Download - 2014 Agilon Nonprofit Solutions


Agilon’s One Core Modules


Easy to enter and show key information about your donors and friends

including names, addresses, donor preferences, relationships, education,

employment, degrees, free text, giving summary and attitudinal data.


Manage all gift details including pledge commitments, cash reporting,

soft credits, EFTs, matching gifts, and planned gifts. Billing schedules and

override procedures give you maximum flexibility for pledges while gift

entry is simplified with shortcuts, batch defaults and user preferences.


Track key donors including plans, contact reports, tasks, ratings and

qualifications. Proposals help you manage outstanding asks along with

their solicitation levels.

Gift Clubs

Target your fundraising efforts at specific levels of donors to increase their

giving by tracking both your active and inactive gift club membership

information. Multiple clubs with multiple giving levels give you unlimited

flexibility. Club membership is based on pledge and gift data and rules

as you define them.


Crystal Reports provides formal reporting of information from the

fundraising database. Available reports include status reports, fund

totals, giving levels and statistics. This module also works in conjunction

with the Selection Wizard to provide for flexible data selection.

Selection Wizard

Selection Wizard gives you a visual way to pick data filters and specify

your criteria while the Selection Wizard generates SQL behind the

scenes. Your SQL experts can edit it or write their own and paste it into

the Wizard.

Virtual Directory

The Virtual Directory is a shared directory that lets you view and access

documents from within the system.

Agilon’s One Optional Modules

Agilon’s One integrated modules extend the fundraising system to manage your

unique fundraising-related activities. It allows you to build the software package

you need today with room to grow tomorrow.

Capital Campaigns

Capture a live view of donor and campaign pledges broken down into

commitment lines meaningful to you with up-to-the-minute online

reporting. Tied directly to the Gifts and Prospects modules, you can

track a donor pool, or tie Campaign gifts to an outstanding proposal.

Constituent Connection

Reach out to your donors and alumni with this online community. They

can review & update their records, make donations, register for events,

renew memberships and set preferences for what they want to share

with the community.


Manage complex events with activities, attendee information, venues,

suppliers, budgeted/actual expenses, and seating plans. It helps you

create nametags, place cards, guest lists, envelopes, and response

cards while tracking dietary and special needs for each constituent.


Support dues-paying and non-dues-paying programs with special

renewal and eligibility rules. A constituent can have memberships in

multiple groups or clubs along with different levels of membership.

Payments can also be made as a gift for someone else.


Easily prepare stewardship reports by tracking fund donors and

recipients. Also generate receipts, and transaction and check-writing

reports on demand. Each fund can provide multiple scholarships.

Updated payment activity is kept on each recipient.


Personalize your text and html emails for pledge reminders, gift receipts,

etc. Direct connection to both the One and CAMPUSCALL databases

means you can fully automate gift and pledge acknowledgements.

Agilon’s One Optional Modules

Event Merchandising

Identify areas that your donors have an affinity with by tracking their

online event purchases. Tracking merchandise purchases against your

database records is a great way to gauge a donor's affinity with

different parts of your organization.

Business Financials

Agresso Business Financials gives you all the essential fund accounting

functions needed by nonprofits. It is a modern business system with an

intuitive interface for users who work with Microsoft Office.

Investment Manager

Investment Manager lets you to easily track investment activity down to

the fund level. Investing/Divesting (purchase/sale) is automatically

calculated per participating fund based on available cash and payout

to be re-invested.


The Stewardship module complements the Scholarships/Endowments

module. It lets nonprofits track the complex nuances of donated items

and spaces, forms of recognition associated with them, stewardship

activities, correspondence, etc. in a single, consolidated format to

improve donor relations.

Agilon Mobile

Agilon Mobile™ for Smartphones, iPads, and other tablets

Development Officers need tools to get important and timely information on their

prospects and major donors. Agilon Mobile gives Development Officers access to this

key information right from their mobile device.

• View ticklers, reminders and tasks.

• Update plans, contact reports, and proposals.

• Enter contact reports.

• Lookup names and salutations.

• See prospect photos.

• Map addresses and get directions.

• Dial phone numbers with a single click.

