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Does the tumour radiobiology help in the move toward


Michael Joiner

Wayne State University Radiation Oncology

Detroit, Michigan

[email protected]

Does the tumour radiobiology hinder in the move toward


Michael Joiner

Wayne State University Radiation Oncology

Detroit, Michigan

[email protected]


What radiobiology?

Aug 12 3

• Research has focused on doses per fraction of 1–3 Gy: clinically relevant

• Radiobiology is quite mature

•  Little incentive/funding for high-dose research



Why reconsider high dose fractions?

Aug 12 4

•  Because we can: Physics •  Patient convenience and demand •  Lower cost of whole treatment •  Evidence that it is very effective •  Evidence of low !/" in some sites

The radiobiology has not yet caught up


Why not LQ at high doses?

Aug 12 5

• Reponse is really linear at higher doses? •  Vascular damage? •  Increased apotosis? •  Immunological effects? • Mixed tumor cell populations with different

response characteristics?

Answers likely depend on tissue type and tumor type / stage


Hypoxic cells in tumors

Aug 12 6

First demonstration: ~1.5% of the cells were hypoxic

Mouse lymphosarcoma irradiated in vivo (Powers and Tolmach, 1973)


MCJ Aug 12 7

The classic concept of

reoxygenation during

fractionated radiotherapy


Reoxygenation during fractionation

Aug 12 8

No -reoxygenation

30 fractions

No Hypoxic Cells

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 -10 10 -9 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6

10 -5 10 -4

10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0





Total Dose (2Gy Fractions)

Courtesy: Bert van der Kogel

Vessels (CD31, white)

Hoechst 33342, blue

Hypoxic marker 1: Pimonidazole (-4.5 h)

Hypoxic marker 2: CCI-103F (-2.5h)

Overlap: yellow

Courtesy: Bert van der Kogel


Acute hypoxia may not affect proliferation

Aug 12 11

blood vessel (CD31)

Proliferating cells (Ki67)

Hypoxia (pimonidazole)

Courtesy: George Wilson

MCJ Aug 12 12 Thames et al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 1982;8:219


Early To

tal d



– v


us is



Dose/fraction (Gy)



1.  Mechanistic, biologically based 2.  Few parameters ! practical 3.  Other models predict similar dose-fractionation 4.  Well-documented predictive value in Lab 5.  Validated up to 10 Gy per fraction, OK to 18

Semin Radiat Oncol 2008;18:234–9

No Yes


No Yes

1.  LQ model derived mostly in vitro 2.  LQ underestimates high-dose tumor control 3.  LQ ignores cell subpopulations 4.  LQ mechs don’t reflect vascular, stromal 5.  Need understanding mol mechs and stem cells

No ???


No Yes

Semin Radiat Oncol 2008;18:240–3

Linear Quadratic model Effective D0

10 -9

10 -8

10 -7

10 -6

10 -5

10 -4

10 -3

10 -2

10 -1

10 0

0 5 10 15 20



ng fr



Dose (Gy)


!/" = 3 Gy

SF2 = 0.5

Effective D0

1 (! + 2"D)

! ln(S) = "D + #D2


Effective D0 is too small at high doses

Aug 12 16

Linear Quadratic must straighten at high doses

10 -9

10 -8

10 -7

10 -6

10 -5

10 -4

10 -3

10 -2

10 -1

10 0

0 5 10 15 20



ng fr



Dose (Gy)



! ln(S) ="D + #D2 !$D3

The Linear Quadratic Cubic model

10 -9

10 -8

10 -7

10 -6

10 -5

10 -4

10 -3

10 -2

10 -1

10 0

0 5 10 15 20



ng fr



Dose (Gy)


! ln(S) ="D + #D2

!/" = 3 Gy

SF2 = 0.5

! = " 3DL( )

Simple DSB Complex DSB

! "

Curtis' LPL model

Curtis SB. Radiat Res 1986;106:252

Response heterogeneity

Alternative damage response pathways and/or cell types which are dose dependent


Vascular effects occur at high doses

Aug 12 21

Park HJ et al. Radiat Res 2012;177:311–27

Functional intravascular volume Walker 256 tumors (s.c.) grown in legs of Sprague-Dawley rats Single dose radiation

