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Learning Bagua: Physical

Energetic and Mental Principles


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  opyright© 2 1 Bruce Frantzis

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Published by Energy Arts   Inc. P.O. Box 99  Fairfax CA 94978-0099

The   following tr adem arks are  used under license by Energy Arts  Inc. from Bruce Frantzis: Fri

Ene rgy Arts® system Mastery   ithout Mystery®  Longevi ty Breathing® program   O pen ing the E

Gates ofYour Body™ Q igong  Marria ge of Hea ven a nd Earth™ Qigong Bend  the Bow™ Spinal

Spiraling Energy Body™ Q igong Gods Playing  in  the Clouds™ Q ig ong L iv ing Taoism™ Collectio1

Rev Workout™ HeartChi ™ Bagua M astery Program ™ Bagua Dynam ic S tepp ing System ™ Bagua

nal W arm -up Method ™   and Bagua Body Unif ication  M ethod.™

Editing: Heather Hale Bill Ryan and Richa rd Tau binger 

Inte r io r D esign: Heather Hale 

Cover Design: Thomas Her ington  

Photo and Il lustration Editing: M oun ta in L iv ingston and Thom as H erington  

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PLEASE NOTE: The practice ofTao ist energy arts and m ed itat ive  arts m ay carry risks. The in form  

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Table o Contents

Section : Learning Bagua ...................... 5

Physical Principles ..................................................... 5

Train Sensibly .............................................................. 5

Cultivate an Even, Smooth

and Long Breath ......................................................... 6

Never Twist or Spiral the Spine ................................ 7

Cultivate a Bear.Body and ShouldersIntermediates) ............................................................ 7

Develop Physical Internal Cohesion

Intermediates) ............................................................ 8

Develop a Dragon Body and the

Central Axis Intermediates) ..................................... 9

Energetic Principles ................................................... 9

Separate and Combine .............................................

Understanding Chi Is Simple ...................................13

Become Sensitive to Chi ........................................................13

Mental Principles ..................................................... 6

Stage 1: Ordinary ntent .......................................... 16

Stage 2: Relaxed ntent .............................................17

Stage 3: The Heart-Mind ...........................................17

Cultivate a Smooth and Seamless Continuum 18

Make Your Movements become an

Extension of Your lntent ...........................................18

Lengthen the Mind ............................................................... 18

Put Your Mind inside Your Body ......................................... 19

Become Aware of Multitasking .......................................... 20Move beyond Time ............................................................... 21

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Learning Bagua 

hysical rinciples

In th e Bagua  Mastery Program ™  you  w il l encounter the principles and  te ch-

niques tha t are the basic foundation of bagua and tai ch i as m ovem ent practices.

The better yo u g t at the physical energ etic and  m ental principles  the better

your bagua  and Single Palm Chang e w ill be and the  close r you w ill m ove toward

accomplishing t he  benefits th t bagu a has to offer.

rain  ensibly 

Training se nsibly starts with the e ig h ty percent rule. O nly p ra ctice to a m axim um

of eig hty perc ent of w hat yo u  can do at your m ost e xtrem e effort. If you have

not done any physical exercise for some tim e  then yo u should   on ly do f i f ty  to

seve nty  perc ent of your ability. If yo u have  had any re cent injuries you wou ld

adju st your practice to th ir ty to f i f ty  p ercent a nd  practice f or s horter periods of

tim e. If  yo u have any questions abou t the frequency or in tensity of your tra ining

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  agua Mastery Program

please consult your physician. The eighty percent rule is only for those people

who are physically fit and healthy high performers. Bagua has the ability to take

you to the pinnacle of performance, but only if you stay within your body s natu

ral limits.

Frankly speaking, unless you re very young, you won t get much more from your

practice for training more than two hours. The nature of bagua is that as you in

crease your speed with practice, you get double the workout in the same amount

of time. There s a great difference between running a twelve-minute mile and

repeating a six-minute mile over and ove r again because the amount of pressure

on your system dramatically increases in the latter.

Find a practice space where you feel psychologically at ease Don t practice in

places where anything is grating on your nervous system or making you feel like

you want to flee or psychologically or spiritually shut down.

