Download - 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held

Page 1: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held

2010 Prix québécois de la citoyenneté

Since 1997, the Prix québécois de la citoyenneté have been awarded by the Gouvernement du Québec to individuals, enterprises and organizations to highlight and honour their commitment and contribution to making Québec a more pluralistic and inclusive society where people can live together in peace and harmony.

A word from the Minister

More than 40 years of active immigration, harmonious integration and intercultural rapprochement have made Québec a land of diversity that is unique in the world.

This diversity is an added value that enriches our community. By focusing on French, Québec’s official language, and on shared values, we ensure that all Quebecers have the opportunity to get to know and understand each other better and to live in closer harmony.

The broad consensus we have built around the need to ensure the full participation of immigrants and individuals from our diverse cultural communities in the growth of Québec society is due in part to citizen action.

The Prix québécois de la citoyenneté are intended to highlight the actions taken by women, men, enterprises and organizations to help attain this objective of the full participation of all citizens in the development of our society. Each action contributes to building closer intercultural ties among all Quebecers, and to combating racism and discrimination, fostering more equal access to employment and promoting work environments that embrace diversity. The Prix québécois de la citoyenneté also serve as a formal recognition of Quebecers from diverse cultural communities who have made exceptional contributions to expanding Québec’s influence on the national and international stages.

I therefore invite all of you to submit your nominations for this year’s Prix québécois de la citoyenneté. I wish the best of luck to all nominees!

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Submitting a nomination

Have you personally, or has an individual, enterprise or organization that you know of, implemented one or more activities aimed at fostering intercultural rapprochement (building intercultural bridges)?

Do you know of a person or an organization that has taken concrete action to combat racism or discrimination?

Have you personally, or has a private, public or para-public enterprise or organization that you know of, implemented measures designed to provide equal access to employment, to orient or integrate employees from our diverse cultural communities or to promote diversity in the workplace?

Do you know of someone who is currently contributing, or who has contributed, to the development of Québec society?

If so, please submit a nomination for yourself, or for another deserving person, organization or enterprise!

The nomination period is now open.

The nomination process - Extension

The completed nomination packages must be submitted by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté and be postmarked no later than midnight, Monday, March 15, 2010. The Prix québécois de la citoyenneté will be awarded on May 31, 2010 at an official ceremony to be held at the National Assembly in Québec City.

The awards

The Prix québécois de la citoyenneté were created to highlight initiatives taken in various sectors of activity. To learn more about the different awards and to access the nomination forms, click on the award names below:

Prix Maurice-Pollack Prix Jacques-Couture Prix Anne-Greenup Prix Charles-Biddle

Page 3: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


The rewards

All finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held on May 31, 2010 at the National Assembly in Québec City.

All the finalists and laureates will receive a certificate of honour. The laureates will also receive a work of art created by artist Danielle Thibeault.

The work of art presented to the laureates

The sculpture given to the laureates of the Prix québécois de la citoyenneté is a work of art created by Québec artist Danielle Thibeault, who comes from Trois-Rivières. It depicts a group of people in motion on a pillar-shaped base and symbolizes the importance of the ties forged among Québec’s citizens.

The sculpture takes the shape of both a rising spiral and a loop that unites the figures in a common endeavour. It evokes Québec values such as solidarity, social commitment, cooperation, and democracy. The relationship depicted among the figures embodies an image of vitality and energy.

The human chain also symbolizes the coming together of groups, cultures, and generations.

For more information, contact:

Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté Ministère de l'Immigration et des Communautés culturelles Direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l'intégration sociale 360, rue McGill, bureau RC 01 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2E9

Montreal region: 514 873-1627 Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 817-9850 (toll-free) Fax: 514 864-3629 Email: [email protected]

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Prix Maurice-Pollack

The Prix Maurice-Pollack highlights efforts made in the following areas:

Orientation, integration and promotion of ethnocultural diversity in the workplace

Preparing the workplace to integrate manpower from diverse cultural communities and visible minorities; broadening recruitment pools to include immigrant workers and members of cultural communities; setting up structured orientation and buddying activities to ensure renewal of the workforce and appropriate training of personnel from diverse cultural communities; promoting the accommodation of ethnocultural diversity in all spheres of the enterprise’s activity; and implementing activities designed to officially recognize prior learning and skills.

