Download - 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Page 1: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting


2009 Loss Cost Revision

Effective October 1 2009

copy 2009 New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board

All rights reserved No portion of this filing may be reproduced by any means or stored in a retrieval system for subsequent reproduction without the written permission of the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board



Original Proposed Loss Cost Level Change +58 Filing of May 15 2009

Approved Loss Cost Level Change +45

Letter of Approval Dated July 15 2009

The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15 2009 requesting an average change of +58 in manual loss cost level to become effective October 1 2009

The May 15 2009 loss cost revision included the Rating Boardrsquos estimate of the impact of the latest increases in the maximum benefit as set forth in the 2007 reform legislation and also contained experience on the basis of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year as utilized in past filings The use of two policy years has several advantages over the one policy year and one accident year of experience including more mature experience a better match of losses to premium and elimination of the experience overlap Financial data in lieu of the traditional use of unit statistical plan data was used in this revision in the determination of the frequency and severity trend factors Financial data is more current than unit plan data and is therefore more responsive to changes in cost and frequency in the determination of prospective trends

The amended filing was submitted by the Rating Board in response to a Department request

and differs from the original filing in the following area

Trend Factor ndash Although there was general agreement with the new trend methodology a more gradual introduction of this change was considered to be appropriate Consequently the approved trend factor was determined by weighing the policy year and accident year financial trends with the traditional unit statistical plan trend with more weight being given to the financial trend

The detailed Filing Memorandum that accompanied the Rating Boardrsquos original filing submission precedes the attached actuarial exhibits and provides specific information on all components of the 2009 loss cost revision The Insurance Departmentrsquos approval letter is also attached and can be found following the actuarial exhibits

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October 1 2009 Loss Cost Revision

Explanatory Memorandum

This memorandum together with the attached actuarial exhibits provides supporting documentation for an overall loss cost level change of +58 to become effective on October 1 2009

The proposed loss cost change is based on the latest statistical data reported by the Rating Boardrsquos member carriers and reflects the application of generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies

The elements contributing to the overall change are summarized below and are presented in detail on the following pages

1 Change indicated by Policy Year 2007 experience 1042

2 Change indicated by Policy Year 2006 experience 1025

3 Average change indicated by experience [(1) + (2)] 2 1034

4 Change in prospective claim cost frequency and wage levels 1000

5 Change in loss adjustment expense 1008

6 Change due to legislation 1016

7 Indicated Loss Cost Level Change (3) x (4) x (5) x (6) 1059

8 Change in catastrophe provision 1000

9 Catastrophe loss cost as percent of total loss costs 0024

10 Proposed Loss Cost Level Change [(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)] 1058

A listing of the actuarial exhibits follows the explanatory memorandum in order to provide easy reference for reviewing the underlying support for this filing 1 Experience of Policy Year 2007

The calculation of the indicated change in loss costs derived from the experience of Policy Year

2007 is presented as Exhibit B

The experience of Policy Year 2007 valued as of December 31 2008 has been compiled from the latest available statistical data submitted by the Rating Boards member companies Similar to recent years large deductible experience is included in the determination of the indicated experience change Although this experience is still viewed as unique and similar to self-insurance its inclusion reflects the Insurance Departmentrsquos long held position that this data should be included in the annual NYCIRB filing The methodology to include the large deductible experience takes into account the relative net earned premium volumes of the non-large deductible and large deductible business respectively This methodology is the same procedure that was used in the approved October 1 2008 revision The net ratios are appropriate since they represent the actual premium levels that are being charged for the respective New York business Furthermore at the previous direction of the Insurance Department the policy year indication also includes the experience of the State Insurance Fund

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Since a loss cost experience indication is being filed it is first necessary to convert reported standard premium to a loss cost base The premium as reported by the carriers is at the historical designated statistical reporting level For example Policy Year 2007 premiums are reported to the Rating Board based on the full rate level ie including expenses based on the rate level in effect for that policy year The first step in the premium adjustment process is to remove all expenses included in the historical rates (except loss adjustment expenses (LAE) which are part of the loss costs) to bring the premium from a rate level to a loss cost level The premiums generated by the expense constant are removed and the remaining premiums are then multiplied by the latest approved loss and LAE ratio (759) Now that premiums have been adjusted to the loss cost level they need to be brought to current level This adjustment is done in accordance with standard actuarial procedures reflecting the latest approved loss cost level changes This results in an overall on-level factor of 0854 for PY 2007 and 0753 for PY 2006 The on-level calculations can be seen in Exhibit E Sheet 1

Similar to previous filings the Rating Board has utilized paid plus case bases losses for the

policy year loss evaluation Indemnity and medical losses were analyzed separately in recognition of the significant differences in their respective development patterns

Losses emanating from the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have been excluded from the

ratemaking data Both policy year 2000 and policy year 2001 losses have been adjusted to remove the effects of the September 11 2001 experience that was identified and reported under Catastrophe Code 48 The definition of Catastrophe Code 48 encompasses claims directly arising from the commercial airline hijackings of September 11 2001 and the resulting subsequent events with accident dates of September 11 2001 through September 14 2001

For loss development two three four and five-year average link ratios as well as a three-year average calculated after excluding the highest and lowest points were analyzed for both indemnity and medical Development patterns can vary at various report levels but especially at the more immature valuations Consequently the methodology uses the middle three of five factors for the first to tenth reports and three-year average factors from tenth to nineteenth in order to smooth the impact of the variations in the observed development patterns Separate development factors were derived for the non-large deductible the large deductible experience and the State Insurance Fund using this same methodology

The Rating Board has used the same methodology as in the previous filings for determining the

tail factor portion of the ultimate loss development factors This method utilizes three reports of data at two successive valuations and averages these results with the tail factors calculated in the prior yearrsquos filing submission The incorporation of the previous factors is felt to be appropriate in order to further smooth the effect on development of reserve changes occurring in older policy years

Premium development factors similar to previous filings are based on five-year averages which minimize fluctuations in the observed development patterns

The private carrier non-deductible development data can be found in Exhibits BB Sheets 1 thru 2D For large deductible development exhibits labeled as Exhibit CC Sheets 1-2A are provided

Exhibit DD Sheets 1-2D contains the experience of the State Insurance Fund These pages include premium development factors for the policy year and separate indemnity and medical loss development factors Because of the large volume of State Fund data it is appropriate that projections of ultimate losses reflect this experiencersquos own development patterns

Policy year losses for the private carrier non-large deductible State Fund experience and the large deductible experience are separately adjusted to an ultimate settlement basis as described above Losses are then adjusted to reflect the current benefit level The experience period of PY 2006 and PY 2007 includes both pre-reform losses and post-reform losses Pre-reform losses are being adjusted for the full impact of the reform In theory losses that have occurred after the reform

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would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

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Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

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It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

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6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

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Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

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In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

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The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
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  • Exhibit H
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  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 2: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

copy 2009 New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board

All rights reserved No portion of this filing may be reproduced by any means or stored in a retrieval system for subsequent reproduction without the written permission of the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board



Original Proposed Loss Cost Level Change +58 Filing of May 15 2009

Approved Loss Cost Level Change +45

Letter of Approval Dated July 15 2009

The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15 2009 requesting an average change of +58 in manual loss cost level to become effective October 1 2009

The May 15 2009 loss cost revision included the Rating Boardrsquos estimate of the impact of the latest increases in the maximum benefit as set forth in the 2007 reform legislation and also contained experience on the basis of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year as utilized in past filings The use of two policy years has several advantages over the one policy year and one accident year of experience including more mature experience a better match of losses to premium and elimination of the experience overlap Financial data in lieu of the traditional use of unit statistical plan data was used in this revision in the determination of the frequency and severity trend factors Financial data is more current than unit plan data and is therefore more responsive to changes in cost and frequency in the determination of prospective trends

The amended filing was submitted by the Rating Board in response to a Department request

and differs from the original filing in the following area

Trend Factor ndash Although there was general agreement with the new trend methodology a more gradual introduction of this change was considered to be appropriate Consequently the approved trend factor was determined by weighing the policy year and accident year financial trends with the traditional unit statistical plan trend with more weight being given to the financial trend

The detailed Filing Memorandum that accompanied the Rating Boardrsquos original filing submission precedes the attached actuarial exhibits and provides specific information on all components of the 2009 loss cost revision The Insurance Departmentrsquos approval letter is also attached and can be found following the actuarial exhibits

- 1 -


October 1 2009 Loss Cost Revision

Explanatory Memorandum

This memorandum together with the attached actuarial exhibits provides supporting documentation for an overall loss cost level change of +58 to become effective on October 1 2009

The proposed loss cost change is based on the latest statistical data reported by the Rating Boardrsquos member carriers and reflects the application of generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies

The elements contributing to the overall change are summarized below and are presented in detail on the following pages

1 Change indicated by Policy Year 2007 experience 1042

2 Change indicated by Policy Year 2006 experience 1025

3 Average change indicated by experience [(1) + (2)] 2 1034

4 Change in prospective claim cost frequency and wage levels 1000

5 Change in loss adjustment expense 1008

6 Change due to legislation 1016

7 Indicated Loss Cost Level Change (3) x (4) x (5) x (6) 1059

8 Change in catastrophe provision 1000

9 Catastrophe loss cost as percent of total loss costs 0024

10 Proposed Loss Cost Level Change [(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)] 1058

A listing of the actuarial exhibits follows the explanatory memorandum in order to provide easy reference for reviewing the underlying support for this filing 1 Experience of Policy Year 2007

The calculation of the indicated change in loss costs derived from the experience of Policy Year

2007 is presented as Exhibit B

The experience of Policy Year 2007 valued as of December 31 2008 has been compiled from the latest available statistical data submitted by the Rating Boards member companies Similar to recent years large deductible experience is included in the determination of the indicated experience change Although this experience is still viewed as unique and similar to self-insurance its inclusion reflects the Insurance Departmentrsquos long held position that this data should be included in the annual NYCIRB filing The methodology to include the large deductible experience takes into account the relative net earned premium volumes of the non-large deductible and large deductible business respectively This methodology is the same procedure that was used in the approved October 1 2008 revision The net ratios are appropriate since they represent the actual premium levels that are being charged for the respective New York business Furthermore at the previous direction of the Insurance Department the policy year indication also includes the experience of the State Insurance Fund

- 2 -

Since a loss cost experience indication is being filed it is first necessary to convert reported standard premium to a loss cost base The premium as reported by the carriers is at the historical designated statistical reporting level For example Policy Year 2007 premiums are reported to the Rating Board based on the full rate level ie including expenses based on the rate level in effect for that policy year The first step in the premium adjustment process is to remove all expenses included in the historical rates (except loss adjustment expenses (LAE) which are part of the loss costs) to bring the premium from a rate level to a loss cost level The premiums generated by the expense constant are removed and the remaining premiums are then multiplied by the latest approved loss and LAE ratio (759) Now that premiums have been adjusted to the loss cost level they need to be brought to current level This adjustment is done in accordance with standard actuarial procedures reflecting the latest approved loss cost level changes This results in an overall on-level factor of 0854 for PY 2007 and 0753 for PY 2006 The on-level calculations can be seen in Exhibit E Sheet 1

Similar to previous filings the Rating Board has utilized paid plus case bases losses for the

policy year loss evaluation Indemnity and medical losses were analyzed separately in recognition of the significant differences in their respective development patterns

Losses emanating from the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have been excluded from the

ratemaking data Both policy year 2000 and policy year 2001 losses have been adjusted to remove the effects of the September 11 2001 experience that was identified and reported under Catastrophe Code 48 The definition of Catastrophe Code 48 encompasses claims directly arising from the commercial airline hijackings of September 11 2001 and the resulting subsequent events with accident dates of September 11 2001 through September 14 2001

For loss development two three four and five-year average link ratios as well as a three-year average calculated after excluding the highest and lowest points were analyzed for both indemnity and medical Development patterns can vary at various report levels but especially at the more immature valuations Consequently the methodology uses the middle three of five factors for the first to tenth reports and three-year average factors from tenth to nineteenth in order to smooth the impact of the variations in the observed development patterns Separate development factors were derived for the non-large deductible the large deductible experience and the State Insurance Fund using this same methodology

The Rating Board has used the same methodology as in the previous filings for determining the

tail factor portion of the ultimate loss development factors This method utilizes three reports of data at two successive valuations and averages these results with the tail factors calculated in the prior yearrsquos filing submission The incorporation of the previous factors is felt to be appropriate in order to further smooth the effect on development of reserve changes occurring in older policy years

Premium development factors similar to previous filings are based on five-year averages which minimize fluctuations in the observed development patterns

The private carrier non-deductible development data can be found in Exhibits BB Sheets 1 thru 2D For large deductible development exhibits labeled as Exhibit CC Sheets 1-2A are provided

Exhibit DD Sheets 1-2D contains the experience of the State Insurance Fund These pages include premium development factors for the policy year and separate indemnity and medical loss development factors Because of the large volume of State Fund data it is appropriate that projections of ultimate losses reflect this experiencersquos own development patterns

Policy year losses for the private carrier non-large deductible State Fund experience and the large deductible experience are separately adjusted to an ultimate settlement basis as described above Losses are then adjusted to reflect the current benefit level The experience period of PY 2006 and PY 2007 includes both pre-reform losses and post-reform losses Pre-reform losses are being adjusted for the full impact of the reform In theory losses that have occurred after the reform

- 3 -

would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
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  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 3: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting



Original Proposed Loss Cost Level Change +58 Filing of May 15 2009

Approved Loss Cost Level Change +45

Letter of Approval Dated July 15 2009

The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15 2009 requesting an average change of +58 in manual loss cost level to become effective October 1 2009

The May 15 2009 loss cost revision included the Rating Boardrsquos estimate of the impact of the latest increases in the maximum benefit as set forth in the 2007 reform legislation and also contained experience on the basis of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year as utilized in past filings The use of two policy years has several advantages over the one policy year and one accident year of experience including more mature experience a better match of losses to premium and elimination of the experience overlap Financial data in lieu of the traditional use of unit statistical plan data was used in this revision in the determination of the frequency and severity trend factors Financial data is more current than unit plan data and is therefore more responsive to changes in cost and frequency in the determination of prospective trends

The amended filing was submitted by the Rating Board in response to a Department request

and differs from the original filing in the following area

Trend Factor ndash Although there was general agreement with the new trend methodology a more gradual introduction of this change was considered to be appropriate Consequently the approved trend factor was determined by weighing the policy year and accident year financial trends with the traditional unit statistical plan trend with more weight being given to the financial trend

