Download - 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper

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-'.- -\ -Wlitc various characterjstics ol SSIs. -*",.]', t OJ\., 105 Marks)

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Max. Marks::1.Q0

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(I0 Marks)

(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

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(05 Marks)(05 Marks)(10 Marks)

wrirc tuncriorrsotwTo _7al, i;;;;.u,,F.xphin varrous steps ro stan a SSL ,:/ aa \.', (10 Marks)

writetuncrionsofrECSoK. rri\t'"' '' '',,,t*r*u.u.,

\\'r ire funcrions oISIDBI. ..,\.-.- ios nrarrrs;

writc objectir es. funcrions and single windou concept of Disrricr Industries centre. '

a. Writc various points to be considered for project identification.b. \Vrite differences between pERT and CpM.c. Ilxplain various aspects ofproject feasibility studies.


Fil"th Scmester E.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013Managefirent and Entrepreneurship

Ntrte: ,ilrrspcr FIVE futt questions, selectingat least TWO questions from each part.


a. Det'ine managcnlent. Write various characteristics of management.b. Write various loles of a n-ranager.c. Explain any two important modern management approaches.

a. Write dilferenc'es between strategic planning and tactical plannihg.b. Explain various typ6s of decisionr. ::5'|*^i!"..b'c. Explain various sleps'of planning. ._: .

l. Explaiu the vrliou: sources olrecruilment.b. Write advantages and disadvantages of Iine and staff organization.c. Write various principles of organiz.$tj_oq ',. .i

Write differences between coordination and cooperation (05 Marks)write

.differences among autocratic, participative and Free-Rein Leadership styles. (05 Marrrs;Explain various methods of es(q6lishing contiali:,,." (10 Marks)';) PART_B ,'

../ :,.

\\ r'irc dillerenccs anrong lntrapreneur. Entrepreneur and Manager. (05 Marks)Write.important.qualities of an entrepreneur. ',,.. .r' (05 Marks)Lxplcrn va ous stages in entrepreneurial process.

110 Marks.l

Page 2: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper


Time: 3 hrs.


(05 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013Design of Machine Elements - I

Max. Marks:100Note:1. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TIV'O questions from each parl.2. Use of design dota Hand book is permitted.


I't 9.

-bo I







PART_AWhat are the basic requirements of machine elements? Explain briefly.What are the lactors to be considered for selection of material for a machine component?

(05 Marks)A hollow shaft of 40 mm diameter and 25 mm inner diameter is subjected to a twistingmoment of 1 1 8 N-m, a axial thrust of 9806 N and a bending moment of 79 N-m. Calculatethe maximum compressive and shear stresses. (10 Marks)

2 a. The brasses ofan automobile engine connecting rod have worn, so as to allow play whichgives shock loading equivalent to a weight of 5886 N fatling through a height of 0.2 mm.The connecting rod is 250 mm long and has a cross sectional area of 3x10-am2. Determinethe stress induced in the connecting rod. Compare the maximum stress induced with that ofastatic load of 5886 N. (06 Marks)






b. A hot rolled steel shali is subjected to a torsional moment that varies from 300 N-mclockwise to 100 N-m counterclockwise as the bending moment at the critical section variesfrom 400 N-m to - 200 N-m. Neglecting the stress concentration effect, determine therequired shaft diameter. The material has an ultimate strength of_ 550 MPa and a yieldstrength o1410 MPa. Take the endurance limit as half the ultimatC sirength and a factor ofsafbty as 2. Assume surface, size and load lactor for bending as I:.111,1.1765 and 1 and thatfor torsion as 1.05263,1.1765 and 1.7 respectively. )


4 a. An M20x2 steel bolt of 100 mm long is subjected to impact load. The energy absorbed bythe bolt is 2 N-m.i) Determine the stress in the shank ofthe bolt if there is no threaded portion between the

nut and bolt head.ii) Determine the stress in the shank if the entire length of the bolt is threaded.Assume modulus of elasticity lor steel as 206 GPa.


