Download - 2010 NIST Conference Understanding Lead Generation As A Growth Strategy

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Understanding Lead Generation; As a Growth Strategy

Presented By: Chris Scafario

2010 NIST- Manufacturing Extension Partnership Conference

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Group Introduction:

Who Are You?

Where Do You Work?

What Do You Do?

What Are Your Client’s “BIG” Challenges?

Why Are You Here Today?

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Why are We Here?

In 2008, a NIST Study of owners of small and midsized companies identified:

6 of 10 need a process for Cost Savings

8 of 10 need a process for Growing Sales

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Our Response…

In an effort to offset the economic challenges of the early 1990s, DVIRC introduced Lean Thinking as a means to achieve world-class operational efficiencies and help our region sustain its lucrative manufacturing base.

In 2009, we were faced with a new series of challenges that required the inclusion of some new solutions. That is why we developed a new base of best practice services designed to actively address the need for sustainable pools of diversified revenue.

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Our Solutions to Today’s Challenges:


Marketing Lead



Support Marketing &

Sales Planning ResearchStrategy

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Our Results…

Over the course of the last 18 months, we’ve helped more than 40 clients establish a distinct value proposition, identify growth markets, and grow sales by as much as 25%.

This agency model provides a one-stop-resource for sales and marketing solutions. As a result we have achieved a 60%+ client retention and migration rate for our consulting services.

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Our Results…

This suite of right-sized consulting services drove a 600% increase in departmental income, reinventing DVIRC’s market penetration and ultimately succeeded where all other organizational efforts fell short.

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Going Into This…

We knew standardization would be the necessary foundation for continuous improvement.

We’ve learned an agency approach trumps the traditional learn-and-do model when it comes to managing and fulfilling a structured sales and marketing effort.

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We Introduce a Structured Process

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Our Process for Business Growth

Profile Target Opportunities

Build Databases

Create Messaging

Communicate to Target Markets

Get Sales Appointments

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Our Process Goes To Work On:

Identifying specific growth opportunities to match competencies

Collecting purchasing intelligence related to specific decision makers

Building a call-screened database, complete with emails

Creating reusable marketing collateral to support active sales efforts

Real-time Project Management and follow-up

Securing qualified Leads!

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In Our Travels

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ABC Industries Inc.Good People Selling Industrial Items to Industries Since 1965

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Lifestyle Business (more than 60% are less than $3 Million in sales)

Aging Boomers – with a limited/nonexistent succession plan

D.I.Y. Mentality- they view the need for outside help as a weakness

Over the last 18 months, sales are off by 20% or more

Postpone or avoid game changing decisions

They believe inaction is a legitimate course of action

They lost a lot of their own personal wealth and are not happy about it!

We All Know These Folks…

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“We used to be a very successful business until, China came along.”

“We had 6 client’s but 1 good one the made up 85% of our sales.”

“Our account’s liked us so, Word of mouth was all we needed to grow”

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“Last recession we sat things out…I got rid of some of the deadweight and we went from a 20 person shop down to 10 and we are still here.”

“If I am going to spend money, it should be on equipment. That’s what’ll make me money… You guys are just an expense.”

“I have a guy I pay that manages our office. I can tell him to pick up the phone and call some folks and get us some work.”

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AKA… Being in a Commodities Rut!

Their Uniqueness Wore Out

Their Offerings Got Copied

Their Markets Became Commodities

They Have Nothing New To Deliver

They Lost Their Edge!!!

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Companies Can Fight Back….

Scouting Growth Markets

Targeting New Customers

Creating New Products/Services

Committing to Sales & Marketing

Identifying USPs

Delivering a Value Proposition

Being Up For a Fight!

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The Good News is…

Nearly every product has a market!

Some markets are better than others… And, not all products are created equal…

But ultimately, a healthy competition is when two rivals battle over who is doing a better job marketing and selling to potential customers.

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Competition Makes Us Stronger and More Creative

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We Believe in Holistic Approach to Grow Sales…

This includes:

The foundation for a sales and marketing plan

Primary & secondary market research

A clear and distinct value proposition

Scouting relevant market opportunities that match competencies

A call-screened, custom database featuring well over 100 category-specific decision makers

Marketing to selected decision makers (letters, post cards, emails*)

Internal sales support (we make over 100 targeted cold calls!)

