Download - 2012_13 California ISIR Data Dictionary_Phase1

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March 2012 (2012-2013) CSAC Cal ISIR Record Layout Page 1 of 81

AB 131 California Dream Application

Phase I

Cal ISIR Record Layout

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March 2012 (2012-2013) CSAC Cal ISIR Record Layout Page 2 of 81

Cal ISIR Record Layout Table of Contents Introduction..............................................................................................................3 Technical Note...........................................................................................................4 Cal ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary..................................................................5

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March 2012 (2012-2013) CSAC Cal ISIR Record Layout Page 3 of 81

Introduction The California Student Aid Commission will be implementing the California Dream Act in two phases. The Dream Application is meant to serve AB 540 eligible students to determine eligibility under the provisions of AB 130 and 131. This document contains the file layout for the 2012-13 year Dream Application California ISIR, or Cal ISIR. For Phase I of the Dream Application to be used for 2012-13 year assistance, campuses may choose to use the data or not. The Commission provides the Dream Application and data to assist schools in meeting their awarding requirements for the 2012-13 year. Students will be able to complete the 2012-13 Dream Application online by April, 2012. Phase I of the Dream Application implementation process involves creating a process to output the student’s 2012-13 application data to California colleges in a format most likely to be able to interface with campus Financial Aid Management (FAM) systems. To accomplish this, given the very short development time period to meet the April 2 target date and to be useful for the 2012-13 financial aid packaging season, the Commission has, in essence, replicated the federal ISIR, using a file layout with only minimal differences. However, the Commission has also not replicated various functions in the Dream Application that are on the FAFSA. For the 2013-14 year, when Cal Grant eligibility determination is added, campuses will have the ability to update Cal ISIRs in a manner more consistent with federal ISIR processing. Campus FAMs should be able to process the Cal ISIR to import the EFC and other data into their systems. Please be aware that due to the near perfect match with the federal ISIR, campuses should take precautions to notate or otherwise track the Cal ISIR so as to not lead to unexpected results, such as confusing the Cal ISIR for a federal ISIR. The Dream Application is designed to serve a student population, some of whom do not have Social Security numbers (SSN). For those who do have an SSN, the Dream Application has guidance to direct them to the FAFSA, if they can indeed file the FAFSA. For Phase I, the Dream Application will not collect a student’s SSN, even if they have one. In place of the SSN, the Commission will generate a pseudo SSN that is compatible with the ISIR and the Cal ISIR. Like a real SSN, the pseudo SSN will be nine digits. To prevent any possible duplication of an existing, real SSN, the pseudo SSN will begin with three zeros (000). No valid SSNs begin with 000. This will prevent possible confusion of federal and California ISIR records. Make note of this in the event your system has edits that review valid SSN ranges. Phase II of the Dream Application will be released in January 2013 for 2013-14 California financial aid including Cal Grants. With Phase II, the Commission will add additional functionalities to the Dream Application and to the Cal ISIR distribution and corrections processes. In addition, the Commission will likely collect additional data not on the FAFSA from students and parents. This is currently deemed as potentially useful to enhance student notifications and to provide further elements to support an effective Dream Application verification process. Fields that may be collected include the students actual SSN, if they have one, student and parent Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) and student cell phone number. If such changes are implemented, they will be a part of the 2013-14 Phase II Cal ISIR file layout. Phase I Cal ISIRS will be placed in WebGrants for schools to download.

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March 2012 (2012-2013) CSAC Cal ISIR Record Layout Page 4 of 81

Technical Note The California ISIR is identical to the Federal ISIR except for Field 38, a filler field in the Federal ISIR. Field 38 contains a California ISIR indicator with the rest filler.

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Cal ISIR Record Description/DataDictionary



1 Left

2 Right

3 Left

4 Right

5 Left

6 42 Left

7 43 LeftMiddle Initial Uppercase letters A to ZBlank

Original Name IDThe first two characters of last name as processed initially by CSAC.

Uppercase letters A to ZSpace(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)

13 14 2 Transaction NumberThe CSAC transaction number of this Cal ISIR.

01 to 99

1 15 30 16 Student’s Last Name Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)

2 31 12 Student’s First Name Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)

3 43 1


Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1 1 1 Year Indicator 3, will always be “3” (for2012-2013)

2 10 9 Assigned CSAC Psuedo SSN Number

The student’s original assigned number as by CSAC.

000100001 to 000999999

11 12 2

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End JustifySigned

8 78 Left

9 94 Left

10 96 Left

11 101 Right

12 109 Left

13 119 Right

7 97 5 Student’s PermanentZip Code

00000 to 99999

9 102 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD19000101 to 19991231

10 110 10 Student’s PermanentPhone Number

0000000000 to9999999999Blank

4 44 35 Permanent MailingAddress

Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z. (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)

5 79 16 Student’s PermanentCity

Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z. (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)

6 95 2 Student’s PermanentState

Uppercase letters A to Z Valid two-letter postalcodeSee State/Country/ Jurisdiction Codes in the Processing Codes section of this technical reference.


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

14 139 Left

15 141 Left

16 191 Left13 142 50 Student’s E-mailAddress

One and only one “@” (at-sign) allowed. Before @: at least one valid character all characters in the range of ASCII 33-126, except for thefollowing 12 characters < > ( ) [ ]\ , ; : " @ period (.) cannot be first, last or adjacent to another periodAfter @: at least one valid character only letters, digits, hyphen, underscore,and period (a-Z, a-z,0-9, -, _, .) hyphen, underscore, and period cannot be first, last, oradjacent to a period

11 120 20 Student’s Driver’sLicense Number

Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s)- (hyphen)* (asterisk) Blank

12 140 2 Student’s Driver’sLicense State Code

Uppercase letters A to ZValid two-letter postal codeSee State/Country/ Jurisdiction Codes in theProcessing Codes sectionof this technical reference.Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

17 192 Left

18 201 Left

19 202 Left

20 208 Left

21 210 Left

22 211 Left

23 217 Left

24 218 Left

25 219 Left

26 220 Left

21 218 1 Are you male orfemale?

1 = Male2 = Female

22 219 1 Selective Service AdviseBlank

23 220 1 Drug ConvictionAffecting Eligibility

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

18 209 2 Student’s State of Residence

Uppercase letters A to Z Valid two-letter postalcodeSee State/Country/ Jurisdiction Codes in the Processing Codes sectionof this technicalreference. Blank

19 211 1 Student ResidentBefore 01-01-2007?

1 = Yes2 = No

20 212 6 Student’s Residence Date

Format is CCYYMM190001 to 201312Blank

16 202 1 Student’s Marital Status 1 = Single2 = Married/remarried3 = Separated4 = Divorced or widowed

17 203 6 Student’s Marital StatusDate

If Marital status is = to 2,3, or 4 then provide date. Format is CCYYMM190001 to 201312Blank if marital status is = to 1


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

14 192 1 Student’s CitizenshipStatusThe value the student reported for citizenship.

1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S.National)2 = Eligible noncitizen3 = Neither 1 nor 2, not eligible

15 193 9 Student’s AlienRegistration Number

000000001 to999999999Blank

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End JustifySigned

27 221 Left

28 222 Left

29 223 Left

30 273 Left

31 301 Left

26 223 1 HS Diploma orEquivalent

1 = High school diploma2 = GED3 = Home schooled4 = None of the above

27 224 50 High School Name Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z. (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)


27 274 28 High School City Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen)


24 221 1 Father’s Highest GradeLevel Completed

1 = Middle School/Jr.High2 = High School3 = College or beyond4 = Other/unknownBlank

25 222 1 Mother’s Highest GradeLevel Completed

1 = Middle School/Jr.High2 = High School3 = College or beyond4 = Other/unknownBlank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

32 303 Left

33 315 Left

34 316 Left

35 317 Left

28 316 1 Modified field nameyear reference

First Bachelor’s DegreeBy 07-01-2012?

1 = Yes2 = No

29 317 1 Grade Level in College 0 = 1st year, never attended college1 = 1st year, attended college before2 = 2nd year/sophomore3 = 3rd year/junior4 = 4th year/senior5 = 5th year/other undergraduate6 = 1st year graduate/professional7 = Continuing graduate/professional

27 302 2 High School State Uppercase letters A to ZValid two-letter postal codeSee State/Country/ Jurisdiction Codes in theProcessing Codes sectionof this technical reference.Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

N/A 304 12 High School Code Generated -Numbers 0 to 9

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End JustifySigned

36 318 Right

37 319 Left

38 320 Left

38a 369 Left

39 370 Left32 370 1 Student’s Tax ReturnCompleted?

1 = Already completed2 = Will file3 = Will not file

30 318 1 Degree/Certificate 1 = 1st bachelor’s degree2 = 2nd bachelor’s degree3 = Associate degree(occupational or technical program)4 = Associate degree (general education or transfer program)5 = Certificate ordiploma for completing an occupational, technical, or educational program of less than two years6 = Certificate or diploma for completing an occupational,technical, or educationalprogram of at least two years7 = Teaching Credential Program (non-degree program)8 = Graduate orprofessional degree9 = Other/undecided

31 319 1 Interested in receivingWork-Study?