A bolt is subjected to a direct tensile load of 30 kN and a transverse shear force of 15 kN.Material of the bolt has a normal stress of 350 MPa at yield and Poisson's ratio of 0.25.Compute the root diameter ofthe bolt according to:i) Maximum shear stress theory of failure andii) Von Mise's criterion for failure.Hence suggest suitable size ofthe bolt. Take a value of3 for lbctor ofsafety. (07 Marks)Determine the maximum stress induced in the following cases taking stress concentrationinto account:i) A rectangular plate 50 mm wide, 8 mm thick and with a central hole of i0 mm is loaded

in axial tension of 14.7 kN.ii) A stepped shaft, stepped down from 45 mm to 30 mm .rqith a fifiet radius of 6 mm is

subjected to a twisting moment of 98 N-m. (07 Marks)

Derive Soderberg's equation for designing of a machine element, with change in crosssection, to sustain loads that fluctuate between two limits. (05 Marks)

(15 Marks)

(08 Marks)

Page 3: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper


4 b. Determine the size of the bolts for the loaded bracket shown in Fig. Q4 (b), if the allowabletensile stress in the bolt rnaterial is limited to 80 MPa. (12 Marks)







h = ]4. Assume key*ay

(06 Marks)

(10 Marks)in the weld shown in

(10 Marks)50---4


Fig. Q7 (b)

+. lils


lLiLh ,,71 lA

terms of shaft diameter, taking key width b = I and key thickness'4factor as 0.75.

Design completely the screw, handle and the nut of a screw jack of capacity 40 kN. Themaximum lift is limited to 0.2 m. The screw and the handle are made of C40(40C8) steel and thenut and the cup are made ofcast iron. Also find the efficiency ofthe screw. Check the screw for


supforfFig. Qa (b)

PART - BProve that a hollow shaft is stronger and stiffer than a solid shaft of same length, weight andmaterial. (08 Marks)A hollow propeiler shaft of 0.6 m outside diameter and 0.3 m inside diameter is used todrive a propeller of a marine vessel. The shaft is mounted on bearings 5 m apart and ittransmits 6 MW power at 100 rpm. The maximum axial propeller tkust is 600 kN and shaftweighs 60 kN. Determine i) Maximum shear stress developed in the shaft and ii) Angle oftwist of the shaft between the bearings. Assume the modulus of rigidity as 84 GPa.1t2 naar*;

If a shaft and key are made of samg material, determine the length of the key required in

b. Design a rigid flange coupling to fansmit 18 kW at 1440 rpm. The allowabte shear stress inthe cast iron flange is 4 MPa. The shaft and keys are made ofAISI 1040 annealed steel withultimate strength and yield stress values as 518.8 MPa and 353.4 MPa, respectively. UseASME code to design the shaft and the key. (14 Marks)

A bracket is supported by means of four rivets of same size as shown in Fig. Q7 (a).Determine the diameter of the rivet if the maximum shear stress in the rivet is 90 N/mm2.

Determine the maximum normal stress and the maximum shear stressFie. Q7 (b)



vFig. Q7 (a)

+ + $-i- --;"lt'lI


buckling load. (20 Marks)

Page 4: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper





Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013

. Time: 3 hrs.

Dynamics of Machines

Max. Marks:100Notez l. Answer FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TII/O questions from each part.2. Use of drawing/graph sheets is permitted,3. Missing data assume accordingly,

PART - Ai) Explain the equilibrium of two force members and tlree force members. (04 Marks)ii) Give signiticance of static force analysis of mechanisms. (02 Marks)For the static.equilibrium of the mechanism shown in Fig.Q11b1, find the required inputtorque T2. The dimensions are AB :, 150 mm, BC - AD = 500 mm, DC : 300 mm,CE : 100 mm and EF - 450 mm. (14 Marks)




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..-. Fie.Ql(b)

What is the function of a flywheel? How does it differ from that of a govemor? (05 Marks)A single cylinder, four stroke I.C. engine develops 30 KW,ofpower at 300 rpm. The turningmoment diagram for. the expansion and compression strokes may be taken as isoscelestriangles on bases 0 to n and 3n to 4n radius respectively and the work done duringcompression is 25Yo of that of during expansion. Work done during suction and exhaust isneglected. Find the massmoment of inertia of flywheel to keep the speed fluctuatio ns 1.5%o

on either side of the mean speed. Sketch the T.M. diagram and mark the points of max. andmin gpeed on the diagram. ( t 5 Marks)

a. -.Explain: i) Stip, ii) Creep, iii) Initial tension and iv) Centrifugal tension in belt drive.

b. An open belt drive is required to transmir 10 KW from a motor running ",

uoo ,orjliffllliis l2 mm thick and has a mass density ol0.00l gm/mmr. Sale stress in the belt is not toexceed 2.5 N/mm2. Effective diameter of the driving pulley is 250 mm whereas the speed ofthe driven pulley is 220 rpm. The two shafts are 1.25 m apart.If the coefficient of friction is0.25, determine the width of the belt. (t4 Marks)

A shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D,200,300, 240 and 360 kg respectively, revolvingat radii 90, 70, 100 and 120 mm respectively. The distance from the plane A,.other planesare at 270 mm, 420 mm and 720 mm respectively. Angle between the crank A and B is 45",B and C is 75o, C and D is 130". Balancing masses are replaced 120 mm and 100 mm fromD and A respecti\ely. The disrance between them being 500 mm. Find the balancing massesand their angular positions if they are placed at a radius of 100 mm.