• Send emails quickly and easily.

• View relationships.

• List gift history, open pledges and planned gifts.

• Track event attendance and membership history.

Easy to access and navigate

to donor profiles.

Look up and update records

for anyone in the fundraising


Update contact reports, event

attendance records, name

and address records and


No need to carry around a

heavy laptop!

Agilon Mobile – for Development Officers

Agilon’s One for iPads & tablets

Demographic Information

Agilon’s One Constituents Module

Agilon provides an affordable donor relationship management system to capture,

organize and process all the information you collect about your donors.

Names & Addresses Communications Spouse Name & ID

Employer Relationships Deceased & Confidential


ID Number Birth Date Photos and more

The Constituents module includes:

• Contact information & status

• Biographic information and participation

• Business affiliation and contact information

• Spouse and child information

• Salutations, historical, alternate and nick names

• Historical, alternate and seasonal addresses

• Degrees, colleges and affiliations

• Student history and participation records

• Relationships for family, friends, foundations and associates

• Employer and matching gift information

• Appeal participation

• Giving summary & lifetime donations

• Activity and board positions, etc.

Constituent identification information

Prospect Management

Agilon’s One Prospects Module

Easily manage information about major gift prospects. It tracks details of plans,

tasks and the relationships of development officers, volunteers and staff associated

with prospective donors, as well as contacts made with each prospect. Ticklers

remind the fundraiser what the next step is in developing each prospect.

The Prospects module helps you:

• Research, rate and score potential prospects.

• Track capacity, propensity and funding interests.

• Manage prospect assignments.

• Formulate and schedule plans and


• Track meetings and contacts.

• Synchronize plans with desktop calendars.

• Track proposals and expected and actual gifts.

• Store documents and pictures.

Proposals are tracked

from qualification through

solicitation, response and

booking to make it easy

to report on the gift


Proposals can be

restricted so only certain

staff have access to see


Proposal Details

Agilon’s One Contributions Module

Track all the details on gifts and pledges for individuals and organizations. Manage

pledge commitments, cash reporting, soft credits, matching gifts, and planned gifts.

When payments and gifts are recorded, it prints cash reports and receipts,

automatically identifies donors who work for matching gift companies, and updates

campaign and accounting information in the general ledger financial system.

The Contributions module helps you:

• Manage wills, stocks, gifts-in-kind, etc.

• Create matching gift expectancies automatically.

• Automate pledge billing schedules.

• View comprehensive gifts by fund.

• Automate payroll deduction and

EFT processing

• Tie gifts & pledges to appeals.

• Process premiums and levies.

• Review & Approve gift batches.

• Automate soft credits, relationship

credits & split gifts.

Relate gifts directly to

fundraising activities to

measure your results.

View Comprehensive Giving

including donations from

spouses and related donors.

Process online gifts and

pledges directly in batch

processing at the click of a


Customize gift receipts,

pledge reminders, etc.

Gift and Pledge Processing

Comprehensive Giving

Agilon’s One Planned Giving

Planned giving is a vehicle-driven way to track all types of planned gifts:

Charitable gift annuities Life estate

Charitable lead trusts Life insurance

Charitable remainder trusts General planned gift expectancies

Agilon's One planned giving tracks:

• Gift Type, Term &


• Established Date

• Estimated or Face


• Cash Surrender


• Charitable Value

• Valuation Date & Type

• Present Value & Date

• Value Adjustment

& Date

• Income Payout

• Payout Begin Date

• Payout Term

• Dollars received

• Insurance Policy records

• Beneficiaries and payment records

• Contacts related to the gift: Attorneys, Executors, Agents, Trust Officers,

Financial Planners, etc.

Planned Giving

Agilon’s One Memberships Module

Managing both dues-paying and non-dues paying programs can be time-

consuming. Your donors may have multiple memberships with different payment

schedules. And you need to have a clear separation between dues payments and


The Memberships module helps you:

• Track groups & clubs within a group.

• Define multiple dues levels.

• Set payments by month, quarter or


• Record benefits received.

• View memberships across all


• Review & Approve dues payments.

• Tie payments to membership appeals.

