Download - 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

Page 1: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper

Program Training for

After School Program Staff

Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division


Page 2: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper

Program Training for

After School Program Staff

Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division


Page 3: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

The goal of the Food Services Division is to provide the meal immediately after school to ensure the maximum number of children will have access to the suppers

This program is designed to fill the nutritional gap and ensure children receive the meals they need

The After School Supper program is a mandate for all eligible Beyond the Bell program sites


Page 4: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

Develop an understanding of the Supper program processes and requirements. What is After School Supper Program requirementRequired documentationMonitoring requirementsRole of the After School Program staffRole of the Food Services staff


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Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a federal program that provides reimbursement for supper served to school age children

Up to the age of 18 (or individuals of any age if disabled)• Do not have to be enrolled in the after school program or

participate in the offered activities

• Available afterschool, on weekends, and holidays

Food Services Division sponsors the program and entered into an agreement with the California Department of Education (CDE)

What Is The After School Supper Program?

Page 6: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

The “Request to Begin or Change Meal Service Form” must be submitted to the Food Services Central office for:

New programs Change/Extension Added Supper Student Organization/Group Weekend service Program closure

Central office will submit the request to CDE for approval

The site will be notified when the service may begin

How To Begin or Change Meal Service

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This is an example of the “Request to Begin or Change Meal Service Form.”

Request to Begin or Change Meal Service Form Example

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At the start of the year or a new program, the following must be done:

Provide training for all staff and collect training documents• Supper Verification of Training• Supper Service Agreement

- File in the program folder

Training Requirements

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After school program staff play an integral part in the success of the supper program. Program staff must: Attend annual training Post all required posters Communicate with the Food Services Manager (FSM) Ensure program is open to the community Adhere to serving time Follow point of service procedures Complete and submit required paperwork

Role of After School Program Staff

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It is the FS Manager’s responsibility to:Attend annual trainingCommunicate with program staffOrder and prepare meal Collect and verify document for accuracyEnter daily meal count in CMS for

reimbursementMonitor programs and provide corrective actionMaintain and file records

Role of Food Services Manager

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Posters must be placed in an area visible to participant:

“And Justice for All” Poster Refuel @ School Poster Supper Menu

Mandatory Postings

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Communicate with the FSM for adjustment of counts and accuracy of paperwork as needed

Facilitate communication between Program Coordinator & Food Services Staff

Order according to the needs of the program Complete all required paperwork

Communication is the key to success with the supper program


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BTB Coordinator will communicate with the FSM of any students with food allergies

FSM is to provide the “Medical Statement to Request Special Diets” to families for completion by the child’s treating physician

FSM will submit the completed “Medical Statement to Request Special Diets” form to the Nutrition Specialists

FSM will make substitutions based on the special diet provided by the Nutrition Specialist

Communicating Special Dietary Needs

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Submit an estimated count to the FSM that reflects a reasonable expectation of the number of supper units needed

Counts should be adjusted (up or down) as warranted to ensure enough meals are available and minimize leftovers or waste

Food Services Manager must have 2 weeks notice to make adjustments to supper orders

Notify Food Services Manager of any upcoming events that may effect the supper counts

Meal Ordering

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A reimbursable supper meal includes:

Supper kit and milk (1%, non fat, or lactose free milk)

Non-Offer Versus Serve

Sample Supper Meal

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Reimbursable Meal ActivityWhich one is the complete reimbursable supper meal?Click on the correct answer.

Option 1: Milk Only

Option 2: Kaiser Cheese Sandwich

Option 3: Power Up & Milk

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Try again


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You have selected the correct reimbursable supper meal.

Click anywhere to continue.

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Only one meal may be served to children: During the approved serving time

• Primary serving time will be immediately after-school dismissal

• No changes without CDE approval Supper is Non-Offer Versus Serve

• All food items must be taken Meals must be consumed on campus in the designated

eating area Program is open to the community• Ensure gates are open

Meal Service

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Meal Service ActivityWhere must supper meals be consumed?Click on the correct picture.

At Home On School Bus On School Campus

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Try again


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Click anywhere to continue

Supper meals must be served at the designated eating area on

the school campus

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Un-served suppers are meals that were not served to students. All un-served suppers will be returned to the cafeteria.

Un-served milk may not be reserved Un-served refrigerated (non shelf stable) meals may not

be reserved Un-served and un-opened shelf stable supper meal may

be re-served

Leftover Policy

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The following documentation is required to support meal claims:Daily

Supper Meal Count Form Supper Distribution Worksheet At Risk After School Program Reimbursable Meal

Worksheet Supper Community Feed Attendance Roster

Weekly Attendance Rosters

Required Documentation

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This form is provided daily by the Food Services staff with the meals for each supper program or group.

Supper Meal Count Form Example

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The Supper Meal Count Form was updated to add verification steps to ensure the program is in compliance in the following areas:

Civil Rights Point of Service Meals consumed in designated eating area

The Program Coordinator will indicate where the meals were served and the specific location on campus

Designated Eating Area

What’s New - Supper Meal Count Form

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The Beyond the Bell program staff must complete column 4 – 11 of the Supper Meal Count Form.

Column 4: Amount Received From Café Column 5: Initial/Time/Food Temp Column 6: Time: Beginning of Service Column 7: Adult Meals Column 8: Children Served Column 9: Amount Left Column 10: Total Children Served (From column #8) Column 11: Total Cash Collected for Adult Paid Meals Signature of Program Coordinators/Designee Comments/Adjustment

BTB Is Responsible for Completing :

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Sites with more than one program or group use the Supper Distribution Worksheet to consolidate meal counts from all programs or groups onto one form.

