Download -  · 2015-02-14 · ESTAiuSHEO 1887, j], a . 1 la AS DAILY PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION. • • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - —

Page 1:  · 2015-02-14 · ESTAiuSHEO 1887, j], a . 1 la AS DAILY PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION. • • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - —

E S T A i u S H E O 1 8 8 7 , j ] ,

a . 1

la ASD A I L Y PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION.

• • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - — - . 1 - - •

_, .„.«...« ».<»>!•: AXD, POLITIC* ) THE AnVilflfcEJItXT OF rut PBIJaiPLiTHB 'DEJflfTilATIC P.\BTY—"THEGOOD TO TH£E CHIE-ITEST X I M B E K *

j arrival lastEDITH* or THE W^EKLT ;

COfaaTrrnJDX.ti-iKT \*i> v w r e n ETKBT »AT—O'CLOCK IJt THK AFTEEXOOS: sEjrf" TBIUM 11HtXK PuUT OrrK-E AT W.<W A YE.UL. O^ I*-tmSSED B^ I'AKBrrjt AT 10 CWT» AUydLE .CaetEH. 2CESTS.



Thursday eveijiiii. a t e"iKht<.VIiM-k.

! , „ „ , _ _ > . > - — — - - _i J , " ^ " ' 7 i n « ! v f t l " ' B«ar<U.f DincK.^of ' He report* Having |uul a pl.-a-antl time.'j !',»!

LT. ; ImiM.rtant*U

p^hl ~T h t" '^"uitifilirt in the ph,y .if



! tlie lodge will^;7t(hat 2 p . m . -1

kl at Trentoh on iADTmrroctaWOK AT

i-mfcoHSm'lABLEs, i«>ii early hour fo

jf. ami y«-X tfiat —-


- lmy>> just arri—4Jttveral i

at. yaBdert^e'k-s. ?3 Park

and «H>

^ , S Park uv.mif. aicheap, j AiiH> stime line piaii<»i-—..-i

—yFor the {mat f«*w yeai-s_a MUMO H iattendant had no e x c u v .f.n- ({oiiigbet\r**n th h t b

f n ({. r* the hotij. but now tn'-pp i? "

wat*r in the [foyer."' ' i l \

; —The afternoon Bi».J« Talks 'jrty^n; Mr. Vjatniattj at the' rTKnity Beforchurhi t l k. churr-hi. at iour

, aiiil of great

ie tiarrStice* that thev -. . ;. 'i • - »

r - . - . > -y-iit-r, t.j ii«*>warlt. Is. i fonting the law airainst { clande-tiih- .

• lent-*- through the mails,that'the ad.

Is or aicsume.1'•niu&i trouble, utlonj»er- d«.'lhf»*r any•suel} circumstanced

irt-ssing of letters'1111111.-4 h a s cau?1 hi* ci.rks ',

letters direet«<tf U | , ,

| \ 1 t a ti-y> o w r tihe rogrveu tjy ; T,eitJ]eXcurs{on.|

' >riu»W

. (MemUEd|ltori|al Ar>«<M-iatiiKi

i t

In all.'i f i

—After an adjournment »iiw# ;la*t Fri-day, the Spring ses-ion of the fiiiou Cou»l jr,CV.urt « « i u - l ! at Elizabeth 1 - i

irand -fury, it A j

pCfnirt Will

- monfow, . Tli«^ . . . „. « .e i

;d. will coiiipjeu.- i\• r " W - ' j ' • ! , • -.(J

—The largest attendai ,<•* yiftSaturday afternoon go»iHReformed chrJrchJ The


~ \'

a t T. M. C.C. AJ Hall. M

attended. Mr. Yat uan will f-wlu. jt) «rv1 j d i |

Mr. Yat uan wilthese) «erv1ceii j during th« entirej g

—iSlary DreW. a w.-ll-l;

Iiflaste•tUriniA-; fh'' m

. .j Oif-lncfc nioni-

AJ Hall, i^ a l i i


l;nown <ij

J»H for thirty day* by J i i d ^ T l r i e h . tlfi- i

morning. <or a| JUKI free u je of "b«»r bfliKii^ '

The wjuman iB a n old ^fft-nder, and h«-i v

pn—••nee in tb« Comnty Jail in nothinKn

B a r n y KJl l ^ 1 «|onae*tie ttrm

gri-ya it**.





u r-onfpljUiit.again, t him for cru.-i!! ^ ^ ^ f < 1 J l u J f ; > t l r | ( h

-r to-thfe .Hartre, The cf.ui.1* wer*.krid tlj

y i-oikiud.-<l to

out Jlftyt w. «j;en ^ have this,l d A

Hie ji Stage -u|K-riutendeiit of

t|l*t women ou SCIMIOIr.-fcrmer«, anil caii

1 on t«> f4v«.rkhe mostiof deepin


_Chri-ti» n En.leai-nrj

i_x»pj*-'s Society j.f>f the Congregational

. . . . <.f whkh ehiix-h Kev. C. L-(«~-il-richjis h-pa'-toi', h |>UI weekly meetingsaf the < lo*e,of tj|e S inday SciiVx.1 *-nidt.'ii. jThe, offl aer* of tlie a .-ociution a fe : Pre-i-deut.—J A. Bobiiiisoi i; 'Vice-Privident—If!C. Van.irstfale; j Se.rretaiy—Miss F..W h i t f i e F ' - ' " • - — ' — ' • j • ' ' ' • • ' '

v «ettle tlieiri

he auJritb u«.l

C. AanJlrs,laIer fTrtfeirer-Miss jJtinni-

*™"f- i f ' I " , ' ! ''I-At "ithe Cnn^e^tionul ,ci;un-b thif* j

.{[ W. Tyler .r the]give the; flr-t of 1.

The siil.j.vt fnrtliis evenirtKjf mid Wrijiiiisr.MMier:al<* in

4t t i^J; ' d J

z,\ .:,f .ii-or.!|+5- conn j-jj-j,,. , . h , l n . u , , s

|y repi-imaii|in« liii.u.^sk.v,.n memii..^. iUkL release ii{..t: pav-j ;.r|),.,11|H.„.!,),, ..(j ^ - |

; iff to si.4". - Thej;| ; ' . - i f—r•<«• a l o n e ' w i s « - • • • ' ' • ' '

jjj j i i H > . r 4 a - l H i n l i l M : ' l t l i . - i t , - ^ i ' . H « : , i

J j * l < f t . ; > r c . | . T l i ' l ( • 4 i r i | ' l ; i i l i i l l i t . v. I j y - ij l t e l k d l o ] | ' l i t t . i l l H j (nf f - . l - e ha> l i—ijl ' i

v i t y j i n \ \ f U i j j f ! l

ray ey L|n»CunjlleruuHl n.iite.

4 f iveni at


thje pirlor «*'Alert

|-.-tirwjo onA. I>* Je,

which [wan for the»n,organization of

i M.

rt-o-iitlmotionto torn



•"The. iPlailiH*





if the

id. Xj J."


B. JUnti,i » l | W B

:/ 4'L. OtiV n w I.,.,*.. Itnat i

j , a ttjioaniiualand well

j f


f Mi, . • Afn«-s »>f (rv—-.a? | \ e i n . . . ^ n

a.Y.«mai,. an.lisiiotyM.onv,;.....,,-. I ; Pf1"** ^ ! I e c t i a n M Councilman^ y | * . m

by jnr.;c. H. Vail!,™.- un.;^~tlUyH,••«llvi.;...1...|rF i P t B t J t O h trowcr; <_•

j nrri

, . . . . . „ . . . , . . , « . xrit iHt-st -tpiall fn«m WII!:'.TO.14 Hut'.*»o'cl'«'k this.venjtig. , over. Vl^riimfiy, is that it- |-rj-uli.ti|>n lm•H wilM*. transaet|-«lj. ' \^.lt iiUtr,.tt»iHl by a young <;aii.!r|ii

white dove that t|o..k Bt<ck-l»(V. ! |

i Ilowlainl Cox gave a|l.Irth-yence, S'll.dayfeven-

li«'iiti»ti; W. E. Ste'le liMS p«iiviia|ed an»w' buildliiig nit.- ..f Mr. W. L. .lonej, on

'"• I'ark av. ilue U-tween sixth and SeffKtl'''- -tr<i-t. a.

the of t

to lie1 '} taken Ay . tT)h« excursion wij^ I.-

l»" i*|>ei'•}• to t h e !

' t|. Vo.. 4iid l1 Tlie will

L. and If ill oit- jpy OIHII w.-.-k. '

Maetijia; of (<«ppt sTireman. ',exem||^ tin'inen of t)if nity n:«y met;

>-» hV M

!• Alexihder TJthw,-tth eallXl': Aa,iy , 4 a 4 I«l4l ,an<., , , .<_ . , a n < l HITMn.

tK Mr. i . B. JlarjUu f.. irv N. J\. ,HL

his (blighter|

i-s Alexander. #et P-tar\' <|f the. _ . , . • In-uriiii.e Co.. >..f Hii^fxrd.

!"' ha4 l.-'a-*d the new dweljing owned |,y A.1'ix-' J , Winekhef. oh Mer.-.-r avenue. \ti!|hitig-

oMh Plaintield. I1 1; i 3fr. Piiestoli MoTfett attjnded tli.| funj

I f ' ~4'of liiis brotlier Drlan'd". in thif citylUdayJiast, Mr. M«>ff.-tt has he|d th.



' the n ,g" o Ur. !





-jih«.,,,,,.rit|_v j

,.pr.^..|,t,.,rnnli. L.M.,,ar.|.sijjJEl-Pox Bills F*r«seitted-OtherButine«a. f<>1'"•«'»:

^in.tilman B«.wenJ w a s ^ t h e flrst to > AflK»-man,, #4.jr>.n<j; J o - u jf<-a . the Council r|iaiub*-r last . v . . n - ; ' i t i < 4 ; ' 5 : B- r««^ii11..1I1> <.j .^|li«-jtime w t f . . r a ( adjourned meet- s 4 ' p t ) ; M. ( \ JJiril. ; Jif tft." City Fot.herl. M.issrs Dumont. ' <"'K ^'t-'^l M. M. Thorn.likll and Simpsoii Kti'olle.l leisureK- . . .«. .; The f,.llowiliir/|.illu .. U

lit II

1. and aft.*r WJ. iw^ u l p , , . • — •• ' " " u . -u se

bnuHamaiid ;lw1,e^Tani'.. In. I '""' "I""1 lu"tic>" "f Mr- «"'• i.,uorum for the tmmsaction i *;'t,1"1 H<:;i1U'

Th«? abs«. it liH.'intx-r* werei-ilijien Carey, .'ox, Taylor and

j i r - f i . . . . • • • • ; :

itn inotion of Mr. >unioiit the rea«l-t l i

r»*#l.Mr th.-nouilieri mnansitiowoiantit r [jrop.>siti«>n ha I l«.«..n nMt-iv.>«l.•ign<fij, b\| a Mr. Miiler of Jersey Citjr.•ITei'Bg to do the-work and t>r furnish two

mn|>|jof t ie city, on.) foi the 111* of thecitv

T|. S. l»a\ii«, and wid U-gin tin- epl-tion : tin" . ."ikoiy-e. of iin attractive resi<^-n.fe.

K, Mr CIMIMI-H H. SiiiijthiHalw.tb. arc|it.«.t

of tlie |N|U-C1I, oriel) and other addaioiisthat ure l«-ing niade to the r>!-id-ii4- "tCouD.-ilman Dune nit Th-iiiij»r. iv-i

"' wjill cost «!|i'.iit #1.1*10. and an- l-eiiifig- .. ,

I uiid.>r.tlie.<lirection of Mr. l|>tter| •-v>"|:

'trij-t within tfi«

hriiijlii U- IM.UIMI ii^

!l~i^i. tin- of Th

W.-glint ii.-w n-si- • • •

..f Mr. d W. I

evening «>f'iw-xt w.^-k.url-lay

thk"' tif an extt'ijjsjve, ln.iis.- warmsng. U>-iitl«. (

tiie iJ-ual .^.-Irenjonie- of like,events, tjiere;will prr.balfly \f a|.1 i..n i-i'll- ' -•


HiJ! the ,and 1

I. a iv-id.-nt hereS for}t, i.-. now engaged iii I the

f ines t at Cliaml»'rr-'it Sunday • - • - • •

• t ta .Bient

Th,^••titiBIHII M

imrjM"*)*^^ 'l» tfffiin^ we»-kn iigo. jj»nd s ixak- >>f doing a tiou^-h-1 H*'r*k.•temptj'^reiSM'ii; Tl«i- in>f Itrude iri bji»*j m-w I.H-ation. | .'run in

r ' ^ W v f t l ^ H ; ' » • ErneiitVUnZantlt of th- V. s. JAW j ^Z " f i " l ^ t ! fining ^ . , -Jan-stown.- ha-»^| on . ^

T 1 * 1 " 1 ; . ^ ? ' 1 ' " ' . ! W t h f u l ^ i e e h e has rapid!v a,-M,i|-.d x ..:i.luiiaiiau^u^lycarri{>-4; ., i1' : f! .- 1 Ti, . . . i = nijiniitl H»^T|1^> I).; has rapidly mjiiirtj-ed , ,

ii.ii.nai,ii|i.kU^ycarrij.4; U ( l t i i |,e ,„«* Weiir- thr..- - tr i , . s . a . | . j - '.' ' '

mlienV A-i.-Hjttl.... i.Jrll' » " " r 'FintilienV A-Wiati.ui j , i

Aewnfiatit'ii f<»r ihi'• Mrs.

tri.iisferre.l t.,» n


'" 1 ! 'i.-<LJou of a Boiird of Pir<-<

•verjiirjil the n«".\t i>i»-^ting iw

...-.'- firpt 2|Ionday li| Ji

Anj Arrest from ^Bu l l Froer C i t y " 4.;•1 former

<M|Satk.Iay from . , ] . | " I 1 ? , | H - in fav.•wilt _ . . „ .

' l.iiri.xl. rnn^i tltf- ii>>m« »t h»-r ' g

' '* i ' Dr. P.-nHc'd. i.ii'l;r|iidv|tl »-. L»r. !>.' J. tVeri

Mr.. fe.1 '.V.>»aiini t^ts'll


, . . , . , , „ „ . • . - a iiormer |«-sUlent o f ; « " " « WigtN•iDiill Fr|.)f<-i4v."iasi burbof J&.rfh.!>l«:iir;:!w'i'i<'11 i 'n s "»VM. but now re-idinjf with hisi fjiuiiiy in; I"

li'I>o-i--d ; n n, , . f ; ; n . j j v j

• i 1

Unjilman Ira i:!fc.-r. ,

"'pfl.-nt several .!av- -ii


!et«<)f .(!.<•1 wit),, and the regular

|ju-iness for thi- evening was sus-

itt <|f and

for in

is»-r*«,r. said mapi

• int<t for some Uiu< o f

.Vjidi-riMin .V: Brown.Win. A. S».<jrl>Eil»tlieth.«i-hor)..

l i y

xiliying Mis. Schor(j011 stating that id

' h.-r h. nise, g]

'.§ Wils,m.

-jilted or,

t ionl|-|w,x.

jr- f-nvd

i r .

to fumltnn.-. riot Ming, j!&<imont stat.-d t iat at a • pn-vloun ""'"""t to *-,iKViind that -!i.- i|j•f the C.iuncii i n -ordinance was t#""fei with 11 c.flllmin,.,. fn,rri3i

._ - . _ . .1 - . * ..^ » . . . 1 . . . m\

|^( that a pro

ua s t o t l w a i n o u n i o f , iMii i i i^<^

Th.- Clerk n-ad the followinjillpivs.'nt»H| olirini; to do the ' * ' ' " ' * ' " Mcl». Corie

iinn. Kin<-e then tion

id niaprvtin tri it

to <>oyer tlie

i.i-lntli withco\vr, w as to pr< wnt a neat ap-L.'eJ He? sulnnitt. <P the followingioij. the proposition U-ing a piu't ofue,I and it was, n<i< pted. all voting

. ^... .._ . . . . . . ~»-ii /l-ses»-

iap!for.t'he use «f tjie City Assessor.

nni e Coum-Hman}rejating to t!i*>

I Ktrvet.

'<I lA" the Str.H-t ij.g k U- n<-eonj|lishc.| for

yity limits, at astilt.•(! that th>-

inilmaii. asPKI>« of last Satunlay.To the,

1 '»-, thr Com mml'lniiifi,lil. .V. . / . :Having r>t.-r>-ived official n<_

lieillg l-leeti-d a lliel||l»*r of ti|Council I >vould most re-jw-ctlthe holier, thanking you for tlitit HI. and tru.-tinti tlie vu< ancyby some one who will (»• able 1

1:-. ti'ine and attention to tlie Cthan i* possible for me to do. i'

Hes|»-ct fullyW M . Mt Ii".

Mr. Dumont made a motii



1,1*.,-. "•••'I ln*2.iK, " "

•a . . . . - 1 " 1

gilt oil tiie



| f led ,.,,jft-r from


(in T H E

jji^'tfi/ of

hitm of

( j le l i i i .SB-iil.'lii

i iiior.jfrfTairs,

<&lt tlie

•rday nn.rnliiK the U-ll at theU r o k Wo<i(i 11 Jlill wa« rung for

e sin th k

ha\'pastHuithe «.-.I ilto w

It'll to iii- home.

•stlid Ui

[irs< rime since the strike began *.»• ago. Although th« proprietors•.-en tnihig to run the mill for the— w.eks with some Italian and ,

clerk be iiMruc;.., l m l k , . 0,1^(^1 from ! '•'•• | t l

July 1st, is*.",. t<1 . A | l r i , ] s t >1 July 1st, Is*.-,, to April 1st, ldjjjl.tfr«|. Th»t O B. ^ . n a r d U- aii.l he m 1 l , ( # f ^^ . .„, , J j l .fi,v«p|» imleil the A-pn-seiitativ.- of' ' ; l vf]*u\ designate mitnU-rs for store- | t M " I J "" r < l " f P""" tom,,ils-ion.|

ipg houses of Pi tiulit'ld in nct.rd- * ^ ' "f Hi- City ( ..iirtjtlie onlinaiM-«t 1 Idoptod May -id, [ *as atlo|ited.

i t h i n - f e r e n i v u i tri is n i a t J e r . an<T in ' v,,, \- ..,v . .•uitj with his pr|lM.sition h-retjo •„ K u l " \ ' " *> Wns ««-»-.'««»«l t-id w|hicli_'- ' ' ' " "

, 30.wasBoM'-rs from tlfe ,; of

Committee ut report, - — —•-/" '"a

called up the '»•"'*'• ••HI of <'• B- Leonard,? am^ding of B.'n-ul; **'nt. ' " t h " A"<l l l ln»f Coiuuiitt^rjji

i M, as (o carjjtl)..- water from j l'"f"'r « *uHpem«ion of the r u i |L r t n x t . H.-lflid he hud U«-n ! riouH c m l m i t t . ^ »-.— .r*«i - i iumlsHioner that 1 aln»ve bills in th.-ir bands and S

'I r+<>>mmeiKl. i that tht> Strwt I M- S*iM..|ier »*> authorja-d to cut down "'itu*.. E L 1 . . ' h • • . .

Usual course.

fnpn tin? Aii«:i|ct»rr.-«t all. th.(

t theit to

p.r theIpi. -ti'-'it

in s.. that;t|i.- wat»-r would , furred uj. him. and on motion ,M

th<-stream at thUt point. I j "iont the n-^.n %v«s rec.-ivcl UiM'"r[ie** «a1r| that [the ConiniiU.-.' I ord.-re.| ,,aitl by wnrrnnts .,,,i|Js liatl g iven lheirlitt .-i-ti , .n i/. t l . . . ' tn .awuivr • . fU

•fi|WjycBi-. but Ui.- | ork W4IH aband-1 Mr- um-jnt matfe a mot dm, 1*.#:a..jouiit of sp,.a<|}inK ttx. mu.-h carried, that tiie Tivaj-urer lie '

H^ aff.-n-d an iiiiiendment to ' •" transfer to the g. rierai «e<»

"''*'''* ' 'nimrildation, wihich niomey d-|»^iicd w | th hin | |iv !t i n . t t i . . :» . . . . . . , . - . , .. 1 _ » . . - . sij-t.H. that the c<» t tif the work I "

•'. .jXice.1 S««l.


long La f;randc .aviffi

yjvl id.-r . -d h i - i.-f.

1 ; . ; iiii IIIK in in ll v ti)

.-y t%\v,;«i,K. , i , s with, his wift. y.-st.-i--t i J k f > '

atiselc*|..\ He ««- en - I1 n

lii» rji^sidcnce in Xort.'i Plain-1--

Mr.|\|:i:id t i |w , i - a

Mr.the i!av.-nuin..-.- |


; if.!-tv'<-ily!

i.-w.-r (ile\V of -,

'•hur. h in thi- , i,|•giuit/.ed with !

I it n..» has 11 ;..t

|i »e«us Sweeny.

l i . - i - l ' i t i . , - in . . . - i i i ! ,^ J

a Jil irrjje p i t f - r r - d b;.

, 11 : iv

,H- l l .M.r i l«et | | rWi eif.V. •.;|.:c|11v"i"II...";; f»- n— ...r pt.f..,^.-. [;,T,^,,;l.;. sw.-i , '

• i l l ! ' ! i . e W l | , i ! , i

•''caring. I).-}u- r|« if'-lmt .: f.-'v iiiiti'iii«;.•mil.iit.-.1 I., ,|;,;i ;v•t l.iind. » | . j -h i{ '_,.,!,'< •<•< M . — i p o i i - . J ' H'•'• i ; i .--l-i'i^ . p;'tt,.«- ii|tii---!y Mitit j . . , - j,-,,i.ii

""•- 't-ni. .} (he a!:..-..


-ii;i.«ti).' Hi

uyi jen jijiii iiinl |«r)

j '•••• i—•-•!" t

effort i«- mth.- ('mgnnion Couki-il l o g ive them

\ T - i . . ^1' . .' • 1 [>.iriunit\-. at Iea4t. to s-t forth h\ I ' i a n s w e r t<> a .iiiestinii t h e President •' ' • • L

. . . . . . .f • • „ ».. ' ., . , will do for tl itv.' I s I ' la iuf i . l l-HIM thnt in his opimou the 1 ouitcil had - rJ .1 o ri\-hl to oi . i truct the |>ul>l|t- highway.-.

II. Dowers wfthdrew his mWtjion to grant.thi i t

j i.Jii-I i.n i t - -tea<! - n b s t i t u t e d

lit;— witlv 1

sptvu.iing crushed mtone on that tUM„,.,!,I |,,,ve ''""'•• as iw the Street Omil l f

IIji-e years ago. i iid that h-v.a.- . »'- wUhth.- clerk a i-rtlfl.-nte I1 1 • - ,f O,,, , . v . work ha* l»i'ii d<>n<;!ji conformityit rej_-n,...-„.. ..:^...YII—- 01 me ex- - . i« in! . i»r i

i - • t h o u g h t t h e l o - i i i - v w o u l d I - i '-sty o n l i n a n c . -tjlimtby

• rlil-es wil'idr.fw I i i - .amemlnientigjiurl n;.'t:oii of: Mr. Duiiiotitr-.ljby an all jjj-e t o t e ,

•uojit p:v-.. | it

The t'ofiin'il then adjourned.

Shall Ptainfieid Cet Left«

y,,m il.. '"...V.if \-m J.,,.,1 r.'m^

r Xl'V.' Ji ir-ey towns . sllf.

jpetmon fr..,af.^;;;;^f;"^j:iilki:^ritfht HVifl, _ ^ . . , „ •1'ii.iTtfleld h: fli.»r p u b i c enterpr.

, ••« .Tru-tctf- 'trf-n-ic < r e s , - n t ' . 'i. , . ' j - •• • tl.-A*!rni-." PnrM. for m-tance , h

'inih, i i skmg ui-nqi-.-ioii to n--. . • •I , ... : ; , , plc'.-d i i - arrangements for th" fr

frail..' buildii:g:at l';c eas t r i^ - j ' . . . . >,, . , , - , , . „ . , , ; , , I d.-l:veiv winlc we haive IH-CII s l f cn;ift(l ' A'Hl ' -treets. !

.... • we liaiv.1 IH-CII sl».f|i, I .'"" ^Ci . . . , I the b u s i n . - s . Then. t<*>. it lias gi.i

th.Ji.-riiiniir-R.-l.wiu.-d church. ; ".. . . . . . , , 1 . • "I'd in.ide its [.l.ins forf an elect n.le.| a - a . ll.lp.-l by the colore.1 , '. • '

- «. , . : rallwiiv, a project whlt'h our c i f(n•-.•>• is, avi'iiue church. < ' '

..• . • put ii^t'ieir pig.t>n holes for several

eft ^wn«4-niln:tnitUiig..Mr. :t^g>r- N'otjhing|—ri ii- wn-

lie i n a t l . r 1» -cferivd In t ll.-iSt re

•bdi.!•k I..

•I \ v | .

I l l " - V i l

r. InU

lu n . - i l t

w.-r. A 'lVoorheesraiit the


di-vu.—ioniifyi(ig h i - )

at -tl..

vi-ll do for tl itv.' Is I'laiufi . l l

eft in the nice fi>r pre-eminence

The Tim**tin- N'-w York -not.


iL'arfan help who w.-re willing' lo t«ke 'Itriker's jilaces, they have not suc-eod-' tit ing much, or getting many to go>rk. The strikers mevct til most alllands wiien coming into ttiwn, and•iw-e them not to go to work' in the


w Mr.


Trc«M i -

a n , I ! w a s i||I * t l . - I th" nj

§t wa» .'d.-nt lthey I

J10 va-j »-««'i

t the I loss .

took; i th.-|r

C<m»-! reaiMs r«.. 1 the 01

Du- that itbill- ' to alllftty j Ui,' si

; ca:TJ,s,

.1 WM ' Miss I!

»•*&••.! ' X " W V

ir «!1t-rtv

Mr. tlugh-1 -T...-1Iorilr Ihe Iij

tfi.- deatil:ijfcilhe 'f 1:1-11

|n-di pleji-,,


' An '• Assertion.M i v S s i t s K n i T i ' i « : — T h o s e i i

t l c o r j o n t y o f c j l y i l l . p l ' o v e m . - i l t - .

in.LT r« 'A( l \^a>>. - t i \ . u i n li,-i\i-. t h . i

«j 11 !• • !c< -in -t I b y a p^i-^-'Tiiii - i : r v - y • f

' - i a l i d \ V a > h i i i - ; ' . . ) j i - I t r c . - t s , , n h c r - .1 i

,.• - I | - e i s . \ i l i a t • o l . j e c t i . . i u - h;:-i j M > 1 . ., s , r , | , . w , , : k i l a t - ^ , . , ) , , r t e r , • , . , -

p i t ! f t h . - r i V t J i i i c t - j M i a i - c i i i . t I . l K . ( „ , „ . , , , , , l . 1 ! ( < . , l f . a n 1 U e d r e g : : r I I .

T l . . i - i ! i - ! c ! ' c j . ; . ; i c y ( i i a y c . - l t h - . ' it

a g - - i n I ' . - I - I - " f a l | o o d . ' A t IHI .V r a !

i n 1 - l ! i , f - j i t t a \ - p a \ > - r i - i iu - c t l. . . . . . . . . i ^ i " ' n e " I - j u . f . v c t i i ' a " . • . • o - a - i . . i i - f . ; - : i — r o a . l "

. . i . r t h - p r o p o s i ^ i - o , , : , . h i . , , - 1 | J l t t . f l f n _ v i . : . j | , - i , | , p v , - , ! h - i , , t h i - i i ' - t i

• | , ; i i l d i n g w a s . , ^ \ v t . u - n t y i f t | , i - i m n n n - r o f ! i i n j T o v c n . - n t - - .i i i l i l l l l l r r o i . f h e "tjlo'V.i . l lt ' i ! - - ' • . - I

|M.t i i i [ |S ,ne | - - . - H - f . ; i i . | u i l h r - f -;tlle ! r-tiM.Val of t)|.

•. >tlj*.

ii.'*-i<. p . — , . . . . • • o f v l i i i ' t f - .! 1 1 " . ••••*. a n l

i|bjc,cjj..n wa-Jllkely | . i"i . . -yai-ed|. $,: r)unioiiiSv ^»|d liiat' a.-if th-j S'.r.-et

•uldinol b. r-f.-anll'''•x i l u i \ e l . i r a i l !••

•f city -J'lrvey-. , „ „ . ,,,,,.„]


i i ^ a i j

h i - .\'.-i,-.' j j e t l i

irl I'll 11ti ill'' rit-ht to oii.-:.-u

A V a l u a b l e JLibrpry.

M r . \Y . 11, M ' . : i t ^ . . n i n r y . <<{ K, r.-i .

f i r t h X I iiMerrue, J i a s in h j - e 'v | t . ' i : - i \ e l i b r a

N » w 11 r,ir.i 1'•• -i "w. . rk - .-.

.TiT'l"!" f r " I M "i'*' I I I 1 I f l ' • M ' 4 « - : it ^ S . I K X a b h o r s - a i . , . ? - , ; , i , - , , „ , ;„ ,

l1.1."-".-' »—!--•• ««'i M .1,.,,,..,,. ca^the,.^ ,|a,,i,,p;-:'f:;;; •^ • • ' " - i r i t t l ^ - i J i w - . v . . , , : t o l i i - ' f e c l j i. , , , V f " ; 1 ' : t l "-< ••n"^] ' »" ' '•-•i> of t h e o n t . - n t s „ l.,^l(,f ' -Hi , - , t i •„

^ • • . y t h ^ i k J u i l w . f, . p j ^ ; ^ , • •• ' • ; ; - ^ t . " " T - t - ! " r >-• <^-";«».. !T. «. ~At li::»--^""i't" tt.-n-f-r £o|l." Sir-.-. Stephe^t j.".,,'-;:xi<;::^±'':^\ ^pzp^s,j j .

1a r e 111 - -1 • j • j •,«I i n t l , ,

and '11,1


j fr.«u a I'"'I the -tab


thim m

., ''d-ivd thi

I. 'I-"l.g-. I.

ill ; ; \ i i ! | . b - b.


I: ; ,'-l>f t h e ( Ir.

S . . | j , . . t i l

JnjHot.q „. [I " i j s y e t i i ' i k

* i ! J i - i . i i t i

| v ' a : t ( | , ; „ ,

I< ijinuigh a

U i - I-I 11 _rl.,

U ) g i-i v a

vi- : -v -41-. ' , • ,



he May Festival in Vo.iihee*t' Hall, to->\V ey.'llillg. proll«is«'S t o w O||e of

:no-t .-11 j•-ruble affairs of the kind thattaken pl«<«e in some tini*. .In- Hii-kimm Ho-<- Coupling company ,started her" about the Hist of April,.

>.\ ing iilwigv.-rj-.nicely. It now em->•- at»>ut foity-five hand-, and ising oif more a- fu«t as it cun g'-t Its

•hinery in po-ition, .

of the freight hands of tlie kn-allocalKiiili-oad, ijn.-t withj Kiiilioad, ijn.-t with

•re accident y.Merday. Whilj-hand--hea\-y pi.j<.>- of castinj; It fell 011 hisid niii-h.-d it so I'mdly he ha j U> be

to i i l

New Office™ of the ' Y."lining Women's Christian Temper-'uion held its atljounieil Annual

ngat-Y. M. C. A. Hall, yesterday10011. nt four o'clock. Tlierc were-nine niemliers pre»«rit and, after the>n of the following 'ofliwrs^ tfle

Ing ii.ijoumetl for umi week: !

Hattlp Burmti.JullH 1. Kt'tchitm.'

-Uls» Oracif Y.-rkt*.>|....a.lliiir!irrn-tary—Mlm Lilian Ik.rmnii.un-r-Jllk^ X.itlt) Fri-Ufli. 's Burnett U re-election us President,lanimous, as would also have beenelection of Miss Paul a* V.k-e Pre*j- .ml of Mish^J^iwrie a«i'1Sfly&*»ry- if

|a.i not refiistt] japy.-rvi1 again. Theion with mucnregift aewjitW the

1/ these inQVeix, anil clitiw; other -Iteiit ladies fron^ tficlr nuniiwr.t" fill'•'".-«. There were no reports in

yet a»:to the financial. reKlilt 0/I Folk Concert, but it wa4 ftatedluiii Ix-eii a profitable entertainmentEspecially satisfactory, alwi, waa

-cess of the unique programme>.iit by fiie individual effort.* of.

mil. and >*o tastefully printed by ai.rk tlrni. •'. • .

atninn- -*itj-}<<ct ISp*t n'.v-nlug was|ate. " He -iild. au<l proved it, from

And *xpcricii<-e, that thcae areI.--, in this life_|ine« over which,•loss. TIN-V are lo-t e,\en in this life.

may know when In' rejectsOhrfstii that inny not U' his last change!tion. The path jof neglect has alie licii.-sMt. Men may neglectvation ju^t a tiny ?.«> long: The

•'. ha}.it; and >f^siaaud worldlyi -. all iuive .leaditnes in*. tt'iHi.

Tilth that 'lias i», lint?, inIi t'liit 1. ai!- to H.a\en'Mr. Viitniitn will continue to co/i-

-.• (-.rvi-c-at Reform -Hall, e.'i.'h[thi- \v.-.-k at' ei fht o'c;.H.-k. with'"tiofi "f "lie night, wh.'h a Union•jll l-'held. ; J

Thieving at Somerville. fItiiue during hi-t night Uirglars !

rrel mare and wagon from the 1Mr. Mc< idl.,;igli nearSoiuervllle, ;i' off with their plunder. The

Ih.-ii went to the farm of Mr. Mo-father. Dnvid.'and -tolt; therv-

t of harness. , They n.-xt vis£t>-<I<.f Lnthar Miirtin at Adamsvillc,

•d him of a valuable bay. coH',->ld. n-wfigyn'antl !>.t-of harn.hMS.

j-r- Ic't no .'lue to their "identity,was Kif-ormcd of the jobbery

iing, but 111 > to the tim<-|Of going"ie robber- hail nut been appro-

JDdd Fellows to " Meet.

i la- t -r J .I111' L. JVli-.-ler has tir-

a -jiecjiil - . .--ii in nf the,(rrnpd). (I. ¥.. of New Jersey, Will 1,e

^—^: • 11.(11. Trenton, oil Tu.fs-

Tth. 1--7. The regular -e- - io l i '

l i l t \W" o ' c l o c k i l l t h e J l f t l f l - i

A l l . i i i . j o l l l ' 1 ! ••! — — i ' T l « i l ! I - i

!'| i n t . ' i > - c \ e : ! i n ^ ' . • T h e J : ! t • * r -

.11 w i l l ' c d ' . - . o t . d !••; t i i e ••••;'-

h - < ; r ; 1 . ' I I . . . . ! / - D e - . - r — . f i n d ,

! : y « i l l a l - o ! » • t f i v , f t h e ' • - ! ' -

•••- t " . ; - i t t h e • ; - ! - i I ' . - ; 1 . -v -.- '

• ! i . - . • • • • . • ; • : • ^ r - n . . , ' . - | i i - w i l l ! • • •

- c . V l . . j . < i . ' . ' . - . ! ! i . . | ! • I' t l . - • • • • ' ! • : <


h:eves at Dunelien.