• Automate lapsed memberships.

• Track continuous and total years as member.

• Print renewal notices, receipts and member cards.

Track the clubs and groups

your donors belong to

along with their status and

dues payments.

Measure results of your

mailings and appeals.

Provide online purchase

and renewal membership


Membership Management

Membership Details

Agilon’s One Scholarships Module

Track information about scholarships and endowments, their donors, purpose, criteria,

and recipients. It tracks allocations and awards by period and stores updated

payment activity for each recipient. Important documents like applications and

award letters can be attached and filed.

The Scholarships module lets you:

• Create scholarship profiles.

• Allocate awards by period.

• Track awards to recipients

by period.

• Tie scholarships to organizations and


• Link donors and contacts to scholarships.

• Capture recipient data for

future fundraising activities.

• View donor involvement across endowments.

• Access fund commitments & balances in real-time.

Simplify stewardship reports.

View allocations and awards


Understand your donors and

build their profiles.

Tie donors, contacts, allocations

and awards directly to the fund.


Scholarship Management

Donors, Contacts, Allocations and Awards

Scholarship Details

Agilon’s One Events Module

Manage information about event activities, attendees, venues and vendors. It

tracks event tasks, as well as budgeted and actual expenses. The module allows for

the generation of nametags, place cards, guest lists, invitations, envelopes, and

response cards for events and each associated activity.

It helps you manage:

• Mailing and reply dates

• Spouse and guest registrations

• Special and dietary needs

• Staff and volunteer assignments

• Attendees with event roles

• Travel arrangements for VIPs.

• Expenses against your budget

• Vendor information

• Location-defined capacity and seating

• Events & activities with multiple price levels

Event Details

Streamline event

and activity


Tools for everything

from budgeting to

handling dietary

and special needs

Process online

registration and



Copy events,

activities, locations,

etc. from one year

to the next.

Event Management

Event Set-up

Events Management in One

streamlines your most complex events.


Agilon’s Event Merchandising

Identify areas that your donors have an affinity with by tracking their online event

purchases. Tracking merchandise purchases against your database records is a great

way to gauge a donor's affinity with particular areas of your organization.

How is this different than other E-commerce sites?

• Direct integration with your fundraising


• Revenue can be allocated to both

expense and gift funds.

• Merchandise or tickets can be restricted for

certain donors, alumni, classes, and events.

• Partial payments can be allowed.

• Premiums based on dollar or percent of


Online event registrations with merchandise include an online shopping cart.

Merchandise can include up to 5 different levels of options (e.g. size, color,

short/long sleeve, etc.).

• Sell online or off-


• Reorder point/

quantity notice.

• Image varies

based on



• Merchandise

totals are a

separate item

from event fees.

• Events &

purchases are

processed in a



Event Merchandising is part of the

Agilon Donor Outreach Suite™.

Agilon’s Rel@y Email & Alerts

Rel@y is a custom designed email delivery system that gives you a variety of delivery

options and allows you to generate email alerts to your fundraisers and staff based

on donor and prospect activity such as receipt of major gifts, event invitations and

prospect contacts.

You can either pull constituents directly from your CAMPUSCALL or ONE database or

import lists using a CSV or TXT file.

Rel@y lets you:

• Categorize campaigns.

• Send both text and HTML content.

• Archive email indefinitely.

• Avoid spam filters.

• Personalize content by recipient.

• Control the To, From and Reply To email fields.

• Publish E-newsletters to your website.

• Track open and click-thru rates.

• Process bounced messages.

• Subscribe and unsubscribe constituents.

Email Alerts – send rules-based email

alerts to notify users or groups of users

of any activity within the ONE

database like:

• Major donor event registrations

• Membership renewals & lapses for

major prospects

• Deceased notifications

• Gifts received from major prospects

• Someone has entered a contact

report for your prospect

Relay Email Communication

Rel@y e-Newsletter with linked articles

Constituent Connection

Agilon’s Constituent Connection™ online community

Constituent Connection™ gives your donors a personalized online experience to

help you build a strong, loyal network of supporters. Designed to build a

community of relationships between you and your donors, Constituent Connection

is a full-featured online community that includes secure, online credit card

processing for gift and pledge payments, event registration, membership renewals,

and merchandise/ticket purchases.

