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Contractual Agreement

between the


and the


SOUTHBRIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Southbridge, Massachusetts

July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015

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ARTICLE 1 PREAMBLE....................................................................................................................1ARTICLE 2 FAIR PRACTICES .........................................................................................................2ARTICLE 3 UNIT RECOGNITION ...................................................................................................2ARTICLE 4 SCHOOL COMMITTEE RIGHTS AND AUTHORITY ...............................................3ARTICLE 5 DURATION ....................................................................................................................4ARTICLE 6 IMPACT BARGAINING................................................................................................4ARTICLE 7 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE .........................................................................................4ARTICLE 8 ARBITRATION ..............................................................................................................6ARTICLE 9 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS ....................................................................................7ARTICLE 10 TEACHER PROGRAMMING .....................................................................................8ARTICLE 11 SCHOOL CALENDAR ..............................................................................................10ARTICLE 12 SENIORITY ................................................................................................................10ARTICLE 13 STAFF REDUCTION .................................................................................................10ARTICLE 14 GUIDELINES FOR RECALL ....................................................................................11ARTICLE 15 TRANSFERS ..............................................................................................................12ARTICLE 16 VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND EXTRA PAY ASSIGNMENTS ....................13ARTICLE 17 TEACHER EVALUATION........................................................................................14ARTICLE 18 NON-TEACHING TASKS .........................................................................................14ARTICLE 19 ACCIDENT WHILE TEACHING .............................................................................15ARTICLE 20 SICK LEAVE ..............................................................................................................15ARTICLE 21 LEAVES OF ABSENCE ............................................................................................15ARTICLE 22 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE .........................................................................................18ARTICLE 23 PERSONAL DAY LEAVE.........................................................................................18ARTICLE 24 SABBATICAL LEAVE ..............................................................................................19ARTICLE 25 ASSOCIATION LEAVE ............................................................................................20ARTICLE 26 SUMMER SCHOOL AND INSTITUTES .................................................................21ARTICLE 27 HEALTH AND SAFETY ...........................................................................................21ARTICLE 28 SUBSTANCE ABUSE................................................................................................21ARTICLE 29 WORK STOPPAGE/STRIKE ....................................................................................21ARTICLE 30 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ........................................................................................21ARTICLE 31 SICK DAY BUY-BACK ............................................................................................23ARTICLE 32 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT..................................................................................23ARTICLE 33 SALARY .....................................................................................................................24ARTICLE 34 STABILITY OF AGREEMENT.................................................................................28ARTICLE 35 TEACHER MENTORING PROGRAM .....................................................................28

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Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 150E of the General Laws of Massachusetts, this Agreement is made by the SCHOOL COMMITTEE of the TOWN of SOUTHBRIDGE (hereinafter referred to as, the “Committee”) and the SOUTHBRIDGE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (hereinafter referred to as, the “Association”).


Recognizing that the prime purpose of the Committee is to provide education of the highest possible quality for the students of the public schools of Southbridge, and that good morale within the teaching staff at Southbridge is essential to achievement of that purpose, the Committee and the Association, the undersigned parties to the Agreement, agree that:

1-1 Under the laws of Massachusetts, the Committee, elected by the citizens of Southbridge, has final responsibility for establishing the educational policies for the public schools of Southbridge;

1-2 The Superintendent of Schools of Southbridge (hereinafter referred to as, the “Superintendent”) has responsibility for carrying out the policies so established;

1-3 The teaching staff of the Southbridge Public Schools recognizes their responsibility to provide quality education to our students;

1-4 Fulfillment of those respective responsibilities can be facilitated and supported by consultations and free exchanges of views and information among the Committee, the Superintendent, and the teaching staff in the formulation and application of policies relating to wages, hours, and other conditions of employment for the teaching staff.

1-5 To give effect to those declarations, these principles and procedures are hereby adopted:

1-5.1 The Office of the Superintendent shall, upon written request, furnish to the Association approved information concerning financial records of the Southbridge School District.

1-5.2 With a minimum of 24 hours’ notice, the Association may request, through the Superintendent, the use of a building for Association meetings after regular school hours. There will be no charge for such use during times when custodians are on regular duty.

1-5.3 The Committee shall permit the President of the Association or his/her designated representative to visit any individuals for any purpose relating to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If conferences with teachers are necessary, they shall be scheduled before or after regular school hours.

1-6 The terms of this Agreement shall not apply where inconsistent with constitutional, statutory, or other legal provisions. If any provision of the Agreement is found to be contrary to law by the Supreme Court of the United States or by any court with competent jurisdiction from whose judgment no appeal has been taken within the time provided for doing so, such provision shall be

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modified forthwith by the parties hereto to the extent necessary to conform thereto. In such case, all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect.

1-7 The parties agree that no provisions of this contract shall be deemed to be a limitation of any rights or powers otherwise provided to the parties by law.


2-1 There shall be no discrimination against any teacher on the basis of race, creed, color, age, as defined by law, sex, handicap, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, as defined by law, genetic information, military service, gender identity or membership and/or lawful participation in the Association.


3-1 The Committee agrees and hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative of all the “professional employees” (as such employees are defined in Chapter 150E of the General Laws of Massachusetts) to whom this Agreement applies for the purpose of bargaining with respect to wages, hours, standards of productivity and performance, class size, workload, and other conditions of employment. Such obligation shall not compel either party to agree to a proposal or make concession. The above recognition excludes all Superintendents, Directors, Supervisors, Principals, Assistant Principals, Academic Dean, Day to Day Substitute Teachers, and Permanent Substitute Teachers.

3-2 All salary requests by individuals governed by this Agreement will be considered by the Committee only if they come through the Association.

3-3 The agenda of the Committee shall be provided to the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer/Membership Chair of the Association prior to every regular Committee meeting along with the approved minutes of the previous meeting. Additional copies of each shall be posted in the teachers’ room of each building during the regular school year.

3-4 The Association shall be provided bulletin board space in the faculty room of each school for the posting of official notices and other official materials relating to Association activities.

3-5 The Association shall have the right to place business related material in the mailboxes of teachers, subject to prior notification to the Superintendent. Placement will be made by the building representatives or their designee.

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3-6 The Association shall notify the Committee of the identity of its president, agents, and officers within five (5) working days of any change of such positions upon election/appointment of said persons.

3-7 The District shall provide the Association not later than October 1 of each school year with a list of the names, home addresses, home telephone numbers and current assignment and primary work location of all bargaining unit members. The Association acknowledges that such information is confidential, will be used for Association purposes only and not disseminated outside of the Association.

3-8 During the course of the school year, the District shall notify the Association of all changes to the list. Such notice shall include the names of any unit members who resign, retire or go on leave and the names, home addresses, and home telephone numbers of any persons hired during the school year. This notice shall be provided to the Association within two (2) weeks of any changes in the composition of the bargaining unit. The Association acknowledges that such information is confidential, will be used for Association purposes only and not disseminated outside of the Association.


4-1 The Southbridge School District and Southbridge School District Administration have the following rights and authority: the management of the Southbridge school system and the direction and the control of the staff, including the right to plan, direct and control System Wide Operations; to determine the number and location of operations; to determining the means, methods, schedules of operations; to alter, rearrange, change, extend, curtail, or discontinue its operations particularly or completely; to determine the methods of educational delivery to be used and services to be rendered; to determine the size, scheduling and assignment of the staff; to establish standards and maintain quality of performance; to establish and require employees to observe the publicized rules and regulations and reasonable standards of conduct; to direct, supervise, and evaluate employees; to conduct mandatory professional improvement programs; to evaluate and determine the educational curriculum; to schedule and cancel classes and schools; to determine the level of student competency; to assign and transfer employees; to promote; to layoff or relieve employees due to lack of work, lack of funds, or for other lawful reasons; to determine class size; to institute technological change; to maintain order and discipline or discharge employees, shall be the right, solely and exclusively, of the Southbridge School District. The foregoing enumeration of management’s rights are not intended to be all-inclusive, but indicate the type of matters or rights which belong to, and are inherent to, management, and shall not be deemed to exclude other rights of management not specifically set forth.