(20 Marks)

Page 5: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper







PART - BExplain the terms primary balancing and secondary balancing as used in balancing ofreciprocating masses. (05 Marks)The piston of a 4-cylinder vertical inline engine reach their uppermost position at 90ointerval in order of their axial position. Pitch ofthe cylinder: 0.35 m. crank radius : 0.12m. Iength ol CR - 0.42 m. The engine runs at 600 rpm. lf the reciprocating parts of eachengine has a mass of 2.5 kg, hnd the unbalanced primary and secondary forces and'couples.Take the central plane ofthe engine as reference plane.

6 a. Define: i) Sensitiveness


ii) Stability

lower arms are attached to the sleeve at a dista(tc. of35 mm fiom the axisss ofthe Sleeve is 54 kg and the mass of each ball is 7 kg. Determine thed when the radius of rotation of the ball is225 inm. What will be the rangeequilibrium when the radius of rotation of the ball is 225 inm.

(I5 Marks)

(04 Marks)are iijvoted on the axis of



ofspeed for this position ifthe liictional resistance to the molion olthe sleeve is equivalentto a force of 30 N at the sleeve. (16 Marks)

Derive an expression for the gyroscopic couple C = Ioro, from the f,rst principle. (05 Marks)Explain the gtroscopic effect ofsteering, pitching and rolling ofa naval ship in a sea.

(09 Marks)Analyze the stability ofa two wheel vebicld taking a tum and derive the necessary equation.

l' : (06 Marks)

For a symmetrical tangent cam operating a roller follower, the least radius of the cam isFor a symmetrical tangent cam operating a roller follower, the least radius of the cam is30 mm and the roller radius is 15 mm. the angle of ascent is 60o, the total lift is 15 mm andthe speed ofthe cam shaft js 300 rpm. Calculate: r".

'of the cam (i.e., the distance between the cam centre and theus and the angle ofcontact of cam with straishr &ont)and the angle ofcontact with straight front)

follower at the beginning of the lift. where the roller just touchesthe nose (i.e:, flank merges into the nose) and the afex..d the circular nose. Assumeihqf+hAf;.iannrl.,ellhc1rwaanq<ncnrend;Ae.Ahf (20 Marks)that there is no dwell belween ascent and descent.

. :*****

nose centre,

2 of2

Page 6: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper



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Derive an expression for forging pressure ahd-load acting in planeCoulomb's friction at the interf,ace.

List and explain die design parameters in lorging.Briefly explain forging defects and residqal stresses in forging.

Sketch and explain different tlpes ofrolling mills.Discuss maximum possible reduction in rolling process.


-.Time: 3 hrs.


Max. Marks:100

(08 Marks)(06 Marks)(06 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

strain considering(08 Marks)(06 Marks)(06 Marks)

(06 Marks)(04 Marks)

(08 Marks)(06 Marks)(06 Marks)

(08 Marks)(08 Marks)(04 Marks)

in sheet metal(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)(10 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013

Manufacturing Process - lll

Note: Answer FIVE full questions' selectingdt leost TWO questions from each psrt

PART-AHow are metal forming processes classified? Explain with sketches.Explain Tresed and Von-Mises criteria.Discuss ihe plane stress and plane strain concepts.

Explain the effeets of following parameters in metal working processes:

i) Temperature . ii) Strain rate iii) Friction and lubricationComment on: i) Deformation zone geoiTetry.

ii) Residual stresses in wrought productsi.

PART - Ba. Derive an expression for drawing load by slab analysis.b. Explain optimal cone angle and dead zone formation in drawing.c. Sketch and explain tube drawing process.

a; ''Write a note on extrusion equipment, die design and lubrication.b. Sketch and explain extrusion of seamless tubes.c. Discuss extrusion variables.

a. Explain with figures working ofprogressive and compound die arrangementsworking.

b. With sketches, explain the operations: i) Rubber forming, ii) Deep drawing.

a. With a neat figure, explain the following forming methods:i) Explosive formingii) Eleclromagnetic forming

b. Discuss with flow chart powder metallurgy process.

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Time: 3 hrs.


