Download - 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

Page 1: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

outhwestern innesota

pportunity ouncil, Inc.

Serving Southwestern Minnesota for 50 years

2014 Annual Report

Page 2: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

“This administration today, here

and now, declares unconditional

war on poverty in America.” President Lyndon B. Johnson

State of the Union Address, 1964

Front row: (from left) Brent Groen, Jeannie Swanson, Gina Graff, Cherie Bauer.

Back row: (from left) Paula Boehrs, Gayle Bierman, Linda Griffith, Doug Mead, Carrie Shaffer, Kathy Carlson.

Page 3: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

A Message from our

Executive Director

On July 9, 2015, Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. (SMOC), a private nonprofit

Community Action Agency (CAA), will observe 50 years of existence and service to the residents of

Southwestern Minnesota. The following is a very brief history of how SMOC came to be.

The President's Council of Economic Advisers' Annual Report, published in January 1964, focused on

the "Problem of Poverty in America," pulling together compelling statistics and showing that in a

period of unprecedented prosperity, one-fifth of all families and nearly one-fifth of the total U.S.

population—33 to 35 million people—were poor, having incomes below the poverty line (then $3,000 for

a family of four)

A “War on Poverty” was declared by President Lyndon B. Johnson in his State of the Union Address on

January 8, 1964: "This administration today here and now declares unconditional war on poverty in

America. I urge this Congress and all Americans to join me in that effort...."Poverty is a national

problem, requiring improved national organization and support. But this attack, to be effective, must

also be organized at the State and local level.”

The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, authorized the formation of local Community Action Agencies

as part of the War on Poverty. The act was amended in 1967, stipulating that local elected officials had

the authority to designate the official CAA for their areas. Only after such official recognition could

funding a CAA become a reality.

Following the passage of that amendment, county commissioners from Rock, Pipestone, Murray and

Nobles Counties began working with community organizers and other interested parties to develop and

incorporate a CAA to serve the residents of their respective counties. On July 9, 1965, Southwestern

Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. became that CAA. There are currently 27 CAA’s in Minnesota,

serving every county in the state, and over 1000 CAA’s nationwide.

Over these fifty years, SMOC and CAA’s in general, have developed many programs unique to the

needs in their service areas. Eligibility for service is typically based on household income. Some SMOC

programs have run their course and disappeared. Some were spun off and continue to operate under

the auspices of other agencies. Many continue to be delivered by SMOC. Early programming included:

Child Development Programs (Head Start), Neighborhood Youth Corps, Employment and Training

programs like Operation Mainstream, Green Thumb, On the Job Training, Farm Management, New

Careers and Retired Senior Volunteer Programs. Later additions included: Energy Assistance, Home

Weatherization, Child Care Resource & Referral, Public Transportation, Home Rehabilitation,

Emergency Crisis Assistance and Family Planning.

Over the past fifty years, hundreds of people have touched SMOC in positive ways by serving on our

volunteer board of directors, or working and volunteering for the agency. Thousands of residents of

Southwestern MN have been helped by SMOC in a time of need. To all the residents of Southwestern

MN, we extend our gratitude for your support over these fifty years.

Visit our website at to learn more about SMOC and the program services it delivers.

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Table of Contents Executive Director’s Message .............................................................................................................. 1

SMOC History ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Organizational Chart and Board of Directors ................................................................................... 4

Family Planning Program .................................................................................................................... 6

Prairieland Transit System and Nobles County Heartland Express ............................................... 7

Head Start Program ............................................................................................................................. 8

Family Connections Collaborative..................................................................................................... 10

Energy Assistance Program (EAP) and Weatherization Program (WX) ...................................... 11

Energy Assistance History .................................................................................................................. 12

Housing Programs ............................................................................................................................... 14

Emergency Housing Programs........................................................................................................... 16

Homemakers Program and Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) .......... 18

Region 8 Child Care Aware ................................................................................................................ 19

Expenditures Summary ...................................................................................................................... 20

SMOC History Highlights .................................................................................................................. 22

Cost of a new house ~ $13,600

Rent ~ $118 month

Cost of a new car ~ $2,650

First class stamp ~ 5¢

Loaf of bread ~ 21¢

Car gas ~ 31¢ per gal

Average income per year ~ $6,450

Mandated health warnings on cigarette packages begin

First person walks in space

USA yearly inflation rate ~ 1.59%

LBJ signs Social Security Act, creates Medicare &

expands his war on poverty


50 years ago . . .

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TTThhheee HHHiiissstttooorrryyy ooofff SSSooouuuttthhhwwweeesssttteeerrrnnn MMMiiinnnnnneeesssoootttaaa OOOppppppooorrrtttuuunnniiitttyyy CCCooouuunnnccciiilll,,, IIInnnccc...