1 = Yes2 = No3 = Don’t knowBlank

320 1


California ISIR Indicator


1 = Yes

CSAC use only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

40 371 Left

41 372 Left

42 378 RightSigned

43 383 Right

44 385 Right

45 391 RightSigned

46 397 RightSigned

47 403 Right

48 409 Right

49 415 Right

50 420 Right

51 425 Right

52 430 Right

53 435 Right

54 440 Right

55 445 Right

43d 431 5 Student’sGrant/Scholarship Aid

00000 to 99999Blank

43e 436 5 Student’s Combat Pay 00000 to 99999Blank

43f 441 5 Student’s Co-opEarnings

00000 to 99999Blank

43a 416 5 Student’s EducationalCredits

00000 to 99999Blank

43b 421 5 Student’s Child SupportPaid

00000 to 99999Blank

43c 426 5 Student’s Need-BasedEmployment

00000 to 99999Blank

40 398 6 Student’s Cash,Savings, and Checking

000000 to 999999

41 404 6 Student’s InvestmentNet Worth

000000 to 999999

42 410 6 Student’s Business and/or Investment FarmNet Worth

000000 to 999999

37 384 2 Student’s ExemptionsClaimed

00 to 99

38 386 6 Student’s IncomeEarned from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank

39 392 6 Spouse’s IncomeEarned from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank

34 372 1 Student Eligible to file1040A or 1040EZ?

1 = Yes2 = No3 = Don’t know

35 373 6 Student’s AdjustedGross Income from IRSform

-999999 to 999999Blank

36 379 5 Student’s U.S. IncomeTax Paid

00000 to 99999Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

33 371 1 Modified field nameyear reference

Student’s Type of 2011Tax Form Used?

1 = IRS 10402 = IRS 1040A or1040EZ3 = Foreign tax return4 = A tax return from Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, or freely associated StateBlank

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End JustifySigned

56 450 Right

57 455 Right

58 460 Right

59 465 Right

60 470 Right

61 475 Right

62 480 Right

63 485 Right

64 490 Right

65 495 Right

66 521 Left

67 522 Left

68 523 Left

69 524 Left

70 525 Left

71 526 Left

72 527 Left

48 525 1 Are you on active duty in U.S. Armed Forces?

1 = Yes2 = No

49 526 1 Veteran of U.S. ArmedForces?

1 = Yes2 = No

50 527 1 Have Children YouSupport?

1 = Yes2 = No

45 522 1 Born Before 01-01-1989?

1 = Yes2 = No

46 523 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes2 = No

47 524 1 Working on a Master’sor Doctorate Program?

1 = Yes2 = No

44i 486 5 Student’s OtherUntaxed Income

00000 to 99999Blank

44j 491 5 Student’s Other Non-Reported Money

00000 to 99999Blank

496 26 Filler For CSAC use only

44f 471 5 Student’s UntaxedPensions

00000 to 99999Blank

44g 476 5 Student’sMilitary/ClergyAllowances

00000 to 99999Blank

44h 481 5 Student’s VeteransNoneducation Benefits

00000 to 99999Blank

44c 456 5 Student’s Child SupportReceived

00000 to 99999Blank

44d 461 5 Student’s InterestIncome

00000 to 99999Blank

44e 466 5 Student’s IRADistributions

00000 to 99999Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

44a 446 5 Student’s PensionPayments

00000 to 99999Blank

44b 451 5 Student’s IRAPayments

00000 to 99999Blank

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End JustifySigned

73 528 Left

74 529 Left

75 530 Left

76 531 Left

77 532 Left

78 533 Left

79 534 Left

80 539 Left

81 540 Left

82 546 Left

83 555 Right

84 571 Left

85 572 Left

61 556 16 Father’s/Stepfather’sLast Name

Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen) Blank

62 572 1 Father’s/Stepfather’sFirst Name Initial

Uppercase letters A to Z Blank

58 540 1 Parents’ Marital Status 1 = Married/remarried2 = Single3 = Divorced/separated4 = WidowedBlank

59 541 6 Parents’ Marital StatusDate

Format is CCYYMM190001 to 201312Blank

60 547 9 Father’s/Stepfather’sSocial Security Number

000000000 to999999999Blank

56 533 1 Unaccompanied youthdetermined by HUD?

1 = Yes2 = No

57 534 1 At risk ofhomelessness?

1 = Yes2 = No

535 5 Filler For CSAC use only

53 530 1 As of today, anemancipated minor?

1 = Yes2 = No

54 531 1 As of today, in legalguardianship?

1 = Yes2 = No

55 532 1 Unaccompanied youth determined by schooldistrict liaison?

1 = Yes2 = No


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

51 528 1 Have Legal DependentsOther than Children orSpouse?

1 = Yes2 = No

52 529 1 Orphan, Ward of Court, or Foster Care?

1 = Yes2 = No

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End JustifySigned

86 580 Left

87 589 Right

88 605 Left

89 606 Left

90 614 Left

91 664 Left

66 606 1 Mother’s/Stepmother’sFirst Name Initial

Uppercase letters A to ZBlank

67 607 8 Mother’s/Stepmother’sDate of Birth

Format is CCYYMMDD19000101 to 19991231Blank

68 615 50 Parent’s E-mailAddress

BlankIf non-blank:One and only one “@” (at-sign) allowed. Before @: at least one validcharacter all characters in the range of ASCII 33-126, except for the following 12characters < > ( ) [ ]\ , ; : " @ period (.) cannot be first, last or adjacent to another periodAfter @: at least one valid character only letters, digits, hyphen, underscore, and period (a-Z, a-z,0-9, -, _, .) hyphen, underscore, and period cannot be first, last, oradjacent to a period

63 573 8 Father’s/Stepfather’sDate of Birth

Format is CCYYMMDD19000101 to 19991231Blank

64 581 9 Mother’s/ Stepmother’s SocialSecurity Number

000000000 to999999999Blank

65 590 16 Mother’s/Stepmother’sLast Name

Numbers 0 to 9Uppercase letters A to Z Space(s). (period)’ (apostrophe)- (hyphen) Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

92 666 Left

93 667 Left

94 673 Right

95 675 Right

96 676 Left

97 677 Left

98 678 Left

99 679 Left

100 680 Left

101 681 Left

77 680 1 Parent TANF Benefits 1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

78 681 1 Parent WIC Benefits 1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

74 677 1 Parent SupplementalSecurity IncomeBenefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

75 678 1 Parent Food StampBenefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

76 679 1 Parent Free or ReducedPrice School LunchBenefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

71 668 6 Parents’ Residence Date

Format is CCYYMM190001 to 201312Blank

72 674 2 Parents’ Number ofFamily Members

00 to 99Blank

73 676 1 Parents’ Number inCollege(Parents excluded)

Numbers 0 to 9Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

69 665 2 Parents’ State of Residence

Uppercase letters A to Z Valid two-letter postalcodeSee State/Country/ Jurisdiction Codes in the Processing Codes sectionof this technicalreference. Blank

70 667 1 Parents Residents before 01-01-2007?

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

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End JustifySigned

102 682 Left

103 683 Left

104 684 Left

105 685 Left

106 691 RightSigned

107 697 Right

108 699 Right

109 705 RightSigned

110 711 RightSigned

111 717 Right

112 723 Right

113 729 Right

114 734 Right91a 730 5 Parents’ EducationalCredits

00000 to 99999Blank

88 712 6 Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking

000000 to 999999Blank

89 718 6 Parents’ Investment NetWorth

000000 to 999999Blank

90 724 6 Parents’ Businessand/or Investment FarmNet Worth

000000 to 999999Blank

85 698 2 Parents’ ExemptionsClaimed

00 to 99Blank

86 700 6 Father’s/Stepfather’sIncome Earned fromWork

-999999 to 999999Blank

87 706 6 Mother’s/Stepmother’sIncome Earned fromWork

-999999 to 999999Blank

82 685 1 Parent DislocatedWorker

1 = Yes2 = No3 = Don’t knowBlank

83 686 6 Parents’ AdjustedGross Income from IRSform

-999999 to 999999Blank

84 692 6 Parents’ U.S. IncomeTax Paid

000000 to 999999Blank

79 682 1 Parents’ Tax ReturnCompleted?

1 = Already completed2 = Will file3 = Will not fileBlank

80 683 1 Parents’ Type of 2011Tax Form Used?

1 = IRS 10402 = IRS 1040A or1040EZ3 = Foreign tax return4 = A tax return from Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory, or freely associated StateBlank

81 684 1 Parents’ Eligible to file1040A or 1040EZ?