Online Process Improvements

• Customized user experience.

• Search online directory with profile view and blind email.

• Event registrations with dietary and special needs.

• Simple gift transfer from the online community to your database.

• Online membership renewals.

• Name and address updates at the click of a button.

• Secure web content for selected groups.

• Custom menu links and categories for special activities.

Constituent Connection gives you multiple tools to engage your donors online.

Constituent Connection

Online Event Calendar

The online calendar ties directly to the

event registration system in One.

Members can submit calendar events,

view upcoming events, register

themselves and guests, and pay for

the activities they plan to attend.

These records then become available

in One immediately.

Calendar administration allows you to

review and edit all submissions and

choose which events are posted.

Engage your constituents.

Constituent Connection engages your donors by facilitating relationships through

common interest areas and buddy lists. Email alerts are sent to members

automatically for member postings, events and other activities.

• Publish class notes with photos and messages

• Create photo albums

• Post jobs and resumes

• Advertise for community members with Business Center

• Post volunteer opportunities

Leverage your resources.

• Built-in content management system

• Online Matching Gift data service

• Dedications & Memorials automation

• Specific and unlimited fund designations

Alumni can create their own photo albums.

Online Gift History & Receipts

Agilon’s One My Giving™ in Constituent Connection

Constituent Connection™ goes beyond online giving, so your donors can view

the total value of their giving over time and print their own receipts (either

individual or summary) directly online. My Giving utilizes the Comprehensive

Giving data to show your donors the gifts they’ve helped influence.

• Gifts

• Pledges

• Planned gifts

• Matching gifts

• Soft credit gifts

• Related giving

• Spouse giving

Online Receipting & Stewardship

Agilon’s One Selection Wizard

Raising money is about performance, not programming. That’s why Agilon One

includes a visual query tool—to help you choose criteria and format the results using

pre-defined templates, so you don’t have to know any SQL.

Selection Wizard lets you:

• Pre-define and secure query templates.

• Automate table joins and

field types.

• Preview large queries.

• Paste SQL into the Wizard.

• Specify saluations.

• Combine spouse records.

• Remove deceased records.

• Control server loading with database governers.

• Pre-define what your reports & exports will look like.

As criteria are specified, SQL is written

behind the scenes to give your advanced

users extra flexibility. Query data can be

directly exported to Excel, text files (CSV),

and XML formats.

Selection Wizard lets non-technical staff

create database queries and use the

results to create customized reports.

Design reports with Crystal Reports.

System security applies to all queries and


Selection Wizard Query Tool

Selection Wizard Query

Selection Wizard Filter

Agilon’s One Campaigns Module

Agilon’s One Campaigns Module gives you comprehensive, up-to-the-minute

online or hardcopy reporting of your capital campaign. It gives you a live view of

donor and campaign commitments broken down into commitment lines

meaningful to you.

Capital Campaigns in One includes:

Gift Chart Commitment Breakdowns

Goal Achievement/Percentages Recognition Opportunities

Volunteer Tracking Category Groups & Category Codes

The Campaign module lets you:

• Create campaign

participant pools.

• Include current or

historical gifts.

• Track progress against

the gift chart.

• Override automatic gift


• Track phases &


• Assign positions, ratings,

and solicitation status for

each record.

• Pull Campaign

Commitments based on

areas, districts, etc.

• Compare projected &

actual commitments

with gift chart ranges.

• Track campaigns by

constituents and


• View all campaign

activity for a donor.

Campaign Participant Composite

Capital Campaign Management

Umbrella Campaigns – gives you the ability to define a virtually limitless organization

for your capital campaigns and automatically count gifts, pledges, and planned

gifts toward any sub-campaign while giving you the ability to roll them up to the

comprehensive campaign totals.

Category Groups and Category Codes - Contribution-based. Category groups and

codes allow dollars to be counted in the campaign where the money is intended to

be used.

For example Groups may include: Research, Scholarships, Equipment, etc.

Category codes may include: Academic, Need Based, Achievement Based, etc.