Incorporation: July 9, 1965 in Pipestone County, MN

Incorporators: Milo Fodness E. W. Eggers

Roy Satter Lee R. Anderson

H. R. Cleland John A. Schoen

Annie Ebbinga Kathleen Stower

Robert L. March LeRoy Atwood

Walter Silvernale Mildred Paulsen

Executive Directors: Gerald Melcher 1965 – 1968

Herbert Brown 1968 – 1970

Donald Johnson 1970 – 1970

Donald Shannon 1971 – 1985

Lavonne Remme 1985 – 1987

Martin Rickers 1987 – 1994

Neal W. Steffl 1994 – present

Corporate Offices: Pipestone 1965 – 1969 Voorhees Building - Pipestone County

Slayton 1969 – 1970 John Deere Building - Murray County

Worthington 1970 – 1970 Army Reserve Armory - Nobles County

Worthington 1971 – 1979 Fleet Office Building - Nobles County

Worthington 1979 – 1989 Kilbride Medical Building - Nobles County

Worthington 1989 – 1998 Ed Yepsen Building - Nobles County

Worthington 1998 – present Peoples Natural Gas Building - Nobles County

Years of Service: Doug Mead 34 years

Pamela Clauson 30 years

Rose Sorenson 26 years

Karen DeBoer 25 years

Shirley Anderson 24 years

Deanna Andersh 24 years

Gayle Bierman 24 years

Paula Boehrs 24 years

Valerie Veen 24 years

Darla Faber 22 years

Brent Groen 20 years

Cheryl Miller 20 years

Neal Steffl 20 years

Roberta Iwen 19 years

Joyce Gengler 18 years

Sandra Burke 17 years

Nelson Bonilla 15 years

Nedra Fueston 15 years

Dawn Noerenberg 14 years

Peggy Schuur 13 years

Kathy Carlson 10 years

Maria Paez-Sievert 10 years

Maria Kutzbach 10 years

Jodie VanderLinden 10 years Colleen Dolph 10 years

1960 census data for our four county area: 63,577

2010 census data for our four county area: 49,386


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Public Sector Mr Robert Demuth Jr Mr William Johnson Mr Jody Reisch Mr Dave Thiner Mr Marvin Zylstra

Vice Chair Director Director Secretary Director Nobles County Pipestone County Rock County Murray County Nobles County

Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner

Serving since 2011 Serving since 2011 Serving since 2013 Serving since 2013 Serving since 2002

Private Sector Mr Dale Carlson Ms Norma Johanning Ms Ruth Stoakes Mr Marv Tinklenberg Mr Gene Winter

Director Director Treasurer Director Director

Nobles County Nobles County Rock County Pipestone County Murray County

Serving since 2009 Serving since 1995 Serving since 2011 Serving since 2013 Serving since 2001

Community Sector Mr Terrie Gulden Mr James Priester Ms Linda Sanchez Ms Brenda Schultz Ms Kathy Stoel

Chair Director Director Director Director

Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County

Serving since 1999 Serving since 2003 Serving since 1991 Serving since 1991 Serving since 2013

222000111444 SSSMMMOOOCCC BBBoooaaarrrddd ooofff DDDiiirrreeeccctttooorrrsss

Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc.

Organizational Chart by Department


Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity council, Inc. is a private non-profit agency designated as a 501 ( C ) 3 by the IRS.

Community Action Agencies are not part of the state, federal, or county government and SMOC’s employees are not state or

federal employees. The SMOC Board governs the Agency and applies to various federal and state organizations and

foundations to obtain funding and grants to meet the needs of the local communities. Through the efforts of area citizens,

SMOC was incorporated on July 9, 1965 in Pipestone, MN.

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Administration Brent Groen, MIS Coordinator

Neal Steffl, Executive Director

Kathy Carlson, Finance Director


Development Dept Front row (from left):

Cherie Bauer,

Doug Mead, Dept Head,

Paula Boehrs

Back row (from left):

Gayle Bierman,

Linda Griffith,

Jeannie Swanson,

Carrie Shaffer,

Gina Graff

Child Care Aware Sandra Wilson and

Karen DeBoer,

Child Care Aware Director


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Original 9 Counties SMOC has served the 9 southwestern

counties in Minnesota for over 40 years.

2007 Expansion - 5 counties In 2007, the 5 counties in the Countryside

Public Health service area were added.

2010 Expansion - Redwood/Renville In June 2010, services began through a

mobile clinic site in Redwood Falls.


The Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council began

its Family Planning Program in January of 1971. It started

by serving an initial 9 counties and has expanded over the

years to serve 15 counties. Today the Family Planning

program has grown in the numbers served and the services


Services provided include all types of birth control methods

available on the market, such as: intrauterine

contraceptive, implants, Depo-Provera injections, patch,

ring, oral contraceptive pills. They provide sexually

transmitted infection testing and treatment, annual exams

for women and men, Gardasil immunizations, and one on

one education. They also provide educational presentations

to schools, community groups, and organizations upon


Serving approximately 500 unduplicated persons each year.