1 = Yes2 = No3 = Don’t knowBlank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

115 739 Right

116 744 Right

117 749 Right

118 754 Right

119 759 Right

120 764 Right

121 769 Right

122 774 Right

123 779 Right

124 784 Right

125 789 Right

126 794 Right

127 799 Right

128 804 Right

129 854 Left

130 856 Right

131 857 Left

132 858 Left

133 859 Left

134 860 Left97 860 1 Student Free orReduced Price SchoolLunch Benefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

94 857 1 Student’s Number inCollege

0 to 9Blank

95 858 1 Student SupplementalSecurity IncomeBenefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

96 859 1 Student Food StampBenefits

1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

92i 800 5 Parents’ Other UntaxedIncome

00000 to 99999Blank

805 50 Filler For CSAC use only

93 855 2 Student’s Number ofFamily Members

00 to 99Blank

92f 785 5 Parents’ UntaxedPensions

00000 to 99999Blank

92g 790 5 Parents’ Military/ClergyAllowances

00000 to 99999Blank

92h 795 5 Parents’ VeteransNoneducation Benefits

00000 to 99999Blank

92c 770 5 Parents’ Child SupportReceived

00000 to 99999Blank

92d 775 5 Parents’ InterestIncome

00000 to 99999Blank

92e 780 5 Parents’ IRADistributions

00000 to 99999Blank

91f 755 5 Parents’ Co-opEarnings

00000 to 99999Blank

92a 760 5 Parents’ PensionPayments

00000 to 99999Blank

92b 765 5 Parents’ IRA Payments 00000 to 99999Blank

91c 740 5 Parents’ Need-BasedEmployment

00000 to 99999Blank

91d 745 5 Parents’ Grant/Scholarship Aid

00000 to 99999Blank

91e 750 5 Parents’ Combat Pay 00000 to 99999Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

91b 735 5 Parents’ Child SupportPaid

00000 to 99999Blank

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End JustifySigned

135 861 Left

136 862 Left

137 863 Left

138 868 Left

139 874 Left

140 875 Left

141 881 Left

142 882 Left

143 888 Left

144 889 Left

145 895 Left101g 890 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

101d 882 1 Federal School Code #2Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

101e 883 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

101f 889 1 Federal School Code #3Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

101a 869 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999

Valid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G

101b 875 1 Federal School Code #1Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campus

101c 876 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

99 862 1 Student WIC Benefits 1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

100 863 1 Student/SpouseDislocated Worker

1 = Yes2 = No3 = Don’t knowBlank

864 5 Filler For CSACuse only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

98 861 1 Student TANF Benefits 1 = Yes2 = NoBlank

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End JustifySigned

146 896 Left

147 902 Left

148 903 Left

149 909 Left

150 910 Left

151 916 Left

152 917 Left

153 923 Left

154 924 Left

FAFSAon the Web


918 6 Federal School Code #8 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

FAFSAon the

Web only

924 1 Federal School Code #8Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

FAFSAon the

Web only

910 1 Federal School Code #6Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

FAFSAon the

Web only

911 6 Federal School Code #7 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

FAFSAon the Web


917 1 Federal School Code #7Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

FAFSAon the Web


897 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

FAFSAon the Web


903 1 Federal School Code #5Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

FAFSAon the

Web only

904 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

101h 896 1 Federal School Code #4Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

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End JustifySigned

155 930 Left

156 931 Left

157 937 Left

158 938 Left

159 973 Left

160 981 Left

161 982 Left

162 987 Left

163 996 Right

164 1005 Left105 997 9 Preparer’s EmployerIdentification Number(EIN)

000000000 to999999999Blank

103 982 1 Signed ByIndicates if only the applicant, or only the parent, or both applicant and parent signed the transaction.

A = Applicant onlyB = Applicant and parentP = Parent onlyBlank = No signatures

983 5 Filler For CSACuse only

104 988 9 Preparer’s SocialSecurity NumberIndicates that the Preparer’s SSN is provided on the transaction.

000000000 to999999999Blank

FAFSAon the

Web only

938 1 Federal School Code#10 Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

939 35 Filler For CSAC use only

102 974 8 Date ApplicationCompleted

Format is CCYYMMDD System generated20120101 to 20131231

FAFSAon the

Web only

925 6 Federal School Code #9 X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

FAFSAon the Web


931 1 Federal School Code #9Housing Plans

1 = On campus2 = With parent3 = Off campusBlank

FAFSAon the Web


932 6 Federal School Code#10

X00000 to X99999BlankValid characters for the first position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

165 1006 Left

166 1016 Left

167 1017 Left

168 1023 Left

169 1024 Left

170 1034 Left

171 1035 Left

1024 1 Filler For CSACuse only

1025 10 Filler For CSACuse only

1035 1 Dependency StatusDetermined by the CPS based on dependency status data provided.

D = Dependent, calculated ExpectedFamily Contribution(EFC) providedI = Independent, calculated EFC provided X = Dependent rejected,no EFC calculatedY = Independent rejected, no EFC calculated

1007 10 Filler For CSACuse only

CollegeUse Only


1017 1 Dependency OverrideIndicatorIndicates that a dependency override was requested on this transaction.

Phase 1 =Blank = No FAAoverride requested


Only box

1018 6 FAA Federal SchoolCodeIndicates the Federal School Code that requested a dependency override or professional judgment request.

Phase 1 =Blank = No dependency override or professional judgment done


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

106 1006 1 Preparer’s SignatureIndicates that a preparer signed the transaction.

1 = YesBlank

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End JustifySigned

172 1037 Left


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1036 2 Transaction DataSource/Type CodeIndicates the origin of the transaction.The first byte describes source:2 = Web Student4 = Paper

The second byte describes type:A = Application

C = Correction

2A = Application=Web2C = Correction=Web4A = Application=Paper4C = Correction=Paper

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End JustifySigned

173 1045 Left

174 1046 Left

175 1048 Left1047 2 Student IRS RequestFlag

Blank = IRS Data Retrieval Tool not available in the application method utilized by the student (i.e., paper FAFSA, EDE, or FAA Access)

1038 8 Transaction ReceiptDateDate the transaction was received by CSAC.

Format is CCYYMMDD20120101 to 20131231

1046 1 Special CircumstancesFlag Phase 1 =Blank = Flag is not set


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

176 1050 Left

177 1051 Left

178 1052 Left

179 1056 Left

1051 1 Parent Asset ThresholdExceeded Phase 1 =Blank

1052 1 Student AssetThreshold Exceeded Phase 1 = Blank

1053 4 Filler For CSAC use only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1049 2 Parent IRS RequestFlag

IRS data retrieval process Blank = IRS Data Retrieval Tool not available in the application method utilized by the parent (i.e., paper FAFSA, EDE, or FAA Access)

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End JustifySigned

180 1057 Left

181 1058 Left

182 1059 Left

183 1060 Left

184 1061 Left

185 1062 Left

186 1069 Left

1060 1 Assumption Override 4Student’s AGI assumed equal to the sum of student and spouse earned income portions.

Phase 1 = Blank

1061 1 Assumption Override 5Parents’ Additional Financial Information Total assumed to be zero.

Phase 1 = Blank

1062 1 Assumption Override 6Student’s Additional Financial Information Total assumed to be zero.

Phase 1 = Blank

1063 7 Electronic TransactionIndicator (ETI) Destination NumberTG number assigned bySAIG.

Phase 1 = Blank

1057 1 Assumption Override 1Parents’ Number inCollege assumed to be1 when the number in college is greater than6.

Phase 1 = Blank

1058 1 Assumption Override 2Parents’ AGI assumed equal to sum of father and mother earned income portions.

Phase 1 = Blank

1059 1 Assumption Override 3Student’s Number inCollege assumed to be1 when number in college equals number in the household andboth are greater than 2.

Phase 1 = Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

187 1070 Left

188 1071 Left

189 1072 Left

190 1073 Left

191 1074 Left

192 1075 Left

193 1076 Left

194 1077 Left1 Reject Override JFather’s SSN contains all zeroes and reported as a tax filer.

Phase 1 = Blank

1073 1 Reject Override ADate of Birth year is1900 to 1937.

Phase 1 = Blank

1074 1 Reject Override BDate of Birth on or afterSeptember 1, 1996.

Phase 1 = Blank

1075 1 Reject Override CParents’ or independent student’s taxes paid is greater than zero and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage ofthe AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI.

Phase 1 = Blank

1076 1 Reject Override GDependent student’s taxes paid is greater than zero and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of the AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI.

Phase 1 = Blank


1070 1 Reject Override 3Student’s taxes paid is greater than zero and equal to or greater than AGI.

Phase 1 = Blank

1071 1 Reject Override 12Parents’ taxes paid is greater than zero and equal to or greater than AGI.

Phase 1 = Blank

1072 1 Reject Override 20A non-tax filer is reporting an income that is above the IRS filing requirement.

Phase 1 = Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

195 1078 Left

196 1079 Left

197 1080 Left

198 1081 Left

199 1160 Left

200 1169 Right

201 1171 Left

202 1175 Left

203 1176 Left

204 1186 Left

4 Filler For CSACuse only

1176 1 Professional JudgmentIndicates whether a FAA requested an EFC adjustment and if it was processed.

Phase 1=Blank = No EFCadjustment requested

1177 10 Filler For CSAC use only

1081 1 Reject Override 21Student’s corrected marital status date is greater than application receipt date and less than transaction receipt date.

Phase 1 = Blank

1082 79 Filler For CSAC use only

8 1161 9 Student’s CurrentPsuedo Social Security NumberStudent’s Psuedo SSN on this transaction. It will be different from the student’s original Psuedo SSN only if it has been h d

000100001 to000999999 Same as Field #2

1170 2 Correction Applied against TransactionNumber

01 to 99Blank = Transaction not a result of a correction


1078 1 Reject Override KMother’s SSN contains all zeroes and reported as a tax filer.

Phase 1 = Blank

1079 1 Reject Override NMissing first or last name. Phase 1 = Blank

1080 1 Reject Override WUnusually high number of family members.

Phase 1 = Blank


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

205 1188 Left

206 1196 Left1189 8 Application ReceiptDateDate the application was received by the CPS.

Format is CCYYMMDD20120101 to 20131231


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1187 2 Application DataSource/Type CodeIndicates the origin of the initial application.The first byte describes source:2 = Web Student4 = Paper

The second byte describes type:A = Application

2A = Application-Web

4A = Application=Paper

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End JustifySigned

207 1197 Left

208 1198 Left

209 1199 Left1199 1 EFC Change FlagIndicates if the EFC has gone up or down from the transaction being applied against.