Don t train hard one day, then not practice at all for a few days or even a week,

and try to make up for the lack of practice by doing a marathon blast the next

time. This strategy will render you incapable of exerting your full eighty percent

effort with the degree of strength you would have been capable of if you had asteadier, day-to-day regimen. Consistent practice will build up your strength and

stamina so that eventually you wil l be able to go longer than a single hour in one


Do not practice in an area with high wind because it can go into your pores and

cause a cold or worse.

Cultivate an Even Smooth

nd Long Breath

It s very important when practicing bagua that your breath becomes very

even, smooth and preferably long. At times, it is difficult to coordinate physical

movements with the breath because some movements can be longer or shorter,

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Introduction Learning Bagua

especially in the Single Palm Change. Whatever you do, don t hold your breath.

Instead, see if you can make your breath become long, very smooth and calm.

Your primary goal should be to make sure your breath does not excite or over

stimulate your central nervous system.

Never Twist or Spiral the Spine

In bagua, never twist the vertebrae of your spine. Only twist around your spine,

but not into it. Twist only from the front of the abdomen so you create a spiral

inside and into your internal organs. Although this twist ing of the spine may be

done in spinal twists in Hatha yoga, it is never practiced in bagua or tai chi.

Turning and twisting actions are meant to stimulate your spinal cord and twist

your internal organs, but not to twist your spine. The central principle in bagua is

practicing so that the spine becomes straight and flexible, and able to move in all

directions with ease.lf you twist the spinal vertebrae, your abil ity to move quickly

will become compromised.

You should twist from the center of your body between your perineum and the

center of head, along the central channel, which is located in the middle of the

torso neither to the front or sides. This is the place your torso revolves around.

Never never, never should you have any sense of turning or twisting from the

spinal vertebrae themselves.

Cultivate a Bear ody and Shoulders


In bagua, cultivating bear shoulders means more than just keeping your

shoulders down. A bear body involves the shoulders and shoulder blades

being slightly rounded and sprung forward. The back muscles open and round

sideways from the spine to the buttocks while the area in the front of your hips

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8  Bagua Mastery  Program 

sucks in  (ca lled l iu tun sh i kw a in Chinese). The hea d is up and the chin is sli ght ly  

tu cked so tha t the crown of the head  is directly over the center of the pelvis, i.e.

the  per ineum.

Develop Physical In terna l ohesion 


You  m ust endeavor to feel an ever-increasing  sense of in ternal co hesion in yo ur

bod y. This m ust be  a concrete, tang ible   fe e ling where everything inside  your

body draw s  into  you r core and becomes  a c ohesive and integrated whole. All

body parts should feel d irectly connected  to every othe r body  par t. In gross andsubtle ways  you  sh ould   gain  the  ab i l i ty to feel if any body  p a rt is disconnected 

from  an y o ther body  par t or your m in d.

In ternal cohesion goes  bey ond  pro per internal or external a lignm ents of ordi

nary tai chi or qigong whose main purpose is to provide a sou nd bio-mechanical

base for the bo dy. This is what prevents you   from  wa sting o r b lo ckin g yo ur chi.

M aintaining proper body alignm ents is  a good prelim in ary step,  ut yo u  cou ld

st ill lack a s trong sense of in ternal cohesion. This point is wort  rem em bering, so

I ll cover it further in modules to come.


The ability to re lat ively or precis ely feel ch i does not derive from

your exte rna l senses but ra ther fr om your in tern l senses. ll

esoteric t ra d it ions seek to aw aken and develop these  senses  in  

people. For exam ple, the classic texts of In dia s  yo ga and K undal in i  

trad it ions are qu ite specif ic that there are f iv e  ex terna l and fi ve

in te rna l senses  (ten in   tota l), ideas  w h ich Taoism and Buddhism  als o

s are. • ~ i J l

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Introduct ion  Learning Bagua 9

Deve lop a  Dragon  ody and  the

Central  xis  Intermediates)

While m aintaining a bear   body w ith internal cohesion, you must also, w i th every

turning  ofthe waist, develop what is ca lled the Dragon Body n the Dragon Body,

your torso m ust become able to clearly segment  the hips, abdomen and chest,

so each one can tu rn in d ifferen t direc tions along the body s central axis. It runs

through the  cente r of the  body  wher e the central  chann el of energy  is  located.

All turn ing m ust eventually emanate from a spiral that originates in the central

axis and moves between it and the body s extremities (toes, fingers and crown of

the head).

