Download - 2013 Feb Frontlines

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Teaching by Pat Robertson; News Flashes

In this issue:

Superbook update; A Matter of Trust


Your Partnership Report

Better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man/ princes. (Psalm 118: 8/ 9)

Can He trust us?; Story of Lucky-Boy

Psalm 37:5 Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.

Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion,Which cannot be moved, but abides forever.As the mountains surround Jerusalem,So the LORD surrounds His peopleFrom this time forth and forever.Psalm 125: 1-2

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.


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Lucky BoyImagine a little boy’s face, covered with dust as he runs around playing with his friends. Poverty has entwined itself into his young life, and he does not know any better. He has always thought that this is the best it’ll get. He couldn’t trust anyone!

That’s the reality of Lucky-Boy Ma-jola, a 6-year-old living with his family at the Madoni Tree Informal Settle-ment, KZN. He is the youngest of 9 children. Lucky-Boy has never been to school and his day consists of staying at home and playing with the other children. His parents cannot send him to school because they do not have the money, for whatever they have goes into buying food and paying rent. His father’s feet are severely crippled so he struggles to find a job. The family relies on Vestaba, Lucky-Boy’s mother, who does odd jobs for a minimal wage. Along with a government grant, they manage to cover only their bare neces-sities.

Fast forward to 2012 - Lucky-Boy’s future has changed. He started school at the Redcliffe Alpha Care Center, founded by Crossroads – a ministry supported by CBN. His parents are very excited that, at last, their son will have a better life and they place their trust in more than just chance or a pos-sible government grant.

In November this year, Lucky-Boy graduated from the Alpha Care Cen-ter. He is now ready to head to “big school” and Crossroads will help facili-tate that process.

Furthermore, Crossroads help the fam-ily with clothing and food donations. The family has also received a vegeta-ble tunnel recently, to grow vegetables which they are able to sell for a small income and they have learned to trust in the God Who supplies their needs. With the support of our partners, we are able to help Crossroads as they continue to help families like this - because there is hope, nay a firm trust, for a better future!


You cannot serve God and mammon (Matt 6: 24)

As Christians mature in the things of God they find that He is dependable. As He builds character into us He finds us more and more dependable. To be trustworthy is a trait of character that is a ‘given’ in the make-up of a Christian. But do all followers of Jesus possess this quality? Christian missions have an even greater responsibility to be faithful as stewards in the Kingdom of the Lord we trust. Not only is this trust put into practice daily in CBN and Go-Tell, but regular audits are conducted to prove our integrity before God and men. We try also to ensure that the resources we pass on to projects we support are covered in documentation and proof, and exercise trust in their integrity to fulfil the purposes God has ordained them for. Case Study A. Some months ago the vehicle, donated nearly a decade ago by the generos-ity of God’s people for the work of our mission in Soweto and surrounds, was stolen, leaving a huge gap in the ability of our dedicated co-workers to deliver food to our day care centres and conduct all the other demands of that ministry. Together with Johannes Mabunda we prayed and a miracle took please. The insurance company paid a small amount against the loss, but also God at the right time supplied funds from two different sources in the very week needed. A pre-owned vehicle was found that was clean, reliable, had a brand new set of tyres, and fulfilled every reason for which it was needed, and it was registered to be pressed into service. We realize the previous vehicle could not have met the demands of this growing ministry but the blessing of the new one could! Funds to upgrade the toilet system at the Day Centres also came from the Lord just before Christmas. What a blessing! Case Study B and C. In 2011 and again in 2012 we put our trust in the Lord for vehicles to conduct the work of transporting children in two different evangelistic projects. We also trusted the men responsible for the respective projects and believed the work of God would progress even further under their direction, using the resources God had so graciously sup-plied. Unfortunately both men did not use the funds for their designated purpose and were un-able to give adequate reasons for the squandering of divine resources. After months of silence and inadequate accountability we have had to take the serious step of withdrawing funds from their respective ministries. Case Study D. Designated funds were graciously supplied by one particular partner who was so blessed by the many trophies of grace coming to Christ from the bondage of another religion, through our DVD More than Dreams and our book This is the Victory. He donated money to facilitate the translation of the scripts and also the audio version of the book into Kiswahili, based on quotations received from professional companies and the monies were used exactly for the dedicated purpose. Now the audio tools - Mega Voice envoys - have been given to our missionaries in East Africa and they will be used effectively to bring many more into the Kingdom. Furthermore a used computer was donated by a partner and sent to East Africa to help a new convert to start her own business after she had been badly beaten by her own father. Case Study E. Another partner in the USA, hearing of our ministry in the townships of South Africa and of the thousands who have come to Christ through the Media Ministry Cen-tres, has donated some money for new projector kits to expand this ministry into neighbouring states. Some projectors have already been sent to Zambia where we found some responsible men with a missionary vision, who have already started MMCs in that land. We have plans to send another to Zimbabwe, and eventually Tanzania as more funds are supplied. Case Study F. This study includes YOU! As you trust God and as you continue in a trustworthy manner to make contributions to the ministry of God through Go-Tell and CBN, they are used under the covering of our Lord who commissioned us to GO and make disciples. Every gift is prayed over and every donor is brought before the Lord. Whether you designate your gift to a special fund, or give so that the ministry continues to fulfil our calling by the Lord, your sown seed is watered as we pray for multiplication of spiritual victories in 2013.