1 = EFC increase2 = EFC decrease Blank = No change

1198 1 CPS Pushed ISIRFlagThis flag is set to identify transactions that are automatically sent to schools.Examples are:EFC Change Flag is set; SAR C Flag changes between correction and transaction being corrected; Record became selected for verification; Rejected to EFC; EFC to Rejected; ortransaction is system- generated.

Phase 1=Blank = Transaction not automatically sent toschool

Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1197 1 Address Only ChangeFlagIf an address is the only change to a record, this field will be filled. Corrections to the Signed By and Special Handle fields may also be included with the address correction.

Phase 1=Blank = No change



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End JustifySigned

210 1200 Left

211 1201 Left

212 1202 Left

213 1203 Left

214 1206 Right215 1207 Left

1204 3 Compute Number 0001207 1 Source of Correction A = Applicant

Blank for 1st application

1203 1 Verification SelectionChange FlagIdentifies a transaction that is selected for verification, if the transaction being corrected was not selected for verification. This flagis set to a Y only on the transaction that is initially selected for verification.

Phase 1=Blank = Verification selection status has not changed from transaction being corrected

1 Reject Status ChangeFlagIf the rejected status changes from the transaction being corrected, this field is filled.

Phase 1=Blank = No change to reject status

1202 1 SAR C Change FlagIf the SAR C flag is set or removed from the transaction being corrected, this field is filled.

Phase 1=Blank = No change toSAR C flag

1200 1 Student Last Name/ SSN Change FlagIf the student’s last name or Social Security Number (SSN) is different from the transaction being corrected, this field is updated according tothe valid content.

Phase 1=Blank = No change



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

216 1208 Left

217 1209 Left

218 1210 Left

219 1218 Left

220 1219 Left

221 1233 Left

222 1235 Left1234 2 Reprocessed ReasonCodeThe code indicating why the CPS reprocessed an ISIR. An electronic message will be sent to destination numbersidentifying definition of the code.

Phase 1=Blank = Not a reprocessed transaction

1220 14 Reject Reason CodesAlpha/numeric character indicating why an application or correction has been rejected.See the Processing Codes section for specific code tables and details.

Uppercase letters A to Z Numbers 1 to 99Blank = Applicant not rejectedUp to seven one to two character codes

1211 8 Transaction ProcessedDateDate that the CPS computed this transaction.

Format is CCYYMMDD20120101 to 20131231

1219 1 Processed Record Type H = CorrectionBlank for 1st application

1210 1 Pell Grant EligibilityFlagIndicates transaction has been determined eligible for a Federal Pell Grant by the CPS.

Phase 1=Blank = This transaction determined ineligible for a Federal Pell Grant

1 Duplicate SSN IndicatorIndicates if another filer is using this original SSN in his or her original SSN field.

Phase 1=Blank = N/A

1209 1 Graduate Flag Y = Yes response to BAquestion and/or graduate status questionBlank = Graduate flag not set


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content


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End JustifySigned

223 1236 Left

224 1237 Left

225 1238 Left

226 1239 Left

227 1240 Left

228 1245 Right

229 1250 Right1246 5 Student’s UntaxedIncome Total Calculated by CSAC This amount is calculated by CSAC.

00000 to 99999Blank

1239 1 Parents’ Calculated2011 Tax StatusThe CPS determination of tax filing status.

1, 2, or 3 = Tax filer4 or 5 = Non-tax filerBlank

1240 1 Student’s Calculated2011 Tax StatusCSAC determination of tax filing status.

1, 2, or 3 = Tax filer4 or 5 = Non-tax filerBlank

1241 5 Student’s AdditionalFinancial Information Total Calculated by CSACThis amount is calculated by CSAC.

00000 to 99999Blank

1237 1 Revised theincome threshold from$31,000 to$23,000.

Automatic Zero EFCIndicatorThe Automatic Zero EFC Indicator is automatically set if simplified needs test met and taxable income is $23,000 or less.

Y = EFC set to zerobased on income criteriaBlank = Flag not set

1238 1 Simplified Needs Test(SNT)Applicant meets certain criteria for tax filing status and income level and is not required to provide asset information.

Y = SNT metN = SNT not met or insufficient information to determine SNT eligibility

1236 1 SAR C FlagPhase 1 =Blank = No flag set

Length Changes Field Name Valid ContentFAFSA#


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End JustifySigned

230 1255 Right

231 1260 Right

232 1261 Left

233 1271 Left

234 1272 Left

235 1273 Left

236 1279 RightSigned

237 1284 Right

238 1290 RightSigned

239 1296 RightSigned

240 1301 Right

241 1302 Left

242 1303 Left

1302 1 Assumed Date of BirthPrior

1 = Assumed yes2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption

1303 1 Assumed Student IsMarried/Remarried

1 = Assumed yes2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption

1285 6 Assumed Student’sIncome from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1291 6 Assumed Spouse’sIncome from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1297 5 Assumed Student’sAdditional FinancialInformation Total

00000 to 99999Blank = No assumption

Field Name Valid Content

1274 6 Assumed Student’sAGI

-999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1280 5 Assumed Student’sU.S. Tax Paid

00000 to 99999Blank = No assumption

1262 10 Filler For CSAC use only

1272 1 Assumed Citizenship 1 = Assumed student is acitizen2 = Assumed student is an eligible noncitizen Blank = No assumption

1273 1 Assumed Student’sMarital Status

1 = Assumed single2 = Assumed married/remarriedBlank = No assumption

1251 5 Parents’ AdditionalFinancial Information Total Calculated by CSACThis amount is calculated by CSAC.

00000 to 99999Blank

1256 5 Parents’ UntaxedIncome Total Calculated by CSAC This amount is calculated by CSAC.

00000 to 99999Blank

1261 1 High School Flag Phase1=Blank


Start Length Changes

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End JustifySigned

243 1304 Left

244 1305 Left

245 1307 Left

246 1308 Left

247 1309 Left

248 1310 Left

249 1311 Left

250 1312 Left

251 1321 Left

252 1322 Left

253 1323 Left

254 1324 Left

255 1326 Left

256 1327 Left

257 1333 RightSigned

1327 1 Assumed Parents’ # inCollege

0 to 9Blank = No assumption

1328 6 Assumed Parents’ AGI -999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1323 1 Assumed Father’s/ Stepfather’s SSN

Y = Assumed SSN Blank

1324 1 Assumed Mother’s/Stepmother’s SSN

Y = Assumed SSNBlank

1325 2 Assumed Parents’ # inFamily

00 to 99Blank = No assumption

1312 1 Assumed Student AssetThreshold Exceeded

Y = Assumed blankBlank = No assumption

1313 9 Filler For CSAC use only

1322 1 Assumed Parents’Marital Status

1 = Assumedmarried/remarried2 = Assumed singleBlank = No assumption

1309 1 Assumed HomelessYouth – SchoolDetermined

2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption

1310 1 Assumed HomelessYouth – HUD ProgramDetermined

2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption

1311 1 Assumed At Risk ofHomelessness

2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption

1305 1 Assumed Have LegalDependents Other thanChildren or Spouse?

2 = Assumed no legaldependentsBlank = No assumption

1306 2 Assumed Student’s # inFamily

00 to 99Blank = No assumption

1308 1 Assumed Student’s # inCollege

0 to 9Blank = No assumption

1304 1 Assumed HaveChildren You Support?

1 = Assumed yes2 = Assumed noBlank = No assumption


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

258 1339 Right

259 1345 RightSigned

260 1351 RightSigned

261 1356 Right

262 1357 Left

263 1366 Left

264 1371 Left

265 1376 Left1372 5 Secondary EFCThe secondary 9-month EFC calculated. Full Needs Test (FNT) provided only if Simplified Needs Test (SNT) is met and asset information is provided.

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1357 1 Assumed Parents’Asset ThresholdExceeded

Y = Assumed blankBlank = No assumption

1358 9 Filler For CSACuse only

1367 5 Primary EFCThe primary 9-month EFC calculated. Full Needs Test (FNT), unless Simplified Needs Test (SNT) met.

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1340 6 Assumed Father’s/Stepfather’s IncomeEarned from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1346 6 Assumed Mother’s/ Stepmother’s IncomeEarned from Work

-999999 to 999999Blank = No assumption

1352 5 Assumed Parents’Additional FinancialInformation Total

00000 to 99999Blank = No assumption

1334 6 Assumed Parents’ U.S. Tax Paid

000000 to 999999Blank = No assumption

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End JustifySigned

266 1381 Left

267 1382 Left1382 1 Primary EFC TypeIdentifies formula type used to calculate the primary EFC.Full Needs Test (FNT) Simplified Needs Test(SNT)

1 = FNT: dependent2 = FNT: independent without dependents other than a spouse3 = FNT: independentwith dependents other than a spouse4 = SNT: dependent5 = SNT: independent without dependents other than a spouse6 = SNT: independent with dependents other than a spouseBlank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1377 5 Signature Reject EFC Calculated when alldata is provided except valid signatures. Theprimary 9-month EFCcalculated. Full Needs Test (FNT), unless Simplified Needs Test (SNT) met.

Blank = None calculated

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End JustifySigned

268 1383 Left

269 1388 Left

270 1393 Left

271 1398 Left

272 1403 Left

273 1408 Left

274 1413 Left

275 1418 Left

276 1423 Left

1414 5 Primary AlternateMonth 7

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1419 5 Primary AlternateMonth 8

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1399 5 Primary AlternateMonth 4

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1404 5 Primary AlternateMonth 5

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1409 5 Primary AlternateMonth 6

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1384 5 Primary AlternateMonth 1The primary alternate EFC used by FAO in determining eligibility based on periods other than 9 months.

