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The $200 A Day Cash Machine System“Make Big Profits Selling This Opportunity From Home!”

This is a free ebook from Frank Jones.You should not have paid for it.

COPYRIGHT© Frank Jones. All Rights Reserved:No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or

mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from the author(s).

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My name is Frank Jones and I've been at this, (making my living completely online) for a very long time. I know what it takes to continually pull cash from the Internet and I've taught lots of people just like you, how to do exactly the same thing.

What you need to do is keep it simple. Forget about everything that's already got you confused and just follow the simple steps of my $200 A Day Cash Machine system to start putting money in your pocket right now.

Let's make a deal?

I'll give you a very basic and straight-forward system for making money, and you just follow directions.



If you can place classified ads, you can do this.

The easy way to make money, that I stumbled onto, was placing tiny classified ads online (and in print publications), promoting this very home business opportunity.

To put it more specifically... the easiest way to accelerate your income right now is by using my $200 A Day Cash Machine which shows other people looking to make money online, the exact details of a proven, simple money making system that they can choose to copy and use to generate instant cash payments for themselves starting within hours.

I've been talking about doing this for the last five years and I'm still placing classified ads all over the world every day of the week.

I've been doing this for the last five years and I'm still making $1,000's of dollars doing exactly what I'm talking about...

I created a collection of tiny classified ads (which I'll share with you), that made $20 to $40 dollars profit in a week (each) and I placed those ads on around a 1,000 classified ad sites and print publications around the world.

That's how I generated over $50,000 dollars.

And now there are people that got my "$200-A-Day Cash Machine" package and they started placing tiny classified ads just like I did!

I have a collection of proven ads that have been making me money every day and you can too!

I have step-by-step instructions (and supporting video tutorials), that walk you

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through placing these tiny classified ads so that you can learn how to make $200 a day - starting today.

The ads are included and if you follow the instructions, you could be on your way to making up to $200 a day within 24 hours from now.

The process is so simple...

Once you get started placing classified ads, you may start making so much money, you may not want to do anything else.

You've now found a way to make money, that you've stumbled onto, that could end up generating you $1,000's of dollars a month...

Month after month, after month.

The "make money online" niche has grown into a mega million dollar giant. Many people are struggling financially and are looking for ways to bring in some extra income online, and now anyone who wants to get setup with their own online money making business can.

In just 24-hours, you can be setup with your very own online business.

And listen to this...

You don't need any equipment, special skills, or experience because the system is already completely setup and waiting on you. That means you could be plugged in and ready to start making money in just minutes from right now.

If you get setup with your very own $200 a Day Cash Machine business, (I'll set you up with a free website just like mine and host it for free), the only thing you'll ever have to do is advertise to get people to visit your website, (and I show you exactly how to do that).

Cash is deposited instantly into your account - no waiting for commission checks or some company to pay you... and you'll keep 100% of the money you receive.

All you do is place the ads that are provided on classified sites (and/or print publications) and watch the money begin to roll in to your Paypal or Payza account!

Having a $200 a Day Cash Machine business could be one of the most exciting things you have ever done, not to mention the money that can be made!

Everything is already completely setup – all you need to do is get plugged-in.

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1. A Paypal or Payza account. If you don't have one, go sign up for a free account.

2. $20 to purchase the $200 A Day Cash Machine

3. Get your free reseller website. You'll receive a website, just like the one you downloaded this ebook from. The website is free, but you do have to purchase your own domain name.

You must purchase your domain name from – not because I make a commission, I don’t. But because it makes the process of putting your website up easier for me.

There is a one-time $10 setup fee (you pay that in the members area) – and I'll setup your website, install your payment button (so you get paid instantly), and host your website for life – no catch, no strings.

4. About 20 minutes work each day.


1. Placing classified ads (which are provided) on classified ad sites and/or print publications (newspapers).

If you're really ambitious like me, you can take it a step further and post ads to your Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else you want to advertise.

I have put together a complete Marketing Guide as part of your download, which will show you exactly the best step-by-step methods to promote, that are all either free of very low-cost and proven to work.

2. Post every morning between the hours of 7am or 10am, or in the evening (it's up to you).

3. Keep checking your Paypal or Payza account as money starts to pour in!

That's all you need to do! It really is that simple. I have helped thousands of regular folks just like you earn extra money working from home, and now you can do it too.

