Download - 20 Tested and Proven Copywriting Rules That Can Triple Your Sales Appointments

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20 Tested and Proven Copywriting Rules That Can Triple Your Sales Appointments

Salesfolk Email Mastery Course Premium

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My experience with cold emails:• Written 10,000+ cold emails in the last 10 years,

and have gotten positive response rates of 68%+

• Managed email campaigns for 300+ B2B companies

• Founded Salesfolk and drove more than 60% of first 2 year’s revenue from 100% cold emails

• Built my own network from nothing to becoming friends with famous authors and CEOs

Heather R Morgan, Salesfolk CEO

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Not getting responses to your cold emails?

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Follow these 20 proven copywriting tips and start seeing more results from your sales prospecting efforts immediately:

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Tip #1: Use Active Voice✓ Use active voice instead of passive voice

✓ Passive: “The cupcakes were eaten by the dog.”

✓ Active: “The dog ate the cupcakes.”

✓ (don’t confuse “passive voice” with “past tense!”)

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Tip #2: Write for lazy people with ADHD✓Make everything easy to read

✓ Keep your sentences short

✓Cut through walls of text

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Tip #3: Use the simplest words you can✓Don’t hit the dictionary; plain English is best

✓ Try to use familiar words in every day conversation

✓ EX: “complicated” —> “hard”

✓ EX: “rudimentary” —> “easy”

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Tip #4: Skip the superlatives✓ Superlatives are exaggerated adjectives or adverbs

✓ A lot of them end with “est”

✓ EX: prettiest, darkest, fastest, or most

✓ Instead of saying: “We have the fastest wifi speed,” you can say: “You can download your favorite movie on our wifi in just minutes.”

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Tip #5: Kill the jargon✓ You or your marketing department isn’t as special or as

clever as you/they might think

✓Using jargon makes your prospects feel like an outsider, and turns them off

✓What’s jargon? Anything that your prospect wouldn’t normally say to their peers

✓ EX: “advanced hyper-texting capabilities”

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Tip #6: Keep it casual✓Use casual language that you would use in every day

conversation instead of formalities like “Dear Sir or Madam”

✓ Instead use: Hey, Hi, or Hello (unless you’re emailing the Queen of England)

✓ Feel free to use contractions like “won’t” instead of “will not”

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Tip #7: Be sensual✓ Stroke their senses with adjectives that connect with

peoples’s senses, using words like: delicious, frigid, breathtaking, etc.

✓Make your language a little more colorful with words like: unforgettable, disturbing, cozy, etc.

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Tip #8: Don’t be a narcissist✓ Strangers don’t want to hear you talk about yourself.

✓ Your emails should be considerate of your prospect, and sound like a conversation rather than a monologue.

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Tip #9: Write for one person✓ This is a powerful trick that really makes the difference

between my writing and many other sales and marketing people.

✓ No matter how big of a list you have, you should always think about one person when you write, because that magically makes your writing sound more natural and conversational.

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Tip #10: Assume familiarity from the start✓ Skip all those lame pleasantries and apologies like: “Sorry

to bother you…” or “I’m Suzie from Salesforce…”

✓ Instead, just cut to the chase and talk to them as if you’re already an acquaintance.

✓ This tactic helps subtly convince your prospect’s subconscious that they already know you.

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Tip #11: So what?✓Why does your cold email matter to your prospect? What’s

in it for them?

✓Why should they take time out of their day to read it and respond to you?

✓ You have to know what they care about if you hope to vie for their attention despite all the other emails in their inbox

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Tip #12: Only one thing per cold email ✓ Resist the temptation to cram too much crap into your cold


✓ Focus on ONLY ONE benefit/pain point/idea per cold email

✓ EVERYTHING in your cold email should relate to that and anything that does not help drive that point should be cut out

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Tip #13: Keep digging✓ “How many licks does it take to get to the center of a


✓ You have to keep going until your each the core of your prospect’s pain point or desires.

✓ Aim to be a painkiller instead of just a vitamin.

✓ EX: “we help you build lead lists” is shallow, where as “we’ll help you get more customers in less time” is deeper

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Tip #14: Pain or pleasure?✓ The most successful cold emails usually go after desire or


✓ If you want to leverage desire, you should try to add value.

✓ If you’re using fear, you should focus on fear of loss or existing problems you think they are likely to have. (Don’t be too obnoxious!)

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Tip #15: Hook them from the start✓ Your first sentence is prime real estate, so don’t waste it on

garbage filler text.

✓ Try to evoke emotions right away.

✓ You can do this by using sensory adjectives or poking at a fear or desire you know they have.

✓ Great ways to start your cold emails are either using powerful statements that may or may not include statistics, or with a question that starts a conversation.

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Tip #16: Build trust through a picture✓Don’t be vague

✓Don’t make bold claims without compelling evidence

✓ Paint a picture of your customers’ success to build trust

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Tip #17: Cut the bullshit✓ Don’t make absurd claims that aren’t true.

✓ You should even be careful making claims that are true that people are unlikely to believe, such as “20,000% growth!”

✓ Eliminate sugary testimonials that are way too generous. They don’t work, and only hurt your credibility.

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Tip #18: Sweeten things up✓Why should your prospects respond and talk to you?

✓ Incentivize your ask!

✓ This doesn’t mean gift cards or free food, but rather offering valuable information, such as ideas or insights

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Tip #19: No exclamation marks!✓ They only make your cold emails look gimmicky and


✓ Let your copy’s strength speak for itself.

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Tip #20: Read it aloud to yourself✓ This is something I ALWAYS do.

✓ It helps you catch grammar errors.

✓ Listening to how your copy actually sounds is a good test that can help you put yourself in your reader’s shoes.

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Questions and Answer Time:

Salesfolk Email Mastery Course Premium