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Why It Works…

Profile Target Opportunities

Build Databases

Create Messaging

Communicate to Target Markets

Get Sales Appointments

Products Markets

SellersDecision Makers

Market Needs / Pains

Unique Selling Points

Structured Outreach

Qualified Leads

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It Is Our Job To “Be The Change.”


Explore Validate Organize Leverage Vest Expand

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A Structured Process = Comfort

PLAN: Design or revise the business development process components to improve results

DO: Implement the business development plan and measure its performance

CHECK: Assess the measurements and weigh the results

ACT: Decide on and initiate changes needed to improve the growth process

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In Planning for Growth, We Focus On…

Highlighting Distinct Organizational Competencies

Developing a Unique Market Position & Value Proposition

Scouting Opportunities for New Customers/Markets

Researching Potential for New Products/Services/Models

A structured approach towards Prospecting & Sales

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Organizational Strengths to target Market Opportunities; We do our homework and define the:

Product (what are we selling?)

Process (how are we selling it?)

Customer (to whom are we selling it?)

Distribution (how does it reach them?)

Finance (what are the prices, costs and investments?)

Administration (and how do we manage all this?)

We Assess…

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We Identify…




Threats (external)

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Capitalize on Perceived Strengths- Positioning each strength as a sales tool or unique difference to help shape market awareness and lead business development/sales conversations with potential clients.

Look at Overcoming Perceived Weaknesses- We center our efforts on areas of weakness that can be addressed through our multipronged approach to business development. This includes things like: a softening client base, lack of new accounts and limited sales support.

-In addition, we call out potentially debilitating weaknesses and recommend next steps to address them.


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Identify New Market Opportunities- Our research team goes to work scouting opportunities that match our clients definitive competencies and builds a profiled target audience around these opportunities.

Avoiding Threats- We recognize every company can face threats to its growth, or even to basic existence. And we articulate specific areas where technological advances, competitive breakthroughs, loss of skilled labor, government regulations, stiff price competition from imports, and changes in customer preferences can impact our clients.

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Capitalize on the 4 P’s

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Getting to the USP…

The Unique Selling Proposition is what makes you more unique, more valuable, and more

visible in your market.

It’s a game of Distinguish or Die….

Businesses have to be unique and fill a special niche to be successful in the marketplace.

– A USP will help them get there.

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Getting to the USP…

Having a USP will dramatically improve the positioning and marketability of a company. - It can be the force that makes or breaks business success.

It can also be used as a "branding" tool that deploys strategy with every tactical marketing effort you use such as an ad, a postcard, or website.

The ultimate goal of your USP and marketing is to have people say to you... "Oh, yes I've heard of you. You're the company who..." - And then respond by requesting more information or purchasing.

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Getting to the USP…

Masters of the trade have the ability to dramatically differentiate one product or service from another; turning commodities into equitable brands.

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So What’s In The Recipe ?

To be effective, a USP needs to articulate the very essence of the offering. It needs to be so compelling that it can beused as a headline to sell the product or service. Here are 7 steps we follow…

1. Be Blunt With Your Benefits

2. Be Unique – Aim for Urgency

3. Solve a Pain Point or Performance Gap

4. Offer Validation or Specific Proof

5. Be Clear, Be Concise

6. Be Consistent & Connected

7. Deliver What You Promise

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Once We Deliver on the USPs

People Get Excited…. They want to do more

Enhance or Redesign Websites

Build Effective, Low-Cost Email Campaigns

Create Segmented Marketing Campaigns

Train Sales Representatives/New Hires

Create Product Catalogs, Letters, and Postcards

Establish or Redefine the Brand Position


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Implementation requires doing things…

A Plan is only as good as the actions taken to move it forward. Implementation requires people doing things…

• A Fixed Schedule

•Task Owners


•Success Measures

A Fixed ScheduleA Good Prospect ListDelivery of the Pitch Task OwnersAccountabilityClear Success Measures

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Map Out Your Activities……

Microsoft Project 2007 can help you track and manage your goals. It is as easy as:

Building Your Plan

Defining Your Timeline

Tracking & Managing Your Efforts

Closing Out & Reviewing Effectiveness

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Set Up a Fixed Schedule

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Good Prospect List

We believe in upfront due diligence to trigger unparalleled results.

We use D&B as a foundation

We screen target companiesfor relevance

We identify & record decision makers

We collect emails

All before we take our first steps marketing to the target audience.

