Download - 20 Questions on 2012

  • 8/3/2019 20 Questions on 2012



    1. Why is everyone talking about the year 2012?2. Is 2012 going to be the "End of The World?"

    3. What is the "2012" disaster movie based in?4. What is supposed to happen in 2012?5. Is 2012 associated with any rare astronomical events or alignments?6. Is 2012 just the next Y2K?7. Where does December, 21 2012 date originally come from?8. What are the living Maya saying about 2012?9. Is there evidence of the 2012 date on ancient Mayan monuments?10. How did the modern world first find out about the 2012 prophecy?11. It is possible the Ancient Maya forsaw this time of Biospheric Crisis?12. It is possible the Ancient Maya's prophecy highlights our modern crisis inconsciousness and the process of our collective awakening?13. What is the connection between calendars and consciousness?

    14. How does the Ancient Mayan Calendar Cycle reflect the larger picture of thisplanetary transformation process we are in right now?15. How can we return to living in natural time?16. Does 2012 mark a new era of telepathic unification for humanity?17. What are some universal themes of this Living Prophecy?18. How can we contemplate 2012 as a collective dreaming process?19. How can we prepare for 2012?20. 2012 - What's the bottom line?

    Why is everyone talking about the year 2012?

    The Solstice on December 21, 2012 ~precisely at 11:11 AM Universal Time ~marks the completion of the 5,125 yearGreat Cycle of the Ancient Maya LongCount Calendar.

    Rather than being a linear end-point,this cycle that is closing is naturallyfollowed by the start of a new cycle.What this new cycle has in store forhumanity is a mystery that has yet tounfold...

    2012 is also considered the completionof the 26,000 year Precession of theEquinoxes cycle, and some say it alsosignifies the end of a 104,000 year cycle.

    The recent "2012" movie serves to alert a targeted 140 million people, in casethey too haven't already heard the news. Unfortunately, however, the movie doesa dis-service because it distorts the message of this ancient prophecy byassociating it with fear and destruction, as depicted by the movie's global disasterscenario, rather than the themes of transformation and renewal the prophecy isactually based in.
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    The 2012 date indeed marks the completion of this World Age Cycle. Ratherthan something to fear, we can understand the 2012 prophecy assignalling us that we need to awaken and realize that these times onEarth are auspicious; we are living in land-mark times in the history ofour planet. We are collectively in a cross-roads moment that is calling out to usto participate in our fullest capacity. We are each being summoned to bring our

    inspiration and empowerment to the fore, as we must all take our places intransforming our human culture to be one of Harmony - with ourselves, with eachother and with all of Nature.

    Together we are in a great initiation process, living in times of unprecedentedchallenge, transformation and opportunity. This planetary moment has neverexisted before as it does right now. Our human population is climbing off thecharts, accelerating by the day, as is our environmental crises and the vastwhole-system struggles of peoples worldwide, both physically and spiritually. Theold world mentality, founded in separation, greed, ignorance, and unconsciousconsumer materialism, has reached dangerous peaks. Simultaneously, there hasnever been so much possibility at our fingertips as there is right now. A new

    paradigm is trying to emerge in our world, through our hearts and minds, like aflower trying to grow through the cracks in the cement sidewalk. Newcomprehensions and new solutions are emerging in our collective journey - fromnew sciences, to new economic models, new healing modalities, new energytechnologies, new educational models, new forms of conflict resolution, etc.These times of crisis are unifying us and catalyzing us to awaken to our personaland collective responsibilities in this one planetary equation.

    As we perceive the 2012 completion date as a reminder to us from the Ancientsthat right here and now we are living in precious times, we can realize howcritical it is that we align together in respect for life, becoming more and moreconscious of how our intentions and actions affect the Whole. This is an important

    theme of this prophecy: Becoming Conscious of All that has been Unconscious. Itis time to see and know and become aware of how we can participate directly inthis great transformation process, inside of ourselves and in our shared world,from the energies we transmit through our feelings and intentions, to the detailsof our lifestyle choices.

    The New Cycle that is to emerge is founded on us awakening to the beauty andresponsibility of our interconnectedness. Every one of us has a piece in thiscosmic puzzle, and we must help each other find our heart's guidance in thesemysterious times. As we recognize we are in a Global Healing Crisis, we canshake off the wounded victim mentality, and arise as Medicine Warriors, here todo the necessary work to help lay the ground for a New Era to root, conscious of

    our obligations to future generations.

    Carlos Barrios, who was trained as an Ajq'ij in the Maya tradition, has this toshare in regards to 2012:

    "Our planet can be renewed or ravaged. Now is the time to awaken and takeaction...The prophesized changes are going to happen, but our attitude andactions determine how harsh or mild they are.

    "This is a crucially important moment for humanity and for earth. Each person isimportant. If you have incarnated into this era, you have spiritual work to dobalancing the planet...The greatest wisdom is in simplicity. Love, respect,

    tolerance, sharing, gratitude, forgiveness. It's not complex or elaborate. The realknowledge is free. It's encoded in your DNA. All you need is within you. Great

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    teachers have said that from the beginning. Find you heart, and you will find yourway."

    Is 2012 going to be the "End of The World?"

    No, not in terms of the completedestruction of the Earth and some kindof annihilation scenario. 2012 is notbringing the end of the planet.

    When we contemplate the expression"end of the world" let us realize theterm "world" can refer to a cycle; aperiod of time; a world age era.Therefore 2012 is signalling the

    completion of one World Age Cycle,transitting into an emerging New WorldAge to come.

    It is said that the world we are endingis the one that is dominated bymaterialism and ego consciousness,therefore it may be that the world to follow will be founded on different valuesthat honor the spirit of the interdependence of all of life.

    There are ideas in the collective mind that assert that 2012 is bringing the "end ofthe world as we know it," which may be linked with its other association of

    heralding "the end of linear time," and no one can say how valid these claimsmay be. However, based on the complex situation we are in as a planet, no onecan predict the longevity of our modern world with all of its technologicaldependencies and unsustainable customs. Likewise, the more conscious webecome of the non-linear, synchronistic nature of existence, the more rapidly wemay indeed evolve beyond the linear time paradigm.

    In regards to the ever-increasing attention on the December 21, 2012 date, theliving Maya of Guatemala urgently want it to be known that their ancientprophecies have been distorted and misportrayed as doomsday predictions. Theydo not advocate all the fear and hysteria that is being generated by thesensationalized 2012 rumors, and they want people to be aware that most of the

    2012 (mis)information being put out is not sourced from the Maya or theircalendars whatsoever, even though it may appear to be associated with them.

    In regards to the popular fascination with the possible "end of the world"cataclysm scenario in 2012, it is important to understand that these modernfantasies projected from our collective psyche are reflecting our internal processof fearing how out of harmony with nature we are collectively living. There is asense of an impending retaliation from nature that will come, as a greatpunishment upon our misguided human world.

    While it is clear we are living in times of great uncertainty and great imbalance,we need to realize that terrorizing ourselves by energizing fear-based rumors

    does not assist us in rising to the great challenges we face. Fear is a primaluniversal human reality, based on understanding how vulnerable we actually are,

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    yet we need to understand that if we believe in all the fear thoughts, we caneasily become shut down, delusional or reactionary in ways that feed the fear andlead us further into darkness.

    In this time of prophecy, we need to move from motivating ourselves not fromfear, but from awareness. To navigate these critical times on earth, in addition toour discernment and our intuition, we must find our hearts and follow theirinspiration, for they are our purest guides and can help us tune into our uniquepath of service.

    When we contemplate what the world might be like beyond 2012, let us be clearthat no one can predict the specifics of how things may appear as we enter thisnew cycle, or whether the transformations still to come may emerge gradually orswiftly. Everything depends on how conscious we can become as a species, andhow we all contribute to this process of awakening our human potential. Thedetails of how this new era may actually manifest is up to the merits of ourcollective creativity and the possible breakthroughs which can unfold through ourresourcefulness and ingenuity.

    Carlos Barrios, from the Eagle Clan of the Mam Maya of Guatemala shares inregards to 2012:

    "The world will not end. It will be transformed... Everything will change...Changeis accelerating now, and it will continue to accelerate...If the people of the earthcan get to this 2012 date in good shape, without having destroyed too much ofthe Earth, we will rise to a new, higher level. But to get there we must transformenormously powerful forces that seek to block the way...Humanity will continue,but in a different way. Material structures will change. From this we will have theopportunity to be more human..."

