "Associated Accounts"may be "Disabled" under the "Status" column.Click "View Details" and fill in User Details and click "Save"button. Click "Yes" button to confirm creating user access. Click"OK" button on account creation confirmation. AssociatedAccount should now read "Enabled" in "Status" column.Click on "Shop Online." Enter "SF76" or "SF186" (or othermaterials short title name) in "Keywords" text box and click"Search" link to right.Click on magnifying glass to view details.Enter the quantity required and then click the "+" button to addto shopping cart. Click Arrow "Proceed To Checkout." Click on"Submit Order" link.To check on your order, use the "Track Orders/Order History"link. For assistance, contact Air Force ePublishing at DSN754-2438 or COMM 1-800-848-9577, 0730-1700 Eastern Timeor by email at [email protected]

Marine Corps

VAOs can order the following voting materials through your unit'spublication manager (typically the MMO S-1 office) via Marine CorpsPublication Distribution System: Voting Assistance Guide (PCN:100006628000); Motivational Poster (PCN:50100651000); ElectionDates Poster (PCN:50100650000).


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You can order the following voting materials through Direct SupportStock Control Outlets, General Services Administration (GSA) orthrough your unit's supply officers via SABRS: SF76, FPCA (NSN:7540-00-634-5053); SF186, FWAB (NSN: 7540-01-218-4384).

Please provide the PCN or NSN numbers when requesting materials.For assistance, contact your Installation Voting Assistance Officer orthe Service Voting Action Officer.

Coast Guard

VAOs should use the online forms as much as possible. If thepreference is to keep a stock pile of forms, you can order FPCAs andFWABs from General Services Administration (GSA) using thefollowing data: SF 76, FPCA (NSN: 7540-00-634-5053): SF 186, FWAB(NSN 7540-01-218-4384)

The is also available online. However, youVoting Assistance Guideshould receive a Voting Assistance Guide through the DOT warehousewhenever a new edition is issued. If you do not receive a new VotingAssistance Guide, contact your Service Voting Action Officer.

State Department

VAOs can order FPCAs and FWABs through the normal GeneralServices Administration (GSA) supply channel.

For expedited service, please contact GSA's National CustomerService Center via email at [email protected] telephone at 800-488-3111.GSA requires the funding information, the stock number and thequantity. Use the following stock numbers: SF 76, FPCA(7540-00-634-5053); SF 186, FWAB (7540-01-218-4384).

You can order motivational posters and Voting Assistance Guides bysending an email request to . Posters and [email protected] Guides are free while supplies last are shipped byanddiplomatic pouch.

Overseas Citizens Organizations

Other organizations can order forms, motivational posters and VotingAssistance Guides by sending an email request to [email protected] 1-800-438-VOTE (8683).

International toll-free numbers can be found in the Appendix or at

Additional assistance

The Uniformed Services have extensive chains of command to providevoting support for military members and their families.

Installation Commanding Officer (CO)

The Installation Commander oversees voting assistance for theInstallation Voter Assistance (IVA) Office. The IVA Office staff report


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directly to the Installation Commander while staffing the IVA Office.FVAP requests that Commanders make opening statements at FVAPworkshops and facilitate travel arrangements for VAOs to attendworkshops at surrounding installations.

Installation Voting Assistance Officer (IVAO)

The IVAO acts as a focal point on military installations in coordinatingvoting assistance support. IVAOs should maintain a roster of all unitVAOs on the installation, establish communications with VAOs, andprovide necessary materials and support. IVAOs coordinate FVAPworkshops with organizations from their installation and surroundinginstallations.

Installation Voter Assistance (IVA) Office Staff

These are people who staff the IVA Office. They provide assistance tomilitary personnel, eligible family members, as well as civilianpersonnel and other civilians who have access to the office. Theyprovide written instruction on voter registration and absentee ballotprocedures and report directly to the installation commander. Theseindividuals can be contacted with questions regarding local voting.

Legal Assistance Officer

This officer can be contacted with legal questions, such as determiningvoter residency. Often known as a JAG (Judge Advocate General)officer.

Public Affairs/Information Officer

Contact this officer to ensure that voting information is included ininstallation or unit publications.