SMOC Family Planning is a Title X clinic, which means

they use a sliding fee scale based on the patient’s ability to

pay, as determined by income and family size according to

the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Family Planning is designated as an Essential Community

Provider since 2013, which notes providers with

commitment to low-income/underserved. This is important

in identifying family planning in terms of payments

received from insurance companies.

Our funding sources include the Federal Title X grant,

Minnesota Family Planning Special Projects Grant, and the

Minnesota Family Planning Program. We also receive

reimbursement from Medicaid, other State funded and

private insurances.

Family Planning

SW MN Service Area

The Staff


Erbes, RN,















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Nobles County Public Transit Highlights:

Weekly, twenty routes are provided in Nobles County with two Nobles County Heartland

Express buses.

Nobles County Heartland Express bus service is available to each of the fourteen

communities in Nobles County five times each week through morning or afternoon routes.

Reduced fare taxi rides are provided in the City of Worthington through the Prairieland

Transit System Central Dispatch. These reduced fares are provided through a contract

with the Nobles County Joint Powers Transit Authority.

PPPrrraaaiii rrr iiieeelllaaannnddd TTTrrraaannnsssiii ttt SSSyyysssttteeemmm ~~~

NNNooobbbllleeesss CCCooouuunnntttyyy HHHeeeaaarrr ttt lllaaannnddd EEExxxppprrreeessssss Providing Public Transportation in Nobles County for 42 Years

Bus drivers Jim Kremer and Jim Syverson

In 1973, Nobles County purchased a

van to be used to provide

transportation for Senior Citizens in

the county. SMOC was chosen to

supervise the system.

July 1, 1989 marked the date when

Nobles County began to receive funds

from the Minnesota Department of


The very first handicapped accessible

Nobles County Heartland Express

vehicle was purchased March 6, 1990.

Since then, Nobles County has received

a total of six replacement vehicles to be

used in the public transit system.

In 2012, the Office of Transit at MNDOT wanted

to alter how local transportation services were

provided throughout Minnesota. An initiative

called “Transit for the Future” was funded. In

2013, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock

counties submitted a $280,000 proposal to begin

working collaboratively. Buffalo Ridge Regional

Transportation provided cross-county

transportation through this project. The grant

ended December 31, 2014.

Karen DeBoer, Transit Director,

and Maria Kutzbach


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SSSMMMOOOCCC HHHeeeaaaddd SSStttaaarrrttt

History . . . January 8, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson declares a “War on Poverty”.

As a result of a report by Dr. Robert Cooke, in which he set up a committee to discuss how to give

disadvantaged children a “head start”. Head Start was launched by President Lyndon B. Johnson, on

May 18, 1965, and officially began in the summer of 1965. It served more than 560,000 children and

their families in an eight-week summer program.

Based on the success of the summer program, Congress decided to fund Head Start for a full school

year. The first school year programs began in the fall of 1965.

. . . and Today The SMOC Board of Directors is made up of community members, and the Head Start Policy Council,

which is made up of current parents of children enrolled in Head Start, are the governing bodies of Head

Start. As required by Head Start Performance Standard,

45 CFR 1304.50, they receive training annually on their

roles and responsibilities.

SMOC Head Start serves 195 children and their families

in Home-Based, Combination or Center option. These

children are funded by a combination of a Federal grant,

State grant and Early Learning Scholarships awarded to

Head Start. Head Start serves children who are three to

four years old by September 1st, and is tuition free to

families that are accepted. 90% of families must meet

income guidelines and the other 10%, must be made up

of children with special needs, regardless of income status.

This past year parents, teachers and staff planned 91 Family Fun Nights for 13 classrooms. The topics

discussed on these Family Fun Nights were: Pedestrian and Bus Safety, Nutrition, Mental Health

(emotions), Winter Survival, Fire Station, Math and Science, Make It, Take It Night and Gym Time.

Primary medical providers completed physical exams on 215 children for a total of 91%, and because

we include children who were dropped, we’ll never achieve 100%. All head Start children received a

developmental screening as well. 200 children received a dental exam or oral assessment from a dental

provider for a total of 94%, which also includes

children who were dropped.

Nutrition Information forms for all children

enrolled in the program are reviewed by a

registered dietician.

Head Start uses the High Scope Curriculum with

Child Observation Record (COR) to document a

child’s progress in the following eight areas:

Approaches to Learning, Social and Emotional

Development, Physical Development and Health,

Language, Literacy, and Communication, Mathematics, Creative Arts, Science and Technology and Social

Studies. These are based on the dimensions of school readiness. The High Scope Curriculum meets

Minnesota state standards and is used by one-fifth of all Head Start programs. Parents receive COR reports

on their child’s progress throughout the school year.


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Parents whose children are enrolled in Head Start

complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social

Emotional (ASQ:SE). This helps identify any

concerns they have about their children’s social

and/or emotional development. The ASQ:SE

provides developmental and social-emotional

screening for children, and helps deliver effective

child development services that strengthen families,

and improve school readiness.