The Southbridge School District, therefore, reserves all rights, unless they are limited by the language of a provision of this Agreement. Any of the rights, powers, authority and functions of the Southbridge School District has prior to the negotiations of this agreement are retained by the School District, except as expressly abridged by a specific provision of this agreement.

The Southbridge School District not exercising rights, powers, authority and functions reserved it or its exercising them in any particular way, will not be deemed a waiver of said rights, powers,

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authority and functions of its rights to exercise them in some other way not in conflict with a specific provision of this Agreement.

The exercise of the rights contained in this Article will not be a matter subject to grievance or arbitration, except to the extent that such rights are expressly limited by a specific provision in this Agreement.


5-1 This Agreement shall be in effect from July 1, 2014, to and including June 30, 2015, except as provided below and shall thereafter automatically renew itself for successive terms of one (1) year, unless by November 1, prior to expiration of this Agreement, either the Committee or the Association shall have given the other written notice of its desire to modify or terminate it.

5-2 It is agreed that the Committee and the Association will meet at the request of either party. The time, date, and location of said meeting will be determined by mutual agreement.


6-1 The Committee shall afford the Association opportunity to impact bargain on contemplated changes in past practices, wages, hours, and other conditions of employment. The Association must request impact bargaining within ten (10) working days of receiving written notification from the Committee to the President of the Association. Failure to request such impact bargaining shall constitute forfeiture of the right of the Association and its individual members to bargain or grieve the change.



The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible level, solutions to the problems of interpretation which may arise regarding the wages, hours, and other conditions of employment of employees covered by this Agreement. The District and the Association desire that such procedures shall be as informal and confidential as may be appropriate for the grievance involved and at the procedure level involved.


7-2.1 A grievance is any claim by a teacher or the Association, in writing, that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of the terms of the Agreement.

7-2.2 A working day is defined as a day on which teachers are required to report.

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7-3.1 If in the judgment of the Association, a grievance affects a group or class of teachers, the Association may submit such a grievance in writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance will commence at Level 2.

7-3.2 While both parties may maintain files of grievances and disposition thereof, the District shall not make any entry or file any paper in the personnel file of any teacher involved in a grievance except as may be required to implement the disposition thereof, subject to State Law.

7-3.3 No reprisals of any kinds shall be taken by any party hereto against any person or party who participated in any grievance proceeding by reason of participation.

7-3.4 For any grievance not resolved by the last working day of the school year, the phrase “working days” shall no longer apply and the phrase “calendar days” shall apply until the first working day of the next school year. In the event the Principal and/or Superintendent or the grievant cannot meet said schedule, the parties agree to be reasonably flexible during the summer on the processing of a grievance.

7-3.5 All grievances under consideration must be processed in accordance with the terms of the Agreement in effect at the time the incident which gave rise to the grievance occurred.

7-3.6 Association representatives shall not process teacher grievances during hours scheduled for student instruction or supervision.

7-3.7 The failure of the District to respond at any level shall be considered a denial and the grievant and/or the Association may then move the grievance to the next level.


In the event the teacher believes he/she has a grievance, it shall first be discussed by the teacher or the teacher and a representative of the Association and the building principal wherein the alleged incident occurred. Such informal discussions, if they occur, shall not operate so as to extend the time limits set forth herein. If no satisfactory settlement is made, then the matter shall be settled in the following manner:

LEVEL 1 The grievant or the Association shall have up to twenty-one (21) working days from the date that individual or the Association should have been aware of the event leading to the grievance to present the grievance, in writing, to the principal of the building wherein the alleged violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of this Agreement occurred. The grievance shall state the nature of the alleged violation, the exact section(s) of this Agreement on which the grievance is based, the specific section(s) of this Agreement allegedly violated by the District and the remedy sought. It must be signed by the teacher or the Association Representative. The building principal shall answer, in writing, within ten (10) working days of actual receipt of the grievance by the principal.

LEVEL 2 If no satisfactory settlement is agreed upon as provided in Level 1, the grievant and/or the Association shall have up to five (5) working days to refer the matter to the Superintendent who

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shall meet with the parties within five (5) working days to review the grievance and give a written decision within ten (10) working after said meeting.

LEVEL 3 If no satisfactory settlement is agreed upon as provided in Level 2, the grievant and/or the Association shall have up to five (5) working days to refer the grievance to the Chairperson of the Committee. The grievance will be scheduled on the executive session agenda for a closed Level 3 meeting during the next regular Committee meeting. If the grievance is not within the jurisdiction of the School Committee and has not been resolved at the Principal or Superintendent level, as applicable, the Association may submit the grievance to arbitration. If the District determines that a grievance is not within the School Committee’s jurisdiction, it shall so notify the Association at which point the Association shall have the option to file for arbitration as set forth in Article 8.

The Chairperson of the Committee shall give the Committee’s written decision within ten (10)working days after the Level 3 meeting.

(a) If no satisfactory settlement of the grievance is reached as provided in Level 2 or Level 3, as applicable, the matter may be submitted to arbitration only if the Association President shall so notify the District, in writing within ten (10) working days of receiving the Level 2 written decision of the Superintendent or the Level 3 written decision of the Committee, as applicable.

(b) Time limits contained in levels of grievance procedure may be extended by written mutual agreement.

(c) If a grievance is not appealed to the next level within the specified time limits, including those specified extensions, it shall be considered settled on the basis of the answer of the building principal in Level 1, the Superintendent in Level 2, or the Committee in Level 3.

(d) If any employee covered by this Agreement shall present any grievance without representation by the Association, the disposition, if any, of the grievance shall be consistent with the provisions of this Agreement; and if the Association shall so desire, it shall be permitted to be heard at each level of the procedure, beginning at Level 2, under which the grievance shall be considered.

The resolution of all formal grievances shall be in accordance with procedures of this Agreement.


8-1 The Association, after all steps of the grievance procedure have been properly utilized and desiring to submit the matter to arbitration, shall notify the District, in writing, within the aforementioned ten (10) day period. Within ten (10) working days of notifying the District in writing that it desires to arbitrate the grievance, the Association shall file with the American Arbitration Association (AAA or the Department of Labor Relations).

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8-1.1 The arbitrator shall consider only the particular issue or issues presented to him/her in writing by the District and the Association as submitted in writing at Level 2 or Level 3 as applicable.

8-1.2 The authority of the arbitrator shall be limited to the interpretation and/or application of this Agreement, and the arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from or modify this Agreement.

8-1.3 The arbitrator shall have no power to establish salary ranges, differentials, stipends, pay levels, or longevity payments of any kind. The arbitrator shall not render a decision contrary to state or federal law.

8-2 The written decision of the arbitrator, so made, shall be final and binding on both parties.

8-3 The cost of the services of the arbitrator(s), including per diem expenses, if any, and the actual and necessary travel and subsistence expenses will be borne equally by the District and the Association, but each party shall bear its own expenses for the presentation of its case.


9-1 Annually, teachers will be notified as soon as possible, by letter from the Superintendent or his/her designee, of the following:

(a) Notification of building assignment for the next school year by the building principal before the last day of school;

(b) Notification of teaching assignment for the next school year by the building principal before the last day of school;

(c) Teacher’s degree status, base salary, differential for the upcoming year, date of hire and years of service in Southbridge, on or before July 31st of the current school year.

9-2 By the third Monday of August, teachers will receive a further letter with their program for the coming school year. This letter will note:

(a) Teaching schedule

(b) Student class/bus∗ lists

(c) Duty schedule (if applicable)

∗Bus lists may not be available in August, but will be provided when available.

9-3 Each teacher shall notify the Superintendent as soon as possible of his/her intention to accept employment elsewhere. Teachers who have accepted a contract in another district and will not be returning to the Southbridge School District shall notify the Superintendent before the close of school.

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9-4 Teachers may resign with a thirty (30) day notice. The Superintendent reserves the right to accept a resignation with less than thirty (30) days if he/she so desires.