Inspector General (IG)

The IG is required by federal law to periodically review votingassistance programs to ensure compliance with DoD and Servicedirectives and regulations.

Personnel/Human Resources Officer

Contact this officer to ensure that all newly reporting personnel andnaturalized U.S. citizens are provided FPCAs and voting assistance.

Publications, Supply or Distribution Officer

This officer ensures that VAOs receive FPCAs, FWABs and other votingmaterials.


These officers of exchanges, commissaries, special services activities,medical and dental facilities, education centers, family centers, etc. cancoordinate the display of voting materials for Armed Forces VotersWeek and Absentee Voting Week.


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Never include PersonallyIdentifiable Information (PII)about individuals you haveassisted!

Most VAO and IVA OfficeContinuity Folder documentscan be downloaded in theVAO Continuity Foldersection online at .

Other non-military support organizations that can assistin voter outreach

Local election officialsVeterans and Service Organizations, such as: Veterans ofForeign Wars, the American Legion, the Non commissionedOfficers Association and the League of Women VotersCivic Groups, American Chambers of Commerce, colleges anduniversities and support organizations for overseas US citizensSpousal Organizations

Run your program

Legal guidelines

VAOs must not provide partisan voting information from candidates,political parties or partisan organizations. Military VAOs may receivequestions from voters regarding whether they can distribute and/ordisplay partisan materials at the military installations. VAOs shouldconsult their Commanding Officer for their interpretation of DoDDirective 1344.10 Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces

available online at . Federally employedon Active Duty, FVAP.govVAOs should refer to the linkHatch Act, Title 5 U.S.C. Sec. 7321,available online at

VAOs can advise citizens on locating information on candidates andissues using national, local and Service newspapers, magazines, radio,television, political party and campaign committee offices, overseasnewspapers and periodicals, and State election websites.

Continuity folder

Continuity of your program is important for you, your assistant, yourorganization and your successor. Create and maintain a ContinuityFolder for your reference and to ensure that your successorunderstands what he or she is supposed to do. It should provide basicdetails on absentee voting procedures and contain anything that mayhelp your backup or successor. Your folder should also provide a quickorientation of VAO responsibilities. It can be in the form of a notebook,file folder, or an online community folder. Make sure it is readilyavailable to other VAOs and assistants.

Your Continuity Folder should contain at a minimum:

Your VAO Designation Letter (only military VAOs)Current FPCAs and FWABsCurrent Voting Assistance Guide (updates available online at

)FVAP.govRecent news releasesElection Dates Calendar (during even-numbered years)Current State Department or Service guidance (directive,instruction, order, etc.)DoD Instruction 1000.04. (Federal Voting Assistance Program)and your Service Voting Action Plan


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Training materials and certificate from workshopsGood ideas and lessons learned.

You can find all materials listed above in the VAO section of FVAP.govor through your normal Service supply chain.

Your SVAO may also have Continuity Folder requirements, for moredetails, see your Service Voting Action Plan.


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AppendixHelpful handouts for Voting AssistanceOfficers

On the following pages, you will find handouts which can be copiedand distributed to assist voters. You can also find these handouts andother materials online at


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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)about absentee voting:Questions for all votersUOCAVA

Do I have to be registered to vote absentee?

Registration requirements vary from State to State. Most States require you to complete an absentee ballotapplication to start the absentee voting process. FVAP encourages the use of the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA) to start the absentee voting process as it is standardized for use across all States andterritories and will extend your eligibility to receive a ballot for all federal elections in which you are eligible,based on State-specific guidelines. The FPCA acts as both a registration and absentee ballot request form.

Where do I send my Federal Post Card Application (FPCA)?

Your request form must be completed, printed, signed, dated and sent directly to your election official. SomeStates allow you to fax or email your FPCA to your election office. Your election official is required to contactyou if your form is rejected, but States differ in notifying voters of a successful application. We encourage youto contact your election official to confirm that your FPCA was successfully processed.

When mailing election materials to my State or territory, do I have to pay postage?