Areas and Districts - Constituent based groups. They allow you to group campaign

participants (donors) into separate pools. Areas are defined according to your rules.

Districts are not heavily used, but your Organization's area could have districts for

different types of organizations like Foundations, Corporations, etc.

Campaign Tagging – Define your own Criteria for how you’d like to tag and count

gifts in a campaign. Tagging allows for automatic counting so your data entry staff

does not have to count gifts toward the campaign. Criteria allow you to define the

campaign based on any field in the database.

Goals - Specified at all the levels described above as well as area and district goals.

ONE includes a Composite view of each constituent that has given to the campaign

along with different views of your Gift Chart (Pyramid), Totals, and Recognition


Capital Campaign Management


Agilon’s One Stewardship Module

Agilon One includes a Stewardship module to track, organize and process all the

details you need to effectively steward your donors.

Named Spaces

When a donor makes a gift resulting in a building, a conference room, or a lab

being named as part of that gift, you need to be able to track those Named

Spaces. One lets you search for Named Spaces by the Campaign, Contributor or a

Keyword search. Named Spaces are displayed in a separate section of Constituent


Faculty Positions

One simplifies tracking awards for endowed and non-

endowed faculty and staff members. It includes

stewardship activities for these accounts/recipients,

such as medallion ceremonies, reporting, past and

current awardees.

Stewardship Activities

Multiple managers

Contact & plan


Send plans to


Manage fund

stewardship and



Faculty Positions

Agilon Consulting Services

Agilon offers consulting services as an extension of your staff, so you can focus on

what’s really important--developing relationships and connecting with your donors

and prospects. Whether you need extra help to complete a particular project,

analyze your network security, or just evaluate your internal processes, we will work

with you to get the job done well.

Process Analysis & Best Practices

Using your internal resources efficiently is

key to being successful. A review of

your internal processes, policies, and

personnel could significantly benefit

your organization.

Agilon’s Best Practices toolkit can help

streamline your processes and train end-

users. It includes constituent and

prospect management, gift processing,

and events management. You can also

customize the manuals with your specific

processes and procedures.

Security Audit

The Security Audit summarizes how your

computer systems and network are

currently operating. We identify

potential security risks and recommend

changes and improvements.

The Security Audit Report provides

actionable paths for mitigating security

risks and complying with regulations and

industry best practices.

External Network Audit

Internal Network Review

Policy & Procedure Review

Analysis & Reporting

Consulting Services

Professional Services

Agilon provides the expertise and objectivity

needed to help you manage a variety of

projects and meet your deadlines.

Event Management

Project Management

Campaign Preparation

Data Analysis

Creative Design Services

HTML email

Web site design

Report Writing

Security Auditing Services

Security Auditing Services

Security Auditing Services by Agilon

A security program must include not only

technology, but also people and

processes. Only after a program has

been developed in terms of its people

and processes can you determine which

technologies are appropriate to serve

your organization’s security goals.

Agilon has developed a comprehensive

program for assessing the security

environment surrounding your critical

information systems.

We provide you with a complete assessment of your current security

environment with specific recommendations to correct potential

weaknesses. Our trained staff conducts an on-site audit of your

computer system configuration and your organization’s policies and

procedures. We also perform automated testing of your systems to

identify vulnerabilities.

External Network Audit: An unbiased, outsider’s view of your

network: what is in place and how it is

configured including quarterly network

scans to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Internal Network Audit: Assessing the critical aspects of how

security is implemented and enforced by

your internal computing systems.

Policy & Procedure Review: Security policies and procedures are the

foundation of a secure network. Content,

communication and enforcement are

key to maintaining a security program.

Analysis & Reporting: The audit report is a collective summary

of how the network is currently operating,

and what risk, and where improvements

need to be made.

Protect Your Data… … Protect Your Donors

Security Auditing Services

Security Auditing Services

Security Audit Profile

Phase 1 – Planning

We gather basic information about your environment, as well as establish

boundaries and limits for the system analysis and test activities. We gather

the information for the planning phase by having you complete a

structured site survey document.