Stop wasting time on expensive programs that nickel and dime you to death or offer you an incomplete system that doesn't work without spending a fortune on advertising.

Just think about it for a minute, for less than a tank of gas, you can start earninga living online. The time to start is now, be ready for anything with some extra money in your pocket!

Next, I've put together some of the most common questions

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people ask to try and clear up any questions you may have.

Question: How can I make this work if I don't know anything about how to market? How do I get people to my $200 A Day offer?

Answer: Not a problem as I have put together a complete Marketing Guide as part of your product download, which will show you exactly the best step-by-step methods to promote that are all either free of very low cost and are proven to work.

Did I mention that I have also created pre-written ads for you to use? And, I show you exactly where to place them online. So there is no guess work on your part.

In addition to the Marketing Guide and pre-written ads, you are also able to sign-up for ongoing updates – as I regularly email you fresh new ads that I have personally written and tested.

After you join, you can email me and I will send you the ads that I have sent to resellers previously, so you don't miss out on any of them.

* Make sure you sign up for my ongoing updates once you get to the members area.

Question: I have promoted other products online but never got anyone to buy from me. How is this different?

Answer: Well, think about it for a second. You are going to be offering step-by-step instructions on how to make up to $200/day online with only about 20 minutes of work daily... Who doesn't want to make money and be shown how in this economy?

You didn't hesitate to learn more did you?

Many people that you put this offer in front of will make the purchase so that they can start using it themselves and make easy profits with a totally turnkey, automated system, just like you will be doing.

Honestly, once you see how easy it it to make money with it and gain some momentum, you won't be able to stop it.

Question: I'm a total computer dunce, is this complicated? What do I have to do?

Answer: It's simple. First you buy the product by clicking the “Get Started” link at the end of this section of the book. You'll will then be redirected to the website this ebook is connected to.

Simply scroll down to the bottom of that website to make your purchase and be instantly plugged-in.

Upon successful purchase, you will be emailed a receipt and be sure to click “return to merchant” to be redirected to the Members Area.

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Question: What is Paypal or Payza? How do I open an account with them?

Answer: Payza and Paypal are very simple online payment processors used for selling things online. To open an account, you just need to visit their respective websites at; or

Then select an account type based on your specific needs.

Question: It sounds like it is probably a good deal but I am going to have to think about it as I really don't completely understand it all yet.

Answer: Thinking about it is good. Visit the website a few times. I often “sleep on something” overnight if I have questions, but let me take a minute and give you a quick summary that might make this whole thing easier understand.

Selling on the Internet is hard. There is a lot of competition and many of those competitors are very experienced and have deep pockets for advertising.

Offering people step-by-step instructions on how to make up to $200/day for about 20 minutes worth of work daily is easy.

(You still with me? Something HARD vs. Something EASY)

Many people will take you up on your offer on how to make easy money online where they are receiving 100% of the money – no splitting with anyone.

Believe me, making money online just does not get any easier or simpler than this!

Question: Okay, this sounds good, but how long will it take for me to get started? I need the money right away.

Answer: A good question but almost impossible for me to answer as it depends so much on the individual. I have people all of the time email me saying how they purchased the system a week or two ago and are just now getting started.

If you are one of those people and let the information gather virtual dust on your computer, then it could be a very long time indeed before you any money.

On the other hand, if you immediately dive-in, place an ad using one of the pre-written ads you will receive in the download, you could easily have a couple of sales overnight with the cash sitting in your Paypal or Payza account by breakfast.

Question: What if I buy this and then need some help?

Answer: I am usually pretty close to my email on 6 days of the week (never on Sunday) and I am always ready to help you and offer suggestions on any marketing

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challenges you may have. You will also be receiving my Marketing Guide when you purchase, that you can use anytime for a reference.

Have a question now? Email Me

Question: Okay, I believe you. This really is the best thing I have I have ever seen online! I a still in shock, but I am not going to waste another minute...

How do I get started?

Answer: All you have to do is click on the “Get Started Today” link below and you will be done in just a few minutes.

You will be amazed how easy and simple this is, but remember, I am personally only an email away if you have questions or need help.

If you are still not sure if this is the right thing for you, then go ahead and read this ebook again. Sooner or later you are probably going to realize that this is the flat out easiest way to generate some fast, extra cash that you will ever find.

That's all there is to it.

To your success,Frank Jones