Download - 2015 pro quest’s new database platform

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ProQuest DatabaseOverviewProQuest is a research database covering social issues, business, health, science, economics, current events and more.

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• Click on FIND ARTICLES IN DATABASES on the left hand side of the page. • To access ProQuest from on-campus, from ONLINE DATABASES page click

on ProQuest under the DATABASES or POPULAR DATABASES tab.

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To access online databases from off-campus, please log-in through AccessRio.

July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview3

Select from the databases list “Proquest”

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Use AND, OR, NOTUse AND to narrow down a topic. Use OR to broaden a topic.

Use NOT to eliminate a information not wanted.

To search for a phrase use quotation marks (""). Example “ The Great Depression”

Use the * character instead of spelling the entire word. Example farm* = farm, farming, farms, farmed etc.

More search tips

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Searching in ProQuest: Basic Search

July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview5

Type keywords in the Basic Search Box

Connect search terms together using the word “AND” Example search: presidential elections AND Obama

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July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview6

Searching in ProQuest: Advanced Search

Type in one key concept per line in the search boxes.

Limit the date range.

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July 22, 2012 ProQuest Database Overview7

Searching in ProQuest: Advanced Search

Select a source type such a magazine or journal article.

Select a document type to choose the type of publication.

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ProQuest has “modules” that only contain articles on a specific subject area.

Selecting a subject area is one way to narrow down and focus your search.

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Searching in ProQuest: subject areasClick “List View” to see all the subject areas.

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Choosing a specific database.

• Select databases from the list.

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Click databases

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Looking for a specific publication, such as The NY Times.

• Select “publications” at the top of the screen.

• Type in “New York Times”

• Select “New York Times” from the list.

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Searching by Author's Name 

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Author’s Name

AUTHOR or AU can also be used

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Finding Scholarly Journal Articles

• Scholarly Journals have in-depth articles written on a specific subject and usually contain research.

• Click the “Peer reviewed” box to find only scholarly journals.

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Narrowing Search results using “Narrow results by”

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Click on a source type.

Select a subject.

Select a location.

Modify the Date

Click “update” to see the modified results.

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Emailing an article to read later.

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Click on “Cite” to generate a citation.

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