Download - 2012 October Classic Marque

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Marque The Monthly Magazine of the

Jaguar Drivers Club of South Australia


October 2012 Classic

JDCSA ANNUAL JAG DAY 2012 Sunday October 14th at Civic Park, Modbury

(see full details page 7)

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Management Committee

President Peter Holland Phone: (08) 8271 0048 Email: [email protected]

Vice President Di Adamson Mobile: 0407 862 758 Email: [email protected]

Treasurer Tim White Mobile: 0419 809 021 Email: [email protected]

Secretary Julian Lugg Mobile: 0417 882 930 Email: [email protected]

Editor Classic Marque Philip Prior Phone: (08) 8276 6136 Mobile: 0402 670 654 Email: [email protected]

Membership Secretary Daphne Charman Phone: (08) 8248 4111 Mobile: Email: [email protected]

Events Coordinator (Position Vacant) Mobile: Email: [email protected]

Web Editor Tom Herraman Mobile: 0423 214 644 Email: [email protected]

JDCSA Committee Members Email: [email protected]

Club Web Site

Club Postal Address PO Box 30, Rundle Mall SA 5000

Register Secretaries

XK, MK 7,8,9 Robin Ide 0428 816 678

SS & Daimler Malcolm Adamson (08)82783002

MK 1, 2, S, 420 Geoff Thomas (08) 8374 3228

V12 Roger Adamson 0421 052 518

XJ, 420G, MKX Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111

E-Type Alan Baker 0429 097 729

Multi-Valve Ron Palmer 0418 855 597

Club Services

Technical Officer Geoff Mockford Ph. (08) 82311233 / 0438 768 770

Regalia David Bicknall (08) 8251 4835

Librarian Tom & Marj Brindle (08)8387 0051

Log Books Julian Lugg 0417 882 930

Inspectors—Historic Vehicles

North Don Evans (08) 8251 1575

Central Evan Spartalis (08) 8362 8116 and Geoff Mockford (08) 8223 1997

South Onslow Billinghurst (08)8325 1971

Club Representatives

Australian Council of Jaguar Clubs (ACJC) Rick Luff 0411 426 913

Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs (FHMC) Neil Murrie

Marque Sports Car Association (MSCA) Barry Kitts (08) 8391 1759

All British Day Bob Charman (08) 8248 4111

Classic Marque

Classic Marque is the official monthly magazine of the Jaguar Drivers Club of SA.

Produced each calendar month with the exception of January.

The deadline for all copy is the last Tuesday of each month

Email: [email protected]

Cover Story

In this edition we celebrate 50 years since the introduction by Jaguar of the (Mk 2) Daimler V8 250. A brief history of the Marque and a

few photos of Daimler V8 250s owned by club members is included. The feature car belongs

to Geoff and Marg Thomas and the picture was taken at Auchendarroch House at Mt Barker

during a compact register run last year.

Club Directory

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Have Your Say . .Have Your Say . .

This is my first edition as your new editor of the Classic Marque. I have to say that I am looking forward to the challenge.

However, let me first pay tribute, on your behalf, to Pete and Kathy Taylor who have done such a great job in the past ensuring this publication is produced every month and on time. If you think about it that has to be the greatest challenge with the possibility of all kinds of things, personal and technical threat-ening to derail the process. I am confident I can rely on Pete and Kathy for back-up as required and to-gether with Tom Herraman as our web master we will do our best to see this magazine continues to play an important role in the life of our club.

So what do we want from this publication?

Firstly, it is a club magazine. That means it is your magazine and should reflect your views and provide the opportunity for you to have your say. To this end I intend implementing a monthly editorial page where some relevant issues and views will be dis-cussed in editorial style. Hopefully this editorial will be the catalyst for others to contribute and have their say via “letters to the editor”. Of course letters to the editor need not be restricted to the subject matter of the editorial and will need to be brief and subject to editorial review and if necessary editorial veto. But don’t be put off, have your say.

Secondly, I believe this magazine should be able to provide some up to date news and views, particu-larly relating to the world of Jaguar cars. Press re-leases from Jaguar, details of interesting Jaguar events nationally and from around the world, as well as historical stories, will all be of significant interest to club members. Of particular importance and in-terest will be reports and photos of recent JDSA register runs and activities. We have seen some great reports recently and keep in mind photos and humour here can ensure interesting reading.

I encourage all members to get involved and submit any information, reports, stories, technical tips or photos that you think will be of interest to other members.

A good club magazine should be like a nice Jaguar car. It should demonstrate quality and style, have plenty of grace and pace, create lots of public interest, it should sound right with a nice burble and above all be very satisfying.

I look forward to your contributions.

Philip Prior (Editor)

Dear JDCSA Members,

I hope you can help. I am looking for a car my father’s uncle owned in Western Australia many years ago. The car was a Jaguar Mk IV 2.5 chassis number 511315 and the WA record shows that it was sold to JRA in SA I don’t know that the car is still in SA but you never know. I am hoping to contact the current owner so I can pass on the original sales docket (dated 29/OCT /1948 )

Colin Bonney Ph: 9410 2100║Fax: 9410 2387║Mob: 0409 030 163

(If you think you can help Colin in this matter please contact him direct—Editor)

Letters to the Editor by necessity need to be brief, to the point and constructive, in order to be

accepted for publication. Longer articles and submissions are encouraged and will be considered

for publication elsewhere in Classic Marque.

Letters to the Editor

Club Torque

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new ideas you may have, things that may be con-cerning you or just simply how you think the Club is travelling. All feedback is good.

The next big day for the Club is the SA Jaguar Day in two weeks’ time. Vice President, Di has been working hard behind the scenes to prepare an enter-taining event, which will allow Jaguar owners to proudly display their cars to the public. We welcome fellow enthusiasts from the JCCC who will help make the day the success it is sure to be. Please bring your car along whether it be restored, a barn find, your daily driver or in pieces on a trailer await-ing restoration. They are all special.

Further down the track, as I have probably men-tioned before, we have the 40th anniversary of the Club to celebrate, 25 July 2013 to be exact. Again, Di is the main driving force behind the planning of celebrations for this milestone in the Club’s history. She has many ideas on her planning sheet and I hope you can support and help her should you “get the tap on the shoulder”!