Equal access to employment for Quebecers from diverse cultural communities and visible minorities Setting up equal-access-to-employment programs and voluntary programs promoting equal access to senior positions for individuals from cultural communities and visible minorities; implementing policies and action plans aimed at the hiring of, and creation of internship programs for, youth from diverse cultural communities and visible minorities.

An award is given in each of the following categories:

Enterprises or organizations in the public and para-public sectors Enterprises or organizations in the private sector

Eligibility criteria The enterprises or organizations in the public, para-public and private sectors

must have a business address in Québec and have operated there for at least three years.

The activities presented must have been carried out within the past three years. The nomination package must include:

- six copies of the Nomination Form; - six copies of the enterprise or organization’s latest annual report and

financial statements if they are made public; - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominator’s family, and must each come from a different source (suppliers, employees, competitors, clients, etc.);

- six copies of the tools or documents created as part of the achievements presented, if applicable.

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The completed nomination package must be submitted by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté and be postmarked no later than midnight, Monday, March 15, 2010.

Upon receipt of the nomination package, the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté will send you the Informations personnelles (personal information) form, if applicable. It must be completed by the owner or founder of the organization or enterprise, or by one of its directors, and then returned by mail as quickly as possible. It will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check.

Forms - Nomination period extended to March 15, 2010

Private, public, and para-public enterprises and organizations:

Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 303 Kb)

Downloading, printing and saving forms

To view or print PDF files, you must download the Adobe Reader program (version 6.0 or higher) available for free on the Adobe website.

You can complete on line the forms marked "dynamic." Print, sign and forward them by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté.

It is possible to save dynamic PDF forms using Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or higher) and a minimal version of Windows XP. To save, click on the "Save" button on the Acrobat Reader toolbar.

Maurice Pollack (1885–1968)

Originating from Kiev in Ukraine, Maurice Pollack arrived in Canada in 1902, where he settled first in the Beauce region and later in Québec City. He was only 20 years old when he opened a retail store in the Saint-Roch district of Québec City. Over the years, M. Pollack ltée became one of the most prominent companies in the region. After serving customers for over 40 years, Mr. Pollack retired from the business world to devote himself to philanthropic activities. In 1955, he created the Maurice Pollack Foundation to aid organizations active in the fields of culture and education.

Maurice Pollack was an influential francophile community leader, who served the public through a major company adapted to the Québec context. The holder of numerous honorary university degrees, this businessman provides an eloquent example of the success of regional immigration and its contribution to the socioeconomic and sociocultural development of Québec.

Page 6: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


For more information, contact:

Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles Direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l’intégration sociale 360, rue McGill, bureau RC 01 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2E9

Montreal region: 514 873-1627 Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 817-9850 (toll-free) Fax: 514 864-3629 Email: [email protected]

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Prix Jacques-Couture

The Prix Jacques-Couture highlights efforts made to foster closer intercultural relations:

Promoting ethnocultural diversity in the different spheres of Québec society (education, economy, culture, health and social services)

Cultivating, among newcomers and Quebecers from diverse cultural communities, a sense of belonging to Québec society, by encouraging the sharing of common values and a knowledge and understanding of the host society

Increasing Quebecers’ knowledge and understanding of the pluralistic reality of today’s society and of the contribution made by Quebecers from diverse cultural communities to Québec’s social, economic and cultural advancement.

An award is given in each of the following categories:

Individuals Non-profit organizations

Eligibility criteria

Nominees in the Individuals category must reside in Québec. Non-profit organizations* must have a business address in Québec and have

operated there for at least three years. The activities presented must have been carried out within the past three years. The nomination package must include:

- six copies of the Nomination Form; - six copies of the tools or documents created as part of the achievements

presented, if applicable. The completed nomination package must be submitted by mail to the Secrétariat

des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté and be postmarked no later than midnight, Monday, March 15, 2010.

In addition to meeting these eligibility criteria, the nomination package must include a number of other documents, depending on the category of award sought.

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For the Individuals category:

The nomination package must include: - a copy of the Informations personnelles (personal information) form. It

will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check; - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominator’s or nominee’s family and must each come from a different source, suppliers, employers, clients, organizations, etc.).