    What is the "2012" disaster movie based in?

    The director of the "2012" Sony Picture, Roland Emmerich, admitted that he hasa "love affair"with telling end of the world stories, as evident in his previousmovies, "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow."

    As Emmerich shares about the plot of the 2012 movie, "...we came up with thisidea that maybe a global flood would be a great movie because we could do a re-telling of Noahs Ark, in a modern way...during the course of coming up with thestory, we found this phenomenon about 2012, and we incorporated it into ourmovie..."

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    In other words, THE GLOBAL DISASTER SCENARIO OF THE 2012 MOVIE IS NOTBASED IN ANY FACTS.As Emmerich clarifies, "We only used the fact that the

    Mayan calendar ends. That gave us the year."Emmerich said after checking outthe range of 2012 books on Amazon, he realized, "...there are so many (theories)that, in a way, you can just create your own."He shares that "2012" was tackedon as a title to his disaster movie because it is something "people believe"and itmade the movie seem more "real."

    Interestingly, Emmerich's underlying motivation for the movie seems to begenuine concern about the course we are all on as modern society. As he states,"I hope we are not ruining our planet. I really believe that, if we keep going anddoing what we are doing, we will not be leaving the planet how it should be, forour kids. That has been going on for generations. And then, we still have thesewars going on, and all this energy could go into the environment or other

    peaceful activities. Its just very sad to see and read the news, every day, andsee what these people are fighting over. Its like they dont understand that theclock is ticking."

    While Emmerich may be wanting to get our attention to stimulate a change ofways, let us not overlook the bottomline that Fear Sells. There is big money to bemade in hyping the closing of the World Age Cycle and exploiting our humanvulnerabilities and fear of the unknown. The manifestation of this movie perfectlyexemplifies the sickness of greed that has dominated this dying world age.

    While it is auspicious that hundreds of millions of people are being notified by thismovie that we are closing a vast cycle in 2012, it is critical that we help people

    look beyond the hollywood-ized disaster versions of this time of prophecy, andseek out authentic sources of meaning. One should be aware of the 2012websites made just to promote the 2012 film and its fear-based drama,such as the fictional Institute for Human Continuity and its Survival Lottery.

    Personally and collectively, we have to be aware that the concepts that we holdabout what 2012 might bring do play a part in our shared creative, manifestationprocess. Simply put, energizing global cataclysm scenarios is ultimately not inservice, as it may conjure much more fear and panic in the collective. Rather thanbeing fascinated with the negative fantasies and worst case scenarios that canhappen in the years to come, what if instead we contemplate and direct ourattention towards the most positive transformations that could occur, and have

    already begun, inside of us and in our shared world. What is the highest Visionwe can hold for our unfolding human awakening process on this Earth? Let us
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    keep our eye and ears, minds and hearts open during these times, finding acenter between the old ways which are dying and the new ways which areemerging.

    "What you put your attention on grows stronger in your life."- His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

    What is supposed to happen in 2012?

    One can find countless theories about what'ssupposed to happen in 2012 - ranging from allout doom and gloom, to total enlightenmentand ascension, to absolutely nothing. It isimportant to look beyond the hype, as many of

    the 2012 predictions now in circulation have noroots in the actual prophecies of the Maya, andare simply projections from the human psycheof our basic hopes and fears.

    The 2012 Galactic Alignment theory ofJohnMajor Jenkins has become quite popular, andshould be mentioned as Jenkins has investeddecades of research and decoding into theancient Maya and their time science. From hisstudies of the mythology and astronomy of Izapa, the ancient Maya birthplace ofthe Long Count Calendar, he asserts that the end of their 13 Baktun Cycle in

    2012 is highlighting the rare 26,000 year alignment between the Decembersolstice sun with the Galactic equator. He affirms this is a process that is alreadyunderway, not something happening all on one day, and that it also reflects thespiritual teachings of the ancient Maya prophecies regarding the shifting of WorldAge cycles. Their Creation Myths depict the change in eras, as the power plays ofthe ego and false, corrupt rulership are defeated, giving way for a new era that isruled and guided by higher wisdom, based in unity-consciousness.

    However, as far as the actual day of 12-21-2012 goes - ultimately, with all thevariables, and all the unknowns and unknowables, no one can say with anycertainty what will, or will not, happen precisely on Solstice 2012, nor howgradually or rapidly all the changes yet to come will unfold. We are already living

    through a time of unspeakable intensity, on the edge of extinction andbreakthrough.

    There is nothing to wait for, we are right in the thick of it! Our sharedjourney is all connected to this moment and manifests according to howwe navigate from this here and now.
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    An important point made by Mayan Ajq'ij Carlos Barrios, is that in regards to thewarnings from the ancients of possible catastrophies yet to come, it is critical werealize that it is within our power to change the outcome. He says it is within ourpower to prevent the worst case self-destruction scenarios from happening, andinstead rise to a new level of evolution.

    As Mr. Barrios shares: "This is the time people need to know what is thepurpose of their own lives. This is a dangerous time because we can go to thenext step, to the transition, to the fusion of the polarities, or it is a time when wecan be destroyed. This materialistic way of life, all this business about economicand social position in the world, it needs to change and the people need to go

    inside themselves in order to know what they are and to find harmony with themother earth, with human beings, with their brothers, with the animals, with the

    plants. It's an important time because we are in the moment of the prophesiesand humanity can be destroyed or we can be saved, all together."

    In this process of taking our power, it is important that we take our attention offof the 2012 date as being some linear point in the future that some event is goingto happen that determines our fate. The reality is we are on a journey, right now,through the shifting of world age cycles. We have to understand this is aPROCESS we are now in, not a product that will necessarily arrive on a particularday and time. As is obvious, focusing on future projections is a distraction to thismoment and its opportunities. While maintaining awareness of the larger context

    of this time of prophecy, we know that this here and now is where our life isplaying out; rather than projecting imaginations into the future, this is themoment of empowerment.

    Also, in a broader sense, if we contemplate the theme of Apocalypse that is beingassociated with the 2012 prophecy, we can learn a lot by looking into the originalmeaning of the word Apocalypse: Revealing of that which has been hidden; liftingof the veil; uncovering. We can see this phenomena in our world as the coversare being lifted, the veils are thinning, and we are being shown many dimensionsthat have previously been hidden. The corruption and insanity within ourselvesand those in positions of power in the world is being rapidly exposed, as is theprofound and untapped depths of beauty and wisdom living within our own hearts

    now revealing itself!

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    Is 2012 associated with any rare astronomical events oralignments?

    Back to John Major Jenkins'Galactic Alignment theory of

    the rare 26,000 yearalignment between theDecember solstice sun withthe Galactic equator (shownabove). This alignment occursas a result of the precessionof the equinoxes. Precessionis caused by the earthwobbling very slowly on itsaxis and shifts the position ofthe equinoxes and solsticesone degree every 71.5 years.

    Jenkins states that becausethe sun is one-half of adegree wide, it will take theDecember solstice sun 36years to precess through theGalactic equator. The precisealignment of the solstice point (the precise center-point of the body of the sun asviewed from earth) with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998.Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016. This is"era-2012."

    As Jenkins notes: "In terms of Mayan astronomy and mythology, the Dark Riftfeature (which the Maya called the Black Road or Xibalba Be) lies along thegalactic equator (the Milky Way) in the place where the December solstice sunwill be in 2012. (More precisely, the December solstice sun will reach thesouthern terminus of the Dark Rift, where it touches the ecliptic in Sagittarius.)Thus, in terms of Mayan mythology, we can also describe the Galactic Alignmentof era-2012 as the alignment of the December solstice sun and the Dark Rift. Thisentire region is targeted by the cross formed by the Milky Way and the eclipticbetween Sagittarius and Scorpio.
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    To the Maya, The Milky Way was seen as the Tree of Life where all life came from,depicted here as their symbol of "The World Tree"

    "This Cross was also recognized by the Maya, and was called the Crossroads orSacred Tree. This entire region is embraced by what astronomers call the 'nuclearbulge' of the Galactic Centerthe center of our Milky Way galaxy. As anyamateur astronomer or naked-eye star gazer knows, this nuclear bulge isrecognizable without the aid of radio telescopes. It is wider and brighter thanother parts of the Milky Way. So, in a general sense we can also say that thealignment in 2012 is an alignment between the December solstice sun and theGalactic Center. However, since the nuclear bulge is quite large, this definition isnot as precise as saying "the alignment of the December solstice sun with thegalactic equator," which occurs in the range 1980 - 2016. This is the alignment

    zone I refer to with the term "era-2012."