Within the U.S.: The hardcopy form is postage paid in U.S. mail. This information is included on themailing envelope. If using an online version, an envelope template can be downloaded online

Outside of the U.S.: The form is postage paid in U.S. mail, to include APO/FPO and diplomatic pouches.If using foreign postal systems, put the correct amount of local postage on the front of the envelope, inthe top right corner.

What is a postmark and how do I make sure I get one?

A postmark is an official Postal Service imprint applied on the address side of a stamped piece of mail. Apostmark indicates the location and date the Postal Service accepted a piece of mail. You may ask the mailclerk at the post office to apply a postmark to your piece of mail.

When is the best time to apply for an absentee ballot?

To ensure you continue to receive absentee ballots during your time away from your voting residence, be sureto submit a new FPCA every January and each time you change your address and at least 90 days prior to theelection you want to vote in.

Must I submit a separate application for each election?

Under federal law, the FPCA (standard form SF 76) registers you to vote and requests absentee ballots for aminimum of all federal elections in the current calendar year. To ensure you continue to receive absenteeballots during your time away from your voting residence, be sure to submit a new FPCA every January andeach time you change your address and at least 90 days prior to the election you want to vote in.

When should I receive my ballot? What happens if I do not receive a ballot from my localelection office?

Election officials are required to send your absentee ballot 45 days before an election for those who areregistered and have requested a ballot. If you submit your FPCA within 45 days of the election, they will send


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your ballot as soon as possible, upon processing your form.

If you do not receive your absentee ballot from your State in time to return it to your election official toparticipate in the election, use the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB). The FWAB (SF 186) serves as abackup ballot for citizens. The FWAB can be used in all States to vote for federal officesUOCAVA (President/Vice President, U.S. Senate, U.S. Representative and Delegate or Resident Commissioner). If youreceive your State absentee ballot after submitting the FWAB, vote and return it as well. If both your Stateballot and your FWAB are received by the deadline, only one will be counted.

Questions for Uniformed Services/Family Members

Can I vote absentee?

As a Uniformed Service member or eligible family member, your absentee voting rights are covered under . This means if you live outside your voting residence you can vote absentee in all federal elections.UOCAVA

My family members are not in the military; can they also vote absentee?

Yes - Eligible family members of military personnel may vote absentee. They should use the same Federal PostCard Application (FPCA) and Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB) that members of the UniformedServices and overseas citizens do, even when voting absentee Stateside.

How do I register to vote, or apply for an absentee ballot?

Registration requirements vary from State to State. FVAP encourages the use of the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA) to start the absentee voting process as it is standardized for use across all States andterritories and will extend your eligibility to receive a ballot for all federal elections in which you are eligiblebased on State-specific guidelines. The FPCA acts as both a registration and absentee ballot request form.

I am on active duty. Am I allowed to participate in a political party caucus/conventionunder DoD Directive 1344.10?

DoD Directive 1344.10 states that active duty members may observe caucus/convention activities, but may notdirectly participate (to include making speeches). Some State parties hold caucuses to choose their candidatefor nomination at their national convention. Some of these States may afford an opportunity for active dutypersonnel who are absent from their voting residence to vote in a caucus/convention. In this instance, the actof voting is acceptable provided it is done in a manner that does not violate the intent of Directive 1344.10 asstated above. If you remain unsure, we encourage you to contact a legal assistance or voting assistance officerbefore taking action. For more information on available tools to assist active duty personnel who wish to votein a political party caucus while away from their voting residence, refer to the following websites for moreinformation, and the .Republican National Committee Democratic National Committee

Service members are reminded that active duty members cannot participate in partisan political management,campaigns, or conventions (except as a spectator when not in uniform), or make public speeches in the coursethereof. This includes service in any official capacity or being listed as a sponsor of a partisan political club.Secondly, active duty members may not speak before a partisan political gathering, including any gatheringthat promotes a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. Third, active duty members are prohibited fromparticipating in any formal group discussion (such as radio/TV interviews, or other public forums) as anadvocate for or against a partisan political party, candidate, or cause. Therefore, such official and activeparticipation by active duty members as elected Party representatives is prohibited under the Directive.

Questions for Overseas Citizens

Can I vote absentee?