Finally, I have a personal project that I would like to pursue over the next year----How to grow the Club and ensure its long-term survival.

Suffice to say, members lives are busy and compli-cated as are those of potential new members. We all have competing priorities and it is essential that the Club work hard to provide services that will entice members, current and future, to allocate some of their valuable time to the JDCSA. I will elaborate on these thoughts at a future date.

In the meantime, I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting and beyond. Regards Peter

October 2012

The exciting news to come from the September General Meeting was the election of our new Patron, Ian Webber, AO. A more detailed report and person-al resume of Ian’s achievements and interests ap-pear on the opposite page and on the Club web site. I am hoping that Ian will be able to attend a meeting and other Club events in the not too distant future where you will all be able to meet him on an informal basis. He is a keen car person and will no doubt have a few interesting tales to relate to us about his restoration and business experiences. I am sure you will join me in welcoming Ian to the JDCSA family.

The AGM has come and gone, and whilst Daphne Charman is the only new face on the Committee, there have been minor musical chairs within the Committee. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Daphne as our new Membership Secre-tary, a position that Daphne will undoubtedly find both interesting and rewarding. It is the front door of the Club and the very first opportunity to meet and welcome visitors and new members to the JDCSA.

One position, Events Coordinator, remains vacant. If you are interested in undertaking this role, please let me know. The Executive has the power to now fill

this position as a casual vacancy.

The Committee looks forward to the challeng-es of the next year with enthusiasm and we of course depend on you, the members to tell us what you want and ex-pect from our Club. Please do not feel shy about talking to a Com-mittee Member about

Presidents Report

Presidents Report Page 4

New Patron For JDCSA Page 5

Minutes Sept. Gen. Meeting Page 6

JDCSA Annual Jaguar Day Page 7

The Jags at Cudlee Creek Page 8

Register Minutes Page 9

Jaguar Classifieds Page 12

Club Notices Page 15

In this Edition of Classic Marque Coming Events Page 16

Supaloc Targa Adelaide Page 17

History—Daimler 250 V8 Page 18

Member’s Pride Page 19

Jaguar News Page 20

The Cat’s Giggle Page 21

Tech Files Page 22

Our Sponsors Page 23

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Ian Webber spent many years in the auto-

motive industry, after graduating as a me-

chanical engineer from Adelaide Universi-

ty. He was the first Australian Managing

Director of Chrysler Australia and the first

Managing Director of Mitsubishi Motors


He subsequently joined Mayne Nickless,

one of Australia’s largest transport com-

panies, where he was appointed Man-

aging Director in 1981. He was involved

in the acquisition of a number of large

transport companies in the UK, USA and


Following his retirement in 1991 he assumed the

Chairmanship of Mayne Nickless and joined the

boards of a number of public companies including Pacific

Dunlop, Santos and WMC. He was a member of the General

Motors Australian Advisory Council for many years, and was Chairman of

United Australian Automotive Industries, the joint venture between Holden

and Toyota.

He has been active in civic affairs, chairing SA Business Vision 2010, an or-

ganization dedicated to the improvement of South Australia’s economy

through collaboration between government, business and the wider commu-


He is married to Christine, and has three daughters and seven grandchildren.

His hobbies are oil painting and car restoration. He was appointed an Officer

in the Order of Australia in 1991 for services to the transport industry.

11 September 2012

Dear Members


It is with great pleasure that I inform you of the recent

appointment of Ian Webber, AO, to the position of Patron of

our Club.

In accordance with the Club Constitution the Executive

Committee put his name forward for approval by the members

present at the General Meeting held on 4 September 2012.

The recommendation was accepted by unanimous vote.

Ian comes to us with a vast experience in the motor industry

and other related fields and is a keen motoring enthusiast. He

has a small collection of classic cars and has just recently

become the proud owner of a new Jaguar XF 2.2 Litre Diesel.

Please find below a brief personal history outlining Ian’s

background and achievements.

I am sure you will all join me in welcoming Ian and his wife

Chris to the JDCSA and look forward to a long and

happy association together.

With kind regards

Peter Holland



PO Box 30 Rundle Mall, Adelaide ABN 54747435916

South Australia 5000

Quote for the Month

“There is no such thing as a perfect club.

But if you do get lucky and happen to find one

remember as soon as you join - it will cease

to be perfect”

Submit your favourite quote to the editor

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Minutes of the General Meeting of JDCSA—September 2012

Meeting opened by President Peter Holland at 7.45pm

Apologies Ray & Barbara Offe, Evan Spartalis, Neil Murray, Julian & Moira Lugg, Jo & Noel Orford, John & Claire Evans, Tom & Marj Brindle, Margaret Thomas, George & Red Hughes, Daphne & Bob Charman, Tricia Clark, John & Wendy Standley, Kath Taylor, Doug & Judy Tilley

New members Will Vanderwerf— 1980 Daimler Sovereign

Guest Andy Madgwick from Solitaire Minutes from previous meeting of 7th August 2012 were accepted as published in the CM

Business Arising None

President’s Report Peter Holland 20 year certificates were recorded for Jack Van der Kraan (presentation) ,Ray & Barb Offe. Certificate presented to Kenny Willams Peter Holland presented a proposal for the appoint-ment of Ian Webber AO as the new Patron detailing Ian’s background and suitability. Proposal: That Ian Webber AO be appointed as the Patron of JDCSA Proposer – Peter Holland, Seconded – Di Adamson. Unanimously approved by the members present

Vice President’s Report Di Adamson NTR

Secretary’s Report Julian Lugg ANZ Statements Web Site developers proposals Street Machine registration Club Magazines

Treasurer Report Tim White NTR

Membership Report Noel Trew Currently 15 Life Members 369 renewals sent out to financial members with 341 renewals received to date and 30 electing to resign. 34 New members for 2011/2012 Final report by Noel & Carmel.

Editor Report Pete Taylor Thank you to all contributors over the past 4 years Editor always looking for more stories and photos from members. Wishing the new editor all the best

Events Coordinator Phil Prior Jag Day on the 14th October is well advanced – look for details in CM Mid week run on 20th September – All Welcome

Register Reports

SS & Daimler NTR XK, Mk 7, 8, 9 Next meeting on 5/9/2012 at Doug & Sue Harrisons Compact There is a Mk2 3.8 Auto – “Barn Yard Find” $1,200 XJ, 420G, and Mk10 NTR E-Type Next meeting 20/9/2012 at The Shed V12 Next meeting 14/9/2012 at Roger & Di Adamson’s Multi-valve Next Meeting 25/9/2012 at John & Betty Castle’s

Club Services

Regalia — Dave Bicknell NTR.