    John Major Jenkins makes a fascinating link between the ancient monuments ofIzapa and this World Age Renewal process we are currently amidst. As hedescribes one of the throne monuments of Izapa: "The birth canal between thelegs of the throne figure is analogous to the dark-rift in the Milky Way. Thisblack cleft feature is called by the modern Quich Maya the Xibalba Be...Generally, as an underworld portal, it is related to the complex of motifsassigned to the jaguars mouth, serpent mouths, caves, cenotes, a womans birthcanal, temple doorways, and so on. A significant equation in this mythic complexis the dark-rift as birth canal, for it is through the birth canal of the Milky Waythat the solstice sun will be reborn in the years around 2012."What might thisimply about our World Age Rebirth process?

    Jenkins offers a fascinating look into Izapa Cosmology. sharing that in the stelaeyou can see the Creation Myth of the Ancient Maya "Popol Vuh" playing out. As hedescribes one of stones: "Although eroded, it is clear that it shows a victoriousballplayer, probably one of the hero twins, standing over a demised Seven Macawbird deity. This indicates to the viewer two things: the former god, now defeated,and the new god, newly victorious or newly born. This scene relates to theCreation myth wherein the hero twins must defeat the vain, false ruler of the
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    previous world age, Seven Macaw, beforetheir father, One Hunahpu, can bereborn. A lengthy examination of earlyMeasoamerican calendrics is omittedhere, which demonstrate that OneHunahpu was probably associated with

    the December solstice sun at Izapa... thesolar gods rebirth is inextricablyinvolved in its future alignment with theMilky Way..."

    Jenkins shares further: On the northside of the ballcourt, at position C, wefind a solar lord sitting in the middle ofa canoe with his arms outstretched. Thecanoe probably represents both theballcourt and the Milky Way, towardwhich the ballcourt is oriented. The

    outstretched arms indicate a period-ending measuring of time event. Sincethe contextual orientation of theballcourt is to the December solstice,which itself is a period ending, we might

    presume that the solar lord is theDecember solstice lord...This stela thus seems to portray the December solsticesun sitting in the middle of the Milky Way canoe. It is extremely interesting thatthe part of the Milky Way that rises over the solstice horizon to the southeast isthe nuclear bulge of the Milky Waythe part of the Milky Way that contains theGalactic Center."

    As Jenkins clarifies an important point: "Human beings living today have a specialdestiny, as Divine Plan works through the cycles of nature. But the renewal ofhumanity is not determined by the stars, for free will is an essential componentof the spiritual evolution of consciousness. Our willing participation in these greatenergy shifts is required. To open up to the galactic energy of change is difficultand will transform us. But we have an opportunity to move into closerrelationship with the source and center of life. The astronomical alignmentdoes not "cause" us to grow; rather, it corresponds to a process ofawakening happening in the depths of our inner being. It is the outersymbol of an essentially spiritual revolution. Nevertheless, the galactic alignmentof era-2012 is an open door, inviting us to grow spiritually. To do so we mustsacrifice the illusions that keep us bound to dark and limited realms of existence.

    Let us open to the light within and stretch our souls to the stars!"


    On June 6th, 2012 we will experience a rare Venus Transit where Venus passesbetween the Earth and the Sun.

    The rare alignments of Venus moving across the disk of the Sun are clustered inpairs, and separated by about 120 years. (Four conjunctions within 234 years).

    The Venus transit to come in 2012 is the 2nd half of the pair that was initiated by

    the Venus Transit that occurred on June 8th, 2004, which Dr. Jose Arguellesproclaimed was "the sign of the full opening of the Road to 2012."
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    As we realize in only a matter of a fewyears we will be on the other side of thisinfamous date, we can see that if we setup December 21, 2012 with a bunch ofexpectations, it's quite possible we aregenerating another Y2K scenario in which

    we may find ourselves disillusioned.

    Instead of relating to 12-21-2012 as aprediction of specific events, putting allour eggs in the basket of projecting ontothe outcome of this one particular day, itis a wiser approach to instead perceivethe Solstice 2012 as a synchronizationpoint; a marker in time signalling both theclose of a huge era of human history andthe dawning of a World Age Renewal,opening for new possibilities to emerge...

    As we can honor thaton this day, theAncient 5,125 yearLong Count Odometer of the Maya resets itself at13., coming back to its sacred Zero point, we can seeSolstice 2012 as a gateway that marks entrance into a newworld age cycle - one that shall indeed unfold overgenerations and generations to come.

    As we align our intentions and hearts on this day, let usrealize that rather than instant-enlightenment, serving as

    instruments of a New World Era is a lifetime position thatwill keep flowering through our dedication, sincerity anddiscipline to live in harmony with our greatest potential. Theevents of our shared planetary journey will keep revealingthemselves, there are so many variables no one can predictour course, it's all up to how conscious we can become as aspecies...

    As Carlos Barrios said: "The change won't happen exactlyon this day because it's not changed like a flash of light...[Dec 21, 2012] is just the beginning...It will take years..."

    Rather than looking to decipher what physical events may ormay not occur with this cycle shifting, we can also relate to

    2012 as a code that is signalling us to look within ourselves and awaken to thehigher and deeper dimensions of our being. For we are the vessels throughwhich a new human culture is emerging, and the transformation of theworld's soul is crying out to all human hearts! It is our work to keep shiningthe light of awareness, helping each other become more conscious of how we arenavigating as a planetary family, and supporting each other to keep growing intoour potential. As we walk this prophetic path together, may we continue our

    journey of finding right relationship with each other, our Earth and our Cosmos.

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    Where does the December 21, 2012 date originally comefrom?

    The Ancient Classic Maya Temples of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico

    As a catalyst in our collective mind, the 2012 code now reflects the convergenceof universal wisdom from many cultural and religious prophecies of peoples fromaround the planet. However, the specific timing originates as a gift from theancient Maya, the world's supreme timekeepers.

    At their peak, roughly 1500 years ago, the Ancient Maya utilized 20 calendarssimultaneously - weaving a holistic system that tracked small cycles and vastcycles. From sunspots, to eras of consciousness, Venus patterns to eclipses,agriculture to prophecy, their calendars unite biological, physical cycles withinvisible cycles, earth cycles with galactic cycles - using the mathematics ofNature which shows us the microscosm mirrors the macrocosm.

    The December 21, 2012 date is specifically referring to the completion of theAncient Maya's Long Count Calendar, known as the 13 Baktun Cycle, or GreatCycle. The research of John Major Jenkins reveals the Maya birthplace of thiscalendar system as Izapa, which is located near the Guatemala border in theMexican State of Chiapas.

    According to this calendar, Earth entered a new "creation cycle" on August 11,3114 BC which is written in long count notation as This cycle is

    1,872,000 days long, and every day from thatbeginning point was measured in terms of Mayancycles called kin, uinal, tun, katuns and baktuns. Manyancient Mayan monuments are carved with long countdates as this is the way they tracked huge cycles oftime and kept chronological records of importanthistorical events.

    On the Long Count Calendar, December 20, 2012would be written as At the completion

    of the cycle, December 21, 2012 the cosmic odometer
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    resets and we return to, coming back to a sacred Zero point, re-birthing into a New Cycle.

    Some MesoAmerican systems say at that point of the New Cycle, we will bestarting the 5th World cycle, whereas others say we will be beginning the 6thSun.

    According to 13th Generation Maya Priest, Grandfather Don Alejandro Cirilo PerezOxlaj, the calendars were originally given to the Maya peoples by the 4 OriginalProphets from the Stars. They are very confident of the celestial origins of theirsacred time science.

    As evidence of the cosmic intelligence of the Ancient Maya, Maya Elder HunbatzMen presents the chart shown below. He shares:

    "This is a picture of the Yucatan, Peninsula in Mexico. You can see how manyMaya Ceremonial Centers are perfectly and geometrically aligned and the

    distances between one another were mathematically calculated so that they werethe same. Thus, when we performed a ritual in any of the Mayan temples, itwould be mathematically in all the other temples."

    What are the living Maya saying about 2012?