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1389 5 Primary AlternateMonth 2

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1394 5 Primary AlternateMonth 3

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1383 1 Secondary EFC TypeIdentifies formula type used to calculate secondary EFC.Full Needs Test (FNT) Simplified Needs Test(SNT)

1 = FNT: dependent2 = FNT: independent without dependents other than a spouse3 = FNT: independentwith dependents other than a spouse4 = SNT: dependent5 = SNT: independent without dependents other than a spouse6 = SNT: independent with dependents other than a spouseBlank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

277 1428 Left

278 1433 Left

279 1438 Left

280 1443 Left

281 1448 Left

282 1453 Left

283 1458 Left

284 1463 Left

285 1468 Left

286 1473 Left

287 1478 Left

288 1483 Left

289 1488 Left

290 1493 Left

291 1500 RightSigned

1484 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 11

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1489 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 12

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1494 7 TI: Total Income -9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

5 Secondary AlternateMonth 4

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1469 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 7

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1474 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 8

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1479 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 10

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1439 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 1The secondary alternate EFC used by FAO in determining eligibility based on periods other than 9 months.

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1459 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 5

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1464 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 6

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1444 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 2

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1449 5 Secondary AlternateMonth 3

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated


1424 5 Primary AlternateMonth 10

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1429 5 Primary AlternateMonth 11

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated

1434 5 Primary AlternateMonth 12

00000 to 99999Blank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

292 1507 Left

293 1514 RightSigned

294 1521 Left

295 1528 Left

296 1535 RightSigned

297 1542 RightSigned

298 1551 RightSigned

299 1560 Left

300 1569 Left

301 1576 RightSigned

302 1583 RightSigned


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1570 7 PCA: Parents’ Contribution fromAssets

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1577 7 AAI: AdjustedAvailable Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1543 9 DNW: DiscretionaryNet Worth

-999999999 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1552 9 NW: Net Worth 000000000 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1561 9 APA: Asset ProtectionAllowance

000000000 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1522 7 IPA: IncomeProtection Allowance

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1529 7 AI: Available Income -9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1536 7 CAI: ContributionFrom Available Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1501 7 ATI: AllowancesAgainst Total Income

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1508 7 STX: State and OtherTax Allowance

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1515 7 EA: EmploymentAllowance

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

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End JustifySigned

303 1590 Left

304 1597 Left

305 1604 Left

306 1611 RightSigned

307 1618 RightSigned

308 1625 Left

309 1634 RightSigned

7 SIC: DependentStudent’s IncomeContribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1626 9 SDNW: Student’sDiscretionary NetWorth

-999999999 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1591 7 TPC: Total Parents’Contribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1598 7 PC: Parents’ Contribution 0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1605 7 STI: Student’s TotalIncome

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1612 7 SATI: Student’sAllowance againstTotal Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated


1584 7 TSC: Total Student’sContribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

310 1641 RightSigned

311 1648 RightSigned

312 1655 RightSigned

313 1662 Left

314 1669 RightSigned

315 1676 Left

316 1683 Left

1670 7 SEC EA: SecondaryEmploymentAllowance

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1677 7 SEC IPA: SecondaryIncome ProtectionAllowance

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1649 7 SEC TI: SecondaryTotal Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1656 7 SEC ATI: SecondaryAllowances AgainstTotal Income

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1663 7 SEC STX: SecondaryState Tax Allowance

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1635 7 SCA: Student’sContribution fromAssets

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1642 7 FTI: FISAP TotalIncome

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

317 1690 RightSigned

318 1697 RightSigned

319 1706 RightSigned

320 1715 Left

321 1724 Left

322 1731 RightSigned

1716 9 SEC APA: SecondaryAsset ProtectionAllowances

000000000 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1725 7 SEC PCA: SecondaryParents’ Contribution from Assets

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1691 7 SEC CAI: SecondaryContribution FromAvailable Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1698 9 SEC DNW: SecondaryDiscretionary NetWorth

-999999999 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1707 9 SEC NW: SecondaryNet Worth

000000000 to999999999Blank = None calculated

1684 7 SEC AI: SecondaryAvailable Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

323 1738 RightSigned

324 1745 Left

325 1752 Left

326 1759 Left

327 1766 RightSigned

328 1773 RightSigned

329 1780 Left

330 1789 RightSigned

331 1796 RightSigned

332 1803 RightSigned

333 1853 Left

334 2048 Right

335 2063 Left

7 SEC SCA: SecondaryStudent’s Contribution from Assets

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1854 195 Correction FlagsSee the Field Name and Position Cross- Reference table in the Processing Codes section of this technical reference.Each correction flag byte corresponds to a specific field and indicates fields that have been corrected.

Phase 1=0 = No correction made

2049 15 Filler For CSACuse only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1797 7 SEC FTI: SecondaryFISAP Total Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1804 50 Filler For CSAC use only

1774 7 SEC SIC: SecondaryStudent’s DependentIncome Contribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1781 9 SEC SDNW: Secondary Student’sDiscretionary NetWorth

-999999999 to999999999Blank = None calculated


1753 7 SEC PC: SecondaryParents’ Contribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1760 7 SEC STI: SecondaryStudent’s Total Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1767 7 SEC SATI: SecondaryStudent’s AllowanceAgainst Total Income

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1732 7 SEC AAI: SecondaryAdjusted AvailableIncome

-9999999 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1739 7 SEC TSC: SecondaryTotal Student’sContribution

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

1746 7 SEC TPC: SecondaryTotal Parents’ C ib i

0000000 to 9999999Blank = None calculated

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End JustifySigned

336 2258 Right

337 2273 Left2259 15 Filler For CSAC use only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2064 195 Highlight FlagsSee the Field Name and Position Cross- Reference table in the Processing Codes section of this technical reference.Each highlight flag byte corresponds to aspecific SAR field and indicates fields highlighted in boldface on the SAR.

Phase 1=0 = No highlight made

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End JustifySigned

338 2468 Right

339 2483 Left

340 2484 Left

341 2485 Left

342 2500 Left2486 15 Filler For CSACuse only

2469 15 Filler For CSAC use only

2484 1 DHS Match FlagResults from DHS Match for applicants who met criteria to be sent to match.

Blank = Record not sent to DHS

2485 1 Secondary DHS MatchFlagResults from DHS Confirmation for applicants who failed Primary Confirmation.

Blank = Record not sent to DHS

2274 195 FAFSA Data VerifyFlagsSee the Field Name and Position Cross- Reference table in the Processing Codes section of this technical reference.Each Dream Application Data Verify flag byte corresponds to a specific SAR field and indicates fields corrected to the samevalue on the transaction being corrected.

Phase1=0 = Not corrected to the same value


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

343 2515 Left

344 2516 Left

345 2517 Left

346 2523 Left

347 2532 Left

2518 6 NSLDS PostscreeningReason CodeThe student’s eligibility has changed since the previous prescreening.This field can contain up to 3 reason codes of2 bytes each.

Blank = Not an NSLDSpostscreening transaction

2524 9 Filler For CSACuse only

2516 1 Filler For CSACuse only

2517 1 NSLDS Match FlagResults of the NSLDS Match.

8 = Record not sent toNSLDS


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2501 15 DHS VerificationNumberIdentification # provided by the Department of Homeland Security indicating that primary verification was performed.

Blank = Record not sent to DHS

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End JustifySigned

348 2533 Left

349 2542 Left

350 2543 Left

351 2544 Left

352 2545 Left

353 2546 Left

354 2554 Left

355 2555 Left

2546 1 SSA Citizenship FlagResults from Citizenship Match with Social Security Administration.

N = Unable to confirm citizenship due to no match on SSN, name or date of birth

2547 8 Filler For CSAC use only

2555 1 SSN Match FlagResults from SSN Match with Social Security Administration.

8 = Record not sent toSSA

2544 1 Selective Service MatchFlagResults from SS Match for applicants who met criteria to be sent to match.

Blank = Record not sent to Selective Service

2545 1 Selective ServiceRegistration FlagResults from student’s request to be registered with Selective Service.

Blank = Record not sent to Selective Service.

2533 1 Father’s/Stepfather’sSSN Match FlagResults from SSN Match with Social Security Administration.

8 = Record not sent toSSA

2534 9 Filler For CSACuse only

2543 1 Mother’s/Stepmother’sSSN Match FlagResults from SSN Match with Social Security Administration.

8 = Record not sent toSSA


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

356 2556 Left

357 2557 Left

358 2565 Left

359 2615 Left

360 2675 Left

361 2690 Left2676 15 Filler For CSACuse only

2558 8 Department of Defense(DOD) Parent Date ofDeathThe date the parent of the applicant died.


2566 50 Filler For CSACuse only

2616 60 Comment CodesComments produced by CSAC tocommunicate important results and processing information.

Twenty 3-digit numeric comment codes. (Seecomment code text information in theProcessing Codes sectionof this technical reference.)Unused positions contain all zeroes.


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2556 1 VA Match FlagResults of the VeteransAffairs Match.

8 = Record not sent toVA

2557 1 Department of Defense(DOD) Match FlagMatch with the DOD to determine if the applicant’s parent was a member of the Armed Forces who died as a result of service in Iraq or Afghanistan after09/11/01.