Phase 2 – Testing

During the planning phase we work with you to determine the scope of

the testing. It will vary depending on your particular needs, but areas of

review may include:

External Network Review – We take an outsider’s view of your network,

see what is in place, and how it is configured.

Firewalls & Routers

Perimeter devices

VPN connections

Web and FTP servers

E-mail servers

Remote access methods

Internal Network Review - Examining the internal configuration and

setup of the organizations computing resources.

Users accounts & password policies and practices

Access privileges and levels

File, directory, event log and registry permissions

Audit logs

Software Patch management

Physical network cabling

Backup methodology & disaster recovery plans

Security Auditing Services

Security Auditing Services

Policy and Procedure Review - Security policies are the foundation of

a secure corporate network. They must exist, be enforced, and be

kept up to date. To help ensure this, an Agilon security audit covers:

Business drivers of the security policy

Information security roles and responsibilities

Physical security

Authentication and network security

Internet and e-mail security policies

Intrusion detection and virus scanning

Encryption policy

Policy content and enforcement

Use of resources

Incident reporting and response

Disaster recovery plan

Phase 3 – Analysis & Reporting

We provide a collective summary of

how your computer systems and

network are currently operating,

identify potential security risks, and

recommend changes and


The detailed security audit report gives

you actionable advice to mitigate

information security risks and comply

with applicable regulations and

industry best practices.

Quarterly Perimeter Scans

Perimeter scans are conducted by Agilon to detect potential security

weaknesses in the network configuration, and to assure that security measures

remain in place. The first perimeter scan is conducted during the planning

phase, based on the information provided in the site survey. Subsequent

perimeter scan reports are provided quarterly for a period of 1 year.


Helping You Reach the Right People for the Right Purpose

WealthEngine • 800.933.4446 • [email protected] •

WealthEngine and Agilon offer a

complete solution to help fundraising

professionals as they identify, profile

and track their best donors for every

fundraising campaign.

Identifying and cultivating the right donors and prospects is the key to driving your organization forward. But finding your top donors with significant wealth, disposable income and an inclination to give

to your organization can be a challenge.

With a WealthEngine, Inc.™ and Agilon solution, development professionals can easily identify which individuals to focus on, search for new prospects, refine and raise gift asks and improve the timing of their ask. Working with WealthEngine and Agilon gives you the

information at your fingertips to maximize fundraising results.

WealthEngine-Agilon Integration

A WealthEngine-Agilon integration establishes the critical connection between our FindWealth Online™ service and the

Agilon system. Integration allows clients to access complete wealth profiles with the click of a button and

automatically import essential ratings and scores into their Agilon system.


Helping You Reach the Right People for the Right Purpose

WealthEngine • 800.933.4446 • [email protected] •

WealthEngine has empowered thousands of nonprofit organizations to raise billions in funds through major gifts, capital campaigns, planned giving, event marketing and annual fund efforts.

WealthEngine Solutions With 20 years of experience and some of the most effective tools available for wealth intelligence, WealthEngine helps you identify donors and prospects with the wealth and the propensity to give to your organization. WealthEngine delivers proven ratings and scores, the broadest range and highest quality of data sources, the strongest technology and the most experienced staff in the industry. The foundation for WealthEngine’s solutions is FindWealth Online, our wealth intelligence platform that brings comprehensive insight into the wealth and lifestyle of your donors and prospects. More than 3,500 clients turn to WealthEngine for comprehensive wealth identification solutions across four key areas: Analytics, Research, Prospecting and Consulting.

Partner with WealthEngine and Agilon for Fundraising Success

Adding the value of WealthEngine results to your fundraising helps you to set and achieve campaign goals, identify top prospects, and develop and implement a cultivation strategy. A WealthEngine and Agilon solution gives you wealth intelligence, where and when you need it.

Get Started: Contact Agilon at 800-480-9015 today!

Who are your best donors and prospects?

Analytics allows you to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.

What can you learn about these people?

In-depth, contextual information to better understand each of your prospects.

How can you find more prospects just like them?

Leading tools to build your prospect pipeline and thoughtfully expand your reach.

What strategies should I use to reach them?

Customized insight and advice to develop and execute your fundraising strategy with precision.