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    Tz'utujil Maya Women from Guatemala

    2012 is the completion of the ancient Mesoamerican Long Count Calendar Cycle -but the Maya of today no longer track the Long Count Cycle. Conservativeestimates say its been at least 500 years since they have, since at least the timeof the Spanish Invasion. The last Long Count Calendar inscription recorded instone is from 909 AD, more than a thousand years ago.

    Currently, there are at least 7 million Maya living today. The largest populations

    of contemporary Maya inhabit the Mexican states of Yucatn, Campeche,Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Chiapas, and in the Central American countries ofBelize, Guatemala, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.

    Depending on who you talk to, one can find evidence that some living Mayaendorse the 2012 date as being of critical importance, while some may not beaware of it, or do not necessarily agree with its projected significance. Some thinkit is a matter for the shamans and priests, and do not relate to the westernizedapocalyptic themes we've married the 2012 date to.

    To share one example, take Gerardo Barrios who began a quest over 20 yearsago of travelling to different villages in Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, El Salvador

    and Honduras, eventually interviewing nearly 600 Maya Timekeepers.

    Sharing his reflections, Gerardo Barrios states:

    "We are now in a transition period called the 'Cycle of the merge of the dark andthe light.'...The cycle of the light will come in full force on 12/21/2012...MotherEarth as a living entity will transcend to another level or frequency ofconsciousness and a new and special era will begin...This era will be very

    positive. 'Let all beings rise. Let not one or two stay behind.'...The times are herefor total brotherhood...The spirit beings, different philosophies, different racesmust begin to weave together all knowledge to create the tapestry of harmonyand balance..."

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    Sacred Mayan Fire Ceremony

    From a different perspective, author Kenneth Johnson writes "...mostcontemporary Maya continue to view these cycles of World Emergence purely interms of 'cycles within cycles...' Many are aware that the 2012 end date was

    supposed to signify such a transition, but they are not altogether convinced thatthis date is as meaningful as we Westerners think it is."

    Along these lines, Grandfather DonAlejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, 13thGeneration Quiche Maya Priest and Head ofThe National Mayan Council of IndigenousElders in Guatemala representing 440 Mayatribes, is hesitant to pinpoint 2012 as thecertain date of destiny. He is weary ofputting false claims on the exact timing of aprocess he knows is in motion. However,

    according to Drunvalo Melchizadek whom heauthorized to speak to the world on hisbehalf, he has recently declared that we arenow in the Window of the End of Time,meaning the closing of the Great cycle isupon us. He has said that due to thefulfillment of the Hopi Blue Star prophecy onOctober 24, 2007, brought by CometHolmes, it is likely that the transformationto a New Cycle of the Sun will occursometime between now and 2016.

    When we visited Guatemala last winter, we had the honor of participating insacred fire ceremony with Grandfather Don Alejandro (who is shown in the photo
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    on the right). After the ceremony, he shared witha small circle of us in regards to 2012. He statedthat amongst the Maya of today, they can'tcollectively say for sure when the cycle is endingbecause almost allof their calendars and books(and countless sacred artifacts) were brutally

    destroyed in 1562 by the Roman Catholic BishopDe Landa. (Only 3 Maya codices remain intact.)

    According to him, the changes that are comingare already happening now and could culminatevery soon, or perhaps over the next severalgenerations. He doesn't want the people of theworld to have expectations that lead them to saythat nothing ended up happening in 2012 anddiscounting the wisdom of the Maya ancestors.

    Specific dates aside, Don Alejandro shares the

    possibility that our shift into the new cycle of theSun will be marked by a time of 30-70 hours ofprolonged darkness. If this occurs, he stresses the

    importance of us not fearing this darkness, remaining calm and knowing it willpass. According to Drunvalo Melchizadek, he also mentions the possibility of aphysical pole shift of the Earth's axis.

    Don Alejandro's message always points out the supreme necessity of us changingour modern ways and taking responsibility for the "great contamination" that manhas perpetuated, so that we can find our way of living in harmony with Earth."We dont want any more wars, no more death, no more nuclear testing, no morechemicals, because the warming up of the planet is unbearable to Mother Earth.

    If we dont change, sooner or later, she will strike back with millions of lives lost."

    All of this said,he also shares that this shifting ages is a positive thing that weshould be very happy about: "So for us the time that is coming to us, is a time ofchange. And for us the Mayas, it is joy and happiness. They are saying in 2012that this will end. So for us, the Mayans, if it were to happen in 2012, oh, howhappy it would be. And our Creator, he will leave seeds from different regions forthe future. So you, when that time comes, you will be prepared."

    From his heart, Don Alejandro implores us to not be afraid in the face of theseUnknowns. As he said to us directly, "Do not be afraid. Do not be afraid. TheChildren of the Sun will survive."He was adament that the Maya prophecies are

    not saying the destruction of the planet is coming, and the elders are not pleasedwith the spreading of rumors of misleading information that is creating more fearin the people. As he said, " is only a change of a cycle of the Sun. It is not thefirst time this is going to happen nor will it be the last."

    As Grandfather Don Alejandro shares, the essence of the Maya Prophecy says:Arise, all arise, not one nor two groups be left behind, together we will see onceagain the place from where we have come from.

    As Yucatec Maya Elder Hunbatz Men comments: "According to the prophecies, inthe year 2013 the first stage of higher understanding will begin. If we are willingto work with our subconscious, we will then be able to reclaim the information

    that has been impregnated in the deepest parts of our being. In this way, theancient knowledge will rise again." Likewise, Don Alejandro shared that the

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    wisdom of the Ancestors has never left, and that the Return of their Knowledgeinto our lives is imminent.

    In regards to 2012, a man named Carlos Barrios who was born in Guatemala andtrained as a Mayan Ajq'ij has a lot to share. Here is an excerpt from "The Book ofDestiny" by Carlos Barrios:

    "For the Maya, the famous date of December 21, 2012 marks the beginning ofthe fifth cycle of 5,200 years called Job Ajaw, or The Fifth Sun. This potentiallyapocalyptic date is the beginning of a change in consciousness, a time when anew socioeconomic order will arise in harmony with Mother Earth.

    "Just as the world did not end in the year 2000, at the start of the millenium, itwon't end with the advent of Job Ajaw in 2012. An unfounded fear was createdbefore the new millenium by religious leaders who based their theories onmisguided interpretations of ancient religious texts and predictions made byfamous prophets. The same fear is rising again. The true guardians of thistradition have never been consulted about this date, but we are here to say:

    December 21, 2012 will not be the end of the world or the end ofhumanity. In fact, it will be the start of a period in which harmony,understanding, peace, and wisdom can reign. The prophecy says that during Job

    Ajaw we will move to a harmonious Natural Order so that both the Earth andhumanity can attain the next stage of evolution.

    "We are reaching a transcendent period as predicted by many of the world'sgreat traditions and visionaries. Now we have the opportunity to ascendspiritually together with Mother Earth. The Maya speak of such prophetic timeswhen either this transcendence will be possible or we will self-destruct.

    "Mayan prophecies of events during this period have been astonishingly exact.

    The prophecies regarding the war in Iraq, the destruction of the Twin Towers,conflicts such as those between India and Pakistan and between Israel andPalestine, the tsunamis, earthquakes and floods are just a few examples. The

    predictions that have not yet come to pass are even more catastrophic - butthere is time to change the outcome!Our Grandfathers warn of calamitiesand the possible destruction of a large part of humankind so that we can changesuch events. The Mayan Elders want to caution us that we must live in harmony,become aware, stop polluting, and safeguard our natural resources. The damagewe have already done to Mother Earth is more than obvious.

    "Very little attention has been paid to the importance of earlier cycles,particularly the end of this one, Kajib Ajaw, or the Fourth Sun. It is during this

    period - right now - that we run the greatest risk of large scale conflicts andnatural disasters. The catastrophic side of the prophecy has unfortunately beenmisinterpreted as an inexorable, apocalyptic event. It is within our power,however, to prevent this from happening. We may be facing the self-destructionof much of humanity, but an ever-increasing number of us are also becomingaware of the damage we have caused to the environment and what we must doto change this...

    "The imminent arrival of the new prophetic cycle Job Ajaw, a period of 5,200years beginning on December 21, 2012, will bring future generations theirrightful legacy: a return to a state of awareness."

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    In Steep Uphill Climbto 2012, CarlosBarrios' messageshares that "...thedark power of thedeclining Fourth World

    cannot be destroyed oroverpowered... That isthe wrong strategy.The dark can only be

    transformed when confronted with simplicity and open-heartedness. Thisis what leads to fusion, a key concept for the World of the Fifth Sun.