The detailed Filing Memorandum that accompanied the Rating Boardrsquos original filing submission precedes the attached actuarial exhibits and provides specific information on all components of the 2009 loss cost revision The Insurance Departmentrsquos approval letter is also attached and can be found following the actuarial exhibits

- 1 -


October 1 2009 Loss Cost Revision

Explanatory Memorandum

This memorandum together with the attached actuarial exhibits provides supporting documentation for an overall loss cost level change of +58 to become effective on October 1 2009

The proposed loss cost change is based on the latest statistical data reported by the Rating Boardrsquos member carriers and reflects the application of generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies

The elements contributing to the overall change are summarized below and are presented in detail on the following pages

1 Change indicated by Policy Year 2007 experience 1042

2 Change indicated by Policy Year 2006 experience 1025

3 Average change indicated by experience [(1) + (2)] 2 1034

4 Change in prospective claim cost frequency and wage levels 1000

5 Change in loss adjustment expense 1008

6 Change due to legislation 1016

7 Indicated Loss Cost Level Change (3) x (4) x (5) x (6) 1059

8 Change in catastrophe provision 1000

9 Catastrophe loss cost as percent of total loss costs 0024

10 Proposed Loss Cost Level Change [(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)] 1058

A listing of the actuarial exhibits follows the explanatory memorandum in order to provide easy reference for reviewing the underlying support for this filing 1 Experience of Policy Year 2007

The calculation of the indicated change in loss costs derived from the experience of Policy Year

2007 is presented as Exhibit B

The experience of Policy Year 2007 valued as of December 31 2008 has been compiled from the latest available statistical data submitted by the Rating Boards member companies Similar to recent years large deductible experience is included in the determination of the indicated experience change Although this experience is still viewed as unique and similar to self-insurance its inclusion reflects the Insurance Departmentrsquos long held position that this data should be included in the annual NYCIRB filing The methodology to include the large deductible experience takes into account the relative net earned premium volumes of the non-large deductible and large deductible business respectively This methodology is the same procedure that was used in the approved October 1 2008 revision The net ratios are appropriate since they represent the actual premium levels that are being charged for the respective New York business Furthermore at the previous direction of the Insurance Department the policy year indication also includes the experience of the State Insurance Fund

- 2 -

Since a loss cost experience indication is being filed it is first necessary to convert reported standard premium to a loss cost base The premium as reported by the carriers is at the historical designated statistical reporting level For example Policy Year 2007 premiums are reported to the Rating Board based on the full rate level ie including expenses based on the rate level in effect for that policy year The first step in the premium adjustment process is to remove all expenses included in the historical rates (except loss adjustment expenses (LAE) which are part of the loss costs) to bring the premium from a rate level to a loss cost level The premiums generated by the expense constant are removed and the remaining premiums are then multiplied by the latest approved loss and LAE ratio (759) Now that premiums have been adjusted to the loss cost level they need to be brought to current level This adjustment is done in accordance with standard actuarial procedures reflecting the latest approved loss cost level changes This results in an overall on-level factor of 0854 for PY 2007 and 0753 for PY 2006 The on-level calculations can be seen in Exhibit E Sheet 1

Similar to previous filings the Rating Board has utilized paid plus case bases losses for the

policy year loss evaluation Indemnity and medical losses were analyzed separately in recognition of the significant differences in their respective development patterns

Losses emanating from the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have been excluded from the

ratemaking data Both policy year 2000 and policy year 2001 losses have been adjusted to remove the effects of the September 11 2001 experience that was identified and reported under Catastrophe Code 48 The definition of Catastrophe Code 48 encompasses claims directly arising from the commercial airline hijackings of September 11 2001 and the resulting subsequent events with accident dates of September 11 2001 through September 14 2001

For loss development two three four and five-year average link ratios as well as a three-year average calculated after excluding the highest and lowest points were analyzed for both indemnity and medical Development patterns can vary at various report levels but especially at the more immature valuations Consequently the methodology uses the middle three of five factors for the first to tenth reports and three-year average factors from tenth to nineteenth in order to smooth the impact of the variations in the observed development patterns Separate development factors were derived for the non-large deductible the large deductible experience and the State Insurance Fund using this same methodology

The Rating Board has used the same methodology as in the previous filings for determining the

tail factor portion of the ultimate loss development factors This method utilizes three reports of data at two successive valuations and averages these results with the tail factors calculated in the prior yearrsquos filing submission The incorporation of the previous factors is felt to be appropriate in order to further smooth the effect on development of reserve changes occurring in older policy years

Premium development factors similar to previous filings are based on five-year averages which minimize fluctuations in the observed development patterns

The private carrier non-deductible development data can be found in Exhibits BB Sheets 1 thru 2D For large deductible development exhibits labeled as Exhibit CC Sheets 1-2A are provided

Exhibit DD Sheets 1-2D contains the experience of the State Insurance Fund These pages include premium development factors for the policy year and separate indemnity and medical loss development factors Because of the large volume of State Fund data it is appropriate that projections of ultimate losses reflect this experiencersquos own development patterns

Policy year losses for the private carrier non-large deductible State Fund experience and the large deductible experience are separately adjusted to an ultimate settlement basis as described above Losses are then adjusted to reflect the current benefit level The experience period of PY 2006 and PY 2007 includes both pre-reform losses and post-reform losses Pre-reform losses are being adjusted for the full impact of the reform In theory losses that have occurred after the reform

- 3 -

would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
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  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
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  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
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  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 4: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 1 -


October 1 2009 Loss Cost Revision

Explanatory Memorandum

This memorandum together with the attached actuarial exhibits provides supporting documentation for an overall loss cost level change of +58 to become effective on October 1 2009

The proposed loss cost change is based on the latest statistical data reported by the Rating Boardrsquos member carriers and reflects the application of generally accepted actuarial principles and methodologies

The elements contributing to the overall change are summarized below and are presented in detail on the following pages

1 Change indicated by Policy Year 2007 experience 1042

2 Change indicated by Policy Year 2006 experience 1025

3 Average change indicated by experience [(1) + (2)] 2 1034

4 Change in prospective claim cost frequency and wage levels 1000

5 Change in loss adjustment expense 1008

6 Change due to legislation 1016

7 Indicated Loss Cost Level Change (3) x (4) x (5) x (6) 1059

8 Change in catastrophe provision 1000

9 Catastrophe loss cost as percent of total loss costs 0024

10 Proposed Loss Cost Level Change [(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)] 1058

A listing of the actuarial exhibits follows the explanatory memorandum in order to provide easy reference for reviewing the underlying support for this filing 1 Experience of Policy Year 2007

The calculation of the indicated change in loss costs derived from the experience of Policy Year

2007 is presented as Exhibit B

The experience of Policy Year 2007 valued as of December 31 2008 has been compiled from the latest available statistical data submitted by the Rating Boards member companies Similar to recent years large deductible experience is included in the determination of the indicated experience change Although this experience is still viewed as unique and similar to self-insurance its inclusion reflects the Insurance Departmentrsquos long held position that this data should be included in the annual NYCIRB filing The methodology to include the large deductible experience takes into account the relative net earned premium volumes of the non-large deductible and large deductible business respectively This methodology is the same procedure that was used in the approved October 1 2008 revision The net ratios are appropriate since they represent the actual premium levels that are being charged for the respective New York business Furthermore at the previous direction of the Insurance Department the policy year indication also includes the experience of the State Insurance Fund

- 2 -

Since a loss cost experience indication is being filed it is first necessary to convert reported standard premium to a loss cost base The premium as reported by the carriers is at the historical designated statistical reporting level For example Policy Year 2007 premiums are reported to the Rating Board based on the full rate level ie including expenses based on the rate level in effect for that policy year The first step in the premium adjustment process is to remove all expenses included in the historical rates (except loss adjustment expenses (LAE) which are part of the loss costs) to bring the premium from a rate level to a loss cost level The premiums generated by the expense constant are removed and the remaining premiums are then multiplied by the latest approved loss and LAE ratio (759) Now that premiums have been adjusted to the loss cost level they need to be brought to current level This adjustment is done in accordance with standard actuarial procedures reflecting the latest approved loss cost level changes This results in an overall on-level factor of 0854 for PY 2007 and 0753 for PY 2006 The on-level calculations can be seen in Exhibit E Sheet 1

Similar to previous filings the Rating Board has utilized paid plus case bases losses for the

policy year loss evaluation Indemnity and medical losses were analyzed separately in recognition of the significant differences in their respective development patterns

Losses emanating from the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have been excluded from the

ratemaking data Both policy year 2000 and policy year 2001 losses have been adjusted to remove the effects of the September 11 2001 experience that was identified and reported under Catastrophe Code 48 The definition of Catastrophe Code 48 encompasses claims directly arising from the commercial airline hijackings of September 11 2001 and the resulting subsequent events with accident dates of September 11 2001 through September 14 2001

For loss development two three four and five-year average link ratios as well as a three-year average calculated after excluding the highest and lowest points were analyzed for both indemnity and medical Development patterns can vary at various report levels but especially at the more immature valuations Consequently the methodology uses the middle three of five factors for the first to tenth reports and three-year average factors from tenth to nineteenth in order to smooth the impact of the variations in the observed development patterns Separate development factors were derived for the non-large deductible the large deductible experience and the State Insurance Fund using this same methodology

The Rating Board has used the same methodology as in the previous filings for determining the

tail factor portion of the ultimate loss development factors This method utilizes three reports of data at two successive valuations and averages these results with the tail factors calculated in the prior yearrsquos filing submission The incorporation of the previous factors is felt to be appropriate in order to further smooth the effect on development of reserve changes occurring in older policy years

Premium development factors similar to previous filings are based on five-year averages which minimize fluctuations in the observed development patterns

The private carrier non-deductible development data can be found in Exhibits BB Sheets 1 thru 2D For large deductible development exhibits labeled as Exhibit CC Sheets 1-2A are provided

Exhibit DD Sheets 1-2D contains the experience of the State Insurance Fund These pages include premium development factors for the policy year and separate indemnity and medical loss development factors Because of the large volume of State Fund data it is appropriate that projections of ultimate losses reflect this experiencersquos own development patterns

Policy year losses for the private carrier non-large deductible State Fund experience and the large deductible experience are separately adjusted to an ultimate settlement basis as described above Losses are then adjusted to reflect the current benefit level The experience period of PY 2006 and PY 2007 includes both pre-reform losses and post-reform losses Pre-reform losses are being adjusted for the full impact of the reform In theory losses that have occurred after the reform

- 3 -

would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 5: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 2 -

Since a loss cost experience indication is being filed it is first necessary to convert reported standard premium to a loss cost base The premium as reported by the carriers is at the historical designated statistical reporting level For example Policy Year 2007 premiums are reported to the Rating Board based on the full rate level ie including expenses based on the rate level in effect for that policy year The first step in the premium adjustment process is to remove all expenses included in the historical rates (except loss adjustment expenses (LAE) which are part of the loss costs) to bring the premium from a rate level to a loss cost level The premiums generated by the expense constant are removed and the remaining premiums are then multiplied by the latest approved loss and LAE ratio (759) Now that premiums have been adjusted to the loss cost level they need to be brought to current level This adjustment is done in accordance with standard actuarial procedures reflecting the latest approved loss cost level changes This results in an overall on-level factor of 0854 for PY 2007 and 0753 for PY 2006 The on-level calculations can be seen in Exhibit E Sheet 1

Similar to previous filings the Rating Board has utilized paid plus case bases losses for the

policy year loss evaluation Indemnity and medical losses were analyzed separately in recognition of the significant differences in their respective development patterns

Losses emanating from the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have been excluded from the

ratemaking data Both policy year 2000 and policy year 2001 losses have been adjusted to remove the effects of the September 11 2001 experience that was identified and reported under Catastrophe Code 48 The definition of Catastrophe Code 48 encompasses claims directly arising from the commercial airline hijackings of September 11 2001 and the resulting subsequent events with accident dates of September 11 2001 through September 14 2001

For loss development two three four and five-year average link ratios as well as a three-year average calculated after excluding the highest and lowest points were analyzed for both indemnity and medical Development patterns can vary at various report levels but especially at the more immature valuations Consequently the methodology uses the middle three of five factors for the first to tenth reports and three-year average factors from tenth to nineteenth in order to smooth the impact of the variations in the observed development patterns Separate development factors were derived for the non-large deductible the large deductible experience and the State Insurance Fund using this same methodology

The Rating Board has used the same methodology as in the previous filings for determining the

tail factor portion of the ultimate loss development factors This method utilizes three reports of data at two successive valuations and averages these results with the tail factors calculated in the prior yearrsquos filing submission The incorporation of the previous factors is felt to be appropriate in order to further smooth the effect on development of reserve changes occurring in older policy years

Premium development factors similar to previous filings are based on five-year averages which minimize fluctuations in the observed development patterns

The private carrier non-deductible development data can be found in Exhibits BB Sheets 1 thru 2D For large deductible development exhibits labeled as Exhibit CC Sheets 1-2A are provided

Exhibit DD Sheets 1-2D contains the experience of the State Insurance Fund These pages include premium development factors for the policy year and separate indemnity and medical loss development factors Because of the large volume of State Fund data it is appropriate that projections of ultimate losses reflect this experiencersquos own development patterns

Policy year losses for the private carrier non-large deductible State Fund experience and the large deductible experience are separately adjusted to an ultimate settlement basis as described above Losses are then adjusted to reflect the current benefit level The experience period of PY 2006 and PY 2007 includes both pre-reform losses and post-reform losses Pre-reform losses are being adjusted for the full impact of the reform In theory losses that have occurred after the reform

- 3 -

would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
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  • Exh E
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  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
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  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
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  • Exh CC 2A
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  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 6: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 3 -

would not need to be adjusted for the full impact of the reform as they are already at the post-reform level In practice however this may not necessarily be the case At the time of the 2008 loss cost revision the NYCIRB had conducted a carrier survey and it was determined that as of 123107 carriers were still reserving post-reform losses at the pre-reform benefit levels It was therefore necessary to adjust post-reform losses by the full impact of the reform

For this filing another carrier survey was conducted It was determined that although for the most part carriers are still reserving at pre-reform benefit levels some carriers are starting to reflect the reforms in their loss reserves When examining the different components of the reform it was determined that for the change in maximum weekly benefits the reserves (as well as payments) do reflect post-reform levels However with respect to the elimination of the Special Disability Fund (SDF) the reserves as of 123108 are at levels that are similar to where these reserves would have been set in a pre-reform environment This is because the claims are very immature at this time and any impact of the elimination of the SDF will be reflected in the future development of these losses As far as the PPD section of the reform (benefit duration caps) it was determined that while most carriers are still setting reserves at pre-reform levels (primarily due to the lack of loss-of-earning-capacity guidelines) some carriers do set reserves based on their estimates of post-reform benefits The on-level calculations shown on Exhibit D Sheet 2 reflect an assumption that carriers accurately reserve post-reform losses at the proper post-reform benefit levels The displayed selected on-levels reflect the following assumptions regarding loss reserves of post-reform losses