Blank = No match

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End JustifySigned

362 2691 Right


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2691 1 Electronic FederalSchool Code IndicatorIdentifies which school listed in ISIR fields139, 141, 143, 145,147, 149, 151, 153,155, and 157 initiated this transaction.

Phase1=Blank = No federal school code

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End JustifySigned

363 2692 Left


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

1 Electronic TransactionIndicator (ETI) FlagThe ETI is set to indicate if the school receiving the ISIR submitted input to generate the ISIR transaction, or did not generate the transaction but was listed on the record. It also indicates whether the type ofISIR is a daily, requested, or pushed ISIR. An ETI Flag will be set for each school choice.

Phase 1 = Blank 2692

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End JustifySigned

364 2702 Left

365 2707 Left

366 2711 Left

2703 5 Filler For CSAC use only


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2708 4 Verification TrackingFlag

For CSACuse only

2693 10 Multi School CodeFlagsThis field indicates the school codes being serviced by the destination point that will receive this ISIR transaction and identify which school originated the transaction. The appropriate ETI flagwill be listed in your school codes position.If the first byte of this field has a 1, then the federal school code listed in Federal School Code #1 did notgenerate transaction and is an ISIR Daily school. In addition, if thesecond byte of this field has a 0, then Federal School Code #2 generated transaction and is an ISIR Daily school.

Phase 1 = Blank

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End JustifySigned

367 2712 Left

368 2760 Left

369 2762 Right

370 2763 Left

371 2764 Left

372 2765 Left

373 2773 Left

374 2774 Left

375 2782 Left

376 2783 Left

2774 1 NSLDS PellOverpayment Flag


2775 8 NSLDS PellOverpayment Contact


2783 1 NSLDS SEOGOverpayment Flag


2766 8 NSLDS ACGOverpayment Contact


2761 2 NSLDS Transaction Number All fields from here on will be blank


2763 1 NSLDS DatabaseResults FlagResults from NSLDS Match for applicants who met criteria to be sent to match.

Blank = Record not sent, all NSLDS fields will beblank

2764 1 Filler Blank

2712 1 Student Is Selected ForVerification

N = Not selected

2713 48 Filler For CSACuse only

2765 1 NSLDS ACGOverpayment Flag



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

377 2791 Left

378 2792 Left

379 2800 Left

380 2801 Left

381 2809 Left

382 2810 Left

383 2818 Left

384 2819 Left

385 2827 Left

386 2828 Left

387 2829 Left

388 2830 LeftNSLDS LoanFraud LoanFlag

Blank2830 1

2820 8 NSLDS Iraq andAfghanistan Service Grant Overpayment Contact


2828 1 NSLDS Defaulted LoanFlag


2829 1 NSLDS DischargedLoan Flag


2810 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantOverpayment Flag


2811 8 NSLDS TEACH GrantOverpayment Contact


2819 1 NSLDS Iraq andAfghanistan Service Grant Overpayment Flag


2801 1 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantOverpayment Flag


2802 8 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantOverpayment Contact



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2784 8 NSLDS SEOGOverpayment Contact


2792 1 NSLDS PerkinsOverpayment Flag


2793 8 NSLDS PerkinsOverpayment Contact


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End JustifySigned

389 2831 Left

390 2832 Left

391 2833 Left

392 2839 Left

393 2845 Left

394 2851 Left

395 2857 Left

396 2863 Left

397 2869 Left

398 2875 Left

399 2881 Left

400 2887 Left

401 2893 Left

402 2899 Left

403 2905 Left

404 2911 Left

405 2917 Left

406 2923 Left

2912 6 NSLDS PerkinsCumulativeDisbursement Amount


2918 6 NSLDS PerkinsCurrent YearDisbursement Amount


2894 6 NSLDS AggregateCombined Total


2900 6 NSLDS UnallocatedConsolidated Total


2906 6 NSLDS TEACH LoanTotal


2876 6 NSLDS AggregateCombined Pending


2882 6 NSLDS AggregateSubsidized Total


2888 6 NSLDS AggregateUnsubsidized Total


2858 6 NSLDS AggregateTEACH Loan PrincipalBalance


2864 6 NSLDS AggregateSubsidized PendingDisbursement


2870 6 NSLDS AggregateUnsubsidized PendingDisbursement


2840 6 NSLDS AggregateUnsubsidizedOutstanding Principal


2846 6 NSLDS AggregateCombined OutstandingPrincipal Balance


2852 6 NSLDS AggregateUnallocated Consolidated Outstanding Principal



2833 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantLoan Conversion Flag


2834 6 NSLDS AggregateSubsidized OutstandingPrincipal Balance



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2831 1 NSLDS LoanSatisfactory RepaymentFlag


2832 1 NSLDS ActiveBankruptcy Flag


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End JustifySigned

407 2929 Left

408 2935 Left

409 2936 Left

410 2937 Left

411 2938 Left

412 2939 Left

413 2940 Left

414 2941 Left

415 2942 Left

416 2943 Left

417 2944 Left

418 2945 Left

419 2946 Left

420 2947 Left

421 2948 Left

422 2949 Left

423 2950 Left

424 2951 Left

425 2952 Left

426 2953 Left

2952 1 NSLDS AdditionalNational SMART Grant


2953 1 NSLDS AdditionalTEACH Grant Flag


2949 1 NSLDS Additional PellFlag


2950 1 NSLDS AdditionalLoans Flag


2951 1 NSLDS AdditionalACG Flag


2946 1 NSLDS ACG PaymentChange Flag


2947 1 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Change


2948 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantChange Flag


2943 1 NSLDS AggregateLoan Change Flag


2944 1 NSLDS Perkins LoanChange Flag


2945 1 NSLDS Pell PaymentChange Flag


2940 1 NSLDS ActiveBankruptcy ChangeFlag


2941 1 NSLDS TEACH Grantto Loan Conversion


2942 1 NSLDS OverpaymentsChange Flag


2937 1 NSLDS Fraud LoanChange Flag


2938 1 NSLDS DischargedLoan Change Flag


2939 1 NSLDS LoanSatisfactory RepaymentChange Flag


2924 6 NSLDS AggregateTEACH Undergraduate/Post


2930 6 NSLDS AggregateTEACH Graduate


2936 1 NSLDS Defaulted LoanChange Flag



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

427 2954 Left

428 2955 Left

429 2956 Left

430 2957 Left

431 2958 Left

432 2959 Left

433 2960 Left

434 2962 Left

435 2965 Left

436 2971 Left

437 2979 Left

438 2981 Left

439 2989 Left


Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

2980 2 NSLDS PellTransaction Number (1)


2982 8 NSLDS Pell LastUpdate Date (1)


2 NSLDS Pell SequenceNumber (1)


2963 3 NSLDS PellVerification Flag (1)


2966 6 NSLDS EFC (1) Blank

2972 8 NSLDS Pell SchoolCode (1)


2957 1 NSLDS UndergraduateSubsidized Loan LimitFlag


2958 1 NSLDS UndergraduateCombined Loan LimitFlag


2959 1 NSLDS GraduateSubsidized Loan LimitFlag


2960 1 NSLDS GraduateCombined Loan Limit



2954 1 NSLDS Direct LoanMaster Prom Note Flag


2955 1 NSLDS Direct LoanPLUS Master PromNote FlagThis flag indicates the status of the Master Promissory Note for the parent who has borrowed a PLUS loan on behalf of thisstudent.


2956 1 NSLDS Direct LoanGraduate PLUS MasterProm Note FlagThis flag indicates the


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End JustifySigned

440 2995 Right

441 3001 Right

442 3008 Right

443 3014 Right

444 3015 Right

445 3018 Left

446 3022 Left

447 3024 Left

448 3027 Left

449 3033 Left

450 3041 Left

451 3043 Left

452 3051 Left

453 3057 Right

454 3063 Right

3044 8 NSLDS Pell LastUpdate Date (2)


3052 6 NSLDS Pell ScheduledAmount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3058 6 NSLDS Pell AmountPaid to Date (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3028 6 NSLDS EFC (2) Blank

3034 8 NSLDS Pell SchoolCode (2)


3042 2 NSLDS PellTransaction Number (2)


3 Filler Blank

3019 4 Filler Blank

3023 2 NSLDS Pell SequenceNumber (2)


3025 3 NSLDS PellVerification Flag (2)


2996 6 NSLDS Pell AmountPaid to Date (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3002 7 NSLDS Pell PercentScheduled Award Used by Award Year (1)Percent with four decimal


3009 6 NSLDS Pell AwardAmount (1)


3015 1 NSLDS AdditionalEligibility Indicator (1)



2990 6 NSLDS Pell ScheduledAmount (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

455 3070 Right

456 3076 Right

457 3077 Right

458 3080 Left

459 3084 Left

460 3086 Left

461 3089 Left

462 3095 Left

463 3103 Left

464 3105 Left

465 3113 Left

466 3119 Right

467 3125 Right

468 3132 Right

469 3138 Right

470 3139 Right

471 3142 Left

472 3146 Left

3140 3 Filler Blank

3143 4 Filler Blank

3133 6 NSLDS Pell AwardAmount (3)


3139 1 NSLDS AdditionalEligibility Indicator (3)


3114 6 NSLDS Pell ScheduledAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3120 6 NSLDS Pell AmountPaid to Date (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3126 7 NSLDS Pell PercentScheduled Award Used by Award Year (3)


3096 8 NSLDS Pell SchoolCode (3)


3104 2 NSLDS PellTransaction Number (3)


3106 8 NSLDS Pell LastUpdate Date (3)


3085 2 NSLDS Pell SequenceNumber (3)


3087 3 NSLDS PellVerification Flag (3)


3090 6 NSLDS EFC (3) Blank

3077 1 NSLDS AdditionalEligibility Indicator (2)


3078 3 Filler Blank

3081 4 Filler Blank

3064 7 NSLDS Pell PercentScheduled Award Used by Award Year (2)Percent with four decimal places assumed for example, 50% =0500000.