0 Gy 2 Gy

5 Gy 10 Gy

30 Gy 60 Gy


Vascular effects occur at high doses

Aug 12 22

Breast cancer patients Endothelial cells from normal breast or cancer

Park HJ et al. Radiat Res 2012;177:311–27






Vascular effects occur at high doses

Aug 12 23 Park HJ et al. Radiat Res 2012;177:311–27

oxic resistant endothelial


sensitive endothelial


Endothelial cell apoptosis at high doses

Aug 12 24 Kolesnick R & Fuks Z. Oncogene 2003;22:5897–906

Intestines 15 Gy

Wild type p53 –/– ASMase –/–

Lung 20 Gy

Wild type p53 –/– ASMase –/–


Same tumor, different mice

Aug 12 25 Garcia-Barros M et al. Science 2003;300:1155–59


High doses not low doses per fraction

Aug 12 26 Fuks Z & Kolesnick R. Cancer Cell 2005;8:89–91


Immunological effects at high doses

Aug 12 27

Tumor Normal lung Normal lung x40 x40 x20

A549 Human NSCLC in lungs of nude mice 27 days after 12 Gy single dose

Hematoxylin-Eosin Masson-Trichrome

Hillman GG et al. Radiother Oncol 2011;101:329–36





Small tumor nodules (arrows) with degenerative changes in nuclei and cytoplasm. Multiple large vacuoles, hemorrhages [H] and scattered inflammatory infiltrates

Heavy infiltration of inflammatory cells [IF] mostly lymphocytes and neutrophils. Fibrous tissue [F] in midst of inflammatory infiltrates

Extensive fibrotic tissue [C] and hemorrhages [H]

Response heterogeneity

Mixed target cell populations with different sensitivites

Radiotherapy and Oncology, 9 (1987) 241- 248 Elsevier 241 RTO 00341

An explanatory hypothesis for early- and late-effect parameter values in the LQ model

T. E. Schultheiss, G. K. Zagars and L. J. Peters Division of Radiotherapy, The University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute, Houston, TX 77030, U.S.A.

(Received 3 November 1986, revision received 17 February 1987, accepted 17 February 1987) Key words: Cell survival; lsoeffect: LQ model; Late effect

Summary The isoeffect equation derived from the linear-quadratic (LQ) model of cell survival contains linear and quadratic terms in dose. Experimental studies have shown that higher-order terms may also be present. These terms have been previously attributed to the fact that the LQ model may be the first two terms in a power series approximation to a more complex model. This study shows that higher-order terms are introduced as a result of heterogeneity in the response of the cell population being irradiated. This heterogeneity is modeled by assuming that the parameters ! and " in the LQ model are distributed according to a bivariate normal distribution. Using this distribution, the expected value of cell survival contains third- and fourth-order terms in dose. These terms result in the previously observed downward curvature of Fe plots. Furthermore, these higher-order terms introduce bias in the estimated values of ! and ", if only the linear and quadratic terms of the LQ model are used, and higher-order terms are ignored. The bias is such that the estimated value of ! /" is substantially increased. Thus the higher values of ! /" observed for early effects as compared to late effects may be due to greater heterogeneity of response in early-responding tissues than in later-responding tissues. This differential effect is maintained even if the two cell populations have the same average values of ! and ".

1.  Higher-order terms (e.g. LQC) result from response heterogeneity

2.  Leads to increase in “measured” value of !/"

3.  Leads to “linearization” of the “cell survival curve” at higher doses

4.  Explains the higher !/" for early effects and in some tumors


Response heterogeneity

Aug 12 30

–15 –20




Response heterogeneity

Aug 12 31



Put more of this heterogeneity modeling in?