- All reserves reflect post-reform maximum weekly benefit levels - All reserves at this point of their valuation ie 123108 do not reflect the elimination of

the SDF - 10 of losses reflect the elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps on

PPD losses - 90 of losses do not reflect elimination of lifetime benefits and application of duration caps

on PPD losses

In the selected on-level factors the 10 of losses that are reflecting post-reform PPD benefits are not adjusted for the impact of the reform but are expected to have a different development pattern than pre-reform losses A development adjustment for these losses is implicitly reflected in the selected on-level factors

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are then weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums to arrive at a increase of 42 in loss cost level based upon Policy Year 2007 experience

2 Experience of Policy Year 2006

The calculation of the change in loss cost level indicated by the experience of Policy Year 2006 is

presented in Exhibit C With this filing a second year of policy year experience is being used to determine the overall

experience indication in lieu of the traditional use of accident year data Although the use of the latest accident year provides a more recent view of experience there are several aspects inherent in this base that strongly indicate that the use of two policy years is a better all-around experience base for ratemaking purposes Specifically

Policy year data at second report is more mature than accident year experience at first report

Policy year data represents an exact match of premium and losses from the same set of policies Accident year losses do not necessarily match the premiums that were written in the same year

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 7: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 4 -

Because accident year losses are more immature than policy year larger development factors are necessary to project them to an ultimate settlement basis which increases the chance of inaccuracies in the ultimate losses

The use of two policy years in lieu of one policy year and one accident year eliminates the overlap or double counting of a certain period of experience that is common to both the latest policy year and latest accident year

Using two policy years will result in more stable outcomes since completely new data is not being introduced in each annual filing This stability concept is particularly important in the loss cost environment since more stable indications from year to year will lessen the need for the carriers to revise their loss cost multipliers whenever there is a loss cost change

Policy Year 2006 experience which is valued at a second report has been adjusted to the

current loss cost level and developed to an estimated settlement basis in the same manner as described previously for the Policy Year 2007 experience

Loss cost indications are calculated separately for the non-large deductible and large deductible

experience and are weighted on the basis of their respective net earned premiums The subsequent weighted average indicates an increase of 25 in loss cost level based on Policy Year 2006 experience

3 Average Experience Change

With equal weight being given to the 42 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2007 experience and the 25 increase indicated by the Policy Year 2006 experience the average effect of experience is an increase of 34

4 Trend Factor Analysis

The presentation of the loss portion of the trend factor is similar to previous years in that indicated trends are expressed in terms of average annual changes in claim costs and claim frequencies However with this revision the data source for these determinations is being changed from unit statistical plan (USP) data to financial call data While the use of USP data has worked reasonably well over the years this data is significantly older than other data sources and consequently is not as responsive to more recent changes in the levels of frequency or severity This lag in the USP data may not lead to a significant difference in results when trends are consistent over time However if the trend starts to change direction continuing to rely solely on USP data can result in not being able to identify the change for at least two years This could consequently lead to an overstatement or understatement of the required loss cost level change

This yearrsquos methodology bases the indicated frequency and severities primarily on the policy

year financial data with the accident year data being used as a secondary indicator in the trend analysis In addition the indicated frequency and severity trends are based directly on the financial data of all private carriers excluding large deductible experience and including the State Insurance Fund Previously separate frequencies and severities were calculated for the private carriers and State Fund and then combined on the basis of claim counts The new methodology eliminates the need to weigh together any of the underlying experience

All data has been adjusted in the same manner as under the previous methodology ie the premiums underlying the frequency calculation are adjusted to the current loss cost level and losses are adjusted to an estimated ultimate settlement basis as well as to the current benefit level in the same manner as previously described Claim counts have also been adjusted to ultimate values

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 8: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 5 -

It also should be noted that the claim counts reported in the financial data include only lost-time claims ie medical-only claim counts are not part of the analysis under the new methodology This is an improvement since while medical-only cases represent over 60 of the total claims they represent under 4 of the losses The inclusion of medical-only claims in a frequency and severity analysis can have a misleading effect on the final trend The exclusion of medical-only claims results in a greater focus on indemnity claims which are the major cost driver in the workers compensation system

Exhibit EE Sheets 1-9 show the derivation of the indicated claim frequency trend and the claim

cost trend for both indemnity and medical losses Claim frequency continues to decline in New York but at a lesser rate than seen previously

Claim costs however continue to increase with the indicated indemnity trend lower than last yearrsquos and the medical trend higher than seen in the previous filing

A wage trend analysis procedure using both an exponential and linear regression of the latest

five years of wage data from the New York State Department of Labor (DOL) is used in the wage trend calculation which is the same methodology as used in previous years The average weekly wages are derived directly from published DOL statistics for all industries Exhibit EE Sheet 10 shows the calculation of the wage trend factor produced by this methodology However in light of the current economic downturn the indicated annual wage trend of 58 will certainly exceed the actual wage levels during the prospective policy period According to the New York State Assemblyrsquos 2009 Economic Report wage growth for 2009 is expected to be less than 1 and at a 3 rate in 2010 Consequently a selected 25 annual wage trend has been selected for inclusion in the overall trend calculation

The result of the above described trend methodology produces an annual trend of +13

However with the effects of the 2007 reforms being mostly unknown or uncertain at this time and in view of the current economic uncertainty a unity trend factor has been selected as reasonable for the prospective policy period

5 Loss Adjustment Expense

The indicated change in loss adjustment expense can be found on Exhibit F

In this filing similar to last year loss adjustment expense has been determined on the basis of paid policy year and accident year Financial Call data for Defense and Cost Containment Expense (DCCE) and on Insurance Expense Exhibit data for Adjusting and Other Expense (AOE) The utilization of Financial Call data for determining DCCE provides a stable base for measuring these expenses and is the most current data available Ratios of paid DCCE to paid loss is an accurate measure of these costs since any variability over time in reserves for either loss or DCCE does not enter the calculation of this factor AOE continues to be based on Insurance Expense Exhibit data since it is the only data available with which to calculate this expense For both DCCE and AOE the effects of the 2007 reforms on losses have been taken into account The historical underlying policy year and accident year indemnity losses were brought to the post-reform benefit level in the manner that has been previously described For AOE ratios of indemnity to total loss were estimated for each calendar period and an average benefit adjustment factor was applied to the average AOE ratio The final LAE ratio of 1184 is based on five year averages of each component The proposed 1184 factor for LAE results in a +08 change in the overall loss cost level

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
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  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
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  • Exh EE 4
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  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 9: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 6 -

6 Legislative Changes

a) Increase in Maximum Weekly Benefit According to statute the maximum benefits for injured workers will increase from $550

per week to $600 per week on July 1 2009 with additional annual increases effective on July 1 of each subsequent year keyed to the statewide average weekly wage

The effect of the July 1 2009 benefit change was partially included in the October 1 2008 loss cost revision and has been fully taken into account in the adjustment of losses to the current benefit level as described earlier

The determination of the loss cost impact resulting from statutory benefit changes

subsequent to July 1 2009 that raise the maximum weekly benefit continues to be based on a universally accepted actuarial methodology developed by actuary Barney Fratello in a paper entitled The Workers Compensation Injury Table and Standard Wage Distribution Table ndash Their Development and Use in Workers Compensation Insurance Ratemaking published by the Casualty Actuarial Society This publication or portions thereof has been used for over fifty years by actuaries in all jurisdictions to price the effects of changes in the maximum weekly benefit that are either proposed or enacted by their respective state legislatures The incorporation of a statersquos current statutory maximum weekly benefit the new maximum weekly benefit the statersquos average weekly wage and the lsquoStandard Actuarial Wage Distribution Tablersquo enable an actuary to produce an accurate estimate of the benefit cost when changes to the maximum are proposed or enacted

The actual methodology used by the NYCIRB to calculate the effects of changes in the

maximum weekly benefit is a Limit Factor Analysis as set forth in Mr Fratellorsquos actuarial paper For a better understanding of the method the following should be especially noted

While the methodology refers to average benefits and wage levels these are

expressed in terms of ratios for use with the Wage Distribution Table and are not intended to be actual values

The methodology only measures changes in the minimum and maximum benefits or percentage that these benefits bear to an employeersquos wages and nothing more It assumes that the current administrative functions within the workers compensation system and the level of disability or impairment of the injured workers that determines these benefits are at the current level

The methodology also reflects potential increases in utilization of the system as a result of the large increase in benefits In other states when large benefit changes were enacted it was often seen that more claimants applied for the more generous benefits which resulted in higher actual effects than the actuarial estimates were able to predict

The determination of the overall impact in New York of increasing the maximum weekly benefit from $600 to 23 of the statewide average weekly wage per week as of July 1 2010 and July 1 2011 can be found on the attached Exhibit G Sheet 1 Exhibit G Sheets 1 and 2 display the calculation of the 2010 and 2011 benefit changes respectively The methodology is performed separately for each major injury type [death permanent total permanent partial major (gt22000 per claim) permanent partial minor (lt22000 per claim) and temporary] to recognize any variation in the maximum as a percent of wage that is provided for by statute Recognition has also been given to the lower wage levels of PPD claimants and the manner of determining benefits that is used by the WCB for PPD cases This is consistent with last yearrsquos calculation

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
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  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 10: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 7 -

Once the indicated changes are determined by injury type these changes are applied to the latest distribution of incurred losses by injury type in order to obtain the estimated change in total indemnity costs The resultant indicated indemnity change is then weighted with the distribution of indemnity and medical losses based on 2007 policy year financial data to obtain an overall change The NYCIRB analysis then includes a utilization factor of 110 that contemplates the additional utilization of the workers compensation system as a result of the significantly higher benefit level This adjustment is consistent with the utilization factor used in last yearrsquos analysis

The increase in the maximum weekly benefit is expected to result in a 15 increase in

total workers compensation claim costs b) Other Legislative Changes

Hospital Surcharge As part of the approved 2009 New York budget legislation the surcharge on hospital inpatient and outpatient services imposed by the Health Care Reform Act is being increased from 895 to 963 effective April 1 2009 Exhibit G Sheet 4 contains the derivation of an indicated 01 increase in loss costs as a result of the change in the hospital surcharge

Medical Treatment Guidelines Medical treatment guidelines relative to four body parts was developed and published by the Workersrsquo Compensation Board in 2008 At this time the guidelines are not mandatory Medical care may improve as a result of the guidelines either by increasing the level of treatment in some cases or by decreasing the amount of treatment in other cases In addition the level of system utilization may depend on the enforceability of the guidelines In the long term the guidelines may also result in a decrease in return to work time These effects cannot be quantified at this time and will be reflected through future loss experience Consequently no explicit provision has been included in this filing for this section of the reform PPD Duration It is also too early to reevaluate the estimates of the impact of the sections of the reform relating to the implementation of benefit durations on non-schedule PPDs First impairment rating guidelines are not yet developed This makes the reserving process for PPD claims extremely difficult In addition these claims according to the carrier survey would normally be classified at least two years after the date of the accident The first post-reform claims are therefore just starting to emerge and no credible data is yet available to quantify any impact

The mandatory settlement offers as well as compelling carriers to pay the present values of these claims into the Aggregate Trust Fund may significantly reduce the carriersrsquo negotiation leverage in trying to reach a settlement and as a result put upward pressure on claim costs

In summary there is still significant uncertainty in the way the claims process will evolve under the new system Therefore while not including any new explicit reform provisions in this filing the Rating Board will continue to monitor and study the reform conduct additional surveys and examine other possibilities to obtain data which may be helpful in reevaluating cost impacts of the reforms that may be reflected in future loss cost filings

7 Catastrophe Provisions

In December 2007 the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (TRIPRA) extended the federal back stop for terrorism through December 31 2014 In response to the increased carrier retentions required by the Act the loss cost provision for terrorism was increased as part of the approved October 1 2008 loss cost filing The loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents was also changed at that time

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 11: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 8 -

In this filing no change in the catastrophe provision for either terrorism or natural disasters and catastrophic industrial accidents is being proposed

8 Industry Group Differentials

Industry group differentials are used to more equitably distribute the overall loss cost level change to individual employer classifications Nine industry groups are used in this analysis and are listed below

Food and Beverage Manufacturing Stores and Dealers-WholesaleRetail Chemical Manufacturing Professional and Office All Other Manufacturing Services Contracting Miscellaneous Maritime Admiralty and Federal

The industry group methodology entails a compilation of the latest three years of Unit Statistical Plan data into the nine industry groups and utilizes loss ratios as the basis for calculating a differential for each group relative to the statewide average (Exhibit I Sheet 1) The underlying premium base is standard premium on current loss cost level and includes payroll development Incurred losses have been developed to ultimate and are at the pre-2007 benefit level The methodology includes trend and utilizes other factors as previously described Credibility for each industry group is based on the three-year total number of compensable claims with the total number of lost-time claims for all groups combined as the standard for full credibility Partial credibility for each group in this revision is determined by the formula (NT)^23 where N is the three-year total of lost-time claims for the industry group and T is the three-year total of all lost-time claims The complement of credibility is the loss ratio for all groups combined Indicated differentials are calculated by relating each credibility weighted industry grouprsquos loss ratio to the overall total loss ratio As in past revisions an additional refinement to the indicated differential is included which recognizes different wage trends by industry group (Exhibit I Sheet 2) The final differentials will be applied as part of the process which calculates loss costs from class pure premiums The use of relativities by industry group provides a more refined and equitable distribution of the overall loss cost level to each class To ensure overall balance after the differentials are applied in the determination of class loss costs a test of loss costs will become the final step in the process

Loss cost changes for each classification will be limited to + 25 from the calculated industry

group change to minimize the swings in loss cost level by class while still maintaining a proper relativity structure

9 Construction Classification Territory Off-Balance

In accordance with the Construction Employment Payroll Limitation Law (Chapter 135 of the Laws of 1998) the weekly payroll limitation for construction employments will increase to $900 on July 1 2009 as a result of the increase in the maximum weekly benefit

In recognition of this payroll limitation relative to todayrsquos wage levels revised territory

differentials have been developed in accordance with the methodology approved by the Department at the inception of this program in 1999 Updated construction wage data was obtained from the New York Department of Labor and was projected into the prospective policy period The standard actuarial wage distribution table was then used to estimate the percentage of payroll by territory that would be eliminated by the $900 weekly cap