3071 6 NSLDS Pell AwardAmount (2)

h l d ll i h



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

473 3148 Left

474 3156 Left

475 3158 Left

476 3166 Right

477 3172 Right

478 3178 Right

479 3185 Right

480 3191 Right

481 3192 Left

482 3194 Right

483 3200 Right

484 3203 Left

485 3207 Right3204 4 NSLDS ACG AwardYear (1)


3193 2 NSLDS ACGEligibility Code (1)


3195 6 NSLDS ACG HighSchool Program Code


3201 3 NSLDS ACG CODSequence Code (1)


3186 6 NSLDS ACG AwardAmount (1)Whole dollar amount


3192 1 NSLDS ACG Academic Year Level(1)


3167 6 NSLDS ACGScheduled AwardAmount (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros


3173 6 NSLDS ACG AmountPaid to Date (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3179 7 NSLDS ACG PercentEligibility Used byScheduled Award (1)


3149 8 NSLDS ACG SchoolCode (1)


3157 2 NSLDS ACGTransaction Number (1)


3159 8 NSLDS ACG LastUpdate Date (1)


3147 2 NSLDS ACG SequenceNumber (1)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

486 3214 Right

487 3216 Left

488 3224 Left

489 3226 Left

490 3234 Right

491 3240 Right

492 3246 Right

493 3253 Right

494 3259 Right

495 3260 Left

496 3262 Right

497 3268 Right

498 3271 Left

499 3275 Right3272 4 NSLDS ACG AwardYear (2)


3261 2 NSLDS ACG Eligibility Code (2)


3263 6 NSLDS ACG HighSchool Program Code(2)


3269 3 NSLDS ACG CODSequence Code (2)


3247 7 NSLDS ACG PercentEligibility Used byScheduled Award (2)Percent with four decimal places assumed for example, 50% =0500000


3254 6 NSLDS ACG AwardAmount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3260 1 NSLDS ACGAcademic Year Level(2)


3227 8 NSLDS ACG LastUpdate Date (2)


3235 6 NSLDS ACGScheduled AwardAmount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros


3241 6 NSLDS ACG AmountPaid to Date (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3217 8 NSLDS ACG SchoolCode (2)


3225 2 NSLDS ACGTransaction Number (2)


3208 7 NSLDS ACG TotalPercent Eligibility Used


3215 2 NSLDS ACG SequenceNumber (2)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

500 3282 Right

501 3284 Left

502 3292 Left

503 3294 Left

504 3302 Right

505 3308 Right

506 3314 Right

507 3321 Right

508 3327 Right

509 3328 Left

510 3330 Right

3315 7 NSLDS ACG PercentEligibility Used byScheduled Award (3)Percent with four decimal places assumed for


3322 6 NSLDS ACG AwardAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3328 1 NSLDS ACG Academic Year Level(3)


3329 2 NSLDS ACG Eligibility Code (3)


3295 8 NSLDS ACG LastUpdate Date (3)


3303 6 NSLDS ACG Scheduled AwardAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros


3309 6 NSLDS ACG AmountPaid to Date (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3283 2 NSLDS ACG SequenceNumber (3)


3285 8 NSLDS ACG SchoolCode (3)


3293 2 NSLDS ACGTransaction Number (3)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

3276 7 NSLDS ACG TotalPercent Eligibility Used by Academic Year

l (2)


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End JustifySigned

511 3336 Right

512 3339 Left

513 3343 Right

514 3350 Right

6 NSLDS ACG HighSchool Program Code(3)


3337 3 NSLDS ACG CODSequence Code (3)


3340 4 NSLDS ACG AwardYear (3)


3344 7 NSLDS ACG TotalPercent Eligibility Used by Academic Year Level (3)Percent with four decimal places assumed for example, 50% =0500000.




Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

515 3352 Left

516 3360 Left

517 3362 Left

518 3370 Right

519 3376 Right

520 3382 Right3377 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AmountPaid to Date (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3363 8 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant LastUpdate Date (1)


3371 6 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantScheduled AwardAmount (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3351 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantSequence Number (1)


3353 8 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant SchoolCode (1)


3361 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantTransaction Number (1)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

521 3389 Right

522 3395 Right

523 3396 Right

524 3403 Right

525 3406 Left

526 3410 Right

3 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant COD Sequence Code (1)


3407 4 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardYear (1)


3383 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Percent Eligibility Used by Scheduled Award (1)Percent with four decimal places assumed for example, 50% =0500000.


3390 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardAmount (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

3396 1 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Academic Year Level (1)


3397 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Classification of



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End JustifySigned

527 3417 Right

528 3419 Left

529 3427 Left

530 3429 Left

531 3437 Right

532 3443 Right

533 3449 Right

3430 8 NSLDS NationalSMART COD GrantLast Update Date (2)


3438 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Scheduled Award Amount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3444 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AmountPaid to Date (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3418 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantSequence Number (2)


3420 8 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant SchoolCode (2)


3428 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantTransaction Number (2)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

3411 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant TotalPercent Eligibility Used by Academic Year Level (1)Percent with four decimal places assumed for example, 50% =0500000.


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End JustifySigned

534 3456 Right

535 3462 Right

536 3463 Right

537 3470 Right

538 3473 Left

539 3477 Right

540 3484 Right

3463 1 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Academic Year Level (2)


3464 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Classification of Instructional ProgramsCode (2)


3471 3 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant COD Sequence Code (2)


3478 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant TotalPercent Eligibility Used by Academic Year Level


3450 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Percent Eligibility Used by


3457 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardAmount (2)Whole dollar amount with


3474 4 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardYear (2)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

541 3486 Left

542 3494 Left

543 3496 Left

544 3504 Right

545 3510 Right

546 3516 Right

547 3523 Right

548 3529 Right

549 3530 Right

550 3537 Right

551 3540 Left

552 3544 Right

3531 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Classification of I i l P


3538 3 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant COD Sequence Code (3)


3541 4 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardYear (3)


3517 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Percent Eligibility Used by Scheduled Award (3)Percent with four decimal places assumed for

l 50%


3524 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AwardAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with l di


3530 1 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant Academic Year Level (3)


3505 6 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantScheduled AwardAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3511 6 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant AmountPaid to Date (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3487 8 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant SchoolCode (3)


3495 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantTransaction Number (3)


3497 8 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant LastUpdate Date (3)


3485 2 NSLDS NationalSMART GrantSequence Number (3)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

553 3551 Right

554 3553 Left

555 3561 Left

556 3563 Left

557 3571 Right

558 3577 Right

559 3583 Right

560 3589 Right

561 3590 Right

562 3593 Left

563 3597 Right

564 3598 Right

565 3600 Left

566 3608 Left

567 3610 Left

568 3618 Right

2 NSLDS TEACH GrantSequence Number (2)


3601 8 NSLDS TEACH GrantSchool Code (2)


3609 2 NSLDS TEACH GrantTransaction Number (2)


3611 8 NSLDS TEACH CODGrant Last Update Date(2)


3590 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantAcademic Year Level(1)


3591 3 NSLDS TEACH GrantCOD Sequence Code(1)


3594 4 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Year (1)


3598 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantLoan Conversion Flag



3572 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantScheduled AwardAmount (1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3578 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAmount Paid to Date(1)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3584 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Amount (1)Whole dollar amount with


3554 8 NSLDS TEACH GrantSchool Code (1)


3562 2 NSLDS TEACH GrantTransaction Number (1)


3564 8 NSLDS TEACH CODGrant Last Update Date(1)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

3545 7 NSLDS NationalSMART Grant TotalP Eli ibili U d


3552 2 NSLDS TEACH GrantSequence Number (1)


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End JustifySigned

569 3624 Right

570 3630 Right

571 3636 Right

572 3637 Right

573 3640 Left

574 3644 Right

575 3645 Right

576 3647 Left

3645 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantLoan Conversion Flag(2)


3646 2 NSLDS TEACH GrantSequence Number (3)


3637 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantAcademic Year Level(2)


3638 3 NSLDS TEACH GrantCOD Sequence Code(2)


3641 4 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Year (2)


3619 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantScheduled AwardAmount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3625 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAmount Paid to Date(2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros


3631 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Amount (2)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

577 3655 Left

578 3657 Left

579 3665 Right

580 3671 Right

581 3677 Right

582 3683 Right

583 3684 Right3684 1 NSLDS TEACH GrantAcademic Year Level(3)


8 NSLDS TEACH CODGrant Last Update Date(3)


3666 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantScheduled AwardAmount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3672 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAmount Paid to Date(3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3678 6 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Amount (3)Whole dollar amount with leading zeros.