For the Non-profit organizations category:

The nomination package must include: - six copies of the organization’s latest annual report and financial

statements if they are made public; - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominator’s family and must each come from a different source (suppliers, employees, partner organizations, financial partners, clients, members, etc.).

Upon receipt of the nomination package, the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté will send you the Information personnelles (personal information) form, if applicable. It must be completed by the owner or founder of the organization or by one of its directors, and then returned by mail as quickly as possible. It will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check.

* This category excludes municipalities, establishments in the health and social services network, school boards and private and public educational institutions, ministries and government agencies, and state-owned corporations.

Forms - Nomination period extended to March 15, 2010


Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 290 Kb) Informations personnelles (personal information) form (dynamic PDF, 32 Kb)

Non-profit organizations

Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 287 Kb)

Page 9: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


Downloading, printing and saving forms

To view or print PDF files, you must download the Adobe Reader program (version 6.0 or higher) available for free on the Adobe website.

You can complete on line the forms marked "dynamic." Print, sign and forward them by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté.

It is possible to save dynamic PDF forms using Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or higher) and a minimal version of Windows XP. To save, click on the "Save" button on the Acrobat Reader toolbar.

Jacques Couture (1929–1995)

In the 1960s, Jacques Couture was a worker priest in the Saint-Henri district of Montreal. This economically disadvantaged neighbourhood had an ethnoculturally diverse population at that time. Jacques Couture enlisted the services of groups representing this diversity and mobilized local residents to improve their living conditions.

Politically involved, he especially distinguished himself in 1977 by his generosity and openness to refugees from Southeast Asia and South America. In 1978, as Minister of Immigration, he signed the Canada-Québec agreement on immigration and the selection of foreign nationals.

For more information, contact:

Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles Direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l’intégration sociale 360, rue McGill, bureau RC 01 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2E9

Montreal area: 514 873-1627 Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 817-9850 (toll-free) Fax: 514 864-3629 Email: [email protected]

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Prix Anne-Greenup

The Prix Anne-Greenup highlights efforts made to combat racism.

Setting up mechanisms or activities aimed at preventing and combating prejudice, discrimination, intolerance, racism and exclusion based on an individual’s skin colour, ethnic or national origin, and cultural or religious affiliation

Creating tools or setting up services to meet the specific needs of groups experiencing discrimination, with a view to promoting their full participation in Québec society.

An award is given in each of the following categories:

Individuals Non-profit organizations

Eligibility criteria

Non-profit organizations* must have a business address in Québec and have operated there for at least three years.

Nominees in the Individuals category must reside in Québec. The activities presented must have been carried out within the past three years. The nomination package must include:

- six copies of the Nomination Form; - six copies of the tools or documents created as part of the achievements

presented, if applicable. The completed nomination package must be submitted by mail to the Secrétariat

des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté and be postmarked no later than midnight, Monday, March 15, 2010.

In addition to meeting these eligibility criteria, the nomination package must include a number of other documents, depending on the category of award sought.

Page 11: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


For the Individuals category:

The nomination package must include: - a copy of the Informations personnelles (personal information) form. It

will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check. - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominator’s or nominee’s family and must each come from a different source (suppliers, employers, clients, organizations, etc.).

For the Non-profit organizations category:

The nomination package must include: - six copies of the organization’s latest annual report and financial

statements if they are made public; - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominator’s family and must each come from a different source (suppliers, employees, partner organizations, financial partners, clients, members, etc.).

Upon receipt of the nomination package, the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté will send you the Information personnelles (personal information) form, if applicable. It must be completed by the owner or founder of the organization or by one of its directors, and then returned by mail as quickly as possible. It will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check.

* This category excludes municipalities, establishments in the health and social services network, school boards and private and public educational institutions, ministries and government agencies, and state-owned corporations.

Forms - Nomination period extended to March 15, 2010


Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 227 Kb) Informations personnelles (personal information) form (dynamic PDF, 32 Kb)

Non-profit organizations

Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 349 Kb)

Page 12: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


Downloading, printing and saving forms

To view or print PDF files, you must download the Adobe Reader program (version 6.0 or higher) available for free on the Adobe website.

You can complete on line the forms marked "dynamic." Print, sign and forward them by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté.

It is possible to save dynamic PDF forms using Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or higher) and a minimal version of Windows XP. To save, click on the "Save" button on the Acrobat Reader toolbar.