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We want our clients to know who is

interested in what they have to offer…

Good Prospect List

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Good Prospect List

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Good Prospect List

We Believe in Building Referral Business…

1. Set A Target: Set a clear goal, 10% increase in referral business over the next 10 weeks.

2. Timing: Give your clients time to experience your service or product before asking for a referral.

3. Top 20 Rule: Find the top 20% that are ecstatic about your business and ask them.

4. Give and You'll Receive: Give your clients extra service and follow-up support before asking for referrals.

5. Type of Customer: Providing a clear picture of the customer demographics will help your referral marketing.

6. Rewards Program: Provide special rewards to your referring customers on a regular basis.

7. Thank-You: Create a basic thank you letter that can be personalized and sent to each referral you receive.

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Good Prospect List

Is a great resource for identifying target titles, networking, SEO & much more…

Start a group, connect with peers, stay out there & build your network!

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A Good Pitch

Organic (Free) Website Traffic Development

New Link Development

Local Search Optimization

Social Media Optimization


Pay Per Click Marketing Program Development

Pay Per Click Marketing Program Management

Web Analytics Setup and Management

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A Good Pitch

Stay connected, promote your products, offer incentives, or share some news

Simple to design, easy to send Email Campaign Management Tools are always a great idea for cost-effective measurable campaigns

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A Good Pitch

Optimize your video

Make it easy to view

Go Viral- Exposure is king.

Use social bookmarking to help with visibility.

End the video with a ‘send to a friend’ option.

Give them some incentive to help you spread the word.

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A Good Pitch

Collect Customer FeedbackSurvey Your EmployeesPerform Low Cost/ No Cost ResearchOffer Incentives For Information

Survey Monkey is an ideal tool to learn where you excel and where some improvements are needed.

It can help in validating a good idea for a new product or service and much, much more…

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Check, Recheck, Then Check Again….

• As efforts are made to grow business, monitor your progress, and assess your performance.

• Obviously you will want to do more of the good, but also try to correct whatever is not working.

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Measure Success

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“The ancestor of every action is thought…”

Our Actions Go To Work:

Identifying specific growth opportunities to match competencies.

Collecting purchasing intelligence related to specific decision makers.

Building a call-screened database, complete with emails when possible.

Creating reusable marketing collateral to support active sales efforts.

Real-time Project Management and follow-up.

Securing qualified Leads!

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Everyone Received….

Over 100 uniquely profiled target opportunities.

Over 200 names and titles for category specific decision makers.

Real-time purchasing intelligence related to specific decision makers.

A call-screened, CRM-friendly database (complete with emails in most cases).

A comprehensive Positioning Report containing: sales and marketing, planning recommendations, and a uniquely-crafted set of promotional copyto be used across applications.

Real-time market intelligence/the specific wants and needs of a new prospect.

A CRM-friendly record of every conversation our sales team has!

An average of 12 Qualified Leads!!!

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Our Results…

Small Company, Big Rut…


40+ Year Old Product

No New Customers in 6 Years

Over 1700 SKU’s and No Category Management

No Clear Target Market

Rampant Product Line Overlap

Zero Market Intelligence

Website Wasteland

No Structured Path to Market

No Unique Product Positioning


A Structured Path To Market

A New-Stand Alone Brand

Unique Selling Points

New Promotional Copy / Materials

A New Database of Prospects

Valuable Real-time Market Feedback

1 BIG Opportunity to Grow the Business by 25%

Multiple Diverse Leads Across New Industries

Line of Sight to Changes that Need to Occur

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Our Results…

The Best Resource You’ve Never Heard Of …Before:

World-Class Operation - Obsolete Market Perception

Growth Occurring Through Existing Client Channels

Limited Prospecting- Zero Cold-Calling

Sales & Marketing Resources Constrained

The Message Not Getting Out

Growth Not Aligned with Objectives


A Structured Path To New Market Opportunities

New Promotional Copy to Fuel GPCC Nomination

A New Database of Strategic Prospects- With Emails

Real-Time Market Intelligence (Who is Planning What?)

Exposure to 12 Leads Across Several New Industries*

A new Brand and Market Position are in the works

Widespread Media & Trade Coverage

“This process has opened doors for us that our sales force could not. Over time, the results could be great!”

* This project is still ongoing…..

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Thank You!