A model is a lie that helps you see the truth

- Howard Skipper

Thanks Patrick McDermott

D0 = 1.42 Gy

MCJ Aug 12 35

In vivo survival curves linear at high dose

Tissue D0 (Gy) Ref

Cartilage growth plate 1.65 Kember 1965, 1967 Skin 1.3-1.4 Withers 1967 Colon 1.42 Withers 1974 Spermatogenic tubules 1.74 Withers 1974 Telogen hair follicles 1.35 Griem 1979 Jejunum 1.3 Hendry 1983 Kidney tubules 1.25 Withers 1986

from HD Thames

MCJ Aug 12 36

Why does this make a difference? High-dose log-linear (HDLL) model predicts higher isoeffect dose than LQ as the curve goes linear

At what dose does this divergence become significant?


MCJ Aug 12 37


•  Consider three tumor sites (breast, prostate, lung) where hypofractionation or SBRT is being used

•  Identify relevant !/" values of tumor and NTs, and doses per fraction used clinically

•  Choose HDLL models consistent with parameters

•  Estimate size of dose per fraction at which 10% or greater disparity between predicted isoeffect doses occurs

•  Compare this with doses actually in use clinically

Fractionation in breast cancer

Mean = 4.0 [CL 1.0 – 7.8]





*Section of Radiotherapy, Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, United Kingdom; yDepartment of HumanOncology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, Wisconsin; zOncology Centre, Cambridge

University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom; {Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and StatisticsUnit, Section of Clinical Trials, Sutton, United Kingdom


Hypofractionation for treatment of women with early breastcancer is being used again after addressing past causes offailure. Data from randomized trials confirm the safety andefficacy of schedules using fraction sizes of around 3 Gy,provided the correct downward adjustments to total doseare made. Unjustified concerns relating to heart tolerance,nonuniform dose distribution, and duration of follow-upneed not discourage the routine adoption of a 15- or 16-frac-tion schedule. Potential benefits of the overall shorter treat-ment time include greater convenience and improved localtumor control, although the latter benefit remains to betested. Adjusting fraction size across the breast is a goodway of matching dose to tumor relapse risk. Amodest reduc-tion in fraction size to breast tissue remote from the tumorbed and at low risk of local tumor relapse is expected to re-duce late adverse effects without significant loss of tumorcontrol. The corollary is that dose escalation to the indexquadrant, whether by hypofractionation or by a sequentialboost dose, will result in a greater relative increase in late ad-verse effects than tumor control, a therapeutic disadvantagethat can be overcome only by exploiting a marked dose-volume effect.


Hypofractionation: What went wrong and whyIt has been understood for more than 100 years that the re-

lationship between total radiation dose and biological effectdepends on the dose per fraction. As fraction size increases,

total dose must be reduced in order to maintain the samelevel of antitumor or normal tissue effect. True, the dose re-duction is relatively modest for epidermis and some tumors,as correctly estimated by the Ellis isoeffect formula pro-posed in the late 1960s (1). When a regimen is changedfrom 25 ! 2.0-Gy fractions to a 15-fraction regimen deliv-ered over the same overall treatment time, the Ellis formulaestimated a dose reduction from 50 Gy to 45 Gy in 15 frac-tions of 3.0 Gy to match acute skin reactions. Ellis felt thatthe healing of skin epithelium reflected ‘‘the condition ofthe underlying connective-tissue stroma’’ and, as a conse-quence, he hypothesized that ‘‘apart from bone andbrain.the normal tissue tolerance dose, could be based onskin tolerance.’’ It was realized in the late 1970s and early1980s that dose reductions estimated using the Ellis formulawere insufficient for matching late side-effects (2–5). Lateeffects such as subcutaneous fibrosis and skintelangiectasia are more sensitive than acute reactions toaltered fraction size (6–7). In fairness, Ellis proposed hisformula as a hypothesis to be tested in the clinic, butradiation oncologists applied the formula in what, withhindsight, was an uncritical way.