ACJC — Rick Luff: No Report as meeting on Sunday 9th September

Library — Tom Brindle NTR:

MSCA— Barry Kitts No meetings this month. Hillclimb at Collingrove

Historic Registration — Neil Murrie Hot Road code of practice still causing some con-sternation No nominations received for President & Secretary therefore existing person were re-elected for another 2 years Bay to Birdwood have negotiated a one way road system for this year but volunteers are required to assist Altus Next Bay to Birdwood (2014) for the vintage will re-quire the fees to double to provide the one-way road option otherwise the run will proceed up the freeway

General Business Rick thanked everyone for participating in the Targa Adelaide event which included the display vehicles at the night stage to those participating in the Tour-ing Section. Rick wanted it on record that he did say “go left” when navigating for those who have viewed You tube! The President thanked the Compact Register for setting up and for the supper and to Tim White for doing the minutes

The meeting was adjourned at 8.16pm for tea/coffee & supper to provide last minute nominations for positions on the committee

Meeting reconvened at 8.44pm The meeting was declared closed at 8.44pm

General Meeting

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Instructions for Participating Jaguars Vehicle entry from North East Road via the car park

You must arrive between 9.00am and 10.00 am For insurance reasons vehicles must not be

moved before 3.00pm

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There was movement at the park - for word had passed around That the Jag club had a run that day, And had gathered at Bonython – a pleasant picnic ground, So the members had gathered to the fray.

All the usual drivers from suburbs near and far Had polished their cars overnight For the guys love a pleasant drive in their beloved car, And the partners tag along doing what is right

There was Evan, who drove his Series 1 and with such pride With Andrea by his side just to keep him in line Steve Arthur, a new member came along - eager for the ride Showing off his Series 2 and it sure does shine

The E Types, were on the day nowhere to be seen A sniff of rain you see and they go to ground The reason is they say, these cars are hard to clean Strange, on English roads they are renowned

However an E Type did arrive, as Ben did not know the rule That E types can’t be driven in the rain The weather on the day as it happened was far from cruel Our mid-week run was bathed in sunshine again

Don and Peggy Morgan are new members - who heard by the way And packed a drink some goodies and a glass An opportunity to get to know some others on the day Their X Type adding some modern class

What’s this a another series 1 makes its debut on a Jaguar run It’s Philip with a grin and Sue was also there Then a little late, a Series 3 arrives, we thought this car was done It was the Evans, John, (little Sophia) and Claire

There was movement once again – so with morning tea complete It was time to fire up the marque Remembering, the road to Cudlee Creek is not for heavy feet But with care we arrived at the wildlife park

Surprise! Some other members had found their way by plan There was, Colin and Marg, and more Already enjoying the park, the Bullocks, Robin and Rosanne And Ben of course with his E Type, we mentioned before

With sausages on the Bar-B-Que - and onions ready peeled It was a fitting time to celebrate I say Unknown to most of us a secret was yet to be revealed It was our President’s sixty sixth birthday! . . . .


We Found a New Mascot

Morning Tea in Glorious Sunshine

Lunch was a Casual Affair

And Steve Found a New Friend

The Peacock Watched us Dine

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Minutes of the XJ, Mk 10, & 420G Register Meeting held at

Shannons, South Road, Clarence Gardens on 12th September 2012

Present Bob & Daphne Charman, Evan Spartalis, Steve Attard, Borys Portiuch, Phil Prior, Noel & Carmel Trew, Don & Kathy Tyrrell, Ben Adler, George Cal-vert, Peter Holland, Graeme Moore, Steve & Frances Arthur, John & Claire Evans, John Best, James Mann, Anne-Marie Pijanka

Apologies Sue Prior, Betty Moore, Kathy & Pete Taylor, Ros Holland, Ray & Barb Offe, Martin O’Dea, Dennis Paech, Darryl & Fay Leyton, Andrea Spartalis, David & Margaret Bicknell and Louis Marafioti.

New Members

The register welcomed Frances Arthur to our meeting

General Business

The run to Pichi Richi Railway was discussed.

Great time had by all

Our Register Xmas Dinner discussed. Will be

held at the German Club on Friday the 7th of De-cember. Only 5 spaces left

Bay to Birdwood – Gumeracha Hospital vantage

point. 30th of September

Mid week run to Cudlee Creek Wild Life Park,

20th September

Targa display event. Phil gave report

A.G.M. Peter gave report

Jag Day 14th October. 3 marshals nominated &

two cars for time line drive past

Car Talk

Ben Adler XJ has sprung a leak in No.2 cylinder. Steve Attard Car OK. Has council approval to build car port (at last!) John Best XJ not running. Drove it to auto electri-cian. Had to be towed home. Electrician melted iner-tia switch and other wiring, and then wanted $1700 to fix it. Told so-called ‘Electrician’ what to do. X type going OK. Bob & Daphne Charman 420G had new engine mounts fitted by Don Tyrrell. ‘S’ type going well. John & Claire Evans Tried to take the XJ to Pichi Richi but failed this side of Pt Wakefield. Left Claire in the Caravan while John went home and picked up the Holden to complete the trip. XJ to Norwood Auto – Claire to the bank. Apart from that, trip went well. Peter Holland XJ 40 serviced. Off to Melbourne to-morrow. New brake pads on the rear. 277000K’s on