As a U.S. citizen residing overseas, your absentee voting rights are covered. This means if you live outside yourvoting residence you can vote absentee in all federal elections.


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A growing number of States now allow U.S. citizens who were born abroad but never resided in the U.S. tovote using the address where a parent or other relative is eligible to vote. Visit to see a current list ofStates that allow these U.S. citizens to vote.

If I do not maintain a legal residence in the U.S., what is my "legal State of residence"?

Your legal State of residence is your address in the State in which you were last domiciled, immediately priorto leaving the United States.

This residence may remain valid even if:

You no longer own property or have other ties to that State.

Your intent to return to that State is uncertain.

Your previous address is no longer a recognized residential address.

How do I register to vote, or apply for an absentee ballot?

Registration requirements vary from State to State. FVAP encourages the use of the Federal Post CardApplication (FPCA) to start the absentee voting process as it is standardized for use across all States andterritories and will extend your eligibility to receive a ballot for all federal elections in which you are eligiblebased on State- specific guidelines. The FPCA acts as both a registration and absentee ballot request form.

Can I register or vote in-person at the embassy or consulate?

No - U.S. elections are run at the State level and citizens must communicate directly with their election officialto register, request a ballot and vote. Voting Assistance is available at most embassies and consulates to helpin the completion of necessary forms. Be sure to account for submission and mail delivery time to ensure yourforms are received by the State deadline.

Can my selection in Block 1 of the Federal Post Card Application or Federal Write-InAbsentee Ballot affect my U.S. citizenship?

No - The U.S. Department of State confirms that residing abroad without a set date and intent to return to aparticular State or to any State will not result in loss of U.S. citizenship. Selecting "I am a U.S. citizen residingoutside the United States, and my return is not certain" will not result in loss of your U.S. citizenship.

Does voter registration affect my tax status?

Voting in an election for federal offices often may not be used as the sole basis of determining residency forthe purpose of imposing State and local taxes. When claiming a new legal residence or domicile, legal counselshould be consulted because there may be other factors to consider, such as tax implications.

I am an overseas citizen and my state is holding a caucus. How can I find out moreinformation on how to participate??

To find out more information on available methods of participation in a caucus, we encourage you to contactthe national political party headquarters such as the or Republican National Committee Democratic National


Questions for Election Officials

Voter Information:

Can the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) and Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot


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(FWAB) be used by citizens within the United States?

Yes - Uniformed service members who are absent from their voting residence due to their service and theirfamily members who are absent with them may use the FPCA and FWAB even if they are currently within theUnited States. All other citizens within the United States should follow traditional State voter registration andabsentee ballot request procedures.

How can I look up a voter's address?

FVAP is able to look up active duty military members' addresses for election officials. Election officials shouldsubmit requests to FVAP via email ( ) or fax (800-368-8683) and include the name of [email protected], the voting jurisdiction, as well as the citizen's full name, date of birth, and the last four digits ofhis/her Social Security number.

What if a covered voter from another State wants to apply for a ballot using anUOCAVAFPCA through our office?

If a voter that resides in another State wants to apply for an FPCA through your office, you canUOCAVAprovide the voter with a blank form but should clarify that he/she will need to submit the form and cast a ballotin the voter's home State of residence. Voters who are not clear on this information can visit website which provides step-by-step instructions on filling out the FPCA for all 55 States andterritories.

What assistance can we provide the voter that has not received a ballot?

If a voter has requested an absentee ballot but has not received one close to Election Day, the voter can fill outthe Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB). This backup ballot can be found on the voter's specific Statelanding pages online at

Who is covered under ?UOCAVA

U.S. Citizens, 18 years of age or older, who is an active duty member of the Armed Forces, Merchant Marine,Public Health Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Commissioned Corps,eligible family members (U.S. citizens, 18 years or older) of military personnel or a U.S. Citizen residing outsidethe United States are covered by .UOCAVA

Can a person who was born overseas to U.S. parents, and has never lived in the U.S. stillparticipate in the election process?