From this central axis  you  m us t  create  a po werful  sense  of in ternal cohesion

where everything comes  together w ith a d ist inct   sense  of solidity. So ra ther

than on ly feeling as though everything  is kind of l ight and f loati ng inside of your

body, a heavy  conn ecting   force gets created where everything inside your body

collects  r igh t  along   the c entral channel. You  don t  want   any sense of anything

being diffused or am orphous.

This quality in  bagua  and extrem ely high-level tai chi can  be more im por tan t

th an maintain ing correct external body  alignm ents in gene ral.

This po in t is d istinct f rom most ordinary qigong or  tai ch i that is practiced for

health, where  the primary   funct ion of correct external or internal alignments

is to ensure tha t you  don t waste or blo ck energy flow. This  said neither correct

external  nor i nternal  align ments  alone  can  necessarily create massive  inter nal

cohesion with everything coming  together around the core of your body.

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10 agua Mastery Program

nergetic Principles 

The original  chi cultivation (qigong) system in China invented by the Taoists

is ca lled neigong (also known as ne i gung and n i kung . Neigong  or internal

power form s  the basis fo r the Taoist system in  the  internal martial arts of ba

gua, tai chi and hsing-i. The full range of neigong is made up of sixteen com po

nents. Each component forms a segment of a c ircle and each is organically con

nected to the rest. The ord er listed below is ot fixed and linear, only descriptive.

The sixteen basic components ofTaoist neigong include: 

1. Breathing methods, from  the simple to the more complex.

2. Feeling, moving, transforming, and transmuting intern al energies along

both the descending, ascending, and connecting energy channels of the


3.  Precise body alignments to prevent  the f low of chi from   being blocked

or dissipated-prac ticing these principles brings exceptionally effective 

biomechanical alignments.

4.  Dissolving blockages of the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of 


5. M oving energy through the main and secondary meridian chann els of he

body, including the energy gates.

6. Bending and stretching the body from the inside out and from the outs ide

in along the direction of the yin and yang acupuncture meridian lines.

7. Opening and closing all parts of the body's  tissues (joints, muscles,  soft

tissues, internal organs, glands, blood vessels cerebrospinal system, and

brain), as well as all the body's subtle energy anatomy. 

8. Manipula ting the energy of the external aura outside the body.

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In t roduct ion Learning Bagua

9 M aking circles and spirals of energy inside the   bod y, controll ing the

spira ling energy currents of the body, and moving chi t any part of the

body at will, especially t the glands, brain, and internal organs.

10 Absorbing energy into, and projecting energy away from , any part of the


11  Control ling all the energies of the  spin e.

12 Gaining contro l of the left and right energy channels of the body.

13 Gaining control of the central energy channel of the  bod y.

14.1earning  to deve lo p  the capa bilities and all the uses of the body s  lo w er

ta ntien hara or elixir/cinnabar field).

15 Learning t  develop the capabilities and all the uses of the body s u pper

and midd le  tantiens.  

16. Connecting every part of the physical body into  on e unified  en e rgy.



Bagua plays with the energetic con tac t w i th your ethe ric fie ld , each

rela ting to qual itie s of the di f fe rent of th e I Chings eight t r ig rams.

The Water tr igram is simi lar to the metho th t the late t i chi

mas ter Cheng Man Ch [,Qg cal led sw im ming iQ .q ir.  You feel the 

sense of the ir being h§wvy, like being un der water, which lays  its

weight on your arm s as you ttempt to move through the water

(o r eventual ly even h ea vier molasses). This in turn creates a kin  of

energetic resistance, wh ich penetrates your arms to the bone nd;.

makes your arms feel exceeding ly heavy. ·  •

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12  agua M astery Program

Because it  is impossible  to  state the precise beg inn ing or end of a circle, the six-

teen com ponents   ha ve neithe r beginnings  no r end  points . Each catalyzes  an d

in fluence s the  oth ers   as they f lo w  in and out of each  oth er. As such, every t im e

yo u revisit any one or  mo re of he sixteen co m ponents, it  beco mes pos sible to   o

to a deeper, m ore ful fill ing and beneficial level. 

Bagua was develo ped from the   Ta ois t sixteen neigong with the purp ose  of 

em bodying th e e igh t universal energies of th e I Ching Conversely, all the  o t her

Taoist arts-qigong tai chi  and  hsing-i -a re external form s infu sed with neigong.