the clock and going well. Borys Potiuch Having a few tyre problems. Only had them 17 years – can’t understand it. Engine mounts and painting to be done. Knob missing from his clock. Needs adjustment on dip switch. New starter motor fitted. Is now like a new car. Phil Prior ‘S’ type N.T.R. Going well. XJC – Italian tune up for Targa. Car flew at Wayville Show-grounds but now has no brake pads left. Series 1 doing little fix up stuff. Suspension a bit low. Will bring it up about 10 mm. Needs to do the seats up a bit. Door panels great. Anne-Marie Pitjanka Green Genie going well. Problems with some bad fuel. Was looking for some new bumpers on ‘eBay’ found some down south from a man who has plenty of Jag parts. Have just emailed the U.K. for some new door panels. Health is now good. Back to work only to be told her con-tract has finished. Has new job testing technology for the new Royal Adelaide Hospital. Evan Spartalis Same a usual. N.T.R. Noel & Carmelo Trew Service soon. Driving to Port-land. George Calvert Still looking for a drive plate for type 8 gear box. Graeme Moore X300 going well. New crank angle sensor coming from the U.K. XJ6 has new seat belts. Can now move the seat back far enough so his knees don’t hit him in the chin. Don & Kathy Tyrrell All the Mk 10’s going fine. Having small rust cut out on one of them. Leather seats in Kathy’s car being done. Small piece re-placed and the rest cleaned. Approx $600. Steve & Francis Arthur Basic service at Evan’s. New bushes, front end, brakes, and tyres. Frances loves the car.

Meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Next meeting

Wednesday 10th October, 2012, At Shannon’s, 863 South Road, Clarence Gardens at 7.30pm. PLEASE NOTE: for those wishing to join us for something to eat before the meeting, we meet at Villi's from 5.30pm. ——————————————————————

Mk 1, 2, 420 & “S” type

(Compact) (No minutes available )

Next Meeting October 9th. at Geoff and Marg Thomas’s home, 1B Hendon Street

Clovelly Park at 7.30pm.

All welcome: Contact Register Secretary Geoff Thomas on (08) 83743228

Register Minutes

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Minutes of the V12

Register held at Roger and Di Adamson’s

home on the 14th September 2012



Bruce Fletcher, Brian and Sue Walker, Scott, Kari-na, Imogen and Callum Galloway, Steve Taylor, Roger, Di and Scott Adamson,


Pete and Kathy Taylor, Noel and Carmel Trew, Pe-ter and Ros Holland

General Business

Election was held at the Annual General Meeting in September. Changes as follows: Editor : Phil Prior Membership Secretary : Daphne Charman

We had 20 cars at the Targa Rally Night Event at the Showground. It was a great showcase for the club. Congratulations to Rick Luff – Best Presented Competition Car and Doug and Sue Harrison – Vot-ed Best Jaguar on Display.

Welcome to our new club Patron, Ian Webber.

Talk of a technical session for the Register (Perhaps a weekend)

Reminders 30th September, Bay to Birdwood. Tickets for Lunch at Birdwood Hospital See CM.

SA Jag Day 14th October, 2012. Cars to arrive be-tween 9am and 10am.

National Rally (Wollongong) 2013 Get in quick to get your accommodation booking.

40th Anniversary July 2013.

Car Talk

Bruce F Been to Perth so haven’t done much with cars. Bought a 4 post hoist, yet to be installed. Took heater out of S Type. Brian W Had eyes done so haven’t worked on cars much. Scott G Steering rack is being rebuilt. Will try and get it all back together for Jag Day. Roger A Took E Type to Targa night. Scott took each car for a run last week. Bought a Spin on Converter for the E Type. Waiting for filter to install. Steve T IT’S HERE! Have hose kit (21) as were all original hoses. New water Pump Kit ordered.

Next Meeting Will be on Friday 12th October 2012. 7.00pm . BBQ evening. BYO drinks and meat. All welcome.

Roger Adamson, Register Secretary

Minutes of the E Type Register.

(No minutes available)

Next Scheduled Register Mtg 18th October 2012

Contact Alan Baker on 0429 097 729


SS and Pushrod Engine Register minutes held at the home of Bob &

Rosemary Hill-Ling Wed. 29th August 2012.

The Minutes of the 25 July 2012 meeting were ac-cepted as being a true record of the meeting

Present Bruce Fletcher, Des Brown, Bob Kretschmer, John Lewis, Don Evans, Brenton Hobbs, Bob Lynch, Jack Richardson, Bob Hill-Ling, Ross Rasmus, Malcolm Adamson.

Apologies Ross Gogler, David Adamson,

SA & Victoria Border Run 2nd – 5th NOVEMBER 2012. Run #38

John Beaumont has not advised an update of en-trants since 19 July- being Victoria 19 vehicles, SA now12.. SS Register; Gogler, Kretschmer, Lewis, Fletcher, Adamson, Evans, Richardson, Rasmus, Caskey 2 more expected.

Guests (JCCC); Scott, Mott, Tenby, 2 more ex-pected.

The SA group will take 2 days to travel with an over-night stay at Mt. Gambier for the trip across depart-ing Thursday 1st Nov. Adl. To Mt G. 438km. Mt G. to Pt. Fairy 184 km. No volunteer yet to organize the trip but Bob K will try & find a suitable Motel – make own bookings. Return trip – leave Monday am for an o/n stay at Robe. Pt Fairy to Robe 390 km, Robe to Adl. 335km. Malcolm Adamson will enquire about suita-ble accommodation at Robe.

Tri-State Run to Dubbo NSW 12-14 September 2013 Fred Richardson (Qld.) has promised an up-date by end of September.

AGM The following persons were elected- President; Bruce Fletcher Hon. Secretary; Bob Kretschmer

General Business 1. Register Membership. Brenton Cliff has not re-sponded to the Invitation to renew Membership from the Member Secretary nor messages from Bob Kretschmer with the consequence that he is no long-er a member of the Club nor the SS Register.

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2. Don Evans was asked to arrange a visit to Carl Linder’s collection of Jaguar cars at Tanunda. Try for mid November.

3. TARGA opening night at the Showgrounds Static Display; The JDCSA had 20 vehicles on show incl. 3 pushrod engine vehicles, [SS 100 Bob Hill-Ling, 3 ½ L dhc Malcolm Adamson & 1 ½ L sedan Bob Kretschmer] The Register noted that the TARGA is a Commercial Enterprise & managed to have multiple roads closed for 5 days for about 150 vehicles while the Commu-nity based Bay to Birdwood Event struggled to get only partial one-way traffic for the Hills section in-volving over 1,000 vehicles for half a day that gave many more spectators better views of passing en-trants & included some Register members. Any fur-ther Register support will be carefully reviewed.