The average statewide differential proposed for October 1 2009 is 04 which when calculated

by territory is as follows Territory 1 (NYC) 05 Territory 2 (surrounding counties) 04 Territory 3 (remainder) 03

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 12: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

- 9 -

The change in the off-balance represents an overall 24 decrease below the current average differential of 29 However the estimated overall premium level effect for all construction classes is 00 since the differentials merely offset the effect of the capped payrolls on manual premiums

The derivation of the October 1 2009 territory differentials can be found in Appendix B

10 Classification Pure Premiums

Classification pure premiums are based on the experience of all carriers for the five-policy years

2002 - 2006 excluding the experience of self-rated risks In addition losses over $1200000 per claim (State Act) and $1800000 (Federal Act) are excluded from the pure premium development Consistent with past revisions five years of experience are used to determine the proposed pure premiums for all classes irrespective of credibility

Complete details with respect to the classification experience are contained in a separate

document that will be provided to the Department under separate cover

11 Changes in Loss Cost by Classification and Industry Group

A table showing the percentage change in loss cost level for each classification and industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs are to be increased or decreased as well as those to which no change will be applicable will be provided upon approval

12 Total Change

As a result of the above analyses a loss cost level change of +59 is indicated When combined with no change in the catastrophe provisions an overall +58 change is proposed

13 New York State Assessment

A separate identifiable policy charge referred to as the New York State Assessment has been in effect since April 1 1994 as the mechanism to fund the costs of the Workers Compensation Board the Reopened Case Fund the Special Disability Fund the Special Funds Conservation Committee and Interdepartmental Expenses The current percentage charge calculated by the Rating Board effective October 1 2008 is 134 of standard premium

Based on the latest available information from the Workers Compensation Board and Special

Funds Conservation Committee the percentage of standard premium required to fund these costs for policies effective October 1 2009 is estimated to be 142 or a 07 increase from the current level The derivation of this policy charge is contained in Appendix A and utilizes the standard methodology for determining this charge

14 Effective Date

It is proposed that the filed loss costs and related rating values after approval by the Insurance Department become effective on October 1 2009 for new and renewal business observing the established rating anniversary date in accordance with the provisions of Rule I Section G of the New York Workers Compensation and Employers Liability Manual


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 13: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting


New York Workers Compensation

2009 Loss Cost Revision

List of Exhibits

Principal Exhibits

Exhibit A - Summary - All Elements

Exhibit B - Determination of Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit C - Determination of Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication

Exhibit D - On-Level Factors

Exhibit E - Trend Factors

Exhibit F - Loss Adjustment Expense

Exhibit G - Legislative Changes

Exhibit H - Terrorism and Natural Catastrophes

Exhibit I - Industry Group Differentials

Exhibit J - Pure Premium Multipliers

Exhibit K - Loss Cost Level Changes by Industry Group

Exhibit L - Loss Cost Swing Limits by Industry Group

Supporting Exhibits

Exhibit AA - Test of Loss Cost Level

Exhibit BB Sheet 1 - Private Carrier Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit BB Sheets 2 ndash 2D - Private Carrier Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheet 1 - Large Deductible Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit CC Sheets 2 ndash 2A - Large Deductible Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheet 1 - State Ins Fund Policy Year Premium Development Factors

Exhibit DD Sheets 2 ndash 2D - State Insurance Fund Policy Year Loss Development Factors

Exhibit EE Sheets 1 ndash 10 - Trend Analysis


Appendix A - New York State Assessment

Appendix B - Construction Class Territory Differentials

Insurance Department Letter of Approval

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 14: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit A Amended

1 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2007 Experience (Exhibit B) 1042

2 Loss Cost change indicated by Policy Year 2006 Experience (Exhibit C) 1025

3 Average Loss Cost change indicated by Experience [(1)+(2)] 2 1034

4 Projected change in Loss Costs (Trend Exhibit E) 0988

5 Change in Loss Adjustment Expenses (Exhibit F) 1008

6 Legislative Changes (Exhibit G) 1016

7 Indicated Change 1046[(3) x (4) x (5) x (6)]

8 Change in Catastrophe Provision (Exhibit H) 1000

9 Catastrophe Provision premium as percent of total premium 0024

10 Total Proposed Loss Cost Level Change 1045[(7) x (10 - (9)] + [(8) x (9)]




Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 15: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit B

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1520935302 0854 0971 1261211264b Large Deductible 661359258 0854 1022 577226424c SIF 1218491551 0854 1001 1041632376d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2739426853 2302843640

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 332580604 0755 2343 588323448 0466 ------b Large Deductible 125854267 0755 2806 266626040 ------ 0462c SIF 261186892 0755 2466 486356107 0467 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 593767496 1074679555 0467 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 315477913 0995 1952 612733822 0486 ------b Large Deductible 125524959 0995 2433 303875214 ------ 0526c SIF 212872377 0995 1619 342931749 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 528350290 955665571 0415 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0882 0988Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1036 1161

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0951 0049

7 Final Policy Year 2007 Loss Cost Indication 1042

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2007 Experience



Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 16: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit C

To Adjusted Excl Lge Ded Lge DedValued as of 9302009 Development Data Loss Cost Loss Cost12312008 Levels Factors (1) x (2) x (3) Change Change

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 Expected Total Lossesa Excl Large Ded 1477850210 0753 0979 1089451963b Large Deductible 727227008 0753 0995 544863927c SIF 1312923898 0753 0990 978745378d Total Std Ed Prem a+c 2790774108 2068197341

2 Case Basis Indemnity Lossesa Excl Large Ded 376456393 0772 1668 484761391 0445 ------b Large Deductible 192061325 0772 1835 272077914 ------ 0499c SIF 420770920 0772 1501 487577561 0498 ------d Total Ind Losses a+c 797227313 972338952 0470 ------

3 Case Basis Medical Lossesa Excl Large Ded 300292599 0984 1651 487850552 0448 ------b Large Deductible 155833514 0984 1904 291959698 ------ 0536c SIF 237208418 0984 1381 322343468 0329 ------d Total Med Losses a+c 537501017 810194020 0392 ------

4 Indicated Change in Indemnity amp Medical Loss Costs 0862 1035Col(5) = (2d) + (3d) Col (6) = (2b) + (3b)

5 Loss Cost Change incl Loss Adjustment Expense (4) x 1175 1013 1216

6 Weights Based on Net Earned Premium 0943 0057

7 Final Policy Year 2006 Loss Cost Indication 1025

[Col (5) (5)(6)] + [Col (6) (5)(6)]

See Exhibit D

Development Factors are from Exhibit BB for private carriers Exhibit CC for Large Deductible Exhibit DD for SIF

Expected Losses are derived from standard premium at NYCIRB level adjusted by the latest approved expectedloss amp LAE ratio of 0759

Underlying standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $39540240Underlying large deductible premium excludes expense constant premium of $4393360Underlying SIF standard earned premium excludes expense constant premium of $42966600

Determination of Change in Manual Loss Cost Level

Experience of All Carriers

Policy Year 2006 Experience



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 17: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 1

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section A - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0969 0969 0753

OS 100107 0839 0839 0031 0026NR 100107 0809 0809 0000 0000NR 100108 0926 0749


Section B - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Loss Costs to Present Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Rate Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

NR 100105 Base 1000 0281 0281 0854

OS 100107 0839 0839 0469 0393NR 100107 0809 0809 0250 0202NR 100108 0926 0749



2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 18: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 2

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section C - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0678 0678 0876

031307 0563 0563 0197 0111070107 1285 0724 0125 0090070108 1035 0749 0000 0000070109 1028 0770


Selected 0772 (see explanatory memorandum)

Section D - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Indemnity Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0019 0019 1076

031307 0563 0563 0106 0059070107 1285 0724 0750 0543070108 1035 0749 0125 0094070109 1028 0770


Selected 0755 (see explanatory memorandum)


2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 19: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

2009 RevisionExhibit DSheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of On-level Factors

Section E - Factor Adjusting 2006 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0969 0969 0984

100107 0983 0983 0031 00310999

Section F - Factor Adjusting 2007 Policy Year Medical Losses To Present Benefit Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Benefit Adj FactorLevel Cumulative Product Cumulative Index

Date Change Index Weight (2)x(3) Sum Column (4)

010106 Base 1000 0281 0281 0995

100107 0983 0983 0719 07070988


Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 20: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 71509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit E


(A) Annual Loss Trend

Policy Year Accident Year Policy Year WeightedFinancial Financial Unit Reports Average

(1) Indemnity Claim Cost Trend 10394 10487 10329

(2) Indemnity Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09532

(3) Indemnity Loss Trend [(1) x (2)] 10221 10236 09846

(4) Medical Claim Cost Trend 10714 10717 10700

(5) Medical Claim Frequency Trend 09834 09761 09545

(6) Medical Loss Trend [(4) x (5)] 10536 10461 10213

(7) Indemnity Weight 05200 05200 05200

(8) Medical Weight 04800 04800 04800

(9) Indicated Annual Loss Trend [(3)x(7) + (6)x(8)] 10372 10344 10022

(10) Weights 045 010 045 10212

(B) Annual Wage Trend (Selected) 10250

(C) Annual LossWage Trend (A10) (B) 09963

(D) Trended to Average Accident Date (D)^325 09880

(E) Final LossWage Trend Factor 0988

Policy Year 2007 adjusted ultimate losses - See Exhibit B

Average Annual Change



Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 21: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit F

Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCE Paid DCCE Ultimate Paid DCCEPY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss AY DCCE Factor to Ult DCCE Ult Indem+ Med Loss Ratio to Loss

1994 55438878 1195 66249459 850928986 0078 1995 55086302 1101 60650019 891603881 00681995 50115197 1213 60789734 824140888 0074 1996 48292999 1109 53556936 766877699 00701996 49721398 1228 61057877 769948363 0079 1997 53277017 1114 59350597 851941576 00701997 54759253 1246 68230029 836342714 0082 1998 57487063 1120 64385511 918625023 00701998 60653092 1265 76726161 954393247 0080 1999 65194625 1133 73865510 1052380782 00701999 68213729 1297 88473207 1026430593 0086 2000 69004842 1160 80045617 1094023075 00732000 70791269 1338 94718718 1026119637 0092 2001 69526317 1198 83292528 1013075292 00822001 65147506 1391 90620181 929806723 0097 2002 65330646 1248 81532646 1009230672 00812002 65367230 1466 95828359 991040343 0097 2003 61309813 1318 80806334 1012124308 00802003 59759506 1572 93941943 942951681 0100 2004 55376825 1425 78911976 896321632 00882004 53348440 1743 92986331 845883872 0110 2005 50726153 1604 81364749 901994084 00902005 50002470 2013 100654972 864387679 0116 2006 48385947 1934 93578421 932730030 01002006 43325148 2591 112255458 898369956 0125 2007 38314408 2789 106858884 1 053204233 01012007 31395686 4392 137889853 1097219075 0126 2008 15308272 8108 124119979 1 174365727 0106

Source New York Financial Data Calls Source New York Financial Data Calls Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0096 Indemnity losses are adjusted to the current benefit level All Year Average 0082

Average 2003-2007 0115 Average 2004-2008 0097

New York Workers Compensation

Loss Adjustment Expense Analysis (Private Carrier Experience)

Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Policy Year 1208 Paid Defense amp Cost Containment Expense by Accident Year 1208

Average 2005-2007 0122 Average 2006-2008 0102

Adjustments for Large Deductibles Inc AOECY Incurred Losses AOE Incurred Adj to AOE Adj to Loss Ratio to Loss

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1995 9558603000 1033949000 00075 069 00801996 11140964000 1272801000 00075 069 00841997 10772792000 1047294000 00075 067 00701998 12240243000 1772564000 00100 066 01021999 12190030000 1191923000 00100 066 00712000 13036758000 1271399000 00080 066 00702001 16499675000 1572009000 00080 066 00682002 19625724000 1733224000 00080 063 00612003 20131432000 1503135000 00070 064 00522004 21158156700 1891204800 00040 064 00602005 21516206058 1986173553 00070 065 00652006 19786622352 1948192140 00080 065 00692007 18513969963 1746118572 00090 067 00692008 22161623000 1960693000 00090 067 0065

Source Insurance Expense Exhibit (5) = (2)(1)+(3) x (4) All Year Average 0084

5 Year Average 0078

3 Year Average 0081

Adj for reform by factor of 0838

Final DCCE 0106(5 yr avg PY amp AY)Final AOE 0078

Total LAE 0184

Adjusting and Other Expenses Incurred

Current LAE 0175

Change in LAE 10088

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
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  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 22: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by the NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit G

Sheet 1

Proposed Weight in FilingDate Max Benefit Cumulative Impact Effective Period Filing Impact(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


Base - 1000 0281 00

July 1 2010 $685 20 1020 0688 14

July 1 2011 $699 03 1023 0031 01

Total Filing Impact 15

New York Workers Compensation

Proposed Benefit Changes

Est Increase in Cost


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 23: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 2

Maximum July 1 2010 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 2010 July 1 2009 July 1 20103 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $68523 $60000 $685236 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3) $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $102779 $89996 $1027798 Avg Weekly Wage $102779 $102779 $102779 $102779 $50261 $50261 $50261 $50261 $102779 $1027799 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 015 015 015 015 030 030 030 030 015 01510 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 088 100 088 100 179 204 179 204 088 10011 B Value for (9) 00653 00653 00653 00653 07270 07270 07270 07270 00653 0065312 B Value for (10) 288185 376181 288185 376181 820043 886603 820043 886603 288185 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 287532 375528 287532 375528 812773 879333 812773 879333 287532 37552814 A Value for (9) 06872 06872 06872 06872 34475 34475 34475 34475 06872 0687215 A Value for (10) 486143 579869 486143 579869 919437 954407 919437 954407 486143 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 513857 420131 513857 420131 80563 45593 80563 45593 513857 42013117 (9) x (14) 01031 01031 01031 01031 10343 10343 10343 10343 01031 0103118 Product (10 )x (16) 452194 420131 452194 420131 144208 93010 144208 93010 452194 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (18) 740757 796690 740757 796690 967323 982685 967323 982685 740757 79669020 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x (19) $76134 $81883 $76134 $81883 $48619 $49391 $48619 $49391 $76134 $8188321 Average Weekly Benefit $50759 $54591 $50759 $54591 $32414 $32929 $32414 $32929 $50759 $5459122 Indicated Change in Costs - 76 - 76 - 16 - 16 - 76

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2009 Benefit Change July 1 2010