    Mr. Barrios (shown on the left) said the emerging era of the Fifth Sun will callattention to a much-overlooked element. Whereas the four traditional elementsof earth, air, fire and water have dominated various epochs in the past, there willbe a fifth element to reckon with in the time of the Fifth Sun: ether. Ether is amedium. It permeates all space and transmits waves of energy in a wide range of

    frequencies, from cell phones to human auras. What is "ethereal" is related to theregions beyond earth: the heavens.

    As Mr. Barrios shared: We live in a world of energy. An important task at thistime is to learn to sense or see the energy of everyone and everything: people,

    plants, animals. This becomes increasingly important as we draw close to theWorld of the Fifth Sun, for it is associated with the element ether - the realmwhere energy lives and weaves."

    In ancient cosmology, ether is understood as the fifth element that filled all spacebeyond the sphere of the moon, constituting the substance of the stars andplanets!

    Maya Elder Hunbatz Men shares: " humanity awakes to the spirit in allmatter, I have absolute hope that we will begin to live and work in a sacred wayagain. We did not come this far through the burden of time and space to end it inthis way. We are here to be victorious. We are here to witness and participate inthe great celebration.

    "It is funny humanity as a whole feels that we have no impact on this reality.How can we believe so little of ourselves that we feel we are just blowing in thewind, as if by accident, just witnessing or being a victim of this reality. The bigissues we face today on Mother Earth are directly related to our lack of self-esteem. Isn't it funny that clearing up old self-esteem issues could save the

    Planet! Think about it! We need to realize, honor and respect our creative forceand realize we are creators. We hold this reality together. We are the keepers ofthe Earth. When we truly honor ourselves and our awesome creative power wewill again live in a sacred way where we honor all life. When we honor all life theessence/spirit of all living things will manifest.

    "Humanity is waking up, and in this important year we are riding the crest of avery big wave. We are living on the edge. We are living between worlds. How welive, the choices we make, the sensitivities we develop, and our love and honorfor all life will see us through."

    Hunbatz Men, (shown above) along with the Grand Maya Itza Council, has

    declared their response to the upcoming 2012 synchronization is to activate 52sacred sites around the planet. As they said: "Every Full Moon we are going to
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    make a spiritual journey to every one of the sacred sites on the list, starting ourfirst ceremony on November 13, 2008, and continuing that way until carrying outthe last ceremony on December 28, 2012..."

    Is there evidence of the 2012 date on ancient Mayanmonuments?

    With all the talk about 2012, there isonly one ancient stone monumentwith Mayan inscriptions that depictsthe end of the current 13-baktun erain 2012: Tortuguero Monument #6,erected around 670 AD in Tabasco,Mexico. By decoding this inscription,archeologists where able todetermine the end of the 13 BaktunCycle Long Count Calendar Cycle isDecember 21, 2012; 4 Ahau. Thisancient monument links our modernworld to a larger, mythic story ofunfolding.

    The Tortuguero monument isreported as originally being a T-shaped monument covered withinscriptions. Shown here is the right-

    hand "wing." Sadly, the left "wing" ofthe monument is missing, the centralsection is partly effaced, and the partwhere the prophecy is recorded has a

    big crack through it, making full translation virtually impossible!

    How did the modern world first find out about the2012 prophecy?
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    Dr. JoseArguelles isthe man whois responsiblefor "turningthe eyes of

    the world tothe Maya." Bringing news of December 21, 2012 as beinga sort of cosmic alarm clock that we can already hearringing in our collective psyche, his best-selling book,Mayan Factor(1987) was the first of its kind to detail thecosmology of the ancient Maya and their spectacularfractal mathematics, while also broadcasting the fact oftheir vast Long Count Calendar Cycle ending in ourlifetimes.

    As a key point, Mayan Factorwas published with thespecific intention of alerting everyone to a very important

    event in 1987 which he referred to as "The Harmonic Convergence."According toDr. Arguelles, on Aug 16-17 1987, we completed Quetzalcoatl's Prophecy of the13 Heavens and the 9 Hells. Each of the cycles was 52 years long. The 13Heavens began in 843 AD (right at the close of the Classic Maya era) and the 9Hells began in 1519, which exactly coincided with when Cortez landed in Mexicoand began conquering the indigenous people.

    The actual event of the Harmonic Convergence was the world's first globallysynchronized prayer and meditation for peace event (orchestrated pre-internet!),with people around the world gathering at sacred sites to anchor intentions andstabilize a field of human coherency so as to support our conscious opening to thenext stage of our evolutionary unfolding.

    Dr. Arguelles, as well as several indigenous elders, point to the HarmonicConvergence of 1987 as being a critical point within the larger Mayan Prophecy,as it triggered the final chapter of the Great Cycle - the period of 1987-2012.

    Dr. Arguelles points out this important moment of fulfilling Quetzalcoatl'sProphecy was reflected by the appearance of SuperNova 1987A, the first to haveoccurred in over 400 years. Shown on the left, he calls it the QuetzalcoatlSuperNova.

    Arguelles clarifies that the term "Harmonic Convergence" should be thought of asreferring to this entire 25-year process. This last segment is seem as a phase in

    which we are truly "in-between" worlds. In other words, the old paradigm worldfounded on ignorance, fear and separation is in process of dying and fighting forits life, and the new paradigm world founded on wisdom and consciousinterconnection is descending into our inner worlds bringing great inspiration, butit does not really have any concrete footing in our outer world yet. In these timesthere is ever-growing awareness and innovative solutions emerging, but thetension of the opposites is great as the forces of the old paradigm are still tryingto obscure the light and suppress the new cultural models and sustainablelifestyle systems that are seeking to take root.

    In this in-between phase that we are in right now, we feel and see themanifestation of great extremes. It is said by many that the acceleration process

    we are currently in will continue exponentiating its intensity, and that the great
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    challenges and immense obstacles may continue to surmount as we deepen inthis internal and external process of shifting World Ages.

    Rather than making specific claimsabout what life might be like on theother side of a certain date, it isabout having a larger context forthese times we are in, acomprehension of this era of greatcosmic testing. Knowing that we areenduring the closing of a huge cyclecan give us great compassion andcourage to perservere.

    Rather than putting all our attentionon the old civilizational constructsthat are dying and gasping forbreath, let us direct our attention to that which is seeking to be born through us,

    calling to us from the inside out. Let us not be surprised or intimidated bythe darkness of these times, rather let us look to the light that is

    dawning within our hearts, knowing that the flowering of our humanconsciousness is guiding us to incarnate a new era of harmony upon our Earth.

    It is possible that the Ancient Maya forsaw this time ofBiospheric Crisis?

    Indeed! It's as though the calendar cycles of the Ancient Maya recorded theirancient premonition of the trials to come in our modern times...

    It is possible the ancient Maya's prophecy highlights ourmodern crisis in consciousness and the process of ourcollective awakening?


    The ending of this huge calendarcycle is asking us to confront thereality that our human-planetary

    equation has become out of balance.At this point in the cycle, humanity'scollective conscience is calling to usall. We can no longer overlook themany design flaws inherent in ourmodern lifestyles that dangerouslyneglect to account for ourinterdependence with Nature in all itsforms. We are being inspired totransform our self-centeredmaterialism into a respect for life,moving from ignorance to


    As we become increasingly aware of

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    how we are each personally impacting our global culture, we realize ourresponsibility to awaken so that we can participate lucidly in this process. Thisawakening process we are in is a whole-systems one. To survive and thrive in theface of all the shifts that are upon us, our only real option is for us to personallyand collectively change, shift, grow, evolve, mutate into a more aware speciesthat is increasingly dedicated and courageously becoming conscious of how to

    operate on earth in greater harmony with the One Sphere of Life. We need eachother in this process, our work together is to refine our choices and attitudes,knowing we affect each other intimately, and all our Relations.

    As we ponder what the Mayan codes in stone may signify in our lives - exploringthe meaning of 2012 and seeing what it's trying to point us to - let us keep inmind that the calendars of the Ancient Maya are understood to be communicatingnot just physical cycles, but mental and spiritual cycles of unfolding as well. Letus hold the possibility that the completion of this vast cycle of time is signallingan emerging human willingness to align with participating in a world of health andharmony for all.