4. Numeric Number Plates. See also July Minutes- There was further discussion on the matter; Bruce Fletcher said that he believes it is possible to be-queath the Plates to a beneficiary of your Will.

5. A 1 ½ L Jaguar Sedan recently sold for $45,000 at Shannons Victoria auction.

6. 2 Register members featured in the Fickle Finger of Fate at the recent Dinner night.

7. Jack Richardson tabled an internet data sheet re a Jaguar’ 420’ model ex Adelaide for sale at a very reasonable asking price & which was quickly sold.

8. Don Evans advised that he had been recently made aware that there were 2 ½ & 3 ½ L Jaguars in storage in the Holden Hill area. He will check further & advise Bruce for checking against his Master Reg-ister & Bob for general member information.

9. Bruce Fletcher has the following books ex the late Graham Brown for sale at $10.00 ea on behalf of Prue Brown-

The Jaguar Tradition by Michael Frostick Sir William Lyons by Phillip Porter& Paul Skilleter Original Jaguar XK by Phillip Porter Jaguar by Paul Skilleter Great Marques by Chris Harvey

Contact Bruce direct on 8522 4043

10. Malcolm Adamson said that the proposed w/e drive to Pt. Lincoln for Register members was still on the calendar.


1. 2014 National Rally, Refer to the CM

2. Special Celebrations; 40 years of JDCSA July 25th 2013 40 years of SS Register 80 years of SS1 Model 90 years of SS Motor Company 40 years of Daimler Mk2 & 50 years of the Daimler V8 250, see CM

3. SA Jaguar Day 14 Oct. Civic Park. Modbury -Refer to CM

Technical 1 Malcolm Adamson will defer the rebuild of the steering box in his dhc until after the Border Run. Bob Kretschmer mentioned that our British counter-parts did not favour the concept of cutting the bronze nuts but Senior members mentioned previ-ous unsatisfactory experience of premature failure with replacement nut & worm sets supplied ex Victo-ria. (were they local or genuine replacement parts?) Don Evans has an o/h steering box available for loan.

2. Gear change lever for Celica Gearbox. See July minutes cls. 4.5. Bruce Fletcher advised that when fitting the Celica box to Malcolm Adamson’s car he had to machine up a special part & Jack Richardson will need to do the same thing for his MkV conver-sion.

3. Des Brown explained some of the problems asso-ciated with using Ethanol fuel in his Mk 1V where the fuel pump diaphragms were damaged & the car-burettor leaked. He also had difficulty in draining the fuel tanks. Bruce & Don explained the process in-volved in adjusting the fuel level sender gauge. The pumps will need to be o/h.

Parts Ross Rasmus commented on using ‘Standard’ main bearings for his MkV.

Reminders Bay to Birdwood Rally Sunday 30 Sept will be for older cars

Register Meeting Dates Last Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm Secretary Bob to canvas members ASAP re the programme for next 6 months. Supper: Thankyou Rosemary.

Minute Distribution Email; Bruce Fletcher, Phil Prior, Ross Rasmus, John Lewis, Ross Gogler, Malcolm Adamson, Bren-ton Hobbs, Jack Richardson, Des Brown, Bob Hill-Ling, Bob Lynch, Bob Kretschmer, Digby Thomas, David Adamson. Post; Don Evans,

Meeting closed at 9.45pm R.J. Kretschmer SS Register Secretary


Minutes of the Multivalve Register (XJ40 to current series)

(No minutes available)

The next scheduled Register Meeting will be in November. This will be the Register’s final Christmas Meeting for the year

Contact Ron Palmer 0418 855 597

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For more information phone Ivan Cooke direct on Ph 82809119 or Mob 0407719203

A Private Collection of Classic Jaguars For Sale Long time club members, Ivan & Janine Cooke have decided to reduce their collection of cats and pursue other interests. This page is dedicated to their beautiful jags, up for sale.

CAR TWO - 1971 XJ6 Series 1 Rare and genu-ine 4.2 litre manual overdrive . 153,639 miles. For the first 61,000 miles it lived in the Bathurst area. Burgundy and tan. Interior needs restoring. Body in good condition. A very original vehicle with every thing in its correct place. Air conditioned with main air vents below instrument panel. Price $7,750

CAR ONE - XJ12 Series 11 Sold new by Annande Thompson Pty Ltd in Queensland on 30/09/1977. As new red paint with black vinyl roof, Tan interior also close to new condition. Body in excellent condition. New radiator, rebuilt rear end including brakes and discs, rebuilt tail shaft and transmission mounting. All hoses and belts replaced, transmission filter and fluid replaced, new battery. A very reliable vehicle. All service books and records are included. Price $15,000

CAR THREE - 2001 X308 Sovereign, Platinum with Oatmeal Interior. 157,700klm. With log books, owners manuals, etc. Engine oil & filter replaced at 5,000 klm to 7,000klm. intervals. Transmission serviced, Filter changed and fluid drained 4 times. Timing chain tensioners replaced, every coolant and heater hose and water pump replaced. Replaced, thermostat and housing. The body is unmarked and the interior is excellent. Price $25,750

CAR FOUR -1984 XJS Coupe Cobolt Blue, Doeskin leather interior. 167,300Klm, sold 7/12/1984 by New Rowley Motors NSW. Paint and body in unmarked condition. Totally rust free. Best body on any XJS which I have seen. Absolutely no accidents or damage. Excellent interior. Very economical and extremely respon-sive if required. One look or drive and you will want this classic. This XJS has been over serviced. I have known this car for over 20 years and owned it for 10 years. All service books and records are included. Price $22,000

Jaguar Classifieds

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Jaguar XJ6 series 1 1971 Good straight body with only minor rust blue leather interior that requires some restoration, series 2 wheels and hub caps, on gas, motor requires some work but comes with a good series 2 motor and trans. Car is 100% complete and good for restoration $2000 ono Kim 0411109558

1985 XJSC 5.3 Lt 140,000 klms Nothing to spend and ready to drive and enjoy. Can send more photos. Asking price around $25,000 Alan Dunsford - Mob 0429082419, Hm: 0885763081