Since Head Start has a large diverse population, we



as needed for home visits to ensure that families understand

the importance of working with their children.

Head Start employs qualified staff and all receive at

least 20 hours of professional development training

each year.

This past year Head Start had a total of 407 parent and

community volunteers. They worked 23,358 hours and

generated $282,234.97, in non-federal In-kind match,

exceeding the required amount, and documenting

community support for our program.

All services that Head Start provides are designed to prepare children for kindergarten so they can be

successful in school and in life.

SMOC Head Start strives to assist parents in developing their skills for their role as the first and

most important teacher in their child’s life.

Head Start Back row: (from left) Sara Schirmacher,

Cheryl Miller,

Jessie Gaytan,

Dawn Easterday

Front row: (from left) Ramon Ramos-Reyes,

Lori Gunnink,

Head Start Director, Julie Steenstra,

Joan Lupkes


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1994 - 2014

Family Connections consists

of various committees and task

teams that are organized to

implement the established goals and

objectives. The core membership of

this collaborative includes

representatives from 13 different

organizations / programs:

~ Adrian Community Schools

~ Brewster/Round Lake Public School

~ District 518 Community Education

~ Ellsworth Public Schools

~ Fulda Public School

~ Nobles Community Corrections

~ Nobles County Board of Commissioners

~ Nobles County Family Services

~ Nobles Public Health Services

~ SMOC – Head Start

~ Southwestern Mental Health Center

~ SW MN Opportunity Council

~ Worthington District 518 School

The Nobles County Collaborative

encourages and supports improved

outcomes for children through

mental health services. It also

coordinates and assists with

identifying the social and emotional

needs of very young children, birth

to five years, and their families for

early intervention.

The historical development of Family Service

Collaborative dates back to 1991; Governor

Arne Carlson created the Action for

Children Commission. This state-wide task

force, which included representation from

nonprofit organizations, children’s advocacy

groups, the business community and

government, was asked to create a vision for

Minnesota children and families. As part of

its charge, the Commission agreed to

recommend needed changes in service

delivery systems.

In order to receive a family service

collaborative grant, a minimum of one

county, one community action agency, one

school district and one public health entity

must formally agree to establish a

collaborative and commit resources to an

integrated fund. These collaboratives are

expected to have broad community

representation, which may include other

municipalities, existing culturally specific

community organizations, local foundations,

businesses and community action agencies.

The Nobles County Family Connections

Collaborative was established in 1994, when

it received its initial planning grant. Family

Connections encourages all organizations

and individuals within Nobles County to

work together to improve services for


Nelson Bonilla, Community






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The Energy Assistance Program is designed to assist income

eligible households with their home heating energy payments

by reducing consumption and costs without relieving the

household of the responsibility of making energy payments.

Staff are available to assist households with disconnects, help

with making payment arrangements and assist with cold

weather rule applications.

Households are also assisted with repairs or replacement of

unsafe heating systems if they qualify.

The goal of the Weatherization Program is to provide energy conservation measures to low-income

homeowners and renters. Reducing home heating expenditures through weatherizing, insuring safety of

mechanical heating systems and working with homeowners to modify their energy conservation habits leaves

households with more discretionary income and lessens their reliance on subsidy programs such as fuel

assistance. Due to increased regulations and certifications required of staff, a weatherization collaborative

was formed in SW Minnesota by Western Community Action (Marshall), Prairie Five (Montevideo), SW MN

Opportunity Council (Worthington) and Heartland Community Action (Willmar). This has helped to address

the regulations and specialization required to continue to provide weatherization services to the 18 counties

with limited funding streams.




Community Development Department

Energy Assistance Program (EAP)

Weatherization Program (WX)

The Programs under Community Development include Energy Assistance, Weatherization, Senior Employment, Homemakers, Small Cities Development, MHFA Rehab Loan and the emergency housing programs which consist of Transitional Housing, Family Homeless Prevention and FEMA Emergency Food & Shelter.












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1980 - 2015 Energy Assistance Program History


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Housing Dept

Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity

Council works with Southwest Minnesota

Housing Partnership, who applies for the

Small Cities Development Program (SCDP)

fund from the State of Minnesota

Department of Employment and Economic

Development (DEED). These funds are

awarded through a competitive grant

application process.

SCDP projects must

meet certain criteria.

Projects must

either 1) Benefit

low and moderate

income persons

2) Prevent or

eliminate slum and

blight or 3) Alleviate urgent

community development needs. SCDP

projects administered by SMOC during

FY2014 include the City of

Rushmore/Adrian (two cities combined) and

the City of Worthington. The City of

Rushmore/Adrian grant ended on December

31, 2014. A total of 10 households – rental

and owner-occupied, were served benefiting

47 people. The City of Worthington was

funded in 2014 and will continue through

December 31, 2015. This grant was awarded

for rental and owner-occupied properties.