(08 Marks)in terms ol P shaft

(06 Marks)

Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, June/July 2013Turbo Machines











Note: Ans,wer Frw full questions, selecting Max' Marks: I 00

at least TWO questions from each pirt

I a' Explain at least six differences b",*ffiuchines and positive dispracement machines.

b' Two -geometricalry similar pumps are running at same speed of r000 rpm. one ,rfl: HJ:?

impeller diameter of 0.3 m and lifts water at the rate of 20 litrevsec agai6t "i!"J Ir rs *.Determine the head and impe[er diameter ofother pump to deliver halith" di."harg".

c. Define specific speed ofa turbine. Obtain an expression for the samepower, speed and head.

2 a' ait enters a compressor at a static pressure of 15 bar and static temperature of l5"C and aflow velocity of50 m/s. At_exit, the static pressure is 30 bar, static temperature is 100.C andflow velocity is 100 m/s. The outlet is I m above the inlet. nind i) rserltrofi.'"r]ung" in to,urenthalpy ii) Actual change in total enthalpy. Take Cp for air as iOOS :4k. i* ,r.ugb. obtain an expression fo_r polyropic efficiency for a compressor in terms of pressure ratioand temperature ration. Further express stage.ffi"i"n"y in ierms of poryropi"

"m"i"n"y u"apressure ratio. Also draw the relevant T_S diagram. (10 Marks)

3 a. Show that the alternate form ofEuler's turbine equation can be expressed as folrows:

* _ (v'-v,')*(ui- ul)-(vi - v,i)

2Draw the relevant velocity triangles. (10 Marks)b' In an axial flow turbine dischange blade angles are 20" each for both stator and rotor. The

steam speed at the exit of fixed blade is 140 m/s. The ratio 5 = 0., at entry and 0.76 atU

exit ofrotor. Find the inret brade rotor angre, power deveroped for a flow rate of2.6 kg/s anddegree ofreaction. (t0 Marks)

4 a. Draw the velocity triangles for axial flow compressor. From the triangres show that degree

of reaction for axial flow compressor is given by, n=f (tunl +tanyr). Assume axial

velocity to remain constant. y, and y, are angles made by rerative verocities with the axialdirection.

b. A radial outward flow turbomachine has no inlet whirl. The btade speed ", "*i i, [fi['i[i]

at the inlet. The radial velocity remains constant. Inlet blade angle is 45". Show that the

degree olreaclion forthis machine is siven bv. * - 2+cotF,4

I of 2

. (10 Marks)

Page 8: 2013-June: 5th Semester Mechanical Engineering Question Paper




PART _B5 a. Draw the inlet and exit velocity triangles for a pelton wheel turbine. Show that maximum

hydraulic efficiency is given UV, (,f r. L* =

remains constant.

. zcos'cx.,best speed rs grven by. nb = -| + cos' cr.


I + cosB,

The internal and external diameters ofan inward flow reaction turbine are 1.2 m and 0.6 mrespectively. The head on turbine is22 m and velocity of flow through the runner is constantand is equal to 2.5 m/s. The guide blade angle is l0' and the runner vanes are radial at inlet.Ifthe discharge at outlet is radial. Find i) Speed ofturbine. ii) Vane angle at outlet

Assume that relative velocity

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)

(10 Marks)runs at 1000 rpm,m/s. Vanes are set

Vane angle at inlet(10 Marks)



iii) Hydraulic efficiency iv) Draw velocity triangles.

Explain the following with reference to centrifugal pump:i) Manometric effic iency with expression.ii) Cavitation in pumps.iii) Need for priming.iv) Pumps in series.Outer diameter of a pump is 50 cm and inner diameter is 25 cm andagainst a head of 40 m. Velocity of flow is constant and is equal to 2.5back at an angle of 40" at the outlet. Width at outlet is 5 cm. Find, i)ii) Work done by impeller iii) Manometric efficiency.

7 a. Draw the inlet and exit velocity triangles for a single stage steam turbine. Further prove thatmaximum blade efficiency is given by,

(qo)*- = "ot' o,

Assume V., : V., and B, = B1 - (10 Marks)

b. The following data refer to a 50o/o reacrion turbine. D = I .5 m, t[g] = 0.72, p) = 200 ,\v,,/

N = 3000 rpm, find i) Blade efficiency ii) Determine percentage increase in bladeefficiency and rotor speed if the rotor is designed to run at its best theoretical the rotor isdesigned to run at its best theoretical speed, the exit angle (cx,1) is 20'. Blade efficiency for

, (10 Marks)

With the help of H-Q ptot explain the phenomena of surging in centrifugal compressors.

A centrifugal compressor delivers 18.2 kg/s of air with a total pressure ratio "to I'i.H::?is 15000 rpm. Inlet total temperature is l5'C. Slip coefficient is 0.9, power input factor is1.04. Efficiency is 0.8. Calculate overall diameter of impeller. (10 Marks)

2 of2