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TEACHING by Pat RobeRtson

HelP in Making Decisions Getting guidance

Although God guides us primarily through His Word, He may use additional landmarks to show us His path.

Deuteronomy 19:15 tells us, By the mouth of two or three witnesses the matter shall be established. And Proverbs 11:14 says, In the multitude of counsellors there is safety. When facing big decisions, seek righteous people who have walked with God for many years and those who are wise in the area you are considering. Then weigh their advice to make sure it lines up with God’s Word, His Spirit, and His peace.

Sometimes people may give you a prophetic word. This should serve to confirm what God is already speaking to you. If not, filter it through your mind, hold it in reserve, and wait for God to reveal other evidences of His direction.

Circumstances can be an additional guidepost—but test them, for they can be misleading. Sometimes obstacles mean a closed door. Other times, God may allow you to face a hostile situation to strengthen you. A baby chick trying to peck its way out of an egg could think it should stop because the shell is so hard. But God gives it an instinct to keep chipping away—and as that egg starts cracking, the chick is gaining strength to face the world.

When God told me to move to Virginia and buy a television station, it seemed impossible. If I had only looked at circumstances, I would have quit. But other witnesses in my heart assured me this was God’s will.

The key is to humbly seek the Lord. Read the Word, listen to the Spirit, wait in prayer, look for wise counsel, evaluate circumstances—and without question, God will guide you.

Copyright 2012 CBN Africa. All rights reserved, including permission to reprint in whole or in part any of the material within this publication, except by written permission from the publisher, Go-Tell Communications, Section 21 Company incorporated in South Africa and representing The Christian Broadcasting Network.

GO-TELL Communications / CBN AFRICA, P.O. Box 751213, Gardenview 2047.Telephone: +27-11-622-4608/9; Faximile +27-11-622-4142 – e-mail: [email protected] – website:

Rev Salim Chakumika has faithfully led the Hillbrow MMC for more than 5 years. A Zambian, he has now re-turned to his homeland where he will coordinate some other MMCs, as well as lead his own. (See Case Sudy E on page 2). Here, to the right, Salim is with some of the children whose lives he influenced in one of the most congested of South African inner-city missions. Pray for him.


On 12/12/12 last year Marcel and Elizabeth (left) opened up their home in a village of Kenya to our missionaries for a meeting to enquire how the Lord would have us use the new Swahili audio Mega Voice envoys on the field. (See Case Study D on page 2). 12 missionaries were assigned to new districts in East Africa for 2013 and were instructed in the use of these amazing new evangelistic tools - the au-dio version of This is the Victory in Swahili.

As the ministry at our two Day Care Centres near Soweto has progressed under the blessing of the Lord and the guidance of Pastor Johannes Mabunda, a new ‘bakkie’ and upgraded toilet facili-ties have recently been installed to serve the ministry well. (See Case Study A on page 2). All thanks to the provision of the Lord and our esteemed partners.

Go-Tell/ CBN was involved in sponsoring a slap-up Christmas buffet meal for 100 aged citizens of Soweto at the end of 2012. Through the unwavering faith of Betty Glover, an octogenarian who feeds multitudes from her small pension every month of the year, we were blessed to participate in this event which was enjoyed by some very happy ladies.

How would you feel if your child came home crying from school every day? Heart-broken? Helpless? The Wangs know: their 5-year-old son Pen and four-year-old daughter Shaw were bullied daily by other kids just because they were born deaf. Determined to help their children, the Wangs sold everything they could to raise money for hearing aids. But they could only afford a hearing aid for one child, so their little girl had to go without and fell far behind at school. The situation seemed hopeless, and the Wangs turned to prayer. God answered the couple’s prayers when CBN heard about the family’s troubles. Thanks to partners like you, Shaw received her very own hearing aid and both children are improving greatly with speech therapy. “Today my children can hear and talk like everyone else,” says Mrs. Wang. Thank you for helping give Pen and Shaw such a bright future!