The MHFA Rehabilitation Loan Program

and Emergency Loan Program assist low to

moderate income homeowners in financing

home improvements that directly affect the

safety, habitability, energy efficiency, and

accessibility of their homes. Applicants for

this program must own and occupy the

home to be rehabilitated. Income limits are

based upon the size of the household.

MHFA funds are part of a regional pool.

The maximum loan amount is $27,000 per

household project. The Rehabilitation Loan

Program has a 15 year term with loan

repayment deferred until the borrower sells,

transfers title, no longer

lives in the property or

at the end of the 15


A total of 29


were assisted

using MHFA and

SCDP funds in 2014, in

the amount of $494,055, and eight

rental units were assisted with SCDP funds

in the amount of $144,700.

The Housing Department administers programs to rehabilitate existing homes using funds from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (MHFA) and the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). There are two programs under MHFA – Rehabilitation Loan Program and Emergency Loan Program. DEED funds are available

through the Small Cities Development Program (SCDP).

Gina Graff,

Housing & WX Auditor

Cherie Bauer,

Housing Coordinator


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Before . . . and After


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Family Homeless Prevention

Assistance Program (FHPAP) Services are targeted to families, single adults and youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and include: assistance in locating housing, direct assistance with rent, security deposits, and budget counseling. A case manager works with participants to establish goals and develop money management skills in addition to providing access to mainstream and other community resources.

Emergency Housing Programs

funds from Minnesota Housing, Minnesota OEO, Salvation Army and United Way of Nobles County are used to provide homeless prevention, transitional housing and emergency housing as well as counseling, budgeting, advocacy and referral services to individuals and families that are economically challenged to help stabilize their housing. In 2014, emergency housing services were provided to 53 households impacting 154 beneficiaries to either prevent them from becoming homeless or assist them in securing housing.

Salvation Army Service

Extension Emergency

Assistance Funds are used to provide immediate temporary emergency assistance to families and individuals who cannot receive assistance from any other sources. Assistance is varied according to the needs of the family or individual and may include: emergency rent, emergency transportation, winter clothing, furniture and food.

Transitional Housing (THP) The Transitional Housing Program provides scattered site housing and supportive services to homeless families and single adults to facilitate long term independent housing. Participants receive assistance to find suitable housing, direct assistance with rent and security deposits, as well as intensive case management including establishing goals and objectives and development of money management skills in addition to providing access to mainstream and other community resources necessary to stabilize their situation.

FEMA Emergency Food &

Shelter Program (EFSP) EFSP is governed by a National Board that selects jurisdictions for funding. Local Boards are convened in qualifying jurisdictions to determine the highest need and best use of funds and to select recipient organizations that are able to provide emergency food and shelter services. Each year, needs are assessed in an effort to respond to changes in the community. EFSP funds must be used to supplement local feeding, shelter and utility assistance efforts. In 2014, the local EFSP Local Board chose to allocate $14,426 to support the Fulda Food Shelf, Luverne Food Shelf, Pipestone Food Shelf, Slayton Food Shelf, Worthington Christian Church Food Shelf, Manna Food Pantry and the Nobles County Senior Nutrition Program.

United Way Funds Funds are used to supplement emergency housing assistance provided to families, single adults and youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and include assistance in finding housing, direct assistance with rent, security deposits, and budget counseling.


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Nakayla explained that

their lives had changed

dramatically since moving

to Minnesota.

Nakayla came into our office at Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc. (SMOC) last month seeking assistance to pay past due rent. She, and her husband Lindsey, had received an eviction notice to vacate their apartment within five days. She was desperate, and frightened that she and her family would lose their housing again.

Prior to moving to Worthington last summer, Nakayla, her husband and their two daughters had lived in a homeless shelter in Chicago for more than a year. Nakayla explained that their lives had changed dramatically since moving to Minnesota. In Chicago, they were homeless and lived in a dangerous neighborhood where drive by shootings, drug dealers and gangs were part of their daily lives. A life they did not want to repeat.

In Worthington, Lindsey has a good paying job at a manufactured home company. Nakayla works part-time at a nursing home, which enables her to be home to care for her daughters after they return home from school. They were able to pay all their expenses and were proud to say that they had been able to purchase a used vehicle. Unfortunately, Lindsey injured his hand and had not been able to work for the past month. He applied for short term disability and was denied. They applied for cash assistance, but were found ineligible because of past income. In the meantime, the only income was from Nakayla’s part-time job which was not enough to pay all of their expenses. They fell behind in their rent and knew that they would not be able to pay their rent again this month.