Death $80307928 76 $86411330Permanent Total $220668176 76 $237438957Permanent Partial - Major $995429186 16 $1011356053Permanent Partial - Minor $44471212 16 $45182752Temporary $142587532 76 $153424185

Total Indemnity $1483464034 34 $1533813276

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0523Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0477

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 18( 61 x 1034)+ (39 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utilization 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 20

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $69871855

New York Workers Compensation


Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 24: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 041009 Exhibit GBy The NYCIRB Sheet 3

New York Workers Compensation

Maximum July 1 2011 = 23 SAWW Per Week

1 Injury Type Death Permanent Total Perm Partial - Major Perm Partial - Minor TemporaryCurrent Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed Current Proposed

2 Effective Date July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 2011 July 1 2010 July 1 20113 Compensation 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 06667 066674 Minimum Comp $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $10000 $100005 Maximum Comp $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $69893 $68523 $698936 Eff Wkly Wage for Min (4) (3) $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $14999 $149997 Eff Wkly Wage for Max (5) (3 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $104834 $102779 $1048348 Avg Weekly Wage $104834 $104834 $104834 $104834 $51266 $51266 $51266 $51266 $104834 $1048349 Ratio to Avg -Min- (6)(8) 014 014 014 014 029 029 029 029 014 01410 Ratio to Avg -Max- (7)(8) 098 100 098 100 200 204 200 204 098 10011 B Value for (9) 00527 00527 00527 00527 06388 06388 06388 06388 00527 0052712 B Value for (10) 361452 376181 361452 376181 877801 886603 877801 886603 361452 37618113 Difference (12) - (11) 360925 375654 360925 375654 871413 880215 871413 880215 360925 37565414 A Value for (9) 06002 06002 06002 06002 31487 31487 31487 31487 06002 0600215 A Value for (10) 564991 579869 564991 579869 950049 954407 950049 954407 564991 57986916 Difference 100 - (15) 435009 420131 435009 420131 49951 45593 49951 45593 435009 42013117 (9) x (14) 00840 00840 00840 00840 09131 09131 09131 09131 00840 0084018 Product (10 )x (16) 426309 420131 426309 420131 99902 93010 99902 93010 426309 42013119 Limit Factor (13) + (17) + (1 788074 796625 788074 796625 980446 982356 980446 982356 788074 79662520 Eff Avg Weekly Wage (8) x ( $82617 $83514 $82617 $83514 $50264 $50362 $50264 $50362 $82617 $8351421 Average Weekly Benefit $55081 $55679 $55081 $55679 $33511 $33576 $33511 $33576 $55081 $5567922 Indicated Change in Costs - 11 - 11 - 02 - 02 - 11

PPD average wage adjusted for average disability rating

New York Incurred Losses July 1 2010 Benefit Change July 1 2011

Death $86411330 11 $87361855Permanent Total $237438957 11 $240050785Permanent Partial - Major $1011356053 02 $1013378765Permanent Partial - Minor $45182752 02 $45273117Temporary $153424185 11 $155111851

Total Indemnity $1533813276 05 $1541176373

Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Plan data for all carriers on level and developed to estimated ultimate

Indemnity Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0541Medical Losses as Percent of Total Losses 0459

2009 Loss Cost Filing

Estimated Claim Cost Effect of Benefit Change = 03( 63 x 1005)+ (37 x 100) - 100

Factor to Reflect Expected Increase in System Utiliza 110

Estimated Rate Level Effect of Benefit Change = 03

Estimated Premium Effect of Benefit Change = $10690394


Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
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  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 25: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 42309 2009 Revision

By The NYCIRB Exhibit G

Sheet 4

1 HCRA Surcharge 4109 ‐ 123111 00963

2 HCRA Surcharge 1106 ‐33109 00895

3 Difference ‐ New Current (1) ‐ (2) 00068

4 Hospital as Total Medical 028

5 Change in Surcharge on Medical (3) x (4) 00019

6 Medical as Total Losses in 2009 Filing 049

7 Total Loss Cost Impact (5) x (6) 01

NY Dept of Health

WCRI Updated Baseline NY Report ‐ April 2009

New York Workers Compensation

Impact of Change in Health Care Reform Act Hospital Surcharge


NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 26: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

NYCIRB 2009 Loss Cost Revision Exhibit H

New York Workers Compensation

Terrorism and Catastrophe Charges

In the October 1 2008 loss cost filing the charge for terrorism was changed to reflect the

higher carrier retentions required by the enactment of the Terrorism Ris k Ins urance Program

Reauthorization Act of 2007 (TRIPRA) The charge for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents was also changed at that time

In this filing no changes to these catastrophe charges are being proposed Consequently the

currently approved loss cost for terrorism will remain at $ 038 per $100 of payroll (29 of

premium for per capita classes) and the current loss cost for natural disasters and catastrophic

industrial accidents will remain at $ 008 per $100 of payroll (07 of premiu m for per capita



Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 27: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 1

Standard Incurred USP Number of Indicated Differential FinalPolicy Earned Prem Losses on Loss Compensable Group Cred Wtd Ind Group Adjustment Ind Group

Industry Group Year On 102008 Level On 102008 Level Ratio Cases Credibility Loss Ratio Differential Factor Differential

2004 $85186690 $55100362 1533FoodampBev Mfg 2005 $78129747 $54394835 1410

2006 $70198157 $54293299 1255

Total $233514594 $163788496 0701 4198 0094 0729 0998 1009 1007

2004 $25100729 $15302548 437Chemical Mfg 2005 $24730869 $16619055 449

2006 $32967866 $19844253 406

Total $82799463 $51765856 0625 1292 0043 0728 0996 1013 1009

2004 $298026942 $229669722 5560All Other Mfg 2005 $295399114 $222937716 4980

2006 $325243964 $229080502 4600

Total $918670021 $681687940 0742 15140 0220 0734 1005 0995 1000

2004 $711152724 $595812605 6467Contracting 2005 $748469848 $559652532 6342

2006 $736799028 $718813678 6377

Total $2196421599 $1874278816 0853 19186 0258 0764 1045 1004 1049

2004 $358998445 $247280457 6342StoresampDealers 2005 $364511609 $256347847 6342

2006 $388658218 $245313333 6058

Total $1112168271 $748941637 0673 18742 0254 0717 0982 1013 0994

2004 $634651210 $435464786 10281ProfampOffice 2005 $665110802 $396412233 8678

2006 $711272380 $406573015 8296

Total $2011034392 $1238450034 0616 27255 0326 0694 0950 0990 0941

2004 $982551133 $730457915 17232Services 2005 $946231210 $743751031 16357

2006 $1064405288 $717663117 15972

Total $2993187631 $2191872062 0732 49561 0486 0732 1002 1001 1004

2004 $184085881 $138418969 3651Miscellaneous 2005 $198603337 $168749299 3626

2006 $189756590 $159694182 3375

Total $572445808 $466862451 0816 10652 0174 0747 1022 0985 1007

2004 $9170466 $4320473 107MarAdm Fed 2005 $8466897 $4779928 109

2006 $19241818 $11165867 167

Total $36879181 $20266267 0550 383 0019 0729 0997 1018 1015

2004 $3288924219 $2451827837 51610All Ind Groups 2005 $3329653433 $2423644475 48293

2006 $3538543308 $2562441247 46506

Total $10157120960 $7437913560 0732 146409 1000 0731 1000 1000 1000

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of Industry Group Differentials


Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
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  • Exhibit H
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  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 28: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 42409 October 2009 RevisionBy The NYCIRB Exhibit I

Sheet 2New York Workers Compensation

Industry Group Differential Adjustment Factor Calculation

Effect of MedIndIndustry Indemnity Medical Total Avg Annual Wage trendsGroup Losses Losses Losses Wage Trend On Ind Group

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 $88808312 $74980183 $163788496 1039 103102 $27574212 $24191645 $51765856 1036 103793 $362704792 $318983148 $681687940 1053 099984 $1230932579 $643346237 $1874278816 1031 104935 $380557022 $368384615 $748941637 1038 103286 $624666672 $613783362 $1238450034 1059 098737 $1150554809 $1041317254 $2191872062 1047 101278 $238681705 $228180746 $466862451 1063 097879 $10963604 $9302664 $20266267 1030 10503

Total $4115443707 $3322469852 $7437913560 1052 09351

(7) Annual Indemnity Trend from 102009 rate revision 1021

(8) Annual Medical Trend from 102009 rate revision 1053

Effect by Group(6) = MedLossTrend(8)^225 Group Wage Trend(5)^225Effect for Total(6) = IndLossTrend(8)^225 Total Wage Trend(5)^225

Factors to Normalized

Industry Adjust Indicated Adjustment

Group Differentials Factors

(9) (10) (11)

1 09790 1009

2 09831 1013

3 09654 0995

4 09743 1004

5 09832 1013

6 09610 0990

7 09720 1001

8 09564 0985

9 09880 1018

Total 09706 1000

Factors are weighted on total losses


Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 29: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by the 2009 RevisionNYCIRB Exhibit J



Policy Year 1012009Needed Provision Including RLAF amp Extension at Pure Premium Pure Premium

Provision for Losses in 100108 Rates for Losses on Change in Trend 10109 Final Correction Factors Multipliers Including LTF RLAF amp Wage Factor(a) 2009 Level (b) Wage Factor Pure Premiums (2)(4) (3)(4)

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Serious 1308385721 1444496172 1445107264 1421930539 10159 10163Non-Serious 201369790 208426826 208515001 226428281 09205 09209Medical 1278311248 1298725213 1299274636 1363771560 09523 09527

2788066759 2951648212 2952896901 3012130380

Pure Premium MultipliersIndustry Group Industry Group

Industry Group Differential Off-Balance(c) Serious Non-Serious Medical

1 - Food amp Beverage Manufacturing 1007 100367 10163 09209 095272 - Chemical Manufacturing 1009 107549 10163 09209 095273 - All Other Manufacturing 1000 100844 10163 09209 095274 - Contracting 1049 102605 10163 09209 095275 - Stores amp Dealers 0994 099161 10163 09209 095276 - Professional amp Office 0941 117869 10163 09209 095277 - Sevices - All Other 1004 096196 10163 09209 09527

- Servants Per Capita (d) 1004 096196 09915 08984 092958 - Miscellaneous 1007 095928 10163 09209 095279 - Maritime Admiralty amp Federal - NY 1015 098832 10163 09209 09527

- US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517 US(e) 1015 098832 10264 09079 09517

Manual Loss Cost = (Final Pure Premiums X Pure Premium Multipliers) X Change in LAE of 1008 X Industry Group Differentials X Industry Group Off-Balance X (f) subject to swing limits of +- 25 of the industry group change

(a) Obtained by multiplying Policy Year 2006 payrolls for all carriers by present Underlying Pure Premiums and Loss TrendWage Factor and Rate Level Adjustment Factor from the 2008 Loss Cost Revision Includes a test correction factor of 09651715

(b) Column (1) Total was multiplied by the Policy Year indication (1042) and the Benefit Change (1016) and Serious Non-Serious and Medical were then made proportional to the Policy Year 2006 Unit Statistical Report data

(c) Reflects balancing factor and the premium effect of limiting each class loss cost change to within 25 of its industry group change(d) Not subject to Wage Factor of 1025(e) All US Multipliers include a factor of 1034 to reflect the difference between USL Assessment for Special Funds (1416)

and New York Assessments (1369)(f) For classes eligible for the New York Construction Classification Premium Adjustment Program an off-balance factor of 1039 is also applied


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 30: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting


BY INDUSTRY GROUP Set forth below are the percentage changes in manual loss cost level for each industry group and the number of classifications for which loss costs were increased or decreased as well as those for which no change was developed

Industry Group

Percentage Change

In Manual Loss Cost Level Decreased Unchanged Increased

Total of


1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal














































TOTAL +46 180 10 372 562


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 31: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting


BY INDUSTRY GROUP The manual loss costs were calculated to fall within the following swing limits

Industry Group Upper Limit Lower Limit

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg

2 Chemical Mfg

3 All Other Mfg

4 Contracting

5 Stores amp Dealers

6 Professional and Office

7 Services

8 Miscellaneous

9 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal



















Upper and lower limits are +-25 of the respective industry group change as shown in Exhibit K The classifications which have been limited are listed below

List of Classifications Limited by Upper Swing

0908 2818 4583 5462 6306 7231 8215 8382 0909 3081 5037 5473 6319 7242 8227 8385 1439 3129 5057 5507 6400 7538 8235 9029 2380 3385 5069 5545 6872 7601 8265 9044 2388 4279 5102 5547 7016 8021 8291 9539 2640 4420 5222 5648 7024 8031 8292 9552 2790 4561 5428 5954 7047 8033 8381

List of Classifications Limited by Lower Swing

8833 8854 8864

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 32: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by the 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit AA



Excluding the Experience of Self-Insured Risks

Premium at Premium at Loss Cost10012008 10012009 Level Change

Industry Group Loss Costs Loss Costs (3)(2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Food amp Beverage Mfg $65349117 $69927568 10702 Chemical Mfg $28380984 $30400863 10713 All Other Mfg $248179087 $263727315 10634 Contracting $666779214 $743214493 11155 Stores amp Dealers $282335756 $298293183 10576 Professional and Office $645758081 $598870835 09277 Services $796212085 $850469892 10688 Miscellaneous $143263559 $153434476 10719 Maritime Admiralty amp Federal $10794571 $11648878 1079

A Total Loss Cost Change $2887052454 $3019987504 1046

B Change in Catastrophe Provisions (Exhibit H) 1000

C Overall Change[ (A) x 976] + [ (B) x (10-976)] 1045

Based on Policy Year 2006 New York Unit Statistical Plan Experience

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 33: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1550921741 1549292094 09991999 Dev 56 1628854568 1616669216 09932000 Dev 56 1701903910 1704909876 10022001 Dev 56 1619258749 1603122112 09902002 Dev 56 1624282483 1623477309 1000

1999 Dev 45 1630413496 1631537303 10012000 Dev 45 1720951917 1715275219 09972001 Dev 45 1619896756 1618492332 09992002 Dev 45 1623372125 1606019899 09892003 Dev 45 1668714799 1669637996 1001

2000 Dev 34 1726266517 1729625609 10022001 Dev 34 1624481775 1624581860 10002002 Dev 34 1619434969 1624598038 10032003 Dev 34 1668067525 1652025083 09902004 Dev 34 1645731449 1646987275 1001

2001 Dev 23 1658501398 1634596090 09862002 Dev 23 1637998555 1623024322 09912003 Dev 23 1670802481 1668910438 09992004 Dev 23 1671545803 1619462292 09692005 Dev 23 1817692752 1790745498 0985