    It is clear that we are being called to re-define our human culture, so that we

    understand our roles as stewards of our Earth and creative emenations of an

    evolutionary spiral of consciousness that is unfolding in natural time. As we are

    receptively learning how to cooperate once again with the Laws of Nature,

    remembering our interdependance, we are opening to our deepest potential as a

    species, stepping into our power as creative artists here to beautify our shared Life!

    What is the connection between calendars andconsciousness?

    A calendar is a lens through which we perceive our world. As the ancient Buddhistteaching states: "As Viewed, So Appears."This mirrors the findings of Quantum

    Physics which tell us that the observer affects the observed, there is noseparation. It is wise to understand that the calendars that guide a society are a

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    lens which create a framework of human perception, and therefore humanculture. When we look through the lens of the ancient Long Count Calendar of theMaya, we see that we are nearing the transition from one world epoch to thenext. From this vantage, all the signs of this process can be found as clearlyevident to us. Without question, we are living in unprecedentedtimes. In thismodern moment, things have never been so accelerated as they are now,

    changed as fast as they are now, and there has never been so much at stake inhow we collectively navigate the opportunities of this now.

    Conversely, when we look through the lens of our modern 12-month calendar -what do we see? This commonly accepted framework of time generally has usreferencing all the days of our lives in terms of the nearest commerical holidayson the rise, and whether or not it's a workday or a weekend. What is the date?Oh, it's Saturday, October 24, 2009. This lens highlights that it's supposedly been2009 years since the birth of Jesus and that (in the United States at least) we arenearing Halloween, which of course means Thanksgiving and Christmas are soonto follow. It's Saturday, so there is a collective license to party and unwind beforeheading back to the grind on Monday.

    The ever-inspiring grid of 12-month Gregorian time

    As a society in great need of self-reflection and transformation, it is importantthat we ask - does this calendar lens offer us any real inspiration or cosmicdirection? Does it remind us of our truest nature or move us to contemplate themeaning and purpose of our lives? Does it guide us to synchronize in harmonywith the cycles of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Stars? Does it orient us towardssensing and respecting the sacred nature of all existence? Does it guide us toconnect to our deepest potential?

    One might think it is impossible for a calendar to serve in these ways - but thinkagain, because as a global society, we have simply been conditioned by the

    unquestioned use of the irregular, 12-month calendar lens to accept itslimitations and linear script of reality as the only language and reference point for

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    relating to time and navigating its cycles. However, we are outgrowing itsoutdated program. As an evolving humanity, we need to transcend thesecalendrical confines and look at our time on this Earth through a new lens whichserves us better at this crucial moment we find ourselves in!

    With that in mind, let us highlight the work ofDr. JoseArguelles who is one of the main people responsible foralerting humanity to the treasures and wisdom of theancient Mayan time science. Dr. Arguelles hasdedicated his life to helping people understand thecentral role that calendars play in affecting ourconsciousness, instilling societal programs, steeringour culture, and upholding paradigms. Having investeddecades of study into the ancient Maya and theircalendars,mathematics, prophecies and cosmology, hedeclares that the essential message of the 2012prophecy is the need for humanity to move into a newparadigm by Returning To Living In Natural Time.

    Dr. Jose Arguelles, PhD

    Dr. Arguelles has illuminated the world regarding the history and affect that the12-Month calendar has had on narrowing and stunting our perceptions, and hisvast body of work is founded on what he calls "The Discovery of the Law of

    Time." In essence, what he is trying to point out to all of

    us is that humanity is currently operating on an"artificial timing frequency" that is held in place by the12-month calendar and its counterpart the 60-minutemechanical clock, called the "12:60 timing frequency."

    Arguelles reminds us that we are the only species that isliving and operating by a man-made sense of time that

    has actually placed us apart from and out of phase the rest of the Biosphere. Dr.Arguelles' findings demonstrate that the mentality engendered by artificial time issummarized by the motto "Time is Money," keeping us locked into a destructive,materialistic paradigm, to the detriment of the rest of the natural world.

    Dr. Arguelles' prescription for returning to harmony and laying the foundation fora new cultural program and paradigm is to align ourselves with the "naturaltiming frequency," called the "13:20 timing frequency" that places us back in
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    phase with the cycles of the Earth and Cosmos and synchronizes us with our owndeepest selves.

    In this light, he and his former partner Lloydine Arguelles have inspired a globalmovement that is now being activated by people in over 90 countries who arechoosing to grow beyond the status quo 12-month business calendar and insteadutilize the 13-Month/28-day Natural Time Calendar as the template that framesand informs our perception of time and its sacred unfolding.

    The 13-Moon Year is understood as a Spiral in which each month is 28-days long

    As a truly life-changing tool, this new time lens is a solar-lunar-galactic calendarthat is based on a universal application of the mathematics of the Ancient Mayan

    Calendar system. Rather than being a traditional Mayan Calendar that connectsone specifically to the culture of the Maya people and their lands, history andreligion, the 13-Month Calendar is specifically designed as a map to guide modernhumanity to live in harmony with the natural time frequency, and thus awakenout of our destructive modern paradigm of materialsm and disconnection fromnature.

    As Dr. Jose Arguelles writes in "Time and The Technosphere: "The ancient Mayaprophesied their own destruction. Therefore, within the prophecies of the ChilamBalam they laid the seeds of their own reconstruction - but not simply as Maya.The reconstruction had to be planetary, for their destruction in the sixteenthcentury was also an act of planetary consequence - the plunging of the entire

    world into the prison of artificial, mechanized time. The fulfillment of theprophecies along with the new dispensation of time (The 13-Moon Calendar) hadto occur before the end of the cycle, 2012."

    Part of the power of this new calendar is that it unites the secular and the sacred.The 13-Month calendar offers us a practical way to replacethe 12-month model by giving us a new way to relate to ouryear cycle, and the passing of months and weeks - entirelytransforming our perception!

    Additionally, it offers another layer of inspiration in whichevery day imparts one of 260 unique "galactic signatures"

    which describe a mental/spiritual focus that is concentratedon by people in 90 countries as a catalyst for self-reflection
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    and attunement to the synchronistic nature of life. For as we live in natural time,the natural order of life reveals its patterns and synchroncities become moreconscious!

    As a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern revelation, this new calendar isoffering us a new lens, a new context, a new paradigm model to support theunfolding of a new culture that is in phase with the intelligence of nature.

    Truly, it is easier than it may sound to learn the basics of this new time system.As we learn this new language of harmony, we realize that not only are the codesof natural time alive - speaking and revealing themselves through the calendar -but they themselves are reflections of nature's codes that live with our ownbodies and minds!

    The 20 glyphs and 13 Tones of Creation, which are the foundation of the ancient Maya time science,are correlated to our 20 fingers and toes and 13 main joints in our bodies!

    As Rita Pitka Blumenstein, one ofThe 13 Indigenous Grandmothers said: "If weunderstand the 13, the world will become balanced."

    How does the Ancient Mayan Calendar Cycle reflect the

    larger picture of this planetary transformation process weare in right now?
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    This image shows Dr. Arguelles' revelation of the 13 Baktun Cycle of the Ancient Mayaas a fractal time map depicting the progressive unfolding of all of recorded History.

    Click here to view this image large

    As the Ancient Mayan Time Map reveals, the startof the Great 5,125 year Cyclein 3114 BC coincides with the beginning of recorded History. Since then, as ahuman community, we have been in an ongoing acceleration process known asCivilization.

    As Dr. Jose Arguelles writes in Time and The Technosphere: "August 13, 3114 BCis as precise and accurate as one can get for a beginning of history: the firstEgyptian dynasty is dated to ca 3100 BC; the first 'city,' Uruk, in Mesopotamia,also ca 3100 BC; the Hindu Kali Yuga, 3102 BC; and most interestingly, thedivision of time into 24 hours of 60 minutes each and each minute into 60seconds [and the division of the circle into 360 degrees], also around 3100 BC, inSumeria. If the beginning of history was so accurately placed, then must not theend of history, December 21, 2012 also be as accurate?"

    The Ancient Maya were extremely precise in their time measurements, and theircalendars reflect the fractal intelligence of Nature. The 5,125 year cycle is madeup of 13 smaller cycles, known as the "13 Baktun Count." Each baktun cycle is

    394 years long, or 144,000 days.