" ' l : : r : i : - . I i . - t . ' - | . l t , T a v ' • , . , . • «

' " • • i - ' - n v . ; i - e n r . - r e d | , y , . ; , , . ; ; , . ,

"'"'"- "'"' " l : ; 1 WV.-,' L - i j . .V l l l l l e t , , , , , , . ; , y , , 1 ( ; t i | (

, t o ," ' ' "••"• T• | ! | " - ' • " ' * • • " • • - , - : ,

• r - o f t l i . . , . ; , . . , ! . '

-re : - , , .: .„

The Daily Zephyr H A L. C<i'e • ■ j - —-JO * • •*4*I rlllilt AS ETK.'iisf, emtio* ..r the wajr.r a”-,v*‘**ty*NM*. 4*• flu*,animal aJ„J well |

ET“T^*- ^ **i-W *U,-V- > i Mrs. Churl*-! An— of (r>—. P"CLoct is the ArttHsoos- HDnTmf 1 *t I i A° HH'eUniC for every- lut* |n*«^i ficriouslr !H fi.E-.rn.- «*P.« Office 7t™ t '•> Mr. C. H. ami U u.., y,*i....

at 10 cm. , h-W. »“ firnt Baptist t'h.ia-i-h on Fir,- Oorurhis-i •TTf ^ 2CE™- j' T,‘Ur^*;vWu.^a«WKht,.Vi,..k. Um-,vt,i,nl,|rr,! ■rifle



Nemhw.rixg Towns.; axis. Politically THE ADYAX-cnreXT OF THE PHIX. TPLeT of ‘ ®**;i*ATIC Pabty-'-tiJf. Cuwm wUD To t«e.CrucATixt smac’*

■ ji ;i a....a..>r<tin hi- trip t*i ',‘‘T,ln8i ,’f tl,e B«ir<l ofDirectoheof Hr reports having had a pleasant! tin,.

t H - | -*+£-Jt±±Sq3w- ■ r-."tm- ;■ u“ - «**•»• <-> .1 i I it. | iinjh'UHtl i»y a yoiiii^j (*ain!>rij!iiiH or li—The ti-aujt ifuJ whit., dove that tjo-.k Bck*k-U#y.

part in the play .tf •," ik-t

OOEKH.PIOIDEX.rE KfWlTED OS ALL JtATnJ^F P^EIC COXCtEX, BE-r Ft BL,SHED OSLY wilLX AtCoHPAXIED BY THE SAME up THE WBITEB Ct ooxfii.itvce. A* exdobmxo the TBhrt ASto Hom>t Ixtest OF the CYJMMrxi. atiox



w. L. ASH A. L. Fxiekietobb.

Fob. e.

J. A.

J ,,l > A. ro inis'h^ an ut£»mija#i<h -f "f th’;rty-niiie this morning. These tin -x-

PTHLisHEt-4|xp> inn- uro ,,r ,hx ii liar int.-n-t, an-1 ,|r. (“specially "I.I.—..,1 t^i. tii.b—•- who alt.Hi.I th« m Uv«:L» of


Maxa(.J\«. ElifT *«, itiak**

~ : Tv,

wat*i*r in the foyer.*’ is “tail

Grand Lodge. I. lj). O. F.. State Jpreey, has* issued a proclamation nbuncing that .in. kdjourhed weaion

ADTEBT1MXO IUTTX MVt.E KSOWX OX APPL CA- WU1 ¥ ^ «t TTEIltoL Oil J I*0« AT Tltw OFFICE. Soncca -St (iuvLm Rt 2 P- "»■ \

vr*rx ur\n iriy h,>,,r « Etc.. ritfr * T**’ | r|a\er ineartin^, au<| v«*K that -erxitV at

ayeninjf. -«s himily ^oanosi Mi,t 1R"Wl,lU<1 f ‘>x

¥ Mr' Jrv.fS!s,l, Bti|rt. , irlK. ,1|Mln t|).. ohn L. Whodlor. GreHdTlaatcrofjtUK* Fanny’s s-i^hth aonivrsarx*.

"1" ! Mr. Jatix -Aloxandor. sse. rotary .|f the ^ A-iiia til-.- In-uran.-o t]'*#., ...f Ha^for.l,

ha-f !• —«•<i *h.* u.-.v < 1 a oliino om.h*m1 |>v

■ ho

H-tnap-tor Fislh-r, of iX.-warlt. is yn- fonjintt th»- law apainst clunii.-stim-

, „1 through thy fiuvetil iusty htfi* just a Trivial i r^- : V»n/!»sK™:i,-„ •» c.-^- t>talj<al that lla- a.l^iv-sint: of IHttjpi*' l.y It^onajH at at TandorUx-k’s. J3 Park avenue, aa.j . . i ,

very cheap, i Also Borne due piano: ..In ■lnitF*9 or aji—uined nahtea has ,-ause.l. him andfsee theniT • nm.jh tn.|iyl... an 1 hie . i.-rk* 'will no

sFor the [vaet f.*K- yeai-s a Music hIh l,*««(*r.,teU?-r »,'v “tier* directed umf.-r attendant had m. excu-e if. n- KoiiiK ofct ' '-‘n-unistancx betwm-n th.* bete. but now th. rr V comniittec .if the in.-niU-rs ,lf tL.

New Jersey E.iit..ri)a! A-«.«-iation w ill i„k.. -The afteni.H.n Bil.lo Tllke j^yeij L “ 1$ ■' "«h- rout c ,o W itaken SsVaU

Mr. Vat man at the 1 Trinity pefohn, d 0c-tHhIr'»i ^ Wi* ^

ILuf V-—,-T (ft tli»f

funii^rland route. Tie- ttjip will

. church, at iour ,o el<ACki are ora.-ti 'd " here a-day will l». ep I proHtbWe, a,id of gtvat iht^r...t l, ^ ' + J the-sheimtjihiah Vj,u<:y to the

-AfP-ran mUournment W .^t PH- ' LH*>’#«^ ^ day .the Spring session of the I’niou Couii v;! Court will Id. * resume.! at Ellzal-eth itj- montdw morning. Tip- iron.! Jury, it . expected, " ill eoihpiete iu labors t'emoi - iww. i i I’! i

:: I

The largsist attondai 6> yet was |at it; ? Saturday afujrnohn gosj (*1 Llk at Trinitk Kefonmxl chrireh. Tt..- -ii oVlm k mon - ing meetiiiK at V M. C. A; Hall, is als . wen attended. Mr. Yathian will eondu. t these Services during th.| entire iw.-.-k,

Marj Drew, a well-known cjmravte ■ aiaait town* was committed to the Count' Jail for thirty days by Judge ririch. thi‘ ’ morning. «or a too free u^p ’..fVr tongue The w;. an an is an old offender, and Ii.)m pn—nt.e in the County Jail is nothing new

■ f ~I5«rney Kelly. wIkjs*- .lofnestie rioubk" r.f|.ehed a elimax yestehlav when his wifi lodged a Complaint against him for 'cruel treatment,mitred beWe Judge firi.-w: to answer Uettie rhjarge


told t. go .hotue grieya tceii. whK-b

—A(i.>ut flftyi w.

overjll^ll th

An A

i i i

— ■■■* iji r iie.-ii fleeted d-r

Maine. The sti sehmd i testified oiunii ttees aril r- cunte 1 on to f^vor w«.v* of il.-alin, wbolais. -

‘-Th* Voung t’is.pje's s.-iety j.f _Chri-tH a Endeavor l.f the Co'ngrega'lional /•kuteh. of vvl.i.lj ehirch Key. C. L. G.-kl- d>-h|is he piEstor. hi,hi -.vts-kly meetings a| the .lose of tlie Sunday SchVa.I sessi.l. j pt.oHiWSBf tie alsiN-iution ate: Pn-J-■ .. dent—Ji A. Ijoiiitisl.j,;'Vice-president—Ml C< C >an.4r-<fale.-| s.4.ivtary—Mi— F. J. ■ ir" a Whitfield; C«,m{-jS.bding*l S»xTetary Ji *j,lW PlRnt xl a en>pof! C- VanAr-dalef Tre|„ n-r-M.-s Minnk- tV*un* - ■- £- Chauh. .

—At ‘the Crmiregutu>nal .rJ.uivh this ■ Lif,ruriag ii \V. Tyler of the | PuWl" AVill give the first of ),is

■'‘•nesor i.-oturetAnti,.. IJo,nance ,,f .Manu- Scripis. I The subject forth:- .-v-ning wiii, V^ "hf

. ^ -'Vriih.g ami IVriting Mei.-. mi*. in "‘t' f JJ^.MjeU Timesi” and w«l Ibei ill is. , '’.V over lifiy stkreoptf i.,1, yieu-s. in.

eluding Cleopatra nn«| „ fhaideaik slat ,... ■ ov-er.years old.I the la;-erl- .-ilveii. •! **th in-sSr.dlth.ns. Ti,- pr-,s..iJ. mu ,h.

i l,,c vrg iii dun.I of tie* cUiigi- I WmiBlJ

, ll; .Miti-hfill *. ti#-'

gnthered'at Mu-|i. Io-e Who did 4t-

-i A much small, r I .1.i|*. 11 ; Avhi.-ij fdvoF,.,i|.. jis.oj r- ®PI"''T!'dj;U*.in this (jitj

- [ ®a!l* kish ieveitipg. - Ti j tend, hoii^vef. f-nha

i Lf ‘u,|iti*.nUf I:,u - i best -nit

fill he j See8es w l| i

j *hi t f< >ii - ] | Jain.., t. ;i" senteil


■•! thofo Iff. s ,t. .

uglily h me of tl

I l mil <t-> .!n*i iri*-a>|s. Froin * 1 ■atiii tie*


I) U ii« , • , — if nn*" *s«» • ii..r_

?' ' -him. t’fser Mfi- -M*rAHt*=- s" '

- - . .- ; . .Ud ii" * gi-iM-i the

JJ'H* [ O. JsilJ. te if TBb.....•

hit n 1

TCllpfi ny, Uilliyt ..

I SasiK'JriijJtjt *5FJ1:. . •- ||..

iii V. •- i

-<••111 ,ty ' ;.. til. -die was ■jierfo-rjii ail g':.-• ntifn *at or h anor. 1

* "fJemmy”. was i |. . ■ ! , |

-Th.-pbeel-d- . • rIli> cf.,,-.;;,,,.,. V-IUl- liaitefo-.f by -MhJfg e Till ihe

2’,."i">"y ilouiiay niglii -- -. • ««T.v>unk.,-d, theg.-Miemamv *,..j

0«u,«>,yo ™ ’if 'diy-’ft *i.;.

•'-“-W'-n-Ht: when ii «-«

a it' ifr M

'' of ,

*r ih

m- li p

or tit.. and will .ve ipy w. ek \

Th ti^ Urlorof Alert H,«- Cdk^wnjCs 1,..,, last e e'ldug. Alexal

H State

Ivenue An

, Application !f,r.,;j.. hm-k . ' l-lidlei- s Heenses wj

teijourned Sessions-W.-n, McO. Conell **“ and sj|hse.j,i,.r,t|v — alines the Election as Councilman— Claims Wer»-J,res».nt.*d nr Si^El-Po* Bills f^resehted-Other Busines*. f,,|r"w»: O. B. Le..nar>!. *t]if

! 1 Declines the Election as Councilman

Coum llmali IJ..w laud Cox lay liimi.-rat his p-sidem-e, r»imiay|

ing. 'I|"in the .K-ea-i. *n of his da tighter

■rower j <;, iin.jilman Bowers was^ tlie fir-t t.. • arri e iii. the C<>unei| liiiumleT last even-

ifitr, hf tlnif* s»*t for ad adj0unu*d in« ff t ity M»^srs Dumont, Mai|li and Simpson xtjx.llcd leisurely into

• \vwj wrjficfthat in

Meeting of E«enpt Firemen. exen,}^ tlrcnmn of the city met

y,i Illekler. oh Mer.s-r avenue. W;;$llillg-

I to«<i 1’ark; Notjth Plainfield, j Mr. Preston Moffett attj-mie.l tinf fuiij- tirai of if- f.pit her Orlando, in thi| <*ity Monday Inst,. Mr. Moffett itas hcfl the

of * »xi«* of thu niu»t IntMcfi iunl vhIu.m! on ti„. PfniiHV^aiiia

Angieman. s4;ir,..W: J0-Hj B. Gisalmaii, s-i fin

M. C. JHrd. -tun. Ts.ijg.71,'; M. M. Timm.iL.

-| T1‘'- following/hiilH we,-„Mi the k.o,(n and after waiting for some time I “ri<‘ourit nf tin* bx ent ease ;i| Me-gi-s Dunham and , Vo..rimes came in, ,w"* “I*’11 moti.ui of Mr. B»iS

Ituting a ipioruro |for the transaction i t0 tlle Heaitli Board : 'iiifss. The ahs.#nt were j V*1-11'•" '•Manning * || iliuen Carey, Cox, Taylor an.I ! A Hrown. g, r—i. ■ . | Win. A. Seorl.

motion of Mr. Dumont the read- j E!iz,,,’pth.Schnrb, . -fh tlm minute,, of pr„vif,u» meet-I Accompiinving Mi-. Is li.'l**us..d witJ4 and the regiilar

fiitrii.m . -■ [if.—cut.-d, £•41. efe-m-d n- r|<d-,. M.

(. It ilson. a FTi.-k.-v.

A. Thick- |< f|

H -*#rit>-.I on ■thail-pox. , if- f' lT.-d


ruiifoiid. f* >r .iver -tw.-iitv-ffve v.-ar-.

<a-dc |..f business for T is- evening was sus- pemfed.

I*<*ntist IV, F. SteEle lias |,up-iia fine Building site ..f Mr IV. L. J,,ni Park ay. i|ue i--tw.-.-n sixth ami S,

t'-'T. adjoining tin* new cottage , Tj, S. Duviis, and wid Is-gin tin- .-r.^-tion

-rice, of an attractive resi«H-mt« I Mr Cliarlcs H. SmiLh isalsoth* ui. git.s-t

of the |><jtreh. oriel tliat are ladiig niade to the M-id.-n Cbutmilinap Duimint. The impno.-i "lilt cost Ids'-Id and lire |.e[nje,.n- under.tin- dinA tion of Mr. lintel-' »y*’l: Johns,m, lie- .milder of The Cfes.s-,it| )

Tlie elegant pew lY-sid.-n.-e .,f Mr. (f- ^ M<<',rt<*h»ft|. tVn-hingt. m Park, wi thnrwn ofj»tn to I,is friend-, Thu ♦*v<*nin^ otfru xi \v»***k, u|m.i: th*

M % Di mont ntat***! tlat at a pn-vkiiiH mee &jg .f the Coum-ij in ordinanj-e was pass for th.-nujuila-rihg of hous,— a.nd

■ “«»> ,;f stn-ets, and also tliat a pro|»- sitio | wu * pr,--».nteil offering to do the worl f<<r|a stipulated ium. Since then anot Sir ||r..|HMSition hall b»en re,x iv,pl. sign, i bu a Mr. Milj.-rj of Jersey City. ofTer jg t|» d,> tln- w.frk and to furnish two nmi*^.f the eity. on.. fo| the uae of the

fs^or. suid inapsTto oyer the en- I-it-t witiiin • E... 4;,.. ii.l.:. .

Accompanying Mrs. S-horj?| •xHumunitation stating that sioned by dosing her house, uge to furniture, i-|..thing, amount to S-IoY^md

•P- i |. IJo.lN

j 1(12,1. |- ax, ,IM. ' '‘-“W dll Was a I r'

h - May Festival in v.*Iihee-,* Hall, to- T'o" "V-ning. promise- to be one of

""J y'-ie affairs of the kind that tak**ii pl«,v |X1 sa »fm* tim#*. • Hickman Hose Coupling r-ompany tarted lie,-e about the first of April

< i"g along v.-rj- nicely. I, em- - f'xty-five hands, and is or. more a- fast as it eon get its

niiierj-in position, Of the freight hands of the local *

a in

>u* tJ“* Builroad, m-t with

h*trij-t within th, al».ut s.Vni. Hd

* jwoijld la* .Main,I

confer with a comnii as to the amount of danmg,

The Clerk read the. foil,twin William McD, Cnriell d.-dini, tion as Councilman, as im.-dd PIIEss of hist Saturdav. Tolhr.l Mmorublr, th, PUiatJirbl, -V, Sr

Having r*ic*dve,l official n<; IM-ingelected a im-mlM-r ,,f t Council I would most r. --1

(ipss if tlie dam-

11?1 -r Would >< j.0 gladly tj' j-'olllleil |

■d to, i ha\-


line,/ „f

limits, at a ! M1'* honor, thanking you for t|,« ■ - i f.iiTi u*ol > . * 7531

j1.; _ [Mtion of

f: M’llUllOll

an*! otli4*r adiiiioiikw |*H»an pao\jF>r. hi* as t»> pi U’***.; Ho? sulfiiiitt

A**li I • . j 11 * Wj; statod that th*- ! , *,1‘ ,irjl1 tru>tin#4 tin- va* ancv ifllpE . . by ’in*■ on*- wi... will U-

'Cloth With i-ustc- i tfuje and attention to ( nt a n-at aj>-1 than is possible for ,„e tod...

J ' th,- following! Vi-n-‘Ii.spe, trilll.vj ioi(. tin-proposition Is^iBg a part ,.r j "m. McD.

and it way..adapted, all voting

•idela- mie.1 more

it (fairs. r


of an e\t.-il-i'. ** warming. B* tile Usual orFeinonies ..f I ike, eve... s.

! will pro.gittly If aj pn.grunimii , by weil-known arti-!-.

Oprk; Hamjii.-al, a i*.—j.l, -nt here]

Tin! petiti

! i —tj- r- j : i :--j—|i T«...,..e„i, „ n.-reg rorl wan ihi- mL tl., ~ , , *.]“w,‘tth-**M^«*wyy!*«P<|H»4t.ism.w enguge.1 in ? the Ea-t

WHS elects. iwcrtUaty.HWtHm Tbeeh^v ^|| Si'**'^

wh"hfes forth, ^^ JjJtfe ^"iT ,'hnng»xl hlktLw „f b„sf,,e4s ^J-ml <»m»i ™.o^#,!i iT'tZ r£r;;ite“'-r "•4**- *** roii**rt i.f iw ‘ * - • T ' in< Hi** ri*-\v ]<M*j|tion. I* r<iu in rM"*t of the ^nuuiltVy^x^tL.s Satt*- . Jiian4 * s-rhi*?f Joiujin^. t> and ^

M. Shorwin—lt*» th«*i nij-*itinii f«*f til4* fr. Ern»kHt Vii»iZi»i:<jt «.f tii*- r.

tniiiiii,^ "Jaiyputown.’’ ha»- s

,7 I , . —. . slior.s!eavr|k Isiting hi, parents ..„ • ent axen.ijf. f«>r a few da>< |r.

A-dn-iation held at i Morrist, .wii r,ss-ntlwus prest-u ,s| and a«.-i«.t,s|. A iiidion Y|-asmade an.I unaiiiiiidurdvcurried ,lfuj -service ^e J,»- rapidly a>J\n to form an orga„iz..ji,V, to j4 km.wn Lj.’ u"*'> he noW keiir- th,-.- -trip..-, „„ ■‘•The. Lx,.nipt Fir.w|ien‘s A-V<s>iati>>u !..jr .*?JtP,,, *lng Hi<m t». !»• transferred t..a n Pluinfiepl, X: J." Officers Yfere VV-ti^ !'>r-War in -01,111,is-iou.

•s t». serve tl|e A-d.-ifition f..r t(i4 Mr-. Pri,,lfn<x|[Brokuw. tlmage.l S-I as f..|lo , >, Ihe couple were-' . i -il . (.ensuing nd tbeiv settle their! ;

ley cors-iuded to do. en ^ have this, year

d"~.l siijs-rMsop- in uiM-rintendent of

it wornhn on school >niiers, and call !»• ihe most enlightened,

Aith t.-ii.-iiers . and

Vl-s Fr liss-rsts

jTr-ii-ur[-r Tile

was laid tnkt*-!])!;

y.-ar j-

•M*kni_Th*£. . I. <»tUi**4. ty~^- p- Murrtn. t [


-I**lTl,l W. ii-.y-r-.. ‘•jeetjon of a! BiHtrd ojf Dihx-t.W'

; ,-e tile first Monday in Jim, — 1:

next lll.'diiig w hid,

who died oujhutunlay from burns!. frnji | tl,.-

'fiuiighter. Dr. thi« aft**nitMfjn, fit v. Dr. I), (ffiyiating ;'Ili<- r-'lnaii:- w.-r.

i t!»e i\-'lv Vftiilk In'Hi' f»l I *S*‘* tlier*

•yn-nljll ii,.)S,sj-..,| ;n t),,. o.R.(3v

\ Bull Fro* City ” ^ BoFnkigi^«|,n|h|*j!nmn Ira Tik.-r. former b-side'nt of i with a Might jad-^ient seven,) day- "-i,, burbof^irthPlain-;|jwid,*h jias sifik-j. },1% j,‘.f[ (u’

ii with hisi fjimiiv in; pHmcs.t ,isel.4i-V kj,. engaged p m With, his Wifie vester- d»4 w»b i at Id#, H,sid,-nee In^Xortii pi„

•ut X.

rest from * Itanielj a

Bdll Fr..g< tty.”ia -i ii -1*1. but now re-idiil Ji'I'siydlyvcame uj., day to iisik af*e> a pic e of pr..p.-,tv I- i< nging 1.1 them in that ronianti,; ••village.:" a small . Mfhen he oft y>wnsev|em! m„n,bs ag„ Mr. linger-.

•IllH'fS i-HN-f'1 *r * i!b s||«d -d up a 1*'IV loll ol tlie g;trde|iTIM:i*'! t<> -i\

, . .dun .s'un jaiies. Mii. r>,aj,ifid that :or- ij -ealne indignant and iiij.|ert*M,k i C‘

trulisp SgSt ■ the jsfes. A female ,,j-1' 'Uphfiti ot th.- house, With im and tl e r.-isult was that j# I lege. 1 to iu,,ea!.l|s...|her. Slje light •rotistion fr.j.n, Mar-lialj | B.s-ker; iho chilsej thel offender, he sayi. for s*-v|

the t,ro|M*rty U‘ a.Tenant. IhV-w,.,md at jtho jtime.^ut tie- linger il |M<ljti>>n of the gilril.-n:- tiii lVd tl. and finally ls-eann

Was lnltici.,| ■thing -.‘rib,i- wa

kii'Mi'-ai att -ar*A.

i Mi. Dumont nmii** a moti< I clerk he iffstrucf.xi to make „u

>4 That O. B. ij-onard Is. and he April 1st. 1 bv *p|Hiinurl the iji-pn-sentative of: r "r sa,J l*r artnuni. and |,n j-t.d designate ntitAlsrs f,,r store- j th" Board of Fir.- Com mission.ii >-||ldgh"Ud.s of pjjlinfi.dd in accord- 4se of the Citv C.airt ^th th.- ordinance adopted Mmv 2d. was i,dont..d ‘ II rm,Tefere„.s- to tijis matter, and in* inity with his proposition hereii ■ o-u*e No, JO was suspended p|] iid »ihieh includes,filniishlliga-sesi- Bow.-rs from tlfe Salaries, n*

me,,: for .the use „f J,eC|ty Ass,wor.; Election CommltUm \,t repo'n '■any- Councilman) called up the alMive hill „f (, R Ic-.riaid - a(|

relating to the gilding of Bc-ek? j sent to the AgdiUng G.nunitt.s.ii; [bAeti so as carry the water from j I’njler a suspension ,,f th.- ru|

i-onji str,s-t. H.-i |aid he had been Hous iummittw* r>*|M.rt*sf , ‘d 4 the Street ikiuiuissioner that ■ i.ills in tl„.ir hands, and k et.uld la* uceoD)|||ished for alsYut ! th** Usual course. . , „ d t+commend.xl |hat the Street I iff. Simjasm. frtfm the A,w',iL.i. TSiohe,-fa. authorfa-d to cut d„«-n "littee. reporhsl ciurm-t all. th^ an kreet so tliat t|ie water would , furred t,y him. and on, motion

m,mt tlie report was ri-ceivedai ordered paid l.y warrants on

itmaHiuivr. \ « fr . 7--- ••—»••• •'«**.«- f Du rn« »/i t mufto a niotW.Ti, vt]

i«. .>.ii!nt Of ■ sp ending too m„el, 'carried, that tile Tr.-asur.-i- I--#4 , Hy offered an mlieiidmeiit to!*', transfe- •*.. .»—• — - - - iyI*

M''- fl|m, fit's wTl.i.-li "a- a IcptAd. tliat tlie ,-<s« ,',f Uie work ♦ iim.iMBo; 'j.\cee<| S2l«l.

-lIr- 4:iP?on said tint ivak should have Us-n .line (ike years ag.<, ,uid that h- -,va.- ih fav,.| of <ii,iug it regarjlij—s of the e\- is-ll-e. J. lie--^bought the mdlley Would Is-

ore "|adVjex|M-H.

1 the str.-ain at thift ivvl Mr.* h-rH* «£ib that|the Coniniitte.. f(|1

1 ,,tl St'r f'" •j8*1 «h"n Iheiratteutioii t„ the. ; ,,,nt*<*i Slu-t year, l.ut tlie Work was a band-

' tiie general


■ Ol I

"I,si Uiaul.y purehusltig he i-ity. ,r , es wii<idrcw liis.aim-udtnent

'rigjna-I motioti of Mi, Dumont t.-.i l.y an all uvn Vote,

i tm>(it per—eupxti, 1 |«-iitioTi from f Trii-t.-i- ,,f th- t res,-.-nt

'-in|h. asking pvriiji-sion t.* re. frufue biiilding al ithe east e.w-i iftIi ,.y:i<i W.-isliiiigton streets, |th.) (i--riiiait*"K* idjined chumh.

e.| as 1, ellapel l.y ,(„. ....l,,r,.,J lie l i'W ayi-nue ehur.-ii. t j-\j.lainiMl’ t|„- j

ii: li 1

»e. I imfliev d.-|«.sit.-d wjth hint llv owners along La Grande spreading crushed atone on tliat t|] fare, as -.. 1T1 as the Street Comii lib- with,he clerk a ifietc work has Isfii dondineonforu.ity *-!ty oniinaru***. **

ihe Coffucil Chen adjourned. ■—— •

Shall Plainfield Get Left \ f -M a- do,trat Vos J.,,.y 7-,

(Hher Xevv J.jxvs.y towns, subdj New- Vi„k, are walking right »u| Hiaitifi.-ld In ,}u|ir pul.lie ent.-r]ir:-i tie Anbury Park, for iaslam-e, hi i'.'-’ed it- arrangements for tlie fr

! ‘hdivery wiiile We htivd liecn sleep i tin- business. Til,-n. t«*.. it has g"ilf j mid made its plans f,»rf an cjci'tri.(:j| railway, a projeet which our .-in

for several,M, -ks

New Officers of the ‘ Y.” lining "'"men s Christian Temper- i/i<ni held its adjourned Annual

■««£ I- M. C. A. Hall, ycetentay at four o'clock. There were

nine mem fmts present and, after the "f the following 'officers, the

ng aojoumed for one w eek ; s I'Hnt—MI»m Hattie Burnett

■ P#.i,i.iem_sttw juiia j. Krtcharo ' s«Trtar}-iIls» Grace Verkes. -1 -"ill 11! 1 g Si-eret a rj-—Mi S» Lilian IK.rman ur.-r-MiMk N.-iil*. French. •

1 Burnett k re-election as President iluanimous, as wp„id also have been *■ -’le.-tlon of Miss Paul as Mice Presi-

,f MiHh.JgeATie as Stsuattary. if ■»<i not refuse d tg&rni again,' The

’’1111,111 inuehregret accepted the ■f tliese .ffic-rs, «nd chose other tent ladies their fill

t‘• s. There were no rpjMirts in “ -wt «»1*0, the financial re«nit <st Folk Concert; but it was stated

ime Im-ci A profltaMe entertainment Ea,s .dally satisfactory, also, was ' ‘-s of the unique programme '•ut by t(j,. individual efforts of. ml. and so tastefully prated by a 'rk firm.

•' ,

And I a:

i'lae ind-s



on |

titioii- l'a£ iff their j.igism (i,i|e only to bring out'iinaiiy to.sit down

i atnmn - -ebps-t I'ust, evening was Date. He s#Td. and proved it, from

*11.1 axperienee, that the*. are • in this life-lines over which,

|i ■ OS. Tls-y are lost even iii this life, may kpo w when lie rejects Christ' tha, may not Im- his last efiatwe

The patlr'g.f neglect has a aeif.-s; jt. Men may neglect

afvation just a day t,«, long; The habit*, and JsL.stftauii worldly

. all have .V-a.j ifnes iril. itljciH; patli Unit’1ms nr. dead line, is' that 1,-ads to Heaven through

Mr. batman will continue tocoff- -c services iIt Reform Hal!. *a.-h this Week at eight o',-;,M-k. With

■ Itioii of one night, when aT'fiion Tull l-'ju-id.


' -|V,t i

•U.?*: hill am lini'i« the

I riek yajwi. R[.. was ai t i, c Austin ,.n g'diaj-g.

•let. and after-sev . i .-fv ■ri['T-d hjs s amounti

ae -fH-tbs rient of co- ^ar-hall -a ,-

vj-il dollai

Nprth Pk, A meeting Xorjh l‘h

lit*- piLrioi - iday ,* v ,*■: i

ol tire i‘4-d.' mmijtc.

i# ■ f.-i;,. t. 11 I'aihV

hl.-ti. 1T ci i. and re, order-.- Idirths. ,1. B. I-.Ji,-.. ’ll

•H Mi'. Mary 41- -wit-.; b*ill

•ti P'Dlf. • ti. it. <»„

aii«l rtiiiilly «>f

*ia! n-ar *>r HuduM.ii's ran^tl Uin.rr- Ju !

R-v. Dr. .41 Hi Lewis, paip-r ,.f tfi.. ; 8,;ventJpI»av (Ikipfist ,-tnmdi. diHring il- <lisl.,uisf.-,.n ^ntu^iay. gave „ ,-eVjew l.f' the chtnvh w.|i-k do,,.- i„ th- pa-t tw-nj- ' years. t|.i» l»iif,gi)„. twentieth vearstiif.j llhe predefft e|j ueli ereeted,' In j'el. ' ituary mjxt win [»> i-eiei,rated tin- FiMi.Xi anniveisjiiy 4',|L. organization-

, i f j-venti^Day^i.iLtehnn!, j,, tilp 1 -t,U

' T1'" clnln-h was! o-ganiyed with

-is were', d.dirnus Of ere.-jing- a hrl.-fe "difi.-e 01) t!io lot t., replay, the framo ■ rll“"1- The 7’i'/no> only reflects th structure and lids would necessitate the--l-"f “ huge majority of tlic-|u'opi, nniovaj j.f Iii,' ch«|><-i to another part of "hen i| says than .they want a

the pr.T,iises.i,,i,il tliat the fsaine would l1lil"'uy, if it ciui 1^ put down anj ■roje.-t inio th.- roadway a|.,|ut thf-e f.-.-t, " hen the new lluil,ling .s.mpjcte.i'J ''nP'fprise would be so popuiur ilsnr: (i,-t. Istj. it is the intention of th,

ducted under 'proper guarantees;

. - 'I!' reprimanding liiiui 'l . „ 1 * ri’li'HN* litM »r: i*a\% 'r , , : “ I 1 r i fu«*i,iU-rfjiij« ..f* i^r t*»

* a]«>(&« T!m4 M

r^antz it n •v futf J|

"*s worth j

infield Township Mettinc. f the T

Drew); versus Michael Sy. .-Lj-n,

!-!•*'i'it\ J.myjj. 1:

ll.ll.dd tot. •f VVaiT. il Engine ri..u

•• lug meetjii y.i . mol

a j •point.-d

* i*. Up ! Tim in. 111 iit.-s

"lijs Curiii idle follow itf;

r - iab- - to "v^khip <'.pniiiitt.-e! jijr.-w ,.f *, j nfihip Wiisj held infidel mon,,

on ti

a lihi 1 -h'.tjjig - **■> jk'!