In the course of the interview and application process, our case manager reviewed income and expenses with Nakayla and found that they had a good understanding of where their money was being spent, but did not have a written budget. She found that they were not aware of the Energy Assistance Program (EAP) and she assisted them in completing an application which was submitted to EAP staff. Upon approval, they received assistance to help pay for their heat. She also discovered that as a cost saving measure, they had cut back on food purchases and had very little food on hand. She connected them with the local food shelf where they were able to get an emergency supply of food. She spoke to their financial worker at the county and determined that they had not applied for emergency assistance. The county financial worker agreed to meet with Nakayla that same day. With Nakayla’s permission, our case manager faxed a copy of their eviction notice and other verifications to the financial worker. Nakayla’s application for emergency assistance was subsequently approved. Our case worker negotiated with the manager of the apartment complex to delay eviction process. After much discussion, it was determined that both emergency assistance and FHPAP were needed to resolve the situation and prevent eviction of the family.

Eventually, Lindsey was given a release by his physician and returned to a normal work schedule. Nakayla and Lindsey worked with the case manager to develop a written budget. They are grateful for all the assistance they received to save their housing, assist with their heat bills and feed their family.

On a personal note . . .


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The Senior Community Service Employment

Program (SCSEP) seeks to provide work

experience through a job training program for

seniors wanting to enter the workforce. Eligible

applicants, 55 years of age or older, who have

little or no current work experience, are assigned

to non-profit worksites suited to their

qualifications and needs.

Participants typically work 20 hours per week

and are currently paid a minimum hourly wage

of $8.00, with an increase to $9.00 effective

August 2015.

SMOC administers the SCSEP in six

southwestern Minnesota counties: Cottonwood,

Jackson, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone and Rock.

There is currently 27 slots funded through the


Recertification Meeting

Senior Community Service

Employment Program (SCSEP)

Nobles County Clients 16

Revenue $44,941.00

Homemakers 10

Cottonwood County Clients 52

Revenue $83,157.09

Homemakers 22


Program For 2014

The Homemaker Program is to help residents stay

independent, comfortable, safe and to be able to

remain in their home by providing dependable

assistance with light housekeeping and related tasks. A

few of the services we provide are dusting, vacuuming,

sweeping, laundry, food preparation and errands.

Services can be weekly or monthly based on the client’s

needs. We serve the residents of Cottonwood and

Nobles Counties.

Referrals for clients requesting homemaker services

come from Cottonwood Social Services and Nobles

Social Services. SMOC employs caring people who

work very hard to provide the best possible services

and support for our clients. Southwestern Minnesota

Opportunity Council is licensed and registered with the

State of Minnesota and Minnesota Department of

Health to provide homemaker services.






Doug Mead,






Page 21: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC


On December 15, 1989, SMOC received the

award letter from the Department of

Human Services to implement Child Care

Resource and Referral services in Murray,

Nobles, Pipestone, and Rock. On June 6,

1990, a staff person, Karen DeBoer, was

hired and the service began. On June 15,

2001, SMOC won the contract from the

Department of Human Services to provide

CCRR services throughout all of Region 8;

adding the counties of Cottonwood, Jackson,

Lincoln, Lyon, and Redwood. On July 1,

2004, the Department of Human Services

implemented a new CCRR service delivery

system. SMOC SWCCRR became one of

fourteen “baseline” CCRR programs in

Minnesota – focusing services on our local

communities. January 1, 2013 CCRR in

Minnesota became the 5th state in the nation

to change its name to Child Care Aware.

Region 8 Child Care Aware continues to serve the nine

counties of Region 8:

Cottonwood, Jackson,

Lincoln, Lyon, Murray,

Nobles, Pipestone, Redwood

and Rock. We provide

consultation, coaching, and

technical assistance to child

care providers and child care

programs as well as parents,

businesses, and community


In September 2013, Region 8 Child

Care Aware was chosen to administer

the Early Learning Scholarship

program funded by the Minnesota

Department of Education. Over $1

Million in scholarship funds has been

awarded to families, school districts,

and early childhood programs in our


January 1, 2015, all counties in Minnesota

became eligible to participate in Parent

Aware, Minnesota’s Quality Rating System.

This is not a new concept; every state in the

nation (with the exception of MO) has some

form of a quality rating and improvement

system for early childhood. Minnesota’s

system began in 2009 and finally reached the

child care programs in our area in 2015.

Programs that choose to participate have an

opportunity to earn a star-rating and eligible

families enrolled in the program can access an

Early Learning Scholarship.