3648 8 NSLDS TEACH GrantSchool Code (3)


3656 2 NSLDS TEACH GrantTransaction Number (3)




Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

584 3687 Left

585 3691 Right

586 3692 Right

587 3694 Left

588 3695 Left

589 3696 Left

590 3698 Right

591 3704 Left

592 3706 Left

593 3714 Left

594 3720 Left

595 3728 Left

596 3736 Left

597 3744 Left

598 3747 Left

599 3750 Left

600 3758 Left

601 3766 Left

3748 3 NSLDS Loan (1)Contact Type


NSLDS Loan (1) Contact Code


3745 3 NSLDS Loan (1) Guaranty Agency Code


3751 8 NSLDS Loan (1) School Code



8 NSLDS Loan (1) Current Status Date


3721 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Principal Balance Date


3729 8 NSLDS Loan (1) BeginDate


3737 8 NSLDS Loan (1) EndDate


3759 8

1 NSLDS TEACH GrantLoan Conversion Flag


3693 2 NSLDS Loan (1)Sequence Number


2 NSLDS Loan (1)Program Code


3699 6 NSLDS Loan (1) NetAmount


3695 1 NSLDS Loan (1) TypeCode


3696 1 NSLDS Loan (1)Change Flag



3715 6 NSLDS Loan (1)Aggregate PrincipalBalance


3705 2 NSLDS Loan (1)Current Status Code



3685 3 NSLDS TEACH GrantCOD Sequence Code


3688 4 NSLDS TEACH GrantAward Year (3)



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

602 3769 Left

603 3770 Left

604 3771 Right

605 3777 Left

606 3785 Left

607 3787 Left

608 3788 Left

609 3789 Left

610 3791 Right

611 3797 Left

612 3799 Left

613 3807 Left

614 3813 Left

615 3821 Left8 NSLDS Loan (2)Principal Balance Date


3808 6 NSLDS Loan (2) Aggregate PrincipalBalance



3798 2 NSLDS Loan (2)Current Status Code


3800 8 NSLDS Loan (2)Current Status Date


3792 6 NSLDS Loan (2) NetAmount


1 NSLDS Loan (2)Change Flag


3790 2 NSLDS Loan (2)Program Code


3788 1 NSLDS Loan (2) TypeCode



3778 8 NSLDS Loan (1)Disbursement Date


3786 2 NSLDS Loan (2) Sequence Number


3772 6 NSLDS Loan (1) Disbursement Amount


1 NSLDS Loan (1) AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


3771 1 NSLDS Loan (1)Capitalized InterestFlag


3767 3 NSLDS Loan (1) GradeLevel




Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

616 3829 Left

617 3837 Left

618 3840 Left

619 3843 Left

620 3851 Left

621 3859 Left

622 3862 Left

623 3863 Left

624 3864 Right

625 3870 Left

626 3878 Left

627 3880 Left

628 3881 Left

629 3882 Left

630 3884 Right

631 3890 Left

3883 2 NSLDS Loan (3)Program Code


3885 6 NSLDS Loan (3) NetAmount


8 NSLDS Loan (2) Disbursement Date


3879 2 NSLDS Loan (3) Sequence Number


3881 1 NSLDS Loan (3) TypeCode


3882 1 NSLDS Loan (3)Change Flag


3860 3 NSLDS Loan (2) GradeLevel


3863 1 NSLDS Loan (2) AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


3864 1 NSLDS Loan (2)Capitalized InterestFlag


3865 6 NSLDS Loan (2)Disbursement Amount



3841 3 NSLDS Loan (2)Contact Type


3844 8 NSLDS Loan (2)School Code


3852 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Contact Code


3830 8 NSLDS Loan (2) EndDate


3838 3 NSLDS Loan (2) Guaranty Agency Code



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

3822 8 NSLDS Loan (2) BeginDate


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End JustifySigned

632 3892 Left

633 3900 Left

634 3906 Left

635 3914 Left

636 3922 Left

637 3930 Left

638 3933 Left

639 3936 Left

640 3944 Left

641 3952 Left

642 3955 Left

643 3956 Left

644 3957 Right

645 3963 Left

646 3971 Left

647 3973 Left

648 3974 Left

649 3975 Left

1 NSLDS Loan (4) TypeCode


3975 1 NSLDS Loan (4) Change Flag


3957 1 NSLDS Loan (3) Capitalized InterestFlag


3958 6 NSLDS Loan (3)Disbursement Amount


3964 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Disbursement Date


3972 2 NSLDS Loan (4)Sequence Number



3945 8 NSLDS Loan (3)Contact Code


3953 3 NSLDS Loan (3) GradeLevel


3956 1 NSLDS Loan (3)AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


3931 3 NSLDS Loan (3) Guaranty Agency Code


3934 3 NSLDS Loan (3)Contact Type


3937 8 NSLDS Loan (3)School Code


3907 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Principal Balance Date


3915 8 NSLDS Loan (3) BeginDate


3923 8 NSLDS Loan (3) EndDate


3893 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Current Status Date


3901 6 NSLDS Loan (3) Aggregate PrincipalBalance


3891 2 NSLDS Loan (3) Current Status Code



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

650 3977 Right

651 3983 Left

652 3985 Left

653 3993 Left

654 3999 Left

655 4007 Left

656 4015 Left

657 4023 Left

658 4026 Left

659 4029 Left

660 4037 Left

661 4045 Left

662 4048 Left

663 4049 Left

664 4050 Right

665 4056 Left

4049 1 NSLDS Loan (4)AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


4050 1 NSLDS Loan (4)Capitalized InterestFlag


4051 6 NSLDS Loan (4) Disbursement Amount


3 NSLDS Loan (4) Contact Type


4030 8 NSLDS Loan (4)School Code


4038 8 NSLDS Loan (4)Contact Code


4046 3 NSLDS Loan (4) GradeLevel


4000 8 NSLDS Loan (4)Principal Balance Date


4008 8 NSLDS Loan (4) BeginDate


4016 8 NSLDS Loan (4) EndDate


4024 3 NSLDS Loan (4)Guaranty Agency Code



3984 2 NSLDS Loan (4) Current Status Code


3986 8 NSLDS Loan (4)Current Status Date


3994 6 NSLDS Loan (4)Aggregate PrincipalBalance


3976 2 NSLDS Loan (4)Program Code


3978 6 NSLDS Loan (4) NetAmount



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

666 4064 Left

667 4066 Left

668 4067 Left

669 4068 Left

670 4070 Right

671 4076 Left

672 4078 Left

673 4086 Left

674 4092 Left

675 4100 Left

676 4108 Left

677 4116 Left

678 4119 Left

679 4122 Left

680 4130 Left4123 8 NSLDS Loan (5)School Code


4109 8 NSLDS Loan (5) EndDate


4117 3 NSLDS Loan (5) Guaranty Agency Code


4120 3 NSLDS Loan (5)Contact Type


4087 6 NSLDS Loan (5) Aggregate PrincipalBalance


4093 8 NSLDS Loan (5)Principal Balance Date


4101 8 NSLDS Loan (5) BeginDate


4071 6 NSLDS Loan (5) NetAmount


4077 2 NSLDS Loan (5)Current Status Code


4079 8 NSLDS Loan (5)Current Status Date


4068 1 NSLDS Loan (5)Change Flag


4069 2 NSLDS Loan (5) Program Code


4057 8 NSLDS Loan (4)Disbursement Date


4065 2 NSLDS Loan (5)Sequence Number


4067 1 NSLDS Loan (5) TypeCode



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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End JustifySigned

681 4138 Left

682 4141 Left

683 4142 Left

684 4143 Right

685 4149 Left

686 4157 Left

687 4159 Left

688 4160 Left

689 4161 Left

690 4163 Right

691 4169 Left

692 4171 Left

693 4179 Left

694 4185 Left

695 4193 Left

696 4201 Left

8 NSLDS Loan (6)Principal Balance Date


4194 8 NSLDS Loan (6) BeginDate


4164 6 NSLDS Loan (6) NetAmount


4170 2 NSLDS Loan (6) Current Status Code


4172 8 NSLDS Loan (6)Current Status Date


4180 6 NSLDS Loan (6)Aggregate PrincipalBalance



4160 1 NSLDS Loan (6) TypeCode


4161 1 NSLDS Loan (6)Change Flag


4162 2 NSLDS Loan (6) Program Code


4144 6 NSLDS Loan (5)Disbursement Amount


4150 8 NSLDS Loan (5)Disbursement Date


4158 2 NSLDS Loan (6)Sequence Number


4139 3 NSLDS Loan (5) GradeLevel


4142 1 NSLDS Loan (5)AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


4143 1 NSLDS Loan (5) Capitalized InterestFlag



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

4131 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Contact Code


Page 79: 2012_13 California ISIR Data Dictionary_Phase1


End JustifySigned

697 4209 Left

698 4212 Left

699 4215 Left

700 4223 Left

701 4231 Left

702 4234 Left

703 4235 Left

704 4236 Right

705 4242 Left

706 4250 Left


4236 1 NSLDS Loan (6) Capitalized InterestFlag


4237 6 NSLDS Loan (6) Disbursement Amount


4243 8 NSLDS Loan (6)Disbursement Date


4232 3 NSLDS Loan (6) GradeLevel


4235 1 NSLDS Loan (6) AdditionalUnsubsidized Flag


4213 3 NSLDS Loan (6)Contact Type


4216 8 NSLDS Loan (6) School Code


4224 8 NSLDS Loan (6)Contact Code


4202 8 NSLDS Loan (6) EndDate


4210 3 NSLDS Loan (6)Guaranty Agency Code



Start Length Changes Field Name Valid Content

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Page 81: 2012_13 California ISIR Data Dictionary_Phase1