The distinct fractionation sensitivities of early and late re-sponding normal tissues are well described using a linear-quadratic model in which an endpoint-specific quantity,the a/b ratio, offers a reliable way of describing these differ-ences (8–9). Assuming a typical a/b value of 3.0 Gy for latenormal tissue responses, a 15-fraction regimen reproducingthe effects of 25 fractions of 2.0 Gy requires a reduction intotal dose from 50 Gy to 42.8 Gy in fractions of 2.85 Gy

Reprint requests to: John Yarnold, Section of Radiotherapy,Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, SuttonSM2 5PT, UK. Tel: (+44) 208 661 3388. Fax: (+44) 208 6613107; E-mail: [email protected]. John Yarnold, F.R.C.R., and Dr. Charlotte Coles, Ph.D., are

supported by the National Institute of Health Research BiomedicalResearch Centre. Joanne Haviland, M.Sc., is supported by a core

grant to Institute of Cancer Research Clinical Trials and StatisticsUnit from Cancer Research UK. Prof. Søren Bentzen, D.Sc., ac-knowledges support from U.S. National Cancer Institute grant no.2P30 CA 014520-34.Conflict of interest: none.Received May 18, 2010, and in revised form Aug 9, 2010.

Accepted for publication Aug 17, 2010.


Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 1–9, 2011Copyright ! 2011 Elsevier Inc.

Printed in the USA. All rights reserved0360-3016/$ - see front matter


Fraction size 2.66 – 3.3 Gy, 6 Gy in FAST trial

Fractionation in prostate cancer

Mean = 1.55 [CL 0.46 – 4.52]

Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011;79:195–201

Fractionation in prostate cancer 1.55 (0.46–4.52) Gy 5093 patients Proust-Lima C PSA evolution median follow up 4.7 years d/f < 2.8 6 institutional datasets, no risk-group dependence Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011;79:195-201

1.4 (0.9–2.2) Gy 5969 patients Miralbell R Biochem relapse free survival at 5 years d/f < 6.7 7 institutional datasets, no risk-group dependence Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012;82:e17-e24

1.86 (0.7–5.1) Gy 274 patients Leborgne F Biochem disease free survival at 5 years d/f < 3.15 Single institution, no risk-group dependence Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012;82:1200-7

1.48 Gy

MCJ Aug 12 42

Relevant parameters for prostate trials

!/" values Tumor: 1.48 Gy Proust-Lima, Miralbell, Leborgne GU and GI toxicity: 5 Gy Joiner & Bentzen 2002, Brenner 2004

Doses per fraction

3.1 Gy Arcangeli et al 2010 3 Gy Dearnaley et al 2007 Prostate Cancer

Symposium Orlando FL abstract #303 2.7 Gy Pollack et al 2009

MCJ Aug 12 43

Treatment of NSCLC with SBRT

Reference (1st author)

Dose per fraction (Gy) x Number fractions

Minimum total dose to PTV (Gy)

Timmerman (2006) 20-22 x 3 (80% isodose) 60-66

Timmerman (2003) 18-20 (80% isodose) 54-60

Nyman (2006) 15 x 3 (PTV periph) 45 Xia (2006) 5 x 10 (50% isodose) 50 Zimmermann (2005) 12.5 x 3 (60% isodose) 37.5

Wulf (2005) 12.5 x 3 (65% isodose) 37.5

Hara (2006) 30-34 x 1 (min PTV) 30-34 Fritz (2006) 30 x 1 (isocenter) 24 Hof (2003) 19-26 x 1 (isocenter) 15.2-20.8 Nagata (2005) 12 x 4 (isocenter) 48 to isocenter

Early-stage or palliative

MCJ Aug 12 44


Breast: For dose/fraction 2.7-3.3 Gy, LQ predictions of isoeffect doses are approximately correct for tumor response and toxicity, but too low for higher doses per fraction (>6 Gy)

Prostate: For dose/fraction of 2.7-3.1 Gy, LQ predictions of isoeffect doses are approximately correct for tumor response and toxicity, but too low for higher doses per fraction (>4 Gy). This undermines to some extent the LQ-predicted therapeutic gain from hypofractionation

Lung: For dose/fraction < 10 Gy, LQ predictions of isoeffect doses are approximately correct for tumor response and early toxicity, but too low for higher doses per fraction (>12 Gy)

Courtesy: Howard Thames

MCJ Aug 12 45

Hypofractionation can work in 2012 ?

• Physics enables: -  improved dose definition -  image guidance

• Biology is catching up: -  low “!/"” of some tumors… - vascular and immunological effects -  is LQ good for high dose fractions?