10-1 The teacher’s work year shall consist of one hundred eighty-three (183) days, two (2) of which are Professional Development days, and one (1) staff preparation/orientation day preceding the opening day of school. A teacher’s per diem rate shall be calculated at 1/183rd of his/her annual salary.1

The Professional Development and Staff Preparation/Orientation days will occur as follows:• There shall be two professional days scheduled each academic year by the

Superintendent• Staff Preparation/Orientation Day on the day preceding the opening day of


10-2 A reasonable effort will be made to rotate teacher assignments for study halls, lunch rooms, lunch duties, etc. among the staff on an annual basis. All guidance personnel shall be exempt from such assignments.

10-2.1 Effective for the 2007-2008 school year, the High School will operate under a seven (7) period rotating schedule with one daily preparation period and five (5) teaching periods a day.2

The Middle School will operate under a six (6) period schedule with one daily preparation period and generally five (5) teaching periods a day.3

10-3 Release time for in-service workshops, curriculum revisions, and parental conferences may be made available at the discretion of the Superintendent. Use of this time shall be determined by the Superintendent.


Middle/Senior 7:40 to 2:15 7:20 to 2:35Elementary 8:30 to 2:45 8:15 to 3:30

The Superintendent has the right to vary the opening and closing times of the school day by one half hour for teachers depending upon the educational and operational needs of the District on an annual basis.

All teachers, regardless of building assignment, will be required to work a day consisting of seven (7) hours and fifteen (15) minutes; provided, however, that the total student instructional time shall not be increased in the elementary schools and that the remaining time outside of the student1 The teacher work year for 2009-2010 consisted of 184 days.2 The goal is to have seven (7) periods of sixty (60) minute teaching periods, however, the actual time will be

scheduled by the Principal based on the requirements of an integrated schedule.3 The goal is to have six (6) periods of sixty (60) minute teaching periods, however, the actual time will be scheduled

by the Principal based on the requirements of an integrated schedule.

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instructional time for elementary school teachers shall be used for professional development or educational team meetings.

10-4.1 Exception: On Fridays and days before vacation periods, teachers may leave fifteen (15)minutes after dismissal.

10-4.2 However, teachers recognize that additional time may be required from time to time as circumstances warrant.

10-4.3 Length of school day among all elementary schools will be equivalent.

10-5 Length of teacher duty-free lunch shall be equivalent to the length of the pupil lunch at the school where the teacher works as scheduled by the building principal.

10-6 Except in unusual or emergency situations, a reasonable effort will be made to provide high school and middle school teachers with five (5) duty free preparation periods per week, and said period will be of the same duration as the regular classroom period.

10-6.1 Except in unusual or emergency situations, elementary teachers (Grades K-5) will be entitled to five (5) duty free preparation periods per week, and said period will be equivalent to the amount of time the teacher’s class spends in art, music, health, physical education and library. If there is a reduction in force of special area teachers, teachers will be scheduled for five (5) duty-free preparation periods per week at a 15 minute reduction of the normal preparation period per day in that school.

10-6.2 In those cases where regular substitutes are not available and a regular teacher voluntarily agrees to serve as a substitute during his/her non-teaching time, said teacher will be paid an additional stipend for each period substituted at the rate of $26.76/period. If no volunteer is available, involuntary loss of preparation period(s) will be compensated at the rate of $26.76/period.

10-6.3 It is the responsibility of the building Principal to notify the proper department to confirm teacher compensation for said substitution period.

10-6.4 Teacher will not be required to find substitute coverage for classes or non-teaching duties if they are absent with an excuse. No teacher will be assigned coverage for an absent teacher with non-teaching duties.

10-7 Faculty meetings shall not exceed one (1) per month. It is recognized that from time to time further meetings may be required at the discretion of the building principal.

10-8 There shall be an evening parent-teacher conference scheduled at the discretion of the Superintendent during the month of November at each of the District’s schools. The conferences for the elementary schools shall take place from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and the conferences for the secondary schools shall take place from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. There shall also be an afternoon parent-teacher conference scheduled at the discretion of the Superintendent during the month of January or February at each of the District’s schools. The elementary conferences shall be scheduled from 12:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. The secondary schools conferences shall be scheduled from 12:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. These parent-conferences are in addition to the Parent Open House held by the District for the purpose of parent orientation referenced in Article 11.

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11-1 The school year calendar will be developed by the school administration and in compliance with State laws and rules and regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Education. Prior to its submission to the School Committee, it will be given to the Southbridge Education Association for comment and/or suggestions for modification. Should said comments or suggestions be received by the Administration within five (5) calendar days after the calendar is submitted, they will be presented to the School Committee for its serious consideration. The school calendar will indicate National Education Week and Parent Open House4 at the different schools and will be made available to the parents.


12-1.1 Seniority is defined as length of continuous service as a licensed teacher in Southbridge Public Schools.

12-1.3 Seniority shall accumulate during an authorized leave of absence if the teacher receives salary credit for the year.

12-1.4 If a group of teachers had identical length of service, seniority will be determined by the date and time of hire identified in the letter of employment issued by the office of the Superintendent.

12-1.5 Seniority lists will be posted in the office of each school prior to December first of each year. The list will show the teachers’ years of service and areas of licensure. Corrections and changes will be made to the seniority list only from December first to December fifteenth.

12-1.6 Leaves of absence granted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute an interruption in continuous service.

12-2 Seniority shall not accumulate during an authorized leave of absence except as provided by Section 21-2.2 of this Agreement.


13-1 In the event it becomes necessary for the Employer to reduce the teaching staff because of financial limitations, declining enrollments, reasons of economy, changes in curriculum, or other similar reasons, the procedures set forth in this Article will govern the layoff of teachers with professional status (PTS) who are to be affected by such reduction.

4 The Parent Open House held by the School District is for the purpose of parent orientation and is not a parent- teacher conference provided for under Article 10.

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13-2 Before the layoff of any teacher takes place, all reasonable measures such as normal attrition, leaves of absence, long-term illnesses, new positions, etc., shall be employed to minimize, delay, or eliminate the need for layoffs.

13-3 The Employer shall have the sole discretion in determining which position or positions are to be eliminated, reduced, or redefined.

13-4.1 Professional status teachers shall have the right to replace any non-professional status teacher holding a position for which the professional status teacher is licensed.

13-4.2 Professional status teachers to be dismissed due to a R.I.F. shall be dismissed within affected areas of licensure in inverse order of seniority as defined in Article 12.

13-4.3 Professional status teachers may bump less senior teachers within their current areas of licensure.

13-5 Absent unusual circumstances, the Superintendent will provide written notice to each employee who may possibly be affected by reduction, no later than June 15, preceding each school year.


14-1.1 Professional status teachers who have been laid off will have recall rights for one year from the effective date of their respective layoffs.

14-1.2 During the recall period, professional status teachers will be given preference for positions for which they are licensed and qualified, as position openings occur, in the inverse order of layoff, and all benefits to which a professional status teacher was entitled at the time of layoff will be reinstated upon reemployment within the recall period;

14-1.3 Written notice of recall will be sent to the professional status teacher by registered mail;

14-1.4 The professional status teacher shall exercise the recall right within two (2) weeks of receipt of the notification. Failure of the teacher to respond to the two week notification for recall will result in the elimination of the teacher from the recall list;

14-1.5 Teachers who have been laid off will be given preference on the substitute teacher list, if they notify the Superintendent, in writing, of their availability;

14-1.6 During the year of lay-off, teachers must notify the School Department of any change of address; and

14-1.7 During the recall period, teachers will be allowed to continue their health insurance coverage for a period authorized by federal law.

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15-1 Although the District and Association recognize that some transfer of teachers from one school to another is unavoidable, they also recognize that frequent transfer of teachers is disruptive of the educational process and interferes with optimum teacher performance.


15-2.1 Whenever any vacancy in an academic position occurs during the school year that the School District intends to fill, the Superintendent or her/his designee will notify all school staff by an all staff e-mail and written notice to the Association President.

15-2.2 First, when a reduction in the number of teachers in the school system necessitates transfers, volunteers will be considered for transfer first. Any volunteer teacher who applies for such a position and is not chosen may request a written explanation from the Superintendent.