Yes, some States allow children of military personnel or U.S. citizens residing overseas, but who have neverresided in the U.S., to claim one of their U.S. citizen parents' legal State of residence as their own. FVAP has acurrent list of States that allow these citizens to vote absentee: .

What is a "voting residence"?

For voting purposes, "voting residence" can be the State or territory where the voter last resided prior toentering military service OR the State or territory that the voter has since registered to vote in. Even though thevoter may no longer maintain formal ties to that residence, the address determines the voter's proper votingjurisdiction. Military personnel and their eligible family members may change their voting residence when theychange their permanent duty stations, or they may retain their voting residence without change. This maymean that the family's Uniformed Service member has a different voting residence than his/her familymembers.

Can a voter cast a ballot in-person where he/she is stationed?

Military members may vote in the U.S. State or territory where stationed if they change their voting residenceto that State or territory, even if they live on a military installation. These voters are not entitled to the legal


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protections provided by because they are not absent from their voting residence.UOCAVA

How does FVAP provide voters with information on upcoming elections in theirUOCAVAStates?

FVAP offers electronic that are timely emails that keep local election officials and voters informedVoter Alertsabout election dates, important deadlines throughout the absentee voting process, changes to State laws thataffect how voters may request and cast their ballots, and other crucial absentee voting information.

To receive these , contact FVAP at and request to be added. Please provide yourVoter Alerts [email protected] name in the body of the email message. Or visit and subscribe:


Processing Forms:

Should I process FPCAs received after the MOVE Act's 45-day deadline for sendingballots?

Yes. You should process all FPCAs submitted before your State's absentee ballot request deadline for voters and send out a ballot as quickly as possible.UOCAVA

Which should I count if a voter submitted both a State absentee ballot and a FWAB?

When both a State absentee ballot and a FWAB are submitted prior to the State ballot-receipt deadline, theState absentee ballot should be counted.

Why did a voter write in candidates for State and local offices on the FWAB?

In addition to voting in federal elections, some States allow voters to use the FWAB to vote in StateUOCAVA and local elections. Check your State's guidelines for information on which elections military, their eligiblefamily members and overseas voters may participate.

Ballot Transmission:

Can the MOVE Act's 45-day deadline be moved from Saturday to Monday?

No - The 45-day deadline for a Tuesday election will fall on a Saturday; there is no provision in federal law forthat deadline to slip to the next business day.

Can the postage-paid indicia be used for international mail?

UOCAVA balloting materials can be sent as free postage paid via First-Class Mail as authorized by 39 USC3406 by election officials to all citizens. These balloting materials include the Federal Post CardUOCAVA Application (FPCA), the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot (FWAB), and State balloting materials, includingletters acknowledging registration and State absentee ballots.

NOTE: It is important to remind citizens when returning balloting materials to you, the freeUOCAVA postage-paid indicia can only be used if mailing from a U.S. Post Office, the Military Postal Service Agency(APO/FPO), or U.S. Diplomatic Pouch Mail. Materials sent by voters deposited in a foreign mail system or viacommon carrier (such as FedEx, DHL or UPS) must pay the rate for that service themselves.

How can I use the Electronic Transmission Service (ETS)?

FVAP's ETS service enables election officials to transmit and receive election materials via fax to and from citizens at no cost. Election officials fax the materials to FVAP's toll-free fax number and FVAP will faxUOCAVA

the election materials to the voter. FVAP also provides a fax-to-email conversion if the voter does not have afax machine available.


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The contact information for this service is:

ETS Toll-Free Fax Number:1-800-368-8683

ETS Email Address: [email protected]

ETS Technical Support: 1-800-438-8683

How can I get a ballot to a voter that has an email address that removes PDFs andhyperlinks?

Some governmental email servers remove hyperlinks and attachments. Try getting an alternative emailaddress from the voter as a backup. The Department of Defense has a file transfer service that can be used tosave a file securely to someone with a (.mil) or (.gov) email address. Contact FVAP at [email protected] (8683) for more information.

Does FVAP have any information for processing voting materials including theUOCAVA FPCA and the FWAB forms?