-I !„

I'," r.-rr.-d |,y L,.k ■ •i. II -f the y ml •

"-.(!>• rfad -‘•'•'I -r n

upend tojpntUng |

and The

Is [he rim Hvav in Ilfashingj

f... (•rid : D jtlmawl i L.vrriag.—; -1.1,7

:.'II prr-rd F1 rr :~-

D . -. ,-v ](. • I ■<.per e*IjTn l.ut l.-finji- )e j»eitl-sf -I... ; j,r l.p>t\.ll it iW.'.s

" "I' f Ull •H 1 Hi

fii* t .*U» •*. -Iii: ri-t. fh

• I! ItT


• l iintil tiej matte! llj,' bills,Wj-re pie. { | sworn , io t!i,--v

lirijk.-iwj. ji-i-t uni-

Pl-x-t I

•••i’s. yld-j'-i. 'Bill b ir IffMivI j.f pau-

•I S.i (>\.-r! '!•••!- |on»* idct.-d tliat

•dhl— fiai'i ni


»"I i't| a-c-oimt fje-s.-ttiem.lut .if the |,ill. A

•to and tliat I-aa- I * ,ns*|-l Is, l».|ti.k!ed To

lUt.-e at iis• n.-xt mi-eing. im-t^ng rJljoutn,m|| Subject t*-. i hair

, , i|.V. a I,I, I tin- n— Of pH.f-iri.-- langoac,.. I’h ■"!•■•! |ni;ie. ■ a, j.Ld The,,., go. #6,. „ h.-aj-iig, i'4mpl Miunt. V. tly-c „ jp. ji;l, hefoi.- had ly.ji|, 0 ...n.i.t M, |-ji d.o ,- ,|m,,-t 1 t;,< have :r.•sulijj-.l ;, ,ni , Ch; rgisi S".-. |.yjj u j.,; j.pi,,.. '“i i‘i'" "!"■ h ai-e.jii,-!y ..nfit for p„,,:;j r,J •fh- -fl-V••■■h-'U dee!..I, he a'h-J Odn a.fid ImsM-tnicd L.o.s.i . I1 I

•U-Iecs to leniove tlie ip.j Ihn.ugl, : iftii sif./t t,j Lilk.rtV str,M-t. then.-e to

•nrtti stl-eet 'to a lot 11.-ar Plainfield Hve- ("«•■ Mr. Borers moved to grant tlie

D*n. . s • i\Di answer t.j. a rp,cation tlje Ifi-esideiit -aid that in his opinion the |:'.,utrcil had 1 o rfight to ol.jtnict the fiihlie highwavs. Mr. li.Mv.-rs wjth.lrew his mDiio,, togriud. T''l d- st.-ai substituted a jm.lion tliat

matter 1m* Fefenvd to ih.-Jstre.-t t'oiu- nie'-c Wjkh |o,v.-r. A h.pj "I i, ovedj Jhx] Vo, .fill

to grant til


- Signifyjpg lOl^l'st jit


>*■ •'af : * j • — 1 t .



nl*- # 11^

s-v*"dy !->.,fnmmle. f^lljl told 1(1,1, fh.1t il l was a.I.I Ml,l-J-(:.'lll j- to l|«*k f hi [.then he ■4-ir.idjto djl( (jig-., wla Kive.-i.v th it.l kilt it- fii.l.. n 1

• Il .terii


rr li«n vv.ji rice J ml

>■"! giieil j

4. Du j? ' • i'i* !>i.| C,

li S\Y«N*||v|^ r, li« t.-*l ni th

in Li-. l*in|ri ■v--n: to hi-. f.-vlJ jj.;,

I- 1**‘ UFi3iloj»*s«t»•<).S ji|

Ur. I r»*i

f< th ami j*r iini-#-#!' to|

v< 4in tho f j-st;r4*. H/ ■ ujt-i jji

.r; Iii

-ion bi~

... . ... the »-tftiV.nei-s, He e.-lid w ill, ,ef-

rtl”- ; ie^iov.,1 of til.. 1 .jlibliug ~tiio.-ts.rt hat - ,|1~ h,-;.| in ft her ihsuiiicj>s|t,n mnt

■i:r<ati«»»i of \-ha.h* i t»•'•••■*■. aii-l L ivil-lftkely 'bo,rai-ed

l|.'. DiiiiiontN fsf I fiiaf as £'"m\lij»ee he ill-

’’ H'" I 'I', .j ,* ,o-»i i-oi 1. hi,.,. tie-ji,adding u'as .,|V tuefitv Hi: gable roof lie I.|,' ,1,silt its ml'ljiiol lie int.-rfi-ij-.i whh |,y ""'f- s'- am jook the ehair |u aliowNthe ’ "Mjhiii, In- D a.. He ought "t! ;* j»- oat ,.f , j a.-t jjai f n- 11. A.

! Hits.* So long ad any ent.-rprising* fij sj...risible (M-n-onk ant willing to g-o ex|M-ns». of building and running railway, why in the: mini., of e sen-i should not|somc effort is* 111 the (Vitninoii Coufi.-il to give them aj, Ik.rl unity, at lea-it. to set f,,rtli w t,.|j will do for the ,*it> y I- Diaiiifi.-l-l tl left 111 the race fj.r pre-Hilillenee i| i the Xew-York snljurb-c; Tim Tim not.


in ih

An ! Assertion. Mbssiis KlUT.utp: Those i„

I -"tiomy ,.f ,-jty iil.pi-oveni.-Hts j ing roadways ot.-,, win have th. j <111 i«• I,**irt-.I l.y a pm-sonai sur\--v of | and IVitahiiigt.g, sjtreot;-,, where .t|„ I a sidewalk t!a)gg..d after <*itv I nn-l a street mu,-iij-ariiizeil r,-g.-;r |!.--jy i Tl-is dig,.repaney imy cost the ,tj,v ag—.in, iM-c.r a f|,.„,|. At .-wiy rm int.-liigcjii tav-pavyr 1.1.11 -<■•-Th.*’.ii;T betw.-.tipa -ii—j oii-fd,.as,, road"

>11- and

j th* ‘ "I""

the stal,

Ge Thierinr at Somerville. I,,ri»K last night Uirglurs •ticl nmre and wagon from the

Mi. Me. nil* .ugh near Somerville,’ "IT with their iiiumler. Tile

t" tie- farm of if,- \jc 'father. David, and stiifg there-

t of harness. -, They next visited "t Luthar Martin ut Adnuisvflle,

■I him ,.f .akuable bay, eoit, "Id. u wagon and iot-of hannh-e. -r- left no clue to their ‘identity.

T'1 wa’- informed Of the .roi.bcry i"g, but ii(i to the time[Of going a ti.Mi.-is had not 1 -e,;M aril.r,--

i I

vet-" accident yesterday. Whilp hand- - a heavy idee.- „f ,-asting it fell „„ )lis

.11,1,1 "“‘Mi-d it so badly he had to U, , i**4 t*1* iii> li<jiu«>. •sterdav lie lining the boil at the id BriM>k IV.Mden Mill was rung for <^ tunc since the strike began six * Althougli the proprietors

'**'*" tr-vhig to run the mill f,,r the two weeks with some Italian ami ,

igarian help who Were willing to take ■ tinker's jdaee-s, tliey have not suc.--e.-d- •h -nig much, or getting many to go

•rk. The strikers meet dliuost all lands when coming into town, and nee them not to go to work; in tha


I 3dd Fellows to ‘ Meet. ii't.-i J ,(t1l l. Ij heeler lias pi- a speciid 'i-ssio,i of tin*. Grand

f). l>. F.. of Now.Jersey, wj,, : ■ Hffll. I r.-ui, ii,. ,*,n d tup.s-

7,i‘* !"7- Th,* P-guhir sc—i,„j ' id at two o'clock in tin- after- !

/in u'ijMiiri!

| Inwrifllv f •: 1 i11 hMiih


t Iii- iiiiiann. i- < <f 1 imj-r.') r*'pmH<4* "f «*it \* -j'irvny-, «jr !n, lia\f t.» all 1^* ».j ...fijt « Tvv 1’

A Valuable i_ibr;iry. Mr. W. \]t M <::t^..mi.ii v. .»f K« n-ir|

'"",1 -'t"' * ifrr; it "Vis . (heir authors' au.^gntphs ami h, J“a., .taste, and h.t t Io-,-.-i• riL-v., the origin,, I lianus. rtpt, „r a ot-f|’t'i! : tlie( Viuji.Jl had 1 of tlie ,1 , . ... J

' its right- anil 1'iiiil alkavs | |,.u,.r ,,r , , ?' ' j" *•"<'• «M i ' " '" 1 hi ifmliitsem.(nt. Tin; il]

or K. (■ bte-bnan. T. Ii. Aldri.-l,. A;}! Stephen- : JoliM Ti- **f tli** nnj-t i>*»t«‘«I

f JM-H! of tin- «»r*I.

*• — I* •»! \V 11! I Mi *n *■' *■;; Thf* aft**!*-

' ■' •'' ■"'•'I t... til > _ 1'a1 Lodge Do .Too. find

• • y '\ ill m!^*» !m* ifj’v# !• tin- • i-<»- '** l" • i-it i!i<* < j.|.| ■ ,.v. . I,,. .... ' 1 • : -s n«* * 11"- w;i: |,.r

r • * *'i •. jii I * • •. * ? i. n r * j.. .


-v.i air i.

i*!\vav •i,l***lly

for pjoteeiioj, ,,f the pfiiy's? bit, Bow,.,..' mo(i,|„i to refer Ik, Ih" St ,-oot

mniuee wjtli (m.w. r ' wi,f ^rried. lull

:eves at Dunehen. • ' during, h.-t i g*|.lt, *t.,,

„ nt-rod |,j '"a1 a I:. 1 wv.,' I,.! !j'

• "l«c to re, a\ •'„ '**•'• Kiit run*.:

th** i,!*«-.jiijn(. I

aj*** i n • * J' j • j < j in th.


’ hisurly f, , dbai/s were taken,

T~ •'< i"t *.fcigar—


. , 'imoui.t- ' £" •"••■■M -a:-. Ti .to ' >"•■• -"t vt,,.* -uspjo.o,, *,,

JV , .f ♦ »,, *1.

Page 2:  · 2015-02-14 · ESTAiuSHEO 1887, j], a . 1 la AS DAILY PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION. • • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - —

: Blackguardism.

i II* .Vir Brwutrui Fir<Um*V>

> «urj>rihinx "lily to thosei«t to,it. that a

this; city sh»ul<l •tt«wupt'to Vielittie tj»e |character of another new^paix-r's upw* >ylyio# nlKiiit it. Fortunately Mich w ^ ' ,I>ap»r conduct only reflevl* tb* J al<>u|»jr•;and envy of the author of it, «jnd ills]

at lH-iifg .(J>ut«lonc 'he gatjjieriig




[[ Ik* Etim'rtk J-»mat.\ ' J ,

Betaii!*! a i wan eantrirfrf a now?plper|no raumn whjf he shoul.l-iiifli-t hi- \ulw*- ** .occ ,uv; i<\ l 1

ity ao< imleo-nry on th'- »IIMI«'.I ! T n o *is unit* enough at the extm-t».<>f tnV inthat luu.-t find their way into tin- l«i-columns of a u^w»iittf»>r. li..wv.-it varfully .-.liu-il it uia|>- !*>< without' iln^fjiiithe |*5>onal (juaiims un<l| ul.u^M't in'*pa|»T iii-in l*-f.(re th«-' public.". It M'"i'dfs|"iM^ the men who do 11. ami tln-ir |HKoiiail al.u.-H- int«-ijn»t» n-adfrs at laiy«-'mow than th*'l'iTiing.-K!ii<-| whirh niu Iheard whenever two loaf'Tr nuartvl <m t!*tn«et p|imer, A ji«-w-.j»ai«er'~


all, to K|VO th«" pew*. Tiwnfirst (if |t-h.mld jjive a rati.tyinl aii.l

]»>rt Co |



.he |iriuoii|l«»s.whK-h it|

The no: •>• it identifies it^e

wets, i if. »ufl<>r»

judgment to IK? overruledjudgment to ? o r r u y ,toore pne-sitW HII<I theref< re le^s rellaiit is. And. above all. it

greatest mistake if it iupi"


f witfh gangit* delii»ra

l>y oilier-, 11

Oaly four !firt>ta More for Illarai

Caoae Indefinite Deter- | . j

sr. May 17.—The proposal of IM r.Smith that tbejioiise of commons adjdnrBfor the Wnitsun holidays, from May 24 tjoJune 6. leaves the house bnly fjur night*for debate on the coercion bill Before jthieadjournment, as all the other sittiniis Will

with the estiniates. i Itwhether the first clausfe

of the coare.on bill can be parsedbefore the adjournment. Sir William Ye»-non Harconrt proposes an importantamendmentto tbe bill exempting fromsec-ret inquiry air proceeding:* relating topublic meetings or aerariau movement*.Including ronibinatldnstoobtainreductipufof rent. The Ulaistonians will maice. !"•'a test amendment. If the governmentcepU it the bill wijl be permitted io(Tress, but if the gofprnment refuses, epossible device will be Used to obstruct

i •

j[| .-nuke tili»'tii^t it* JXT

d n-Iiitioi

I l

tonal likoD anil (Hsjike* nmojther iif»*»}mt>«>rsornifiiar«' of theeat iutrreijt to tii«* pul>lic. They may W;gard an editorial fljflit with r*ity a« to whitrh. <t|f the c-'iiilmtint'-* caimost maul th<-oth<>jr, as in any i-tirft-t rowhut n<«ie th" l<~w iKi> they il«~;pii*e t he curtieipantsaiwljih** pipers, they «-ontoufc n» WMPHJOT.through splti*. por i -t»'n't!\attacks tii<; «Hlitor'ofi ani'flK-r. « e r e umuih/fc-Miptatioii toj reply in kin>l.| ' Bin itIs l>a<J policy. In ftipcli a contei-t tjhi- nJ<w-malicious an<l uiiwerjupuiour. will |>r»-vuilThe prfilic *««>n get to;un<l<T»tartl| the im-potenli kualiii' of <lie atturkit:;.' {*arty."'

At t «•Count;-jt'ourtal>vth

Union County Courts.of tl

ofon Thui»tlay

the jn.-tit<iay, i f ttiir- nit'k

i l |>ri j<>uer» we

. to their


order ly "JV<>n*«' unitd h

>n of! tllf I'liioilEfe-

uror* untilto which

j?ri«lay. theami


Idute h

|1 a.!.-.

uiuuufuiiy.I not KuJJtv. y

Viticrdtz l')il.'rino.i PIafcin.>I<l,and Iwitu-ry: not puilky. . ' •],

Wiilijun>»4ultiiiK lu*' wMeg u i l t y . [ ' •• • •- <i • . . -| '•

John M«>ore, lrwtjn<~*.«, |>i-a leMvult anil n*iuan<h*<l. filr tw

\VTIlilni 3not tftiijty.

guilty: :)mil.-il in1 tlie Hum of' Alvin L. 'Er>|ii«-». wtl'Min-k^

and battery: not KUiJy•Fr>Hili>ri<'k awl Wiiluluiin

ansault rtti'l Inttyry; riot Kuil .WilliHni Buttnti. in<(i<'t<*<] f<>i

dinortk'rly r

: youths in


py ej»rar siv

not K"illy. with the nfst-rve fcu

x-r. a>-.->ault


kifjiinK a

withdraw.. Patriek Cullity. «aJo.,ii-kw.) deMy hnuw. wIlinK^ h' guilty: tailed f-T trial. ;

C'harFiM. IVK'ai-y, assault an<l jpleaded ffuiitv hi two jn<fi.-tm«-nt- an<l notguiltv to a third •hartte; r»-i uunie<l ftrialMay 23. - •' ' • I

/ Win: Ta! Mi«-ha«lfelder,attemptiiiK to kill Michaelj>le».l<Hl not jfuiltv, and J>aileifor trial. !

John Zeltiuan, cbarjjed withMix^ Lizzii* Htreeb at'hi'r ownalso a»-i«ultiti)< Mrs. Win. Disnot jfi^iity; tria; Slay 23.

J h 6 P. tan-..:!. c-hLUed with1

'lay: not





and uU''iii|>tiil febmyoh Marvat Summit, fil.-mlcil not «mtty- fam-Mi- Summit nuirajrem i i l o w ^ i r Mav:B.

MictmH >VhnU-i{. «wav, ili^irtliTlv linttr'May 23/ * , , . " !-. ,

ThomaH Daly, nr^-iiillt anil Im.guilirt-. :

Dlwaril' Bi-^.'ti ' lii'ii ti1'n'akiiijf. fn.teriiKt'aii'll iunvujp!»'ai|iHljj;»i!tv. ;iad Wri>c«t ntrial Mav *J. • i . I . I

in Kali-ilty. trial;

U-ry; n<«t




An Eliz4if»'th ?iri has ti- >»•-without <talin»:- iHh^ has jmarry a *S a, w«.~k'yoifag man an

GEN. BOULANGER'S STRENGTH.Tttm War Sentiment In Franc* Sure to Ke-

' tain Hint In rlarr.

- PARI«. May 17.—The resignation of theGoblet ministry ft now considered doubt-^uL If the permanent removal of GenefalBoulanger from tbe: war office couUl jbeeffected by the precipitation of a crisis; itU believed that M. Gcblet and many ofhis colleagues would willini?!y retire, opt:the certainty « nuite apparent to them, k*well as to everybody, that. BoulaiiRerwould n<$t onjy be a D'emlier of any »uc-:ceeding ministry, but wouM dominate [itto the extreme of being almost absolute-dictator of Franc-e. j ';

Hh popularity \vlth_ the army is veryfrreat. as it is also with the war party aid

A Ooiarml Jarr ConTlrtu a N>eroItol Nr|rr«e« Will Fift-nt to Have III lit.

RALEIGH, N. C , May 17.-^Atbert _• the negro who attempted to assault Dr.Booth's wife, at Oxford, three -.veeki airt),and o . whase acvount a relative sPt prevaluable pfo|ierty. was convicted oflburg-

>lary and attempted assault and sentencedto be lianiftM on June Its. - r; There i s * probability that Tabor mill notlive .to meet death bv a legal hanffin?! Thecitizens are mucn excited over the assault,and the negroes are equally wrouztt upover the sentence of death and an outbreakis notti in probable. If tbe citizens attemptto lynch Tabor, the negrovs are likfl.v toburn the town. The circumstance <|f thoassault as told in court were as follows:

Tabor forced an entrance into the Jiouapof Dr. Booth in the night lime and persona-ting Dr. Booth, who was away on a pro-fessional visit, the negra> attempted to as-sault Mrs. Booth. She detecteJ hini, amiin her efforts to escape sprang thro§i?h awindow of. ihe second story. Taboi wascap ured and lodged in Oxfo d'Jail. |"horT

of the tows hear:ni{ of these threa'ciared that; ii Tabor wa» lynchedWould burn the town. Taborbrought to Raleigh for safelceepinthe impression was current amoonegroes that be was takent'j be killed. The Oxford negroes carriedout their threats and Hred the town. | Thgloss was veiry heavy. On Saturday 'faborwas ccrried iback to Oxford and tried forhis life for the burglary and attempted as-sault. |

Tbe remarkable feature of tho trial'.wasthat the Jury was composed ef tenand two white men. Trbor was convicted;and the *cntance that no should be ha|gedha» been prououbced by tbe judjfe. i

TEN HOURS WORK OR NOTHINGThe IaitiMl St^p Tmrstil a Complete liwk-

oal of carpenters In <'hlri«co. |t'HU-Ano. May 17.—The initial s^ep lit s«-

curingthe cOm|>lete loekoutofall rarpon-t |

the more cen»ervativ|B eleme-it entertainsa fe ling of dread >>f hm further exultation ' ter« wastaium py a contractor, whi| inon the |K>pular mind, uhicli In-* inevitable ( formed h!« men that hereafter it wasitenretjention by M. Gysiift's successor would hours' work Dr m>th|.nir. The carr>enfersbring about.

To ignore him w^u'd be s'lioiilal to tlieman. who should atu-mpt to d<> »o. while ioleave him m command of :hi- aVmy as tr(eonly sun'ivor of the njld cabinet would im-ply that he is the otely man in T raniiecapable of meeting the denuvrs in WNyujhthe country may at any time become in-

VVfhilethi'opponenlsof General Boulaneerdo |iot plaL* implicit! reliance u|x>n thepeaceful a^cseverationijof Fr.nce Bismarckthej-at the same time distrust the asseit-tlons of tin; war n'inis|ter tha'. his extraoit-dinary mi;itary activitjy is merely precau-tionary, and bis presence in tiie war officeis to them a. sou roe of unceasing apjirehenirsion.- ' . : : • . . ;\ i

HIRED MURDERERS CONFESS.n FMUnc to Corrupt an Official*

' Offer m I'rlie for HI* Life. :

SOFIA, May ^7.—The jtwo Bulcranans w'hawere arnestoxt In April for attempting toassassinalte Mf Itantiiff. the prefect o^Rustchul>. at BucCareSt on April 1. havemade a fuil confession of th*?ir crime. Thecircumstances of the attack upon M.iJantoff were these: ;

M. Mantoff. previous to the military;outbreak a' rtustcbuk.i bad been impor-tuned f reguectly by a man named Jacobson,;

dragoman attached to the Kussiun consul,ate at Kustcbult to a< t-ept a Lirtre sum ofmoney as the |>I"ICI> of his remaxing ijjv^n-Ibie to Kussian fntnjrue in the Kust.-huki

carrison, Mantaff steadfastly refused to be-come a party t-o the conspiracy, but was in-Inced to visit Bucharest, with Jacobson9tt the Utters representation that M. Hit'ore. Russian minister to Koumunia wantedo'see him. Wmle walking in tbe streets ofBucharest in c^nversatiijn with Jacobson.Jantoff was set upon by ttiree Bulgariansi>d. severely woumJed. Two of tbe pre-ec t s assailants were arrested, the thirdbaking his escape. anJ subsequently^ougbt here for trial. • ;

In their statements made to-day theydeclare that they were employed by 4LBitroro to kill Maotoff. the former Rivingits a reason for his desire to get rid of tbeprefect, that the latter, was in j>o*se«sionof tbe Kussian plot to incite tbe Rustcbukdsrrison to in»urrectfonsanietrmy them

i were united in stoj'i'ins work. Th'-»j re:'j turn to khe uu-tiour Jay wa^ dli>*i"J-ft4' a t

! a recent nweung of the master cari^nwrs'••isfioiation, but vm* r!i:al!y laij upi<n|thc

i table The present sxatf of affairs sliutfoutall enrpent -T-S at work U!>nn urick or •>buililinirs. but'doas not a*.»ct thoiM at

! OB frame buildtqgs: heni?n the only tray secure a complete lockout Is to dema

Return of the lonri'r ilay.1 Tli<" material supplies men are. norv t' ouirnly banded together, and rei'rese^t*a! combination thai nlone would cause a

out. ;The brick yanls willnhut down on

nesday and remain closed until ; the esin? difficulties ardsDioothed overi. Themacufactories: will follow suit.

At the headi)uarten« of the- brickla.vassociation it was! said that many ofworkmen have Ireturned to work; theplovers sbowiag a disposition togive v

frirt. of a Murdered Man Awnf*U Ilvath—V Midnight Tr«»«< Ga., May 17.—Jlr». JIcNair. the>f tbe man who was assassinated in

.la. reoche<l this filace and gives aic description of the tragedy. - Mr. T.Nairihad incurred the hatred of tbounitj- because of thd killfnff'1of a man" Hardy. He bad been tried lor the

and acquitted. A« the people beiiev-beja case of murder, they freely de-.McXair's acquittal, and ho was •

:i|iient of frequent notes of warning,h assassinaiiou was hinted at. Forlontjhs, however, there had been a>n qf the notes and McNair aud bisran to forsret them. A little aftert oil Saturday morning a voice us

of one||l some trouble aroused the couple.WhenyJcNair inquired tbo.mutter tbe manoutside answered that his bu^xy had

! broken down, and that ne could not see to! mend it,wijhout a light McNair lit hisj light and started out with it, wiien the re-port of two guns was heard and the vie

I tim fell (Jead. One of the men then1 walked u^ close to the body and

ftred from ti putoi two sh,o(s more. W heoMTS. McN»lr attempted to com" out adozen »botji against the front of the housewarned her not to venture out. Astbe assassins retreated from tbe housethey kept up the fusllade, making their es-cape before tho woman could venture out.By the, dawning light of day sheexaraioedthe body (if her dead husband, thirteenbuckshot being found in hi* neck alone.The tracks iof the as«ass!ni were fallowedto an adjoining swanrp. where they werelost There is no doubt that the assassinswere the friends of the ;:mundered man.Hardy.; I • '; j j

STRONG EVIDENCE OF INSANITYA Suicide Who «hen Xrtt Hitting- In •

string Wrote Poetry.PniLADEi.fiiii, May 17i-*The taking of

evidence in khe contested .will ca»e of Oba-diah H'tieelijck, who commuted suicide bybanginir, \rk» continued 'tp-day. By tbewill onii,thirli of the entatt'iis tieijueathedto John Hcaj a relative1, bctth.s bequest is .

in a|c<Hiicil, and tbe:latter l.irous'htHi <n tlie irroun.) tluit tl'e testatorUi!$^un4 ni'ini vvi.fn Uie c»lu:il

'XC-fujtod. A" cv';icr.i.e of«4 of niiKd ft ; was sliownhti'lj a swm^. constructed in his

four years' »jc4 m uhich heUuch | «jf iii. time: htbat< When notp. h .- wruie poetry) onlj a fewf \vhj»'h were, putilijhed: tliat be




$20,000 WorthO F

E mm mumAXD Bt)YS, AT


upon the pay day Question. The leadenthe union express themselves as well safled with the present aspect oif afliairs.


*anj intended to

lS.iv. Oiing that aStale Pri•frojn tha\

Green latogether «trii"ycle«, tremind us

P.the G'for Hieforth- Rill

, The B<i

ville nyen

I; U i

worriti. X

i nfrai«l to A

i ti]>\ niiK'h d

run hini

O!n;>UKh. Ii

'BlttiiK* anil

Tin- partOrange,anil rnritvwojild mft ('if a jiot I'.XIt lie; luosf nnjn*'»ix ^cii4'ki hi >nA o!ffi.l;!. T»i.-.0(1 jKirt offpala<«< jn •!(•hall's nmli

tii<- i.iHii,-~j luatnifaiture III <»• tar«-ieti a-

> t ; t * 4 t i < i n . i : - ' • • ' .

tie. bukldinb; trws and

h- "».irlv wilkll (1

rhw hat-'? a!l'J

1 ' 'I • . * • ' •inn hn* H'-J<ipti'<l.-«lii.

runk ntilvray. in !-••:ijrht to tw>ver lai

an tit the oeWl. it

Biitfh Pt-nt+^wt. of th.,-


Up himrt-n-th. aiiil t|H>\j,H>

f>f a i>riyat«if- w o r ^if its

Mer tht;

>• * ID


ret»M«'iici' n^rir•:• t h f rii-lii l-Hs-


S r.~Ge*rSe onoTiwMjrma H a t n a y m tand C'r«ate«'a Stcnsatioa.

J , May' 17.J-Mr. | George OttoTf-evelyan was the truest or fhe evening at

Jb^iuet given in his honor at the Eighty| He iwas tremenuoiisiy cbeer^i when

h« arose to speak anJ uproariou»iy ap-^p when aeisat down. His remarks

caused much surprise and to the majoritythose present great satisfaoHe was especially severe in his con-

nation of tho srovurnuicntjs policy ofTcion, which, he said. »pas Wholly witb-

,: excuse, an i exi-essiirei.v unjust and-otild ha\-c nomther eff «;t than th» natural•4'uf exasih-ratiiig-tbelrijsh ix?ople. Whfit

ha 1 ilivi.W tb - parly was not, asan ny afferted to', believe, the question ofpr mlinghome ruie to Ireland, but that orer inung ab«ulut^ fiberty (to ihe iienple ofIn land: and alth<>i;irh the text of Mr. (rlad-st« ne's Irisn bll»» was deaid. tho spirit ofge: erosity towajrd and t-ounOence in Irelai 4 which hdd actuated those measures,st: I existed. If Lord Hartioartpn and histo', owers were do»irousof!re-urnina- io thelib. ra! party, they would lie welcome bacKaflfr'they had concluded with thftir formerco-workers a treaty tmsed upon the fourcor4litions laid doiitn in Lord .Hartington'sele< tion address to his constituents.

SI r. Trevelyan's speech Iclreatej •. veri-tab e sensation in tne lobby, of tbe :mu-e of

muns^and is regarded Ij>.v the honieruieii>ers as a great triumph for the Ir:sn

PALACE VAULTS.U^DER THE>Iill lous t'pon MiWttn* or rre»MUre l"n.

rarlhed In ludlu. . '\J NiK».v. May 17.—The flnan'cia! secretary

of liidifi has advi*ed.the |irovernnieiit oftho [discovery .under thej vaults of thi-paiaLe at Uwulior of treaskire amouniini:£5.n W.0IW which Was secrefed by the latilnh irujah of the. state o} Gwallor. TheInd.the

I>unnembinr*d By Olunt Powlier. 1LEADVILI.E, Col. May 17.— T(ie m|st

shocking accident that has been repori edfrom the midland itunnel f<ir mon'.tis> «•-curred near the w|st |>ortal on J*atunl lylast James Manrii. a boy 14 year* of a e.was despatched: tq the mapazine for a \i )xof Riant ! powder • which was to beused by i the (Trill forces.*nd prociiripg; li. started to retuoi,When tbe men hftirfa an explosion. ;inin(rl#d*;ith a shriek. «nd'.'rushing out, foiind tjUdismembered form of theyouth lyiiiu aboitthe approach to the tunnel. Klesh and bon|swere scattered In every direction, ahd thelewas scarcely enough left intact to identifytho boy. It > i» supposed that, i havingshouldered the box of powder. <he b^ystarted for the unncl. and stumbling-,caused the Jar IOM rx piode it. ' .

live stock dealersthe benefit of thoirpreferences. 'Thai

Failure ol fug Cattle Firm.CnETEssE, Wji<ni;injr. May 17.— On

nrday nis-ht. Hwar Brothers, a big Onn <|fde an assignment

creditors, without• liaoihties are said

be about jl.inoJKO, and their assetslarger stilL ThepenMon vras adbro-ueht against Asavinirs bank ofnote which had bt•ecurity.. Th*> ne«sr|a run on tbe firm*!was met to the ex'was decided to susntheir property f rt

rect cause of thtiirsui-•nion for »tfarfhfn<>rilB. B«f»n liy the«t-rm«B

venport. Iowa, on |n signed by Swan asfnt aroun'l and museiother rrwlifjor*. whiel

nt of f?o.,0()0, when i>d in order to protoc

sacrifice. |

the Cowas.'ojwasunsothat

pieceshad hU-.ou

In ii,caugcodio(suiued!

ai'l for his qivfln poetry anivbi'dy slioulJ : aUin.rf it: tliat

aro J«»lin He> cam'* to seeihan^-oil jhls jcioth ne and


ill r<Bevei'[year

h - - - " 1 1 =old . jfor this reason:-lie ai'dt.'d the(jwilL The heartiu' will be re-

kit 4'eok. • '•• I .


L'Laxtoitinontataimng|SepiehfThe plltaken :tdininsbut tbel[the ^aud evewhere i

! Strlh

toi<| Sue. tlfr Coi^tnifntal HaleUEi.Aln.%. May 1 -Ttin^uiJ ol Katai?aid»t the proprietors of the Con-utehfor tho loss of IKT caba. con-inmiii-is. j.'welry a&o" money, in

er. i|y;, came up in comuxro pleas.nt.-ff jtestjne.i thaii On' carrj » utn hqY side, while sl.e was at thol>le Una that no on :\\as preseirtaiters. The deteuoJ will <»• thativasuot lost in tiii| dininj;-rr>nmf it iwas the hotel provides a safe

Uuabjes could be koj)t.

Ml KENZIE— WILKE^V Olfx idty. by Bri . A H.

lit- *.»?»ulnir >f'9fay 1*. 1H«7, .lM \>lu>'. lat




nl.le. I'TlvMtt-ramily. Apply, 1'

TO LET TOliK-lthoiil iM.qr'li at No. U W. h,.

HAN.V.VH SlAATh.-^nivIittf

A-NEATum-nri<r9i.T».i 111 IiuaUyIliyllw^l

L'OK SALE—H«I"St. FOfliTEEX Ki. iDU'i i.'iK-lmlf II .TCH i,f (-ri.-.iiKj. t lu ft h i n ! <\1 a m i l e From ^tal("H. Eti*rylU

AH<lrv«« "K, ' l i i x mm.


BV'UKtily i

H .mi.i ••auic».;i FAiiMtu.



Cenjts' Furnishings and MerchantTiHpring, a Specialty. ,

S('lnved Brothers,LEADINC CLOTHIERS,





iml stock ofBllV'S AXD VOIfHS, LADIES', MIS8B8'


of all Shoefully couflil.nt of ix-luff ablei^^aae, Vi-.ih In ij\ ALITV!

A XII PBH-E. mylOtf




M. C. A.


iwent OltwentyPort Bistrike.Uen urotroublethrough Ifrom tlThe strllthe cei


Tfifeof ajmurdertheir thrtbroat anl

l Klrer Brick makers.r»*. May 17.—The-, bnckmakers( stride, demanding ab advance of'nts aidiy. All tho yards between

i and (fiasco are ioi'lu led in theis estiinatud that uea,rly 3)10

hronin out of work by it. Thems to have arixen mainly

he presence of walkidi; deieiratesifrb;ts of labor in ^New Vork.lurr also tried to drive out

niiiers, but without success.






Sil tings and Trouserings


Manlar M<nher.lay] 17.—Krau 'Zehlendort' th*

cutter livtnir in this city,ner 'three children by cuttingI» after which she cat bur own

6em\ by theirjeide ,




LotC.Hl)Mr. Tane-I

tUnf a [.AndA. M ay 17—The boycotting of!tne a*rent of the estates of Lord

tn aonntv <»alway. Has oepnn.lesnjeti h'-rc bare lofa»ed to

*upj>ly h i^ wittj food :



The Cuke M||IC* hntt Forel»n Pig-Iron.VtTTttvmi. May It".—The rl<«inar' or fur|

tnaoes. on account qf the coke stride is |>ro|iiucrait alarm amrttju the owner* of raitnulls and Itessemet-jnflls west of the Al:e|ghaov mountains, i The gremt numwr wiltl>e compelled to <M*kj relief ID purch»siri»|lorejirn p ariron. Tlie fffect of this js aliteaJ\-|pe?t ininir to be sefln in the foreign markets!A nitmber of agentls [for firms are in trrefeouijjtry solicilting orders and many Dion 'are coming. I

-f-IJ««e Itit|l Uimn.

VORK, May j3Tj—Yesterday's cham-pionship game* resulted as follows: NewYork 11. iniLanaiioljis «: Philadelphia s,Detroit in; Boston <k Pitt«buri--J: ^Vashnsrton s, Chicajro i s Jlmerican association |

-fMetropolitan S». Ctetjeland •»: rtt. Louis 7.1^thleti(j 2. Interjialirilia! leairiie—Jersc.

ity I i Syracuse 4 lluffnlo «. Toronto 5 . ,rjeehestor 1^ Hamibon 7; Oswcgo 1J, Biug-!bjamtoa 10; Newark 3. Ctlca *. '

nm! Unni

Reed, for two yearsa, missing, tl is bb|Ii! inada. His armum

sfcort. Reed has hohtsve he h:is not poriie

ijfmudinir the city.1

Oid a friend, that' tv inagain in this region.;

t o <'MnMrla.

ay 17.—Cieorirt -E.ciiy tr«?asurer.he has gone tn

are sawi to \>Q •*'.'.I>IIIf friends, ivho Ije-

[vi'h.the poriviseorrs. lli^eil. however.old uever soe Kccd

fjun ij-hinj.'-.if'tfif

|r<»iii!i:.thiii;^- it


••i ..'.it -i

-h "1:- i-



of th'4 Ty-..•4'lue «.f:"th<-

i~:itut-i—'•« ill's



Ii government has takej:i possessiot ofreasure «ls a lean frotn tbe prenentnijah. much;tjo the indignation ol thee k>ress whi^h cl»ame|ierlies the k>ress.

icl»arae|lerlies the

>f 'tihe jtoverusjoeut

. Thef.n willibe ibrougbt before pariia-whieti bodyjalone hai ppwer to fid-til.' ownerrUip and uiipaiitiou of theilk finally. ;

"no.•«*i I t M

' |.i • "I he CrUI. I'altJ.ii.\nE. May jit. —The SprVian uc end.! \il. Uar^ctjniiie, presi-f the council *nd minister of the in-, hits yielded!to the desire of the kidgiili reuuiin in offlco. and! it is probable•oil. if iio^ all: of tbe other ministerstu n their portfolios.