2002 Dev 12 1673551341 1641741154 09812003 Dev 12 1663828560 1668983128 10032004 Dev 12 1651158873 1659515138 10052005 Dev 12 1814486730 1785163628 09842006 Dev 12 2013366362 1986221936 0987

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUltAll Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0986 0999 0997 0997 1000Age to Ult 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 0995 0986 0999 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 0973 0978 0992 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 0992 0984 0998 0996 0997 1000Age to Ult 0967 0975 0991 0993 0997 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0986 0977 0996 0995 0995 1000Age to Ult 0950 0963 0986 0990 0995 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 0971 0979 0993 0994 0997 1000

Premium development based on all year average


Development Factors - Premiums

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
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  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
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  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 34: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 637285287 652652991 10241995 Dev 910 610626004 621735369 10181996 Dev 910 560124609 568899161 10161997 Dev 910 595406611 593001197 09961998 Dev 910 674678261 681107349 1010

1995 Dev 89 602384381 616067218 10231996 Dev 89 544971096 559564772 10271997 Dev 89 583175325 594017019 10191998 Dev 89 666998777 668569809 10021999 Dev 89 718941364 728366179 1013

1996 Dev 78 538118764 551033611 10241997 Dev 78 574683442 582809457 10141998 Dev 78 663929389 665242472 10021999 Dev 78 693809495 711964844 10262000 Dev 78 690653319 706759750 1023

1997 Dev 67 556211151 585661582 10531998 Dev 67 639674629 663482750 10371999 Dev 67 677630237 693271450 10232000 Dev 67 668488568 683852297 10232001 Dev 67 592517318 616490230 1040

1998 Dev 56 613146647 656098098 10701999 Dev 56 656565705 677276960 10322000 Dev 56 638411634 666609518 10442001 Dev 56 556823768 583714381 10482002 Dev 56 576029521 596482597 1036

1999 Dev 45 622201988 667479150 10732000 Dev 45 604512416 638007930 10552001 Dev 45 541248705 557034850 10292002 Dev 45 540012527 570929579 10572003 Dev 45 536533870 568033848 1059

2000 Dev 34 566621545 625195529 11032001 Dev 34 466354583 540343832 11592002 Dev 34 504626769 539154740 10682003 Dev 34 481000271 530770259 11032004 Dev 34 432728147 480935654 1111

2001 Dev 23 373266139 491294049 13162002 Dev 23 426538409 503572251 11812003 Dev 23 411316089 481024766 11692004 Dev 23 357788308 426907368 11932005 Dev 23 367981948 441090850 1199

2002 Dev 12 319005598 452518742 14192003 Dev 12 295858493 410741285 13882004 Dev 12 253357136 356566580 14072005 Dev 12 265581707 363430605 13682006 Dev 12 264510055 376269833 1423

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2481 1771 1401 1212 1109 1055 1046 1035 1018 1017 10134 Year Average 2389 1710 1397 1186 1110 1050 1040 1031 1016 1015 10103 Year Average 2232 1595 1399 1187 1094 1048 1043 1029 1017 1011 10072 Year Average 2220 1590 1396 1196 1107 1058 1042 1032 1025 1008 1003Latest Year 2400 1687 1423 1199 1111 1059 1036 1040 1023 1013 1010Mid 3 of 5 2439 1736 1405 1191 1106 1057 1043 1033 1020 1018 1015

Loss Development to Ultimate 2343 1668

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
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Page 35: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 589877601 597823163 10131986 Dev 1819 600644337 606221017 10091987 Dev 1819 648156491 649960582 10031988 Dev 1819 685112866 671367055 09801989 Dev 1819 749927132 751172075 1002

1986 Dev 1718 600962891 598960555 09971987 Dev 1718 637608031 647915953 10161988 Dev 1718 678746862 686680964 10121989 Dev 1718 751004499 741637785 09881990 Dev 1718 858199350 860254015 1002

1987 Dev 1617 632088958 634732035 10041988 Dev 1617 666648955 678259514 10171989 Dev 1617 745598509 751944877 10091990 Dev 1617 858018078 851925082 09931991 Dev 1617 817635870 821941307 1005

1988 Dev 1516 678540831 664626038 09791989 Dev 1516 733809609 745063950 10151990 Dev 1516 853576116 859928169 10071991 Dev 1516 815546448 813792460 09981992 Dev 1516 768520066 771168703 1003

1989 Dev 1415 735349028 732523162 09961990 Dev 1415 829732344 853054226 10281991 Dev 1415 810329138 818439011 10101992 Dev 1415 767504733 764965202 09971993 Dev 1415 728007862 732855069 1007

1990 Dev 1314 823625169 828369739 10061991 Dev 1314 785589415 809843509 10311992 Dev 1314 758694763 768896491 10131993 Dev 1314 726808340 723552067 09961994 Dev 1314 689936625 693916354 1006

1991 Dev 1213 777540694 787767821 10131992 Dev 1213 735682244 758371416 10311993 Dev 1213 718681393 725696254 10101994 Dev 1213 686112376 686353933 10001995 Dev 1213 634204804 633270499 0999

1992 Dev 1112 724323505 738062125 10191993 Dev 1112 699240527 718386441 10271994 Dev 1112 672107199 683844430 10171995 Dev 1112 631737687 629118914 09961996 Dev 1112 573121020 572883900 1000

1993 Dev 1011 689800520 704874216 10221994 Dev 1011 646983655 671607137 10381995 Dev 1011 622037922 630716136 10141996 Dev 1011 569910423 570145781 10001997 Dev 1011 597996821 601710719 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1016 1012 1011 1010 1008 1000 1006 1003 1001 10294 Year Average 1015 1010 1010 1012 1011 1006 1006 1005 0999 10293 Year Average 1007 1004 1003 1005 1005 1003 1002 1001 0995 10292 Year Average 1003 0998 1000 1001 1002 1001 0999 0995 0991 1029Latest Year 1006 1000 0999 1006 1007 1003 1005 1002 1002 1029Mid 3 of 5 1014 1012 1008 1008 1005 1003 1006 1004 1005 1029

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 36: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 271870754 277793509 10221995 Dev 910 286749904 293777620 10251996 Dev 910 278611434 283825705 10191997 Dev 910 309122307 311702364 10081998 Dev 910 363880064 370691867 1019

1995 Dev 89 276021234 285554925 10351996 Dev 89 271753175 278407115 10241997 Dev 89 302937724 308549516 10191998 Dev 89 359001796 360542359 10041999 Dev 89 387799173 397865036 1026

1996 Dev 78 260814537 270889363 10391997 Dev 78 292096367 302709322 10361998 Dev 78 349921268 358762916 10251999 Dev 78 374352282 384149517 10262000 Dev 78 375760136 387230737 1031

1997 Dev 67 283687567 292254734 10301998 Dev 67 336793755 349757483 10381999 Dev 67 364742125 374058897 10262000 Dev 67 362848589 371442920 10242001 Dev 67 350963711 364197558 1038

1998 Dev 56 322413143 335225234 10401999 Dev 56 344564565 364580730 10582000 Dev 56 340713046 361788175 10622001 Dev 56 336333223 348134682 10352002 Dev 56 370592589 378614856 1022

1999 Dev 45 317716242 346992465 10922000 Dev 45 326556771 340616569 10432001 Dev 45 323520161 336602839 10402002 Dev 45 348856675 367295910 10532003 Dev 45 351481923 372948668 1061

2000 Dev 34 311517665 329847195 10592001 Dev 34 300044341 323111578 10772002 Dev 34 334347456 348272859 10422003 Dev 34 323406995 348144374 10762004 Dev 34 292211847 313650932 1073

2001 Dev 23 272066539 310517048 11412002 Dev 23 317947883 333867798 10502003 Dev 23 290509547 323037662 11122004 Dev 23 267760311 287370572 10732005 Dev 23 294995853 322435438 1093

2002 Dev 12 286000963 337662227 11812003 Dev 12 263592537 290333267 11012004 Dev 12 222772820 266764206 11972005 Dev 12 248588160 291986053 11752006 Dev 12 252148793 299965969 1190

1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1955 1672 1169 1094 1065 1058 1043 1031 1031 1022 10194 Year Average 1941 1665 1166 1082 1067 1049 1044 1032 1030 1018 10183 Year Average 1908 1607 1187 1093 1064 1051 1040 1029 1027 1016 10152 Year Average 1858 1571 1183 1083 1075 1057 1029 1031 1029 1015 1014Latest Year 1988 1671 1190 1093 1073 1061 1022 1038 1031 1026 1019Mid 3 of 5 1979 1674 1182 1093 1069 1052 1044 1031 1031 1023 1020

Loss Development to Ultimate 1952 1651

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to 19th

Note Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 37: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 219960885 219558326 09981986 Dev 1819 239080441 241169618 10091987 Dev 1819 256240548 262220122 10231988 Dev 1819 296495493 293184728 09891989 Dev 1819 335059233 338134761 1009

1986 Dev 1718 239515838 238008316 09941987 Dev 1718 252683160 256260402 10141988 Dev 1718 294790642 295931823 10041989 Dev 1718 331984334 332167425 10011990 Dev 1718 366344333 369241857 1008

1987 Dev 1617 253786207 250750740 09881988 Dev 1617 289231690 294563723 10181989 Dev 1617 328085919 332983841 10151990 Dev 1617 355983204 364019291 10231991 Dev 1617 333375924 335406993 1006

1988 Dev 1516 284304486 286047544 10061989 Dev 1516 320784393 327970722 10221990 Dev 1516 353457420 355943786 10071991 Dev 1516 334304612 331755546 09921992 Dev 1516 315522744 319059189 1011

1989 Dev 1415 320248187 318481709 09941990 Dev 1415 347196051 353418116 10181991 Dev 1415 332964983 335519971 10081992 Dev 1415 312481402 314278434 10061993 Dev 1415 315265942 318337029 1010

1990 Dev 1314 344671250 345202546 10021991 Dev 1314 323299605 332775520 10291992 Dev 1314 308646120 313396209 10151993 Dev 1314 312327898 312912799 10021994 Dev 1314 292109157 295985224 1013

1991 Dev 1213 319807069 322183344 10071992 Dev 1213 300244965 308624231 10281993 Dev 1213 306205135 312478037 10201994 Dev 1213 289821454 290552171 10031995 Dev 1213 299892940 302874926 1010

1992 Dev 1112 292316648 298495991 10211993 Dev 1112 299908911 306142927 10211994 Dev 1112 286395844 289019188 10091995 Dev 1112 299549300 297641349 09941996 Dev 1112 286358218 286323434 1000

1993 Dev 1011 296294924 299229095 10101994 Dev 1011 279674677 286323560 10241995 Dev 1011 293830870 298862205 10171996 Dev 1011 284665822 284765197 10001997 Dev 1011 314121891 318885914 1015

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1009 1014 1012 1007 1008 1010 1004 1006 10824 Year Average 1014 1006 1015 1015 1011 1008 1016 1007 1008 10823 Year Average 1011 1001 1011 1010 1008 1003 1015 1004 1007 10822 Year Average 1008 0997 1007 1008 1008 1002 1015 1005 0999 1082Latest Year 1015 1000 1010 1013 1010 1011 1006 1008 1009 1082Mid 3 of 5 1014 1010 1012 1010 1008 1008 1013 1004 1005 1082

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 38: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit BB

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 606462938 3134975562 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 3150495573 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 2970481024 Average ((1)+(2)+(3))3 645857916 3085317385 Ratio of (4) (3) 0952 1039

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year1986 valued as of 123105 612510791 3172459347 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 3212847588 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 3021187979 Average ((6)+(7)+(8))3 655104062 313549830

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1014 1016

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 35523835 36080772all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3037587all Policy Years1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 18336094all Policy Years1987 and prior

14 Average ((11)+(12)+(13))3 1958243 17126426

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1072[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 652835445 33557910217 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 678275365 32110899818 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 751172075 33813476119 Average of (16) through (18) 694094295 33160762120 Ratio of (19) (18) 0924 0981

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 662974651 34222060722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 689826744 32659042023 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 770536363 34584950324 Average of (21) through (23) 707779253 33822017625 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1020 1020

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for -17042128 -3236198all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -12606979 19530927all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for 23345116 12156150all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -2101330 9483626

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1049[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1017 1061[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1040 1102

33 Final development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1029 1082

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred

Private Carriers Excluding Large Deductible Experience


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 39: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC

Sheet 1

Large Deductible Experience Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 686007512 683604641 09961999 Dev 56 852864970 851826349 09992000 Dev 56 752677668 753569906 10012001 Dev 56 949353139 956220627 10072002 Dev 56 927800598 907042639 0978

1999 Dev 45 786567099 779818183 09912000 Dev 45 814942331 812893762 09972001 Dev 45 970019154 968767499 09992002 Dev 45 921989921 918441119 09962003 Dev 45 1033644500 1030975942 0997

2000 Dev 34 772950907 775544173 10032001 Dev 34 1051546959 1063897571 10122002 Dev 34 886454781 886503781 10002003 Dev 34 1032519351 1023795486 09922004 Dev 34 1057773044 1085684164 1026

2001 Dev 23 960544974 961746167 10012002 Dev 23 1117346082 1121040647 10032003 Dev 23 1092952112 1085428669 09932004 Dev 23 1060948650 1044832964 09852005 Dev 23 1009394194 1008361193 0999

2002 Dev 12 871569234 904257914 10382003 Dev 12 1106063728 1164068929 10522004 Dev 12 960377623 1026913004 10692005 Dev 12 1010959766 1003607667 09932006 Dev 12 980472046 962531710 0982

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt All Year AverageAge to Age 1027 0996 1007 0996 0996 1000Age to Ult 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1024 0995 1008 0997 0996 1000Age to Ult 1020 0996 1001 0993 0996 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1015 0992 1006 0997 0995 1000Age to Ult 1005 0990 0998 0992 0995 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 0988 0992 1009 0997 0993 1000Age to Ult 0979 0991 0999 0990 0993 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1022 0995 0999 0992 0996 1000

Premium development based on all year average

WORKERS COMPENSATION - NEW YORKDevelopment Factors - Premiums


Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 40: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 186180377 189844227 10201995 Dev 910 239564223 240825014 10051996 Dev 910 246401683 244980232 09941997 Dev 910 268840311 276117972 10271998 Dev 910 302156053 309493459 1024

1995 Dev 89 230286305 237641079 10321996 Dev 89 245802176 246401683 10021997 Dev 89 263607314 268868000 10201998 Dev 89 286895877 301701947 10521999 Dev 89 302687999 311550417 1029