Yes, FVAP offers an online Election Official Training course, a Quick Reference Guide for processing FPCA orFWAB forms, and resources for sending Ballots. They can be found in the Election Official sectionUOCAVAonline at


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2016 Primary Elections by State andterritoryThis chart lists the 2016 State primary election dates in all the States, the District of Columbia and U.S.Territories. This chart also lists primary runoff dates (if applicable); States with U.S. Senate races; the number ofHouse Districts for each State/Territory and those States with Gubernatorial races.

State Presidential PrimaryStatePrimary

State PrimaryRunoff

General ElectionU.S.Senate



Alabama March 1 March 1 April 12 Yes 7 NoAlaska August 16 - Yes 1 YesAmerican Samoa - - - 1 delegate NoArizona March 22 August 30 - Yes 9 NoArkansas March 1 March 1 March 22 Yes 4 NoCalifornia June 7 - - Yes 53 NoColorado June 28 - Yes 7 NoConnecticut April 26 August 9 - Yes 5 NoDelaware April 26 September

13- No 1 Yes

District ofColumbia

June 14 June 14 - - 1 delegate No

Florida March 15 August 30 - Yes 27 NoGeorgia March 1 May 24 July 26 Yes 14 NoGuam August 27 - - 1 delegate NoHawaii August 13 - Yes 2 NoIdaho May 17 - Yes 2 NoIllinois March 15 March 15 - Yes 18 NoIndiana May 3 May 3 - Yes 9 YesIowa June 7 - Yes 4 NoKansas August 2 - Yes 4 NoKentucky May 17 May 17 - Yes 6 NoLouisiana March 5 November 8 December 10 Yes 6 NoMaine June 14 - No 2 NoMaryland April 26 April 26 - Yes 8 NoMassachusetts March 1 September

20- No 9 No

Michigan March 8 August 2 - No 14 NoMinnesota August 9 - No 8 NoMississippi March 8 March 8 March 29 No 4 NoMissouri March 15 August 2 - Yes 8 YesMontana June 7 June 7 - Yes 1 YesNebraska May 10 May 10 - Yes 3 NoNevada June 14 - Yes 4 NoNew Hampshire September

13- Yes 2 No

New Jersey June 7 June 7 - No 12 NoNew Mexico June 7 June 7 - No 3 NoNew York April 19 June 28 - Yes 27 NoNorth Carolina March 15 March 15 - Yes 13 Yes


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

State Presidential PrimaryStatePrimary

State PrimaryRunoff

General ElectionU.S.Senate



North Dakota June 14 - Yes 1 YesOhio March 15 March 15 - Yes 16 NoOklahoma March 1 June 28 August 23 Yes 5 NoOregon May 17 May 17 - Yes 5 YesPennsylvania April 26 April 26 - Yes 18 NoPuerto Rico June 5 - - 1 resident YesRhode Island April 26 September

13- No 2 No

South Carolina Republican: February20Democratic: February27

June 14 June 28 Yes 7 No

South Dakota June 7 June 7 August 16 Yes 1 NoTennessee March 1 August 4 - No 9 NoTexas March 1 March 1 May 24 No 36 NoUtah June 28 - Yes 4 YesVermont March 1 August 9 - Yes 1 YesVirgin Islands August 6 - - 1 delegate NoVirginia March 1 June 14 - No 11 NoWashington August 2 - Yes 10 YesWest Virginia May 10 May 10 - No 3 YesWisconsin April 5 August 9 - Yes 8 NoWyoming August 16 - No 1 No


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

U.S. Embassy and Consulate EmailAddressesU.S. embassies and consulates can provide American citizens with voting forms and information aboutabsentee voting, and can mail voter registration and absentee ballot request forms, and voted ballots back tothe United States. Embassies and consulates can also advise voters on local mailing options and estimatedmail transit times. In addition, the embassy or consulate can notarize or witness voting materials (if required bythe State) free of charge. American citizens cannot vote in person at U.S. embassies or consulates, nor canembassies or consulates receive mail or blank ballots on behalf of voters.