: \

!><>«|>alr Oir lnt Io ftamllr Tri>ti>»li.*.May ljr.-]\Vill:nm II. Kinr.he rnal viiKl of ; \ T ' ; I I I S A: j'.j.

it.v!iTe|-r;ic.'. sl.ot- hii|/helfi*«m. K.'i^ siit.l tii;,t

jci. Mayked the rat 31 ('

u'n in hi

who workediirjii lir<;dwith a sun in Instrnutjh* with liis wlo-i'jttf'nipt suici'k'.wiu die.

! I

t'h<n j

doctor thinks lie

TFKSE TELBGRAMS.i —:—IThe first day n{ tlnf Sniii'ii tn. i l w a s

of \SA- V..r!t, iii.i ':

rei eption will i<e a viir..The (>•;; (o allow hoie«J

null li'ruors to g' jost»| iday*;. »-a-> dt featcd in thdlarure. ' * 1


to serve 'uuaK <\n

S-.-w Y.iniNun


of«viihi ut

ha -• > r *. . - .••

it r*:-M


Bfok- un 6%French aijhejie Ifmobilixe i


JjT PEIczarina »tcapital of

lay 17 — IRD. Boulanijrer's plannifcntal mobilization of tlienfxt October is entrusted

net} mobilizes Uermany will

ALSO. IX(;itAIX»ut


• 3J

. 2» to i




JiturnrfK. May 17 —The tzar and|ffir ^ovo-Trherkaek, thoh CoHiack* country


f<.r:»i 1Ne* Jersey.|wvither, '


iitn*.' Ei«»t>- n iv.nh*V< rk and New Bi.g!: n

wjarm^r. U^b:.>U'




Ivania.!. Fair



YdRK MARKETSMSv 111 'Mon:y oii i


Johh A. Thickstun.•




TAM-fJoV. ThirU street and Hadlsoa art.mylmf


ark Avenue

. -1

- can »lA Fin.

per cent.


i-»r, |

ivJi', i

' fi uch '« —VH't

Ye>l-r 1 i... 1"!'S

•O••ji M.VKKEr..-r>|irtn-' the n't sr

^ t T| f^u i

r.3 i t r--

i . Bur!l'entr;il I'inflDel. & llu.lDel. Lack,K n e , . . . . . .Erif pr-f...Laltti Shor-Lou:).. * NashiM i W ; a n f

X. Y, ii N.wX. J.lcenir.ilX. ».|Cent- & 1Nortitw "-tern |Orct-'ipn N a ^ fPaci'lii" M:i:l..Jliead|n-'tlockl-'^nSt. I'»ul.,.I'nioa 1'at'iiicVVeati L'n:oa '


• Q-

jYe>ti-r . l«?

t; i .

TV.1 iIB'.11''.

i H - s

1 Vi4 n


inIS.". (4






A!iK H F M P V INIT « F < v i : u





violin wrrlujn and ' " '•Mu»lrnl MiTi'liamlliw. A good

A»n» irtmeni ofB A M M I K : K H .



I.liw of K.IIis. REELSLINES, Uo>KH. NETH and



Af<-nt»f..rtlip•King Bicy leLat.T4i an.I

Wli.~l In

>Vw I Iill.- |


nfield, N. J.mj-Wjrl


sday, May 10 thTIxriN«, Fun ONE WEEK.


AXIi4*"-'H-* rtipl 1 ' i i ' l i - r w f a r a t




a: »;•<4J< 4S



P6t-rn. 13 .'.•»

Cheese—Marll•:.1I v c <-re4


(C'unaiUati rtrl:


I is • la-.'jiNTDLK LXCHAXi'.E.

vr*ak. Cnamerv—Ea«tiraWxi-ir.\ Dairy—Imitation,

. '• fjair-llrkin tuhs. iluiS;. ;j Factory—i'resh, Wal'Jc; low

T h e Newest Styles' At Lower

t h i i l l e l - . ' * I , I M T . i l t

k. .N>w YorkN\'w York, part skims,;Extern firsts ,13al3Ua

estern nrsts 13s, buuta- Howard A. Popalsl



in.l umrlramed

- . HV will

.flings. Oil Cloths,|.»'i- t h a n a n y

liy . t l . l - nC-k . ' i l ly



Blackguardism. PUTTING OFF COERdlON RACE WAR IN NORTH CAROUNA- CA*fLED out and murdered


[t'rf'm tk* X*w Bnautru* fmlmu-i ' It i» wurj’riHinK "illy to those " I

un*«*ustoiiii*<l t«),it, that a nowi-psjpiT pi thin city *houl<l attompt'to b**Utue the ohkrartor ot another ne*i-ii»l»#» !"■«>• t*y lying ulxmt it. fortunately *uch n**wjj>*- paper conduct only rrtlovi" the Jwai' uiiy and envy trf-the author of it. iin*i chagrin nt ln*iiq* ,«j>utdonc in' gat|!ieri^g news. ^

jl l film Or Jmmti.y j | Becauho a , man eonth.dfj a newspaper §>

*»n why he should iiittb*t his \!uli;ifr- indeeeney on the 'puldie.i Theie

i eiu>ugh of the fitrsi te i>f tl4«- gt|t- tliat must ttiul their way into eolumiis of a newspaper, how fully edited it ai»v L*. without diaugiijg the ja-jjonal qmirtt-I*- and, aliuriM'I new - |ut{HTiii<n lefarp the pul|lie. . It simp ;• desjdses the men who do it, ami their J** *■ nitial abuse int»*rts:s readers at large I " more thnn the i.rtiingsgate| which eiiu I e heanl whenever two loafers quarrel. >11 ri n stnut e >mer, A liewspoja*f's function 1 , :

first of ali. t» gfve the pews. Then t


Ooly f^oor X»fht« More A Tent Amendment

Cause Indefinite London. May 17.—The

wcau n«> raw ity an«| is quite

> .tii** irevnf tr»n*-

|H»rt t»> The mot*

ahouild jjive a rational and ftempprat.- **i| he prim*i|*W.whi»*h it i>r«*f*.*r-

for DUfunloa. • Which May Delay. proposal of Mr.

Smith that thejiotise of commons adjourn lor the W nit sun holiday*, from May *24 to June 6, leaves the house tonly four nights for debate on the coercion bill before the adjournment, as all the other sitting* Will be occupied with the estimate*, j It is doubtful whether the first clausfe of the coerc.oik bill can be passed before the adjournment. Sir VTilliam Ver- non Harcourt proposes an important amendmentto the bill exempting from secret inquiry all* proceeding’s relating to public meetings or agrarian movements, including combinations toobtain'reductipnp of rent. The Glaistomans will make. thiAg, a test amendment. II the govern merit'at> cents it the bill will be permitted to pro I gress, but-if the government refuses. every possible device will be Used to obstruct thO j measure. ' •

A Colored J ary Convicts s Xegro- A*ka niter I»ut Negroes Will Fight to Have Him.

Rai.eigh, N. C., May 17.-^Albert Tabor, the negro who attempted to assault Dr. Booth's wife, at Oxford, three weeki ago, and n whose account a relative set tire to valuable property, was convicted ofsburg- lary and attempted assault and sentenced to be hanged on June Itt - f

There is a probability that Tabor will not live .to meet death bv a legal hangings The citizens are muen excited over the assault, and the negroes are equally wrought up over the sentence of death and an outbreak is nob ini probable. If the citizens attempt to lynch Tabor, the negroes are likfl.v to burn the towp. The. circumstance Of the assault as told in court were as follows:

Tabor forced an e lit ranee into the liousri of Dr. Booth in the night time and persona- i When ting Dr. Booth, who was away on a 'pro- fessional visit, the negrft;. attempted to as-

^Frleiirt* of a Murdered Man Avenge [li* Death—A Midnight Tragedy. JksoN, Ga.. May 17.— Mrs. McNair, the bf the man who was assassinated ia ihvillk reached this place and gives a lie description of the tragedy. - Mr. T. INairlhad incurred the hatred of the

init}* because of the killing^of a man Hardy. He had been tried lor the

? and acquitted. As the people beiiev- 3 bo >a case of murder, they "freely de-

McNair's acquittal, and be was jrilVient of frequent notes of warning, ch assassination was hinted at. For |ontjhs, however, there had been a >n qf the notes and McNair and his gad to forget them. A little after it oh Saturday morning a voice oia i sqme trouble aroused the couple. IcNair inquired the matter the man

outside answered that his buggy had broken down, and that ne could not see to

W gr F. CO|| nai offi ed not the in • sot CCS wil mil Of Oil'

MCKENZIE—MILNE—At th«\Hcv*-ut, pars* >iia^».v til is <*ity. by Hew A

»•>!» Hi** t-wnlfiK *>f May and Mary late i —4——


V Bev. A. H. mrb*. 1). D.. U, 1hh7. J&J&McKenzlp

»f Scotland. j|P j

.Vh'*r1WM> *»'x un-Ur thu h'<i-Uruj, M-rn-%1. f-a- h uiJp’rtinn.

\Y w.»rk

ANT EI> LM M ED IATEL V AT X\ Ej Street, u «tap a hie girl t-* d.» g*-n

F HUNT nin***t. IiOUMS TO LET-


Ix-Hnl. L-4 Hii"tt n**Hr <lcfH»t. T* . Private landly. Apply. Tula Or F

sault Sirs. Booth. She detected hiu(, and i mend it,\vithout a .Ujht. SIcNair lit his in her efforts to escape sprang throhch a j light and siarted out with U. wtien the re- window of. the second story. Tabojfr ^ .ts port of two guns was heard and the vitv cap ured and lodged in Oxfo d'jaiL iTior? -| tlm feii dead. One of the men then were threats of lynching, and the negrws s walked up close to the body and of the town hearing of these threats do- ! fired from ii pistol ttvo shots more.


.itli gang- its delil.-rat

by. other-, th r>" h~4* rellabl .vil) make tilt

tiidt Ita fK'tf

■ it ivl,-tit iflv- itse ( eliqias. <>r set*, of. suffers judginent to !.■ overrulcl nnrr one-^ded aial theref< It Is. And. above nil. it greatest mistake if: it sop[K

MUiat like* and <Hs|ikes and nd(fti<«ns- t. ojther iiewsiio|s-rsor ineji are of the -fight est iun-rtsjt b> tlie public. Tliey may r.;: ftarti an editorial fltfht with sotiuf curio, ity as to which «>! the 'eenli*i>Bts Gw nestt tuuiil the other, as ill any .tor-, row but none th-' !«-** d<!> they de-pise the jar tieipaMts aiid ^be pipers, they ••ontkd. I ouh newsimper.. through spite. p.'rsi-v-nt!> attacks tint .alitor of another, ’mueh/temptatiott toj reply in kindj ‘ in Is luul policy. In -deb a contest the mio-t niulioltius and ums-rjupuloun will prevud. The phblic main get to nnder-taj*l tlie im- potent kualiee of the;attaeking party. "

the War Sentiment In France Sure to Ke- • tain Him Is l’tire.

Paris. May IT —The resignation of’the Goblet ministry is now considered doubl- jfuL If the imminent removal of General

y Boulanger from tbe: war office could roe . effected by the precipitation of a crisis it

'• is believed that M. Gcblet and many of his colleagues would willingly ireure, opt

>! the certainty ts ctuite apparent to them, as well as to everybody, that Boulangtr would ndt only be a u etnlcr of any suc- ceeding ministry, but would dominate jit to the extreme of being almoat absolute

'-dictator-'of France His popularity with_ the army is very

, great, as it is also with the war party aid 1 the more conservative element entertains

ciared that if Tabor was lynched tbev T Would burn the town. Tabor was brought to Raleigh for safekeeping, but the impression was current among the

! negroes that he was taken away th be killed. The Oxford negroes carried out their threats and fired the town. J Thg

"i loss was veify heavy. (In Saturday Tabor was carried {back to Oxford and tried for his life for the burglary and attempted as- sault. .

The remarkable feature of the trial was that the Jury was composed of ten negroes and t w.> white men. Trboir was convicted: and the sentence that ne should lie hanged

, has been pronounced by the Judge.

W hen Mrs. McNslr attempted to come out a

J dozen shotji against the front of the house j warned her not to venture ont. As the assassins retreated from the house

I they kept up the fusilade, making their es- cape before the woman: cDUld venture out.

| By the.datyn'ing light of dajf she examined the body pf her dead husband, thirteen buckshot being found in his neck alone. The tracks jof the as«assini tvere followed to an adjoining swairtp. where tbej* were lost! There is no doubt that the assassins were the friends of the murdere^l man Hardy. * | ■ STRONG EVIDENCE OF INSANITY

V’PiSSISHED'lRooMS TO LET Toil 1. without l**.qr»li nt V-. U W. hi- Mfcs. Hannah HiAATs.-r-myimr \\~ ANTED A'NEAT lilliL ▼ > tv*um-wvrik. Muft i*« a ir>-

Twtt lu lamll). A}q>ly Htr**t*L—iiij Ilw3 I^OK SALE— fioCSC. FOI'liTEEN lUj

urti»A uu«*-hnl| a.*r*-»» « J *rr<*uiiU. ‘?hir*l >*f a mil** r-rt*iu itaili-n. Ev«*ryth It***t «,r^*r. Afliln.*"; * K, U<ix N'.Hf





$20,000 Worth OF

Fite smut tin

■J5 p.yieti til a Vrs<)sSf EN I'E JL atiil Ninth <^u*-ea Aaiu* 1 F


i,luan-tE FOE iIE-N’ BOVS. AT kin per- j I PRICES :



113 w I ANTED—Pl>slTlli»N BV MAIiHI

v v ttI).. th<>r**Urfhly un<l*-rt.iaiuJs far] < Ar* V»f !i*tn**-H .<m«l ratt!♦*. B«*t-t <*f ^'lv,*n. Ailtlrt*»*i F.viiMKii. i>i**a <*anl

MAN, ink r. <N. J.

»] myir-ij



a le iing of dread ol h» further exaltatipn ..... .. ........., ...... : on the |>opular mind, which hi, inevitable j formed his men that hereafter it wav. Ten

successor would hours' work or nothing. The carpenters ,f -[were dTilted in stopping work. Th's] re

The Initial Step Toward a Complete hork* out of carpenter. In Chicago.

ITiu aoo. May 17.—The initial s\ep lif so- curing the complete lockout of all carjien- er» was. taken py a contractor, whi| in.

turn to 'the tin-hour lay was di»cu«sJl at a recent nweting of thp master carpenirs* association, but was finally laid upon!the

Union Count, Courts. At the dOGe of the i— *—it III id tile l'lih'0

Coiintj-A'tuirt <>f liut<rter Mceeipns at Lli- - aly^th on Thursday, Judge jti'Oenulii tlisehafigeil the j«:tit jurors until AVisliphs- day, ilf this inek.' to which dure he adjounstl court. Friday the follow- ing prisoners were nrhtigned and pi atled to their resiH'etlVe i-liarg-s:

_ retention by M. Goblet's then* is bring about.

'• To ignore hitn wcju ijl be -suicidal to the man, who should atr-’inje to do so. while io lenve him In command of the afitpy as the only survivor pf the pM cabinet Would iti- table The present state of affairs shutjbut ply that he Is the ojnly man in Fran.ji' all carpi-n* w* at work Upon Prick or Stk>n e capable of meeting tht demrers In \Whic|i buildings, but’dotjs not affect these at \dork the country mhy at aby time become '1st- on frame buildings: hence the only wafi to voiced. | : j . j . secure a complete lockout is to demand a

rieturn nt the longer day.

f meet it rpr may

VVjhdethfiopponentspf General Boulanger do hot plajee impiicit| reliance upon the jieacoful asseverations jof Fr.nce Bismarck they at the same time distrust the asser- tions of the war minister tha-. hi* extraor- dinary military aetivitjy is merely precau- tionary. and ki* plvsepce in the war office .is to them a-Sptirce of iunceasmg apprehen- sion.- <

HIRED MURDERERS CONFESS. Di'ltnil. J, Fitzgi'ruijil. su|i>i>ll-k.!«‘j:s-i'. dis- Intriguer. Tatung to Corrupt an ORIeial

orderly'Jiousp ntiif irs-liing uniiswfuiiy. I Offer a Prize for His Life. pleadistt wd Kuiftyt * i- Born, uay IT.—The two Bulgarians who u,nlnn *'x|

A lncffitz Palermo.j Plaklfield. .a-ault iiwenf ai-nestod'in April for attempting to Aid with the present aspect of affairs, und l.atb-tw : not guiliy. 'assassinate M. Miintiiff. the prefect of i *■—

I .

I '

ml btttpcry: not gnili>. Wi ilia in Nnliv. (u—tui'ing lu- wit.-: ia>t

guilty.: ' John: M'.'re, h wdue--, pl>*a nqn

vult and 0111:1 tided fur — uten. .- > WMliatn Metzinger. a—auit iiii«||l>nttetv:

not guilty. George Conk, hreajking ami ent.-ring.

guilty : :l«iiled in'the *um of srrsi. AlviuiL. Espies, sail-rin-k.- per. u—null

and batltery: not guilty. [ Fosleriek ami Wilheluiinuj Klchanls.

assault and Irottyry; not guilty. William Button, for keeping a

disorderly house hj pi-riniuing gambling among youths in lii- ejgar hflfipe : pleaded not guilty, with the rifsers'e tolwithdraw.

Patrick CuUity. saham-kw-twr. di—ir- (h-rly house, -.dling oh Sunday: not guilty; 1 roiled for trial. . '. .

Cliarie*. DeCaey. assault and leit'.-ry. pleadeil guilty ho two jndi.-tnn-iit- and not guilty to a third eharge; r>*t landed “ trial May 23. • ‘ I

Win. H! Miohaclfelder, sli attempting to kill Michael F plead.-d not guilty, alpf baihsl for trial.

John Zelttuau, charp.l with Miss Lizzie Stri.-p at 'her own also assaulting Mrs. Win. Ills, not guilty; tria. May 23.

Johh I*. C’aro.;i. elsiot.-l with and attempted felony on Marv at Su'miuit. pleaded not guiltfi. This is the fimuMis Siinimk .mirage eR-,*. Trial wt:down for May 'll. ‘ *

Miehael Whaleii. sabeupt.-ejijT in Rail- way, disjirderlv lion-—; Rig guiltv.' trial May >1. T b ?. * - -

Thomas Daly, a—aid! atiu battery; not guiltlv.

Elwanl Be-'ori anil ,G.~>rgo

Tlie material supplies men are now tier ougfily banded together, and represent"a combination that alone would cause a hick- out.

The brick yards will shut dowp on vlcl- nesday and remain closed until j the exist- ing difflcultiesiaru.smoothed over. The |iic manufactories will follow suit.

At the headquarters of the bricklavdrs' association It was! said that, many of Ihe workmen have Returned to work, the Em- ployers showing k disposition to giye way upon the pay day question. The leader|of


A Suicide Who W hen Not kitting In m siring Wrote. Poetry.

Philadelphia, May 17. —Tin: taking of evidence in the contested .will ease of ODa- diah Wtieeliick. who comnutted suieidc by hanging. wk» eontinued To-day By tho will one^ttmU of the estatbT.s tiequeathed to John Keaj a relative, bfit|this bequest is revok^l in alc.slicil, and the;latter brought the cojjtest. in the ground thill the testator

uhs-jund m ud wtjfiu the eoilictl xc-cuted As of liis lucst of tmr.d it: was shown ha 1; a swing, constructed in his out (four years ago in which he

the union express themselves as well i


• •ting and rankowb-h.

in SH.tkK

it--uniting door ami

n, plead. .1

.. a.'t FitZ|sdrieli

bn-aking. entering am pleaded;guilty, and trial Mar ii.


ior.*»*uy Wright lift

Wright. Bf*Ht«.fl guilty:


An ElizaU-th girl has gone vflv.J weeks without • Iting. Slie( lia- prom -.•<! t>. marry a ST» a wc-k ivoiing hiat; and i- n « practicing] uj.. , | . ; _

(wv. ha- signed tie- >.i/1 pr p id ing that ali, gcsklp' mariiifa.-turt'1 In tl>. State Pri-pn shall (-■ lai.-l.-l s- «.iniii|.. from thfft a-tit'jthm, |-

Greeniawns. Isalding tn- - and -hi C-. together W ith early wil.II tlow.-rs, 1,iej-^.l. . tricycles. -It Hi w hat - arid I .aref.-of.., I l«,.s remind us

P. f/jia n the Gr'itld for the suit for the kill

that sudipiep i- ii|M,n.u- urn ini- MMMd(iAtMifntit

Frunk nil'.fiay. in --t*l4 oiiffh of the .sdebrated Jutid

| Tin* lew vill.* avenn Xewark. Kotqu: Oli. niHiisteri.

ng Hugh lVntfiJ -l. of th.-

or t'.eigregiitjoiiai fhur. l hie- Is on,! b'l|ii"iil

It is worries

not but,

afraid to dump him .ox Hm ntueh strciigth


rut! him .'UxJausc he enough. In *1 her n1 ‘pijs Blaine and .ia* *l.*«*p i.

Tin* parin 'jr.f a prit at. Orange, is n «t tvorilty and ^rarity of its tvojild me .*•: ■ *r 1 e dost

'• if It Jliit exee-eilelv large jpis it the; most remark,iblf* thing- it

it!q»i*fl<lac* eh ,!k| »*.mbi


nn* six gemtifis* fkishi mA of gold. Til'*—I1]

RustehuK. at Bucharest on April l. have made a full confession pf their crime. The circumstances of thfi attack upon M. if ant off were tpese:. ! M. Mantoff. ' previous to the military j joutbreak a* itusichuk. had been imimr- [tuned fregueutty by a man named Jacobson,;

dragoman attached to the Russian consul- te at KnstcUuk to ai-cept a large sum of

(money as the pfice of bis rema.Ling ipsen- |sibie toKussian intrigue in the garrison, Mantoff steadfastly refused to be- come a party to the conspiracy, but was in- duced to visit Bucharest with Jacobson pn the latter's representation that M Hit

ve. Russian minister to Koumania wanted • see him. While walking in the streets of ]

ucharest in donversation with Jacobson, antoff was set upon by three Bulgarians

ind. severely wounded. Two of the pre- eit.’s assailants were arrested, the third

king him escape, .find subsequently ; irought here for trial. • >• | Iu theifi statements made to-day they declare that they were employed by M. Hitrovo to kill Mantoff. the former giviug as a reason for his desire to get rid of the prelect, that the latter was in ;>osse*sion pf the Russian plot to incite the Rustchuk garrison to insurrection''an J intended to betrsy them

TRIUMPH FOR THE IRISH CAUSE. Mr. G*mrge €>rto Tn*r*l j an Make* u ip—dl

ami Create.'a Senutiou. ixnox. May 17.-!-Mr. Georg.* Otto

lyan was the guest :of the evening at ■j quet given in his honor at the Eighty aib. | He was tremendously cheered when

hkarose to st>eak and Uproariously am nkipde.l when be sat down. His remarks refused much surprise and to the majority

those present great satisfac- n He was especially Severe in his con-

demnation of the government’s policy of rcion, which, he said. Was tvholiy witb-

excuse, an I excessiirely unjust ami cob Id have noqther eff *ct than th** natural

| ou|.* qf exas|s*ratiiig the Irish people. Wn ! hab divided the liberal party was not.

tnijny affected to; believe, the question ot : grlmling home rule to Ireland, but that of : grAulmg absolute fib.*rty to the tienpie of j lnfland: and although the text ot Mr. Glad-

stone's Insn bill, was dead, the spirit of gefierostty toward and confidence in Ire Ian d which had actuated those measures. St; 1 existed- If Lord Hartingtpn and his fol owers were dcsirou*,<vf]re'-urning vo the lib. ra! party, they would he welcome back aft Tihey had concluded wjith thoir former co- rorkers a treaty u; on the four con litious laid doits in Lord Harrington', election address to his constituents.

Mr. Tre velyan's sjieech ^treated veri- tab e sensation in toe lobby] lof the twu-e ot con muns; and is regarded %y the home rule menbers as a great triumph for the Ir:sn cau u>. ( i ,

lilimrinhered By tlisnl Finrder. Leadvili.e, Go).. May 17.—The mast

shocking accident that has been reported from the midland tunnel for man'hs. p.*- curred near the west porta! on riatur.piy last. James ifunhi. a boy 14 years of ale. was despatched til the magazine fbr a Iapx of giant ! powder which was to be used by the cTrill forces, knd procuring ' ifi, started to ; return When the lien heard an explosion, jmlnglfid with a shriek, and.!rushing out; fobnd the dismembered form pf tbe youth lying about the approach to tbe’tunnel. Flesh aid bongs were scattered in every direction, atul there was scarcely enough left intact to identify tho boy. It ,i* supposed that, ! haviig shouldered the box of powder, the boy- started for the jrilnnel. and stumbling, caused the jar tab oqpiode it.

Failure of'll flic Cattle Finn. CtiETExXE, Wyotfiing. May 17.—On Sat-

urday night. Swar Brothers, a big firm of live stock dealers ; n^ide an assignment for file benefit of their creditors, without anj' preferences. 'Thhi r liabilities are said to be about Sl,P,i.Afk), and their assets ape larger stilL The d red cause of their sui- pentdon was an action for BttaHhfnertt brought against A H. Swan by the Gfirman savings bank of 1-iavenport. Iowa, on a note which had befcn signed by Swan security.. The neisrL got around and eaui a run on tbe firm by other creditors, whict was met to the extent of ?s.‘>,U00, when was decided to su»|ile|nd in order to protect their property f ruin sacrifice.

n as isej hn*6 in it

!' ius time: it hat, when wrote poetr.Vj only a

not few

puhliinod; that bo ■ant for tils quin poetry and ybody should ad in. re it: that

ago John lfea canje to see ! changed jhlsycioth ng and for this reason; hetu’ded ttie

The hearing mil bo re-

-i- xturt Nun tlir Coqtlnental Hold.

Sela.ia. ^ ay \i. -iliv? suij ot Kata igaiqst the propru^ii-* of the Con- otehfor the loss of l»x’r caV«a, con- iam^n is. j«‘\ve!ry money, in

iw>, eanie up in comiixm pleas, testified that,- tti»* catr.i was r suie while she was at tlx? na tli»t no on •:was present 's. The vleteuee will : hat

was: not lost in tiiq diniiiy-room \f it was tbe hotel prbvide* a safe uabfcs could be ke]»t.

Gents' Furnishings and Merchant Ta'Hpring, a Specialty.





No. 6 Park Avenue,

store n large and w.-ll selected stock of But'S AND yot'TH S, LADIES'. MISSE8* ILDRENS


h tv* -HU- tin* attention of all Shoe Bjiyers. fully confident of being able

to ph-aje, h.,th in qt ALITV! AX'D PnicE. mylbtf





Suitings and Trouserings VEK SHOWX IX PLvtlxFIELD.


’ Striki K i vej

Went Ol twenty Port Kt| strike, liven are] trouble through from th< Tbe strll the cetnej

A BehlixJ

Wife of a j murdei their thr tbroat au|

LotOBl Mr. Tauei Clanrirtti Bfivehil <[ supjdy hi!

f Had.on Hirer Brlrkmakera. ox*. May 17—The brickfnakers itnke. d



stri ke* demanding at advance of nts at day. Ail the yard^ between |n and (rlasco are ineju led in the

it ii» estiihated that nearly 500 rowjn out of work by it. The

ms to have arisen maiply e pre«ience of walkih.: deletratos m^hta of labor in ^New York, s hi|ve also tried to drive out mirier#, but without success.


r - ■ ■ !nrd«*rou< Msnlar M«»ther,

Tay 17.—Krau IZehlendor^ the une cutter livliig m this city,

[her three children by trutting ,s after which she cut her own Tell fiead by theii^ide. ,

Sjcottln^r a land Agent. |a. May 17.—The boycotting of *the agent of the estates of Lord

in nonntv (Taltray, Has begun. ieAnien h-re have tofusod to

I witfj food.







:bxat:e stohstiei




THE PALACE VAULTS. t !>«»*» »f rrnssure Ifu.

rsfiNfd In India. < < ik»n. May 17.—The fiuaneial secretary

d^i has advisitl. the jgovernment oi discovery .under the vaults of the*

at Gwalior of treasure amounting jXJ.Ooo which was secreted by the late*

.Maharajah of the . state of Gwalior. The Jnd.ih government has taken iiossessioh ol the treasure a lean from tin- present Mahkntjah. niuch?tJo the indignation ol the iiULTe press, which pftaraokerlies the ac- tion pf the government as u robbery. The question will^be (brought before parua- mcuT which body alone haf jwower to ad jiHi .i* 11i** owr.efrhip and ui^position of the treasure finally.

THp C«»ke Strike iimi Foreign Plglrtm. PrTT-m no. May 1 T.—Tbe closing of furw

naoes oh account qf he coke striJce is pro| Iducmg alarm auior g the owners of rail milts and Jtesseineg InilU west of the Alle| ghaoy mountains. 1 be gr*«t numoci* will »»e cpmp«‘lled to relief in |nirchas;rig forejgp pfigiron. TttecfTect of this j* already beginning to be seen n the foreign market-si A ohmber of agents f Country solinjting bn l are coming. I j, ;

for firms are in thef !er» and many mord

lUw ItnHi V'ork, May 17

OSIHPI, -—Yesterday’s

pionship game% resbliist as follows chanj-

New| York 11. Ind.anaiiiol Detroit 10: HosTob ipgton Chicago *2.

Metropolftan S*. Cliexjelanil St. Louis

is **: Philadelphia sj v Pittsburg\Vash ; American association|

.^thletiq 2. Intertsaiimm! league—Jersey City li. Syracuse 4; lluffalo «. Toronto 5; Kochester 1*^ Hamilton 7; Oswego 12, Bu.g-’j hsimlon 10; Newark \ Utica 4.

Berlin^ for an Ci French a hei e If mobilize ai]

The! «T Pr.T-rj

czarina stj capital of


ptr^ons Neighbors! lay 17 —tica. Boulanger’s plan erini^ntal mobilizathjn of t^e |y n^xt October is distrusted |anc0 mobilizes Gerbiauy wiU


body unrssEts. .?



Also. INGRAINS nt ' 3.7

RAG CARPET at 25 t

. Third street and Madison art. mylntf


Park Avenue F**r Ui«trmn» nt<»

siM,rt^*g \Telfn HWiigs and Mu-eiml Mf-n-haiidtne. * good ANs»>nment of

HaMMik'Ks, CHIL^atN s Wa<K)XS and carts


A'/afie Journry llegun. ii*». May 17 —The fc/.Ar and

fled jfor ^ovo-Trheriai'k, Doh C^>s-*acks country



fpitlhrr fteporl- Pm. .\iay 17 (1 r». m —Tr.d ctti'^os

»v« d 1 vanta. t» T« rU and Ncn Ki-gi; n !. Fair

itly wnriL' r. light, l*' vrinda.





W.- can Kh'4r TO FIMIKIIMFS' A Flnij I.llw ft Ill'll!-. KEELS.



Ag»*nt* tin King lJlcyfii ijI^ftD-wt and

Wh,-! in inark>*t.

■ N**w ) . the | !%•-1 the j

it 4s. 4c,

J^Ol i*«r. iw;. lwJ,

Bismakk. Dakota. Hetsi, for two years

{short itnrl C-onf* t«» ('anada. 17.—(ieorgo • F city tr»?asurer.

IS missing. It is bd|!iek*.ed he has gone to Canada. His a<*eouJfs are said to pe abort* Reed has hokta lieve he has not gorU*

a of friends, who be .the parjMfHoof i tvith ,ti

ilerratiding tho city.: Mrs. Rood, however, tefid a friernl thaT lvs,w ] Old never see Reed again in this region.

I»«**$nUr OwinK tn iXrvrnrjR'i. May 17

who worlf«'d Die coaiya: atid lireii at U City?To wjth a gun in his o<>oi troubld with his wife :j to*attempt suicide. Th wiU die.


amity TrotibJon. William I! King. rd of J*erkins ^ ('.j. 'me*, shot hirv*et!

King sa:d that id l»-»y eambf! n;m

doctor thinks hi*


■ ne * IrL.RADE. May 17.—' >.ii is .at ac e nd.’ ; 51.

e.jffist It.I i>f tfti T>*'.i|,i qluo f f th

•j'tit •*■2 7f*K .

1 lie Crisis .—Tlie Servian cabinet

Garucdnine, presl- i in |)f the council and minister of the in- tojjf k ’bas yielded'Co the desire cf the king and kjill remain in'cjffice, and it is probable that t. if noX ail!of the other muiisters

Tho first «lay of tl»s' m securing oiq jur. fc

Mayi»r Iiew<*.tt of Xe ofih-ial eaii on « *rj Ka; re« ejdion wiil ne g vdr.

Th»* tell To allow bhte* anil Ii'lliors to g iesT.> vri

CRAT/lS. o trial was sj

Y-iric, m.i ;o

nays, was lat ure.

uia :e a n Xo pi* bin

sr*rve w.nos m?als o;i Sun

U fe ated in. th»j X w V. *ra leg is

a their portfolios.

Wju. O’nnen. **flithr noy.* ::i < .ha. a.‘ ha- b *en of i a* amrn for tr.e n r Cc j k ’Vi: in u op:H)s.tiViL

qf f ’n :‘jfl Ir- .. .. jfnember beast diVj">*ou of.

Th- w» nf and • shout -

•e o c.oA * uch • I i --cm afi ll MJlllK I

Cl-'sfn ? Yest-r l iy. ..