RRReeegggiiiooonnn 888 CCChhhiiilllddd CCCaaarrreee AAAwwwaaarrreee Celebrates 25 Years of Service

1990 ~ 2015

Page 22: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

PPPrrraaaiii rrr iiieeelllaaannnddd TTTrrraaannnsssiii ttt SSSyyysssttteeemmm ~~~

NNNooobbbllleeesss CCCooouuunnntttyyy HHHeeeaaarrr ttt lllaaannnddd EEExxxppprrreeessssss


Federal/State Programs: Funds: %: Includes:

Child Care $1,015,826 16.3 Childcare Aware, Family U, SW Initiative Grant, Early

Learning Scholarships

Community Services $411,070 6.5 CSBG/MEOG/ Family Connect/Homemakers/United Way

Energy Programs $1,496,626 24.0 Energy Assistance Program

Head Start $1,616,215 25.9 CACFP (Food Programs)

Health Program $463,590 7.4 Family Planning

Homeless & Shelter $74,753 1.2 Emergency Services: EFSP/THP/FHPAP

Housing Programs $183,797 2.9 MHFA/Small Cities

Job Training $264,069 4.2 SCSEP

Transit $515,362 8.3 Transit

WX Projects $203,430 3.3 DOE/EAP WX/MN WX/Propane/Project Care

Total Expenses: $6,244,738 100

Southwestern Minnesota

Opportunity Council, Inc.



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Page 24: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

1965 Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity Council, Inc.

(SMOC) comprised of the four southwestern counties of

Nobles, Rock, Pipestone, and Murray is incorporated.

Original office is located in Pipestone MN.

1966 Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) grants SMOC

$36,148 to administer Head Start Program.

1968 Farm Management Program started training farm

families to meet their needs.

- Operation Up-Grade - Senior Citizens Grant provides full-

time assistance to help Senior Centers become operational

with recreational and social facilities.

- Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC) Program is started. It

employs 90 boys and girls, placed in local communities to

provide services to help create better living standards for the

poor. The purpose is to encourage these kids to finish school.

1969 SMOC moves main office to Slayton.

- SMOC’s Head Start now has one center that runs full year

and is located in Worthington.

- Senior Citizens Grant of $74,842 provides expansion into

Outreach and Housing Programs.

1970 SMOC moves to Worthington Armory Building.

- New Careers becomes a SMOC program. This is an

employment training program and provides training to place

individuals in civil service positions.

- Good Neighbor Program started. This will provide

homemaking skills to the poor.

1971 SMOC moves into the Fleet Office Building on Oxford

St in Worthington.

- SMOC Family Planning Program begins with $25,000 grant

from the State Dept. of Health.

1972 RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) begins.

Grant of $38,344 reimburses senior volunteers for their


- SMOC Head Start now operates four centers. Three run

August to March and the fourth January to August.

- Nobles County Housing Authority has been approved.

- NYC increases to 173 employment slots and involves 30

villages and cities in the four counties.

- New Careers increases to 178 enrollees and expands into the

Cities area.

1973 Self Help Housing Project begins. “Build a home for

$15,000” is the grant requirement.

- Community Organization has helped 22 Senior Centers get

started and is helping set up youth centers in rural towns.

- SMOC is granted additional counties of Jackson and

Cottonwood for Family Planning.

- SMOC begins administration of Nobles County Senior

Citizen Transportation Program.

1974 New Careers Program is phased out.

- NYC will now be CETA and be administered by the State

Employment Agency.

- OEO is phased out.

- SMOC Head Start Centers operate in Wilmont, Adrian,

Luverne and Hills.

1975 Nobles County purchases a 14 passenger bus for

transportation services in Nobles County.

- SMOC Energy Assistance Grant of $1,856 received.

- Community Organization begins Recreation Programs,

Weatherization and Nutrition.

1976 Worthington Transportation Grant of $5,000 (City of

Worthington) will allow 50¢ credit toward fare for senior


- Emergency Food & Energy Program Grant for $16,750


- Head Start runs full year and is now switched to home based.

- MN Housing Finance Agency Grant of $108,875 for housing

loans is introduced in Murray, Nobles and Rock Counties.

- Family Planning is subcontracted from HEW to Planned

Parenthood. SMOC will pick up the counties of Redwood,

Lincoln and Lyon.

- OEO now will be called Community Services Administration


- Summer CETA and Governor’s Youth Employment make

195 jobs available for youth in the four counties.

1977 SMOC Head Start increased to 76 children with total

funding $104,206.

- Home Improvement Program now covers nine counties.

1978 SMOC Senior Community Services Employment

Program, (SCSEP) offering employment for seniors over 50

years of age, begins with grant of $32,000. There are eight

eligible slots for this program.

1979 SMOC office moves to the Kilbride Medical Building

on 11th St in Worthington.

- Voluntary Action Center Program funded by CETA begins.

- Summer Youth Employment employs 120 youths at 59


- SMOC Senior Employment Program is expanded to 10

clients and $40,300.

- Youth Community Conservation Improvement Project

(YCCIP) grant of $51,000 employs high school drop-outs and

youngsters with special needs.

- SMOC Family Planning now covers nine counties

- The 1979 EAP Grant of $250,000 served 1,200 families.

- Murray and Pipestone Counties are awarded grants to

organize volunteer transportation. SMOC will administer the


1981 Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) grant of

$71,000 provides consumer education and crisis assistance. - SCSEP Grant of $92,800 has 23 enrollees in the six county


- Murray/Pipestone County Volunteer/Transportation Program

of $22,217 expands into Nobles and Rock Counties to provide

meal site transportation.