Country Post EmailAfghanistan Kabul [email protected] Tirana [email protected] Algiers [email protected] Luanda [email protected] Buenos Aires [email protected] Yerevan [email protected] Curacao [email protected] Sydney [email protected] Perth [email protected] Canberra [email protected] Melbourne [email protected] Vienna [email protected] Baku [email protected] Ponta Delgada [email protected] Nassau [email protected] Manama [email protected] Dhaka [email protected] Bridgetown [email protected] Minsk [email protected] Brussels [email protected] Belmopan [email protected] Cotonou [email protected] Hamilton [email protected] La Paz [email protected] and Herzegovina Sarajevo [email protected] Gaborone [email protected] Sao Paulo [email protected] Rio de Janiero [email protected] Recife [email protected] Brasilia [email protected] Bandar Seri Begawan [email protected] Sofia [email protected] Faso Ouagadougou [email protected] Rangoon [email protected] Bujumbura [email protected] Phnom Penh [email protected] Yaounde [email protected] Calgary [email protected] Vancouver [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Country Post EmailCanada Toronto [email protected] Quebec [email protected] Ottawa [email protected] Montreal [email protected] Halifax [email protected] Verde Praia [email protected] African Republic Bangui [email protected] N'Djamena [email protected] Santiago [email protected] Shenyang [email protected] Shanghai [email protected] Guangzhou [email protected] Chengdu [email protected] Beijing [email protected] Bogota [email protected], Republic of Brazzaville [email protected], The Democratic Republic of the Kinshasa [email protected] Rica San Jose [email protected] d'Ivoire Abidjan [email protected] Zagreb [email protected] Havana [email protected] Curacao [email protected] Nicosia [email protected] Republic Prague [email protected] Copenhagen [email protected] Djibouti [email protected] Republic Santo Domingo [email protected] Quito [email protected] Guayaquil [email protected] Cairo [email protected] Salvador San Salvador [email protected] Guinea Malabo [email protected] Asmara [email protected] Tallinn [email protected] Addis Ababa [email protected] Suva [email protected] Helsinki [email protected] Paris [email protected] Marseille [email protected] Libreville [email protected], The Banjul [email protected] Tbilisi [email protected] Frankfurt [email protected] Munich [email protected] Berlin [email protected] Accra [email protected] Thessaloniki [email protected] Athens [email protected] St. Georges [email protected] Guatemala [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Country Post EmailMarshall Islands Majuro [email protected] Nouakchott [email protected] Port Louis [email protected] Ciudad Juarez [email protected] Tijuana [email protected] Nuevo Laredo [email protected] Nogales [email protected] Monterrey [email protected] Mexico City [email protected] Merida [email protected] Matamoros [email protected] Hermosillo [email protected] Guadalajara [email protected], Federated States of Kolonia [email protected] Chisinau [email protected] Ulaanbaatar [email protected] Podgorica [email protected] Casablanca [email protected] Maputo [email protected] Windhoek [email protected] Kathmandu [email protected] Curacao [email protected] Amsterdam [email protected] Zealand Auckland [email protected] Managua [email protected] Niamey [email protected] Lagos [email protected] Abuja [email protected] Oslo [email protected] Muscat [email protected] Peshawar [email protected] Lahore [email protected] Karachi [email protected] Islamabad [email protected] Koror [email protected] Panama City [email protected] New Guinea Port Moresby [email protected] Asuncion [email protected] Lima [email protected], The Manila [email protected] Warsaw [email protected] Krakow [email protected] Lisbon [email protected] Doha [email protected] Bucharest [email protected] Yekaterinburg [email protected] Vladivostok [email protected] St. Petersburg [email protected] Moscow [email protected] Kigali [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Country Post EmailSamoa Apia [email protected] Arabia Riyadh [email protected] Arabia Jeddah [email protected] Arabia Dhahran [email protected] Dakar [email protected] Belgrade [email protected] Leone Freetown [email protected] Singapore [email protected] Bratislava [email protected] Ljubljana [email protected] Africa Johannesburg [email protected] Africa Durban [email protected] Africa Cape Town [email protected] Madrid [email protected] Barcelona [email protected] Lanka Colombo [email protected] Khartoum [email protected] Paramaribo [email protected] Mbabane [email protected] Stockholm [email protected] Bern [email protected] Damascus [email protected] Taipei [email protected] Kaoshiung [email protected] Dushanbe [email protected] Dar es Salaam [email protected] Chiang Mai [email protected] Bangkok [email protected] L'Este Dili [email protected] Lome [email protected] and Tobago Port of Spain [email protected] Tunis [email protected] Istanbul [email protected] Ankara [email protected] Adana [email protected] Ashgabat [email protected] Kampala [email protected] Kyiv [email protected] Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi [email protected] Arab Emirates Dubui [email protected] Kingdom London [email protected] Kingdom Edinburgh [email protected] Kingdom Belfast [email protected] Montevideo [email protected] Tashkent [email protected] Caracas [email protected] Ho Chi Minh City [email protected] Hanoi [email protected] Sanaa [email protected] Lusaka [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Country Post EmailZimbabwe Harare [email protected]


