Download - 2004-01-28-09_00am-slides

  • 7/28/2019 2004-01-28-09_00am-slides


    ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra-BroadbandInformation Networks

    Cubin : Applied Research

    Graeme Pendock


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    Rationale - why make stuff Obstacles - why we tend not to make stuff Proposal idea of something to make

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    Rationale or why make stuff ? its an Engineering Department .. its a real (not abstract) world

    we are surrounded by stuff that we use, control, interactwith

    balance theory vs. applied helps make research relevant

    awareness from even understanding how stuff is made,works

    practical limits, implementation difficulties, tradeoffs increase employability

    broader range of useful skills e.g. real software/OS programming, linux, networking,device driver, VHDL, FPGA/CPLD, DSP etc

    creates questions fun, satisfaction in making something

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    Obstacles why we shy away? no previous experience

    if all youve done is write Hello World programs then startwith applied software (e.g. IO/device driver/networkprogramming) rather than hardware

    fear of unknown, intimidated by learning curve never as bad as anticipated

    fear of failure cultural. so what ? it will work next time..

    money optics ($$$), rf ($$), computers ($), software ()

    lack of infrastructure/support (external) IT/computer, technical, purchasing reduced publication output

    Australia : publication volume is dominant metric (notuniversal)

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    Proposal (1)

    flavour of the month : wireless sensor networks pin head size wireless sensors scattered from

    airplanes, float down rivers, go around your arteries,and report all back to big brotherblah..blah..yeah

    reality check : need electronic integration what turned me on last week : Berkley Motes + TinyOS

    standard off-shelf electronics : atmel 8-bit processor +wireless module

    cc/coin size power 2xAA batteries for year simple sensing : temp, pressure, motion etc custom, simple open-source OS (self-forming network) research group (team of 9, 16 publications)

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    Proposal (2) what drives wireless sensors is power, size and cost; but this

    limits functionality and range envision Australian applications (farming, forestry,

    environmental, mining) where require greater range (~km)desirable and cost and power less critical (eg. solar powered)

    relaxed power and size allow more powerful uCs and functionality

    eg. 32-bit embedded processors linux

    existing applications, networking, devices aid development. use lab PCs reuse port later to target uC platform

    prototype hardware wireless module to PC (parallel port / i2c bus on memory ?) later to existing embedded module

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    Proposal (3)

    low-hardware, low-capital, min-tech support vertical project requires range of people with different

    skills, expertise work required

    interface of wireless module to PC/uC device driver media access network stack routing, networking

    applications interested ? volunteers ?

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  • 7/28/2019 2004-01-28-09_00am-slides


    ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra-BroadbandInformation Networks

    An IP Network Test-bedTao Peng

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    Why an IP network test-bed?

    Real-time performance It is important to publish source code as well asresearch papers

    Experiment is a good way to reduce the gap

    between theory and practice. It is better to study attack defense schemes in

    test-bed than waiting for an attack to appear inthe Internet.

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    Our Proposal

    Worm Traffic Modeling

    Evaluation of Combined Defense Models.

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    Worm Traffic Modeling

    : Infected computer

    : vulnerable computer

    collecting the trafficcollecting the traffic

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    Evaluation of Combined Defense Models

    Attack source

    Filtering at the target

    Selective Pushback

    Filtering atthe source

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    Something more

    An IP network test-bed can also benefit thefollowing research issues: Quality of Service (QoS) TCP flow control IP V.6

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  • 7/28/2019 2004-01-28-09_00am-slides


    WLAN multi-user diversity

    Core Network

    m c


    Access Point


    S 1

    S 2

    S k


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    Access point monitors channel Reception quality? Explicit signalling from mobiles? Told bit rate of previous transmission?

    Chooses as next user the one which would getthe highest rate

    Fairness constraints Several existing algorithms

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    WLAN cards which give: Signal strength from last transfer Rate of last transfer (May be enough) Minimal internal buffering

    Signalling scheme for receivers & BS? Time to learn about drivers...

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    Study interaction with higher layers CLAMP flow control

    Gather statistics of actual channel use: Simultaneous users? Rates achieved Time-scale of variation of rates

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    Hurdles / disincentives

    Finding suitable cards Time investment What recognition?

    Not publishable research Wont attract grant funding

    Would real users use the setup? Benefit only if many users on the network Need drivers on individual (MS) notebooks?

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