Supper Distribution Worksheet

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The Supper Distribution Worksheet is: Completed daily The Program Coordinator or designee is responsible

to:• Ensure all numbers on the Supper Meal Count Forms

are correct• Transfer information from the Supper Meal Count

Forms into the Supper Distribution Worksheet• Sign and submit to FSM with supporting attendance

and meal count documents

Supper Distribution Worksheet

Page 30: 2015-2016 At Risk After School Supper Program Training for After School Program Staff Provided by the LAUSD Food Services Division 08.03.2015.

FS Manager is responsible to:• Ensure the Supper Meal Count Form supports the

meals claimed for each program• Verify the numbers match the totals and make any

necessary corrections before signing the Supper Distribution Worksheet

• Enter the number into the Excel worksheet on their computer

• Enter counts into CMSNote: The number of meals served cannot exceed the


Supper Distribution Worksheet, cont.

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Supper Distribution Worksheet: Heading

Food Service Manager or designee must fill in: School Name Loc Code Date Program (Organization or Group) Name Column A - Meals Prepared

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Supper Distribution Worksheet: Column B-E

Program Coordinator or designee must fill in: Column B – Meals Received Column C – Meals Served Column D – Meals Left Column E – Adult Meals

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Supper Distribution Worksheet: Column F-H

Program Coordinator or designee must fill in: Column F – Total Children Served Column G – Attendance for Today Column H – Audit=G-F• If column H is a negative number, more meals were served

than children in attendance. Error must be addressed immediately

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Supper Distribution Worksheet (cont’d)

Program Coordinator or designee must fill in: Totals: • The total number in this row is for Food Service Manager

to input into CMS Comments Cafeteria Manager Signature: Food Service Manager will

sign at this box once the number are reviewed and verified with the supported Supper Meals Count Form

Program Coordinator/Designee Signature: Program Coordinator or designee will sign at this box after correctly enter all the number from Supper Meal Count Form and the number balance

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At Risk After School Supper Program Reimbursable Meal WorksheetThe reimbursable meal worksheet is used to document the meal served to the child

Mark off the numbers on the worksheet in numerical order• Check, slashes or X’s

The last number marked represents the amount served

The total is placed into column #8 of the Supper Meal Count Form

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Weekly Attendance Check

Weekly attendance rosters are used by on site programs Document who were in attendance on any given day Return to FS Manager at the completion of Fridays meal

service along with other required forms

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Supper Community Feed Attendance Roster


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The roster records non-program and community member attendance

Participant names are written to document the attendance

The total count on the roster indicates how many students were in attendance

The attendance count is documented on the Supper Meal Count Form

Return to the FSM daily

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1. Click the 3 forms must be completed daily if your site serves only one program or group.

2. A blue box will appear if a correct selection has been made.

3. Click here when all 3 correct boxes are selected.

Daily Required Documentation Activity

Supper Meal Count Form

Point of Service Monitor

At Risk After School Program Reimbursable

Meal Worksheet

Supper Community Feed Attendance


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Incorrect!Try again

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You have selected the 3 daily required forms.

Click anywhere to continue.

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The Program Coordinator must maintain one month of completed records for site monitoring’s and audits:

Supper Meal Count Forms Supper Distribution Worksheet At Risk After School Supper Program Reimbursable Meal

Worksheets Supper Community Feed Attendance Rosters Attendance Rosters Meal Service Agreement Forms Supper Verification of Training

Record Maintenance for Audit

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Take temperature of non-shelf stable food items (i.e. milk, and chicken sandwiches)

Food Services Manager will provide two (2) cleaned and sanitized bi-metallic thermometers and 1 extra milk daily with the meals

Open milk carton and placing the bi-metallic stemmed thermometer into the milk

Wait for 10 – 15 seconds or until the dial stop moving

Discard the opened milk carton Food items that have had the temperatures taken may be

served, they are not damaged

Food Safety Requirement

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Point of Service Guideline

Consumed on the school


Line Starts Here

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Point of Service ActivityWhich one is the correct servicing line set up? Click on the correct box.

Line Starts Here

Consumed on the school


Line Starts Here

Consumed on the school


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Incorrect!Try again

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You have selected the correct Point of Service set up.

Click anywhere to continue.

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Serving and eating areas are cleaned and maintained by After School Program staff

Program staff should: Clean spills Pick-up any remaining trash Empty trash into the large trash receptacles• Obtain replacement trash liners from M&O

Cleanliness of Eating Areas

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ELEMENTARY SCHOOL UNIT• Serving all Elementary School Sites except YDP Sites• 2060 West 156th Street, Gardena, 90249• Office (310) 515-3010 Fax (310) 527-7147• Marie Bracamonte, Field Coordinator [email protected]

MIDDLE SCHOOL UNIT• Serving all Middle School Sites • 611 Jackson Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012• Office (213) 633-3500 Fax (213) 633-3500• Carlos Martinez, Field Coordinator [email protected]


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HIGH SCHOOL UNIT• Serving all Grant Funded High School Sites • 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017• Office (213) 241-7900 Fax (213) 241-7562• Robert Diaz, Field Coordinator [email protected]

YOUTH DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM UNIT• Serving Youth Development Program (YDP) & Youth Services at YDP

Sites • 5607 Capistrano Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91367• Office (818) 587-4300 Fax (818) 713-8554• Isaure Blandin, Field Coordinator [email protected]


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Thank you!

LAUSD Food Services Division Nourishing Children to Achieve Excellence