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

International Toll-Free Phone and FaxNumbersWhen local assistance is unavailable, please call the Federal Voting Assistance Program. During non-businesshours, citizens may leave a message. When doing so, please leave sufficient information to allow us to getback in touch with you in a timely manner. Tell us what country you are calling from, a complete telephonenumber including international prefixes, and your email address (if available).

Country Telephone Number Fax NumberAmerican Samoa 633-2872, then dial 800-323-8180 Not AvailableAntigua 1-877-833-3886 Not AvailableAustralia 1-800-836-325 1-800-887-858Austria 0800-293478 0800-292502Bahamas 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableBahrain 80-965 80-921Barbados 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableBelgium 0800-11402 0800-72216Bermuda 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableBrazil 0800-891-0619 Not AvailableCanada 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683Cayman Islands 1-877-833-3886 Not AvailableChile 123-0-020-5839 123-0-020-5870China 10-800-120-0925 (CNC: 10-800-712-0925) 10-800-120-0855 (CNC: 10-800-712-0855)Costa Rica 0800-012-1201 0800-012-1163Curacao 001-800-438-8683 Not AvailableDenmark 80-88-4048 80-88-4568Dominican Republic 1-888-156-2025 1-888-156-2004Finland 0-800-1-17988 0-800-1-17346France 0800-917-304 0800-916-557Germany 0800-1013824 0800-1002793Greece 00800-12-5879 00800-12-5816Guam 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683Guyana 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableHong Kong 800-962191 800-968820Hungary 06-800-15007 06-800-14980Indonesia 001-803-011-3116 001-803-011-3094Ireland 1-800-312340 1-800-300015Italy Not Available 800-783943Jamaica Not Available 1-800-926-6606Japan Not Available 00531-1-20833Korea 00798-14-800-5748 00798-14-800-5648Latvia 8000-0154 8000-0069Malaysia Not Available 1-800-80-7238Marshall Islands 1-877-833-3886 Not AvailableMexico 001-800-438-8683 001-866-560-5844Netherlands 0800-0228213 Not AvailableNew Zealand Not Available 0800-445874Nicaragua Not Available 001-800-2201638Norway 800-10520 800-18037


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2016-2017 Voting Assistance Guide (current as of 9/2015)

Country Telephone Number Fax NumberPanama 001-800-507-1699 001-800-507-1671Peru 0800-51523 Not AvailablePhilippines 1-800-1-114-1341 Not AvailablePoland 00-800-112078 00-800-111-2004Portugal 800-8-12543 800-8-12463Puerto Rico 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683Russia 8-10-8002-3333-011 8-10-8002-395-3011South Africa 080-09-90886 080-09-90857Spain 900-961-668 900-961-800St. Kitts and Nevis 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableSt. Vincent 1-800-438-8683 Not AvailableSweden 020-79-2242 020-79-1472Switzerland 0800-564294 0800-564752Taiwan 00801-13-7322 00801-13-7287Thailand 001-800-12-0664536 001-800-12-066-4459Trinidad and Tobago 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683Turkey 00-800-151-1163 00-800-151-1139U.S. Virgin Islands 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683United States 1-800-438-8683 1-800-368-8683Uruguay 000-413-598-2849 000-413-598-2820Venezuela 0800-100-3678 Not Available