15-2.3 Next, a teacher’s evaluations, and length of service in the system will be used to determine which teacher is to be transferred.

15-2.4 An involuntary transfer will be made only after a meeting with the teacher involved and the appropriate administrator or principal, at which time the teacher will be notified of the reasons for the transfer. This meeting shall take place within two (2) weeks of said notification.


15-3.1 Any teacher who desires to change grade, school, and/or subject assignments shall file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent between September 1 and April 1 of the prior school year.

15-3.2 The Principal will consider the following factors regarding a teacher in his/her determination of voluntary transfer of teacher(s): the teaching experience in the transfer grade and/or subject area; the concentration of the teacher’s degree in the transfer grade and/or subject area; the level of the teacher’s degree; the prior evaluations of the teacher, the teacher’s in-service development; recommendations from the teachers’ current Department Head and Department Head of the subject area of the transfer; and if the Principal establishes an Interview Panel, the recommendation from the Interview Panel, with such Panel being composed of Department Heads, a faulty member and an administrator.

15-3.3 The final decision for selection of personnel for transfer rests with the receiving principal, in accordance with the Education Reform Act, 1993.

15-3.4 Notice of transfer will be given to teachers as soon as practicable.

15-3.5 All transfers will be governed exclusively by this section and not any past practice.

15-4 The reassignment and utilization of teachers within a school building, by the principal, will not be considered a transfer, and the current practice of the Principal meeting with the teacher to be reassigned will continue.

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15-5 This section is subject to the provisions of Chapter 71, Section 59B of the Massachusetts General Laws.


16-1.1 Whenever any vacancy in a professional position occurs during the school year, if the School District intends to fill the position, it will be adequately publicized by the Superintendent by means of a notice placed on the bulletin boards in the schools of Southbridge an all staff e-mail, and a written notice to the Association President. During the months of July and August, written notice of any vacancy will be sent to the Association President. In both situations, the qualifications for the position, its duties, and the rate of compensation will be clearly set forth.

16-1.2 When vacancies exist that the School District intends to fill, the Superintendent shall look at all levels in his/her search for licensed and qualified personnel to fill such positions (i.e. he/she shall operate on a system-wide basis).

16-1.3 All licensed and qualified teachers, currently employed within the system, will be given an adequate opportunity to apply for such positions.

16-1.4 The Employer agrees to give due weight to the professional background, attainments of the applicants, lengths of service in the system, other relevant factors of applicants for any positions.

16-1.5 All openings for positions under federal programs will be publicized by the Superintendent as early as possible. Payment of any earnings for such positions shall be according to federal/state regulations.

16-1.6 Appointment will be made without regarding to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, as defined by law, sex, handicap, or marital status sexual orientation, as defined by law, genetic information, military service, or gender identity.

16-2.1 All extra-pay assignments will be posted each year. If a vacancy occurs in an extra-pay assignment between regular appointment times, and if the School Committee intends to fill it, the Superintendent will post notices of the vacancy where position notices are usually posted. Each applicant will be notified in writing of the appointment decision. No vacancy will be filled less than ten (10) calendar days after the posting, except in an emergency.

16-2.2 An employee who holds a position and who is not reappointed to it in accordance with 16.2.1 will be afforded an opportunity, upon request within ten (10) calendar days of such non- reappointment, to meet with the Superintendent to discuss the reason(s) for the decision.

16-2.3 When more than one (1) person indicates an interest in an extra pay assignment and all other qualifications, in the judgment of the School District are equal, seniority in the Southbridge Public Schools will become the deciding factor, and the person with the greatest seniority will be given preference.

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16-2.4 Southbridge Public School personnel will be given preference over persons not employed by the Southbridge Public School District, when all other qualifications in the judgment of the School District are equal.


17-1 The new Teacher Evaluation Instrument was bargained over and agreed upon in Fall, 2013. The new evaluation instrument and the forms that were bargained and agreed upon for the entire process will be posted on the Southbridge School District website. The evaluation instrument shall be subject to revision as state law shall require from time to time. Only substantive changes in the Evaluation Protocol need to be ratified by the School District and the Association.

17-2 Teachers will have the right, upon written request, for an appointment, to review the contents of their individual personnel file, and to make copies thereof. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s agent shall monitor the personnel file review process.

17-3 No material derogatory to a teacher’s conduct, service, character, or personality will be placed in his/her file unless the teacher has had an opportunity to review the material. The teacher will acknowledge that he/she has had opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her signature on the appropriate line of the copy to be filed with the express understanding that such signature in no way indicates agreement with the contents thereof.

17-4 Any written complaint regarding a teacher made to any member of the Administration by any parent, student, or other person will be promptly called to the attention of the teacher.

17-5 No teacher with professional status will be reduced in rank or compensation, or deprived of any professional advantage without just cause, as defined in Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 42.


18-1.1 Teachers will not be required to perform the following duties:

18-1.2 Drive pupils to activities or functions that take place away from a school building.

18-1.3 Perform clerical functions for insurance companies and picture companies.

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19-1 If a teacher is absent from school as a result of an accident occurring on school property or while in performance of a sanctioned school function, including physical assault caused while in the performance of his/her teaching duties, the teacher’s salary will be maintained by the following: total pay will equal workers’ compensation and/or other salary protection plans, and any difference will be made up by the use of whole or accrued whole or partial sick days. No other loss of sick days shall occur. It is understood and agreed by the Association that the Committee or its authorized representatives shall have the authority to verify the above salary claim.


20-1 Sick leave is to be used in instances when the teacher is unable to perform his/her usual duties because of illness or injury.

20-2 Teachers will be entitled to fifteen (15) sick leave days each school year creditable at the rate of one and one half (1 1/2) days per month of service. Sick leave days may be accumulated from year to year with no maximum limit. This policy became effective September, 1969. However, those teachers who commence working during the 1988-89 school year or later may accumulate up to a maximum of one hundred eighty-four (184) days. This policy also applies to any teacher who previously terminated employment in the Southbridge Public Schools and subsequently returned in the 1988-89 school year or later.

20-2.1 In cases of illness of a family member, a teacher may use a maximum of five (5) of the above-stated days for this reason per school year. These days are not to be in addition to the above- stated fifteen (15) creditable days per year in item 20-2.

20-3 After three (3) consecutive days of absences, or if patterns of absences exist, a physician’s certificate may be required at the Committee’s expense. The teacher shall submit to examination by a physician mutually acceptable to the Committee and the teacher, if requested to do so in writing by the Committee or its agent.

20-4 Upon expiration of accumulated sick leave, a teacher’s pay shall be deducted at the daily rate of 1/183rd of his/her annual base salary.

20-5 Each teacher will be provided written statement of his/her accumulated sick leave by the Superintendent no later than October 15 of each school year.


21-1 The provisions listed below shall govern leaves of absence. Any request for leave of absence must be in writing to the Superintendent of Schools:

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21-2 A teacher who is required as a member of the National Guard or as a reserve member of one of the United States armed forces to be absent from his/her position for the purpose of active annual training duty or encampment for a period of not more than seventeen (17) days in a calendar year shall be granted pay for those days which he is absent from his duties. In addition, such leave with pay will be granted in those instances where such teacher is involuntarily called to serve during declared emergencies by virtue of decree or order of the President of the United States and Governor of the Commonwealth.

21-2.1 The amount of pay will be the difference between the teacher’s regular salary and the compensation received from the military during said period. Reconciliation of pays shall take place as soon as possible after completion of military leave and receipt of military pay.

21-2.2 During military leave, the teacher shall continue to accrue seniority and shall be placed on the appropriate step on the salary schedule as though the teacher had never been on leave.


21-3 A leave of absence, without pay, may be granted to any teacher who accepts an appointed position with the United States Government. Said leave, cannot exceed two (2) years.

21-3.1 Said leave, if granted, shall be in accordance with the term of the position.


21-4 A leave of absence, without pay, shall be granted to any teacher elected to the office of President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association or the National Education Association.

21-4.1 Said leave shall be in accordance with the term of office.