Anne Greenup (mid-19th century to mid-20th century)

Anne Greenup, a black American citizen, settled in the Saint-Henri district of Montreal at the end of the 19th century. She mobilized the community to form an organization dedicated to mutual aid and the fight against poverty and exclusion. In 1902, in collaboration with other railway workers’ wives, she formed the Coloured Women’s Club, one of the first women’s organizations in Québec.

Among the services it provided in that era to the population of Saint-Henri, the club members helped black students, organized soup kitchens, set up shelters, performed volunteer work in hospitals and assisted the needy. Today, the Coloured Women’s Club continues to assist young people and seniors who are in need.

For more information, contact:

Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles Direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l’intégration sociale 360, rue McGill, bureau RC 01 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2E9

Montreal area: 514 873-1627 Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 817-9850 (toll-free) Fax: 514 864-3629 Email: [email protected]

Page 13: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


Prix Charles-Biddle

The Prix Charles-Biddle highlights the exceptional contribution made by an individual whose personal or professional dedication has advanced the social, scientific, sports, economic or cultural development of Québec.

Exceptional contribution to Québec society Through achievements with national or international impact Through innovative achievements recognized by peers in the nominee’s field of

activity or by the general public Through achievements with a ripple effect on the community or society as a

whole and which serve as role models of success

Eligibility criteria The nominee must have immigrated to Québec at least 20 years ago and must

currently live in Québec. The nominee must have been living in Québec at the time of his/her

achievements. Individuals may not nominate themselves. Posthumous nominations are not accepted. The nomination package must include:

- six copies of the Nomination Form; - six copies of the nominee’s curriculum vitae, bearing his or her signature; - six copies of the tools or documents created as part of the achievements

presented, if applicable; - a copy of the Informations personnelles (personal information) form. It

will be used for the purpose of conducting a criminal record check. - six copies of the three letters of support for the nomination. These letters

may not be written by a member of the nominee’s family, must each come from a different source (employer, client, organization, publisher, etc.).

The completed nomination package must be submitted by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté and be postmarked no later than midnight, Monday, March 15, 2010.

Forms - Nomination period extended to March 15, 2010

Individual from a cultural community who has resided in Québec for at least 20 years

Nomination form (dynamic PDF, 245 Kb) Informations personnelles (personal information) form (dynamic PDF, 32 Kb)

Page 14: 2010 Prix québécois de la citoyennetéAll finalists and laureates are invited to take part in the official awards ceremony for the . Prix québécois de la citoyenneté, to be held


Downloading, printing and saving forms

To view or print PDF files, you must download the Adobe Reader program (version 6.0 or higher) available for free on the Adobe website.

You can complete on line the forms marked "dynamic." Print, sign and forward them by mail to the Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté.

It is possible to save dynamic PDF forms using Acrobat Reader (version 6.0 or higher) and a minimal version of Windows XP. To save, click on the "Save" button on the Acrobat Reader toolbar.

Charles Biddle (1926–2003)

Charles Biddle was born in 1926 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he lived until the age of 16. In 1948, this talented musician fled the racial segregation experienced in the United States to settle in Montreal. Shortly after arriving in Québec, he was offered a position in the Orchestre symphonique de Sherbrooke. At the same time, he played bass with the Montreal Orchestral Society.

His jazz career really took off in the early 1950s when he performed in Montreal and the regions. In 1957, he met Constance Marchand, who later became his wife and the mother of his four children. In 1979, he organized a jazz festival regarded by many as the forerunner of the Festival international de jazz de Montréal, a mega-event that attracts hundreds of thousands of festival-goers each year.

A jazz promotor and true mentor, Charles Biddle inspired all Quebecers through his dedication to young artists from all communities. He performed before Nelson Mandela and Queen Elizabeth II, and participated in many international jazz festivals. He was honoured with three major distinctions: the Oscar Peterson Award, the Prix Calixa-Lavallée and the Order of Canada.

For more information, contact:

Secrétariat des Prix québécois de la citoyenneté Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles Direction de la gestion de la diversité et de l’intégration sociale 360, rue McGill, bureau RC 01 Montréal (Québec) H2Y 2E9

Montreal area: 514 873-1627 Elsewhere in Québec: 1 866 817-9850 (toll-free) Fax: 514 864-3629 Email: [email protected]