First and fo remost, all  th e energ etic principles, conten t and relevant specific 

te chniques and general m ethods of th e sixteen  ne ig ong  are  th e core of how all

bagua s e nergy w ork is done. 

It s v ery   im porta n t to realize tha t  ab ove  an d beyond  th e list s de scription of the  

basic  six teen, a lt hough they may  so und  v ery simple, they   are not. Each of the

sixteen has an incredible  a m oun t of variations in the ways each in d iv id ually  can

be applied.

For example, pulsing  (op enin g  a nd closing) the jo ints is a hugely im po rtan t

neigong concept t h a t applies to:  

• In ternal o rg ans

• Energy gates 

• Body cavities 

• The th ree ta ntiens

• Entire ran ge of energy ch annels w ith in the body a nd the ir

specific p o ints  

• How puls ing sp eci fically happens in a ny a nd ev ery  dire ction

and in all e ig ht energy bod ies.

If you co nsider all t he im plications of rying to make the  s ixteen neigong happen 


time, it gets even m ore  co m plica te d.

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In troduct ion Learning Bagua  3

eparate nd ombine 

Critical to the nature of implan t ing the sixteen neigong in bagua is the principle

of f irst separate, then combine, wh ich is so e loquent ly and te rsely expressed in

the Tai hi lassics the theoret ical foundat ion for the mart ia l a r t of ai chi chuan).

First, you learn how to perform  a ny single neigong componen t. Then, you work

with it unt i l your body  can dig est it  and do it on demand reasonably effortlessly or

even bet ter yet, in  a st rong manner. Next, you integrate it into your system to

where you can do it effortlessly without even th ink ing bout it. This is analogous

of the jou rney of learning to ride a bike or drive a car with all the pitfalls and

learning curves. Finally, you a rrive a t being able to r ide your b ike or drive y ou r careffortlessly and hopefully) well. 

So you learn one m ethod, work t h rough it and then stabilize it unti l you becom e

comfortable with it. Then and on ly t hen do you integra te it into your system as

you are truly ready to learn the next component.

Once you learn  and successfully absorb two i ndependent ne igong pieces, you

com bin e, integrate and coord in ate them toge ther in a seamless manner.

Then, you repeat the process as you add yet a third neigong com ponent unt i l you 

can seamlessly e m bo dy all three within your physical m ovements.

Learn, develo p, stabilize, b ecome com fortable with and integrate  each p iece y ou

learn before m ov ing on to the next one. This basic energet ic  principle is ideally

how all qigong, bagua, tai chi and Taoist me ditation systems should be learned.

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14 Bagua Mastery Program



The etheric resistance of the earth  tr igram feels  dramat ica lly hea vier

nd stronger than the Water trigram-like mud ra ther than water.

This d if ferent ial is not about the relative hierarchy of bagua and ta i 

chi, but ra ther pertains to a ba sic Heaven and Earth c hi pr inciple of

Tao ist thoug ht: Naturally, the chi of the upper body moves upw ard 

(heaven) nd is l ighte r whi le the ch i of the low er body descends and

is natura l ly heav ier (earth).

Act ivat ing sw imm ing in .fiir  for the arm s anqmud walking for:+  J t i > i ~ :

the legs can then be used to create peng j in, or expans ive energy,

in both the arms nd legs You must become su fficien tly sensitive

to the en ergetic sense ofm ov ing inch by inch through something

that's heavy and viscous to accomplish this. Paying ttention to

these qu al i t ies is  the road to developing a great energetic sensit ivity

and Power  ~ : ; ~~ ; 1 :1=::V

nderstanding Chi s imple

Although the parts of the sixteen  neigong can sound very  complex your goal

during practice is to seamlessly com bine them   into one coherent whole. This is 

where the concept of chi becomes progressively more sim ple and comprehen

sible to you.

Although there is only one chi in the body it functions in many specific manners.

However if you are going to really ge t into the techniques of understanding chi

the devil is most certainly in the  details. This  is where the   better teachers can

help by imparting  the more complete story. The better  the y do the  more the

student is able to g t it and ultim ate ly ben ef it - regard less  of whether they train

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Introduction Learning Bagua 5

for physical health, martial arts or m editat ion.

At one  level, me ditat ion is no th ing more th an making  all the hum an poten-

tial within you become whole and intact, not partial. Bagua is one path which

enables you to realize  that wholeness.

