Download - 2016-17 Olympians Bible Study Flyer


2 0 1 6 - 1 7 Olympians Bible StudyThe Olympians Bible Study is a six-year survey of the entire Bible. This Bible Study will help make the study of God’s Word come alive by using themed modules to stimulate the interest of your children.

WHAT MAKES YOUR LIFE...AWESOME? Program Overview, Parent and Topical Lessons

Reliable Race Instructions: The children will realize that God has already given them everything they need to obey God and to run the race.

Team Up with God: Children will know that reading God’s Word is important and will commit to having a daily Quiet Time.

Put Some Zing in Your Memorizing!: Children will memorize and use the verses they have memorized.

Be a Champion on God’s Team: Parents and children will desire to make biblical principles a part of their lives.

Does God Answer Prayer?: Children will know that God hears them when they pray and will pray to God.


Noah Trusted God, an Awesome Choice: Children will know that God can do amazing things when they trust Him.

More than Just Words: Children will desire to worship God with their lives.

Is There a Translator in the House: Children will desire to live a life of good with a godly reputation that glorifies God.

MODULE 1:(Lessons 1-5)

MODULE 4:(Lessons 12—14)

MODULE 2:(Lessons 6—7)

MODULE 3:(Lessons 8-11)


I’m So Proud of Myself!: Children will decide to be wise by handling pride the right way.

Stop! Thief!: Children will see that stealing is wrong and make a commitment to be honest.

MODULE 5:(Lessons 15—17)

LOOK - BACK, UP, FORWARD Deuteronomy

Look Back: Accomplishing Mission Impossible: Children will know that they do not need to be afraid or discouraged by trouble or hard times in life.

The Five Key Ways to Love God Wholly: Children will love God with everything, using all of their life to worship Him in holiness.

What Does Your Future Hold?: Children will understand that consequences follow every decision and make right choices every day.

SARAH - SOMEONE LIKE YOU Character Study on Sarah

A Serious Case of Truth Decay: Children will know that lying is a sin and be honest.

Sarai Didn’t Wait So Now She is Full of Hate: Children will believe that it is better to wait on God than to go ahead with their own plans.

Keeping Promises is No Laughing Matter: Children will trust God even when they have difficult problems.

Abraham’s Family Tree Was a Cactus of Conflict: Children will understand that even if they have been rejected by others, God always accepts His children.

CHOICES - THERE ARE ONLY TWO Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and Proverbs

How Do You Spell SUCCESS?: Children will know that the only way to be successful is to follow God’s instructions.

Mission Impossible: Children will believe that all things are possible with God.

You’ll Be Achin’ If You Steal the Bacon: Children will feel conviction and repent of their sin choosing to obey and live for God.

It Looks Good, But Is It?: Children will see that they are targets of deception so they need to consult God on every decision before making one.

Follow God’s Instructions: Children will realize that God gives us instructions in His Word to help us.

Good Choice! Bad Choice!: Children will know the different between good and bad choices and make wise choices.

This Hurts Him as Much as It Hurts Us: Children will understand that discipline from God is meant for our growth.

God’s Rescuers: Children will feel the need to live a godly life to break the sin cycle.

Paid in Full: Children will know that Jesus is our Redeemer and will accept Him as their Savior and live for Him.

Test Your Wisdom: Children will choose wisdom and live a fulfilled life.

MODULE 6:(Lessons 18—27)


MODULE 7:(Lessons 28—31)

MODULE 9:(Lessons 38—40)

MODULE 10:(Lessons 41—44)


Who Cares?: Children will serve others with the compassion of Christ Jesus.

Jesus, the Humble Servant: Children will realize that Jesus became a servant and will serve others.

Who Is The Greatest?: Children will put God first, others second, and themselves last.

The Ultimate Sacrifice from the Ultimate Servant: Children will know that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by dying for their sins.

GOD GIVES 2 Corinthians

God’s Comfort in Trouble: Children will understand that God is the provider of mercy and all comfort.

God’s Plan for Godly Giving: Children will realize tha God wants them to cheerfully give of themselves and what they have.

Got Weak Strength?: Children will rely and turn to Christ when they have problems.

MODULE 8:(Lessons 32—37)


Construction Zone: Building in Progress: Children will understand that they need to build their lives with godly things.

Sorry Sam: Children will feel sorrow and repent of their sin.

Selfish or Selfless: Children will see that their actions affect others.

The Missing Piece in the Church: Children will know that all believers should serve with their God-given abilities.

True Love: Children will know and show love in everything they do.

Good News!: Children will understand the gospel message and share it with others.


Paul Gets a Call: Children will trust Jesus as their Savior and see God change their lives.

The Toughest Teacher – Dr. Law: Children will feel conviction of sin and seek God’s forgiveness.

The Holy Spirit KO’s The Flesh: Children will let the Holy Spirit help them obey God and have the fruit of the Spirit in their lives.

Do Gooders: Children will look for opportunities to do good to others and do it.

Additional LessonsHOLIDAYS LESSONS(Lessons 45-46) Christmas and Easter

Godly Gratefulness or Greedy Grinch: Children will be grateful to Jesus for coming to give them salvation.

Jesus Suffered, Died, and Now is Alive: Children will understand how much Jesus suffered because He loved us and wanted to save us.

THEME LESSONS(Lessons 47- 48)

Hair or No Hair, God Wants You: Children will know that God can use anyone to serve Him.

When Bad Things Happen … Pray: Children will feel safe because God cares for them.