1999 Jaguar S Type (SE) – (Rego XBO 269) Midnight Blue - Fawn Interior 3 ltr V6 - Full Service history with receipts for vari-ous works.5 speed au-to with Glass Tilt/Slide Sunroof 10 way Power Seats – with memories and Comprehensive Trip Computer, Heated front windscreen Electric “Tilt Away” Steering Column 6 CD Stacker etc etc 136,000 klms $16,500 Contact Des Brown 8338 6753

1988 XJS. 161,000 km. Bordeaux colour with Oatmeal leather Excellent condition throughout. New A/C compressor, Electric Fans, Superlite GTR wheels plus lots more $21,000, less for mem-bers. Contact Rick Luff Phone: 0411 426913, 8358 6292

Jaguar XJS 1978 5.3 ltr V12 collectors car. totally original 149,000 klm all books and service records. Silver with black trim, velour seats, Regularly serviced by quality me-chanic. Nothing to spend, very good rust free car. Will sell to best offer Reg SXJ 053 Trevor Sharp 0415820719

XJ40 Sovereign 3.6 L. 1988 Australian plated 133400 Kms. to date. Condition is very clean. No rust or damage. With all books and ser-vice record intact. Ser-viced regularly by Sov-ereign Motors. Colour: Tungsten. $7000 ONO. Contact: James Harradine. 83561087

1971 - 4.2 L 6CYL Colour Grey REGO WGXO24 (Last regis-tered in March 2011)Duel fuel 08.85704117 Mobile 0427862996

1989 Jaguar XJ40 If you are looking for an XJ40 that is one of those “extremely nice cars”, then look no fur-ther. This car is availa-ble exclusively to JDCSA members for a short time before it hits the broader market. The vehicle is original Jaguar Arctic Blue and has travelled a mere196,867 klms. Immaculate A1 condition and has all the classic features of this model incl. elec-tric sunroof. This car needs to be seen to be appre-ciated. It has full Sovereign Auto Services history including original books / workshop manuals etc. Geoff Mockford @ Sovereign Auto Services 08 8362 5997 can be contacted to discuss the vehicles service history and condition. Asking $8,000 ono. Contact Brenton on Hm. 08 8333 1590 Mob 0419818469 mailto:[email protected]

Jaguar XJ300 Sover-eign 1997, LWB, Ice Blue/Beige,159 000km, Adelaide delivered, two owners, all service rec-ords $19,500 ono Con-tact Geoff Clayton 8336 4770 or 0410 904 300

1977 XJ 6 Jaguar Vehicle currently does not run. Previously ser-viced and Fuel pump and battery replaced Has been idle for 18 months. One fuel tank is leaking, roof is faded and some rust through-out. Upholstery excel-lent condition. Door trims are missing how-ever and some assort-ed spare parts are lo-cated in the boot. 85,038 klms. Price: $1,500.00.Contact Pe-ter on 0435 131 474.

1987 Sovereign V12 Series 3 Local Delivery 138,120 klms – Lovely car 2 Owners from new with unmarked interior Midnight Blue / Fawn Trim Books and deliv-ery cassettes still in car Car Has a head gasket problem and owner will consider all offers Contact Des Woolley Ph: 88922128

Jaguar Classifieds

1990 XJ12, V12 Colour blue, Registration No: WNN 505 until April, drives beautifully and well maintained Selling due to illness Price: $11,000 Please contact Joy Jones (on behalf of Roy Malandain), 8338 2598 or 0402585701

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XJ6 4.2 Jaguar 1971 Series 1, 4 dr. sedan, beige interior, exterior red, reconditioned engine 3 spd auto, good tyres, Rego RGY 978 Good condition, have owned the car for 22 years. Ex member of JDCSA. $6,500 ono Phone 08 8278 1646

Jaguar XKI50 Road-ster- Chassis No. 835291, Engine No V5696-9 Ex Californian car shown in Black etch, Overdrive, Body off chassis restoration by to date. All has been completed by Finch Restorations at Mt Barker using USA import panels. Bulk-head converted to take RHD. Comprehensive range of photos to show mechanical, body and trim parts available $77,000 Doug Short 8364 6244 or 0417883037

EDITORS NOTE Please notify the

editor if your car has been sold or with-

drawn from sale. Ads will be removed from Classic Marque after 3 mths. unless the advert is renewed

XJ6 Series 1 - 4.2 3 spd auto - Red, Origi-nal cond. $7000ono Phone: V.R. Wyld – 85412524 /0429412524

A Special Deal from Solver Paints Just present your membership card at any of Adelaide’s Solver Paint stores and you will

receive your paint supplies at TRADE PRICE. For those of you who have bought paint before you will know the savings are substantial. This is an excellent opportunity to do those long overdue jobs around the house or office

with a quality product and don’t forget the excellent customer service and advice.

Many thanks to Solver for this great deal. P.S. Don’t forget to mention the JDCSA

1960 Jaguar Mk IX Old English White with red interior. Good look-ing (beautiful) and reli-able. It has been used as our Club Car for the last 16 years and has travelled extensively throughout S.A. and interstate. Doug Harri-son - (08) 8333 0057 or 0407 711 351

1989 XJ40 Navy Blue, good condition, 143000 Km. Price $7000.00 Contact Bill 8445 7060

Daimler 1992 4L Pea-cock Blue/Green A much loved car of 15 years. Serviced regu-larly at Sovereign Au-to's, Rarely used, she requires a new enthusi-ast, Doe skin leather seats with rare leather piping, Heated seats and mirrors. $10,000 ph Byron or Claudine on 0438 405 505

For more Jaguar Classifieds

Jaguar Classifieds

Page 15: 2012 October Classic Marque



The following applications for membership have been lodged with the Membership Secretary and are listed in accordance with clause 6(b-c) of the Constitution. If there are no objections, membership will be ratified one month from this notice.

Jacques & Sara Metzer—1952 XK 3.5L Roadster

The following applications listed in the August Edition of Classic Marque have been ratified.

James & Carmel Hartnett—1967 420G 4.2L

Stephen Arthur & Francis Grilli—XJ6 S2, 4.2L Will & Anne Vanderwerf—1980 Daimler Sov 4.2L

Michael Petrucco—1958 XK 150 Coupe 3.8L

On behalf of the club I welcome these new mem-bers and hope you will take advantage of the bene-fits available, and that you will contribute in your own way to make this a better club for everyone. In particular I ask that Register Secretaries and current members make these new members wel-come at meetings and functions.

