Download - 2010 population notes

Page 1: 2010 population notes

Population Key Word Glossary

Define: explain | Give a detailed account including reasons and causes

Trends | Changes over time

Patterns | the arrangements and changes in spatial elements

Crude birth rate | average annual number of births during a year per 1,000 persons in the population at midyear;

Total # of births/Total Population *1000

19600/11890000=0.00164 * 1000= 16.4

Natural increase | is the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population.

CBR- CDR = Natural Increase

16.5 – 10 = 6.5 natural increase

Rate of Natural Increase (Also known as annual growth rate or annual growth percentage)

CBR – CDR / 10 = RNI


Crude death rate | the average annual number of deaths during a year per 1,000 population at midyear;

infant mortality | the number of deaths of infants under one year old in a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year; included is the total death rate, and deaths by sex, male and female.

Child mortality | the probability per 1,000 that a newborn baby will die before reaching age 5.

Total fertility rate | figure for the average number of children that would be born per woman if all women lived to the end of their childbearing years and bore children according to a given fertility rate at each age.

Life expectancy | the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future.

Regions: an extensive, continuous part of a surface, space, or body: region of the earth. 

Spatial: Where things are located in the world

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BirthsDescribe the ... Give reasons / causes ..

TrendsAs Time passes- the general global trend is that income per person increases and crude birth decreases.

The overall trends in global birth rates can be attributed to number of social, economic, and political reasons. Here are just a few

Social: Improvement in the status of women (more women going to college, getting jobs, having careers, delaying marriages, and having few children)

Overall marriage ages are increasing as more and more people are putting off marriage till later in life.

Lower IMRs due to improvements in nutrition, sanitation (less disease), and better standards of medical care.

Economic- More and more country’s are developing rapidly (esp. in cities)- with more people working in the secondary and tertiary sectors of society = more $$ and better standards of living

Cost of living is increasing and children are becoming more and more expensiveEtc.


According to the map- there are a lot of births in Asia and Africa.

Europe, North America, and South have moderate number of births

Australia and Canada have very few births.

Page 7 IB Geography Study Guide


In territories with the fewest births per person, more people are dying than are being born.

As with all population statistics, even this vital one, figures are rough estimates.

More children are born each year in Africa than are born in the Americas, all of Europe and Japan put together. Worldwide, more than a third of a million new people will be born on your birthday this year.


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Natural IncreaseDescribe the ... Give reasons / causes...


That in most regions population change (rate of natural increase) increased between 1930 and 1960, and again between 1960-1990 (when population growth % reached its peak in all regions). The Exceptions were North America and Europe. In contrast, the projected changes for 1990-2020 show that population growth rates will fall in all regions, notably South America and Australasia.

The world’s population is growing very rapidly. Most of this is quite recent. Global population between 1650 and 1850, 1850 and 1920, 1920 and 1970. It is thus taking less time for population to double.


Every region of the world is experiencing overall natural increases in population size; just a few countries have natural decreases in population size.

Upton 95% of population growth is taking place in LEDCs. An increasing or accelerating rate of growth is known as exponential growth and can be attributed to more people having children (quite the opposite of people having more children)

Highest growth rates are found in Africa, while lowest growth rates are in North America and Europe.

FertilityDescribe the ... Give reasons / causes ..

TrendsFertility trends have two distinct features.

Fertility in MEDCs countries or Countries that are reaching development ( stage 3) are seeing a marked decline in the # of women per woman OR remaining low

In contrast- in developing regions fertility rates remain high

See page 8 and 9 of study guide for more information.

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In general the highest fertility rates are found among the poorest countries and very few LEDCs have made the transition from high birth rates to low birth rates. Most MEDCs, by contrast, have brought the birth rate down. In MEDCs, fertility rates have fallen as well- the decline in population growth is not therefore due to changing population structure.

Changes in fertility are a combination of both sociocultural and economic factors. While there may be strong correlations between these sets of factors and changes in fertility- it is impossible to prove the linkages or to prove that one set of factors is more important than the other.

See page 8 and 9 of study guide for more information.

Mortality And Life Expectancy

Describe the ... Give reasons / causes ..Trends

As time passes the general global trend is that when income increases, Crude Death rate decreases-

T he trend over the past few decades is that life expectancies in most countries are increasing, however there is a recent fluctuation due to the AIDs virus in many African Countries

CDR has fallen in most countries in the last few decades due to improvements in food supply, water, sanitation, and housing. Unfortunately this trend is being reversed in some areas due to AIDS


At the global Scale, the pattern of mortality in MEDCs differs from that in LEDCs. In MEDCs, the death rate is low and has fallen steadily over time and life expectancies have risen.

In LEDCs high death rates and low life expectancies are still common- although they have shown improvement over the past few decades (trend)

Low CDR High Life Expectancy Technological improvements (such as

better medicines) Better nutrition Better healthcare Better environmental conditions

People in MEDCs are more frequently victims of degenerative diseases….

A degenerative disease, also called neurodegenerative disease, is a disease in which the function or structure of the affected tissues or organs will progressively deteriorate

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over time, whether due to normal bodily wear or lifestyle choices such as exercise or eating habits. Degenerative diseases can also be inherited by children from their parents- “Heart Disease runs in my family”

Examples: Cancer, strokes, heart disease, obesity, parkinsonism disease, Lu Gerhig Disease, Alsimurs, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis

High CDR Low Life Expectancy Poor healthcare Disease Famine (lack of food) Poor access to safe drinking water Poor sanitation And poor shelter/housing conditions

People in LEDCS are more frequently victims of water-borne or Vector-borne diseases…

Diseases that are transmitted through Water..

Examples: Cholera, gastroenteritis

A vector-borne disease is one in which the pathogenic microorganism is transmitted from an infected individual to another individual by an arthropod or other agent, sometimes with other animals serving as intermediary hosts. (Mosquitoes spread Malaria)

Examples: Malaria, River Blindness, AIDs, dysentery, salmonella, swine flu, SARS, small pox, ecoli, bubonic plague, diphtheria,

Pick a country and use the “statistics” hyperlink.