21-5 A leave of absence of up to one (1) calendar year (365 days) may be granted, without pay, for medical reasons to any teacher or to any teacher for illness in his/her immediate family.


21-6 Maternity leaves of absence shall be given to a female teacher who has been employed by the District for at least three (3) consecutive months as a teacher, and who shall give at least two (2) weeks notice to the District of her anticipated date of departure and intention to return. Such employee shall be entitled to eight (8) weeks of leave.

21-6.1 The teacher who is physically unable to work because of disability connected to pregnancy, as certified by a physician, may use accumulated sick leave (to the extent covered by accumulated sick leave) to cover those days when she is disabled and unable to work.

21-6.2 The parties agree to comply with federal and state statutes governing maternity leave.

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21-7 Immediately upon completion of a child-bearing leave, a teacher may request a parenting or child-rearing leave up to one (1) calendar year (365 days) which shall be granted without pay.


21-8 In cases of adopted children, the parent of the adopted child shall be entitled to a leave of absence without pay.

21-8.1 Said leave shall be in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Adopting Agency.

21-8.2 Said leave shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 21-7 above.


21-9 Leaves of absence, without pay, may be granted by the Superintendent, to any teacher for (a) professional improvement, and (b) teacher exchange program.

21-9.1 Said leave shall be for a period of one (1) school year.


21-10 Any teacher required to serve on jury duty on a regular school day shall receive compensation in accordance with the then existing Massachusetts law. Any teacher required to serve on jury duty shall submit the juror service certificate to the Superintendent for proof of attending jury duty.


21-11.1 Upon completion of his/her leave, the teacher will return to the same step in the salary schedule which he/she held prior to his/her leave of absence. However, upon completion of his/her leave, the teacher shall be placed on the next successive step on his/her salary schedule if the teacher had worked more than fifty percent (50%) of the school year in which the leave was granted.

21-11.2 Leaves of absence granted in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute an interruption in continuous service. Seniority shall not accumulate during an authorized leave of absence except as provided in Section 21-2.2.

21-11.3 Any benefits which a teacher was entitled to under this Agreement will be restored to the teacher upon return from a leave of absence.

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21-11.4 The Association accepts the reality that the District cannot guarantee the return of any teacher to a specific building, grade level, or special assignment at the conclusion of a period of leave.

21-12 The School District shall grant Federal Family and Medical Leave in accordance with School District Policy. (See Exhibit XIII)

21-13 The School District shall grant Small Necessities Leave in accordance with School District Policy. (See Exhibit XIV)


22-1 Each teacher shall be granted up to seven (7) consecutive calendar days, at full salary, for bereavement leave in each case of the death of the teacher’s spouse, child, parent, or step-parent.

22-1.1 Up to three (3) consecutive calendar days paid bereavement leave shall be granted per fiscal year in the case of death of the teacher’s sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, or other person living in teacher’s household. One (1) calendar day per fiscal year bereavement leave shall be granted in case of death of a teacher’s other relative, in-law, or close friend.

22-1.2 Any additional days listed in Section 22-1.1 due to multiple deaths shall be deducted from the teacher’s accumulated sick leave, if any. Any paid extension to these limits (as may be required by travel) shall be made only by the Superintendent, and if granted, shall be taken from the teacher’s accumulated sick leave, if any.


23-123-1.1 Each teacher may be granted two (2) days of personal leave of absence for religious, personal legal or business matters which require absence during school hours. Any application for personal leave shall state the reason for said leave and this leave is subject to the approval of the building principal.

23-1.2 Application for personal leave will be made in writing at least seven (7) calendar days before taking such leave (except in case of emergencies in which event the approval of the Principal may be given orally). A request for personal leave will be deemed approved if the Principal does not respond within 48 school-day hours that the personal leave was approved or denied.

23-1.3 Personal leave cannot be taken before or after a holiday or vacation period, during the first ten (10) days of the school year or during the last ten (10) days of the school year. Personal leave cannot be taken during the last thirty (30) days of the school year, except for teachers who request and are approved for use of such time during this 30-day blackout period by the building principal, in accordance with Section 23-1.4.

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A teacher may appeal a Principal’s denial of a request for personal leave during the 10-day and the 30-day blackout periods to the Superintendent. The decision of the Superintendent shall be final and not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement.

23-1.4 During the last thirty (30) days of the school year, each building will have a quota system for the use of Personal Days. The limits are as follows:

High school: two (2) total personal days to be granted per day Middle School: two (2) total personal days to be granted per day West Street: two (2) total personal days to be granted per day Charlton Street: two (2) total personal days to be granted per day Eastford Road: one (1) total personal day to be granted per day

Approval of personal days during the last 30 days of school will be on a first come basis.

Use of these days by Guidance Counselors, School Psychologists, Team Leaders and Instructional Resource Specialists shall not be included in the quota system.

23-1.5 Appeals to the Superintendent made after the quota is filled will be considered by the Superintendent on a case by case basis. Denials of such requests shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement.

23-1.6 A teacher who has exhausted his/her two (2) days of personal leave may appeal in writing to the Superintendent for an additional paid emergency day leave. The decision of the Superintendent will be final and not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement.

23-1.7 Personal leave may be taken in half-day increments.

23-1.8 At the end of the school year in effect, the District will pay teachers $125 per day for each unused full personal day for that year, which shall be paid in July of that year by the District.


24-1 Sabbatical leave may be granted to teachers of the Southbridge Public Schools by the Superintendent for purpose of study, educational research, or other work of professional or educational value subject to the following conditions:

24-1.1 Request for sabbatical leave must be received by the Superintendent in writing in such form as required by the Superintendent no later than January 1 of the school year preceding the school year for which the sabbatical leave is requested. Action must be taken on all requests by the Superintendent no later than March 1 of the school year preceding the school year for which sabbatical leave is requested.

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24-1.2 To be eligible for sabbatical leave privileges, a teacher, prior to application, must have competed at least five (5) consecutive years of full-time employment in the Southbridge Public Schools.

24-1.3 Teachers on sabbatical leave will be paid 3/4 of their annual salary rate, provided that such pay when added to any program grant or stipend shall not exceed the teacher’s full annual rate.

24-1.4 The teacher shall agree to return to employment in the Southbridge Public Schools for two (2) full years in the event of a half (1/2) years leave or four (4) full years in the event of a full years leave. Upon his/her return, the teacher shall be placed on the appropriate step of the salary schedule as though such teacher had not been on leave.

24-1.5 No more than three (3) members of the teaching staff shall be absent on sabbatical leave at any one time.

24-1.6 Before a teacher is awarded sabbatical leave, he or she must present a performance bond or its equivalent to the Superintendent.

24-1.7 If a teacher does not return or remain the required time in the Southbridge Public Schools, the teacher will reimburse the full amount of money paid to him/her while on sabbatical leave to the Town of Southbridge.

24-1.8 The teacher, within sixty (60) days following the termination of sabbatical leave, shall submit a written report to the Superintendent of the experiences gained during the sabbatical leave.


25-1 The Association President will be released from teaching and non-teaching duties two (2) days per year. When an elementary teacher is President, he/she will be relieved of all administrative duties and released from teaching duties one day per month to attend to Association business. When a Middle School or High School teacher is President, he/she will be relieved of all administrative duties which will result in one duty-free period per day to attend to Association business. Scheduling of the President’s release day shall be arranged between the President and his/her immediate administrator.

25-2 A maximum of twelve (12) school days will be allowed for Association Representatives to attend meetings, conferences, and/or conventions of the Massachusetts Teachers’ Association and/or National Education Association. The Association will notify the Superintendent in writing which representatives are to attend. The Association will pay for the cost of substitutes for their representatives.

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26-1 Persons granted approval by the Superintendent for early dismissal at the end of the school year, or late arrival at the beginning of the school year, to attend a summer institute or for educational growth, will receive full pay for the entire length of the leave.

26-2 After five (5) days, the teacher will either make a personal arrangement to pay a substitute or will have the amount of the substitute’s pay deducted from his/her salary.