Become  Sensit ive to Chi 

Sensitiv ity to chi is an important part of bagua practice in   two ways:

1 How the di f ferent kinds of chi generated by the sixteen  neigong affe ct

flow within your body.

2 How the  e nergetic rela tionships and qualities you can generate as your

body moves wi th in th e  air that surrounds you contacts you r e theric body s  


Ways t  evelop hi Sensitivity

You can  think of developing chi sensitivity as  a two part process. In part one,

you tune  your mind   and imagination in such  a way that you can detect subtle

feelings and distinctions, such as the difference  between w ater and mud. This

becomes  the br idge   to feeling chi on a gross  le vel. In part  t wo, once you have a

gross general feeling of chi, con tinue to refine it to where it becomes very specific

and precise. Otherwise it remains as some nebulous or generalized feeling w here

you re in doubt abou t whe the r it s real

Perhaps you l ightly brush your hand ag ainst a piece of wood that has some sort

of carvings. You have a vague idea that the  w ood has so me kind of carving on

the wood, but what? If you press your hand into  that wo o d very slowly, you can

start to feel the outl ine of every bit  of the carving u nti l you can interp ret what it

is This  is sensitivity. Your goal is to use the feeling of swim m ing in air or walking

through  m ud to create the sensitiv ity to the eth eric field s chi as you m ove your

hands or le gs throu gh  i t.

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16 Bagua Mastery Program



As you progress you play with the etheric field, so that you feel and

eventually use the swirling currents of chi that move within it In

bagua, it is affectionately referred to as Riding the winds like a

celestial dragon. It's learned in several stages.

Initially, have your arms and legs absorb and circulate this wind-

like chi in your etheric field throughout your body. Th.fs chi is meant

to provide thejuice as it moves within the energy channels ofyour

body to mot ivate the physical movement ofyour arms, legs and

waist turning independently or simultaneously. It's the same

quality as blowing wind randomly picking up dry leaves and

s your physical nerves and your internal senses become more sensitive you can

use them to become more sensitive to the chi inside your body. Just as you can

make your legs sensitive to the air as you Walk the Circle you can make your

feet sensitive to what they feel as they contact the ground: initial contact sliding

forward and grabbing and holding the ground.

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Introduction: Learning Bagua 7

Because bagua has a very yang energetic quality, many falsely presuppose the

corollary that if people get extremely yang, they must be very insensitive. This

stereotype of testosterone-driven, very macho-type men being very insensitive

is often reinforced in the media. Well, it ain t necessarily so In bagua, the stron

ger your yang chi gets, the more sensitive you should get. This is essential to the

principle of balancing yin and yang the counterbalance. It s the other side of

the yang that practitioners deliberately seek to acquire.

- -- -



When the energetic winds blow very strongly they create within

them a kind of chi that could be compared to static electricity. f

swirled in certain ways it can be influenced to erupt into lightening.

n the eight ways ofpracticing the Single Palm Change Thunder

can be induced for very powerful shaking and vibration-like

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18 agua Mastery Program 

ental Principles

The empha sis in  bagua and ta i ch i is awareness  and   subtle ty over brute   o r 

m ental force.  A  sm ooth steady an d  continuous  stream of  awareness  and  

consciousness is w hat should  m otiv a te everyth in g  in your m ovem ents from  the  

physica l to the energetic. In ten t may be of the  ord in ary variety or th a t  of the  

Heart-M ind and  goes th rough th ree prim ary stages. 

Stage  : rdinary ntent

Ord in ary in tent is used to cross a room. You in it ia ll y pro je ct y our in ten t to where  yo u w ant to go. This  causes everything  needed  in your body   to g t th ere to 

m obil ize  according  to the needs of your in tent. Or if yo u  w an t to put pen to 

paper after having had the  in te n t of w ha t to wri te   your hand goes to the  p aper 

and starts w riting . The in tent process starts and ve ry   shortly or  instantaneously 

mobilizes  everyth in g re quired  to actualize  the   intent. If  your hand  is on   your

chest and  you  wish  to put it fo rward  in  f ro n t of you   yo u m ust first pro je ct your

in ten t where  you w an t your hand to go. A lm ost s im ulta neously your ha nd arrives  

at the designate d destin atio n.