    Each baktun is understood as its own historical epoch or Age within the GreatCreation Cycle, carrying a specific destiny for the evolution of those whoincarnated in each baktun. For example, almost all of the Mayan inscriptions wereseeded precisely during Baktun 9 (435-830 AD). This era is known as the time ofthe Classic Maya. After this point, around 830 A.D., the great Mayan centers wereabandoned and their thriving culture mysteriously disappeared. To this day, noone can verify or prove why theyleft or where they went.
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    Pacal Votan (603 - 683 AD) ruled the Kingdom of Nah Chan Palenque

    The Classic Maya of Baktun 9 were of a specific destiny, distinct from Maya ofother times. As Dr. Jose Arguelles writes, "In 830 A.D. the engineering teamdeparted back to space, back to the other dimensions from which the Maya keeptheir watch on things. Slowly the terrestrial Maya melted back into the jungles.The time of darkness was setting in. Sure enough the conquerors came. By 830

    A.D. Warrior tribes who took the ancient name of Toltec, which means MasterBuilder, entered the Yucatan. War and human sacrifice were introduced."

    Earth and her inhabitants are currently travelling through the 13thbaktun cycle - the final period of 1618-2012 AD. This cycle is known both as"the triumph of materialism" and "the transformation of matter." It seems theancients accurately predicted that this final baktun would be a time of great

    forgetting in which we would drift very far from our sense of oneness with natureand experience a kind of collective amnesia. Like a memory virus in which webegin to believe the limited reality of appearances and grow dense to the spiritualessence which animates this world, so humanity's egoic domination has grownduring this cycle.

    Dr. Jose Arguelles makes the point that this 13th Baktun has essentially been"captured by mechanical time." For example, it is extremely relevant that weentered this 13th baktun right after establishing the world wide coordination ofPope Gregory XIII's 12-month calendar system (1582) as well as the perfectionof 12-hour 60-minute mechanical clock (1600), which had been evolving forcenturies. These are no small matters - in fact the planet and the human mind

    have never been the same since their introduction into our culture. According toDr. Arguelles, these 2 instruments are what manifested humanity's "error in time"which is the following of artificial instruments of time that served to separatehumankind apart from the rest of nature, operating by our own false timingfrequency, to the detriment of the natural world.

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    The 12-month Gregorian calendar is not basedon logic, science, or nature. It denies and coversup the true annual human biological cycle conservedin the body of woman.

    As Broughton Richmond wrote in Time Measurementand Calendar Construction: "If the Julian/Gregorian calendar was to be offered asa new device for measuring time, we, with our present knowledge and state ofliving, would reject is as something utterly impractical, lacking in harmony andorder, unbalanced and irregular, too clumsy a calendar to make calculationsby..."It is time to ask: Why do we use an instrument of imperfect measure tocoordinate the affairs of the world?

    The Gregorian calendar is thecurrent world standard

    because of the forcefulissuance of this system uponconquered (indigenous)peoples who lost their land aswell as their religiousfreedoms to the RomanVatican's Catholic Church.AsDr. Arguelles shares:"Between the Doctrine ofDiscovery and the GregorianCalendar Reform, under theaegis of the Church, the

    Europeans conquered andcolonized virtually the entire

    New World - North and South America...The historical context in which thiscalendar became the fixed standard is of the greatest significance."

    The Gregorian calendar is a product of itspredecessors - Julius Caesar's calendar and theearlier Roman Empire calendar, beingpractically identical to them, with the exceptionof its name and leap-day rule.

    Essentially we have been using this flawed and

    limited 12-month model of time for over 2000years, not questioning its impact on our mindsand our global society.

    Meanwhile, we need to realize that a calendar isthe central organizing instrument of our globalsociety. The way we frame and relate to timeimpacts our minds, every day.


    The clock was the first automatic machine -

    going on to become the heart of all machine technology to come.
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    As George Woodcock wrote in 1944: "The clock, as Lewis Mumford has pointedout, represents the key machine of the machine age, both for its influence ontechnology and its influence on the habits of men. Technically, the clock was thefirst really automatic machine that attained any importance in the life of men.Previous to its invention, the common machines were of such a nature that theiroperation depended on some external and unreliable force, such as human or

    animal muscles, water or wind.

    "It is true that the Greeks had invented a number of primitive automaticmachines, but these where used, like Hero's steam engine, for obtaining'supernatural' effects in the temples or for amusing the tyrants of Levantinecities. But the clock was the first automatic machine that attained a publicimportance and a social function. Clock-making became the industry from whichmen learnt the elements of machine making and gained the technical skill thatwas to produce the complicated machinery of the industrial revolution."

    The presence of the clock gave birthto the notion that time lies outside

    our bodies - that it can be tracked bya machine, and that we can sit andwatch it "fly" by tick-tock as thoughit is something linear, containable,and separate from the organic,flowing process of life. The adherenceto the clock for our sense of time andtiming is noted as the greatestobstacle to allowing the full telepathicabilities of the human to flower.

    "The clock turns time from a process

    of nature into a commodity that canbe measured and bought and soldlike soap or sultanas. And because,

    without some means of exact time keeping, industrial capitalism could neverhave developed and could not continue to exploit the workers, the clockrepresents an element of mechanical tyrannyin the lives of modern men more

    potent than any individual exploiter or any other machine... Now the movementof the clock sets the tempo men's lives - they become the servant of the conceptof time which they themselves have made, and are held in fear, like Frankensteinby his own monster." -George Woodcock

    As a 6-year old girl once said: "The clock wants to turn everybody into a



    Next came the CartesianCoordinate Rectilinear GridSystem (1637) which went onto establish the foundationalplatform of all modern mathand science. Thanks to ReneDescartes (the man infamousfor his quote "I think

    therefore I am,") the ceiling ofperception validated only the
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    reality of the 3 dimensions of physical space. Thecoordinates of X,Y, and Z rendered the fourth dimensionobsolete from our worldview. Beyond the 3 dimensionsof what we can physically sense, the fourth dimension isthe invisible dimension of mind and spirit in which all isunified. When we are disconnected from the fourth

    dimension, because we perceive that everything isseparate from everything else, our values and focus as asociety become heavily materialistic.

    Another very important event that occurred at thatmoment of adopting the Cartesian model of reality, wasthat time became symbolized by the little letter t,meaning it was reduced from its qualitative essence tothat of a quantity. The mind who adopted the lens of thelinear grid also adopted the limited perception of time asa 3rd dimensional linear progression of pure duration.

    Our societal paradigms have continued to operate with these limitations in place.Thus if something can not be seen, touched, or proven with measurements, itdoes not, in effect, exist.

    Through the Cartesian lens, Nature itself has become reduced to pure quantifiableresources - no longer a living qualitative aspect of ourselves, but now somethingoutside of ourselves which we observe, analyze and ultimately come to exploit,manipulate, dominate, toxify, and even destroy or extinguish. As Rene Descartesstated plainly,"I perceived it to be possible to arrive at knowledge highly useful inlife...and thus render ourselves the lords and possessors of nature."

    The Cartesian model that has been passed down for centuries is like a mentalspell that has kept us collectively trapped in the 3rd-dimension. We can see itsprevalence even in the ways our modern cities are laid out in grids, reflecting andre-inforcing linearization as normal. As the psyche of modern humanity haserroneously perceived the Universe as a giant, soul-less, linear machine, we havelost touch with the simple yet vast omnipresent magical intelligence andbenevolence of Nature.

    We must humble ourselves and recognize the Cartesian scientific model is notonly outdated, but it is the foundation of our collective mental illness that hasmotivated our ongoing self-destructive actions. We must admit that as a species,we are now obsessed with the physical dimension to the point of dangerousmaterialsm and epidemic depression resulting from being disconnected from the

    spiritual, invisible dimensions of Life.

    This Living Prophecy is invitingus to awaken from our cosmicamnesia and embrace theunifying Essence that underliesand animates all of Life in theCosmos. Let us stop separatingSpirit and Matter, and let usinstead learn how to unify thephysical with the invisibledomains of the mind, heart and

    spirit. In this way, we cancreate technologies and social

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    and scientific models that are in harmony with Nature, while also honoring andnurturing the inner, deepest nature of our own humanity.

    In alignment with the Spirit of the Maya, this Prophecy is asking us to Return toLiving in Harmony with Natural Time; to Return to being synchronized with theuniversal flow. We are being called to evolve beyond our man-made artificialversions of time - the mechanical clock and 12-month irregular calendar thatnumb us to the sacred intelligence of time and its cycles. We are being invited toutilize a calendar that will assist us in having a new mindset as we close this cycleof History and prepare for the possibilities of Post-History. The 13-Moon/28-daycalendar is now in use in over 90 countries around the world by people who arechoosing to break the spell of artificial time and participate in the fulfillment ofprophecy!