27-1 The District shall provide a safe and healthful workplace, maintaining conditions of employment free of hazards that cause, or are likely to cause, illness or injury to teachers. This Article shall be limited to items over which the School Committee has authority to expend funds (maximum of $5,000).


28-1 The use of illicit drugs and/or the abuse of ethical drugs constitutes a hazard to oneself, fellow employees, students, and an impairment to one’s productivity, as well as being a violation of the law.

28-2 No teacher shall use, possess, or distribute alcohol or a controlled substance, excluding prescription medications, while on school property or while performing professional activities.


29-1 During the duration of this Agreement, the Association shall not cause or sponsor, and no teacher shall cause or participate in any strike or work stoppage as defined in Chapter 150E, Section 9A (a) as follows: “No public employee or employee organization shall engage in a strike, and no public employee or employee organization shall induce, encourage, or condone any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, or withholding of services by such public employees.”



30-1 The District hereby accepts the provisions of Section 17C and 17G of Chapter 182 of the General Laws of Massachusetts and, in accordance therewith, shall certify to the Treasurer of

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Southbridge all payroll deductions for the payment of dues to the Association duly authorized by employees covered by this Agreement.


30-2 The District hereby accepts the provisions of United States Public Law 87-370 Internal Revenue Code 501 (c)(3) and, in accordance therewith, shall certify to the Treasurer of Southbridge all payroll deductions for payments to the “Tax Sheltered” Annuity plans and/or other allowable tax deferred instruments as offered by the Town of Southbridge. Participants are permitted to make changes to their 403 (b) provider and/or salary reduction agreement at any time during the school year with the understanding that any changes made will be implemented within 30 days of receipt of the signed agreement to allow time for processing. Changes to providers will be pursuant to the Southbridge Public Schools Provider List that is in effect at the time of the change request. It is further understood that the 457 deferred compensation plan will be in accordance with the plan as is provided by the Town of Southbridge.


30-3 The District agrees to make payroll deductions for payments into the financial institution selected by the teacher for deposit, provided advanced notice is given by the teacher to the Superintendent and the Town Treasurer.


30-4 The School Committee will vote to accept the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 182, Section 171. Employees may authorize the District to deduct from their salary a contribution to Voice of Teachers for Education of an amount which the employee shall specify in writing. The District will certify on the payroll the amount to be deducted by the Treasurer. Such amounts shall be transmitted to the Massachusetts Teachers Association within thirty (30) days.


30-5 Members of the bargaining unit shall be eligible to participate in the Town of Southbridge Group Health Insurance Plan subject to the Town’s Group Insurance Plan rules and regulations.


30-6 Agency service fee. All members of the bargaining unit who are employed but are not members of the Southbridge Education Association as of the ratification date of the Agreement and all new employees hired after said date shall be required as a condition of their employment to pay an agency service fee. Said fee shall be in an amount and be implemented as prescribed under M.G.L.c. 182 Section 17G and the regulations of the Massachusetts Labor Relations Commission.

30-6.1 For such employees, the sole and exclusive remedy for non-payment of the fee shall be for the Association to proceed for collection of the fee. The District shall not be responsible for the implementation, collection or enforcement of the Agency Service Fee, except that it will supply any required documentation establishing that a person is a member of the bargaining unit subject to the fee. The Association agrees that it will indemnify and hold the District harmless for any action

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taken against an employee as a result of this Agency Service Fee Agreement, including, but not limited to any legal expenses incurred.


31-1 Sick-day buy-back shall be a $30 per unused day after a minimum of fifteen (15) years service in Southbridge Public Schools immediately upon retirement from such. This emphatically means:

31-1.1 Resignation or termination is not applicable.

31-1.2 Within thirty (30) days after retirement, evidence must be submitted to the Superintendent’s Office that earned benefits through the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement Board will commence within six (6) months. Such evidence shall consist of a letter from the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement Board as requested by the teacher concerned.

31-1.3 Payment: Second fiscal year following date of retirement.

31-1.4 In the event a teacher dies, such monies accumulated from sick days will be paid to the teacher’s estate.

31-2 Professional status teachers with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of service in Southbridge Public Schools who are laid off due to reduction in force and are not rehired within the one (1) year period (as covered under Section 14-1.1), and do not refuse to be rehired under this section, will be awarded their accrued sick days at the prevailing rate of buy-back at the end of the one (1) year eligible-for-recall period. Timing of payment and eligibility for sick day buy-back are subject to Sections 31-1.3 and 31-3, respectively.

31-3 Employees hired after execution of the Memorandum of Agreement for the 1994-1997 Collective Bargaining Agreement are not eligible for this Sick Day Buy-back.


32-1 The District and the Association will abide by the terms of the “Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators,” January 2000, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

32-2 Tuition reimbursement for graduate level courses at the current rate of state college tuition will be provided as follows: (See Exhibit XII for procedure.)

32-2.1 Beginning July 1, 2010, tuition reimbursement will be provided for one graduate course per teacher per year under the following circumstances:

1) Each course will be reimbursed up to $600 per course per year.

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2) A cap of $30,000 will be set as the total amount of funding budgeted for graduate course reimbursements per year.

32-2.2 Reimbursement will be provided after successful completion of said graduate course(s) at a letter grade of “B” or above.

32-2.3 Reimbursement will be provided after the teacher hand-carries the grade report to the Superintendent’s office for verification.

32-2.4 Reimbursement will be provided only for courses which lead to a teacher’s recertification in his/her area of primary licensure or current teaching assignment.

32-3.1 Tuition reimbursement will be provided for non-credit courses/workshops taken for the sole purpose of recertification in the teacher’s primary area of licensure or current teaching assignment.

32-3.2 Courses/workshops must be offered through a state-approved PDP provider and must be taken for a minimum of 10 hours/PDPs.

32-3.3 Reimbursement will be provided solely for registration and tuition does not include studio/material fees.

32-3.4 Reimbursement will be provided after the successful completion of the course/workshop. PDP certificate from provider to be submitted in place of course grade.

32-3.5 Professional Development certificates will be issued within thirty (30) working days of a District-sponsored workshop.



33-1 The new salary grid, effective as of November 1, 2014, located under Exhibit I shall govern the wages of the bargaining unit members during the term of this Agreement.

The base wage adjustment shall not apply to coaching positions, extra duties, curriculum stipends, differentials, longevity or any other stipend in the Agreement.

The hourly professional development rate will be $26.76/hr.

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33-2 Salary for degree change completed during the school year for teachers not on the salary schedule will be computed as follows:

(a) find the difference between the old column and the new column on the salary scale;

(b) prorate the difference for remaining year and add that amount to old base, this will be the new salary for the remainder of that year;

(c) the next year’s salary will be computed as follows:

(1) take the base before degree change and add any raises;

(2) add the full difference between that year’s columns this is the new base salary for that year

33-2.1 Salary for degree change completed during the school year for teachers on the salary schedule will be computed as follows:

(a) find the new degree change on the salary schedule;

(b) prorate the difference for the remaining year and add that amount to the old base; this will be the new salary for the remainder of the year.


33-3 Teachers planning to receive additional differential salary credit in the next fiscal year for courses taken must notify the Superintendent in writing by February 1. Salary credit will be awarded upon official notification to the Superintendent by submission of transcripts. In cases where credit is not completed during the specified year, a new notice must be submitted by the following February 1.

33-3.1 If a teacher is unable to get an official transcript, but has completed the degree requirements, the Superintendent will accept a letter from the college confirming the completion of said degree requirements. The Superintendent will then be authorized to make a salary credit adjustment in accordance with this Agreement. This adjustment, however, is subject to the teacher filing an official transcript from the college by the beginning of the next school year confirming the completion of the degree requirements.


33-4.1 All teachers will follow the Massachusetts Department of Education requirements for licensure.

33-4.2 Teachers who are in a recognized degree program and having earned fifteen (15) credits will be placed on the Bachelor +15 step. All teachers must receive prior approval of the principal of the building and the Superintendent in order to have credits count toward fulfilling this requirement.