D"\ .. 12 * .. i-:\

TO i\ MAKKET. -T>iirin,r the a t irno^:* i ti *'8 ’ . r.nj Miai • I ?: i n the moj- ing .\KK HF\I



Plai nfield, N. J. myLOyl

THAT oi l; >TO« K «iF


* it r.- n- *>i w .i

Csnaotrvn Pacj Chn-agd. Bur. Central Pam til Del. 4c limb* L>el. Laclc 4: Erief ... Erie nr T .* Lpktj Shor**. Lou:K. a: Nash .Mu ljigan Con Mis-KiUri Piuri N. V, A; N* \t H X. .1. ICOntr.ii X. *. Cent. <jfc Xortih western Oregon Xa’ q Pacirtc Mail. lveadlnL' I!ocl< Ireland M. Paul..... I iti'.'U l*acxhc WesU L’n:o:i Tj


Wheat... Coro ipuU

MKKH mrVT —Mari-

V.*c2c.. W. la 16c,: casuj wcfet< rn. 13 i

kjy:idfS. F Cbeesi*—Marl* SI* ell 4c. Crea Ibaiic.

E.'gs—Markei fa a iiau fir t ■*- *lrn^ l'-* ii *

quit*: •ring. |CUJak>*G l‘DK E-%

. j Closing YcretfT lav in rcet WE <\\KUY Mf.NT. .

\ <i- *


. j

r-p-i 4-*\ l'l**- If** •ii*.

i:i l&H l ».*>. .Mi 4'ls l:35e,

T-»'iav. °'*LS 1 kj 4 l<* - 1"4

I :-H 3 S '’>

!‘4N J. -lTi II i

l'G<4 1114

'•<)K 7:k



A XI >




Tuesday, May 10 th AND l*U> TINTIN'. FUK ONE WEEK.


^DUtjE MARKET. May Juni July

tc 9»i*i w 4H S’ 4t>*A£

• 'i3'. • M tNTffl-E EXCHAN<7E-

w>»ak. Cn-amcry-Ea«t«ra ; Hairy—Imitation;

tt.iif-llrkin tubs. *ila23c.; \ Factory—Fresh, ItSal'Jc.; low

\tepk. .New York rheiMar* ery-tX’ew York, part skims,;


- II


Hii'l Llpieii (ii"hN, «‘a 11<‘**-rei. Ginghams, Mu*-|in-Ju.>«|>*rv. LaY-.-re. Enn<-ydh^xla

l'ar.ire..^ mid rinlmr.-nr at


MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. i:ii:;«d aii<1 untrlmmed •>' SJ'!--. We will


»•*•■ and Il'af^ u. r

•**. i Tlx

The Newest Styles *' j|; I

At Lower Prices Carpets. Mgtlings.


rr,w E i stern

estem firsts 12c; Soul s. Howard A. myl*->y]l

' t- • 1 •> •Mire.* t V4V

Oi! Cistlis, M-t'-. »* * j *er than any «*N.. r

. till- v.C. k • inly



Page 3:  · 2015-02-14 · ESTAiuSHEO 1887, j], a . 1 la AS DAILY PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION. • • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - —


Til* RtMlts or Bis Vtolt 8«

i f o - May 17.—Owing to • minunder-'•Undiog Mr. O'Brien delayed leaving heretor Toronto till 11:50. He tras accompa-lued U> the Grand Trunk fail war depot bythe gentlemen who have had charge of himfrom the boirinnioff. SIK: O'Brien expressedkiaseU perfectly »a tinned with the success«(Jus work so far. and said he believedOft Ibreajened Toronto oppoMtioa would•sot pwweore formidable than the much-UOofl of action of the government and tiie

*Benaces of Het in Montreal,TOEOXTIK May .17.—All ,of ' tan talk

throughout the day has been of the proba-jHBr'Bf rilot at Ur. O'Brien's lecture to-H~fe- Tlw refusal of any i>f the publictalk to him forces him to lecture m thetpta air, and such a frathermg always in-Tites disorder.' The orangemi'n claim to beray strongly orpanizfU here and declaretfeeir intension "ol doinp th^fr utmost toprevent a meeting being held.

This Initfulency has undoubtedly pro-« M 4 » B intimidating effect upon the IrishMtionaiist*. «f"»» are in a v<> y small mi-•ority i» t*e town: Mr. Oooree -Harritur-tsm, one of thw'executive coumiiuee, gaveutterance U> hi» fears in this language:

"We do aot desire any breach of thebetald. fit it comes it will not be

u , bat that flj will come is almost aconclusion. Whether Mr. O'Brien

•will be beard or not the attempt will beunit We are quite ready to'believe thattt t* Lordl Lan»downe'» wish that heshould be heard, but tbe situation is oe-foai his personal intlnesce to atop a severenotwhrn it once Mtrins."

Lord Lansdowncja still here and is i fol-lowed every u-aere by privaje.ljletectires,leady to present any attack upon his life,tioni L«iis4o<ve is said to DP verv anxiousfor his safety. Tbe governor is accused of,having interfered to bring about the con-ceilatinp of the 'contract leasing St., lAn-ilrew's ball to the leapTie, •' • '' Thtwntijact wa* completeJ Wednesdaywith the approval o! .Alderman Irwio.chairman of the corjjoratfon piri*t>erty cpm-miUea. Thursday this sriHitleniun kill >cwsTmaeel with Lord Lansdowne. and alew hours later he moved in the-council -that the contract should bo broken.• ft has been definitely decided that Jlr.O'Brien wtH. lecture thi* attern.wn at 4•'nor'fc in i the Queen's park, where theeoxrwr-«(»nwn«trati»ii wax hold Saturday.Acostis^vait of Nationalists will come froifaHamilton ijo heaaj that city's greeting toMr. t> Brien. ': ; ,

Lord l.ansifowne has 'sent a letter toMajor Hott'IauJ thnakinj tbe people of thettty for their lijyal 'resolutions of Satiir-•ttay. It is 3aui. that the; mayor will «boknighted as a reward {or his treatment oftfce xotemor-sauera} and that Ooldwin'Bsiltu Lieutenant-ffovernor Robinson,and Mr. Uar.ieifVf ilson. principal or Torontouniversityi will-receive .similar honors. /

ABUSED THE_WRONG MAN. •fcrangelLt Mason Trt*. t . Emulate Sam

•lonca, bat Fall* Ml««rat>ly. 'PARK R I ? O E , N. J., May 1 7 - A littleojf

the excitement of wild western life wasMpenenc d in this town. For some week$gast Evangelist Mason has been holdingrevival services in a large tent. Most ofpw sermons hare been tilled with rankest"»buse of rival religionists. Last nipht hefJescnbed, in the following terms, Jamesl*ach, superintendent or tbe Congrega-tional Sunday school:i " In the mansion on yonder hill lives thePrince of devils (pointing towards Leach'sbouse). He is here to-nurhu glory to God'!j*cross the way he rears a herd of youngdevils, and each Sunday teaches them stiljrreater deviltry. His minio,ns and im|>»!

ire around us to-night, but t^ey can't hurtjBs, for I am God." ! " 1] He then added, referring to the Reformed•hihrch^ of which Kev. E- Lodbwick is pas-r r : • ' •• " . •• :

j "Poifii orHhe main Street a red-faced,plear-eyed Niest and his gang pro wor-shipping idois to-night in their enamel

J '

T f l E N. J. CENTRAL R. R. TIME TABLE,JAXrA-fc-Y l»t . H*JC.


Choked to Death In the Uark itttt

Bmly Carried to a Field—Titos! S*jr»


Muritn- Wai Not Intsnded.TREXTOX, May

tery of the TiUfce iSnettstown is wijwdt aof the confessionTitus, her murder,death was eomhmjtedlife.'a sentence: which heout in the utaio prison.

The i-onH-»->ion

ithlast of I be mys-

murder :.t Hack-ly by tbe put heat ionof Janitor Jfimds J.; whose sentencp of

AjRBIYE LEAVE AEBIVENtwY'.rk. SwY.irk. PlalnflelJ.

•>.'J'a.i i i-Vi a .m. 4. ' in*. in. S- loa .ni .."•.a" •-• I i jv i •• IJ.I»I •• 7u ••'"..j'j •• a "4*" " 7.n». •• ", •">* •-:.,'! •• % *.<>.•> •• T.4J •• B.-ii :•"" "W H'*' " *•••*' " i'*•> ••T;.-.'.. --K ^.-»i •• «,(«, - . . . t - , ••s.o-J --6^ ;',INI •• lo. i i •- lLao '• • • » V,-Ji •• 21.110 - l l . i l ••"•*" " i s oi**> " l . * i | i . m ; 2.1W p.m.ll.-Vi ' - g liUm •• 1.3II •• ; ••

to imprisonment for

l ' . . » 7

ll.iw '•li,lu |..n1.11 -

isr -

' Leach, who had been! forcilns h is w a yJnrough the crowd, at {his point reached;^lason. and after culling! him a liar and aSypocrite knocked him down. A crowd of !p e n rushed forward aud tried to d r a g "JUasbn Irom the tent, but be pleaded sotfiteously for mercy that he was releaseddjn.promising to leavp town next day.i Later on. however! hfci declared that he

xjrould stay on. Mare, trouble "Is expected •*t ThOrsday"* mooting. ^ ;

I Whiie the scuttle wa» going on paride- 'nSomum reigned iu^tne tent. Boys dancedJjjrs in the- aisles and on the s e a t s : somewomen shriek M. others sar.g:-a y'oung 'i^omih with a c"ane and! dime museum airstood at the door and inVited the public to !

the last and greatest s h o w of the >Baptist circus. ' . ]- . • '

ACCUSED OF MURDER.8bsplrlo«> cirroiuMannM Coilrrrrtinc the

I>*ath of a I.I tile C'ot»rr<l Lm<l.

Rrr> BANK. May 17.—(i'oroner Smith oft lis place was notified that something wasa niss in theiloath of a li>-year-old;, coloredh >y of Maivihrnia. n luied Robert Cromwell.Tme boy's fatiier w;»? arrested by Consta-ble LeibeaUal and committed to the countyJi \l t« await trial. IJe is Bi"'"n»ed ot btsilin«jbis SOD to death with aweeks ; act) ' young

LORD LANbsDowNE's REGRETSBe U flraced With Katanlar'it MntUtig.

F u n Kind Relation* Rnlomt. T 'TORONTO. May 17.— In acknowledging the

receipt of the letter from Mayor How-landbontaining)copies of the resolutions passedat Saturday's loyalist meeting. Lord. Lans-tlotvne, «f ter expressing the great1 pleasureWhich the passage pi the resolutions gavehim; Sacs; :'.

It Has been"* source of deepest regret tome lc«t those who have sought, for politicalpurpose"*, ho iur up strife betweien me andthe ten»i'*S on tbe part of my Irish estates• nouhl nave beVn for a time successful, i|dssire sinoertij that the differences whichbare thus arisen may not prove permanentand that thle kind relations' which until re-cently existed between these tenants andmyself may, erelong be "completely restored.

club. About twoCromwefa run

av fromj . home anl" went ' to : hisnil mo' tier's, a few miles from .his

f thar'shmje. The father went tobrih?himb >ck. and wjas uunut to whip the boy : forr mniup awajy Vneu tbe grar.dmothor 'ar.d'a tother weman tijtik the boy's p;ir|. Ctroni-i ell dr^w a revolver Uid frightetiedKhe;;

v, *.• j | • . ! • ' •He took the boy homeL 'After they,! cot •

tome, it is said, the beating took pijaee.1 his was Sunday. May % and the lu.i was

ling the next morning, jand Ur. Crater of1 atontiown w^s sent lor.] The boy died. Dr.Ifrater's cerfiticate statejs that death jwas

used by tmietission !ol the brain jand'inaj/menitii'itlsj. The people of Kajton-

t )w* are arquSed] in the; matter, and V°"'iI table Liebenthol did not dare '(xi*! bis.'I risoner up in the old .Eatontown Jail; for. \I >ar of another Mingo'Jack affair. An- In- .

uest will ife held. .»-»•.•?•».—» :

. Tiction and sen)tei^cebut has Just no|w be.prinei|>al part4 aresays: " [

"My acquaintancegan about tbe first ofary. A. D. 1*>«. whennary, where ii wasem oloved to peel i>otaon the table, i Our acIfmited until aboutbad been at thesemii

- I would not go to theMcCraeken, some disilage of Hackettstnwnsayini: she would trmkI told her I wodild do •at once t,h« as'time to go. repflc ti i:?.would make it uil liptand brought 4ieii tnuukher in her room.peatea that site Wouldwith me. • i '*nipht of her oeatb 1 enduty as usual. _ 1 ,iviWhitney stated Jn himinutes after ten. as Ithe front door, anil-'wepart of the hnu-wt-, [ 'an,minutes after teh <tbe basemeqt an,ddoors to make u(_vno ligUt in the baiensmall pasliL-ht lastayed, but whichOther part of theb:

•Just as i tvas iUp|<beard TiKie Stnjt!say ins? in~an unijtrcome in here, 1 wa

I turned and wet••Why don't y >u

room;" :|said: '-I ! nm ufiaid

is now j serving

e by Titus af^er con-Has been kept: secret,n obtained and • tbe

here given. Titus

will \wi':l liear me. an<l 1' -Why." I siaiilsh'X's anil go up Inshe wiM not IjoarjyI don't want to go idown here by yojj.

'•"iVeli." said I, |"jou rnlist nnt stn•on^ebody may eoW- do\|n an,1you must go in tue

ith thedeceisej be-be month cf Janu-e came to the semi-

mployed. Pie -was>es; she aHo waitedaihtance wiis (juite•o weeks alter^bhey. she askod ifle ifuse of one William

out of jthe>;vil

n ic ••

lli.r, •• -J.:I.Illi.V. •• 3.,tO

If IT p .m. ji.t->



set'T In Chanrerr. X,.tan' 1

ora.-e«. North Avenue, Oi.txml


Countellors-at-Law, j* '§*a»t^r!.|nriuin«.ry. .V.,tarl.-B PnUjie (


Counselor at

2.5. - S, .14-. •• .',,.»!

.V-Ji - | ..ii.. - 5. . . .

kj.v. •• t I«I

r.ti\ - AM,

1-i.iiH.m. in., ir!

W i l i l B t - f t r a i j - Pi.-iiiiHi'M .'I.-.'T. *.B1. K.57. In Cl11,1-Ja. K . l.-^7. . . . : i . . .-,.:ii. : . - •„ . 7 . K :>.-a \,. m .fc-'rit-r-XHt- V,I lk—4.HI. h.4.->. l i O S ft. n l p J : i | |4 ••' . o.:u@(.:«.. • . ; « . \-_ , . . m .

and pet hertall right vitbkne.but as 1 did not go1 me second

before, tfcat shewith me

All ir . -1- .n- lSr. .mi I'l .-i lnll .-lal;x. h l - l A ? a . ! m . " • ; t

L- n>.- N - v S i k (i .r FIMiifl-:.!—|-. . ' . i i . id . - , . T.4.1. H.:tr..•'.'.,. I >..rK ll.iiO i:,. in . l.ii'i. 1..ill. *». . . , i,.(if. 4 n i1.;;.'.. ">.(u-A HI . p.-..i. (,.•«: T.'iy 7. ;.->.>.. J I . I . V I . l-j.,«| . . i n . " •

t r i j n k , **• M > i v r » _ B l a f u i B . M f - r N^wju-k_; i ( - , 7 . l n . x i , u . ;a. i n . . I . B , :i..»|. 7.-.ii. 7..'>.. -.i.i., j . . a ,

X n a i k f-Rl- lr i lJlU.Ul—>-.>> 11. m . . 1J.J.I. l . V i . i .

Teacher of Piano. <! • i\F . r T e r m - , i t . . ^.i,irw,« p. o^ij . . j j j

- Undertakers and

' .*•>. •.'.l.ifc. in. I53"

and delivered itfforhanked me. and: n1-make it all right

Un it hee up and went; on

enir-aire.J. as J>rividence. and jtetj

also stated. 1 locked^up in tlie U|I)M>I{

came down at .'QI cam.-down ftitoj

about ,.-oing oui of-1 rouud. There Paajat at all. except a!

«hij> ivhcfe- Ijlujht in "yj

ip the first st<|p I_..-• laundry rol>m"Jimmy. Jimai\-,

pii.ik"to you.." Iupr and *;i!«i to hpr:

p sluijts to your

« i<. '•' S - '» . inv.l". U.l#. 11

-'"•>. ••>.*<».*. I . V . - - . . i».••••. - » ' . » ' . 4 1 J l l . » l |


I \ f e n t >-•»»'•• PlaiHlei.i-;i.-;7. <;..;>. 7.,iJ. -•&,. 7..V.1. H.,,-.. '

.J)-|..-.-. *>• ,n Jkv-

A- M. Kuuj.'U. Eliu.-r E.

REIKNOLDS' PHARMACY.O>r. Park and Xorth Avenues, near

•>ii. (Established llkW.)Onljj the highest jtrailes of Drugs and

Cheniiea» i>Maiiiul>le: are us»vl in thisPhai'tnaDBl'os."

Eidays furPres<ri|



7 ^90 Park Avenue/Cor. «th;Bt

ora,-,. until 1.1 A. i

y. I neither buy nor wll "CHEAP

' .SCXDAY HOrKS.oliLs' Pliarrma<ry b* open on Suri-tlie dis|MriLsing of Medielnies and


urs~iO *<> I : 3 to G : 7 to 9.irteriid Di*i>eiisei' ulways In




Dealer iiji Flour. Feed, Baled Hi^, Etc.



W O O D; E X W A R E

e^^lha,!! X«-w YiU'k Prices.

7.1.1. l.Ki 11 if, a. 111. 'OI:D t HTILES. 1

Funeral Directors.! |.; |,|

1IM.. 711. n» l ~ . 1 1 . 1 4 - tHj . ! J. -

I^'iit.- tViJSi.1. , r-.| Plnilifli-I'l —I.ili. 4.S". TllJ J7 ' " • • • ' • • • • ' " K ' " . . 1. ••-.. :i. .1. l£»'. 4..-.I. .". -JI-" D•••.*•. i'..<ll.R;-. 4.47. 7 - 7 . 7.'.T.-....!7; h'.:;l. U .1.| , I.I g' i

I ^ - » \ - . - F f i r g | . ' " * . ; i f - r I ' l n . t L l ] . . - ; - l — l . l - ' i . ."..II4.7.">*. y * i.-...-..\.;§t7. (•..'.-. -..a. Mrj. ...rsl 1,.,.*. 11...p. I *

Cfty Express.l - . t . i X . - r t t * A t . - . .



t.ipur*. u r i n a l .vieularprK-es.—

Call. na. , mr»tt


« try our

EW ENGLAND BREAD.Kone of ti l i « . . i l l ' l,

Al-othe U~t i



Ul ' L \ I « I K I . | > , E t , . N A 1 > U t M NJ>11L1:N. " (

U . - i v . ! ' . A . i S . - l . : l l - r K u i i . - i l . : . — I . s i . - ' . . I " . 7 : t J

•:..'.-. V.-Bn..*'.i. m.: '•!.«*. :..».|. i. «•..•...r;.;..,i. rI ' . 'C f. 1-iS .~(.|-.i.tiJ-. 0.5'.'. 7.:w. « ,i*t v ?j l-r-i.i V-

_ 11.43. . . l . | j I ' jti l • \ . ->- |Hli i j - ; . | . at r , , . , , a

Boot ap* Shoe Dealer]

cellarSo we went in; tftie

the dry me rooiti. i whe:oome at all. and j Whereduik. and I took a >upon, and she satidwait until 1 went tibuli.l'llg. anil I went and leftwas gone about tvcuty in nut' s.

A STAY IN THE GREAT OIL CASE.Jndfe Ilalcbt Thlnka It Proprr^lmportant

Qoe«tlf»n* Concerning Krlci«nr«. .Brrr»i.o. K. Y., Mpy 17— In the etl eon-

•piracj case. Attorney CoggswelU for thedefense, said he wished to make a motionfora new trial.

J-ode*- H*rlrt s«M be thought it-a pfr^ier.•pa»e for a stay; as there wpre important

I quettiocs as to the a«imu»sibility of eri-tteoce and what was meant by trade andeeBHnerce.-and whether or m>i an m. pry to

;fh»tr1«de a/t An artlvidua! mirht tir an In-Jury 10 tne]tra.le and commen-e of tbe f>ub-lic. After! considerable argument JudgeHaight ii< cided to give the defendants•twenty daj % to/^reiwre 'heir exceptions.'Ud the district -attorney fifteen davs foramendmen s. He suspended sentenc I untilthe hearing and decision of the motion.The bail pi: the Evercsta was allowed to

—• • J \

-oacnt Itack. . | ;May IT.—Joshua J Beck, "woo

On April* disappeared from Yonlc.'r* atthe same tiae that .Mi«« Carrie Fcaktns,his bookkei per did. wa* 'arrested in Car-lisle. Pal. o i & warraat and requisitioncharsinjc bin wah abanjoninir one of bis

^ A Qnarrr] anil a Murder.

A TER. Mass., May 17.—In Uroton Henry1:

inch of this town was shot and ki'.i.ed: in j jluarrel over some cidek- by Nathan Jf«t-| ig of Groton. The crime was commit<e»l •bin a mile of the place where .Mrs. [

Maria Crue was mysteriously murdered In1 SO. and old Mrs. Prescott last year."P "inch was an employe of a cabinet shop,

id was1 a quiet, peaceable man. except tlien on periodical sprees.^ Yesterday he'

'"Nutting's .hq&se. and both becameid oxicated and quarreled".. Nutting threat-e mg then to shoot Winch. Today IVinch

ain- went' to Nut tinges residence and>tber quarrel arose orer Nutting's re-

'• returned she was»I ' I lett bcr. and I Slit

enmged in convirsition

sal to grant a demand ofore. cider. The men cameinch followed Suiting up stairs, fhere- ' , hur lHe( ,Ta _

wn the latter seize^ a loaded gujr, and t h e d a r k n e s , M gZ\ w a t c r•ed a tremendous charge at h:« vjnitor, - . " " ] . .

iving the top of bis bead off andinstant death. i ,

island at i1 pi: the

t> ide bejL<r wiJi beAbi

ready Over T.»>" barreli• of malt liquove been onlercl from Sew York, a:• been•re shi|»pe<J to-daj-.

children. rout a circua<*r"lption ol

. him, and tti• •druif sto

Tlie cbi!dront*' society h*.i ;,ying a photo?ratili an.J de-himand t ie child n? took with» caie:it him. He ha I startled

? at Carlisle and H'»* Feakjoswas living nrith hup- He sffd h e n s gladto-be arrrs oil.and taken back, for ' he had

: be(-n hs iipy. H<- lias reache I here, andthe ctjild ivai d.-Uvered to its - motfi^r..

;,6cck will simtily w^biund over to supportbJswife. : lisa | Xe^iufut.- WM left inCarlisle. \ . ' • | }\

knf \vn- ami

I'bfflcers sov6f ht»revci| his c"ica^«

I «rc, \y<H wi"» located ,itietimUago..bk» witji i 1

[; burglar, a:j working hi• the cou rt•, pectejl t h *I get one loojaway. ,andW rowd

"Sor.Ulr-T'Ellis. Thehave kl .*<•<-since W-1.-• Phil1 alii!Eliia ii;ak<H.'-cull<i t!'fin'I'c'V:!

I par#-s t h??Iwav

We das;?iried (-'.;:flklany f.T'if'YOrk will


Va.. May IT—Sir Edwardornt-jn and Mr Braitihwaite nfeiv,-«l

fr im LnnUon- • cablerram iiisrruftingtl em to reject the las' proposition maile bytl. e legislative cpmmittiw. Th<\v cm-

I, On i*croiint of Eliza.itay- I7.1--Joh'nv'l\"c<lder, a weH-fiiesriiopat*-ivo|itern burglar, was

by , theflourish

r'hftfteM tbom oft and maiter t\ie riM)fs of jieighboriri|g.

__iza .t'fifnn.'v the wife of • tbed a mr/niberol the gsin? recenljyre, -was" taken frojii 'the Jail1, to«r jientenou. j The pal ice suk-

' Wedder would be lpterestci to5 at his w'ife'lvforp she was sent.ttre enough th-.-y lounJ (urn lubat surrounded tfte yluck maria

I b C r t i n m .%ra M a i i r ^ . • '•'''j»"<. I'a.,. M a y ' I T — W i l l i a m ' S .

\ drJil«Bi:i2- assessor wj»o\s s lid to-Hi,, has not been heard "f

ti Among his papers were tnn::dit'pootn on low. Iii the li'tuyitho'.vi.'fo.u marry the' hefigjue.• play. ""A'iiere There's a \y illrny." In his |R»nn Ellis com-itioius jf a lover to the "hi'iping

tpai cream .murmuring up" |t«e

Wc.lillnc Hell* In IMhlclirnii iI^M, l'a.. May lT.-JIiss Sallio,• ;: lif'J. H. S!:a'er. Is to bf just- to t;eor«e J.' Kyder.•Ihi f.-oiu l'lul.i*! e!)(h;a and Sew

thought she tva.4 inthat if so, she shciii

ilsaid. '• What Icihand she kept rep^a|tini; it

*aid, •• if you

I,-..v. ! . , M | ) . , . ! : , - Mai,,d..W-:..i"i. :. J(. .'.;,.,. 1 , , ' m ^ H " ^ I""'I r""'X # * * ! ' a"" ' 1 4 A - T - i , , , T ^ ^ T ^ ^ T

Hv.-iiid ;. .fi •kiuni-M—;.••,',. i'..i7. ...'.t. ; i > . 7..".7. 4 . • __J i If i I •'. . i ^ e - K u J i . i s . ».4«. y*. <-..A. .-.>,. ^.4j. • ] ^ '" ' ' •*U.'.I |..:ing j - ; loHX *oHX«T«lX i

, H ; — ' •• # 1 . -- ' i .t . « i s i | x N J - c » i » T i n s « ! i i , x ^ y,.«ii. ! C o a i

u." and .she1 s..M»sta rs, 1 « to

N.-»- V-.rk 4 i i' a. >li : 'i.:i£ •' (

- '.'.'III. l ^ . t k ' K " 1 .i t l r t n t A -.-I

r . m ; A \ . - . H l a t : . , u i - * i . » • . 1 . J - , .Coal Dealer.

• ftl.--- S'.Jlji iiv... p . 'o. 4 . . . ."> III. . ' . .".<. life 7 in .« p. "M"1' ami ••m---- S . . J I | , i i v . p . o . B.ftiliflT; TlM- II-l^-t , | im ;!lty. ,f —r.- .- lV.- l | . - . -; i lnttl i . - l . j^ista n r k . t "

»;=, -i; M N-^V-rlt - . : . . - . - . . r..;*. P t | - ^ . f - r c i t . l . . .1 B-'wk-r'r. K . - » f » f r-., 'fI'.'.-: 4> a l iu : :.iH. ..»-. <'...'7 .»•!••• j |> *. r my!>lf i

ce)!ar. ri?tit beyitnJnobody wopld

* was absolutelyt. ol tljenr for her tofsit\vu, and I' told her! to

>undsar..und.|(ier"ft her there ar.d

as 'P L A K | ' I > ^ . I > \ M > f i l l l . A U l I

U-nl, I ' i . ' l l i g . i i l - i - l . - . J . -.-i . l ii . 'n.i-.' . :• 1%, 11 .44 H. l i i .

l*-av, HtilJn


™,.- HiiUia-'.-..•I*V • 4<l. H'"'-

• ni.ii.i;. ,*|-.s t . i i . . . : ; ;

S1M> VV>t4l86h\ >-f . . * . ) . tilI1! "<• j

ttingan th^ «tool nhlrebylher andlve ARRIVAL |NCi


J Picture Frames.» . j . . . : ' . * i . U . n ) k . 0 1 . . l . l - V • - i j n l l k l i . l - nt X . - w V - . r k i i r l - . * <s-

!•.!.<*• p . i n . " ' . ' .:• • , F^'-i i t M I - . - . - T . s t r » l t i ' - i - i f . .r . I r m

P l i . i i f l . i . l l .-.-i . J i n . ;'.' i i » . i n . . - 1 • — —I'll I l a . —-i-H) n . nirt •' •'<•'. I : 1 . "») n . m i •'.!;>. l? . .« i T l 1 E \ U i .


Wholesale and Retail Butaner.•l.-nli-T in FWl, Vexr-tahW-H.-'ke. 'JM.-j:

a delicate condition •d tell

of foo]

Sirs, Kijotflejon

ish talk is thai)'' 'until, I at l |st

quit Hiking that Way111 choice you Until you do quit." and I kfndof raised up and put my hand on herthrnbt,and I said. "Now;wjill yot quit Hi" :Hfberepeated it. and I pressed I larder until she

NJIW \ . . l l k MAIL.-.

T I . . I ~ I —7 .H.-in 51" n . i n . : -i.iW ai t i l

AI:UI\ v.—'Sfr'. s.

AI.EI1K-**! u.

.»>. 11.l.» a. m . : 0.1

P, E-«"T>'»'. ET. ..

la . and t..-V

ceased to apeak;* In fac, n o 'r ,si .tepce. an 1 alm.o»t imme-

Winch forto blows.

dlately after she {ceasedthought. I took my h;ind fi em her throat.and I said we might] as welrose up; but sne did not rpulse and found ii beating

i h u r l H e ( j ' a w a y ^ T , ^ a .

Cxtrndinr tne Bmr«r« *lrlk»JO«TOX. May IT.—Tbe're is every a1 now that tbe great strike of tbewilt e*t«>nfi tmtil all the tarve ale and

breweries in m and tne suburbsclosed. To aid the , strikers a largetrr ojf ntV.non tagpers havir—pledged

nrjt tftw-lt the] hr>eTof thebrew-ies where strike* are ] in progress, andsoring n»en have put «in a boycott _Toutect tbe.saioon kwpcrf and »up-!v the

face to revive herj ] It** to find it. and when 1 ret

•• water I put my lianld on1 found ner apparently dead,

stricki n. and tried to bringipear- ; it was of no use: she was g


sc. and I felt hervery feebly. •I could go jjnto put in

a little Irned with dieer fa<<e an4 1

I was> horrorher lo life, liut

orew- courM- struck down, with gicf onj horfor •;fi,"lt"-wI,at w"h.i»« ha<i oc(«.irr4it... takj,; th..- life of "jr..ti.Hthan ' \ | did tn\tre ojf my oirir wifi.lave|a.l. to v

wa** & and o|fhimle) than I supjvi'cotiM

from SeK York. effectrotthe choking bad on ter until I fo

her fare at a

she d»Vl not ri-e up\my condition

was ;to co am'., itwhat i hadhis prtlUi-tion. but It»-f' r< me if I duimy fi,l*e behaviorchild

nicated thj-ir instructions to the legis-ve committee an>1 aok^i them to recon- la.v '*.la

er their prj,|io»)ti-.n| This the \'"rjr!niare iresentatives retused and nesrotia-

fe cifised. Th* rommittee willke a final rlport to th^ legislature an-Jnbunce tbat the conference is at tin en 1.

I saw tha: If

saw t

shield me. and tnal iiotluiiGtelltm !>r WhitBey lab'titCOUill dod that I Would'l.

in the be»t m a n c - iplaicriwhere it was fmini

r<-a|inot t'-il wnat imin.


I | :<k--d1-fflrt-t l llatindry dooK not tn

d l | ltomplnl M«r«l»r— A«t»ln»plWhr<t «ulrl<le

TEKHI'KC. Conn . M:i(.v IT. — "Warren. 8.ost. foreman of the m.H whileivint to his work was shot and slightlylunded by Alexander proomHeW. a dis-irged workman. . On a |M>sse from theJ going it: siearcb of BrV>o:nfie!d he wasin.l iyinir dead on the roadside a[let hole in his head and a revolver inright hand. Papers left aft his,residence

>w that Broorofield ha<i meuitated sui-

th<'ofshe entered, and wli|iclidry i|*-r. After J gi.t Qp tof ttiejiiiKir I let her lie dVnthere.j It was full b)r duston th

nim'placeby aflelddo^vn

.tre»s there Kh-l 1!Dr \Vhitiiej» Idescrif it off ii.rter!l] rot t


o the placej

lulllfan Locked Oat In n<xlie«ter.

lo{ nlr.*TErt., May, \'.— 'Ithe police closejj• daaino. the theatre wiliere John L. Huljanvraslto- give an-exhibition, and th<•atrtCil license has bein revoked. Th<

tion in takr-n on the ordier of the mayortemps are being made ko give the exhiion'in s'omd other hallj but two squadlpolice are umte-'r r,rc>er» to jirevent tb" ibitfonj within the i'ttj-j lines.

ThPCnrimft Honifijrnrtl llouml.

Bo^T<. •, Mqv 17.— The steamer VenetianI.i . rpr*"-!. spok'

utnie yacht'xi . , . . . ,..

csip'ain r<ir("fVcd ail \tell She was njj,m ikip^ iiTjuchj bi-ail way. .ater iiiels'cAmef



i\*.*ri>ri-.l. spoke tbj? yiijcht I'oronettor New! Yoisk. |Suiid.iy evennia

x'•-'-- tijcii tniU'e days out and

th: nuirhai-tiiiil faJiij-jie. 1 or<

\biifTa:.>'(<kin and-blsjiket an- i|i the r pU.ce Konie evu! 011 ni> trial rtiat tnjcjre wan

and i!tle of t iie hearjlby tin- state t h a t ! had 3cliife j lH-fore inyi Cod ;strikcj her. ttiat I jtis'.-.d riever to bet exo*pt i'? cliokKnet- I Jiave descri-tieilL I. hiidown >n the gronndjwith

- 1 . . • ' : ' j . . . 1 '

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T.Tlj f or .the Fiirniers an«l _

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l'r>7.r I'icjil In « I IV.IHIKI.

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iul r'rlr.rtirty. otill.vjlrln ninin? Inii i.)' The t

she made ':no

to speak. a | I

Arrlv.- nt "fSt" «•I.. 111.111a.

l' ,*i nitl'

get up. and I

>!• - i i ' - y ..-r.

Salnr.iny» t

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II <-|..w» nl 7 I>

,'rr.-f)vtll^'-l"rw« Tu*

2 m.

4 . w , L M , " . •4-" . i , • ,,! Painters' Supplies, Wall Paptji,j .Paoer Hanging A SpeciStt l ; X... C X'-rth Avpnue. ei

n:: r-.i

a. m. an,I .-t>~m> nt 7.:m !

m.. tc i.wm.n> . .rj . - 'k l

Bookseller and St

| r ..n,. H ..(.-n fr..m n a. « . t.. 5 |.. m. i'A lull Hor- of C'r'-iu>-tk P in. ' i: B * ' - ' B"""- *••• .