Daphne Charman Membership Secretary


ROSTER 2012 –2013

Nov XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Feb Multivalve Register Mar E-Type Register Apr SS & Daimler Register May Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register Jun XJ, MK10 &420G / V12 Register July XK, MK 7, 8, 9 Register Aug Multivalve Register Sept E-Type Register Oct SS & Daimler Register Nov Mk1, 2, 420 & S Type (Compact) Register

Duty Register is required to arrive at 7pm and ensure the room is ready for 7.30pm

Register Secretaries please note: Each Register is responsible for the supply of milk and a light supper. If a register is unable to provide supper, please contact the President or Secretary

so other arrangements can be made. The tables and chairs need to be set up by 7.30pm and all members are asked to assist in this process

along with packing up after the meeting.



The General Meeting of the JDCSA is held on the second Tuesday of each month.

Register Meetings are as follows:

Mk 1,2 & 420 & S Type (Compact) - Second Tuesday of every even calendar month

E-Type—Third Thursday of every month

Multivalve— Fourth Tuesday of every odd calendar month.

SS & Daimler— Last Wednesday of each month

XJ, Mk 10 & 420G—Second Wednesday of every month

XK, Mk 7, 8 & 9— As notified in the minutes

V12— Second Friday of every month

For specific information call Register Secretaries from the Club Directory (page 1)


Sunday October 7th Sporting Car Club - Vintage - Collingrove Hill-climb—Enquiries to The Sporting Car Club of SA

Tuesday October 9th—7.30pm. Compact Register Meeting at the home of Geoff and Marg Thomas

Wednesday October 10th -7:30 PM - 9:30 PM XJ Register Meeting—Shannons Rooms - 863-865 South Road, Clarence Gardens

Saturday October 13th Sporting Car Club of SA - Championships Collingrove Hillclimb

Sunday October 14th JDCSA Annual Jag Day at Civic Park Modbury

Friday November 2nd John Blanden's ‘Climb to the Eagle’ and Northern GP Enquire—The Sporting Car Club of SA.

More information regarding these and other future events can be found

on the club website calendar

Club Notices

Page 16: 2012 October Classic Marque


Kevin Goult Resigns Very popular Kevin Goult, Coven-try-born head of Jaguar Australia, has resigned as he heads to a competitor. Rumoured by GO AUTO to be Audi Australia, as General Manager of Marketing. Kevin will be missed. And we wish him well, and look forward to working with his replacement. —————————————— Events Coordinator This position remains vacant fol-lowing the Annual General Meet-ing of JDCSA last month. Mem-bers are encouraged to consider nominating for this position on the Executive Committee. For details of what the position en-tails please speak to the retiring coordinator Philip Prior. —————————————— Jaguar Heritage Certificates Following the temporary suspen-sion of this service during re-location, the Heritage Certifi-cate process is now available again on a limited basis. The cost of this service is now £42 (including postage ) Use this link for more information


Coming Events

There is a rumour going around that there will be a special event in Mid January 2013

A one day event, we believe, aimed at

mustering as many XJ Series 1s as possible in one place

Probably taking the format of a Sunday run in the country for lunch somewhere

Obviously we will need to track down the source of this rumour and get full details

to all our Series 1 owners

But for now feel free to spread the rumour as far as possible

Of course all other club members who

don’t have the pleasure of owning a Series 1 XJ are welcome to join in the run

(Watch this space for more details)

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A Few Examples of this Classic Marque - Daimler V8 250 Owned by Club Members

David Davidson

Geoff and Marg Thomas

Noel and Jo Orford

Anita Whiting

A Brief History of the

Daimler V8 250 The first British manufacturer of motorised vehicles was a compa-ny called Daimler, established in 1893. While the first cars were imported from Germany, they had become emphatically British lux-

ury carriages by the Edwardian era, and became the adopted transport for the Royal Family after the First World War. After the Se-

cond World War, management weakness and a somewhat confused and directionless model range brought the company to its knees, and it

was bought by Jaguar in May 1960.

Initially the range remained unchanged, offering as it did models that did not compete directly with the exist-ing offerings from Browns Lane. However attention was drawn back to the marque by Jaguar's release of the Daimler 2 ½ Litre V8 version of the MK 2 launched at Earls Court, October 1962. The 2.5-litre V8, was only thirty inches in length and developing 140bhp @ 5,800 rpm, proved superior to the Jaguar's 2.4-litre six XK unit.

The V8 250 was essentially a Jaguar Mk II hull mated to the 2½ litre V8 used in Daimler's SP250, and the Coventry firm earned accusations of badge engineering, the pundits feeling justified in their predictions of two years earlier. This was largely unfair, however; true, the new Daimler's body and mechanicals were essential-ly Jaguar, but it suited the Daimler mould with characteristically effortless performance matched with easy luxury. The engine was already three years old but, coupled with a Type 35 Borg-Warner automatic gearbox (manual was not available), it could push the modest saloon up to 110mph and return 20mpg over a long journey.

Production continued into 1969, and the model's life drew to an end after just over 17,600 had been manufactured. The price on Launch was £1,785.


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How's this for a Formation?

En route to Blackpool, the Jaguar Heritage 90th anni-versary Tour stopped off at BAE System's incredible Warton site. This is the only UK location where the Eu-rofighter Typhoon is built. Pictured are most of the cars that were on the Tour togeth-er with one of the latest Ty-phoons to come off the pro-duction line.

Model: Daimler. 2.5L. V8—Four Door Sedan

Year: 1963.

Owners: Geoff & Margaret Thomas

MR. G.Walkley of North Adelaide purchased this car new on 30th November 1963 from JOUBERTS BRITISH MOTORS of South Melbourne.

After two more owners, a Mr O’Brien. and a Mr D. Wickham, we purchased the car in Febuary1993.

The car came with all the original service & operat-ing books. Since ownership of the car we have completed a bare metal respray in Dorchester Metallic Grey. The interior has been fully refur-bished in Connolly leather, the engine, gear box and suspension have been reconditioned. Power steering has been fitted, and wire wheels and a

wood rim steering wheel have been added.

This is a typical club car and since we have owned the car we have enjoyed touring throughout six states, enjoying Daimler & Jaguar Rallies from Perth to Canberra.