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33-4.4 All professional study, if it is to be considered for salary credit, must have advanced approval of the building principal and the Superintendent of Schools. This statement is not intended to prohibit teachers from pursuing licensure in other areas, pursuing advance degrees in other areas, or pursuing worthwhile knowledge through legitimate courses. It is required that teachers submit course approval forms within two (2) weeks prior to registering for such courses; it is urged that teachers submit said forms at earliest possible date. The Superintendent will notify the applicant within seven (7) days after receipt of the form of his/her approval or disapproval. If such notification is not received within seven (7) days, then the course shall be considered approved. Any late changes in course elected must be reported immediately to the Superintendent’s Office.

33-4.5 To be considered, degree and course credits must be earned at an accredited College or University and be relevant to public education.

33-4.6 No professional incremental credit may be granted for educational activities undertaken prior to the beginning of service in the Southbridge Public Schools. Only credits taken after the date of receipt of a Master’s Degree shall be applicable to the salary schedule for M+15, M+30, M+45, M+60, Double Masters/CAGS, and Ph.D.

33-4.7 It is understood that in-service courses offered by the Southbridge Public Schools will be accepted only toward meeting the requirements set forth in 33-4.1 above. The Superintendent may require that a teacher, desiring to take a course outside of Southbridge, provide a written description of the course including the number and length of meetings for the course, and the system of giving the course. It is understood that such courses, if accepted, will meet requirements in 33-4.1 above.

33-5 Guidance Counselors, Special Education team chairs, and Information Systems Specialists may work a total of up to ten (10) additional mutually agreed upon full days either at the beginning or the end of the regular teachers’ work year, or a combination thereof, at the discretion of the building principal and/or the Superintendent of Schools. Said personnel shall be compensated for such additional time beyond the school year at 1/183rd of their yearly rate for each day worked.

33-5.1 Any other unit member (not listed in 33-5) who is required to work beyond the 183rd day of the teacher work year shall be compensated at 1/183rd of their yearly rate for each day worked. No unit member shall be required to work in excess of ten (10) days. Participating/facilitating in professional development does not constitute “work” for the purpose of this Article.

33-5.2 The High School Department Heads (Social Studies, Science and World Languages) shall be paid a teacher’s salary plus a stipend of $4,000.00. Department Heads will teach four (4) classes daily. Department Heads will work the teacher work year plus five (5) additional days.

The Middle School Department Leaders (Social Studies, Science, Mathematics and English) shall be paid a teacher’s salary plus $3,000.00. District-wide special area coordinators shall be paid a teacher’s salary plus the appropriate stipend listed on the pay schedule in Exhibit V.


33-6.1 Members of this bargaining unit shall receive longevity compensation at the beginning of their 11th, 16th, 21st, 26th, 31st, and 36th year of service in the Southbridge Public Schools. This longevity compensation will be added to the qualifying teacher’s salary and will be treated as regular

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33-6.2 The longevity schedule is as follows:

Service Year11-15 $73516-20 $1,32021-25 $1,74326-30 $2,06331-35 $2,516

36 & over $2,850

33-7 METHOD OF PAYMENT. Teachers shall have the option of choosing one of the following methods of payment:

(a) Twenty one equal pay checks received during the school year;

(b) Twenty one pay checks, with a lump sum after completion of the required number of work days;

(c) Twenty six equal pay checks received at two (2) week intervals with no lump sum payment.

33-8 REIMBURSEMENT. Counselors and school psychologists will be reimbursed for out of town mileage when using their private vehicles on approved school business. The reimbursement rate will be consistent with the amount allowed for mileage to other employees of the Town of Southbridge.




33-11.1 Extra curricular activities will be administered in the following manner:

33-11.2 The assigned numbers of personnel per activity and the stipends for the extra curricular activities in this contract will be strictly adhered to by the School Committee and the Southbridge Education Association.

33-11.3 The stipends for the extra curricular activities are in Exhibit IX.

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34-1 The failure of the District or the Association to insist on any one or more incidents, or upon performance of any of the terms or conditions of the Agreement, will not be considered as a waiver or relinquishment of the right of the District or the Association to future performance of any such terms or conditions, and the obligations of the District and the Association to such future performance will continue in full force and effect.


35-1 Effective for the 2007-2008 school year, the District will establish a teacher mentoring program with five (5) to six (6) mentoring designations by the Superintendent in each school in the District. The mentoring program will be in accordance with guidelines established by the Superintendent. Each mentor shall receive an annual stipend of $500, subject to proration for less than a full year of service. For the purposes of this Article, the middle/high school shall be treated as two separate schools in connection with the number of mentoring teachers.

Signed this day of , 2015.


Lauren McLaughlin, School Committee Chair Maria Murray, SEA President

Erin Quinney;SC Bargaining Chair

Kara Donovan

Brent Abrahamson

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JULY 1, 2014-OCT 31, 2014




















58,0002 44,000 46,000 48,000 50,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,0003 46,000 48,000 50,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,0004 48,000 50,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,0005 50,000 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,0006 52,000 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 68,0007 54,000 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 68,000 70,0008 56,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 68,000 70,000 72,0009 58,000 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 68,000 70,000 72,000 74,00010 60,000 62,000 64,000 66,000 68,000 70,000 72,000 74,000 76,000

Nov 1, 2014-June 30, 2015

2014-15 2%

 STEP BA BA+15 MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+45 MA+60 CAGS PhD


1 42840 44880 46920 48960 51000 53040 55080 57120 59160

2 44880 46920 48960 51000 53040 55080 57120 59160 61200

3 46920 48960 51000 53040 55080 57120 59160 61200 63240

4 48960 51000 53040 55080 57120 59160 61200 63240 65280

5 51000 53040 55080 57120 59160 61200 63240 65280 67320

6 53040 55080 57120 59160 61200 63240 65280 67320 69360

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7 55080 57120 59160 61200 63240 65280 67320 69360 71400

8 57120 59160 61200 63240 65280 67320 69360 71400 73440

9 59160 61200 63240 65280 67320 69360 71400 73440 75480

10 61200 63240 65280 67320 69360 71400 73440 75480 77520

Nurses who are Nationally Board Certified meet the State requirement for a professional license and will be placed on the Masters column. They will not however be able to advance beyond that column unless they earn a Masters Degree.

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EXHIBIT II (Reserved)

EXHIBIT III (Reserved)

EXHIBIT IV (Reserved)

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Article 33-5.2High School Department Heads

Middle School Department Leaders

Southbridge High School 4,000Wells Middle School 3,000

Article 33-9 Coordinators Stipend Schedule

CoordinatorsBase Salary plus $158.00 per person each additional member (not including self)

Art 1,422Health 1,422Media 1,422Music 1,422Physical Education 1,422

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EXHIBIT VI (Reserved)

EXHIBIT VII (Reserved)


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EXHIBIT VIIIArticle 33-10 Coaching Staff Stipend Schedule

Southbridge HighAthletic Trainer

2013-2014 Step 1$5,917

Step 2$6,258

Step 3$6,602

Football Head $5,917 $6,258 $6,602Asst. Head $4,440 $4,781 $5,123Asst. $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Asst. $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Asst. $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Freshmen $2,219 $2,561 $2,903

Soccer Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Girls Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383

Girls Cross Country Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Field Hockey Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383

JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Basketball-boys Head $4,440 $4,781 $5,123

Asst. Head $2,219 $2,561 $2,903JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Freshman $2,219 $2,561 $2,903

Basketball-girls Head $4,440 $4,781 $5,123Asst. Head $2,219 $2,561 $2,903JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643

Cheerleading FB Coach $1,480 $1,823 $2,162BB Coach $1,480 $1,823 $2,162JV FB Coach $1,036 $1,076 $1,719JV BB Coach $1,036 $1,076 $1,719

Baseball Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383Asst. Head $2,219 $2,561 $2,903JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643

Softball Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383Asst. Head $2,219 $2,561 $2,903JV $2,961 $3,302 $3,643

Track Head $3,699 $4,041 $4,383Golf Coach $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Tennis-boys Coach $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Tennis-girls Coach $2,961 $3,302 $3,643

Wells MiddleBasketball-boys Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Basketball-girls Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Cheerleading Coach $1,480 $1,823 $2,162Soccer-boys Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Soccer-girls Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Boys baseball Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643Girls softball Head $2,961 $3,302 $3,643


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Clubs $1,000 ($20/hr) 1,480Science Fair 593Social Studies Fair 593Student Council 593Newsletter (per issue) 110

WELLS MIDDLE Clubs $2,000 ($20/hr) 2,961



Set Designer 518Music Coordinator

ADVISORSJazz Band/Wind Ens.