W L. FoIU'E. P#tmai<t"r.

KM. 7 park Avenue, jf

Bar>y Can)


llr-lt-,--!. 1ne. I was |of l»*rr.-it. Mi

i r tu i . - . Mr»• l i - !.••:»;

1 .li.-i ri». M

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1. nor «ee| ' . - t -» . . : , - ,-,4;

1own to Itir»t fe--lSWhitney )i|an-i imiiltlre

e ruin that Wju*iii mu»t iietuid.

wife and Bl3*tn •;.' could not.but rum hiy in

it. and tiitall.^ 1 -• h.?r l»jdy ajhdI cjuld in t|>3

1 me. to take); itIx^ly and with•t's that lttl ijKitr one at wn|-hailed the hidti-ie steps and ijfutTI on the grouiidHere, and ;t j|ot

tfas the nd,lu)hil. I brusrifcd

b jdy to feeI, carrieJ ijerthrfiuzh the


:<. I> I-LAOFIELD P.*T ori'ICE.

1 !«• tried. A>A your grocer tot-t lVd

he latt»'i empt liear-

variety of Cake made out ofatenalr-.

ful for i«i>*t fa\or- wr- solicit theIiatmiiHLf.-of our fiii-tnl.*.,



Upholstery and Repair Shop.SIBST-CLA

il -.11 » ' '.



FR^D'K COOMBS, Proprietor.



F. A. PO








Mlllt-r. K«it.- •-kanl . Ml># Ell/i A

Sample and Lunch Ro


1 X-l. 2,an.] 4 w. Fr.intSH.. ainl X... 1 1Plllufl-M. X. J. Ailwaukw <u.lErtm Ln|>-r • .n draught

Sla.tuLaii, Mi-6- Mil,HI.-. Ti.i»ln. Mi ." Sftiy

, Wr'.jln. i y.••r. X h > Mil. i . lr ;••

• "»'. L. FuRCE.


Furniture and Freight -Erprii Is) |i). M-r. 7'.. K.-iljifli'lLl. X. J. All iM-if » i B | : ' ! » - 1IU>- nil*- will r*-.-.-l\j.' |4-.-Jli{>t utu-utl|riti^ lny.'tf

^__^ ii If.

rl.Wij H i n U W t | ; I Cigar Manufacturer, p1

P A I H T ! AND PAPER HANGER. •"• " r • - ' " ° ' ' r a t

I, IBa*M*|tl}-.»tf

Our VEBy B£ST CABIXET PHOTO'S, S 3 . 9 0 [rajtlOjrl



O A K K I A I .

J . C . POP


X.I. IT ratk arrau'. Halufl-1'1. N J. j i >aiUits, 4 t) C<:H'. O. D. Clgarlj 'Mli|l«-»t JX .



V, HITF: ! . F . « . I.I>t i i i . n l AT

\ t u r r f tlie O l l r a tflvj nt rltrar lu UprtfiulsM-. rr-'Ui Ibe fli;a n)|K..-lulty.

r* Stat''. ati'l nft»<Itf Oti t.h,--gl Uliimin. >'l|4r P» l"»"




•n|l<-HABI> PAY. ;

Livery Stables. ii


rth Are. opij. U. |lli» All kiiul- ..inlly ti<llng a !«|--.-



t. t?arrt/i^t'^'ti*.n|.'<y all '-..1Tuni-ut i .lajfi.i* bluiii.

nlty. T..|.-|,l,..|*|.l»lTl'Jl. T\I>X A^ir D1> TH< HiS

iviiitr to dropifore I got ther to the j ,

her.- I left her.nt riiiiov. d ^heI put th'-tn b;Crkence was givenclotted, blood Jbywas contended

ruck her I de-hat' I di l notvioieme what-ber in the man-

I t,> let "hr-r dri)p>ome force, a* I


r i n - l n i l :, I i .1 I n l ( - r . N - 1 a

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u i l h i , , u , - l r .

N... .-.IX'-'TUI

;Ora iges and Crape Frpit,



FOK ! Ti

au.t I>.>ni.-«flc Frull". ; <_r . i h l r - K . I 1 . • ! * - - . n i l . I i

• i t t.. /»u/> r ,

No. 2 Park^ve., 2d FloOttji ii-.-M «'..rij.-r (i. O"t.;fr am!

•nt r..r tl Brl.-» ~ t .>n.ln i l - . S ink- ai.'l

ny" Ht_,-I Plat ^•ri">'l(. Uti.-k- H

i Pi'| s i v t ' a


Furniture Eipress.

H^use Painter.

4f. Wt.»i r r - n t > u vTrt.-k". »»n«fM.-ii'..ii,*r4l t-> any >.r

KUHriiiit,-,-.!. 1

•i «VH. All w..rk illna:.-« furnl-h,-

Soda Wajer,

Furnttnr. h..ii(tl


l. X. J.. A lar.-.- -.1

tr> rest ni.Vftdlf.i-ti 1 he causej it• •k tij" nf\ lor Ia'oout t1.i>r,-s 0:1

-il'JO'Jt tilt.HU. ' 1t l . •• i

W.Y. X... 1. Fr

*-•' • i Kor mi.. iiniKi.r si

ti-r.-roiiii.l prizei !"•;„•!:' iji this

,r the pot (IT.r^'liwarl*!. a Ui-•-.ingsiown. born.•he.l 13 P poundshe \m

•tj (<ilAItKEV: »^

F.fUI'.IIIi. J.'IIX.-oS

-f-* !>.-!iv.-r.-<l Yr ••c i t y ..r N..|-lli L'l:l

s, s h n r k . y .

CAF#ENTER and BUILDEB.ty II .1.-1. ••ii s•-.- [I I -tr _ \ ' ' ;"'"'•


i \ -.I-K: i AI.TV.


i-,-M, ('.+. "T'


iC«.*urr*H,'on. t h o jir*?misw*Svvhtt,' a.Jv^rt;soii for

j 1 1 ^ * / T ' I • i t < 4 m * ^ * a • • • • # - • . • v * - . j ^ . v - . - - » — T * ~

but S+hw'ai'tz « a » J I T ! | . 1 M S to defeiid himself, d i d W-.VJ. Siiialtji-iMrYi-M >>ff t lw sei^n'

lib iu-c aiul

trjin-re foucrlit,


Moth I'.ves wereill>i<- spots stood

W f ! l i r

• ~ •• ' i T w . V A N s i - : ; : •••.

FresR Meag, Hsjy and Feed, Buttdr. Eggs, *n. I D . V . I . . - -Poultry, Came.

. . f i | . i N T U Y P i : . i l > ; I*K. <5<-nr*- n n . l •'" " ' t-'V y> " i ; j I * r - , T I I i - t r. t U F H ^ i i t . -^ l . - , •}: a l l <-t<'. l i a n i . t Mi

("I \ ( . « ( M l P A K T I I ' J I M . l S ' l , l l ' l i AT l M . ' l . l l l t V I ' l . VJ II H A T F 1 E 1 . H . j j « ' i i i i ' j < - r . . - n l l . - l f " i - a i r l

i,.- r | , i i . i i st



Hobse an«B-I'AI'E!1


• f riinitf.- I.I


0'>TS A*



New Good

H. r v I - J

M r ! ' - > , * • !

"Vil.T. AN









MOftFORT, Photographers,

look Seller and Stationer. '


io of Rl'MMEB OAKES. tecludtn

.«. CBi^'ET. ETC. . Als", A9-BABT


. 6 E. FB"VT STa"iET. ',

it BBO..

>er and Coal Merchants,


L A I X F I E L D ,

••r au'l o•«•) CXDEE COTES.-^t

•K. nivll lyl Hr>BEBT H. COOK.

r and Masons" Materials,


Sign Pointing, Graining, Etc.AX.tixii AMI K A L » » n x i 3 r o - « »




,ph's, 12 W. From; street.

Latest Styles, Best "Vfaterials,at Reduced Prices.

•«iMF>Tlr SEWrXti -MAfHIXE.nijrlOtt

Sunday Papers.t 11 X :•!!: av . i j Ih-llvi-rwl V. all

M -Hill k itlLMEE..

lees' New Scda Fountain-.

ir i n . | . . r a : l . . i i I^^ v . F r . - n t M r < - . t .



With TIM Rtnlu or Hhi Malt So rw^taln <a« Oaldant^Hu; .

Fri«-a<1s JnhHant. - "BOSTMM- May 17.—Owing to a misundor-

'lUoding Mr. O'Hrien delayed leaving here ior Toronto till 11 ;.V). He Was accompa- had to the Grand Trunk railway depot by tbs gentlemen who have had charge of him from the bnrinniajg. Mr. O'Brien expressed himself perfectly sat isfied with the success of bis work so far, and said he believed the tbreajened Toronto opposition would ■adt prose,more formidable than the much- UOceti of action of the government and toe 'menaces otf Hot in Montreal,

Toaosro. May 17 —All of ' tbn talk throughout the day has been of the proba-

Jbitity of riot at Mr. O'Brien's lecture to- night. TV refusal of any of the public balk to him forces him to lecture in the tpes air, and such a gathcriag always in- vites disorder.1 The Orangemen claim to be eeiy strongly organized here and declare

, tbeir intention~of doing ihcfr utmost to prevent a meeting; being held.

This truculency has undoubtedly pro- ducedaa intimidating effect upon the Irisn rationalist*. who arc in a ve y small mi- aority ia the town. Mr. George Harring- tsa. one of thcexecutive committee, gave | utterance to his fears in this language

“We do hot desire hny breach of the 1

- peace,’’ he said. “If if comes it will not be Xrsrn ns, hat.that it will come is almost a foregone conclusion Whether Mr. O'Brien ' will be heard or hot the attempt will be made. W a are quite ready to'believe that It la lo*dl Lansdowne's wish that he should be beard, but the situation is be- yond bis personal inttneace to st'op a severe not when it once begins."

Lord Larmlowners still here and is fol- lowed every u-ne re by priraJe Vtcctives, heady to prevent any attack upon his life. Lard Lansdowe is sakl to be verv anxious for his safety. The governor is accused ofj having interfered to bring about the con- ceUatiop of the'contract leasing St. An- i dxciv's hall to the league, ' The contract wa» completed Wednesday With the approval o! .Alderman Irwin, chairman of the corporation pi-V-erTy com- mittee. Thursday this gentleman bad a ccifcrcncc with Lord Lansdowne. and a lew hours later he moved in the council that the contract should be broken.

Tt has been definitely decided that Jlr. O'Brien wiH lecture this afternoon at 4 •khock in the Queen's park, where the i COSxter-demenstratimi was held Saturday. A contingewt of JCationabsts will come froija j Hamilton to tent that city's greeting to Mr. «) Brien. \ , . |

Lord Lansdowne has ’sent a letter | to Mas’or Howland; thnpking the i>eoi>le of the City for their lbyal! resolutions of Sntiir- Hay. It isl said. that the mayor will sbe knighted as a reward tor his treatment of the: govemor-gtiueraj and that Gold win -Smith. Lieutenant-Governor Robinson, and Mr. DseieiflY ilson. principal of Toronto university] will-receive .similar honors. 1 I

" ,’-e

ABUSED THE WRONG MAN. evangelist Mason Tries M Emulate Sara

Jones, bat Falls Miserably. Park Ripog, Jf. J„ May 17 - A little of

the excitement of wild western life was experienc d In this town. For someweeki past Evangelist Mason has been bolding Revival services In a large tent. Most of bis sermons have been tilled with rankest gbuse of rival religionists. Last night he

bed, in the following terms, James h, superintendent of the Congrega*

ional Sunday school: “In the mansion on yonder hill lives the

prince of devils (pointing towards Leach's pouse). He is here to-night, glory to God ! Across the way he rears a herd of young devils, and each Hunday teaches them still treater deviltry. His minions and imp* 4re around us to-night, but t^tey can't hurtj hs. for I am God.” I i ’ 1 . He then added, referring to the Reformed fauhreh, of which Rev. EL Lode wick is pas-

] **r>own jij Ihe main street a red-faced, faear-eyed driest and his gang *ire wor- shipping idols to-night in their charnel •duse*” ;. I Leach, who had been forcing h is way through the c^owd. at this point reached ^lason. and after calling him a Liar and a hypocrite knocked hini down. A crowd of pen rushed forward and tried to drag hlasbn from the tent, bpt he pleaded so tfiteohsly for mercy that he was released qn-promising to leave town next day.

; Later on. however! he declared that he ^rould Stay on. More trouble is expected 4t Thu relay's meeting.

While the scuttle was going on paride- ionium reigned in. the tent. Roys danced

in the- aisles and on the seats; some 'onuju shrieked, others sang;*a young roman with a rime and dime museum ajr toodiat the door land invited the public to ?e the last and greatest show of the

Baptist circus.



n. j.;

LEAVES Plain ri.ljB

central r. r. time table, JANUARY i*t. 18*7.

.ViBBIVE M-wYnrk.

4.'**' a.m. 11.4“ - All ••

LEAVE XrvYork.

4.*i*> a.m. G.nn ••

ARRIVE Plainfield. a.m. 3.14 “

Choked to Dmtii | liovljr Carried to

the hark tmJ Her Field—Titus sajra

Murder R m* Not Intended. ' vra Trenton, May 17 .^-The last of (he mys-

, tery of the TiLlie Srfiith murder at ffack- ettstown is wiped away by the publication of the confeision of janitor Jumes J. Titus, her miirderer, whose »ont)encip of death was com fa ui ted to imprisonment^ for life.'a sentence! which he is now j serving

j out in the state prison. The confession m»c e by Titus after con- .

L Fiction and sentence has been kept secret, but has just now beejn obtained And the principal parts are here given. Titus

, says: “My acquaintance iwith thedecfanoj be-

gan about the first of the month df Janu- j ary. A- D. lHsfi. when khe came to the semi- nary, where I was employed. She was einnloyed to peel potatoes; she also waited on the table. Our acquaintance wiis quite limited until about two weeks after she j had been at the seminary, she asktjd fae if

"" 1 would not go to the house of one William McCracken, some distance out of the vil- lage of Hackettstowii arid pet her! trunk, * saying she would makb it all right withine. , 1 told her I wotiild do »©, but ns 1 dul not go


Attorney-at-Law. ' ;"j ! Master In Chantry. X'-tary PttfcliS C m- pl*«lon**r of J - * 1

j onw»- s,’rtli Arniur, Oi-|k.»U«|d^

J ACK.tSO V .-a. fUD I X(>TU N.

L Counsellors-at-Law, ']! f MaatHra in riianoary, .V.,tarlea Puj,).,. j ll -H.TI. ..f ft,.-, c- rn.-r Park av<4 i'-'''1 li'l alr^i-t.

a. maiesh. ill.vt l.G I- tn. Counselor at Law. j -’fl- uprt-ma C..urtji<.mml»a,.„,„r. K>||<-jfr and



tjjmmils- Lir and myintr


days f«»r

•vilt Maat. ir In Cban.-rU Xi.varv Pul,lS- 4 I j ««.-.• c-.rn.-r Fr-.nt an.I s..m.j%)tjp,


1 Park Avenue,'Cor. fith Stijl ir- until l-i a. m 5 tilt 7j(« m.

\i‘ Pi.ilnn. l.l :\.T», , l.-Jr. •«.:»*». S.01. s.57. li»,:W. ' 7 is. *.*,i3 m;

k—km*. s.4">. ft. rn.. i.:jo. :«>. l_. j*. in. PlniulWd n'Dii«d f »r NVwark - u.jtu.

rk fl*r Rlhlnfl-M—r#.£o.». [11.4;i. m I.n.i, i..iu. -Jit,!, v.4i>. 4 ih».

•«>. p.-H). »;. «•. 7,o>. 7..15. h -jh. 1. f.-r Nr-wark—.t*.»7. ll. ri

> :i..» . 7. jo. 7 js. | -. m. pP l#i fa He* 10—s.V'a,. |,| ij.-jo. 1.VI, 4.1o, at sh*


LORD LANDSDOWNE S REGRETS Be is Fleaseff With Saturday's Meeting.

Wants Kind Relatione Restored. T ‘ Toronto. May 17.—In acknotvledtrinir the of the letter from Mayor Howland ConLuininu-.copies of the: re-olutlons passed at Saturday's loyalist nieotmk. Lord Lans- (lowne, alter expressing the great'pleasure Which the passac-e pt the resolutions gave lllm; Say s: ' L

ll Has been-* source of deepest regret to me test those who have sought, for political

urpostfs. V) iur up strife between me and i tenants On the part of my Irish estates

n Id have been for a time successful, l lire sinoert'iy that the differences which are thus arisen may not prove permanent d tbat the kind relations which until re- ntly existed between these tenants and ■yself may erelong be Completely restored.

ACCUSED OF MURDER. nsplrlons Cirmnisranc*. Coilcrrnin.

I>f»ih of h I.lttlr Colored La<l. ||Rei> Bank. May 17..—c*oroiier Smith of

is place was notified that sometfimg was is* in the death df a ljiLyear-old . colored

•y df Macedonia, ndmedi Robert Cromwell.. ,e boy’s fatiier w;q arrested by Consta-

LeibcnUial and committed to the county il to aavaitj trial. Me is accused of b»aating s son to death vritti a club. Abbut two eeks ago 1 young Cromwefl run ay from homo ami wont to ; hit

^nflmdtheris. a ,fow miles from bis f^ther’Hbafao. The father wei^t to bring ^\i:n

iCk. and was uo<»ut to whip the boy for rbtinmg away wnen the grandmother |and —oth^r wgtiiun tejok the boy's par^. Crom-

well drew a revolver a3»d frightoced rthe;, \; ' •

j He took the boy home. ■' After they,i got me, it is said, the beating took pljace. is Was Sunday. May and the lmi jwas

ttng the next morning, and L)r. Crater of atontbwn Was sent, tor. The boy died. Dr. rater's cerfiiticafa states that death {was used by ponetission iq! the brain and nob tpeningitfa. The people of Kajton-

\yn are aroused] in the matter, and ^Ton-j ■ . Stable Liebenthtil did not dare h,»

Y'\ risoner up in the old ,Eatontown jjail for. f}?ar of another Mingo Jack affair. Ah-in- < uest will ^>e held.

time to go. repeoltibg would make it all right and brought iivt Inuok her in her mom She peatea that she would with me. * . night of her death I cat duty as usual. 1 >wof Whitney stated in his minutes after ten. as he the front door, ftiuFwert part of rhe house, | and minutes after teiin('c!

se»x>nd as l>eforo, tljiat she

l vfent

was the base me qt ah/1 doors to make niy no light in the jbap* small gaslight m stayed, but whidh other part of the b: 'Just as 1 was $L

ticard TiUie Smith saying in an und^r^on come in here, 1 Wu

1 turned and wpu ••Why don't \ ^>u

too m f” She said: l,I i nfa

with me and delivered itl'for hanked me, and re- make it all right * * On .the

ie up and went oo engaged, as Dr]

evidence, and ,;teq also stated. 1 locke<j(

up jn the up]H*i| came down at i. I came down hitoj about going ou| ot

usuail round. There Was! cmegat at ail. except al

p whef«> l]

L**nv»* Piaif * ±i. •.* 5 j v.l*. U.l'f Le«v»‘ X» tB •J *LJ, ;».».»r p.u », '•.&>I

<’'lf!LE IlEIu KMA.VS.

Teacher of Piano. |; | ' A-1'lrewt P.'Oj.B-ft^lCilpialu-

Park and North Avenues, near K. B. Stition. iEstablished 18t!H.)

Only the highest grades of Drugs and Chemica l* obtainable are used in this Phartnai y. I neither buy nor sell “Cheap Dbuos.”

SUNDAY HOURS. Reynolds' Pharrmacy is open on Sun-

'ttie dispensing of Medk-in»?s and - Fnfscrip' ions.

Axn for NO Other Traffic. t Hour—:i t|o 1 : 3 to C : 7 to 9.

A Registered Dis^ienset' always in ] attendan-e. my9tf

F- -r term rtefci, s. j iiyioyi

it urWon s sos.


Dealer in Flour, Feed, Baled Hay, Etc.

rose. Winter king. YILLSBURY A- BONNY FLOUR. »' O Ofill .V IT A R K

Etc., ut#lesstha,n New York Prices.

tMjELO ANU NSTilEBWo -I..-:. T.iri, Title, til. J.'-l. JjfclJ I-..3-).

A. ■!«, • Undertakers arid Embalrpiirs, | .

4 A.Vnue. Tflepheue Call S-ik «t; I ’ -If e- Mii.llH..n Kv-. T. lct,h..a.-|Slf vl « jomc..5 miisia.Ccie c-rv. fl jw i •' it Kuuy-.U. Einicr F, liikiyi>4.

■ i I 1 ' ' !?;•! : , —at

—i 1h. 4 « 11.11 I

11 it\ t I t STILES. 111.

work^h« no Light

FaNW.hD AND WX-TFIELD. i f- r FaiiW'--l and — An. h.«rj. vj, fA.4n. v.’t’l.

. J -’». - >1. •>- Li, 7.«rj,» H.'li]. f-T PiniuhcM—Lib. 4.Ah. T.ipj.

1« fa m.. I. '»-■*. :*. >!. 4^o. 4.-/1, VJ1.

r -r PlHmH.M-l.tC '*.'*4. III.. U. p.. I.*'.. 4 i. 7. W, H.jrj, i* i), L»*,.<4.

! - ■ ll1 ! Funeral Directors. !*{., * ;

iji-l Practical EmimliuPr-



I»ur»* at rvi ikUl&r prk*e».— Call. ns. myDtf

’i|“J Practical EmHBbuNi. om.-c, 'wATip.,„1. ; , 8lJoti.d Vs-tr

’•in s V ‘- n"- X"' “ E Fr--at»trG-t.yTlg[.h..J,e «• a,1'l al:“> try •> ofa c. roan. noTHT i.bJ n.»;t.Es NEW EN

VOEKL’S QUEEN BREAD I Vh* tried. Ark your gn>eer for

ur unequalled

p HoACiU.\L>H |

Cfty Express.

in any]

ppiriir tip the first I laundry rc«>m

Jimmy. Jimifiy, i ptiak'tip j

t to her and

\NL> IM S>-LXT.N **U»*Si l -i '

■u.’.tH. f-.y.*. -MX. .t-i. i. u-.

r ra I i t il lit* |>! I--U, the D.-p.t.jX.Ttb Are.. PI«is|fleld| X. J.

Ilfleruunr- an.I Fn-ltlit .-tXavriS t--.-r , o*- D-p-t t” all parts ..f tUR-|tjfat'all

H'"1"' P’-ne-- reni.veL t.-xed at rtM- ,n:" ] ill vi

G." r',,;r£ ~

Than utinucf

o you.” | s*;i>d to hifr:

ydur ip H

afraid Mr*, (iro^an -M-*. >4il..

*'"A *■* - * * *- oui». a ; <i|.i uii mix* Jl l ' * will hear me. an(l ] will x* exposed."

••Why.” 1 sail! to Rhx»s an«l go up In she witl upt hourly I don't want to go Up stu down here by yefa.

**Weli.” said I. “y somebody may cfiiii you must go iu tbe . So we went

take 'fff itock-ifii: ft e*

apd .sht'’ s..i'it r», I Want to

-1- I• Hi EvftUI. i Plain flH.1—-LlS. .7 .

l-'>. s.y;. 44. ln.:ii a n • -S2. •• Vi. **.40. I'.X■•. IC1" {■

i l l—*-> 2.1, «’» iT. G.->f. 7 . 1 Iti, 5.4i--. li. .7

iiJ. v i: > I*.VT I< »>• AND N eu \ I sr stall dif-*' •»

,»■; I Boot apA Shoe Dea!ei!J:

*1" n Fr -tb-et.- 0|».utll*4flh*i| 'iimm-ttst---K. B.jts awl slew -M“I»- ifta'Ie --f ir-d- t-'M-i.—t fr.-rills: j ! ,

jfoHX JoHXSTOX.j Coal Dealer.


I ’ l|-ri^r ami

m ii’

1 !r1« pij-yil

*t not stny n atnl see yfcu;

VSnl anti • rt1- ji|, «v... p.’o. .jliH'liy ..f - T.-4-IP J •-•..-ll XU l Ii- a Ptn-ff. f- r ( a-L 1) -•k-i'* F.-ftHtav i

j Si

■ t

t, .4 Quarrel anil a Murder.

A tea. Mass., May 17.—In Groton Henry

A STAY IN THE GREAT OIL CASE. Proper-^Inijeirtant

One.tlon, Conrernine Erldence. BrrrxLo. N. Y.. Miay 17.—In the ell ,con-

apiracy caae. Attorney Cogeswell, for the defense, said he wished to make a motion for a new trial.

Jode* H#*nt said he thought its proper, ease for a May. as there were impnrtknt questions as to the adminsiiiility of evi- dence and what was mexnt by trade and eotrimerre.-and whether Or not an injury to thetrtnle trf is ndlvidual mirht tir an In- jury to the]tra-te and com men e of the fmb- lic. Afterl considerable arirument Judce Haight decided to give the detendants

■twenty dh.iis to/i>repare 'heir exceptions, 'and the district-attorney fifteen days for 'amendment,. He suspended sentenc i until the hi-annur snd decision of the mnVion. jThe bail Pf the Everetts was allowed to stand at rtlJG'.

yi: Winch of this town was shot and killed m a quarrel over some cider by Nathan Not- t ng of Groton. The crime was pommitted -i

ithin a mile of the plai-e where SICs. | Maria Crue was mysteriously murdered An 1 -SO. and old Mrs. Prescott last year. V 'inch was an' oftiplove oT a cabinet shop, abd was a quiet, peaceable man. except w bra on periodical sprees.^ Yesterday he v sitea Nutting's hqlise. and both becami it toxicateil and quarreied. Nutting threat- e ung then to shoot Winch. To day Winch a -ain- went’ to Nutting's residence and a lotber quarrel arose over Nutting’s re- | fdsal t<S grant a demand of Winch for more, cider. The tnen came to blows. ITinch followed Nutting up stairs, where- U >oh the latter seizedf a loaded gu i and fired a tremendous charge at his visitor, fi owing the top of his head off and caus- ing instant death. [ ,

the same til his bookke lisle. Pal. i charging I Children.

Mnpm Broscnt Mark. YoxkeH-1 May 17.—Joshua J Beck, who

On April7 disappeared from Yonkers at |e that Mis* Carrie Peakitis,

per did. was ‘arrested in Csf- a warnlat and requisition with abandoning one of his

Tl:e childrens' society ha-i sent out a circular giying a photograph and de- scription of him and the child he took wi th him. and this cagght him. He had started a drug slop- at Carlisle and Miss peak|ns was living with him. He »*d he was glad to be arresind.and taken hack. Tor h-- had got been happy. He has reache 1 here, and the child (was iloiirehd to its mother. Beck will slimnii’ b^bound over to support his wife, ilia* | |iukim' was left in Carlisle. | j f'' i

A Poston.

km wtr aru arrested j bflieers sot i Of his revo his escais;

i! the rou rt - pcctcfl Ilia get one loo ■ the erowd that surrounded the ylack maria


have t'T * play and Ellis tr.aki lie calls ti:

ant of Eliza. y i-)hn“. Wedder, a weH*

jesqierate western burylar. was ere. \Hej was located, by tfie i* (iimei ago. .but witji a flourish Vi r heWeM them off and tnaje

bv-r t\te roofs of neietiboring. btrildlnes .Eliza i'ufnn. t the svife of . tt|e burglar, at d a member ojf the gang recent ay

j working! hi ye. -was- taken from the Jail tjo ft r giontence. The pitliee suk- M'edder would be inrerested to at his wife-before she was sent

away. ,and fibre enough they founJ lum in

gits Crimes Are MaiirJ y 17— IVilliar S x. Pa., Ma illiam N.

El'. is.lthe mfssinar asses*x»r s-.iid to ii'l l.a-s not b«'c*D heard uvf

the dryinv roofa. wheije come at all. and fahf-rt* dark, aud i look a st* ol ti upon, and »he *at<d)>\vu

iar. ri?ht bey find nobinjy wnjjild xva^ absolutipl.v

ertr for her tofsil alnd 1 told her to


wait until I went oti my r^>uu«ls ar>»und.|!u buildiug. an«l 1 went aud ran gone about tveuty returned she wax * ttingon t hf» Htool whire

left her tie’re |fr.d fainuHes. tVhtin 1

C h.u.i;* fi:! sthi i SVMl \Yski-i-1|

*.aa i* hi. i»: »«•

AM) PiIII.AUl LPHI\. rid--l.ri. “".Ii'. " .• jy, li.44 a.In. .

• ►-. "17 j in. " .' .I", n.uu h. m . 1.15.

p. III. • i-» k ^ au<i IR-r>ir»*ct- i-Sinttii


• i’l'i.nflcid l.s>. 5.HI. *.• ■ Phi la.—*-10 a. nii;, •


Picture Frames. all kii <1- nt N»*w Y-^rk prl**r*» ftf ■lit -stre*

by j her an«l fa e Sh«3 tol l Iu^ ihe

] lelt her. and I sat down emraged in convepa ition thought »he was in a deiiejate condition And that if ao, she should tell Mrst Ruckle on ®10- , l 1

1 said. “ What kihd of fool ish talk is that?’’ and she kept repfailtirivr it

quit tli, you do


sa»d. “ if you don’t I II chotce 3-ou until

until, 1 at la*t Ikinj? that tf.ny quit.*’ and l kind

of raised .up and put my haind on herthroat, an»l I said. “ Now wfill yot quit it-?” ;.Sbe related it. and I pfesned Harder until she c**a»ed to »)>eak;f in. fact, ahe made no stk'ujfsrle. no rt sistepce, an i almost imme- diately after she ceased to speak, as I thought. 1 took m>' hand from her throat, and I said we might as well pet up. and I rose up . but stie did not r pulse and found it beatin?

1 hurried away As fast as the darkness to get water face to revive her. j It took

sc. and I feLt her very feebly.

I could go In to put in her me a little tifae

to find it. and when 1 returned with the

Extending the Brewer* Sfrlkv Boston. May 17.—Therie is every a ipear- oe now tluit the great strike of the Drew-

eijs will extend traril all the lanre ale and breweries in B*ist »n and tne suburbs

ai e «*lose*L To aid the strikers a lar>re nimbler of sA’oon keepers have-—pledged tl *ih«e!vefi not tos«»l! the b*'er.of the brev- et ies where strikes are I in progress, and la Donnff men have put -in a boycott To pi ntect the.saloon keepers and mp-ly the trfade btfaT trii: Ire fhippe<| from New; Vork. A ready over l.«K» barrtdif of malt liquors hi ve been ordered from N-*w York, aad \vi*re shipiK-d to-dih>', I

water I put my hafai on found ner apparerttiy dead. Stricki n. ami tried to brinjj It was of no use: she wa- g

ler fa*n; and 1 I wa* horror

her to life, but »ne. I was of

• LimF* aulin r:—

Hf.» « L*»HE—7 A UBIY E—

Arrive si j to it 4ij

'fa.ui I. and sattiriifl

p-Vt om. |>. til S/llUj **v«*iiiiuc uni

M *i»»*y H/iiurdays t|


•l*k MAIL.-. i it. m.: 2.fW aiMl

siralioTS f- r «Iras£if ' iffn!

-m I * [Sj!] 3; Wholesale and Retail Birtchfir. hi» I d» aU*r in Flsli. \W»*table*, kr '■ ^fv. Id Att'tiiio * '*■

11.45 a. m. I\ I Li.F, F_\.-T> >N. FT* .


'2- tu.i 5..;«» 8WAL5f.

’ n. I p.

m. hini i H SDAV M.ULf.



■O A. Ml. ofllo* o|»en fr-*in 0,ini a |! Mail <■!••**•* nt 7 j. in. v ^rr«-I Allle i-loftesTuetwliijr. Thur*

iJ in. Iri nt 7 a. m. aud «-l./•«*-. nt 7.:m j

•l.zrae* at H.MU |#.fin. p|*»n e%'»•*•%• l». ni.. to owners of:P*'k

* ojieu from s a. rn. to 5 j.. m.

-fa1""""" . • IL j Painters' Supplies. Wall PapfiS. Sec „

Paper Haneing A SpeCiJjt^;, No. c North Avenue. | 3


Bookseller and Statiorrei ►

j. in.

No. 7 park Avenue. K:! & f L 1 U: ' | f. [ A full Hoe of Cr<*quet. Baby CsremgeS.

Bkli-. Iia.1-. A'-. | W L. FolH’E, P-*inui«t<‘r.

4 -

Vine Inin** IlflU fonf«irrnr» F.imImI. dpiiM«i(Ni». Vx. May 17—Sir Edward

TI ornLin and Mr. Braitihwaite r*eeivsi frt'in London '• cablegram instructing them to reject the last proposition made by tHe leirislatire crunnnttiee. They ct*fa- municuttM thfir instructions to the logis- la ivc commi!3o*» and ask«Nl them to recon- si ler their prj»pos|tioni This the Virginia representatives ret used tb,do and negon*- tii >ns kvt*re Gised. Tl»l committee will nuke a'final flnort to the legislature and announce that the eon Terence is afar. end.

course struck down, with g-ief and horror at wtfa* had oc^urr-l t 1 n to takji* tha life of T-.ELe than ' i| did fayf own ttfe ojf my owor wlI. . I ch tnve f.\ d. tomitkeiher s:oj wa** ihins. and <vf ciAur-vq- hiinlei than I sup|» >se?l could rot her ffa-e at a effect she d^l not ri-e U|k I sat ut^n my conditioin My was : to go and, ,t_»ll Dr. what j- had haf);*‘iic*d his protection, but

hitrtr -fad tn tna* ViiLfiit

life or the >«C*Al her, as; I 1 talking us she

l i-Utktd tier t was tlark. I L nor fee w Hbi

NOW UrMMQ$i.No j

JUrrvft. Mi-$ Lruxu. 5Ir*ja i nun-. M rjf {

ih* •* tiff! i; • .H»*\ iur, ! Haw.-*. Mm H'Kff.Iifi' Mar i!ti.' Knl| 'I •:


ENCLAND BREAD. K«»n.‘ of th»* latter fa ^feimLne exeeplt >>oar- in^ «»ur 1.i1h*1.