A basic prin cip le  of ch i states tha t the in ten t  moves the ch i whic h m otiv ate s 

and   ena bles the  physical m ovem ent.  In bag ua and ta i chi the  d eliberate  use of

conscious relaxed in ten t becomes the source  that creates your movements-

not only  consc ious  o r u nconscious muscular reflexes no m atter how well-tra in ed 

an d f in e ly honed.

In tent is of two kin ds: the ord in ary inte llectual type  or the  extraordin ary kind of

the  H eart -M ind. The  in te n t you s hould use in bagu a and ta i chi should always b e

relaxed  fl u id and contin uous  and not tense  forced or in termittent regardless 

if em plo yed for longer o r shorte r tim es.

Ord inary  in ten t is partial. It is derived f rom  t he part of our bra in or m in d th rough 

which w e use to m anip ula te symbols or pra ct ice logic and math ematics. It is the  

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Introduction Learning Bagua 19

part of us we use to activate force of will. Activating ordinary in tent is the first

stage of practicing bagua well.

tage : Relaxed IntentHere you learn to rely on relaxed intent and seek to completely abandon any

use of brute mental force to drive physical actions. You use very relaxed, but

concentrated intent to tell your body to move until it s enough to accomplish the

task. f you want to get your arm to move, you cease to rely on needing to tense

your muscles to have them push your hand out into space.

Stage 3: The Heart Mind

All forms of intent ultimately derive either from ordinary intent or the Heart

Mind. In stage three, you learn to use the Heart-Mind instead ofordinary intent to

accomplish all your movements without tension at any level of the mind or

body. To activate what is called the chi of the Heart-Mind, you must ask and

experientially answer well a very subjective question: Where and from what does

my ordinary intent arise moment by moment?

When you find the answer, you have found your own Heart-Mind.

The Heart-Mind comes from an open dimension. Although it lacks concrete

formed thoughts, it is the amorphous center from where impulse for a thought

to come into existence lives. It s the nonspecific bir thing room for your thoughts,

which does not have concrete thoughts of ts own, but rather produces thoughts

out of it.

In bagua, you have the sense inside that when the Heart-Mind begins to arise

your body is already midway into the move or already having finished it. You

move as that sense of the Heart-Mind is arising rather than first obtaining the

sense and next, after some lag time, perform the move.

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20  agua M astery Progra m

u lt iva te a Smooth and

eamless  ontinuum 

While  yo u are  Circle  W a lking the   sense  of whate ver is  happening w ith in your

m in d sh ould be sm ooth a nd seamless until its point of focus changes.  As m ind

continuously  c ha nge s its  fo cus, it should f low   be tween   th is and  th t without

resistance. Then, again, it becomes just as sm ooth  a nd seamless as you turn  a nd

walk in the opposite direction.

This sm ooth and seamless  pa ttern is contin uously   re p eated regardless of the

various bod y rhythm s used w h il e  Wa lking the  Circ le or reve rsing direction. Bagua

when tau gh t by masters, has many external and in ternal body and ch i  rh y thms,

te m pos and be ats that  ch ange as your m ovem ents alte rnate betw een m ovin g  

faster and slower. All these are determ in ed and governed by  th e qua li ty of your 

state of min d, w hic h enables yo u to change sm ooth ly  an d seamlessly. 

Make Your Movements become an 

Extension of Your ntent

Bagua  like tai chi, is a th ink ing   person s gam e where thought or in ten t init iates

your physical actions an d fuses w i th your movem ents. Your m ovem ents  be come

an extension of your in te nt. In effect, you create  an idea   and   th en   ac tualize  it

th rough   yo ur move ments ,  ra t her th an  the   m ovem ent  st arting and  b ein g fo l-

lowed by thoughts . This   is w hy you can  m ove an d change  as fast as your in tent

can be   ge nerated once  y our  bo dy is suffic iently trained. Even tually, the   fa ster 

your in ten t can be ge nerated and change, so can  your intern al energy flow to 

create p hysica l mo vements .

engthen the Mind

Lengthenin g th e body and   th e m in d are parallel principles in th e  Tao ist  wa y

of th inking.  Yo ur m in d   sh ould continuously exte nd without breaks.  W hen  

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Introduct ion Learning Bagua 21 

walking, th is sense of your mind should be th t it always sta bly extends out

wi thout contracting into itself.