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by keitH stRUgnell, Director

What are you trusting God for in 2013?


We are trusting that the full series of the new SUPERBOOK will be complet-ed in 2013, that international TV stations will be able to license the series and that church groups will use this wonderful se-ries, reaching multitudes of children with the gospel. See

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Everyone enters God’s new Kingdom the same way. Jesus is the Way and His finished work on the Cross is the only antidote for our sin as we accept it by grace through faith. Although from the same root word, Trust is a little different from Faith. We trust Him for the gift of our salvation. Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psalm 34:8). Psalm 13:5 says I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. With our salvation comes the joy and responsibility to proclaim God’s goodness to the world, for those who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; Let those also who love Your name Be joyful in You (Psalm 5:11). We need a lifestyle of TRUST in 2013. Our motto for the year is to trust the Lord for more people in sound of our media message - or witnessing our profession of faith by word or lifestyle - to respond to God’s grace. For some of our missionaries that means constant danger, but it all redounds to TRUST. Their prayer is “O LORD my God, in You I put my trust; Save me from all those who persecute me, and deliver me” (Psalm 7: 1).* Faith believes that God can save us; Trust believes that He will save us.* Faith believes that God can work through us; Trust believes that He will work through us. Once we’ve made the transition from darkness to light, we are to live a life of trust. The just are saved through Faith; but now begins a life of Trust. David knew what it was to trust God implicitly for every move he made.Psalm 21:7 For the king trusts in the LORD, And through the mercy of the Most High he shall not be moved.Psalm 22:4 Our fathers trusted in You; They trusted, and You delivered them. David knew the LORD was a Fortress in Adversity. Psalm 31:1 says In You, O LORD, I put my trust; Let me never be ashamed; Deliver me in Your righteousness. On the day the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul, he prayed: 2 Samuel 22: 2, 3 “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; The God of my strength, in whom I will trust”. 2 Samuel 22:31 says As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him. Job had it right when he said: Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Even so, I will de-fend my own ways before Him (Job 13:15). When a wicked man betrayed David, the Psalmist said of him “Here is the man who did not make God his strength, But trusted in the abundance of his riches, And strengthened himself in his wickedness” (Psalm 52:7 ). We will do well this year to follow David’s injunctions and heed his warnings: In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? (Psalm 56:11). Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the LORD our God (Psalm 20:7). We want to see finances multiplied in 2013 for the expansion of the gospel. The scripture has more to say about TRUST in this area. Do not trust in oppression, Nor vainly hope in robbery; If riches increase, Do not set your heart on them (Psalm 62:10). Proverbs 11:28 says that he who trusts in his riches will fall, But the righteous will flourish like foliage. Paul writing to Timothy in the New Testament says: Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. (1 Timothy 6:17). Trust will be our motto in 2013. Even when the days seem dark Trust in Him at all times, you people; Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us (Psalm 62:8). And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You (Psalm 9:10). Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths (Proverbs 3: 5.6). Have a trust-filled 2013! Thanks for your prayers and contributions (see Case Study F on page 2).

All Bible references are from the NKJV

The Question is answered by: A. Steenkamp - Member of the 700 Club. Trusting God for His perfect plan for 2013 as I seek His will. Together with other 700 Club members, I expect to receive all I need from His gracious hand. Tony Louch - A founder of Go-Tell.My prayer is we will have an evangelism explosion! I believe my Future will be Bigger than my Past! Kim Mitchell - Director of Ops - CBN Int. I’m trusting that in 2013 our new Superbook series will be ready for broadcast launch.and praying for a great harvest of transformed lives across the world! Norman Hanna - A director of Go-Tell.In the rush of 2013 I pray for a expe-rience real intimacy with the Almighty.I desire time to be know God...every single day of the coming year. Manuel Pascoal - Pastor of Siloam Word Alive Church, Edenvale.Seeking more of His goodness and bounty, in 2013 the Church will connect people to God, ministry and the world Nastassja Petersen - Producer for 700 Club.In 2013 we can’t wait to meet our healthy baby boy and, as our family grows, we’re believing God for a new home. Marcel - Missions coordinator in East Africa.Trusting the Lord to anoint missionaries with a vision of the Kingdom (first priority as we step up to use envoy audios across East Africa). Keith Strugnell - Director of Go-Tell/ CBN AfricaTrusting the Lord for total healing in my new replacement knee, and to carry on with better mobility. A new knee for Two-O-One-Three!