Afao a variety of Cake made out of the IM**»t ipaterial.-.

cful for pa>l favor- w*» solicit the patronage of our friimds. »EHL. | H. A. VDEHL.




Upholstery and Repair Shop.


' . i |

WrAl fifal -.ll


U E>TFIELB. N. J. FRED’K COOMBS, Proprietor.

BOAHDtEitt Park

ri' \ ktirnf til 1








Mllb r. Km- • pH.-kar*!. Min* Ella A Pi uulnict'‘ii. Jo-* U'-xhii; Ku


tlie choking Lid on ter until I fofaid

tW* ri my T^Im? behavior child shield telhni

lay it place

in the bent inane- where it was found.

I vajinot tell wnat indu.-^ii mo to take it theire. irr.-aT or rii«

.o 1 pii-k'Xl up the l«»ly ami with i-ffivrt got it lip the «ti-ps that Itxi fiui

AltfDiptnl Martler—%er<*n»pli*lie«l *iuirlrl« Watehiu ke. Conn . M *y 17. —\Turren. S.

F ost. foreman of the East m.ll while diivioe to his work was shot and slightly w'•unded by .Alexander Broomfield, a dis- cJ urged workman. . On ;i |h>sso from the

II going h: search of Broomfield he was fo in i Iyinp dead on the roadside a bi Ilct hole in his head and a revolver in hi i right hand. Pa^H»rs left aft his.residence slow that Broomfield had me»iitated sui* ;i te. and that he meant that Frost should alpotUe. ' [ ■

Sullivan Locked Out in Rochester. tto< nirATEk. May The police closed

tho Casino, the theatre where John L. Hul l',i an \yas to give an exhibition, ami th< theatrical license has ije^n revoked Tin at tion is tak* n on the order of the mayor A temps ari* bemg made to give the exhi bi ion in some other hallJ but two squad! of police are umleV r,r«h?rs to prevent th«; C3 hibition within the city lines.

she entered, and vylijich is dry dfa*r. After I pi>t tip t ie steps and (fat of ttiO there. on the du-^* some plane by a field down th: OU

' when

since h- lei n Amruig bis papers were fotund ;i poem on love. Iii the play 4 tho .viJl-n marry the herofae.

play “Where There’s a \Vill TUcre's*:i lray.p. In his p<n*m Eilis com- pares th?*'-v*-ooifig jf a lover to the “lapping Vaveiets t mt cresin murmuring up hit* shingles.” :—! ..

\\ «•<titling .Bells In Bethlehem; pRTtiuiji^xfa Pa.. May l7.—Mfas Sallie,

r rif J. H. Shafer. Is to bf; raur- wSkh ..i-'1. to George J.‘ Ryder. T- from FUihid elplua and New

the da' atit T e t 7Li wan v ?n- Y(ts will 17'end the co^omonies.

H O! Bi k T ol

- fa th i on niy ; tlir

by tlfa dare strike

me if I did

down to re fleet first fe-lfair Whitney Jijst and implbre

saw t!ie ruin that wfas hat. to my

Air* iini-d oe tojd, wile and fay

AYh tp *y could ifat. hut rum laydn

it. and finally l condi dod that I Would*tai;♦* her h«>dy xfad

I could in l|r3

1 saw that Ifr. me. and tnal not Inns < !»r Whitney fab-nt

laundry d<»of. not tti r one ailed

at wnfc-h the lafin-


paiutI is;

wALL PAlfa

-urn: i.fA ppi.iiJ


kU**tni*r Kate ••• K-Jati. Mv-Father: fa«-p^en Ml**#Alary S|»*» wlixn. Mi 4k Ml unit*

T.min. M»*- Easy Wrtirht. 3

d tj*r. Ml** Mtunb nay sdvertW -l.

■ W L. Force. P<-faniiu«ter.



has. smith * Sample and Luncp Roorhs.

• : y § -j i N-i. 2 and 4 W Fr-.uiHt., and N-. l H-sVlhift St.. P!fanfl»-M. N. J Mll» Etrrn I-nv^r on draught


Mllwnuk-#* -j


<i. 5 W. Fa- -NT STREET. mylOyl



& MO^FORT, Photographers, j 15 E. FRONT HTREET.

Our very Bfc»T CABINET PH0T0 &. S3.$0 pfir Dozen. mylOyl


Book Seiler and Stationer, Xi EA.ST FRONT »T.r

('J HAS, HEIBEL. . | jjj; J M

Furniture and Freight Exnr^esj P I). B;-x 75, P'.aUin.-lM. X. 1. All lit jm)- i-iiis* will r.-i\|r* |s..]u|>t ntu migli 'I f^'lf

l.irrffimi H,t* ^ full lliie of 8FMMER GAMES, hteludta — Bask d vl|.**. cr<*vvft. Etc. Als-», e#-BABY

Carriages. 10my



Cigar Manufacturer. ^ No. 17 Park avenu**. HalnC-'ld. N. J. V MAlUifa- luf»*r -f t|»e Cel.-bratqd C O I>. CigJirli l*e*t

it-, and nflfaltf Oft tli»*


C E. Front Strhet. , mylOyl

ctgar In ifi»- rente •111 the flu*-*! Uti Cl#*kf Hfa ioi







loor I let her fie dT»vt It was ffat! b)r dust

ire«^ there a hi i

ti on tbe groulul lore, and :t fait

vfas the red-hsh



[>r. Whitney Idescri khI. I brusrttd f it off arterjl; irot .where I laijlldown, 1 HTor'

?r b.*dy to tiie 1, carried tier

•tremendous effor" through tin; the plaipel having to drop lior

wo or tUreeltilmesib?f<»re I got tndre li nethal faitiijiiie. 1 g-». her to the phioe she was Iqufal. and

J| ILMh^Fa

Florid^Oranges and .Crape Frjuit, an«! nllklii«--f r<*r*-lgn an«t Fruit*. In![* r/#-l HtW lf.-n*-*!iff Table* an-l . l.--i->• . B<-.\ -f Xr»**li mi!* uilli Iiu.1 ••I7«k l il lid |d«'k. 2-H-t*.

K INN KY J51.< > ••xx t-- /*«7y /Va* ..mi**'.


Livery Stables. fa-rth Are. •mi;- D' || -c Carrlng*-* tlY np-ei al!

iralln*. Ali kimi.* '-r Tuni--ut* dajfpi? fa. Fatnily riding h *|*-i*jalty. T*‘h*ph--|itt’ <-£11

;il! THOUX-. |

No. 2 Park /Ave., 2d Flo< Tifa C<q»j*-r and Sh*.*|i lr>«li W..rk.-r|^j» Airt-nt f« -r th** •* Ant Ii* Jny " Plat j* }T l-dh Bri-'k **-t and pU'tai.b.

- Pulup*. sunk- and L*md pq*

I). C»>4>K A BRO.,

Lumber and Coal Merchants, Corner Park avenue an;d railroad,

PLAINFIELD. if£;”A11 Lurq!**r and C*-kJ UNDER Cover. ALFRED D. <}***• mylOyl IV>PERT H. CXX>K.

I left her. - - mov* d (he -11.

rqu^<l. and I canfa back lathe: jbaseti

LolTafa fikin and bfariket anfi place. Borne evi

trial rtiat thp(re w;m cloUed(hu> was conten*M*d

t heV n|nt

put them b:vrk nee was given


!f ^lAREYS j|' Furniture Express.

4f> W,**i rr-'iit str*4-t. Larg»- .tiofa Trn**k- Hatl*fHeti«.'ii guarant«**l. V'

tfrisl r>-r u|^lf


G.^YLuRD. ,


er and Masons" Materials,

Y A UD—S* «l~TH SIX’OND ST.- Ktaiyly

^Y^LWEIl BK05*.

HoCise and a DIAPER

Ie of the head] and it state that t had r

tx*fore my; Cod her. that I Used

w; House Painter, |S'‘*rti! ipv atlm.fa*-^ furni-ln d

.•r.Jll t-- any part ••! jih** U|ilt*-d siafa^i fsSiud liniid Kiu ntnir* »-* ugl(i; and *"!•!. |‘| \

All w.-rk guhrnnt***d. ^Aj.\KL PETERSON,

Tin*’ Coronet lloiiifward Hound. Boston, Mav 17. — The steamer Venetian

from Liverpool. «pok** tlfa ysijrht Coronet b und Tor Nov.' Vpuk. |Suri(tay evening The yacht v» fis then tnijee days out ajid •h' r cap-ain nfjfartled ail well Slu* was n »t m ikfag nnichjheadway. Later tue s’.earner P* ssed atcice b^rr % ir iori ugh.

ruck her. 1. de- hat’ I did hot

ri«|> violence what- ever tr* he; except fa ciiolw her in the man-

1 t > let her drop ame force, as I

to rest mys-dlf. n the cause! it

iek by m?*. for I

ner I down was c: but w enme s: rue)

A It i»*ing lllg Six. P HJi.APki.PniA. May 17 —IfheeV N<:. A

for drawn by Drex?l Ar Co., the Ffirfaors and National

nk of th\si e ty, is nf«sing If is not town whether -it wls lost or stolen

loss of theft ofa-uroHl. on. the premises DrexeX & Cfa, vvh«> * adv jptiscd for

ItifoririaUfin. ! 11

i:\ve d«*scri'ueiU I hfal m the grouifaiwith irr.ving her. ijn ordeV 1 1alover, nuiylha ve be* from no birfirs str none. They- lalk**

" 'C *"T

Soda Wajer, kit Sv -up*. imir«*nl2*‘ Mlil*?!-

p.-a->- si.. Dpi fl*d*l. N. L. A larg** *t L1 •» Pri■•*•+.

jFlorist. N-.rtlfl Avt*.. mar Ih

Sign Parting, Craining, Etc. tl A No I NO AND KAL.SOMININ<faCX




. i B.-ddinri ;p .a AN » SH'IF.*AT

s fiAUK KV A- 1IIJMM, *1 - Phar- inyinif Grocers.

F. .IOIKSON *d about trbres on

herdnfas. I knowjfiof hini.abouMhcin. 1 had iu•! Ii ng r<-*lo \fuh thf u. CAF

i'ri/.v l ight In cfavelnml. t CLEjry 17.—A

i*l< i-li't g!^v**s wi s *r..Jn : ’ .• I fi.-tanf*

I'hc l’ '.nehiii % 'Aierj' Sam brew, anti J.i -k BaDjs of V feathifr v/oitaThts. Hide* wfl

round prize ■ight in this

the po1 fat*. Sehwartz. a He-

oungstown. bfit n bed > pou fills


F.1*HF.IID. 4*»I1Nm*N A <>' • RENTER and BUILDER. |niig 'itv H fad. <'ll S*i* -fi l


PHTN i V spF.: I SLTY rf vIIi>LEsS.E c|»MMlSSloN HOUSE

I^i vi-)<,q-. Fl'dir. [!♦**• *d.. (train. . Bi Siriiw. V. g*‘tnldd*. A•'.. N -. ’70,.;T, i »*yl*-r* !»*div.-r-d Fr d-f cimigeto do th** city i-r \-*rih LMuiulh-ld. :| s. slinrfo-y. -r. H. Rllnim’s, 12 W. Front street. New Coods^ Latest Styles, JBest f/aterial*,

at Reduced Prices. AfcFVr* ■MESTIC SEWING MACHINE.


- nt-itr- J'ark s

and sj'liwlurtz otiily and Ik* lucked train- ing btijM i«|* The fan-1 but Schwartz was iheiple^a to defend bim-

i i l * \v**re fought. FresR Mea

^if. ;i|ik! Wx* finally rafn-fd *►fT’ tli 4i ;d baTtip-d. Doth t*y

lose-il u».*l • bifa-k and blu«* spe UfaJB hi- jn'T-ujid clicfa-

su bi rlost out

tbe si-fine es Avrro

pots stood

Hafy raid Feed, Butter. Pc ultry, Came,



J." v

nrv Ih;UK

Th': Grocer. St+t

f ■ H

cnnf’- hnd I'Mi t- 1 1 l ie u i y 11:4

:TEl:s FoR

Sunday Papers. N vih av.lH*li\>mi all


• r*J■ ■ ' in - I-

• > NTliY Pimi.; uk. mh and Pr-'iuj.! r* ! urn- m:fa" • l: nil * cm PAKTXIS s: .!«•!,II 11 AT

J. B HATFIELD. (Mjiiimidt. E. K U*' l"tf

• •!•*. Oaiint *i. Plainfh ld. N » . all***! f*.r an-l i able m»i\-


Vooriees’ New Seda Fountain*. Ail tyrup*. N «• in • j.» ra:l«.n I>rami fr**m gla*?-

|> 11 •!£ and;-llv.-r. .’1 w. Fr.-u* my lot!

Page 4:  · 2015-02-14 · ESTAiuSHEO 1887, j], a . 1 la AS DAILY PRESS'- ~^pn'yw.«L.oiv ,,..«• !„„•*•'that !PARTICULAR MENTION. • • ' . I arrivwl lust ijr.^.ii -... - —


<>p. thief" ringing in his win.time to confront thfe blue-

e morninc » * • rtpi. Xow be washg i-*o ii'-:ir his dost {nation. Taii"s growing

) father had been a soldier iTpjirular army: and when, a Jew m<before, the news had arrival tha ainfield Electric Light Go.• who. in wine in^xpfto

had reached the »pot at o,uick- 'killed in a skirmish with the! n-

Adventures of— IK TIT» —


: A Story rbr Yoan» ajnd Old.• Th -re Is!" chouted a

n, . meaning, if j ]M>ssiMe, < to>ugh to the other1 end. Where,.

U 't


TO SEA." "p Ait, OBArruxJ" ETC.

\Copirightft. HM, by D. Lothrvi 4 Co* <wrf( by Sprrial .irramgkm**,]

CHAPTER I. IT wai i near theclose off a bluster-ing Manfh day, and'the seats? about the.big cylinder storein—the xiai t in g-room of the BroadStreet sjation . inthe eity jof Phila-delphia jwere in

demand..One of themjwas occu-pied by Tad Thorne, who, 'though he hadno business there, was enjoying the•warmth as only a small, fourjeen-year-old Ixiy can do, after being ajl day inthe city streets crying parloif matchesat three cenu.per box—"twojfor five."

Tad's enjoyment wnis temperedby a little mental worrj, as ( amatter of course! rXobinIy is entirelypappy in this world, and as h<| warmedhimself Tad was obliged t< keep awatchful eyt> on the door of tin porter'sroom op|M,'site. It was -the duty ofthat) ; colored functionary ti» assisttramps and <vagrant Ijoya fr*>m thewaiting-room, with scant ceremony."Last night he said he'd bounce me ifJie caught me here""*agaln," mussed Tad,advancing first one patched shoe andthen ijhe other toward the sto re. "butI shouldn't think the corporation wouldgrudge what little lire it takes t u warmme." | : • • .

Foria time Tad remained, inj undis-turbed; comfort. So many |)ei>onswere constantly coming and goil>g thatno one took particular notice •' of thethinly-iircssed.pale-JaeiKl lad wht> occa-sionally stretched, his lingers caijessing-

. ly toward the glowing coals. - >I "It'gjthe first time I've been>jwarjiiclear, through since last Aujfust—Iwish't I could hold heat like a hfifr brickdoes," Tad eolilixjuized, as «Bth aninvoluntary shiver he thought of pavingto start out in the chilly, air agaia.

"Is ^here no other place wherja youCan go and warm yourself, be*jde» awaiting-room only intended for ithe-er—patron* of the railroad?" asked |a-Ull,

1 aristocratic-looking gentleman,! with.iron-gray, hair, and a very dignifiedi manner, who occupied the next sfat tothe one iri which Tad was sitting] ' Hejapoke severely and frowned at'Tid, asthough the boy's presence anijoyedhim. |: fi his address had been more' kipdly..Fad's reply woidd have been jnoreTwpectful As it was. Tad scowlittle.. . H/f *» v M >tr-*-J>~'*"""

J ^JJfiire's places enough, I sWily they don't happen UJ 'low

. Who hasn't any business there, rouiSpecially if they ain't dresst-d anyfbet-'ler'n I am." he answered,' sullanly, <«*•

ncing- involuntarily down at himself .' *OR A TIME TAD REMAINED ( txhe spoke.] Tlie tall jnan muttered j , , TUKBEO coitroirr.

ething about "confounded ijuis-but made no further reply,

he rose, giving a nervous glan<

yonngman, Wh|im Tad had noticed ; in tliewaiting-room a little briftjre, and, hesi-tatjngli>ra brief second, the huJitedlad] wh<» still citing to jthe e4use ofhis jtron hie; sprang upon I the platformof a pailor-car attached to the waitingtrain, j Flinging open -the doot, hedartedpas* thrslipping off, he jioped to be able tolose him self in the crowd.;

Vain ho|Hj!: As he hurried betweenthe rows of a* yet unocciipied chairs,the rattle of the conductor'* key washeard in |the rear door at \yhieh he washoping W escape, while thjd shuffle offeet, and sound of voitles, at the doorwhich he had entered, told :Tad that hewas fairly trapped. ' j i

Glancing despairingly nbont him.Tad's fjuick eye discovered at l aist atemporary hiding-place, 'propping on1

his knees, he crawled behind the near-est of the revolving chains Which, fort-unately for him, was th^. one jnextthe door of entrance. Concealed Hy itsarching back. Tad made himself assmall as possible in the angle ifotfmcdby the end of the coninartinejiit andside of the car, where he awaited theresult in fear and trembling.;

Be heard' the 'Round of ; masculinefeet and the rustle of silkbn skirts,blended with a subdued murmur ofvoices as the parlor-ear beigafl to fillup. A rather stout lady, richly dcesneil.paused besjde the chair behind; whichTad Was hidden. T. ! , ' |

"It is so I warm here, John, I snailnot need to keep on; my cirHrhir," shesaid, in a somewhat languid tone. Tadcould not distinctly see the pdrson thusaddressed, but by the way he threwhimself into the chair and imOutliatclvunfolded a newspa|*er, from behiiidwhich he vouchsafi-d a brief j grunt inreply. Tad imagined him to be tlie lady'shusband. ' ' *,

"Suspendingher heavy, fur-Iine<l cloakfrol.i a hiiok at the compartment end,the lady patted and pulled' its longfolds into place behind the chfcir-back,and for a moment Tod's heart almost.stopped beating, as her gloved fingers


ew th


dians on the frontier, his m<|th>>r. nrery strong, had seemed to receiveown death-blow." She grew palerthinner, jtill at length she had toup work} from lack of strength toher sewing-machine, which Ijelpeiearn thtfir daily bread. And tinawhjen th|o end came, the Mile ofseWjng-njaehine itsjfcif, togethertheir scanty stock of furniture, barSufficed to pay the ]>oor woman's buexpenses^ It h a coinmon story enouHun<lnil* of br<,<ke:»- hearted, ovH"-worked, half-starved women all over tj|eland have lived afiddied after the safashion, and will till the milleimiicomes. Yet this fact does not eomf< itthe orphans they, leave behind th'egjL{Certainly, it was no comfort to T;iwho Was nearly wild with grief ar tloss; of the one being whom he haillove in the wide world. Only for thinthat bis mother said to him before t-fell asleep, I fear Tad would have dried into the ways of too many of ocity boys who. like him. are left horn'less and friendless amid temptation ansin. JBti't jthe Ixiy had good i-tilff i: .him.'.aind. best of all, he held his mother's nheni<j>ry and-. parting ' words • a !something [too sacred to be forgotten jI do not clsini he »a- one of tii.>> [iminuciilat^' street boysciiininon'enotigl |in fiction, l ut, alas! so rare jii fact,no Jiie.-in*. Truth compels me to st:it<that Tad Thorne :lt the age of foiirteei;

ratjlier i mide in speech, quick-tern-hndj tihe owner of a decidedl(e dJH|N>«itiont which, however,

was readily affected by kin<llv wonis.Yet. do Ivouj woiuler at his faults? Theonly wohdei* to myself is jth:tt Tad <!idnot beyomeja really bid ijov; for sincehis mother'.* death he had, as one maysay, almost lived in the streets. ForTad had nt> home. A fih'eiidiy news-Vender jptxp him lodging- under hisperi<»Ik-:tl Counter in tlje city |>o«t-ofHci". in return for-which Tad -old )>:i-pers or rsj'n WTIIUI*. Ami iii odd 1110-meiits| h« hiad managed |o koej> souland iMxly together by l>!;ii-kiiig iMM.ts.jiedillinig : ni;itch<'S, carryjug vali.M-s,holding horsjt-'s and a «* <"p>f other ile-vii-es known to the averagl street IJOV.

I h/tve mentioned Tad's jfanlts: now.

to his future movenicntscontrasted rather strongly with hisphilo-.oj.hy of the previous eveiiii]<;.

'• I'll get something to etit. first of[all."•finally deciijed Tail, resolving not[to Iny [iiiv |i|iin» till tliis impo:;ant dutyjhad been perfooii.'<l. He had a Cashjrai>ital of ten cents, together with two(boxes of matches as a balance of stock(n trade, so -th:H he felt sure of abreakfast—not a'/luxurious one, it istrue—but, like a Stale bun, very


and 37 NORlff AVENUf, Opposite R. R. Station,^EAL ESTATE

II it s;,,rl«> Itrlatedbr

jA tVa-.iP ':iL uiirv

j:res • I rriou* ex

i-thv..rwi -iiK-nt if

^ i .ir .i in ' Is a

thes : Thevesotoe

ro!n;p.ii-;s..:i of HU!ivtao no'.i;,nok ii .«life wil Ii «.m/c ,n»aiij: f*I w.i^ .;i *Urefers.' ii.nvonj th • \vi/urb. We :

jj l iy -•


;i 'iw "£'$•'11" m j>» i 'I .nei; I, riv•f i-.. i -n

Veral nf tb<'ia.Their frontiur

.- :.- •:. '):io I.niy4iH>ut s veil teen> j ill.u-, aad ret,::' it w;'.h ploa*-of nature, de-

peknien* tui i.urbuliils VL*re h -;i vO ijr wry Ic • -im • •bltjsl pa -!« i f ei..t

pn4ts. bit , onund kmd»*t br*oi< wou.J-c ownj* w;siii nj n




beside nij- :..i-b.uwbiL-li w,:. hii I }-.}. c.yea^r. and have s en .nor) h n I slioot five

4 *

I't^.lul'.. i. .(] uUr b'JSr.a i. • 'i '1MB :li_jjr duty .- j •!• i :t nu; tiie no-

^;e 'J'h TO was noJ!;e reirular army

rije;- iiaiid. ihe nicestj A v.- .-v s l in3 i iper-'lt ciic'erfillnessi«i>..c -. I Ii SVU stood

to ,i-w quarters..14 • to nee "|i.-ifor tho.ill Bt.iinl on the lj-ttleji i ul rj;i:ci;iuk;s as

'•^•h. rattJoiiTaites." Miid another, ••don'ftall* ui... n Ui(-H). Whdi I l.ud my littlebabr in Texan ;wid v." s l ol slr.-ng uuou^bto ct"t ou" "f I e •'. I b<MAJ «riijotbm.' mov-in? tin- 11 or' r>f fcur b..t. and 1 put|my )iai!il i.m an • t 'U k'. d a rattlesnake.jMo ifetre.n«."l En :e- theiib^d. und the wayahr.tjtli:n:r r..t lui rinsr* In iny pars yet. l \|xvnsjno slivlr, •! ic'ia'iC!|iiu.s. no. vnui nit-l e , i}ut the 1 uJ r i:cb:i|!tii'f> a.arm of the

i>"j:.'. ivh,c:i s!i.»ivr '. ||i;it he w.i>. mud.erji'I h nt t » lie jri.i i4>. t hat thing uu-

iler t

t'lmtlej1 its


that mvue I. . Ynu r i i |iupi>os •air )jf^'ari TO *t.i d • 1 .:4il. M 1

H'.I! I : .11 h i) i > . t i : l t ! i ' »n«ke.d ii. <1er th • f f?if| with his sword

l : t


STA]TION"Madison Avenue..

AX\D BCSIXESS prii'pdsEs.

jy'BLtC. lil'U.HIXr.S. (HincHKS.




.mt defiuvnient to walls ami-

anil do &Qf iwjiert


00 p»-r annum each. I

ma«le at once, nntl an additim

in onler to have the wtr.

opjiloi-ite the Depot; also

• I . u : » , l ran out.Ijef.i e w i- .u:d jfdt 5j.1t it i; liad run:ija b i.e^.n Ih • lioi:i|"^i»iiie of the hut.:<fl his iiit>er Ritd pMajlit in There, and

it lav :.a


once or twice actually grazed hi* h iK ]et me teil! y«|u some of his (h-tter «.|ii:ili--,Bat he remained undiscovered, aad. ties. He wasljonest, cleiiii-iii(>iitheilraiiil,better itllj, jthe sheltering ptrniuiit peneralljV t.|»|.iki!i<.'. truthful, as well ashelped, (o hide him inure efltxrtually kiml-heaniil and «ri-n<-rous| to an ex-

tmvaspinl dclTee. He had a(tended theIni 'ht sch<>..l&_attraete<lj | t first bytheir warmith a.nd oonifort-fc-where htflearni-d to re:id creditaMv, cjiell fairlv,write legifjlyiaiul ci]»b<-r HauliTstaud-ingly. But.witih his superiority in MiaiiyrespectH oyeij the ns*oci:iii-s amongwhom his lot of late. h:id !x-<fn throivu.

rLdj 1 s-j i W..«A. You i s | etlii- 'rn i:i:>atilii lii

matters oii-r. had toIbusim-s-J jxiint «>fiv thing l>ut a sue-

; clock. Tad noticed that he wot[>ng gray ulster, over a very! clofhes, while at one side of the! had vacated lay his travelinglntj

1 shxn- 1-stnip, and a sin»ll a:. gaclul wjth nickel-plate .nu

Tad was wondering wMhin


elfwhether he'ever knew what it wa4 totxj) honu'less, cold and hungry when j hewa» .1 l»ov, when his nn-<lit:itioiis<li*tiiilMil by the violent ringingh;iinl-l»Il, uceompanietl by the ho;voice of one of the railroad oflicijilscalling out .something, of which fluwords "express" and "jwssengei•were alone intelligilfle to Taxi's eir.This was followtni by the usual franticrush toward . the great swing AIraiding into the dejtfjj.- Tlie tail g<ii-tleman sprang nervously to his f«4t,And. snatehiHg up his traveling rug,shot through the doorway as though Mehad'buriive-x-oonds in %vhi<-h U> boaiila train that- did not start for ten mip-ut<"#. 'schedule timrt. "Hi, th»-recri»i<l Tad after him, "you've left yoilittlfc saehel!'' but the gentleman wbeyond call. So. seizing the h:imd_rlfroi^i thoj next seat. Tad elbowed h•wayt through the throng, i i i to thedepoii> hot pursuit of him of the flowin»J»t4r. • . 1 • ' . ' . " ' : " ';• ' ! ,

Jl^!<t.|insidi*-Uic twing floors stoodpoliceman of imiMising presence. I•was a large fat man but e\treinelzealous, aud his professional i n l i n e•Were! at oiiee roused at the sight of

, Bliabbi|y-dlrcs.sei[J iboy dodging in, an<out of the crtjwd, with a nickel-j>l:it<!alligsftor-akin ."achel in his hand., S>te|>-!ping, hastily forward he laid- a heavy!hand ^n Tail's shoulder.

Kojv, aftci" the manner of his . kind.Tad, ijegarded all policemen as naturalfoes to lie feared—and, as far asj|Ki>sj-ble, Avoided. So, no sooner did herecognise the dnadei i toiuii than, ,« j-t-1-like from liis WOII1I!-IM> VH\*-t<H"'s ir.'i-p. Tad. with an in.irticiiiatecry of|u-ui"or, dipve ilin-etly under thi-

.' the nearest tniin.Thel i - irs were at ii stund-still, of

but had they been in niotioti, I'lit' S*J ,-nij1 Imt Tad Would haveexactly the .same, so great was

ir of urrest. True.' in ihi-ory,MIS iiiiioiNnee is geiierally 'sup-Jo show a Jiold front, but ,uufor-I5- this is not always the e;:se'in

,•"particularly in" an issue l e-1 big-jxiliceman ai-dasnt'ill Ixiy.plnerged on the op|»>sito siikf

k, with the encouragijig cry

than jbefore, and. as its owner seatednd 1 heixlf with a little sigh of relief. Tadat I chuckled gleefully as he heanl'the re-

cediujj tread of the big jKiIicf-man. who,after casting a| comprehensive glanceabout the car. was obliged to beat ahasty fe'treat—because-^ i

The c^rs were in motion f In his ex-citement the possibility of such a con-tingen<|ry had entirely escnjx^l Tail'smi ml. He was almost .on the p»>int ofsoriiniMing to his feet and calling outto the tiomluct* r1 to Stop the train, but,remembering [ho unpleasant ^resultswhich would probably follow such apn>ce<It|re, Tat sank helplessly backinto his niche. He felt a* though thechance* were tfat the conductor" wouldnot believe: bin storv. and he wouldprobably bo given into custody'—|bagand baggage^at the nest station. iSo,

!, in thinjkiconfess that, iri aview, he had leen anycess. The thith is. Tad was fjiot sharpor iinsenipi^lojiia enough to^ comjietewith his frll«>ws; but tint i:e did'uot rt'cuynlz^. I

•' 1 giiess Ifni not one of (lie luefeyones." he miiimureri. rather? ni- fuUy,as he nieiit|rily reviewed l|is "manybusiness failures "while the syHft train,-which was l»iariug him away from th«scene of theni all. to fi'e-h fij-lds andpastures neW.I went thtinthrough the «bi{rktie.-s towanl, Boston.'

from the past.; b« naml- -it-pover in liiis niiii|<L ".Srin* ;heapl mother f-:iv once thatAunt Uhodci WB.ingor. or—aiitli.-it l«gan witlHast,' "' ra

iio livwl inyway, it was

B, sonicTa-I. Not

. — _... . T . ... a <\ on thefcarKJi. bjt .ii • r.:tl—ii:»it|* of Texas are

mist enuiiii •in vi.IL;ll»' ciin see.v.jry i>i.-ljT ..ftli«m teiinn to stupefy,(.iiect ona .day wh+i fl hid ni<lea4'rl.V dawn to *un H>wn./ and was

iuj every none. :i«d-ithii| heat was-fu'rjiuct. I came to u where I

mi i»ti' bivu jac, und. t il{}:i.' mv sad )lofrtijn tho horse. |>at .fit ilo'.vii and

• apU-htol myself <<u: v.iitb (ny head uponitgto |lt'-.-p. Sudd.'tilv il iu.irl a lou 1QWe, ijnd m ."^Tg-'apt rjin io m; crym?:

get u;i at "Oc«j |?et up.' As1 ttrunp \pmr feet I oaJMT ia huice-rattlo»nSl«? witbin a foot nf my head, coiled andrefiiy Jo »triA«. TTh n \v|e |ci led tha*:iW; * if e found that I hail ifut mv saddle

r oiicrthe hole wiiieli MJI»« his home,he (ad orawjei over Itoj cmno in and

8.°W° b^J f o r l^ e "''-!lt> la<\ a "li'nr matiifSe. n|:turally icokil apoa I me a« an in-J*-ifier/| ; M

h,"! said a lady pveieiL "tl;e best'linS to iec rattlesuifkjs i»: w|ie 1 y>udoiS> tojdine in now qnar;ie:-si whic.i Tiava

abandoned for awhile, |i!id Icon upi-cjilinjf and 6 id -u ecu[)(<.• of them,

ediby the fire wl» ch J"JU5 have made,tOjde»cand .11 0 inc inijjdle of ..tbo• Vou, of cou'se. spr i j t^ to yobr

[and! the ladies s< re»tn. (while their• apueiiti-scourse for

he rlty at: ihh


. f St.


• \ \

r.'. \ i. O.mvlikf-.-•- t v

It. DEPOT. ; .

J.. . . . Pr









J.B, MILL^jlj <t BEO.

BY' j

JOHN A. LOGAN.a lc l Mlih i^rtrnltKof the Leading Suit*,en *>t ihf i*»rlM<l oiyered by ihe IViok.

H'-Morili* »>>- Hiiniv-rlptlon \hy 11. F. SHEFPAKP. B-ix «tl,

Halo di-Irl. N. J


have to improve tjholthe snakes :m a tlrst

jhat hehoped, f\pti-t#tf or even <le-ile«j to meetthis, the ojilyi]rplativi. lu" knelt' of in

'the world. It w[isVm>ngii, to ii-ti'ieinberthat she II.KI ncvi-r 1N-I>I eoiuiiinhicationwith Mrs. Thoijlie since her maiiria^e tosome one whoni her olili-r - i s te | Khoil.idid not like, Aiid a slight olj in .! tohis mother Wnsilin Tail's.eyes jiin un-


pardonable offeliut^o much

•' of two eyils, he chose the one1 seemed the least, comforting himself

•with the assurance that the train Would Tad drowsy. Pe<probably arrive at its destination very

\ soon,' wjien he could slip off ranob-! served. -The voice of Tail's la«lkr-Uas•: he mentally tennod her—disturbed his

ethe warmth .of the ftearn-heatii^.' pipe-

h bkat hi" backmovement of th

place, he couldpiassengers winfi>r uneasy slum

ladjp »i»o.i(? up and fjo d.:<ry. 'K.).i-: litiw."'

ip.njied my Uusbiiii'l al<<[ einJLi intuin* of Aiiia^saslfrom K.iyef.ev.llev in il

Irn part of that S'ate. $riper, where cipipalt'tiji

Jne \;<i;ain*\ iho jayL njfti jers w:.o hail c

in. i and '.rare deiftripr-iH-rty of'

Itei" ftho war -,va* nvof.|t. jnd !jie w;i» •!

Mfxiciiu pouy, 3iid in,i] mv horse. All tL

an Ar-1 she, -Iover the,iVe wereJfrnorth- Ar-g was to!er* and

out of1 n g t he

il -• po >-It was inad fill. 1h us bandba izgA LTO

(linking, together with

the •ven. on-ihi-hiiigtrain, Ix-gan lt> make

ping out of his bidiug->ee- that many ;«>f the

disposing thcitlseive-•r, and, judging by




uld jcarr.v w. is a Mil a II asr. tt>Hit lii'le mop"1 tli.111 three jiinM^s in;or (he horses wen." in qailif-.T-of

|ivitb : •" The I

perplexed rei'erie. . I 1" What time dto we get in, t^ohn,

dear?" she nski-d, as she settled, fierfeet on the comfortable h:ussoi"k. ; I ,

fertairi sounds frimi the chair inftoiitofhim. Tad's l;«ly wan already iu dream-


to :icc<he We

land. So, leaning his head b.i<k .gainst !aed l

the fur-lined elojlik whii"h had alreadyaerveil him such .a g<Mjd turn,' and.