1996 Dev 78 234258253 248577693 10611997 Dev 78 262067491 263607314 10061998 Dev 78 279430671 287610281 10291999 Dev 78 288807526 302415645 10472000 Dev 78 348344546 362205631 1040

1997 Dev 67 244714330 269174840 11001998 Dev 67 287335549 279430671 09721999 Dev 67 277076745 289062496 10432000 Dev 67 322039542 347043733 10782001 Dev 67 381445295 396889582 1040

1998 Dev 56 263434766 289566015 10991999 Dev 56 269508242 277076745 10282000 Dev 56 298485319 323273946 10832001 Dev 56 363249024 379139680 10442002 Dev 56 326970495 336780988 1030

1999 Dev 45 243839223 273140212 11202000 Dev 45 299415433 298485319 09972001 Dev 45 352894535 365206789 10352002 Dev 45 297316969 324594029 10922003 Dev 45 305908931 325653166 1065

2000 Dev 34 268300886 296539194 11052001 Dev 34 327076469 352894535 10792002 Dev 34 258731374 299431711 11572003 Dev 34 267342555 302189741 11302004 Dev 34 268662448 297891975 1109

2001 Dev 23 300127750 325539483 10852002 Dev 23 214964241 258731374 12042003 Dev 23 215420914 270530423 12562004 Dev 23 213761296 266109902 12452005 Dev 23 199050463 240874408 1210

2002 Dev 12 135460485 211029878 15582003 Dev 12 149853196 215395954 14372004 Dev 12 141089219 215956857 15312005 Dev 12 128418125 198127585 15432006 Dev 12 127018468 192061325 1512

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2834 1869 1516 1200 1116 1062 1057 1047 1037 1027 10144 Year Average 2781 1847 1506 1229 1119 1047 1046 1033 1031 1026 10133 Year Average 2906 1901 1529 1237 1132 1064 1052 1054 1039 1034 10152 Year Average 2829 1851 1528 1228 1120 1079 1037 1059 1044 1041 1026Latest Year 2689 1778 1512 1210 1109 1065 1030 1040 1040 1029 1024Mid 3 of 5 2920 1910 1529 1220 1115 1064 1052 1054 1039 1027 1016

Loss Development to Ultimate 2806 1835

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate23

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 41: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5509 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit CC


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)Experience from Large Deductible Policies Only

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 82527710 82470083 09991995 Dev 910 111203172 112041318 10081996 Dev 910 128395526 128977887 10051997 Dev 910 151036373 155898061 10321998 Dev 910 158434982 161735758 1021

1995 Dev 89 105987562 114038226 10761996 Dev 89 127014965 128395526 10111997 Dev 89 150057976 151072778 10071998 Dev 89 151958631 158183526 10411999 Dev 89 163959864 169969766 1037

1996 Dev 78 124819135 134463773 10771997 Dev 78 141605196 150057976 10601998 Dev 78 149788628 152386654 10171999 Dev 78 157386871 163780135 10412000 Dev 78 196954221 206383205 1048

1997 Dev 67 135820052 149351794 11001998 Dev 67 146062730 149788628 10261999 Dev 67 152324283 157599670 10352000 Dev 67 183585851 196175214 10692001 Dev 67 217787866 229953729 1056

1998 Dev 56 136214111 153723304 11291999 Dev 56 145382816 152324283 10482000 Dev 56 172421413 184385685 10692001 Dev 56 206314586 216695936 10502002 Dev 56 195688793 203734826 1041

1999 Dev 45 137695207 152926700 11112000 Dev 45 165313365 172421413 10432001 Dev 45 191293589 207303196 10842002 Dev 45 175176065 194009361 11082003 Dev 45 192761259 204311957 1060

2000 Dev 34 148109473 179164025 12102001 Dev 34 177623639 191293589 10772002 Dev 34 160186199 176827460 11042003 Dev 34 172497498 190190711 11032004 Dev 34 178295123 195027762 1094

2001 Dev 23 150281701 183301001 12202002 Dev 23 146674692 160186199 10922003 Dev 23 154939601 174649553 11272004 Dev 23 152820579 176374109 11542005 Dev 23 157123002 175253150 1115

2002 Dev 12 114614081 148319019 12942003 Dev 12 129867919 154926517 11932004 Dev 12 121376483 154349687 12722005 Dev 12 120687244 156316086 12952006 Dev 12 122836831 155833514 1269

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2542 2009 1265 1142 1118 1081 1067 1057 1049 1034 10134 Year Average 2369 1885 1257 1122 1095 1074 1052 1047 1042 1024 10173 Year Average 2408 1883 1279 1132 1100 1084 1053 1053 1035 1028 10192 Year Average 2442 1905 1282 1135 1099 1084 1046 1063 1045 1039 1027Latest Year 2350 1852 1269 1115 1094 1060 1041 1056 1048 1037 1021Mid 3 of 5 2467 1930 1278 1132 1100 1084 1056 1053 1050 1030 1011

Loss Development to Ultimate 2433 1904

Loss development to ultimate based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average of non-deductible experience for 10th to ultimate24

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 42: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 1

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report

1998 Dev 56 1111780484 1111240236 10001999 Dev 56 1181933770 1181498415 10002000 Dev 56 1255024339 1254053977 09992001 Dev 56 1308727022 1308296639 10002002 Dev 56 1390006322 1389627554 1000

1999 Dev 45 1183544377 1181933770 09992000 Dev 45 1257316210 1255024339 09982001 Dev 45 1310073769 1308727022 09992002 Dev 45 1391847766 1390006322 09992003 Dev 45 1473670252 1472407155 0999

2000 Dev 34 1263412230 1257316210 09952001 Dev 34 1314462140 1310073769 09972002 Dev 34 1394549643 1391847766 09982003 Dev 34 1476816924 1473670252 09982004 Dev 34 1561166457 1557679593 0998

2001 Dev 23 1328879253 1314462140 09892002 Dev 23 1403351949 1394549643 09942003 Dev 23 1485071748 1476816924 09942004 Dev 23 1572415373 1561166457 09932005 Dev 23 1672006212 1658178029 0992

2002 Dev 12 1372053717 1403351949 10232003 Dev 12 1469769533 1485071748 10102004 Dev 12 1560539230 1572415373 10082005 Dev 12 1646831333 1672006212 10152006 Dev 12 1755897236 1772774107 1010

1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6thUlt5 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0992 0997 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0988 0996 0999 1000 1000

4 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

3 Year AverageAge to Age 1011 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

2 Year AverageAge to Age 1013 0993 0998 0999 1000 1000Age to Ult 1003 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium Development to Ultimate 1001 0990 0997 0999 1000 1000

Premium development based on 3 year average


Development Factors - PremiumNew York State Insurance Fund


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 43: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 835913894 836378374 10011995 Dev 910 659275719 657748046 09981996 Dev 910 555046270 557057817 10041997 Dev 910 478998536 482957899 10081998 Dev 910 406773025 406818911 1000

1995 Dev 89 655303347 659275719 10061996 Dev 89 545965520 555046270 10171997 Dev 89 477804682 478998536 10021998 Dev 89 411738113 406773025 09881999 Dev 89 489392883 493350072 1008

1996 Dev 78 550145842 545965520 09921997 Dev 78 465339926 477804682 10271998 Dev 78 416776578 411738113 09881999 Dev 78 486221780 489392883 10072000 Dev 78 452182407 453158980 1002

1997 Dev 67 467439320 465339926 09961998 Dev 67 417253015 416776578 09991999 Dev 67 482040137 486221780 10092000 Dev 67 459227246 452182407 09852001 Dev 67 437904451 435029616 0993

1998 Dev 56 423162780 417253015 09861999 Dev 56 487670750 482040137 09882000 Dev 56 449024562 459227246 10232001 Dev 56 448636089 437904451 09762002 Dev 56 510507545 509415979 0998

1999 Dev 45 478898688 487670750 10182000 Dev 45 449708937 449024562 09982001 Dev 45 455450448 448636089 09852002 Dev 45 506306170 510507545 10082003 Dev 45 518479747 524008825 1011

2000 Dev 34 421044548 449708937 10682001 Dev 34 426361077 455450448 10682002 Dev 34 480500416 506306170 10542003 Dev 34 497276177 518479747 10432004 Dev 34 505087949 560010573 1109

2001 Dev 23 329490717 426361077 12942002 Dev 23 374884944 480500416 12822003 Dev 23 399905239 497276177 12432004 Dev 23 409557666 505087949 12332005 Dev 23 387985295 489787100 1262

2002 Dev 12 220663949 374884944 16992003 Dev 12 245064313 399905239 16322004 Dev 12 239630732 409557666 17092005 Dev 12 250574204 387985295 15482006 Dev 12 263108106 420770920 1599

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 2469 1508 1637 1263 1068 1004 0994 0996 1003 1004 10024 Year Average 2455 1513 1622 1255 1069 1001 0996 0997 1006 1004 10033 Year Average 2408 1488 1619 1246 1069 1001 0999 0996 0999 0999 10042 Year Average 2332 1482 1574 1248 1076 1010 0987 0989 1005 0998 1004Latest Year 2551 1595 1599 1262 1109 1011 0998 0993 1002 1008 1000Mid 3 of 5 2459 1497 1643 1262 1063 1006 0991 0996 1000 1005 1002

Loss Development to Ultimate 2466 1501

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 44: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2A

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 379620512 380435580 10021986 Dev 1819 495616601 499080110 10071987 Dev 1819 538741996 542333600 10071988 Dev 1819 627473440 630417574 10051989 Dev 1819 726652982 730959396 1006

1986 Dev 1718 494019744 495616601 10031987 Dev 1718 535313968 538741996 10061988 Dev 1718 623218236 627473440 10071989 Dev 1718 723782998 726652982 10041990 Dev 1718 878475275 885496394 1008

1987 Dev 1617 532622437 535313968 10051988 Dev 1617 618781642 623218236 10071989 Dev 1617 716962529 723782998 10101990 Dev 1617 873006496 878475275 10061991 Dev 1617 947811982 959639669 1012

1988 Dev 1516 617567357 618781642 10021989 Dev 1516 714695071 716962529 10031990 Dev 1516 863850350 873006496 10111991 Dev 1516 945293540 947811982 10031992 Dev 1516 997850661 1005278584 1007

1989 Dev 1415 706315166 714695071 10121990 Dev 1415 858026841 863850350 10071991 Dev 1415 935885167 945293540 10101992 Dev 1415 992914113 997850661 10051993 Dev 1415 990544634 996595915 1006

1990 Dev 1314 854397547 858026841 10041991 Dev 1314 928336595 935885167 10081992 Dev 1314 980189723 992914113 10131993 Dev 1314 980064292 990544634 10111994 Dev 1314 852279060 859378182 1008

1991 Dev 1213 925012063 928336595 10041992 Dev 1213 971498137 980189723 10091993 Dev 1213 973538411 980064292 10071994 Dev 1213 848699414 852279060 10041995 Dev 1213 667841486 672114638 1006

1992 Dev 1112 965050202 971498137 10071993 Dev 1112 965291211 973538411 10091994 Dev 1112 843402597 848699414 10061995 Dev 1112 663701091 667841486 10061996 Dev 1112 555729552 560955542 1009

1993 Dev 1011 962216666 965291211 10031994 Dev 1011 836378374 843402597 10081995 Dev 1011 657748046 663701091 10091996 Dev 1011 557057817 555729552 09981997 Dev 1011 482957899 485625229 1006

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1005 1007 1006 1009 1008 1005 1008 1006 1005 10514 Year Average 1005 1008 1007 1010 1007 1006 1009 1006 1006 10513 Year Average 1004 1007 1006 1011 1007 1007 1009 1006 1006 10512 Year Average 1002 1008 1005 1010 1006 1005 1009 1006 1005 1051Latest Year 1006 1009 1006 1008 1006 1007 1012 1008 1006 1051Mid 3 of 5 1006 1007 1006 1009 1008 1004 1008 1006 1006 1051

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Indemnity Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 45: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2B

PolicyYear 1st Report 2nd Report 3rd Report 4th Report 5th Report 6th Report 7th Report 8th Report 9th Report 10th Report

1994 Dev 910 291197885 290452699 09971995 Dev 910 255121405 257738083 10101996 Dev 910 218227946 221175328 10141997 Dev 910 197650874 198877074 10061998 Dev 910 177948154 180886423 1017

1995 Dev 89 250644739 255121405 10181996 Dev 89 217086522 218227946 10051997 Dev 89 193327321 197650874 10221998 Dev 89 176899721 177948154 10061999 Dev 89 190949339 195994014 1026

1996 Dev 78 217695777 217086522 09971997 Dev 78 192191254 193327321 10061998 Dev 78 174212312 176899721 10151999 Dev 78 189721819 190949339 10062000 Dev 78 193987311 198746274 1025

1997 Dev 67 195426644 192191254 09831998 Dev 67 173097437 174212312 10061999 Dev 67 190039181 189721819 09982000 Dev 67 197571407 193987311 09822001 Dev 67 202031846 212903098 1054

1998 Dev 56 177788124 173097437 09741999 Dev 56 183805291 190039181 10342000 Dev 56 194301244 197571407 10172001 Dev 56 202549626 202031846 09972002 Dev 56 231300333 234060030 1012

1999 Dev 45 188258881 183805291 09762000 Dev 45 188714625 194301244 10302001 Dev 45 200280539 202549626 10112002 Dev 45 229560124 231300333 10082003 Dev 45 245881503 251015932 1021

2000 Dev 34 180366601 188714625 10462001 Dev 34 182325223 200280539 10982002 Dev 34 216164278 229560124 10622003 Dev 34 237791147 245881503 10342004 Dev 34 241080001 252426961 1047

2001 Dev 23 168388978 182325223 10832002 Dev 23 188156411 216164278 11492003 Dev 23 205600073 237791147 11572004 Dev 23 218748539 241080001 11022005 Dev 23 222685883 252498001 1134

2002 Dev 12 174374278 188156411 10792003 Dev 12 173482866 205600073 11852004 Dev 12 192326089 218748539 11372005 Dev 12 186292488 222685883 11952006 Dev 12 193016505 237208418 1229

Development 1stUlt 2ndUlt 1st2nd 2nd3rd 3rd4th 4th5th 5th6th 6th7th 7th8th 8th9th 9th10th