SMOC History Highlights


Page 25: 2014 Annual Report - Southwestern Minnesota Opportunity ... · Rock County Pipestone County Nobles County Nobles County Murray County ... Through the efforts of area citizens, SMOC

now resides at the former Peoples Natural Gas Building.

1999 In April, SMOC’s new Head Start Center opens in

Worthington on 11th St.

- The Nobles County Joint Powers Transit Authority, a

partnership between the City of Worthington, Nobles County

and SMOC was created in June.

2000 SMOC offers Family Assets for Independence in MN

(FAIM) to assist households in building assets to purchase a

home or start a small business.

2001 SMOC becomes the CCRR grantee for the nine county

area of Region 8 as of July.

2002 An expansion grant was received from MNDOT and

on Jan 2nd, Prairieland Transit began providing public

transportation through a centralized dispatch system.

2004 Transition year for EAP as it prepared for a new

internet based processing and reporting system called eHEAT,

with the Dept of Commerce.

- SMOC’s Family Planning moves into their new location on

4th Ave in Worthington.

2005 SMOC observes 40th Anniversary.

- A Family Planning clinic setting was opened in Marshall.

2007 SMOC transitioned from a mainframe IBM AS400 to a

PC based server system.

2008 Economic downturn is in full swing. Our Emergency

Shelter Grant, Rural Housing Assistance and Transitional

Housing Programs are providing crisis relief to keep people in

their homes.

2009 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

(ARRA) is signed into law. SMOC receives close to $2

million in ARRA funding, mostly in Weatherization but also

in Head Start, SCSEP, CCRR and the Food Shelf Programs

2010 SMOC’s Small Cities Development Program has three

grants serving Worthington, Wilmont, Round Lake, Slayton,

Hadley, Luverne, Hills and Jasper. This activity rehabbed 49

homes and generated $1.2 million spent at local area

businesses, helping the local economy.

2011 SMOC’s Family Planning continues to provide services,

education and counseling at its five clinic sites in Worthington,

Marshall, Ortonville, Montevideo and Redwood Falls.

2012 SMOC is faced with budget reductions and the MN

state shut down.

2013 SMOC receives funds for the Buffalo Ridge Transit, a

collaboration of four transit systems in southwestern MN.

- SMOC also receives funding and administers the MN Early

Learning Scholarships for children in Region 8.

2015 SMOC celebrates its 50th Anniversary.

- Volunteer Services and Dial Line Grant of $18,424 provides

information on Community Services.

1985 USDA Commodities Grant of $3,887 provides for

distribution of surplus cheese, milk products and other

government subsidized products.

1986 Garden Seed and Carrier Alert Programs are funded by

CSBG dollars.

- Self Sufficiency Grant of $32,637 begins pilot program to

teach budgeting and employment skills.

- Emergency Food & Shelter Grant of $4,601 is received.

1987 Insurance Forms Assistance Program is started with SW

Initiative Fund Grant of $7,000.

- Federal Dollars for Emergency Assistance (FEMA) totals


1988 Senior Companion Program is funded through CSBG


- Emergency Community Service Homeless Grant (ECSHG)

of $4,515 is received.

1989 SMOC moves main office to the Ed Yepsen Building on

10th St in Worthington.

1990 Nobles County Heartland Express is supported by a

Nobles County and MNDOT combined grant. A 16 passenger

bus is purchased for the second vehicle.

- Emergency Homeless Program (EHP) Grant of $7,645 is


1991 SMOC’s Child Care Resource and Referral Program

(CCRR) begins with grant of $45,000.

1992 SMOC, Western Community Action, Prairie Five CAA

and SW Regional Development Commission form SW MN

Housing Partnership.

1993 Chandler and Lake Wilson Urgent Threat Grants

address tornado damage in those communities.

1994 The SW Region Family Loan Program serving 18

counties completed 32 loans for $48,000, mostly for car

repairs or purchases.

1995 SMOC observes 30th Anniversary.

1996 SMOC delivers more than 15 different programs to

our communities with an office in each of our four counties.

- In partnership with utility companies such as Minnegasco,

Peoples Natural Gas and Interstate Power Company, 179

homes were weatherized in our four county area.

1997 The Home Stretch Program issued 110 certificates to

families to help with purchasing homes in the six county area.

1998 An 18 month long facilities campaign resulted in the

purchasing and occupying of a new, larger office facility in

Worthington. SMOC had tremendous support in this

campaign from area organizations, private and public. SMOC

. . . and Highlights Continue


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The mission of SMOC is to end poverty in our

communities by strengthening our people

through opportunities and service.

We are committed to helping our families who

are trapped in poverty and to prevent the

conditions of poverty for future generations.

outhwestern innesota pportunity ouncil, Inc.

1106 3rd Ave ~ PO Box 787

Worthington MN 56187

P 507-376-4195 ~ F 507-376-3636