Lengthenin g the mind occurs not only when you look through your f inger into

space during  th e Single Palm Change, but also in te rms of your m ind. I t move s

through your physical tissues and in to  you r chi within your bod y and to the end

of your etheric  field. It s no di f ferent t han the p r inc ip le in tai chi where the m ind

should f low   without in terruption l ike a   long river , such as China s Yangtze   th t

runs on fo r thousands of miles, contin uing, never s topping, always surging on.

Your intention has to expand whi le  m aintaining  re laxed focus on mul t ip le tasks.

As this occurs the ab il ity of the m in d to  mainta in awareness  on an increasing

number of variables without exertin g   ef fort be gins to  increase. It should keep

on expanding into larg er and m ore open fields  of awareness, where everything

within th t awareness  is connecte d to everyth ing else This  is the opposite of

what is classically called  the natur e of the m onkey mind. Here the mind  j u m p s

like a m on key swinging from tree to tree. It is unable to rest upon and engage

with any task comfortab ly as it  bounces l ike a ping -pong ball from  one plac e to


This lengthening is spherical in nature. It is not a hype r foc us on one as pect whi le

losing sight of everythin g else In bagua and tai chi  your f ield of awareness sh ould

keep on op ening until you re aware of everything within the fie ld as one in tegrat

ed whole and   not a series  of alternating d isjointed parts.

Put Your ind  inside Your ody

You m ust be able to put your mind  inside you r body. Wha t do es th  tmean? While

looking ex ternally and Walking the Circle you should be able to feel the  in side of

your body. Some part of your conscious mind (a lthough not necessarily all of it)

must be a bsolutely cognizant of wh  tyou re d o ing inside and be low the surface

of every physical part wi th in your entire bag   of skin (spine , lowe r tantien, legs,

joints, cav ities, muscles, etc.).

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22 Bagua Mastery Program

In terms of human perception, like the directions of the I Ching there s always up-

down, left-right, in-out, inside outside both inside your body and externally.

For example, in one training method. As two bagua practitioners Walk the Circle,

each positioned on opposite sides of the circle, they must maintain awareness of

many internal and external techniques simultaneously. The practit ioners each:

• Look at their index finger and the other person.

• Have an internal sense of being still.

• Focus on clearly seeing the other person while everything

around that person seems to be moving faster and faster as the

speed of their walking increases.

• Simultaneously feel how the motions of their body parts are

moving inside of their own body for

example, their spine, internal organs, body alignments and

everything else related to the sixteen neigong as best as

they can.

This all requires multitasking of subtle awareness.

Become ware o Multitasking

This multitasking of awareness can only happen through a deep relaxation. When

it occurs a kind of internal coordination naturally arises that allows you to recog

nize many layers simultaneously.

In one sense this is no different than driving a car: you steer the car interpret

road signs, watch and respond to the flow of traffic, look at the road, drink a cupof coffee, listen to the radio, intermittently glancing at the rear view mirror and

possibly even have a conversation of some depth about important subjects.

In bagua, internal and external multitasking becomes possible when you

practice and relax enough into the environment within your own body and mind.

When you do all of a sudden your field of awareness pops open. This is what

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In troduct ion Learning Bagua 23

allows y ou to perfo rm  m ore funct ions at once a nd fair ly effortlessly. In o ne sense

pract icing bagua regula rly is preparat ion for a wo r ld where m u lt i taskin g is more

th norm  than th exception.

ove beyond Time 

If you Walk th Circle well y ou move into a timeless realm. You move into a place

where  tim  as you  normal ly know it either ceases  to exist or complete ly loses

its ab il i ty to destabilize your mind . Time is m ore  of a hum an creat ion th an a re l

th ing. When your m ind  and awareness expand enough th sense of l inear tim

disappears .

With enough practice this happens organically of its ow n accord rather t han be-

ing an event you try to make happen. Lengthening of th m ind eventu ally results 

in timelessness. O pening of th f ield of awareness ult im ately results in t imeless-


The nature of linear tim is like a monkey jumping f rom   tree to tree. Genuine

relaxed focus elim in ates linear tim  as w e ty p ically experience it. In a sense tim

is a mere menta l construct.

Once the mind  really opens up in a true m ed itative state, there s  o

sense o time. n te rms o spiritually,  time truly doesn t exist.

Hope you enjoy the pro gram.