5 Year Average 1618 1389 1165 1125 1057 1009 1007 1005 1010 1015 10094 Year Average 1742 1467 1187 1136 1060 1018 1015 1010 1013 1015 10123 Year Average 1681 1416 1187 1131 1048 1013 1009 1011 1015 1018 10122 Year Average 1685 1390 1212 1118 1041 1015 1005 1018 1016 1016 1012Latest Year 1964 1598 1229 1134 1047 1021 1012 1054 1025 1026 1017Mid 3 of 5 1606 1371 1172 1128 1052 1013 1009 0996 1009 1015 1010

Loss Development to Ultimate 1619 1381

Loss development based on 3 Mid of 5 Year average for 1st to 10th maturities and 3 Year average for 10th to ultimateNote Policy years 2000 and 2001 adjusted for Cat48 losses


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 46: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2C

PolicyYear 10th Report 11th Report 12th Report 13th Report 14th Report 15th Report 16th Report 17th Report 18th Report 19th Report

1985 Dev 1819 127323822 128462170 10091986 Dev 1819 169817695 172238071 10141987 Dev 1819 193760376 198535014 10251988 Dev 1819 221037029 222269830 10061989 Dev 1819 247214230 251465152 1017

1986 Dev 1718 168470839 169817695 10081987 Dev 1718 193262967 193760376 10031988 Dev 1718 220497151 221037029 10021989 Dev 1718 249685530 247214230 09901990 Dev 1718 311578246 317781505 1020

1987 Dev 1617 191707970 193262967 10081988 Dev 1617 218157945 220497151 10111989 Dev 1617 248301253 249685530 10061990 Dev 1617 314685613 311578246 09901991 Dev 1617 323357762 330752852 1023

1988 Dev 1516 218428893 218157945 09991989 Dev 1516 246005377 248301253 10091990 Dev 1516 319871483 314685613 09841991 Dev 1516 317772771 323357762 10181992 Dev 1516 325867921 330904888 1015

1989 Dev 1415 246493520 246005377 09981990 Dev 1415 301576701 319871483 10611991 Dev 1415 315111863 317772771 10081992 Dev 1415 324486012 325867921 10041993 Dev 1415 339348918 341051309 1005

1990 Dev 1314 300324728 301576701 10041991 Dev 1314 313879674 315111863 10041992 Dev 1314 321877894 324486012 10081993 Dev 1314 339661274 339348918 09991994 Dev 1314 296298356 298742179 1008

1991 Dev 1213 313118031 313879674 10021992 Dev 1213 317551512 321877894 10141993 Dev 1213 335140036 339661274 10131994 Dev 1213 296280063 296298356 10001995 Dev 1213 268660131 272451157 1014

1992 Dev 1112 318598596 317551512 09971993 Dev 1112 332242740 335140036 10091994 Dev 1112 292805892 296280063 10121995 Dev 1112 266997905 268660131 10061996 Dev 1112 222946670 225349885 1011

1993 Dev 1011 331977936 332242740 10011994 Dev 1011 290452699 292805892 10081995 Dev 1011 257738083 266997905 10361996 Dev 1011 221175328 222946670 10081997 Dev 1011 198877074 201559217 1013

Development 10th11th 11th12th 12th13th 13th14th 14th15th 15th16th 16th17th 17th18th 18th19th 19thUlt

5 Year Average 1013 1007 1009 1005 1015 1005 1008 1005 1014 10204 Year Average 1016 1010 1010 1005 1020 1007 1008 1004 1016 10203 Year Average 1019 1010 1009 1005 1006 1006 1006 1004 1016 10202 Year Average 1011 1009 1007 1004 1005 1017 1007 1005 1012 1020Latest Year 1013 1011 1014 1008 1005 1015 1023 1020 1017 1020Mid 3 of 5 1010 1009 1010 1005 1006 1008 1008 1004 1013 1020

From Exhibit BB Sheet 2D


Policy Year Development Factors - Medical Losses (Case Basis)


Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 47: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41609 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit DD

Sheet 2D


1 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 499080110 2239094922 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 2376464123 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 2222698304 Average (1) through (3) 557277095 2279419115 Ratio of (4)(3) 0884 1026

6 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1986 valued as of 123105 523997350 2296313897 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 2411341828 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 2360985589 Average (6) through(8) 589676648 235621376

10 Factor from case to total incurred basis at 19th report (9)(4) 1058 1034

11 Change in total incurred losses from 123104 to 123105 for 23499719 6760245all Policy Years 1985 and prior

12 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 5666175all Policy Years 1986 and prior

13 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -3822028all Policy Years 1987 and prior

14 Average (11) through (14) -511517 2868131

15 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1057 1046[(3)(5)(10) +(14)] [(3)(5)]

16 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 542333600 25313214317 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 630417574 24027368618 Case incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 730959396 25146515219 Average of (16) through (18) 634570190 24829032720 Ratio of (19) (18) 0868 0987

21 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1987 valued as of 123106 575678513 25684718722 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1988 valued as of 123107 669354081 25522254123 Total incurred losses for Policy Year 1989 valued as of 123108 768262441 25892809324 Average of (21) through (23) 671098345 25699927425 Factor from paid to total incurred basis at 19th report (24) (19) 1058 1035

26 Change in total incurred losses from 123105 to 123106 for 21066027 6036655all Policy Years 1986 and prior

27 Change in total incurred losses from 123106 to 123107 for -46100297 -4071083all Policy Years 1987 and prior

28 Change in total incurred losses from 123107 to 123108 for -20047832 -22502099all Policy Years 1988 and prior

29 Average of (26) through (28) -15027367 -6845509

30 Development factor from 19th to ultimate 1034 1008[(18)(20)(25)+(29)] [(18)(20)]

31 Average development factor from 19th to ultimate 1046 1027[(15) + (30)] 2

32 Factor 19th to ultimate 10108 1055 1012

33 Selected development factor from 19th to ultimate [(31)+(32)]2 1051 1020

Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1988 Adjusted to the level of Policy Year 1989


Policy Year Loss Development Factors from 19th Report (Case Basis) to Ultimate Incurred


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 48: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 1Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - All Carriers

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 17069

2001 14383

2002 13986

2003 12980

2004 12636 12644

2005 12196 12353

2006 12407 11868

2007 12049 11795

2008 11466

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐17 0806 2004‐2008 ‐24 0964

2000‐2007 ‐42 0775










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 49: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 2Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - Private Carrier

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 19904

2001 16873

2002 15893

2003 14497

2004 13893 14044

2005 13234 13614

2006 13542 12571

2007 13363 12726

2008 12634

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐19 0667 2004‐2008 ‐28 0768

2000‐2007 ‐52 0799


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Frequency per Million Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 50: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 3Trend Analysis

Claim Frequency - State Insurance Fund

Frequency = developed claims counts per 1000000 of onleveled premium adjusted for wage growth


2000 13233

2001 11337

2002 11779

2003 11285

2004 11331 11199

2005 11095 11075

2006 11164 11071

2007 10483 10721

2008 10084

Trend R squared Trend R squared

Financial Trend Financial Trend

Policy Year Data Accident Year Data

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 ‐16 0670 2004‐2008 ‐24 0812

2000‐2007 ‐22 0650







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



cy Per M

illion Premium


Claim Frequency

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 51: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 4Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - All Carriers


2000 19662 2001 21585 2002 22967 2003 24246 2004 25513 25434 2005 25377 26429 2006 26854 26616 2007 28671 28571 2008 31035

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 39 0905 2004‐2008 49 0901

2000‐2007 50 0969

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Policy Year)

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial Data









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Indemnity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 52: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 5Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - Private Carrier


2000 17598 2001 19431 2002 20491 2003 22097 2004 22368 23074 2005 23274 24076 2006 23300 24201 2007 25874 25898 2008 28135

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 36 0808 2004‐2008 48 0903

2000‐2007 49 0946

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 53: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 6

Trend Analysis

Indemnity Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 23865 2001 25506 2002 26834 2003 27330 2004 29489 28490 2005 28068 29358 2006 31579 29726 2007 32919 32233 2008 35336

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 45 0798 2004‐2008 54 0887

2000‐2007 43 0922

Indemnity Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataIndemnity Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008


nity Claim



Indemnity Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 54: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 7Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - All Carriers


2000 13550 2001 16338 2002 17513 2003 19256 2004 19352 20833 2005 21385 20721 2006 22263 23203 2007 25341 24911 2008 26858

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 71 0910 2004‐2008 72 0942

2000‐2007 81 0965

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)











2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 55: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 8Trend Analysis

Medical Severity - Private Carriers


2000 13607 2001 16435 2002 18504 2003 20651 2004 20700 23213 2005 23256 22404 2006 23307 26297 2007 26742 26438 2008 29770

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 66 0877 2004‐2008 69 0853

2000‐2007 89 0961

Medical Average Claim Severity (Accident Year)

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)







2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Med

ical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 56: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled by NYCIRB 2009 RevisionExhibit EE

Sheet 9Trend Ananlysis

Medical Severity - State Insurance Fund


2000 13433 2001 16162 2002 15964 2003 17255 2004 17636 17752 2005 19016 18626 2006 20877 19220 2007 23214 22818 2008 22537

Trend R squared Trend R squared

2003‐2007 79 0942 2004‐2008 70 0871

2000‐2007 70 0937

Financial DataMedical Average Claim Severity

(Policy Year)Medical Average Claim Severity

(Accident Year)










2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

All Medical Claim



Medical Claim Severity

PY Financial Data

AY Financial Data


Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 57: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 42009 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Exhibit EE

Sheet 10


Analysis of New York Average Wage Trends

New York Average Weekly Wage

Actual Exponential Linear

2003 90895 90438 90056

2004 96064 95697 95824

2005 99887 101262 101591

2006 106689 107151 107359

2007 114421 113382 113127

Projected Average Annual Change 582 568

R Squared 0990 0983

Average weekly wages from N Y Department of Labor for all industries

Fitted Regression LinesExperience Period


Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 58: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 5409 October 2009 Revisionby the NYCIRB Appendix A

New York Workers Compensation

Determination of New York State Assessment

I Calculation of Indemnity Portion of Total Losses

Projected Incurred Losses for Policies Incepting 10109 - 10110 Ratio Indemnity $1341305595 x (1021 ^ 275) $1420196791 0495 Medical $1259540785 x (1053 ^ 275) $1451744722 0505

$2871941512 1000 Note 2007 Policy year on-level developed losses are from Exhibit B and have been projected using the loss trend from Exhibit D

II Determination of New York State Assessment

In general assessments as a percentage of premium are calculated as (assessmentslosses) x (expected lossespremium) However the 1993 legislation treats the policyholder surcharge as premium for tax purposes so that expected losses must become expected losses plus tax The current pure expected losses derived from 2007 expense data are0761 1184 (LAE) = 0643 The loading for tax results in 0643 (1-0028) = 0662

A further adjustment is made to reflect the impact of the reforms on the assessment premium baseSince the premium base will be lower as a result of the reforms and the fact that the assessments tothe carriers have been calculated by the Workers Compensation Board on the basis of pre-reformdata the assessment percentage must increase so that the same dollars of assessment that havebeen charged to the carriers are collected from the policyholders Since the estimated impact of thereform was -150 a factor of 850 is used to adjust the final premium percentage

Actual Assmnt New YorkTo Carriers State Assessment

as of of Std Prem Assessment Indemnity Loss (1) x 0495 x 0662 085

(1) (2)

Workers Comp Board 0066 0025

Reopened Case Fund (WCL 25-a) 0074 0029

Special Disability Fund (WCL 15-8) 0206 0079

Interdepartmental Exp 0020 0008

Special Funds Cons Comm 0003 0001

Total - All Assessments 0369 0142

Assessments as percentages of Indemnity loss have been obtained from the Workers Compensation Board and the Special Funds Conservation Committee


Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 59: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting

Compiled 41509 October 2009 FilingBy the NYCIRB Appendix B

Effect on Manual Rates Statewide Territory 1 Territory 2 Territory 3

1 Estimated 1008 - 1009 Construction AWW $1132 $1314 $1085 $873

2 Ratio of Cap Amount to Construction AWW --- 0685 0830 1030

3 Ratio R to Enter Wage Distribution Table --- 069 083 103

4 Table A Value --- 0317275 0443991 0601612

5 1-A Value --- 0682725 0556009 0398388

6 R x ( 1-A) --- 0471080 0461487 0410340

7 Table B Value --- 015598 0252152 0398249

8 1-B Value --- 084402 0747848 0601751

9 Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap (8)-(6)x100 301 373 286 191

10 Off-Set for Effect of Cap on P Y 02 03 0405 amp06 data 0297 0370 0290 0178

11 Adjusted Indicated Off-Balance at $900 Cap SW = (9)[10-(9)(10)] Terr = [Terr(9) SW (9))SW (11)] 04 05 04 03

12 Proposed Off-Balance at $900 Cap 04 05 04 03

13 Current Off-Balance at $825 Cap 29 34 29 20

14 Percentage Change in Off-Balance -24 -28 -24 -17(1+(12)(1+13)-10

Territory 1 Counties of Bronx Kings ManhattanQueens Richmond

Territory 2 Counties of Dutchess Nassau Orange Putnam Rockland Suffolk Westchester

Territory 3 All Other Counties



Eff 1012009

$900 Limitation




David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B
Page 60: 2009 Loss Cost Revision Effective October 1, 2009 · The Rating Board submitted the 2009 General Loss Cost Revision to the New York State Insurance Department on May 15, 2009 requesting



David A Paterson Governor

Kermitt J Brooks Acting Superintendent

July 152009

Mr Monte Almer President New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board 200 East 42nd Street New York NY 10017

Dear Mr Almer

This letter acknowledges receipt ofNYCIRBs amended loss cost filing of JuJy 152009 (the Loss Cost Filing) Please be advised that the Loss Cost Filing is hereby approved with an effective date of October 12009

Best Regards

Acting Superitendent


  • Exh A
  • Exh B
  • Exh C
  • Exh D 1
  • Exh D 2
  • Exh D 3
  • Exh E
  • Exh F
  • Exh G 1
  • Exh G 2
  • Exh G 3
  • Exh G 4
  • Exhibit H
  • Exh I 1
  • Exh I 2
  • Exh BB 1
  • Exh BB 2
  • Exh BB 2A
  • Exh BB 2B
  • Exh BB 2C
  • Exh BB 2D
  • Exh CC 1
  • Exh CC 2
  • Exh CC 2A
  • Exh DD 1
  • Exh DD 2
  • Exh DD 2A
  • Exh DD 2B
  • Exh DD 2C
  • Exh DD 2D
  • Exh EE 1
  • Exh EE 2
  • Exh EE 3
  • Exh EE 4
  • Exh EE 5
  • Exh EE 6
  • Exh EE 7
  • Exh EE 8
  • Exh EE 9
  • Exh EE 10
  • Payroll Cap App B