    How can we Return to Living in Natural Time?

    "For cultures around the world,time is measured not by the tickingseconds of a clock or watch, but byseasons, rhythms and subtle shiftsin nature that influence andenhance social interaction...Thecompartmentalized, westerndivision of infinity into infinitesimaldecimal, digital units is at odds withthousands of different ideologiesthat consider time a sensual

    perception rather than a

    notation.Yet watch, clock andcalendar are the global norm..."-Cynthia Logan

    While the modern world measurestime with machines and grids,boxing and dissecting our time into

    little, repeating blank, bland squares that we call days, and mechanized momentswe separate into hours and minutes and seconds, our timeless souls long toliberate into the organic expanse of nature's pulse. This pulse lives within us, ourheartbeat naturally in synch with the rhythms of creation.

    As we re-awaken to the magic of Nature's timing, let us learn how to be in theclock world, but not of it! While the clock may fill a current need as a societaltool, let us be wise in how we let it dominate or dictate our rhythms. Let us bewilling to slowly but surely take our power back from it and ween ourselves off ofour reliance upon it, making space in our minds for our natural telepathic timingsensibilities to flower. Let us be aware of how we speak of time - are we spendingit? Killing it? Losing it? Running out of it? Never having enough time? Theseconsensus reality expressions reveal how conditioned we are to conceive of timeas a linear commodity.

    This Prophecy of the Ancient Maya is calling us to realize that We are Time. Weare the Living Prophecy. The Maya were the most advanced time-wizards ever tograce the Earth. Their vast calendar cycles invite us to remember that TheSynchronic Order of Natural Time governs the unfolding of our lives. Time's cyclesare found within our bodies and within Nature's daily rhythms and cyclic seasons.

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    We have forgotten this, thinking that time is money or that time is the clock, orthe relentless progression of work weeks and weekends.

    Time is the ever-changing, unfolding Now

    as it synchronistically

    coordinates the Wholeliving Universe.

    The more we surrender

    into the natural flow oflife's timing, the more

    directly we are informedby time as the universal

    frequency ofsynchronization.

    From his studies into ancient Mayan Time-Science, Dr. Jose Arguelles decodedthe mathematical nature of the Synchronic Order, what he calls "The Law ofTime:"

    There is only one timing frequency which unifies the whole galactic order from itslargest constituent to its smallest. This timing frequency is the 13:20 ratio, foundwithin the harmonic structure of the 13 moon calendar as well as our humanbodies - our 13 main joints and 20 fingers and toes.

    Dr. Arguelles continues to advocate that one of the most important steps we cantake in this planetary moment is to re-harmonize our minds with nature by

    following a harmonic 13-Month/28-day calendar. By using this ancient andintelligent standard of measure, we make a whole-systems transition intoconscious resonance with our living universe.

    In these intense times of uncertainty, we need all the navigational assistanceavailable to evolve our everyday consciousness. This new paradigm tool of timeinvites us to interact with the patterns of color, number and symbol that expressthe underlying order of this shared living dream.

    PLEASE NOTE:To start using a 13-Month calendar, you can acquire a free pocket calendar fromJose Arguelles' organization:, and/or you can purchase a full-color

    artistic wall calendar that has tons of information in it from us, SkyTime, here (It has been our honor to have been making these calendars for

    the past 15 years!)
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    Cover of the 13-Moon Calendar produced by SkyTime, 2007

    Learning a new calendar may seem hard or even intimidating, but this is the timeto try something new. What we're being asked to do is let go of what has beencommon for so long - the irregularity of the 12-month calendar - and embrace

    the harmony of the 13-moon calendar. There's actually children all over the worldwho are also learning these natural time codes, proving how easy and fun it canbe!

    Young girl exploring the Natural Time codes! (Photo copyright Dave Olson)

    The beauty of this new calendar system is that not only does it give us a nature-based alternative to the illogical, 12-month calendar of the Roman Vatican, it also

    integrates the intelligence of the mathematics of the Ancient Maya.

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    Because of Dr. Arguelles' life-long study ofthe Mayan Calendars, he was able to offer auniversal version of their Tzolkin calendar(known as The Dreamspell) for us tointegrate into our modern lives. Called theGalactic Overlay (shown left), this radial

    matrix guides us to explore the 260 distinctcreational energies which compose ourinner and outer world.

    This 260-day cycle offers us 260 uniquelenses of self-reflection and inspiration,transforming our sense of Time into arealm of enchantment and adventure.

    By traveling in time with this cycle, weinfuse each day with a specific intention,opening our consciousness to an entire

    world of magical possibilities andsynchronicities.

    In fact, the motto of those of us around theglobe who live by this New time calendar isTIME IS ART! Our mission is realizeourselves as Time Artists and to beautifyEarth as a living work of Art!

    Working with these sacred cycles andpatterns not only reformulates our minds tobe in sync with the rhythms of nature, italso helps us increasingly see intoourselves and come to know the distinct

    purpose that every moment holds. The tool of the 13-Moon Calendar helps usripen our abilities to hear our inner guidance, our intuition, while also quickeningour telepathic attunement to all the people around the globe who too arefollowing this daily time map.

    By speaking a language of light, this template unites us in a harmony whichtranscends our language barriers. By following the 13-Moon Natural TimeCalendar, every day we meet eachother in the consciousness of the energy andsacred symbol of the day.

    Glyphs from the 13-Moon Calendar, each depicting a distinct energy and meaning

    Rather than just labeling today as "Tuesday", we focus on today as "YellowCosmic Seed." Which means the following day will be "Red Magnetic Serpent,"
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    and then "White Lunar Worldbridger," "Blue Electric Hand," "Yellow Self-ExistingSeed," "Red Overtone Moon," etc. This assures each day is its own adventure!

    The more you interact with this new calendar system, and follow your joy inlearning its patterns, the more you will naturally learn about its meaning andsignificance in your lives. As more and more people are discovering thetransformative power of this tool, it's always beneficial to come together withothers who also track these cycles and dicuss what it means to live in naturaltime. There is also an on-line forum for people to connect at

    A great place to start is to decode your birthdate and find out which of the 260different energies you personally embody. This is the best point of entry to startrelating to the 20 glyphs and the 13 Tones, and it's also a great way to discoverconnections between your friends and family.

    When a Police Officer approached them for hitch-hiking,they offered to decode his Galactic Signature for him!

    Does 2012 mark a new era of telepathic unification forhumanity?
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    As we endure the closing of thishistorical cycle, we can admit that wehave definitely reached a momentthat is new territory for all of us - amoment of Collective Unknown. Theinstabilities we are now experiencing

    reflect the processes that areculminating as paradigms are rapidlyshifting and new values continuetaking root. What changes orpossibilities might emerge as aproduct of completing this specific fivethousand year cycle of History? Whatnew attitudes might set the tone for anew Post-Historical cycle?

    With all that we have manifestedphysically over this vast span of time,

    it is essential that we understand we are also now surfing a psychic wave ofhuman self-reflective thought and awareness that has been building for morethan five thousand years.

    Dr. Jose Arguelles shares his vision of 2012 as a trigger point of the "Biosphere-Noosphere Transition," which is essentially a dawning of universal telepathy,becoming conscious of the one mental sphere that unites us.

    As P. R. Masani writes in The Ecology of the is unscientific to accept the concept of a biosphere and to reject the conceptof a noosphere. The noosphere is as much a part of earth as any other sphere,such as the hydrosphere. Indeed, by virtue of its being the cause of most

    ecological woes and the seat of all ecological action, the noosphere should, fromthe ecologists standpoint, be the most crucial layer. Its health and its protectionfrom mans own perversity should be one of his concerns. For obviouslynoosphericpollution is the source of all pollution.

    As Dr. Arguelles responds: "When it is said that 'noospheric pollution is thesource of all pollution,' we are speaking of the role of the human thinking layer inthe whole system scheme of the planetary design. This design constitutes anevolving dynamic. By bringing the noosphere into a discussion of the biosphericcrisis, we are recognizing that unless we bring our minds to bear on the meaningand nature of the noosphere that we will not solve the biospheric crisis. First ofall, this means recognizing the impact of the human thinking layer on all of the

    evolutionary and dynamic b