1,183Treble/Select Choir 1,183Student Council 1,183Yearbook 1,183Yearbook Business Mgr. 593Newsletter (per issue) 222School Store Manager 888School Treasurer 1,480


Article 33-11 Athletic Director/Assistant Stipend Schedule

Article 33-11 Extra Curricular Stipend Schedule

EASTFORD ROAD Clubs $1,000 ($20/hr) 1,480

CHARLTON STREETClubs $1,000 ($20/hr) 1,480


SOUTHBRIDGE HIGH SCHOOLClubs $2,000 ($20/hr) 2,961

ADVISORSFreshman Math League 593Varsity Math League 741Jazz Band 1,183Vocal Jazz 1,183Chorale 1,183Band Drill Team Inst. 3,698Marching Band Percussion 1,183


Athletic Director $7,089Asst. Athletic Director $4,274

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Marching Drill Team Inst. 1,183National Honor Society 1,183Senior Class 2,961Junior Class 2,961Sophomore Class 2,220Freshman Class 2,220Student Council 3,698

Yearbook Editor 2,368Yearbook Business Mgr. 1,183Newsletter (per issue) 222Graduation Coordinator 1,035School Treasurer 3,698Graphics Coordinator 2,220


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EXHIBIT X(The Teacher Evaluation Instrument is posted on the Southbridge School District website)


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Eligible employees may participate in the Town of Southbridge Before-Tax Health Care Premium Payment Plan in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan, as may be amended by the Town from time to time.


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December 5, 2000

The following is a clarification of Article 32, Tuition Reimbursement of the contract.

Proof of payment demonstrated by: Canceled check (both sides) Credit card statement

Only statement header, name, date, course title, and payment amount(All information not relevant to be whited out)

Receipt from college

Reimbursement will be at whatever that state college charges for Registration and Tuition, subject to Section 32-2.1.

Courses taken outside the state college system will be reimbursed at the maximum state college rate, subject to Section 32-2.1.

Reimbursement does not include any other fees or costs associated with attending the course.

Reimbursement will not be provided for attending classes outside the teacher’s primary licensure or current teaching assignment.

Steps for reimbursement:

1. Fill out Course Approval Form (blue form) prior to enrollment in course.

2. Fill out Reimbursement Form (yellow form) after completion of the course.

This form has to be at the Superintendent’s Office BEFORE JUNE 30 even if you do not have your grade yet.Hand carry this form to the Superintendent’s Office along with proof of payment and college grade report.Put a copy in your personnel file and keep the original for your records.


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The District shall provide Family and Medical leave for eligible employees in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and the District’s FMLA Policy.


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A. Eligibility

Employees that have been employed by the Southbridge Public School District (“the School District”) for at least twelve (12) months and have provided 1250 hours of service to the School District during the previous twelve (12) month period of time and qualify for Family Medical Leave status are eligible for leave under the Massachusetts Small Necessities Leave Act (“SNLA”).

B. Purpose and Amount of Leave

An eligible employee is entitled to 24 hours of SNLA leave for any of the following purposes:

(1) to participate in school activities directly related to the educational advancement of the eligible employee’s son or daughter5, such as parent-teacher conferences or interviewing for a new school6;

(2) to accompany the eligible employee’s son or daughter to routine medical or dental appointments, such as check-ups or vaccinations; or

(3) to accompany the eligible employee’s elderly relative7 to routine medical or dental appointments or appointments for other professional services related to the elder’s care, such as interviewing at nursing or group homes.

C. Twelve Month Period

The twelve (12) month period shall be consistent with that established under the School District’s Family and Medical Leave Act Policy.

D. Intermittent Use of Leave

Eligible employees may use SNLA leave in increments of time of one (1) hour or more.

5 A “son or daughter” is defined as a biological, adopted or foster child, a stepchild, a legal ward, or a child of a person standing in loco parentis. Further, the son or daughter must be under 18 years of age or 18 years of age or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability.

6 A “school” is a public or private elementary or secondary school, a Head Start program assisted under the HeadStart Act, or a licensed children’s day care facility.

7 An “elderly relative” is an individual that is at least 60 years of age and who is related by blood or marriage.


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E. Use of Accrued Leave

Eligible employees that have accrued vacation, personal or sick leave (for medical appointments only) at the time they use SNLA leave will be required to use such accrued leave during the time they are on SNLA leave.

Eligible employees that do not have accrued vacation, personal or sick leave (for medical appointments only or as otherwise permitted by School District policy or collective bargaining agreement) at the time they use SNLA leave will receive unpaid leave.

F. Return to Work

An employee that receives SNLA leave will be restored to the position he or she held when the SNLA leave commenced.


A. Notice

Eligible employees must request SNLA leave at least seven (7) days in advance of the time for which SNLA leave is requested whenever the need for SNLA leave is foreseeable. If the need for SNLA leave is not foreseeable, an eligible employee must give the School District notice as soon as practical. All notices to the School District shall be made in writing unless circumstances prohibit written notice.

B. Certification

Each time an eligible employee takes SNLA leave, the eligible employees must complete a certification. Certification forms are available in the Superintendent’s office. As required by law, the certification will be maintained in the eligible employee’s personnel file for three (3) years.

This policy was adopted by the Southbridge School Committee on , 2007.


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Employee Certification

I certify that on purpose:

I will/did take hours of leave for the following

[ ] to participate in school activities directly related to the educational advancement of my son/daughter.

[ ] to accompany my son/daughter to a routine medical or dental appointment.

[ ] to accompany an elderly relative to a routine medical or dental appointment or appointment for other professional services related to the elder’s care.

Employee Name: Date:


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The above-named parties hereby agree as follows:

1. The Town of Southbridge and the Southbridge School District are in urgent need of budgetary savings to protect crucial services in the current period of fiscal distress.

2. On December 21, 2009, the Association's representatives and the Town Manager agreed to changes in the health insurance plans offered by the Town.

3. Effective February 1, 2010, "Network Blue New England Options" and "PPO Blue Options" will be the Blue Cross/Blue Shield HMO and PPO plans for all active employees of the Town and School District. All active employees enrolled in the current BC/BS HMO and PPO plans will be transferred to the new plans, effective February 1, 2010.

4. Effective February 1, 2010, the Town will reimburse employees enrolled in the Town's new BC/BS health insurance plans for certain outpatient surgical and inpatient hospital stay co-payments pursuant to the terms and procedures set forth in Appendix A to this Agreement, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein.

5. This Agreement is made without prejudice to the rights of the Association, the School Committee and the Town of Southbridge.

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6. This Agreement does not constitute a precedent as to any future changes in the Town's health insurance plans.

7. This Agreement is subject to ratification by the membership of the Association and the School Committee.

Southbridge School Committee: Southbridge Education Association:By: Christopher Clark, Town Manager By: David Williams, President, As Bargaining Agent for Health Insurance,


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The Southbridge Education AssociationAnd

The Southbridge School Committee

Beginning in the 2014-15 school year, Southbridge School Nurses will be accreted into the Southbridge Education Association. They will transfer all their seniority, longevity and sick day accumulation.

Placement on the teachers’ salary scale will be as follows:

Karin Checka   (MA 9)

Lisa Bachand   (MA 9)

Karen Proulx    (MA 8)

Nadine Casey   (BA 10)

Kelly Cantara    (BA 10)

Nurses who are Nationally Board Certified will be placed in the Masters column however, in order to move to MA+15, they must earn a Masters.

__________________________ ___________________________For the Committee For the Association

Date:_____________ Date:______________