From behind hisjpaper "John, dtar," i being used to' nlpeping in all softs of:— £-.1._....:..i ., _ ., . ' L p>stures and plarK Ta.l fell fast psleep

in no time. K<j>(!sing himself at intPi"-vals long enouglklto silently chnntrj- hiscramped poKitio ij Tad parsed th^ Jongnight in coiui'tirative comfort. & untilwitB the dawii of jniorning all toe/pin toshake off their) jdroWsincss, amL tostruggle intjo mjo e coniforta I >ie f posi-tions, as" they grumbled alwxit no| hav-

rjtther prjdtid'' in£slept 3 %1-ink (luring the night.. •his I 'I'ad's lady wan bat exactly.c:

r>useH iQe inhab*

Youcou Id

hoiKfSjmade of11 it fopisposedud saidc rc.iuld

was mvlifrstiMHl U> mutter that,! phvvided the train didn't run off the tntckor over an einbinfcinent, they wertj Juealxiut eight a. m. on the followingmorning ic the tity of lioston ! : [

" Iioston, oh gimniiiiy criekeU! Ihave.lwe.11 aud gonq and'done it noiWt"gasiH-<i |>oor Tad, who in moments jofexcitement was apt to usewhich at otl^r times hehimsebT on av/iiding, becausemotlM-r used to di>like it so. Tad huda Vague impression that -Boston w:is lasort of birgi: eonntry town in a faitwjffregion known :is "down Ka>t." ij it"-ther than this he knew not* except tih.-itit was sometimes called the "Hup,}'1

ami sei'incd to beapsort of head<jiiat-t<-rs for (tujturu—wltatever tiiat walg-j-and baked l«/ans. At least so hu riucdin theiT-ity papers, p v i j

Hut, iu Jiis small Way, Tad -w:.s soijfio-thingf>f .liiihiloaoplH'^. He had notlearntim<» ....

ijn; just th«{ way'that


WedraSkand wef"six b •

Tad noticedban<f Mr.dear," as on the

' ,«he asked him jhr; he also noticed] tlir was rather

jitj she calle<l heiinstead of

evening before,i

, l,uthus-

wi he had rested. 'Andia^ Mf. Masfin's joice

,1 ai'he replied that theconfoiiuired cihait liad given him tluvedistinct kinks i i jhis backlioiie, andwhile economy tvasf well enough iii itsplace, hy Gi;org^| janother time Im'il

iy^ and take a section

..if that thtriMiglJ seciiing iiij-foji-t*' Fatnerlioihl leads i t i i

. jifti «n] just tlim way that piovje.-iJ in thii end—this knowlcilgo wasitoi

have hisin a "slewas 1 John

'^o, my

per.'i :is ] sure as his unmei

very dsthere 0<Hock ofwild, aslonely 1out thathere allhad to pfeatherour liea 1


j oi( of country which AvJi-e axe •e.iiiijly wide ap.tiy twenty iniies before y

ai4" liouse.Jiniilly went toth oardly any divisions

ag .'s. The man was imoflate us. but my h:ii1 p^y what he 1 -Itu-(» horses and cr'V-' usnd I rcaitfaM. . Vh& inaEii at -lustd. ' \rnen wo cam:' to < it there,hin^ on the table but perfectly•k% i pic more- pork jj itself.:tbu| relief"of a sin'irlo lied veinit. JTiie bread was jfri^lu xvith

of us count eat 1 m luthf al.n.-r hinsf they caf.edl ciffeo.

it upi st.1;rs to be)- 'E.hnr$- ivora" in }h.-' room U|i»tairs. Ifor the

,1 jbeen used for, aecojnmn-la-fe.|L ulontr in the dnrk f|»iin bprf

J eifery 0110 wan a f*.'Hthc|-l»ed inAiii'iisi woutiiar. It | i d not

h jike sleep tHjit nipt^. Thelicit had boon i ivdn us t>>] so toi copsigto'I of a.rai? st^cit >n

f^i. U l a n wo !i?h'.o|l it itfes-j that ' wo sUOul'i hate but>e.; ^n.'iute* to eot Into IJed, for;p "j So oot and the ifitflit was1. Ttie instau; ,WJ IIL'IILHI it• dcjwn tho chimney a perfect

Hying- around that} roomlUrht Weil do in

ality. "P.»r Uod's sake.

L'htjor tho bats will chape,*' said my husband.

ive 'went

|comk AH he cijiililj do wasfronf nst'BJs.* fretting, and ae«-eptj g t'jic'

ai< coolly'as Ipossibh*. Thei-e-settling ilown aw eomfortably ««i


jiiovje.i . Tad ! thought t.»- - •* - imagination t<i> j

to keHi i the sound of heritirely. . But wtitli ibe reholvejl not tjithe -ladvi who—alore, settling iloWn aw comlortaoly ««i; the • 1,-nlyi wlio—»•,

Ihe coitlii.lTad gave hinisilf tip to. linrd ]>ress|L-«l it—••bclohgethinking, nlnd. quite nnturally, his mud ; cToak. "'Other and J1 —jthiiwent ba as well as forward.

- I. vf

i began to obtrude I

John M.i« | r ";•If. trying iu; his

her face from:iii<l f.-iili!i^i<-ri-

11 knowing \yiiv,get tint iianib of

111.1 11 tally' Mv\-to the fup-lij)fd

i»aii: thoughtsselves as tllfl


the|li?ht out and pot into thoijn 1 puM the cnvorina over

udjhcar the bats fly till

thefc wagah.3 isamodown to brealabsolutely ta'j




ve aim two dollars. He {thenSand; tol<l us where we Sou Idliiodhtions that niirht atii theJan twenty-three miles.lisiant.

eft- with nothing in '^ouind With bavins- had no sileop

nlpbt we rodo over t^iost

and the 3 he j^reeti sola biscuit.our,horse jwith tho sun as hit'll asand start |l f<ir another at Ms bouse asked scventc^nts for |r>ur| accommodations, bufhusb;ihdpeteredget ai-c<house of

"So westomachs,the prevkiBostoa


Electric Motors

Asbury Parjc, - , -U

We Furnish Electric Motors





Rates. S4.(X)rangements folof June.






-Vl fE f. s.—


Are Ready to Make, Estimates







h ablow

uso we



lI i



Adventures of Tad; — OR TItR —


A Story for Vooag and Old.

BY FRANK H- COXVEltSE, A.CTBOB or •• Peppib AoiiB." S“Boowb Oct

to Sea,” “Pae'E QBArTtJ»|" Etc.

[CopfrighM, nOi, *» D. Lot) PuUithtd by Sptciak Amt

'hrofl A Co^ ranytrti.U.)

7T' *-< >»r wa* |

ji| close off ^ itig Marts


jMjrter s I'duty of

assist •ora the emnny.

me if ted Tad. boo and

near the a bluster*

' itig March day, and 'the seats about the .big cylinder stove In-the w a i tin g-

krnoa of the Broad Street station in the city jof 1'hila-

tai>. delphia (were in great demand.. One of them-was occu- pied by Tad Tholne, who, though he had no business there, was enjoying the warmth as only a small, four(een-year- old 1m iy can do, after 1 icing all day in the. city streets crying parlor* matches at three cents, per box—“two jfor five.”

Tad's enjoyment was jtempered *>y a little mental worrv, as ( a Clatter of conrse. Nobody isj entirely

appy in this world, and as h«i warmed himself Tad was obliged t«J keep a watchful eye on the door of til room opjH'site. It was the that] colored functionary t tramps and '‘vagrant boys waiting-room, with scant c “Last night he said he'd txiuni he caught me heneTagain,” m u advancing first one patched si then the other toward the stoje, “lint I shouldn't think thecorpnnrtio n would grudge what little tire it takes t o warm we.” ;

For a time Tad remained ire nndls- turlied comfort. So many uersons were cjohsfantly coming and going that no one took particular notice 1 of the thinly-dresseil. pale-faced lad whb occa- sionally stretched, his fingers carjessiug- ly toward the glowing coals. • ] I’ “It’sjthe first time I'vb been;(warm clear, through since last wish't I could hold heat like does,” Tad soliloquized, as involuntary shiyer he thought ol paving to start out in the chilly air agali l

“Is there no other place wherh you can go and warm yourself, Iiesjdes a waiting-room only intended for jthe-er —patron* of the railroad?” asked a tall,

■ aristocratic-looking gentleman, with iron-gray hair, and a very dignified manner, who occupied the next seat to the one iii which Tad was sitting ' Ho spoke severely and frowned at Tad. as though the boy's presence annoyed him.

Tl his address had been more' ki idly, .Tati’s reply would have been more

respectful. As it was, Tad scowl ed a little. . . “■ ‘v.m —

A “TlFcre’s places enough, I s'p*Vse— only they don’t happen to ’low boys

. who hasn’t any business there, rou id— Specially if they ain't dressed any het- ter’n I am,” he answered,' sulh nly, glancing in voluntarily down at himself

i he spike. Tlie till man mutt ‘red nothing about “confounded i uis-

nce,” but made no further reply. And i he rose, giving a nervous glahe s at

he clock. Tad ikbtieisl that he wo e a long gray ulster, over a very bice jmit

of Stop, thief ” ringing in hts ears. |mit in time to confront the blye- co^teti official. who, in some infxpliea- MM way. had reached the sjiot a* quick- ly j«* himself. ‘ I . * •* Tliere he is!” shouted a young

than, vrht>m Tad had niotieed in the waiting-room a little bcfdre. anti, hesi- tating for a brief second, the (hunted lad; whU still cliing to the cause, of his trouble, sprang upon (the platform of a parior-ear attached to the waiting (min. (Flinging open the dobr, he darted In, - meaning, if I jxissitile, * to piss through to the other1 end, tvhere, slipping! off, he hoped to be able to lose himself in the crowd.;

Vain ho]>e! As he hurried between the rows of as yet unoccupied chairs, the rattle of the conductor's key was hejml in (the rear door at which he was hoping to escape, while tlie shuffle of feet, and sound of voices, at the door which he had entered, told-Tad that he was fairly trapped. j

Glancing despairingly about ! him. Tad’s quick eye discovered at least a temporary hiding-place. 'Dropping on1

his knees, he crawled behind the Spar- est of the revolving chairs; Which, fort- unately for him, was the one (next the door of entrance.! Concealed by its arching back. Tad made himself as small as1 possible iti the angle formed by the end of the compartment and side of the car. Where he awaited the result in fear and t tv milling.

He heard' the sound of ; masculine feet and the rustle of silken skirts, blenlded with a sulxlued rinrnlur of Apices as the parlbr-car 1m frail to fill up. A rather stout lady, rielijy dressed, paused Ix-side the chair beliind illiieh Tad Was hidden. (j. j’ , . j

“It is so warm here, John, I shall not heed to keep on; my circular,” she said, in a somewhat languid tone. Tad could not distinctly See the per.-on thus addressed, hut by the way he threw himself into the chair and immediately unfolded a newspaper, front Ix-hiiid which he ‘v.mchsafod a brief j grunt in reply. Tad imagined him to be the lady's , husband. '• *i

"Suspendingher heavy, fur-lined cloak frotn a h«xik at .the compartment end, the lady patted ami pulled1 its long folds into place behind the ehiiir-baek, and for a moment Tiul's heart almost' Stopped lx-ating. as her glove) fingers once or twice actually grazed his hair.'

But he remained undiscovered, and. bettep _ toll. the sheltering garment helped, to hide him more . effectually

morning wore on. Now that he was •so near his destination. Tad's growing

i Anxiety as to his future jjioveiijents (contrasted rather strongly with j philosophy of the previous evening. | “ I'll get soiuejthing to eat. first of tall.'"*finally decided Tad. resolving not jto lay any plans £ill this important duty iliad been perform'd. He had a Cash of ten cents, together with two boxes of matches :*s a balance of stock In trade, so - that he felt sure <if a break-fast—not a luxurious one, it true—hilt, like a Stale bun, very filling for file iiriee

To In >'< n>ft !%<u t) Til Hisufc/</. I

ARMY latpres


j.-i Wit -i i a lM o orr-- ’ tsLui V" ' « lit. n A: ■ - vsi if r ; nr - ,i liji.'

father had be«*u a soldier i army: and when, a few m< the news had arrivisl

was killipl in a skirmish with i dians oil the frontier, his mother. very strong, had seemed to receive owu death-blow.' She grew paler tlMfirier, jtill at length she had to up work! from laek of strength to her sewing-maehine, which Ijelpei earn their daily bread. And fina when th(e end came, the sale of seWjng-iuachine itsjjlf, together wj their scanty stock of furniture, bar] sufficed tb pay the poor woman's buij expenses^ It is a enmmon storv enmi Hundreds of bryke:*- hearted, ov worked, half-starved women all over land, have lived and died after the sai fashion, and will till the milieu nil comes. Yet this fact vines not eonifv the orphans they- leave behind the Certainly, it was no comfort to T:i who was nearly wild with grief at t loss of the one being whom he had love in the wide world. Only for thin that his mother said to him before s: fell asleep; I fear Tad would have dri: etl into the ways of too many of oi] city boys who, like him. are left hum- less an<l friendless amid tenijitation an situ But the Iwiv had good ktvtff -i him,1 .and. iiest of all, he held his mot! er's iTienK.vy and parting words something (too sacred to be forgoftet I do ndt elyim that he wits one of thvlsi imniaeulatp stivet boys eommon'eni’ni in fiction, l!mt, alas! so ran- in fact. Bv no means. Truth compels me to stat that Toil Thorne at the age of fourtec was rather j nude in speech, quick-tern- JH*nxl and the owner of a decidedly obstinate vlisposition, which, however, ., w:is readily! affected bv kindly words.S- balil- in Texas And w - ipc. str.-ng uuou^b Yet. do ly*ml wonder at his faults? The|’° «Tt t,u' "fJ *„'• 1 l'"^1 «ov.

, A ' tje iva •* -I IV -S V

•.» : **•» \kr a |»l It it Kriiltrti !»*• ».' w i» Afifi O.llr *p«.

' idcnt of the f vv Vos: The

\% .k . ve some tfii' her-

iii i.'iiort*siiiijf wral of th‘*m,

frontier r.’»!. 1) no Luly

imji s venteea j illar, and yet,

:* 11 w. h please of nature, do

u .il our h isr ■ . vi duty. | ..I i ,t t»u: the no* d o Th *:'o was no He reiraiar army

twr uuiid. the nicest A very sullen per-

lt ciieerfulness I Uvve stood v quarters,

id * to hit* • p ,\ for the

nj^*jous e 1 o/. j po ti

cciiupiirisca of uut ivtM) now; iook i» .c.; u> lifie wnl) •sv.ii/c* xii •J ? said*’ f'l UMs .1 * he .it*0 yviirs/ n.iiv *t! lv in r>^ t oni th • \vL* I •. 1 . ••oic li » urp. We v ’v c.. 1 pepden * tm haiuls were O it wry li ■ \ut ■ bl4^t p.i ts el' cii aiijstcuTacy vuiiu. ]>v>its. but, on I .e am) kindest bre d

1 son would -*>..0 i ti \ wap wisiiopi u * . . •.

beside n>y l.u-b.a En a which We. ha 1 j

'. ur i aw

s t*n -.iii stand on the li-ttle t five yit. at rusticsuakes us

veajr. and havi porj h nt ’sho a sdlute '

rattles: akes.'* siii.I another, ‘’don’f talk ’Jiem. Whdi I hud my little

confew that, in a *busn^*^4 view, he had ijeett any thtn^ liiit

elo)he&, while at one side of the ted

jt shawl-strap, and a small sillijra



j , TV KB ED CoiiroRTJ *'] | than ix'ftire, and. as its owner seated herself Mrith a little sigh of n*H«*f, Tad ehuykled gleefully as he bean! the re- ceiling tread of the big policeman, who, after Casting a; comprehensive glance about the car, was obliged to beat a hasty retreat—because—

The c^rs were in m«»tion! . In hfa ex- -cldc . cache! wfth nickel-plate niotjnt- | citemebt the pejssibility of such a c«m

Ay ,* ? Tad W03 wondering wilhin hhnjelf

whether heievcr knew wbat it wai to be homeless, colil aud hungry when was a Hoy, when hjs meditations w

tingeiitjy had entirely escaped! Tiul's mind. He was almost .on the point of seriimbling to hjs feet and calling out to the eondtu'tor to stoji the train, but, remembering jthe unpleasant rextllts which would iirobably follow such a ppieeditre. Tad sank helplessly back into his tiiehe. He felt as tliough the chances! were that the conductor would not believe his (storv. and he would probably be given into custody—!bag and baggage—at (the next station. ; So,

’ of two evils, he chose the one whiyh seemed the leasts comforting himself with the]assurance that the train would probably arrive at its destination very soon,' when he could slip off unob- served. (The voice of Tail's lady—as he mentally teriiloil her—disturbed his IX>rj>lexed reverie.

“ What time do we get in. John, dear?” she asked, as she settled jier feet on the comfortable hassock. ; S

Front lx-hind his|pafx!r “John, dpar,” was nuderstiMxl to mutter that, pro-

to lint pto'suit of him of the flowin ’ j videil the train didn’t run off the track ttoUr. i1 i 1 ‘ . ’■■'■!, j or over an embankment, they were due

about eight

he .. T°

disturtxxl by the violent ringing q ; a hand-lu ll, accompanied by the boa te voice of one of the railroad officids calling out something, of which l he words “express" and “passengei s”‘ ■were alone intelligiHle to Tail’s e; ir. Thlis was followed by the usual fran ic rush toward the great swing dor rs leading into the dejxrt-- Tlie tall gt i- tleman sprang nervously to his fe< t, ;aml, snatehiHg up his traveling 111 !• shut thnmgli the doorway as though ] le had'buTfive-seconds in which to boai d a train that iWd not start for ten mil i- utes. ’schedule time. “Hi, there! ’ eriod Tad after him. “you've left yo« r little saehel!” but the gentleman wl s bevoud call. So, seizing the han(l-lm from the next seat. Tad elimwed hi s wgry tliroligli the throng, into the depoi,

iu| ‘ j only woiuler to mv-i-lf is that Tad ilidl . not becqmeja really bad Ijov; for since,

his mother's death he had. as one may say, almost lived in the streets. For ( Tad had no home. A friendly news*

] Vender gave him lixlgini* under his periodical Counter in tile q-:ty pi.-r-

1 office, in (return for which Tad -old pa- pers or rain errands. And.iu mid mo mental he hjad managed to keep soul and hotly together by blgi-king Ikmits, jxHbllihg niafebes, carrying valises, holding hprse's, and a s^^ei.of other de- vices known fto the average street bov. | I have mentioned Tad's (faults; now let me ti-lll you some of his potter quali- ties. He was honest, cleaii-niinithedpand, generally speaking-, truthful, as well as kind-heartbd and generousl to an ex- travngtint degree. He had ajteiideil the , night sehqplp — attraet>sl at first by their warmth and comfort to where he learneil to read creditably, sliell fairly, write legifdv and cipher ttiiderstaud- ingly. But.with his superiority in maiiy respects over the assoeiatps among whom his ifit jof late had ln-Cn thrown. Tail, in tjiinktog matters dvi-r, had to

point of a suc-

cess. The triilth is. Tad was not sharp or unserupdlous enoiigh to; compete with his [felbjws; but this fat-t he did', not roe. igni/.p.

“ 1 gtiess Frh not one of ijie lucky ones,” he mtumnred, rather: rtt> fully, as he mentidly reviewed his 'many business failtirirS'while the s\i ift train, -which was Ixei -ing him away from the scene of them all! to to-sh fij-lds and pastures new. went thund«|-fng on through the dajrkness towanl feo-ton. , Boston! As Tad's thoiight>|reverted

from the past, the natnb -nq» :i|i;d itself over in his niifild. “S-eiu* as |tii.uigh I lieafd mother Say once that IS had an Aunt Khixltt Wini lived in Boston, or Bangor, or—ailjy way, it was la jilaee

itnewlierf 'down Not that he

_hojx»iL exjx-eted or eve:i desin-d to meet this, the OTilj'ijrelntivo lu- knew of in the world. It vfiis euwiign'to n tueinixT that she had nto erheld cominuhieation with Mrs. Thoi;iie since her innitl'iage to sonic one whonij her older siste| Khoila did not like. And a siighl off|red to his mother was ;i in Tad'so-yes kiu un- panlouabie offettse.

But-so much thinking, together with the warmth of ihe iteam-lieatiiig pij»-s at his hack iw tile »vi-u, ou-ru-hing movement of the train, lx-gan to make ’’Tad drowsy. Pe< ping ont of his hiding*' place, he could see- that many (of the passengers wen disposing theinselve- tor uneasy shnnler, and, judging by Certain sounds ft am the chair inft-bntof him. Tad's lady iv.xs already iu dream- land. So, leaning his head back :igainst the fur-lined el<. ak which had already served him sue j a gixxl turn. and. being useil to' sleeping in ali soft's of postures and j>laei-s. Tad fell fast asleep in no time! Housing himself at inter-

irep'i!.-. B'nerv 1 ti ut t i lie as.i tier ttie-oe I. , You <• i i ;ailF jlaii' perari :o st i J • i id.

j*angor. ■ »r— any way. that Ix-gmi with B. so Bast.’ mtisi-d Tad.

Jystgnside tlie swing ‘iloors st<xxl policeman of inijKising presence. Hi was a large fat man but extremely zealous, and hfs-professional instinct: were at oiiee roused at the- sight of t Bhabiiily-di'essei! boy dodging in and' out of the erojvd, with a nickel-plated alligitor-skiit saehel in his hand., Stcj>- ping- hastily forward he laid a heavy band qji Tad.‘s shoulder.

Noiv, after the manner of his kind. Tail) retarded all policemen as natural j foes =to lw fi ahxl—and, as far as j|Mi'>i- ble, ayouled. Si, no sooner did he recognize the dreaded touch than, siijL ping ftl-like from 1L-. would-lx' eaje tor's grasp. Tad, 'with an inarticuiate cry omi-w'or. dqve dirictly under'.the wheel.of the nearest train. ';

•airs were at a stgnd-stjll, of thing of a philosopher- but had they been in motion, I’ '

any ni t' so suiy but Tail would have acted exactly tlie same, so great was bis fear of iirrest. True.' in llieory, eon-ei. us innuCi nee is geiierally 1 sup- posed to showH jbold front, hut .unfor- tunately! this is not always the case in praetic ‘. particularly in' an issue be- tween big' policeman and a sm‘all boy.

Tad emerged on! the opjMisitC side of the tiraek, with the encouraging cry

m; on the following morning ic the city of Boston ! : j

“ Boston, oh gimminy eriekets!, I Aarc lx-ets and gone and’done it nojsV}” gasi>ed jxxir Tad. who in momenta jof j excitement whs a|»t to use ij-nguage ! which at iit)*;r times he rather prided ' himself on .avoiding, because his j mother tised to dislike it «o. Tad bad a Vague impression that -Boston was la sort of large country town in a far-.Iff region known as "• down East.” Pur- ‘ tiler than, this he knew no^i xi-ept it was sometimes tjallcil the “Hub.’’1

and seemed to be a sort of In-ad [Har- ters for culture—Whatever that waije-j- and baked Ixjans. At least so he njutd in they-ity papers. r»

But, in Jiis small wjay. Tad was sotite- He had not Vet

learnetf that through securing mj-f.<rt- tuie* the"(great1 Fat|ierhixj<l leads His children ht just the. way that ptoyes . best; in the end—this knowledge was jto come. All he eo.ulil do was to keep i

SfronY ns.-Vss fretting, and accept tlie' !. .Jsituatimi :iS ecxilly'as jpossibln. Tlu-re-

asl , hard

quite nhturally, his mind

aore. settling down as comfortahly i Bit* eoulil,ITail gave himself up to,hat thinking, arid, quite naturally, iiis niu (went bae



vW.inl as well iii furWaibL

Vjals lon<X Hirm^ik tu silently chanirt* his cr:iinjK*d j>oKitiom Tad passed th| l<»n^ nijrlit in c'omi>iirative comfort. Juntil witB tin* daml of jnornin^ all foetfan to !*h:tke oil their! drowsiness, and to striifTfrle Into mote comfortable : posi- tion*. aB they griitnUled alx>ut nof hav- ing slept a wink <EU(i*in^ the

Tad’s l^dy wa$ not exactly,eros^ );ljt Tad notieetl th:)t she rilled heij hus- ban«f Mr. Mnjsoh.i instead of **cf«»hn, dear,” as on the etenin^ before, when fihe asked him (hrjw he had rested. And he also notie'cdl that Mr, Malm’s toioe was rather sh;irp| afe’he replied that the confouuded chair Had jrivi-n him three (listinet kinks in while economy w place, by* Geor^« hav<? his own \v in a ,*sleejH»r,^1

wasjJohn Majotit my lady i.s •Mr'*. John Ma<iiq.”’

Tati; thought to 1 him- *!f. trying \\){ his imagination to ph tiii-e her face from the sound of her k-oiU. and failing'*en- tirely. . But wilt ho ut | well knowing: 1h5 reHolvtjl Dolt tjo tile n;»mi> Iti the iadyi • he m.eiitally' >erv- l>res^’d it—*’bi-longed to the. fur-lited cloak.”'Otherandj* ]dea^ant thoughts be^uii to obtrudle tn(.mselves, as the


. jhis back bo and as» well enough in its

another time he’d tv; and take a seed ion as sure as his name

insr kroUr.d the tl or* ef O’ar h.;t, and 1 put mjr (iar:d i tit an . t*»u hed a rattJe>uake. ,Hv» itetreated un e • the|bed, and the way Ithatjtbmjr n;t led rimrs in my ears yet. H xvnsjno sljvlr, . a ^aseHnis, ue. vous rat-

e, ijut the 1 ud w i< chaiau*s a.arm of the wh,ca wli.vWv i tiiat he was mad.

that thin^ uu * PI»os ■ that mv

M< n us baud janicj\:k a'.il I t >1 i ii .a dill th? snake. w »j.jbbed ito der th • |A»d:l with his sword

itsjs a'u'i” el. a i,l Viti snake ran out, j«ui . e w • v .u:d t i at Jt i: had run

\v:ija ho.e^.a th • holi'CVj! side of the hut. £^t his salieritud pbt|lit in there, and

t tile s'..«*• to piOc»si as it lay ,;a the tt- ill rh-? h »! •]• | *A i.’ su d an oftt • *r: pres *nt, ‘*the ik p ' f T !>*• r afeyil snakes in the rldl I su » >ii.u. You is|e ratt.•’snakes thi E.stwn lunuotiifc a d on the

ar«|». b it ih r .ttb'si’iikc* of Texas are in »us vi.liiia’O'au riin see.

ht .<f them ie^>ns to stupefy, e'-oiecl otrb. day wh^.i I h *d ridden in eiurly dawn to sun tjivvn.- arid was einevery none, and- thi iieat Was- like furnace. I came to a ^i.tee where l ml i*lo bivouac, and. t ; mv ^ad lie frtiin the horse, pat ?it down and tcli*? 1 myself <*u. wfth iny head upon

to Aleep. Suddenly 1 Be iri a load hud in .* ^s Tgeant rjin to m s eryiuz:

utchaui, gel up at ope€| jret up.’ As ranjr {p ray feet I sayr ;ja huge-rattlo Ue within a foot of my. head, coiled and jiy ir> strise. WJi m» ivie led the Ic? ife found that 1 had put mv saddle r over the hole whirl) Wh** his home, he $ad erawjiel over Itoj come in and 0 b*) i for tW 'lisht, ami li idirur me

n|:tm*ally icoke l ujAm me as an m- er.M ; j ! h,”| said a lady rneie ik “the host to rattlesnakes is; wlien you sit

1 to jdine in new. quartiersi wbie.i have abandoned for awhile, juud lookup

e Cc^linsr and ir id *a ct»U|l:e of them, sediby the fire wh eh ycn| have made,

Jr to!descend mho me middle of ,.the You, of course, spriiig t<» yotvr

(andl the Judies s• ream, (wlhle tiieir ndii have to improve thejlr apoetites lin^ the suak<-4 ns a first! course for r’* i 1 i ich lady spo.te up and to d an Ar- s 4t< ry. " tun**." ^ud she, “I

jip inied my iiusbain'X alorie over the^ n mp in tain* of Arkausam We were

fr$»rn K.iyettev.lle, in thi^nv>rth- toe Ar-

r was to ne ir gainst the jayh oUvrs uird n boers w:*o • hud c«»*s| ? out of ri. | and wore do's!rdvm^ the

iind prop*'rty of |h-*- pe i- iter fthe war wa* over, ill was in r. ;ind t^io heat was dn-adlnl. 1

Mexican pc»uy, and inw husband a my horse. All Th<| baggjiire “Id I carry was a small Da ff. We ot ijido more than throe jlindes «ir: r \he horses were in «|abif-*r -of ut kvitit ihe heat." ^ The houses in oi) of foundry which Avarc inhab*

re oxc’edingjy -wiide apart. You ■o twenty miles l*jfore you could

an^’ house. fimilly went to a hous?iniade of th hardly any division* In it for

The man was irilispt sed <ylate us. but my husblil’.id said

l piy what he vhirfeodhf lie wu>uld two horso* and criro us a!jb-'d^and nd I reaafast. Tn^i man: at last 1. ; Wuen we cam;* to dint there

«m the table but perfectly k\ ; ^fhe mere* pork • itself, the’ re a am’irlo lievi vein at. The bread wa* with ith^;* of us couid eat v miuthful.

sj»m-*t him? they cabedf coffee, it up stairs to be«). T.horii* wore

u |he room upstairs.' Tor the \ Wen usevl for, acoojjnmpda- fejc alonir in the dark (Aim bed

id etlery one was a fbathep-i»ed in Autrust weather. It |id not

h jiae sleep that niyii). The ii’hihad been s?ivdn us t«^ tro to consisted of a.ra? stljick >n

;k f^t. When wo lUjhiejR it it •(that We slkOula have but in-uutes to eet into lied, for

•e trj go oot and the ni<Ht wds it wo livid«»d it

dqwn tho chimney a perfect Hying- arountl that!} room ts hnight Well do in .slich a

fality. “For God’s sake! blow htior the bats will chAo us ghTH said my husband. Ho we thellight out and pet inio the *s ijn l puM the covering over ndjhcar the bats fly till kiorn-

Xve went down to bre:iprfast ih**. (same aiisoiutely tall pork ne j^reen sola biscuit. Wje got

fwitti the sun as high as fir another joui-ney.

il bou ourj ac |ve him jpaud told us where we ^iould hiodhtLOus that night at| the*1

ps\n twenty-three miles.lisxant. feleftg with nothing in’-oui ^r:d With having had no ^leop

night we rode over those itaifisJ’

ainfield Electric Light Co.

and 37 NORTH AVENUE, Opposite R. R. Station.

Madison Avenue.

offices a.\u> nrsixFss pritpdsEs. For Ft'BLie Ill'll,DIXOS. CHFllCHKH, dv.

Ami for DOMESTIC BlF HTiyfa



HiiVf*- {

aivl do aff

The •• M ihi|tlne:inili.-vet* ^*>:i'«Iia*’it jinf S.-Ili tl*m.

Tii.j Ci 'in[111liy tto* ju> ing v(imjil*-t*-il

Si |.Cri,*!<-*-!l t' .-Vsfil S l)' Privato Sio>w i’adiqrf- a

■ 5

mnkiiiK i-dntrai j fitly with tin- i-xt]

'hiiri-h: Tin-C<m [uiny's (Jffi ill! (rri'i'ii v Fdniitui 'Stiii-*

John MiiI'.TON,

*PURE sprin<^^ater ICE, 1 v**r«*d •!all}** ti #

. j LOWFX.T M.t cjr»!«*rs. m**

Bix 3*5. | •


PLAINF ’t - S , UXME3S H. r<*UCE

; ! * ■ A FICirfa'LAHU

TrHilHi«-n| f»u*»*jiC4 takdi

Laing’s '



FRONT ST., opposi

A Firs


E. P.


\v i:

Wines, Lqpors,

r a ns fr^rn h ayettev.llev in th* ires fir n |>art of That S’ ate. Bo kanfis riyer. where caRipalgnlu

’ lyh iVfx I C'l'i'i lie’s'n| vmg of lu.*-


Goods de'iverg


at oneo, and nil addition

fbr lighting, in order to have the wlr* nsiitn*.

»I>I^v*it»* the Depot; also







JOHN A. LOGAN. II unrated M(th j* rtrait* «»f the L«*ultng

n>rti ef th#* «tjvere<l by the l^ook. H<*ld<»nly by miTMvriptlon 'by

J. F. SHEPPARD. Bo\ n«»i, 1 V' Plainfield. N. J


llll -Class

17 Park

Er.ULi: .151) Jrtli


Asbury Par^,

a' to Arty of char-gi

BBi...'. ..

Van Depoele

Electric Motors;

fflldiiihYiiv SYSTEM.


Tb** U!|il»T-*iir rrl«-ri*lM and tin* HOTEL. *ifh-r > • •r i^hT-s. win . -1-

♦•*1 Ik-k'x ftoj: tiMbi ibar

l*» tnn<JiR£y-ni

crTJisrE T!i«‘ 111;

th*- I*. a* lj. i-•«•!*; •!«•* an ••iifllj iMjfldlntr** and u uitffMl lairr(tj • »ui« plazya* <•*»niman<l** an ] • f ihi- *•<••• <uiy.Mir f au<l Ink

I •!»«-. Ball It* f..r tin* Rates.

Electric Lights dll ‘<*t W

-••aiiHrt-rir :*'rn> I'nfor

wl*li Pi M and ^IH HEHTUA.

1 •••«if*>rt hi S4.00

Furnish Eiedtric Motors


l(ier day, rangements foj" families cigriffg tf|e month of June. j S. vAvDOORUFF.

very it there ti

another journey, | Th< use asked seventt-fivi u'oonun,Hiations. but mv m two dollars. He ||then

Hardware J AND

'! . IHTSE prilN^HiNt




—the c:ik\piNr iff|k





Sheet Iron soil TELEPIfOXE CAL.



Hiir niilnvSrsifffl Emlirffl



-Viie .. ... I

Are Ready to Make Estimates



A. M. GRIFFIN, 13 east! FRONT SI.


i, 1 t