Download - 2010 Five Star

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Five Star Chapter Five Star Chapter Development PlanDevelopment Plan

Pathway to the Stars

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Five Star Is...Five Star Is...

Keys to an Organized and Successful Chapter

Business Plan for Chapter

Blueprint for Chapter Success

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10 Steps to Chapter 10 Steps to Chapter SuccessSuccess

1. Review Requirements for Each Level Online

2. Review Honors in Action Resources

3. Set Your Goal Online

4. Plan Honors in Action Activities

5. Schedule Activities on Chapter Calendar

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10 Steps to Chapter 10 Steps to Chapter SuccessSuccess

6. Delegate Responsibility

7. Reassess Progress

8. Complete Chapter Update Forms

9. Select College Project

10. Receive Recognition!

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January – December Timeline

Updates Completed Online

Monitor Progress Online

Local, Regional, and International Recognition

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Level OneLevel One

The One Star Level standards emphasize the primary purpose of Phi Theta Kappa – to

recognize two-year college students for their academic excellence.

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Level OneLevel One

Review Level Requirements

Set Membership Recruitment Goal

Gain Visibility on Campus

Open Enrollment Period in PAM

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Level OneLevel One

Send Membership Invitations

Conduct Prospective Member Orientations

Promote Membership Acceptance

One Induction Ceremony

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Level OneLevel One

Chapter Annual Report

Chapter Bylaws

Update Forms

– Report through the year

– Final Form Due December 31, 2010

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Level TwoLevel Two

Two Star Level standards emphasize organized chapter leadership and Honors in

Action programming.

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Level TwoLevel Two

Report Chapter Officers to HQ

Hold Orientation for Chapter Leaders

Check Online Chapter Directory to Ensure College/Chapter Leaders Are Accurate

Chapter Meets Twice Monthly

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Level TwoLevel Two

Conduct Two Membership Campaigns

Review Honors Program Guide

Research an Issue from the Honors Program Guide for Honors in Action

Meet with College President

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Level ThreeLevel Three

Three Star Level standards emphasize further development of Honors in Action and implementation of a College Project to

promote the goals of your college.

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Level ThreeLevel Three

Plan an Honors in Action Project

Map out Project Leadership Roles

Determine the Expert Resources of Your Project

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Level ThreeLevel Three

Work with Another Organization to Implement the Honors in Action Project

Get the Word Out!

Chronicle Chapter Activities

Implement College Project

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The College ProjectThe College Project

The College Project is designed to help your chapter gain administrative support by

reaching out to the college administration to assist them in any project that supports your


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Ideas for College Ideas for College ProjectProject

Honors Seminars


Faculty Appreciation

Registration Success!

College Ambassadors

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

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Level FourLevel Four

Four Star Level standards emphasize greater participation at the campus and regional


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Level FourLevel Four

Attend One Official Regional Meeting

Assume Leadership Role in the Region

Share your Honors in Action Research

Enter at Least One Hallmark Awards Category

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Level FiveLevel Five

Five Star Level standards emphasize increased participation at the regional and

international levels.

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Level FiveLevel Five

Chapter Enters:

– All Chapter Award Categories

– One Individual Award Category

International Participation

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