Editor’s Note: Thank you Geoff and Marg, a fitting feature for this edition where we celebrate 50 years of the famous Daimler 250 V8. We now look forward to seeing many other members tell us a little about their cars.

MEMBER’S PRIDE (Ride) This segment in Classic Marque will feature information on different cars owned and loved by our members.

Please submit a photo of you and your car and a short story telling us about your car .

An E-Type with Attitude

Just a Great Photo

Mayan Temple of the Jaguar at Chichen Itza, Mexico.

Have you got an interesting or funny Jaguar photo? Send it

in so we can all enjoy it!

Page 20: 2012 October Classic Marque


Success for Jaguar Heritage Racing at the Nürburgring!

12 August 2012 The Jaguar Heritage Racing team enjoyed great success in the 40th Nürburgring AvD Old timer Grand Prix from 10-12 August, its line-up of Mk 2, C-type and E-type Jaguars - with drivers Alex Buncombe, Chris Ward and Frank Klaas - recording both outright wins and class victories.

The highlight of the weekend came on Saturday when, after a lights-to-flag victory in the first of two E-type Challenge rounds on the Nürburgring Grand Prix circuit, JHR driver Alex Buncombe then ran straight to the team's C-type for the prestigious one-hour pre-'60/'61 sports and GT car event. Racing again within just a few

minutes as dusk fell, Alex drove brilliantly to a great class win and fifth place overall, the C-type similarly on-song throughout.

Speaking immediately after this intense period of competition, Alex said: "Driving these cars is a real privilege, and the whole team has done a great job. Both the races today were fantastic for me, and everything went exactly as we planned."

Jaguar News

Cat Out of the Bag—Jaguar's New F-type Unveiled Jaguar has released the first official picture of its new F-type ahead of the car's debut at the Paris Motor Show. (29 September—14 October)

Jaguar has issued the first official picture of its Paris Motor Show star and the successor to the legendary E-type, the new F-type.

The image, which has been released by Jaguar after it was leaked on a US website, shows three F-type convertibles displaying a range of colour and wheel options.

Jaguar has confirmed that the rear-wheel-drive F-type will be powered by a supercharged 3.0-litre V6 with 335- or 374bhp. An updated version of the company's supercharged 5.0-litre V8 will also be available, and all engines will be combined with an eight-speed automatic gearbox.

The image shows that the front of the car has stuck with the styling of the C-X16 Coupe Concept that Jaguar displayed at last year's Frankfurt motor show, with a wide grille flanked by twin cooling slats either side.

Prices are yet to be announced, but it is rumoured that the range will start from about £55,000 when the F-type goes on sale in the spring.

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The Cat’s GiggleThe Cat’s Giggle

Anybody looking for a Mk IX to restore—going cheap!


Getting old is inevitable—but growing up is optional.

First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull your zipper up, then you forget to pull your zipper down.

You know you are getting old when your hairdresser spends more time on your nose, eye brows and ears than on your head.

A not-too-bright but beautiful blonde was driving home one night when she was caught in a terrible storm. The hailstones were as big as golf balls, and her car was dented badly.

Next day at the auto shop, a repairman decided to have a little fun at her expense. "To fix the dents in the body," he said, "drive home, park the car, and when the tailpipe is cool, get down on your knees and blow really hard into the tailpipe, and the dents will pop out.

Later, a girlfriend of the blonde is driving by and sees her friend on her knees, blowing hard into the tail-pipe. She asks what's going on and is told the story. The girlfriend laughs. "Well, duhhh! You need to roll up the windows first, silly!"

Someone at the auto repair shop locked the owner's keys inside his car. Paddy the Irish locksmith was called and while he was working on the driver's-side door lock, the anxious owner walked up and tried the passenger's side door. It opened. Paddy looked up and said. "Yeah, I already got that one."

Near the end of their racing careers, a Jaguar and a Porsche made a pact. The first one to reach racing heaven would let the other know if heaven even had car racing.

As luck would have it, the Porsche was demolished in a fiery wreck. A few days later, it revealed itself to the Jaguar in a vision. "I have some good news and some bad news," the Porsche told the Jaguar. "The good news is that heaven is crazy about auto racing. They have everything here--NASCAR, Indy cars, Formula 1, even Aussie Super V8s”

"So what's the bad news?" the Jaguar asked the deceased Porsche. "The bad news is that you've won the pole position for next Saturday's race."

Send us your joke, funny story or funny picture for The Cat’s GiggleThe Cat’s Giggle

Page 22: 2012 October Classic Marque


Wheel Sizes and the Terminology

(Getting the Lingo Right)

Have you ever been confused by the different terminology used when talking about wheel siz-es and measurements. In particular the terms “Back Spacing” and “Offset” are so often used interchangeably and cause confusion. Do you know where a wheel diameter is correctly measured from?

This diagram sets out the correct wheel terminology and measurements and may help to clarify terms for you.

If you have a technical tip or information to

share please submit it to the Editor

Some Helpful Links:

Converting Litres / Klm to Miles / Gallon and visa versa: Tyre and Wheel Size Calculator Use the calculator to see what happens to your speedometer reading when you change the size of your tyres or wheels. Imaginewheel This is a free downloadable program that will allow you to see what different wheel styles and sizes will look like on your car. You can use an actual image of your car. Check it out just for fun. Refinishing Early Jaguar Woodwork Wallpapers for your Computer Want some great Jaguar images ready to use for your computer Desktop Images? (just type the link into the address browser on

your computer)

Make your Marque by contributing to

Classic Marque

There are many ways members can contribute to this magazine thus making it more interesting to the widest possible readership as well as making the editor’s job a whole lot easier. These include:

Letters to the Editor

Reports and photos from register runs

Funny or interesting stories about members

and their cars

Jaguar news and events

Interviews with new members

Tell us about your car and your passion

Technical tips and ideas

Information on up-coming register events

A good joke for the Cat’s Giggle

Stories and photos about “Sleeping Beauties”

member’s cars under restoration

Recommend a good service or supplier

This is your magazine please help to make

it as interesting as possible

- T E C H F I L E S -

Page 23: 2012 October Classic Marque





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Page 24: 2012 October Classic Marque


Book a Service—To book a service with Solitaire Automotive call 1300 656 023